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AS Media Evaluation By Oliver Mansfield
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?     My media product use’s, develops, and challenges forms and conventions of real media products in different ways. My media product (music magazine) does this is many ways due to its use of masthead, cover lines, freebie, feature article photo, puffs, headlines etc. The next three pages shows this on the front cover, contents page and double page spread (article page).
My media product uses, develops and challenges forms and conventions of real media products in many ways shown below. 	Feature article photo 	Masthead 	Cover lines Front cover Feature article photo: My feature article photo is of a teenage girl holding a red guitar. Her clothes represent the genre rock/punk as her clothes are quite dark and the use of a red guitar stands out nicely with the masthead.  This develops forms of real media as it looks professional and links with my genre and relates with my audience to add appeal or hope for the audience to like and buy my magazine. Cover Lines: This tells the audience what is going to be inside the magazine. This is effective as some things may grab attention to some viewers making them want to read more about a subject. Someone famous is normally  portrayed on a front cover because people know who it is and a magazine will release information about them. I used cover lines in what looks like a fight scene to grab attention to the audience in hope of them to want to read more. Freebies: Freebies are good to use as they offer people the chance to get things for free or to win things.  This adds interest to the magazine because if people see a freebie they are more likely to buy this magazine are they are in with the chance of getting something for free. I used a freebie which is connected to my genre and audience as mine says ‘WIN YOUR TICKET TO SEE 20 SECONDS FROM MARS... LIVE!’. The word ‘live’ is underlined so it is clear the available ticket is to actually see them perform live. I used my freebie in what is known as the ‘sweet spot’, where the viewers eyes are most attracted to an a page. This is a good place to see the freebie as  the eye will be first attracted to this point where the viewers may like the idea to buy the magazine. Masthead:  My masthead develops forms of real media as it looks professional through its use of bright red colour which suits well for its genre (rock/punk) and connect well with my main image (guitar).  My masthead is big and stands out, it cover the top of the magazine and looks effective with the image as my image covers over the masthead to make it look like the image is interacting with the masthead. My name for my magazine is ‘Shuffle’ which is suggested as ‘random’ in music. I have thought about this hard and with the use of shuffle as my masthead I have ‘shuffled my masthead around as the last letter of the masthead is turned the other way round as if it has been ‘shuffled around’. I feel this  is effective with its use of irony. Secondary article photos: My secondary article photos develop forms of real media as it shows a good realistic side to my magazine which images showing things which would grab the audiences attention. For example my first image shows two rivals in a ‘conflict’ situation with text above it to grab attention of the reader, they might get drawn into this exciting event and want to read more about it. Colour scheme: The colour scheme used is important and develops forms and conventions of real media products in many ways as it is used to represent a theme or genre of a magazine. This helps to show real forms of media as it relates to the magazine genre and appeals for the audience it suits. 	Freebies Secondary article photos
Contents Page Masthead Clear layout and font Feature section Feature images/Main image This article photo develops forms of real media as it shows a realistic approach to a contents page. The  main image used is shown in the middle /left hand side and is shown more dark on the left hand side of the photo than on the right, this shows an effect has been used on the photo to make it fix in with the colour scheme of dark colours like black and red.. I have used three other images on this page. My secondary image leads to an article  in a page of a magazine about conflict between two people. This adds interest to the page as it related to music and gossip. The image makes the pictures more interesting and much less boring. I have also used two images on the top right of my page which I have cut out the background to make it blend in with the background of the page. I feel this is effective as it looks like the people in the image are connecting with me headline ‘CONTENTS’ as the image doesn't cover over this. Clear layout and font The layout I have used is very clear and develops a realistic approach again as a contents page. My layout shows the masthead and shows its a ‘CONTENTS’ page and underneath on the right hand side and along the bottom shows the contents of pages in my magazine with information, numbers of pages and even images to show what some pages are about. It is clear this page is the contents page of my magazine as it shows the masthead and contents heading. The front used it easy to read as it is interesting and catches the eye as it is bold and catches the eye,  and also is shown clear as the numbers of the pages are in read, whilst the text is in black, this makes sure confusion cannot take place and still connects with the colour scheme. Page references:  My page has a lot of reference to my magazine as it shows clearly it is the contents page of the magazine and makes sure it sticks to the subject of music and relates to what the contents of the magazine is about. My images relate to the text on this page and my text talks about what the contents of each page is about and stays on track about the magazine. There is a tab running through the image on this page highlighted in red with white font and stands out. This text relates to my image and front cover because it is about the person in both of these images and relates to talking about it in the magazine.  Features section: My feature section develops forms and conventions of real media as it shows what my magazine is going to feature with a page number showing where about in the magazine this piece of information is placed. It is realistic and is clear and easy to read. It only shows the main, best information in the magazine so it keeps the attention of the reader. Masthead  My masthead continues showing ‘SHUFFLE’ (the title/masthead of my magazine) to show that this contents page is from my magazine and underneath shows ‘CONTENTS’ to show that this page is the contents page of the magazine. Page references Feature images
Double Page Spread Masthead: My masthead used shows the name of the person in these images and shows what the page is about (Young chance). This makes it obvious of what the page is about and with the good use of colours and layout the masthead will stand out to make people want to read and gain interest about this subject and about the article of this person. Consistent colour scheme: My colour scheme used on this page is shown really well and effective. It shows my colour scheme which sticks to a red, black and white scheme. My text is red and black, my masthead is red, my headline (quote) is black and white, my arrow is red with white text and my images shows darker colours (red and black). The colour scheme works well as it consists and flows nicely and doesn't use lots of different colour. I feel this page uses and develops good use of forms of real media as it looks professional with a good flow of colours and images which lend in with the background well. Use of feature images: The use of my feature images uses forms and conventions of  real media as they look professional and relate to the page/article shown. My main image is shown on the left hand side and is big and bright which stands out even though it shows use of darker colours within the person and guitar. My other image on the top right is of the same person (still relating to the page information) showing her sitting down looking at the flow holding her guitar. I used effects on these image in ‘picnik’ so add a blur effect around the images to make  it blend with the white background nicely. I have also used an image which is shown behind the text of my article. This shows a good effective as you cant see the full image but it shows a sketch effect which looks really professional and stands at well from a far view. It does not make the text hard to read and works with the colour scheme. Layout: The layout I have used shows real forms of media as it looks like an actually double page in a magazine showing an article on the right hand side with images around it to relate to the article. I t shows my heading ‘YOUNG CHANCE’ (showing the name of the person) so you know what the page is about and has a quote on the top of the page above the article to add an effect of what this person has said in the article and blown up to make person attracted to the quote and think why she has said this in hope they want to carry on reading the article to find out why. Quotes:  I have used a quote at the top of my  page above the article to show that this quote is used in the article  and is blown up in a type of newspaper effect I have made in ‘’ to make it looks like a good article effect. I have used this in hope of people to be attracted by the big bold font and to gain interest by it and read the page and rest of the magazine. Quote Feature images Masthead Consistent colour scheme Layout
How does your media product represent particular social groups?          My media product represents particular social groups in a lot of different ways.           For example people who listen to rap music and where gold chains and track suits are represented in a stereotypical way of being ‘chavs’.          My genre for my magazine is rock/punk. People who listen to this kind of music are stereotyped as people who are ‘emos’ as they where dark clothes and listen to rock music and bands who also wear dark clothes. As you can see on my magazine front cover shown on the left at the bottom represents a particular social group which connects with my genre. My genre is rock/punk and the audience who reads this magazine is the people who like this type of music genre. As this is my genre, a stereotyped group who like this music are people who like rock music, who wear dark clothes and as stereotyped as ‘Emos’. The social group my product is represented to is this, it is a stereotyped group but it is true, the social groups my media produce represents in people who like rock and punk of a certain age. I feel the most appropriate age of this is teenagers and people of both genders up to there ages of mid 20’s
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?         There are many media institutions that magazines are put forward into. I feel that my magazine can be distributed in many media institutions. My magazine provides celeb gossip, music news, and upcoming event etc. This gives out information for many audiences and both genres. The media institution I feel will most likely distribute my media product is ‘IPC Media’.          ‘IPC Media’ suits to almost two thirds of UK women and 42% of UK men which is almost 26 million UK adults. This would be good for my magazine as my magazine is aimed at both males and females. This would suit in with ‘IPC Media’ very good and my target audience would also develop well in my magazine as other magazine in this institutions are the same. I think my magazine would be a success here because of the target audience and type of genre used for the magazine. There are lots of magazine produced in this institution and think my magazine would be distributed here due to its use of music related news, information, target audiences and the way my magazine relates well to its genre and audience. An example of a magazine like mine which is distributed in this institution is NME. This magazine is of a very similar genre and audience and relates well with a ‘rock’ kind of theme and good colour scheme.
Who would be the audience for your media product?          My audience in my media product would be people who are into rock/punk type of music of artists/bands who are in this genre of music.  This could be both genders of many ages.           The audience my magazine will appeal to will be for both genders female, and male. For example it will include information like celebrity gossip which mostly interests females and also include images of 'sexy' women to appeal for the males who will read this. Varieties of bands and artists will be included so that everyone interested in this genre of music will enjoy reading about them. The primary target audience for this music magazine is both genders of the age of 14-25. The secondary audience is from the age of 12+. The reason for my primary audience being 14-25 is that teenagers are more into this genre of music and will be interested in reading about punk rock music rather than people of the ages of 30+ for example. The audience is based on those interested in punk rock music mostly of the teenage age up to mid 20's. This is because most audiences that are interested in this genre are young and around this age range. The image on the front cover may dictate what type of audiences buy the magazine, a young women on the front cover would appeal for boys/men and could also inspire females so this is good for both genders.
How did you attract/address your audience?           I attracted/ addressed my audience in various ways which promoted my magazine to appeal well for my audience. I used a good colour scheme which approached well for my audience. I knew what types of colour schemes to use as I researched different type of rock/punk type of magazine to see what type of colours were used. The type of colours used in these magazines would suit my audience because my audience are people who listen to this type of music and if magazines of this genre use colours like red, black and white they would appeal well to these type of people who like this music.            I also used a good use of layout to attract my audience. I placed text around my image in the right places. For example I put a freebie in a ‘sweet spot’ of the magazine which is the part of a magazine front cover noticed the most from the audience. The use of my freebie is effective as it represents with its genre as it says about getting free tickets to see ‘30 seconds from mars’ ‘LIVE’. This suits to its audience as they like this type of music as it suits to the genre.         I also attracted my audience through my front cover with an appealing        image. My main image stands out well with its use a girl looking down at       the guitar. The red guitar links well (colour wise) with the mast head and       makes the image and masthead stand out really well. The name ‘Young       Chance’ on the guitar shows the name of the person on the front cover.       Also the use of celebrity gossip and celeb names shows the magazine       has a lot to say about celebrities in the music industry of this genre and       grabs the attention of them through the bold coloured text.        Also my audience is both genders (males and females). I attracted my male       audience through the use of a female on the front cover in a ‘sexy’ appeal to teenagers as she       looks likes she has attitude shown through her facial expressions, she can relate in a positive       way to the male audience. The female audiences are attracted through the image too. Female       teenage audiences may look at ‘Young Chance’ as an idol in the music industry as they may       inspirations to be a great music success like her as she is on the front of a magazine. Also       female audiences may be attracted due the type of fashion clothes she is wearing here on the front cover.
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? I have learnt a lot about technologies from the process of constructing this product. There are many reasons for this, firstly I have learnt a lot more about internet software's and websites as I have had to use websites which I haven't used before like to use for my project as I record all of my research, planning, testing, final products, and evaluation on this to present all of my work one place. I have also learnt a lot more from technology as I have had to use websites to edit and upgrade my images to make them look and appeal better for my final pieces and to make them looks very professional. I have used Microsoft word, paint, a website called ‘picnik’ and the website blogger for my blog to include my work on. All of these pieces are mainly used in my work to edit my images/photographs so that I can edit them to make them seem more professional for my final product as a music magazine.
Blogger This shows a piece of technology  I have used on the internet which is a blog which hold my work for this piece of project. I have learnt a lot from this as I have never used a blog before and i started to learn how to use it and how to import images and text and post them so that they can be seen online. This is good as it shows how much information is on my blog and has different tabs at the top to include certain bits of work so that it can be divided and not confused as a different part of my work.
Microsoft Word This is a screen shot I have taken of me using Microsoft Word which is a piece of software used to insert pictures and text to and to edit them to make them different if you want to. This is also good as Microsoft Word can also be used to edit photos in brightness, contrast, colours, and edit background of images. This is good as it helped me edit my images to make them look more professional and to suit better with my type of genre for my magazine to suit for its audience and colour scheme. I did not know how to use this before my course of media project and so I have learnt a lot from Microsoft word when it comes to editing images.
Picnik I have learnt a lot from this internet website ‘’ this website allows you to upload photos in order to edit them in size, contrast, brightness, add text, crop, rotate and many more offers for your photos. I never used this website before so I have learnt a lot about editing websites and generally editing photos due to my media coursework. Through picnik I edited nearly all of my photos in order to create a better appeal for my images so that it suits better for my genre and audience. This was the main reason for editing my images and works well as I mostly changed the brightness and contrast in my photos so they seemed more darker or lighter depending of the colours and images on the page.
Paint I found paint very useful as I can add and edit as many photos as i like on it and i can use paint to crop, resize, rotate, and add text to my images. Paint is also useful as it has helped me to learn how to print screen and edit the screen shots into paint so I can crop the shots to show examples of my work in my blog and this evaluation presentation. Paint has also helped me to insert transparent text so that I can add text into a background and the text lays on top of the image and blends with the background.
Looking back at my preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?         Looking back at my preliminary task I feel that I have learnt a lot in my progression from it to my full product. For starters with my preliminary task I did not fully understand how to use certain pieces of technology programs which have helped me to edit photos such as and I did not fully understand how to use blogger which was the website holding all of my work. Since I completed my preliminary task I have learnt a lot more about programs, and blogger and fully understand how to use them now. This has helped me as I have more knowledge to proceed with my main task and its final products. I could then use editing programs more and used them well to edit my images to make them look better for my final magazine pages. Also throughout doing my main task i did a lot more research. This helped me as I learned a lot more about different types of magazines and different types of music magazines and how the use of colours and layout etc result to a good final product of a magazine. This also helped me to gain knowledge about magazines and how the layout is presented, this way I had a good idea about magazines and was able to construct a good double page spread (article page) for my magazine whilst knowing a lot about how front covers and layouts of magazine look like. I did more research for this page and developed my knowledge in magazines more. Since my preliminary task I have learnt a lot more about magazine and has helped me a lot to construct a better magazine through better understandings and programs for editing which help me make my work a lot more professional.          If I was to construct a magazine again I would have a lot more understand about how to make it better. I would do a lot of research on the type of magazine to see what other magazines are like, and do a lot more testing's such as interviews, questionnaires, and hand outs of pieces of work to get audience feedback from that target audience so that it suits to the type of people who might buy the magazine.

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  • 1. AS Media Evaluation By Oliver Mansfield
  • 2. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? My media product use’s, develops, and challenges forms and conventions of real media products in different ways. My media product (music magazine) does this is many ways due to its use of masthead, cover lines, freebie, feature article photo, puffs, headlines etc. The next three pages shows this on the front cover, contents page and double page spread (article page).
  • 3. My media product uses, develops and challenges forms and conventions of real media products in many ways shown below. Feature article photo Masthead Cover lines Front cover Feature article photo: My feature article photo is of a teenage girl holding a red guitar. Her clothes represent the genre rock/punk as her clothes are quite dark and the use of a red guitar stands out nicely with the masthead. This develops forms of real media as it looks professional and links with my genre and relates with my audience to add appeal or hope for the audience to like and buy my magazine. Cover Lines: This tells the audience what is going to be inside the magazine. This is effective as some things may grab attention to some viewers making them want to read more about a subject. Someone famous is normally portrayed on a front cover because people know who it is and a magazine will release information about them. I used cover lines in what looks like a fight scene to grab attention to the audience in hope of them to want to read more. Freebies: Freebies are good to use as they offer people the chance to get things for free or to win things. This adds interest to the magazine because if people see a freebie they are more likely to buy this magazine are they are in with the chance of getting something for free. I used a freebie which is connected to my genre and audience as mine says ‘WIN YOUR TICKET TO SEE 20 SECONDS FROM MARS... LIVE!’. The word ‘live’ is underlined so it is clear the available ticket is to actually see them perform live. I used my freebie in what is known as the ‘sweet spot’, where the viewers eyes are most attracted to an a page. This is a good place to see the freebie as the eye will be first attracted to this point where the viewers may like the idea to buy the magazine. Masthead: My masthead develops forms of real media as it looks professional through its use of bright red colour which suits well for its genre (rock/punk) and connect well with my main image (guitar). My masthead is big and stands out, it cover the top of the magazine and looks effective with the image as my image covers over the masthead to make it look like the image is interacting with the masthead. My name for my magazine is ‘Shuffle’ which is suggested as ‘random’ in music. I have thought about this hard and with the use of shuffle as my masthead I have ‘shuffled my masthead around as the last letter of the masthead is turned the other way round as if it has been ‘shuffled around’. I feel this is effective with its use of irony. Secondary article photos: My secondary article photos develop forms of real media as it shows a good realistic side to my magazine which images showing things which would grab the audiences attention. For example my first image shows two rivals in a ‘conflict’ situation with text above it to grab attention of the reader, they might get drawn into this exciting event and want to read more about it. Colour scheme: The colour scheme used is important and develops forms and conventions of real media products in many ways as it is used to represent a theme or genre of a magazine. This helps to show real forms of media as it relates to the magazine genre and appeals for the audience it suits. Freebies Secondary article photos
  • 4. Contents Page Masthead Clear layout and font Feature section Feature images/Main image This article photo develops forms of real media as it shows a realistic approach to a contents page. The main image used is shown in the middle /left hand side and is shown more dark on the left hand side of the photo than on the right, this shows an effect has been used on the photo to make it fix in with the colour scheme of dark colours like black and red.. I have used three other images on this page. My secondary image leads to an article in a page of a magazine about conflict between two people. This adds interest to the page as it related to music and gossip. The image makes the pictures more interesting and much less boring. I have also used two images on the top right of my page which I have cut out the background to make it blend in with the background of the page. I feel this is effective as it looks like the people in the image are connecting with me headline ‘CONTENTS’ as the image doesn't cover over this. Clear layout and font The layout I have used is very clear and develops a realistic approach again as a contents page. My layout shows the masthead and shows its a ‘CONTENTS’ page and underneath on the right hand side and along the bottom shows the contents of pages in my magazine with information, numbers of pages and even images to show what some pages are about. It is clear this page is the contents page of my magazine as it shows the masthead and contents heading. The front used it easy to read as it is interesting and catches the eye as it is bold and catches the eye, and also is shown clear as the numbers of the pages are in read, whilst the text is in black, this makes sure confusion cannot take place and still connects with the colour scheme. Page references: My page has a lot of reference to my magazine as it shows clearly it is the contents page of the magazine and makes sure it sticks to the subject of music and relates to what the contents of the magazine is about. My images relate to the text on this page and my text talks about what the contents of each page is about and stays on track about the magazine. There is a tab running through the image on this page highlighted in red with white font and stands out. This text relates to my image and front cover because it is about the person in both of these images and relates to talking about it in the magazine. Features section: My feature section develops forms and conventions of real media as it shows what my magazine is going to feature with a page number showing where about in the magazine this piece of information is placed. It is realistic and is clear and easy to read. It only shows the main, best information in the magazine so it keeps the attention of the reader. Masthead My masthead continues showing ‘SHUFFLE’ (the title/masthead of my magazine) to show that this contents page is from my magazine and underneath shows ‘CONTENTS’ to show that this page is the contents page of the magazine. Page references Feature images
  • 5. Double Page Spread Masthead: My masthead used shows the name of the person in these images and shows what the page is about (Young chance). This makes it obvious of what the page is about and with the good use of colours and layout the masthead will stand out to make people want to read and gain interest about this subject and about the article of this person. Consistent colour scheme: My colour scheme used on this page is shown really well and effective. It shows my colour scheme which sticks to a red, black and white scheme. My text is red and black, my masthead is red, my headline (quote) is black and white, my arrow is red with white text and my images shows darker colours (red and black). The colour scheme works well as it consists and flows nicely and doesn't use lots of different colour. I feel this page uses and develops good use of forms of real media as it looks professional with a good flow of colours and images which lend in with the background well. Use of feature images: The use of my feature images uses forms and conventions of real media as they look professional and relate to the page/article shown. My main image is shown on the left hand side and is big and bright which stands out even though it shows use of darker colours within the person and guitar. My other image on the top right is of the same person (still relating to the page information) showing her sitting down looking at the flow holding her guitar. I used effects on these image in ‘picnik’ so add a blur effect around the images to make it blend with the white background nicely. I have also used an image which is shown behind the text of my article. This shows a good effective as you cant see the full image but it shows a sketch effect which looks really professional and stands at well from a far view. It does not make the text hard to read and works with the colour scheme. Layout: The layout I have used shows real forms of media as it looks like an actually double page in a magazine showing an article on the right hand side with images around it to relate to the article. I t shows my heading ‘YOUNG CHANCE’ (showing the name of the person) so you know what the page is about and has a quote on the top of the page above the article to add an effect of what this person has said in the article and blown up to make person attracted to the quote and think why she has said this in hope they want to carry on reading the article to find out why. Quotes: I have used a quote at the top of my page above the article to show that this quote is used in the article and is blown up in a type of newspaper effect I have made in ‘’ to make it looks like a good article effect. I have used this in hope of people to be attracted by the big bold font and to gain interest by it and read the page and rest of the magazine. Quote Feature images Masthead Consistent colour scheme Layout
  • 6. How does your media product represent particular social groups? My media product represents particular social groups in a lot of different ways. For example people who listen to rap music and where gold chains and track suits are represented in a stereotypical way of being ‘chavs’. My genre for my magazine is rock/punk. People who listen to this kind of music are stereotyped as people who are ‘emos’ as they where dark clothes and listen to rock music and bands who also wear dark clothes. As you can see on my magazine front cover shown on the left at the bottom represents a particular social group which connects with my genre. My genre is rock/punk and the audience who reads this magazine is the people who like this type of music genre. As this is my genre, a stereotyped group who like this music are people who like rock music, who wear dark clothes and as stereotyped as ‘Emos’. The social group my product is represented to is this, it is a stereotyped group but it is true, the social groups my media produce represents in people who like rock and punk of a certain age. I feel the most appropriate age of this is teenagers and people of both genders up to there ages of mid 20’s
  • 7. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? There are many media institutions that magazines are put forward into. I feel that my magazine can be distributed in many media institutions. My magazine provides celeb gossip, music news, and upcoming event etc. This gives out information for many audiences and both genres. The media institution I feel will most likely distribute my media product is ‘IPC Media’. ‘IPC Media’ suits to almost two thirds of UK women and 42% of UK men which is almost 26 million UK adults. This would be good for my magazine as my magazine is aimed at both males and females. This would suit in with ‘IPC Media’ very good and my target audience would also develop well in my magazine as other magazine in this institutions are the same. I think my magazine would be a success here because of the target audience and type of genre used for the magazine. There are lots of magazine produced in this institution and think my magazine would be distributed here due to its use of music related news, information, target audiences and the way my magazine relates well to its genre and audience. An example of a magazine like mine which is distributed in this institution is NME. This magazine is of a very similar genre and audience and relates well with a ‘rock’ kind of theme and good colour scheme.
  • 8. Who would be the audience for your media product? My audience in my media product would be people who are into rock/punk type of music of artists/bands who are in this genre of music. This could be both genders of many ages. The audience my magazine will appeal to will be for both genders female, and male. For example it will include information like celebrity gossip which mostly interests females and also include images of 'sexy' women to appeal for the males who will read this. Varieties of bands and artists will be included so that everyone interested in this genre of music will enjoy reading about them. The primary target audience for this music magazine is both genders of the age of 14-25. The secondary audience is from the age of 12+. The reason for my primary audience being 14-25 is that teenagers are more into this genre of music and will be interested in reading about punk rock music rather than people of the ages of 30+ for example. The audience is based on those interested in punk rock music mostly of the teenage age up to mid 20's. This is because most audiences that are interested in this genre are young and around this age range. The image on the front cover may dictate what type of audiences buy the magazine, a young women on the front cover would appeal for boys/men and could also inspire females so this is good for both genders.
  • 9. How did you attract/address your audience? I attracted/ addressed my audience in various ways which promoted my magazine to appeal well for my audience. I used a good colour scheme which approached well for my audience. I knew what types of colour schemes to use as I researched different type of rock/punk type of magazine to see what type of colours were used. The type of colours used in these magazines would suit my audience because my audience are people who listen to this type of music and if magazines of this genre use colours like red, black and white they would appeal well to these type of people who like this music. I also used a good use of layout to attract my audience. I placed text around my image in the right places. For example I put a freebie in a ‘sweet spot’ of the magazine which is the part of a magazine front cover noticed the most from the audience. The use of my freebie is effective as it represents with its genre as it says about getting free tickets to see ‘30 seconds from mars’ ‘LIVE’. This suits to its audience as they like this type of music as it suits to the genre. I also attracted my audience through my front cover with an appealing image. My main image stands out well with its use a girl looking down at the guitar. The red guitar links well (colour wise) with the mast head and makes the image and masthead stand out really well. The name ‘Young Chance’ on the guitar shows the name of the person on the front cover. Also the use of celebrity gossip and celeb names shows the magazine has a lot to say about celebrities in the music industry of this genre and grabs the attention of them through the bold coloured text. Also my audience is both genders (males and females). I attracted my male audience through the use of a female on the front cover in a ‘sexy’ appeal to teenagers as she looks likes she has attitude shown through her facial expressions, she can relate in a positive way to the male audience. The female audiences are attracted through the image too. Female teenage audiences may look at ‘Young Chance’ as an idol in the music industry as they may inspirations to be a great music success like her as she is on the front of a magazine. Also female audiences may be attracted due the type of fashion clothes she is wearing here on the front cover.
  • 10. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? I have learnt a lot about technologies from the process of constructing this product. There are many reasons for this, firstly I have learnt a lot more about internet software's and websites as I have had to use websites which I haven't used before like to use for my project as I record all of my research, planning, testing, final products, and evaluation on this to present all of my work one place. I have also learnt a lot more from technology as I have had to use websites to edit and upgrade my images to make them look and appeal better for my final pieces and to make them looks very professional. I have used Microsoft word, paint, a website called ‘picnik’ and the website blogger for my blog to include my work on. All of these pieces are mainly used in my work to edit my images/photographs so that I can edit them to make them seem more professional for my final product as a music magazine.
  • 11. Blogger This shows a piece of technology I have used on the internet which is a blog which hold my work for this piece of project. I have learnt a lot from this as I have never used a blog before and i started to learn how to use it and how to import images and text and post them so that they can be seen online. This is good as it shows how much information is on my blog and has different tabs at the top to include certain bits of work so that it can be divided and not confused as a different part of my work.
  • 12. Microsoft Word This is a screen shot I have taken of me using Microsoft Word which is a piece of software used to insert pictures and text to and to edit them to make them different if you want to. This is also good as Microsoft Word can also be used to edit photos in brightness, contrast, colours, and edit background of images. This is good as it helped me edit my images to make them look more professional and to suit better with my type of genre for my magazine to suit for its audience and colour scheme. I did not know how to use this before my course of media project and so I have learnt a lot from Microsoft word when it comes to editing images.
  • 13. Picnik I have learnt a lot from this internet website ‘’ this website allows you to upload photos in order to edit them in size, contrast, brightness, add text, crop, rotate and many more offers for your photos. I never used this website before so I have learnt a lot about editing websites and generally editing photos due to my media coursework. Through picnik I edited nearly all of my photos in order to create a better appeal for my images so that it suits better for my genre and audience. This was the main reason for editing my images and works well as I mostly changed the brightness and contrast in my photos so they seemed more darker or lighter depending of the colours and images on the page.
  • 14. Paint I found paint very useful as I can add and edit as many photos as i like on it and i can use paint to crop, resize, rotate, and add text to my images. Paint is also useful as it has helped me to learn how to print screen and edit the screen shots into paint so I can crop the shots to show examples of my work in my blog and this evaluation presentation. Paint has also helped me to insert transparent text so that I can add text into a background and the text lays on top of the image and blends with the background.
  • 15. Looking back at my preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? Looking back at my preliminary task I feel that I have learnt a lot in my progression from it to my full product. For starters with my preliminary task I did not fully understand how to use certain pieces of technology programs which have helped me to edit photos such as and I did not fully understand how to use blogger which was the website holding all of my work. Since I completed my preliminary task I have learnt a lot more about programs, and blogger and fully understand how to use them now. This has helped me as I have more knowledge to proceed with my main task and its final products. I could then use editing programs more and used them well to edit my images to make them look better for my final magazine pages. Also throughout doing my main task i did a lot more research. This helped me as I learned a lot more about different types of magazines and different types of music magazines and how the use of colours and layout etc result to a good final product of a magazine. This also helped me to gain knowledge about magazines and how the layout is presented, this way I had a good idea about magazines and was able to construct a good double page spread (article page) for my magazine whilst knowing a lot about how front covers and layouts of magazine look like. I did more research for this page and developed my knowledge in magazines more. Since my preliminary task I have learnt a lot more about magazine and has helped me a lot to construct a better magazine through better understandings and programs for editing which help me make my work a lot more professional. If I was to construct a magazine again I would have a lot more understand about how to make it better. I would do a lot of research on the type of magazine to see what other magazines are like, and do a lot more testing's such as interviews, questionnaires, and hand outs of pieces of work to get audience feedback from that target audience so that it suits to the type of people who might buy the magazine.