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Daniel Harrison
I thinkthat I have done a decentenoughjob onmyfinal majorprojectthouthere have beensome
up and downswiththe projectingeneral. Butoverall IthinkthatI have made the movie trailer well.
1. Technical quality of final product (images, footage,use of sound,editing,layout,
I wouldsaythat it wasthe filmingthatI probablystruggledwiththe most. The reason
for thisisthat I tendto be a very unorganised andnota verygood director. I much
prefertowork withinaproductiongroupratherthan on my own. But I know thisnow so
that I can prepare forthisif I doa new projectinthe nearfuture. I findthaton my ownI
tendto getstressedand confusedwheninfieldproductionbecause Idon’tthink I’mthe
bestleader.Butif I didthisina working environmentIwouldnotneedtoworryabout
thissince I wouldbe ina productiongroupanyway soI wouldbe able totake a stepback
as leaderandletsomebodywhoismore suitedtothe role be the director.
The overall shotsof the filmare quite good. The firstsetof filmingthatIdidwas the board room
scene thatis placedat the begin.These shotsworkedverywell tosetthe moodforthe movie. Ithink
thisshotgivesita goodclearunderstandingthatItwas meantto be an actionthrillermovie trailer. I
neededtodotwo shootsof thisscene because some of the shotsI wasnot happywithafterthe first
take so the reshootmade it looka lotbetter.There wasa shot withhasbeencut outof thisscene
the reasonfor thiswason the day of shootingittwoof the actors didn’tshow upfor reasons of their
own. So I neededto improvisebyfindingextraactorson the day. Alsothe costumes thattheywas
wearingonthe day didnot fitthe image I paintedforthe scene. I originally wantedthemtoeachbe
wearinga suitandtie whichonlyone actor managedto get theirhandson . So withthemwearing
differentthingstheylookedtooutof place togethersoI completelycutthe scene .If I was doingit
Professionalwould probablybe givenabudgettobuy myactors the clothingthatI wantthemto
wear. I wouldalsobe payingforthe actors to be usedsothere wouldbe a betterchance of them
showinguponthe dayif theywasgettingpaidbecause if theydidn’tshow uptheywouldnotget
The nextshotthat I did wasthe fightscene withmyself andReece .Ithinkthatthiswasthe easiest
shotto shoot since Ifoundthat itwas easyto workwithan actor one on one . It allowedusto
communicate easiersince theywasless distractionwithotheractors,soI couldtell himwhatto do
more effectively.Because of the complex of the fightscene Ineededtodo multiple takesof the
same shot .Butby doingthisitmade it lookmore Professional mymakingthe shotlook exactly how
I picturedit.Probably the reasonwhyittookso manytakeswouldbe my actingskillsalthoughthe
scene wouldnotseemtocomplex fora Professional orsomebodywhoisusedtoactinglike thatfor
example Reece.Butforsomebodylikemyself the moviesseemedhardtomake lookreal . If I was
doingthis Professional Iwouldbe hiringtwoactorsto have a backgroundIn actionmoviessoit
wouldlookmore real thanthe acting isin thisshoot.I alsothinkI probablyshouldof chose abetter
location andchange it froma grassylandscape toan urban area soit looksmore inplace for an
actionthrillermovie. Thispartdidchange a lotfromhow I originallywantedIt.At the beingI
wantedReece tothrowme agensta wall andshout“where ishe”.The reasonforthiswas I didnot
thinkI wouldbe able tofindsomebody competentenoghthtobe able topull off a full fightscene .I
had a fearthat if I toldtwo people todoa fightscene theywouldignore the scriptandjusthave a
Daniel Harrison
brawl. But Reece wasvery Professional about itandfollowedmyinstructions perfectly. Thismade
the scene looka lotbetterthan itwouldof originally lookedif Ididthe previous versionof the scene
I had a few problems withthe lastscene of the trailer originallyIwantedtohave anoverthe
shouldershotof Rick(playedbyDanHopkins) withJustininthe backgroundtalkingbutafterseveral
takesof thisshotI couldnot getit to workhow I originally picturedit.Thiswasfor multiple reasons
for example bad placement;the camerawasunfocusedorbadacting work.Also the locationof the
shotwasn’tthe best. SoI decidedthatinsteadof doingitagainI decidedtochange the lastscene to
an extreme close upof Justinsaying“we meetatlast” I thinkthat thislooks a lotbetterthan the
original ideasince Ifeel itaddsmore tensiontothe overall trailerandaddssome more mysteryon
the overall trailer.Evenif I addedthe original ideaIdon’tthinkthatI wouldturnout as well asthis
versionhadany way.
Originally Ihadnine actorsin the trailer,butwhenitcame to archery shootingthe actorscame to
five. The reasonforthistwodidn’tshow up onthe daywhenI was goingthe scene thattheywasin
so I justfilmedit withoutthemandtwogotcut out because Ididnot like how theylookedinthe
scene . Originally Reece andJustin’sroleswere switchedinthe firstideaof the trailer. ButI feltthat
theirrolesshouldbe switched since theysuitedthe role better thanthe original .Rick(Dan) alsohad
a speakingrole inthe scriptbut I didnotthinkthat it wouldwork withinthe trailerforvariesreasons
so I decided nottoadd itin . Alsotwo actors whowas supposed tobe inthe board room scene but
the outfitsthattheywas wearingdidnotfitthe overall scene. Iwanted themtowearsuitsandties
,butone was wearingnormal clothingandthe otherlookedlikea bar tenderratherthan a hit
womanso that isthe reasonwhythis part wascut from the edit
One personwhoI severedmentioned thatthey thoughthatthe actors was one of the bestthing
aboutthe trailer. Withsayingwhatstatedbellow thisshowsthatat leastis one personlikesthe
actingthat is inthe trailer
2. Production skillsyouhave newlyacquired and existingskillsyouhave further
Out of the editingandthe filming. Ihave done amuch betterjobat editing.I thinkthe
reasonfor thisisthat it isa lot more independentworksoI don’tneedtoworry about
managinga productionteamsoI am more relaxedsoIcan thinkclearlyandgetthe work
done to a more Professional standard.
The firstthingthat I didwiththe editingismake the companyopeningscreenIdidthisonadobe
aftereffectswithanadd oncalled element3dthis allowsme toadd differenttexturestotextaswell
as to animate themina 3d space it can alsoadd insolar fearsto effectthe lightingof the text.for
Daniel Harrison
the studiologoI useda textfontwhichI got froma website calleddefontwhichisa website where
youcan gathercopy rightfree fonts. Ithinkthat the indentthatI usedlooksvery Professional.
Thennextthingthat I didwasthe movie title andthe castcredits.Thiswasdone on the same way as
the logoin element3d the onlythingthat isdifferentIaddedadifferenttype of animationonitand
a differenttexture. Iusedasteel texture tofitinwiththe style of the movie .andIaddedeachof the
creditsmovies fromthe distance inthe backup to the frontof the camera. I thinkthat thisisreally
goodbecause I thinkitislike whatisdone in otheractionmovie trailersIalsothinkitkeepsthe
audience lookingatthe trailer. Ihave noticedinthe feedbackthat gottensayingthe same thing.
In the beginandendI have made a greenwarningandendingcreditsintomake the whole trailer
look Professional. Due tolegal reasonbothof these thingsneedtobe addedif thiswasa real film
trailerproduction.soIdecidedif Iadd themitwouldmake itlookas thou itwas real which ismuch
more Professional thanif I leftitout.
The cuts that accrued throughoutthe trailerIthink workverywell toshow that itis an trailer. If this
was a movie the cutswouldbe more cut away andin quickly.Wearsinmytrailertheyfade inand
out this made itlooka lotmore smotherratherthan a bunch of jumpcuts . I personally thinkthis
makesthe trailerseemmore natural withitscutseventhoughitcouldbe switchingfromcompletely
differentlocations .I thinkthatif I justdida cut away the sceneswouldbe alot more unnatural than
theyreallyare .
The shot whichI thinkthatI am most proud withwouldbe the CCTV shot I did thison adobe after
effectsusingatool callednight visionthenIaddedtext layersoverthe topof itso it lookedlikeit
was comingfroma CCTV camera.Finally Iloweredthe frame rate soitskipsframesthismade itlook
really goodand Imp quite proudof my editingskills onthispart.the onlythingthatI couldsay is
wrongabout thiswouldbe the briefcase thatyoucan see the tag on itbut I don’tthinkif you’dsee it
if you didn’tknowitwasthere . Otherthanthat I thinkthe shot isperfectitfitsreallywell withthe
moodof the movie trailersince itgivesitadark crime effecttoit.
One scene which Ithink I have done quite well withisthe fight scene.I thinkthe main reasonwhy I
thinkitis so goodwouldbe because of the filmingthatwentwith it.Butwiththe editingi made the
whole scene slightlyfastersowe lookedalittle more skilledwiththe fighting. Ithinkthisworked
well since itdidnotmake it seemunreal itlookedquite natural. Consideringthiswasthe scene that I
didnot thinki wouldbe able to pull off itworkedquite well itsetsthe moodof an actionmovie well.
I thinkif thisscene wasnot inthe trailer I thinkpeople maythinkthatitwas justa thriller movie.
I have changedthe overall lightingof the videoof premierbyusingthe effectcolourdistortion .The
reasonwhyI didthisis because Ithoughtthat the overall lightingwastoobrightwhich doesn'twork
verywell whenyouare tryingtomake a grittyactionthriller.SoinsteadImade all of the lighting
darkerin edittoset the mode of the trailera bit more to give ita darker vibe. Thisisdone inmoves
all the time to setthe mood better. Ithinkthat if I didthis againI wouldbringlightingalongwithme
while shootingthe scene soitwill be easytoeditthe lightinginedit .soif Ididthis again thenI think
I couldprobablydoa muchbetterjobwiththe overall lightingbutfora firstattemptat dark
mooningvideoIdon’tthinkitlookstoo bad.
Daniel Harrison
The soundof the actors was the bestthisis formultiple reason .Againthe actorsare not Professional
so theywasn’tnecessary clearwhentheywasspeakingthiscouldbe because theywas nervesor
not prepped fortheirline .Anotherreason isthe sound recorded thatwe have incollege isnotthe
bestso itdoesn'tnecessary pickupthe voice withoutbackground noise soitmay meantthat the
footage thatwas not able tobe usedsoI wouldneedtodo a re take . An example of thishappening
iswiththe board room scene mostof the speakingwaspickedupby the camerarather than the
soundrecorderbecause Ifoundthat the qualityisbetterbutwiththe twovoice overscenesthatI
neededtodoit soundedtheysoundeddifferentfromeachothersince theywasrecordedon
differentdevicesandin differentplacessothe difference onthe sound quality iscompletely
different.If Iwasdoingthisis a Professional locationthenIwouldnotneedtoworryaboutthis
since I wouldbe workingwithbetterequipment.Whichmeansthati wouldnotneedtoworryabout
the incognisance withthe sound.
The thinkthat makesthe trailercome togetheristhe music. Itgivesa goodséance of dramatic
suspensionaswell assettingthe moodforthe trailer. Ithinkitfitsintothe cuts well withthe beat
poundingwhenacut isdone thismakesboththe musicandthe trailer intertwines well.Italsodose
well atkickinginat the part where the storypicksup thisadds tensiontothe trailer.Sadlythere is
one problemwiththe musictechnically the songiscopyrightbutsince Iam doingthisas a college
projecti am notsellingthissoit shouldnotbe a problem. Butif I was doingthis Professional Iwould
needtobuy the rightsto use the song whichwouldmean payingthe songsartistforthe right to use
theirmusicinmy trailer. If notthen I wouldbe infringingcopyrightwhichwouldmeanthatIcould
have a law suitonmy hand.
3.How closelyyour final product matches your original intentions(outlinedinyourFinal Major
Project proposal)
My projecthasgone throughseveral changesfromthe original idea. Forexample the Ihada change
of actors withReece andJustin’srolesswitching.Alsothe fightingscene usedtojustbe aslam
agentsa wall butI thinkthe scene thatI have wentwithare much bettersince itlooksmore
prophetical .Andfinallythe lastscene usedohave the rickand the arrogant hitmantogetherbyI
decidedtochange itbecause I didn’tthinkitwasthat great.
4. Time managementand problemsolving(scheduling,practical constraints and strategies
you usedto overcome constraints)
duringmy final majorprojectI made sure to keepupto date onthe managementof my projectthis
meantthat at the beggingo the week I wouldmade a week’s schedulewhere Imanage whatIwill
be doingeveryweek. Now andagain I wouldfall behindon scheduleforexampleI fell afew week
behindwiththe filming. ThismeantthatIwouldneedtomake a note on my schedule andmake an
update where Iwouldcarry that weekovertothe next. EventhoughIfell behindmy schedule fora
fewweeksbutoverall Ididnotfall behindonthe projectingeneral andastill finishedthe project
before my deadline. If Imade a schedule againforthe same projectI wouldprobably give myself
more time forthe filmingof the projectsince thiswasthe thingthattookthe longestso I thinkI may
of neededtoadda fewmore weekson that.But I couldalsolowersome of the editingtime since I
didnot needasmuch time as I originally plannedonthe schedule .Atthe endof the week Imade a
Daniel Harrison
week evaluation onthisI explained whatIdidon thatcurrant weekandwhatI will be doinginthe
followingweek.Bydoingthisitallowstokeeptrackof what I have done and whatmy nextgoal will
be for the following week.
5. Reaching your target audience (audience response,yourreactionsto positive and negative
criticism withreference to audience feedbackyouhave gathered)
My maintargetaudience atthe beggingof thisprojectwas18 to 27 yearolds.From my audience
feedbackIcan tell thatmy archly audience are peoplebetween18 and24 whichisveryclose tothe
people Iwasaimingat . I wasaimingitfor bothgendersbutmainly maleswhichisthe same aswhat
my audience feedback showedme that I attractedboth audiences butmainly maleslikeit.Whichis
considered normal foranactionthriller.I have notgone through anyfeedbackthattellsme the
social classof myaudience butI wouldguessthatitis problemEto c2 since mostof myaudience are
around18 andcollege students.Knowing of the age and genderof myaudience Imade sure that the
actors are of the same age range since thenthe audience wouldbe more appealedtowatchthe film
. Alsoconsideringthe locationwhere mytarget audience are itisonlynatural thatI use actors with
the accent of the areaso the audience wanttowatchit more .
6. Summary conclusionof how you would respondto your projectbriefif you were to do it
If I didthis projectagainwouldmake several different changes. FirstIwouldhire aproductioncrew
because Ifoundit toohard filmingwithjustthe one personmanagingall of the equipment.If Ihad
more people the filmingwouldof gone downmore smoothly.Secondly Iwouldhire Professional
actors insteadof my friends, Ithinkbydoingthisthe overall performance of the trailerwouldlook
more Professionalif the actorslookedmore genuine.Alsobydoingthisitwouldallow me tocontrol
the actors more since I wouldbe hiringthemsoif theydidnot show up for example theywouldnot
endup gettingpaidforthat hourthiswouldgive themmore of a reasonto show up . I thinkI would
alsouse a bettercamera.the camera thatI usedwas a cannon 1100D I wouldsaythat the cameras
mainusedwouldbe forphotographyrather than filming.Ithinkthisshowswithinthe footage .It
onlyrecordsat 25fps at 720p thisisnot the beststyle of camera for doinga trailer,so I thinkthat if I
didthisagain I wouldprobablyuse abettercameraso thenthe qualityof the final productsfilming
will lookmuchbetterthanithas now. FinallyIthink if I redidthisprojectIwouldputon my
schedule more time forme togo out and film. Before makingthisprojectIdidnotrealise how much
time It wouldtake todo all the filmingfor the projects, the mainreasonwhyittookso longwasfor
serval problemsthataccruedwhenoutinthe field filming. These are thingsthatInevertookinto
exasperationthismeansIwasn’tpreparedforthis happening. soif IdidthisagainI wouldputsome
more time intofilmingsothatif unpredictedthingshappenduringthe filmingthenIwill have more
time to doa reshoot.
But overall IthinkthatI have done a good jobon the projectsince I thinkitshowsoff the movie ina
goodlightwhichwill hopeful make people wanttogowatch it.Everythingfitswellwiththe whole
actiongenre that I have goingon inthe movie trailer.Thatincludesthe fightscenesthe suitsandthe
dark moodeffect.Andthe musicsuitsthe trailerreallywell whichaddsa lotof atmosphericeffects
to the trailer.Butthe mainreasonwhyI thinkI have done a goodjobis because of the feedback
whichI have gottenbymy audience .

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  • 1. Daniel Harrison Evaluation I thinkthat I have done a decentenoughjob onmyfinal majorprojectthouthere have beensome up and downswiththe projectingeneral. Butoverall IthinkthatI have made the movie trailer well. 1. Technical quality of final product (images, footage,use of sound,editing,layout, composition) I wouldsaythat it wasthe filmingthatI probablystruggledwiththe most. The reason for thisisthat I tendto be a very unorganised andnota verygood director. I much prefertowork withinaproductiongroupratherthan on my own. But I know thisnow so that I can prepare forthisif I doa new projectinthe nearfuture. I findthaton my ownI tendto getstressedand confusedwheninfieldproductionbecause Idon’tthink I’mthe bestleader.Butif I didthisina working environmentIwouldnotneedtoworryabout thissince I wouldbe ina productiongroupanyway soI wouldbe able totake a stepback as leaderandletsomebodywhoismore suitedtothe role be the director. The overall shotsof the filmare quite good. The firstsetof filmingthatIdidwas the board room scene thatis placedat the begin.These shotsworkedverywell tosetthe moodforthe movie. Ithink thisshotgivesita goodclearunderstandingthatItwas meantto be an actionthrillermovie trailer. I neededtodotwo shootsof thisscene because some of the shotsI wasnot happywithafterthe first take so the reshootmade it looka lotbetter.There wasa shot withhasbeencut outof thisscene the reasonfor thiswason the day of shootingittwoof the actors didn’tshow upfor reasons of their own. So I neededto improvisebyfindingextraactorson the day. Alsothe costumes thattheywas wearingonthe day didnot fitthe image I paintedforthe scene. I originally wantedthemtoeachbe wearinga suitandtie whichonlyone actor managedto get theirhandson . So withthemwearing differentthingstheylookedtooutof place togethersoI completelycutthe scene .If I was doingit Professionalwould probablybe givenabudgettobuy myactors the clothingthatI wantthemto wear. I wouldalsobe payingforthe actors to be usedsothere wouldbe a betterchance of them showinguponthe dayif theywasgettingpaidbecause if theydidn’tshow uptheywouldnotget paid. The nextshotthat I did wasthe fightscene withmyself andReece .Ithinkthatthiswasthe easiest shotto shoot since Ifoundthat itwas easyto workwithan actor one on one . It allowedusto communicate easiersince theywasless distractionwithotheractors,soI couldtell himwhatto do more effectively.Because of the complex of the fightscene Ineededtodo multiple takesof the same shot .Butby doingthisitmade it lookmore Professional mymakingthe shotlook exactly how I picturedit.Probably the reasonwhyittookso manytakeswouldbe my actingskillsalthoughthe scene wouldnotseemtocomplex fora Professional orsomebodywhoisusedtoactinglike thatfor example Reece.Butforsomebodylikemyself the moviesseemedhardtomake lookreal . If I was doingthis Professional Iwouldbe hiringtwoactorsto have a backgroundIn actionmoviessoit wouldlookmore real thanthe acting isin thisshoot.I alsothinkI probablyshouldof chose abetter location andchange it froma grassylandscape toan urban area soit looksmore inplace for an actionthrillermovie. Thispartdidchange a lotfromhow I originallywantedIt.At the beingI wantedReece tothrowme agensta wall andshout“where ishe”.The reasonforthiswas I didnot thinkI wouldbe able tofindsomebody competentenoghthtobe able topull off a full fightscene .I had a fearthat if I toldtwo people todoa fightscene theywouldignore the scriptandjusthave a
  • 2. Daniel Harrison brawl. But Reece wasvery Professional about itandfollowedmyinstructions perfectly. Thismade the scene looka lotbetterthan itwouldof originally lookedif Ididthe previous versionof the scene I had a few problems withthe lastscene of the trailer originallyIwantedtohave anoverthe shouldershotof Rick(playedbyDanHopkins) withJustininthe backgroundtalkingbutafterseveral takesof thisshotI couldnot getit to workhow I originally picturedit.Thiswasfor multiple reasons for example bad placement;the camerawasunfocusedorbadacting work.Also the locationof the shotwasn’tthe best. SoI decidedthatinsteadof doingitagainI decidedtochange the lastscene to an extreme close upof Justinsaying“we meetatlast” I thinkthat thislooks a lotbetterthan the original ideasince Ifeel itaddsmore tensiontothe overall trailerandaddssome more mysteryon the overall trailer.Evenif I addedthe original ideaIdon’tthinkthatI wouldturnout as well asthis versionhadany way. Actors Originally Ihadnine actorsin the trailer,butwhenitcame to archery shootingthe actorscame to five. The reasonforthistwodidn’tshow up onthe daywhenI was goingthe scene thattheywasin so I justfilmedit withoutthemandtwogotcut out because Ididnot like how theylookedinthe scene . Originally Reece andJustin’sroleswere switchedinthe firstideaof the trailer. ButI feltthat theirrolesshouldbe switched since theysuitedthe role better thanthe original .Rick(Dan) alsohad a speakingrole inthe scriptbut I didnotthinkthat it wouldwork withinthe trailerforvariesreasons so I decided nottoadd itin . Alsotwo actors whowas supposed tobe inthe board room scene but the outfitsthattheywas wearingdidnotfitthe overall scene. Iwanted themtowearsuitsandties ,butone was wearingnormal clothingandthe otherlookedlikea bar tenderratherthan a hit womanso that isthe reasonwhythis part wascut from the edit One personwhoI severedmentioned thatthey thoughthatthe actors was one of the bestthing aboutthe trailer. Withsayingwhatstatedbellow thisshowsthatat leastis one personlikesthe actingthat is inthe trailer 2. Production skillsyouhave newlyacquired and existingskillsyouhave further developed Out of the editingandthe filming. Ihave done amuch betterjobat editing.I thinkthe reasonfor thisisthat it isa lot more independentworksoI don’tneedtoworry about managinga productionteamsoI am more relaxedsoIcan thinkclearlyandgetthe work done to a more Professional standard. The firstthingthat I didwiththe editingismake the companyopeningscreenIdidthisonadobe aftereffectswithanadd oncalled element3dthis allowsme toadd differenttexturestotextaswell as to animate themina 3d space it can alsoadd insolar fearsto effectthe lightingof the text.for
  • 3. Daniel Harrison the studiologoI useda textfontwhichI got froma website calleddefontwhichisa website where youcan gathercopy rightfree fonts. Ithinkthat the indentthatI usedlooksvery Professional. Thennextthingthat I didwasthe movie title andthe castcredits.Thiswasdone on the same way as the logoin element3d the onlythingthat isdifferentIaddedadifferenttype of animationonitand a differenttexture. Iusedasteel texture tofitinwiththe style of the movie .andIaddedeachof the creditsmovies fromthe distance inthe backup to the frontof the camera. I thinkthat thisisreally goodbecause I thinkitislike whatisdone in otheractionmovie trailersIalsothinkitkeepsthe audience lookingatthe trailer. Ihave noticedinthe feedbackthat gottensayingthe same thing. In the beginandendI have made a greenwarningandendingcreditsintomake the whole trailer look Professional. Due tolegal reasonbothof these thingsneedtobe addedif thiswasa real film trailerproduction.soIdecidedif Iadd themitwouldmake itlookas thou itwas real which ismuch more Professional thanif I leftitout. The cuts that accrued throughoutthe trailerIthink workverywell toshow that itis an trailer. If this was a movie the cutswouldbe more cut away andin quickly.Wearsinmytrailertheyfade inand out this made itlooka lotmore smotherratherthan a bunch of jumpcuts . I personally thinkthis makesthe trailerseemmore natural withitscutseventhoughitcouldbe switchingfromcompletely differentlocations .I thinkthatif I justdida cut away the sceneswouldbe alot more unnatural than theyreallyare . The shot whichI thinkthatI am most proud withwouldbe the CCTV shot I did thison adobe after effectsusingatool callednight visionthenIaddedtext layersoverthe topof itso it lookedlikeit was comingfroma CCTV camera.Finally Iloweredthe frame rate soitskipsframesthismade itlook really goodand Imp quite proudof my editingskills onthispart.the onlythingthatI couldsay is wrongabout thiswouldbe the briefcase thatyoucan see the tag on itbut I don’tthinkif you’dsee it if you didn’tknowitwasthere . Otherthanthat I thinkthe shot isperfectitfitsreallywell withthe moodof the movie trailersince itgivesitadark crime effecttoit. One scene which Ithink I have done quite well withisthe fight scene.I thinkthe main reasonwhy I thinkitis so goodwouldbe because of the filmingthatwentwith it.Butwiththe editingi made the whole scene slightlyfastersowe lookedalittle more skilledwiththe fighting. Ithinkthisworked well since itdidnotmake it seemunreal itlookedquite natural. Consideringthiswasthe scene that I didnot thinki wouldbe able to pull off itworkedquite well itsetsthe moodof an actionmovie well. I thinkif thisscene wasnot inthe trailer I thinkpeople maythinkthatitwas justa thriller movie. I have changedthe overall lightingof the videoof premierbyusingthe effectcolourdistortion .The reasonwhyI didthisis because Ithoughtthat the overall lightingwastoobrightwhich doesn'twork verywell whenyouare tryingtomake a grittyactionthriller.SoinsteadImade all of the lighting darkerin edittoset the mode of the trailera bit more to give ita darker vibe. Thisisdone inmoves all the time to setthe mood better. Ithinkthat if I didthis againI wouldbringlightingalongwithme while shootingthe scene soitwill be easytoeditthe lightinginedit .soif Ididthis again thenI think I couldprobablydoa muchbetterjobwiththe overall lightingbutfora firstattemptat dark mooningvideoIdon’tthinkitlookstoo bad.
  • 4. Daniel Harrison The soundof the actors was the bestthisis formultiple reason .Againthe actorsare not Professional so theywasn’tnecessary clearwhentheywasspeakingthiscouldbe because theywas nervesor not prepped fortheirline .Anotherreason isthe sound recorded thatwe have incollege isnotthe bestso itdoesn'tnecessary pickupthe voice withoutbackground noise soitmay meantthat the footage thatwas not able tobe usedsoI wouldneedtodo a re take . An example of thishappening iswiththe board room scene mostof the speakingwaspickedupby the camerarather than the soundrecorderbecause Ifoundthat the qualityisbetterbutwiththe twovoice overscenesthatI neededtodoit soundedtheysoundeddifferentfromeachothersince theywasrecordedon differentdevicesandin differentplacessothe difference onthe sound quality iscompletely different.If Iwasdoingthisis a Professional locationthenIwouldnotneedtoworryaboutthis since I wouldbe workingwithbetterequipment.Whichmeansthati wouldnotneedtoworryabout the incognisance withthe sound. The thinkthat makesthe trailercome togetheristhe music. Itgivesa goodséance of dramatic suspensionaswell assettingthe moodforthe trailer. Ithinkitfitsintothe cuts well withthe beat poundingwhenacut isdone thismakesboththe musicandthe trailer intertwines well.Italsodose well atkickinginat the part where the storypicksup thisadds tensiontothe trailer.Sadlythere is one problemwiththe musictechnically the songiscopyrightbutsince Iam doingthisas a college projecti am notsellingthissoit shouldnotbe a problem. Butif I was doingthis Professional Iwould needtobuy the rightsto use the song whichwouldmean payingthe songsartistforthe right to use theirmusicinmy trailer. If notthen I wouldbe infringingcopyrightwhichwouldmeanthatIcould have a law suitonmy hand. 3.How closelyyour final product matches your original intentions(outlinedinyourFinal Major Project proposal) My projecthasgone throughseveral changesfromthe original idea. Forexample the Ihada change of actors withReece andJustin’srolesswitching.Alsothe fightingscene usedtojustbe aslam agentsa wall butI thinkthe scene thatI have wentwithare much bettersince itlooksmore prophetical .Andfinallythe lastscene usedohave the rickand the arrogant hitmantogetherbyI decidedtochange itbecause I didn’tthinkitwasthat great. 4. Time managementand problemsolving(scheduling,practical constraints and strategies you usedto overcome constraints) duringmy final majorprojectI made sure to keepupto date onthe managementof my projectthis meantthat at the beggingo the week I wouldmade a week’s schedulewhere Imanage whatIwill be doingeveryweek. Now andagain I wouldfall behindon scheduleforexampleI fell afew week behindwiththe filming. ThismeantthatIwouldneedtomake a note on my schedule andmake an update where Iwouldcarry that weekovertothe next. EventhoughIfell behindmy schedule fora fewweeksbutoverall Ididnotfall behindonthe projectingeneral andastill finishedthe project before my deadline. If Imade a schedule againforthe same projectI wouldprobably give myself more time forthe filmingof the projectsince thiswasthe thingthattookthe longestso I thinkI may of neededtoadda fewmore weekson that.But I couldalsolowersome of the editingtime since I didnot needasmuch time as I originally plannedonthe schedule .Atthe endof the week Imade a
  • 5. Daniel Harrison week evaluation onthisI explained whatIdidon thatcurrant weekandwhatI will be doinginthe followingweek.Bydoingthisitallowstokeeptrackof what I have done and whatmy nextgoal will be for the following week. 5. Reaching your target audience (audience response,yourreactionsto positive and negative criticism withreference to audience feedbackyouhave gathered) My maintargetaudience atthe beggingof thisprojectwas18 to 27 yearolds.From my audience feedbackIcan tell thatmy archly audience are peoplebetween18 and24 whichisveryclose tothe people Iwasaimingat . I wasaimingitfor bothgendersbutmainly maleswhichisthe same aswhat my audience feedback showedme that I attractedboth audiences butmainly maleslikeit.Whichis considered normal foranactionthriller.I have notgone through anyfeedbackthattellsme the social classof myaudience butI wouldguessthatitis problemEto c2 since mostof myaudience are around18 andcollege students.Knowing of the age and genderof myaudience Imade sure that the actors are of the same age range since thenthe audience wouldbe more appealedtowatchthe film . Alsoconsideringthe locationwhere mytarget audience are itisonlynatural thatI use actors with the accent of the areaso the audience wanttowatchit more . 6. Summary conclusionof how you would respondto your projectbriefif you were to do it again If I didthis projectagainwouldmake several different changes. FirstIwouldhire aproductioncrew because Ifoundit toohard filmingwithjustthe one personmanagingall of the equipment.If Ihad more people the filmingwouldof gone downmore smoothly.Secondly Iwouldhire Professional actors insteadof my friends, Ithinkbydoingthisthe overall performance of the trailerwouldlook more Professionalif the actorslookedmore genuine.Alsobydoingthisitwouldallow me tocontrol the actors more since I wouldbe hiringthemsoif theydidnot show up for example theywouldnot endup gettingpaidforthat hourthiswouldgive themmore of a reasonto show up . I thinkI would alsouse a bettercamera.the camera thatI usedwas a cannon 1100D I wouldsaythat the cameras mainusedwouldbe forphotographyrather than filming.Ithinkthisshowswithinthe footage .It onlyrecordsat 25fps at 720p thisisnot the beststyle of camera for doinga trailer,so I thinkthat if I didthisagain I wouldprobablyuse abettercameraso thenthe qualityof the final productsfilming will lookmuchbetterthanithas now. FinallyIthink if I redidthisprojectIwouldputon my schedule more time forme togo out and film. Before makingthisprojectIdidnotrealise how much time It wouldtake todo all the filmingfor the projects, the mainreasonwhyittookso longwasfor serval problemsthataccruedwhenoutinthe field filming. These are thingsthatInevertookinto exasperationthismeansIwasn’tpreparedforthis happening. soif IdidthisagainI wouldputsome more time intofilmingsothatif unpredictedthingshappenduringthe filmingthenIwill have more time to doa reshoot. But overall IthinkthatI have done a good jobon the projectsince I thinkitshowsoff the movie ina goodlightwhichwill hopeful make people wanttogowatch it.Everythingfitswellwiththe whole actiongenre that I have goingon inthe movie trailer.Thatincludesthe fightscenesthe suitsandthe dark moodeffect.Andthe musicsuitsthe trailerreallywell whichaddsa lotof atmosphericeffects to the trailer.Butthe mainreasonwhyI thinkI have done a goodjobis because of the feedback whichI have gottenbymy audience .