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Fightclubwas directedbyDavid Fincherin1999. The movie genre isdrama,
thrillerand crime filmthiswasgivenan18 certificate because of the valance
that wasinvolvedinthe movie butitdidnotgetthis certificate till afterthey
dida re editwhere theytookoutsome of the mostviolentsceneswhich
thenallowedthem todisturbedtocinemas .The distributorof fightclub
was 20th centuryfox.
Hypodermicneedle modal are the attitude andfeelingsthat people will take
out of moviesthattheywhichtheymayuse in everydaylife .Forexample
there are scenesinfightclub that show people gatheringtofightforfun.In
the viewof the Hypodermicneedle thismightmeanthatpeoplewhowatch
thismovie thenmaygo outand do thisthemself’s.Atthe time whenthis
movie came outa lotof people believedthatthiswastrue but now we know
that itwouldbe receptiontheorythatmakespeople dothese things .Most
people wouldlookatthe valance inthe movie anddonothingbutveryfew
whose personally isalittle outmaywant to copy it butit wouldnotmean
that everyone will doit .
There are some thingsthatwas inthe movie fightclub thatcan be consideredasbeinghypodermic
modal .For example thereare huge amountsof violence inthe original copy of the movie thatcould
encourage people todothe same because of this the movie wasnotable to evenbe placesasan 18
certificate .The main reasonforthiswasfrom the encouragementof fighting,suicide andterrorism
.The BBFC(BritishBoardof filmclassification)it’stheirjobtochoose whatfilmsage ratingshouldbe
,theywouldnotallowthe movie tobe classedasevenan18 .Because of thisFightClubneededto
editpartsof the movie outthis allowedthe movie tobe classedasan18 .Ithinkthat the reasonwhy
theydidnot allowitas an 18 at firstbecause the movie cancause disorderinthe publicwhichisthe
BBFC jobto not allowthatfromhappening .They
thoughtthat the violence wouldmake people go
out and choppy what happens inthe movie inthe
real world.Although there wasnotmany casesof
thishappeningthere wasafewcasesof fightclubs
was reportedoverthe UnitedStates.These clubs
was reportedtostartedinthe year 2000 and was
only finally stopped inthe year2006 . There was
alsocases of teensjoininginthese fightswiththem
postingthe fightsonline after.EvenatPrinston
university there wasreportsof havingfights
the out come . Because of these eventsFightclub
became one of the most infamousfilmsof all time .
There wasa reviewbyaman namedAlexanderWalkerwhichrelatedtothe hypodermic modelhe
stated.”a toxicexperience andinadmissibleassaultonpersonal decency…andonsocietyitself .It
resurrectsthe Fuhrerprinciple .Itpromotespainandsufferingasvirtuesof the strongest.Ittramples
everydemocraticdecency underfoot.”
From thishe statesthat anyone wholikesor watches thismovie willbe influence bythe use of
terrorismandbe relatedthe Nazis.Thisshowsthathe thinksthatthe use of violence and
destruction thatisfoundwithinthismovie will make people follow the same actionsthathave
appeared inthe movie thiswould include actsof terrorism.He believesthatpeople will watchthis
movie andthensuddenlysupportNazismbutthis obviously isnotcorrecta movie maybe able to
influenceasmall amountof people tocopythe violence infightclub butthe people whodothese
actionstendto have some sort of psychological problemthatwouldmake themcopythese things.
Afterthese eventsof whataccordedafterthe release of fightclub .New lawswerecreatedbythe
BBFC whichentitlesanyadultisto be able to freely choose whattype of entertainmentthatthey
wishto watch.Withthiscurrent rule the original version of fightclub wouldnotbe breakinganyof
the UK lawsthatmeansthat it couldbe classedas an 18 withoutandeditingittomake it cleaner
whichthe distributorsdidata laterdate witha rerelease of fightclub.
We nowknowthat there are the hypodermicneedle model isnotcorrectthe way the people
persevere moviesare viewedinotherways.Butthere are four mainwaysthat the hypodermic
needle model isseenby people see moviesdiversion,personalrelations,personal identityand
surveillance .
Diversion- thisisthe where the viewerescapesformtheirdailylife andgetsenticedbythe movie
thismakesthemforgetabouttheirownlife fora shorttime until the movie ends.Forme Ifoundthis
whenfollowingalongwiththe plotof the movie Iseemedtoforgetaboutwhatwas happeninginmy
dailylife forthe durationof the movie.
Personal relations –thisis where people getan emotional attachmenttoacharacter or character’s
usuallybecause theyare like youorsomeone youknow thisiswhythe use of soapoperascan be so
popular .Whenwatchingthismovie Igota personal attachmentto EdwardsNorton’scharacterwho
suffers withschizophreniasoitwassomethingthatI wantedtofindoutwhat hisstory was and how
it wouldof affectedthe plotof the movie
Personal identity –thisiswhere youfindsome sortof relationbetweenacharacterinthe filmand
yourself.Whenwatchingthe movieIwasnotreallyable tofinda character that bothme and the
characters inthe filmhave incommon.But I can imagine thatsomebodywhoisnotcontentwith
theireverydaylifeandwantsexcitementorunhappyaboutthe currant societyas a whole would
finda relationshipbetweenthemselvesandthe maincharacterof fightclub.
Surveillance –Thisiswhere a personlooksat a movie seessomethingthattheylike atry’stofollow
it inthe real work .Fora mediapointof view Ihave I will like the shotsandstyle of
movie thatfightclubdoesso if I endup makinga movie of myownI may endup usingthismovie as
inspirationforit .Alsothe clothingof the movie canbe considered asbeingsurveillance,althoughit
mightbe considered outof date nowbut whenthe movie came outit mayhave beenconsidered
quite fashionable sinceBradpitwaswearingitmightentice people towearthe same clothingas
The receptiontheorywasa theorythatwas came upwithby
Stuart hall .The theorywascame upwithafterthe hypodermic
model theoryinorderto show how itwas wrong and to show
how people reallyreceivefilms .unlike the hypodermicmodel
theory Stuartshallssaid that a movie will notmake aperson
do somethingthataspiresinthe film .He explainsthateach
personhashis ownattitude andpersonalitysoeachperson
will geta differentfeel fromwatchingamovie .Some of the
thingsthat can alter a person’sperceptionof amovie will be
the following.Age ,gender, ethnicity ,socialclass,history
,politicsplusmanymore. Forexample myopinionof a17 year
oldmale will differfromthe opinionof a50 yearoldbecause
we will bothsee the movie indifferentways.Inthe case of
fightclubI wouldneverdreamof startingmyownfightclub.
But somebodywhoisagenstthe currentsocietymaywantto
escape itwhichmay make themwantto copy the movie and
start theirownfightclublike inthe film.
The reception theoryalso analyseshowpeople review the filmsthiscanbe separatedin3 different
wayspreferred whichiswhen somebody takesthe filminagood wayand theylike it.negotiatedis
whensomebody likessome of the movie butnotall of it. and finally oppositional whensomebody
takesa negative effecttothe movie .
The movie thatI have watchedwas Junowhichisa comedy/drama/comingof age that came out in
2008 whichwasdirectedbyJasonReitmananddistributedbyFox SearchlightPictures .Iwouldsay
that whenIwas watchingthisfilmmy representation of itwouldbe negotiatedIwouldnotsaythat I
hatedit butI didnot love the movie ether .The reasonforme sayingthisare as followed.Ididagree
withthe story line of the movie it givesof agood reposition of whatteenagepregnancyisaboutand
howpeople deal withit.Italsogivesagood message aboutadoptionandshowshow itcan help
someone .Some of the thingsthatIdisagree withinthe movie are the use of humour,one of the
thingsthat I thoughtbroughtthe movie downisthe use of humour.I thinkI didnotlike itbecause
the style of humourbetween Britonandthe USA a verydifferentandI personally don’tlikesome
Americanhumour.I alsofeltlike the songchosesfeltoutof place at the beginningof the movie they
seemedtoputthe musicin at strange timesandI thinkthat itdid
not fitwell init.Anotherthingwasasmall plotpointwasbased
on hername beingcalledJunointhe movie they explainthatJuno
was a Greekgod whowasZeusonly wife,now thatstatements
was wrongJunowas a Roman God. I know I'm beingpickybut
whenmakinga plotlike basedonthatbut still nothavingthe
facts rightI thinktheyshouldof done there researchonit
properly.One thinkthatwill affectthe opinionof the movie isthe
time that I waswatchingit.For example whenIwaswatchingthis
I was forcedtowatch thismovie fora mediaassignmentbecause
I’mwatchingit formediaI wouldbe a lotmore critical thenI
wouldbe if I waswatchingit at the pictureswithmyfriends whichmeansthati mightof likedit
more if I was watchingitout of my ownwill .Alsobecause Iama male watchingafilmthat focuses
on a girl dealingwithunderage pregnancyIcouldnotreallyrelate to itbut I can see how girlswould
be able too especiallyif theyare goingthroughthe same thinthemselves .
Thismovie was aimingtoget a ratingof a PG butunfortunate forthemthe BBFC setthe movies
certificate asbeinga12.I thinkthatthe reasons forthisare the fact that there isa part that shows
acts of sex initalthoughI is covered upand the viewers are unable tosee anythingitisstill not
somethingthatissuitable foraPG .There are alsosome scenesof gore whenthe charactersin the
movie were watchinganoldhorrormovie.There were alsosome sceneswhichcouldbe considered
as beingunethical forexample the partwhere Junogoestoan abortionclinic thisisa touchey
subjectnow butit wasevenworstin2007 whenthe ideaof abortionwasjustcomingaroundas
beingacceptable .
I have made a surveyto findoutthe people whohave watchedandwhattheythoughtaboutit . The
firstquestionthatIaskedwas the genderof the people whowatchedit.Because our classissplitin
genderandit wasonlypeople outof here thatI askedalsowe was made to watch thismovie .The
resultswere asfollowedthere was40 % male and60 % female .ButIthinkthat if we had a choice of
watchingthe filmthe ratiobetweenfemale tomale wouldbe muchhigher. Since itdoesnotapplied
to malesas muchas it didto females.
The nextquestionthatIaskedwas whatis yourage 100% of the people thatIaskedall saidthat they
were betweenthe agesof 12-20 again thisisbecause all the people inmyclassare around the same
age groupso there will be nosignicant differentinthe age group. Thiswouldchange if I was asking
thissurvey afterwatchingthe movie inthe cinemabutI thinkthe mainaudience willbe teens
The nextquestionwashowmuchdidyou enjoy the movie outof 10 . FromthisquestionIfoundout
that mostpeople likedthe movie 10%said6 ,40% said7 , 10% said8 and 10% said9 . Thisshows
that mostpeople like the movie andnobodythoughtitwaslower thana 6 .
In question4I askedwhattheylikedordislikedaboutJunothe answers wereasfollowed“I like the
humour.”“I enjoyedthe humourandhow the filmaddressedsome of the difficultiesof teenage
pregnancy,however, Ithinksome of the representationsweren'trealisticbecause Idon’tthinkthe
parentswouldbe as relaxedinrealityastheywere inthe filmwhentheyfoundoutabouttheir
daughterbeingpregnant”.”thoughtitwasgoodstory line writing””Ithoughtitwasa good,decent
film.Itwasrealisticbutslowanda bitboringat times. “The thingthat a lotof people are sayingas
beinga goodthingaboutthemis the plotthismightbe the reasonbecause of the age of the people
that I askedthe plotwill relate tothemmore since itis somethingthatmighthappentopeople at
that age.
I thenaskedwhatrepensationthatpeoplehadwhenwatchingthe movie .FromthisIfoundout
whatpeople thoughtaboutthe movie .20%of the people Iaskedsaidtheywere Preferred and80%
of the people thatIaskedsaidthat they were Negotiated.Thisshowsthatmostpeople thinkthat
the movie isaverage.
NextIaskedwhat age certificate thatJunoshouldhave beengiven.FromthisIfoundoutthat 100%
of people thoughtthe movieage shouldbe keptthe same .Thismaybe because of the age group
youngerpeople maynotof noticedthe sex andgore scene so theymightwantitto be a lower
certificate .
The final questionthatIaskedwaswouldyouwatch thismovie again40% saidyesand 60% saidno .
Form thisI foundoutthat mostpeople didnotwantto watch thismovie again.Butthe 40% that said
yesare all female where as40%that saidno are male .Thisshowsthatthismovie ismore popularto
females .

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Fight club was directed by david fincher in 1999 redo

  • 1. Fightclubwas directedbyDavid Fincherin1999. The movie genre isdrama, thrillerand crime filmthiswasgivenan18 certificate because of the valance that wasinvolvedinthe movie butitdidnotgetthis certificate till afterthey dida re editwhere theytookoutsome of the mostviolentsceneswhich thenallowedthem todisturbedtocinemas .The distributorof fightclub was 20th centuryfox. Hypodermicneedle modal are the attitude andfeelingsthat people will take out of moviesthattheywhichtheymayuse in everydaylife .Forexample there are scenesinfightclub that show people gatheringtofightforfun.In the viewof the Hypodermicneedle thismightmeanthatpeoplewhowatch thismovie thenmaygo outand do thisthemself’s.Atthe time whenthis movie came outa lotof people believedthatthiswastrue but now we know that itwouldbe receptiontheorythatmakespeople dothese things .Most people wouldlookatthe valance inthe movie anddonothingbutveryfew whose personally isalittle outmaywant to copy it butit wouldnotmean that everyone will doit . There are some thingsthatwas inthe movie fightclub thatcan be consideredasbeinghypodermic modal .For example thereare huge amountsof violence inthe original copy of the movie thatcould encourage people todothe same because of this the movie wasnotable to evenbe placesasan 18 certificate .The main reasonforthiswasfrom the encouragementof fighting,suicide andterrorism .The BBFC(BritishBoardof filmclassification)it’stheirjobtochoose whatfilmsage ratingshouldbe ,theywouldnotallowthe movie tobe classedasevenan18 .Because of thisFightClubneededto editpartsof the movie outthis allowedthe movie tobe classedasan18 .Ithinkthat the reasonwhy theydidnot allowitas an 18 at firstbecause the movie cancause disorderinthe publicwhichisthe BBFC jobto not allowthatfromhappening .They thoughtthat the violence wouldmake people go out and choppy what happens inthe movie inthe real world.Although there wasnotmany casesof thishappeningthere wasafewcasesof fightclubs was reportedoverthe UnitedStates.These clubs was reportedtostartedinthe year 2000 and was only finally stopped inthe year2006 . There was alsocases of teensjoininginthese fightswiththem postingthe fightsonline after.EvenatPrinston university there wasreportsof havingfights organisedoncampuswithoverstudentsbettingon the out come . Because of these eventsFightclub became one of the most infamousfilmsof all time . There wasa reviewbyaman namedAlexanderWalkerwhichrelatedtothe hypodermic modelhe stated.”a toxicexperience andinadmissibleassaultonpersonal decency…andonsocietyitself .It resurrectsthe Fuhrerprinciple .Itpromotespainandsufferingasvirtuesof the strongest.Ittramples everydemocraticdecency underfoot.”
  • 2. From thishe statesthat anyone wholikesor watches thismovie willbe influence bythe use of terrorismandbe relatedthe Nazis.Thisshowsthathe thinksthatthe use of violence and destruction thatisfoundwithinthismovie will make people follow the same actionsthathave appeared inthe movie thiswould include actsof terrorism.He believesthatpeople will watchthis movie andthensuddenlysupportNazismbutthis obviously isnotcorrecta movie maybe able to influenceasmall amountof people tocopythe violence infightclub butthe people whodothese actionstendto have some sort of psychological problemthatwouldmake themcopythese things. Afterthese eventsof whataccordedafterthe release of fightclub .New lawswerecreatedbythe BBFC whichentitlesanyadultisto be able to freely choose whattype of entertainmentthatthey wishto watch.Withthiscurrent rule the original version of fightclub wouldnotbe breakinganyof the UK lawsthatmeansthat it couldbe classedas an 18 withoutandeditingittomake it cleaner whichthe distributorsdidata laterdate witha rerelease of fightclub. We nowknowthat there are the hypodermicneedle model isnotcorrectthe way the people persevere moviesare viewedinotherways.Butthere are four mainwaysthat the hypodermic needle model isseenby people see moviesdiversion,personalrelations,personal identityand surveillance . Diversion- thisisthe where the viewerescapesformtheirdailylife andgetsenticedbythe movie thismakesthemforgetabouttheirownlife fora shorttime until the movie ends.Forme Ifoundthis whenfollowingalongwiththe plotof the movie Iseemedtoforgetaboutwhatwas happeninginmy dailylife forthe durationof the movie. Personal relations –thisis where people getan emotional attachmenttoacharacter or character’s usuallybecause theyare like youorsomeone youknow thisiswhythe use of soapoperascan be so popular .Whenwatchingthismovie Igota personal attachmentto EdwardsNorton’scharacterwho suffers withschizophreniasoitwassomethingthatI wantedtofindoutwhat hisstory was and how it wouldof affectedthe plotof the movie Personal identity –thisiswhere youfindsome sortof relationbetweenacharacterinthe filmand yourself.Whenwatchingthe movieIwasnotreallyable tofinda character that bothme and the characters inthe filmhave incommon.But I can imagine thatsomebodywhoisnotcontentwith theireverydaylifeandwantsexcitementorunhappyaboutthe currant societyas a whole would finda relationshipbetweenthemselvesandthe maincharacterof fightclub. Surveillance –Thisiswhere a personlooksat a movie seessomethingthattheylike atry’stofollow it inthe real work .Fora mediapointof view Ihave I will like the shotsandstyle of movie thatfightclubdoesso if I endup makinga movie of myownI may endup usingthismovie as inspirationforit .Alsothe clothingof the movie canbe considered asbeingsurveillance,althoughit mightbe considered outof date nowbut whenthe movie came outit mayhave beenconsidered quite fashionable sinceBradpitwaswearingitmightentice people towearthe same clothingas him. Juno(2008)
  • 3. Receptiontheory(Stuarthall) The receptiontheorywasa theorythatwas came upwithby Stuart hall .The theorywascame upwithafterthe hypodermic model theoryinorderto show how itwas wrong and to show how people reallyreceivefilms .unlike the hypodermicmodel theory Stuartshallssaid that a movie will notmake aperson do somethingthataspiresinthe film .He explainsthateach personhashis ownattitude andpersonalitysoeachperson will geta differentfeel fromwatchingamovie .Some of the thingsthat can alter a person’sperceptionof amovie will be the following.Age ,gender, ethnicity ,socialclass,history ,politicsplusmanymore. Forexample myopinionof a17 year oldmale will differfromthe opinionof a50 yearoldbecause we will bothsee the movie indifferentways.Inthe case of fightclubI wouldneverdreamof startingmyownfightclub. But somebodywhoisagenstthe currentsocietymaywantto escape itwhichmay make themwantto copy the movie and start theirownfightclublike inthe film. The reception theoryalso analyseshowpeople review the filmsthiscanbe separatedin3 different wayspreferred whichiswhen somebody takesthe filminagood wayand theylike it.negotiatedis whensomebody likessome of the movie butnotall of it. and finally oppositional whensomebody takesa negative effecttothe movie . The movie thatI have watchedwas Junowhichisa comedy/drama/comingof age that came out in 2008 whichwasdirectedbyJasonReitmananddistributedbyFox SearchlightPictures .Iwouldsay that whenIwas watchingthisfilmmy representation of itwouldbe negotiatedIwouldnotsaythat I hatedit butI didnot love the movie ether .The reasonforme sayingthisare as followed.Ididagree withthe story line of the movie it givesof agood reposition of whatteenagepregnancyisaboutand howpeople deal withit.Italsogivesagood message aboutadoptionandshowshow itcan help someone .Some of the thingsthatIdisagree withinthe movie are the use of humour,one of the thingsthat I thoughtbroughtthe movie downisthe use of humour.I thinkI didnotlike itbecause the style of humourbetween Britonandthe USA a verydifferentandI personally don’tlikesome Americanhumour.I alsofeltlike the songchosesfeltoutof place at the beginningof the movie they seemedtoputthe musicin at strange timesandI thinkthat itdid not fitwell init.Anotherthingwasasmall plotpointwasbased on hername beingcalledJunointhe movie they explainthatJuno was a Greekgod whowasZeusonly wife,now thatstatements was wrongJunowas a Roman God. I know I'm beingpickybut whenmakinga plotlike basedonthatbut still nothavingthe facts rightI thinktheyshouldof done there researchonit properly.One thinkthatwill affectthe opinionof the movie isthe time that I waswatchingit.For example whenIwaswatchingthis I was forcedtowatch thismovie fora mediaassignmentbecause I’mwatchingit formediaI wouldbe a lotmore critical thenI
  • 4. wouldbe if I waswatchingit at the pictureswithmyfriends whichmeansthati mightof likedit more if I was watchingitout of my ownwill .Alsobecause Iama male watchingafilmthat focuses on a girl dealingwithunderage pregnancyIcouldnotreallyrelate to itbut I can see how girlswould be able too especiallyif theyare goingthroughthe same thinthemselves . Thismovie was aimingtoget a ratingof a PG butunfortunate forthemthe BBFC setthe movies certificate asbeinga12.I thinkthatthe reasons forthisare the fact that there isa part that shows acts of sex initalthoughI is covered upand the viewers are unable tosee anythingitisstill not somethingthatissuitable foraPG .There are alsosome scenesof gore whenthe charactersin the movie were watchinganoldhorrormovie.There were alsosome sceneswhichcouldbe considered as beingunethical forexample the partwhere Junogoestoan abortionclinic thisisa touchey subjectnow butit wasevenworstin2007 whenthe ideaof abortionwasjustcomingaroundas beingacceptable . survey I have made a surveyto findoutthe people whohave watchedandwhattheythoughtaboutit . The firstquestionthatIaskedwas the genderof the people whowatchedit.Because our classissplitin genderandit wasonlypeople outof here thatI askedalsowe was made to watch thismovie .The resultswere asfollowedthere was40 % male and60 % female .ButIthinkthat if we had a choice of watchingthe filmthe ratiobetweenfemale tomale wouldbe muchhigher. Since itdoesnotapplied to malesas muchas it didto females. The nextquestionthatIaskedwas whatis yourage 100% of the people thatIaskedall saidthat they were betweenthe agesof 12-20 again thisisbecause all the people inmyclassare around the same age groupso there will be nosignicant differentinthe age group. Thiswouldchange if I was asking thissurvey afterwatchingthe movie inthe cinemabutI thinkthe mainaudience willbe teens anyway. The nextquestionwashowmuchdidyou enjoy the movie outof 10 . FromthisquestionIfoundout that mostpeople likedthe movie 10%said6 ,40% said7 , 10% said8 and 10% said9 . Thisshows that mostpeople like the movie andnobodythoughtitwaslower thana 6 . In question4I askedwhattheylikedordislikedaboutJunothe answers wereasfollowed“I like the humour.”“I enjoyedthe humourandhow the filmaddressedsome of the difficultiesof teenage pregnancy,however, Ithinksome of the representationsweren'trealisticbecause Idon’tthinkthe parentswouldbe as relaxedinrealityastheywere inthe filmwhentheyfoundoutabouttheir daughterbeingpregnant”.”thoughtitwasgoodstory line writing””Ithoughtitwasa good,decent film.Itwasrealisticbutslowanda bitboringat times. “The thingthat a lotof people are sayingas beinga goodthingaboutthemis the plotthismightbe the reasonbecause of the age of the people that I askedthe plotwill relate tothemmore since itis somethingthatmighthappentopeople at that age. I thenaskedwhatrepensationthatpeoplehadwhenwatchingthe movie .FromthisIfoundout whatpeople thoughtaboutthe movie .20%of the people Iaskedsaidtheywere Preferred and80% of the people thatIaskedsaidthat they were Negotiated.Thisshowsthatmostpeople thinkthat the movie isaverage.
  • 5. NextIaskedwhat age certificate thatJunoshouldhave beengiven.FromthisIfoundoutthat 100% of people thoughtthe movieage shouldbe keptthe same .Thismaybe because of the age group youngerpeople maynotof noticedthe sex andgore scene so theymightwantitto be a lower certificate . The final questionthatIaskedwaswouldyouwatch thismovie again40% saidyesand 60% saidno . Form thisI foundoutthat mostpeople didnotwantto watch thismovie again.Butthe 40% that said yesare all female where as40%that saidno are male .Thisshowsthatthismovie ismore popularto females .