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Minority Scholarships
The various ethnicities that comprise the student body across the country has influenced education
in today's society. At any time one can look up the breakdown of the different ethnic groups in
schools, and I see the greatest effect of this statistic translating into money being given to further
education particularly at the college level. With senior year in progress, college is right around the
corner, and much more inevitable for a successful future than ever before in the world we live in.
But in order to receive an education at the collegiate level, we must be able to afford it, which is a
pivotal factor regarding choices in individuals' lives. While everyone is different, the scholarships
that a certain person is presented with are more content...
If the concept of the social construct is created to include race relations, isn't irony at the center of
the reasoning behind "equal" education? Rather than enforcing criteria to attain a scholarship, my
opinion is that these scholarships influence people's views on race relations. President Obama
brought up a very paramount remark in "Poll finds most think race relations are bad" by stating,
"For too long we've been blind to the way past injustices continue to shape the present" (Sack). I
believe this is an accurate comment since as of late we have seen the support, as well as the
objection, towards the Confederate flag flying in South Carolina. In other words, turmoil has not
completely gone away in regards to physical appearance as depicted by the discrepancy in South
Carolina, demonstrating the controversy between those of various looks with their scholarship
opportunities. With this being said, it can be inferred that there are multiple outlooks on the
scholarship considerations. In fact, white students receive more than three–quarters (76%) of all
institutional merit–based scholarship and grant funding while making up 61.8% of the population
(Kantrowitz) as opposed to minorities, making up the remaining 38.2% of the population, receiving
48.5% of financial aid grants because they are more likely to be low–income
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STEM Scholarship Essay
I should be considered by the Galactic Unite Bytheway STEM Scholarship program for not only my
lifelong passion for math and science, but also my dedication to challenge myself, diverse interests,
and career goals.
5x^3+ 35. Barium Hydroxide. Marie Daly. As a fourth grader, I would avidly listen to the middle
schoolers as they prepared for the NOBBCChe Science Bowl. My mother and father were both
volunteers for our local NOBCChe (National Organization of Black Chemists and Chemical
Engineers) chapter while living in Michigan. While shadowing my parents preparing for science
bowls and quizzing contestants, my interest was piqued in STEM. Additionally, I learned of the
African American chemical engineers and chemists and their impacts in everyday life. I remember
while tagging along to a regional conference and I noticed Mae Jemison, my lifelong STEM role
model, was a keynote speaker! The more content...
I was too young to compete, and by the time I was old enough, my family had relocated to
Georgia. Although my opportunity was stifled, my passion for STEM was not. While in middle
school, I seized the chance to apply to a STEM magnet school and was accepted. Today I am grateful
for my experience as I've taken advanced math and science courses that will prepare me for college. I
also was Vice President of my school's Science Club and member of the Science Olympiad Team. I
learned about community opportunities and different applications of science through these
extracurriculars. Through Science Club, I led and performed experiments for elementary and
Special Education students interested in STEM at outreach events and science fairs. In Science
Olympiad, I participated in Technical Problem Solving and Compound Machines events. These
events gave me a glimpse at mechanical engineering as I built devices with my partner, and how to
think creatively and logically, which are key in the science
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Scholarship Extension
I request an extension of my scholarship, my registration number is 387016, IВґm doing my PhD at
the University of Windsor in Ontario Canada. The reason for a scholarship extension is due to
forces outside of me, related to the availability of instruments required for the development of my
thesis as well as emerging issues during the research process of the thesis and that are necessary to
be address. The extension of the thesis would allow me to conclude with a complete and well–done
thesis. Most of my thesis is completed (approximately 80%), including optimized enzymatic
treatment processes for different substrates, statistical analysis, determination of possible toxic
products after treatment, among others. During the realization of the thesis questions arose that had
to be solved in order to have a complete research. These unknowns were not contemplated from the
beginning since it was not expected to have such results so it is now necessary to sustain and explain more content...
Once the method was establish, several samples were tried to identify products accurately to find
the evidence for azo splitting. We obtained, some positive results but further measurements should
be done to ensure the results, and get a better identification of other products. The first
measurements yielded results that indicated that it would be necessary to modify something during
the process in order to obtain greater clarity and to improve the sensitivity of the process, since
although positive results were obtained they were not conclusive. This required a team called
collector of sample fractions, so it took me a while to learn how to use it and apply it to my
samples. It is necessary to clarify that the instruments that I use for the measurements are shared by
other students which implies to make arrangements to be able to use them reducing the time that can
be dedicated to
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Student Athlete Scholarship Essay
–Scholarship is a financially award for their next education. there are requirements or criteria to be a
scholar, which is like value, he contribution of the awardee and getting and sometimes getting a very
high Grades. Student athlete scholarships are available from a wide variety of sources, ranging from
the university you choose to attend to numerous private funds. Both national and local scholarships
for student athletes can be found, funded by anyone from the local Dollars for Scholars to
multinational corporations. Additionally, you don't have to be on yourcollege's official team to win a
student athlete scholarship. Several scholarship opportunities are given to students who have played
sports in high school, or who otherwise show
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Pilot Scholarship Application Examples
The responsibility with becoming an executive of Environmental Club was exciting yet
intimidating. The teacher's strike left rotting recycling from June, requiring immediate disposal.
Numerous obstacles, including the retirement of our teacher sponsor, the graduation of former
executives, having left limited information on essential duties, and the closing of the previously
used recycling depot left me feeling nervous to say the least. However, I was excited to take on
this unique role. We confronted each problem as a new team and delegated roles. As Treasurer, I
restructured finances and operational logistics. I spent days researching sustainability practices and
delved into the work ethic of various recycling companies. Not only did I more content...
Sharing a picture of cherished ones captures instances of community, family and friendship; whilst
allowing us to relive the memorable occasion. I recognized my passion for photography when I
began documenting my life as a mere pastime. The more I posted, the more ecstatic I became as
responses from the online community were overwhelmingly supportive. As I expanded into my
network of blogging, I shifted towards providing inspiration to making healthy and sustainable
choices in diet. Although I was never a strong voice for nutrition, I integrated a distinct alternative
lifestyle that was galvanized by a plethora of like minded
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Character Scholarships Sample
The Community of Character committee recognizes exemplary individuals and organizations in the
community who demonstrate responsibility, compassion, self‐discipline, honesty, respect and
integrity. Select high school students will also be honored with Juanita Haugen Community of
Character Scholarships.
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Reflective Essay: Applying To A Scholarship
I hesitated at first when debating whether or not I should apply to this scholarship; as a white
person, I felt that it wouldn't be right to apply to a scholarship for racial diversity. Nevertheless, I
believe that I can help ease racial tensions and push our society towards the acceptance of
equality. As a Bulgarian, I feel that I can relate to at least some of the struggles faced today by
people of color. People have teased me and have made assumptions about me based on my
nationality; I am a foreigner wherever I go. I am "the American" in Bulgaria, and "the Bulgarian"
in America. I have been called a communist, and have had my Bulgarian heritage generalized to
being "basically like Russia." I know how simultaneously frustrating and painful such experiences
can be. I have been able to deal with this struggles, but I know others are not as fortunate. I can only
imagine how horrible the prejudices people face must be when they cannot hide their differences.
Those who attempt to speak up for themselves or others often get attacked verbally and socially, if
not more content...
People defend racist remarks as jokes, dismiss activists as entitled children, and ignore the
struggles of marginalized groups. People like Donald Trump rise to power by preaching hate and
encouraging prejudice. At times, I cannot fathom how backwards our world continues to be.
Though real change can seem nearly impossible to achieve, I believe that our nation can work to
be better. I hope that I can be a catalyst for change. I would like to be in the Darwin T. Turner
Scholarship Program because I want to work with people who feel the same way, to help make
difference, however small it may be, that will lead us towards true
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Fine Arts Scholarship Essay
I started at taking art classes in high school to explore how I might use art to change and shape
the world around me and I started to learn the demands and possibilities of what art could do and
what I could do. From fifth grade into my sophomore year college my mother had cancer and
various types at that, and so 50% of my responsibilities were home and the other 50% were at
school. I ended up missing school often, but I managed to graduate high school in three years so my
mother could see me graduate because it was one of her dreams. After high school graduation, I
quickly jumped into community college starting in the summer. In college, I had responsibilities at
home but I found my self always thinking and making art. I started taking more content...
I want a damp forehead because I am working so hard, and I want to wake up with charcoal on my
face because I had been up all night finishing an assignment. The major I want to pursue is Fine
Arts because I cannot see myself doing anything else than wanting to make fine art. The fine arts
program will allow me to intertwine the arts, and take classes I intend to accomplish and achieve
knowledge that will help pursue my aspiration of being a working artist in today's world. Going into
an area that may not have a very optimistic employment opportunities has put my friends and family
on an edge but I can do this and I can do it well. I am setting out to learn what I do yet understand
and fully believe this is what I am must to do.
I have interest in subjects other than the fine arts as well. Acting, theatre, and music are other
types of art that I can engage and emerge myself in, and find ways I can relate it to my artwork.
Any new experience truly makes my art better. I am so excited to try to learn new ways of
expressing and becoming skilled. Gaining the skills of global thinking, problem solving,
communication and finding ways of how I can intertwine art. Enhance knowledge of science and
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Nursing Scholarship Essay Sample
After graduating Anacortes High school I plan on attending a four year private liberal arts
university. I will be pursing a Bachelors of Science in Nursing leading to a career as a Registered
Nurse. My main interest is a specialty in pediatrics. Following a month stay at Children's Hospital
after enduring emergency surgery and a difficult recovery I decided nursing is what I'm meant to
do. The nurses inspired me, and I hope that I can help a family and child in the same way that they
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8th Grade Scholarship Essay Examples
8th grade scholarship essay delta charter
Before I came to delta charter i went to a catholic school and i had good friend named robert but
last year i went to a corn maze like every year i go with some friend.last year was different because
i went with different friends but robert still came then while we were in the corn maze he started
to mimic me so my first decision was to turn around and hit him in the face i felt so bad the next day at patterson high orientation i saw him and said sorry for the time i hit then i saw the
scear from me hitting him and the that made me more sad that i did that so when i said sorry he
forgave me. Being kind is very important especially being an eighth grader not knowing what goes
on in high school.
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Low Income Student Scholarship Essay
As a low–income student, life can be very hard. There are many academic, social, and emotional
pressures coming from many different sources. He or she is expected to overcome these obstacles
that arise, and deal with them just as any other student would. I am a low–income student myself and
I truly believe I have overcome such challenges, and rose up to the occasion of the things life has
thrown my way. My passion and experiences will definitely lead me to leadership, service, and
academic success at Moravian. Due to my family's financial woes, we were forced to move from
place to place multiple times. Almost every time, I was bullied for being different. Everywhere we
moved, it was a low income neighborhood. I wasn't as rowdy as more content...
This year, I took control of Welcome Team, which was a bit disorganized from previous years. So
far, we have helped welcome incoming freshman at orientation, helped at Open House, given tours to
new students, and helped hand out programs at the choral concerts. This is quite one of my proudest
achievements, because I never would have thought that I could grow a club so much in only a few
months. Especially since welcoming is such an important aspect of feeling included in an
atmosphere, I thought that if Welcome Team grew, then perhaps social inclusion at Liberty would be
more prevalent. I have also tutored other students at Liberty through National Honors Society. I have
tutored students in Algebra, Geometry, Biology, and Spanish. One time in particular, earlier this
year, I tutored a student who was in In–School Suspension. He was having trouble with his Spanish
work, and I specifically remember his saying that no one ever really tried to ever understand him,
and that I was actually helping him. I believe in that moment, I recognized the potential I have to
truly make a difference in the lives of others. That is one of the main things I've always longed to
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International Student Scholarship Essay
Allan Moyes Leadership Scholarship / International Student Scholarship
Respected Scholarship Awards Committee:
Most of the graduates alike me don't discover their management zeal until they've knocked around
the workplace for a few years. However, a core of my ambitious pre–entrepreneurial undertakings
and a series of coherent roles & responsibilities made me clear that deep down I have a desire to
pursue leadership roles down the lane and I believe, a master of management degree from Macquarie
would acquaint me with skills and potential to work with senior business leaders to create effective
strategies that deal with the pressing business issues, to become an innovator, an influencer, and a
decision–maker across all areas of more content...
During my tenure, I played a vital role towards bringing in key reforms that ensured better
infrastructure facilities for the students residing on campus, which included uninterrupted internet
connectivity, hygiene surroundings, and upgraded sports inventory. Also, I was the sole point of
contact between the management and the students hailing from the southern part of India who were
accounting for more than 50% of the headcount.
Apart from serving my student council term, I was also heading the Show Management and Fine
Arts for our third edition of the annual national technical symposium which involved coordinating
with all the stakeholders, logistics and ensuring smooth operational activities across all verticals with
the help of a team of over 25 enthusiastic volunteers. Prior to this, I was volunteering for the
Marketing and Show Management teams during our second edition of the annual national technical
symposium while in my
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Why I Deserve This Scholarship
I should be chosen for this scholarship because I am a positive, hard working student who is very
involved in my school and my community, and has future goals. I believe that I hold all those
characteristics, plus many more.
School is very important to me. I show this by working hard in my classes and being involved in
extracurricular activities. I have received all A's throughout my high school years and my teachers
can always depend on me. At school I am a member of Fellowship of Christian Athletics, Math Club,
Smith Cotton United Foreign Language Club, Key Club, Show Choir, National Honor Society, and
the Tennis team. I enjoy activities where I can learn and have fun at the same time.
School to me though is not just about getting the good grades, it is also about reaching out and
helping other students. Through the activities that I am involved in, I try to be a leader, but not
in the normal ways that one might think of. I am a leader by being nice to others, praising them
when they are doing something well, and by showing the right example. People will respect and
look up to you if you show them love and compassion. To me that is what a leader is all about. Not
only do I work hard at school to get good grades and to be a leader, but I also work hard out of
school. For the past three years I have been working for the Wheeler and Woolery families. During
my time with these families, I have babysat Ms. Woolery's two children, worked at the Pork Place
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Future Leaders Scholarship Essay
My goals are to attend college and to continue to support issues such as women empowerment,
which I have been actively supporting the past 4 years. I desire to major in informatics because I
would like to go into a field that not many women go into and I desire to minor (or perhaps double
major if possible) in business because the female to male ratio of leaders in the business are
depressingly low for females in America today, despite the fact that women are just as capable as
men in the workplace. I believe that the KPMG Future Leaders Program's goal for developing
future generations of women leaders is personally, my perfect opportunity. The scholarship provided
in this program would help me go to the best college of my choice to receive
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Agriculture Scholarship
Whittni Ananin
Department of Agriculture and Nutrition Scholarship Essay
9 January, 2017
I choose to pursue an agriculture degree because I have always felt drawn to the field. I have
loved animals and felt a strong desire to care for them since I was a little girl. Animals mean the
world to me and when they're doing well, my heart can rest. I absolutely love farm animals and
fully intend to have my own sort of miniature zoo on a hobby farm. During high school I was in FFA
and 4H and thoroughly enjoyed showing chickens and rabbits. I started out as a biology major at
Dixie State but did not find satisfaction because there were no animal science courses available, but
I was unable to leave my family and live elsewhere so I remained unhappy.
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My Experience At The Jefferson Scholarship Essay
I believe that my academic strengths, leadership ability, and appreciation of those who are different
from me make me a great candidate for the Jefferson scholarship. I've demonstrated unusual
academic ability since elementary school. During my time at River Oaks Elementary, an
International Baccalaureate school, I enjoyed and excelled in the Gifted and Talented program. My
second–grade teacher told my parents at the end of the year that in his opinion I already knew all
the material that I would learn in third grade. Therefore, he recommended that I skip the grade
entirely. Although my parents didn't let me skip third grade, I continued to challenge myself. I
asked for extra homework and devoured half the books in the library in my spare time. My
wonderful teachers let me work at an accelerated pace and gave me higher level problems to keep
me interested and enthusiastic about school. Similarly, my eighth–grade Spanish teacher strongly
recommended that I skip Spanish II and head straight to Spanish III my freshman year. This time, I
was old enough to express my desire to accelerate my learning; I urged my parents to let me skip
the class and reassured them that I wouldn't be too overwhelmed. They trusted my judgement, and
I'm so thankful that I made this decision. I borrowed my teacher's book over the summer and pored
over it for an hour every day until I was confident in my abilities. It was intimidating walking into the
sophomore– and junior–filled class on that first
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Athletic Scholarships Essay
Athletic Scholarships
There are many good athletes in professional sports today. There are many good athletes in
college sports today also. Some of the biggest names in sports are Mark McGwire, Steve Young,
Michael Jordan, Allen Iverson, and so on. Now, imagine if all of those players never made it to the
pros. What would happen to professional sports? Why are they in the pros now? To make it into
professional sports you need more than just talent. You need opportunity. Collegescholarships not
only give athletes the opportunity to reach the professional ranks, but also give the chance for
many players to earn a degree in higher education. Many people dream of being a professional
athlete. Some people make it a reality, more content...
After it's done baking, the final product is a delicious cake. The cake can't be complete without it
being baked. There can not be a missed step in the process. Could Mark McGwire have made it to
the pros without attending The University of Southern California(USC) on an athletic scholarship or
Michael Jordan without attending North Carolina, Allen Iverson without attending Georgetown
University, or Steve Young without attendingBrigham Young University? To earn a spot on a roster,
you can not miss a step in the process of getting there. A college scholarship is a giant step. Along
with college scholarships being a step to making it into professional sports, it is also many times
the only way for some people to earn a college degree. College is very expensive and can many
times run young adults into a large debt once out of college. For example, USC can cost up to
$25,000 a year to attend. That includes tuition, books, parking, room, and board. At the end of a 4
year term at USC, the total comes out to about $100,000. That $100,000 is excluding other living
expenses such as gas, car payment, car insurance, clothing, and general spending money. Not only is
that figure contained to USC but can be easily applied to Georgetown, Brigham Young and The
University of North Carolina. That's a very expensive education and not everybody has the luxury of
spending that much money. Many people would
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Dream Scholarship Essay
I come from a small town and a family who hasn't always had luxurious things but has never went
without the things we must have. For that I will forever be grateful. Watching my father and
mother struggle to provide for my sisters and I strongly motivated me to want to earn a higher
education. I hope to have a career that I both enjoy and that allows me to provide many things for
myself and future family. I know that because of my family's financial stability this will not because
I have many goals in life, one of those being to become a dentist. I do not want to be just any dentist,
I want to be a dentist for low income families so that more people are able to afford the proper
dental care. To do so I have a long rigorous road ahead of me but I am not frightened by this. I have
always strived to attended school and my desire to do so will only become stronger as I get older. I
love learning because while one might not always have a lot in life, if you have knowledge, there
are no limits. I have always believed that knowledge is power and not only will getting a higher more content...
When students think about going to college of course the first thing they think of is the cost.
However, I am not going to just any college, I am going to a private all women's college, not
because I want to but because I need to. Meredith College is the best fit for me for so many
reasons. One of those reasons being that they offer a pre–dental program that other public
universities do not. Paying for a private college is already going to be hard for my family and I not
to mention paying for dental school after I graduate undergrad school. I have applied to many
scholarships and already received quite a few but I am still far from reaching my goal of being able
to comfortably pay for my college
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Community Leadership Scholarship Essay
I would be grateful to be considered for one of your twenty TD scholarships for community
leadership. Kindly allow me to introduce myself. I am a dedicated, hard–working student who
believes it is important to commit oneself to effectively take advantage of the opportunity in
improving my own community's quality of life by doing volunteer work. I am currently in my last
year at Ajax high school, and upon my successful completion of this chapter in my life, I will be
receiving a post–secondary education. My goal is to pursue a career in the field of education,
specializing in special needs. This has been my passions from my early teen years; a passion, I
believe, has stemmed from by brother's autism diagnosis.
My community service is very diverse, more content...
At Ajax high school, I have volunteered in various departments. This involvement has equipped
me with a tremendous amount of leadership skills. I am a member of the general council. I also
volunteered in assisting the drama department in last year's musical. Through this job I painted
sets and helped make props for the actors to use. I enjoyed helping this department presenting this
play because I see first hand how even the smallest tasks can elevate a simple school play to a
dramatic masterpiece. My contribution brought me great joy. Alongside with assisting the
musical, I have volunteered, to helping my school tech crew. I was also involved in a
kindergarten graduation. Although I do not consider myself "Techy", I felt it was important to get
involved in my school, so I made myself available and surprised myself into what a contributed. It
was a great success. In addition, I have volunteered I my school's after school program and helping
with events that are held, for example, Grade 9 day. This was the first day of high school for those
coming from junior school. We meet the new freshmen and make myself available to them if they or
their parent needed assistance.
As I progress throughout life I know I will always be involved in community service because of
the rewarding experiences. Not just because I think it is important, but because it is something I
enjoy doing and look forward to. I love bringing joy to others and
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Student Ambassador Scholarship
The reason I would be a good fit for the Ambassador Program is I am a well–organized person, good
communications skills, and have a passion to help others succeed. I enjoy doing anything and
everything I can to help someone out. I also am very determined to succeed, one thing that I've
always strived to do is to keep trying. I'm the type of person who believes perseverance is the
absolute key to success. Throughout my life, I have had many great opportunities to help shape
myself into the person I am today, which would be of great benefit if I was a part of the Student
Ambassador program.
I was fortunate enough to get involved into the modeling and acting business in high school, and
managed to learn so much from it. Of all the hours I spent
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Essays For Scholarships Samples

  • 1. Minority Scholarships The various ethnicities that comprise the student body across the country has influenced education in today's society. At any time one can look up the breakdown of the different ethnic groups in schools, and I see the greatest effect of this statistic translating into money being given to further education particularly at the college level. With senior year in progress, college is right around the corner, and much more inevitable for a successful future than ever before in the world we live in. But in order to receive an education at the collegiate level, we must be able to afford it, which is a pivotal factor regarding choices in individuals' lives. While everyone is different, the scholarships that a certain person is presented with are more content... If the concept of the social construct is created to include race relations, isn't irony at the center of the reasoning behind "equal" education? Rather than enforcing criteria to attain a scholarship, my opinion is that these scholarships influence people's views on race relations. President Obama brought up a very paramount remark in "Poll finds most think race relations are bad" by stating, "For too long we've been blind to the way past injustices continue to shape the present" (Sack). I believe this is an accurate comment since as of late we have seen the support, as well as the objection, towards the Confederate flag flying in South Carolina. In other words, turmoil has not completely gone away in regards to physical appearance as depicted by the discrepancy in South Carolina, demonstrating the controversy between those of various looks with their scholarship opportunities. With this being said, it can be inferred that there are multiple outlooks on the scholarship considerations. In fact, white students receive more than three–quarters (76%) of all institutional merit–based scholarship and grant funding while making up 61.8% of the population (Kantrowitz) as opposed to minorities, making up the remaining 38.2% of the population, receiving 48.5% of financial aid grants because they are more likely to be low–income Get more content on
  • 2. STEM Scholarship Essay I should be considered by the Galactic Unite Bytheway STEM Scholarship program for not only my lifelong passion for math and science, but also my dedication to challenge myself, diverse interests, and career goals. 5x^3+ 35. Barium Hydroxide. Marie Daly. As a fourth grader, I would avidly listen to the middle schoolers as they prepared for the NOBBCChe Science Bowl. My mother and father were both volunteers for our local NOBCChe (National Organization of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers) chapter while living in Michigan. While shadowing my parents preparing for science bowls and quizzing contestants, my interest was piqued in STEM. Additionally, I learned of the African American chemical engineers and chemists and their impacts in everyday life. I remember while tagging along to a regional conference and I noticed Mae Jemison, my lifelong STEM role model, was a keynote speaker! The more content... I was too young to compete, and by the time I was old enough, my family had relocated to Georgia. Although my opportunity was stifled, my passion for STEM was not. While in middle school, I seized the chance to apply to a STEM magnet school and was accepted. Today I am grateful for my experience as I've taken advanced math and science courses that will prepare me for college. I also was Vice President of my school's Science Club and member of the Science Olympiad Team. I learned about community opportunities and different applications of science through these extracurriculars. Through Science Club, I led and performed experiments for elementary and Special Education students interested in STEM at outreach events and science fairs. In Science Olympiad, I participated in Technical Problem Solving and Compound Machines events. These events gave me a glimpse at mechanical engineering as I built devices with my partner, and how to think creatively and logically, which are key in the science Get more content on
  • 3. Scholarship Extension I request an extension of my scholarship, my registration number is 387016, IВґm doing my PhD at the University of Windsor in Ontario Canada. The reason for a scholarship extension is due to forces outside of me, related to the availability of instruments required for the development of my thesis as well as emerging issues during the research process of the thesis and that are necessary to be address. The extension of the thesis would allow me to conclude with a complete and well–done thesis. Most of my thesis is completed (approximately 80%), including optimized enzymatic treatment processes for different substrates, statistical analysis, determination of possible toxic products after treatment, among others. During the realization of the thesis questions arose that had to be solved in order to have a complete research. These unknowns were not contemplated from the beginning since it was not expected to have such results so it is now necessary to sustain and explain more content... Once the method was establish, several samples were tried to identify products accurately to find the evidence for azo splitting. We obtained, some positive results but further measurements should be done to ensure the results, and get a better identification of other products. The first measurements yielded results that indicated that it would be necessary to modify something during the process in order to obtain greater clarity and to improve the sensitivity of the process, since although positive results were obtained they were not conclusive. This required a team called collector of sample fractions, so it took me a while to learn how to use it and apply it to my samples. It is necessary to clarify that the instruments that I use for the measurements are shared by other students which implies to make arrangements to be able to use them reducing the time that can be dedicated to Get more content on
  • 4. Student Athlete Scholarship Essay –Scholarship is a financially award for their next education. there are requirements or criteria to be a scholar, which is like value, he contribution of the awardee and getting and sometimes getting a very high Grades. Student athlete scholarships are available from a wide variety of sources, ranging from the university you choose to attend to numerous private funds. Both national and local scholarships for student athletes can be found, funded by anyone from the local Dollars for Scholars to multinational corporations. Additionally, you don't have to be on yourcollege's official team to win a student athlete scholarship. Several scholarship opportunities are given to students who have played sports in high school, or who otherwise show Get more content on
  • 5. Pilot Scholarship Application Examples The responsibility with becoming an executive of Environmental Club was exciting yet intimidating. The teacher's strike left rotting recycling from June, requiring immediate disposal. Numerous obstacles, including the retirement of our teacher sponsor, the graduation of former executives, having left limited information on essential duties, and the closing of the previously used recycling depot left me feeling nervous to say the least. However, I was excited to take on this unique role. We confronted each problem as a new team and delegated roles. As Treasurer, I restructured finances and operational logistics. I spent days researching sustainability practices and delved into the work ethic of various recycling companies. Not only did I more content... Sharing a picture of cherished ones captures instances of community, family and friendship; whilst allowing us to relive the memorable occasion. I recognized my passion for photography when I began documenting my life as a mere pastime. The more I posted, the more ecstatic I became as responses from the online community were overwhelmingly supportive. As I expanded into my network of blogging, I shifted towards providing inspiration to making healthy and sustainable choices in diet. Although I was never a strong voice for nutrition, I integrated a distinct alternative lifestyle that was galvanized by a plethora of like minded Get more content on
  • 6. Character Scholarships Sample The Community of Character committee recognizes exemplary individuals and organizations in the community who demonstrate responsibility, compassion, self‐discipline, honesty, respect and integrity. Select high school students will also be honored with Juanita Haugen Community of Character Scholarships. Get more content on
  • 7. Reflective Essay: Applying To A Scholarship I hesitated at first when debating whether or not I should apply to this scholarship; as a white person, I felt that it wouldn't be right to apply to a scholarship for racial diversity. Nevertheless, I believe that I can help ease racial tensions and push our society towards the acceptance of equality. As a Bulgarian, I feel that I can relate to at least some of the struggles faced today by people of color. People have teased me and have made assumptions about me based on my nationality; I am a foreigner wherever I go. I am "the American" in Bulgaria, and "the Bulgarian" in America. I have been called a communist, and have had my Bulgarian heritage generalized to being "basically like Russia." I know how simultaneously frustrating and painful such experiences can be. I have been able to deal with this struggles, but I know others are not as fortunate. I can only imagine how horrible the prejudices people face must be when they cannot hide their differences. Those who attempt to speak up for themselves or others often get attacked verbally and socially, if not more content... People defend racist remarks as jokes, dismiss activists as entitled children, and ignore the struggles of marginalized groups. People like Donald Trump rise to power by preaching hate and encouraging prejudice. At times, I cannot fathom how backwards our world continues to be. Though real change can seem nearly impossible to achieve, I believe that our nation can work to be better. I hope that I can be a catalyst for change. I would like to be in the Darwin T. Turner Scholarship Program because I want to work with people who feel the same way, to help make difference, however small it may be, that will lead us towards true Get more content on
  • 8. Fine Arts Scholarship Essay I started at taking art classes in high school to explore how I might use art to change and shape the world around me and I started to learn the demands and possibilities of what art could do and what I could do. From fifth grade into my sophomore year college my mother had cancer and various types at that, and so 50% of my responsibilities were home and the other 50% were at school. I ended up missing school often, but I managed to graduate high school in three years so my mother could see me graduate because it was one of her dreams. After high school graduation, I quickly jumped into community college starting in the summer. In college, I had responsibilities at home but I found my self always thinking and making art. I started taking more content... I want a damp forehead because I am working so hard, and I want to wake up with charcoal on my face because I had been up all night finishing an assignment. The major I want to pursue is Fine Arts because I cannot see myself doing anything else than wanting to make fine art. The fine arts program will allow me to intertwine the arts, and take classes I intend to accomplish and achieve knowledge that will help pursue my aspiration of being a working artist in today's world. Going into an area that may not have a very optimistic employment opportunities has put my friends and family on an edge but I can do this and I can do it well. I am setting out to learn what I do yet understand and fully believe this is what I am must to do. I have interest in subjects other than the fine arts as well. Acting, theatre, and music are other types of art that I can engage and emerge myself in, and find ways I can relate it to my artwork. Any new experience truly makes my art better. I am so excited to try to learn new ways of expressing and becoming skilled. Gaining the skills of global thinking, problem solving, communication and finding ways of how I can intertwine art. Enhance knowledge of science and Get more content on
  • 9. Nursing Scholarship Essay Sample After graduating Anacortes High school I plan on attending a four year private liberal arts university. I will be pursing a Bachelors of Science in Nursing leading to a career as a Registered Nurse. My main interest is a specialty in pediatrics. Following a month stay at Children's Hospital after enduring emergency surgery and a difficult recovery I decided nursing is what I'm meant to do. The nurses inspired me, and I hope that I can help a family and child in the same way that they helped Get more content on
  • 10. 8th Grade Scholarship Essay Examples 8th grade scholarship essay delta charter Before I came to delta charter i went to a catholic school and i had good friend named robert but last year i went to a corn maze like every year i go with some friend.last year was different because i went with different friends but robert still came then while we were in the corn maze he started to mimic me so my first decision was to turn around and hit him in the face i felt so bad the next day at patterson high orientation i saw him and said sorry for the time i hit then i saw the scear from me hitting him and the that made me more sad that i did that so when i said sorry he forgave me. Being kind is very important especially being an eighth grader not knowing what goes on in high school. Get more content on
  • 11. Low Income Student Scholarship Essay As a low–income student, life can be very hard. There are many academic, social, and emotional pressures coming from many different sources. He or she is expected to overcome these obstacles that arise, and deal with them just as any other student would. I am a low–income student myself and I truly believe I have overcome such challenges, and rose up to the occasion of the things life has thrown my way. My passion and experiences will definitely lead me to leadership, service, and academic success at Moravian. Due to my family's financial woes, we were forced to move from place to place multiple times. Almost every time, I was bullied for being different. Everywhere we moved, it was a low income neighborhood. I wasn't as rowdy as more content... This year, I took control of Welcome Team, which was a bit disorganized from previous years. So far, we have helped welcome incoming freshman at orientation, helped at Open House, given tours to new students, and helped hand out programs at the choral concerts. This is quite one of my proudest achievements, because I never would have thought that I could grow a club so much in only a few months. Especially since welcoming is such an important aspect of feeling included in an atmosphere, I thought that if Welcome Team grew, then perhaps social inclusion at Liberty would be more prevalent. I have also tutored other students at Liberty through National Honors Society. I have tutored students in Algebra, Geometry, Biology, and Spanish. One time in particular, earlier this year, I tutored a student who was in In–School Suspension. He was having trouble with his Spanish work, and I specifically remember his saying that no one ever really tried to ever understand him, and that I was actually helping him. I believe in that moment, I recognized the potential I have to truly make a difference in the lives of others. That is one of the main things I've always longed to Get more content on
  • 12. International Student Scholarship Essay Allan Moyes Leadership Scholarship / International Student Scholarship Respected Scholarship Awards Committee: Most of the graduates alike me don't discover their management zeal until they've knocked around the workplace for a few years. However, a core of my ambitious pre–entrepreneurial undertakings and a series of coherent roles & responsibilities made me clear that deep down I have a desire to pursue leadership roles down the lane and I believe, a master of management degree from Macquarie would acquaint me with skills and potential to work with senior business leaders to create effective strategies that deal with the pressing business issues, to become an innovator, an influencer, and a decision–maker across all areas of more content... During my tenure, I played a vital role towards bringing in key reforms that ensured better infrastructure facilities for the students residing on campus, which included uninterrupted internet connectivity, hygiene surroundings, and upgraded sports inventory. Also, I was the sole point of contact between the management and the students hailing from the southern part of India who were accounting for more than 50% of the headcount. Apart from serving my student council term, I was also heading the Show Management and Fine Arts for our third edition of the annual national technical symposium which involved coordinating with all the stakeholders, logistics and ensuring smooth operational activities across all verticals with the help of a team of over 25 enthusiastic volunteers. Prior to this, I was volunteering for the Marketing and Show Management teams during our second edition of the annual national technical symposium while in my Get more content on
  • 13. Why I Deserve This Scholarship I should be chosen for this scholarship because I am a positive, hard working student who is very involved in my school and my community, and has future goals. I believe that I hold all those characteristics, plus many more. School is very important to me. I show this by working hard in my classes and being involved in extracurricular activities. I have received all A's throughout my high school years and my teachers can always depend on me. At school I am a member of Fellowship of Christian Athletics, Math Club, Smith Cotton United Foreign Language Club, Key Club, Show Choir, National Honor Society, and the Tennis team. I enjoy activities where I can learn and have fun at the same time. School to me though is not just about getting the good grades, it is also about reaching out and helping other students. Through the activities that I am involved in, I try to be a leader, but not in the normal ways that one might think of. I am a leader by being nice to others, praising them when they are doing something well, and by showing the right example. People will respect and look up to you if you show them love and compassion. To me that is what a leader is all about. Not only do I work hard at school to get good grades and to be a leader, but I also work hard out of school. For the past three years I have been working for the Wheeler and Woolery families. During my time with these families, I have babysat Ms. Woolery's two children, worked at the Pork Place Get more content on
  • 14. Future Leaders Scholarship Essay My goals are to attend college and to continue to support issues such as women empowerment, which I have been actively supporting the past 4 years. I desire to major in informatics because I would like to go into a field that not many women go into and I desire to minor (or perhaps double major if possible) in business because the female to male ratio of leaders in the business are depressingly low for females in America today, despite the fact that women are just as capable as men in the workplace. I believe that the KPMG Future Leaders Program's goal for developing future generations of women leaders is personally, my perfect opportunity. The scholarship provided in this program would help me go to the best college of my choice to receive Get more content on
  • 15. Agriculture Scholarship Whittni Ananin Department of Agriculture and Nutrition Scholarship Essay 9 January, 2017 I choose to pursue an agriculture degree because I have always felt drawn to the field. I have loved animals and felt a strong desire to care for them since I was a little girl. Animals mean the world to me and when they're doing well, my heart can rest. I absolutely love farm animals and fully intend to have my own sort of miniature zoo on a hobby farm. During high school I was in FFA and 4H and thoroughly enjoyed showing chickens and rabbits. I started out as a biology major at Dixie State but did not find satisfaction because there were no animal science courses available, but I was unable to leave my family and live elsewhere so I remained unhappy. Get more content on
  • 16. My Experience At The Jefferson Scholarship Essay I believe that my academic strengths, leadership ability, and appreciation of those who are different from me make me a great candidate for the Jefferson scholarship. I've demonstrated unusual academic ability since elementary school. During my time at River Oaks Elementary, an International Baccalaureate school, I enjoyed and excelled in the Gifted and Talented program. My second–grade teacher told my parents at the end of the year that in his opinion I already knew all the material that I would learn in third grade. Therefore, he recommended that I skip the grade entirely. Although my parents didn't let me skip third grade, I continued to challenge myself. I asked for extra homework and devoured half the books in the library in my spare time. My wonderful teachers let me work at an accelerated pace and gave me higher level problems to keep me interested and enthusiastic about school. Similarly, my eighth–grade Spanish teacher strongly recommended that I skip Spanish II and head straight to Spanish III my freshman year. This time, I was old enough to express my desire to accelerate my learning; I urged my parents to let me skip the class and reassured them that I wouldn't be too overwhelmed. They trusted my judgement, and I'm so thankful that I made this decision. I borrowed my teacher's book over the summer and pored over it for an hour every day until I was confident in my abilities. It was intimidating walking into the sophomore– and junior–filled class on that first Get more content on
  • 17. Athletic Scholarships Essay Athletic Scholarships There are many good athletes in professional sports today. There are many good athletes in college sports today also. Some of the biggest names in sports are Mark McGwire, Steve Young, Michael Jordan, Allen Iverson, and so on. Now, imagine if all of those players never made it to the pros. What would happen to professional sports? Why are they in the pros now? To make it into professional sports you need more than just talent. You need opportunity. Collegescholarships not only give athletes the opportunity to reach the professional ranks, but also give the chance for many players to earn a degree in higher education. Many people dream of being a professional athlete. Some people make it a reality, more content... After it's done baking, the final product is a delicious cake. The cake can't be complete without it being baked. There can not be a missed step in the process. Could Mark McGwire have made it to the pros without attending The University of Southern California(USC) on an athletic scholarship or Michael Jordan without attending North Carolina, Allen Iverson without attending Georgetown University, or Steve Young without attendingBrigham Young University? To earn a spot on a roster, you can not miss a step in the process of getting there. A college scholarship is a giant step. Along with college scholarships being a step to making it into professional sports, it is also many times the only way for some people to earn a college degree. College is very expensive and can many times run young adults into a large debt once out of college. For example, USC can cost up to $25,000 a year to attend. That includes tuition, books, parking, room, and board. At the end of a 4 year term at USC, the total comes out to about $100,000. That $100,000 is excluding other living expenses such as gas, car payment, car insurance, clothing, and general spending money. Not only is that figure contained to USC but can be easily applied to Georgetown, Brigham Young and The University of North Carolina. That's a very expensive education and not everybody has the luxury of spending that much money. Many people would Get more content on
  • 18. Dream Scholarship Essay I come from a small town and a family who hasn't always had luxurious things but has never went without the things we must have. For that I will forever be grateful. Watching my father and mother struggle to provide for my sisters and I strongly motivated me to want to earn a higher education. I hope to have a career that I both enjoy and that allows me to provide many things for myself and future family. I know that because of my family's financial stability this will not because easy. I have many goals in life, one of those being to become a dentist. I do not want to be just any dentist, I want to be a dentist for low income families so that more people are able to afford the proper dental care. To do so I have a long rigorous road ahead of me but I am not frightened by this. I have always strived to attended school and my desire to do so will only become stronger as I get older. I love learning because while one might not always have a lot in life, if you have knowledge, there are no limits. I have always believed that knowledge is power and not only will getting a higher more content... When students think about going to college of course the first thing they think of is the cost. However, I am not going to just any college, I am going to a private all women's college, not because I want to but because I need to. Meredith College is the best fit for me for so many reasons. One of those reasons being that they offer a pre–dental program that other public universities do not. Paying for a private college is already going to be hard for my family and I not to mention paying for dental school after I graduate undergrad school. I have applied to many scholarships and already received quite a few but I am still far from reaching my goal of being able to comfortably pay for my college Get more content on
  • 19. Community Leadership Scholarship Essay I would be grateful to be considered for one of your twenty TD scholarships for community leadership. Kindly allow me to introduce myself. I am a dedicated, hard–working student who believes it is important to commit oneself to effectively take advantage of the opportunity in improving my own community's quality of life by doing volunteer work. I am currently in my last year at Ajax high school, and upon my successful completion of this chapter in my life, I will be receiving a post–secondary education. My goal is to pursue a career in the field of education, specializing in special needs. This has been my passions from my early teen years; a passion, I believe, has stemmed from by brother's autism diagnosis. My community service is very diverse, more content... At Ajax high school, I have volunteered in various departments. This involvement has equipped me with a tremendous amount of leadership skills. I am a member of the general council. I also volunteered in assisting the drama department in last year's musical. Through this job I painted sets and helped make props for the actors to use. I enjoyed helping this department presenting this play because I see first hand how even the smallest tasks can elevate a simple school play to a dramatic masterpiece. My contribution brought me great joy. Alongside with assisting the musical, I have volunteered, to helping my school tech crew. I was also involved in a kindergarten graduation. Although I do not consider myself "Techy", I felt it was important to get involved in my school, so I made myself available and surprised myself into what a contributed. It was a great success. In addition, I have volunteered I my school's after school program and helping with events that are held, for example, Grade 9 day. This was the first day of high school for those coming from junior school. We meet the new freshmen and make myself available to them if they or their parent needed assistance. As I progress throughout life I know I will always be involved in community service because of the rewarding experiences. Not just because I think it is important, but because it is something I enjoy doing and look forward to. I love bringing joy to others and Get more content on
  • 20. Student Ambassador Scholarship The reason I would be a good fit for the Ambassador Program is I am a well–organized person, good communications skills, and have a passion to help others succeed. I enjoy doing anything and everything I can to help someone out. I also am very determined to succeed, one thing that I've always strived to do is to keep trying. I'm the type of person who believes perseverance is the absolute key to success. Throughout my life, I have had many great opportunities to help shape myself into the person I am today, which would be of great benefit if I was a part of the Student Ambassador program. I was fortunate enough to get involved into the modeling and acting business in high school, and managed to learn so much from it. Of all the hours I spent Get more content on