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We respond to media products in many ways, some of the approaches may be in the 
manner in which we analyse; Genre (a type or category of media product e.g. action, horror 
etc.), Semiotics is looking at the signs in the film such as sounds/music and studying how 
they’re used e.g. the connotations. Representation the way a character or demographic is 
portrayed. Narrative the way the plot is told and developed. In this acritical I will be looking 
at the above four areas when analysing film texts. 
Leon is a Luc Besson directed film that was released in 1994; it stars Jean Reno as Leon, a 
young Natalie Portman and future Oscar nominee Gary Oldman. Leon is centred quite 
obviously on the character named Leon (Jean Reno) who is a highly capable, professional 
and deadly assassin living a life of solitude. We find all of this information about Leon in the 
very first scene which works as an exciting exposition scene to explain to the audience Leon 
is a very dangerous and professional killer. We see Leon take out an entire group of drug 
dealing gangsters with nothing but a pistol and stealth this works as character development 
because we learn Leon is somewhat of an anti-hero; because the characters he are killing 
are high up criminal but because he kills them he is not a full blown conventional hero like 
you would see in a Superhero film for example who’s code is never to kill . Mathilda (Natalie 
Portman) is a 12 year old New York girl who is living an undesirable life among her half-family. 
Her father stores drugs for two-faced cop Norman Stansfield (Gary Oldman). Only 
her little brother keeps Mathilda from breaking apart. One day, Stansfield and his team take 
cruel revenge on her father for stretching the drugs a little, thus killing the whole family. 
Only Mathilda, who was out shopping, survives by finding shelter in Léon's apartment in the 
moment of highest need. Soon, she finds out about the strange neighbour's unusual 
profession - killing - and desperately seeks his help in taking revenge for her little brother. 
This is the inciting incident for the movie. Reluctantly Leon accepts to train Mathilda for 
revenge and then a good 45 minutes of the film is spent training Mathilda up with multiple 
events taking place where Mathilda makes Leon move such as Mathilda telling a hotel 
receptionist that there lovers. Mathilda then goes back to the flat where her family killed to 
collect money and as she is finding the hidden money, Stansfield and numerous other 
policemen enter the building Stansfield is questioned on why he killed children and he 
shouts to the policeman that kids should be at school, and also shouts his office number. As 
Mathilda increases her confidence and experience, she locates Stansfield, follows him to his 
office in the DEA building in an attempt to kill him, only to be ambushed by Stansfield in a 
bathroom.This where the rising action starts. Léon, discovering her intentions after reading 
a note left for him by Mathilda, rushes to the building and rescues her, shooting two of 
Stansfield's men in the process. Stansfield is enraged that what he calls the "Italian hitman" 
has gone rogue and is killing his men. He confronts Tony and threatens him, eventually 
beating him into surrendering Léon's whereabouts. Later, as Mathilda returns home from
grocery shopping, an NYPD ESU team, sent by Stansfield, takes her hostage this the climax 
for the film and attempts to infiltrate Léon's apartment. Léon ambushes the ESU team and 
takes one of their members hostage, rapidly bartering him for Mathilda's freedom. As they 
slink back into the apartment, Léon creates a quick escape for Matilda as he reassures her 
and tells her that he loves her moments before they come for him. In the chaos that follows, 
Léon sneaks out of the apartment building disguised as a wounded ESU officer, almost 
unnoticed save for Stansfield who recognizes him and silently sneaks up and shoots him 
from behind. This is the falling action. Looming over the dying Léon, Stansfield jeers him 
haughtily. However just before he gives out, Léon places an object in Stansfield's hands, 
which he explains is "from Mathilda". Opening his hands, Stansfield recognizes it as the pin 
from a grenade and rips open Léon's vest to discover several grenades on his chest. 
Stansfield lets out a brief and final quip "Oh, shit" right before a massive explosion 
devastates them both. Mathilda heads to Tony's place as she was instructed to do by Léon. 
Tony will not give Mathilda more than a few dollars of the fortune Léon had amassed, which 
was being held by Tony. His reasoning is that she is not old enough to receive the large 
amount of money and that school should be her priority until she's older. When Mathilda 
asks Tony to give her a 'job', and insists that she can 'clean' as Léon had, Tony sternly 
informs her that he 'ain't got no work for a 12-year-old kid!' Having nowhere else to go, she 
is then seen going to Roosevelt Island using the Roosevelt Island Tramway. The next day, 
she returns to school in NJ. Seemingly readmitted to the school, Mathilda walks into a field 
in front of it with Léon's houseplant in hand, she digs a hole and plants the houseplant in the 
grounds of the school, as she had told Léon he should, "to give it roots." This is the 
denouement for the film. 
There are elements of the film that are used to develop the genre for example the setting of 
New York is very conventional for action thrillers because of the connotations of crime and 
violence in the alleys of the big city. The way the main protagonist, Leon, is pretty 
conventional there is an opening scene where he takes out a group of armed drug dealers 
with just his stealth and skill but the way his female companion is portrayed is very 
unconventional. She is a 12 year old girl set out for revenge against her family’s killer and 
has a strange attraction to the assassin looking after her and wants a relationship with him. 
Quite obviously this controversial and unconventional but I think besides that there is a 
positive image because its showing women can be strong and independent and not just 
adult women, young women also. Iconography is used throughout the film by using shots of 
landmarks in New York, close ups of guns and gun fights and the creation of an iconic 
costume that Leon wears, a black beanie hat and round sunglasses. Which when put on it 
seems Leon becomes a different person almost like the Heisenberg effect in the future 
Television show ‘Breaking Bad’. The style of the film also helps to develop the genre for 
example the fast-paced editing in the fight scenes.
The Departed 
The Departed is a Martin Scorsese directed film released in 2006. Starring; Leonardo 
DiCaprio (Multiple Oscar Nominee), Jack Nicholson (Multiple Oscar Winner) and Matt 
Damon (Oscar Winner). Martin Scorsese won best achievement in directing at the Oscars for 
this film and has been nominated numerous other times. The Departed is obviously a loved 
and critically acclaimed film but what most people don’t know is the film is an adaptation of 
a Japanese film called Infernal Affairs. The Departed has two main characters and it switches 
between the two stories throughout the film, the characters are very similar and both have 
started to work for the police force in Boston but have had different opportunities mainly 
unfairly. Colin Sullivan is one of the main characters, we see him 
from a young age being helped by an older man with money and 
groceries after the old man had collected protection money from 
the local grocery store. It turns out the Old man who helped 
Collin was the crime boss Frank Costello, Frank (Jack Nicholson) 
tells Colin (Matt Damon) if he wants to earn some extra money 
to come to his place after school. We fast forward in time and 
Colin goes through the police academy and quickly becomes a high ranking officer and gets 
all the way up to the special investigations unit because of his clean past and special help 
from Frank Costello. Billy Costigan (Leonardo DiCaprio) has had a much harder life. His 
uncle was shot in a mob related incident and it is 
hinted that the murderer was Frank Costello either first 
hand or had some involvement. There are also 
rumours that his Dad was involved with the mob but 
they remain unconfirmed rumours that Billy 
strongly denies. Billy also goes through the police 
academy at the same time as Colin and has showed he is 
a promising cadet. He works his way up through the police force working in drug raids until 
he gets a chance to be on the 
special investigations team. 
Colin and Billy’s interview for 
special investigations are on the 
same day and as Colin leaves 
with a smile on his face because 
he’s been accepted they call Billy 
in. Billy is not greeted with the 
same hospitality, Captain 
Queenan (Martin Sheen) and the 
unpleasant Staff Sergeant Dignam (Mark Wahlberg) are the ones interviewing him. Queenan 
shows Billy some respect but Dignam believes billy should be nowhere near the job and 
rants at him about his life making reference to his uncle and father working with the mob
and ends on ‘I know what you are, okay? I know what you are and I know what you are not. 
I'm the best friend you have on the face of this earth, and I'm gonna help you understand 
something, you punk. You're no fuckin' cop!’ Queenan offers one way he can still walk the 
force, to go undercover, as his family ties to organized crime make him a perfect infiltrator. 
He drops out of the academy and does time in prison on a fake assault charge to increase 
his credibility. This is where the opening credits appear which shows the audience all of the 
events before that point were character development and exposition to explain to the 
audience the plot of the movie. 
After being released from jail Billy is eating at the counter of a store like that in which 
Sullivan originally met Costello, Costigan confronts two Italian mobsters from Providence 
extorting protection money from the store owner. He beats the two men up badly, breaking 
his hand when he hits one of them. Costello learns of Costigan's actions and summons him 
to a meeting. He offers to protect Costigan from the Mafia, who, he promises, will return 
with reinforcements to kill Costigan. He invites Costigan into a back room where he instructs 
Mr. French (Ray Winstone), a senior member of Costello's crew, to check Costigan for 
weapons or a wire. Mr. French breaks Costigan's cast open and Costello beats Costigan's 
broken hand with a shoe, trying to get him to confess being a cop. Costigan withstands their 
beating and is accepted as a legitimate crook by Costello. Both Sullivan and Costigan gain 
credibility within their respective organizations. Sullivan visits a crime scene where the two 
Mafia men from Providence are found. Sullivan contacts Costello, who directs him to 
influence the investigators away from Costello. Both Sullivan and Costigan gain credibility 
within their respective organizations. 
Sullivan then visits a crime scene 
where the two Mafia men from 
Providence are found. Sullivan 
contacts Costello, who directs him to 
influence the investigators away from 
Costello. Numerous scenes happen 
after that which are just Colin and 
Billy getting higher up in their opposing organisation’s and gaining trust from the person at 
top until It becomes evident to both Sullivan and Costigan that there is a mole in each 
other's organization but they do not know each other’s identity, this is the inciting incident 
for the film and the plot point that kick-starts the main narrative. Costello tells Sullivan to 
find the "rat" among his crew. Sullivan asks for his crew members' social security numbers 
and other ID so he can track them down. Costigan searches for the informant and learns 
from a member of Costello's crew that Costello is an FBI informant, explaining why federal 
prosecutors repeatedly fail to indict and arrest Costello. Costigan visits Queenan at home 
late at night and tells him that Costello is an FBI informant. Then Ellerby puts Sullivan in 
charge of the investigation to find the mole in the Special Investigations Unit, citing his
"immaculate record." So Sullivan knows he’s safe because he’s looking for himself in the 
unit. Sullivan tells Costello to trail Queenan to a meeting with Costigan. Costigan gets away 
before Costello's men throw Queenan off the roof, landing at Costigan's feet. As Cosello's 
crew leaves, Costigan joins them, pretending he's just arrived to join them in the 
assassination. Fitzgibbons (David O'Hara) is mortally wounded. Back at their bar, Fitz fingers 
Costigan as the mole but dies before he can tell anyone else. A news report reveals that 
Delahunt (Rolston), a crew member, was an undercover cop and Dignam is forced to step 
down from the police force as a result. Using Queenan's phone, Sullivan reaches Costigan, 
and fails to persuade him to quit his work as a mole. Sullivan learns from Queenan's diary 
that Costello was an informant for the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He worries that his 
identity as a mole for Costello may be revealed. With Costigan's help, Costello is traced by 
the police to a cocaine pick-up, where a gunfight erupts between his crew and police, during 
which most of Costello's crew is killed. This is where the rising action starts in the film 
Sullivan confronts the wounded Costello, who admits he is an occasional FBI informant. 
Sullivan shoots him multiple times. Sullivan is applauded the next day for having killed 
Costello by everyone on the force. In good faith, Costigan comes to see him, seeking to get 
his civilian identity restored and to collect his back pay. He tells Sullivan he intends to 
resume his civilian life. Sullivan leaves to look up Costigan's employee record when Costigan 
notices the envelope from Costello on Sullivan's desk. Costigan finally realizes Sullivan is 
Costello's mole. Returning to his desk, Sullivan realizes that Costigan has figured out his true 
identity, so he erases Costigan's employee records from the police computer system. 
Madolyn tells Sullivan she's pregnant, but doesn't reveal who the father is. A few days later 
she receives a package in the mail from Costigan addressed to Sullivan. She opens it to find 
it contains a CD of Costello's recorded conversations with Sullivan. Sullivan walks in as she is 
listening and tries unsuccessfully to assuage her suspicions. He contacts Costigan, who 
reveals that Costello recorded every conversation he had with Sullivan. Costello left the 
recordings with his attorney, who has given them to Costigan. Costigan says he wants his 
civilian identity back or he will implicate Sullivan. They agree to meet on the roof of the 
building where Queenan died. 
When they meet, Costigan catches Sullivan off-guard and handcuffs him this scene is the 
climax of the film. As Costigan had secretly arranged, Officer Brown appears on the roof as 
well. Shocked to see Sullivan in handcuffs and held at gunpoint by Costigan, Brown draws 
his gun on Costigan. Costigan explains his actions by revealing that Sullivan is the mole. 
Costigan asks Brown why Dignam did not accompany him, but Brown doesn't answer. 
Costigan leads Sullivan to the elevator and Brown takes the stairs to follow them. When the 
elevator reaches the ground floor and the doors open, Officer Barrigan (Dale) shoots 
Costigan in the head. When Brown arrives, Barrigan kills him too. Barrigan reveals to 
Sullivan that Costello had more than one mole in the police and that Costello was going to 
give both of them up to the FBI. When Barrigan momentarily turns, Sullivan shoots him in
the head. At police headquarters, Sullivan concocts a story to protect him, identifying 
Barrigan as the mole and recommends Costigan for the Medal of Merit. At Costigan's 
funeral, Sullivan and Madolyn stand by the grave. Sullivan attempts to talk to her, but she 
ignores him and walks away all of the previous scenes were the falling action. As Sullivan 
walks to his apartment, he is met by Dignam, who shoots and kills him then the film ends 
this the denouement for the film and resolves the injustice of Costigans death. 
There are multiple elements of the film that help establish the genre, the setting for 
example, Boston, is a huge element of the film because the opening dialogue courtesy of 
Jack Nicholsons amazing voice over explains the rise of the Irish Mob in Boston “Twenty 
years after an Irishman couldn't get a fucking job, we had the presidency. May he rest in 
peace. That's what the niggers don't realize. If I got one thing against the black chappies, it's 
this - no one gives it to you. You have to take it.” This makes reference to the Kennedy 
assassination and the struggle of African-Americans in the USA. This tells the audience that 
the setting of Boston at the time of the film there is a rise of Irish Americans gaining power 
in cities like Boston by just taking it. The characters also help develop the genre because of 
the iconic nature of the big bad Frank Costello (Jack Nicholson) not only is he conventional 
to crime thrillers but the characteristics are also iconic for Scorsese movies. An ambitious, 
criminal with a short temper whose pride is ultimately his downfall (Frank Costello-Jack 
Nicholson) this is seen in other Scorsese movies such as Goodfellas with Henry Hill (Ray 
Liotta) taking this role, Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio) seen in Wolf of Wall street. 
Among many more examples. Other aspects that are iconic more to the director than the 
genre are the use of multiple tracking shots throughout the film which people link to 
Scorsese and the use of voiceovers by the main character which is seen at the beginning 
with the amazing Jack Nicholson voice over. The style of the film also helps develops the 
genre throughout the film for example whenever a character is about to die there is a black 
cross hidden somewhere in the mise en scene of the shot. 
Pulp Fiction 
Pulp fiction is a 1994 Quentin Tarantino film starring John Travolta, Uma Thurman, Samuel L. 
Jackson and Bruce Willis. The plot is told in an episodic non-linear structure and the timeline 
is not clear until the end when you think about it. Because the following scene may of 
happened before the previous and so on. The film I believe is mainly about 2 people’s 
stories, Vincent Vega (John Travolta) and Bruce Willis (Butch Coolidge). Vincent Vega has 
just returned from Amsterdam, where he lived for 3 years working for Marsellus Wallace. 
When he returns he is tasked with retrieving a case by Marsellus (the contents of which are
unknown) with Jules (Samuel L Jackson). Everything goes to plan and they retrieve the case 
but there is a hidden person in the bathroom that unloads a full gun clip at Vincent and Jules 
but not a single bullet hits. Jules takes this as a sign of god and says he’s retiring from being 
a gangster. They take one of the people that were in the flat with the case for Marsellus to 
talk to but when Jules drives over a speedbump to fast Vincent accidentally shoots the 
young man and the inside of the car is painted red. Jules and Vincent then take the car to a 
friend’s house that needs the body out of there within the hour. Marsellus sends a helper 
round to sort the situation out called Mr Wolf, they have to do some unpleasant tasks but 
the car is finally usable again. They go to breakfast after the ordeal and a robbery takes 
place mid-breakfast and Jules instead of killing them like he could of tries to get them away 
from robbing and gives them his money and tells them to get their life back on track. They 
then got to Marsellus and give the case back to Marsellus and Vincent is tasked with taking 
Marsellus wife out for the night, Mia Wallace (Uma Thurman). They have a good night and 
win a dancing competition but Mia snorts Vincent’s Heroin thinking its Cocaine and 
Overdoses. Vincent drives her to his dealer’s house to give her a shot of adrenaline and she 
Butch Coolidge is an aging boxer who is paid by Wallace to lose his next fight. But ends up 
killing the other boxer in the ring. Coolidge had placed bets on himself to win after it had 
leaked that he was going to throw the fight so the odds are ridiculously high. He flees from 
Marsellus and his gangsters but his girlfriend Fabienne forgets to bring his golden watch that 
has been in his family for many generations. Butch returns to his apartment and he faces 
Vincent and shoots and kills him. Later Butch bumps into Marsellus by accident there is a 
huge fight which ends in a rednecks gun shop. They are tied up and put in the basement, it 
turns out that the men are sadistic gay rapists. They take Marsellus into the next room and 
start to rape him as Butch escapes, Butch has a chance to leave and let whatever’s going to 
happen to Marsellus to happen but he returns and saves him and Marsellus says everything 
between them is cool now. 
The film uses multiple scenes that contain aspects of post modernism and pay homage to 
past music, film and television. For example there is intertextuality with films such as Grease 
and Saturday night fever, John Travoltas past work, which also makes it s elf-referentiality, in 
the scenes where John Travolta and Uma Thurman dance together (Saturday night fever), 
this also could be considered as parody. Also there is car scene which looks extremely 
similar to the Grease car scene. There is also a pastiche reference to the iconic Marilyn 
Monroe scene in 7 year itch where the skirt flies up and she tries to keep it down. There are 
many examples of this in the Jack Rabbit Slims restaurant becaus e all of waiter and 
waitresses are famous celebrities from the past. For example the waiter for Vincent and 
Mia’s table is dressed as Buddy Holly among other references to previous actors/ singers. 
There are also multiple self referentiality aspects of this scene to previous and future 
Tarrentino projects, for example Mia Wallace among other characters smoke Red Apple 
cigarettes (a brand invented by Tarrentino), which are used throughout Tarrentino’s work as
characters main choice of cigarette. There are also references throughout the film to future 
and past work. For example Mia talks about the pilot she appeared in which starred the 
‘Fox Force 5’ the characters of which are explained have extremely close similarities to the 5 
women that appear in Tarrentino’s future film ‘Kill Bill’.

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Essay plan 2

  • 1. Introduction We respond to media products in many ways, some of the approaches may be in the manner in which we analyse; Genre (a type or category of media product e.g. action, horror etc.), Semiotics is looking at the signs in the film such as sounds/music and studying how they’re used e.g. the connotations. Representation the way a character or demographic is portrayed. Narrative the way the plot is told and developed. In this acritical I will be looking at the above four areas when analysing film texts. Leon Leon is a Luc Besson directed film that was released in 1994; it stars Jean Reno as Leon, a young Natalie Portman and future Oscar nominee Gary Oldman. Leon is centred quite obviously on the character named Leon (Jean Reno) who is a highly capable, professional and deadly assassin living a life of solitude. We find all of this information about Leon in the very first scene which works as an exciting exposition scene to explain to the audience Leon is a very dangerous and professional killer. We see Leon take out an entire group of drug dealing gangsters with nothing but a pistol and stealth this works as character development because we learn Leon is somewhat of an anti-hero; because the characters he are killing are high up criminal but because he kills them he is not a full blown conventional hero like you would see in a Superhero film for example who’s code is never to kill . Mathilda (Natalie Portman) is a 12 year old New York girl who is living an undesirable life among her half-family. Her father stores drugs for two-faced cop Norman Stansfield (Gary Oldman). Only her little brother keeps Mathilda from breaking apart. One day, Stansfield and his team take cruel revenge on her father for stretching the drugs a little, thus killing the whole family. Only Mathilda, who was out shopping, survives by finding shelter in Léon's apartment in the moment of highest need. Soon, she finds out about the strange neighbour's unusual profession - killing - and desperately seeks his help in taking revenge for her little brother. This is the inciting incident for the movie. Reluctantly Leon accepts to train Mathilda for revenge and then a good 45 minutes of the film is spent training Mathilda up with multiple events taking place where Mathilda makes Leon move such as Mathilda telling a hotel receptionist that there lovers. Mathilda then goes back to the flat where her family killed to collect money and as she is finding the hidden money, Stansfield and numerous other policemen enter the building Stansfield is questioned on why he killed children and he shouts to the policeman that kids should be at school, and also shouts his office number. As Mathilda increases her confidence and experience, she locates Stansfield, follows him to his office in the DEA building in an attempt to kill him, only to be ambushed by Stansfield in a bathroom.This where the rising action starts. Léon, discovering her intentions after reading a note left for him by Mathilda, rushes to the building and rescues her, shooting two of Stansfield's men in the process. Stansfield is enraged that what he calls the "Italian hitman" has gone rogue and is killing his men. He confronts Tony and threatens him, eventually beating him into surrendering Léon's whereabouts. Later, as Mathilda returns home from
  • 2. grocery shopping, an NYPD ESU team, sent by Stansfield, takes her hostage this the climax for the film and attempts to infiltrate Léon's apartment. Léon ambushes the ESU team and takes one of their members hostage, rapidly bartering him for Mathilda's freedom. As they slink back into the apartment, Léon creates a quick escape for Matilda as he reassures her and tells her that he loves her moments before they come for him. In the chaos that follows, Léon sneaks out of the apartment building disguised as a wounded ESU officer, almost unnoticed save for Stansfield who recognizes him and silently sneaks up and shoots him from behind. This is the falling action. Looming over the dying Léon, Stansfield jeers him haughtily. However just before he gives out, Léon places an object in Stansfield's hands, which he explains is "from Mathilda". Opening his hands, Stansfield recognizes it as the pin from a grenade and rips open Léon's vest to discover several grenades on his chest. Stansfield lets out a brief and final quip "Oh, shit" right before a massive explosion devastates them both. Mathilda heads to Tony's place as she was instructed to do by Léon. Tony will not give Mathilda more than a few dollars of the fortune Léon had amassed, which was being held by Tony. His reasoning is that she is not old enough to receive the large amount of money and that school should be her priority until she's older. When Mathilda asks Tony to give her a 'job', and insists that she can 'clean' as Léon had, Tony sternly informs her that he 'ain't got no work for a 12-year-old kid!' Having nowhere else to go, she is then seen going to Roosevelt Island using the Roosevelt Island Tramway. The next day, she returns to school in NJ. Seemingly readmitted to the school, Mathilda walks into a field in front of it with Léon's houseplant in hand, she digs a hole and plants the houseplant in the grounds of the school, as she had told Léon he should, "to give it roots." This is the denouement for the film. There are elements of the film that are used to develop the genre for example the setting of New York is very conventional for action thrillers because of the connotations of crime and violence in the alleys of the big city. The way the main protagonist, Leon, is pretty conventional there is an opening scene where he takes out a group of armed drug dealers with just his stealth and skill but the way his female companion is portrayed is very unconventional. She is a 12 year old girl set out for revenge against her family’s killer and has a strange attraction to the assassin looking after her and wants a relationship with him. Quite obviously this controversial and unconventional but I think besides that there is a positive image because its showing women can be strong and independent and not just adult women, young women also. Iconography is used throughout the film by using shots of landmarks in New York, close ups of guns and gun fights and the creation of an iconic costume that Leon wears, a black beanie hat and round sunglasses. Which when put on it seems Leon becomes a different person almost like the Heisenberg effect in the future Television show ‘Breaking Bad’. The style of the film also helps to develop the genre for example the fast-paced editing in the fight scenes.
  • 3. The Departed The Departed is a Martin Scorsese directed film released in 2006. Starring; Leonardo DiCaprio (Multiple Oscar Nominee), Jack Nicholson (Multiple Oscar Winner) and Matt Damon (Oscar Winner). Martin Scorsese won best achievement in directing at the Oscars for this film and has been nominated numerous other times. The Departed is obviously a loved and critically acclaimed film but what most people don’t know is the film is an adaptation of a Japanese film called Infernal Affairs. The Departed has two main characters and it switches between the two stories throughout the film, the characters are very similar and both have started to work for the police force in Boston but have had different opportunities mainly unfairly. Colin Sullivan is one of the main characters, we see him from a young age being helped by an older man with money and groceries after the old man had collected protection money from the local grocery store. It turns out the Old man who helped Collin was the crime boss Frank Costello, Frank (Jack Nicholson) tells Colin (Matt Damon) if he wants to earn some extra money to come to his place after school. We fast forward in time and Colin goes through the police academy and quickly becomes a high ranking officer and gets all the way up to the special investigations unit because of his clean past and special help from Frank Costello. Billy Costigan (Leonardo DiCaprio) has had a much harder life. His uncle was shot in a mob related incident and it is hinted that the murderer was Frank Costello either first hand or had some involvement. There are also rumours that his Dad was involved with the mob but they remain unconfirmed rumours that Billy strongly denies. Billy also goes through the police academy at the same time as Colin and has showed he is a promising cadet. He works his way up through the police force working in drug raids until he gets a chance to be on the special investigations team. Colin and Billy’s interview for special investigations are on the same day and as Colin leaves with a smile on his face because he’s been accepted they call Billy in. Billy is not greeted with the same hospitality, Captain Queenan (Martin Sheen) and the unpleasant Staff Sergeant Dignam (Mark Wahlberg) are the ones interviewing him. Queenan shows Billy some respect but Dignam believes billy should be nowhere near the job and rants at him about his life making reference to his uncle and father working with the mob
  • 4. and ends on ‘I know what you are, okay? I know what you are and I know what you are not. I'm the best friend you have on the face of this earth, and I'm gonna help you understand something, you punk. You're no fuckin' cop!’ Queenan offers one way he can still walk the force, to go undercover, as his family ties to organized crime make him a perfect infiltrator. He drops out of the academy and does time in prison on a fake assault charge to increase his credibility. This is where the opening credits appear which shows the audience all of the events before that point were character development and exposition to explain to the audience the plot of the movie. After being released from jail Billy is eating at the counter of a store like that in which Sullivan originally met Costello, Costigan confronts two Italian mobsters from Providence extorting protection money from the store owner. He beats the two men up badly, breaking his hand when he hits one of them. Costello learns of Costigan's actions and summons him to a meeting. He offers to protect Costigan from the Mafia, who, he promises, will return with reinforcements to kill Costigan. He invites Costigan into a back room where he instructs Mr. French (Ray Winstone), a senior member of Costello's crew, to check Costigan for weapons or a wire. Mr. French breaks Costigan's cast open and Costello beats Costigan's broken hand with a shoe, trying to get him to confess being a cop. Costigan withstands their beating and is accepted as a legitimate crook by Costello. Both Sullivan and Costigan gain credibility within their respective organizations. Sullivan visits a crime scene where the two Mafia men from Providence are found. Sullivan contacts Costello, who directs him to influence the investigators away from Costello. Both Sullivan and Costigan gain credibility within their respective organizations. Sullivan then visits a crime scene where the two Mafia men from Providence are found. Sullivan contacts Costello, who directs him to influence the investigators away from Costello. Numerous scenes happen after that which are just Colin and Billy getting higher up in their opposing organisation’s and gaining trust from the person at top until It becomes evident to both Sullivan and Costigan that there is a mole in each other's organization but they do not know each other’s identity, this is the inciting incident for the film and the plot point that kick-starts the main narrative. Costello tells Sullivan to find the "rat" among his crew. Sullivan asks for his crew members' social security numbers and other ID so he can track them down. Costigan searches for the informant and learns from a member of Costello's crew that Costello is an FBI informant, explaining why federal prosecutors repeatedly fail to indict and arrest Costello. Costigan visits Queenan at home late at night and tells him that Costello is an FBI informant. Then Ellerby puts Sullivan in charge of the investigation to find the mole in the Special Investigations Unit, citing his
  • 5. "immaculate record." So Sullivan knows he’s safe because he’s looking for himself in the unit. Sullivan tells Costello to trail Queenan to a meeting with Costigan. Costigan gets away before Costello's men throw Queenan off the roof, landing at Costigan's feet. As Cosello's crew leaves, Costigan joins them, pretending he's just arrived to join them in the assassination. Fitzgibbons (David O'Hara) is mortally wounded. Back at their bar, Fitz fingers Costigan as the mole but dies before he can tell anyone else. A news report reveals that Delahunt (Rolston), a crew member, was an undercover cop and Dignam is forced to step down from the police force as a result. Using Queenan's phone, Sullivan reaches Costigan, and fails to persuade him to quit his work as a mole. Sullivan learns from Queenan's diary that Costello was an informant for the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He worries that his identity as a mole for Costello may be revealed. With Costigan's help, Costello is traced by the police to a cocaine pick-up, where a gunfight erupts between his crew and police, during which most of Costello's crew is killed. This is where the rising action starts in the film Sullivan confronts the wounded Costello, who admits he is an occasional FBI informant. Sullivan shoots him multiple times. Sullivan is applauded the next day for having killed Costello by everyone on the force. In good faith, Costigan comes to see him, seeking to get his civilian identity restored and to collect his back pay. He tells Sullivan he intends to resume his civilian life. Sullivan leaves to look up Costigan's employee record when Costigan notices the envelope from Costello on Sullivan's desk. Costigan finally realizes Sullivan is Costello's mole. Returning to his desk, Sullivan realizes that Costigan has figured out his true identity, so he erases Costigan's employee records from the police computer system. Madolyn tells Sullivan she's pregnant, but doesn't reveal who the father is. A few days later she receives a package in the mail from Costigan addressed to Sullivan. She opens it to find it contains a CD of Costello's recorded conversations with Sullivan. Sullivan walks in as she is listening and tries unsuccessfully to assuage her suspicions. He contacts Costigan, who reveals that Costello recorded every conversation he had with Sullivan. Costello left the recordings with his attorney, who has given them to Costigan. Costigan says he wants his civilian identity back or he will implicate Sullivan. They agree to meet on the roof of the building where Queenan died. When they meet, Costigan catches Sullivan off-guard and handcuffs him this scene is the climax of the film. As Costigan had secretly arranged, Officer Brown appears on the roof as well. Shocked to see Sullivan in handcuffs and held at gunpoint by Costigan, Brown draws his gun on Costigan. Costigan explains his actions by revealing that Sullivan is the mole. Costigan asks Brown why Dignam did not accompany him, but Brown doesn't answer. Costigan leads Sullivan to the elevator and Brown takes the stairs to follow them. When the elevator reaches the ground floor and the doors open, Officer Barrigan (Dale) shoots Costigan in the head. When Brown arrives, Barrigan kills him too. Barrigan reveals to Sullivan that Costello had more than one mole in the police and that Costello was going to give both of them up to the FBI. When Barrigan momentarily turns, Sullivan shoots him in
  • 6. the head. At police headquarters, Sullivan concocts a story to protect him, identifying Barrigan as the mole and recommends Costigan for the Medal of Merit. At Costigan's funeral, Sullivan and Madolyn stand by the grave. Sullivan attempts to talk to her, but she ignores him and walks away all of the previous scenes were the falling action. As Sullivan walks to his apartment, he is met by Dignam, who shoots and kills him then the film ends this the denouement for the film and resolves the injustice of Costigans death. There are multiple elements of the film that help establish the genre, the setting for example, Boston, is a huge element of the film because the opening dialogue courtesy of Jack Nicholsons amazing voice over explains the rise of the Irish Mob in Boston “Twenty years after an Irishman couldn't get a fucking job, we had the presidency. May he rest in peace. That's what the niggers don't realize. If I got one thing against the black chappies, it's this - no one gives it to you. You have to take it.” This makes reference to the Kennedy assassination and the struggle of African-Americans in the USA. This tells the audience that the setting of Boston at the time of the film there is a rise of Irish Americans gaining power in cities like Boston by just taking it. The characters also help develop the genre because of the iconic nature of the big bad Frank Costello (Jack Nicholson) not only is he conventional to crime thrillers but the characteristics are also iconic for Scorsese movies. An ambitious, criminal with a short temper whose pride is ultimately his downfall (Frank Costello-Jack Nicholson) this is seen in other Scorsese movies such as Goodfellas with Henry Hill (Ray Liotta) taking this role, Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio) seen in Wolf of Wall street. Among many more examples. Other aspects that are iconic more to the director than the genre are the use of multiple tracking shots throughout the film which people link to Scorsese and the use of voiceovers by the main character which is seen at the beginning with the amazing Jack Nicholson voice over. The style of the film also helps develops the genre throughout the film for example whenever a character is about to die there is a black cross hidden somewhere in the mise en scene of the shot. Pulp Fiction Pulp fiction is a 1994 Quentin Tarantino film starring John Travolta, Uma Thurman, Samuel L. Jackson and Bruce Willis. The plot is told in an episodic non-linear structure and the timeline is not clear until the end when you think about it. Because the following scene may of happened before the previous and so on. The film I believe is mainly about 2 people’s stories, Vincent Vega (John Travolta) and Bruce Willis (Butch Coolidge). Vincent Vega has just returned from Amsterdam, where he lived for 3 years working for Marsellus Wallace. When he returns he is tasked with retrieving a case by Marsellus (the contents of which are
  • 7. unknown) with Jules (Samuel L Jackson). Everything goes to plan and they retrieve the case but there is a hidden person in the bathroom that unloads a full gun clip at Vincent and Jules but not a single bullet hits. Jules takes this as a sign of god and says he’s retiring from being a gangster. They take one of the people that were in the flat with the case for Marsellus to talk to but when Jules drives over a speedbump to fast Vincent accidentally shoots the young man and the inside of the car is painted red. Jules and Vincent then take the car to a friend’s house that needs the body out of there within the hour. Marsellus sends a helper round to sort the situation out called Mr Wolf, they have to do some unpleasant tasks but the car is finally usable again. They go to breakfast after the ordeal and a robbery takes place mid-breakfast and Jules instead of killing them like he could of tries to get them away from robbing and gives them his money and tells them to get their life back on track. They then got to Marsellus and give the case back to Marsellus and Vincent is tasked with taking Marsellus wife out for the night, Mia Wallace (Uma Thurman). They have a good night and win a dancing competition but Mia snorts Vincent’s Heroin thinking its Cocaine and Overdoses. Vincent drives her to his dealer’s house to give her a shot of adrenaline and she survives. Butch Coolidge is an aging boxer who is paid by Wallace to lose his next fight. But ends up killing the other boxer in the ring. Coolidge had placed bets on himself to win after it had leaked that he was going to throw the fight so the odds are ridiculously high. He flees from Marsellus and his gangsters but his girlfriend Fabienne forgets to bring his golden watch that has been in his family for many generations. Butch returns to his apartment and he faces Vincent and shoots and kills him. Later Butch bumps into Marsellus by accident there is a huge fight which ends in a rednecks gun shop. They are tied up and put in the basement, it turns out that the men are sadistic gay rapists. They take Marsellus into the next room and start to rape him as Butch escapes, Butch has a chance to leave and let whatever’s going to happen to Marsellus to happen but he returns and saves him and Marsellus says everything between them is cool now. The film uses multiple scenes that contain aspects of post modernism and pay homage to past music, film and television. For example there is intertextuality with films such as Grease and Saturday night fever, John Travoltas past work, which also makes it s elf-referentiality, in the scenes where John Travolta and Uma Thurman dance together (Saturday night fever), this also could be considered as parody. Also there is car scene which looks extremely similar to the Grease car scene. There is also a pastiche reference to the iconic Marilyn Monroe scene in 7 year itch where the skirt flies up and she tries to keep it down. There are many examples of this in the Jack Rabbit Slims restaurant becaus e all of waiter and waitresses are famous celebrities from the past. For example the waiter for Vincent and Mia’s table is dressed as Buddy Holly among other references to previous actors/ singers. There are also multiple self referentiality aspects of this scene to previous and future Tarrentino projects, for example Mia Wallace among other characters smoke Red Apple cigarettes (a brand invented by Tarrentino), which are used throughout Tarrentino’s work as
  • 8. characters main choice of cigarette. There are also references throughout the film to future and past work. For example Mia talks about the pilot she appeared in which starred the ‘Fox Force 5’ the characters of which are explained have extremely close similarities to the 5 women that appear in Tarrentino’s future film ‘Kill Bill’.