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Essay on Terrorism
Terrorism is the use or threat of violence to create fear and alarm. Terrorists murder and kidnap
people, set off bombs, hijack airplanes, set fires, and commit other serious crimes. But the goals of
terrorists differ from those of ordinary criminals. Most criminals want money or some other form of
personal gain. Most terrorists commit crimes to support political causes.
The word terrorism first appeared during the French Revolution (1789–1799). Some of the
revolutionaries who seized power in France adopted a policy of violence against their enemies. The
period of their rule became known as the Reign of Terror.
Features of terrorism. Terrorist acts are committed for various reasons. Some individuals and groups
that use more content...
They often threaten to kill the hostages if their demands are not met. Some terrorism involves the
intentional release of toxic chemicals, poisons, germs, or other harmful substances. Bombings make
up about half of all terrorist acts.
Terrorism may cross national boundaries. A quarrel in one nation may produceterrorist attacks in
several other countries. Some governments secretly support certain terrorist groups by providing
weapons, training, and money for attacks in other countries.
Most terrorist groups fail to achieve their long–range political goals. Governments fight terrorism by
refusing to accept terrorist demands and by increasing security at airports and other likely targets.
Some countries train special military units to rescue hostages. All terrorist acts are crimes under
international law.
History of terrorism. Terrorist tactics have been used for centuries. An American group, the Ku Klux
Klan, used violence to terrorize blacks and their sympathizers in the late 1800's and the 1900's. In the
1930's, the dictators Adolf Hitler of Germany, Benito Mussolini of Italy, and Joseph Stalin of the
Soviet Union used terrorism to discourage opposition to their governments. In Northern Ireland,
Roman Catholic and Protestant extremists have used violence to push for, respectively, the end of,
or the continuation of, British rule.
Some terrorist groups in the 1960's sought the destruction of the political and
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Stopping Terrorism Worldwide Essay
Can We Stop the Worldwide Disease–Terrorism? Terrorism, which has been around for as long as
people can remember, has been on the rise for the past ten years. Terrorists usually use murdering,
kidnapping, hi–jacking and bombings to achieve their political purpose. For instance, according to (2006), in 1985 816 deaths, then in 2003, more than 1,000 people died by terorist
acts around the world. In recent years, terrorism seems to be at a new height and attacks are much
more violent than in the past. Unfortunately, in spite of many anti–terror campaigns, projects and
organizations are being created for prevention (to prevent) terrorism, the number of terrorists only is
increasing. These days terrorism is all over the more content...
For example, the Andijan Events, which happened in 2005. Many innocent people were killed
during the terrorists attempt to take control over the government of (maybe in) Andijan. As the
President of Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov said (Uzbek Nation Will Never Depend on Others, 2005),
the executors of that terror act were the members of, so–called, Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan.
Their primary goal was to set Caliphate in Uzbekistan, which would have made Uzbekistan an
Islamic Republic and led to put dot in Uzbekistan's development, especially in economy growth.
Also, there are some other reasons for terrorist acts such as: hate towards a race, nationality, or
religion. The following example contains all reasons listed above. Another international terror group
Al–Qaeda, number one terror group with a multimillionaire leader Osama Ben Laden, carried out a
terror attack in 2001, in USA. Referring to (2006), terrorists hijacked four
commercial airplanes and crashed two of them into World Trade Centre, in Manhattan. The other
one crashed to US Pentagon, and fourth crashed in rural place in Pennsylvania. It took about 2,986
lives of innocent people, including 19 hijackers, and more than 40 000 people were injured. In both
examples mentioned above, there are exact motivating factors. In both cases the motivating factors
are ideology and religion. But there are also many other factors which make people become
terrorists and take guns in their hands or blow themselves
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Essay on terrorism
Imagine a clear blue, sunlit morning; the most beautiful day you can recall. Imagine waking up
from an amazing dream of a clear horizon. Imagine putting on your new fresh suit, to start your new
job. Imagine having that extra hop in your step as you leave your front door, your mind anxiously
awaiting the adventure of a new beginning to an amazing day. Then, imagine not getting to where
you needed to be. Not because you fell victim to a traffic jam or missed the bus, but because you
were a victim of a terrorist act – an innocent victim, whose life was cut short by terrorism. Shattered
dreams and lives are just some of the many effects that terrorism can bring about. Just how different
is each human than another? more content...
For this purpose, the terrorist organizations exploit diverse media venues in order to advance their
interests (Sowell). Terrorism's function is to instill fear in as many people as possible promoting
change. Terrorists use the media to further extend the fear in everyone. "Scaring as many people
as possible is the true just in terror" (Sowell). The media spreads confusion that disrupts a whole
society. Terrorism is used as a tool of violence to create a climate of fear in a population and
thereby bring out a particular political object ("Terrorism"). "The purpose of terrorism is to get the
most bang for your buck with such limited resources" (Sowell). The media does the work for
There have been many attacks on the United States to this day including the first attack on the
World Trade Center, The Oklahoma bombing, and other attacks on U.S. embassies around the
world. The deadliest attack ever was the attack on September 11, 2001. This attack consisted of four
planes that were hijacked by suicidal terrorists. The terrorists crashed two planes into the World
Trade Center, one into each tower. The third plane was crashed into the Pentagon and the forth
crashed into a field in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. During this attack, 266 people died on the planes
and thousands more died in and around the buildings ("Info War"). This, however, was
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Essay on History of Terrorism
We define terrorism as using force to influence or change a political decision. Given that there
may be an array of situations the U.S. government and the American people are faced with on a
daily basis, most would probably agree in saying that terrorism is the most imperative issue we
are not only becoming victims to, but are interminably asked to deal with as well as finding a
solution for. The history of terrorism can be traced back as far as the French revolution. Some of
these acts of terrorism only seem as distant reminders of our past, but at the same time, are not a far
cry from today's brutal acts; and although these acts seem distant, it doesn't also mean they are no
longer in the thoughts of individuals in today's more content...
As far as terrorism and these terrorists extensive plots against other countries, a more in depth look
should go towards the social aspect of these individuals. This is a big part in the cause of terrorism.
Some of the findings, through brief research, may suggest oppression is related with terrorism.
Another term that could be used and may be more appropriate in this case would be the term
totalism. A totalistic individual is one who sees themselves as being oppressed, and basically will
justify his or her actions through their own self–pity. This perhaps may be a cynical definition, but
the average person who is picked on by a tall muscular bully may not always resent tall muscular
people. On the other hand, another individual as opposed to a totalistic individual will not forgive
nor forget this type of person. They may also be extremely prone to making horrific attacks against
these types of people. So far this theory has been fairly consistent with major tragic events that
have taken place throughout time. There are many different ways people are affected and there are
also many different ways people are raised and taught at a young age that this is a way of life, so
without proper therapy or counseling,
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Essay on Terrorism: Its Forms and Effects
In recent years, terrorism has been on the rise. The most famous attack in recent years was that of
the destruction of the twin towers in 2001. It caused a massive public outcry at the atrocity of the
actions. What most people don't realize, however is that the people who make these attacks,
called terrorists, have a goal in mind. People also don't realize that there are many types of
terrorism, and are not just limited to the attacker flying planes into famous buildings. The types of
terrorism are quite varied, the reasons for each just as much, and the public reaction is never the
same for any of them. Terrorism as it is defined is the use of violent acts in order to intimidate or
coerce a population into a particular type more content...
Some examples of agents used in this type of terrorism are anthrax, botulism, and smallpox.
Obviously, these diseases, and others that fall into this category would be devastating if released
upon a population of people. Therefore this would make these the prime thing for bio–terrorists to
use against their targets. Category B is the next most severe level, which are somewhat easily
transmitted, but not quite as easily. They also have a moderate mortality rate, and would take
some preparation on medical personal's part (CDC, Bioterrorism Agents/Diseases). Some
examples of Category B agents would be E. Coli, Salmonella, and Typhus Fever. These diseases
would be moderately devastating to a nation, and terrorists would want them for being easier to
obtain then Category A agents. Category C is the lowest level of pathogens. This tier consists of
pathogens that are in development, and are not really a threat to the public at large at the current
time (CDC, Bioterrorism Agents/Diseases). These are pathogens with high potential for mass
chaos. These pathogens will have high availability, production and transmission rates, and potential
for high mortality rates. These are diseases that are being genetically engineered, and, because they
are not yet fully developed, they are not very high on priority lists. If they were to come into full
use then they would most often be considered as Category A diseases. The second type of terrorism is
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Essay on Terrorism
Terrorism is becoming more and more of a threat to Americans both at home and abroad.
International terrorism happens when terrorism occurs out of our country. An example of an
International terrorist is Osama bin Laden. Laden is the worlds most dangerous terrorist. Laden
shows genocidal tendency by killing Americans through–out the world from the bombings of the
World Trade Center to the embassy bombings in Africa. The African blasts killed more than 250
people. The FBI has been tracking him for more that four years and they still couldn't stop him from
striking Americans overseas and can't stop him now with the current foreign policy that has been
adopted. He feels that all Christians and Jews worldwide need to be exterminated
more content...
The thing that bin Laden still has is his vast wealth regardless of what damage was inflicted on his
operation by the cruise–missile strikes. Bin Laden's resources are hidden in several countries in
what many call front companies, and this is going to make it difficult to track down bin Laden's
assets some government officials worry ("Costly" 6)(kelley 2). Cannistraro said,
"while we've aggressively targeted his financial flows of money, which is the lifeblood of the
organization a lot of it is still out of reach. We're not going to be able to put him out of
business" (Kelley 2). After such strikes against bin Laden, it is important to understand what
consequences have occurred and could occur because of the American strikes. The first factor of a
terrorist attack is the terrorist's motivation to carry out their attacks, and the second being their
capability to carry out their attacks. The director of The International Policy Institute for Counter–
Terrorism, Boaz Ganor, asserts that often such retaliation against a terrorist group will "by its
very nature," increase the terrorist's motivation "to take revenge for the damage to their
capabilities and to their 'image.'" However, "such strikes won't increase their ability to
carry out more attacks; and at best, will greatly damage their capabilities to do so." But bin
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Essay On Domestic Terrorism
Jason Marin
Mrs. Corbett
English 1530
The Domestic Terrorism Threat
The emphasis of counterterrorism policy in the United States since Al Qaeda's attacks of September
11, 2001 has been on jihadist terrorism. However, in the last decade, domestic terrorists have killed
American citizens and damaged property across the country. Not all of these criminals have been
prosecuted under terrorism charges. This is not meant to imply that domestic terrorists should be
taken any less seriously than other terrorists.
Domestic terrorists may not be the top federal counterterrorism priority, but they feature prominently
among the concerns of some law enforcement officers. According to The Diane Rehm Show
"investigators look into more content...
According to Sabrina Tavernise from New York Times, Terrorism is an ideology, it's not a religion,
but the religion that tends to give birth to it most often these days is Islam. The threat from that is
very real, and we can't just ignore it. This false preaching is exactly what is promoting these
unreasonable courses of action that terrorist do.
The key to solving this problem is implementing harsher gun laws upon people with criminal
records and running mental health examinations on all purchasers. Russell Jacoby from the New
York Times clarifies that Automatic weapons and potent bombs allow the deranged and begrudged
to slaughter scores of innocents in mere seconds. It is not only the firepower available in our
country that is scary. The fact that we are not taking action towards the problem is as well. Most
threats and violence tend to emerge from within a person's mind, not outside of it. Terrorism is a
constant threat to everyone on the planet, these people tend to be mentally unsound and many
precautions can be made to help the problem. The key solution would be to make gun accessibility
harder with a series of tests and background
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Cause And Effect On Terrorism
Terrorism is increasing at an alarming rate. It has roots in early existence. Larry Paige and Sergey
Brin created Google to do good for the world, for those who had no confidence in themselves.
Barack Obama believed in those with no voice, he stood up with them, and for them, and changed
their lives.
There have been more terror plots and attacks since the rise of ISIS since the summer of 2014.
Once 1 attack came into our lives, there were more than 68 reflections or obscurities to 9/11. The
numbers skyrocketed. Since 9/11, hundreds of Americans and people inside the United States have
been charged with jihadist terrorism or related crimes, or died before being charged. In the past 2
years, the rise of ISIS is bringing an groundbreaking increase in terrorism, though there have been
terrorism cases every year since 9/11. Terrorism tears people apart. It separates family, friends and
neighbors. Take the recent shooting in LA for example. That man took lives. Moms and Dads
lives. Boyfriends and Girlfriends lives, etc. I know someone who was in that shooting. She was a
cop, but know she's nothing but an empty shell going through the motions. She has kids, but they no
longer have a mother. The increase in terrorism in 2013 took place mostly in Iraq, where 4,000 lives
were taken–a 168% increase through 2012. 34 percent of terrorism–related casualties in 2013
happened in Iraq, with Afghanistan next with 17.3 percent. In the time between 2000 and 2013,
nearly 5% of
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Essay on terrorism
Effects of Terrorism
Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce
a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social
––FBI Definition
On Tuesday September 11th, 2001our Nation was forever changed. Following the single largest
terrorist attack ever experienced by this country, thousands are dead or missing, tens of thousands of
people in this country know someone who was killed or injured, and many more have witnessed or
heard about the attack through the media. The impact of this magnitude of terrorist attack will affect
people at all levels of involvement: victims, bereaved family members, friends, rescue workers, more content...
2 Ibid., p. 414
3 Pfefferbaum, B., Gurwitch, R., McDonald, N., Leftwih, M.,Sconzo, G., Messenbaugh, A., Schultz,
R. (2000). Posttraumatic stress among children after the death of a friend or acquaintance in a
terrorist bombing. Psychiatric Services, 51, 386–388.
There have been very few terrorist attacks in the United States, as opposed to some nations and
there is documented information known about how people are affected. In my opinion it appears
that mental healing occurs over time, although people most directly exposed to terrorist attacks are
at a higher risk to develop PTSD.
Problems with anxiety, depression, and substance abuse are also commonly reported.4 Predictors
include being closer to the attacks, being injured, or knowing someone who was killed or injured.
Those who watch more media coverage on attacks are also at higher risk for PTSD and associated
problems. Research from both domestic and international terrorist events sheds some light on the
heightened risk for traumatic stress reactions in individuals exposed to those events. Following are
some specific examples:
Oklahoma City Bombing
В· Almost half of survivors directly exposed to the blast reported developing problems with anxiety,
depression, and alcohol and over a
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Essay On Terrorism
The authors are researchers at Rand Corporation, tasked with providing a detailed report on state and
local intelligence regarding the war on terrorism. Their purpose is to provide succinct analysis on the
current standards of local and state authorities in countering terrorism. The report argues that there
are few detailed documents on state and local law enforcement agency (LEA) counterterrorism
activities. This report fills such a gap in the field of research. The authors argue that federal level
intelligence systems remain disorganized and contend that state and local law enforcement
intelligence gathering is crucial in combating terrorism. The report details a survey on LEA
preparedness activities on terrorism, authorizations more content...
These allow states to tailor a fusion center to their local concerns and effectively integrate centers to
existing local agencies and priorities. Also, the authors asserted that many local and state LEA
intelligence capabilities were subpar of nonexistent, describing in one example that intelligence
support centers were usually staffed by clerical people with barely any formal intelligence analysis
training. The article is useful to my paper through its evaluation of intelligence fusion centers.
Understanding the limits and weaknesses of having a multi–level agency coordination center versus
local and state LEAs enables me to decide on a persistent need for more resources and training for
local authorities when dealing with Lone Wolf Terrorism.
2.Bakker, Edwin, and Beatrice De Graaf. "Preventing lone wolf terrorism: Some CT approaches
addressed." Perspectives on Terrorism 5, no. 5–6 (2011).
Prof. Edwin Bakker and Prof. Beatrice de Graaf are professors at Leiden University. In addition,
they are also fellows at the International Center for Counter–Terrorism, based in The Hague. The
scholars describe in their article, the concept of Lone Wolf Terrorism. They argue that Lone wolf
operators are difficult to categorize, inferring a need to focus more on the modus operandi of lone
wolves, rather than the profiles of the terrorist. This source is relevant to my paper as it describes
the challenges of dealing with Lone Wolf Terrorism, a recent and growing threat in the
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Essay On Terrisom

  • 1. Essay on Terrorism Terrorism is the use or threat of violence to create fear and alarm. Terrorists murder and kidnap people, set off bombs, hijack airplanes, set fires, and commit other serious crimes. But the goals of terrorists differ from those of ordinary criminals. Most criminals want money or some other form of personal gain. Most terrorists commit crimes to support political causes. The word terrorism first appeared during the French Revolution (1789–1799). Some of the revolutionaries who seized power in France adopted a policy of violence against their enemies. The period of their rule became known as the Reign of Terror. Features of terrorism. Terrorist acts are committed for various reasons. Some individuals and groups that use more content... They often threaten to kill the hostages if their demands are not met. Some terrorism involves the intentional release of toxic chemicals, poisons, germs, or other harmful substances. Bombings make up about half of all terrorist acts. Terrorism may cross national boundaries. A quarrel in one nation may produceterrorist attacks in several other countries. Some governments secretly support certain terrorist groups by providing weapons, training, and money for attacks in other countries. Most terrorist groups fail to achieve their long–range political goals. Governments fight terrorism by refusing to accept terrorist demands and by increasing security at airports and other likely targets. Some countries train special military units to rescue hostages. All terrorist acts are crimes under international law. History of terrorism. Terrorist tactics have been used for centuries. An American group, the Ku Klux Klan, used violence to terrorize blacks and their sympathizers in the late 1800's and the 1900's. In the 1930's, the dictators Adolf Hitler of Germany, Benito Mussolini of Italy, and Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union used terrorism to discourage opposition to their governments. In Northern Ireland, Roman Catholic and Protestant extremists have used violence to push for, respectively, the end of, or the continuation of, British rule. Some terrorist groups in the 1960's sought the destruction of the political and Get more content on
  • 2. Stopping Terrorism Worldwide Essay Can We Stop the Worldwide Disease–Terrorism? Terrorism, which has been around for as long as people can remember, has been on the rise for the past ten years. Terrorists usually use murdering, kidnapping, hi–jacking and bombings to achieve their political purpose. For instance, according to (2006), in 1985 816 deaths, then in 2003, more than 1,000 people died by terorist acts around the world. In recent years, terrorism seems to be at a new height and attacks are much more violent than in the past. Unfortunately, in spite of many anti–terror campaigns, projects and organizations are being created for prevention (to prevent) terrorism, the number of terrorists only is increasing. These days terrorism is all over the more content... For example, the Andijan Events, which happened in 2005. Many innocent people were killed during the terrorists attempt to take control over the government of (maybe in) Andijan. As the President of Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov said (Uzbek Nation Will Never Depend on Others, 2005), the executors of that terror act were the members of, so–called, Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. Their primary goal was to set Caliphate in Uzbekistan, which would have made Uzbekistan an Islamic Republic and led to put dot in Uzbekistan's development, especially in economy growth. Also, there are some other reasons for terrorist acts such as: hate towards a race, nationality, or religion. The following example contains all reasons listed above. Another international terror group Al–Qaeda, number one terror group with a multimillionaire leader Osama Ben Laden, carried out a terror attack in 2001, in USA. Referring to (2006), terrorists hijacked four commercial airplanes and crashed two of them into World Trade Centre, in Manhattan. The other one crashed to US Pentagon, and fourth crashed in rural place in Pennsylvania. It took about 2,986 lives of innocent people, including 19 hijackers, and more than 40 000 people were injured. In both examples mentioned above, there are exact motivating factors. In both cases the motivating factors are ideology and religion. But there are also many other factors which make people become terrorists and take guns in their hands or blow themselves Get more content on
  • 3. Essay on terrorism Terrorism Imagine a clear blue, sunlit morning; the most beautiful day you can recall. Imagine waking up from an amazing dream of a clear horizon. Imagine putting on your new fresh suit, to start your new job. Imagine having that extra hop in your step as you leave your front door, your mind anxiously awaiting the adventure of a new beginning to an amazing day. Then, imagine not getting to where you needed to be. Not because you fell victim to a traffic jam or missed the bus, but because you were a victim of a terrorist act – an innocent victim, whose life was cut short by terrorism. Shattered dreams and lives are just some of the many effects that terrorism can bring about. Just how different is each human than another? more content... For this purpose, the terrorist organizations exploit diverse media venues in order to advance their interests (Sowell). Terrorism's function is to instill fear in as many people as possible promoting change. Terrorists use the media to further extend the fear in everyone. "Scaring as many people as possible is the true just in terror" (Sowell). The media spreads confusion that disrupts a whole society. Terrorism is used as a tool of violence to create a climate of fear in a population and thereby bring out a particular political object ("Terrorism"). "The purpose of terrorism is to get the most bang for your buck with such limited resources" (Sowell). The media does the work for terrorists. There have been many attacks on the United States to this day including the first attack on the World Trade Center, The Oklahoma bombing, and other attacks on U.S. embassies around the world. The deadliest attack ever was the attack on September 11, 2001. This attack consisted of four planes that were hijacked by suicidal terrorists. The terrorists crashed two planes into the World Trade Center, one into each tower. The third plane was crashed into the Pentagon and the forth crashed into a field in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. During this attack, 266 people died on the planes and thousands more died in and around the buildings ("Info War"). This, however, was Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on History of Terrorism We define terrorism as using force to influence or change a political decision. Given that there may be an array of situations the U.S. government and the American people are faced with on a daily basis, most would probably agree in saying that terrorism is the most imperative issue we are not only becoming victims to, but are interminably asked to deal with as well as finding a solution for. The history of terrorism can be traced back as far as the French revolution. Some of these acts of terrorism only seem as distant reminders of our past, but at the same time, are not a far cry from today's brutal acts; and although these acts seem distant, it doesn't also mean they are no longer in the thoughts of individuals in today's more content... As far as terrorism and these terrorists extensive plots against other countries, a more in depth look should go towards the social aspect of these individuals. This is a big part in the cause of terrorism. Some of the findings, through brief research, may suggest oppression is related with terrorism. Another term that could be used and may be more appropriate in this case would be the term totalism. A totalistic individual is one who sees themselves as being oppressed, and basically will justify his or her actions through their own self–pity. This perhaps may be a cynical definition, but the average person who is picked on by a tall muscular bully may not always resent tall muscular people. On the other hand, another individual as opposed to a totalistic individual will not forgive nor forget this type of person. They may also be extremely prone to making horrific attacks against these types of people. So far this theory has been fairly consistent with major tragic events that have taken place throughout time. There are many different ways people are affected and there are also many different ways people are raised and taught at a young age that this is a way of life, so without proper therapy or counseling, Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on Terrorism: Its Forms and Effects In recent years, terrorism has been on the rise. The most famous attack in recent years was that of the destruction of the twin towers in 2001. It caused a massive public outcry at the atrocity of the actions. What most people don't realize, however is that the people who make these attacks, called terrorists, have a goal in mind. People also don't realize that there are many types of terrorism, and are not just limited to the attacker flying planes into famous buildings. The types of terrorism are quite varied, the reasons for each just as much, and the public reaction is never the same for any of them. Terrorism as it is defined is the use of violent acts in order to intimidate or coerce a population into a particular type more content... Some examples of agents used in this type of terrorism are anthrax, botulism, and smallpox. Obviously, these diseases, and others that fall into this category would be devastating if released upon a population of people. Therefore this would make these the prime thing for bio–terrorists to use against their targets. Category B is the next most severe level, which are somewhat easily transmitted, but not quite as easily. They also have a moderate mortality rate, and would take some preparation on medical personal's part (CDC, Bioterrorism Agents/Diseases). Some examples of Category B agents would be E. Coli, Salmonella, and Typhus Fever. These diseases would be moderately devastating to a nation, and terrorists would want them for being easier to obtain then Category A agents. Category C is the lowest level of pathogens. This tier consists of pathogens that are in development, and are not really a threat to the public at large at the current time (CDC, Bioterrorism Agents/Diseases). These are pathogens with high potential for mass chaos. These pathogens will have high availability, production and transmission rates, and potential for high mortality rates. These are diseases that are being genetically engineered, and, because they are not yet fully developed, they are not very high on priority lists. If they were to come into full use then they would most often be considered as Category A diseases. The second type of terrorism is Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on Terrorism Terrorism is becoming more and more of a threat to Americans both at home and abroad. International terrorism happens when terrorism occurs out of our country. An example of an International terrorist is Osama bin Laden. Laden is the worlds most dangerous terrorist. Laden shows genocidal tendency by killing Americans through–out the world from the bombings of the World Trade Center to the embassy bombings in Africa. The African blasts killed more than 250 people. The FBI has been tracking him for more that four years and they still couldn't stop him from striking Americans overseas and can't stop him now with the current foreign policy that has been adopted. He feels that all Christians and Jews worldwide need to be exterminated more content... The thing that bin Laden still has is his vast wealth regardless of what damage was inflicted on his operation by the cruise–missile strikes. Bin Laden's resources are hidden in several countries in what many call front companies, and this is going to make it difficult to track down bin Laden's assets some government officials worry ("Costly" 6)(kelley 2). Cannistraro said, "while we've aggressively targeted his financial flows of money, which is the lifeblood of the organization a lot of it is still out of reach. We're not going to be able to put him out of business" (Kelley 2). After such strikes against bin Laden, it is important to understand what consequences have occurred and could occur because of the American strikes. The first factor of a terrorist attack is the terrorist's motivation to carry out their attacks, and the second being their capability to carry out their attacks. The director of The International Policy Institute for Counter– Terrorism, Boaz Ganor, asserts that often such retaliation against a terrorist group will "by its very nature," increase the terrorist's motivation "to take revenge for the damage to their capabilities and to their 'image.'" However, "such strikes won't increase their ability to carry out more attacks; and at best, will greatly damage their capabilities to do so." But bin Get more content on
  • 7. Essay On Domestic Terrorism Jason Marin 1/3/2017 Mrs. Corbett English 1530 The Domestic Terrorism Threat The emphasis of counterterrorism policy in the United States since Al Qaeda's attacks of September 11, 2001 has been on jihadist terrorism. However, in the last decade, domestic terrorists have killed American citizens and damaged property across the country. Not all of these criminals have been prosecuted under terrorism charges. This is not meant to imply that domestic terrorists should be taken any less seriously than other terrorists. Domestic terrorists may not be the top federal counterterrorism priority, but they feature prominently among the concerns of some law enforcement officers. According to The Diane Rehm Show "investigators look into more content... According to Sabrina Tavernise from New York Times, Terrorism is an ideology, it's not a religion, but the religion that tends to give birth to it most often these days is Islam. The threat from that is very real, and we can't just ignore it. This false preaching is exactly what is promoting these unreasonable courses of action that terrorist do. The key to solving this problem is implementing harsher gun laws upon people with criminal records and running mental health examinations on all purchasers. Russell Jacoby from the New York Times clarifies that Automatic weapons and potent bombs allow the deranged and begrudged to slaughter scores of innocents in mere seconds. It is not only the firepower available in our country that is scary. The fact that we are not taking action towards the problem is as well. Most threats and violence tend to emerge from within a person's mind, not outside of it. Terrorism is a constant threat to everyone on the planet, these people tend to be mentally unsound and many precautions can be made to help the problem. The key solution would be to make gun accessibility harder with a series of tests and background Get more content on
  • 8. Cause And Effect On Terrorism Terrorism is increasing at an alarming rate. It has roots in early existence. Larry Paige and Sergey Brin created Google to do good for the world, for those who had no confidence in themselves. Barack Obama believed in those with no voice, he stood up with them, and for them, and changed their lives. There have been more terror plots and attacks since the rise of ISIS since the summer of 2014. Once 1 attack came into our lives, there were more than 68 reflections or obscurities to 9/11. The numbers skyrocketed. Since 9/11, hundreds of Americans and people inside the United States have been charged with jihadist terrorism or related crimes, or died before being charged. In the past 2 years, the rise of ISIS is bringing an groundbreaking increase in terrorism, though there have been terrorism cases every year since 9/11. Terrorism tears people apart. It separates family, friends and neighbors. Take the recent shooting in LA for example. That man took lives. Moms and Dads lives. Boyfriends and Girlfriends lives, etc. I know someone who was in that shooting. She was a cop, but know she's nothing but an empty shell going through the motions. She has kids, but they no longer have a mother. The increase in terrorism in 2013 took place mostly in Iraq, where 4,000 lives were taken–a 168% increase through 2012. 34 percent of terrorism–related casualties in 2013 happened in Iraq, with Afghanistan next with 17.3 percent. In the time between 2000 and 2013, nearly 5% of Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on terrorism Effects of Terrorism Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives. ––FBI Definition On Tuesday September 11th, 2001our Nation was forever changed. Following the single largest terrorist attack ever experienced by this country, thousands are dead or missing, tens of thousands of people in this country know someone who was killed or injured, and many more have witnessed or heard about the attack through the media. The impact of this magnitude of terrorist attack will affect people at all levels of involvement: victims, bereaved family members, friends, rescue workers, more content... 2 Ibid., p. 414 3 Pfefferbaum, B., Gurwitch, R., McDonald, N., Leftwih, M.,Sconzo, G., Messenbaugh, A., Schultz, R. (2000). Posttraumatic stress among children after the death of a friend or acquaintance in a terrorist bombing. Psychiatric Services, 51, 386–388. There have been very few terrorist attacks in the United States, as opposed to some nations and there is documented information known about how people are affected. In my opinion it appears that mental healing occurs over time, although people most directly exposed to terrorist attacks are at a higher risk to develop PTSD. Problems with anxiety, depression, and substance abuse are also commonly reported.4 Predictors include being closer to the attacks, being injured, or knowing someone who was killed or injured. Those who watch more media coverage on attacks are also at higher risk for PTSD and associated problems. Research from both domestic and international terrorist events sheds some light on the heightened risk for traumatic stress reactions in individuals exposed to those events. Following are some specific examples: Oklahoma City Bombing В· Almost half of survivors directly exposed to the blast reported developing problems with anxiety, depression, and alcohol and over a Get more content on
  • 10. Essay On Terrorism The authors are researchers at Rand Corporation, tasked with providing a detailed report on state and local intelligence regarding the war on terrorism. Their purpose is to provide succinct analysis on the current standards of local and state authorities in countering terrorism. The report argues that there are few detailed documents on state and local law enforcement agency (LEA) counterterrorism activities. This report fills such a gap in the field of research. The authors argue that federal level intelligence systems remain disorganized and contend that state and local law enforcement intelligence gathering is crucial in combating terrorism. The report details a survey on LEA preparedness activities on terrorism, authorizations more content... These allow states to tailor a fusion center to their local concerns and effectively integrate centers to existing local agencies and priorities. Also, the authors asserted that many local and state LEA intelligence capabilities were subpar of nonexistent, describing in one example that intelligence support centers were usually staffed by clerical people with barely any formal intelligence analysis training. The article is useful to my paper through its evaluation of intelligence fusion centers. Understanding the limits and weaknesses of having a multi–level agency coordination center versus local and state LEAs enables me to decide on a persistent need for more resources and training for local authorities when dealing with Lone Wolf Terrorism. 2.Bakker, Edwin, and Beatrice De Graaf. "Preventing lone wolf terrorism: Some CT approaches addressed." Perspectives on Terrorism 5, no. 5–6 (2011). Prof. Edwin Bakker and Prof. Beatrice de Graaf are professors at Leiden University. In addition, they are also fellows at the International Center for Counter–Terrorism, based in The Hague. The scholars describe in their article, the concept of Lone Wolf Terrorism. They argue that Lone wolf operators are difficult to categorize, inferring a need to focus more on the modus operandi of lone wolves, rather than the profiles of the terrorist. This source is relevant to my paper as it describes the challenges of dealing with Lone Wolf Terrorism, a recent and growing threat in the Get more content on