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Effective Teachers Essay
Teaching is a profession that is considered to be a rewarding challenging and complex role. An
effective teacher does not simply teach knowledge their students and instead aims to arm students
with the knowledge, skills, understanding and attitudes that will prepare students for life–long
learning. The constructivist theories developed by Piaget and Vygotsky have impacted on the way
that teachers teach and this has changed the approach of teaching to place a greater importance on
the teacher instead to act as a facilitator of learning in an open, constructivist environment and
providing students with the tools to challenge themselves to develop both academically and
personally. The education of students within classrooms of today more content...
Constructivism is connected to the theories of Piaget and Vygotsky. Piaget believed that cognitive
development occurred in four stages that have distinct developmental characteristics. He theorised
that all information is organised into 'schemas', and this refers to the manner in which a child
organisesand stores information and knowledge received. As new information is received, it is
either incorporated into existing schemas (assimilation) or new schemas (accommodation) are
created (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2010). Vygotsky's theories compliment those of Piaget and place a
greater importance on social interaction as he considered cognitive development predominately
was achievedthrough social interaction. Vygotsky believed that learning could be accelerated with
the assistance of a more advanced peer or teacher. This concept is referred to as the zone of
proximal development (ZPD) and works in conjunction with the theory of 'scaffolding', where a
teacher provides support to student and as proficiency increases the scaffolding is decreased
(Marsh, 2008). Evidence of scaffolding is seen throughout the Maths video as Ms Poole provides an
outline of the lesson and the goals to allow students to establish a focus. The impact of the
constructivist theorists
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Teacher's Salaries Essay
Lurking over our great country is a troubling issue that is plaguing the professional educational
workforce. When compared worldwide, American teachers work the most hours, yet are paid in the
lowest brackets when related to the top 32 nations (Teachers Pay). In addition, when you compare a
teacher's salary to other four year degree salaries, teachers are among the 5 lowest paid degrees
(O'Shaughnessy). Not only are the salaries among the lowest in the American workforce, a typical
teachers at home workload exceeds all other professional jobs by 20% (Current). Furthermore,
teachers were only given a 2.3% salary raise in 2009. Yet the rate of inflation rose to 3.1% causing a
loss in purchasing power and creating a hardship on more content...
According to an hourly wage, that would place a teacher's salary above accountants, computer
programmers, and mechanical engineers at the entry level. In addition to the hourly rate, teachers
often are given economic incentives that aren't available to other jobs (Teachers). These same
researchers also claim that the benefits given to teachers far outweigh those of rival professions.
Therefore, stating that based off limited research, teachers are paid an adamant amount of money,
and need not complain (Anderson).
In contrast there are many reasons why teachers truly are underpaid. First, what these researchers
fail to make public, is the fact that the hourly wage that they base a teachers pay is centered only
on the hours that a teacher is present at school. They do not take into consideration the hours that
teachers put in at home. On average a teacher will work 20% more Sundays than any other
profession, these hours will not be paid or documented into a teachers pay schedule. The reasoning
behind the large at home workload comes from the excessive amount of homework and assignments
that they must grade or create for previous and following work days. Secondly, they are often forced
to work at multiple locations, with early starting hours ranging from 6 to 7 am. Furthermore, some of
these locations can be extremely far, costing the teacher an
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My Teaching Philosophy Essay
My Teaching Philosophy I believe that education extends far beyond the classroom walls, and
involves many more people than students and teachers. People should be learning wherever they
go, and should continue learning long after they've graduated from high school or college.
Education isn't something that can be quantified with tests or report cards, but is instead
something that people carry with them. It's a survival pack for life, and some people are better
equipped in certain areas than in others. People with a solid education are prepared for nearly
anything, as they will be able to provide for their own physical, emotional, and aesthetic needs. That
being said, I also believe that a crucial part of education more content...
The roles of a teacher are so many and so varied that it is impossible to list them all, but one of the
most important is preparing students to learn, not only in the classroom, but everywhere, and for
the rest of their lives. Learning is not a skill that is necessarily instinctual or easy, and therefore
different approaches must be used to make learning easier and more fun for students. Teaching is
not a skill that can be memorized or made repetitive, and so teachers must continue to challenge
not only their students, but also themselves. Teachers that become complacent in their jobs are
not good teachers. Those who can find a way to make an old lesson new and exciting will have an
energized classroom, and will be reenergized themselves. Every child is different. That sounds like
an obvious statement, but so many ineffective teachers seem to forget this. Each student has his or
her own varying abilities, talents, and levels of competence, and it is the job of a teacher not only
to recognize this, but to help each student recognize this as well. If a child isn't doing well in a
particular subject, both the teacher and the student should work towards figuring out why, and the
teacher should accept the challenge of finding a way to make a particular subject more
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Essay On Teacher Shortage
The issue of teacher shortage today is continuing to grow. The effects of the achievement gap are
reaching the teachers, not just the students: "...good administrators and teachers, who are doing their
best under difficult circumstances, will be driven out of the profession...," (Boyd–Zaharias 41). The
achievement gap is part of the reason teachers feel they are underpaid, which happens to be one
of the leading cause in teacher shortage considering, "Teachers were paid two percent less [than
comparable workers] in 1994, but by 2015 the wage penalty rose to 17 percent," (Long). Being a
teacher requires passion in order to stay in the field, especially if the money in teaching is
decreasing. Money is an important aspect for people when it comes to their careers, therefore, fewer
people want to become teachers. This lack of teachers and the lack of college students studying to
become a teacher leads to unqualified teachers and larger classroom sizes (Ostroff). Both of these
causes are eventually affecting students' learning environments. I chose this issue in education for my
project because I have personally felt these effects, and I know others who have as well. As a future
educator, I want to see better wages and better benefits, but this can only happen with qualified,
passionate teachers. I plan on being one of them, and I plan on sparking a change. I am a future
educator fighting to end teacher shortage. My project exemplifies the importance of teacher
accountability in
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Essay On Teacher Stress
Teaching is one of the most rewarding and satisfying career; yet, quite demanding and stressful at
the same time. There has been a widespread concern on work related stress among teachers in
different educational settings. Past studies have explored various factors regarding teacher stress
including: causes of stress, prevalence rates, effects of stress and coping strategies (Benmansour,
1998). According to research, today's teaching environment is characterized by serious
responsibilities and workloads. As a result, teachers report relatively high cases of stress and some
researchers have linked high teacher attrition rates in some areas to work–related stress (Alhija,
Stress refers to situations or circumstances that a person is not able to handle. It occurs when the
circumstances or environmental pressures exceed beyond a person's capabilities of coping with the
situation (Michie, 2002). Stress could result from both external and internal factors and despite its
origin, it could significantly undermine a person's cognitive, emotional and physical function.
Teacher stress can be defined as circumstances within the work setting that teachers cannot cope
with. For instance, some facets of the teaching environment like demanding work environment and
poor working conditions could elicit anxiety, anger and frustration in a teacher. According to
Antoniou, Ploumpi and Ntalla (2013), sources of stress among teachers differ depending on the
circumstances, personality and
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Essay On Teacher Stress
The constant turn–over rate of teachers, the lack of interest in teaching, and the lack of
commitment to the profession continues to be a major concern for school systems all over this
nation (Haritos, 2004). Alabama teachers are experiencing the effects of stress and coping is a
priority for the retention of highly qualified teachers in the area. Literature from past and current
research has established that there is a growing problem in the teaching field for work–related stress
and coping is a factor that should be in place in order to maintain the functionality of work practices.
According to Ingersoll (2014) 40 to 50 percent of teachers will leave the classroom within five years
and with this percentage the teacher turnover rate is 4% higher than other professions. What is
known about teacher stress is that the manifestation of stress and its components is a driving force
for teachers sustainable. The complexity of the claim is that teachers need to transition stress into
coping strategies and schools need to address the stress risk. Stress has become a common
characteristic of educators and with the increased amount of accountability, teachers play a
significant role on students and schools. Another claim established within the research is that teacher
stress can contribute to low student achievement. Based on the research by the Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation (2016) the low achievement would be in math and language arts and contribute
to a disruptive
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My Career as a Teacher Essay
As I begin my rewarding career as I teacher, I sit and reflect on what my goals and priorities are in
the classroom. I am excited to be engaged in a future career where I can implement my own beliefs
and mold the future into something extremely positive. I believe the most important aspects that I
want to bring to my students are threefold: I want to educate, motivate, and inspire.
In order to have a productive learning environment where I will be able to educate my students,
many different factors must take place. First and foremost, it is important to me that I master
exceptional classroom management skills. Effective and efficient learning takes place when
expectations in the classroom are consistent and clear. Also, discipline more content...
These learning styles include; auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. By mastering and using as many
learning styles as I can, I will make sure each student is able to get the most out of their learning
experience. I understand that every child learns differently and understanding how to use different
approaches in each lesson plan will benefit every student. Not only is it important to use different
learning styles but I will also use different teaching styles during the curriculum. The different
methods I would like to use to teach my lessons include but are not limited to; scientific investigation
which uses the scientific method. The scientific method includes first investigating the problem,
coming up with a logical hypothesis, performing the experiment, reading the results, and finally
completing an analysis of the results. The next method I would explore is decision making which
is the thought process of selecting a logical choice from the available options. Next is problem
solving. When I teach the students to problem solve accurately they be able to overcome obstacles
and find a solution that best resolves the issue. Next, I will help my students think critically which
includes identification and evaluation to problem solving. Finally, I will use the method of
cooperative learning which is an approach to organizing classroom activities into academic and
social learning experience. I believe that every one of these method can be valued
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Teachers' Education Essay
Teachers' Education
Not only do the rapid growth of technology changed the way we live, from the way business is
conducted to the way we communicate with each other, technology advancements are also affecting
the way we teach and learn. According to the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher
Education (NCATE), new skills needed in the workplace are catalysts that spurtechnology use in the
classroom. It is clear that the business world demand schools to prepare educated workers who are
skilled at working in teams, can effectively solve problems, are able to process and apply
information, and who can use technology effectively in the global market place in order to maximize
productivity. Thus, the challenges and more content...
Student–centered teaching are encouraged in which students participate in discovery learning and
assessment is often based on group as well as individual project portfolios.
With the impact of technology in the classrooms and the drastic change in the role of teachers, the
learning environments also need major reform. According to the recommendation of the National
Educational Technology Standard provided by the International Society for Technology in Education
(ISTE), the student–centered teaching environments should be as followed:
Moving from Traditional to Student–centered Learning Environments
Traditional Classroom Student–Centered Classroom
Teacher–centered instruction Student–centered instruction
Single sense stimulation Multisensory stimulation
Single path Multipath progression
Single media Multimedia
Isolated work Collaborative work
Information delivered Information exchange
Passive learning Active/exploratory/inquiry–based learning
Factual, knowledge–based Critical thinking, informed decision–making
Reactive response Proactive/planned action
However, ISTE's recommendation of this model learning environment of the new classroom would
not materialize without teachers' understanding and appreciation of what technology can do to
enhance their teaching; thus, promoting student learning.
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Essay about Teachers and Students
Teachers and Students
The education habits of students are rooted in them from the earliest days of their educational
careers. The different influences on students, whether it be inside educational institutions, or outside
is huge. The teacher of a classroom is the first and most pertinent influence in a student's educational
career. Teachers provide students with the basic skills they would need to survive not only in the
academic world, but also the world beyond. The relationship between teachers and their students is
the key element in creating an educational atmosphere that is both pleasant and effective.
The experience of a student at school, especially at a younger age, in most cases sets the main base of
the skills of more content...
Unconsciously or not, they consistently reinforce and reward more 'feminine' behavior. Although
it may be true that boys are more active than girls, but to say that they are treated differently is to
be overly generalizing the situation. A teacher is supposed to be able to handle different types of
children in the classroom, and cater to their activeness or passiveness in a class. For example, a
teacher would try to involve a quiet and shy student as often as possible. The same goes for an
active child; the teacher should be able to find activities for that child which would not only educate
them, but also keep them busy.
Thomas provides various arguments as to how boys and girls are different; therefore they are
treated differently in a classroom. It cannot be argued that boys and girls are different, especially at
such a young age, but to say that teachers specifically do treat boys in a rougher manner would be
going too far. Thomas introduces the idea that society instills ideas of prejudice towards women in
young boys, so that when they do go into a classroom governed by a female teacher, they are
predisposed to be defiant and unruly. In my opinion, it is unfair to judge teachers based on the
performance of their students on various tests. Thomas's article introduces the idea that as the
number of female teachers is increasing, the performance of boys in school is declining. One much
question whether it is in fact the teachers who cause this
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Low Salary For A Teacher
Low Pay in Teaching In San Francisco, the average salary for a teacher is approximately $59,000
which would equal to earning about $220,000 a year. The average home in San Francisco is
approximately $485,000 (Elsen). This shows that the pay for teachers is so low teachers cannot
afford to live in the city of San Francisco. Teachers worldwide have been working harder and
longer hours, yet they are still struggling with their pay. Even if the teacher's job is to teach the
current generations that will later on take on the important responsibilities that come along with
adulthood, their job is being taking for granted and they are being paid as if their job could be
done by anyone with no educational background. Teaching seems like it could be done by anyone,
but in reality it does take some skill or at least some effort to be a good teacher. Since teachers are
surrounded by students at all times, they need to know the easiest ways for their students to learn the
material with the least amount of problems. The last thing they want is to have their students
struggle with the class, and not understand what the lesson is about. Also, not only are they teaching
multiple students at once, but multiple students who learn in different ways. There are students who
learn verbally and others who prefer to see it (visually). Not to mention they are students who learn
by doing hands–on projects. The teacher must find a balance in between all the teaching styles in
order to please or help
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teacher expectations
Teachers play a pivotal role in shaping the behaviour and educational success of students and as such
they carry a huge responsibility in the classroom. Everything the teacher says or do has a great
impact on students' lives as students depend on the teacher for guidance, for determining acceptable
and social behaviour in the classroom and more importantly their learning and academic success. In
addition, the role played by the teacher in fostering students learning causes them to exhibit certain
attitudes which could have a long lasting negative or positive influence on students. Based on
research it was surmised that high teacher expectation mean that the teacher believe that the student
is a high–achiever and the more content...
Furthermore, promoting the expression of ideas in a free, non judgmental way in the classroom is of
great importance. The way teachers can understand the student's point of view on various topics and
may be the outcome of this can be greater appreciation and understanding.
Based on the evidence provided from this concluded research, it can be inferred that positive
expectations led to more successful outcomes. Therefore negative or low expectations result in poor
levels of success. Hence, the following consequences can be discussed to show how teacher
expectations influence students learning in the classroom.
When teachers have low expectations of students their learning is negatively impacted and affected
in several different ways. The teacher's and the students' attitude to their work is wrapped in low
motivation, because teachers seem to think that because much is not expected and if the teacher
lacks effective strategies for working with such students, then the outcome of success is low then
they are less likely to want to teach these students and teach them well. If per chance the student
notices the teacher's attitude towards them then again it doesn't work well as it is perceived as
evidence of their low competence and the drive to perform well is erased.
In addition to both teacher and student experiencing low levels of motivation, little to no attention is
paid to the
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Essay On Teachers

  • 1. Effective Teachers Essay Teaching is a profession that is considered to be a rewarding challenging and complex role. An effective teacher does not simply teach knowledge their students and instead aims to arm students with the knowledge, skills, understanding and attitudes that will prepare students for life–long learning. The constructivist theories developed by Piaget and Vygotsky have impacted on the way that teachers teach and this has changed the approach of teaching to place a greater importance on the teacher instead to act as a facilitator of learning in an open, constructivist environment and providing students with the tools to challenge themselves to develop both academically and personally. The education of students within classrooms of today more content... Constructivism is connected to the theories of Piaget and Vygotsky. Piaget believed that cognitive development occurred in four stages that have distinct developmental characteristics. He theorised that all information is organised into 'schemas', and this refers to the manner in which a child organisesand stores information and knowledge received. As new information is received, it is either incorporated into existing schemas (assimilation) or new schemas (accommodation) are created (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2010). Vygotsky's theories compliment those of Piaget and place a greater importance on social interaction as he considered cognitive development predominately was achievedthrough social interaction. Vygotsky believed that learning could be accelerated with the assistance of a more advanced peer or teacher. This concept is referred to as the zone of proximal development (ZPD) and works in conjunction with the theory of 'scaffolding', where a teacher provides support to student and as proficiency increases the scaffolding is decreased (Marsh, 2008). Evidence of scaffolding is seen throughout the Maths video as Ms Poole provides an outline of the lesson and the goals to allow students to establish a focus. The impact of the constructivist theorists Get more content on
  • 2. Teacher's Salaries Essay Lurking over our great country is a troubling issue that is plaguing the professional educational workforce. When compared worldwide, American teachers work the most hours, yet are paid in the lowest brackets when related to the top 32 nations (Teachers Pay). In addition, when you compare a teacher's salary to other four year degree salaries, teachers are among the 5 lowest paid degrees (O'Shaughnessy). Not only are the salaries among the lowest in the American workforce, a typical teachers at home workload exceeds all other professional jobs by 20% (Current). Furthermore, teachers were only given a 2.3% salary raise in 2009. Yet the rate of inflation rose to 3.1% causing a loss in purchasing power and creating a hardship on more content... According to an hourly wage, that would place a teacher's salary above accountants, computer programmers, and mechanical engineers at the entry level. In addition to the hourly rate, teachers often are given economic incentives that aren't available to other jobs (Teachers). These same researchers also claim that the benefits given to teachers far outweigh those of rival professions. Therefore, stating that based off limited research, teachers are paid an adamant amount of money, and need not complain (Anderson). In contrast there are many reasons why teachers truly are underpaid. First, what these researchers fail to make public, is the fact that the hourly wage that they base a teachers pay is centered only on the hours that a teacher is present at school. They do not take into consideration the hours that teachers put in at home. On average a teacher will work 20% more Sundays than any other profession, these hours will not be paid or documented into a teachers pay schedule. The reasoning behind the large at home workload comes from the excessive amount of homework and assignments that they must grade or create for previous and following work days. Secondly, they are often forced to work at multiple locations, with early starting hours ranging from 6 to 7 am. Furthermore, some of these locations can be extremely far, costing the teacher an Get more content on
  • 3. My Teaching Philosophy Essay My Teaching Philosophy I believe that education extends far beyond the classroom walls, and involves many more people than students and teachers. People should be learning wherever they go, and should continue learning long after they've graduated from high school or college. Education isn't something that can be quantified with tests or report cards, but is instead something that people carry with them. It's a survival pack for life, and some people are better equipped in certain areas than in others. People with a solid education are prepared for nearly anything, as they will be able to provide for their own physical, emotional, and aesthetic needs. That being said, I also believe that a crucial part of education more content... The roles of a teacher are so many and so varied that it is impossible to list them all, but one of the most important is preparing students to learn, not only in the classroom, but everywhere, and for the rest of their lives. Learning is not a skill that is necessarily instinctual or easy, and therefore different approaches must be used to make learning easier and more fun for students. Teaching is not a skill that can be memorized or made repetitive, and so teachers must continue to challenge not only their students, but also themselves. Teachers that become complacent in their jobs are not good teachers. Those who can find a way to make an old lesson new and exciting will have an energized classroom, and will be reenergized themselves. Every child is different. That sounds like an obvious statement, but so many ineffective teachers seem to forget this. Each student has his or her own varying abilities, talents, and levels of competence, and it is the job of a teacher not only to recognize this, but to help each student recognize this as well. If a child isn't doing well in a particular subject, both the teacher and the student should work towards figuring out why, and the teacher should accept the challenge of finding a way to make a particular subject more Get more content on
  • 4. Essay On Teacher Shortage The issue of teacher shortage today is continuing to grow. The effects of the achievement gap are reaching the teachers, not just the students: "...good administrators and teachers, who are doing their best under difficult circumstances, will be driven out of the profession...," (Boyd–Zaharias 41). The achievement gap is part of the reason teachers feel they are underpaid, which happens to be one of the leading cause in teacher shortage considering, "Teachers were paid two percent less [than comparable workers] in 1994, but by 2015 the wage penalty rose to 17 percent," (Long). Being a teacher requires passion in order to stay in the field, especially if the money in teaching is decreasing. Money is an important aspect for people when it comes to their careers, therefore, fewer people want to become teachers. This lack of teachers and the lack of college students studying to become a teacher leads to unqualified teachers and larger classroom sizes (Ostroff). Both of these causes are eventually affecting students' learning environments. I chose this issue in education for my project because I have personally felt these effects, and I know others who have as well. As a future educator, I want to see better wages and better benefits, but this can only happen with qualified, passionate teachers. I plan on being one of them, and I plan on sparking a change. I am a future educator fighting to end teacher shortage. My project exemplifies the importance of teacher accountability in Get more content on
  • 5. Essay On Teacher Stress Teaching is one of the most rewarding and satisfying career; yet, quite demanding and stressful at the same time. There has been a widespread concern on work related stress among teachers in different educational settings. Past studies have explored various factors regarding teacher stress including: causes of stress, prevalence rates, effects of stress and coping strategies (Benmansour, 1998). According to research, today's teaching environment is characterized by serious responsibilities and workloads. As a result, teachers report relatively high cases of stress and some researchers have linked high teacher attrition rates in some areas to work–related stress (Alhija, 2015). Stress refers to situations or circumstances that a person is not able to handle. It occurs when the circumstances or environmental pressures exceed beyond a person's capabilities of coping with the situation (Michie, 2002). Stress could result from both external and internal factors and despite its origin, it could significantly undermine a person's cognitive, emotional and physical function. Teacher stress can be defined as circumstances within the work setting that teachers cannot cope with. For instance, some facets of the teaching environment like demanding work environment and poor working conditions could elicit anxiety, anger and frustration in a teacher. According to Antoniou, Ploumpi and Ntalla (2013), sources of stress among teachers differ depending on the circumstances, personality and Get more content on
  • 6. Essay On Teacher Stress The constant turn–over rate of teachers, the lack of interest in teaching, and the lack of commitment to the profession continues to be a major concern for school systems all over this nation (Haritos, 2004). Alabama teachers are experiencing the effects of stress and coping is a priority for the retention of highly qualified teachers in the area. Literature from past and current research has established that there is a growing problem in the teaching field for work–related stress and coping is a factor that should be in place in order to maintain the functionality of work practices. According to Ingersoll (2014) 40 to 50 percent of teachers will leave the classroom within five years and with this percentage the teacher turnover rate is 4% higher than other professions. What is known about teacher stress is that the manifestation of stress and its components is a driving force for teachers sustainable. The complexity of the claim is that teachers need to transition stress into coping strategies and schools need to address the stress risk. Stress has become a common characteristic of educators and with the increased amount of accountability, teachers play a significant role on students and schools. Another claim established within the research is that teacher stress can contribute to low student achievement. Based on the research by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (2016) the low achievement would be in math and language arts and contribute to a disruptive Get more content on
  • 7. My Career as a Teacher Essay As I begin my rewarding career as I teacher, I sit and reflect on what my goals and priorities are in the classroom. I am excited to be engaged in a future career where I can implement my own beliefs and mold the future into something extremely positive. I believe the most important aspects that I want to bring to my students are threefold: I want to educate, motivate, and inspire. In order to have a productive learning environment where I will be able to educate my students, many different factors must take place. First and foremost, it is important to me that I master exceptional classroom management skills. Effective and efficient learning takes place when expectations in the classroom are consistent and clear. Also, discipline more content... These learning styles include; auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. By mastering and using as many learning styles as I can, I will make sure each student is able to get the most out of their learning experience. I understand that every child learns differently and understanding how to use different approaches in each lesson plan will benefit every student. Not only is it important to use different learning styles but I will also use different teaching styles during the curriculum. The different methods I would like to use to teach my lessons include but are not limited to; scientific investigation which uses the scientific method. The scientific method includes first investigating the problem, coming up with a logical hypothesis, performing the experiment, reading the results, and finally completing an analysis of the results. The next method I would explore is decision making which is the thought process of selecting a logical choice from the available options. Next is problem solving. When I teach the students to problem solve accurately they be able to overcome obstacles and find a solution that best resolves the issue. Next, I will help my students think critically which includes identification and evaluation to problem solving. Finally, I will use the method of cooperative learning which is an approach to organizing classroom activities into academic and social learning experience. I believe that every one of these method can be valued Get more content on
  • 8. Teachers' Education Essay Teachers' Education Not only do the rapid growth of technology changed the way we live, from the way business is conducted to the way we communicate with each other, technology advancements are also affecting the way we teach and learn. According to the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), new skills needed in the workplace are catalysts that spurtechnology use in the classroom. It is clear that the business world demand schools to prepare educated workers who are skilled at working in teams, can effectively solve problems, are able to process and apply information, and who can use technology effectively in the global market place in order to maximize productivity. Thus, the challenges and more content... Student–centered teaching are encouraged in which students participate in discovery learning and assessment is often based on group as well as individual project portfolios. With the impact of technology in the classrooms and the drastic change in the role of teachers, the learning environments also need major reform. According to the recommendation of the National Educational Technology Standard provided by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), the student–centered teaching environments should be as followed: Moving from Traditional to Student–centered Learning Environments Traditional Classroom Student–Centered Classroom Teacher–centered instruction Student–centered instruction Single sense stimulation Multisensory stimulation Single path Multipath progression Single media Multimedia Isolated work Collaborative work Information delivered Information exchange Passive learning Active/exploratory/inquiry–based learning Factual, knowledge–based Critical thinking, informed decision–making Reactive response Proactive/planned action However, ISTE's recommendation of this model learning environment of the new classroom would not materialize without teachers' understanding and appreciation of what technology can do to enhance their teaching; thus, promoting student learning. Get more content on
  • 9. Essay about Teachers and Students Teachers and Students The education habits of students are rooted in them from the earliest days of their educational careers. The different influences on students, whether it be inside educational institutions, or outside is huge. The teacher of a classroom is the first and most pertinent influence in a student's educational career. Teachers provide students with the basic skills they would need to survive not only in the academic world, but also the world beyond. The relationship between teachers and their students is the key element in creating an educational atmosphere that is both pleasant and effective. The experience of a student at school, especially at a younger age, in most cases sets the main base of the skills of more content... Unconsciously or not, they consistently reinforce and reward more 'feminine' behavior. Although it may be true that boys are more active than girls, but to say that they are treated differently is to be overly generalizing the situation. A teacher is supposed to be able to handle different types of children in the classroom, and cater to their activeness or passiveness in a class. For example, a teacher would try to involve a quiet and shy student as often as possible. The same goes for an active child; the teacher should be able to find activities for that child which would not only educate them, but also keep them busy. Thomas provides various arguments as to how boys and girls are different; therefore they are treated differently in a classroom. It cannot be argued that boys and girls are different, especially at such a young age, but to say that teachers specifically do treat boys in a rougher manner would be going too far. Thomas introduces the idea that society instills ideas of prejudice towards women in young boys, so that when they do go into a classroom governed by a female teacher, they are predisposed to be defiant and unruly. In my opinion, it is unfair to judge teachers based on the performance of their students on various tests. Thomas's article introduces the idea that as the number of female teachers is increasing, the performance of boys in school is declining. One much question whether it is in fact the teachers who cause this Get more content on
  • 10. Low Salary For A Teacher Low Pay in Teaching In San Francisco, the average salary for a teacher is approximately $59,000 which would equal to earning about $220,000 a year. The average home in San Francisco is approximately $485,000 (Elsen). This shows that the pay for teachers is so low teachers cannot afford to live in the city of San Francisco. Teachers worldwide have been working harder and longer hours, yet they are still struggling with their pay. Even if the teacher's job is to teach the current generations that will later on take on the important responsibilities that come along with adulthood, their job is being taking for granted and they are being paid as if their job could be done by anyone with no educational background. Teaching seems like it could be done by anyone, but in reality it does take some skill or at least some effort to be a good teacher. Since teachers are surrounded by students at all times, they need to know the easiest ways for their students to learn the material with the least amount of problems. The last thing they want is to have their students struggle with the class, and not understand what the lesson is about. Also, not only are they teaching multiple students at once, but multiple students who learn in different ways. There are students who learn verbally and others who prefer to see it (visually). Not to mention they are students who learn by doing hands–on projects. The teacher must find a balance in between all the teaching styles in order to please or help Get more content on
  • 11. teacher expectations Teachers play a pivotal role in shaping the behaviour and educational success of students and as such they carry a huge responsibility in the classroom. Everything the teacher says or do has a great impact on students' lives as students depend on the teacher for guidance, for determining acceptable and social behaviour in the classroom and more importantly their learning and academic success. In addition, the role played by the teacher in fostering students learning causes them to exhibit certain attitudes which could have a long lasting negative or positive influence on students. Based on research it was surmised that high teacher expectation mean that the teacher believe that the student is a high–achiever and the more content... Furthermore, promoting the expression of ideas in a free, non judgmental way in the classroom is of great importance. The way teachers can understand the student's point of view on various topics and may be the outcome of this can be greater appreciation and understanding. Based on the evidence provided from this concluded research, it can be inferred that positive expectations led to more successful outcomes. Therefore negative or low expectations result in poor levels of success. Hence, the following consequences can be discussed to show how teacher expectations influence students learning in the classroom. When teachers have low expectations of students their learning is negatively impacted and affected in several different ways. The teacher's and the students' attitude to their work is wrapped in low motivation, because teachers seem to think that because much is not expected and if the teacher lacks effective strategies for working with such students, then the outcome of success is low then they are less likely to want to teach these students and teach them well. If per chance the student notices the teacher's attitude towards them then again it doesn't work well as it is perceived as evidence of their low competence and the drive to perform well is erased. In addition to both teacher and student experiencing low levels of motivation, little to no attention is paid to the Get more content on