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Best Ways To Study Essay
Three Best Ways to Study For many students studying for an exam or a test can be very stressful.
For a lot of them studying is very hard because sometimes most of the materials they study, they
don't remember on the actual test or exam. However there are more than one way to study and
most theses studying methods can be very helpful and very reliable. A Lot of students tend to cram
all the studying two or the night before the test and according to UCLA professor of psychiatry
Andrew J. Fuligni (2012) cramming and trying to get as much information in your head two or a
night before the test is very counterproductive. How to study properly Although there are many ways
and methods of studying whether it be scientific or a family belief , more content...
A second method of studying is by studying in an appropriate setting (Chadron State College).
Studying in an environment where distraction is very easy to find is very difficult. Studying in a
quiet setting with a lot of space away from distraction can help you study and can help memory
performance. With this setting it's also helpful to be consistent with the studying, studying at the
same time and same place is very effective especially when this is done 2 –3 weeks prior to the test
quiz or exam. With the proper setting, proper setting is also necessary. " Your study desk or table
should be equipped with all the materials you might need to complete the assignment, e.g., pencils,
pens, erasers, paper clips, stapler, dictionary, snacks, and liquid refreshments, etc." – Chadron State
College. Adding items that can help you study and removing things that might distract is also need
for effective studying. The third and final method of studying that is effective is studying while
listening to music. According to Goodwin (2015), studying with music before a test can improve
attention and can help lessen depression and anxiety. The "Mozart effect" is known to be helpful
but of course today the effects will be very different since students don't tend to listen to Mozart.
The type of music played also plays a pig role of studying. Studying with music that has lyrics is not
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Essay about Teachers and Students
Teachers and Students
The education habits of students are rooted in them from the earliest days of their educational
careers. The different influences on students, whether it be inside educational institutions, or outside
is huge. The teacher of a classroom is the first and most pertinent influence in a student's educational
career. Teachers provide students with the basic skills they would need to survive not only in the
academic world, but also the world beyond. The relationship between teachers and their students is
the key element in creating an educational atmosphere that is both pleasant and effective.
The experience of a student at school, especially at a younger age, in most cases sets the main base of
the skills of more content...
Unconsciously or not, they consistently reinforce and reward more 'feminine' behavior. Although
it may be true that boys are more active than girls, but to say that they are treated differently is to
be overly generalizing the situation. A teacher is supposed to be able to handle different types of
children in the classroom, and cater to their activeness or passiveness in a class. For example, a
teacher would try to involve a quiet and shy student as often as possible. The same goes for an
active child; the teacher should be able to find activities for that child which would not only educate
them, but also keep them busy.
Thomas provides various arguments as to how boys and girls are different; therefore they are
treated differently in a classroom. It cannot be argued that boys and girls are different, especially at
such a young age, but to say that teachers specifically do treat boys in a rougher manner would be
going too far. Thomas introduces the idea that society instills ideas of prejudice towards women in
young boys, so that when they do go into a classroom governed by a female teacher, they are
predisposed to be defiant and unruly. In my opinion, it is unfair to judge teachers based on the
performance of their students on various tests. Thomas's article introduces the idea that as the
number of female teachers is increasing, the performance of boys in school is declining. One much
question whether it is in fact the teachers who cause this
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Essay On Student Behavior
Student Behavior in the United States Education System
Approximately 20% of children exhibit symptoms consists with a diagnosable mental disorder;
however, children often do not receive mental health services until their symptoms have become
severe, and only 1% are identified with an emotional and/or behavior disorder in the school setting
and receive special education for these disorders. Additionally, children who do not have a
diagnosis, but exhibit challenges with social and behavioral skills, tend to have challenges in the
academic setting, but often to do also receive effective supports.
Researchers estimate that between one and 5% of children have a severe emotional and/or
behavioral disorder (Costello, Mustillo, Erkanli, Keller, more content...
MTSS as Prevention. Schools are an ideal place to assist children with mental health issues. Using a
preventive model, such as the MTSS model described above, to catch problems early may prevent
children from developing more serious or longer–term problems. Research indicates that treating
children who are at–risk for emotional and behavioral problems can decrease the likelihood that
they will later be diagnosed with a mental health disorder while also lowering the healthcare costs.
However, traditionally, behavior problems have not been addressed until a student receives one or
more office discipline referrals, and there tends to be a two–year gap between the time that the child
first receives an outside diagnosis and when they begin receiving services in the schools.
Universal screeners provide schools information that may help prevent future office disciplinary
referrals and prevent future behavior challenges. Therefore, providing a universal screener may
identify children who would otherwise not receive services until the problem behavior becomes
severe. Previous research demonstrates that children who were identified by the Behavioral and
Emotional Screening System (BESS) as at–risk earned lower report grades than their peers, whether
or not they were deemed at–risk according to traditional teacher referral
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Why Grades Are Important Essay
Yes, grades are an effective means of motivating students to do their best work. If there were no
grades why the students would like to work hard? Do not they want to enjoy luxury and comforts in
their youth? Surely, students want to enjoy their youth with luxury and comforts. They can not
judge themselves because they have no scale of judgment. It is the instructor only who judges the
students comparatively and gives grades to them accordingly. In this way, by receiving their grades
students recognize their positions in the class. If their positions came to be low, they then try to
achieve higher positions by working hard because they want to achieve their goal of becoming great
persons. As it is the nature of all the human beings that more content...
The farmer does his best to make his fields fit for better growth of the crops only in the hope of
getting a good variety of crops so that they may help him in earning high money. If he will not be
able to get high money by producing a good variety of crops he will probably increase his
working hours to achieve his purpose because he does his work only for earning money to live in.
Similar is the case with the students. Students work because they want their instructor to give
them high grades. Their future career depends on their grades they have made at this level. If
they got high grade their future will be bright because everyone gives credit to grades. Therefore,
if students will get credit for their work they will work even better for getting more and more
credit. Otherwise, they will shirk work hard. Furthermore, God will also give rewards to those
people who have done good deeds in this world. That is why; all people do their best of doing good
deeds so that they may be able to get reward from God on their sacrifices and hardships. If there
would be no reward from God, no one would want to do good deeds by facing hardships. Every
one would be free to committing sins or other bad deeds which will results in turmoil of the world.
Same is the case with the students. If the instructor gives them grades for their individual work they
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Essay on English Language Learner
Schools in the United States of America (USA) are facing many challenges, because of the
increasing numbers of the English Language Learner (ELL) students. School administrators are
trying hard to provide an equal opportunity education to their students. Furthermore, educators are
looking forward in providing several methods and technique to help their students to succeed in their
academic learning skills. There are many factors that need to focus on and it can be the fundamental
when trying to build powerful resolutions, such as parents and community resources, social
influences, native language, etc.
ELL Families and Schools
Teaching is a call, where teachers need to have an understanding about each individual student's more content...
By allowing the ELL students to use their native and their second language in reading, and writing it
will make them move along this new process. Reading and writing experience should be context
related and meaningful in order for them to be effective in their learning, even though, they can
transfer the literacy skills that they have obtained in their native language towards their second
language while they are exposed to more learning experiences.
Many challenges are faced by the ELL students and their families by being in a new environment,
such as a new language, school, food, beliefs, life style, etc., where they feel that they need to deviate
from their home language and their culture, absolutely not, they need to be conceited, revered,
treasured. In this matter, our role as educators is to be prepared to work effectively with families
(Katz & Bauch, n.d., p. 189), in providing the effective support, and assistant with the full
understanding of the new changes in their new environments. On the other hand, social cultural
pressure could be increased if students do not have another native individual to relate to; students
need to have a teacher who will assist and guide them in learning new a language; without allowing
them to lose their cultural identity.
Fund of Knowledge for Teaching (FKT) created for teachers, anthropologists, and teacher educators
to gain more knowledge about their students' community experiences, and curricula
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How to Be A Good Student Essay
How to Be A Good Student
To become a success in life, we all need to learn to become a good student in every aspect of life.
Becoming a good student takes much work and self–discipline. There are many ways that a student
can stand out from the rest of the class. These good students are distinguished by their attitude,
intellectual skills, consciousness, and achievement.
Attitude is primarily a genuine desire to learn and the will to do hard academic work to achieve
understanding. It is also shown by how well you apply yourself even to subjects in which you have
little interest and how much you can achieve even when a teacher's style is not what you are used to.
Also attitude can change the way you percieveperceive more content...
No one else can help you to attain a good attitude, you must decide and make it a goal to have a
good attitude in your student life. (CS)
Intellectual skills is (S–V Agr) another important aspect of becoming a good student. This skill
includes the ability to read and understand, intelligent use of resources, mathematical and logical
skills, efficient study habits, and the ability to communicate clearly and fluently. Intellectual skills
include time management, exam strategies, study strategies, and goal setting.
Consciousness, or awareness, is another helpful aspect of becoming a good student. The good
student must be aware of their (agr) surroundings and know what is going on in the world around
them. We must strive to relate what is happening around us to what we are learning. This should be
important to us because we should care about what is going on politically, academically, socially,
and spiritually. Being aware and paying attention is a good trait to continually learn and apply.
Achievement is demonstrated by successful application of understanding. This aspect includes using
correct and confident knowledge, effective communication, and continuanceing of education through
out your life. Achievement gives you a sense of accomplishment and meaning. To become a good
student, this must be a goal that you wish to accomplish.
Becoming a good student can be time consuming but well worth
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Stress Among College Students Essay examples
College is a time of extreme stress due to societal and parental pressures. College students have
expectations they have to live up to in order to fulfill and satisfy the needs of both their parents and
society. Stress is expressed through a variety of symptoms that can be hazardous to student's physical
and mental health. With such high expectations to do well during college, students may become
sleep deprived, which impairs mental capacity, but sleep deprivation is only one of a vast array of
symptoms. Stress is present in all aspects of life and there are multiple causes of stress, especially,
during the college period which may present itself through many symptoms, but with stress, there are
also various coping methods to help more content...
According to Lupien, McEwan, Gunnar, and Heim (2009), going off to college involves significant
adjustments to their daily routines; sleeping and eating habits, time–management skills, and stress
levels will be altered in one way or another. First–year students have to adjust to the new school
environment, different social settings, and new schedules, all without the help and guidance from
their parents, who have been there for them for eighteen years. Over 30% of college freshman
report that they feel overwhelmed (Klainberg, Ewing, & Ryan, 2010), where some students even
opt to work as they juggle their class and work schedules. Some students work at a job or study
harder than others, but they are all trying to get degrees so maybe one day they will have
meaningful and significant lives. It is a constant struggle for everyone who is trying desperately to
make him or herself into a success. And every college student wants to be involved in society in a
positive manner, allowing contribution of their ideals and values to others. Stress in college is
caused by many other influencing factors. One of these important factors would have to be the
expectations set by parents. They are normally the reason students are in college, so pleasing them
by getting good grades is almost mandatory. The thought of displeasing out parents can be
detrimental to our thought process; meaning that it most likely would cause impaired
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Essay On Student Stress
College students are stressed all the time, so much that it has become a daily emotion in their
academic career. College students stress increases when we go away to college because we have
a lot of freedom that we never had before. Some students have been so dependent on their parents
for so long that when it comes to daily task they are at so confused on how to properly complete
it. In college we experience academic, financial, family, social, and family stress. Stress is a
normal human behavior but it can physically and mentally harm us. To deal with stress one has to
find ways to cope in order to decrease their stress level. Ideal coping mechanisms for a college
student is counseling, communication , and relaxation techniques instead of leisure activities. As we
go through the transition of becoming college students we become vulnerable to stress because we
are trying to find ourself, keep up with our academics, have a social life and adjust to a new life. It
becomes so much for a college student that they easily become stressed. Even if students are
physiologically stressed they don't seek counseling, however others try to look for counseling
because it gives social support and interpersonal coping techniques that a college student can seek.In
the article College Student Stress and Mental Health: Examination of Stigmatic Views on Mental
health Counseling Stated " This study suggested a need to increase students' use of mental health
counseling services. Many students
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First Year Students Essay
First year students are faced with various social challenges. One of these challenges will be
attempting to manage a level of cultural and social diversity which may differ from what they are
familiar with in their communities. First year students enter a new social realm as they begin their
studies. They are forced to recreate their social world, as the meet new people and make new
friends. A first yearstudent will be faced with making his/her own decisions about drugs, sex,
alcohol and other. Partying may cause problems as bad decisions may be made due to the use of
drugs and/or alcohol.
Transition into the college life may have an impact on how first year students prioritize and manage
their time. First year students have to learn more content...
Staying away from home in an unfamiliar environment with new people can induce homesickness in
many first year students worldwide.
The social pressures of fitting in and making new friends affect first year students all over the
world. Students face social pressures such as partying, drinking and taking drugs. It is also
challenging for first years to make new friends as they are in an unfamiliar environment.
There is a vast difference between South Africa's first year dropout rate and America's first year
dropout rate. South Africa has a first year dropout rate of 50–60%, whereas the United States of
America has a first year dropout rate of 30%. A possible reason for this vast difference is the
admission requirements. South Africa has lower admission requirements than the US. Therefore
students with lower marks are being accepted into university in South Africa and are dropping out
sooner due to their low marks and not being able to handle the academic content. The United States
has stricter acceptance rules which results in a lower dropout rate as the students that are accepted
have higher marks and are able to handle the academic
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Essay on Students in Urban Schools
An urban student faces many disadvantages when attending school regardless of whether they attend
a public or private school. Before we can consider how to take an urban student seriously we must
examine where they are from. Urban students are those living in higher density communities within
the inner–cities; areas of diversity, poverty, crime and low–income. Today we can best assign the
term "urban school" to public schools that are in these metropolitan areas. Many of these schools
exist within educational systems that lack sufficient resources and quality educators to ensure their
educational needs are met. We also tell ourselves that the United States cannot or may never
completely successfully resolve the issues with more content...
The Students Against Destructive Decisions Organization also emphasizes on drug usage and sex in
urban communities where marijuana is the most frequently used illicit drug where 38.1% are youths
between ages 12–17. Another 24% urban students have had sex by the 8th grade. Urban students are
33% more at risk youths compared to the rest of American students (SADD).
With researched statistics such as what is listed by the Students Against Destructive Decisions
Organization makes urban students family lives a tad more challenging. However, most urban
students come from families that 43% live in single parent homes, 39 % of urban students parents
make 18% below the nations poverty level where the poverty (U.S Census Bureau). The U.S.
Census Bureau federal poverty guideline for 2009 reports the poverty threshold of a three person
household at $18,310 and two persons at $14,570. The U. S Census Bureau also reports the income
decline of those living in urban areas for Black households 4.4 percent and 1.6 percent of
non–Hispanic White households between 2008 and 2009. With the high decline many urban
students are forced to find jobs to help support their families and themselves. Regardless of these
challenges according to research done by the National Center of Education Statistics 63% of urban
students were equally or more likely than other students to have strong family ties that support
superior education outcomes and high
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International Students Essay example
Differences between American Students and International Students Most young people believe that
studying in a different country is a privilege because they are able to experience other cultures, and
learn from them. However, in the United States it is not as good as they thought because
International students have much more pressure being in this country, and sometimes they cannot
handle it very well. Therefore, in the United States the life of an international student is very
unfavorable if people compare it to the life of an American student. International students have to
learn a new language to study, they cannot work while studying, and their tuition is much more
expensive. When people moves to the United Stated to study more content...
They know their structure and have a very superior vocabulary, so they can compose excellent
essays. In addition, since American students speak English very well, they do not have any
problem participating in class. They have confidence in themselves, so they will not be afraid of
saying something wrong. Consequently, because American students do not have to learn any
language to study their mayor, it is much easier for them to achieve excellent grades. Most
university students feel the necessity of working since they would like to have their own money
in order to be independent from their parents. It is not the exception for International students
because they also feel the necessity of working to be independent from their parents or whoever is
responsible for them. However, for international students to work in the United States it is very
difficult because they are only allowed to work on campus. These kinds of jobs are very limited
since some of the campuses in which they study are very small. Also for an international student to
find a job on campus is difficult because people prefer to employee an American student who is
not going to have any problem speaking the language. For example, last semester a friend from
Venezuela who is studying at Miami Dade College decided that he wanted to get a job in order to
have his own money. He went to
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Student Engagement Essay
Engagement, interaction, and communication are the things that connect people together in society.
Also, it are ways that help children learn. In the U.S., schools are promoting engagement in teaching
for helping students to improve. There are many methods that the teachers are using to create a
strong engagement relationship between teachers and students. U.S. teachers are engaging today's
students in many ways to help them improve their education, social skill, and prepare them for
society. One of the most popular methods that teacher use to engage students in teaching is the social
network. Today, teachers use the social network to provide lessons in class and outside of class, with
the idea of getting the students' attention when more content...
students are composed of many diverse groups of people together, which is a problem for teachers
when providing lessons. However, engagement is best method or way for people to acquire
knowledge. In schools, engagement is an important way that students acquire their education. When
students and teachers are highly engaged in school, teachers are able to help students improve their
learning. In the article "Student Engagement", the author pointed out that highly engagement
between teachers and students help to reduce dropout rates and increased levels of student success.
Also, the author believes it motivates the students keeping them interested in school and their
education. (Sadker, M) The action of engagement it benefits both students and teachers. From the
schools, teachers and educators point of view, it is important for teachers to engage students in the
learning process, because it helps teachers to know and make sure the students are learning. In the
"Teachers Engagement" article, the author explain the idea of teachers engage students in learning
help students motivated and interested in school. Also, in the article, the author pointed out that
most students are do not know purpose why they are in school, and teachers by engaging the
students in school help students realize the purpose of education. (Kennedy, C) With those reasons, it
shows that engagement it important for students and teachers in
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Essay On Students

  • 1. Best Ways To Study Essay Three Best Ways to Study For many students studying for an exam or a test can be very stressful. For a lot of them studying is very hard because sometimes most of the materials they study, they don't remember on the actual test or exam. However there are more than one way to study and most theses studying methods can be very helpful and very reliable. A Lot of students tend to cram all the studying two or the night before the test and according to UCLA professor of psychiatry Andrew J. Fuligni (2012) cramming and trying to get as much information in your head two or a night before the test is very counterproductive. How to study properly Although there are many ways and methods of studying whether it be scientific or a family belief , more content... A second method of studying is by studying in an appropriate setting (Chadron State College). Studying in an environment where distraction is very easy to find is very difficult. Studying in a quiet setting with a lot of space away from distraction can help you study and can help memory performance. With this setting it's also helpful to be consistent with the studying, studying at the same time and same place is very effective especially when this is done 2 –3 weeks prior to the test quiz or exam. With the proper setting, proper setting is also necessary. " Your study desk or table should be equipped with all the materials you might need to complete the assignment, e.g., pencils, pens, erasers, paper clips, stapler, dictionary, snacks, and liquid refreshments, etc." – Chadron State College. Adding items that can help you study and removing things that might distract is also need for effective studying. The third and final method of studying that is effective is studying while listening to music. According to Goodwin (2015), studying with music before a test can improve attention and can help lessen depression and anxiety. The "Mozart effect" is known to be helpful but of course today the effects will be very different since students don't tend to listen to Mozart. The type of music played also plays a pig role of studying. Studying with music that has lyrics is not recommended Get more content on
  • 2. Essay about Teachers and Students Teachers and Students The education habits of students are rooted in them from the earliest days of their educational careers. The different influences on students, whether it be inside educational institutions, or outside is huge. The teacher of a classroom is the first and most pertinent influence in a student's educational career. Teachers provide students with the basic skills they would need to survive not only in the academic world, but also the world beyond. The relationship between teachers and their students is the key element in creating an educational atmosphere that is both pleasant and effective. The experience of a student at school, especially at a younger age, in most cases sets the main base of the skills of more content... Unconsciously or not, they consistently reinforce and reward more 'feminine' behavior. Although it may be true that boys are more active than girls, but to say that they are treated differently is to be overly generalizing the situation. A teacher is supposed to be able to handle different types of children in the classroom, and cater to their activeness or passiveness in a class. For example, a teacher would try to involve a quiet and shy student as often as possible. The same goes for an active child; the teacher should be able to find activities for that child which would not only educate them, but also keep them busy. Thomas provides various arguments as to how boys and girls are different; therefore they are treated differently in a classroom. It cannot be argued that boys and girls are different, especially at such a young age, but to say that teachers specifically do treat boys in a rougher manner would be going too far. Thomas introduces the idea that society instills ideas of prejudice towards women in young boys, so that when they do go into a classroom governed by a female teacher, they are predisposed to be defiant and unruly. In my opinion, it is unfair to judge teachers based on the performance of their students on various tests. Thomas's article introduces the idea that as the number of female teachers is increasing, the performance of boys in school is declining. One much question whether it is in fact the teachers who cause this Get more content on
  • 3. Essay On Student Behavior Student Behavior in the United States Education System Approximately 20% of children exhibit symptoms consists with a diagnosable mental disorder; however, children often do not receive mental health services until their symptoms have become severe, and only 1% are identified with an emotional and/or behavior disorder in the school setting and receive special education for these disorders. Additionally, children who do not have a diagnosis, but exhibit challenges with social and behavioral skills, tend to have challenges in the academic setting, but often to do also receive effective supports. Researchers estimate that between one and 5% of children have a severe emotional and/or behavioral disorder (Costello, Mustillo, Erkanli, Keller, more content... MTSS as Prevention. Schools are an ideal place to assist children with mental health issues. Using a preventive model, such as the MTSS model described above, to catch problems early may prevent children from developing more serious or longer–term problems. Research indicates that treating children who are at–risk for emotional and behavioral problems can decrease the likelihood that they will later be diagnosed with a mental health disorder while also lowering the healthcare costs. However, traditionally, behavior problems have not been addressed until a student receives one or more office discipline referrals, and there tends to be a two–year gap between the time that the child first receives an outside diagnosis and when they begin receiving services in the schools. Universal screeners provide schools information that may help prevent future office disciplinary referrals and prevent future behavior challenges. Therefore, providing a universal screener may identify children who would otherwise not receive services until the problem behavior becomes severe. Previous research demonstrates that children who were identified by the Behavioral and Emotional Screening System (BESS) as at–risk earned lower report grades than their peers, whether or not they were deemed at–risk according to traditional teacher referral Get more content on
  • 4. Why Grades Are Important Essay Yes, grades are an effective means of motivating students to do their best work. If there were no grades why the students would like to work hard? Do not they want to enjoy luxury and comforts in their youth? Surely, students want to enjoy their youth with luxury and comforts. They can not judge themselves because they have no scale of judgment. It is the instructor only who judges the students comparatively and gives grades to them accordingly. In this way, by receiving their grades students recognize their positions in the class. If their positions came to be low, they then try to achieve higher positions by working hard because they want to achieve their goal of becoming great persons. As it is the nature of all the human beings that more content... The farmer does his best to make his fields fit for better growth of the crops only in the hope of getting a good variety of crops so that they may help him in earning high money. If he will not be able to get high money by producing a good variety of crops he will probably increase his working hours to achieve his purpose because he does his work only for earning money to live in. Similar is the case with the students. Students work because they want their instructor to give them high grades. Their future career depends on their grades they have made at this level. If they got high grade their future will be bright because everyone gives credit to grades. Therefore, if students will get credit for their work they will work even better for getting more and more credit. Otherwise, they will shirk work hard. Furthermore, God will also give rewards to those people who have done good deeds in this world. That is why; all people do their best of doing good deeds so that they may be able to get reward from God on their sacrifices and hardships. If there would be no reward from God, no one would want to do good deeds by facing hardships. Every one would be free to committing sins or other bad deeds which will results in turmoil of the world. Same is the case with the students. If the instructor gives them grades for their individual work they will Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on English Language Learner Schools in the United States of America (USA) are facing many challenges, because of the increasing numbers of the English Language Learner (ELL) students. School administrators are trying hard to provide an equal opportunity education to their students. Furthermore, educators are looking forward in providing several methods and technique to help their students to succeed in their academic learning skills. There are many factors that need to focus on and it can be the fundamental when trying to build powerful resolutions, such as parents and community resources, social influences, native language, etc. ELL Families and Schools Teaching is a call, where teachers need to have an understanding about each individual student's more content... By allowing the ELL students to use their native and their second language in reading, and writing it will make them move along this new process. Reading and writing experience should be context related and meaningful in order for them to be effective in their learning, even though, they can transfer the literacy skills that they have obtained in their native language towards their second language while they are exposed to more learning experiences. Many challenges are faced by the ELL students and their families by being in a new environment, such as a new language, school, food, beliefs, life style, etc., where they feel that they need to deviate from their home language and their culture, absolutely not, they need to be conceited, revered, treasured. In this matter, our role as educators is to be prepared to work effectively with families (Katz & Bauch, n.d., p. 189), in providing the effective support, and assistant with the full understanding of the new changes in their new environments. On the other hand, social cultural pressure could be increased if students do not have another native individual to relate to; students need to have a teacher who will assist and guide them in learning new a language; without allowing them to lose their cultural identity. Fund of Knowledge for Teaching (FKT) created for teachers, anthropologists, and teacher educators to gain more knowledge about their students' community experiences, and curricula Get more content on
  • 6. How to Be A Good Student Essay How to Be A Good Student To become a success in life, we all need to learn to become a good student in every aspect of life. Becoming a good student takes much work and self–discipline. There are many ways that a student can stand out from the rest of the class. These good students are distinguished by their attitude, intellectual skills, consciousness, and achievement. Attitude is primarily a genuine desire to learn and the will to do hard academic work to achieve understanding. It is also shown by how well you apply yourself even to subjects in which you have little interest and how much you can achieve even when a teacher's style is not what you are used to. Also attitude can change the way you percieveperceive more content... No one else can help you to attain a good attitude, you must decide and make it a goal to have a good attitude in your student life. (CS) Intellectual skills is (S–V Agr) another important aspect of becoming a good student. This skill includes the ability to read and understand, intelligent use of resources, mathematical and logical skills, efficient study habits, and the ability to communicate clearly and fluently. Intellectual skills include time management, exam strategies, study strategies, and goal setting. Consciousness, or awareness, is another helpful aspect of becoming a good student. The good student must be aware of their (agr) surroundings and know what is going on in the world around them. We must strive to relate what is happening around us to what we are learning. This should be important to us because we should care about what is going on politically, academically, socially, and spiritually. Being aware and paying attention is a good trait to continually learn and apply. Achievement is demonstrated by successful application of understanding. This aspect includes using correct and confident knowledge, effective communication, and continuanceing of education through out your life. Achievement gives you a sense of accomplishment and meaning. To become a good student, this must be a goal that you wish to accomplish. Becoming a good student can be time consuming but well worth Get more content on
  • 7. Stress Among College Students Essay examples College is a time of extreme stress due to societal and parental pressures. College students have expectations they have to live up to in order to fulfill and satisfy the needs of both their parents and society. Stress is expressed through a variety of symptoms that can be hazardous to student's physical and mental health. With such high expectations to do well during college, students may become sleep deprived, which impairs mental capacity, but sleep deprivation is only one of a vast array of symptoms. Stress is present in all aspects of life and there are multiple causes of stress, especially, during the college period which may present itself through many symptoms, but with stress, there are also various coping methods to help more content... According to Lupien, McEwan, Gunnar, and Heim (2009), going off to college involves significant adjustments to their daily routines; sleeping and eating habits, time–management skills, and stress levels will be altered in one way or another. First–year students have to adjust to the new school environment, different social settings, and new schedules, all without the help and guidance from their parents, who have been there for them for eighteen years. Over 30% of college freshman report that they feel overwhelmed (Klainberg, Ewing, & Ryan, 2010), where some students even opt to work as they juggle their class and work schedules. Some students work at a job or study harder than others, but they are all trying to get degrees so maybe one day they will have meaningful and significant lives. It is a constant struggle for everyone who is trying desperately to make him or herself into a success. And every college student wants to be involved in society in a positive manner, allowing contribution of their ideals and values to others. Stress in college is caused by many other influencing factors. One of these important factors would have to be the expectations set by parents. They are normally the reason students are in college, so pleasing them by getting good grades is almost mandatory. The thought of displeasing out parents can be detrimental to our thought process; meaning that it most likely would cause impaired Get more content on
  • 8. Essay On Student Stress College students are stressed all the time, so much that it has become a daily emotion in their academic career. College students stress increases when we go away to college because we have a lot of freedom that we never had before. Some students have been so dependent on their parents for so long that when it comes to daily task they are at so confused on how to properly complete it. In college we experience academic, financial, family, social, and family stress. Stress is a normal human behavior but it can physically and mentally harm us. To deal with stress one has to find ways to cope in order to decrease their stress level. Ideal coping mechanisms for a college student is counseling, communication , and relaxation techniques instead of leisure activities. As we go through the transition of becoming college students we become vulnerable to stress because we are trying to find ourself, keep up with our academics, have a social life and adjust to a new life. It becomes so much for a college student that they easily become stressed. Even if students are physiologically stressed they don't seek counseling, however others try to look for counseling because it gives social support and interpersonal coping techniques that a college student can seek.In the article College Student Stress and Mental Health: Examination of Stigmatic Views on Mental health Counseling Stated " This study suggested a need to increase students' use of mental health counseling services. Many students Get more content on
  • 9. First Year Students Essay First year students are faced with various social challenges. One of these challenges will be attempting to manage a level of cultural and social diversity which may differ from what they are familiar with in their communities. First year students enter a new social realm as they begin their studies. They are forced to recreate their social world, as the meet new people and make new friends. A first yearstudent will be faced with making his/her own decisions about drugs, sex, alcohol and other. Partying may cause problems as bad decisions may be made due to the use of drugs and/or alcohol. Transition into the college life may have an impact on how first year students prioritize and manage their time. First year students have to learn more content... Staying away from home in an unfamiliar environment with new people can induce homesickness in many first year students worldwide. The social pressures of fitting in and making new friends affect first year students all over the world. Students face social pressures such as partying, drinking and taking drugs. It is also challenging for first years to make new friends as they are in an unfamiliar environment. There is a vast difference between South Africa's first year dropout rate and America's first year dropout rate. South Africa has a first year dropout rate of 50–60%, whereas the United States of America has a first year dropout rate of 30%. A possible reason for this vast difference is the admission requirements. South Africa has lower admission requirements than the US. Therefore students with lower marks are being accepted into university in South Africa and are dropping out sooner due to their low marks and not being able to handle the academic content. The United States has stricter acceptance rules which results in a lower dropout rate as the students that are accepted have higher marks and are able to handle the academic Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on Students in Urban Schools An urban student faces many disadvantages when attending school regardless of whether they attend a public or private school. Before we can consider how to take an urban student seriously we must examine where they are from. Urban students are those living in higher density communities within the inner–cities; areas of diversity, poverty, crime and low–income. Today we can best assign the term "urban school" to public schools that are in these metropolitan areas. Many of these schools exist within educational systems that lack sufficient resources and quality educators to ensure their educational needs are met. We also tell ourselves that the United States cannot or may never completely successfully resolve the issues with more content... The Students Against Destructive Decisions Organization also emphasizes on drug usage and sex in urban communities where marijuana is the most frequently used illicit drug where 38.1% are youths between ages 12–17. Another 24% urban students have had sex by the 8th grade. Urban students are 33% more at risk youths compared to the rest of American students (SADD). With researched statistics such as what is listed by the Students Against Destructive Decisions Organization makes urban students family lives a tad more challenging. However, most urban students come from families that 43% live in single parent homes, 39 % of urban students parents make 18% below the nations poverty level where the poverty (U.S Census Bureau). The U.S. Census Bureau federal poverty guideline for 2009 reports the poverty threshold of a three person household at $18,310 and two persons at $14,570. The U. S Census Bureau also reports the income decline of those living in urban areas for Black households 4.4 percent and 1.6 percent of non–Hispanic White households between 2008 and 2009. With the high decline many urban students are forced to find jobs to help support their families and themselves. Regardless of these challenges according to research done by the National Center of Education Statistics 63% of urban students were equally or more likely than other students to have strong family ties that support superior education outcomes and high Get more content on
  • 11. International Students Essay example Differences between American Students and International Students Most young people believe that studying in a different country is a privilege because they are able to experience other cultures, and learn from them. However, in the United States it is not as good as they thought because International students have much more pressure being in this country, and sometimes they cannot handle it very well. Therefore, in the United States the life of an international student is very unfavorable if people compare it to the life of an American student. International students have to learn a new language to study, they cannot work while studying, and their tuition is much more expensive. When people moves to the United Stated to study more content... They know their structure and have a very superior vocabulary, so they can compose excellent essays. In addition, since American students speak English very well, they do not have any problem participating in class. They have confidence in themselves, so they will not be afraid of saying something wrong. Consequently, because American students do not have to learn any language to study their mayor, it is much easier for them to achieve excellent grades. Most university students feel the necessity of working since they would like to have their own money in order to be independent from their parents. It is not the exception for International students because they also feel the necessity of working to be independent from their parents or whoever is responsible for them. However, for international students to work in the United States it is very difficult because they are only allowed to work on campus. These kinds of jobs are very limited since some of the campuses in which they study are very small. Also for an international student to find a job on campus is difficult because people prefer to employee an American student who is not going to have any problem speaking the language. For example, last semester a friend from Venezuela who is studying at Miami Dade College decided that he wanted to get a job in order to have his own money. He went to Get more content on
  • 12. Student Engagement Essay Engagement, interaction, and communication are the things that connect people together in society. Also, it are ways that help children learn. In the U.S., schools are promoting engagement in teaching for helping students to improve. There are many methods that the teachers are using to create a strong engagement relationship between teachers and students. U.S. teachers are engaging today's students in many ways to help them improve their education, social skill, and prepare them for society. One of the most popular methods that teacher use to engage students in teaching is the social network. Today, teachers use the social network to provide lessons in class and outside of class, with the idea of getting the students' attention when more content... students are composed of many diverse groups of people together, which is a problem for teachers when providing lessons. However, engagement is best method or way for people to acquire knowledge. In schools, engagement is an important way that students acquire their education. When students and teachers are highly engaged in school, teachers are able to help students improve their learning. In the article "Student Engagement", the author pointed out that highly engagement between teachers and students help to reduce dropout rates and increased levels of student success. Also, the author believes it motivates the students keeping them interested in school and their education. (Sadker, M) The action of engagement it benefits both students and teachers. From the schools, teachers and educators point of view, it is important for teachers to engage students in the learning process, because it helps teachers to know and make sure the students are learning. In the "Teachers Engagement" article, the author explain the idea of teachers engage students in learning help students motivated and interested in school. Also, in the article, the author pointed out that most students are do not know purpose why they are in school, and teachers by engaging the students in school help students realize the purpose of education. (Kennedy, C) With those reasons, it shows that engagement it important for students and teachers in Get more content on