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The Effects Of Poverty On Indigenous People
"Without land and control of their assets, Indigenous Peoples are destined to remain the world's
poorest communities–with the worst health, highest mortality rate and shortest life span" ("The
Indigenous Movement"). The Indigenous Peoples Movement works to acquire legal protection and
works to raise awareness towards the indigenous peoples' causes globally. Indigenous peoples are
generally defined as individuals who belong to a highly conservative, culturally and linguistically
different non–dominant social group,–distinct from the modernly dominant society–hoping to
maintain that separation with the superior culture. In addition, their cultures and traditional practices
have been harmed over the centuries–complications arising from the more content...
These three factors, chronologically, are catalyzed in a domino effect commonly experienced by
indigenous peoples, thus being responsible for the high suicide rates. Statistical evidence for Latin
America indicates "more than 80 percent of the region's indigenous peoples are still living in abject
poverty, a trend that has changed little since the early 1990s" ("Latin America"). Because of the
rising poverty states, among the indigenous communities, a portion of the indigenous have resorted
to violent crimes. Opponents against helping indigenous peoples believe that the activities of the
indigenous risk the safety of the dominant societies, and thus should not be helped–provoking
thoughts derived from observing the rising number of aboriginal peoples incarcerated in Australia
over the years: an exponential growth rate for indigenous incarceration has flooded the prisons with
a numerable quantity of indigenous peoples . It is understandable that one would conclude such an
alleged claim only by seeing the statistical facts, but without further investigation of the causes for
incarceration, many crucial details are absent that turn the tides of the argument towards an
advocacy for legislative and judicial systems to intrude and elicit repairs for legal complexities
associated with indigenous peoples. Procuring legislative support could decrease the numbers of
poverty–struck indigenous communities and effect an ameliorable change in their social standing,
thus projecting a more respectful and less hostile view by the dominant
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Poverty and Deprivation Essay
Poverty and Deprivation
Absolute (or subsistence) Poverty is a term used to describe poverty that is measured as being
without the resources to maintain health and physical efficiency. Basic human needs such as an
amount of food, clothes and shelter are ways that 'being in' absolute poverty is measured. "a family
is poor if it cannot afford to eat". (Keith Joseph, 1979). The concept of absolute poverty was
developed by Rowntree in the 19th century. Usually measured as a minimum sum of money.
Rowntree's early studies of York and Booth's Life and Labour in east London are both examples of
a calculation of resources (money) needed to meet the needs of survival, therefore being classified as more content...
Those households unable to afford inside toilets, central heating and a television are seen as poor
relative to the majority of the UK population. Luxuries (available to the few), move to comforts
and then to necessaries and the line that separates the poor will vary according to how affluent
that society is. According to Townsend (1979), "Individual families and groups in the population
can be said to be in poverty when they lack the resources to obtain the types of diets, participate in
the activities and have the living conditions which are customary, or at least widely encouraged
and approved, in the societies to which they belong". The lack of material possessions and
facilities necessary for 'material well being' are not the only way to view those 'in poverty' because
exclusion from the lifestyle of the community in which a person belongs is also a measure of
poverty. Not exclusively shaped by physical necessity, but also by cultural expectations. For
example, in Western culture an important tradition to buy Christmas presents is not a physical
necessity. Those unable to do so are seen as poor.
A way of life that to some extent differs from the rest of society is formed by people who have a
tendency to share similar circumstances and problems, like poverty. The norms and attitudes and
values are distinctive to that social group and collectively people
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The author starts by explaining a question that many people ask about the odd behaviors in poor
people and their purchases. She helps to explain this by giving background information on her
own family when she was growing up. An event she describes is when her neighbor was unable to
obtain benefits to raise her granddaughter after a year, the authors mom dresses "expensively" or
nicely to gain an upper hand when asking for their benefits. This is done to further her belief that
people buy these things to belong and to gain more privilege. She ends her essay by stating a person
cannot judge what a poor person does until they've been poor themselves.
In an essay, the authors goal is to appeal to the audience in three different forms more
The author states, "A girl wearing a cotton tank top as a shell was incompatible with BMW–driving
VP's in the image business," (Cottom 1014–15). When talking about ethos, this is a perfect example
of showing how the persuader, or the author: Tressie McMillan Cottom, has experience in the
situations she is trying to give explanations for. This increases the credibility of the essay marginally.
The authors use of pathos in the essay is well planned and is used effectively. The see proof, the
reader would have to look no further than the title of the essay: The Logic of Stupid Poor People.
The word 'stupid' can be seen as a strong word towards someone or a group of people which stirs up
emotion into some readers before they even start reading. It grabs interests and makes people want
to hear what she has to say. When the author recalls of her past of being raised in a poor family, the
author could also be using her stories to make the reader feel sympathy for her and understand
the pressure that poor people are put under for them to be able to be considered for certain
benefits and help in general. Another example of the author trying to appeal to the readers
emotional side was how she concludes the essay with disregarding and opinions others have about
the choice of poor people if they were not poor themselves. She states, "You have no idea what you
would do if
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Poor Living Conditions Essay
India Belton
Essay 2
English 1010
July 27, 2013
Professor Long
Poor Living Conditions Affects Children While most people live their day to day life, there are
some children living in poverty. Living in these types of living conditions can influence the mental
health of a child. Children living in poor quality environments can be a lasting effect on their life.
Adults are often affected by poor living conditions because of the financial strain on them; not
being able to provide for their families. Children will be affected differently than adults; kids are
easily influenced until they reach adulthood. Of course, children learn how to act and behave form
where they grew up. Influences come from older kids and adults in the more content...
Although, it is the only escape from poverty it is still hard to want to be around peers that don't
seem to struggle. Children can become disconnected from wanting to learn with the stress from
what is going on at home. For example, a child in middle school that is poor have to deal with the
pressure of being teased and taunted about what they wear or what they have. This can make a
child not want to attend school and withdraw themselves from their outside world. Their outside
world is considered outside of their community. That same middle school student feels safe there
because no one is above them; everyone one is considered equal because they are all poor. Lee and
Burkman found that most American students who start school significantly behind their peers can
never close the readiness gap. School readiness is significant to academic achievement because poor
living conditions can have long lasting consequences. Children can become drop outs, skip school,
and/or have delinquent behaviors. "In Spite of the overwhelming effects of poverty on children's
education and development, there are many examples of children in low–income families who have
thrived." (Child Dev. 71: 543–562.) Family and their environment are key factors in raising
offspring. Parents/guardians provide the basic necessities for a productive lifestyle, but yet it is not
enough. The government provides the extra necessities for picking
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Descriptive Essay On Poverty
People are dying every minute because of this terrible disease. No antidotes have been found to
eliminate it. Poverty is like an epidemic with no antidote affecting the entire world. It has already
killed billions of people, and will continue killing unless we do something to stop it. Have you ever
thought what living in poverty is like? Seeing a shocking picture in which people were trying to
survive gave me a whole different perspective. That image showed me one of the poorest areas of
the planet where people were living under despicable conditions. They were working in
sweatshops, collecting garbage and living in broken down huts in order to survive. A polluted
river passes across from their humble homes, causing incomparable complication to their lives. I
could observe the terrible conditions in which this people are working, fishing and collecting
garbage. Not only pollution is shown in this photo, above of the photograph a bridge could be
observed. I imagine the noise, and the dust that this little detail brings to their lives. That
photograph made me feel angry at politicians because they could do a better job helping the
needy. Since they were almost dying, I felt sad for the circumstances they live in. A sense of
admiration for the way they are able to survive, gave me the strength to fight against this global
scourge. The author of this picture is trying to convey a message, showing us poverty in all its faces
and inviting us to be part of his fight against
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Why We Should Be Forced to Help the Poor Essay
Imagine living in a community where every minute of everyday you are hungry, under clothed,
and at risk at death because you are poor. Now imagine waking up and your biggest problem was
which sweater to wear with which jeans. Both are scenarios that occur on a daily basis in our
countries, some more extreme than others. With that in mind, this raises the question of whether
rich nations have an obligation to help those nations in need. People who earn above a certain
income should be forced to donate 10% of their money to the poor because, it will help break the
vicious circle of poverty, help the society at large to move forward, and lead to a more equitable
distribution of wealth. The poor do not have the money to save; all of more content...
In a democratic society, like the U.S.A many successful people started off poor and only through
hard work and determination, they manage to educate themselves to get a decent job and pull
themselves out of poverty. Singapore started as a fishing village with little to offer, and was only
through the foresight of its government that basic education and health care, plus subsidized
housing were provided free or at very subsidized rates to the poor. Today Singapore is an
independent and developed country that enjoys some of the best living standards in the world. It
also boasts an international financial center. Such success stories can be found in America,
Western Europe, and Japan, where the poor at destitute are given a helping hand to advance
themselves in society. There is huge disparity in income in all countries and if government
policies do not help to narrow the gap it can easily lead to riots. If the poor has no food, no home
and no hope for the future they will have nothing to loose but steal and cost chaos. Politicians in
democratic countries need to get the popular vote to get elected and usually the poor form a bigger
proportion of the population than the rich. An easy way to win the popular vote is to promise to
take care of the well fare of the poor. In doing so, they need to tax the rich to get funding. This may
not be sufficient and super rich should donate to charitable organizations. America has many
philanthropists such as the Bill and
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Poor people is a collection of interviews with first–hand sources of those in poverty mixed with the
authors, William T. Vollmann's, inner struggle and thought
–process of what poverty is. Vollmann's
position on poverty is stated early on in the book "For me, poverty is not mere deprivation; for
people may possess fewer things than I and be Richer; Poverty is wretchedness."(Vollmann 36).
Poverty to Vollman is wretchedness meaning " a condition of extreme affliction or distress,
especially as outwardly apparent" (Wretched). He continues with, "It must then be an economic
state. It, therefore, remains somewhat immeasurable ... I can best conceive of poverty as a series of
perceptual categories." (Vollmann 36). These perceptual categories are the five categories in the
book, self–definitions, phenomena, choices, hope, and placeholders.
Vollmann's self–definitions include his pondering over how much education a beggar needs. If this
beggar does not want to become literate but is happy, who is he [Vollmann] to judge on whether the
beggar is poor or not, This leads him to the realization that we should respect others self–awareness
and self–judgments; Vollmann consecutively makes this point. Who is he [Vollmann] to judge
someone's sense of poverty. Being a Sacramento native, Vollmann constantly seeshomelessness and
poverty, he discusses the phenomenon of everyday American citizens ignoring the unperceivable
poverty–stricken individual sleeping on the sidewalk.
Vollmann speaks
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Poverty and Inequality Essay
Poverty and inequality exist in every developed culture and often are only patched in order for
society to continue upwardly. Poverty and inequality in the United States exists for many reasons;
reasons that very from the prospective lens. Interpretive theories in particular ask us to question our
reality and its constructs. Interpretive theories require us to looks at the world as a social realm, one
that we created and constantly change. Interpretive theories study the relationship between power
and the construction of social roles as well as the invisible collection of patterns and habits that
make up domination, (Delgado & Stefanic, 2001). Susan Kemp argues that the view of the world is
dominated by the experiences of white more content...
CRT argues that while race and class are an interwoven paradigm in the US; race is they key
source of inequality. CRT often uses race for the basis of class divides and the regulation of
progress for individuals and social groups. It is no surprise to most individuals that racial issues
exist everywhere. While most racism felt today is covert, it still exists everywhere, including our
public policies. CRT argues that racism is an ordinary part of life and that there exists a white over
color ascendency everywhere in the social world, (Delgado & Stefanic, 2001). There is little
forward motion for people of different racial backgrounds because there is little "white" interest to
change because racism benefits them, (Delgado & Stefani, 2001). CRT recognizes intersectionality
within the theory, in doing so recognizing that oppression can be a multi–layered experience. The
most interesting thing about CRT is that while it focuses mostly on white and color differentiations,
it allows for "differential racialization" in that the dominant paradigm racializes (negatively)
different groups based on society's needs. CRT bases the persistence of poverty and inequality on
social norms and public policies that further the upward movement of whites and the expense of
other races. There are several vivid examples of this: housing, transportation, incarceration, wealth
gaps and defacto segregation. The
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Definition Essay On Being Poor
The definition of "being poor" is to be lacking something – more specifically, money. Many people
lack sufficient funds to pay for a decent education. Others go without basic comforts to keep their
bank account above water. And sadly, some people don't even have sufficient money to consistently
put three full meals on their
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The health and well–being of a person depends on lots of different circumstances. It is about finding
a good work / life balance and feeling healthy in body as well as mind. It is about feeling good in
what you do and who you are as a person, it is about achieving personal goals and accomplishing
your hopes and dreams. The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines Health as "a state of
complete physical, mental and social well–being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity"
A person has to be able to enjoy the things they do socially and physically, to be able to develop and
sustain good relationships, whether personal or social, which makes them feel part of something and
connected to others such as friends, family, more content...
They may stop performing well at school and eventually leave without any qualifications which
could lead to difficulties in gaining employment. This will then re–enforce their low self esteem and
self worth and perhaps they will fall into a life of crime or become addicted to drugs and alcohol.
Also due to lack of education and resources they could become promiscuous and young girls may
end up pregnant. They perhaps will not stay together with the father of the child and the girl will
end up a lone parent claiming benefits. Poor diet can have a big impact on a person health.
People may not be able to afford to purchase food that is good for them, like fresh fruit and fresh
vegetables. They may have to buy cheaper alternatives which will not have the same nutritional
value as fresh produce and they end up with a higher risk of suffering health issues and dying
young. Due to a poor diet some pregnant woman can end up having babies that are under weight.
These children may then suffer long term health issues leading all the way into adult hood
reducing the amount of time that they will actually live. They are at a higher risk of developing
physical conditions such as hearing and sight defects. Mental health is a main cause for concern in
low income areas and money worries can lead to anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, insomnia
and perhaps even suicide. Having little or no money limits the activities you can do and prevents
people from
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William Vollmann Poor People Summary
Victoria Kapnik Professor Kiefer ENGWR 300 31 January 2017
Poor People Summary Assignment
Vollmann uses the book "Poor People" to give us a glimpse through his interviewees eyes on how
they see their lives and how they got there. Throughout the book Vollmann does a series of
interviews with poor people in different countries, cities, and situations. He always asks the
questions "Do you consider yourself poor?" and "Why are you poor?" Like expected everyone has a
different answer but no matter what they all ended up in the same position, poor.
The beginning starts off with the first meeting between William Vollmann, author of Poor People,
and Sunee, a woman in Klong Toey, Thailand, who he interviews her about her life. Sunee is a drunk more content...
Oksana starts her story by telling how she worked as a trench digger in the war in 1941. "She
later became the chief statistical inspector of Tchkalovsky Rayon, near Gorky" (55). She met her
husband in 1945, he died soon after in 1949, but they had a daughter in between that time and she
never had the desire to get married again. To Oksana she was not poor in the time that she lived
with her parents and then with her husband she says, "We were not making enough to feel secure"
(56) financially. She now hated her life because she had no job because she didn't have the
money for new documents and without them you don't work. Before the war she was happy with
her life as it was after the war everything went downhill. "Would you describe your self as poor
now? Absolutely. I have no housing. I cant get my passport exchanged so I cant get a job" (56).
She couldn't deal with the hand that was dealt to her and she believes it was destiny. "Why are
you poor? I don't know. Maybe we did something wrong at some point." (57) If we leave all the
choices in life to destiny then nothing will get done and we will always be stuck in one spot. "So
why are some people poor and others rich? Because there is no justice in the world" (58). I agree
with her answer but only for certain things does it apply. After interviewing Oksana, Vollmann asks to
interview her family. She had one daughter Nina, a son–in–law Nikolai, and two granddaughters
Elena and Marina. Nikolai seemed to be suffering from radiation poisoning from cleaning up at
Chernobyl. Oksana cared much more for her children than Natalia but she was more able to since
Natalia had seizures that would last hours. She couldn't get her children back from the orphanage
without a doctors note that stated that she was seizure free. Neither of the women believed that their
way of living would improve in the future so they gave up on trying to make
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Reflection On Poverty
The word poverty often provokes a strong set of emotions and suffuses many questions. While many
understand poverty as being a person's insufficient to purchase basic needs such as food, shelter,
clothing, poverty is much more complex because it does not mean the same thing for all people. By
understanding vast differences within the resource continuum, I was able to better understand
interwoven components of poverty. The reading explained that poverty incorporates lack of financial,
emotional, spiritual, physical resources. In addition, the absence of positive supportive relationship
often leads to the inability to attain formal register and understanding of hidden rules. Having the
vocabulary, language ability, and negotiation skills necessary to succeed in schools are often
characteristics that are overlooked. Studies show time after the benefits intergenerational transfer of
knowledge has on the longevity of a family. Mothers play an instrumental role in the early nurturing
of the child and their ability to develop a strong vocabulary. Research reveals that three–year–olds in
a professional household have more vocabulary than an adult in a welfare household. As the
reading explores the impact of language acquisition, we can see that children do much better in
school when their primary discourse is also their secondary discourse. Primary discourse is the
language an individual first acquired. Secondary discourse is the language of the larger society that
the individual must be able to use to function at a high level.
In order to be an effective administrator, we must be understanding both the formal and casual the
patterns of discourse. The formal–register discourse pattern consists of people speaking or writing in
a straightforward manner. From the opposite side, casual discourse incorporates a roundabout
approach to finally getting to the point.
Administrators and teachers alike need to recognize that parents, particularly those from poverty
often need to engage in casual conversation before getting to the point. This difference in culture
more often than not lead to confusion and misunderstanding. For children who come from
impoverished backgrounds, they must learn to switch from their home speech
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Poverty and Homelessness Essay examples
Poverty and Homelessness Usually when a person thinks of the poor and the homeless, they think
about those that are living and sleeping on park benches or under bridges. They think of those who
are dirty, with ragged clothing, worn out shoes, and those begging or panhandling for food. The truth
of the matter is that poverty and homelessness can affect people of any age, race or gender. More
Americans are at the risk of poverty and homelessness today. There are many circumstances that can
cause a person to live in poverty and become homeless. The lack of affordable housing, low paying
jobs or lack of employment, and insufficient federal aid all contribute to poverty and homelessness.
The lack of affordable housing is a more content...
Still, some Americans have become homeless due to the loss or lack of employment. With the
recent economic recession, many companies have moved to other parts of the country or have
outsourced, leaving many without jobs. Displaced workers face difficulty finding new
employment. Others lack the minimum job skills to attain employment. The lack of education
increases the likelihood of a low income. It is difficult for those with little education to find work
that provides a decent wage. They have less of a chance of making a desirable income. Education
and basic skills are needed in acquiring jobs. Those with more education generally earn more than
those that are less educated. The lack of education and training, combined with low wages, keep
many families from moving up. Furthermore, the declining availability of public assistance has
also increased the number of families that are in poverty or homeless. Fewer families are receiving
the help they need. There were once many federal and state assistance programs that were available
for those in need, but because of budget cuts, most of the funding for these programs have been cut
or eliminated. As a result of loss of benefits many continue to struggle. In Anna Quindlen's, "Our
Tired, Our Poor, Our Kids, Quindlen states how "[a] study done in San Diego in 1998 found that a
third of homeless families had recently had
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Rich vs. Poor Essay
Rich vs. Poor A man's economic status is based solely on his wealth and his material possessions,
or lack thereof to define him as being "rich" or "poor." Similarly, these two words, "rich" or
"poor," should also describe a man's character. Rich is characterized as having a lot of money or
possessions: valuable, meaningful, or significant. Poor is characterized as deficient in amount or
indicating poverty. Yet, when we look at a man or woman, do we judge them by theirwealth or by
the "richness" or "poorness" in their character?
Through observations of the rich, a man or woman who has obtained richness often times are
lacking in character traits that makes up a good man or women. For example, Donald Trump as a more content...
Consequently, a man who is "poor" in material possessions many times is "rich" in character, which
is spiritually defined as the nine fruits of the spirit: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, and self–control. Having friends and family members who grew up poor and
who worked hard to survive to obtain material possessions, their character was strengthened or
made "rich" as a result of it. They had to do the jobs that many rich people would never do, such
as being a maid, construction worker, janitor and many more domestic type jobs. Although they
differ in terms of definition, being "rich" and being "poor" in character can be one of the same as
"poor" in spirit or humble. For example, my great grandmother was an Indian who was very poor,
but you never would have known it because she was humble, kind, loving and a peaceful woman
who always shared everything she had.
Without a doubt, those who are "rich" and those that are "poor," in terms of material possession,
share a similarity: the desire to be rich or richer. No one really wants to be "poor." Those who are
rich are rich through inheritance or have mastered the know–how to become rich. Such as Prince
Williams, who obtained his wealth from his mother and father, Princess Diana and Prince Charles of
Those who are poor have lived in poverty, for the most
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Persuasive Essay On Poverty
Forty–five million people are living in poverty in America alone, and the numbers are only
growing. Poverty is a worldwide issue, but America has extremely high rates of it for such a
wealthy country. Out of the millions of extremely poor people, roughly 17.4 million are children.
21% of all children in the US live in poverty. By cutting tax loopholes for big businesses and the
wealthy, improving job training, and providing a better cash benefit to families living in poverty, we
can help resolve child poverty in America.
No longer allowing tax loopholes and breaks for big businesses and the wealthy could bring more
available money to the youth poverty epidemic. Ending youth poverty will be quite expensive,
but by "Closing tax loopholes that let U.S. corporations avoid $90 billion annually... or
eliminating tax breaks for the wealthy... [we can save] more than $84 billion a year" (Edelman 1).
Large corporations and the wealthy stash away billions of dollars in tax havens and subsidiaries
each year because of tax loopholes. By cutting tax loopholes, the money saved can be used to
assist the homeless and poor population. We need money to bring people out of poverty and this
is a great option to do so. If we help the poor get above the poverty line, the taxpayer will actually
save money since they no longer have to account for the lost taxes of those in poverty.
In addition to cutting tax loopholes, improving job training can help parents in poverty provide for
their family and thus
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Argumentative Essay On Poverty
Thousands of individuals are living in poverty. Why is it that this worldwide dilemma is still
rising in rapid numbers till this day? Is it because of a lack of authoritative power, or a lack of
one's self control to do good? Despite the unknown cause, it has managed to drastically affect the
lives of many. Poverty is like a curse, one that is wrongfully placed, difficult to get out of, and
resistant to many forms of help. The pinpoint cause of poverty is challenging to find. People who
live well off and are above the poverty line may be quick to assume that laziness, addiction, and
the typical stereotypes are the causes of poverty. Barbara Ehrenreich, a well known writer on
social issues, brings attention to the stereotypical ideology at her time, that "poverty was caused,
not by low wages or a lack of jobs, but by bad attitudes and faulty lifestyles" (17). Ehrenreich is
emphasizing the fact that statements like the one listed, often influence readers to paint
inaccurate mental pictures of poverty that continue to shine light on the ideology of stereotypes
being the pinpoint cause to poverty. However, there are many other causes that are often
overshadowed, leaving some individuals to believe that poverty was wrongfully placed upon
them. Examples would include: high rates of unemployment, low paying jobs, race, and health
complications. Which are all out of one's ability to control. There is no control over a lack of jobs
and high rates of unemployment, nor the amount of inadequate wages the working poor receive.
Greg Kaufmann, an advisor for the Economic Hardship Reporting Project and The Half in Ten
campaign, complicates matters further when he writes, "Jobs in the U.S. [were] paying less than
$34,000 a year: 50 percent. Jobs in the U.S. [were] paying below the poverty line for a family of
four, less than $23,000 annually: 25 percent" (33). Acknowledging Kaufmann's fact, the amount
received for a family of four is fairly close to the yearly salary of a high school graduate, which
means, receiving that kind of pay for one man may seem challenging, now imagine caring for the
needs of four individuals. To make matters worse, certain families receive that amount of money and
carry the burden of paying for
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Should Poor People Stay On The Streets Alone
A good amount of the people in our society are poor or less fortunate. Poor people should not just
stay on the streets alone. We need to help them get back on their feet again. Poor people should be
helped. It is not fair if they get there house taken away from them or they lose a family member
and need to pay a medical bill. People all around the world should help to try and foster these
families and people to help them get on their feet again so that they can start over fresh. If they
were left alone on the streets, then they could easily get kidnapped or hurt alone on the streets at
night. As a community, we should make organizations to help these people get back on their feet
again. If we give these people money, then the less poor people
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Wealth and Poverty in the World Essay examples
Wealth and Poverty in the World
In the world today there is a lot of poverty. There is a great divide between the world's rich and
poor people. In the world today there are also rich people but the number of poor peoples out
number them. There are many reasons as to why there is poverty in the world. Being a poor
person can mean that you do not have enough food to eat for months, or even years and not just for
a few hours or few days. Poverty can also mean not having enough money to be able to pay for
lives necessities such as clothes, food, a place to live or even medicine that you may need when you
ill. However it can also mean having just enough money to survive but not any extra money to more content...
There are many important leaders and teachings in Hinduism, but Hindus don't follow the teachings
of any one person. Hindus worship God or Brahman through gods and goddesses. Hinduism has
many beliefs but most Hindus say that the great power can be seen most easily through the gods and
goddesses. Hinduism also has a lot of thoughts on wealth and poverty.
Hindus believe that wealth is a good thing as long as it has been gained by lawful means. Hindus
believe that there are four basic aims in life and that pursuing wealth is one of them. Hindus
believe that the four basic aims in life are dharma (religious and social duty), artha (gaining
wealth), kama (enjoying the good life) and moksha (freedom or liberation). As you can see wealth
is one of the four basic aims of a Hindu's life. Artha encourages people to earn money honestly and
lawfully. Gaining money in a dishonest way taints the money and the person earning it. It is also
believed in Hinduism that it can earn you bad karma if you earn money in a dishonest way, which
will affect your next rebirth.
Hindus believe that the pursuit of wealth shouldn't be something that dominates any ones life. It is
however lawful because during the householder stage many people, including children, the partner
and older members of the family are very dependent on one person's ability to earn. The only
restriction in the holy books is
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Treatment Of Rich People Vs. Poor People
Treatment of Rich People vs. Poor People in Modern Society Our society is built on a basic structure
of different classes weather you are rich upper–class or at the poverty line each class has its social
stigmas attached to it. People in modern society create labels, and form judgments based on
which level of society you are in. The actual structure might look like a good idea as far as a low,
middle and upper class, to structure society and its people, but, individual people are much more
complicated than that and, most of the time they cannot be put into a category just because of their
level of income, cultural capital, or amount of money they have. Furthermore, one of the biggest
barriers of people among most societies in the world is that we base people's personal characteristics
on whether they are rich or poor. It is no secret that our modern society is a well–oiled machine that
is mostly run by people who are wealthy. These people range from billionaires that run multinational
corporations, to politicians. These people are the people who make the rules of the game, from
outsourcing, making policies, creating laws, propositions, raising taxes, or sending working–class
citizens to war. Every decision that is made, which has global effects, is made by these rich
influential people, who will do things that favor their interests., not the minority or majority. If you
look at for instance the 1%, they own 40% of Americas wealth, according to the YouTube video
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Stereotypes Of Poor People
following remark, displays the typical stereotype of a poor person. Poor people are on government
assistance for health care and food. Although it appears that Eliza falls under this stereotype, she
manages to overcome the obstacle of poverty by receiving public benefits such as Medicaid, food
stamps, and cash assistance. In general, people who qualify and apply for government assistance live
on the poverty line and live in low income areas. For example, people who qualify for medicaid
are low income families that have low income jobs or are unemployed. To apply for Medicaid, go
onto your state's website and fill out the Medicaid application (" Who is eligible for Medicaid"?).
Also, people who qualify for food stamps and cash assistance have low income (typically $1,680
per month for a single person and an income of $2,184 per month for a family of three) ("A Quick
Guide to SNAP Eligibility and Benefits"). To apply for both cash assistance and food stamps, contact
your local SNAP office (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) to find out the requirements
and whether or not you qualify for their program. Afterwards, find your state's more
Although it was hard for Nick at first to accept, he learned to accept it, allowing him to learn and
grow as an individual. From his experience, he learned that being impoverished was tough. As a
result, he was able to grow as an individual by getting himself out of poverty by getting a college
education. As a result of his education, he got out of poverty. These people's experiences, show how
devastating and common poverty is in the United States by pointing out society's negative
stigmatizations of poor people. These negative stigmatizations included lazy, hopelessness,
unemployed, and government assisted
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Essay On Poor People

  • 1. The Effects Of Poverty On Indigenous People "Without land and control of their assets, Indigenous Peoples are destined to remain the world's poorest communities–with the worst health, highest mortality rate and shortest life span" ("The Indigenous Movement"). The Indigenous Peoples Movement works to acquire legal protection and works to raise awareness towards the indigenous peoples' causes globally. Indigenous peoples are generally defined as individuals who belong to a highly conservative, culturally and linguistically different non–dominant social group,–distinct from the modernly dominant society–hoping to maintain that separation with the superior culture. In addition, their cultures and traditional practices have been harmed over the centuries–complications arising from the more content... These three factors, chronologically, are catalyzed in a domino effect commonly experienced by indigenous peoples, thus being responsible for the high suicide rates. Statistical evidence for Latin America indicates "more than 80 percent of the region's indigenous peoples are still living in abject poverty, a trend that has changed little since the early 1990s" ("Latin America"). Because of the rising poverty states, among the indigenous communities, a portion of the indigenous have resorted to violent crimes. Opponents against helping indigenous peoples believe that the activities of the indigenous risk the safety of the dominant societies, and thus should not be helped–provoking thoughts derived from observing the rising number of aboriginal peoples incarcerated in Australia over the years: an exponential growth rate for indigenous incarceration has flooded the prisons with a numerable quantity of indigenous peoples . It is understandable that one would conclude such an alleged claim only by seeing the statistical facts, but without further investigation of the causes for incarceration, many crucial details are absent that turn the tides of the argument towards an advocacy for legislative and judicial systems to intrude and elicit repairs for legal complexities associated with indigenous peoples. Procuring legislative support could decrease the numbers of poverty–struck indigenous communities and effect an ameliorable change in their social standing, thus projecting a more respectful and less hostile view by the dominant Get more content on
  • 2. Poverty and Deprivation Essay Poverty and Deprivation Absolute (or subsistence) Poverty is a term used to describe poverty that is measured as being without the resources to maintain health and physical efficiency. Basic human needs such as an amount of food, clothes and shelter are ways that 'being in' absolute poverty is measured. "a family is poor if it cannot afford to eat". (Keith Joseph, 1979). The concept of absolute poverty was developed by Rowntree in the 19th century. Usually measured as a minimum sum of money. Rowntree's early studies of York and Booth's Life and Labour in east London are both examples of a calculation of resources (money) needed to meet the needs of survival, therefore being classified as more content... Those households unable to afford inside toilets, central heating and a television are seen as poor relative to the majority of the UK population. Luxuries (available to the few), move to comforts and then to necessaries and the line that separates the poor will vary according to how affluent that society is. According to Townsend (1979), "Individual families and groups in the population can be said to be in poverty when they lack the resources to obtain the types of diets, participate in the activities and have the living conditions which are customary, or at least widely encouraged and approved, in the societies to which they belong". The lack of material possessions and facilities necessary for 'material well being' are not the only way to view those 'in poverty' because exclusion from the lifestyle of the community in which a person belongs is also a measure of poverty. Not exclusively shaped by physical necessity, but also by cultural expectations. For example, in Western culture an important tradition to buy Christmas presents is not a physical necessity. Those unable to do so are seen as poor. A way of life that to some extent differs from the rest of society is formed by people who have a tendency to share similar circumstances and problems, like poverty. The norms and attitudes and values are distinctive to that social group and collectively people Get more content on
  • 3. The author starts by explaining a question that many people ask about the odd behaviors in poor people and their purchases. She helps to explain this by giving background information on her own family when she was growing up. An event she describes is when her neighbor was unable to obtain benefits to raise her granddaughter after a year, the authors mom dresses "expensively" or nicely to gain an upper hand when asking for their benefits. This is done to further her belief that people buy these things to belong and to gain more privilege. She ends her essay by stating a person cannot judge what a poor person does until they've been poor themselves. In an essay, the authors goal is to appeal to the audience in three different forms more content... The author states, "A girl wearing a cotton tank top as a shell was incompatible with BMW–driving VP's in the image business," (Cottom 1014–15). When talking about ethos, this is a perfect example of showing how the persuader, or the author: Tressie McMillan Cottom, has experience in the situations she is trying to give explanations for. This increases the credibility of the essay marginally. The authors use of pathos in the essay is well planned and is used effectively. The see proof, the reader would have to look no further than the title of the essay: The Logic of Stupid Poor People. The word 'stupid' can be seen as a strong word towards someone or a group of people which stirs up emotion into some readers before they even start reading. It grabs interests and makes people want to hear what she has to say. When the author recalls of her past of being raised in a poor family, the author could also be using her stories to make the reader feel sympathy for her and understand the pressure that poor people are put under for them to be able to be considered for certain benefits and help in general. Another example of the author trying to appeal to the readers emotional side was how she concludes the essay with disregarding and opinions others have about the choice of poor people if they were not poor themselves. She states, "You have no idea what you would do if Get more content on
  • 4. Poor Living Conditions Essay India Belton Essay 2 English 1010 July 27, 2013 Professor Long Poor Living Conditions Affects Children While most people live their day to day life, there are some children living in poverty. Living in these types of living conditions can influence the mental health of a child. Children living in poor quality environments can be a lasting effect on their life. Adults are often affected by poor living conditions because of the financial strain on them; not being able to provide for their families. Children will be affected differently than adults; kids are easily influenced until they reach adulthood. Of course, children learn how to act and behave form where they grew up. Influences come from older kids and adults in the more content... Although, it is the only escape from poverty it is still hard to want to be around peers that don't seem to struggle. Children can become disconnected from wanting to learn with the stress from what is going on at home. For example, a child in middle school that is poor have to deal with the pressure of being teased and taunted about what they wear or what they have. This can make a child not want to attend school and withdraw themselves from their outside world. Their outside world is considered outside of their community. That same middle school student feels safe there because no one is above them; everyone one is considered equal because they are all poor. Lee and Burkman found that most American students who start school significantly behind their peers can never close the readiness gap. School readiness is significant to academic achievement because poor living conditions can have long lasting consequences. Children can become drop outs, skip school, and/or have delinquent behaviors. "In Spite of the overwhelming effects of poverty on children's education and development, there are many examples of children in low–income families who have thrived." (Child Dev. 71: 543–562.) Family and their environment are key factors in raising offspring. Parents/guardians provide the basic necessities for a productive lifestyle, but yet it is not enough. The government provides the extra necessities for picking Get more content on
  • 5. Descriptive Essay On Poverty People are dying every minute because of this terrible disease. No antidotes have been found to eliminate it. Poverty is like an epidemic with no antidote affecting the entire world. It has already killed billions of people, and will continue killing unless we do something to stop it. Have you ever thought what living in poverty is like? Seeing a shocking picture in which people were trying to survive gave me a whole different perspective. That image showed me one of the poorest areas of the planet where people were living under despicable conditions. They were working in sweatshops, collecting garbage and living in broken down huts in order to survive. A polluted river passes across from their humble homes, causing incomparable complication to their lives. I could observe the terrible conditions in which this people are working, fishing and collecting garbage. Not only pollution is shown in this photo, above of the photograph a bridge could be observed. I imagine the noise, and the dust that this little detail brings to their lives. That photograph made me feel angry at politicians because they could do a better job helping the needy. Since they were almost dying, I felt sad for the circumstances they live in. A sense of admiration for the way they are able to survive, gave me the strength to fight against this global scourge. The author of this picture is trying to convey a message, showing us poverty in all its faces and inviting us to be part of his fight against Get more content on
  • 6. Why We Should Be Forced to Help the Poor Essay Imagine living in a community where every minute of everyday you are hungry, under clothed, and at risk at death because you are poor. Now imagine waking up and your biggest problem was which sweater to wear with which jeans. Both are scenarios that occur on a daily basis in our countries, some more extreme than others. With that in mind, this raises the question of whether rich nations have an obligation to help those nations in need. People who earn above a certain income should be forced to donate 10% of their money to the poor because, it will help break the vicious circle of poverty, help the society at large to move forward, and lead to a more equitable distribution of wealth. The poor do not have the money to save; all of more content... In a democratic society, like the U.S.A many successful people started off poor and only through hard work and determination, they manage to educate themselves to get a decent job and pull themselves out of poverty. Singapore started as a fishing village with little to offer, and was only through the foresight of its government that basic education and health care, plus subsidized housing were provided free or at very subsidized rates to the poor. Today Singapore is an independent and developed country that enjoys some of the best living standards in the world. It also boasts an international financial center. Such success stories can be found in America, Western Europe, and Japan, where the poor at destitute are given a helping hand to advance themselves in society. There is huge disparity in income in all countries and if government policies do not help to narrow the gap it can easily lead to riots. If the poor has no food, no home and no hope for the future they will have nothing to loose but steal and cost chaos. Politicians in democratic countries need to get the popular vote to get elected and usually the poor form a bigger proportion of the population than the rich. An easy way to win the popular vote is to promise to take care of the well fare of the poor. In doing so, they need to tax the rich to get funding. This may not be sufficient and super rich should donate to charitable organizations. America has many philanthropists such as the Bill and Get more content on
  • 7. Poor people is a collection of interviews with first–hand sources of those in poverty mixed with the authors, William T. Vollmann's, inner struggle and thought –process of what poverty is. Vollmann's position on poverty is stated early on in the book "For me, poverty is not mere deprivation; for people may possess fewer things than I and be Richer; Poverty is wretchedness."(Vollmann 36). Poverty to Vollman is wretchedness meaning " a condition of extreme affliction or distress, especially as outwardly apparent" (Wretched). He continues with, "It must then be an economic state. It, therefore, remains somewhat immeasurable ... I can best conceive of poverty as a series of perceptual categories." (Vollmann 36). These perceptual categories are the five categories in the book, self–definitions, phenomena, choices, hope, and placeholders. Vollmann's self–definitions include his pondering over how much education a beggar needs. If this beggar does not want to become literate but is happy, who is he [Vollmann] to judge on whether the beggar is poor or not, This leads him to the realization that we should respect others self–awareness and self–judgments; Vollmann consecutively makes this point. Who is he [Vollmann] to judge someone's sense of poverty. Being a Sacramento native, Vollmann constantly seeshomelessness and poverty, he discusses the phenomenon of everyday American citizens ignoring the unperceivable poverty–stricken individual sleeping on the sidewalk. Vollmann speaks Get more content on
  • 8. Poverty and Inequality Essay Poverty and inequality exist in every developed culture and often are only patched in order for society to continue upwardly. Poverty and inequality in the United States exists for many reasons; reasons that very from the prospective lens. Interpretive theories in particular ask us to question our reality and its constructs. Interpretive theories require us to looks at the world as a social realm, one that we created and constantly change. Interpretive theories study the relationship between power and the construction of social roles as well as the invisible collection of patterns and habits that make up domination, (Delgado & Stefanic, 2001). Susan Kemp argues that the view of the world is dominated by the experiences of white more content... CRT argues that while race and class are an interwoven paradigm in the US; race is they key source of inequality. CRT often uses race for the basis of class divides and the regulation of progress for individuals and social groups. It is no surprise to most individuals that racial issues exist everywhere. While most racism felt today is covert, it still exists everywhere, including our public policies. CRT argues that racism is an ordinary part of life and that there exists a white over color ascendency everywhere in the social world, (Delgado & Stefanic, 2001). There is little forward motion for people of different racial backgrounds because there is little "white" interest to change because racism benefits them, (Delgado & Stefani, 2001). CRT recognizes intersectionality within the theory, in doing so recognizing that oppression can be a multi–layered experience. The most interesting thing about CRT is that while it focuses mostly on white and color differentiations, it allows for "differential racialization" in that the dominant paradigm racializes (negatively) different groups based on society's needs. CRT bases the persistence of poverty and inequality on social norms and public policies that further the upward movement of whites and the expense of other races. There are several vivid examples of this: housing, transportation, incarceration, wealth gaps and defacto segregation. The Get more content on
  • 9. Definition Essay On Being Poor The definition of "being poor" is to be lacking something – more specifically, money. Many people lack sufficient funds to pay for a decent education. Others go without basic comforts to keep their bank account above water. And sadly, some people don't even have sufficient money to consistently put three full meals on their Get more content on
  • 10. The health and well–being of a person depends on lots of different circumstances. It is about finding a good work / life balance and feeling healthy in body as well as mind. It is about feeling good in what you do and who you are as a person, it is about achieving personal goals and accomplishing your hopes and dreams. The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines Health as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well–being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity" A person has to be able to enjoy the things they do socially and physically, to be able to develop and sustain good relationships, whether personal or social, which makes them feel part of something and connected to others such as friends, family, more content... They may stop performing well at school and eventually leave without any qualifications which could lead to difficulties in gaining employment. This will then re–enforce their low self esteem and self worth and perhaps they will fall into a life of crime or become addicted to drugs and alcohol. Also due to lack of education and resources they could become promiscuous and young girls may end up pregnant. They perhaps will not stay together with the father of the child and the girl will end up a lone parent claiming benefits. Poor diet can have a big impact on a person health. People may not be able to afford to purchase food that is good for them, like fresh fruit and fresh vegetables. They may have to buy cheaper alternatives which will not have the same nutritional value as fresh produce and they end up with a higher risk of suffering health issues and dying young. Due to a poor diet some pregnant woman can end up having babies that are under weight. These children may then suffer long term health issues leading all the way into adult hood reducing the amount of time that they will actually live. They are at a higher risk of developing physical conditions such as hearing and sight defects. Mental health is a main cause for concern in low income areas and money worries can lead to anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, insomnia and perhaps even suicide. Having little or no money limits the activities you can do and prevents people from Get more content on
  • 11. William Vollmann Poor People Summary Victoria Kapnik Professor Kiefer ENGWR 300 31 January 2017 Poor People Summary Assignment Vollmann uses the book "Poor People" to give us a glimpse through his interviewees eyes on how they see their lives and how they got there. Throughout the book Vollmann does a series of interviews with poor people in different countries, cities, and situations. He always asks the questions "Do you consider yourself poor?" and "Why are you poor?" Like expected everyone has a different answer but no matter what they all ended up in the same position, poor. The beginning starts off with the first meeting between William Vollmann, author of Poor People, and Sunee, a woman in Klong Toey, Thailand, who he interviews her about her life. Sunee is a drunk more content... Oksana starts her story by telling how she worked as a trench digger in the war in 1941. "She later became the chief statistical inspector of Tchkalovsky Rayon, near Gorky" (55). She met her husband in 1945, he died soon after in 1949, but they had a daughter in between that time and she never had the desire to get married again. To Oksana she was not poor in the time that she lived with her parents and then with her husband she says, "We were not making enough to feel secure" (56) financially. She now hated her life because she had no job because she didn't have the money for new documents and without them you don't work. Before the war she was happy with her life as it was after the war everything went downhill. "Would you describe your self as poor now? Absolutely. I have no housing. I cant get my passport exchanged so I cant get a job" (56). She couldn't deal with the hand that was dealt to her and she believes it was destiny. "Why are you poor? I don't know. Maybe we did something wrong at some point." (57) If we leave all the choices in life to destiny then nothing will get done and we will always be stuck in one spot. "So why are some people poor and others rich? Because there is no justice in the world" (58). I agree with her answer but only for certain things does it apply. After interviewing Oksana, Vollmann asks to interview her family. She had one daughter Nina, a son–in–law Nikolai, and two granddaughters Elena and Marina. Nikolai seemed to be suffering from radiation poisoning from cleaning up at Chernobyl. Oksana cared much more for her children than Natalia but she was more able to since Natalia had seizures that would last hours. She couldn't get her children back from the orphanage without a doctors note that stated that she was seizure free. Neither of the women believed that their way of living would improve in the future so they gave up on trying to make Get more content on
  • 12. Reflection On Poverty The word poverty often provokes a strong set of emotions and suffuses many questions. While many understand poverty as being a person's insufficient to purchase basic needs such as food, shelter, clothing, poverty is much more complex because it does not mean the same thing for all people. By understanding vast differences within the resource continuum, I was able to better understand interwoven components of poverty. The reading explained that poverty incorporates lack of financial, emotional, spiritual, physical resources. In addition, the absence of positive supportive relationship often leads to the inability to attain formal register and understanding of hidden rules. Having the vocabulary, language ability, and negotiation skills necessary to succeed in schools are often characteristics that are overlooked. Studies show time after the benefits intergenerational transfer of knowledge has on the longevity of a family. Mothers play an instrumental role in the early nurturing of the child and their ability to develop a strong vocabulary. Research reveals that three–year–olds in a professional household have more vocabulary than an adult in a welfare household. As the reading explores the impact of language acquisition, we can see that children do much better in school when their primary discourse is also their secondary discourse. Primary discourse is the language an individual first acquired. Secondary discourse is the language of the larger society that the individual must be able to use to function at a high level. In order to be an effective administrator, we must be understanding both the formal and casual the patterns of discourse. The formal–register discourse pattern consists of people speaking or writing in a straightforward manner. From the opposite side, casual discourse incorporates a roundabout approach to finally getting to the point. Administrators and teachers alike need to recognize that parents, particularly those from poverty often need to engage in casual conversation before getting to the point. This difference in culture more often than not lead to confusion and misunderstanding. For children who come from impoverished backgrounds, they must learn to switch from their home speech Get more content on
  • 13. Poverty and Homelessness Essay examples Poverty and Homelessness Usually when a person thinks of the poor and the homeless, they think about those that are living and sleeping on park benches or under bridges. They think of those who are dirty, with ragged clothing, worn out shoes, and those begging or panhandling for food. The truth of the matter is that poverty and homelessness can affect people of any age, race or gender. More Americans are at the risk of poverty and homelessness today. There are many circumstances that can cause a person to live in poverty and become homeless. The lack of affordable housing, low paying jobs or lack of employment, and insufficient federal aid all contribute to poverty and homelessness. The lack of affordable housing is a more content... Still, some Americans have become homeless due to the loss or lack of employment. With the recent economic recession, many companies have moved to other parts of the country or have outsourced, leaving many without jobs. Displaced workers face difficulty finding new employment. Others lack the minimum job skills to attain employment. The lack of education increases the likelihood of a low income. It is difficult for those with little education to find work that provides a decent wage. They have less of a chance of making a desirable income. Education and basic skills are needed in acquiring jobs. Those with more education generally earn more than those that are less educated. The lack of education and training, combined with low wages, keep many families from moving up. Furthermore, the declining availability of public assistance has also increased the number of families that are in poverty or homeless. Fewer families are receiving the help they need. There were once many federal and state assistance programs that were available for those in need, but because of budget cuts, most of the funding for these programs have been cut or eliminated. As a result of loss of benefits many continue to struggle. In Anna Quindlen's, "Our Tired, Our Poor, Our Kids, Quindlen states how "[a] study done in San Diego in 1998 found that a third of homeless families had recently had Get more content on
  • 14. Rich vs. Poor Essay Rich vs. Poor A man's economic status is based solely on his wealth and his material possessions, or lack thereof to define him as being "rich" or "poor." Similarly, these two words, "rich" or "poor," should also describe a man's character. Rich is characterized as having a lot of money or possessions: valuable, meaningful, or significant. Poor is characterized as deficient in amount or indicating poverty. Yet, when we look at a man or woman, do we judge them by theirwealth or by the "richness" or "poorness" in their character? Through observations of the rich, a man or woman who has obtained richness often times are lacking in character traits that makes up a good man or women. For example, Donald Trump as a more content... Consequently, a man who is "poor" in material possessions many times is "rich" in character, which is spiritually defined as the nine fruits of the spirit: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self–control. Having friends and family members who grew up poor and who worked hard to survive to obtain material possessions, their character was strengthened or made "rich" as a result of it. They had to do the jobs that many rich people would never do, such as being a maid, construction worker, janitor and many more domestic type jobs. Although they differ in terms of definition, being "rich" and being "poor" in character can be one of the same as "poor" in spirit or humble. For example, my great grandmother was an Indian who was very poor, but you never would have known it because she was humble, kind, loving and a peaceful woman who always shared everything she had. Without a doubt, those who are "rich" and those that are "poor," in terms of material possession, share a similarity: the desire to be rich or richer. No one really wants to be "poor." Those who are rich are rich through inheritance or have mastered the know–how to become rich. Such as Prince Williams, who obtained his wealth from his mother and father, Princess Diana and Prince Charles of Whales. Those who are poor have lived in poverty, for the most Get more content on
  • 15. Persuasive Essay On Poverty Forty–five million people are living in poverty in America alone, and the numbers are only growing. Poverty is a worldwide issue, but America has extremely high rates of it for such a wealthy country. Out of the millions of extremely poor people, roughly 17.4 million are children. 21% of all children in the US live in poverty. By cutting tax loopholes for big businesses and the wealthy, improving job training, and providing a better cash benefit to families living in poverty, we can help resolve child poverty in America. No longer allowing tax loopholes and breaks for big businesses and the wealthy could bring more available money to the youth poverty epidemic. Ending youth poverty will be quite expensive, but by "Closing tax loopholes that let U.S. corporations avoid $90 billion annually... or eliminating tax breaks for the wealthy... [we can save] more than $84 billion a year" (Edelman 1). Large corporations and the wealthy stash away billions of dollars in tax havens and subsidiaries each year because of tax loopholes. By cutting tax loopholes, the money saved can be used to assist the homeless and poor population. We need money to bring people out of poverty and this is a great option to do so. If we help the poor get above the poverty line, the taxpayer will actually save money since they no longer have to account for the lost taxes of those in poverty. In addition to cutting tax loopholes, improving job training can help parents in poverty provide for their family and thus Get more content on
  • 16. Argumentative Essay On Poverty Thousands of individuals are living in poverty. Why is it that this worldwide dilemma is still rising in rapid numbers till this day? Is it because of a lack of authoritative power, or a lack of one's self control to do good? Despite the unknown cause, it has managed to drastically affect the lives of many. Poverty is like a curse, one that is wrongfully placed, difficult to get out of, and resistant to many forms of help. The pinpoint cause of poverty is challenging to find. People who live well off and are above the poverty line may be quick to assume that laziness, addiction, and the typical stereotypes are the causes of poverty. Barbara Ehrenreich, a well known writer on social issues, brings attention to the stereotypical ideology at her time, that "poverty was caused, not by low wages or a lack of jobs, but by bad attitudes and faulty lifestyles" (17). Ehrenreich is emphasizing the fact that statements like the one listed, often influence readers to paint inaccurate mental pictures of poverty that continue to shine light on the ideology of stereotypes being the pinpoint cause to poverty. However, there are many other causes that are often overshadowed, leaving some individuals to believe that poverty was wrongfully placed upon them. Examples would include: high rates of unemployment, low paying jobs, race, and health complications. Which are all out of one's ability to control. There is no control over a lack of jobs and high rates of unemployment, nor the amount of inadequate wages the working poor receive. Greg Kaufmann, an advisor for the Economic Hardship Reporting Project and The Half in Ten campaign, complicates matters further when he writes, "Jobs in the U.S. [were] paying less than $34,000 a year: 50 percent. Jobs in the U.S. [were] paying below the poverty line for a family of four, less than $23,000 annually: 25 percent" (33). Acknowledging Kaufmann's fact, the amount received for a family of four is fairly close to the yearly salary of a high school graduate, which means, receiving that kind of pay for one man may seem challenging, now imagine caring for the needs of four individuals. To make matters worse, certain families receive that amount of money and carry the burden of paying for Get more content on
  • 17. Should Poor People Stay On The Streets Alone A good amount of the people in our society are poor or less fortunate. Poor people should not just stay on the streets alone. We need to help them get back on their feet again. Poor people should be helped. It is not fair if they get there house taken away from them or they lose a family member and need to pay a medical bill. People all around the world should help to try and foster these families and people to help them get on their feet again so that they can start over fresh. If they were left alone on the streets, then they could easily get kidnapped or hurt alone on the streets at night. As a community, we should make organizations to help these people get back on their feet again. If we give these people money, then the less poor people Get more content on
  • 18. Wealth and Poverty in the World Essay examples Wealth and Poverty in the World In the world today there is a lot of poverty. There is a great divide between the world's rich and poor people. In the world today there are also rich people but the number of poor peoples out number them. There are many reasons as to why there is poverty in the world. Being a poor person can mean that you do not have enough food to eat for months, or even years and not just for a few hours or few days. Poverty can also mean not having enough money to be able to pay for lives necessities such as clothes, food, a place to live or even medicine that you may need when you ill. However it can also mean having just enough money to survive but not any extra money to more content... There are many important leaders and teachings in Hinduism, but Hindus don't follow the teachings of any one person. Hindus worship God or Brahman through gods and goddesses. Hinduism has many beliefs but most Hindus say that the great power can be seen most easily through the gods and goddesses. Hinduism also has a lot of thoughts on wealth and poverty. Hindus believe that wealth is a good thing as long as it has been gained by lawful means. Hindus believe that there are four basic aims in life and that pursuing wealth is one of them. Hindus believe that the four basic aims in life are dharma (religious and social duty), artha (gaining wealth), kama (enjoying the good life) and moksha (freedom or liberation). As you can see wealth is one of the four basic aims of a Hindu's life. Artha encourages people to earn money honestly and lawfully. Gaining money in a dishonest way taints the money and the person earning it. It is also believed in Hinduism that it can earn you bad karma if you earn money in a dishonest way, which will affect your next rebirth. Hindus believe that the pursuit of wealth shouldn't be something that dominates any ones life. It is however lawful because during the householder stage many people, including children, the partner and older members of the family are very dependent on one person's ability to earn. The only restriction in the holy books is Get more content on
  • 19. Treatment Of Rich People Vs. Poor People Treatment of Rich People vs. Poor People in Modern Society Our society is built on a basic structure of different classes weather you are rich upper–class or at the poverty line each class has its social stigmas attached to it. People in modern society create labels, and form judgments based on which level of society you are in. The actual structure might look like a good idea as far as a low, middle and upper class, to structure society and its people, but, individual people are much more complicated than that and, most of the time they cannot be put into a category just because of their level of income, cultural capital, or amount of money they have. Furthermore, one of the biggest barriers of people among most societies in the world is that we base people's personal characteristics on whether they are rich or poor. It is no secret that our modern society is a well–oiled machine that is mostly run by people who are wealthy. These people range from billionaires that run multinational corporations, to politicians. These people are the people who make the rules of the game, from outsourcing, making policies, creating laws, propositions, raising taxes, or sending working–class citizens to war. Every decision that is made, which has global effects, is made by these rich influential people, who will do things that favor their interests., not the minority or majority. If you look at for instance the 1%, they own 40% of Americas wealth, according to the YouTube video "Wealth Get more content on
  • 20. Stereotypes Of Poor People following remark, displays the typical stereotype of a poor person. Poor people are on government assistance for health care and food. Although it appears that Eliza falls under this stereotype, she manages to overcome the obstacle of poverty by receiving public benefits such as Medicaid, food stamps, and cash assistance. In general, people who qualify and apply for government assistance live on the poverty line and live in low income areas. For example, people who qualify for medicaid are low income families that have low income jobs or are unemployed. To apply for Medicaid, go onto your state's website and fill out the Medicaid application (" Who is eligible for Medicaid"?). Also, people who qualify for food stamps and cash assistance have low income (typically $1,680 per month for a single person and an income of $2,184 per month for a family of three) ("A Quick Guide to SNAP Eligibility and Benefits"). To apply for both cash assistance and food stamps, contact your local SNAP office (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) to find out the requirements and whether or not you qualify for their program. Afterwards, find your state's more content... Although it was hard for Nick at first to accept, he learned to accept it, allowing him to learn and grow as an individual. From his experience, he learned that being impoverished was tough. As a result, he was able to grow as an individual by getting himself out of poverty by getting a college education. As a result of his education, he got out of poverty. These people's experiences, show how devastating and common poverty is in the United States by pointing out society's negative stigmatizations of poor people. These negative stigmatizations included lazy, hopelessness, unemployed, and government assisted Get more content on