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Pearl Harbor Essay examples
Pearl Harbor In 1941, one of the largest American military defeats occurred. An entire naval fleet
was destroyed, hundreds were killed, all before nine A.M. on a Sunday morning. The US did not
have any knowledge of this attack, mostly because of their own ignorance, partially because of the
military strategies of their Japanese opponents. The Japanese attack on the US naval base of Pearl
Harbor on December 7, 1941, was a classic case of "It will not happen to me!" Although the US
suspected the Japanese actions, they were not ready because they believed an attack would never
happen on American grounds. Through an examination of military history, tactics and eye witness
descriptions, it will be proven that the US had no knowledge of more content...
Fuel talks broke down as the Dutch, who were in control of the Indonesian fuel supply and, under
heavy influence from the US, would not supply Japan with fuel. Desperately needing fuel to
continue the war, Japan first thought of attacking Indonesia, but feared US intervention. After
some thought, Japanese leaders decided that an attack directly on the US would be more
appropriate to bring the US to the fuel supplies negotiating table . The first acknowledgment that
Japan was a war threat came on November 27, 1941 when Washington ordered a 'War Warning'.
The US feared a Japanese attack, not on America, but on the Philippines. American military
leaders took little or no precautions upon the issue of warning. Admiral Husband E. Kimmel and
Lt. General Walter C. Short of Pearl Harbor had done nothing to make the fleet or its defenses
ready for Japanese attack . The commanding officers believed the warning to be no more than a
possible threat of sabotage from the Japanese living on the island of Oahu. As a result, the officers
ordered that all aircraft in the base be lined up at wing tip to be easily guarded. Defenses were on
limited alert, with no long distance reconnaissance and no improvements on the limited anti–aircraft
defenses. On board ships, only half of the anti–aircraft positions were stood at with the ammunition
locked away . "In every reference I've seen and every Pearl Harbor survivor I've ever talked to,
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Essay on Pearl Harbor
Attack on Pearl Harbor! Did we know?

Pg #1
Did we know about the attack the occurred in Pearl harbor? Was there any sign or possible way of
changing what happened? Did someone or a group of people that could were have been more careful
mess up? Or was there some one that knew about the attack or had an idea that it was coming but
didn't say anything? An why did the Japanese choose Pearl Harbor of all place to strike an attack,
was their a significance? These are all question you might ask your self in confusion about the
attack on Pearl Harbor. In the following I will show you why and how some of these things came
about. more content...
8:05 am level bombers at battleships. Ships like the Oklahoma, West Virginia, Tennessee, and
Arizona were all hit by torpedoes. During the attack, many of our pilots noted the brave efforts they
put in, in trying to put some aircrafts off the ground. But they were too greatly outnumbered. The
Japanese would just shoot all of our planes before lift off or crash into them if were about to take
off from the ground. "There efforts were negligible but their courage commanded the admiration and
respect of our pilots." (#3–4)
The US was stunned and enraged by the attack. President Franklin D. Roosevelt called it "a day of
infamy." The next day, December 8, 1941, the US declared war on Japan. The Japanese had
planned out this attack well before it occurred. Working hard and discussing how to do it. There
had already been in tension between the US and Japan before this whole thing occurred. They just
weren't sure how or with what to strike because the waters of Pearl Harbor are real deep. They
wanted the attack to be the most effective on possible. So they put fins on
#2–4 quotes from the encyclopedia of World War II pgs 9
their torpedoes, so that it causes maximum damage. The attack on pearl harbor was led by Admiral
Japanese ambassador in Washington during much of 1941 was a naval officer and a long time friend
of the Americans. Admiral
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pearl harbor Essay
The attack on Pear Harbor has influenced history in a way
that has made America stronger. It helped America unite as
a country, allowing them to overcome greater obstacles. One
example is the recent tragedy of September 11. I believe that Pearl
Harbor helped unite America as a nation so when the bombing on
September 11 happened, it helped the U.S. handle this tragedy.
In my report, I would like to tell you of the events leading up to the
day of the attack on Pearl Harbor and subsequent events.
In 1937, Japan invaded China and began waging a war on
them. Since Japan was militaristic, the official head of the Japanese
government did not have real power. Instead, more content...
People in
important positions never received the valuable information in
decoded messages. Also, because of the economic depression
carried over from the 1930s, there was little money for new
equipment and more servicemen. Since Pearl Harbor was so
shallow, the American command felt that underwater torpedoes could
not be used against ships there. Finally, the Americans felt that
Japanese equipment and servicemen were inferior to their American
counterparts. However, the Americans did worry that sabotage was
likely at Pearl Harbor. To keep and eye on things, the commanders
grouped ships closely together in the harbor to keep them safe from
submarines. Airplanes on the island were lined up wingtip to wingtip
so that all could be watched by a few men. This sort of thinking was
a setup for disaster. The ships and planes crammed together made
perfect sitting targets.
On Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, the Japanese
took off to make a surprise attack on the U.S. naval fleet and airfield
at Pearl Harbor. Just before 8:00, waves of planes were swooping
down out of the sky. The sailors thought they were just army planes
showing off; but then the lead plane released its bombs and a loud
alarm sounded–"AIR RAID! NO DRILL!" The Japanese plan had
two parts. The most important target as "Battleship Row," where the
most deadly of the United States ships were anchored. The
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Pearl Harbor
At approximately 8 o'clock in the morning on the 7th of Dec 1941, the United States of America
faced for the first time in history, an attack on US soil. The Empire of Japan had strategically
planned and executed a swift blow to the state of Hawaii, located in the mid–Pacific Ocean. Hawaii
was our first line of defense from any westerly attack of an Asian country. By the end of the almost
2 hour ordeal, our Naval and Air Corps assets' were brutally crippled preventing the ability of the US
to conduct an immediate retaliation. In this study we will cover many of the events that led up to
that moment in time, the actual attack and show the result that were to follow.
Do to the great depression of 1930 the world more content...
The United States had not finished decoding the last and final message until the late morning of
the 7th Eastern Standard Time. The final message stated to cease relations with the US and
prepare to announce their declaration of war at 1PM EST. A bit late (1130 EST) and after
learning of its content, General Marshall ordered immediate defensive posture in Hawaii once
realizing the time difference between the main land and the islands. Unfortunately this fell on
deaf ears due to complications of the atmosphere blocking radio communications, Washington had
to send word via commercial telegram which did not arrive until well after the attack. By the
early morning of December 7, 1941 the Japanese Naval force led by Admiral Nagumo had parked
his fleet of 6 aircraft carriers 230 nautical miles off the north coast of the Hawaiian Islands
completely undetected. The fleet had approximately 423 aircraft with a final destination of Pearl
Harbor. At 600 a.m. the first wave of 180 aircraft were launch to attach the sleeping Hawaiian bay.
At 702 a.m. an Army radar station sights the aircraft inbound and report to their direct officer who
is aware of a squadron of B–17's due in from the west coast and write off the sighting am friendly
forces. This was the first of many mistakes that would become evident within the hour.
At approximately 715 a.m. the Japanese fleet launches their second wave of aircraft bound for the
same objective. Unbeknown to the military stationed
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How Did The Attack On Pearl Harbour Affect Ww2
The Attack on Pearl Harbour Focus Question: How did the attack on Pearl Harbour affect WWII?
What significant reason did the Japanese choose to start a war with the United States? How did
the surprise assault affect the surroundings of Pearl Harbour? The quotation of "issued Potsdam
Declaration" had Japan to surrender, even if they did surrender why are the United States still
deciding to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki? How has the results of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki
atomic bombing affect the lives of the survivors? What would happen if America wasn't part of
WWII? The retaliation of the Japanese had the world concerned by the oppression of military
actions and to reveal power during the modern era (1900's). The strategy of the more
The "list includes 2,335 servicemen and 68 civilians killed, with 1178 wounded. Included are 1104
men abroad the Battleship USS Arizona killed after a 1,760–pound air bomb penetrated into the
forward magazine causing catastrophic explosions". Now the Japanese assaults have been
completed, The United States along with Great Britain have declared war in order to return the
damage dealt at Pearl Harbour. President Truman during the WWII era had "issued the Potsdam
Declaration" which meant that the Japanese have surrendered in July 26, 1945 because they
believe the United States will launch their staggering force of Brutality into their lands as it will
be extremely painful to endure. The Potsdam Conference was held at Berlin Germany where the
country surrendered to end the "European conflict of World War II". However it does seem the
Japanese Empire had raised the White flag of surrender does not conclude Truman's decision to let
the damage dealt at Pearl Harbour to fade. The Japanese understood the Ultimatum as if any
circumstances they choose not to surrender, the termination would lead the country to face the
brutality and a major lost which was stated above. Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson had
established a decision that the atomic bomb would be the "least abhorrent choice" that will be
dropped above the city of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as its priority and weighs the value the lives of
honourable soldiers attacked without a trace. Also the military advisers
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Pearl Harbor Essay
Pearl Harbor
I. Events before the bombing
A. Reasons for Japans Expansion
1. The Japanese were severely lacking in raw materials
2. The Japanese wanted to build an empire
3. Japan thought that it must build up its armies to compete with the Western Powers
II. Preparations
A. The Japanese made up a 8 point plan
1. Surprise was crucial
2. American aircraft carriers there should be the primary targets
3. U.S. aircraft there must be destroyed to prevent aerial opposition
4. All Japanese more content...
Surprise was crucial
2. American aircraft carriers there should be the primary targets
3. U.S. aircraft there must be destroyed to prevent aerial opposition
4. All Japanese aircraft carriers available should be used
5. All types of bombing should be used in the attack
6. A strong fighter element should be included in the attack for air cover for the fleet
7. Refueling at sea would be necessary
8. A daylight attack promised best results, especially in thesunrise hours
B. The necessary troops were trained and ships were readied
C. Peace talks came to a halt
III. The Attack
A. The attack was carrier based
D. The attack consisted of about 300 planes
E. The attack started at 7:55 a.m.
IV. Aftermaths of the attack
A. American losses
1. 19 ships were damaged or sunk
2. 2,403 people were killed
3. Germany and Italy declared war on America
V. Conclusion
A. The war was stopped by the atom–bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
B. The President was aware of Japan's plans to attack
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Pearl Harbor Essay
Bombing of Pearl Harbor
World War II was a war that everyone will remember and will be remembered for many years to
come. It could even be said that it killed more people, destroyed more property, and had far more
reaching effects than any other war in history. New technologies were used in the war, such as the
Atomic bomb, which opened up the nuclear age. Pearl Harbor was one of those events that will never
be forgotten by Americans. Pearl Harbor was especially memorable to America because that caused
us to get involved in the war and it outraged everyone in the country. The United States played akey
role in the war. The bombing of Pearl Harbor was a major turning point in World War II.
The United States planned not to get more content...
Then President
Roosevelt barred the withdrawal of all Japanese funds from American banks. This was the last straw
for Japan(Rice 49–52)
Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, the Commander–in–Chief of the Japanese Combined Fleet, was the
principal architect of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Yamamoto himself was personally opposed to
war with the UNITED STATES, but knew that Japan's only hope of success would be to achieve a
quick and decisive victory. Japan needed to knock out the UNITED STATES Pacific Fleet at Pearl
Harbor. (Pearl Harbor's History, Filmstrip)
On November 26, 1941, the Japanese Task Force comprised of six aircraft carriers. A support
force, which included two battleships, three cruisers, nine destroyers, three submarines, escorted
it and eight oil supply ships, began their trek to Hawaii. They must travel four thousand miles
across open sea and remain undetected by the UNITED STATES Forces. (Wisniewski 20) The
UNITED STATES Military knew a surprise attack by Japan was possible and they thought they
were prepared. Adm. Husband E. Kimmel and Lt. Gen. Walter C. Short, the commanders of the
UNITED STATES Naval and Army forces in Hawaii, respectively, had regularly scheduled
training exercises and had taken many precautions to avert disaster. (Pearl Harbor's History,
Filmstrip) On the evening of Saturday, December 6, 1941, as most of the ships were in port, one
last moment of peace was realized. The band of the USS Arizona even played
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Essay On Pearl Harbor
The events of Pearl harbor marked a turning point in the United States history, the US, prior to this
event was a powerful nation yet, by many countries was not seen as the superpower it is known as
today. The attack on Pearl Harbor marks the shift from a strong nation to the global force and power
it possess today due to economic, social and military shifts made from this attack and leading the
United States into World War II. A reported statement by Japanese General, Isoroku Yamamoto best
summarizes this "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible
resolve."1. Shows this shift and the importance of the attack on shaping American history.
United States Prior to Pearl Harbor Attack
Prior to more content...
Despite this however tensions were rising in the world as expressed by the following "increasing
the capacity of the U.S. Navy by 11%. Four days earlier, Roosevelt had condemned the actions of
Italy 's declaration of war against France and the United Kingdom."3. This showed how global
tension had been steadily increasing due to the expansion of the Japanese empire as well as
aggression in europe in form of Germany and Italy. It also showed how the United States was
attempting to prepare to defend itself from the aggression on both borders. The Atlantic from Italy
& Germany aspirations for military power and control, however the more pressing matter was the
Pacific front due to Japan at this time had invaded China as well as other island across the pacific
building an empire close to American territories and allies such as Guam and the Philippines.
Troops involved on the Pearl Harbor Attack
The attack was a complete surprise and as a result was a devastating attack on the American pacific
fleet. This attack was carried out by "Japanese battleships and destroyers which had escorted 43
fighters, 51 dive–bombers, 49 high–level bombers, and 40 torpedo planes from six carriers that
floated 200 miles north of Pearl Harbor. The aircraft had traveled in complete radio silence in order
to catch the Americans by surprise."4. One reason this was so successful was due to the careful
timing and planning of this attack as it was done in with
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Pearl Harbor Essay
Pearl Harbor
During the early 1940's, World War II was upon the United States of America. After the attack on
Pearl Harbor, the U.S. was ready to go to war with The Empire of Japan. During this time, many
U.S. citizens grew great hatred toward anyone of Japanese ancestry. People began to become
paranoid and treated any Japanese person with great disrespect. All of this started with the Japanese
attack on Pearl Harbor. After the attack, many Japanese people were sent toconcentration camps.
Many of them were either put in jail because of their race, or just because they refused to go to the
concentration camps. This also happened in David Guterson's fiction book, Snow Falling on Cedars.
After the attack on Pearl Harbor, more content...
During the 1940's and 1950's, the U.S. opinion on Japanese people changed. Years of anti–Japanese
discrimination swept across the nation. (America's Concentration Camps) Every Japanese citizen
was looked upon as someone who was capable of sabotage, and many people thought the Japanese
were spies. They were not to be trusted. (America's Concentration Camps)
After the attack on Pearl Harbor, all Japanese residents in Hawaii were rounded up and interrogated.
On February 19, 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066. (America's
Concentration Camps) This called for the eviction and internment of all Japanese Americans. The
evacuation began in April 1942. There were different types of facilities created for different
purposes. Three of these were assembly centers, relocation centers, and internment camps. (America's
Concentration Camps) The War Relocation Authority was established to run these camps. During
the first phase of relocation, Japanese citizens were transported on trains and buses under military
guard to different assembly centers. "Twelve of these were in California and one was in Oregon.
(America's Concentration Camps) Detainees were housed in livestock stalls or windowless shacks
that were crowded and lacked sufficient ventilation, electricity, and sanitation facilities." (America's
Concentration Camps) Also, in these camps, there was a shortage of food and many times medicine.
During the second phase,
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Pearl Harbor Essay
Pearl Harbor
Death, destruction, and mercilessness do little justice in describing the horrible events that took
place on December 7th, 1941. What Pearl Harbor fails to accurately depict is the complexity of the
situation. The actual causes of the attack and also the long–term effects that the attack on Pearl
Harbor had on the world are some aspects one doesn't see. Was the bombing of Pearl Harbor a
success? Who benefited the most in the end? Scholars have long pondered these questions and with
descriptions of the preceding events, the actual attack, and post attack events, one can form his/her
own conclusion. The path to problems between Japan and America started many years before the
attack, more content...
Because their country lacks natural resources and had an embargo placed on them, the Japanese
government decided to overpower and occupy the areas in Southeast Asia that had lots of
resources (Infamy). Top Japanese officials felt that war with the United States was inevitable, but
with a large American fleet in the Pacific stationed at Pearl Harbor on the island of Oahu, war was
going to be difficult if Japan was on the defensive. It would have been to Japan's advantage if they
were the ones to pick the time and place of battle, as they went on to do. Admiral Isoroku
Yamamoto came up with the idea of annihilating the entire American pacific fleet in one single
blow (Essential Pearl Harbor). Beginning in the early months of 1941, Japanese aircraft carrier
pilots began training for a Top Secret mission involving an air raid on a fleet of ships using tactics
that met two major criteria. The attack was to use a huge amount of naval aviation forces, and it
was to achieve complete surprise on its enemy. Japanese leaders felt that if the attack met that
criterion, Japan would dominate the Pacific Ocean and have control over all of the Far East. As the
training continued, the plan became more and more detailed. In the latter part of February 1940,
Adm. Isoroku Yamamoto gave Comdr. Minoru Genda,
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Pearl Harbor Outline
Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor was a attack on a naval harbor base in Hawaii. The Japanese flew planes over and
tried to destroy the base. The attack was also known as the Battle of Pearl Harbor. This later led
World War ll . The Japanese called this attack operation AI, and they later turned it into Operation Z.
The Japanese were making plans for the surprise attack as early as January of 1941(Brett, the attack started it was a total surprise. It was such a surprise that
many of the U.S. servicemen were either still in their pajamas or eating breakfast in the mess halls
when it began(Brett, The Japanese commenced the attacked in December
of 1941 on a sunday morning at 7:55 a.m.(Brett, more content...
"The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor destroyed 20 ships and over 300 airplanes."( staff, "Most important, almost 2,500 men were killed and another 1,000 were
wounded."( staff, The Japs didn't take out the Pacific fleet so they were
able to help. When they dropped one of the bombs it hit a ammo room on one of the ships and
destroyed the dock and parts of the ships around it.But the Japanese had failed to hurt the Pacific
Fleet. "In 1940s, battleships were no longer the most important naval vessel."( staff, "Aircraft carriers were, and as it happened, all of the Pacific Fleet's carriers were away
from the base on December 7"( staff, "The Pearl Harbor assault had left the
base's most important facilities, oil storage depots, repair shops, shipyards and submarine docks
unharmed."( staff,"On December 8, Congress approved Roosevelt's
declaration of war."( staff, Three days after Italy and Germany declared war
on the United States( staff, The Japs lost 65 men, another one of their men
were captured. "The Americans shot down 28 planes and sunk 5 midget submarines."(Brett, The U.S. lost 2,343 men and 1,272 men were injured, 960 men went
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Pearl Harbor Summary
Early morning on December 7, 1941 over 200 Japanese fighter planes covered the sky over Pearl
Harbor. The strike lasted for two long hours, the damage done was devastating. The Japanese were
able to destroy about 20 American naval vessels, including eight enormous battleships, they
destroyed more than 300 airplanes. About 2,000 American's died in the attack that day, and another
1,000 men were
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Essay On Pearl Harbor

  • 1. Pearl Harbor Essay examples Pearl Harbor In 1941, one of the largest American military defeats occurred. An entire naval fleet was destroyed, hundreds were killed, all before nine A.M. on a Sunday morning. The US did not have any knowledge of this attack, mostly because of their own ignorance, partially because of the military strategies of their Japanese opponents. The Japanese attack on the US naval base of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, was a classic case of "It will not happen to me!" Although the US suspected the Japanese actions, they were not ready because they believed an attack would never happen on American grounds. Through an examination of military history, tactics and eye witness descriptions, it will be proven that the US had no knowledge of more content... Fuel talks broke down as the Dutch, who were in control of the Indonesian fuel supply and, under heavy influence from the US, would not supply Japan with fuel. Desperately needing fuel to continue the war, Japan first thought of attacking Indonesia, but feared US intervention. After some thought, Japanese leaders decided that an attack directly on the US would be more appropriate to bring the US to the fuel supplies negotiating table . The first acknowledgment that Japan was a war threat came on November 27, 1941 when Washington ordered a 'War Warning'. The US feared a Japanese attack, not on America, but on the Philippines. American military leaders took little or no precautions upon the issue of warning. Admiral Husband E. Kimmel and Lt. General Walter C. Short of Pearl Harbor had done nothing to make the fleet or its defenses ready for Japanese attack . The commanding officers believed the warning to be no more than a possible threat of sabotage from the Japanese living on the island of Oahu. As a result, the officers ordered that all aircraft in the base be lined up at wing tip to be easily guarded. Defenses were on limited alert, with no long distance reconnaissance and no improvements on the limited anti–aircraft defenses. On board ships, only half of the anti–aircraft positions were stood at with the ammunition locked away . "In every reference I've seen and every Pearl Harbor survivor I've ever talked to, Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on Pearl Harbor Attack on Pearl Harbor! Did we know?  Pg #1 Did we know about the attack the occurred in Pearl harbor? Was there any sign or possible way of changing what happened? Did someone or a group of people that could were have been more careful mess up? Or was there some one that knew about the attack or had an idea that it was coming but didn't say anything? An why did the Japanese choose Pearl Harbor of all place to strike an attack, was their a significance? These are all question you might ask your self in confusion about the attack on Pearl Harbor. In the following I will show you why and how some of these things came about. more content... 8:05 am level bombers at battleships. Ships like the Oklahoma, West Virginia, Tennessee, and Arizona were all hit by torpedoes. During the attack, many of our pilots noted the brave efforts they put in, in trying to put some aircrafts off the ground. But they were too greatly outnumbered. The Japanese would just shoot all of our planes before lift off or crash into them if were about to take off from the ground. "There efforts were negligible but their courage commanded the admiration and respect of our pilots." (#3–4) The US was stunned and enraged by the attack. President Franklin D. Roosevelt called it "a day of infamy." The next day, December 8, 1941, the US declared war on Japan. The Japanese had planned out this attack well before it occurred. Working hard and discussing how to do it. There had already been in tension between the US and Japan before this whole thing occurred. They just weren't sure how or with what to strike because the waters of Pearl Harbor are real deep. They wanted the attack to be the most effective on possible. So they put fins on #2–4 quotes from the encyclopedia of World War II pgs 9 –11 their torpedoes, so that it causes maximum damage. The attack on pearl harbor was led by Admiral Yomamoto. Japanese ambassador in Washington during much of 1941 was a naval officer and a long time friend of the Americans. Admiral Get more content on
  • 3. pearl harbor Essay The attack on Pear Harbor has influenced history in a way that has made America stronger. It helped America unite as a country, allowing them to overcome greater obstacles. One example is the recent tragedy of September 11. I believe that Pearl Harbor helped unite America as a nation so when the bombing on September 11 happened, it helped the U.S. handle this tragedy. In my report, I would like to tell you of the events leading up to the day of the attack on Pearl Harbor and subsequent events. In 1937, Japan invaded China and began waging a war on them. Since Japan was militaristic, the official head of the Japanese government did not have real power. Instead, more content... People in important positions never received the valuable information in decoded messages. Also, because of the economic depression carried over from the 1930s, there was little money for new equipment and more servicemen. Since Pearl Harbor was so shallow, the American command felt that underwater torpedoes could not be used against ships there. Finally, the Americans felt that Japanese equipment and servicemen were inferior to their American counterparts. However, the Americans did worry that sabotage was likely at Pearl Harbor. To keep and eye on things, the commanders
  • 4. grouped ships closely together in the harbor to keep them safe from submarines. Airplanes on the island were lined up wingtip to wingtip so that all could be watched by a few men. This sort of thinking was a setup for disaster. The ships and planes crammed together made perfect sitting targets. On Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, the Japanese took off to make a surprise attack on the U.S. naval fleet and airfield at Pearl Harbor. Just before 8:00, waves of planes were swooping down out of the sky. The sailors thought they were just army planes showing off; but then the lead plane released its bombs and a loud alarm sounded–"AIR RAID! NO DRILL!" The Japanese plan had two parts. The most important target as "Battleship Row," where the most deadly of the United States ships were anchored. The Get more content on
  • 5. Pearl Harbor Introduction At approximately 8 o'clock in the morning on the 7th of Dec 1941, the United States of America faced for the first time in history, an attack on US soil. The Empire of Japan had strategically planned and executed a swift blow to the state of Hawaii, located in the mid–Pacific Ocean. Hawaii was our first line of defense from any westerly attack of an Asian country. By the end of the almost 2 hour ordeal, our Naval and Air Corps assets' were brutally crippled preventing the ability of the US to conduct an immediate retaliation. In this study we will cover many of the events that led up to that moment in time, the actual attack and show the result that were to follow. History Do to the great depression of 1930 the world more content... The United States had not finished decoding the last and final message until the late morning of the 7th Eastern Standard Time. The final message stated to cease relations with the US and prepare to announce their declaration of war at 1PM EST. A bit late (1130 EST) and after learning of its content, General Marshall ordered immediate defensive posture in Hawaii once realizing the time difference between the main land and the islands. Unfortunately this fell on deaf ears due to complications of the atmosphere blocking radio communications, Washington had to send word via commercial telegram which did not arrive until well after the attack. By the early morning of December 7, 1941 the Japanese Naval force led by Admiral Nagumo had parked his fleet of 6 aircraft carriers 230 nautical miles off the north coast of the Hawaiian Islands completely undetected. The fleet had approximately 423 aircraft with a final destination of Pearl Harbor. At 600 a.m. the first wave of 180 aircraft were launch to attach the sleeping Hawaiian bay. At 702 a.m. an Army radar station sights the aircraft inbound and report to their direct officer who is aware of a squadron of B–17's due in from the west coast and write off the sighting am friendly forces. This was the first of many mistakes that would become evident within the hour. At approximately 715 a.m. the Japanese fleet launches their second wave of aircraft bound for the same objective. Unbeknown to the military stationed Get more content on
  • 6. How Did The Attack On Pearl Harbour Affect Ww2 The Attack on Pearl Harbour Focus Question: How did the attack on Pearl Harbour affect WWII? What significant reason did the Japanese choose to start a war with the United States? How did the surprise assault affect the surroundings of Pearl Harbour? The quotation of "issued Potsdam Declaration" had Japan to surrender, even if they did surrender why are the United States still deciding to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki? How has the results of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombing affect the lives of the survivors? What would happen if America wasn't part of WWII? The retaliation of the Japanese had the world concerned by the oppression of military actions and to reveal power during the modern era (1900's). The strategy of the more content... The "list includes 2,335 servicemen and 68 civilians killed, with 1178 wounded. Included are 1104 men abroad the Battleship USS Arizona killed after a 1,760–pound air bomb penetrated into the forward magazine causing catastrophic explosions". Now the Japanese assaults have been completed, The United States along with Great Britain have declared war in order to return the damage dealt at Pearl Harbour. President Truman during the WWII era had "issued the Potsdam Declaration" which meant that the Japanese have surrendered in July 26, 1945 because they believe the United States will launch their staggering force of Brutality into their lands as it will be extremely painful to endure. The Potsdam Conference was held at Berlin Germany where the country surrendered to end the "European conflict of World War II". However it does seem the Japanese Empire had raised the White flag of surrender does not conclude Truman's decision to let the damage dealt at Pearl Harbour to fade. The Japanese understood the Ultimatum as if any circumstances they choose not to surrender, the termination would lead the country to face the brutality and a major lost which was stated above. Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson had established a decision that the atomic bomb would be the "least abhorrent choice" that will be dropped above the city of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as its priority and weighs the value the lives of honourable soldiers attacked without a trace. Also the military advisers Get more content on
  • 7. Pearl Harbor Essay Pearl Harbor I. Events before the bombing A. Reasons for Japans Expansion 1. The Japanese were severely lacking in raw materials 2. The Japanese wanted to build an empire 3. Japan thought that it must build up its armies to compete with the Western Powers II. Preparations A. The Japanese made up a 8 point plan 1. Surprise was crucial 2. American aircraft carriers there should be the primary targets 3. U.S. aircraft there must be destroyed to prevent aerial opposition 4. All Japanese more content... Surprise was crucial 2. American aircraft carriers there should be the primary targets 3. U.S. aircraft there must be destroyed to prevent aerial opposition 4. All Japanese aircraft carriers available should be used 5. All types of bombing should be used in the attack 6. A strong fighter element should be included in the attack for air cover for the fleet 7. Refueling at sea would be necessary 8. A daylight attack promised best results, especially in thesunrise hours B. The necessary troops were trained and ships were readied C. Peace talks came to a halt III. The Attack A. The attack was carrier based D. The attack consisted of about 300 planes E. The attack started at 7:55 a.m. IV. Aftermaths of the attack A. American losses 1. 19 ships were damaged or sunk 2. 2,403 people were killed 3. Germany and Italy declared war on America V. Conclusion A. The war was stopped by the atom–bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki B. The President was aware of Japan's plans to attack
  • 8. Get more content on
  • 9. Pearl Harbor Essay Bombing of Pearl Harbor World War II was a war that everyone will remember and will be remembered for many years to come. It could even be said that it killed more people, destroyed more property, and had far more reaching effects than any other war in history. New technologies were used in the war, such as the Atomic bomb, which opened up the nuclear age. Pearl Harbor was one of those events that will never be forgotten by Americans. Pearl Harbor was especially memorable to America because that caused us to get involved in the war and it outraged everyone in the country. The United States played akey role in the war. The bombing of Pearl Harbor was a major turning point in World War II. The United States planned not to get more content... Then President Roosevelt barred the withdrawal of all Japanese funds from American banks. This was the last straw for Japan(Rice 49–52) Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, the Commander–in–Chief of the Japanese Combined Fleet, was the principal architect of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Yamamoto himself was personally opposed to war with the UNITED STATES, but knew that Japan's only hope of success would be to achieve a quick and decisive victory. Japan needed to knock out the UNITED STATES Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor. (Pearl Harbor's History, Filmstrip) On November 26, 1941, the Japanese Task Force comprised of six aircraft carriers. A support force, which included two battleships, three cruisers, nine destroyers, three submarines, escorted it and eight oil supply ships, began their trek to Hawaii. They must travel four thousand miles across open sea and remain undetected by the UNITED STATES Forces. (Wisniewski 20) The UNITED STATES Military knew a surprise attack by Japan was possible and they thought they were prepared. Adm. Husband E. Kimmel and Lt. Gen. Walter C. Short, the commanders of the UNITED STATES Naval and Army forces in Hawaii, respectively, had regularly scheduled training exercises and had taken many precautions to avert disaster. (Pearl Harbor's History, Filmstrip) On the evening of Saturday, December 6, 1941, as most of the ships were in port, one last moment of peace was realized. The band of the USS Arizona even played Get more content on
  • 10. Essay On Pearl Harbor The events of Pearl harbor marked a turning point in the United States history, the US, prior to this event was a powerful nation yet, by many countries was not seen as the superpower it is known as today. The attack on Pearl Harbor marks the shift from a strong nation to the global force and power it possess today due to economic, social and military shifts made from this attack and leading the United States into World War II. A reported statement by Japanese General, Isoroku Yamamoto best summarizes this "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."1. Shows this shift and the importance of the attack on shaping American history. United States Prior to Pearl Harbor Attack Prior to more content... Despite this however tensions were rising in the world as expressed by the following "increasing the capacity of the U.S. Navy by 11%. Four days earlier, Roosevelt had condemned the actions of Italy 's declaration of war against France and the United Kingdom."3. This showed how global tension had been steadily increasing due to the expansion of the Japanese empire as well as aggression in europe in form of Germany and Italy. It also showed how the United States was attempting to prepare to defend itself from the aggression on both borders. The Atlantic from Italy & Germany aspirations for military power and control, however the more pressing matter was the Pacific front due to Japan at this time had invaded China as well as other island across the pacific building an empire close to American territories and allies such as Guam and the Philippines. Troops involved on the Pearl Harbor Attack The attack was a complete surprise and as a result was a devastating attack on the American pacific fleet. This attack was carried out by "Japanese battleships and destroyers which had escorted 43 fighters, 51 dive–bombers, 49 high–level bombers, and 40 torpedo planes from six carriers that floated 200 miles north of Pearl Harbor. The aircraft had traveled in complete radio silence in order to catch the Americans by surprise."4. One reason this was so successful was due to the careful timing and planning of this attack as it was done in with Get more content on
  • 11. Pearl Harbor Essay Pearl Harbor During the early 1940's, World War II was upon the United States of America. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, the U.S. was ready to go to war with The Empire of Japan. During this time, many U.S. citizens grew great hatred toward anyone of Japanese ancestry. People began to become paranoid and treated any Japanese person with great disrespect. All of this started with the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. After the attack, many Japanese people were sent toconcentration camps. Many of them were either put in jail because of their race, or just because they refused to go to the concentration camps. This also happened in David Guterson's fiction book, Snow Falling on Cedars. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, more content... During the 1940's and 1950's, the U.S. opinion on Japanese people changed. Years of anti–Japanese discrimination swept across the nation. (America's Concentration Camps) Every Japanese citizen was looked upon as someone who was capable of sabotage, and many people thought the Japanese were spies. They were not to be trusted. (America's Concentration Camps) After the attack on Pearl Harbor, all Japanese residents in Hawaii were rounded up and interrogated. On February 19, 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066. (America's Concentration Camps) This called for the eviction and internment of all Japanese Americans. The evacuation began in April 1942. There were different types of facilities created for different purposes. Three of these were assembly centers, relocation centers, and internment camps. (America's Concentration Camps) The War Relocation Authority was established to run these camps. During the first phase of relocation, Japanese citizens were transported on trains and buses under military guard to different assembly centers. "Twelve of these were in California and one was in Oregon. (America's Concentration Camps) Detainees were housed in livestock stalls or windowless shacks that were crowded and lacked sufficient ventilation, electricity, and sanitation facilities." (America's Concentration Camps) Also, in these camps, there was a shortage of food and many times medicine. During the second phase, Get more content on
  • 12. Pearl Harbor Essay Pearl Harbor Death, destruction, and mercilessness do little justice in describing the horrible events that took place on December 7th, 1941. What Pearl Harbor fails to accurately depict is the complexity of the situation. The actual causes of the attack and also the long–term effects that the attack on Pearl Harbor had on the world are some aspects one doesn't see. Was the bombing of Pearl Harbor a success? Who benefited the most in the end? Scholars have long pondered these questions and with descriptions of the preceding events, the actual attack, and post attack events, one can form his/her own conclusion. The path to problems between Japan and America started many years before the attack, more content... Because their country lacks natural resources and had an embargo placed on them, the Japanese government decided to overpower and occupy the areas in Southeast Asia that had lots of resources (Infamy). Top Japanese officials felt that war with the United States was inevitable, but with a large American fleet in the Pacific stationed at Pearl Harbor on the island of Oahu, war was going to be difficult if Japan was on the defensive. It would have been to Japan's advantage if they were the ones to pick the time and place of battle, as they went on to do. Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto came up with the idea of annihilating the entire American pacific fleet in one single blow (Essential Pearl Harbor). Beginning in the early months of 1941, Japanese aircraft carrier pilots began training for a Top Secret mission involving an air raid on a fleet of ships using tactics that met two major criteria. The attack was to use a huge amount of naval aviation forces, and it was to achieve complete surprise on its enemy. Japanese leaders felt that if the attack met that criterion, Japan would dominate the Pacific Ocean and have control over all of the Far East. As the training continued, the plan became more and more detailed. In the latter part of February 1940, Adm. Isoroku Yamamoto gave Comdr. Minoru Genda, Get more content on
  • 13. Pearl Harbor Outline Pearl Harbor Pearl Harbor was a attack on a naval harbor base in Hawaii. The Japanese flew planes over and tried to destroy the base. The attack was also known as the Battle of Pearl Harbor. This later led World War ll . The Japanese called this attack operation AI, and they later turned it into Operation Z. The Japanese were making plans for the surprise attack as early as January of 1941(Brett, the attack started it was a total surprise. It was such a surprise that many of the U.S. servicemen were either still in their pajamas or eating breakfast in the mess halls when it began(Brett, The Japanese commenced the attacked in December of 1941 on a sunday morning at 7:55 a.m.(Brett, more content... "The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor destroyed 20 ships and over 300 airplanes."( staff, "Most important, almost 2,500 men were killed and another 1,000 were wounded."( staff, The Japs didn't take out the Pacific fleet so they were able to help. When they dropped one of the bombs it hit a ammo room on one of the ships and destroyed the dock and parts of the ships around it.But the Japanese had failed to hurt the Pacific Fleet. "In 1940s, battleships were no longer the most important naval vessel."( staff, "Aircraft carriers were, and as it happened, all of the Pacific Fleet's carriers were away from the base on December 7"( staff, "The Pearl Harbor assault had left the base's most important facilities, oil storage depots, repair shops, shipyards and submarine docks unharmed."( staff,"On December 8, Congress approved Roosevelt's declaration of war."( staff, Three days after Italy and Germany declared war on the United States( staff, The Japs lost 65 men, another one of their men were captured. "The Americans shot down 28 planes and sunk 5 midget submarines."(Brett, The U.S. lost 2,343 men and 1,272 men were injured, 960 men went missing.(Brett, Get more content on
  • 14. Pearl Harbor Summary Early morning on December 7, 1941 over 200 Japanese fighter planes covered the sky over Pearl Harbor. The strike lasted for two long hours, the damage done was devastating. The Japanese were able to destroy about 20 American naval vessels, including eight enormous battleships, they destroyed more than 300 airplanes. About 2,000 American's died in the attack that day, and another 1,000 men were Get more content on