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Essay on My Christian Life
My Christian Life has been "pleasurable pain" (I will explain what that refers to in detail later). I was born on June 9, 1984. I was blessed to be in a
family of Christian. Therefore, I was destined to become a true follower of Christ. I was baptized on August 12 of that year at St. Rose De Lima. Most
people say that from the moment I was blessed, I became a disciple of Jesus, a light bearer, but I believe I was a disciple for my Lord and Savior the
moment I was born. I was conceived into a Christian family with a strong Christian background. I thank the Lord to this day for blessing me as He did.
As it was when I was born and still to this day, I was brought to Church every Sunday. As an infant and a child, I did not understand the
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As my faith grew, I also grew in reason and age. I began to understand and really listen to what I was saying and hearing. I began to slowly recite
my prayers and get a true concept of what they meant. As I move on in age I began to feel left out in Church. So I participated in the choir. This
decision was one of or the most spiritual movement I could ever had done. I had a close relationship with music, as I do now. I participated in my
elementary schools' band. The interest in music was evident. When I join the choir, I felt lifted. I felt I was truly contributing to the mass and
giving praise to our lord. I loved to go to choir practice. I could not sing that well but I could give my devotion and heart to the lord. I think at that
age I developed an opinion what most black people develop about church music, which is a need to feel moved or lifted. I am not criticizing people
who can listen to bells and chanting like music but me, personally, I need to hear a song that I can relate to. A song that understands my cry and
heals it; a song that gives me the strength to go on in this cruel world. I loved to see the expressions on people's face while I sang. I understood that
they were hurting spiritually and felt healed once they heard a young youth choir express their love for the Savior. Once I left St. Leo, I never joined
another choir. I do miss the feeling I received when I sang. I think I get the same
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Christianity And Its Impact On Society
Christianity and the impact it has placed in society has shaped and stripped, modified and divided, comforted and enlightened the world. Christianity
has managed to delve into every aspect of human life. Christianity is in our way of life–science, education, technology and arts and has created the
environment of religious belief which managed to engrain its' ideals into a social, political and educational belief. Areligion such as Christianity is the
foundation from which society lives, breathes and thinks on. There are many that dispute this yet there is some insight and relevance on how our
freedom, choices and laws embody Christianity and it has done so since the beginning and still does so in the present. According to Rodney Stark it
is, "Christianizing the Empire" (The Triumph of Christianity, 2011). And it is from which the past, present and future empires stands upon.The
importance of understanding how Christianity blanketed humanity gives us a different view that is aided by evidence that it bears truth to its
meaning. The world we live in, society and culture in general has been driven by religion for thousands of years. Christianity historically has played
a significant role in shaping the modern day of society and culture. It is in the currency we use, the book in which we pledge our truth and honor to,
and the obedience, hesitance and laws in our everyday decisions in life. A very revealing and captivating set of research has publicized this to
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Worldview Of A Christian Essay
Worldview of a Christian
What does the world look like through the lens of a Christian? The answers to this question can be found directly from the Bible. There are many parts
to the Christian Worldview, but the seven main parts are; what God is like, the nature of the universe, the nature of man,ethics and morality, the cause
of evil and suffering, what happens to man after death, and the meaning of history. The Biblical Worldview of a Christian is important because it helps
us develop our faith in God and become closer to him. Everyone should have the Biblical Worldview of a Christian.
What is God Like?
God has every excellent attribute. He is infinite, meaning that He never had a beginning nor will he have an end. This is more
He wanted man to be a free moral agent; having the choice between right and wrong. Man chose wrong, which caused pain, suffering, and death
entered the world as a result. God has power to stop evil, but it is because of His everlasting patience and grace towards us that He allows our sins to
continue. God did not want to end sin yet, because He did not want to lose anyone. A 2 Peter 3:9 puts it, "The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise,
as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."
What happens to man at death?
What happens to believers and unbelievers at death is very different. For believers, death is not a punishment. After a Christian dies, the soul of that
person goes into God's presence, where they wait until Jesus' second coming to go to heaven. In Heaven, there is no suffering, death, and grief. In
heaven, the believers worship and praise God forever, and also partake in meaningful work. After an unbeliever dies, their soul goes to hell. When
Jesus returns, they experience the second death, which is eternal torment. Hell is a place of fire and burning, where unbelievers go through weeping
and gnashing of teeth.
What is the meaning of
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Christian Reflection Paper
Christian Tradition course exposed me to the Christian Tradition based on Biblical and church history. The course taught me the differences and
similarities of Christian Tradition from other major world religions. I learned about the significance of God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the Trinity
based on the teachings of the Bible. The course also briefly covered 2,000 years of church history but with emphasis on the impact of the Council of
Nicea, Council of Chalcedon, and John and Charles Wesley onChristianity. The professor emphasized the importance of the reformation that sparked a
revolution in the church.
The course began by distinguishing Christianity from other major world religions both in similarities and differences. more content...
The role of the son or Jesus is the savior and teacher. The role of the Holy Spirit is the empowerer and evangelist. All these roles combined equal a
mystical element that describes the Trinity or another name is Godhead. To understand the Trinity, God is the sun that shines while Jesus is the rays of
the sun and the Holy Spirit is the warmth that is felt from the sun. All personalities are equal and combined together called the Trinity.
The role and purpose of the Church is to create a community of people who believe in the same faith of God. The Church is a foundation of the faith
in God. The Church allowed people to unite on common grounds and follow the words of God. The place of worship made people feel accountable
because they were in it together. The Church raised the importance of prayer and spirituality because that is how one communicates to God. The
Church emphasizes fellowship, dedication to the faith, selflessness. The Church gives power to the Christian people because they are a group and not
individuals anymore.
One of the most important events in church history includes the Council of Nicea. The First Council of Nicea happened in 325 and involved the first
gathering of Christian bishops and the Roman Empire not as enemies but as allies. The bishops wanted to solve the dispute over Arianism. Arianism is
the belief that Christ was more than human but something less than God. Arianism taught the people that Jesus
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What Does It Mean To Be A Christian
For me, being a Christian is such a loaded word in today's world because people have attached so much to it that it is no longer clearly defined.
Websters dictionary defines being a Christian as, " one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ." but it is so much more than that! We
not only profess belief in the teachings of Christ but we also try and model our life's after that of Christ. To be a Christian means to me that we are
not casting down judgement on those who are not of our faith, also known as religious tolerance. I am apart of my university's interfaith youth core
and this organization brings people of all religions and beliefs together to not only teach tolerance but to also get people of all faiths to work together
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Christianity Reflection Paper
Christianity is a very developed religion and it resides mainly in the Western Culture. Followers up to 2 billion with a continuous rise as the world
population grows. "Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, and Protestant Churches are the largest groups" (Stefon et al) known to
Christianity. The life of Jesus and his teachings is the base of thisreligion. Jesus taught the way of God, whom is the creator of all and the father of
Jesus. He taught the people that living their lives in a certain manner, would end with eternal life after you have died. Jesus and his guidance was
becoming notorious; however, The Roman Government and Jewish leaders showed vast disapproval. Thus, leading to the crucifixion of Jesus where
he was executed upon the cross. Christians believe that 3 days after Jesus died he rose from the dead; therefore, giving the chance to his believers to
live eternal life after death. "Christianity is more than just a religious belief. It also has generated a culture, a set of ideas and ways if life, practices,
and artifacts that have been handed down from generation to generation since Jesus became the object of faith" (Stefon et al). Christianity is
appealing to me for the fact of knowing one man sacrificed himself for the good and eternal life of all the people is one hell of a sacrifice and I admire
that. I admire most that you will always be given the chance to have you sins forgiven.
Hinduism originated in India around 1500 BCE when the Aryans left
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Ethics in Christianity Essay
Ethics in Christianity
According to Webster, ethics is "the science of moral duty."
He further describes it as "the science of ideal human character." The word in Greek means "dwelling" or "stall," as in a safe place to live (our word
"morals" comes from the
Latin word for ethics). The implication is that humans depend on right choices for security. For a Christian, and indeed for many non–Christians, Jesus
Christ is the only perfectly ethical person. He is the perfect man, always making right choices, and to believe him to be flawed is to abandon Christianity
completely. Upon this fact and foundation, we have a second belief that we are to allow God to transform us into an image of His Son, Jesus. Jesus
calls us more content...
How Does Free Will Fit In? What Is It?
Free will is a gift from God. It means human beings have been given the ability to choose between right and wrong. We do not believe God runs our
lives like a puppet show. We are completely free to choose, but are not shielded from the consequences of our actions as they interact with the rest of
the humans (also with free will). Some people feel that we do not have free will because God punishes us for the choices he does not happen to like.
Christians answer that
God determines the standards of behavior because He is God, the Creator. Rather than punish, God simply allows people to choose to reject Him.
Since there is no happiness apart from
God, permanent rejection of God results in permanent unhappiness. Without free will, no opportunity for choices between right and wrong exist.
Creatures without free will cannot have ethics because they have no choice.
What Ethical Rules Have Been Revealed?
When the rich young man asked Jesus what must be done to inherit eternal life, the response was: "You know the
Commandments…" When Jesus was pressed further, he offered the chance to follow him as a disciple. Taking these together, following Jesus
while keeping the would seem to be the revealed answer. Jesus also said that loving God and neighbor summed up the Commandments, but our poor
understanding of love sends us back to the Ten Commandments and the example and
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What Makes A Christian? Essay
What does it mean to be a Christian?
A Christian is a person that believes in God and shares his word with all of God's children. Christianity is the faith that a Christian puts in to being a
Christian. Being a Christian means so many different things to many different people all across the world. Deciding on what the correct views as
being a Christian is a difficult task, as many see the world in a different light. After looking up in the dictionary, it found that the definition of a
Christian is a person professing their belief in Jesus as the Christ. In the bible the definition according to Act 11:26 it says "Followers of Jesus Christ
were first called Christians." A Christian is a person that obeys the Ten Commandments, up holdsGod's word, and lives the life God has planned for all
of his children. Choosing to live life as a Christian is the promise of a fulfilled life that when this life is over there is a promise of a wonderful life in
How to live the good life according to God's plan is a great example of being a Christian. This means to be kind to our neighbors, help out poor people
whenever there is a free moment and to always trust in God's plan. God has a plan for each and every one of his children, that doesn't mean that the
plan cannot change from time to time, but all of God's children are supposed to live everyday doing good in God's eyes. This quote sums up God's
plan for all of his children "As for many of God's children, "we will serve
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How Did Christianity Spread
Christianity in Rome Christianity is a widespread and powerful religion because of its beginning in the Roman Empire. Factors contributing to this
included spreading ideas without difficulty throughout the entire empire, the appeal of Christianity to the people, and the rule of Emperor Constantine.
Without these specific circumstances in Rome, Christianity would not have become so pervasive.
After the crucifixion of Jesus in AD 29, his followers kept spreading his message. During this time, the Pax Romana made traveling untroubling with
the safer roads, and spreading ideas by common languages, Latin and Greek. One man who had an immense impact on spreading Christianity is the
apostle Paul. Originally opposed to Christianity, Paul had a vision of Christ, and spent the rest of his life spreading and interpreting the teachings of
Jesus. Christianity spread throughout the empire not only because of the work of Paul and the other apostles, but also because of how receptive people
were more content...
When Constantine was battling for control of Rome, he prayed for divine interference and saw a cross, the sign of Christianity. He put a cross on all of
his soldiers, and they were victorious, with Constantine crediting his triumph to the Christian God. After Constantine took power in 313 AD, he
announced the end of Christians persecutions. Later, in AD YEAR, Constantine converted, and Christianity grew faster than ever. Of all factors that
influenced Christianity development, Constantine's conversion was one of the most important, because he made it acceptable.
The conditions in the Roman Empire were optimal for the development of what is now a prevalent and well established religion. Many factors were
influential in the development of Christianity in Rome, and they all were successful in their own way. From Constantine to Paul, and the people their
messages reached throughout the empire, they were all united under one
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Christianity Of Religion Essay
Religion: the best thing to ever happen to humanity or the one thing that is holding us back? While there are many arguments and testimonies that
support either side, there is a clear answer. Religion, specifically judeo–christianity, in the western world has an array of disastrous issues ranging from
bias teachings to abuse and hate crimes. There are countless examples of ways in which religion has, and is continuing to regress society's views and
morals. Ignorance and disdain from scientific fact, fear to act upon natural human impulse, innumerable human rights violations and of course wars on
religion, are topics rarely discussed due to the concern of offending those who have a relationship with the creator. I will not be discussing
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Stephen Hawking, one of the greatest minds of our time said "Before we understood science, it was natural to believe that God created the universe, but
now science offers a more convincing explanation." He is absolutely correct. It is human nature to seek explanations for life's big questions.
Therefore, back when there was no understanding of much at all, the concept of God provided all the answers. Now, however, with research and
evidence to back up discoveries, it is irresponsible to completely reject them. In history, an example of this is Galileo's theory of Heliocentrism.
Because society was ruled by a theocracy at the time, it was said that the earth was the center of the universe and the sun revolved around it. Galileo's
theory that the earth revolves around the sun and the sun was the center of the universe, although not entirely correct, was an important breakthrough
for science. Galileo was convicted for having opinions that challenge scripture and was sentenced to house arrest until he died. Although nothing this
extreme occurs in the western world today, not much has changed in terms of belief. Today, most churches have realized how ineffectual it is to fight
science, and have claimed that there are in fact no contradictions between science and religion. This is a case of telling rather than showing. If churches
still continue to believe in events such as God creating the universe in six
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Most Influential Christians In The 20th Century
Of the many Christians at work during the 20th century, the three most influential people that I believe will be remembered the most throughout the
history of Christianity are Pope John Paul II, Karl Rahner, and Karl Barth. During Pope John Paul II's pontificate, he had to deal with issues that
connected the church to views in the outside world. His first challenge was communism in the Soviet Empire. The communist government of Poland
had begun to cause tension between the Catholic Church during an election which led to Poland independence from the Soviet Empire (pg. 448).
Several other countries followed this victory in Poland and they eventually overthrew the communism government of the Soviet Empire (pg. 448). John
Paul II also had to more content...
His loss of hopes during the war led him to return to Scripture for his theological work (pg. 460). From this, he wrote the Commentary on Romans
published in 1919 (pg. 460). Despite his own views of this work, the ideas that he wrote about in this writing gained the praise of many people. His
most influential work titled Church Dogmatics became known as one of the most talented masterpieces of theological work in the 20th century (pg.
462). In this work, he states that in the bible, God supplied his people with both the questions and answers that they needed (pg. 461). His approach to
theology as he was writing gave him the ability to stay consistent throughout all of his writings and never disconnected him with God's Word and
teachings (pg. 462). From these three people, one can see the dramatic changes that have taken place within the Roman Catholic Church during the 20th
century. From each persons' views in theology to their work in the issues surrounding Catholicism, one can see the breathtaking changes and influences
they had within the Roman Catholic Church. These changes are some that gave Catholicism the ability to further expand into places beyond Europe
during the 20th
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Christian Definition Essay
The word Christian has a variety of meanings to people depending on their history with Christians; and the word has come to represent something other
than the dictionary definition. The word Christian is often interpreted as someone that is hypocritical, judgmental, and oftentimes egotistical; but that
shouldn't be how people view the word. Sadly, some Christians are well–suited for those terms, but the majority of Christians don't fit the negative
standard. As with most things that weren't always thought of as bad, the few ruined it for the many. Some Christians judge everything people do,
meanwhile thinking they're better than those around them; others only want to hang out with other "perfect" people; or, even worse, some try to hit you
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Christian Perspective
The Christian Perspective Defining the difference between right and wrong is only as good as the ethical standards that are judging the difference.
Without a foundation providing standards to define right and wrong there is no real reason to define it at all. What is morally right for one person
does not have to be what is right for another. This is the society we live in today. This modern view has no solid foundation and instead relies on
philosophy, science, traditions, or cultural norms to establish these standards. These standards that can be interpreted differently by any individual
based on how the morals relate to a specific culture, the individual themselves, or a specific time in history. Something that may have once been
considered an abomination could very well now be tolerated or even considered normal if someone is provided with enough exposure. Tolerance is no
longer defined as respectfully recognizing someone else's values without having more content...
Who taught this to the person? A typical response might be the person's parents taught him or her. If that is the case, who taught the parents that this
person's specific responses to these scenarios is correct? Has there ever been a time in history when a person being mistreated in the worst way
thought it was ok for someone else to be mistreating him or her? It his highly doubtful any person would accept being personally mistreated as right
and it just proves that no matter the cultural norms that are accepted there will always be inherent values identifying at least some right and wrongs.
These must come from somewhere and have begun at some time, even if it was the beginning of time. To go much beyond this would require proving a
higher existence that created all things and instilled these inherent
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Essay Christianity
Christianity is the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Most followers of Christianity, called Christians, are members of one of
three major groups––Roman Catholic, Protestant, or Eastern Orthodox. These groups have different beliefs about Jesus and His teachings. But all
consider Jesus central to their religion. Most Christians believe God sent Jesus into the world as the Savior. Christianity teaches that humanity can
achieve salvation through Jesus. Jesus lived in Judea (later called Palestine), a Middle Eastern land ruled by the Romans. The Romans crucified Jesus
about A.D. 30. Jesus' followers were convinced that He rose from the dead, and they soon spread Christianity to major cities throughout more
Two practices important to Christian worship usually take place in churches. These practices are (1) baptism and (2) the Eucharist, also called
Holy Communion or the Lord's Supper. The ceremony of baptism celebrates an individual's entrance into Christianity. The Eucharist represents the
Last Supper, the final meal that Jesus shared with His disciples. Worshipers share bread and wine in the Eucharist as a sign of their unity with each
other and with Jesus. Christians see Jesus as continuous with the God of Judaism. A collection of Christian writings was added to the Jewish
scriptures known as the Old Testament, or Hebrew Bible. The Christian writings, called the New Testament, record the life and teachings of Jesus.
They also describe the development of the early church and explain what faith in Jesus means. The Christian Bible includes both the Old and New
Testaments. Some Christian groups also accept as part of the Bible a collection of writings called the Apocrypha. The origin of Christianity Jesus'
ministry. Christianity originated in the ministry of Jesus. During His lifetime, Jesus preached the gospel, meaning good news, that God was coming
to earth to be among His people in a special way. Jesus called this special way the Kingdom of God. He warned His listeners to repent their sinful ways
to be ready for the approaching Kingdom of God. In urging
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The Pros And Cons Of Being A Christian
In the follow–up interviews participants were asked what makes it difficult to be a Christian today. Below is a list of some of the reasons shared by
Competing or differing values and beliefs.
There will always be people at school or on social media that will tell you something different than what you believe.
It is difficult to share my beliefs without offending someone. When choosing what to say you have to pick your words very carefully.
Other peers don't share the same perspective on Christianity as I do.
It can be hard to share my beliefs with others when the majority do not believe in God.
Feeling of being judged
One thing that makes it hard to be a Christian today is the stereotypes and being known as a "goodie goodie" just because you are Christian.
It's hard to share your views without getting criticized for them. Instead of people trying to learn about your religion, they just want to say that it is
wrong and not the right thing to believe in.
Changing values and beliefs of our generation. We are more content...
They need to know that the church is a place where the truth of the Gospel is taught, questions are welcomed, and a personal relationship with Jesus
is modeled. Gen Z is longing for a place to belong and need to know that they are accepted regardless of who they are, what they look like, or what
they struggle with. When we build positive connections with young people and provide a place where they are loved and accepted, we also earn the
right to speak the truth. This is vital when working with Gen Z, who are skeptical of the church and organized religion. Building positive connections
that are authentic and trustworthy will provide opportunities for honest conversation about their thoughts, beliefs, and worldview. Gen Z is not looking
for the "coolest" church in town, they are looking for a place that feels like home. Specific recommendations
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The Life of a Christian Essay
In life we want to be the best, have the best of everything, and be surrounded by only the best people that can help us to achieve our desired goals.
But as a Christian it takes more than just wanting the best, you have to put forward the effort, and follow the path that God has set forth. But
unfortunately when you are a Christian, some things will get in your way, your faith can become tested, and your decision making can become
clouded. But you probably ask your self why? You have love for your fellow Christians and have helped those that were less fortunate than you. So
why are you the one that seems to keep struggling? When you are a Christian these things won't last always, just look to the Father and He will direct
your more content...
(Gowdy, 2009–2010). But in life you have to make a moral decision about your self, and the world we live in. Ones character can say a lot about the
person that he or she is. No two people are alike, there are those that think of no one but themselves, and will do anything to get the desired results.
Their morals are tainted and they have no desire to change. I think Tyler Perry said it best" people are like trees, some have roots, some have
branches, and some have leaves". When you meet people they usually try to show you their best side. As long as you are the life of the party they
will be like a leaf and hang there with you, those people are there only for what you have to offer them. When trouble comes your way and you
need a helping hand, those that were willing to party with you become a branch and break and show their weak side. They were there just to take up
space and never bring anything more into the relationship. But when you meet people that are willing to work along side you, they are the ones with
morals and have more to offer you. They are your roots, and even though their numbers may be small, they will give you strength in times of sorrow,
encouragement when your day seems to never bring sunlight, they will be your backbone in times of
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College Admissions Essay: My Life As A Christian
We are at a trying time in our human history. We find ourselves at a moral, cultural, and political crossroads. With much of the landscape of influence
being shifted year–to–year, or even day–to–day, we must, as individuals, recognize the importance of placing Christian values at the forefront of our
thinking. Being as close to Christ–like as we humans can be must be essential in the way we think, the way we treat others, and the way we invest our
very selves in causes that serve His name. In my previous three plus years here, as well as before, I believe that I have embraced these qualities and
am ready to expand my horizon to the collegiate level. Before action can take, it is important to consult Scripture for inspiration. One verse that I
like to lead by is "Let your faith be bigger than your fear". This is a very powerful verse that I like to keep in that back of my mind. It helps me because
I know that with my faith in God, I can defeat anything. I am not ashamed of my faith because it is what keeps more content...
Being pro–life for me is not just becoming a teen for life member but also participating in many more ways than that. I help set up and contribute to the
tree of life at our school semi–annually and encourage my classmates and teammates to participate as well. This is such an important factor to being
pro–life to me because I want support these strong women anyway I can and a simple act of buying diapers or onesies is the least I can do. Being
pro–life in today's society can be a touchy subject. You see things about being pro–life and pro–choice all over Twitter and Facebook and I could
choose to sit back and let everything happen or I can choose my voice to be heard. I want to be the voice for those who never had the chance and for
those in the future who won't. My age does not define how I can influence the world if anything it motivates me to get a jump start on changing
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Christianity, Christianity And Christianity
Religion is the belief and worship of a higher power which is in control of the universe. The most popular religions in the world today are
Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. All four of these religions teach peace. However, followers do not always get along with each other
peacefully. All of these religions have a moral code to live by and encourage devotion and prayer. The religion ofChristianity is one of the prevalent
forms of religion, and it is most widely spread. There are over three billion followers and has many sects around the world. While each sect has
different customs, all Christians believe that there is only one God and creator of the universe. Within this God, there is God the father (creator of the
universe), God the Son (Jesus or Christ, the Messiah), and God the Holy Spirit (The actual presence of God that is in us or around us but is not
visually apparent). The people of this religion believe Jesus, born of a virgin mother, and died on the cross for our sins, and resurrected three days
later. Followers of Christ believe that Christ was God's son and the true Messiah, sent to earth to free us from our sins through salvation.
Achievement of Salvation by believing in Christ's life, death, and resurrection. When a person reaches salvation, they are safe from the grasp Hell
and will spend their afterlife in heaven with God. The Holy Bible, a book created by Jesus's followers, explains Jesus's life and teachings. All
Christians believe the Holy
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The Sacred Rituals Of Christianity Essay
The sacred rituals of Christianity, called sacraments, vary greatly between Christian denominations. Yet other practices are common to virtually all
forms of Christianity. Most Christians attend worship services at church on Sundays where worshipers generally sing and pray and a sermon is brought
forth. Most churches have a special ritual for ordination, or designating a person fit for a leadership position in the church. At home, most practicing
Christians pray regularly and many read the Bible. Although there are seven sacraments practiced in the Roman Catholic Church, Christians usually
recognize only two of the seven, baptism and Holy Communion, as genuine sacraments (123–124). Almost all Christians practice baptism and the
Eucharist (The Holy Communion), which are ancient traditions connected to Jesus and the apostles. Baptism and communion are considered sacraments
– sacred rituals instituted by Christ himself. Another is the practice of fasting before partaking of the Holy Communion. There are many rituals in the
Christian community however Baptism, the Holy Communion and Fasting are very significant in the Christian view, and are tied together for the
purpose of cleansing and salvation.
According to accounts in the Gospels the first person to conduct a baptism in the New Testament is John the Baptist. John baptized his followers as a
sign of repentance. John was conducting his ministry of baptism for repentance when Jesus asked to be baptized by him. His call to
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  • 1. Essay on My Christian Life My Christian Life has been "pleasurable pain" (I will explain what that refers to in detail later). I was born on June 9, 1984. I was blessed to be in a family of Christian. Therefore, I was destined to become a true follower of Christ. I was baptized on August 12 of that year at St. Rose De Lima. Most people say that from the moment I was blessed, I became a disciple of Jesus, a light bearer, but I believe I was a disciple for my Lord and Savior the moment I was born. I was conceived into a Christian family with a strong Christian background. I thank the Lord to this day for blessing me as He did. As it was when I was born and still to this day, I was brought to Church every Sunday. As an infant and a child, I did not understand the more content... As my faith grew, I also grew in reason and age. I began to understand and really listen to what I was saying and hearing. I began to slowly recite my prayers and get a true concept of what they meant. As I move on in age I began to feel left out in Church. So I participated in the choir. This decision was one of or the most spiritual movement I could ever had done. I had a close relationship with music, as I do now. I participated in my elementary schools' band. The interest in music was evident. When I join the choir, I felt lifted. I felt I was truly contributing to the mass and giving praise to our lord. I loved to go to choir practice. I could not sing that well but I could give my devotion and heart to the lord. I think at that age I developed an opinion what most black people develop about church music, which is a need to feel moved or lifted. I am not criticizing people who can listen to bells and chanting like music but me, personally, I need to hear a song that I can relate to. A song that understands my cry and heals it; a song that gives me the strength to go on in this cruel world. I loved to see the expressions on people's face while I sang. I understood that they were hurting spiritually and felt healed once they heard a young youth choir express their love for the Savior. Once I left St. Leo, I never joined another choir. I do miss the feeling I received when I sang. I think I get the same Get more content on
  • 2. Christianity And Its Impact On Society Christianity and the impact it has placed in society has shaped and stripped, modified and divided, comforted and enlightened the world. Christianity has managed to delve into every aspect of human life. Christianity is in our way of life–science, education, technology and arts and has created the environment of religious belief which managed to engrain its' ideals into a social, political and educational belief. Areligion such as Christianity is the foundation from which society lives, breathes and thinks on. There are many that dispute this yet there is some insight and relevance on how our freedom, choices and laws embody Christianity and it has done so since the beginning and still does so in the present. According to Rodney Stark it is, "Christianizing the Empire" (The Triumph of Christianity, 2011). And it is from which the past, present and future empires stands upon.The importance of understanding how Christianity blanketed humanity gives us a different view that is aided by evidence that it bears truth to its meaning. The world we live in, society and culture in general has been driven by religion for thousands of years. Christianity historically has played a significant role in shaping the modern day of society and culture. It is in the currency we use, the book in which we pledge our truth and honor to, and the obedience, hesitance and laws in our everyday decisions in life. A very revealing and captivating set of research has publicized this to Get more content on
  • 3. Worldview Of A Christian Essay Worldview of a Christian What does the world look like through the lens of a Christian? The answers to this question can be found directly from the Bible. There are many parts to the Christian Worldview, but the seven main parts are; what God is like, the nature of the universe, the nature of man,ethics and morality, the cause of evil and suffering, what happens to man after death, and the meaning of history. The Biblical Worldview of a Christian is important because it helps us develop our faith in God and become closer to him. Everyone should have the Biblical Worldview of a Christian. What is God Like? God has every excellent attribute. He is infinite, meaning that He never had a beginning nor will he have an end. This is more content... He wanted man to be a free moral agent; having the choice between right and wrong. Man chose wrong, which caused pain, suffering, and death entered the world as a result. God has power to stop evil, but it is because of His everlasting patience and grace towards us that He allows our sins to continue. God did not want to end sin yet, because He did not want to lose anyone. A 2 Peter 3:9 puts it, "The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." What happens to man at death? What happens to believers and unbelievers at death is very different. For believers, death is not a punishment. After a Christian dies, the soul of that person goes into God's presence, where they wait until Jesus' second coming to go to heaven. In Heaven, there is no suffering, death, and grief. In heaven, the believers worship and praise God forever, and also partake in meaningful work. After an unbeliever dies, their soul goes to hell. When Jesus returns, they experience the second death, which is eternal torment. Hell is a place of fire and burning, where unbelievers go through weeping and gnashing of teeth. What is the meaning of
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  • 5. Christian Reflection Paper Christian Tradition course exposed me to the Christian Tradition based on Biblical and church history. The course taught me the differences and similarities of Christian Tradition from other major world religions. I learned about the significance of God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the Trinity based on the teachings of the Bible. The course also briefly covered 2,000 years of church history but with emphasis on the impact of the Council of Nicea, Council of Chalcedon, and John and Charles Wesley onChristianity. The professor emphasized the importance of the reformation that sparked a revolution in the church. The course began by distinguishing Christianity from other major world religions both in similarities and differences. more content... The role of the son or Jesus is the savior and teacher. The role of the Holy Spirit is the empowerer and evangelist. All these roles combined equal a mystical element that describes the Trinity or another name is Godhead. To understand the Trinity, God is the sun that shines while Jesus is the rays of the sun and the Holy Spirit is the warmth that is felt from the sun. All personalities are equal and combined together called the Trinity. The role and purpose of the Church is to create a community of people who believe in the same faith of God. The Church is a foundation of the faith in God. The Church allowed people to unite on common grounds and follow the words of God. The place of worship made people feel accountable because they were in it together. The Church raised the importance of prayer and spirituality because that is how one communicates to God. The Church emphasizes fellowship, dedication to the faith, selflessness. The Church gives power to the Christian people because they are a group and not individuals anymore. One of the most important events in church history includes the Council of Nicea. The First Council of Nicea happened in 325 and involved the first gathering of Christian bishops and the Roman Empire not as enemies but as allies. The bishops wanted to solve the dispute over Arianism. Arianism is the belief that Christ was more than human but something less than God. Arianism taught the people that Jesus Get more content on
  • 6. What Does It Mean To Be A Christian For me, being a Christian is such a loaded word in today's world because people have attached so much to it that it is no longer clearly defined. Websters dictionary defines being a Christian as, " one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ." but it is so much more than that! We not only profess belief in the teachings of Christ but we also try and model our life's after that of Christ. To be a Christian means to me that we are not casting down judgement on those who are not of our faith, also known as religious tolerance. I am apart of my university's interfaith youth core and this organization brings people of all religions and beliefs together to not only teach tolerance but to also get people of all faiths to work together Get more content on
  • 7. Christianity Reflection Paper Christianity is a very developed religion and it resides mainly in the Western Culture. Followers up to 2 billion with a continuous rise as the world population grows. "Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, and Protestant Churches are the largest groups" (Stefon et al) known to Christianity. The life of Jesus and his teachings is the base of thisreligion. Jesus taught the way of God, whom is the creator of all and the father of Jesus. He taught the people that living their lives in a certain manner, would end with eternal life after you have died. Jesus and his guidance was becoming notorious; however, The Roman Government and Jewish leaders showed vast disapproval. Thus, leading to the crucifixion of Jesus where he was executed upon the cross. Christians believe that 3 days after Jesus died he rose from the dead; therefore, giving the chance to his believers to live eternal life after death. "Christianity is more than just a religious belief. It also has generated a culture, a set of ideas and ways if life, practices, and artifacts that have been handed down from generation to generation since Jesus became the object of faith" (Stefon et al). Christianity is appealing to me for the fact of knowing one man sacrificed himself for the good and eternal life of all the people is one hell of a sacrifice and I admire that. I admire most that you will always be given the chance to have you sins forgiven. Hinduism originated in India around 1500 BCE when the Aryans left Get more content on
  • 8. Ethics in Christianity Essay Ethics in Christianity According to Webster, ethics is "the science of moral duty." He further describes it as "the science of ideal human character." The word in Greek means "dwelling" or "stall," as in a safe place to live (our word "morals" comes from the Latin word for ethics). The implication is that humans depend on right choices for security. For a Christian, and indeed for many non–Christians, Jesus Christ is the only perfectly ethical person. He is the perfect man, always making right choices, and to believe him to be flawed is to abandon Christianity completely. Upon this fact and foundation, we have a second belief that we are to allow God to transform us into an image of His Son, Jesus. Jesus calls us more content... How Does Free Will Fit In? What Is It? Free will is a gift from God. It means human beings have been given the ability to choose between right and wrong. We do not believe God runs our lives like a puppet show. We are completely free to choose, but are not shielded from the consequences of our actions as they interact with the rest of the humans (also with free will). Some people feel that we do not have free will because God punishes us for the choices he does not happen to like. Christians answer that God determines the standards of behavior because He is God, the Creator. Rather than punish, God simply allows people to choose to reject Him. Since there is no happiness apart from God, permanent rejection of God results in permanent unhappiness. Without free will, no opportunity for choices between right and wrong exist. Creatures without free will cannot have ethics because they have no choice. What Ethical Rules Have Been Revealed? When the rich young man asked Jesus what must be done to inherit eternal life, the response was: "You know the Commandments…" When Jesus was pressed further, he offered the chance to follow him as a disciple. Taking these together, following Jesus while keeping the would seem to be the revealed answer. Jesus also said that loving God and neighbor summed up the Commandments, but our poor understanding of love sends us back to the Ten Commandments and the example and
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  • 10. What Makes A Christian? Essay What does it mean to be a Christian? A Christian is a person that believes in God and shares his word with all of God's children. Christianity is the faith that a Christian puts in to being a Christian. Being a Christian means so many different things to many different people all across the world. Deciding on what the correct views as being a Christian is a difficult task, as many see the world in a different light. After looking up in the dictionary, it found that the definition of a Christian is a person professing their belief in Jesus as the Christ. In the bible the definition according to Act 11:26 it says "Followers of Jesus Christ were first called Christians." A Christian is a person that obeys the Ten Commandments, up holdsGod's word, and lives the life God has planned for all of his children. Choosing to live life as a Christian is the promise of a fulfilled life that when this life is over there is a promise of a wonderful life in heaven. How to live the good life according to God's plan is a great example of being a Christian. This means to be kind to our neighbors, help out poor people whenever there is a free moment and to always trust in God's plan. God has a plan for each and every one of his children, that doesn't mean that the plan cannot change from time to time, but all of God's children are supposed to live everyday doing good in God's eyes. This quote sums up God's plan for all of his children "As for many of God's children, "we will serve Get more content on
  • 11. How Did Christianity Spread Christianity in Rome Christianity is a widespread and powerful religion because of its beginning in the Roman Empire. Factors contributing to this included spreading ideas without difficulty throughout the entire empire, the appeal of Christianity to the people, and the rule of Emperor Constantine. Without these specific circumstances in Rome, Christianity would not have become so pervasive. After the crucifixion of Jesus in AD 29, his followers kept spreading his message. During this time, the Pax Romana made traveling untroubling with the safer roads, and spreading ideas by common languages, Latin and Greek. One man who had an immense impact on spreading Christianity is the apostle Paul. Originally opposed to Christianity, Paul had a vision of Christ, and spent the rest of his life spreading and interpreting the teachings of Jesus. Christianity spread throughout the empire not only because of the work of Paul and the other apostles, but also because of how receptive people were more content... When Constantine was battling for control of Rome, he prayed for divine interference and saw a cross, the sign of Christianity. He put a cross on all of his soldiers, and they were victorious, with Constantine crediting his triumph to the Christian God. After Constantine took power in 313 AD, he announced the end of Christians persecutions. Later, in AD YEAR, Constantine converted, and Christianity grew faster than ever. Of all factors that influenced Christianity development, Constantine's conversion was one of the most important, because he made it acceptable. The conditions in the Roman Empire were optimal for the development of what is now a prevalent and well established religion. Many factors were influential in the development of Christianity in Rome, and they all were successful in their own way. From Constantine to Paul, and the people their messages reached throughout the empire, they were all united under one Get more content on
  • 12. Christianity Of Religion Essay Religion: the best thing to ever happen to humanity or the one thing that is holding us back? While there are many arguments and testimonies that support either side, there is a clear answer. Religion, specifically judeo–christianity, in the western world has an array of disastrous issues ranging from bias teachings to abuse and hate crimes. There are countless examples of ways in which religion has, and is continuing to regress society's views and morals. Ignorance and disdain from scientific fact, fear to act upon natural human impulse, innumerable human rights violations and of course wars on religion, are topics rarely discussed due to the concern of offending those who have a relationship with the creator. I will not be discussing more content... Stephen Hawking, one of the greatest minds of our time said "Before we understood science, it was natural to believe that God created the universe, but now science offers a more convincing explanation." He is absolutely correct. It is human nature to seek explanations for life's big questions. Therefore, back when there was no understanding of much at all, the concept of God provided all the answers. Now, however, with research and evidence to back up discoveries, it is irresponsible to completely reject them. In history, an example of this is Galileo's theory of Heliocentrism. Because society was ruled by a theocracy at the time, it was said that the earth was the center of the universe and the sun revolved around it. Galileo's theory that the earth revolves around the sun and the sun was the center of the universe, although not entirely correct, was an important breakthrough for science. Galileo was convicted for having opinions that challenge scripture and was sentenced to house arrest until he died. Although nothing this extreme occurs in the western world today, not much has changed in terms of belief. Today, most churches have realized how ineffectual it is to fight science, and have claimed that there are in fact no contradictions between science and religion. This is a case of telling rather than showing. If churches still continue to believe in events such as God creating the universe in six Get more content on
  • 13. Most Influential Christians In The 20th Century Of the many Christians at work during the 20th century, the three most influential people that I believe will be remembered the most throughout the history of Christianity are Pope John Paul II, Karl Rahner, and Karl Barth. During Pope John Paul II's pontificate, he had to deal with issues that connected the church to views in the outside world. His first challenge was communism in the Soviet Empire. The communist government of Poland had begun to cause tension between the Catholic Church during an election which led to Poland independence from the Soviet Empire (pg. 448). Several other countries followed this victory in Poland and they eventually overthrew the communism government of the Soviet Empire (pg. 448). John Paul II also had to more content... His loss of hopes during the war led him to return to Scripture for his theological work (pg. 460). From this, he wrote the Commentary on Romans published in 1919 (pg. 460). Despite his own views of this work, the ideas that he wrote about in this writing gained the praise of many people. His most influential work titled Church Dogmatics became known as one of the most talented masterpieces of theological work in the 20th century (pg. 462). In this work, he states that in the bible, God supplied his people with both the questions and answers that they needed (pg. 461). His approach to theology as he was writing gave him the ability to stay consistent throughout all of his writings and never disconnected him with God's Word and teachings (pg. 462). From these three people, one can see the dramatic changes that have taken place within the Roman Catholic Church during the 20th century. From each persons' views in theology to their work in the issues surrounding Catholicism, one can see the breathtaking changes and influences they had within the Roman Catholic Church. These changes are some that gave Catholicism the ability to further expand into places beyond Europe during the 20th Get more content on
  • 14. Christian Definition Essay The word Christian has a variety of meanings to people depending on their history with Christians; and the word has come to represent something other than the dictionary definition. The word Christian is often interpreted as someone that is hypocritical, judgmental, and oftentimes egotistical; but that shouldn't be how people view the word. Sadly, some Christians are well–suited for those terms, but the majority of Christians don't fit the negative standard. As with most things that weren't always thought of as bad, the few ruined it for the many. Some Christians judge everything people do, meanwhile thinking they're better than those around them; others only want to hang out with other "perfect" people; or, even worse, some try to hit you Get more content on
  • 15. Christian Perspective The Christian Perspective Defining the difference between right and wrong is only as good as the ethical standards that are judging the difference. Without a foundation providing standards to define right and wrong there is no real reason to define it at all. What is morally right for one person does not have to be what is right for another. This is the society we live in today. This modern view has no solid foundation and instead relies on philosophy, science, traditions, or cultural norms to establish these standards. These standards that can be interpreted differently by any individual based on how the morals relate to a specific culture, the individual themselves, or a specific time in history. Something that may have once been considered an abomination could very well now be tolerated or even considered normal if someone is provided with enough exposure. Tolerance is no longer defined as respectfully recognizing someone else's values without having more content... Who taught this to the person? A typical response might be the person's parents taught him or her. If that is the case, who taught the parents that this person's specific responses to these scenarios is correct? Has there ever been a time in history when a person being mistreated in the worst way thought it was ok for someone else to be mistreating him or her? It his highly doubtful any person would accept being personally mistreated as right and it just proves that no matter the cultural norms that are accepted there will always be inherent values identifying at least some right and wrongs. These must come from somewhere and have begun at some time, even if it was the beginning of time. To go much beyond this would require proving a higher existence that created all things and instilled these inherent Get more content on
  • 16. Essay Christianity Christianity is the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Most followers of Christianity, called Christians, are members of one of three major groups––Roman Catholic, Protestant, or Eastern Orthodox. These groups have different beliefs about Jesus and His teachings. But all consider Jesus central to their religion. Most Christians believe God sent Jesus into the world as the Savior. Christianity teaches that humanity can achieve salvation through Jesus. Jesus lived in Judea (later called Palestine), a Middle Eastern land ruled by the Romans. The Romans crucified Jesus about A.D. 30. Jesus' followers were convinced that He rose from the dead, and they soon spread Christianity to major cities throughout more content... Two practices important to Christian worship usually take place in churches. These practices are (1) baptism and (2) the Eucharist, also called Holy Communion or the Lord's Supper. The ceremony of baptism celebrates an individual's entrance into Christianity. The Eucharist represents the Last Supper, the final meal that Jesus shared with His disciples. Worshipers share bread and wine in the Eucharist as a sign of their unity with each other and with Jesus. Christians see Jesus as continuous with the God of Judaism. A collection of Christian writings was added to the Jewish scriptures known as the Old Testament, or Hebrew Bible. The Christian writings, called the New Testament, record the life and teachings of Jesus. They also describe the development of the early church and explain what faith in Jesus means. The Christian Bible includes both the Old and New Testaments. Some Christian groups also accept as part of the Bible a collection of writings called the Apocrypha. The origin of Christianity Jesus' ministry. Christianity originated in the ministry of Jesus. During His lifetime, Jesus preached the gospel, meaning good news, that God was coming to earth to be among His people in a special way. Jesus called this special way the Kingdom of God. He warned His listeners to repent their sinful ways to be ready for the approaching Kingdom of God. In urging Get more content on
  • 17. The Pros And Cons Of Being A Christian In the follow–up interviews participants were asked what makes it difficult to be a Christian today. Below is a list of some of the reasons shared by participants. Competing or differing values and beliefs. There will always be people at school or on social media that will tell you something different than what you believe. It is difficult to share my beliefs without offending someone. When choosing what to say you have to pick your words very carefully. Other peers don't share the same perspective on Christianity as I do. It can be hard to share my beliefs with others when the majority do not believe in God. Feeling of being judged One thing that makes it hard to be a Christian today is the stereotypes and being known as a "goodie goodie" just because you are Christian. It's hard to share your views without getting criticized for them. Instead of people trying to learn about your religion, they just want to say that it is wrong and not the right thing to believe in. Changing values and beliefs of our generation. We are more content... They need to know that the church is a place where the truth of the Gospel is taught, questions are welcomed, and a personal relationship with Jesus is modeled. Gen Z is longing for a place to belong and need to know that they are accepted regardless of who they are, what they look like, or what they struggle with. When we build positive connections with young people and provide a place where they are loved and accepted, we also earn the right to speak the truth. This is vital when working with Gen Z, who are skeptical of the church and organized religion. Building positive connections that are authentic and trustworthy will provide opportunities for honest conversation about their thoughts, beliefs, and worldview. Gen Z is not looking for the "coolest" church in town, they are looking for a place that feels like home. Specific recommendations Get more content on
  • 18. The Life of a Christian Essay In life we want to be the best, have the best of everything, and be surrounded by only the best people that can help us to achieve our desired goals. But as a Christian it takes more than just wanting the best, you have to put forward the effort, and follow the path that God has set forth. But unfortunately when you are a Christian, some things will get in your way, your faith can become tested, and your decision making can become clouded. But you probably ask your self why? You have love for your fellow Christians and have helped those that were less fortunate than you. So why are you the one that seems to keep struggling? When you are a Christian these things won't last always, just look to the Father and He will direct your more content... (Gowdy, 2009–2010). But in life you have to make a moral decision about your self, and the world we live in. Ones character can say a lot about the person that he or she is. No two people are alike, there are those that think of no one but themselves, and will do anything to get the desired results. Their morals are tainted and they have no desire to change. I think Tyler Perry said it best" people are like trees, some have roots, some have branches, and some have leaves". When you meet people they usually try to show you their best side. As long as you are the life of the party they will be like a leaf and hang there with you, those people are there only for what you have to offer them. When trouble comes your way and you need a helping hand, those that were willing to party with you become a branch and break and show their weak side. They were there just to take up space and never bring anything more into the relationship. But when you meet people that are willing to work along side you, they are the ones with morals and have more to offer you. They are your roots, and even though their numbers may be small, they will give you strength in times of sorrow, encouragement when your day seems to never bring sunlight, they will be your backbone in times of Get more content on
  • 19. College Admissions Essay: My Life As A Christian We are at a trying time in our human history. We find ourselves at a moral, cultural, and political crossroads. With much of the landscape of influence being shifted year–to–year, or even day–to–day, we must, as individuals, recognize the importance of placing Christian values at the forefront of our thinking. Being as close to Christ–like as we humans can be must be essential in the way we think, the way we treat others, and the way we invest our very selves in causes that serve His name. In my previous three plus years here, as well as before, I believe that I have embraced these qualities and am ready to expand my horizon to the collegiate level. Before action can take, it is important to consult Scripture for inspiration. One verse that I like to lead by is "Let your faith be bigger than your fear". This is a very powerful verse that I like to keep in that back of my mind. It helps me because I know that with my faith in God, I can defeat anything. I am not ashamed of my faith because it is what keeps more content... Being pro–life for me is not just becoming a teen for life member but also participating in many more ways than that. I help set up and contribute to the tree of life at our school semi–annually and encourage my classmates and teammates to participate as well. This is such an important factor to being pro–life to me because I want support these strong women anyway I can and a simple act of buying diapers or onesies is the least I can do. Being pro–life in today's society can be a touchy subject. You see things about being pro–life and pro–choice all over Twitter and Facebook and I could choose to sit back and let everything happen or I can choose my voice to be heard. I want to be the voice for those who never had the chance and for those in the future who won't. My age does not define how I can influence the world if anything it motivates me to get a jump start on changing Get more content on
  • 20. Christianity, Christianity And Christianity Religion is the belief and worship of a higher power which is in control of the universe. The most popular religions in the world today are Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. All four of these religions teach peace. However, followers do not always get along with each other peacefully. All of these religions have a moral code to live by and encourage devotion and prayer. The religion ofChristianity is one of the prevalent forms of religion, and it is most widely spread. There are over three billion followers and has many sects around the world. While each sect has different customs, all Christians believe that there is only one God and creator of the universe. Within this God, there is God the father (creator of the universe), God the Son (Jesus or Christ, the Messiah), and God the Holy Spirit (The actual presence of God that is in us or around us but is not visually apparent). The people of this religion believe Jesus, born of a virgin mother, and died on the cross for our sins, and resurrected three days later. Followers of Christ believe that Christ was God's son and the true Messiah, sent to earth to free us from our sins through salvation. Achievement of Salvation by believing in Christ's life, death, and resurrection. When a person reaches salvation, they are safe from the grasp Hell and will spend their afterlife in heaven with God. The Holy Bible, a book created by Jesus's followers, explains Jesus's life and teachings. All Christians believe the Holy Get more content on
  • 21. The Sacred Rituals Of Christianity Essay The sacred rituals of Christianity, called sacraments, vary greatly between Christian denominations. Yet other practices are common to virtually all forms of Christianity. Most Christians attend worship services at church on Sundays where worshipers generally sing and pray and a sermon is brought forth. Most churches have a special ritual for ordination, or designating a person fit for a leadership position in the church. At home, most practicing Christians pray regularly and many read the Bible. Although there are seven sacraments practiced in the Roman Catholic Church, Christians usually recognize only two of the seven, baptism and Holy Communion, as genuine sacraments (123–124). Almost all Christians practice baptism and the Eucharist (The Holy Communion), which are ancient traditions connected to Jesus and the apostles. Baptism and communion are considered sacraments – sacred rituals instituted by Christ himself. Another is the practice of fasting before partaking of the Holy Communion. There are many rituals in the Christian community however Baptism, the Holy Communion and Fasting are very significant in the Christian view, and are tied together for the purpose of cleansing and salvation. According to accounts in the Gospels the first person to conduct a baptism in the New Testament is John the Baptist. John baptized his followers as a sign of repentance. John was conducting his ministry of baptism for repentance when Jesus asked to be baptized by him. His call to Get more content on