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Impact of Technology in the Workplace Essay
The Impact of Technology in the Workplace The impact of computer technology in the workplace
has been enormous within the past decade, both positive and negative. Distant communication
through the use of computers and mobile devices have overhauled the office setting completely.
Email, social networking sites and the world of the Internet have opened a whole new avenue of
communication. Technology has changed the entire workplace environment, the relationships, and
how things get done. Office workers and businesses are not limited to phone calls, meetings or mail
to communicate with each other anymore. Electronic email can be used and not interrupt the
recipient. more content...
Years ago, the final draft of a document went through several stages. The first draft was typed on
a type writer, edited for corrections and revisions were made. It took time for the document to be
read and reviewed by several persons before all corrections and additions were made. Then, the final
copy was re–typed with corrections. Through the use of computers, grammar, spelling, and
punctuation can be corrected and changed within the document instantly as the person types.
Mailing documents took time as well. Someone had to make a trip to the post office, purchase
postage, etc. With the use of virtual meetings, money is saved by eliminating the cost of travel.
Participants can be actively involved without leaving their own office or home. When there are
problems or urgency, solutions and reactions can occur quickly. There is acceleration of decision
making with the use of technology. Communication can occur anywhere at any time. Job applicants
no longer actually visit businesses to complete an application. Resumes and other documents can be
uploaded and easily accessible to the Human Resource Manager. Online postings, applications, and
screeners provide applicants the luxury of completing this process from their own home. Likewise,
businesses are able to obtain a great deal of information and select qualified applicants for further
evaluation. With the absence of the traditional office, physical face to face
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Persuasive Essay On Modern Technology
The utmost, overriding facet of our society has been placed in our hands, perched on a stand, and
then plugged into a socket: modern technology. Today, individuals without up to date technology
are christened anomalies that are late to the 'smart era' of smartphones, smartwatches, and smart
televisions. In Is Google Making Us Stupid? by Nicholas Carr, and Be a Gamer, Save the World
by Jane McGonigal, it is made comprehensible that, as a society, we have begun to intertwine
ourselves in the tangles of our electronics, which we cannot seem to relinquish. Our generation has
been advancing with technology nonstop to the point where a new gadget is practically released
daily. Recently, the latest technological fixation that has rapidly spread like wildfire is video
streaming: whether it be video–on–demand or live, it has concurrently seized and fashioned jobs, as
well as intermixed communities and individuals alike. Ever since the emergence of humans, the
demand for amusement was prevalent and constantly evolving. From watching gladiators brawl in an
arena, to attending operas and plays, to channel surfing, people have continually desired to be
entertained. Today, there is another alteration that is changing the way people absorb the content
that they want. Streaming, the most productive way to receive internet content, has skyrocketed in
our society as the internet has become a "universal medium" (Carr 573). It started with Netflix, and
then it was adapted by other platforms. More and more people have gravitated towards their phones
and computers as outlets for entertainment and news instead of their televisions, causing traditional
media to race to conform to the innovative technology (Carr 576–577) of streaming. For example,
there are presidential debates that have been live streamed, and are said to be the most popular
stream in internet history. Streaming has become a trend that has yet to lose momentum, and has
consistently stayed at the top of the consumer food chain. When it comes to watching television
shows and movies, streaming websites, such as: Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon, have virtually
monopolized the market, and have exceedingly brought down cable and theater sales. The mere
thought of cable is
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Effect of Technology on Modern Society Essay
The evolution of technology has changed society in both positive and negative ways. People all
over the world use and benefit from modern technology. Technology has simplified the access to
many tools people need in education, medicine, communication, transportation, etc. However, using
it too often has its drawbacks as well. In most cases, the time of finishing projects is cut by more
than half with the help of technology. Many people do not realize that technology has its negative
affects society as well, and its rapid advances has changed life for worse in a number of different
ways. Technology has changed the relationships of families. Distracted by their laptops, TV's,
smartphones, and video games, families can't have a more content...
Also, students today can talk with their teachers from home, and learn all the information from
the Internet and finish a research assignment that used to take days because of books, in a matter
of hours. But, students of the newer generations seem to have many problems with writing
complete sentences or spelling words because of the frequent usage of text messages and the
many hundreds of acronyms used to shorten texts. But besides memory problems, technology
usage can cause serious diseases as well. Health problems caused by technology have turned into
a big problem, especially among teenagers. People, especially teens, pay a high price for relying
on social media, video games, and TV, especially when it comes to sleep. The internet has become
an addiction, we need it like we need air to breathe. This addiction seems to be the cause of
several serious health problems such as sleep deprivation, vision problems, obesity, etc. Addiction
to technology has also made people lazy. Instead of going outside, playing sports and running
around, they would rather stare at a screen, inside and the only exercise they get is sitting up in
their chair and walking to the fridge for food. Even though the implementation of robots has reduced
the risk to human life because they can perform some risky jobs instead of humans, robots
themselves can create risky
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Persuasive Essay On Modern Technology
Technology, quite obviously, is all around us. That was exemplified by the research of
Michigan–born computer scientist, Bill Joy. In 1982, he co–founded Sun Microsystems and was the
chief scientist until 2003. He is the author of the world–renowned article, Why the Future Doesn't
Need Us. This article articulates Joy's worries over the development of modern technologies. This
essay speaks of genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and robotics (GNR), which are threatening to
make humans an endangered species. 21st–century technologies, honestly, are dangerous. They
should not be used to overpower the human populace. Joy had just begun to realize this in 1998, after
a discussion with Ray Kurzweil, "the deservedly famous inventor of the first reading machine for the
blind and many other amazing things". Along with the Berkeley philosopher, John Searle, who
studies consciousness, Kurzweil told the two about how the rate of improvement of technology
would increase, and thus, sentient robots were in the realm of possibility. After reading an early
draft of Kurzweil's book, The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human
Intelligence, Joy's unease accelerated.
There is a passage in the book by the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski. Joy did not agree with the
seventeen–year murderous rampage that the man went on, as one of his bombs had gravely injured
one of Joy's friends, David Gelernter, who is a brilliant computer scientist. Although Joy was afraid
for his life during
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Modern technology has undoubtedly had a profound impact on contemporary society. However,
critics of modern technology emphasize that modern technology has had deleterious effects on
young Americans. In The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans
and Jeopardizes Our Future: Or, Don 't Trust Anyone under 30, Mark Bauerlein attempts to argue
that the young Americans of contemporary society are increasingly unintelligent as a result of
modern technology, but fails to elaborate on his criteria for evaluating intelligence. Bauerlein
engages in fallacious rhetoric while presenting his argument that today's young Americans are part
of the "dumbest generation" because he fails to acknowledge the beneficial impacts that modern
technology has had on Americans. His overall argument is diminished by his usage of logical
fallacies, while arguments that do not rely on logical fallacies and rather focus on deliberate
rhetorical appeals are more cogent. Bauerlein's failure to contribute relevant evidence and his
excessive use of logical fallacies ultimately hinders his argument that modern technology has led to
the decline in youth intelligence, which is what makes counter–arguments presented by other
authors, such as Clay Shirky and Donald Norman's, much more convincing. In his book The
Dumbest Generation, Emory Professor Mark Bauerlein emphasizes his belief that most young
Americans avoid learning due to their pre–occupation with modern technology. He
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The Pros and Cons of Technology Essay
The question of whether modern technological development has been beneficial or detrimental to
human beings is perhaps the most pressing question that faces our society. If technology is harmful,
then we need to minimize or eliminate the danger. If technology is not the source of the problems
and concerns that are frequently attributed to it, then we need to find another cause for the social
and psychological pressures faced by our society, so we can address these problems. Ever since the
advent of the Industrial Revolution, people have voiced complaints about the harmful effects of
technology. Therefore, we need to examine what Martin Heidegger, a twentieth–century German
philosopher, called "The Question Concerning Technology." In more content...
Entire genres of popular music with revealing names, such as "Industrial" and "Techno" have also
arisen in recent decades. For example, "Industrial" music frequently deals with existential anguish,
alienation, and meaninglessness of life as important themes. Some "Industrial" bands, such as Nine
Inch Nails, have even produced multi–platinum albums and won important popular music awards.
These factors indicate that problem of technology pervades our society and culture, whether
consciously or subconsciously. And yet, in order to consider the problems posed by technology, it is
necessary to discover the nature of the problem. While examining arguments against modern
technology, I have encountered two main strands of thought concerning its dangers.
Perhaps one of the best critiques of the modern technological–industrial system can be found in FC's
document Industrial Society and Its Future, more commonly known as the "Unabomber Manifesto."
Because this text has had such a wide–ranging impact on our society, I will examine it first. Although
there are many discrepancies with the argument presented in the Manifesto, the concerns expressed
within it are valid. For the sake of discussion, I will focus mainly on the issues presented in the
Manifesto and the solution proposed therein, rather than on the argument itself.
In brief, FC's argument is that the present technological–industrial system
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Modern Technology Is A Blessing
Modern Technology: A Blessing for Mankind How often do you use your smartphones and
wonder how was life without phones a few years ago? The fact that technology is around us
everyday, it's no secret that it has become an integral part in our life. These technologies have
rapidly changed over the past two decades, and people nowadays seem to be constantly looking for
easier and more convenient ways to live and survive. Indeed, it's hard to deny that modern
technology is a blessing for mankind. In the world today, the impact of technology is everywhere–in
the offices, classrooms, malls, auditoriums, and museums. It came to the extent that most people
cannot stand a day without using electronic devices like smartphones, laptops, and cameras, as
much as some students cannot perform well without using textbooks. As a matter of fact, buying
textbooks can be a pain, especially now that textbook prices are continuing to rise while some
students are still recovering from the hurricane. According to NBC's review of Bureau of Labor
Statistics data, the inflation rate of textbook prices have raised over three times. "With the average
student shelling out $1,200 a year just on books, students, professors and policy groups are searching
ways to circumvent the high cost of traditional textbooks," says Martha C. White, Princeton
University graduate. For some students, seeking for alternatives is the best option; however,
according to the U.S. Public Interest Research Group, 70 percent of
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The Impact Of Modern Technology
We are living in an era where technology is evolving at an exponential rate. Not long ago, when in
need of driving directions, we pulled out a large folded street map from our vehicle's glove
compartment. Nowadays, we tap a few times on our smartphone or just ask Siri for directions.
Better yet, rather than visiting the local discount mart to replace our laundry detergent, we tell Alexa
to reorder it and have it shipped directly to our door. Throughout the day, we usetechnology to
routinely accomplish specific tasks or obtain information.
Even the simplest human actions performed for centuries, such as reading, have been made easier
with technology. It's quite possible you are reading this very essay on a piece of light–emitting
technology, rather than on paper printed with ink. Modern Technology has unbelievably improved
human capabilities beyond what we ever imagined 20 or 30 years ago. It is very apparent that
Technology has made human life better, by improving communications with each other, and healthier
by improving the diagnosis and treatment of illness.
Today, modern cellular and satellite communication networks continually broadcast voice and data
around the globe in milliseconds to our little handheld devices and computers. This data includes
everything from our favorite TV show to billions of dollars in electronic trades on the financial stock
markets. "All these modern communication technology tools have simplified the way humans and
businesses communicate"
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The Importance Of Modern Technology
Ever since I was born, technology has grown exponentially from everything like the internet to
smartphone to virtual reality. Part of the reason why it existed is to ease people in their daily lives
and I had taken a great interest in this field. As the curiosity dwells in my mind about what is the next
technology breakthrough, it made me realize that this is what I want to pursue in my future career.
My research about modern technology, however, was not always positive; according to statistics,
as more advanced technologies are created fewer jobs for humans are necessary. Sometimes I
wonder if the technology does more harm than good to humanity, yet this strange sense of
familiarity, of warmth, that I experienced these past few years will never falter and beckoned me to
spread this feeling to everyone else.
When I first came to America and got separated from my precious friends, personally, I thought
our connections are severed due to maintaining the long distance relationship. However, with the
help of communication technology, for example, skype, it is possible to talk or message
whenever and wherever I am. Moreover, music, videos, and information are, nowadays, posted
online which makes me more aware of the things going around the world. Every day, I get excited
about what I should explore on the vast, limitless land of internet and had become who I am. With
the aid of technology, I never get bored of my coming days since there is new information posted
to keep me intact with the world outside my room. Deep in my mind, I acknowledge the
technologies used daily as an inanimate being who we share mutual understanding with and not just
as a tool. All the feelings that I have accumulated from modern technology have shaped my core
personality and motivated me to use every ounce of my power to carry on this legacy.
With the motivation and desire to strive for a goal in my future, I began researching more specific
areas in modern technology that I want to pursue: virtual reality and augmented reality. Currently,
both of these fields in technology are in development, however, I believe they are still in the beta
phase and have not yet reached their full potential; thus, I want to improve upon what has already
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Modern Technology and It's Effects Essay
Argumentative essay
In our present society, people cannot deny that the changes in this world have been tied to the
advancement of the technology. It has evolved with this society so deeply where such conveniences
are no longer luxuries but rather necessities. Unfortunately, the most affected group of people from
the developed technology is the younger age people (Subrahmanyam, 2000). In the past, children
were more lively and active: playing outdoors, running around, climbing trees and remaining active
rather than watching television and playing video game and computer. It is true that the use of the
technology has its own virtue. It provides value, convenience and entertainment, but it should not
take the place of movement and more content...
This kind of fats increases the level of cholesterol that could develop problems of heart, joints and
spinal cord (Journal of obesity, 2005). Afterwards, the impact of this problem can lead children to
more intense psychological and medical issues, which can have future reaching effects even into
adulthood (Pitman, 2008). According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in 2004, 16
percent of children in the ages of 6–19 year old are overweight or obese which could really have a
great chance of developing Type II Diabetes, sleep apnea, high cholesterol and blood pressure
(Obesity, 2011). In addition, technology can expose children to a number of other physical risks:
seizures, hand injuries and changes in heart rate (Subrahmanyam, 2000). Obviously, those of the
raised problems above are the developed negative health problems that come from the overused of
technology in the children's daily life.
The second reason why modern technology contributes to negative health problems is that children
independently use technology, which impact on their social development and relationship. As the
age of the kids, the majority of them still cannot control or understand how to limit themselves from
their wants. Some children spend so much time playing computer and video games all alone that
they are losing their ability to socialize with others, families and friends. Children can averagely
spend six hours each day watching television or
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The Impact Of Modern Technology Essay
Living within the 21st century, we are exposed to a lot more science and technology. Technology
has allowed us to accomplish things we could not have done in the past with a bit more ease. New
and useful products are constantly being invented and perfected for our use. I believe everyone has
experienced the use of technology whether have they like it or not. I think modern technology has
made life more convenient. We pretty much eat, breathe, and sleep technology. We use it constantly,
technology increases our standard of living to make life simpler. Modern technology has improved
and made advances in the business sector, education, medical field, as well as our personal lives. In
my belief, the use of technology has totally changed our lives for the better.
Technology has provided a faster form of transportation on land, air, and sea. Solutions to health and
environmental issues, improved knowledge, and communication. The invention of the computer and
internet are two of the most significant features in technology and most widely used. What we can
do now with the click of a button we were not able to do that ten years ago. The accessibility of
on–line shopping, on– line banking and even on line classes, these advancements in technology
provides us with more freedom, and less consumption of our time and resources. The way we
communicate with each is much different than in the past. We now have easier access to
communicate with family and friends around the world, whether it
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Essay about People and Modern Technology
Every single day a new type of technology is being introduced to the world. Technology has
improved a lot over years, and it is a great thing these days, because it can be very helpful, especially
for people with disabilities. However people are taking advantage of it. Every piece of technology
that is being made requires little to no skill. All the machines are so easy to operate that anyone can
do it, and that keeps us from being active, developing our brains, it is also very addicting. Why
would we go to the store to get groceries if we can just order it on line and they will be delivered to
our front door. Sounds easy, but maybe a little too easy! More and more people use todaystechnology
because it is convenient, however no more content...
However using today's technology properly and using your brain with it can accomplish many
good things including building a stronger nation. Nevertheless modern technology can be very
addicting. Checking your email every five minutes, chatting with your friends for hours even
though you've seen them at school, waiting till that last minute to win an action. These things
take away time from a persons life. It brings out a question, what would people do without
technology? Life would be a lot simpler, people would be doing more beneficial thing, such as
helping other with whatever help they may need, reading a newspaper, doing physical work
around the house. Unfortunately more and more people are being addictive to technology,
spending hours and hours on the computer, for what purpose? There is no purpose, people are just
addicted. However modern technology can also be a good thing if used properly. In order to
learn, kids at school require computers and Internet to study from it, write research paper and to
find out any information they'd like to know. It is also used all over the wold for military purposes.
Modern technology is responsible for keeping our world safe, and so far it is doing a very good job.
Technology can also be used to communicate with people all around the world, it
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Modern Technology Has Changed Our Lives Essay
The Mobile Revolution Nowadays our society is affected by modern technology from day to day;
especially the communication technology has changed the people lives in many ways. Mobile
phone is a part of this technology that people can contact each other all over the world through
wireless. The invention of this technology has created an unforgettable even in human history,
and also the most important for our lives because of its advantages to people in society. Mobile
phone has changed our lives which we can be seen and used every day. People can contact to
their family and their friends from everywhere and any time. We can contact to friends in USA
from Cambodia that is thousand kilometers away in few second. Before the mobile revolution,
people used letter to communicate each other via post which is very expensive, and spend more
days to deliver. It wasted our time to do other important works and more money. Using mobile
phone is fast and cheap, so it saves our time and our money. Modern mobile phone can access the
Internet in high speed with the 3G and HSDPA wireless technology. With this we can connect to the
world everywhere all the time. We can surf the web, check e–mail or chat with their family and
friends on the social network or searching for documents for assignment, work or business. Even
with this advantages, some people think that using mobile phone is waste the time and money on
unimportant things and not good
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Modern Technology
Technology is a systematic knowledge and action, usually of industrial processes but applicable to
any recurrent activity. Technology is closely related to science and to engineering. Science deals
with humans' understanding of the real world about them–the inherent properties of space, matter,
energy, and their interactions.Engineering is the application of objective knowledge to the creation
of plans, designs, and means for achieving desired objectives. Technology deals with the tools and
techniques for carrying out the plans
Global Warming, Pollution etc.
They are some disorders or to specific, products from technology that destroy a humans immune
system because of bacteriae and viruses.
Points of reasoning why it does more more content...
So, you were saying that it was the problem of humans that made technology turn this way
2.)They were dependent on technology since the start of everything. Early years, the loss of
technology resulted to their demises.
3.)Technology must not be blamed because even if we know the problem it does, we do nothing
4.)We owe it all to technology
Now I would begin my assessment and cross examination of my and your points
1.)Dependence of persons in technology
Because of their dependence they become sluggard. Example, if a student should do his assignment,
before, he would go in libraries and search but now, that technology has raised and computers were
introduced, we get it to the computer and with that we get dependent and we go and be lazy. So, it
makes the entropy of the universe more destroyed.
2.)Side effects which lead to disastrous end does side effects and one big example is the side effect done by the computer. Even if it
makes simpler work but what does it do, it has radiation that can lead to visual problems. If you had
been a non–technology dependent, you can go to the library and it gives you accurate knowledge
and it doesn't ruin your vision.
3.)Age bracket goes down
I know that even you, have noticed that life span of a person goes down slowly. Before, peoples live
up to 120+ but now the average life span is 74 years old. It is
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Technology In Modern Society Essay
Modern Society: The Implication of Technology on a Man's Being
A simple life has a different meaning and a different value for every person. In general, though,
getting rid of any excess things to be able to spend time with the most important people and do the
things that are most important to have the basic and successful life. It is significant for Americans to
live a life of peace and not chaos, a life of essentials not complications. The thought of using
technology from the 21st century is useful but useless and demolishing, as well. Because the way the
world has developed within inventions of the 21st century, the technology and consumerism abide as
a burden to a man's well–being, expressing the possibility of simplifying one's life.
In the 21st century, technology has been improving with great amounts of various applications and
games that create distractions. The fact of consumerism, as well, is a distraction to a person making
them want more and more of something that isn't needed and is a waste of time. For example, kids
tend to listen to music and facetime others while doing their homework. Also, I, myself, tend to play
games and text during class, instead of paying attention which is a distraction for me and others.
Teens would take double the amount of time to finish their work when on their phone than when
they are not. It is understandable to say that technology is useful for studies, however the use of it is
still a distraction to many people. It is
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The Impact Of Technology On Modern Society Essay
Our world is constantly changing. One aspect that seems to change the most rapidly and frequently
is technology. Technology impacts every aspect of modern society. All industries rely on technology
in one way or another, however, the impact of technology is more apparent in the field of healthcare
and medicine. In relevance to pharmacy, modern technology has changed the structure and
organization of the entire medical field (Banova, 2013).
In the field of pharmacy, there are a multitude of different technological innovations that are used
because of the benefits of automated information processing (Goundrey–Smith, 2014)
Goundrey–Smith (2014) says that pharmacy technology enables routine, repetitive and monotonous
tasks to be conducted with consistent accuracy, standardisation and consistent use of terminology
and nomenclature, and mass customisation. There are a wide range of technology that is currently
being used in hospital and institutional pharmacy practices. Three of the most common ones are
MediTech, Acu–Dose Rx and PACMED.
MediTech is a software system that is used in hospital and institutional settings designed to help ones
organization to increase patient safety, streamline processes, and improve communication across
departments and other healthcare providers (MediTech, 2016). MediTech provides accurate,
up–to–the–minute information is available where and when users need it, resulting in more
informed and effective treatment and decision making. All
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Modern Technology
The debate of modern technology is one that reaches out to almost everyone in the modern era living
in the United States, since it is a first world country, everybody living in the country at one point has
interacted with a piece of modern technology. The evolution of technology in the last two decades
has been exponentially fast, changing evolution of almost an entire generation in the way that they
view things and interact with the world around them. Things such as virtual reality have become
attainable when they were only figments of the imagination only 30 years ago, now information is
only a click of a button away. Different views surround this issue, as there different factors that can
be seen as limitations more content...
The idea surrounding of definition of human becoming worse in the arms of technology, poses on the
idea that human in the realm of social interaction, and with continuing technological interaction
replacing that of traditional form of communication is taking away part of that aspect. Also the
newest form of gaming now poses a potential threat to the loss of human communication as well.
These two things add some of the bigger aspects dealing with this issue, as for virtual reality takes
away the human body, the biomedical merge is man and machine. the extent to which humans
interact with these two things brings about the issue, as they bring into question just how far
humans can go on the spectrum, replacing vital things such as intimate social interaction and
replacing it with a screen can cause depressive effects. This is already been research in the
psychological field, as humans need intimate social interaction, the replacing of a cold machine, can
cause depression and anxiety, with higher anxiety levels already in the adolescents in the past couple
years rising exponentially it can push cause for concern. This information is brought together
because as a
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Modern Technology – Every rose has its thorn. The same instrument used to make incisions necessary for
surgery can also be used to stab someone to death. While the instrument is neutral, the way it is
utilized determines whether it facilitates life or death. So it is with modern technology.
The purpose of technology should be reserved for the advancement of civilization. Technology
should help us accomplish life 's tasks faster; with less error and greater accuracy. In most cases it
serves its purpose. For instance, when researching a cure for a disease like cancer the internet is a
great tool. However, this same tool makes pornographic material more available than ever. At the
end of the day, the technology will help you do what you want more content...
We must begin to use technology as a vehicle or it will become a vice. It must be used as a vehicle
to facilitate and actualize ideas and concepts. We must use it as a platform to educate, inform,
organize and mobilize the masses of our people. The technology itself is neither positive nor
negative; it is neutral. However it can be employed for positive or negative purposes, depending on
who is using it. The way you use technology is an extension of who you are and how you think.
Therefore, self–improvement leads to a more productive use of technology.
Don 't spend so much time on FACEBOOK that you neglect to put your FACE in a BOOK. There
is no technology like the human mind. It 's a lot smarter than a smart phone. Invest in your mind.
The returns are limitless. Stop totally depending on gadgets to do your thinking for you. Don 't
allow yourself to lose sight of the importance of the human bond. Stop texting your grandmother. Get
up, go over and visit her. Don 't let technology make you lazy.
In the Nation of Islam we are given the lesson of the "Lion in a Cage." The Lion is to use Modern
Equipment to help him get out of this cage. I contend that the same modern equipment that can be
used to get the Lion out of this cage can be used to keep him in it. You are the Lion. How will you
use today 's modern technology? It is a question that must be answered in the
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Argumentative Essay On Modern Technology
You are growing up in an era fascinated, yet addicted to the everyday technology of the twenty–first
century and I can see it already starting to engulf you along the way. The technology set forth by
wider institutions of the US are failing the people every day like you and me by turning us against
each other and towards the screens of our phones, tablets, and computers. The one large corporation
that has been at the forefront of the US in terms of disappointment to the people, is the technology
company Apple. The founders of Apple,Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, created an empire of
technological advances that elevated them to a status of fame and fortune. They are seen as being
superhumans that saved the world because they invented technology that we use every day. The
iPhone, iPad, iPod, MacBook, Apple watch, and countless other products are seen as essential in
society to have in your possession. This has become the norm in society and most people under the
age of twenty hardly remembering what the world was like without them. We have become addicted
to acquiring this technology and it is starting to control our lives.
No one wants to admit it, but the world might have been better without the existence of the internet.
We had more time for ourselves before the use of cell phones, texting, and social media. You never
hear about how technology could have ruined the world, instead, you hear of the wonderful ways it
brought the world together and made everything so much
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Essay On Modern Technology

  • 1. Impact of Technology in the Workplace Essay The Impact of Technology in the Workplace The impact of computer technology in the workplace has been enormous within the past decade, both positive and negative. Distant communication through the use of computers and mobile devices have overhauled the office setting completely. Email, social networking sites and the world of the Internet have opened a whole new avenue of communication. Technology has changed the entire workplace environment, the relationships, and how things get done. Office workers and businesses are not limited to phone calls, meetings or mail to communicate with each other anymore. Electronic email can be used and not interrupt the recipient. more content... Years ago, the final draft of a document went through several stages. The first draft was typed on a type writer, edited for corrections and revisions were made. It took time for the document to be read and reviewed by several persons before all corrections and additions were made. Then, the final copy was re–typed with corrections. Through the use of computers, grammar, spelling, and punctuation can be corrected and changed within the document instantly as the person types. Mailing documents took time as well. Someone had to make a trip to the post office, purchase postage, etc. With the use of virtual meetings, money is saved by eliminating the cost of travel. Participants can be actively involved without leaving their own office or home. When there are problems or urgency, solutions and reactions can occur quickly. There is acceleration of decision making with the use of technology. Communication can occur anywhere at any time. Job applicants no longer actually visit businesses to complete an application. Resumes and other documents can be uploaded and easily accessible to the Human Resource Manager. Online postings, applications, and screeners provide applicants the luxury of completing this process from their own home. Likewise, businesses are able to obtain a great deal of information and select qualified applicants for further evaluation. With the absence of the traditional office, physical face to face Get more content on
  • 2. Persuasive Essay On Modern Technology The utmost, overriding facet of our society has been placed in our hands, perched on a stand, and then plugged into a socket: modern technology. Today, individuals without up to date technology are christened anomalies that are late to the 'smart era' of smartphones, smartwatches, and smart televisions. In Is Google Making Us Stupid? by Nicholas Carr, and Be a Gamer, Save the World by Jane McGonigal, it is made comprehensible that, as a society, we have begun to intertwine ourselves in the tangles of our electronics, which we cannot seem to relinquish. Our generation has been advancing with technology nonstop to the point where a new gadget is practically released daily. Recently, the latest technological fixation that has rapidly spread like wildfire is video streaming: whether it be video–on–demand or live, it has concurrently seized and fashioned jobs, as well as intermixed communities and individuals alike. Ever since the emergence of humans, the demand for amusement was prevalent and constantly evolving. From watching gladiators brawl in an arena, to attending operas and plays, to channel surfing, people have continually desired to be entertained. Today, there is another alteration that is changing the way people absorb the content that they want. Streaming, the most productive way to receive internet content, has skyrocketed in our society as the internet has become a "universal medium" (Carr 573). It started with Netflix, and then it was adapted by other platforms. More and more people have gravitated towards their phones and computers as outlets for entertainment and news instead of their televisions, causing traditional media to race to conform to the innovative technology (Carr 576–577) of streaming. For example, there are presidential debates that have been live streamed, and are said to be the most popular stream in internet history. Streaming has become a trend that has yet to lose momentum, and has consistently stayed at the top of the consumer food chain. When it comes to watching television shows and movies, streaming websites, such as: Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon, have virtually monopolized the market, and have exceedingly brought down cable and theater sales. The mere thought of cable is Get more content on
  • 3. Effect of Technology on Modern Society Essay The evolution of technology has changed society in both positive and negative ways. People all over the world use and benefit from modern technology. Technology has simplified the access to many tools people need in education, medicine, communication, transportation, etc. However, using it too often has its drawbacks as well. In most cases, the time of finishing projects is cut by more than half with the help of technology. Many people do not realize that technology has its negative affects society as well, and its rapid advances has changed life for worse in a number of different ways. Technology has changed the relationships of families. Distracted by their laptops, TV's, smartphones, and video games, families can't have a more content... Also, students today can talk with their teachers from home, and learn all the information from the Internet and finish a research assignment that used to take days because of books, in a matter of hours. But, students of the newer generations seem to have many problems with writing complete sentences or spelling words because of the frequent usage of text messages and the many hundreds of acronyms used to shorten texts. But besides memory problems, technology usage can cause serious diseases as well. Health problems caused by technology have turned into a big problem, especially among teenagers. People, especially teens, pay a high price for relying on social media, video games, and TV, especially when it comes to sleep. The internet has become an addiction, we need it like we need air to breathe. This addiction seems to be the cause of several serious health problems such as sleep deprivation, vision problems, obesity, etc. Addiction to technology has also made people lazy. Instead of going outside, playing sports and running around, they would rather stare at a screen, inside and the only exercise they get is sitting up in their chair and walking to the fridge for food. Even though the implementation of robots has reduced the risk to human life because they can perform some risky jobs instead of humans, robots themselves can create risky Get more content on
  • 4. Persuasive Essay On Modern Technology Technology, quite obviously, is all around us. That was exemplified by the research of Michigan–born computer scientist, Bill Joy. In 1982, he co–founded Sun Microsystems and was the chief scientist until 2003. He is the author of the world–renowned article, Why the Future Doesn't Need Us. This article articulates Joy's worries over the development of modern technologies. This essay speaks of genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and robotics (GNR), which are threatening to make humans an endangered species. 21st–century technologies, honestly, are dangerous. They should not be used to overpower the human populace. Joy had just begun to realize this in 1998, after a discussion with Ray Kurzweil, "the deservedly famous inventor of the first reading machine for the blind and many other amazing things". Along with the Berkeley philosopher, John Searle, who studies consciousness, Kurzweil told the two about how the rate of improvement of technology would increase, and thus, sentient robots were in the realm of possibility. After reading an early draft of Kurzweil's book, The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence, Joy's unease accelerated. There is a passage in the book by the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski. Joy did not agree with the seventeen–year murderous rampage that the man went on, as one of his bombs had gravely injured one of Joy's friends, David Gelernter, who is a brilliant computer scientist. Although Joy was afraid for his life during Get more content on
  • 5. Modern technology has undoubtedly had a profound impact on contemporary society. However, critics of modern technology emphasize that modern technology has had deleterious effects on young Americans. In The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our Future: Or, Don 't Trust Anyone under 30, Mark Bauerlein attempts to argue that the young Americans of contemporary society are increasingly unintelligent as a result of modern technology, but fails to elaborate on his criteria for evaluating intelligence. Bauerlein engages in fallacious rhetoric while presenting his argument that today's young Americans are part of the "dumbest generation" because he fails to acknowledge the beneficial impacts that modern technology has had on Americans. His overall argument is diminished by his usage of logical fallacies, while arguments that do not rely on logical fallacies and rather focus on deliberate rhetorical appeals are more cogent. Bauerlein's failure to contribute relevant evidence and his excessive use of logical fallacies ultimately hinders his argument that modern technology has led to the decline in youth intelligence, which is what makes counter–arguments presented by other authors, such as Clay Shirky and Donald Norman's, much more convincing. In his book The Dumbest Generation, Emory Professor Mark Bauerlein emphasizes his belief that most young Americans avoid learning due to their pre–occupation with modern technology. He Get more content on
  • 6. The Pros and Cons of Technology Essay The question of whether modern technological development has been beneficial or detrimental to human beings is perhaps the most pressing question that faces our society. If technology is harmful, then we need to minimize or eliminate the danger. If technology is not the source of the problems and concerns that are frequently attributed to it, then we need to find another cause for the social and psychological pressures faced by our society, so we can address these problems. Ever since the advent of the Industrial Revolution, people have voiced complaints about the harmful effects of technology. Therefore, we need to examine what Martin Heidegger, a twentieth–century German philosopher, called "The Question Concerning Technology." In more content... Entire genres of popular music with revealing names, such as "Industrial" and "Techno" have also arisen in recent decades. For example, "Industrial" music frequently deals with existential anguish, alienation, and meaninglessness of life as important themes. Some "Industrial" bands, such as Nine Inch Nails, have even produced multi–platinum albums and won important popular music awards. These factors indicate that problem of technology pervades our society and culture, whether consciously or subconsciously. And yet, in order to consider the problems posed by technology, it is necessary to discover the nature of the problem. While examining arguments against modern technology, I have encountered two main strands of thought concerning its dangers. Perhaps one of the best critiques of the modern technological–industrial system can be found in FC's document Industrial Society and Its Future, more commonly known as the "Unabomber Manifesto." Because this text has had such a wide–ranging impact on our society, I will examine it first. Although there are many discrepancies with the argument presented in the Manifesto, the concerns expressed within it are valid. For the sake of discussion, I will focus mainly on the issues presented in the Manifesto and the solution proposed therein, rather than on the argument itself. In brief, FC's argument is that the present technological–industrial system Get more content on
  • 7. Modern Technology Is A Blessing Modern Technology: A Blessing for Mankind How often do you use your smartphones and wonder how was life without phones a few years ago? The fact that technology is around us everyday, it's no secret that it has become an integral part in our life. These technologies have rapidly changed over the past two decades, and people nowadays seem to be constantly looking for easier and more convenient ways to live and survive. Indeed, it's hard to deny that modern technology is a blessing for mankind. In the world today, the impact of technology is everywhere–in the offices, classrooms, malls, auditoriums, and museums. It came to the extent that most people cannot stand a day without using electronic devices like smartphones, laptops, and cameras, as much as some students cannot perform well without using textbooks. As a matter of fact, buying textbooks can be a pain, especially now that textbook prices are continuing to rise while some students are still recovering from the hurricane. According to NBC's review of Bureau of Labor Statistics data, the inflation rate of textbook prices have raised over three times. "With the average student shelling out $1,200 a year just on books, students, professors and policy groups are searching ways to circumvent the high cost of traditional textbooks," says Martha C. White, Princeton University graduate. For some students, seeking for alternatives is the best option; however, according to the U.S. Public Interest Research Group, 70 percent of Get more content on
  • 8. The Impact Of Modern Technology We are living in an era where technology is evolving at an exponential rate. Not long ago, when in need of driving directions, we pulled out a large folded street map from our vehicle's glove compartment. Nowadays, we tap a few times on our smartphone or just ask Siri for directions. Better yet, rather than visiting the local discount mart to replace our laundry detergent, we tell Alexa to reorder it and have it shipped directly to our door. Throughout the day, we usetechnology to routinely accomplish specific tasks or obtain information. Even the simplest human actions performed for centuries, such as reading, have been made easier with technology. It's quite possible you are reading this very essay on a piece of light–emitting technology, rather than on paper printed with ink. Modern Technology has unbelievably improved human capabilities beyond what we ever imagined 20 or 30 years ago. It is very apparent that Technology has made human life better, by improving communications with each other, and healthier by improving the diagnosis and treatment of illness. Today, modern cellular and satellite communication networks continually broadcast voice and data around the globe in milliseconds to our little handheld devices and computers. This data includes everything from our favorite TV show to billions of dollars in electronic trades on the financial stock markets. "All these modern communication technology tools have simplified the way humans and businesses communicate" Get more content on
  • 9. The Importance Of Modern Technology Ever since I was born, technology has grown exponentially from everything like the internet to smartphone to virtual reality. Part of the reason why it existed is to ease people in their daily lives and I had taken a great interest in this field. As the curiosity dwells in my mind about what is the next technology breakthrough, it made me realize that this is what I want to pursue in my future career. My research about modern technology, however, was not always positive; according to statistics, as more advanced technologies are created fewer jobs for humans are necessary. Sometimes I wonder if the technology does more harm than good to humanity, yet this strange sense of familiarity, of warmth, that I experienced these past few years will never falter and beckoned me to spread this feeling to everyone else. When I first came to America and got separated from my precious friends, personally, I thought our connections are severed due to maintaining the long distance relationship. However, with the help of communication technology, for example, skype, it is possible to talk or message whenever and wherever I am. Moreover, music, videos, and information are, nowadays, posted online which makes me more aware of the things going around the world. Every day, I get excited about what I should explore on the vast, limitless land of internet and had become who I am. With the aid of technology, I never get bored of my coming days since there is new information posted to keep me intact with the world outside my room. Deep in my mind, I acknowledge the technologies used daily as an inanimate being who we share mutual understanding with and not just as a tool. All the feelings that I have accumulated from modern technology have shaped my core personality and motivated me to use every ounce of my power to carry on this legacy. With the motivation and desire to strive for a goal in my future, I began researching more specific areas in modern technology that I want to pursue: virtual reality and augmented reality. Currently, both of these fields in technology are in development, however, I believe they are still in the beta phase and have not yet reached their full potential; thus, I want to improve upon what has already Get more content on
  • 10. Modern Technology and It's Effects Essay Argumentative essay In our present society, people cannot deny that the changes in this world have been tied to the advancement of the technology. It has evolved with this society so deeply where such conveniences are no longer luxuries but rather necessities. Unfortunately, the most affected group of people from the developed technology is the younger age people (Subrahmanyam, 2000). In the past, children were more lively and active: playing outdoors, running around, climbing trees and remaining active rather than watching television and playing video game and computer. It is true that the use of the technology has its own virtue. It provides value, convenience and entertainment, but it should not take the place of movement and more content... This kind of fats increases the level of cholesterol that could develop problems of heart, joints and spinal cord (Journal of obesity, 2005). Afterwards, the impact of this problem can lead children to more intense psychological and medical issues, which can have future reaching effects even into adulthood (Pitman, 2008). According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in 2004, 16 percent of children in the ages of 6–19 year old are overweight or obese which could really have a great chance of developing Type II Diabetes, sleep apnea, high cholesterol and blood pressure (Obesity, 2011). In addition, technology can expose children to a number of other physical risks: seizures, hand injuries and changes in heart rate (Subrahmanyam, 2000). Obviously, those of the raised problems above are the developed negative health problems that come from the overused of technology in the children's daily life. The second reason why modern technology contributes to negative health problems is that children independently use technology, which impact on their social development and relationship. As the age of the kids, the majority of them still cannot control or understand how to limit themselves from their wants. Some children spend so much time playing computer and video games all alone that they are losing their ability to socialize with others, families and friends. Children can averagely spend six hours each day watching television or Get more content on
  • 11. The Impact Of Modern Technology Essay Living within the 21st century, we are exposed to a lot more science and technology. Technology has allowed us to accomplish things we could not have done in the past with a bit more ease. New and useful products are constantly being invented and perfected for our use. I believe everyone has experienced the use of technology whether have they like it or not. I think modern technology has made life more convenient. We pretty much eat, breathe, and sleep technology. We use it constantly, technology increases our standard of living to make life simpler. Modern technology has improved and made advances in the business sector, education, medical field, as well as our personal lives. In my belief, the use of technology has totally changed our lives for the better. Technology has provided a faster form of transportation on land, air, and sea. Solutions to health and environmental issues, improved knowledge, and communication. The invention of the computer and internet are two of the most significant features in technology and most widely used. What we can do now with the click of a button we were not able to do that ten years ago. The accessibility of on–line shopping, on– line banking and even on line classes, these advancements in technology provides us with more freedom, and less consumption of our time and resources. The way we communicate with each is much different than in the past. We now have easier access to communicate with family and friends around the world, whether it Get more content on
  • 12. Essay about People and Modern Technology Every single day a new type of technology is being introduced to the world. Technology has improved a lot over years, and it is a great thing these days, because it can be very helpful, especially for people with disabilities. However people are taking advantage of it. Every piece of technology that is being made requires little to no skill. All the machines are so easy to operate that anyone can do it, and that keeps us from being active, developing our brains, it is also very addicting. Why would we go to the store to get groceries if we can just order it on line and they will be delivered to our front door. Sounds easy, but maybe a little too easy! More and more people use todaystechnology because it is convenient, however no more content... However using today's technology properly and using your brain with it can accomplish many good things including building a stronger nation. Nevertheless modern technology can be very addicting. Checking your email every five minutes, chatting with your friends for hours even though you've seen them at school, waiting till that last minute to win an action. These things take away time from a persons life. It brings out a question, what would people do without technology? Life would be a lot simpler, people would be doing more beneficial thing, such as helping other with whatever help they may need, reading a newspaper, doing physical work around the house. Unfortunately more and more people are being addictive to technology, spending hours and hours on the computer, for what purpose? There is no purpose, people are just addicted. However modern technology can also be a good thing if used properly. In order to learn, kids at school require computers and Internet to study from it, write research paper and to find out any information they'd like to know. It is also used all over the wold for military purposes. Modern technology is responsible for keeping our world safe, and so far it is doing a very good job. Technology can also be used to communicate with people all around the world, it Get more content on
  • 13. Modern Technology Has Changed Our Lives Essay The Mobile Revolution Nowadays our society is affected by modern technology from day to day; especially the communication technology has changed the people lives in many ways. Mobile phone is a part of this technology that people can contact each other all over the world through wireless. The invention of this technology has created an unforgettable even in human history, and also the most important for our lives because of its advantages to people in society. Mobile phone has changed our lives which we can be seen and used every day. People can contact to their family and their friends from everywhere and any time. We can contact to friends in USA from Cambodia that is thousand kilometers away in few second. Before the mobile revolution, people used letter to communicate each other via post which is very expensive, and spend more days to deliver. It wasted our time to do other important works and more money. Using mobile phone is fast and cheap, so it saves our time and our money. Modern mobile phone can access the Internet in high speed with the 3G and HSDPA wireless technology. With this we can connect to the world everywhere all the time. We can surf the web, check e–mail or chat with their family and friends on the social network or searching for documents for assignment, work or business. Even with this advantages, some people think that using mobile phone is waste the time and money on unimportant things and not good Get more content on
  • 14. Modern Technology Technology is a systematic knowledge and action, usually of industrial processes but applicable to any recurrent activity. Technology is closely related to science and to engineering. Science deals with humans' understanding of the real world about them–the inherent properties of space, matter, energy, and their interactions.Engineering is the application of objective knowledge to the creation of plans, designs, and means for achieving desired objectives. Technology deals with the tools and techniques for carrying out the plans Global Warming, Pollution etc. They are some disorders or to specific, products from technology that destroy a humans immune system because of bacteriae and viruses. Points of reasoning why it does more more content... So, you were saying that it was the problem of humans that made technology turn this way 2.)They were dependent on technology since the start of everything. Early years, the loss of technology resulted to their demises. 3.)Technology must not be blamed because even if we know the problem it does, we do nothing 4.)We owe it all to technology Now I would begin my assessment and cross examination of my and your points 1.)Dependence of persons in technology Because of their dependence they become sluggard. Example, if a student should do his assignment, before, he would go in libraries and search but now, that technology has raised and computers were introduced, we get it to the computer and with that we get dependent and we go and be lazy. So, it makes the entropy of the universe more destroyed. 2.)Side effects which lead to disastrous end does side effects and one big example is the side effect done by the computer. Even if it makes simpler work but what does it do, it has radiation that can lead to visual problems. If you had been a non–technology dependent, you can go to the library and it gives you accurate knowledge and it doesn't ruin your vision. 3.)Age bracket goes down I know that even you, have noticed that life span of a person goes down slowly. Before, peoples live up to 120+ but now the average life span is 74 years old. It is
  • 15. Get more content on
  • 16. Technology In Modern Society Essay Modern Society: The Implication of Technology on a Man's Being A simple life has a different meaning and a different value for every person. In general, though, getting rid of any excess things to be able to spend time with the most important people and do the things that are most important to have the basic and successful life. It is significant for Americans to live a life of peace and not chaos, a life of essentials not complications. The thought of using technology from the 21st century is useful but useless and demolishing, as well. Because the way the world has developed within inventions of the 21st century, the technology and consumerism abide as a burden to a man's well–being, expressing the possibility of simplifying one's life. In the 21st century, technology has been improving with great amounts of various applications and games that create distractions. The fact of consumerism, as well, is a distraction to a person making them want more and more of something that isn't needed and is a waste of time. For example, kids tend to listen to music and facetime others while doing their homework. Also, I, myself, tend to play games and text during class, instead of paying attention which is a distraction for me and others. Teens would take double the amount of time to finish their work when on their phone than when they are not. It is understandable to say that technology is useful for studies, however the use of it is still a distraction to many people. It is Get more content on
  • 17. The Impact Of Technology On Modern Society Essay Our world is constantly changing. One aspect that seems to change the most rapidly and frequently is technology. Technology impacts every aspect of modern society. All industries rely on technology in one way or another, however, the impact of technology is more apparent in the field of healthcare and medicine. In relevance to pharmacy, modern technology has changed the structure and organization of the entire medical field (Banova, 2013). In the field of pharmacy, there are a multitude of different technological innovations that are used because of the benefits of automated information processing (Goundrey–Smith, 2014) Goundrey–Smith (2014) says that pharmacy technology enables routine, repetitive and monotonous tasks to be conducted with consistent accuracy, standardisation and consistent use of terminology and nomenclature, and mass customisation. There are a wide range of technology that is currently being used in hospital and institutional pharmacy practices. Three of the most common ones are MediTech, Acu–Dose Rx and PACMED. MediTech is a software system that is used in hospital and institutional settings designed to help ones organization to increase patient safety, streamline processes, and improve communication across departments and other healthcare providers (MediTech, 2016). MediTech provides accurate, up–to–the–minute information is available where and when users need it, resulting in more informed and effective treatment and decision making. All Get more content on
  • 18. Modern Technology The debate of modern technology is one that reaches out to almost everyone in the modern era living in the United States, since it is a first world country, everybody living in the country at one point has interacted with a piece of modern technology. The evolution of technology in the last two decades has been exponentially fast, changing evolution of almost an entire generation in the way that they view things and interact with the world around them. Things such as virtual reality have become attainable when they were only figments of the imagination only 30 years ago, now information is only a click of a button away. Different views surround this issue, as there different factors that can be seen as limitations more content... The idea surrounding of definition of human becoming worse in the arms of technology, poses on the idea that human in the realm of social interaction, and with continuing technological interaction replacing that of traditional form of communication is taking away part of that aspect. Also the newest form of gaming now poses a potential threat to the loss of human communication as well. These two things add some of the bigger aspects dealing with this issue, as for virtual reality takes away the human body, the biomedical merge is man and machine. the extent to which humans interact with these two things brings about the issue, as they bring into question just how far humans can go on the spectrum, replacing vital things such as intimate social interaction and replacing it with a screen can cause depressive effects. This is already been research in the psychological field, as humans need intimate social interaction, the replacing of a cold machine, can cause depression and anxiety, with higher anxiety levels already in the adolescents in the past couple years rising exponentially it can push cause for concern. This information is brought together because as a Get more content on
  • 19. Modern Technology – Every rose has its thorn. The same instrument used to make incisions necessary for surgery can also be used to stab someone to death. While the instrument is neutral, the way it is utilized determines whether it facilitates life or death. So it is with modern technology. The purpose of technology should be reserved for the advancement of civilization. Technology should help us accomplish life 's tasks faster; with less error and greater accuracy. In most cases it serves its purpose. For instance, when researching a cure for a disease like cancer the internet is a great tool. However, this same tool makes pornographic material more available than ever. At the end of the day, the technology will help you do what you want more content... We must begin to use technology as a vehicle or it will become a vice. It must be used as a vehicle to facilitate and actualize ideas and concepts. We must use it as a platform to educate, inform, organize and mobilize the masses of our people. The technology itself is neither positive nor negative; it is neutral. However it can be employed for positive or negative purposes, depending on who is using it. The way you use technology is an extension of who you are and how you think. Therefore, self–improvement leads to a more productive use of technology. Don 't spend so much time on FACEBOOK that you neglect to put your FACE in a BOOK. There is no technology like the human mind. It 's a lot smarter than a smart phone. Invest in your mind. The returns are limitless. Stop totally depending on gadgets to do your thinking for you. Don 't allow yourself to lose sight of the importance of the human bond. Stop texting your grandmother. Get up, go over and visit her. Don 't let technology make you lazy. In the Nation of Islam we are given the lesson of the "Lion in a Cage." The Lion is to use Modern Equipment to help him get out of this cage. I contend that the same modern equipment that can be used to get the Lion out of this cage can be used to keep him in it. You are the Lion. How will you use today 's modern technology? It is a question that must be answered in the Get more content on
  • 20. Argumentative Essay On Modern Technology You are growing up in an era fascinated, yet addicted to the everyday technology of the twenty–first century and I can see it already starting to engulf you along the way. The technology set forth by wider institutions of the US are failing the people every day like you and me by turning us against each other and towards the screens of our phones, tablets, and computers. The one large corporation that has been at the forefront of the US in terms of disappointment to the people, is the technology company Apple. The founders of Apple,Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, created an empire of technological advances that elevated them to a status of fame and fortune. They are seen as being superhumans that saved the world because they invented technology that we use every day. The iPhone, iPad, iPod, MacBook, Apple watch, and countless other products are seen as essential in society to have in your possession. This has become the norm in society and most people under the age of twenty hardly remembering what the world was like without them. We have become addicted to acquiring this technology and it is starting to control our lives. No one wants to admit it, but the world might have been better without the existence of the internet. We had more time for ourselves before the use of cell phones, texting, and social media. You never hear about how technology could have ruined the world, instead, you hear of the wonderful ways it brought the world together and made everything so much Get more content on