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Essay On Employment Skills In AccountingEssay On Employment Skills In Accounting
History Now
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Friday, 2/3/2012
Begin Unit: Loyalty and Betrayal, Section A, Order and Chaos
Order and Chaos: Introduction
Section Warm Up: Product Loyalty
Loyalty vs. Betrayal
Literary Elements: Symbolism
Tutorial: Symbols and Symbolism
Reading 1: Two Kinds, by Amy Tan
Practice: Symbolism
Loyalty and Betrayal Theme Quiz, 40 points
Friday, 2/10/2012
Begin Unit: Loyalty and Betrayal, Section B, Context
Context: Introduction
Section Warm Up: A Context Riddle
Reading 2: from Communists in the State Department, by Sen. Joseph McCarthy
Exploring the Context of Senator McCarthy s Speech
McCarthy Era Self Check
Context Clues
More Root Words
Loyalty and Betrayal Context Quiz, 40 points
Friday, 2/17/2012
Begin Unit: ... Show more content on ...
Vocabulary: Time and Space Words
Tutorial: Greek and Latin Roots
Memory Game: Vocabulary Practice
Friday, 5/4/2012
Into the Future Quiz, 33 points
Begin Unit: Time, Section D, Reading Longer Fiction
Section Warm Up: A Lady Named Bright
Sci Fi
Reading 6: The Time Machine, by H. G. Wells
Writing: Creative Writing 100 points
The Time Machine Quiz, 40 points
Time Unit Exam, 98 points
Begin Unit: Justice and Injustice, Section A, Lady Justice
Friday, 5/11/2012
Section Warm Up: Images of Lady Justice
Where do our Ideas of Justice and Injustice Originate?
Reading 1: The Code of Hammurabi
Reading 2: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Categorize Game: Comparing Ancient and Modern Ideas of Justice
Lady Justice Quiz, 30 points
Begin Unit: Justice and Injustice, Section B, Research
Section Warm Up: Why Is the Sky Blue, Mommy?
Research: A Researchable Question
Friday, 5/18/2012
Research: Deciding on a Researchable Question
Research: The Process
Research : Creating Note Cards
How Many Sources?
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Why Montresor killed Fortunato
Eduardo Urdaneta
Montresor and Fortunato are best friends who also work together. Montresor has been traveling a
lot lately due to his recent promotion in his position. He has just received a notice from his boss
that he must go attend several conferences in Spain for a month. Upon receiving the undesirable
news, Montresor s wife, Chardonnay gets very upset but eventually acknowledges that traveling
this much is essential to the new position that he holds now. Montresor knows that these four
weeks will be hard for his wife, so he asks Fortunato if he could look after her while he is away.
Fortunato agrees to check in on her from time to time. Montresor appreciates Fortunato s kindness
and feels comfortable to leave knowing that his ... Show more content on ...
The phone rings endlessly and it is like waiting for a drop of rain in a long drought. When he
doesn t answer, he becomes even more concerned. He decides to take a quick trip back home and
surprise Chardonnay. As he arrives home, the glimpse of his house and the light shining in the
bedroom is like a beacon of hope for him, and the excitement builds up inside him, yet he feels
nervous at the same time. Walking to the front door, he notices Forunato s deep red merlot car
parked in his driveway. He wonders what he could be doing here so late at night. Chardonnay I m
home! His voice echoes through the empty first floor. He walks through the dark foyer and into the
living room where he notices the empty wine bottle on the table in front of the couch. He s
suspicious because it s red wine and Chardonnay only drinks white. As he is going up the spiral
stairs, he notices a familiar jacket hanging on the coat rack next to the door. Frustrated and
confused, Montresor flees his home like a gazelle running away from a lion and returns to
Spain. The next day he calls Chardonnay and asks her how her day was yesterday. She
complains how she was feeling sick and stayed home all day. He tells her that he will be home in
time so he can take her to the festival next week and he hopes that she will feel better by
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Power Of Words In Othello
In Othello words have the ability to steer the plot, to form characters identities and to engage the
audience as active participants in the play.
In Shakespeare s Othello, the lack of a narrator, empowers the words spoken by the characters to
such an extent that it directs the drama to the desired destination of the play. This essay will
serve as proof as the power of words will be discussed by, firstly, explaining the effect that words,
and the lack thereof, have on characters and ultimately on the plot. Thereafter, the use of certain
words to form perceived impressions of characters will be argued. Lastly, an elaboration on how
words are used to involve the audience in the play.
Words can have a positive or negative effect on characters (Kaleba Osherow, 2012), it can lead to a
character being confident or lead to the deterioration of a character s self concept (as seen in the
case of Othello). We see this in the first act when Othello does not hide from confrontation, but
instead invites Brabanzio to come. Not I. I must be found. My parts, my title, and my perfect soul
shall manifest me rightly. (Shakespeare, ... Show more content on ...
The limited allowances in terms of knowledge and outspokenness of women, in this play creates a
sense of dramatic irony as the audience awaits Emilia to reveal her participation in Iago s plan
(Kaleba Osherow, 2012). In Othello all can be avoided if Emilia had known what Iago s plan is
and not only obeying him blindly as expected from a good wife (Levine, 1987). In this case,
Emilia s ignorance leaves her powerless to prevent the death of her mistress, but words empower
her when she speaks out and tells the truth. Iago s manipulative words play on Othello s
insecurities, and keeps Emilia loyal and obedient, this drives the plot to the ending of Othello,
Desdemona and Emilia s
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Johnson Decision To Americanize The Vietnam War Essay
LBJ s decision to Americanize the war was not wise and well informed, an accurate answer for
U.S. defeat in Vietnam was the decision to Americanize the war. Influencing the belief that Johnson
decision to escalate appeared to have been predetermined; Johnson consistently appeared to be in
favor of increasing military in South Vietnam, and he only needed something to happen in order to
validate his reasoning for the increase of U.S. involvement. This something was the Tonkin Gulf
incident and this event became Johnson s basis to take all necessary measures to repel any armed
attack against the forces of the United States... (Young, 119); that this was a declaration of war
(Hunt, 67). However, this incident, as Nicholas Katzenbach said, was... Show more content on ...
Even with the approval of congress towards the Tonkin Gulf incident showed a misuse of power
(Rotter, 77). When Dante B. Fascell said The president needed authority. Who cared about the facts
of the so called incident that would trigger this authority? So the resolution was just hammered right
on through by everyone (Young, 120); this recollection makes it appear as through the Tonkin Gulf
incident decision was not well informed. The resolution was the issue of Johnson s authority and
the potential that offensive measures in South Vietnam could lead to a third world war (Young,
121). Another example that Americanization was unwise and not well informed was Johnson
ignoring the George Ball about better solutions to help America leave the war. Once again it is the
issue with Johnson s authority, he constantly ignores other possibilities of leaving Vietnam. At the
end the Johnson administration would choose three tactics: bombing the North, intensify the war in
the South using U.S. troops, and concentration on pacification of the
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Atticus Finch Is A Gentleman
Atticus Finch is a gentleman, but not the typical definition of the word gentleman . Atticus is a
heroic father figure in the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird . Atticus is the father of Scout and Jem.
Throughout the story the reader notices a bold change in Jem s mindset, this is the result of
puberty and Atticus immaculate example of how to live like a gentleman . By being a living
example of his own definition of gentleman Atticus exemplifies the lifestyle he wants for Jem.
Atticus chooses to show humility in his life and is rewarded with the title gentleman . Although
Atticus is displayed as heroic, (as mentioned in the previous paragraph) he does not see it
necessary to exploit and show off his talents. This is evident in the scene
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Ideologies In Mother Courage
Referring to Brecht s time, war was prominent, despair was all around and corruption resided,
hand in hand. People had obviously lost all hope and faith, they just wanted to survive somehow
and that innocent notion is what to led massive corruption. That later turned into selfishness and
carelessness, in short, the battle for survival of the fittest. War led to the growth of business
making, war was fought on the basis of religious bribery, and survival then became dependent on
both. In the play Mother Courage by Brecht, he criticizes all three ideologies, respectively. These
three notions are actually what make her Mother Courage . In scene one she says:
They call me Mother Courage cause I was afraid I d be ruined. So I drove through the
bombardment of Riga like a madwoman, with fifty loaves of bread in my ... Show more content on ...
That s how he kept his conscience clear. He always put conscience first.
It s basically all a profit making game, with no care for the fate of the lower classes. But then
again, as Mother Courage pointed out before, people are stupid. Everyone needs a motivation to do
something, and that motivation usually comes with a reward in the name of God and the shape of
cash, which ultimately becomes the easiest and most useful survival scheme. And in case of men,
women are also included in the prize package. The Recruiting Officer lures Eilif in joining the
platoons by saying Ten gilders in advance and you re a soldier of the king and a stout fellow and
the women will be mad about you.
In conclusion we can say how business, religion and survival relate to each other contradicting their
actual purpose in Mother
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Disadvantages Of Outsourcing
As mentioned earlier outsourcing forms a part of decentralization structure. This concept of
Outsourcing originally came from American Glossary in the year 1981. Outsourcing offers cost
effective benefits along with non economic benefits. Outsourcing is a process of delegating a
business process of a company to a third company, leveraging benefits of reduced costs, improved
quality and innovations. Outsourcing/ Downsizing became the most prevalent business trends. A
very commonly considered reason for outsourcing is reduced costs, where specialized providers are
more efficient and economic than a vertically integrated organization. Some organizations found it
more affordable to access a few key resources from other organizations then to have an in house
department working on the same. Organizations benefit from outsourcing non core activities
especially when they work in a dynamic business... Show more content on ...
The whole process of outsourcing was based on cost efficiency and not value addition of
providing world class solutions. They outsourced all core business functions and later faced
difficulties of dependence on vendors. There were limitations set on Airtel to use creative new
applications from IBM deal. There were handovers of network assets built by Airtel. IBM had
cheated Airtel by using it as a case study to generate more business from other telecom players in
this sector, therefore Airtel reduced the value its second contract with IBM taking a few core
functions back. Airtel could not dissolve the contract with IBM as it had to pay as mentioned in
the contract and would lose out on the applications developed by IBM. It would also be
technically arduous for Airtel to completely transfer the functions to a third vendor, since a few
software and hardware services have been developed by
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Imperialism Essay
Imperialism played a major role in global development, especially in the late nineteenth and early
twentieth centuries. In order to better understand this system, it is important to first look at the
history behind it as well as a model of its implementation. Some Europeans advocated heavily for
imperialism, citing several reasons for doing so. However, other Europeans and other individuals
saw the dangers and issues that accompanied it and spoke against European imperialism.
Imperialism was a trend that gained popularity in the latter half of the nineteenth century. It is
defined as the process of nation building in which new territories, often overseas, were acquired
(textbook, 608). This was done in order to increase the influence of a country through greater
economic power. Germany, France, Russia, the United States, and Japan all tried to increase their
influence and compete with Brittan on a national stage by developing their trade industries as well
as seizing new territories (textbook, 608). This resulted in the movement of several influential
entities including capital, commodities, and information. The dissemination of information in the
new territory from the mother country was common. This was done in order to help the people
living in the area gain a better understanding of the colonizers. However, these colonies were not
considered equal to the mother country and had either reduced ability to govern themselves or
none at all (textbook 608 609). A good
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Testosterone And Estrogen Research Paper
When an individual comes out as homosexual or bisexual, they most likely hear the words well
that s your choice. But for any one person who actually is homosexual, they know it s not a choice.
So what makes us this way? The answers are small chemicals that control our very lives. These
chemicals are the Androgens, Testosterone and Estrogen.
Testosterone and Estrogen are the male and female hormones that control how either gender
develops. Between weeks 8 and 14 of fetal development, before the fetus s sex is determined, tiny
fetal ovaries (which may turn into testes depending on the chromosome factor) and adrenal glands
release the embryo s own supply of androgens. These chemicals then cause chain reactions in the
body, spurring the growth of the genitals (determined by chromosomes), causing major growth in
brain regions and impactful change in ... Show more content on ...
When we feel attracted to an individual, we like the chemical balance or imbalance they possess.
Sexuality is also controlled by these chemicals. Estrogen and testosterone determine the gender an
individual is attracted to. But of course, there is a significant difference between sex and gender,
both affected by androgens. The gender that a person may feel can be changed by the levels of
their androgens. Their chromosomes may say one gender, but their brain says another.This all boils
down to evolution. Beauty, attraction, and sexuality is all part of Natural Selection. Humans with
better genes appear beautiful, saying I am healthy, I have good genes. However, this is futile,
humans are no longer physically evolving. We are in an age where we should value brains and
productivity over beauty and sex appeal. This is the remnants of the old vomeronasal organ that
identifies other pheromones and hormones in potential partners. These chemicals, among others,
control our very
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The Roots Of The Enlightenment
Between the years of 1685 1815 the focus of European thought had drastically shifted as a result of
what is known as the Age of Reason era, or more commonly known as the Enlightenment. The roots
of the enlightenment sprang about during the time of the Renaissance. Enlightenment thinkers such
as David Hume, Voltaire, and Jean Jacques Rousseau questioned the traditional ways of authority,
and looked to improve mankind with logical changes. The American Revolution, was partially due
to members of the enlightened sect, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. The Enlightment
roots started in the early 17th century where contributors sought to shed light on human intellect as
well as culture after what is known as the dark middle ages. The notion
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Microsoft Built Security From The Bottom Up Sql Server
Microsoft built security from the bottom up in SQL Server 2005 and has aged in database
security in each new version ever snice. SQL Server 2012 continues the trend with cool new
features, like new server level roles, new algorithms, and new permissions. It also adds databases
that are contained, which allow the end users to connect to the databasewithout providing
permission at the server level. This is an excellent idea to solve problems when you move to
databases, but it sounds terrifying from a security context. There are other new security add ons,
along with tricks and shortcuts to old features. There is nothing really new in this current release,
just further constriction and familiarizing to the countless ways companies use the database server.
In this research paper, there are a couple of features to explore in SQL Server 2012. My dream is by
the end of this paper you will have all you need to choose if your database will be protected in SQL
Server 2012. Because of the security features in SQL server 2005 the 2012 SQL server was a
required advancement, but there may be other reasons why a consumer might not want to change to
a new server besides security.
There are new SQL Server 2012 security features that Microsoft has provided to their database
application program. The research paper will cover the most important features, which can be
drilled down into four categories:
Security management features, this comprises of schema groups and user defined server
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Subjective Expectation Of Privacy In The Fourth Amendment
WARRANT AND AS A RESULT OF AN ILLEGAL SEARCH The defendant or proponent of a
motion to suppress has the burden of establishing that his own Fourth Amendment rights were
violated by the challenged search or seizure. (Rakas v. Illinois (1978) 439 U.S. 128, 131.) In
other words, the Fourth Amendment depends on the property rights were violated because the
person is claiming that they had a reasonable expectation of privacy in the invaded place. (Rakas
v. Illinois, supra, 439 U.S. at p.143.) In order to prove that the defendant has standing to challenge
the validity of a search, the defendant must show that there is an actual subjective expectation of
privacy and that the subjective expectation of privacy is one that the society recognizes as
reasonable. (Smith v. Maryland (1979) 442 U.S. 735, 740.) Additionally, under the Fourth
Amendment, all warrantless searches are per se unreasonable unless there is a warrantless
exception then officers need a warrant to conduct a search and seizure of a person s home. (U.S.
Const. amend. IV.) (A)Mr. Meyers has Standing to Challenge the Search and Seizure of the
handgun and Magazine because he holds a Reasonable Expectation of Privacy in the Apartment
where he has his Personal Belongings in. In Olson, the Supreme Court held that an overnight guest
is alone enough to show that they have an expectation of privacy
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Essay about How to Plan a Great Family Vacation
Process Outline
Planning a Great Family Vacation I. Introduction A. Lead In B. Thesis II. Reserving a room A.
Choosing your locationB. Pay the deposit for the room III. Purchase Supplies A. Purchase
Clothing and accessories B. Purchase groceries IV. Packing for the trip A. Make check list while
packing B. Check things off as they are packed up. V. Conclusion A. Restatement B. Ending
Process Essay
Planning a Great Family Vacation
After working all year long, sometimes sixty plus hours a week, the mind and body can become
very worn down. You have to have a break or your work performance could suffer. The last part of
winter or the first part of spring, is when ... Show more content on ...
To save money on dining out, purchase groceries to last you for the week. You can buy things to
make sandwiches so that you do not have to spend a lot of your vacation in the kitchen. Also,
purchase things for several home cooked meals so that you will not be tempted to eat out often.
The final step will be packing for your trip. Make a list of things that you will need while on
vacation. Be sure to pack all clothing and toiletries that you will need for a week. Also be sure to
pack any medications that you will need for the length of your stay. As you pack, take the time to
mark things off your list. Did you remember all of the kids swimsuits, floats, water toys and
sunblock? Did you pack snacks for the ride to your destination and games for the kids to play
while riding to keep them from getting bored?
Planning in advance and thoroughly for your vacation is the best way to enjoy your vacation when
the time to go finally arrives. As long as you have planned correctly by reserving your room,
purchasing your supplies, and packing properly, you will have a fabulous and worry free vacation.
You and the whole familywill be able to enjoy your time away, and you will make many
memories to enjoy because you took all the stress and worry out of your vacation by properly
planning the trip. Later on, you will be able to reminisce about all the great times you had with your
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The Country Of China Is Landlocked Essay
As the world population continues to grow, the world that humans live in will continue to get
harder because eventually almost everything in the world will run out. Many of the most important
things that humans need in life are the things that are going to run out. If humans continue their
ways, life will go from being hard to being almost impossible. There are places around the world
that have already took that next step into changing the way they live to help the future. A great
example of this is in China where the country of China is overpopulated. Chinas step into helping
the future is by limiting family s to only have one child to keep population down and in turn keep
future population. This whole population idea leads into natural resources because the more
humans that live on earth, the more natural resources are need to be used. Someone may ask what is
a natural resource? The answer to this question is, a natural resource is industrial materials and
capacities (as mineral deposits and waterpower) supplied by nature. In other words, natural
resources are resources that are not human made and that occur naturally such as fresh water, trees,
oil and rocks. Natural resources are very important for humans because anyone most humans can
use them and you do not need to pay to create them. The catch about natural resources is that they
are not unlimited and Earth will run out of them eventually if humans continue to abuse them. The
Earth has gotten to a point that in the
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The Communication Between Alistair And The Natives
(1) Identify the two characters that provide a form of communication, and how they serve in the
context of communication to others an ability to enable communication among many characters.
Ada s daughter,Flora, is Ada s communication to everyone. Ada is mute and so she can t really
communicate with people in a traditional manner. She carries out Ada s wishes and acts to protect
Ada in her ways although ultimately, her actions led to Alistair s anger and causing her mother
pain. George Baines is the communication between Alistair and the natives. While the natives could
speak some very basic English, Baines as a bridge in terms of communication between the natives
and Alistair by not only translating for him but also carries out orders to the natives.
(2) Describe scenes in support of your two chosen characters, be sure to consider if your choices
match the above. Give a reason why you think the two you choose provide communication.
When Ada and Flora asked Baines to take them to the beach to get the piano, Ada couldn t get her
point across and convince Baine to take her. Ultimately, Flora was able to not only translated her
mother s wishes but also convince Baines to reluctantly take them to the beach. spend the day on
the beach with Ada playing music. Baines is then taken by the transformation in Ada when she
plays her piano. I chose this because it clearly shows that often time, Ada s means of
communication doesn t work and that anger would only get her so far. Flora
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Devotions In Catholic Religion
The Catholic Church has many devotions that popes, bishops, priests, deacons, and lay people
say and do in their everyday life. Devotions are practices of piety which is not part of the Liturgy
of the Church but is part of the spiritual practices of Catholics. Some examples of devotions
Catholics practice in their everyday lives are the Mass, the rosary, novenas, adoration in front of the
Eucharist, veneration to the saints, the Liturgy of the Hours, wearing scapulars and wearing
medals, and many others. Devotions are made to help people grow in their faith and love for Jesus.
The Liturgy of the Hours has three names. The three names are The Liturgy of the Hours, the
Divine Office, and the Breviary. The latin word for The Liturgy of the Hours is Liturgia
Horarum. This consists of mainly Psalms, added by hymns, readings, and other prayers. The
Liturgy of the Hours is the official prayer of the church, said many times in the day in order to
sanctify it. Clergy and religious officials have an obligation to say it because of the Canon Law as
official representatives to the church. The laity are expected to recite it whether it is with a priest,
by themselves or with others. ... Show more content on ...
This is the prayer of the church to Christ and with Christ. Bishops and deacons are required to pray
when the faithful are not present. The Liturgy of the Hours also forms the base of prayer within
Christian monasticism. The Liturgy of the Hours not only demands a singing voice with a prayerful
heart, but also a heart that understands the liturgy in the Bible, but mostly the
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How Did Socrates Play In Ancient Greece
| What Role Did Socrates Play in Ancient Greece?| Natalia Gonzalez| | Mr. Pellegrini, 2A| 3/24/2010|
[Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents
of the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary
of the contents of the document.]|
What Role Did Socrates Play in Ancient Greece?
In the leading city of Athens 2,500 years ago during the Golden Age, a peculiar philosopher was
born into the reign of Pericles. Socrates went against common religion, influenced social roles and
people, and was the founder of the Socratic Method. Religious opinions affected Socrates life a
great deal. Whereas most Athenians observed polytheism and ... Show more content on ...
They were very popular but loathed at the same time because of the financial problems they
were causing. For example, the most famous sophist was called Corax. He had a student called
Tisias who refused to pay the fee for his classes, he said Before I started, you promised you
would teach me to persuade anyone to do whatever I wanted. Let me now persuade you not to ask
for your fee. If you still demand it, you did not do what you promised, therefore I owe you nothing.
However, Socrates discredited this, However, not one of these things is true; nor, if you have heard
from anyone that I attempt to teach men and require payment, is this true. (Plato, n.d.). Socrates
irritated people by insisting things that could not be true. Critobulus, who was considered by
many to be the most handsome man in Athens. However, Socrates, with his protruding eyes and
large nose insisted he was more stunning than Critobulus. Socrates defended this by saying things
such as Because while yours see straight ahead, mine, by bulging out as they do, see also to the
sides, and Mine, I consider, granting that Providence made us noses to smell with. For your
nostrils look down toward the ground, but mine are wide open and turned outward so that I can
catch scents from all around. (Zannos, 2004). Another story of Socrates impacting the life of an
individual is shown by the dialogue that he had with a young man he met at a wrestling school
named Lysis. Socrates admitted to
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Persuasive Essay On Eternal Life
The word immortal is hardly heard by one another unless speaking about a fiction movie or
character. Immortal or immortality is defined as, eternal life or the ability to live forever. In the
film, The Immoratalist, directed by David Alvarado and Jason Sussberg conduct a documentary.
Containing two completely different individuals, scientists, with the same goal and dream in mind,
to find a way to prove that immorality is possible and that it can be achieved in the next decades to
come. Although a very intriguing subject and amazing achievement to the humanrace if ever
discovered, I can not help to think, is immortalityas good as it sounds? The idea that we can live for
a longer or endless time is astonishing, but in reality that possibility may not be as great as it
sounds. If the people in the world had a method to become immortal, the cost, population and
ones mental health can be affected in a negative way. As one become aware with age, the world
unfortunately is moved by money. The cost of everything in life is measured, and unless one is
rich or extremely well off, financial situations can always be an issue. Imagine how much it is
going to cost to find a method to become immortal, once discovered, like all medicine, how much
will it cost you to buy it and own it for yourself or a love one. Modern medicine now in days is
controlled federally and has become an enormously business. With that being said who would be
able to buy immortality? Surely not everyone, only
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Alternative Dispute...
There are different forms of alternative dispute resolutions, each having advantages and
disadvantages. The key to understanding the advantages and disadvantages of the forms of dispute
resolutions is the be knowledgeable of the meaning and the use of alternative dispute resolution.
Alternative Dispute Resolution is said to, offers parties alternative means of resolving their
differences outside actual courtroom litigation and the costly preparation for it , (Jennings, M.,
2015 pg. 101). Arbitrationis one form of dispute resolution. Arbitration is defined as the, oldest
form of ADR and was once the most popular form of alternative dispute, but its increasing costs
and time commitment have found businesses and lawyers labeling it, no different from litigation
(Jennings, M., 2015 pg. 101). The advantages of arbitration include; the members of both parties
agree to have the same arbitrator, someone both sides trust. Other advantages include; the
process of arbitration is quicker than waiting on a court date, the fees are not expensive as it is
when paying court fees, there is very limited chances that an appeal will happen, and there is
more privacy in arbitration compared to having a trial. The disadvantages of arbitration are; once
a decision is made it is final because both parties gave up the right to an appeal, in some cases the
arbitrator fees can be more expensive depending on the evidence needed, any evidence can be
considered in arbitration unlike in court
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Medieval Music Research Paper
Medieval music period was around the 1940s.The music era was influenced by troubadours,
Trouveres , and minstrels who musicians that were poetical too.They created their songs around
peace,myths , legends and Nobel characters like knights and princes but in society, everything
wasn t good it was bad because they lived in unhygienic places etc.Thomas tallis is a mediaeval
composer he was born in 1505 in England and died 1585 and on 23rd of November in Kent
Greenwich and was buried St alfeges church Greenwich. Thomas most famous pieces are if ye
love me and god we grant grace .Nearly all of Thomas music is just vocals only which mean it s
acapella.In one of Thomas songs called spem in alium there were 40 voices used which is quite ...
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they made more woodwind music during this time than using strings mostly.there also upgrades in
music to do with the piano,influenced by opera houses and concerts.One of the most famous
composers of this time was Mozart (1756 1791)who created the pieces Turkish march and the
music he used was opera, symphony, concerto, choral, instrumental and vocal music, revealing an
amazing number of outstanding unforgettable masterpieces.(1770 1827 )Beethoven was another
famous composer his famous pieces are Turkish march and Sonata in C KV 545.haydn was one of
the earliest composers 1732 1809. he was Austrian his works consist of Piano Sonata nВє 59 in E
flat, Hob. XVI:49 and Kleine
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Donating blood
The Ultimate Gift
Imagine that one day you were driving to the mall and out of nowhere, someone run through a
red light and crashed straight in to you. You end up in the hospital, needing a blood transfusion.
The scene is all too real and it happens every day. In a single car accident, a person could need up
to 100 pints of blood. The average person can donate 3 pints every 56 days (
This is why, today, I urge you to go out and donate blood. I know some of you may hate the
thought of needles or think that giving blood won t really help. But, please consider what I say
and make a better informed decision after hearing the benefits of donating blood. People like you
made a conscious decision to donate blood and it is ... Show more content on ...
A blood technician will clean your skin around the veins in your arm and then insert a needle to
extract the blood. The actual extraction of the much needed blood only takes between 15 and
20 minutes and then you may go home or back to class knowing that you just saved up to 3 lives
(Children s hospital pamphlet). Theoretically, there is no reason why hospitals should not have
enough safe blood for their patients. I read from the Children s Hospital 2011 pamphlet, that if just
10% of all possible donors give blood once a year, we will NEVER have a blood shortage problem.
Also, patients can eliminate their apprehensions about receiving blood if only clean blood donors
are donating. There are numerous benefits of giving blood. Soon after giving blood, you will
receive a plastic card with your blood type on it with the phrase, Congratulations, you have just
saved up to three lives! Also, you get to enjoy your favorite cookies, crackers, and beverages
while you donate. Some of you still many have questions about giving blood. Are you thinking,
I would love to donate blood, but doesn t it hurt really bad? Are you thinking, I m sure I have
my blood for a reason, I m not so sure I want to just give it away to a stranger when I need it to
survive. You cannot hurt yourself by giving blood. According to a 2012 article, Blood Giving in
the Weekly Reader authored by Rachel Reyna, Your body
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Insider Trading Case
Background: DraftKings, a daily fantasy sports company, is being sued by the New York State
attorney general s office and investigated by Boston FBI. The New York State attorney s office
stated that DraftKings games constituted as illegal gambling under the state law. The Unlawful
Internet Gambling and Enforcement Act of 2006 (UIGEA), which establishes the legal guidelines
for online gambling, carves out a safe haven for any fantasy or simulation sports game that has an
outcome that reflects the relative knowledge of the participants, or their skill at physical reaction or
physical manipulation (but not chance), and, in the case of a fantasy or simulation sports game, has
an outcome that is determined predominantly by accumulated statistical... Show more content on ...
1. State and Federal Agencies Lawsuits: The State Of New York have filed a suit and the FBI of
Boston are currently investigating DraftKings. Agencies are concerned that DraftKings is
creating the same atmosphere as gambling, which include addiction and other economic
problems. 2. Insider Trading: DraftKings employee released internal data and won $305,000 on
the FanDuel site the same week. Trading is a big concern because the company will have a high
risk of inside trading among employees who are privileged to sensitive information who may
share data with family members and friends. 3. Leagues Concern: The purpose of fantasy sports is
to be a strategic understanding on how to forecast games and player s performances, there are
concerns that this could influence players, coaches, and referees to corrupt the game for their
financial interests(gain). Analysis: After reviewing DraftKings case and critical issues, I have
determined three potential threats the company may face as followed: State and Federal Agencies
Lawsuits: DraftKing in jeopardy of losing millions of money that could result in downsizing or
going out of
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Pathos, Pros, And Cons And Uses Of The Hyundai Commercials
One product most people use in their everyday lives are vehicles. I have chosen two
commercials, one advertising the Honda Ridgeline and the other marketing the Hyundai Elantra.
In the Honda commercial, a farmer tends to his sheep, that start singing as soon as the farmer
drives away. The Hyundai commercial is very comical, showing a town where everyone is Ryan
Reynolds to catch your attention. These commercials use pathos, ethos, and logos to sell their
product. Advertisements use many forms of persuasion to get people to buy their product. One of
these is pathos, which appeals to the emotions of the audience and evokes their feelings. In the
Honda commercial, one can see sheep in the pasture singing to Somebody to Love after the farmer
drives off in his new Honda Ridgeline. This is very humorous, considering sheep do not speak, let
alone belt out notes from Queen. Not only are there singing sheep, but there is a talking dog
towards the end of the commercial which tells those who are watching about the Honda Ridgeline
( Honda Ridgeline Super Bowl Commercial internet). This is similar to the Hyundai commercial,
which is also very amusing. The audience can see two women driving through a neighborhood,
where every person is Ryan Reynolds. This shows pathos, because it appeals to the viewers
emotions by laughing at the comical commercial ( Ryanville Hyundai Super Bowl internet).
Another form of persuasion commercials use is ethos, which appeals to one s ethics. In the
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Politics And The English Language By George Orwell
The topics of the declining of the English language and political writing are frequently discussed
amongst several people. The English language is constantly being altered with the introduction of
new phrases, through generations and social media. These phrases are looked at as bad habits,
sometimes referred to as poor writingin comparison to good traditional English. Political leaders
typically give speeches containing vague language to justify actions taken in places around the
world. These speeches are believed to use poor writing simply moving away from the truth of what
is being discussed. In his essay titled Politics and the English Language, George Orwell uses
examples to explain what he believes to be poor writing habits, and the common mistakes made
by many in modern writing during his era. In Orwell s essay, five samples of writing are given.
These examples are each what George believes illustrates the mental vices from which we suffer
. On page 10 of his essay Orwell uses a sample from Ecclesiastes. In the first sample by
Ecclesiastes, zero words deriving from Latin roots are used. Orwell believes that this allows the
writers message to be clear to the reader. In the last sentence he states, I returned and saw under the
sun that the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong neither yet bread to the wise. From
this sentence alone most can understand that Ecclesiastes is discussing In terms of modern writing
Orwell predicts that
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A Comparison Of Glaciers
Glaciers and icecaps can be easily mistaken in a common conversation but there are many
similarities but there are big differences that classify them as two different things.
A glacier is a body of dense ice that is formed in areas where the amount of snowfall exceeds the
amount of snow melted per year such as: Greenland, Antarctica and Russia. It forms when snow
accumulates in one specific area over many years, possibly centuries. The snow slowly forms into
ice and each year the layer of ice increases depending on the temperature. When the glacier
becomes large and heavy enough the pressure from the weight of the glacier often deforms the
glacier, Which usually causes the glacier to get new feature such crevasses and seracs. Most glaciers
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The Effects Of Prolonged Deprivation On Learned Helplessness
Here we discuss research of Indian writers SURAJ MAL, UDAY JAIN and K. S. YADAV, which is
called Effects of Prolonged Deprivation on Learned Helplessness . This study article consists of 8
This is a correlational study and it has quantitative character. The article consists of next sections:
Abstract, Introduction, Method (this part also consists of such subsections as Subjects, PDS, Tasks,
and Procedure), Results, Discussion, and References.
Independent variables of the study are gender and the deprivation that participants were placed
under. Authors investigate the influence of these two variables on response latency, trials to
criterion, number of failures, internal attribution, stable attribution, and global attribution.
Two way analysis of variance was used in the study. To collect data about deprivation authors have
used questionnaire, which was created by Misra and Tripathi in 1980. It consists of 96 questions
about 15 areas of life such as housing conditions, home environment, and economic sufficiency, as
well as childhood experiences, sociocultural experiences, and so on. To answer each question
respondent uses the 5 point scale. The higher score corresponds to higher deprivation. Total
deprivation is equal the sum of scores for each question.
One hundred and four high school students in India were selected to be the participants of the
study. The share of the males is equal to the share of the females for these participants. In other
words, there were 52
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Foreign Trade Policy
Critical analysis of new Foreign Trade Policy 2009 14 of Govt. of India The Foreign Trade
Policy 2009 14 of the Govt. of India is a holistic strategy, driving export growth to new markets
and addressing issues of labour intensive export and intensive export and transaction cost
effectively. On trade climate and export target The world has not witnessed in the last seven
decades a situation as it has been in recent years and it is very important that the Government
steps in the act as a facilitator to intensive exporters to get them out of what we may call the
tsunami. Objectives of last 2 policies of Foreign Trade of Govt. of India 1)2004 2009 The last 5
years (2004 09) FTP was released on 1st September in the year 2004.... Show more content on ...
3. Incentive available under FMS raised from 2.5% to 3%. 4. Incentive available under Focus
Product Scheme (FPS) raised from 1.25% to 2%. 5. Widens scope for products to be included
for benefits under FPS. Additional engineering products, plastic and some electronics get a look
in. 6.Market Linked Focus Product Scheme (MLFPS) expanded by inclusion of products like
pharmaceuticals, textile fabrics, rubber products, glass products,auto components, motor cars,
bicycle and its parts.etc. Benefits to these products will be provided, if exports are made to 13
identified markets (Algeria, Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria,South Africa, Tanzania, Brazil, Mexico,
Ukraine, Vietnam, Cambodia, Australia and New Zealand). 7. Common simplified application
form introduced for taking benefits under FPS, FMS, MLFPS and VKGUY. 8. Higher allocation
for Market Development Assistance (MDA) and Market Access Initiative (MAI) 9. To aid
technological upgradation of export sector, EPCG Scheme at Zero Duty has been introduced. 10.
Jaipur, Srinagar and Anantnag have been recognised as Towns of Export Excellence for
handicrafts; Kanpur,Dewas and Ambur for leather products; and Malihabad for horticultural
products. 11. Export obligation on import of spares, moulds etc. under EPCG Scheme has been
reduced by 50%. 12. Taking into account the decline in exports, the facility of Re fixation of
Annual Average Export Obligation for a particular
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Fine Dining Restaurant Risks Are An Inevitable Part Of...
Fine Dining Restaurant Risks include ADA Compliance and Off Premises Utility Outages Fine
Dining Restaurant Risks include ADA Compliance and Off Premises Utility Outages Restaurant
risks are an inevitable part of doing business, but I believe that savvy restaurateurs, managers and
chefs can manage these risks proactively with proactive preparation, careful planning and
implementing the right risk management techniques. People use restaurants as social hangouts,
places for business meetings and homes away from home, so any restaurant s customers might
seem more like family than customers, but when something goes wrong, I ve found that
restaurateurs quickly realize that these family members are actually part of a long term business
relationship that generates high levels of risk and legal liabilities. I ve worked in the restaurant
business for many years as a cook, server, chef, manager and restaurant owner and sold advertising
to fine dining restaurants and major hospitality venues, so I ve learned a few things about the
restaurant business that even experienced restaurateurs might miss. Restaurants face risks that can
be roughly classified into financial, operating and marketing perils, and I urge restaurant owners to
address each of these potential risks proactively. In today s social sharing, instant communications
and litigious ecosphere, even the most scrupulous and painstaking management practices can fall
short of anticipating and preventing all risks. Upscale
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Market Size And Growth Of Wearable Device Market
Market Size And Growth Of Wearable Device Market: Pertaining to Smartwatches and the Moto
Joshua Pauly
San Diego Christian College
The wearable device I have decided to report on is the Moto 360 smart watch from Motorola. This
smart watch which just recently entered the market has entertained a lot of curiosity due to the fact
that it is contains a factor that other smart watches do not have. The feature that this smart watch
boasts is that it has the traditional stylish design of a regular watch but with the same functional
abilities of the other smart watches currently on the market.
The Moto 360 is one gorgeous smartwatch. OK, it s not exactly a Movado or a Rolex. But as
smartwatches go, this is the most beautiful offering around. And, yes, I m counting the as of yet
unreleased Apple Watch. The reason the 360 looks so good is because Motorola went out of its
way to make a smartwatch that actually looks like a watch. The company s designers and
engineers didn t try to create a sci fi style wearable bracelet straight out of Star Wars. Instead, they
went to work trying to make a piece of technology that people would actually want to wear
(Howley, 2014).
The wearable device market is one that is very broad with a vast amount of opportunities for
businesses. The potential markets for these products are health,
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Cotton Gin s Contributions
1793 COTTON GIN PROMOTES SLAVERY! Disgraceful and distasteful! Disgraceful!
Distasteful! The south side has created a new invention, called the Cotton Gin.This invention
allows the south to separate seeds from cotton, to make clothes and other items. Made by the
traitor himself, Eli Whitney. This invention promotes the once almost abolished idea of slavery.
This invention traps poor innocent slaves in a hot, uncared for, factory. Just so the south can
make a quick buck that they most likely won t even use for government, just personal desire. The
South now depends on these poor slaves to do things at just a raise of a finger. They almost aren t
human anymore. They ve enslaved too many people for us to be comfortable with it anymore....
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With help from Harriet Tubman, Samuel Cornish, and John Russwurm.These American remind us
of the meaning of freedom and how we can achieve it for all of the people in our country. Samuel
Cornish and John Russwurm are very strong figures for the abolitionists.In the 1820s they created
an abolitionist newspaper,the Freedom s Journal.With 103 publishes the newspaper perfectly
shows the right point of view. Harriet Tubman, even though she has freed herself she kept crossing
the Northern border into the South to help free hundreds of other slaves. She was wanted in the
South and she risked it all to save a few dozen slaves. That is the true American spirit. In views of
the North the underground railroad is a groundbreaking stand and solution against slavery bringing
many african americans the chance in freedom they
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Ethical Implications Of Disclosure
Ethical Implications of Disclosure and Nondisclosure
Being an advanced practice nurse is a huge responsibility. The profession itself is advancing and
with the Affordable Care Act moral, ethical and legal considerations of providing care as an
advanced practice nurse have increased exponentially. Ethical standards for nurse practitioner are
defined in the American Nurses Code of Ethics. Ethical standard are based largely on the
individual nurse beliefs. Because ethics are not a clear cut science, the handling certain situations
are defined by state laws. The purpose if this paper is to consider ethical and legal implications of
revealing a prescribing mistake to a patient who has no knowledge that a mistake exist.
Ethical Implications
Nurses have a responsibility to understand and operate with the confines of the law concerning
medications. However the responsibility does not end at the law there are also ethical, moral if you
will, implications. Writing prescription for patients is an integral part of providing care for patients
in today s society (Arcangelo Peterson, 2013). Ethical concerns with prescription writing include
understanding medications and ensuring that individual prescribers take responsibility for the care
they each provide. The American Nurses Association Code of Ethics Provision 3 (2015), indicates
that the nurse will promote, advocates, and protect the rights, health, and safety of the patient. This
means that when a nurse realizes a mistake has
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Dennis Lynn Rader Case Study
Dennis Lynn Rader is a serial killer who killed 10people but injured 11 people all around Wichita
Kansas. This all took place between the years of 1974 and 1991. People knew his as the Bind,
Torture and Kill BTK this sums up his modus operandi. In 2004 Dennis sent some letters
describing the details of how the murders took place and when they happened to the police. In
2005 he got arrested and subsequent conviction. He spent the rest of his life in jail. Dennis killed
11 victims but only killed 10. The Otero family on January 15th ,1974 ; Joseph, Julie Joseph the
second and Josephine, Kathryn Bright on May 4th ,1974 and her brother was shot but he
survived. March 17th 1977 Shirley, Nancy Fox on December 8th 1977, Marine Hedge on April
27th 1986, Vicki Wegerie January 1st 1991. He planned on adding Anna Williams to his list but she
wasn t... Show more content on ...
Criminal behavior is related to criminal anthropology. A psychologist is a licensed professional
that can assess both mental and physical states. The four roles that a criminal psychologist plays
is clinical, experimental, actuarial and, advisory. Clinical is when they get involved in a
assessment of an individual in order to prove a clinical judgement. Experimental perform a
research in order to inform a case. Advisory informs the police. Actuarial is the usage of statistics
in order to inform the case. Criminal psychology plays a big part in putting criminals in jail or
getting them the right they need to fix their lives. The yearly salary criminal psychologist makes
is 73,090 and at the least is 67,880. I definitely could be comfortable making that a year. That s a
lot of money to be bringing in to a house hold. I f you spent it right then you would have some
extra cash to spoil yourself. you would never have to stress about paying your bills or not having
enough food. Just keep in mind you wouldn t have to
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Foreign Public Policy Essays
Foreign Public Policy Analysis
Directions: Choose one specific foreign policy issue in American government and complete a
public policy analysis of how the problem was addressed.
Stage I Agenda Setting: How did this issue arrive on the public policy agenda? Identify specific
linkage institutions and describe their roles and influence in placing this issue on the policy
agenda. The Ebola virus was first discovered in the year 1976 in Africa. Since then, there have
been countless outbreaks of this virus documented in several different countries across Africa. The
issue of the Ebola virus first arrived on the public policy agenda in the year of 2014. In march of
this year, there was an outbreak in west Africa.
Stage II Policy Formulation: ... Show more content on ...
Any who were at high risk or some risk had to have daily check ups from health officials for a
total of 21 days straight. These policies showed to be very effective at containing the disease and
preventing it from spreading. I would characterize these policies as true reform.
Stage V Policy Change: Based on what you learned in the evaluation of the policy, is it
necessary to revise the policy? Why or why not? In your opinion, what would have to happen for
the policy to change? Basing my analysis on what I ve previously learned about the policies, I
believe it would be necessary to constantly check and revise the policies on Ebola. These revisions
would help to make any improvements to the system possible and ensure the highest regulations on
safety for the general public would be set.
Stage VI Policy Termination: Should this public policy be ended? What factors would lead to
termination of this public policy? Who has the most to gain from maintaining the policy and who
has the most to lose?
I do not believe at all that these public policies should be stopped or terminated. These policies
were set in place to keep the deadly virus from west Africa from spreading throughout the United
States. It is solely for the purpose of keeping the general public safe and controlling the epidemic.
KC Distance Learning
Foreign Policy Summary: Based on the discussion with your
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The Meeting Of The White Council
Gandalf s Journey
Written and researched by Cody Chisnell 8A
The Meeting of The White Council
Gandalf s thoughts weighed heavily on his shoulders as he rode west. Only time could tell
whether Bilbo and the dwarves had taken his advice properly, the dwarves could be very stubborn.
Gandalf, of course, was thinking entirely about them when he had left for the west for if the wizard
had joined them he could have ensured their protection during what is probably the most
dangerous part of their journey. Nevertheless he knew of the dangers that followed if he had not
left, as the business he had to the south was a meeting, a meeting that would be forever
remembered by all the wizards from the western lands to the ... Show more content on ...
So, have you told thorin or his companions of your plans, or how you received the map and key?
asked Elrond as the passed trough a great hall and into a small passageway No he responded
Thorin would never accept how Thror s fate came, or that I witnessed it. He would have adjusted
his goals to the necromancer, killing them all. of course Gandalf was speaking out of
assumptions, but wizards are very wise, that is how he escaped... but this story is about the
overthrowing, not the escape from, the necromancer. Elrond and Gandalf walked into a great
hall together before Saruman the white wizard. This wizard was not like Radagast or Gandalf,
nor like the blue wizards who traveled south of middle earth and could not attend. This wizard
had power unlike the others and was a direct descendant of the Valar, and the leader of the Istari.
The three wizards discussed the threat for several hours and finally came to the decision of
avoiding conflicts and returning to their respective lands. Gandalf, of course, could not stand for
this. Having one of the most dangerous threats in two thousand four hundred years in the home of
his great cousin, Radagast. See Mirkwood was not always Mirkwood. Mirkwood used to be a land
known as greenwood the great , but when the necromancer arrived he changed the land into a
world of darkness. Spiders claimed all but the paths and the sun was blotched out by a
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Thomas Kuhn Argues That Normal Science Inevitably Runs...
B)Short Answer Questions: Answer two of the following questions (no more than one page each)
(20 points each: 40pts)
2.In The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Thomas Kuhn argues that normal science inevitably
runs into a crisis. Why is it necessarily the case? Is there a way to avoid scientific crises? In
Thomas Kuhn s paradigm cycle, normal science inevitably leads to an anomaly, which eventually
leads into a crisis. If the current existing theory in the paradigm fails to solve the puzzles of normal
science, it will eventually call for a new theory to take its place. Kuhn further expresses that,
although, normal science holds the objective of creating boundaries and structure in the scientific
community, and thus, suppressing ideas and findings outside of this structure, normal science is
also a driving force of the creation of anomalies and an eventual paradigm shift. Scientists ultimate
goal is to unravel the truth of the universe. Normal science and the existing paradigm are
successful, in the beginning, in aiding and justifying scientific findings of that time. However, as
experiments and research methods progress and advance with time, the polished version of the
theories and concepts may start to conflict with the initial paradigm. It is the success of normal
science, which is inevitable through time, that leads to an, thus, inevitable crisis. The increasing
precision and improvement of understanding the paradigm, makes the paradigm an easier target to
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Collaboration Between The Illinois Community College Board...
1 Introduction Interagency collaboration is the only approach to enhance sharing of duties and
responsibilities in program implementation. The study aims to show the collaboration between the
Illinois Community College Board and the Division of Humans capital development to improve
adult literacy in the State of Illinois. In 2008, the two agencies entered an agreement with the aim of
improving the literacylevels in the State and the objective of the agreement was to improve social
literacy among the adults (Charles Horwarth, 2009). The project was to be implemented under the
guardianship of the Illinois community CollegeBoard (ICCB) that has the responsibility of ensuring
that the collaborating agencies work together to achieve the common mandates. The Federal
government and the State department of Illinois have closely worked together to ensure that they
eliminate the existing barriers that limit access to education. Communities can suffer significant
setbacks if education is not prioritized with the significant impact being on the lack of the
necessary skills to improve the social welfare of old people (Cunningham, 2014). The
collaboration between ICCB and IDHS aims at improving the skills of working people by
extending educational services to the vulnerable members of the society. The collaboration of the
agencies aims at providing adult literacy services and improving the current family support
services. The collaborative effort is focused mainly on improving
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The Black Panther Party s Legacy
The recollection of the Black Panther Party s legacy more than often remains to linger on in the
collective memory as a group of armed leather clad radicals of the 1960 s. Although this memory is
true, the Black Panther Party in actuality had more substance than just their attire. They were a
political organization that reinforced human rights, they were leaders of self defense against a
police state that relentlessly brutalized black bodies, and caretakers of poor black communities that
were receiving little to no attention by the state. They were an organization in bloom looking to
create solidarity and heal within the black community by whatever means necessary. The Black
Panther Partyis believed to be a revolutionary force that has helped shape movements of today.
Within this analysis we would like to unearth the history of the Black Panther Party including its
origins, their struggles, ultimate demise, and contributions to movements of the contemporary
world. We feel that it is important to rediscover this information because most of the occurrences
that had appeared in the 1960 s against black bodies continues to this day. It is our duty to learn
from our teachers, like those members of the Black Panther Party, in order to educate ourselves on
how to create a better future. It all started in the fall of 1966 in Oakland California when two young
intelligent black male students of Merritt Junior College questioned America s ethics. These two
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My Sister s Keeper
My Sister s Keeper
Based on the book by Jodi Picoult
First and foremost, we would all like to thank the Man with the Big guns from above named
God. We thank you the most for without you we would never be able to do the things we love in
life. We would never be able to see and feel the great wonders of the world that you have made
for us especially the friendship and love that you never fail to provide us. Thank you for that. To
our teacher we thank you for giving us a chance to show you what we can do. For always
teaching us the right things to improve in ourselves not only in our writing of essays in class but
also in our own separate lives. You have helped us in so many ways but the most would be... Show
more content on ...
Although, when we are forced to face with such unlucky fate, we must make difficult decisions
and sacrifices. The director purposely made the film so sincere that this film could be ranked as
one of the very few movies guaranteed to make audiences cry! As audiences watch the film,
carefully selected cast members definitely make them feel as if they were part of the Vassilivea
Family and assure audiences could relate. As Anna, one of the main characters, puts it, I wasn t
the result of a cheap bottle of wine or a full moon or the heat of the moment. I was born because
a scientist managed to hook up my mother s eggs and my father s sperm to create a specific
combination of precious genetic material. Though we cannot afford to encounter genetically
engineered babies every day, doesn t mean we can t also experience the safe effects, that s why the
director produced this astonishing film using all of his talented skills.
It s a sad fact that innocent, great kids can get cancer, and few movies have really dug into this
tragic corner of life the way My Sister s Keeper does. But rather than search for any real emotional
truths or demand dynamic performances from its talented cast, the movie just hijacks your tear
ducts from the word go. Odds are you ll cry during this movie, but you might be too confused by the
time jumping narrative, too busy wondering how many pop song montages they
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Class Stereotyping
Have you ever been stereotyped by what clothes you wear, how much money you make, or even
the car you drive? This happen way too often than not. Imagine this: you came to this country
when you were little. Your parents and yourself work hard everyday to get a better life. Soon
you are in high school and start driving a honda. Of course your friends drive better cars such as
mustangs. It s hard to know that you re putting your best effort and yet it s not good enough for.
The people you know.Today I will talk about class stereotypeand how they are learned and how
they impact ourselves as human beings good and bad.
. Take Ehrenreich ,the author of, talks about there certain stereotype of the poor class that people
think is true. His book, ... Show more content on ...
People that are in the working class,or middle class can t be successful. In reality this is false. I also
been a victim of this since most of by information a couple of years back was mostly from social
media. Mostly it showed caucasian people working hard and getting a better life. You never see
much of latinos or african americans. Take Oprah or Michael Jordan for example. There are
perhap one of the most successful people and yet they don t get a lot of attention or brought up
in social media. The Scholarship boy,made by richard rodriguez, talks about that it doesn t
matter where you came from just a long as you know where you are headed. Let me give you a
small story that happen to a friend of mine. It s a true story actually. By friend grew up in
Orange Cove,30mins from reedley, but he was originally from mexico.Most of his family had
kids at at early age so they expected him to do so. That was a stereotype. He now goes to UC
Davis and will be attending with a scholarship. .He could of went along with his family since
family and friend influence people. He didn t budge and therefore how he looks at himself is
different than if he couldn t have taken that opportunity. Another common stereotype that is
commonly know for the middle class is that they are
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Dbq What Drove The Sugar Trade
DBQ Essay What Drove the Sugar Trade?
Beginning in the late 1600s and continuing through the 1700s the demand for sugar became
incredibly high due to its addictive qualities. To supply the consumers with sugar they were craving,
wealthy Europeans established sugar plantations throughout the Caribbean and built a thriving
slave industry, so their need for cheap labor could be satisfied. Sugar consumption increased from
4.6lbs to 16.2lbs per capita annually from 1700 to 1770 due to the increasing addiction of the
consumers. Since the demand was so high, the manufacturers were faced with maintaining a high
crop yield, but luckily the Caribbean islands provided an ideal location for growing cane sugar.
Once plantations were constructed yet ... Show more content on ...
Due to the efforts to colonize the Caribbean islands, by 1750 they were almost all owned by
Spain, France, or England, meaning these countries now had access to and control over this
area that they did not previously; they took advantage of this newfound power (Doc 1). Sugar
requires a specific climate to grow plentifully (i.e. 68В° 90В°F) and this was something the
Caribbean islands provided the Europeans with; if European countries had not had taken control
in the Caribbean islands the sugar industry would not have survived (Doc 2). At this time, the
Caribbean islands were the only location that the Europeans had access to that provided the
correct climate. The landscape was ideal and led to a high crop yield and without it the
consumers would be at a loss (Doc 8). Through the 1700s and into the 1800s, in Barbados,
Jamaica, Saint Domingue, and Cuba, sugar production rates escalated, but this vast increase was
made possible only by the natural conditions of the Caribbean islands (Doc 10). Still, not only
consumer addiction and access to a prime location were able to drive the sugar industry alone,
labor was
... Get more on ...
How Technology Can Define Ethical Standards and Cultures
How Companies Use Technology to Set and Manage Ethical Standards
The agility and resilient nature of any organization is highly dependent on how effective it is in
using technologies to implement, continually manage and reinforce ethical standards throughout
the many departments and functional areas of a their business. The greater the level of compliance
to ethical standards, the more cost efficient it is for organizations to meet legally defined
compliance requirements as well. Using IT to align an organization to its compliance mandates
through the use of ethics based management can deliver significantly greater profitability over the
long term. The goal of this analysis is to analyze the approaches organizations are using to combine
leadership strategies and technologies to create highly effective organizational cultures. How
technologies are used has a significant effect on the ethical foundation, expectations and cultures of
an organization. Not only do they amplify a leader s key insights and thoughts, they also create the
means by which employees can communicate, collaborate and define a culture of high ethical
standards and conduct or not. Leadership will determine which direction an organization will go on
this continuum ethics and technology.
The Impact of Technologies on Managing Ethical Standards Guidelines
Enabling greater adoption of leadership frameworks by making them more accurate, aligned and
useful to a given organization is one
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Essay On Employment Skills In Accounting

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  • 2. History Now Due DateTasks Friday, 2/3/2012 Begin Unit: Loyalty and Betrayal, Section A, Order and Chaos Order and Chaos: Introduction Section Warm Up: Product Loyalty Loyalty vs. Betrayal Literary Elements: Symbolism Tutorial: Symbols and Symbolism Reading 1: Two Kinds, by Amy Tan Practice: Symbolism Loyalty and Betrayal Theme Quiz, 40 points Friday, 2/10/2012 Begin Unit: Loyalty and Betrayal, Section B, Context Context: Introduction Section Warm Up: A Context Riddle Reading 2: from Communists in the State Department, by Sen. Joseph McCarthy Exploring the Context of Senator McCarthy s Speech McCarthy Era Self Check Context Clues More Root Words Loyalty and Betrayal Context Quiz, 40 points Friday, 2/17/2012 Begin Unit: ... Show more content on ... Kennedy Vocabulary: Time and Space Words Tutorial: Greek and Latin Roots Memory Game: Vocabulary Practice Friday, 5/4/2012 Into the Future Quiz, 33 points Begin Unit: Time, Section D, Reading Longer Fiction Section Warm Up: A Lady Named Bright Sci Fi Reading 6: The Time Machine, by H. G. Wells Writing: Creative Writing 100 points The Time Machine Quiz, 40 points Time Unit Exam, 98 points Begin Unit: Justice and Injustice, Section A, Lady Justice Friday, 5/11/2012 Section Warm Up: Images of Lady Justice Where do our Ideas of Justice and Injustice Originate? Reading 1: The Code of Hammurabi
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  • 4. Why Montresor killed Fortunato Eduardo Urdaneta Montresor and Fortunato are best friends who also work together. Montresor has been traveling a lot lately due to his recent promotion in his position. He has just received a notice from his boss that he must go attend several conferences in Spain for a month. Upon receiving the undesirable news, Montresor s wife, Chardonnay gets very upset but eventually acknowledges that traveling this much is essential to the new position that he holds now. Montresor knows that these four weeks will be hard for his wife, so he asks Fortunato if he could look after her while he is away. Fortunato agrees to check in on her from time to time. Montresor appreciates Fortunato s kindness and feels comfortable to leave knowing that his ... Show more content on ... The phone rings endlessly and it is like waiting for a drop of rain in a long drought. When he doesn t answer, he becomes even more concerned. He decides to take a quick trip back home and surprise Chardonnay. As he arrives home, the glimpse of his house and the light shining in the bedroom is like a beacon of hope for him, and the excitement builds up inside him, yet he feels nervous at the same time. Walking to the front door, he notices Forunato s deep red merlot car parked in his driveway. He wonders what he could be doing here so late at night. Chardonnay I m home! His voice echoes through the empty first floor. He walks through the dark foyer and into the living room where he notices the empty wine bottle on the table in front of the couch. He s suspicious because it s red wine and Chardonnay only drinks white. As he is going up the spiral stairs, he notices a familiar jacket hanging on the coat rack next to the door. Frustrated and confused, Montresor flees his home like a gazelle running away from a lion and returns to Spain. The next day he calls Chardonnay and asks her how her day was yesterday. She complains how she was feeling sick and stayed home all day. He tells her that he will be home in time so he can take her to the festival next week and he hopes that she will feel better by ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Power Of Words In Othello In Othello words have the ability to steer the plot, to form characters identities and to engage the audience as active participants in the play. In Shakespeare s Othello, the lack of a narrator, empowers the words spoken by the characters to such an extent that it directs the drama to the desired destination of the play. This essay will serve as proof as the power of words will be discussed by, firstly, explaining the effect that words, and the lack thereof, have on characters and ultimately on the plot. Thereafter, the use of certain words to form perceived impressions of characters will be argued. Lastly, an elaboration on how words are used to involve the audience in the play. Words can have a positive or negative effect on characters (Kaleba Osherow, 2012), it can lead to a character being confident or lead to the deterioration of a character s self concept (as seen in the case of Othello). We see this in the first act when Othello does not hide from confrontation, but instead invites Brabanzio to come. Not I. I must be found. My parts, my title, and my perfect soul shall manifest me rightly. (Shakespeare, ... Show more content on ... The limited allowances in terms of knowledge and outspokenness of women, in this play creates a sense of dramatic irony as the audience awaits Emilia to reveal her participation in Iago s plan (Kaleba Osherow, 2012). In Othello all can be avoided if Emilia had known what Iago s plan is and not only obeying him blindly as expected from a good wife (Levine, 1987). In this case, Emilia s ignorance leaves her powerless to prevent the death of her mistress, but words empower her when she speaks out and tells the truth. Iago s manipulative words play on Othello s insecurities, and keeps Emilia loyal and obedient, this drives the plot to the ending of Othello, Desdemona and Emilia s ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Johnson Decision To Americanize The Vietnam War Essay LBJ s decision to Americanize the war was not wise and well informed, an accurate answer for U.S. defeat in Vietnam was the decision to Americanize the war. Influencing the belief that Johnson decision to escalate appeared to have been predetermined; Johnson consistently appeared to be in favor of increasing military in South Vietnam, and he only needed something to happen in order to validate his reasoning for the increase of U.S. involvement. This something was the Tonkin Gulf incident and this event became Johnson s basis to take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States... (Young, 119); that this was a declaration of war (Hunt, 67). However, this incident, as Nicholas Katzenbach said, was... Show more content on ... Even with the approval of congress towards the Tonkin Gulf incident showed a misuse of power (Rotter, 77). When Dante B. Fascell said The president needed authority. Who cared about the facts of the so called incident that would trigger this authority? So the resolution was just hammered right on through by everyone (Young, 120); this recollection makes it appear as through the Tonkin Gulf incident decision was not well informed. The resolution was the issue of Johnson s authority and the potential that offensive measures in South Vietnam could lead to a third world war (Young, 121). Another example that Americanization was unwise and not well informed was Johnson ignoring the George Ball about better solutions to help America leave the war. Once again it is the issue with Johnson s authority, he constantly ignores other possibilities of leaving Vietnam. At the end the Johnson administration would choose three tactics: bombing the North, intensify the war in the South using U.S. troops, and concentration on pacification of the ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Atticus Finch Is A Gentleman Atticus Finch is a gentleman, but not the typical definition of the word gentleman . Atticus is a heroic father figure in the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird . Atticus is the father of Scout and Jem. Throughout the story the reader notices a bold change in Jem s mindset, this is the result of puberty and Atticus immaculate example of how to live like a gentleman . By being a living example of his own definition of gentleman Atticus exemplifies the lifestyle he wants for Jem. Atticus chooses to show humility in his life and is rewarded with the title gentleman . Although Atticus is displayed as heroic, (as mentioned in the previous paragraph) he does not see it necessary to exploit and show off his talents. This is evident in the scene ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Ideologies In Mother Courage Referring to Brecht s time, war was prominent, despair was all around and corruption resided, hand in hand. People had obviously lost all hope and faith, they just wanted to survive somehow and that innocent notion is what to led massive corruption. That later turned into selfishness and carelessness, in short, the battle for survival of the fittest. War led to the growth of business making, war was fought on the basis of religious bribery, and survival then became dependent on both. In the play Mother Courage by Brecht, he criticizes all three ideologies, respectively. These three notions are actually what make her Mother Courage . In scene one she says: They call me Mother Courage cause I was afraid I d be ruined. So I drove through the bombardment of Riga like a madwoman, with fifty loaves of bread in my ... Show more content on ... That s how he kept his conscience clear. He always put conscience first. It s basically all a profit making game, with no care for the fate of the lower classes. But then again, as Mother Courage pointed out before, people are stupid. Everyone needs a motivation to do something, and that motivation usually comes with a reward in the name of God and the shape of cash, which ultimately becomes the easiest and most useful survival scheme. And in case of men, women are also included in the prize package. The Recruiting Officer lures Eilif in joining the platoons by saying Ten gilders in advance and you re a soldier of the king and a stout fellow and the women will be mad about you. In conclusion we can say how business, religion and survival relate to each other contradicting their actual purpose in Mother ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Disadvantages Of Outsourcing As mentioned earlier outsourcing forms a part of decentralization structure. This concept of Outsourcing originally came from American Glossary in the year 1981. Outsourcing offers cost effective benefits along with non economic benefits. Outsourcing is a process of delegating a business process of a company to a third company, leveraging benefits of reduced costs, improved quality and innovations. Outsourcing/ Downsizing became the most prevalent business trends. A very commonly considered reason for outsourcing is reduced costs, where specialized providers are more efficient and economic than a vertically integrated organization. Some organizations found it more affordable to access a few key resources from other organizations then to have an in house department working on the same. Organizations benefit from outsourcing non core activities especially when they work in a dynamic business... Show more content on ... The whole process of outsourcing was based on cost efficiency and not value addition of providing world class solutions. They outsourced all core business functions and later faced difficulties of dependence on vendors. There were limitations set on Airtel to use creative new applications from IBM deal. There were handovers of network assets built by Airtel. IBM had cheated Airtel by using it as a case study to generate more business from other telecom players in this sector, therefore Airtel reduced the value its second contract with IBM taking a few core functions back. Airtel could not dissolve the contract with IBM as it had to pay as mentioned in the contract and would lose out on the applications developed by IBM. It would also be technically arduous for Airtel to completely transfer the functions to a third vendor, since a few software and hardware services have been developed by ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Imperialism Essay Imperialism played a major role in global development, especially in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In order to better understand this system, it is important to first look at the history behind it as well as a model of its implementation. Some Europeans advocated heavily for imperialism, citing several reasons for doing so. However, other Europeans and other individuals saw the dangers and issues that accompanied it and spoke against European imperialism. Imperialism was a trend that gained popularity in the latter half of the nineteenth century. It is defined as the process of nation building in which new territories, often overseas, were acquired (textbook, 608). This was done in order to increase the influence of a country through greater economic power. Germany, France, Russia, the United States, and Japan all tried to increase their influence and compete with Brittan on a national stage by developing their trade industries as well as seizing new territories (textbook, 608). This resulted in the movement of several influential entities including capital, commodities, and information. The dissemination of information in the new territory from the mother country was common. This was done in order to help the people living in the area gain a better understanding of the colonizers. However, these colonies were not considered equal to the mother country and had either reduced ability to govern themselves or none at all (textbook 608 609). A good ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Testosterone And Estrogen Research Paper When an individual comes out as homosexual or bisexual, they most likely hear the words well that s your choice. But for any one person who actually is homosexual, they know it s not a choice. So what makes us this way? The answers are small chemicals that control our very lives. These chemicals are the Androgens, Testosterone and Estrogen. Testosterone and Estrogen are the male and female hormones that control how either gender develops. Between weeks 8 and 14 of fetal development, before the fetus s sex is determined, tiny fetal ovaries (which may turn into testes depending on the chromosome factor) and adrenal glands release the embryo s own supply of androgens. These chemicals then cause chain reactions in the body, spurring the growth of the genitals (determined by chromosomes), causing major growth in brain regions and impactful change in ... Show more content on ... When we feel attracted to an individual, we like the chemical balance or imbalance they possess. Sexuality is also controlled by these chemicals. Estrogen and testosterone determine the gender an individual is attracted to. But of course, there is a significant difference between sex and gender, both affected by androgens. The gender that a person may feel can be changed by the levels of their androgens. Their chromosomes may say one gender, but their brain says another.This all boils down to evolution. Beauty, attraction, and sexuality is all part of Natural Selection. Humans with better genes appear beautiful, saying I am healthy, I have good genes. However, this is futile, humans are no longer physically evolving. We are in an age where we should value brains and productivity over beauty and sex appeal. This is the remnants of the old vomeronasal organ that identifies other pheromones and hormones in potential partners. These chemicals, among others, control our very ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Roots Of The Enlightenment Between the years of 1685 1815 the focus of European thought had drastically shifted as a result of what is known as the Age of Reason era, or more commonly known as the Enlightenment. The roots of the enlightenment sprang about during the time of the Renaissance. Enlightenment thinkers such as David Hume, Voltaire, and Jean Jacques Rousseau questioned the traditional ways of authority, and looked to improve mankind with logical changes. The American Revolution, was partially due to members of the enlightened sect, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. The Enlightment roots started in the early 17th century where contributors sought to shed light on human intellect as well as culture after what is known as the dark middle ages. The notion ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Microsoft Built Security From The Bottom Up Sql Server Microsoft built security from the bottom up in SQL Server 2005 and has aged in database security in each new version ever snice. SQL Server 2012 continues the trend with cool new features, like new server level roles, new algorithms, and new permissions. It also adds databases that are contained, which allow the end users to connect to the databasewithout providing permission at the server level. This is an excellent idea to solve problems when you move to databases, but it sounds terrifying from a security context. There are other new security add ons, along with tricks and shortcuts to old features. There is nothing really new in this current release, just further constriction and familiarizing to the countless ways companies use the database server. In this research paper, there are a couple of features to explore in SQL Server 2012. My dream is by the end of this paper you will have all you need to choose if your database will be protected in SQL Server 2012. Because of the security features in SQL server 2005 the 2012 SQL server was a required advancement, but there may be other reasons why a consumer might not want to change to a new server besides security. There are new SQL Server 2012 security features that Microsoft has provided to their database application program. The research paper will cover the most important features, which can be drilled down into four categories: Security management features, this comprises of schema groups and user defined server ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Subjective Expectation Of Privacy In The Fourth Amendment III.THE HANDGUN AND MAGAZINE SEIZED IN THE APARTMENT SHOULD BE SUPPRESSED BECAUSE THEY WERE OBTAINED UNJUSTIFIABLY WITHOUT A WARRANT AND AS A RESULT OF AN ILLEGAL SEARCH The defendant or proponent of a motion to suppress has the burden of establishing that his own Fourth Amendment rights were violated by the challenged search or seizure. (Rakas v. Illinois (1978) 439 U.S. 128, 131.) In other words, the Fourth Amendment depends on the property rights were violated because the person is claiming that they had a reasonable expectation of privacy in the invaded place. (Rakas v. Illinois, supra, 439 U.S. at p.143.) In order to prove that the defendant has standing to challenge the validity of a search, the defendant must show that there is an actual subjective expectation of privacy and that the subjective expectation of privacy is one that the society recognizes as reasonable. (Smith v. Maryland (1979) 442 U.S. 735, 740.) Additionally, under the Fourth Amendment, all warrantless searches are per se unreasonable unless there is a warrantless exception then officers need a warrant to conduct a search and seizure of a person s home. (U.S. Const. amend. IV.) (A)Mr. Meyers has Standing to Challenge the Search and Seizure of the handgun and Magazine because he holds a Reasonable Expectation of Privacy in the Apartment where he has his Personal Belongings in. In Olson, the Supreme Court held that an overnight guest is alone enough to show that they have an expectation of privacy ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Essay about How to Plan a Great Family Vacation Process Outline Planning a Great Family Vacation I. Introduction A. Lead In B. Thesis II. Reserving a room A. Choosing your locationB. Pay the deposit for the room III. Purchase Supplies A. Purchase Clothing and accessories B. Purchase groceries IV. Packing for the trip A. Make check list while packing B. Check things off as they are packed up. V. Conclusion A. Restatement B. Ending Process Essay Planning a Great Family Vacation After working all year long, sometimes sixty plus hours a week, the mind and body can become very worn down. You have to have a break or your work performance could suffer. The last part of winter or the first part of spring, is when ... Show more content on ... To save money on dining out, purchase groceries to last you for the week. You can buy things to make sandwiches so that you do not have to spend a lot of your vacation in the kitchen. Also, purchase things for several home cooked meals so that you will not be tempted to eat out often. The final step will be packing for your trip. Make a list of things that you will need while on vacation. Be sure to pack all clothing and toiletries that you will need for a week. Also be sure to pack any medications that you will need for the length of your stay. As you pack, take the time to mark things off your list. Did you remember all of the kids swimsuits, floats, water toys and sunblock? Did you pack snacks for the ride to your destination and games for the kids to play while riding to keep them from getting bored? Planning in advance and thoroughly for your vacation is the best way to enjoy your vacation when the time to go finally arrives. As long as you have planned correctly by reserving your room, purchasing your supplies, and packing properly, you will have a fabulous and worry free vacation. You and the whole familywill be able to enjoy your time away, and you will make many memories to enjoy because you took all the stress and worry out of your vacation by properly planning the trip. Later on, you will be able to reminisce about all the great times you had with your ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Country Of China Is Landlocked Essay As the world population continues to grow, the world that humans live in will continue to get harder because eventually almost everything in the world will run out. Many of the most important things that humans need in life are the things that are going to run out. If humans continue their ways, life will go from being hard to being almost impossible. There are places around the world that have already took that next step into changing the way they live to help the future. A great example of this is in China where the country of China is overpopulated. Chinas step into helping the future is by limiting family s to only have one child to keep population down and in turn keep future population. This whole population idea leads into natural resources because the more humans that live on earth, the more natural resources are need to be used. Someone may ask what is a natural resource? The answer to this question is, a natural resource is industrial materials and capacities (as mineral deposits and waterpower) supplied by nature. In other words, natural resources are resources that are not human made and that occur naturally such as fresh water, trees, oil and rocks. Natural resources are very important for humans because anyone most humans can use them and you do not need to pay to create them. The catch about natural resources is that they are not unlimited and Earth will run out of them eventually if humans continue to abuse them. The Earth has gotten to a point that in the ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Communication Between Alistair And The Natives (1) Identify the two characters that provide a form of communication, and how they serve in the context of communication to others an ability to enable communication among many characters. Ada s daughter,Flora, is Ada s communication to everyone. Ada is mute and so she can t really communicate with people in a traditional manner. She carries out Ada s wishes and acts to protect Ada in her ways although ultimately, her actions led to Alistair s anger and causing her mother pain. George Baines is the communication between Alistair and the natives. While the natives could speak some very basic English, Baines as a bridge in terms of communication between the natives and Alistair by not only translating for him but also carries out orders to the natives. (2) Describe scenes in support of your two chosen characters, be sure to consider if your choices match the above. Give a reason why you think the two you choose provide communication. When Ada and Flora asked Baines to take them to the beach to get the piano, Ada couldn t get her point across and convince Baine to take her. Ultimately, Flora was able to not only translated her mother s wishes but also convince Baines to reluctantly take them to the beach. spend the day on the beach with Ada playing music. Baines is then taken by the transformation in Ada when she plays her piano. I chose this because it clearly shows that often time, Ada s means of communication doesn t work and that anger would only get her so far. Flora ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Devotions In Catholic Religion The Catholic Church has many devotions that popes, bishops, priests, deacons, and lay people say and do in their everyday life. Devotions are practices of piety which is not part of the Liturgy of the Church but is part of the spiritual practices of Catholics. Some examples of devotions Catholics practice in their everyday lives are the Mass, the rosary, novenas, adoration in front of the Eucharist, veneration to the saints, the Liturgy of the Hours, wearing scapulars and wearing medals, and many others. Devotions are made to help people grow in their faith and love for Jesus. The Liturgy of the Hours has three names. The three names are The Liturgy of the Hours, the Divine Office, and the Breviary. The latin word for The Liturgy of the Hours is Liturgia Horarum. This consists of mainly Psalms, added by hymns, readings, and other prayers. The Liturgy of the Hours is the official prayer of the church, said many times in the day in order to sanctify it. Clergy and religious officials have an obligation to say it because of the Canon Law as official representatives to the church. The laity are expected to recite it whether it is with a priest, by themselves or with others. ... Show more content on ... This is the prayer of the church to Christ and with Christ. Bishops and deacons are required to pray when the faithful are not present. The Liturgy of the Hours also forms the base of prayer within Christian monasticism. The Liturgy of the Hours not only demands a singing voice with a prayerful heart, but also a heart that understands the liturgy in the Bible, but mostly the ... Get more on ...
  • 19. How Did Socrates Play In Ancient Greece | What Role Did Socrates Play in Ancient Greece?| Natalia Gonzalez| | Mr. Pellegrini, 2A| 3/24/2010| [Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document.]| What Role Did Socrates Play in Ancient Greece? In the leading city of Athens 2,500 years ago during the Golden Age, a peculiar philosopher was born into the reign of Pericles. Socrates went against common religion, influenced social roles and people, and was the founder of the Socratic Method. Religious opinions affected Socrates life a great deal. Whereas most Athenians observed polytheism and ... Show more content on ... They were very popular but loathed at the same time because of the financial problems they were causing. For example, the most famous sophist was called Corax. He had a student called Tisias who refused to pay the fee for his classes, he said Before I started, you promised you would teach me to persuade anyone to do whatever I wanted. Let me now persuade you not to ask for your fee. If you still demand it, you did not do what you promised, therefore I owe you nothing. However, Socrates discredited this, However, not one of these things is true; nor, if you have heard from anyone that I attempt to teach men and require payment, is this true. (Plato, n.d.). Socrates irritated people by insisting things that could not be true. Critobulus, who was considered by many to be the most handsome man in Athens. However, Socrates, with his protruding eyes and large nose insisted he was more stunning than Critobulus. Socrates defended this by saying things such as Because while yours see straight ahead, mine, by bulging out as they do, see also to the sides, and Mine, I consider, granting that Providence made us noses to smell with. For your nostrils look down toward the ground, but mine are wide open and turned outward so that I can catch scents from all around. (Zannos, 2004). Another story of Socrates impacting the life of an individual is shown by the dialogue that he had with a young man he met at a wrestling school named Lysis. Socrates admitted to ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Persuasive Essay On Eternal Life The word immortal is hardly heard by one another unless speaking about a fiction movie or character. Immortal or immortality is defined as, eternal life or the ability to live forever. In the film, The Immoratalist, directed by David Alvarado and Jason Sussberg conduct a documentary. Containing two completely different individuals, scientists, with the same goal and dream in mind, to find a way to prove that immorality is possible and that it can be achieved in the next decades to come. Although a very intriguing subject and amazing achievement to the humanrace if ever discovered, I can not help to think, is immortalityas good as it sounds? The idea that we can live for a longer or endless time is astonishing, but in reality that possibility may not be as great as it sounds. If the people in the world had a method to become immortal, the cost, population and ones mental health can be affected in a negative way. As one become aware with age, the world unfortunately is moved by money. The cost of everything in life is measured, and unless one is rich or extremely well off, financial situations can always be an issue. Imagine how much it is going to cost to find a method to become immortal, once discovered, like all medicine, how much will it cost you to buy it and own it for yourself or a love one. Modern medicine now in days is controlled federally and has become an enormously business. With that being said who would be able to buy immortality? Surely not everyone, only ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Alternative Dispute... There are different forms of alternative dispute resolutions, each having advantages and disadvantages. The key to understanding the advantages and disadvantages of the forms of dispute resolutions is the be knowledgeable of the meaning and the use of alternative dispute resolution. Alternative Dispute Resolution is said to, offers parties alternative means of resolving their differences outside actual courtroom litigation and the costly preparation for it , (Jennings, M., 2015 pg. 101). Arbitrationis one form of dispute resolution. Arbitration is defined as the, oldest form of ADR and was once the most popular form of alternative dispute, but its increasing costs and time commitment have found businesses and lawyers labeling it, no different from litigation (Jennings, M., 2015 pg. 101). The advantages of arbitration include; the members of both parties agree to have the same arbitrator, someone both sides trust. Other advantages include; the process of arbitration is quicker than waiting on a court date, the fees are not expensive as it is when paying court fees, there is very limited chances that an appeal will happen, and there is more privacy in arbitration compared to having a trial. The disadvantages of arbitration are; once a decision is made it is final because both parties gave up the right to an appeal, in some cases the arbitrator fees can be more expensive depending on the evidence needed, any evidence can be considered in arbitration unlike in court ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Medieval Music Research Paper MEDIEVAL Medieval music period was around the 1940s.The music era was influenced by troubadours, Trouveres , and minstrels who musicians that were poetical too.They created their songs around peace,myths , legends and Nobel characters like knights and princes but in society, everything wasn t good it was bad because they lived in unhygienic places etc.Thomas tallis is a mediaeval composer he was born in 1505 in England and died 1585 and on 23rd of November in Kent Greenwich and was buried St alfeges church Greenwich. Thomas most famous pieces are if ye love me and god we grant grace .Nearly all of Thomas music is just vocals only which mean it s acapella.In one of Thomas songs called spem in alium there were 40 voices used which is quite ... Show more content on ... they made more woodwind music during this time than using strings mostly.there also upgrades in music to do with the piano,influenced by opera houses and concerts.One of the most famous composers of this time was Mozart (1756 1791)who created the pieces Turkish march and the music he used was opera, symphony, concerto, choral, instrumental and vocal music, revealing an amazing number of outstanding unforgettable masterpieces.(1770 1827 )Beethoven was another famous composer his famous pieces are Turkish march and Sonata in C KV 545.haydn was one of the earliest composers 1732 1809. he was Austrian his works consist of Piano Sonata nВє 59 in E flat, Hob. XVI:49 and Kleine ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Donating blood The Ultimate Gift Imagine that one day you were driving to the mall and out of nowhere, someone run through a red light and crashed straight in to you. You end up in the hospital, needing a blood transfusion. The scene is all too real and it happens every day. In a single car accident, a person could need up to 100 pints of blood. The average person can donate 3 pints every 56 days ( This is why, today, I urge you to go out and donate blood. I know some of you may hate the thought of needles or think that giving blood won t really help. But, please consider what I say and make a better informed decision after hearing the benefits of donating blood. People like you made a conscious decision to donate blood and it is ... Show more content on ... A blood technician will clean your skin around the veins in your arm and then insert a needle to extract the blood. The actual extraction of the much needed blood only takes between 15 and 20 minutes and then you may go home or back to class knowing that you just saved up to 3 lives (Children s hospital pamphlet). Theoretically, there is no reason why hospitals should not have enough safe blood for their patients. I read from the Children s Hospital 2011 pamphlet, that if just 10% of all possible donors give blood once a year, we will NEVER have a blood shortage problem. Also, patients can eliminate their apprehensions about receiving blood if only clean blood donors are donating. There are numerous benefits of giving blood. Soon after giving blood, you will receive a plastic card with your blood type on it with the phrase, Congratulations, you have just saved up to three lives! Also, you get to enjoy your favorite cookies, crackers, and beverages while you donate. Some of you still many have questions about giving blood. Are you thinking, I would love to donate blood, but doesn t it hurt really bad? Are you thinking, I m sure I have my blood for a reason, I m not so sure I want to just give it away to a stranger when I need it to survive. You cannot hurt yourself by giving blood. According to a 2012 article, Blood Giving in the Weekly Reader authored by Rachel Reyna, Your body ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Insider Trading Case Background: DraftKings, a daily fantasy sports company, is being sued by the New York State attorney general s office and investigated by Boston FBI. The New York State attorney s office stated that DraftKings games constituted as illegal gambling under the state law. The Unlawful Internet Gambling and Enforcement Act of 2006 (UIGEA), which establishes the legal guidelines for online gambling, carves out a safe haven for any fantasy or simulation sports game that has an outcome that reflects the relative knowledge of the participants, or their skill at physical reaction or physical manipulation (but not chance), and, in the case of a fantasy or simulation sports game, has an outcome that is determined predominantly by accumulated statistical... Show more content on ... 1. State and Federal Agencies Lawsuits: The State Of New York have filed a suit and the FBI of Boston are currently investigating DraftKings. Agencies are concerned that DraftKings is creating the same atmosphere as gambling, which include addiction and other economic problems. 2. Insider Trading: DraftKings employee released internal data and won $305,000 on the FanDuel site the same week. Trading is a big concern because the company will have a high risk of inside trading among employees who are privileged to sensitive information who may share data with family members and friends. 3. Leagues Concern: The purpose of fantasy sports is to be a strategic understanding on how to forecast games and player s performances, there are concerns that this could influence players, coaches, and referees to corrupt the game for their financial interests(gain). Analysis: After reviewing DraftKings case and critical issues, I have determined three potential threats the company may face as followed: State and Federal Agencies Lawsuits: DraftKing in jeopardy of losing millions of money that could result in downsizing or going out of ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Pathos, Pros, And Cons And Uses Of The Hyundai Commercials One product most people use in their everyday lives are vehicles. I have chosen two commercials, one advertising the Honda Ridgeline and the other marketing the Hyundai Elantra. In the Honda commercial, a farmer tends to his sheep, that start singing as soon as the farmer drives away. The Hyundai commercial is very comical, showing a town where everyone is Ryan Reynolds to catch your attention. These commercials use pathos, ethos, and logos to sell their product. Advertisements use many forms of persuasion to get people to buy their product. One of these is pathos, which appeals to the emotions of the audience and evokes their feelings. In the Honda commercial, one can see sheep in the pasture singing to Somebody to Love after the farmer drives off in his new Honda Ridgeline. This is very humorous, considering sheep do not speak, let alone belt out notes from Queen. Not only are there singing sheep, but there is a talking dog towards the end of the commercial which tells those who are watching about the Honda Ridgeline ( Honda Ridgeline Super Bowl Commercial internet). This is similar to the Hyundai commercial, which is also very amusing. The audience can see two women driving through a neighborhood, where every person is Ryan Reynolds. This shows pathos, because it appeals to the viewers emotions by laughing at the comical commercial ( Ryanville Hyundai Super Bowl internet). Another form of persuasion commercials use is ethos, which appeals to one s ethics. In the ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Politics And The English Language By George Orwell The topics of the declining of the English language and political writing are frequently discussed amongst several people. The English language is constantly being altered with the introduction of new phrases, through generations and social media. These phrases are looked at as bad habits, sometimes referred to as poor writingin comparison to good traditional English. Political leaders typically give speeches containing vague language to justify actions taken in places around the world. These speeches are believed to use poor writing simply moving away from the truth of what is being discussed. In his essay titled Politics and the English Language, George Orwell uses examples to explain what he believes to be poor writing habits, and the common mistakes made by many in modern writing during his era. In Orwell s essay, five samples of writing are given. These examples are each what George believes illustrates the mental vices from which we suffer . On page 10 of his essay Orwell uses a sample from Ecclesiastes. In the first sample by Ecclesiastes, zero words deriving from Latin roots are used. Orwell believes that this allows the writers message to be clear to the reader. In the last sentence he states, I returned and saw under the sun that the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong neither yet bread to the wise. From this sentence alone most can understand that Ecclesiastes is discussing In terms of modern writing Orwell predicts that ... Get more on ...
  • 27. A Comparison Of Glaciers Glaciers and icecaps can be easily mistaken in a common conversation but there are many similarities but there are big differences that classify them as two different things. A glacier is a body of dense ice that is formed in areas where the amount of snowfall exceeds the amount of snow melted per year such as: Greenland, Antarctica and Russia. It forms when snow accumulates in one specific area over many years, possibly centuries. The snow slowly forms into ice and each year the layer of ice increases depending on the temperature. When the glacier becomes large and heavy enough the pressure from the weight of the glacier often deforms the glacier, Which usually causes the glacier to get new feature such crevasses and seracs. Most glaciers ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Effects Of Prolonged Deprivation On Learned Helplessness Here we discuss research of Indian writers SURAJ MAL, UDAY JAIN and K. S. YADAV, which is called Effects of Prolonged Deprivation on Learned Helplessness . This study article consists of 8 pages. This is a correlational study and it has quantitative character. The article consists of next sections: Abstract, Introduction, Method (this part also consists of such subsections as Subjects, PDS, Tasks, and Procedure), Results, Discussion, and References. Independent variables of the study are gender and the deprivation that participants were placed under. Authors investigate the influence of these two variables on response latency, trials to criterion, number of failures, internal attribution, stable attribution, and global attribution. Two way analysis of variance was used in the study. To collect data about deprivation authors have used questionnaire, which was created by Misra and Tripathi in 1980. It consists of 96 questions about 15 areas of life such as housing conditions, home environment, and economic sufficiency, as well as childhood experiences, sociocultural experiences, and so on. To answer each question respondent uses the 5 point scale. The higher score corresponds to higher deprivation. Total deprivation is equal the sum of scores for each question. One hundred and four high school students in India were selected to be the participants of the study. The share of the males is equal to the share of the females for these participants. In other words, there were 52 ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Foreign Trade Policy Critical analysis of new Foreign Trade Policy 2009 14 of Govt. of India The Foreign Trade Policy 2009 14 of the Govt. of India is a holistic strategy, driving export growth to new markets and addressing issues of labour intensive export and intensive export and transaction cost effectively. On trade climate and export target The world has not witnessed in the last seven decades a situation as it has been in recent years and it is very important that the Government steps in the act as a facilitator to intensive exporters to get them out of what we may call the tsunami. Objectives of last 2 policies of Foreign Trade of Govt. of India 1)2004 2009 The last 5 years (2004 09) FTP was released on 1st September in the year 2004.... Show more content on ... 3. Incentive available under FMS raised from 2.5% to 3%. 4. Incentive available under Focus Product Scheme (FPS) raised from 1.25% to 2%. 5. Widens scope for products to be included for benefits under FPS. Additional engineering products, plastic and some electronics get a look in. 6.Market Linked Focus Product Scheme (MLFPS) expanded by inclusion of products like pharmaceuticals, textile fabrics, rubber products, glass products,auto components, motor cars, bicycle and its parts.etc. Benefits to these products will be provided, if exports are made to 13 identified markets (Algeria, Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria,South Africa, Tanzania, Brazil, Mexico, Ukraine, Vietnam, Cambodia, Australia and New Zealand). 7. Common simplified application form introduced for taking benefits under FPS, FMS, MLFPS and VKGUY. 8. Higher allocation for Market Development Assistance (MDA) and Market Access Initiative (MAI) 9. To aid technological upgradation of export sector, EPCG Scheme at Zero Duty has been introduced. 10. Jaipur, Srinagar and Anantnag have been recognised as Towns of Export Excellence for handicrafts; Kanpur,Dewas and Ambur for leather products; and Malihabad for horticultural products. 11. Export obligation on import of spares, moulds etc. under EPCG Scheme has been reduced by 50%. 12. Taking into account the decline in exports, the facility of Re fixation of Annual Average Export Obligation for a particular ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Fine Dining Restaurant Risks Are An Inevitable Part Of... Fine Dining Restaurant Risks include ADA Compliance and Off Premises Utility Outages Fine Dining Restaurant Risks include ADA Compliance and Off Premises Utility Outages Restaurant risks are an inevitable part of doing business, but I believe that savvy restaurateurs, managers and chefs can manage these risks proactively with proactive preparation, careful planning and implementing the right risk management techniques. People use restaurants as social hangouts, places for business meetings and homes away from home, so any restaurant s customers might seem more like family than customers, but when something goes wrong, I ve found that restaurateurs quickly realize that these family members are actually part of a long term business relationship that generates high levels of risk and legal liabilities. I ve worked in the restaurant business for many years as a cook, server, chef, manager and restaurant owner and sold advertising to fine dining restaurants and major hospitality venues, so I ve learned a few things about the restaurant business that even experienced restaurateurs might miss. Restaurants face risks that can be roughly classified into financial, operating and marketing perils, and I urge restaurant owners to address each of these potential risks proactively. In today s social sharing, instant communications and litigious ecosphere, even the most scrupulous and painstaking management practices can fall short of anticipating and preventing all risks. Upscale ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Market Size And Growth Of Wearable Device Market Running head: MARKET SIZE AND GROWTH OF WEARABLE DEVICE MARKET1 Market Size And Growth Of Wearable Device Market: Pertaining to Smartwatches and the Moto 360 Joshua Pauly San Diego Christian College MARKET SIZE AND GROWTH OF WEARABLE DEVICE MARKET2 The wearable device I have decided to report on is the Moto 360 smart watch from Motorola. This smart watch which just recently entered the market has entertained a lot of curiosity due to the fact that it is contains a factor that other smart watches do not have. The feature that this smart watch boasts is that it has the traditional stylish design of a regular watch but with the same functional abilities of the other smart watches currently on the market. The Moto 360 is one gorgeous smartwatch. OK, it s not exactly a Movado or a Rolex. But as smartwatches go, this is the most beautiful offering around. And, yes, I m counting the as of yet unreleased Apple Watch. The reason the 360 looks so good is because Motorola went out of its way to make a smartwatch that actually looks like a watch. The company s designers and engineers didn t try to create a sci fi style wearable bracelet straight out of Star Wars. Instead, they went to work trying to make a piece of technology that people would actually want to wear (Howley, 2014). The wearable device market is one that is very broad with a vast amount of opportunities for businesses. The potential markets for these products are health, ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Cotton Gin s Contributions 1793 COTTON GIN PROMOTES SLAVERY! Disgraceful and distasteful! Disgraceful! Distasteful! The south side has created a new invention, called the Cotton Gin.This invention allows the south to separate seeds from cotton, to make clothes and other items. Made by the traitor himself, Eli Whitney. This invention promotes the once almost abolished idea of slavery. This invention traps poor innocent slaves in a hot, uncared for, factory. Just so the south can make a quick buck that they most likely won t even use for government, just personal desire. The South now depends on these poor slaves to do things at just a raise of a finger. They almost aren t human anymore. They ve enslaved too many people for us to be comfortable with it anymore.... Show more content on ... With help from Harriet Tubman, Samuel Cornish, and John Russwurm.These American remind us of the meaning of freedom and how we can achieve it for all of the people in our country. Samuel Cornish and John Russwurm are very strong figures for the abolitionists.In the 1820s they created an abolitionist newspaper,the Freedom s Journal.With 103 publishes the newspaper perfectly shows the right point of view. Harriet Tubman, even though she has freed herself she kept crossing the Northern border into the South to help free hundreds of other slaves. She was wanted in the South and she risked it all to save a few dozen slaves. That is the true American spirit. In views of the North the underground railroad is a groundbreaking stand and solution against slavery bringing many african americans the chance in freedom they ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Ethical Implications Of Disclosure Ethical Implications of Disclosure and Nondisclosure Being an advanced practice nurse is a huge responsibility. The profession itself is advancing and with the Affordable Care Act moral, ethical and legal considerations of providing care as an advanced practice nurse have increased exponentially. Ethical standards for nurse practitioner are defined in the American Nurses Code of Ethics. Ethical standard are based largely on the individual nurse beliefs. Because ethics are not a clear cut science, the handling certain situations are defined by state laws. The purpose if this paper is to consider ethical and legal implications of revealing a prescribing mistake to a patient who has no knowledge that a mistake exist. Ethical Implications Nurses have a responsibility to understand and operate with the confines of the law concerning medications. However the responsibility does not end at the law there are also ethical, moral if you will, implications. Writing prescription for patients is an integral part of providing care for patients in today s society (Arcangelo Peterson, 2013). Ethical concerns with prescription writing include understanding medications and ensuring that individual prescribers take responsibility for the care they each provide. The American Nurses Association Code of Ethics Provision 3 (2015), indicates that the nurse will promote, advocates, and protect the rights, health, and safety of the patient. This means that when a nurse realizes a mistake has ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Dennis Lynn Rader Case Study Dennis Lynn Rader is a serial killer who killed 10people but injured 11 people all around Wichita Kansas. This all took place between the years of 1974 and 1991. People knew his as the Bind, Torture and Kill BTK this sums up his modus operandi. In 2004 Dennis sent some letters describing the details of how the murders took place and when they happened to the police. In 2005 he got arrested and subsequent conviction. He spent the rest of his life in jail. Dennis killed 11 victims but only killed 10. The Otero family on January 15th ,1974 ; Joseph, Julie Joseph the second and Josephine, Kathryn Bright on May 4th ,1974 and her brother was shot but he survived. March 17th 1977 Shirley, Nancy Fox on December 8th 1977, Marine Hedge on April 27th 1986, Vicki Wegerie January 1st 1991. He planned on adding Anna Williams to his list but she wasn t... Show more content on ... Criminal behavior is related to criminal anthropology. A psychologist is a licensed professional that can assess both mental and physical states. The four roles that a criminal psychologist plays is clinical, experimental, actuarial and, advisory. Clinical is when they get involved in a assessment of an individual in order to prove a clinical judgement. Experimental perform a research in order to inform a case. Advisory informs the police. Actuarial is the usage of statistics in order to inform the case. Criminal psychology plays a big part in putting criminals in jail or getting them the right they need to fix their lives. The yearly salary criminal psychologist makes is 73,090 and at the least is 67,880. I definitely could be comfortable making that a year. That s a lot of money to be bringing in to a house hold. I f you spent it right then you would have some extra cash to spoil yourself. you would never have to stress about paying your bills or not having enough food. Just keep in mind you wouldn t have to ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Foreign Public Policy Essays Foreign Public Policy Analysis Directions: Choose one specific foreign policy issue in American government and complete a public policy analysis of how the problem was addressed. Stage I Agenda Setting: How did this issue arrive on the public policy agenda? Identify specific linkage institutions and describe their roles and influence in placing this issue on the policy agenda. The Ebola virus was first discovered in the year 1976 in Africa. Since then, there have been countless outbreaks of this virus documented in several different countries across Africa. The issue of the Ebola virus first arrived on the public policy agenda in the year of 2014. In march of this year, there was an outbreak in west Africa. Stage II Policy Formulation: ... Show more content on ... Any who were at high risk or some risk had to have daily check ups from health officials for a total of 21 days straight. These policies showed to be very effective at containing the disease and preventing it from spreading. I would characterize these policies as true reform. Stage V Policy Change: Based on what you learned in the evaluation of the policy, is it necessary to revise the policy? Why or why not? In your opinion, what would have to happen for the policy to change? Basing my analysis on what I ve previously learned about the policies, I believe it would be necessary to constantly check and revise the policies on Ebola. These revisions would help to make any improvements to the system possible and ensure the highest regulations on safety for the general public would be set. Stage VI Policy Termination: Should this public policy be ended? What factors would lead to termination of this public policy? Who has the most to gain from maintaining the policy and who has the most to lose? I do not believe at all that these public policies should be stopped or terminated. These policies were set in place to keep the deadly virus from west Africa from spreading throughout the United States. It is solely for the purpose of keeping the general public safe and controlling the epidemic. KC Distance Learning Foreign Policy Summary: Based on the discussion with your ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The Meeting Of The White Council Gandalf s Journey Written and researched by Cody Chisnell 8A The Meeting of The White Council Gandalf s thoughts weighed heavily on his shoulders as he rode west. Only time could tell whether Bilbo and the dwarves had taken his advice properly, the dwarves could be very stubborn. Gandalf, of course, was thinking entirely about them when he had left for the west for if the wizard had joined them he could have ensured their protection during what is probably the most dangerous part of their journey. Nevertheless he knew of the dangers that followed if he had not left, as the business he had to the south was a meeting, a meeting that would be forever remembered by all the wizards from the western lands to the ... Show more content on ... So, have you told thorin or his companions of your plans, or how you received the map and key? asked Elrond as the passed trough a great hall and into a small passageway No he responded Thorin would never accept how Thror s fate came, or that I witnessed it. He would have adjusted his goals to the necromancer, killing them all. of course Gandalf was speaking out of assumptions, but wizards are very wise, that is how he escaped... but this story is about the overthrowing, not the escape from, the necromancer. Elrond and Gandalf walked into a great hall together before Saruman the white wizard. This wizard was not like Radagast or Gandalf, nor like the blue wizards who traveled south of middle earth and could not attend. This wizard had power unlike the others and was a direct descendant of the Valar, and the leader of the Istari. The three wizards discussed the threat for several hours and finally came to the decision of avoiding conflicts and returning to their respective lands. Gandalf, of course, could not stand for this. Having one of the most dangerous threats in two thousand four hundred years in the home of his great cousin, Radagast. See Mirkwood was not always Mirkwood. Mirkwood used to be a land known as greenwood the great , but when the necromancer arrived he changed the land into a world of darkness. Spiders claimed all but the paths and the sun was blotched out by a ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Thomas Kuhn Argues That Normal Science Inevitably Runs... B)Short Answer Questions: Answer two of the following questions (no more than one page each) (20 points each: 40pts) 2.In The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Thomas Kuhn argues that normal science inevitably runs into a crisis. Why is it necessarily the case? Is there a way to avoid scientific crises? In Thomas Kuhn s paradigm cycle, normal science inevitably leads to an anomaly, which eventually leads into a crisis. If the current existing theory in the paradigm fails to solve the puzzles of normal science, it will eventually call for a new theory to take its place. Kuhn further expresses that, although, normal science holds the objective of creating boundaries and structure in the scientific community, and thus, suppressing ideas and findings outside of this structure, normal science is also a driving force of the creation of anomalies and an eventual paradigm shift. Scientists ultimate goal is to unravel the truth of the universe. Normal science and the existing paradigm are successful, in the beginning, in aiding and justifying scientific findings of that time. However, as experiments and research methods progress and advance with time, the polished version of the theories and concepts may start to conflict with the initial paradigm. It is the success of normal science, which is inevitable through time, that leads to an, thus, inevitable crisis. The increasing precision and improvement of understanding the paradigm, makes the paradigm an easier target to find ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Collaboration Between The Illinois Community College Board... 1 Introduction Interagency collaboration is the only approach to enhance sharing of duties and responsibilities in program implementation. The study aims to show the collaboration between the Illinois Community College Board and the Division of Humans capital development to improve adult literacy in the State of Illinois. In 2008, the two agencies entered an agreement with the aim of improving the literacylevels in the State and the objective of the agreement was to improve social literacy among the adults (Charles Horwarth, 2009). The project was to be implemented under the guardianship of the Illinois community CollegeBoard (ICCB) that has the responsibility of ensuring that the collaborating agencies work together to achieve the common mandates. The Federal government and the State department of Illinois have closely worked together to ensure that they eliminate the existing barriers that limit access to education. Communities can suffer significant setbacks if education is not prioritized with the significant impact being on the lack of the necessary skills to improve the social welfare of old people (Cunningham, 2014). The collaboration between ICCB and IDHS aims at improving the skills of working people by extending educational services to the vulnerable members of the society. The collaboration of the agencies aims at providing adult literacy services and improving the current family support services. The collaborative effort is focused mainly on improving ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Black Panther Party s Legacy The recollection of the Black Panther Party s legacy more than often remains to linger on in the collective memory as a group of armed leather clad radicals of the 1960 s. Although this memory is true, the Black Panther Party in actuality had more substance than just their attire. They were a political organization that reinforced human rights, they were leaders of self defense against a police state that relentlessly brutalized black bodies, and caretakers of poor black communities that were receiving little to no attention by the state. They were an organization in bloom looking to create solidarity and heal within the black community by whatever means necessary. The Black Panther Partyis believed to be a revolutionary force that has helped shape movements of today. Within this analysis we would like to unearth the history of the Black Panther Party including its origins, their struggles, ultimate demise, and contributions to movements of the contemporary world. We feel that it is important to rediscover this information because most of the occurrences that had appeared in the 1960 s against black bodies continues to this day. It is our duty to learn from our teachers, like those members of the Black Panther Party, in order to educate ourselves on how to create a better future. It all started in the fall of 1966 in Oakland California when two young intelligent black male students of Merritt Junior College questioned America s ethics. These two young ... Get more on ...
  • 40. My Sister s Keeper My Sister s Keeper Based on the book by Jodi Picoult ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost, we would all like to thank the Man with the Big guns from above named God. We thank you the most for without you we would never be able to do the things we love in life. We would never be able to see and feel the great wonders of the world that you have made for us especially the friendship and love that you never fail to provide us. Thank you for that. To our teacher we thank you for giving us a chance to show you what we can do. For always teaching us the right things to improve in ourselves not only in our writing of essays in class but also in our own separate lives. You have helped us in so many ways but the most would be... Show more content on ... Although, when we are forced to face with such unlucky fate, we must make difficult decisions and sacrifices. The director purposely made the film so sincere that this film could be ranked as one of the very few movies guaranteed to make audiences cry! As audiences watch the film, carefully selected cast members definitely make them feel as if they were part of the Vassilivea Family and assure audiences could relate. As Anna, one of the main characters, puts it, I wasn t the result of a cheap bottle of wine or a full moon or the heat of the moment. I was born because a scientist managed to hook up my mother s eggs and my father s sperm to create a specific combination of precious genetic material. Though we cannot afford to encounter genetically engineered babies every day, doesn t mean we can t also experience the safe effects, that s why the director produced this astonishing film using all of his talented skills. PRODUCTION It s a sad fact that innocent, great kids can get cancer, and few movies have really dug into this tragic corner of life the way My Sister s Keeper does. But rather than search for any real emotional truths or demand dynamic performances from its talented cast, the movie just hijacks your tear ducts from the word go. Odds are you ll cry during this movie, but you might be too confused by the time jumping narrative, too busy wondering how many pop song montages they ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Class Stereotyping Have you ever been stereotyped by what clothes you wear, how much money you make, or even the car you drive? This happen way too often than not. Imagine this: you came to this country when you were little. Your parents and yourself work hard everyday to get a better life. Soon you are in high school and start driving a honda. Of course your friends drive better cars such as mustangs. It s hard to know that you re putting your best effort and yet it s not good enough for. The people you know.Today I will talk about class stereotypeand how they are learned and how they impact ourselves as human beings good and bad. . Take Ehrenreich ,the author of, talks about there certain stereotype of the poor class that people think is true. His book, ... Show more content on ... People that are in the working class,or middle class can t be successful. In reality this is false. I also been a victim of this since most of by information a couple of years back was mostly from social media. Mostly it showed caucasian people working hard and getting a better life. You never see much of latinos or african americans. Take Oprah or Michael Jordan for example. There are perhap one of the most successful people and yet they don t get a lot of attention or brought up in social media. The Scholarship boy,made by richard rodriguez, talks about that it doesn t matter where you came from just a long as you know where you are headed. Let me give you a small story that happen to a friend of mine. It s a true story actually. By friend grew up in Orange Cove,30mins from reedley, but he was originally from mexico.Most of his family had kids at at early age so they expected him to do so. That was a stereotype. He now goes to UC Davis and will be attending with a scholarship. .He could of went along with his family since family and friend influence people. He didn t budge and therefore how he looks at himself is different than if he couldn t have taken that opportunity. Another common stereotype that is commonly know for the middle class is that they are ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Dbq What Drove The Sugar Trade DBQ Essay What Drove the Sugar Trade? Beginning in the late 1600s and continuing through the 1700s the demand for sugar became incredibly high due to its addictive qualities. To supply the consumers with sugar they were craving, wealthy Europeans established sugar plantations throughout the Caribbean and built a thriving slave industry, so their need for cheap labor could be satisfied. Sugar consumption increased from 4.6lbs to 16.2lbs per capita annually from 1700 to 1770 due to the increasing addiction of the consumers. Since the demand was so high, the manufacturers were faced with maintaining a high crop yield, but luckily the Caribbean islands provided an ideal location for growing cane sugar. Once plantations were constructed yet ... Show more content on ... Due to the efforts to colonize the Caribbean islands, by 1750 they were almost all owned by Spain, France, or England, meaning these countries now had access to and control over this area that they did not previously; they took advantage of this newfound power (Doc 1). Sugar requires a specific climate to grow plentifully (i.e. 68В° 90В°F) and this was something the Caribbean islands provided the Europeans with; if European countries had not had taken control in the Caribbean islands the sugar industry would not have survived (Doc 2). At this time, the Caribbean islands were the only location that the Europeans had access to that provided the correct climate. The landscape was ideal and led to a high crop yield and without it the consumers would be at a loss (Doc 8). Through the 1700s and into the 1800s, in Barbados, Jamaica, Saint Domingue, and Cuba, sugar production rates escalated, but this vast increase was made possible only by the natural conditions of the Caribbean islands (Doc 10). Still, not only consumer addiction and access to a prime location were able to drive the sugar industry alone, labor was ... Get more on ...
  • 43. How Technology Can Define Ethical Standards and Cultures How Companies Use Technology to Set and Manage Ethical Standards Introduction The agility and resilient nature of any organization is highly dependent on how effective it is in using technologies to implement, continually manage and reinforce ethical standards throughout the many departments and functional areas of a their business. The greater the level of compliance to ethical standards, the more cost efficient it is for organizations to meet legally defined compliance requirements as well. Using IT to align an organization to its compliance mandates through the use of ethics based management can deliver significantly greater profitability over the long term. The goal of this analysis is to analyze the approaches organizations are using to combine leadership strategies and technologies to create highly effective organizational cultures. How technologies are used has a significant effect on the ethical foundation, expectations and cultures of an organization. Not only do they amplify a leader s key insights and thoughts, they also create the means by which employees can communicate, collaborate and define a culture of high ethical standards and conduct or not. Leadership will determine which direction an organization will go on this continuum ethics and technology. The Impact of Technologies on Managing Ethical Standards Guidelines Enabling greater adoption of leadership frameworks by making them more accurate, aligned and useful to a given organization is one ... Get more on ...