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Essay on Bullying
Bullying Behaviors Among US Youth
Prevalence and Association With Psychosocial Adjustment
Tonja R. Nansel, PhD Mary Overpeck, DrPH Ramani S. Pilla, PhD W. June Ruan, MA Bruce Simons
–Morton, EdD, MPH Peter Scheidt, MD, MPH
ULLYING AMONG SCHOOL–AGED youth is increasingly being recognized as an important problem affecting well–being and social functioning.
While a certain amount of conflict and harassment is typical of youth peer relations, bullying presents a potentially more serious threat to healthy youth
development. The definition of bullying is widely agreed on in literature on bullying.1–4 Bullying is a specific type of aggression in which (1) the
behavior is intended to harm or disturb, (2) the more content...
Author Affiliations: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Bethesda, Md. Dr Overpeck is now with the Maternal and Child
Health Bureau, Health Resources and Services Administration, Rockville, Md; Dr Pilla is now with the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Corresponding Author and Reprints: Tonja R. Nansel, PhD, Division of Epidemiology, Statistics, and Prevention Research, National Institute of Child
Health and Human Development, 6100 Executive Blvd, Room 7B05, MSC 7510, Bethesda, MD 20892–7510 (e–mail:
2094 JAMA, April 25, 2001–Vol 285, No. 16 (Reprinted)
Š2001 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
Downloaded from at Georgetown Univ Med Ctr, on April 2, 2008
Research examining characteristics of youth involved in bullying has consistently found that both bullies and those bullied demonstrate poorer
psychosocial functioning than their noninvolved peers. Youth who bully others tend to demonstrate higher levels of conduct problems and dislike of
school, whereas youth who are bullied generally show higher levels of insecurity, anxiety, depression, loneliness, unhappiness, physical and mental
symptoms, and low self–esteem.1–4,8,15–25 Males who are bullied also tend to be physically weaker
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Persuasive Essay on Bullying
When someone thinks of school, they think about classes, friends, and books. They think about the minor struggles of drama and studying for next
week's big test. For them, school is just school. It's something that has just become a part of life, not good or bad. For victims of bullying, school is a
living nightmare. School is harassment, and pain, and a whole series of struggles too much for the normal person to comprehend. Schools have created
this image of "normal" that many people strive to fit into. But when there is someone who cannot fit in, no matter how hard they try, due to things like
epilepsy or obesity, they get deemed an outsider. People don't seem to understand the struggles of being different, so instead of being nice
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Cyberstalking includes harassment that threatens harm or is highly intimidating, often intruding upon someone's privacy. A common type of
cyberstalking is to send disturbing messages or pictures to the victim's phone or email. Chat rooms are a very popular place for kids to meet and
talk online; but they are not always innocent. The Bayside Leader says that "most victims of cyberbullying say abuse occurs in chat rooms". The
bully will engage someone in a conversation, earning trust. Then they will trick the victim into revealing information that they otherwise would not
reveal. The bully will find ways to spread the secret, maybe taking a picture of the chat box or forwarding the message around. Another form of
cyberbullying, as hard as it is to believe, is purposely leaving someone out. "Exclusion" is when some bullies deliberately exclude someone from an
Instant Messaging group or a buddy list, to hurt his or her feelings. There are many ways to cyberbully someone; all of them hurtful and all of them
School is also a very common place for bullying to take place. Exclusion occurs at school as well as on the internet, and is much more prominent in
classrooms. Bullies at school usually have some insecurity or self–esteem issues that cause them to abuse others. Hurting people gives them a sort of
sense of power that soon becomes addicting. It does not get better, and it rarely goes away. The victims
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Persuasive Essay On Bullying
When Will it Stop?
What if you were terrified to go to your school every day? 160,000 students miss school each day because they get bullied and are scared of what
will happen ("Bullying Statistics"). Bullying has been a major problem in schools for far too long. Students should not be scared to go to a place that
is supposed to be safe and where they can express themselves. Students that bully never get the punishment they deserve, which causes them to continue
to act. When you go to school, you should know that if you are getting treated in a horrific way, the people who were treating you that way will get
punished. Students who bully should be suspended from school.
The bullies in schools never think they will get severely punished, so they don't stop. They think that they won't be caught and that bullying isn't a huge
deal, but it is. Bullying causes students to not go to school, to feel alone, and to leave their school feeling worthless. If the bully were to be suspended,
he/she would learn quickly that what they are doing is wrong in so many ways. They will realize that bullying can be the reason they don't get into their
dream school or do something they love. On the other hand, victims of bullying don't come forward and voice that the have been taunted, teased, and
tormented because they don't think the school will help them. 67 percent of students feel that their school doesn't hear about their bullying and doesn't
do anything that will prevent it (Soard). A great number of bullies in schools go unnoticed because of this which will in turn, make them continue to do
these hurtful things. Punishments that bullies receive are not harsh enough and need to be reconsidered if we want a change in our lives.
Bullies not getting punished leads more students to get involved in these horrible acts due to peer pressure. Students feel like they need to bully to be
popular or because everyone else does it. They don't realize that bullying other kids makes you look worse and can drive that student to never come
back to school or do something even worse. If the students who started the bullying were caught and suspended, less students would continue the
bullying. They would see the consequences that a bully got and
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Advice for Dealing With Bullying Essay
Advice for Dealing With Bullying
"If you are worried discuss this with a teacher."
Bullying is not easy to define. Sometimes it involves hitting or kicking. But threats, teasing, and taunting are more common and can be more damaging.
The word 'bullying' is used to describe many different types of behaviour ranging from teasing or deliberately leaving an individual out of a social
gathering or ignoring them, to serious assaults and abuse. Sometimes it is an individual who is doing the bullying and sometimes it is a group.
The important thing is not the action but the effect on the victim. No–one should ever underestimate the fear that a bullied child feels.
This advice sums up the most important actions to take –
If someone more content...
I wasn't any wealthier or poorer or a different race.
I used to cry myself to sleep every night. I was miserable. My parents knew and they talked to the headmaster but he wasn't interested and said he
couldn't do anything about it. My parents knew all the bullies' parents. One girl even lived in the same street and we had been friends since we were
two. Like a sheep she dumped me because no–one else talked to me.
This all happened in primary 6 and I have lost nearly all my self–confidence and hate being on my own. I'd hate to think this was happening to anyone
else. I have a fear that if one girl doesn't talk to me they will all start again and it will never stop. I don't want it to go on for the rest of my school life. I
couldn't cope." (girl, 14)
A Bully
"I have never actually set out to bully someone myself. It usually comes about when someone is being annoyed and provides an amusing reaction that
I begin to join in. At the time you do not see it as bullying, although you may have doubts later. I do not think there is anyone at school who has not
bullied someone in one way or another." (boy, 16)
A Parent
"My daughter has been bullied since she was at primary school. Daily she is called names like 'bitch' and 'slag'. We have tried everything but no–one
listens. She has threatened to kill herself. All she wants is to be a happy kid at school with friends. I don't want
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Essay about Bullying Research Study
Studies indicate that bullying is highly prevalent in classrooms today and that bullying has negative consequences on self–esteem, motivation and
learning. Administrators understand the seriousness of bullying and agree that prevention programs should be implemented. Studies have been
conducted on how to prevent bullying using school–wide inclusion programs but no studies have currently been conducted regarding one teacher's
attempt at providing a safe learning environment using these resources. As well, no current studies have confirmed which separate elements of these
approaches can offer an educator success. Design The researcher will study this particular phenomenon by observing and reviewing all of the
complexities of more content...
The researcher will conduct observations as a relative outsider. This will allow flexibility if unforeseen data were to surface. If this were to occur,
the outsider will be able to look at the situation objectively and change any aspects of the study that need to be updated. The researcher will pay close
attention to what is important and ignore any unnecessary observations. In this study, structure is defined as the degree by which schools consistently
and fairly enforce rules. The goal is to maintain sufficient order that is conducive to learning. When deciding the level of structure necessary, an equal
balance is imperative because classrooms that are too permissive run the risk of disorder while classrooms that are too strict can receive antagonistic
responses by students seeking autonomy. The student perception of structure will be an important factor in this study. Research suggests that clarity,
fairness and a firm understanding of consequences will lead to better behavior. These generalizations have shown to be supported among diverse
groups of people and among children from low socioeconomic backgrounds. These specific aspects of structure will be some of the areas in which the
research will focus. Structure will be implemented by setting expectations at the beginning of the school year regarding the importance of a positive
learning environment and the significance of an anti–bullying policy. In the classroom, students will develop a
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Persuasive Essay On Stop Bullying
STOP Bullying
I think that bullying needs to stop, because bullying hurts people's feelings and sometimes even end a life. Here is a story about what happen to me.
So one day i'm at school in FACS, I'm working on my pj pants that we have to make. One of my friends asked for help, so I walk over to her at her
sewing machine. She needed help on her pants and what to do. As I'm helping my friend, a girl, lets say her name is Vanessa, she was sitting by
my friend Skyler, Vanessa said "eww go away' , I told her I wasn't going to do what she told me. Vanessa got mad and stood up, she walks over to
me and said a lot of random stuff. I kept telling her to stop telling me what do. Then the teacher came over and asked "What was happening" ,and that
was it. I felt scared when I was standing up to her, but at the same time I felt brave and proud of myself for standing up.
When I was little I thought that bullying wasn't that bad, but then I saw someone getting bullied, it was horrible. Bullying is awful and you should
never do it. I learned to be brave and stand up and the bully might stop. But at the same time the bully might even do more bad things. That's when you
really need to tell an adult.
Words hurt, I don't care if you're joking. I don't care if you didn't mean it. I don't care if someone else dared you to, I don't care if you felt peer
pressured into it. I don't care if you think it makes you look cool......... It's mean. Being a bully is not cool, it's not funny. Tearing someone else
down to make yourself feel better is a cowardly act. Be an adult use manners and be nice. I rather be a little nobody, than to be an evil somebody.
Bullying is something that no one should ever have to experience. " Words scar, rumors destroy, and Bullies kill". 160,000 kids skip school every
day to avoid being bullied. How would you feel every time you go to school someone's looking at you weird, calling you a loser. Don't listen to
people who tell you what to do. Listen to people who encourage you to do what you know in your heart is right. When are people going to realize
words kill. Suicide isn't cowardly. Want to know what's cowardly? Treating someone so bad, they want to end their life.
"The boy you punched in the hall today,
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Bullying : Bullying And Bullying
Bullying was defined as overly powered strength used when intimidating one, demanding ones request. Cyberbullying was defined as using electronic
devices such as computers, texting, cellphones, iPad's, etc. Bullying and Cyberbullying are similar in so many ways. One major similarity is
aggressiveness, which is used to cause harm to a victim. They both are done to cause the victim pain. Cyberbullying and Bullying are neither often
reported. Bullying is repeated behavior over and over again. Those who bully are defined as having serious personal issues. There are three types of
bullies: verbal bullying, physical bullying, and social bullying. Verbal bullying is when the victim was teased, threaten or humiliated. Bullies are often
face more content...
Billy's mother doesn't feel the need that she should tell him about his father. So he holds this big grudge and hate in his heart for people who have
the perfect relationship with their father. Today is donuts for dad day. Each student is allowed to bring their father to school with them to have
donuts. Billy doesn't know his father, so seeing all the students with their dads made him feel some type of way. Jim is one of the star football
players in the school, his dad shows up for donuts for dad day. Later on that afternoon once all the parents are gone, Billy decides to put on a show
for his fellow classmates as they are getting their trays in the cafeteria. Jim gets his tray from the lunch lady, and on his way to his set Bill walks
up. Bill ask "Hey dude do you want your milk?" Jim replies "Yes". Bill says "You better give me your milk before I embarrass you in front of the
entire student body." Jim replies "No". Bill then takes Jim's milk off of his tray, opens it up, and then pours it on top of Jims head. That was a task
of humiliation. Bill had built up so much animosity towards Jim only because he saw Jim having a great time with his father. It shows that Bill was
using his personal issues to get back someone else. Bullying is done to entertain a small group of people. It can happen to anybody. The impact that it
causes to the victim was long–lasting. The United States considered bullying as a major concern. (Responding).
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Bullying And Bullying : Bullying
Bullying is defined as unwanted or aggressive behavior that causes someone to feel afraid or intimidated. This behavior could be something physical,
verbal, or something done electronically or through social media. If someone feels threatened by someone's actions or words, it could be considered
bullying, even if that was not the intent.There are many types of bullying, how to recognize bullying, how to report bullying, what to do if you see
incidents of bullying, and what resources are available to persons who have been bullied.
Some people believe that bullying is only seen on television or in the movies but it is a real life issue that is seen and experienced by many every
day. People of all ages, races, cultures and backgrounds are affected. There are some who are embarrassed to report bullying but it occurs every day,
everywhere. It is important to learn about and understand what causes people to be bullies, as well as understand the effects that being bullied can
have on a person.It is important for people to understand all sides of bullying, from the signs of someone being bullied to what you can do to prevent it.
Physical bullying occurs mostly at school.According to Middle school is the age when bullying is most common. Almost all middle
school students are being affected directly or indirectly by bullying. Students who bully others often have trouble with self–control, following the rules
and caring for each other. In the future they may have
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Argumentative Essay On Bullying
Bullying happens everywhere, whether it is at work, school, or home, This is Where It Ends, evidence in the schools, and adult psychiatric health
problems later on in life, are some supporting evidence to show that this is an ongoing problem. According to bullying is described
as "An Imbalance of Power: Kids who bully use their power–such as physical strength, access to embarrassing information, or popularity–to control or
harm others. Power imbalances can change over time and in different situations, even if they involve the same people." Bullying helps someone have
dominance over another, it can boost their confidence, and self–esteem. Although bullying has been around for as long as anyone can remember, it is
just recently in the 2000s that is has received serious attention and research (Hymel). There have been many recent events that have focused on this
"13 Reasons Why", this is a very popular title that most teens, adults, and parents may know. This year, Netflix came out with the original series to
show what bullying can do. In the year of 2011 a 15 year–old girl named Amanda Todd, posted her story on Youtube (Dean). Amanda was seriously
bullied for something that she had done in her middle school past, and was now in high school. One day after school, Amanda was found lying in
a ditch by her father, right before she had been beaten up by a group of girl from her school. After, Amanda went home and drank bleach, it did not
kill her, a few months later, she tried to overdose on pill, that also did not kill her. After, she posted her story on YouTube, people were saying "you
should try killing yourself again", or "you deserve to die", "try drinking a different bleach next time". A month later she attempted suicide. Not only
was Amanda the victim of physical and social bullying, but she was also the victim of cyberbullying (Dean). Cyberbullying is social network
bullying, it can happen over Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat etc. This is now becoming more, and more popular as the world enters into a more
technology based times. Although cyberbullying is now very popular, physical and social bullying are still used today. There are many stories on the
internet about
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Bullying Narrative Essay
Adrianna M. Weaver
Composition 1
Narrative Essay
My narrative essay is about my experiences of being bullied. This essay further discusses what can be done to help prevent bullying.
Bullying is aggressive behavior that is unwanted. Bullying uses power to overtake another person physically, emotionally, or mentally. A lot of times
the bully uses popularity as a standing or means of attack, picking on/bullying the not so popular students or peers. Bullying is repetitive. Very rarely
is a bullying situation a one and done ordeal. There are many different types of bullying, the most common types are verbal, physical, cyber, and
social. Verbal and social bullying are very similar. Verbal bullying consists of threats, name
–calling, teasing/taunting and inappropriate comments.
Social bullying is spreading rumors about a person, embarrassing someone in public or at a school setting, leaving someone out or purposely
excluding them and also telling people/peers not to be friends with another person for some reason. Cyber bullying is an ever increasing type of
bullying. Cyber bullying is the act of bullying someone with the use (abuse) of technology, more content...
You need to not be so sensitive." If the child being verbally bullied was to record the bullies, the bullied student can get in trouble for "recording
without permission." Also, unfortunately if the bullied student is to a point of contemplating suicide, and carries through with the action, and were to
die, the school may respond with "Oh, we wish the student had come to us and talked to us we could have done something to put an end to the bullies."
Students report bullying to the school and nothing happens to put end to
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What Can We Do to Stop Bullying? Essay
Bullying is not only a topic, but it is an action. An action in which is seen by many everyday within school systems, business offices, or on the streets.
It is everywhere and has become part of the everyday environment. More often then not, bullying occurs greatly within local school systems, where it
has come to the extent of having individuals remove themselves from the environment over bullying. Bullying can happen in many ways whether it be
race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and the list goes on. It is not something that can be pushed away any longer. Why should children be
punished from there education due to another individual? Exactly, there is no reasonable explanation. Within the school systems today, the thought of more content...
Many individuals do not understand what it would be like to be on the other end of the stick. Instead of being the bully, you are being the one
bullied. Many know that being bullied is not an enjoyment because it has become part of their everyday lives. Much of which is done on the
premises of the school building. Gone unknown and unheard. One of the major items that is noticed on what children get picked on is what they
wear to school. If it isn't designer clothes or items that don't have a name brand plastered across it, they should get judged. Why? It's not like it's their
fault. To conclude, Much of the bullying that goes in goes unheard or unnoticed. People don't pay attention to what goes on around them and what
other individuals have to put up with. Much of the bullying that is done is clearly just perpetuating rape culture. Individuals should be able to enter
an environment in which they feel safe in. They don't have to worry about what may happen the next day or at the lunch table. Not only teachers but
students need to take a ride and realize what is being done. There are children out there whom are scared for their lives to enter the school building
because of the bullying they are put through. Many of the individuals bottle up all their feelings and don't express there emotions and feelings. They
don't release information about the topic because they are scared of
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Experiencing Bullying
A Person is A Person No Matter How Small: Seuss takes a Stand
"Children's Reading and Children's Thinking are the rock bottom base upon which the future of this country will rise. Or not rise. In these days of
tension and confusion, writers are beginning to realize that Books for Children have a greater potential for good, or evil, than any other form of
literature on earth. They realize that the new generations must grow up to be more intelligent than ours"–(Dr Seuss, 1960).
According to the National Bullying Prevention Center, one out of every four students reports being bullied at school. Bullying is a growing problem
where children are being taunted and teased for a variety of reasons including: looks, body shape and race. With the growing problem impacting the
growth and development of children, it is important to realize that it is an issue that can be addressed and minimized when children learn at a young
age, that, A Person is A Person, no matter how small! (Dr. Seuss, 1960 )
Experiencing Bullying Ted, as he was liked to by his peers, grew more content...
Seuss claimed that the reason he wrote books for children was because he didn't quite feel grown up himself. he often said that everything that he
wrote or illustrated was for his own amusement. His work continues to amuse millions of readers all over the world. Dr. Seuss's stories are
timeless. And he also enjoyed writing children's books. And he took a stand against kids being bullied because they were different, because that
was the situation that he was in. During world war 2, if half of the stuff you do in life is the german way, then a lot of Americans won't like you.
When he was a child during that time, he spoke german and english, he ate german food, and wore german clothes. Plus, he had a dog with 3 legs. So
for this reason, he embraced his talent of writing, drawing, and his imagination to write amazing children's books. "A person is a person, no mater how
small." – ( Dr. Seuss,
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Informative Essay About Bullying
Bullying is a type of behavior that hurts, humiliates or harms another person physically or emotionally. For instance, Take Josh. He was a 7th
grade student in a small town where his dad lives still to this day he was a boy with short golden hair. In his first year of middle school, kids
taunted him and spit on him in the hallways. It didn't occur to him to tell his parents or teachers. Finally, when a group of 20 kids threatened to beat
him up at the carwash the next day, he finally told his older brother, who in turn informed his parents. His dad looked up his main tormentor's phone
number in the phone book and told her dad to make his daughter stop or he'd contact the police. It worked. Josh's story is a story to tell others and
studies show that each year kids just like Josh are victims of bullying. Over 3.2 million school aged students are bullied each year according to https:/
/–facts–about–bullying resulting in about 160,000 staying home from school because of it. 17% of American
students report being bullied 2 to 3 times a month or more within a school semester. Josh was bullied so badly in the worst ways and he decided to
tell and it changed his life, you can make the decision to tell yourself or let others, but don't just sit there and let the bullies be mean, if josh wouldn't
have told his brother then josh would have had bruises all over his face after school. If you see someone getting bullied i suggest you tell someone it
will change someone's life.
There are several types of bullying. One form of bullying is verbal. People can be verbally bullied by name calling, insults, teasing, intimidation,
homophobic or racist remarks.
Another type of bullying is cyber bullying. People are cyber–bullied by being harassed online, cyberstalking, outing, and catfished. The terms outing
and Catfishing are not well–known but they are truly terrible. Outing is the public display or forwarding of personal communications such as text
messages, emails or instant messaging. If you don't know what Catfishing is, it is a person who fakes there age on an online account and tries luring
out young people, and many teens. There has been some others who have started talking sexualy
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The Effects of Bullying on a Child Essay
The Effects of Bullying on a Child
Every day in our schools, children are threatened, teased, taunted, and tormented by bullies. At any given time, about 25 percent of U.S. students are
the victims of bullies and about 20 percent are engaged in bullying behavior (Education World, 2000). The National Association of School
Psychologists estimates that 160,000 children stay home from school every day because they are afraid of being bullied (Education World, 2000).
Bullying is characterized by three criteria(NCPTB, 2003):
It is aggressive behavior or the intent to harm,
It is carried out repeatedly and over time; and
It occurs within an interpersonal relationship more content...
Physical injury or threats of physical injury interfere with victims' concentration and learning.
Victims may develop psychosomatic symptoms such as stomachaches and headaches.
Constant self–devaluation may lead to depression and suicide.
Anxious, distressed, unhappy, depressed, or tearful when he/she comes homes from school.
May lose interest in school work and experience a decline in academic performance.
It is important to note there are often severe affects of bullying. In Why Kids Kill: Exploring the Causes and Possible Solutions, Sylvia Rimm, a
clinical professor of psychiatry and pediatrics at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, identifies a common trait among the violent
children she's worked with: "There was always a history of problems in peer relationships," Rimm said. "All of them [children who expressed anger
violently] had been teased by others more than what is typical." All the violent children, in other words, had been the victims of bullies (Rimm, 2000).
Victims of bullying often suffer lifelong problems with low self–esteem. They are prone to depression, suicide, and other mental health problems
throughout their lives (Education World, 2000).
What should the parents do about this?
Parents should encourage the child to share their feelings with them. The child
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Bullying Outline
Purpose: To inform the audience on bullying.
Thesis: The effect bullying has on students.
Attention getter: Bullying, we have all been a victim and we have all been the bully whether we have noticed or not.
Relevance: Everyday bullying happens all around us and nobody seems to lift a finger to stop it.
Credibility: Growing up I was always a victim of bullying, because of this I have became depressed, my anxiety is through the roof and my self
confidence is the lowest it has ever been. I started getting bullied in the fourth grade, my classmates would make fun of my freckles, my hair color, the
way I dressed and so much more, they didn't realize that maybe I was going through a hard time at home and they could have been more
This type of bullying uses instant messaging, cell phone text messages and online social networks to humiliate and embarrass others. This can be
especially devastating to the people being bullied, since they cannot even find a safe place in the virtual world." It is very important for you to realize
that there are many different forms of bullying, there is physical bullying, verbal bullying, emotional bullying and cyberbullying. Physical and verbal
bullying are the 2 methods often used in our classrooms and hallways, Admin bullying be demographic explains both types well, "Physical Bullying: is
the most obvious form of bullying. In this type of bullying, the instigator attempts to physically dominate another teen. This usually includes kicking,
punching and other physically harmful activities, designed to instill fear in the one bullied, and possible coerce him or her to do something.""Verbal
Bullying: When someone verbally bullies another, he or she uses demeaning language to tear down another's self–image. Bullies who use verbal
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Essay about Bullying and Harassment
Managing bullying and harassment in the workplace
When most of us hear the term 'bullying' we seem to reflect back on childhood memories of the schoolyard bully tormenting others for
self–amusement, much to the distain of others around them. Unfortunately this seems not to be the only time such behaviour occurs. Workplacebullying
and harassment can be defined as 'Offending, socially excluding someone or negatively affecting someone's work tasks. It can occur repeatedly and
regularly over a period of time where the confronted ends up in an inferior position and becomes the target of systematic negative social acts'
(Einarsen et al, 2007). This essay will explain the significance of bullying and harassment in the workplace by exploring, more content...
Workplace bullies have been described as 'conquerors only interested in power and control, who enjoy belittling sub–ordinates' (Dawn et al, 2007).
Statistics from an Australian cross– national survey revealed that 70 percent of bullying behaviour was inflicted by a supervisor or manager toward
sub–ordinates (Query & Hanley, 2010). Some of the affects bullying and harassment has on workers is low self esteem, anxiety depression,
psychosomatic problems (hostility, hyper sensibility, loss of memory and feelings of victimisation), aggression, fear and mistrust, cognitive effects
(inability to concentrate or think clearly, reduced problem solving capacity), isolation, loneliness, deterioration of friendships, chronic fatigue and sleep
problems (Poilpot–Rocaboy,2006). From an organisational perspective, it is estimated that organisations in Australia lose between $6 billion and $13
billion per annum due to bullying related abuse (Query & Hanley, 2010) and that more than 2 million managers and professionals voluntarily leave
their jobs every year due solely to workplace unfairness, including bullying (Query & Hanley, 2010). These figures do not include the millions of
workers who suffer from
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Bullying Argumentative essay
Argumentative Essay
25 November 2013
Have you ever seen or experienced bullying and the dramatic effects it has on its victims? Unfortunately nine out of every ten students have
experienced bullying in school or online. Many people believe that bullying is a part of growing up and kids do not know any better. Bullies are
intentionally causing mental and or physical damage to their victims, which will affect them for the rest of their lives. Bullying has shown that it can
cause self inflicted injuries and even suicide in America today, and there should be no doubt that we need to protect our youth today. We need to
enforce a law that will have bullies face harsh legal punishment in order to more content...
They should be treated like an individual who knows right and wrong and continues to do wrong by physically assault another student. In most
cases of self inflicted injuries are caused by cyber bullying, which is online or over the phone. It is horrible and it takes a lot to make someone feel
like their life is not worth living or that bringing a blade to their wrists will relieve the pain they are going through mentally. Cyber bullies attack
people psychologically and get very personal with the intent of hurting someone. They hide behind the computer and use it to ruin others lives. That
is worse than physical bullying, because the psychological scars are things that will be with the victims forever. It will affect their self esteem, their
value of life, their insecurities, and how they act socially. Bullying does not go away after you leave school, bullying in some cases stays with people
for the rest of their lives. The events that the victims went through torments them for the rest of their lives through flash backs, fears created by the
bully, and even seeing the bully themselves. Most victims have nightmares and flashbacks that bring them back to that horrible time of their life and
haunt them long after school is over. The last thing I ask is to look at this from a personal perspective. People should think as if it were their child who
came home crying, beaten, battered, cut marks on
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School Bullying Essay
Many people do not realize how serious bullying has become. If you look at statistics suicides due to bullying have increased over just a few short
years. This has become a very big problem for not only the victim but the bully as well as it affect both of them. School bullying is mentally
destructive to not only the victims, but bullies because of the harmful words, harassment, and physical violence involved as well as the consequences
for the bully.
The general definition of bullying is, "... [This] states that a person is being bullied when he or she is exposed repeatedly and over time, to negative
actions on the part of one or more other persons" (Aluede et al. 3). There are two different variations in bullying type such as direct more
The most common type of bullying among females is verbal bullying ("Verbal Bullying" 1). This type of psychological bullying uses derogatory
terms to demean, or lower, the victim in the eyes of others to show that the bully has power over them ("Verbal Bullying" 1). This causes the person to
have low self–esteem and develop depression in that victim ("Verbal Bullying" 1). Verbal bullying is the most psychologically damaging and lasts
well into adulthood (Aluede et al. 6). "[Words] have a power all their own, and the realities of verbal bullying can have very physical consequences,
even if the aggressor never lays a finger on the victim" ("Verbal Bullying" 1) In more severe cases of verbal bullying, or any bullying for that matter,
can lead to drugs because the victim wants to escape his or her tortured life, in more extreme cases if the person's depression worsens it could lead to
suicide ("Verbal Bullying" 1).
The well–organized ripping away of respect and affection is called, emotional [bullying] ( 1). Emotional bullying can be as simple as ignoring
the person's feelings, not listening, forcing the victim to do something they would not normally do, and by laying a guilt trip on the victims backs to
manipulate that person to do what the bully want ( 1). "Emotional [bullying] leaves the victim with hidden scars that often result in insecurity,
poor self–esteem,
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Persuasive Essay On Anti Bullying
Bullying has become a very hot topic in schools and on social media. There is a chant kids say "sticks and stones my break my bones, but words
will never hurt me." This is totally false. In truth, words can kill. Bullying is a fact of modern society; it can cause psychological effects and in most
cases result in self–harm. I believe preventative measures to reduce bullying in schools and social media should be taken. About twenty–eight percent of
student's ages 12–18 reported being bullied at school during the school year according to the Indicators of School Crime and Safety report, by the
Bureau of Justice statistics. Across thirty–nine states survey, 7.2 percent of students admit to not attending school because they do not feel safe. The
importance of bullying can't be undermined. Teachers and parents must understand the importance of looking and listening for signs and behaviors
of bullying. This will help tackle the issue before it gets serious and someone gets hurt. To successfully prevent bullying you must be able to spot it.
Parents and teachers need to watch for instances of bullying. A person who is isolating themselves from a group doesn't necessarily categorize a
person as a loner. That could be a sign that they are being bullied. Just by noticing those warning signs and intervening can help the situation and
possibly allow the person being bullied to find comfort in confining you. What is a bully? A bully is a person who uses strength or power to harm or
intimidate those who are weaker. There are many types of bullying. There is verbal bullying when someone is saying or writing mean things. Verbal
bullying includes teasing, name–calling, inappropriate sexual comments, and threatening to cause self harm. Another form of bullying is social
bullying. It involves hurting someone's reputation or relationship. Social bullying includes spreading rumors about someone, telling other children not
to be friends with someone, and embarrassing someone in public. Then there is physical bullying which involves hurting a person's body or
possessions. Which includes hitting or kicking, tripping, taking or breaking someone's things. Bullying can occur during or after school hours.
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Essay On Bullying

  • 1. Essay on Bullying ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTION Bullying Behaviors Among US Youth Prevalence and Association With Psychosocial Adjustment Tonja R. Nansel, PhD Mary Overpeck, DrPH Ramani S. Pilla, PhD W. June Ruan, MA Bruce Simons –Morton, EdD, MPH Peter Scheidt, MD, MPH ULLYING AMONG SCHOOL–AGED youth is increasingly being recognized as an important problem affecting well–being and social functioning. While a certain amount of conflict and harassment is typical of youth peer relations, bullying presents a potentially more serious threat to healthy youth development. The definition of bullying is widely agreed on in literature on bullying.1–4 Bullying is a specific type of aggression in which (1) the behavior is intended to harm or disturb, (2) the more content... Author Affiliations: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Bethesda, Md. Dr Overpeck is now with the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Health Resources and Services Administration, Rockville, Md; Dr Pilla is now with the University of Illinois at Chicago. Corresponding Author and Reprints: Tonja R. Nansel, PhD, Division of Epidemiology, Statistics, and Prevention Research, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 6100 Executive Blvd, Room 7B05, MSC 7510, Bethesda, MD 20892–7510 (e–mail: 2094 JAMA, April 25, 2001–Vol 285, No. 16 (Reprinted) Š2001 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded from at Georgetown Univ Med Ctr, on April 2, 2008 BULLYING BEHAVIORS AMONG US YOUTH Research examining characteristics of youth involved in bullying has consistently found that both bullies and those bullied demonstrate poorer psychosocial functioning than their noninvolved peers. Youth who bully others tend to demonstrate higher levels of conduct problems and dislike of school, whereas youth who are bullied generally show higher levels of insecurity, anxiety, depression, loneliness, unhappiness, physical and mental symptoms, and low self–esteem.1–4,8,15–25 Males who are bullied also tend to be physically weaker
  • 2. Get more content on
  • 3. Persuasive Essay on Bullying When someone thinks of school, they think about classes, friends, and books. They think about the minor struggles of drama and studying for next week's big test. For them, school is just school. It's something that has just become a part of life, not good or bad. For victims of bullying, school is a living nightmare. School is harassment, and pain, and a whole series of struggles too much for the normal person to comprehend. Schools have created this image of "normal" that many people strive to fit into. But when there is someone who cannot fit in, no matter how hard they try, due to things like epilepsy or obesity, they get deemed an outsider. People don't seem to understand the struggles of being different, so instead of being nice more content... Cyberstalking includes harassment that threatens harm or is highly intimidating, often intruding upon someone's privacy. A common type of cyberstalking is to send disturbing messages or pictures to the victim's phone or email. Chat rooms are a very popular place for kids to meet and talk online; but they are not always innocent. The Bayside Leader says that "most victims of cyberbullying say abuse occurs in chat rooms". The bully will engage someone in a conversation, earning trust. Then they will trick the victim into revealing information that they otherwise would not reveal. The bully will find ways to spread the secret, maybe taking a picture of the chat box or forwarding the message around. Another form of cyberbullying, as hard as it is to believe, is purposely leaving someone out. "Exclusion" is when some bullies deliberately exclude someone from an Instant Messaging group or a buddy list, to hurt his or her feelings. There are many ways to cyberbully someone; all of them hurtful and all of them affective. School is also a very common place for bullying to take place. Exclusion occurs at school as well as on the internet, and is much more prominent in classrooms. Bullies at school usually have some insecurity or self–esteem issues that cause them to abuse others. Hurting people gives them a sort of sense of power that soon becomes addicting. It does not get better, and it rarely goes away. The victims Get more content on
  • 4. Persuasive Essay On Bullying When Will it Stop? What if you were terrified to go to your school every day? 160,000 students miss school each day because they get bullied and are scared of what will happen ("Bullying Statistics"). Bullying has been a major problem in schools for far too long. Students should not be scared to go to a place that is supposed to be safe and where they can express themselves. Students that bully never get the punishment they deserve, which causes them to continue to act. When you go to school, you should know that if you are getting treated in a horrific way, the people who were treating you that way will get punished. Students who bully should be suspended from school. The bullies in schools never think they will get severely punished, so they don't stop. They think that they won't be caught and that bullying isn't a huge deal, but it is. Bullying causes students to not go to school, to feel alone, and to leave their school feeling worthless. If the bully were to be suspended, he/she would learn quickly that what they are doing is wrong in so many ways. They will realize that bullying can be the reason they don't get into their dream school or do something they love. On the other hand, victims of bullying don't come forward and voice that the have been taunted, teased, and tormented because they don't think the school will help them. 67 percent of students feel that their school doesn't hear about their bullying and doesn't do anything that will prevent it (Soard). A great number of bullies in schools go unnoticed because of this which will in turn, make them continue to do these hurtful things. Punishments that bullies receive are not harsh enough and need to be reconsidered if we want a change in our lives. Bullies not getting punished leads more students to get involved in these horrible acts due to peer pressure. Students feel like they need to bully to be popular or because everyone else does it. They don't realize that bullying other kids makes you look worse and can drive that student to never come back to school or do something even worse. If the students who started the bullying were caught and suspended, less students would continue the bullying. They would see the consequences that a bully got and Get more content on
  • 5. Advice for Dealing With Bullying Essay Advice for Dealing With Bullying "If you are worried discuss this with a teacher." Bullying is not easy to define. Sometimes it involves hitting or kicking. But threats, teasing, and taunting are more common and can be more damaging. The word 'bullying' is used to describe many different types of behaviour ranging from teasing or deliberately leaving an individual out of a social gathering or ignoring them, to serious assaults and abuse. Sometimes it is an individual who is doing the bullying and sometimes it is a group. The important thing is not the action but the effect on the victim. No–one should ever underestimate the fear that a bullied child feels. This advice sums up the most important actions to take – If someone more content... I wasn't any wealthier or poorer or a different race. I used to cry myself to sleep every night. I was miserable. My parents knew and they talked to the headmaster but he wasn't interested and said he couldn't do anything about it. My parents knew all the bullies' parents. One girl even lived in the same street and we had been friends since we were two. Like a sheep she dumped me because no–one else talked to me. This all happened in primary 6 and I have lost nearly all my self–confidence and hate being on my own. I'd hate to think this was happening to anyone else. I have a fear that if one girl doesn't talk to me they will all start again and it will never stop. I don't want it to go on for the rest of my school life. I couldn't cope." (girl, 14) A Bully "I have never actually set out to bully someone myself. It usually comes about when someone is being annoyed and provides an amusing reaction that I begin to join in. At the time you do not see it as bullying, although you may have doubts later. I do not think there is anyone at school who has not bullied someone in one way or another." (boy, 16) A Parent "My daughter has been bullied since she was at primary school. Daily she is called names like 'bitch' and 'slag'. We have tried everything but no–one listens. She has threatened to kill herself. All she wants is to be a happy kid at school with friends. I don't want
  • 6. Get more content on
  • 7. Essay about Bullying Research Study Studies indicate that bullying is highly prevalent in classrooms today and that bullying has negative consequences on self–esteem, motivation and learning. Administrators understand the seriousness of bullying and agree that prevention programs should be implemented. Studies have been conducted on how to prevent bullying using school–wide inclusion programs but no studies have currently been conducted regarding one teacher's attempt at providing a safe learning environment using these resources. As well, no current studies have confirmed which separate elements of these approaches can offer an educator success. Design The researcher will study this particular phenomenon by observing and reviewing all of the complexities of more content... The researcher will conduct observations as a relative outsider. This will allow flexibility if unforeseen data were to surface. If this were to occur, the outsider will be able to look at the situation objectively and change any aspects of the study that need to be updated. The researcher will pay close attention to what is important and ignore any unnecessary observations. In this study, structure is defined as the degree by which schools consistently and fairly enforce rules. The goal is to maintain sufficient order that is conducive to learning. When deciding the level of structure necessary, an equal balance is imperative because classrooms that are too permissive run the risk of disorder while classrooms that are too strict can receive antagonistic responses by students seeking autonomy. The student perception of structure will be an important factor in this study. Research suggests that clarity, fairness and a firm understanding of consequences will lead to better behavior. These generalizations have shown to be supported among diverse groups of people and among children from low socioeconomic backgrounds. These specific aspects of structure will be some of the areas in which the research will focus. Structure will be implemented by setting expectations at the beginning of the school year regarding the importance of a positive learning environment and the significance of an anti–bullying policy. In the classroom, students will develop a Get more content on
  • 8. Persuasive Essay On Stop Bullying STOP Bullying I think that bullying needs to stop, because bullying hurts people's feelings and sometimes even end a life. Here is a story about what happen to me. So one day i'm at school in FACS, I'm working on my pj pants that we have to make. One of my friends asked for help, so I walk over to her at her sewing machine. She needed help on her pants and what to do. As I'm helping my friend, a girl, lets say her name is Vanessa, she was sitting by my friend Skyler, Vanessa said "eww go away' , I told her I wasn't going to do what she told me. Vanessa got mad and stood up, she walks over to me and said a lot of random stuff. I kept telling her to stop telling me what do. Then the teacher came over and asked "What was happening" ,and that was it. I felt scared when I was standing up to her, but at the same time I felt brave and proud of myself for standing up. When I was little I thought that bullying wasn't that bad, but then I saw someone getting bullied, it was horrible. Bullying is awful and you should never do it. I learned to be brave and stand up and the bully might stop. But at the same time the bully might even do more bad things. That's when you really need to tell an adult. Words hurt, I don't care if you're joking. I don't care if you didn't mean it. I don't care if someone else dared you to, I don't care if you felt peer pressured into it. I don't care if you think it makes you look cool......... It's mean. Being a bully is not cool, it's not funny. Tearing someone else down to make yourself feel better is a cowardly act. Be an adult use manners and be nice. I rather be a little nobody, than to be an evil somebody. Bullying is something that no one should ever have to experience. " Words scar, rumors destroy, and Bullies kill". 160,000 kids skip school every day to avoid being bullied. How would you feel every time you go to school someone's looking at you weird, calling you a loser. Don't listen to people who tell you what to do. Listen to people who encourage you to do what you know in your heart is right. When are people going to realize words kill. Suicide isn't cowardly. Want to know what's cowardly? Treating someone so bad, they want to end their life. "The boy you punched in the hall today, Get more content on
  • 9. Bullying : Bullying And Bullying Bullying was defined as overly powered strength used when intimidating one, demanding ones request. Cyberbullying was defined as using electronic devices such as computers, texting, cellphones, iPad's, etc. Bullying and Cyberbullying are similar in so many ways. One major similarity is aggressiveness, which is used to cause harm to a victim. They both are done to cause the victim pain. Cyberbullying and Bullying are neither often reported. Bullying is repeated behavior over and over again. Those who bully are defined as having serious personal issues. There are three types of bullies: verbal bullying, physical bullying, and social bullying. Verbal bullying is when the victim was teased, threaten or humiliated. Bullies are often face more content... Billy's mother doesn't feel the need that she should tell him about his father. So he holds this big grudge and hate in his heart for people who have the perfect relationship with their father. Today is donuts for dad day. Each student is allowed to bring their father to school with them to have donuts. Billy doesn't know his father, so seeing all the students with their dads made him feel some type of way. Jim is one of the star football players in the school, his dad shows up for donuts for dad day. Later on that afternoon once all the parents are gone, Billy decides to put on a show for his fellow classmates as they are getting their trays in the cafeteria. Jim gets his tray from the lunch lady, and on his way to his set Bill walks up. Bill ask "Hey dude do you want your milk?" Jim replies "Yes". Bill says "You better give me your milk before I embarrass you in front of the entire student body." Jim replies "No". Bill then takes Jim's milk off of his tray, opens it up, and then pours it on top of Jims head. That was a task of humiliation. Bill had built up so much animosity towards Jim only because he saw Jim having a great time with his father. It shows that Bill was using his personal issues to get back someone else. Bullying is done to entertain a small group of people. It can happen to anybody. The impact that it causes to the victim was long–lasting. The United States considered bullying as a major concern. (Responding). Get more content on
  • 10. Bullying And Bullying : Bullying Bullying is defined as unwanted or aggressive behavior that causes someone to feel afraid or intimidated. This behavior could be something physical, verbal, or something done electronically or through social media. If someone feels threatened by someone's actions or words, it could be considered bullying, even if that was not the intent.There are many types of bullying, how to recognize bullying, how to report bullying, what to do if you see incidents of bullying, and what resources are available to persons who have been bullied. Some people believe that bullying is only seen on television or in the movies but it is a real life issue that is seen and experienced by many every day. People of all ages, races, cultures and backgrounds are affected. There are some who are embarrassed to report bullying but it occurs every day, everywhere. It is important to learn about and understand what causes people to be bullies, as well as understand the effects that being bullied can have on a person.It is important for people to understand all sides of bullying, from the signs of someone being bullied to what you can do to prevent it. Physical bullying occurs mostly at school.According to Middle school is the age when bullying is most common. Almost all middle school students are being affected directly or indirectly by bullying. Students who bully others often have trouble with self–control, following the rules and caring for each other. In the future they may have Get more content on
  • 11. Argumentative Essay On Bullying Bullying Bullying happens everywhere, whether it is at work, school, or home, This is Where It Ends, evidence in the schools, and adult psychiatric health problems later on in life, are some supporting evidence to show that this is an ongoing problem. According to bullying is described as "An Imbalance of Power: Kids who bully use their power–such as physical strength, access to embarrassing information, or popularity–to control or harm others. Power imbalances can change over time and in different situations, even if they involve the same people." Bullying helps someone have dominance over another, it can boost their confidence, and self–esteem. Although bullying has been around for as long as anyone can remember, it is just recently in the 2000s that is has received serious attention and research (Hymel). There have been many recent events that have focused on this subject. "13 Reasons Why", this is a very popular title that most teens, adults, and parents may know. This year, Netflix came out with the original series to show what bullying can do. In the year of 2011 a 15 year–old girl named Amanda Todd, posted her story on Youtube (Dean). Amanda was seriously bullied for something that she had done in her middle school past, and was now in high school. One day after school, Amanda was found lying in a ditch by her father, right before she had been beaten up by a group of girl from her school. After, Amanda went home and drank bleach, it did not kill her, a few months later, she tried to overdose on pill, that also did not kill her. After, she posted her story on YouTube, people were saying "you should try killing yourself again", or "you deserve to die", "try drinking a different bleach next time". A month later she attempted suicide. Not only was Amanda the victim of physical and social bullying, but she was also the victim of cyberbullying (Dean). Cyberbullying is social network bullying, it can happen over Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat etc. This is now becoming more, and more popular as the world enters into a more technology based times. Although cyberbullying is now very popular, physical and social bullying are still used today. There are many stories on the internet about Get more content on
  • 12. Bullying Narrative Essay Adrianna M. Weaver Composition 1 Narrative Essay My narrative essay is about my experiences of being bullied. This essay further discusses what can be done to help prevent bullying. Bullying is aggressive behavior that is unwanted. Bullying uses power to overtake another person physically, emotionally, or mentally. A lot of times the bully uses popularity as a standing or means of attack, picking on/bullying the not so popular students or peers. Bullying is repetitive. Very rarely is a bullying situation a one and done ordeal. There are many different types of bullying, the most common types are verbal, physical, cyber, and social. Verbal and social bullying are very similar. Verbal bullying consists of threats, name –calling, teasing/taunting and inappropriate comments. Social bullying is spreading rumors about a person, embarrassing someone in public or at a school setting, leaving someone out or purposely excluding them and also telling people/peers not to be friends with another person for some reason. Cyber bullying is an ever increasing type of bullying. Cyber bullying is the act of bullying someone with the use (abuse) of technology, more content... You need to not be so sensitive." If the child being verbally bullied was to record the bullies, the bullied student can get in trouble for "recording without permission." Also, unfortunately if the bullied student is to a point of contemplating suicide, and carries through with the action, and were to die, the school may respond with "Oh, we wish the student had come to us and talked to us we could have done something to put an end to the bullies." Students report bullying to the school and nothing happens to put end to Get more content on
  • 13. What Can We Do to Stop Bullying? Essay Bullying is not only a topic, but it is an action. An action in which is seen by many everyday within school systems, business offices, or on the streets. It is everywhere and has become part of the everyday environment. More often then not, bullying occurs greatly within local school systems, where it has come to the extent of having individuals remove themselves from the environment over bullying. Bullying can happen in many ways whether it be race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and the list goes on. It is not something that can be pushed away any longer. Why should children be punished from there education due to another individual? Exactly, there is no reasonable explanation. Within the school systems today, the thought of more content... Many individuals do not understand what it would be like to be on the other end of the stick. Instead of being the bully, you are being the one bullied. Many know that being bullied is not an enjoyment because it has become part of their everyday lives. Much of which is done on the premises of the school building. Gone unknown and unheard. One of the major items that is noticed on what children get picked on is what they wear to school. If it isn't designer clothes or items that don't have a name brand plastered across it, they should get judged. Why? It's not like it's their fault. To conclude, Much of the bullying that goes in goes unheard or unnoticed. People don't pay attention to what goes on around them and what other individuals have to put up with. Much of the bullying that is done is clearly just perpetuating rape culture. Individuals should be able to enter an environment in which they feel safe in. They don't have to worry about what may happen the next day or at the lunch table. Not only teachers but students need to take a ride and realize what is being done. There are children out there whom are scared for their lives to enter the school building because of the bullying they are put through. Many of the individuals bottle up all their feelings and don't express there emotions and feelings. They don't release information about the topic because they are scared of Get more content on
  • 14. Experiencing Bullying A Person is A Person No Matter How Small: Seuss takes a Stand "Children's Reading and Children's Thinking are the rock bottom base upon which the future of this country will rise. Or not rise. In these days of tension and confusion, writers are beginning to realize that Books for Children have a greater potential for good, or evil, than any other form of literature on earth. They realize that the new generations must grow up to be more intelligent than ours"–(Dr Seuss, 1960). According to the National Bullying Prevention Center, one out of every four students reports being bullied at school. Bullying is a growing problem where children are being taunted and teased for a variety of reasons including: looks, body shape and race. With the growing problem impacting the growth and development of children, it is important to realize that it is an issue that can be addressed and minimized when children learn at a young age, that, A Person is A Person, no matter how small! (Dr. Seuss, 1960 ) Experiencing Bullying Ted, as he was liked to by his peers, grew more content... Seuss claimed that the reason he wrote books for children was because he didn't quite feel grown up himself. he often said that everything that he wrote or illustrated was for his own amusement. His work continues to amuse millions of readers all over the world. Dr. Seuss's stories are timeless. And he also enjoyed writing children's books. And he took a stand against kids being bullied because they were different, because that was the situation that he was in. During world war 2, if half of the stuff you do in life is the german way, then a lot of Americans won't like you. When he was a child during that time, he spoke german and english, he ate german food, and wore german clothes. Plus, he had a dog with 3 legs. So for this reason, he embraced his talent of writing, drawing, and his imagination to write amazing children's books. "A person is a person, no mater how small." – ( Dr. Seuss, Get more content on
  • 15. Informative Essay About Bullying Bullying is a type of behavior that hurts, humiliates or harms another person physically or emotionally. For instance, Take Josh. He was a 7th grade student in a small town where his dad lives still to this day he was a boy with short golden hair. In his first year of middle school, kids taunted him and spit on him in the hallways. It didn't occur to him to tell his parents or teachers. Finally, when a group of 20 kids threatened to beat him up at the carwash the next day, he finally told his older brother, who in turn informed his parents. His dad looked up his main tormentor's phone number in the phone book and told her dad to make his daughter stop or he'd contact the police. It worked. Josh's story is a story to tell others and studies show that each year kids just like Josh are victims of bullying. Over 3.2 million school aged students are bullied each year according to https:/ /–facts–about–bullying resulting in about 160,000 staying home from school because of it. 17% of American students report being bullied 2 to 3 times a month or more within a school semester. Josh was bullied so badly in the worst ways and he decided to tell and it changed his life, you can make the decision to tell yourself or let others, but don't just sit there and let the bullies be mean, if josh wouldn't have told his brother then josh would have had bruises all over his face after school. If you see someone getting bullied i suggest you tell someone it will change someone's life. There are several types of bullying. One form of bullying is verbal. People can be verbally bullied by name calling, insults, teasing, intimidation, homophobic or racist remarks. Another type of bullying is cyber bullying. People are cyber–bullied by being harassed online, cyberstalking, outing, and catfished. The terms outing and Catfishing are not well–known but they are truly terrible. Outing is the public display or forwarding of personal communications such as text messages, emails or instant messaging. If you don't know what Catfishing is, it is a person who fakes there age on an online account and tries luring out young people, and many teens. There has been some others who have started talking sexualy Get more content on
  • 16. The Effects of Bullying on a Child Essay The Effects of Bullying on a Child Every day in our schools, children are threatened, teased, taunted, and tormented by bullies. At any given time, about 25 percent of U.S. students are the victims of bullies and about 20 percent are engaged in bullying behavior (Education World, 2000). The National Association of School Psychologists estimates that 160,000 children stay home from school every day because they are afraid of being bullied (Education World, 2000). Bullying is characterized by three criteria(NCPTB, 2003): It is aggressive behavior or the intent to harm, It is carried out repeatedly and over time; and It occurs within an interpersonal relationship more content... Physical injury or threats of physical injury interfere with victims' concentration and learning. Victims may develop psychosomatic symptoms such as stomachaches and headaches. Constant self–devaluation may lead to depression and suicide. Anxious, distressed, unhappy, depressed, or tearful when he/she comes homes from school. May lose interest in school work and experience a decline in academic performance. It is important to note there are often severe affects of bullying. In Why Kids Kill: Exploring the Causes and Possible Solutions, Sylvia Rimm, a clinical professor of psychiatry and pediatrics at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, identifies a common trait among the violent children she's worked with: "There was always a history of problems in peer relationships," Rimm said. "All of them [children who expressed anger
  • 17. violently] had been teased by others more than what is typical." All the violent children, in other words, had been the victims of bullies (Rimm, 2000). Victims of bullying often suffer lifelong problems with low self–esteem. They are prone to depression, suicide, and other mental health problems throughout their lives (Education World, 2000). What should the parents do about this? Parents should encourage the child to share their feelings with them. The child Get more content on
  • 18. Bullying Outline Purpose: To inform the audience on bullying. Thesis: The effect bullying has on students. Introduction: Attention getter: Bullying, we have all been a victim and we have all been the bully whether we have noticed or not. Relevance: Everyday bullying happens all around us and nobody seems to lift a finger to stop it. Credibility: Growing up I was always a victim of bullying, because of this I have became depressed, my anxiety is through the roof and my self confidence is the lowest it has ever been. I started getting bullied in the fourth grade, my classmates would make fun of my freckles, my hair color, the way I dressed and so much more, they didn't realize that maybe I was going through a hard time at home and they could have been more content... This type of bullying uses instant messaging, cell phone text messages and online social networks to humiliate and embarrass others. This can be especially devastating to the people being bullied, since they cannot even find a safe place in the virtual world." It is very important for you to realize that there are many different forms of bullying, there is physical bullying, verbal bullying, emotional bullying and cyberbullying. Physical and verbal bullying are the 2 methods often used in our classrooms and hallways, Admin bullying be demographic explains both types well, "Physical Bullying: is the most obvious form of bullying. In this type of bullying, the instigator attempts to physically dominate another teen. This usually includes kicking, punching and other physically harmful activities, designed to instill fear in the one bullied, and possible coerce him or her to do something.""Verbal Bullying: When someone verbally bullies another, he or she uses demeaning language to tear down another's self–image. Bullies who use verbal techniques Get more content on
  • 19. Essay about Bullying and Harassment Managing bullying and harassment in the workplace When most of us hear the term 'bullying' we seem to reflect back on childhood memories of the schoolyard bully tormenting others for self–amusement, much to the distain of others around them. Unfortunately this seems not to be the only time such behaviour occurs. Workplacebullying and harassment can be defined as 'Offending, socially excluding someone or negatively affecting someone's work tasks. It can occur repeatedly and regularly over a period of time where the confronted ends up in an inferior position and becomes the target of systematic negative social acts' (Einarsen et al, 2007). This essay will explain the significance of bullying and harassment in the workplace by exploring, more content... Workplace bullies have been described as 'conquerors only interested in power and control, who enjoy belittling sub–ordinates' (Dawn et al, 2007). Statistics from an Australian cross– national survey revealed that 70 percent of bullying behaviour was inflicted by a supervisor or manager toward sub–ordinates (Query & Hanley, 2010). Some of the affects bullying and harassment has on workers is low self esteem, anxiety depression, psychosomatic problems (hostility, hyper sensibility, loss of memory and feelings of victimisation), aggression, fear and mistrust, cognitive effects (inability to concentrate or think clearly, reduced problem solving capacity), isolation, loneliness, deterioration of friendships, chronic fatigue and sleep problems (Poilpot–Rocaboy,2006). From an organisational perspective, it is estimated that organisations in Australia lose between $6 billion and $13 billion per annum due to bullying related abuse (Query & Hanley, 2010) and that more than 2 million managers and professionals voluntarily leave their jobs every year due solely to workplace unfairness, including bullying (Query & Hanley, 2010). These figures do not include the millions of workers who suffer from Get more content on
  • 20. Bullying Argumentative essay Name Professor Writing Argumentative Essay 25 November 2013 Bullying Have you ever seen or experienced bullying and the dramatic effects it has on its victims? Unfortunately nine out of every ten students have experienced bullying in school or online. Many people believe that bullying is a part of growing up and kids do not know any better. Bullies are intentionally causing mental and or physical damage to their victims, which will affect them for the rest of their lives. Bullying has shown that it can cause self inflicted injuries and even suicide in America today, and there should be no doubt that we need to protect our youth today. We need to enforce a law that will have bullies face harsh legal punishment in order to more content... They should be treated like an individual who knows right and wrong and continues to do wrong by physically assault another student. In most cases of self inflicted injuries are caused by cyber bullying, which is online or over the phone. It is horrible and it takes a lot to make someone feel like their life is not worth living or that bringing a blade to their wrists will relieve the pain they are going through mentally. Cyber bullies attack people psychologically and get very personal with the intent of hurting someone. They hide behind the computer and use it to ruin others lives. That is worse than physical bullying, because the psychological scars are things that will be with the victims forever. It will affect their self esteem, their value of life, their insecurities, and how they act socially. Bullying does not go away after you leave school, bullying in some cases stays with people for the rest of their lives. The events that the victims went through torments them for the rest of their lives through flash backs, fears created by the bully, and even seeing the bully themselves. Most victims have nightmares and flashbacks that bring them back to that horrible time of their life and haunt them long after school is over. The last thing I ask is to look at this from a personal perspective. People should think as if it were their child who came home crying, beaten, battered, cut marks on Get more content on
  • 21. School Bullying Essay Many people do not realize how serious bullying has become. If you look at statistics suicides due to bullying have increased over just a few short years. This has become a very big problem for not only the victim but the bully as well as it affect both of them. School bullying is mentally destructive to not only the victims, but bullies because of the harmful words, harassment, and physical violence involved as well as the consequences for the bully. The general definition of bullying is, "... [This] states that a person is being bullied when he or she is exposed repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons" (Aluede et al. 3). There are two different variations in bullying type such as direct more content... The most common type of bullying among females is verbal bullying ("Verbal Bullying" 1). This type of psychological bullying uses derogatory terms to demean, or lower, the victim in the eyes of others to show that the bully has power over them ("Verbal Bullying" 1). This causes the person to have low self–esteem and develop depression in that victim ("Verbal Bullying" 1). Verbal bullying is the most psychologically damaging and lasts well into adulthood (Aluede et al. 6). "[Words] have a power all their own, and the realities of verbal bullying can have very physical consequences, even if the aggressor never lays a finger on the victim" ("Verbal Bullying" 1) In more severe cases of verbal bullying, or any bullying for that matter, can lead to drugs because the victim wants to escape his or her tortured life, in more extreme cases if the person's depression worsens it could lead to suicide ("Verbal Bullying" 1). The well–organized ripping away of respect and affection is called, emotional [bullying] ( 1). Emotional bullying can be as simple as ignoring the person's feelings, not listening, forcing the victim to do something they would not normally do, and by laying a guilt trip on the victims backs to manipulate that person to do what the bully want ( 1). "Emotional [bullying] leaves the victim with hidden scars that often result in insecurity, poor self–esteem, Get more content on
  • 22. Persuasive Essay On Anti Bullying Anti–Bullying Bullying has become a very hot topic in schools and on social media. There is a chant kids say "sticks and stones my break my bones, but words will never hurt me." This is totally false. In truth, words can kill. Bullying is a fact of modern society; it can cause psychological effects and in most cases result in self–harm. I believe preventative measures to reduce bullying in schools and social media should be taken. About twenty–eight percent of student's ages 12–18 reported being bullied at school during the school year according to the Indicators of School Crime and Safety report, by the Bureau of Justice statistics. Across thirty–nine states survey, 7.2 percent of students admit to not attending school because they do not feel safe. The importance of bullying can't be undermined. Teachers and parents must understand the importance of looking and listening for signs and behaviors of bullying. This will help tackle the issue before it gets serious and someone gets hurt. To successfully prevent bullying you must be able to spot it. Parents and teachers need to watch for instances of bullying. A person who is isolating themselves from a group doesn't necessarily categorize a person as a loner. That could be a sign that they are being bullied. Just by noticing those warning signs and intervening can help the situation and possibly allow the person being bullied to find comfort in confining you. What is a bully? A bully is a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker. There are many types of bullying. There is verbal bullying when someone is saying or writing mean things. Verbal bullying includes teasing, name–calling, inappropriate sexual comments, and threatening to cause self harm. Another form of bullying is social bullying. It involves hurting someone's reputation or relationship. Social bullying includes spreading rumors about someone, telling other children not to be friends with someone, and embarrassing someone in public. Then there is physical bullying which involves hurting a person's body or possessions. Which includes hitting or kicking, tripping, taking or breaking someone's things. Bullying can occur during or after school hours. Get more content on