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Essay on Bollywood Movies
Bollywood movies are very popular for the "Romance" portrayed in their plot. Romance in Bollywood has evolved throughout the ages. But the one
thing, that has remained constant are the unofficial and official ban on any depiction that may suggest something which is not a part of the "Indian"
culture. Westernization was always shown as something negative and alien. Let's have a closer look at how Hindi cinema deals with this censorship
code that has been set up. Bollywood adopted a new way to recreate the same passion that usually a 'kiss' would generate; they substitute these by
song and dance routines. Songs are basically a description of the passionate seen with no suggestive visual imagery to aid it. It's left to the audiences' more content...
For example in Shree 420(1950), Maya the female antagonist is shown as rich, westernized women, with no moral values. She is shown to wear
explicitly revealing clothes and have short hair. She drinks alcohol and also smokes. Flirting with men and dancing while inappropriately clad
around them, are also the other negative qualities she embodies. However, Vidya is the female protagonist who is completely the opposite, she's
traditional and educated. Responsibilities that she holds are looking after her disabled father and running a school. Her hair is long and she is
always traditionally dressed in saris. The contrasting visual imagery of Vidya and Maya lets the audience make a judgment of who portrays the
negative character quite clearly. Do not fail to notice that this outward depiction of good and bad is only in terms of the women. Raj the male lead
of the movie Shree 420, goes through a phase of corruption and greed, however, he is ultimately forgiven and given the benefit of the doubt. This
leads me to my next point about how 'Women" are sacrificed in movies just to pass out a social message. The message clearly states that any act
which is not "culturally accepted" will have bad consequences. In the movie Kati Patang, you are taken through the story of Madhavi, who runs away
to be with her lover on the day of her wedding. From that very moment, she encounters a series of unfortunate events. A secondary character from
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Essay about Preschool Learning Centers
Early childhood is a time full of curiosity, exploration, creativity, excitement, and rapid development. During these formative years, children develop
attitudes about education that remain with them for the rest of their lives (Kostelnik, Soderman, & Whiren, 2011). High quality early childhood
education programs and highly effective, passionate teachers or care providers will not only promote young children's development and academic
achievement but will also foster a lifelong passion for learning. ECE programs and educators utilize learning centers to contribute to young children's
acquisition of literacy, numeracy, creative thinking, problem solving, and motor skills as well as a number of other skills and knowledge (Jarrett, 2010). more content...
Children at this age also have different skills related to numeracy. Fostering numeracy skills inearly childhood education not only predicts for later
Math achievement but also for greater literacy skills (NAEYC, 2009). Since mathematical concepts are often intertwined with so many areas such as
science, literacy, dramatic play, block building, and more, math learning centers offering interdisciplinary materials and activities ensure that young
children grow to understand and appreciate the real life applications of mathematical concepts (Fu, 2010).
Four year olds are still very much learning through the use of their senses (Blaustein, 2005). As well, some children may have special needs
concerning sensory processing and integration (Ayers, 1994). Children with sensory processing disorders range from over–responsive,
under–responsive, to sensory craving (Ayers, 1994). Nonetheless, every person encounters a plethora of sensory stimuli each day and must take in
information and integrate it with prior knowledge to make meaningful responses (Ayers, 1994). Multisensory centers provide young children with and
without special needs with the opportunity to seek out sensory stimulation, acquire sensory integration and motor skills, learn coping skills, and
understand basic scientific concepts (Blaustein, 2005).
Using play in education, especially with Pre–kindergarten students is
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According to Eugene M. Makar, "Traditional Indian culture is defined by relatively strict social hierarchy." He also mentions that from an early age,
children are reminded of their roles and places in society. In my culture, family is given the first importance. This leads to limited freedom in career
choices and no independence, particularly for women. Career choices and independence should be the first priority for any individual. In my culture,
the choices made by a family member are mostly guided by the rules and goals of the culture, irrespective of how old they are. Children in my culture
are not given freedom of choice nor are their views considered unless they start earning. I strongly disagree with this ideology of my
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Since parents of a girl child have to go through all this, especially providing the dowry, female infanticide rate is very high. Only when people of my
culture come out of the loop holes of traditions and stop blindly following them, giving importance to family makes sense.
Married women are expected to have children as soon as possible irrespective of their careers and interests. When a woman argues for having children at
right time, elders of the family, especially mother–in–laws, don't
accept her decision. This is another issue where woman has no right to decide. Carries Friedman in her article says, "Becoming apparent was your
decision, and I am thrilled for you. All I'm asking is that you let me make that choice in my own time. And keep your hands off my belly" (363).
Women should have the right to decide important life choices like education, choosing a life partner, having children and careers.
Giving importance to family helps children. When the decisions taken by the parents are guided by giving importance to family, children are given
extra care. This is good to some extent. If children are pestered often to grow up to the cultural expectations then its gets frustrating.
Children should be taught to respect their culture and should be encouraged to develop good moral values. But if culture is used to influence their life
decisions, it can have negative consequences on children, especially teens. For example, Brahmins, one of the castes in
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Child Development Through Education Essay
Child Development Through Education
One important aspect of any person's life is their education. Children start with their education as early as the age of three. They are put into some
form of schooling. The general pattern of schooling for all children is preschool, elementary school, middle school, highschool, and some may choose
to go on to college. Each level of schooling is very important for its own particular reasons. The entire education process plays a vital role in each
individual's life.
People grow emotionally, socially, psychologically, and intellectually throughout their childhood and adolescent years. Factors that lead to this are their
enrollment in school, the people they come in contact with through school more content...
Research on the roots of prosocial behavior has contributed to our knowledge of children's moral as well as social development. Peers, people who
are equal in age or status, begin to play an increasingly important role in a child's life. Some of the different kinds of programs that exist for early
childhood education are day–care programs, preschools, compensatory preschool programs, early intervention, and kindergarten programs. (Slavin)
The United States has agreed that preschool is the most important grade. Three–fourths of young children in the United States participate in a preschool
Research has established that preschool education can produce substantial gains in children's learning and development but researchers disagree about
whether such gains are permanent. Most research on early education has focused on its effects on the IQ scores of economically disadvantaged
children and has found few preschool programs that have produced lasting IQ score gains. Even the more effective programs tend to show positive
results in the short rather than long term. Other long–term benefits from preschool education include increased high school graduation rates and
decreased crime and delinquency rates. Recent research has shown the preschool education is a sound investment, academically, socially and
economically (Barnett).
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Essay on The Benefits of Preschool
The Benefits of Preschool
Preschool isn't just a place for parents to drop off their children while they are at work for the day. It is in preschool where children learn the
necessary skills needed to succeed in school and in life. With high–quality preschools and qualified teachers the possibilities are endless. It's not only
the children who reap the benefits of Early Childhood Education; their parents, fellow peers, and even society feel the positive effects of quality
preschool programs. Children enrolled in quality preschool programs are more likely to succeed academically and socially when they are older.
Many children begin school at the ages of 5 or 6, the age when a child enters kindergarten. However, children? more content...
Such things as respect, responsibility, and empathy for their fellow peers are all characteristics they acquire while attending preschool. Independence
is another key attribute that students learn in the early years of preschool. Such simple tasks like tying your shoes or zippering up a coat all contribute
to the independence of these small children. Anything that allows them to do for themselves, rather than rely on the help of others is a positive thing
for them. Another important life lesson that they learn early on and will carry with them for the rest of their lives is that they are accountable of the
decisions they make. A teacher may give them an option of a particular juice or snack at snack time; this particular choice must be thought out carefully
because once they?ve taken the juice or snack they can?t change it (Rhodes, 1999). This teaches them to conscientiously think about the decisions they
are about to make, knowing that they have to live with their decisions.
The long term benefits of quality preschool programs can be noticed even after high school and college. Children who attend quality preschool
programs at a young age are more equipped to be successful later on in life. The Carolina
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Daycare And Child Development Essay
The topic pf discussion which I chose to talk about this week is dealing with the concepts of daycare. First of all, I would like to explain the
meaning of infancy which deals with the state of a period of being in the mode of an infant, at a very early childhood, along with being the period
that occurs before being able to walk on the stage of babyhood. Infancy in society occurs in the period between births to one year old. In this
beginning stages of infancy infants develop certain skills such as their first step, facial expressions, waving and these tasks are called the
developmental milestones of life for children. In the first year infants reach these milestones in how they develop into playing, learning, speaking
moving (moving, making steps jumping or crawling) and behavioral patterns. They also learn to focus their vision, reach out and explore the things
which can be found in their surroundings. During this stage babies are also developing a bond of closeness, love and trust with their parents along with
social, emotional stages of development. The way in which a parent interacts more content...
By implementing this concept of develop along with other positive methods of learning will aid in the baby/infant cognitive growth or brain
development which is the erudition/intellect process of memory, language, reasoning and thinking. When you implement these steps of cognitive
development you will and must consider the pros and cons of sending your infant to a daycare center because the correlations of how the parenting
skills are implemented will let you known that good parenting will make good infants along with a common fact that day care will have its effect on
the infant behavior.
Below is a list of Pros and Cons of when sending your child to a day care facility/center:
The Pro's listed
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Infant Toddler Curriculum Essay
In this term paper I will explore infant and toddler curriculum. I will discuss: the developmental themes in infancy, infant toddler curriculum, and the
differences between preschool curriculum and appropriate infant toddler curriculum. In conclusion I will share some of my personal feelings about
infant and toddler curriculum, including the challenges and rewards.
Developmental Themes of Infancy
'The behaviors and abilities that develop during each stage are influenced by the theme that consumes that stage (Blackboard, 2013)." The three themes
of infant development are: security (Young Birth to 8 months); exploration (Mobile 6 months–18 months); and identity (Toddler 15 months to 36
months). During the security stage more content...
They learn to trust that their needs will be met, or that they will not. The emotional domain includes the infant's perception of herself and of herself in
relation to others."(Blackboard, 2013). The most important thing a caregiver can do to help a toddler's emotional development is to create a safe and
loving environment for the toddler to learn in. Caregivers should understand that each toddler is different and has different needs. Attending to each
individual child in a well–organized and inviting learning environment is essential during his stage early childhood development.
Infant Toddler Curriculum
"Because of the specific needs of infants and toddlers the term curriculum is during the early stages of development is complex. To summarize all of
the ideas of curriculum, as defined by leaders in the field (Gonzalez–Mena, Eyer, Dodge, Greenman, Stonehouse, Schwikert, Swim, and Watson), you
must think about curriculum as an organized framework. To make curriculum DAP for infant and toddlers, it must be based on sound and relevant
knowledge such as infant/ toddler development and research; so that it guides early care professional practices in providing purposeful and responsive
learning opportunities for each child through daily routines and experiences (Blackboard, 2013)."
"Infant and toddler curriculum plans focus on how to best create a social, emotional, and intellectual
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Speech On Abandoned Children
There are many reasons for the large number of abandoned children in India. The children can be unwanted (mostly girls), illegitimate or orphans due
to diseases. The children have to be taken care of one way or the other. Orphan children are the deprived and the isolated population deserving special
attention to become healthy and responsible children, physically fit, mentally alert and morally healthy endowed with the skills and the motivation
needed by society. UNICEF and global partners define an orphan as a child who has lost one or both parents. An estimated 31 million children in India,
aged 0–17 years, are orphaned and abandoned according to the most recent statistics from UNICEF.
Proper family environment plays an important role in the life of children. Nobody can deny the important role of parents in developing balanced and
harmonious development of personality. But unfortunately cruel fortune deprives some children of the sympathetic affectionate parental care. These
children are known as orphaned children. An orphan is a child permanently bereaved of his or her parents. In common usages, an orphan does not have
any surviving parent to care for him or her. Because of parental deprivation some children are reared in destitute homes and in orphanages. This group
of children is termed as institutionalised orphan children. more content...
Not only this being 6.8% of the total child population according to estimate in 2010 they somewhere impact the future of the country. Though presently
there are many problems in the country to pay heed to, this section of children have major chances of turning into handicapped citizens of the country.
It is not mainly their physical and outward problems but their psychological grooming that put them at risk. However my area of study would include
both their physical and psychological
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The Impact of Social Media on Children Essay
Social media is quickly evolving in front of our eyes and it is almost impossible to reject and hide from this new form of media. Not only is it an
important part of socialization within peer groups but now it is used to market and motivate people to become a part of a larger community. It is
undeniably changing the way one communicates and how one finds and shares information. Most websites offer communication through the use of
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and many various blog formats. With new apps on smartphones and photography and video made digital, media
can be created, edited and shared quickly and once it is in this new digital cloud it is not yours anymore. Through these new advances in technology
one can share more content...
Even though social media isn't only used for social interaction, it is an important aspect of adolescents' lives. Social media provides an avenue for them
to stay connected with peers they have met through school, sports teams, church, etc (Ito, 2008). Social networking can also help shy adolescents have
a more non–threatening way to interact with peers because they aren't interacting face–to–face (Rosen, 2011). It also provides an opportunity for teens
to connect with others who share a similar interest (Ito, 2008). Social media sites can provide a place for adolescents to share their interests in art,
music, games and blogs with others (Clark–Pearson, O'Keeffe, 2011). The teen years can be a challenging time, and social networks can be places for
teens to turn to for support and advice when going through challenging experiences (Nielsen, 2009). Adolescents who use Facebook have been shown
to demonstrate more "virtual empathy" (Rosen, 2011). Social networking can be a positive and somewhat easier way for adolescents to get to know
and become accepting of others from "diverse backgrounds" (Clark–Pearson, O'Keeffe, 2011). As well as providing social support, social media sites
can also provide medical support. Adolescents can easily and anonymously seek medical advice (Clark–Pearson, O'Keeffe, 2011). Children and
adolescents are capable of impacting their communities and even the world in amazing
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How Children Learn Language Essay
How Children Learn Language Language, the largest and most common way we communicate in this world. It could be Spanish, English, Chinese
or Japanese; we learn and use it in our everyday life. It is not genetically encoded in our brain to speak yet, we are able to start speaking or using a
language. Children are born with no knowledge of the world. Children are able to learn language through interactions brain development and part of
human development. Their brain develops everyday; helping them to learn words, actions, speeches through visualization, verbalization and hearing.
As they grow older their vocabularies get bigger and eventually start using words in sentences. The most common way we see children learning a
language is more content...
All of them perform different responsibilities and functions. The right side of the brain controls the left side of the brain and vice versa. The part
of the brain responsible for speech, language recognition and facial nerves is the Broca's area. The Broca's area was named after Pierre Paul Broca
who discovered speech impairment of a patient. Language is acquired through practice of vocabularies and speech repetition. Children with a slower
rate of repetition shows slow rate of vocabulary expansion. Children can also learn at least ten to fifteen new words every day. Children sustain the
new vocabularies by repetition, observation and parents helping them. Behaviorist believes that language is learned through observation and that
language is not as important as the ability to speak it. The linguistic approach to learning is that language is a structure and grammar independent of
use. They credit the brain as the main source of learning a language. They also believe that a child is born with the ability to learn and speak a
language. Infants are born with the ability to see, hear, smell and think; they continue to develop in the first month of their lives. Infants can usually
see six to eight inches away and they automatically start sucking when given a nipple. They can gaze at an object that is shape like a face and they
smell and prefer their mothers scent and mothers'
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Essay about My Child
My Child
Wednesday, July 19th, I had a chance to observe carefully an infant for about half an hour in my psychology class at Santa Monica College. The
infant, Ali Osman, a healthy, playful boy appears to be of Middle Eastern origin. He is 15.5 months old, 32" tall and weighs about 24 lbs with brown
curly hair, dark brown eyes and fairly tanned skin.
There were several kinds of toys like blocks, dolls, and automobiles in the room. However, when he just came in, he was immediately drawn to the
dolls with intense interest and focus. Even though there wasn't any way to measure his heart rate or brain wave, I could easily tell how interested he was
by the way he gazed, touched and played with the dolls. This could be explained by more content...
Ali is quite a friendly kid, he is not afraid to be with strangers proven by the fact that he could interact very comfortably with me, my classmates, and
other babies. However, when there were some unfamiliar things happening (like when the new baby twins came in or when someone made a scary
face to him), he always looked for his mother and ran toward her as described in proximity–seeking behaviors (Berger 226). He is a representative of
secure attachment by showing that he had no problem with being away from his mother and exploring on his own (Berger 228). Besides, he also
reacted to the Strange Situation the way we expected from a secured child as stated in Berger on page 228 and on table 7.1, page 230.
After play for a while, he came up to me with a book and showed me the content, then he gurgled something, clearly wanting me to read it to him. His
intention was well understood. Without sufficient vocabulary, using only hollow phrases, he still has no communication problem. After all,
communication is about understanding not vocabulary anyway (Berger 198). He showed clear signs of understanding his mother's commands such as
"up, down, kiss, bye, etc." by following them. His spoken language has been developed normally according to table 6.2 in Berger, on page 194. One
interesting thing was that when he was sitting in the chair and reading the book, he did not make any recognizable word sounds but
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Childhood Vaccinations Essay
"Prevention is better than cure." This common statement could not relate any better than it does with the controversy surrounding the morality,
effectiveness, and safety of childhood immunizations. The major argument is whether or not laws should be established to declare vaccination
mandatory for all children. "The US food and Drug administration (FDA) regulates all vaccines to ensure safety and effectiveness," (, 2012)
therefor there should not be any reason to risk the health of any child. Vaccinating our children not only ensures their safety but also that of their future
to come. The first major concern parents have when it comes to childhood vaccinations is that of the health and safety of their children. Some parents more content...
When children who have been vaccinated do contract a disease, despite being vaccinated against it, they usually have milder symptoms with less
serious complications than an un–vaccinated child that gets the same disease. It is true that some children who receive vaccinations may still become
ill when exposed to other disease–ridden children. Research shows that 70–90% of the entire population must be vaccinated to attain "herd immunity",
"the resistance of a group to attack by a disease to which a large proportion of the members are immune." (Farlex, 2012) When herd immunity is
accomplished the spread of the disease can be averted throughout. If all parents were to take proper responsibilities and keep their children's
immunizations up–to–date, herd immunity would be achieved against all 16 of the major life threatening diseases. Parents need to realize that the risks
of not being vaccinated greatly compensate the minimal risks associated with vaccination. Diseases such as measles and mumps are entirely
preventable, and if are not prevented can cause permanent disability and death. A little over a decade ago a measles outbreak amongst unvaccinated
children in Philadelphia resulted in seven deaths. It is also known that children who become infected with mumps become permanently deaf. What
many parents do not realize is that an outbreak can be totally
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Essay on Homelessness and Children
Around the world millions of children are found homeless, sleeping in the streets, under bridges, or on deserted properties. Their days are spent
hustling by prostitution or petty crimes. They prey on each other as well as people passing by that they manage to steal from. Yet still this is home
to these children, where they are deprived of the most basic human needs, housing, food, and clothing. Since they have no family or relatives and no
hope for the future, they have been tagged "Nobody's Children" or "Throw away Kids", living each day as if it were the last, causing them to become
outlaws, which as a result is a threat to the security of the community we live in.
There are various reasons that children are found homeless, more content...
However some parents are irresponsible in caring for their children. Some parents beat them, sexually abuse them, or throw them out of the family into
the streets to fend for themselves, resulting in the child feeling that he or she is better off by his or her self, even living on the streets.
Statistics show that sixty percent of the homeless children between eight and seventeen years of age use hallucinating substances, forty percent use
alcoholic beverages, sixteen percent are drug addicts, and ninety two percent use tobacco products. In an effort to belong and be loved many of these
homeless children find themselves becoming family members to gangs promoting further negativity in their lives. Since they don't have any marketable
skills, they often survive by begging, stealing, and selling their bodies for money. It is not easy to help homeless children because the majority of them
are afraid, and they refuse to submit information to authorities.
Some homeless children have managed to escape from the homeless condition because of help from kind people and their own willingness to learn and
work to overcome the anxieties and insecurities that homelessness offered them. There have been efforts on the part of organizations to solve the
problem by means of charities, foster homes, orphanage, and reform. But in spite of these efforts and funds expended by the government the problem
continues to rise because solving today's housing problems and meeting
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Write A Fictional Story For Kids Analysis
How to Write a Fictional Story for Kids
Kid are encouraged to read from a very early age. Even before they can read on their own, parents read to them. When it comes to children's fiction,
adults who write it often have an extraordinary imagination. They have to be able to imagine what would be interesting to a child who is very
young if they want to write for that age group. Older children are a little easier to write for, but still it is not easy. Either way, you have to be able to
relate to the child, and this is often a little hard for adults. If you love children and you want to learn how to write a fictional story for kids, there are a
few things you should remember while you are writing.
Variety Rocks
Kids are exposed to more more content...
They remember what it was like to be a child. They remember what entertained them when they imagined themselves doing wonderful things. They
remember what it was like to get frustrated by the things they could not do as a small child. They remember what it was like to be a tween caught
between wanting to play with dolls or trucks, and feeling pressured to "act their age". They have kids who remind them what it was like to be a child.
They see the imagination of the kids around them and all the possibilities that it opens up. They are children at heart and as adults still hang onto the
kid within us all. If you have this ability, then you should be able to think like a child however, it is important that you use the words that their young
souls will understand.
Avoid Slang and Adult Terms
Kids today may totally understand the meaning behind slang. They probably know better words than you to say what they want to express,
especially if you are writing for an older child. However, if you use these words today in your story, it may bring a little extra humor to it, but in 10
years' time, the word will not mean anything to the person who reads it. It is best to stick with simple language when you are writing for kids. Then if
you truly create a wonderful story for the children, your book will be great throughout the years.
Step Outside of the
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Children love to play sports and the benefits from participating in these sports are plentiful, but parents are becoming apprehensive about allowing
their youth to be active in these sports. These parents have read articles about concussions and other health problems that sports can eventually
provoke after long periods of time. The chance of a child getting a life long injury while playing a sport at such a young age. Although some children
are hindered by their parents when it comes to playing sports, parents should encourage their preteens and adolescents to be involved in physical
activities considering children who do so attain skills that they can apply to their lives as an adult. Some believe a child that is involved in sports has more content...
In DiFiori's article he tells us, "Youths participating in sports have opportunities to enhance self–esteem and socialize with peers setting the stage for an
active adult lifestyle." When a child is playing sports they have multiple opportunities to do well in their activity which increases their self–esteem.
Coaches will complement them and encourage them as they master skills and perform well. Also playing on a team with other players will
increase social skills. The teammates a child befriends while on a sports team will create everlasting relationships. Also, some teammates are hard
to deal with. It teaches a child how to deal with adversity and people they do not see eye to eye with. Sports teaches people how to work together
with people for a common goal and interest. Sports provides inumerable benefits and lessons that one can use later on in their adult life and in the
workforce. Parents do not let their youth participate in sports in behalf that their child could possibly get injured. For a child, there is little chance of
lifetime injuries while playing sports. Participating in physical activities and sports is enjoyable and has a multitude of benefits. The self esteem,
social skills, and healthy practices can be beneficial to the children involved throughout the rest of their lives. The young people of today will be the
adults of tomorrow and to better our society all children need the skills
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Save the Children
Position Paper on Child Survival
Save the Children is a child focused organisation that delivers immediate and lasting improvements in children's lives. The organisation is committed to
improve the health status of children in India and protect them from exploitation, abuse and ill health. In the current context, Save the Children's
primary focus is on supporting the system in accelerating the progress towards Millennium Development Goal 4 aimed at one–third reduction in child
mortality rates from 1990 level, by 2015.
Child Survival Situation in India
India is faced with an unparalleled child survival and health challenge. The country contributes 1.95 million of the global burden of 9.2 million
under–five more content...
During NFHS–2 (1998–1999), 47% of children under three were found to be underweight while 46% of children under three years of age being
underweight, according to.[8]This means every second child under six years of age in India is underweight, a statistic worse than that in sub–Saharan
Almost half (48.4%) of all children under five are stunted (short for their age, an indicator of chronic malnutrition) while 20% of children are wasted
(too thin for their height, an indicator of acute malnutrition). As much as 43% children are underweight for their age. Exclusive breastfeeding and
appropriate complementary feeding of children which are identified as major determinants of child survival still remain significant challenges to be
addressed. Only 69% of children less than two months of age are exclusively breastfed which drops to 51 percent at 2–3 months and 28 percent at 4–5
months of age. Overall, slightly less than half of the children under six months of age are exclusively breastfed.[9] Only 53% children receive
complementary foods between 6–8 months of age. Due to cultural beliefs and ingrained practices over ages, many mothers are still not able to follow
appropriate infant feeding practices leading to increase in morbidity and mortality of children less than 5 years of age.
Over half of all women (56%) in India are anaemic as are 70% of children under the
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Children Are The Future Of The World Essay
Children are the future of the world. They are going to be the leaders of tomorrow and are going to make choices that will directly affect our
generation. Children are pliable, so it 's up to us to mold them well and send them in the right direction. However, who specifically is going to mold
these children? At six to eight hours a day, five days a week, teachers are positioned to become one of the most influential people in a child's life. After
their parents, children will first learn from their teachers. Jerusha Connor, an education professor at Villanova University, said "Ample qualitative
research shows that a single teacher can shape the course of a young person's future, for better or worse,". ( citation) Teachers have a massive
influence on children, which is why they are so important. Anyone who can read, write or solve an equation has a teacher to thank. So much of what
we know about the world comes from our teachers who equipped us with knowledge, skills and wisdom.
Almost everyone has been impacted or influenced by a teacher they 've had in their lifetime. Teachers are important due to their influential positions
early in a child 's life and they obviously influence the curriculum the students are learning and how they learn it. They also influence children by
creating strong relationships. Because they possess this great power to guide and mold, they can impact how much students will learn. In a 2012 study
The RAND Corporation, a leading research nonprofit,
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Early Childhood Education Class Analysis
I have always had a strong passion for seeing children's minds grow and learn new things. Therefore, I decided to major in early childhood education
when I entered college. Through this class we have had a lot of discussion on the idea of globalization and education. We have discussed the effects of
globalization on education as a whole, therefore I decided to dive deeper into the ideas of technology and education, the quality verses the quantity of
education, and the growth of global learning.
Technology in education has risen to new heights and has allowed people to have more opportunities in life. The world is rapidly changing and
people in the world need to be able to form to these rapid changes. If people do not continually more content...
I personally feel that the quality of an education leads to the quantity of an education. We must first, start small and expand people's minds in
meaningful ways. Students should be able to get one on one interaction with their teachers and be able to receive an overall good education in a
developed and underdeveloped country. According to Mark Smith (2008), who wrote an article on incorporating globalization into education, "in the
process we have almost forgotten that education ever had any purpose other than to promote growth." Children receiving an education is a major plus,
but what matters is the quality of education in which the child receives. The amount of schooling a child obtains does not play a key role in how
intelligent the child is, but the quality of education allows children to dive deeper into thinking, therefore there intelligence can be measured. "But the
quantity of schooling is a very crude measure of peopleВґs knowledge and cognitive skills." (Hanushek, 2005, p. 16)
Global learning, in my opinion, is a learning based on the idea on being educated about different things around the world; cultures, religions, languages,
and different races. For our world to become more globalized, future generations need to be educated on other things besides math and science.
According to S. Chinnammai:
Education should not become a means of westernizing the world. On the contrary, it should treat each unique culture and society with due respect,
realizing that global education is not only learning about the West, but also studying different cultures of the world, using different approaches, ways of
teaching and different media. (p.
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Early Childhood Education Essay examples
"Play is developmentally appropriate for primary–age children and can provide them with opportunities that enrich the learning experience" (Copple &
Bredekamp 2009). Early childhood education holds two main focuses; a child–based focus and a family–based focus. Early childhood education has
positive outcomes on the child through their learning experiences, and their growth and development. Based on the family, the results of early
education happen through the communication that the family has with the educators and by the encouragement they get from within themselves, and
also from the educators.
Children learn most of what they know through play. There are many ways in which a child learns on a daily basis, they learn the skills more
Educators can facilitate the children with different materials and environments in the classrooms that are in the early learning centres. The children
need to develop their minds cognitively. "Children actively construct knowledge as they manipulate and explore their world" (Berk 2007). Children are
needing to develop their abilities through their play experiences, and also through their play experiences, they can develop appropriately.Early
childhood education plays a large part in a child's early development. Children develop cognition through two main stages that Jean Piaget theorized.
The stages run from birth and infancy to school age children. Sensorimotor is the first stage and goes from birth to about the age of two. This stage
implies that the children learn about the environment they live in and they learn this through the reflexes and movements they produce. They also
learn that they are separate people from their parents and they can say goodbye to them and know they will come back. The second stage is called the
preoperational stage. During this stage of development, children will learn how to incorporate symbols to represent objects. This is also the beginning
of learning the alphabet and speech. The child is still very much egocentric at this point in time, but with the help of understanding educators, the child
will grow appropriately onto the next stages of development. Finally, the children need to develop emotionally/socially.
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Essay On Bollywood Movies

  • 1. Essay on Bollywood Movies Bollywood movies are very popular for the "Romance" portrayed in their plot. Romance in Bollywood has evolved throughout the ages. But the one thing, that has remained constant are the unofficial and official ban on any depiction that may suggest something which is not a part of the "Indian" culture. Westernization was always shown as something negative and alien. Let's have a closer look at how Hindi cinema deals with this censorship code that has been set up. Bollywood adopted a new way to recreate the same passion that usually a 'kiss' would generate; they substitute these by song and dance routines. Songs are basically a description of the passionate seen with no suggestive visual imagery to aid it. It's left to the audiences' more content... For example in Shree 420(1950), Maya the female antagonist is shown as rich, westernized women, with no moral values. She is shown to wear explicitly revealing clothes and have short hair. She drinks alcohol and also smokes. Flirting with men and dancing while inappropriately clad around them, are also the other negative qualities she embodies. However, Vidya is the female protagonist who is completely the opposite, she's traditional and educated. Responsibilities that she holds are looking after her disabled father and running a school. Her hair is long and she is always traditionally dressed in saris. The contrasting visual imagery of Vidya and Maya lets the audience make a judgment of who portrays the negative character quite clearly. Do not fail to notice that this outward depiction of good and bad is only in terms of the women. Raj the male lead of the movie Shree 420, goes through a phase of corruption and greed, however, he is ultimately forgiven and given the benefit of the doubt. This leads me to my next point about how 'Women" are sacrificed in movies just to pass out a social message. The message clearly states that any act which is not "culturally accepted" will have bad consequences. In the movie Kati Patang, you are taken through the story of Madhavi, who runs away to be with her lover on the day of her wedding. From that very moment, she encounters a series of unfortunate events. A secondary character from Get more content on
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  • 5. Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on The Benefits of Preschool The Benefits of Preschool Preschool isn't just a place for parents to drop off their children while they are at work for the day. It is in preschool where children learn the necessary skills needed to succeed in school and in life. With high–quality preschools and qualified teachers the possibilities are endless. It's not only the children who reap the benefits of Early Childhood Education; their parents, fellow peers, and even society feel the positive effects of quality preschool programs. Children enrolled in quality preschool programs are more likely to succeed academically and socially when they are older. Many children begin school at the ages of 5 or 6, the age when a child enters kindergarten. However, children? more content... Such things as respect, responsibility, and empathy for their fellow peers are all characteristics they acquire while attending preschool. Independence is another key attribute that students learn in the early years of preschool. Such simple tasks like tying your shoes or zippering up a coat all contribute to the independence of these small children. Anything that allows them to do for themselves, rather than rely on the help of others is a positive thing for them. Another important life lesson that they learn early on and will carry with them for the rest of their lives is that they are accountable of the decisions they make. A teacher may give them an option of a particular juice or snack at snack time; this particular choice must be thought out carefully because once they?ve taken the juice or snack they can?t change it (Rhodes, 1999). This teaches them to conscientiously think about the decisions they are about to make, knowing that they have to live with their decisions. The long term benefits of quality preschool programs can be noticed even after high school and college. Children who attend quality preschool programs at a young age are more equipped to be successful later on in life. The Carolina Get more content on
  • 7. Daycare And Child Development Essay The topic pf discussion which I chose to talk about this week is dealing with the concepts of daycare. First of all, I would like to explain the meaning of infancy which deals with the state of a period of being in the mode of an infant, at a very early childhood, along with being the period that occurs before being able to walk on the stage of babyhood. Infancy in society occurs in the period between births to one year old. In this beginning stages of infancy infants develop certain skills such as their first step, facial expressions, waving and these tasks are called the developmental milestones of life for children. In the first year infants reach these milestones in how they develop into playing, learning, speaking moving (moving, making steps jumping or crawling) and behavioral patterns. They also learn to focus their vision, reach out and explore the things which can be found in their surroundings. During this stage babies are also developing a bond of closeness, love and trust with their parents along with social, emotional stages of development. The way in which a parent interacts more content... By implementing this concept of develop along with other positive methods of learning will aid in the baby/infant cognitive growth or brain development which is the erudition/intellect process of memory, language, reasoning and thinking. When you implement these steps of cognitive development you will and must consider the pros and cons of sending your infant to a daycare center because the correlations of how the parenting skills are implemented will let you known that good parenting will make good infants along with a common fact that day care will have its effect on the infant behavior. Below is a list of Pros and Cons of when sending your child to a day care facility/center: The Pro's listed Get more content on
  • 8. Infant Toddler Curriculum Essay In this term paper I will explore infant and toddler curriculum. I will discuss: the developmental themes in infancy, infant toddler curriculum, and the differences between preschool curriculum and appropriate infant toddler curriculum. In conclusion I will share some of my personal feelings about infant and toddler curriculum, including the challenges and rewards. Developmental Themes of Infancy 'The behaviors and abilities that develop during each stage are influenced by the theme that consumes that stage (Blackboard, 2013)." The three themes of infant development are: security (Young Birth to 8 months); exploration (Mobile 6 months–18 months); and identity (Toddler 15 months to 36 months). During the security stage more content... They learn to trust that their needs will be met, or that they will not. The emotional domain includes the infant's perception of herself and of herself in relation to others."(Blackboard, 2013). The most important thing a caregiver can do to help a toddler's emotional development is to create a safe and loving environment for the toddler to learn in. Caregivers should understand that each toddler is different and has different needs. Attending to each individual child in a well–organized and inviting learning environment is essential during his stage early childhood development. Infant Toddler Curriculum "Because of the specific needs of infants and toddlers the term curriculum is during the early stages of development is complex. To summarize all of the ideas of curriculum, as defined by leaders in the field (Gonzalez–Mena, Eyer, Dodge, Greenman, Stonehouse, Schwikert, Swim, and Watson), you must think about curriculum as an organized framework. To make curriculum DAP for infant and toddlers, it must be based on sound and relevant knowledge such as infant/ toddler development and research; so that it guides early care professional practices in providing purposeful and responsive learning opportunities for each child through daily routines and experiences (Blackboard, 2013)." "Infant and toddler curriculum plans focus on how to best create a social, emotional, and intellectual Get more content on
  • 9. Speech On Abandoned Children There are many reasons for the large number of abandoned children in India. The children can be unwanted (mostly girls), illegitimate or orphans due to diseases. The children have to be taken care of one way or the other. Orphan children are the deprived and the isolated population deserving special attention to become healthy and responsible children, physically fit, mentally alert and morally healthy endowed with the skills and the motivation needed by society. UNICEF and global partners define an orphan as a child who has lost one or both parents. An estimated 31 million children in India, aged 0–17 years, are orphaned and abandoned according to the most recent statistics from UNICEF. Proper family environment plays an important role in the life of children. Nobody can deny the important role of parents in developing balanced and harmonious development of personality. But unfortunately cruel fortune deprives some children of the sympathetic affectionate parental care. These children are known as orphaned children. An orphan is a child permanently bereaved of his or her parents. In common usages, an orphan does not have any surviving parent to care for him or her. Because of parental deprivation some children are reared in destitute homes and in orphanages. This group of children is termed as institutionalised orphan children. more content... Not only this being 6.8% of the total child population according to estimate in 2010 they somewhere impact the future of the country. Though presently there are many problems in the country to pay heed to, this section of children have major chances of turning into handicapped citizens of the country. It is not mainly their physical and outward problems but their psychological grooming that put them at risk. However my area of study would include both their physical and psychological Get more content on
  • 10. The Impact of Social Media on Children Essay Social media is quickly evolving in front of our eyes and it is almost impossible to reject and hide from this new form of media. Not only is it an important part of socialization within peer groups but now it is used to market and motivate people to become a part of a larger community. It is undeniably changing the way one communicates and how one finds and shares information. Most websites offer communication through the use of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and many various blog formats. With new apps on smartphones and photography and video made digital, media can be created, edited and shared quickly and once it is in this new digital cloud it is not yours anymore. Through these new advances in technology one can share more content... Even though social media isn't only used for social interaction, it is an important aspect of adolescents' lives. Social media provides an avenue for them to stay connected with peers they have met through school, sports teams, church, etc (Ito, 2008). Social networking can also help shy adolescents have a more non–threatening way to interact with peers because they aren't interacting face–to–face (Rosen, 2011). It also provides an opportunity for teens to connect with others who share a similar interest (Ito, 2008). Social media sites can provide a place for adolescents to share their interests in art, music, games and blogs with others (Clark–Pearson, O'Keeffe, 2011). The teen years can be a challenging time, and social networks can be places for teens to turn to for support and advice when going through challenging experiences (Nielsen, 2009). Adolescents who use Facebook have been shown to demonstrate more "virtual empathy" (Rosen, 2011). Social networking can be a positive and somewhat easier way for adolescents to get to know and become accepting of others from "diverse backgrounds" (Clark–Pearson, O'Keeffe, 2011). As well as providing social support, social media sites can also provide medical support. Adolescents can easily and anonymously seek medical advice (Clark–Pearson, O'Keeffe, 2011). Children and adolescents are capable of impacting their communities and even the world in amazing Get more content on
  • 11. How Children Learn Language Essay How Children Learn Language Language, the largest and most common way we communicate in this world. It could be Spanish, English, Chinese or Japanese; we learn and use it in our everyday life. It is not genetically encoded in our brain to speak yet, we are able to start speaking or using a language. Children are born with no knowledge of the world. Children are able to learn language through interactions brain development and part of human development. Their brain develops everyday; helping them to learn words, actions, speeches through visualization, verbalization and hearing. As they grow older their vocabularies get bigger and eventually start using words in sentences. The most common way we see children learning a language is more content... All of them perform different responsibilities and functions. The right side of the brain controls the left side of the brain and vice versa. The part of the brain responsible for speech, language recognition and facial nerves is the Broca's area. The Broca's area was named after Pierre Paul Broca who discovered speech impairment of a patient. Language is acquired through practice of vocabularies and speech repetition. Children with a slower rate of repetition shows slow rate of vocabulary expansion. Children can also learn at least ten to fifteen new words every day. Children sustain the new vocabularies by repetition, observation and parents helping them. Behaviorist believes that language is learned through observation and that language is not as important as the ability to speak it. The linguistic approach to learning is that language is a structure and grammar independent of use. They credit the brain as the main source of learning a language. They also believe that a child is born with the ability to learn and speak a language. Infants are born with the ability to see, hear, smell and think; they continue to develop in the first month of their lives. Infants can usually see six to eight inches away and they automatically start sucking when given a nipple. They can gaze at an object that is shape like a face and they smell and prefer their mothers scent and mothers' Get more content on
  • 12. Essay about My Child My Child Wednesday, July 19th, I had a chance to observe carefully an infant for about half an hour in my psychology class at Santa Monica College. The infant, Ali Osman, a healthy, playful boy appears to be of Middle Eastern origin. He is 15.5 months old, 32" tall and weighs about 24 lbs with brown curly hair, dark brown eyes and fairly tanned skin. There were several kinds of toys like blocks, dolls, and automobiles in the room. However, when he just came in, he was immediately drawn to the dolls with intense interest and focus. Even though there wasn't any way to measure his heart rate or brain wave, I could easily tell how interested he was by the way he gazed, touched and played with the dolls. This could be explained by more content... Ali is quite a friendly kid, he is not afraid to be with strangers proven by the fact that he could interact very comfortably with me, my classmates, and other babies. However, when there were some unfamiliar things happening (like when the new baby twins came in or when someone made a scary face to him), he always looked for his mother and ran toward her as described in proximity–seeking behaviors (Berger 226). He is a representative of secure attachment by showing that he had no problem with being away from his mother and exploring on his own (Berger 228). Besides, he also reacted to the Strange Situation the way we expected from a secured child as stated in Berger on page 228 and on table 7.1, page 230. After play for a while, he came up to me with a book and showed me the content, then he gurgled something, clearly wanting me to read it to him. His intention was well understood. Without sufficient vocabulary, using only hollow phrases, he still has no communication problem. After all, communication is about understanding not vocabulary anyway (Berger 198). He showed clear signs of understanding his mother's commands such as "up, down, kiss, bye, etc." by following them. His spoken language has been developed normally according to table 6.2 in Berger, on page 194. One interesting thing was that when he was sitting in the chair and reading the book, he did not make any recognizable word sounds but Get more content on
  • 13. Childhood Vaccinations Essay "Prevention is better than cure." This common statement could not relate any better than it does with the controversy surrounding the morality, effectiveness, and safety of childhood immunizations. The major argument is whether or not laws should be established to declare vaccination mandatory for all children. "The US food and Drug administration (FDA) regulates all vaccines to ensure safety and effectiveness," (, 2012) therefor there should not be any reason to risk the health of any child. Vaccinating our children not only ensures their safety but also that of their future to come. The first major concern parents have when it comes to childhood vaccinations is that of the health and safety of their children. Some parents more content... When children who have been vaccinated do contract a disease, despite being vaccinated against it, they usually have milder symptoms with less serious complications than an un–vaccinated child that gets the same disease. It is true that some children who receive vaccinations may still become ill when exposed to other disease–ridden children. Research shows that 70–90% of the entire population must be vaccinated to attain "herd immunity", "the resistance of a group to attack by a disease to which a large proportion of the members are immune." (Farlex, 2012) When herd immunity is accomplished the spread of the disease can be averted throughout. If all parents were to take proper responsibilities and keep their children's immunizations up–to–date, herd immunity would be achieved against all 16 of the major life threatening diseases. Parents need to realize that the risks of not being vaccinated greatly compensate the minimal risks associated with vaccination. Diseases such as measles and mumps are entirely preventable, and if are not prevented can cause permanent disability and death. A little over a decade ago a measles outbreak amongst unvaccinated children in Philadelphia resulted in seven deaths. It is also known that children who become infected with mumps become permanently deaf. What many parents do not realize is that an outbreak can be totally Get more content on
  • 14. Essay on Homelessness and Children Around the world millions of children are found homeless, sleeping in the streets, under bridges, or on deserted properties. Their days are spent hustling by prostitution or petty crimes. They prey on each other as well as people passing by that they manage to steal from. Yet still this is home to these children, where they are deprived of the most basic human needs, housing, food, and clothing. Since they have no family or relatives and no hope for the future, they have been tagged "Nobody's Children" or "Throw away Kids", living each day as if it were the last, causing them to become outlaws, which as a result is a threat to the security of the community we live in. There are various reasons that children are found homeless, more content... However some parents are irresponsible in caring for their children. Some parents beat them, sexually abuse them, or throw them out of the family into the streets to fend for themselves, resulting in the child feeling that he or she is better off by his or her self, even living on the streets. Statistics show that sixty percent of the homeless children between eight and seventeen years of age use hallucinating substances, forty percent use alcoholic beverages, sixteen percent are drug addicts, and ninety two percent use tobacco products. In an effort to belong and be loved many of these homeless children find themselves becoming family members to gangs promoting further negativity in their lives. Since they don't have any marketable skills, they often survive by begging, stealing, and selling their bodies for money. It is not easy to help homeless children because the majority of them are afraid, and they refuse to submit information to authorities. Some homeless children have managed to escape from the homeless condition because of help from kind people and their own willingness to learn and work to overcome the anxieties and insecurities that homelessness offered them. There have been efforts on the part of organizations to solve the problem by means of charities, foster homes, orphanage, and reform. But in spite of these efforts and funds expended by the government the problem continues to rise because solving today's housing problems and meeting Get more content on
  • 15. Write A Fictional Story For Kids Analysis How to Write a Fictional Story for Kids Kid are encouraged to read from a very early age. Even before they can read on their own, parents read to them. When it comes to children's fiction, adults who write it often have an extraordinary imagination. They have to be able to imagine what would be interesting to a child who is very young if they want to write for that age group. Older children are a little easier to write for, but still it is not easy. Either way, you have to be able to relate to the child, and this is often a little hard for adults. If you love children and you want to learn how to write a fictional story for kids, there are a few things you should remember while you are writing. Variety Rocks Kids are exposed to more more content... They remember what it was like to be a child. They remember what entertained them when they imagined themselves doing wonderful things. They remember what it was like to get frustrated by the things they could not do as a small child. They remember what it was like to be a tween caught between wanting to play with dolls or trucks, and feeling pressured to "act their age". They have kids who remind them what it was like to be a child. They see the imagination of the kids around them and all the possibilities that it opens up. They are children at heart and as adults still hang onto the kid within us all. If you have this ability, then you should be able to think like a child however, it is important that you use the words that their young souls will understand. Avoid Slang and Adult Terms Kids today may totally understand the meaning behind slang. They probably know better words than you to say what they want to express, especially if you are writing for an older child. However, if you use these words today in your story, it may bring a little extra humor to it, but in 10 years' time, the word will not mean anything to the person who reads it. It is best to stick with simple language when you are writing for kids. Then if you truly create a wonderful story for the children, your book will be great throughout the years. Step Outside of the
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  • 17. Children love to play sports and the benefits from participating in these sports are plentiful, but parents are becoming apprehensive about allowing their youth to be active in these sports. These parents have read articles about concussions and other health problems that sports can eventually provoke after long periods of time. The chance of a child getting a life long injury while playing a sport at such a young age. Although some children are hindered by their parents when it comes to playing sports, parents should encourage their preteens and adolescents to be involved in physical activities considering children who do so attain skills that they can apply to their lives as an adult. Some believe a child that is involved in sports has more content... In DiFiori's article he tells us, "Youths participating in sports have opportunities to enhance self–esteem and socialize with peers setting the stage for an active adult lifestyle." When a child is playing sports they have multiple opportunities to do well in their activity which increases their self–esteem. Coaches will complement them and encourage them as they master skills and perform well. Also playing on a team with other players will increase social skills. The teammates a child befriends while on a sports team will create everlasting relationships. Also, some teammates are hard to deal with. It teaches a child how to deal with adversity and people they do not see eye to eye with. Sports teaches people how to work together with people for a common goal and interest. Sports provides inumerable benefits and lessons that one can use later on in their adult life and in the workforce. Parents do not let their youth participate in sports in behalf that their child could possibly get injured. For a child, there is little chance of lifetime injuries while playing sports. Participating in physical activities and sports is enjoyable and has a multitude of benefits. The self esteem, social skills, and healthy practices can be beneficial to the children involved throughout the rest of their lives. The young people of today will be the adults of tomorrow and to better our society all children need the skills Get more content on
  • 18. Save the Children Position Paper on Child Survival 1. INTRODUCTION Save the Children is a child focused organisation that delivers immediate and lasting improvements in children's lives. The organisation is committed to improve the health status of children in India and protect them from exploitation, abuse and ill health. In the current context, Save the Children's primary focus is on supporting the system in accelerating the progress towards Millennium Development Goal 4 aimed at one–third reduction in child mortality rates from 1990 level, by 2015. Child Survival Situation in India India is faced with an unparalleled child survival and health challenge. The country contributes 1.95 million of the global burden of 9.2 million under–five more content... During NFHS–2 (1998–1999), 47% of children under three were found to be underweight while 46% of children under three years of age being underweight, according to.[8]This means every second child under six years of age in India is underweight, a statistic worse than that in sub–Saharan Africa. Almost half (48.4%) of all children under five are stunted (short for their age, an indicator of chronic malnutrition) while 20% of children are wasted (too thin for their height, an indicator of acute malnutrition). As much as 43% children are underweight for their age. Exclusive breastfeeding and appropriate complementary feeding of children which are identified as major determinants of child survival still remain significant challenges to be addressed. Only 69% of children less than two months of age are exclusively breastfed which drops to 51 percent at 2–3 months and 28 percent at 4–5 months of age. Overall, slightly less than half of the children under six months of age are exclusively breastfed.[9] Only 53% children receive complementary foods between 6–8 months of age. Due to cultural beliefs and ingrained practices over ages, many mothers are still not able to follow appropriate infant feeding practices leading to increase in morbidity and mortality of children less than 5 years of age. Over half of all women (56%) in India are anaemic as are 70% of children under the
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  • 20. Children Are The Future Of The World Essay Children are the future of the world. They are going to be the leaders of tomorrow and are going to make choices that will directly affect our generation. Children are pliable, so it 's up to us to mold them well and send them in the right direction. However, who specifically is going to mold these children? At six to eight hours a day, five days a week, teachers are positioned to become one of the most influential people in a child's life. After their parents, children will first learn from their teachers. Jerusha Connor, an education professor at Villanova University, said "Ample qualitative research shows that a single teacher can shape the course of a young person's future, for better or worse,". ( citation) Teachers have a massive influence on children, which is why they are so important. Anyone who can read, write or solve an equation has a teacher to thank. So much of what we know about the world comes from our teachers who equipped us with knowledge, skills and wisdom. Almost everyone has been impacted or influenced by a teacher they 've had in their lifetime. Teachers are important due to their influential positions early in a child 's life and they obviously influence the curriculum the students are learning and how they learn it. They also influence children by creating strong relationships. Because they possess this great power to guide and mold, they can impact how much students will learn. In a 2012 study The RAND Corporation, a leading research nonprofit, Get more content on
  • 21. Early Childhood Education Class Analysis I have always had a strong passion for seeing children's minds grow and learn new things. Therefore, I decided to major in early childhood education when I entered college. Through this class we have had a lot of discussion on the idea of globalization and education. We have discussed the effects of globalization on education as a whole, therefore I decided to dive deeper into the ideas of technology and education, the quality verses the quantity of education, and the growth of global learning. Technology in education has risen to new heights and has allowed people to have more opportunities in life. The world is rapidly changing and people in the world need to be able to form to these rapid changes. If people do not continually more content... I personally feel that the quality of an education leads to the quantity of an education. We must first, start small and expand people's minds in meaningful ways. Students should be able to get one on one interaction with their teachers and be able to receive an overall good education in a developed and underdeveloped country. According to Mark Smith (2008), who wrote an article on incorporating globalization into education, "in the process we have almost forgotten that education ever had any purpose other than to promote growth." Children receiving an education is a major plus, but what matters is the quality of education in which the child receives. The amount of schooling a child obtains does not play a key role in how intelligent the child is, but the quality of education allows children to dive deeper into thinking, therefore there intelligence can be measured. "But the quantity of schooling is a very crude measure of peopleВґs knowledge and cognitive skills." (Hanushek, 2005, p. 16) Global learning, in my opinion, is a learning based on the idea on being educated about different things around the world; cultures, religions, languages, and different races. For our world to become more globalized, future generations need to be educated on other things besides math and science. According to S. Chinnammai: Education should not become a means of westernizing the world. On the contrary, it should treat each unique culture and society with due respect, realizing that global education is not only learning about the West, but also studying different cultures of the world, using different approaches, ways of teaching and different media. (p. Get more content on
  • 22. Early Childhood Education Essay examples "Play is developmentally appropriate for primary–age children and can provide them with opportunities that enrich the learning experience" (Copple & Bredekamp 2009). Early childhood education holds two main focuses; a child–based focus and a family–based focus. Early childhood education has positive outcomes on the child through their learning experiences, and their growth and development. Based on the family, the results of early education happen through the communication that the family has with the educators and by the encouragement they get from within themselves, and also from the educators. Children learn most of what they know through play. There are many ways in which a child learns on a daily basis, they learn the skills more content... Educators can facilitate the children with different materials and environments in the classrooms that are in the early learning centres. The children need to develop their minds cognitively. "Children actively construct knowledge as they manipulate and explore their world" (Berk 2007). Children are needing to develop their abilities through their play experiences, and also through their play experiences, they can develop appropriately.Early childhood education plays a large part in a child's early development. Children develop cognition through two main stages that Jean Piaget theorized. The stages run from birth and infancy to school age children. Sensorimotor is the first stage and goes from birth to about the age of two. This stage implies that the children learn about the environment they live in and they learn this through the reflexes and movements they produce. They also learn that they are separate people from their parents and they can say goodbye to them and know they will come back. The second stage is called the preoperational stage. During this stage of development, children will learn how to incorporate symbols to represent objects. This is also the beginning of learning the alphabet and speech. The child is still very much egocentric at this point in time, but with the help of understanding educators, the child will grow appropriately onto the next stages of development. Finally, the children need to develop emotionally/socially. Get more content on