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Essay on Biography of Sir Joseph Lister
The Father Of Modern Surgery The hospital environment has not always been a place of sterility
and extreme cleanliness that is associated with it so readily today. Prior to the work of Joseph
Lister, the hospital was a place to go to die, not to be cured. If an individual was able to survive
the pain and torture of surgery without anesthesia, a postoperative infection would most certainly
be their ultimate demise. Thanks to Joseph Lister, later known as Baron Lister, a hospital is now
a place of healing and cleanliness, not one of death and filth. Lister's Early Life: Joseph Lister was
born to Joseph Jackson Lister and Isabella Harris on April 5, 1827 in Upton, England. Upton was a
small village outside of more content...
Lister realized the importance of the work of his ancestors, but was appalled at the fact that
outdated material could be learned for hundreds of years. Lister was lucky to be entering medical
school in a time when many important changes were taking place. Medical students were now
allowed to dissect human bodies, previously thought to have been grounds for execution and
certainly morally apprehensible. The methods by which students learned were also modernized, and
the public view of surgeons was being changed. As late as the early to mid–1800's surgeons were not
considered worthy of the respect of physicians, and were not permitted by law to practice
medicine. As the technology surrounding surgery was enhanced, the surgeons began to gain
respect in their own right. The use of ether in surgery as an anesthetic allowed the surgeons to
concentrate more on detail and less on speed. Prior to ether, the surgeon's speed was the only way
to minimize the pain of the patient. Lister was a very sympathetic person, and strove early in his
career to change the previously accepted conceptions of surgery. When Lister began his education
surgery had a mortality rate of over 50%. This was accepted by society, but not by Lister. He set out
very early to change this problem. Joseph continued his education and questioned
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Essay on Biography of Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla was born in Smiljan, Croatia at midnight between July 9th and 10th 1856. He was
intelligent since his early childhood. He soon became interested in engineering and he studied it
at the Technical University in Graz, Austria, from 1877 to 1880. Right after that he went to the
University of Prague in 1880, but his father had died and he withdrew his studies from the
University soon after. Tesla always dreamed of becoming an electrical engineer and to invent a
new type of power transmission instead of Direct Current (DC). He mourned for his father for
about a year, but he had to return to his work. In 1881 he went to Budapest to work as an engineer
for a telephone company, but this isn't what he wanted to in life. Tesla' more content...
His dream was about to come true when George Westinghouse hired him. George let Tesla develop
all his ideas and Tesla finally produced his invention alternating current (AC). He then became a
U.S. citizen in 1889. In 1891 he made another invention called the Tesla coil. It helped create many
other inventions that used the Tesla coil the television, a computer screen, the radio, and other
electronics. Then Tesla was struck by depression because of his mother's death in 1892. By about
1895 Tesla became a poor man due to a number of failed inventions, so he tried to get a contract with
the military. His first attempt to get a military contract was automated submarines and boats, but the
government didn't accept his offer. He finally got a military contract from the German Marine High
Command. He made turbines for the Germans, and it's thought to be used for their U–boats. Soon
After World War 1 started and Tesla had to cancel his concert or he would have been arrested for
treason. Tesla was broke again and was desperate for money so he attempted to build a death ray
for the U.S. military. It's unknown what components Tesla used for this machine and if it even
worked. He said that it would be used to defend of American soil; nevertheless the military rejected
his offer. Tesla made one last effort to get a military contract. He would make a sending
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Biography of Albert Einstein Essay
Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Germany. He was a German–born theoretical
physicist, which is a part of physics that employs a system using mathematical concepts and
languages. He developed the General theory of relativity, which is a part of mathematics that is
devoted to finitely generated groups of gravitation and is the current description of gravitation in
modern physics. He is well known for his mass–energy equivalence formula E=mc2.
His Notable awards are the Nobel Prize in Physics 1921, which is an award that is awarded once a
year by the Royal Swedish academy of sciences, it is one of five Nobel awards the other four are in
chemistry, literature, peace, and physiology, another award is the Metteucci more
In Einstein's childhood he went to a catholic elementary school from age five to age eight and then
he was transferred to Luitpold Gymnasium which is now known as the Albert Einstein Gymnasium
this was where he received primary and secondary school education until he left Germany seven
years later. Einstein developed a love for music at an early age. His mother played piano very
well and she wanted her son to learn the violin, not just to enroll him in music but also to help
him assimilate German culture. According to his conductor Einstein is said to have been playing
since he was five but Einstein did not enjoy it at that age. When Einstein turned thirteen he
discovered the violin sonatas of Mozart Einstein immediately fell in love with Mozart's music. At
age seventeen he was heard by a school examiner in Aarau as he played Beethoven's violin
sonatas, the examiner said afterward that his playing was remarkable and revealing of 'great
insight, what struck the examiner explains was that Einstein displayed a deep love of the music a
quality that was and remains in short supply. Music is the possessed an unusual meaning for this
student. On April 17, 1955 Albert Einstein experienced internal bleeding caused by a rupture which
was previously surgically reinforced by Dr. Rudolf Nissen in 1948. He took a speech he was
preparing for an appearance on television celebrating the state of Israel's seventh
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Essay on Bill Gates Biography
Bill Gates Biography
Bill Gates is not only a genius, but also an innovator in education, technology, and philanthropy. A
prodigy, Bill Gates shares an education fact with Abraham Lincoln, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison,
and even his competitor Steve Jobs: no college degree. Instead, he devoted his time to his passion
for technology, going on to create the most profitable technology company in the world. For much of
the past decade, Gates allocated both his profit and attention to philanthropy. Evidence of his
innovation, industry and curiosity can be seen at an early age.
Gates' passion for technology began at the age of 8, when he built his first computer program. This
program allowed the player to compete in a game of tic tac more content...
By the time Bill Gates dies, he will have given away 90% of his wealth. He created the Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation with his wife in 1997. So far, he has donated 28 billion dollars to
philanthropic causes that include: better health care, vaccines, school grants, education. To date, the
Foundation saved over one million lives with vaccines and better health care alone! In 2002, Bill and
Melinda were named the most generous philanthropists in the world.
Bill founded several schools based on hands–on knowledge and technology. He also has given many
Ted talks on education and constantly strives to make the public school system more effective and
innovative. The Bill and Melinda Foundation has made large strides in education and offers billions
of dollars in grants for schools across the US. In fact, my past school, Da Vinci Innovation Academy,
earned a million dollar grant from this generous foundation to provide one of the first hybrid
homeschool–project based learning school. Bill not only helps the students in these lucky schools,
he also supports the teachers through increased awareness about the lack of feedback and
compensation teachers receive. His Ted talks on education inspire others to join in educational
Bill Gates' influence is widespread. He has led the technological industry of the 20th century. He
currently holds the sixth position for the most
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Essay on Biography of Rudyard Kipling
Biography of Rudyard Kipling
1865 – Kipling is born in Bombay, India.
1871 – Kipling and his younger sister Alice are separated from their parents and sent to England to
be educated.
1878 – Kipling enters public school in North Devon.
1882 – Kipling ends his formal education and returns to India to become a trainee journalist.
1886 – Publication of Departmental Ditties. Kipling begins to make a name for himself as a young
writer of some repute.
1887 – Soldiers Three, In Black and White, The Phantom Rickshaw, Wee Willie Winkle, The Story
of the Gadsbys, and the stories later collected in The Smith Administration, The City of Dreadful
Night, and Letters of Marque, were more content...
1936 – Rudyard Kipling dies.
Born in Bombay, British India, on December 30th 1865, Rudyard Kipling was the first born child
of John Lockwood Kipling and Alice Kipling, who had settled in India earlier that year. His father
was a professor of architectural sculpture; on his mother's side there was a brace of distinguished
Aunts and Uncles for the boy. One Aunt was the mother of Stanley Baldwin, future Prime Minister;
another was married to Sir Edward Burne–Jones, the distinguished Pre–Raphelite Painter. Kipling's
parents considered themselves 'Anglo–Indians', and so too would their son, though he in fact spent
the bulk of his life elsewhere. Complex issues of identity and national allegiance would become
prominent features in his fiction.
Just before his sixth Birthday, Rudyard and his younger sister Alice were separated from their
parents in line with the tradition of the English in India and sent back to England to receive their
formal education. It was an experience that would haunt Kipling till the end of his life. Rudyard
and Alice were sent to stay with a woman whom they had never even previously met for almost
six years. By all accounts she and the young Rudyard did not get along. Elements of his protracted
childhood ordeal appear in The Light that Failed and , more directly, in the story "Baa Baa Black
Sheep". Perhaps as a consequence of the unpleasant life he was
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William Shakespeare Research Paper
What was Shakespeare Biography? Who was William Shakespeare? Where was he born? Where did
he go to school? How did William Shakespeare live his life from the beginning to the ending?
William Shakespeare's life became a great mystery with lack of evidence to support any findings.
His schooling, his family and parents will be revealed in my paper. Who were William Shakespeare's
parents? The parents of Mr. Shakespeare were John Shakespeare and Mary Arden Shakespeare.
Mary Arden married William Shakespeare in 1557. Mary was the favorite of eight daughters of the
widowed Robert Arden (Absolute Shakespeare, 2000–2005). William Shakespeare's parents were
both uneducated. John Shakespeare had become the Mayor of Stratford were more
The nine years between is just another mystery that nobody can figure out(Shakespeare Online,
Actor and Playwright,1999–2010 ). There is no doubt as of today that William Shakespeare is the
greatest writer of English Literature. His plays have been made into movies, books have been
written, music has been conducted and published, and if your real lucky you might even be able
to see a play of one of his greatest stories ever told; in which I have seen many movies and read
many books. Here are some of my favorite stories ever written; Othello, The Moon of Venice, The
Taming of the Shrew, Twelfth Night or What You Will, Julius Caesar, Richard III, Macbeth (which
was a favorite in high school), Midsummer Night's Dream ( I have read that book), Henry V,
Hamlet, which I might add Mel Gibson did very well playing that part, and my most favorite love
story of all time, Romeo and Juliet. As you can see the title says it all. His mind went to the extreme
and with such little education he just knew what his passion was and went for it. William
Shakespeare's children, as mentioned earlier, Susanna, Hamnet and Judith had a much different life
of the great English Poet. William Shakespeare's first born, Susanna, was raised by her mother, Anne.
When Susanna turned twenty–four she was to marry a prosperous medical doctor. The wedding was
held on June 5th 1607. Susanna had a baby girl eight
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Essay on Biography of Sergei Rachmaninoff
"Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music." This is a quote from the
great and talented composer Sergei Rachmaninoff. If you look up what the quote means you can get
many different answers, but many I don't agree with. I believe the quote means something more to
Rachmaninoff. I think the quote means that through Rachmaninoff's lifetime he could have been
satisfied with the music he created, but through his lifetime he did not create all the music he could
have. This speaks to how talented Rachmaninoff is at composing such master pieces in music. From
his early child hood in Russia to becoming a worldwide success he has always had that drive to
write music. Sergei Rachmaninoff was born on April 1, 1873 in more content...
He made a tour of Western Europe and the United States, with a program that contained the
Prelude. It was so popular that it was referred to as "The Prelude" and the audience would demand
it as an encore at his performances usually yelling "C–sharp!"
Rachmaninoff graduated as a composer in 1892, in the ceremony he was awarded a gold medal
for his acclaimed opera Aleko. The first symphony in Rachmaninoff's career was in 1897 and by all
account it was a disaster. It is believed that the conductor was drunk at the time. In shame
Rachmaninoff destroyed the score. Pieces of the score survived and were put back together after his
Rachmaninoff's life was affect by the patterns he established early in his career. His uncomfortable
endeavor between performing and composing with, with monetary pressures usually ensuring that
preeminence needed to be given to the orders of the platform. He was a worldwide character as
early as 1899, when he conducted a concert of his orchestral works in London, also playing some of
his piano music.
In 1900 Rachmaninoff began work on his Second Piano Concerto, considered one of the most
frequently performed works in this genre. The Concerto contains flutes, oboes, clarinet, bassoons,
horns, trumpet, trombones, tubas, timpani, bass drums, cymbals, solo piano, and strings. The
Concerto builds tension with the piano eventually climaxing. The years leading up to the Russian
Revolution were spent in a never
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Professional Biography
Let me ask you a question. How are you not incredibly bored by the above professional biography?
I am certainly yawning after writing such nonsense and I hope you are, too.
I am someone who is going to stick her tongue out like a four year old who doesn't like broccoli
when it comes to the format of formal professional biographies. There are thousands of articles with
tips and suggestions on writing guidelines, all of which not only bore me but evoke outrage. I want
to take down this external structure of "describing a professional self" with tiny ninja knives and
chopsticks while wearing a tutu and being photographed for my future profile image. This is
certainly the image of the therapist I would choose to work with from the listing in Psychology more content...
Also, the above quote is who I am to my core and every waking moment of my life is devoted to
helping you step into the unedited light that you are, too, and equally so. I will admit that some of
this intention is selfish. Entertaining myself over the last decade has run its course and I want to be
intrigued by you more than I am of myself, which is a rare occurrence.
What a surprise that the above paragraph is certainly going to be judged and classified in terms of
narcissism by some. Again, thank you counseling profession for slapping a wound on my light and
deep respect for who I am.
I am formally trained as a "Psycho"–Therapist and I have an incredibly low opinion of my
profession as a whole. Incredibly low. Deeply disappointed and disheartened. Yes, the sentence is a
fragment. Intentionally so. I am emphasizing the fragmentation I experience in my profession as you
are reading.
Moving forward with directness, I think we actually "suck" at healing. We do not understand the
essence of what we are being called to bring forth in the world and, yes, I believe it is our
responsibility to dig deeper. If there is a more sophisticated synonym I could use in replace of
"suck," I'm not interested in your suggestion, but thank you.
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Lars Von Trier Research Paper
On this essay I will be focusing on Lars Von Trier background and biography. I will then list some
of his major contributions to the art work, and his most famous works of art. I will include some
interesting facts that have influenced him throughout his life and which I thought were important
for his development as a filmmaker. Finally I will conclude the essay with my personal opinion of
his character and overall art work.
Von Trier was born in Copenhagen, Denmark in April 1956. He graduated from the Danish Film
School in 1956, where he received his fist award for the "Best Film" for his short film "images of a
relief". After he graduated he also worked in collaboration with many other filmmakers, one of them
known as Dogma 95 more content...
There were also some other successful films created based on the same idea and theme called: All
About Anna, Constance, Pink Prison and Flick HotMen CoolBoys. It is said by critics and other
artist that all of the previous films were meant to emphasize on women beauty, but there was also the
other side of the society who thought of this to be unnecessary and disrespectful.
Back in 2007 he was supposed to begin a horror movie that was already causing controversy called
Antichrist. It postulated that the earth was created by Satan rather than God. However it was
reported that in May 2007 he was suffering from depression and might cease film–making altogether.
Unfortunately it is said by many sources including that he can easily be
described as a hypochondriac and depressive person. Even though he has not been diagnosed yet,
he would often convince himself that he has cancer and other dangerous diseases. He also has talk
about his insanity and how he has long suffered from bipolar disease. Apparently all this mental
problems have been going on since he was a little child, so it is definitely not something that has just
Nevertheless, Lars Von Trierwas done remarkable work one of them known as Europa. This film is
considered one of the most strange yet hunting films he's ever done. It is about a naГЇve American
who decides to go to Germany right after WWII. His uncle works on the railroad and gets him, Leo,
that is the name of the protagonist,
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My Biography Essay
I started my journey of life in the early 90's and ever since I have been up against barriers and met
many different types of characters. All with their personal gain is put first without a thought for
Anyways let's start from the beginning, I started my educational career in 1997 at welbourne primary
school/ boy was it fun it had everything a kid could ever imagine, a massive sand box, shiny new
tricycles, super fast scooters and loads and loads of coloured paint. It was unbelievable we were
given milk and cookies and we got to sing as well as the fundamental steps of life, the alphabet and
I have always been fond of those years and the joy it brought, but the person I will always
remember Ms Kerion, she was more content...
Wow now this stage of my life which made me who I am today, it had the most life changing
experiences up to this date, secondary school. My very first secondary school was Salisbury, it was
said that it was one of the worst performing schools in the country and also one of the worst
behaved. I did not know this and didn't believe it because I and most of my friends had achieved
very good grades in our SATS. I had achieved level five in English, five in science and four in
mathematics. Anyways when I first started the school was the chitter chatter of other pupils and the
smell of school dinners was as always putrid. The grease they used to fry made the air slimy and
un– breathable.
When I entered the massive gates the immense building towered over me. I felt tiny in
comparison just like my confidence at the time, I was terrified. My year had started a day earlier
than the rest of the school so that we could get to know each other better. I had already made some
new friends but I had also made enemies. Me and my new friends played some football together and
it was awesome they were unstoppable (I was unstoppable as well) and right there I knew I made
friends for life One of my best friends was a boy called Hanad he was a tall and muscular, he had
fair skin like caramel but was as tough as a nut. Hanad was the coolest boy I had ever met, he was
the best in our whole year at most
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Shakespeares Biography Essay
Shakespeare's Biography
William Shakespeare was a great writer who lead a very interesting life. In fact, he is often though
of as "the greatest write of his time."
As a child, William Shakespeare started his education at around the age of "six or seven at Stratford
grammar school, also known as the King's New School of Stratford–upon–Avon."(Brooke pg23) It
would be most likely that Shakespeare's lessons would focus around "Latin composition and the
study of Latin authors like Seneca, Cicero, Ovid, Vigil, and Horace."(Brooke pg23) Shakespeare's
schooling did not last long however, when he was removed from school at the age of thirteen due to more content...
Not much
is known about Anne and her children around this date, except for the death of her son,
Hamnet, at the age of eleven on August 11, 1596. William Shakespeare was left without an aire, but
by this time he had already left for England to start his career.
As mentioned before, Shakespeare had an early period of his life which led from his withdrawal
from grammar school, to his marriage to Anne Hathaway, which is commonly referred to as his "lost
years." Now comes the second section of his life where not much is heard of him and is also
likewise known as his "lost years." This period lasted seven years, from the time he left his family
in Stratford to the time he had become an established actor by the end of 1592. It is thought that
during this time "he practiced his skills and may have even been recruited by the Leicester's or
Queen's Men."(Bentley pg 14) Many of his plays had already become well known, such as Henry
VI, The Comedy of Errors, and Titus Andronicus.
When the theatres were closed from 1592 to 1593, during this time, Shakespeare wrote many
non–dramatic poems. When the Earl of Southampton saw his work, he immediately gave
Shakespeare the support he needed. With the Earl's help, Shakespeare returned back to the theatre in
1594. "He then became so immersed with his work that he was more involved in the theatre than
anyone else. He now shared ownership of the Globe." (Mabillard
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Kate Chopin Biography Essay
Kate Chopin Biography Kate Chopin was an American Author who born in Catherine O' Flaherty
in St Luis on February 8, 1850. Eliza Faris who was from St Luis too was her mother. Chopin father
was a successful businessman who died when Kate was only 5 years old. For that reason, Kate
grows up in a woman dominated the environment. Chopin mother, great–grandmother and the female
slave, used to take of the children most of the time. Chopin started her career as an author when her
husband suddenly died, leaving her with six kids and financially broke. Chopin mother died too a
few moths later. For that reason, she started feeling devastated, and that immerse her in a period of
depression. As a result, her Doctor recommended to her, to started writing her, though. Chopin first
publication was a short story At Fault in 1889(Toth, 1). Since Chopin started writing her work
received many positive and negative review for controversial topics that she uses in her work. She
was one of the first and the more content...
Chopin wrote about the woman in conformity about her social role, self–discovery, and woman
sexuality, becoming a pioneer for the others woman until today. Other topics that possessed great
significance like married, racial prejudice, Lesbianism and social equality was present in her work
during her career. One of her more controversial work at that time was Fedora and Lilacs for the
lesbian elements present in the work. Others significant works for the social content "Desiree's
Baby," "La Belle ZoraГЇde," "Tante Cat'rinette," or NГ©g CrГ©ol, where the themes are connected
toward race. In The Awakening, Chopin most important novel, Edna Portlier goes under profound
changes in her character, attitudes, behaviors. She was a heroin that lives her own rebellion against
the customs of the society, as well as the others characters, do in Chopin
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Essay on Biography of President Barack Obama
Obama's Presidency
Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on August 4th, 1961. He went to Harvard Law
School. After his graduation, continued his legal work as a civil rights lawyer and a professor
teaching constitutional law at the University of Chicago. He was elected to the Illinois State Senate
in 1996. He served there for three terms (1996–2004). Later on, he started his campaign in 2007 for
the presidential election in 2008. He won the presidential election against John McCain, his
Republican opponent and started serving in the office in January 20, 2009. He became the 44th
President of The United States of America. He is more well–known for being the first
African–American who ever served in The White House.
During his terms, more content...
They are still debating over the solution for this.
"In term of foreign policy, he is indecisive" –Bui, 36. According to what he said, Mr. Obama often
gives late decisions. He is not good at dealing with other countries. Ukraine and Eastern Sea are
one of the obvious proofs. China and Russia have been very daring lately; America is losing
respect in both term of economy and military. Israel is another country to concern. Imagine if
there is no Israel, all those Middle Eastern countries are sharing the same belief. They will
eventually team up, create their own Alliance and only God knows what they can do with that.
The world doesn't need another version of Germany in World War 2. According to Jenifer Rubin
from The Washington Post, in an article she said "President Obama gave an interview in which
he viciously attacked Israel, suggesting that Israel was the cause of the peace process failure, that
the United States could no longer protect Israel if the peace process failed". Mr. Obama should
consider that keeping Israel strong is a good thing to do right now. A strong Israel means that
Middle East is unstable. Israel's neighbor countries will keep being suspicious in every moves Israel
made. They will be busy dealing with each other. In another word, it will prevent them to unify.
However, American should consider the good that he has done for this country. He ended the war
with Iraq as the last troop left in 2011. He
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Essay on Biography of William Shakespeare
Biography of William Shakespeare William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564. He was
baptized on April 24, 1564, in Stratford–upon–Avon, Warwickshire. He was the third of eight
children born to John Shakespeare and Mary Arden, three of whom died in childhood. John was a
well–known merchant and Mary was the daughter of a Roman Catholic member of the gentry, or
high social position. The house where Shakespeare spent his childhood stood adjacent to he wool
shop in which his father plied a successful trade as a glover and dealer in leather goods and other
commodities. Before moving to Stratford sometime prior to 1552 John Shakespeare had been a
farmer in the neighboring village of Snitterfield. Whether he was able to read and write
more content...
He was thought to have left Stratford after he was caught poaching in the deer park of Sir Thomas
Lucy. He was a local justice of the peace. Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway had a daughter in 1583
and twins– a boy and a girl– in 1585. The boy however, eventually did not live. The age of
Shakespeare was a great time in English history. The reign of Elizabeth, from 1558 to 1603, saw
England emerge as the leading naval and commercial power of the Western world. Elizabeth I's
England consolidated its position with the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, and firmly
established the Church of England. Sir Humphrey Gilbert and Sir Walter Raleigh sent colonists
eastward in search of profit. In trade, might, and art, England established an envious preeminence.
At this time, London was the heart of England, reflecting all the vibrant qualities of the Elizabethan
Age. It was in this atmosphere that London became a leading center of culture as well as
commerce. Its dramatists and poets were among the leading literary artists of the daythis is the
environment in which Shakespeare lived and wrote. In the 1580's, the writings of the University
Wits defined the London theatre. Though grounded in medieval/Jacobean roots, men such as
Marlowe, Greene, Lyly, Kyd, and Peele, produced new dramas and comedies using Marlowe's
styling of blank verse. Shakespeare outdid them all; he combined the best traits of Elizabethan drama
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Essay on Biography of Alexander Hamilton
Biography of Alexander Hamilton Summary
Alexander Hamilton was most likely born on January 11, 1757, although the exact year of his birth
is unknown. Hamilton was born on the Caribbean island of Nevis or St. Kitts to Rachel Fawcett and
James Hamilton, but he spent the majority of his youth on the island of St. Croix. His formal
education as a child was minimal. When his mother died in 1768, Hamilton took more
Hamilton spent four years as Washington's attachГ© and participated in several battles, including the
Battle of Yorktown and the Battle of Monmouth.
Hamilton left the military in 1781. He had recently married Betsey Schuyler, and worked
diligently for several months to pass the New York bar exam. Hamilton served as one of New
York's most prominent lawyers in the early 1780s, and also began his political career, serving first
as a national tax agent, and then as one of New York's representatives at the national Congress in
Philadelphia. In 1786, Hamilton was chosen to represent New York state at a national convention
held in Annapolis, Maryland, to amend the Articles of Confederation. When only a few of the
delegates from the other states bothered to attend, Hamilton called for a second convention to be
held in Philadelphia in 1787. This time, the delegates took the invitation more seriously, and created
the outline for a new government by drafting the Constitution.
Although Hamilton attended most of the proceedings at the 1787 Philadelphia Convention, he did
not actually participate much in the drafting of the new document. Hamilton argued that a new and
stronger central government was needed to correct the mistakes made in the government outlined in
the Articles of Confederation, but
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Essay on Biography of Karl Marx
Karl Marx is the revolutionary founding father of communism and Marxism, while Niccolo
Machiavelli expounded upon the concept of realism through his work The Prince. These two
concepts have been the foundations that various countries and governments have tried to utilize in
hopes of constructing a utopian society. Karl Marx was born in 1818 in Trier Germany, studying
history, philosophy, and law at the universities of Berlin, Jena, and Bonn. Karl Marx did not like
the production portion of Capitalism; he found it to be a signal of great trouble. Marx believed that
the production stage of capitalism worked in a way that the rich owners of these companies
benefited whereas the poor workers did not. So the rich will get richer and the more
Therefore, states will act as rationally as possible to protect themselves, utilizing whatever
necessary means and power to secure them. Countries would stock pile and hoard all elements of
national power like political stability, abundance of raw material, cultural hegemony, economic
capabilities, etc. but never really engage in conflict. A good correlation to this theory is the Cold
War between the United States and the Soviet Union. Both countries never directly engaged in
conflict with one another, but they knew of each other's capabilities and in return created stock piles
of nuclear weapons, creating an arms race (Taylor 2011, pg 138). At the same time realists believe
that international institutions are not as significant as understanding what the capabilities are of
their country and where it ranks within the international system. The biggest concept behind realism
is expounded upon in Machiavelli's work The Prince, where he elaborates on the significance that
power is the answer to end all political conflict and one should strive to maximize their individual
power (Political Realism). Marxism and realism are by far two political theories that are in the
opposite direction of the spectrum. Marxism has the main focus of teamwork and equality for one
another, and that is what will create a utopian society; whereas realism fosters internal competition to
strive for power in hopes of creating a strong and powerful country
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Essay on Biography of Karl Marx
Biography of Karl Marx Only in the course of the world's history can a person born over a
hundred years ago be as famous today as they were back then. Karl Marx is one person that fits
this category. He paved the way for people of the same political background as his own. Marx's
ideas were unique and started uproar all over Europe. Marx helped write the Communist Manifesto
one of the most important pieces of literature on Communism ever written. At one time people
feared Communism as a power, which prompted Marx to write the Communist Manifesto and
explain his ideas. How Communism should be used as type of government. He was seen as kind of
an outlaw, having to move from country to country to avoid troubles with the more
The Baron introduced him into Romantic literature and Saint–Simonian. Marx's dad sent him to the
University of Berlin for four years. While in Berlin he traded in his views of Romanticism to
views of the Hegelianism, which ruled Berlin at this point in history. When Marx's college career
was cut short by the opposition of the Prussian Government he moved to journalism. Marx
became the editor of the Rheinische Zeitung a liberal newspaper in Cologne, Germany in 1842.
His views on economic questions made the Prussian Government uncomfortable and they closed
the paper. This is where Marx first got his ideas of how classes make life harsh for certain people
and the only way to fix this is to eliminate classes all together. After that Marx moved to France,
where in a few months he became a communist. He developed his ideas in his writings, which he
titled Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts. It was in Paris that Marx met his partner for life
Friedrich Engel's. Both of them moved to Brussels, and visited Engel's family in England from time
to time. During his time here he wrote The German Ideology for which he had studied history
intensely to come up with a materialistic view of history. In the German Ideology Marx said, "The
nature of individuals depends on the material conditions determining their production.". This was his
thesis for the German Ideology, which is the same as all of his others, the idea that class and
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Essay on Biography of Louis Armstrong
Success is a path way, full of mysterious wonders. Many strive to accomplish, while others wait for
success to find them. Louis Armstrong's life was similar to this. Armstrong strived and strived until
he reached to a point in his life where he was comfortable with his fourth wife, Lucille Wilson.
Armstrong is ultimately known as the creator of jazz and blues. He was awarded this title by using
his talents when he was a young boy growing up in a rough neighborhood. Armstrong's talent was a
result of his childhood and young adult life. Growing up, Armstrong was exposed to music in his
surroundings. Armstrong obtained this fantastic talent, therefore causing him to establish it in a well
minded surrounding; creating his success and more content...
They moved to the corner of Liberty and Perdido Street, which in turn was an upgrade from their
previous neighborhood. However, his mom's job kept her away from home, thus keeping her away
from her children frequently. Armstrong and his sister were left in the care of their grandmother
(Eaton 14–17). Armstrong always had a charm that could make a person melt, like ice cream on a
hot day. "Louis was naturally a lively boy. He was always willing to be quiet [;] however... he
could persuade his great grandmother to tell stories of her girl hood" (15). Although he was a
charm, he also got into trouble. "By the time he was ten years old, he was asserting his own fists...
his mother [would come] home to find her son with a bloody nose or a bruised eyes, she... begged
him not to fight..." (27).
Growing up music surrounded him; whether it was rhythms, beats, or even the sound of the train
tracks, surrounded him. "Oh Granny, wish't you could hear [the] horns and drums playin' in dat
dance hall on de corner... De horn player– I could hear him blow all day and all night and never git
tired" (Eaton 18). Growing up in a Christian household Armstrong attended church and was exposed
to music then. "Just as the spirituals once sprang from the lips of claves to express their hidden
longing for freedom... inventions of rhythm and melody burst... expressions of sorrow or means of
release." Armstrong understood the concept of the origin and reasons of music, especially spiritual
music (30).
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Essay on Biography of Martin Luther King
Biography of Martin Luther King
The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15,1929 (9). Martin Luther
King Jr. began nursery school at the very young age of three years old in 1932 (5). After attending
elementary school for one year Martin Luther King got expelled from school after his second
grade teacher found out that he was only five years old which was a year too young to be in
second grade in 1934 (5). The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. began attending high school
at the thirteen in 1942 (5). Both the father and grandfather of Martin Luther King were pastors of
the same church in Atlanta his grandfather served as pastor from 1914 to 1931 , his father served as more content...
The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. got married on June 18,1953 to a woman named
Coretta Scott. The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. had four kids the first if them was a
girl , she was born November 17,1955, his second child was Martin Luther The Third who was
born two years after the birth of his sister, Martin Luther King's third child was born four years
after Martin Luther The Third and his name was Dexter Scott , finally the fourth and final child
of Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. was Bernice Albertine, she was born March 28,1963 (4). The
Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. was also the founder and / or president of a lot of
committee's / club that where dedicated to the advancement and equal rights and justice for colored
people (8). In the year of 1957 was the year when Martin was the president of S.C.L.C , which
stands for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Martin was also the founder of the
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (8). The year of 1957 was a very good year for
Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr., not only did he form and was the president of the
Southern Christian Leadership Conference ,but it was the first time that he appeared on the cover
of a magazine, and the reason why this was so important towards
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Biography Of My Grandmother
My grandmother, Kathy A Gerdes was born March 10, 1947 and has done many great things in
her life. She excelled in everything because she is very strong and determined to do things.
Growing up, I was always with her and watching her do things which is why I look up to her. It
wasn't until she moved in with us until I got to have a strong relationship and get to see the kind
loving person she is. This biography portrays what she has accomplished and how she is loving
and strong. As a child, my grandma had a very simple life even though her parents were strict. She
grew up in New Prague, Minnesota, by the old creamery. She had 3 siblings, Rosie, Roman, and
Tony. They are all older than her and each sibling is about 10 years apart. Her dad owned a barber
shop and her mom was stay at home. My grandma had to do many chores around the house
including dishes, cleaning, garden work, shoveling snow, and many other things. She was always
expected to do her chores for the day after school or she would be in trouble. Her parents were very
conservative catholics. Her family had to go to church every Sunday and they didn't have a choice if
they wanted to go or not.
Kathy had many memories as a child. She loved to play outside all of the time. She played things
like hide n' seek, ring around the frypan, Jacks, and marbles with shooters. She played many guy
sports like football and basketball because she always played with boys that lived around her. She
also loved to go ice skating. My
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  • 1. Essay on Biography of Sir Joseph Lister The Father Of Modern Surgery The hospital environment has not always been a place of sterility and extreme cleanliness that is associated with it so readily today. Prior to the work of Joseph Lister, the hospital was a place to go to die, not to be cured. If an individual was able to survive the pain and torture of surgery without anesthesia, a postoperative infection would most certainly be their ultimate demise. Thanks to Joseph Lister, later known as Baron Lister, a hospital is now a place of healing and cleanliness, not one of death and filth. Lister's Early Life: Joseph Lister was born to Joseph Jackson Lister and Isabella Harris on April 5, 1827 in Upton, England. Upton was a small village outside of more content... Lister realized the importance of the work of his ancestors, but was appalled at the fact that outdated material could be learned for hundreds of years. Lister was lucky to be entering medical school in a time when many important changes were taking place. Medical students were now allowed to dissect human bodies, previously thought to have been grounds for execution and certainly morally apprehensible. The methods by which students learned were also modernized, and the public view of surgeons was being changed. As late as the early to mid–1800's surgeons were not considered worthy of the respect of physicians, and were not permitted by law to practice medicine. As the technology surrounding surgery was enhanced, the surgeons began to gain respect in their own right. The use of ether in surgery as an anesthetic allowed the surgeons to concentrate more on detail and less on speed. Prior to ether, the surgeon's speed was the only way to minimize the pain of the patient. Lister was a very sympathetic person, and strove early in his career to change the previously accepted conceptions of surgery. When Lister began his education surgery had a mortality rate of over 50%. This was accepted by society, but not by Lister. He set out very early to change this problem. Joseph continued his education and questioned Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on Biography of Nikola Tesla Nikola Tesla was born in Smiljan, Croatia at midnight between July 9th and 10th 1856. He was intelligent since his early childhood. He soon became interested in engineering and he studied it at the Technical University in Graz, Austria, from 1877 to 1880. Right after that he went to the University of Prague in 1880, but his father had died and he withdrew his studies from the University soon after. Tesla always dreamed of becoming an electrical engineer and to invent a new type of power transmission instead of Direct Current (DC). He mourned for his father for about a year, but he had to return to his work. In 1881 he went to Budapest to work as an engineer for a telephone company, but this isn't what he wanted to in life. Tesla' more content... His dream was about to come true when George Westinghouse hired him. George let Tesla develop all his ideas and Tesla finally produced his invention alternating current (AC). He then became a U.S. citizen in 1889. In 1891 he made another invention called the Tesla coil. It helped create many other inventions that used the Tesla coil the television, a computer screen, the radio, and other electronics. Then Tesla was struck by depression because of his mother's death in 1892. By about 1895 Tesla became a poor man due to a number of failed inventions, so he tried to get a contract with the military. His first attempt to get a military contract was automated submarines and boats, but the government didn't accept his offer. He finally got a military contract from the German Marine High Command. He made turbines for the Germans, and it's thought to be used for their U–boats. Soon After World War 1 started and Tesla had to cancel his concert or he would have been arrested for treason. Tesla was broke again and was desperate for money so he attempted to build a death ray for the U.S. military. It's unknown what components Tesla used for this machine and if it even worked. He said that it would be used to defend of American soil; nevertheless the military rejected his offer. Tesla made one last effort to get a military contract. He would make a sending Get more content on
  • 3. Biography of Albert Einstein Essay Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Germany. He was a German–born theoretical physicist, which is a part of physics that employs a system using mathematical concepts and languages. He developed the General theory of relativity, which is a part of mathematics that is devoted to finitely generated groups of gravitation and is the current description of gravitation in modern physics. He is well known for his mass–energy equivalence formula E=mc2. His Notable awards are the Nobel Prize in Physics 1921, which is an award that is awarded once a year by the Royal Swedish academy of sciences, it is one of five Nobel awards the other four are in chemistry, literature, peace, and physiology, another award is the Metteucci more content... In Einstein's childhood he went to a catholic elementary school from age five to age eight and then he was transferred to Luitpold Gymnasium which is now known as the Albert Einstein Gymnasium this was where he received primary and secondary school education until he left Germany seven years later. Einstein developed a love for music at an early age. His mother played piano very well and she wanted her son to learn the violin, not just to enroll him in music but also to help him assimilate German culture. According to his conductor Einstein is said to have been playing since he was five but Einstein did not enjoy it at that age. When Einstein turned thirteen he discovered the violin sonatas of Mozart Einstein immediately fell in love with Mozart's music. At age seventeen he was heard by a school examiner in Aarau as he played Beethoven's violin sonatas, the examiner said afterward that his playing was remarkable and revealing of 'great insight, what struck the examiner explains was that Einstein displayed a deep love of the music a quality that was and remains in short supply. Music is the possessed an unusual meaning for this student. On April 17, 1955 Albert Einstein experienced internal bleeding caused by a rupture which was previously surgically reinforced by Dr. Rudolf Nissen in 1948. He took a speech he was preparing for an appearance on television celebrating the state of Israel's seventh Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on Bill Gates Biography Bill Gates Biography Bill Gates is not only a genius, but also an innovator in education, technology, and philanthropy. A prodigy, Bill Gates shares an education fact with Abraham Lincoln, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, and even his competitor Steve Jobs: no college degree. Instead, he devoted his time to his passion for technology, going on to create the most profitable technology company in the world. For much of the past decade, Gates allocated both his profit and attention to philanthropy. Evidence of his innovation, industry and curiosity can be seen at an early age. Gates' passion for technology began at the age of 8, when he built his first computer program. This program allowed the player to compete in a game of tic tac more content... By the time Bill Gates dies, he will have given away 90% of his wealth. He created the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation with his wife in 1997. So far, he has donated 28 billion dollars to philanthropic causes that include: better health care, vaccines, school grants, education. To date, the Foundation saved over one million lives with vaccines and better health care alone! In 2002, Bill and Melinda were named the most generous philanthropists in the world. Bill founded several schools based on hands–on knowledge and technology. He also has given many Ted talks on education and constantly strives to make the public school system more effective and innovative. The Bill and Melinda Foundation has made large strides in education and offers billions of dollars in grants for schools across the US. In fact, my past school, Da Vinci Innovation Academy, earned a million dollar grant from this generous foundation to provide one of the first hybrid homeschool–project based learning school. Bill not only helps the students in these lucky schools, he also supports the teachers through increased awareness about the lack of feedback and compensation teachers receive. His Ted talks on education inspire others to join in educational reform. Bill Gates' influence is widespread. He has led the technological industry of the 20th century. He currently holds the sixth position for the most Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on Biography of Rudyard Kipling Biography of Rudyard Kipling 1865 – Kipling is born in Bombay, India. 1871 – Kipling and his younger sister Alice are separated from their parents and sent to England to be educated. 1878 – Kipling enters public school in North Devon. 1882 – Kipling ends his formal education and returns to India to become a trainee journalist. 1886 – Publication of Departmental Ditties. Kipling begins to make a name for himself as a young writer of some repute. 1887 – Soldiers Three, In Black and White, The Phantom Rickshaw, Wee Willie Winkle, The Story of the Gadsbys, and the stories later collected in The Smith Administration, The City of Dreadful Night, and Letters of Marque, were more content... 1936 – Rudyard Kipling dies. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Born in Bombay, British India, on December 30th 1865, Rudyard Kipling was the first born child of John Lockwood Kipling and Alice Kipling, who had settled in India earlier that year. His father was a professor of architectural sculpture; on his mother's side there was a brace of distinguished Aunts and Uncles for the boy. One Aunt was the mother of Stanley Baldwin, future Prime Minister; another was married to Sir Edward Burne–Jones, the distinguished Pre–Raphelite Painter. Kipling's parents considered themselves 'Anglo–Indians', and so too would their son, though he in fact spent the bulk of his life elsewhere. Complex issues of identity and national allegiance would become prominent features in his fiction. Just before his sixth Birthday, Rudyard and his younger sister Alice were separated from their parents in line with the tradition of the English in India and sent back to England to receive their formal education. It was an experience that would haunt Kipling till the end of his life. Rudyard and Alice were sent to stay with a woman whom they had never even previously met for almost six years. By all accounts she and the young Rudyard did not get along. Elements of his protracted childhood ordeal appear in The Light that Failed and , more directly, in the story "Baa Baa Black Sheep". Perhaps as a consequence of the unpleasant life he was Get more content on
  • 6. William Shakespeare Research Paper What was Shakespeare Biography? Who was William Shakespeare? Where was he born? Where did he go to school? How did William Shakespeare live his life from the beginning to the ending? William Shakespeare's life became a great mystery with lack of evidence to support any findings. His schooling, his family and parents will be revealed in my paper. Who were William Shakespeare's parents? The parents of Mr. Shakespeare were John Shakespeare and Mary Arden Shakespeare. Mary Arden married William Shakespeare in 1557. Mary was the favorite of eight daughters of the widowed Robert Arden (Absolute Shakespeare, 2000–2005). William Shakespeare's parents were both uneducated. John Shakespeare had become the Mayor of Stratford were more content... The nine years between is just another mystery that nobody can figure out(Shakespeare Online, Actor and Playwright,1999–2010 ). There is no doubt as of today that William Shakespeare is the greatest writer of English Literature. His plays have been made into movies, books have been written, music has been conducted and published, and if your real lucky you might even be able to see a play of one of his greatest stories ever told; in which I have seen many movies and read many books. Here are some of my favorite stories ever written; Othello, The Moon of Venice, The Taming of the Shrew, Twelfth Night or What You Will, Julius Caesar, Richard III, Macbeth (which was a favorite in high school), Midsummer Night's Dream ( I have read that book), Henry V, Hamlet, which I might add Mel Gibson did very well playing that part, and my most favorite love story of all time, Romeo and Juliet. As you can see the title says it all. His mind went to the extreme and with such little education he just knew what his passion was and went for it. William Shakespeare's children, as mentioned earlier, Susanna, Hamnet and Judith had a much different life of the great English Poet. William Shakespeare's first born, Susanna, was raised by her mother, Anne. When Susanna turned twenty–four she was to marry a prosperous medical doctor. The wedding was held on June 5th 1607. Susanna had a baby girl eight Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on Biography of Sergei Rachmaninoff "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music." This is a quote from the great and talented composer Sergei Rachmaninoff. If you look up what the quote means you can get many different answers, but many I don't agree with. I believe the quote means something more to Rachmaninoff. I think the quote means that through Rachmaninoff's lifetime he could have been satisfied with the music he created, but through his lifetime he did not create all the music he could have. This speaks to how talented Rachmaninoff is at composing such master pieces in music. From his early child hood in Russia to becoming a worldwide success he has always had that drive to write music. Sergei Rachmaninoff was born on April 1, 1873 in more content... He made a tour of Western Europe and the United States, with a program that contained the Prelude. It was so popular that it was referred to as "The Prelude" and the audience would demand it as an encore at his performances usually yelling "C–sharp!" Rachmaninoff graduated as a composer in 1892, in the ceremony he was awarded a gold medal for his acclaimed opera Aleko. The first symphony in Rachmaninoff's career was in 1897 and by all account it was a disaster. It is believed that the conductor was drunk at the time. In shame Rachmaninoff destroyed the score. Pieces of the score survived and were put back together after his death. Rachmaninoff's life was affect by the patterns he established early in his career. His uncomfortable endeavor between performing and composing with, with monetary pressures usually ensuring that preeminence needed to be given to the orders of the platform. He was a worldwide character as early as 1899, when he conducted a concert of his orchestral works in London, also playing some of his piano music. In 1900 Rachmaninoff began work on his Second Piano Concerto, considered one of the most frequently performed works in this genre. The Concerto contains flutes, oboes, clarinet, bassoons, horns, trumpet, trombones, tubas, timpani, bass drums, cymbals, solo piano, and strings. The Concerto builds tension with the piano eventually climaxing. The years leading up to the Russian Revolution were spent in a never Get more content on
  • 8. Professional Biography Let me ask you a question. How are you not incredibly bored by the above professional biography? I am certainly yawning after writing such nonsense and I hope you are, too. I am someone who is going to stick her tongue out like a four year old who doesn't like broccoli when it comes to the format of formal professional biographies. There are thousands of articles with tips and suggestions on writing guidelines, all of which not only bore me but evoke outrage. I want to take down this external structure of "describing a professional self" with tiny ninja knives and chopsticks while wearing a tutu and being photographed for my future profile image. This is certainly the image of the therapist I would choose to work with from the listing in Psychology more content... Also, the above quote is who I am to my core and every waking moment of my life is devoted to helping you step into the unedited light that you are, too, and equally so. I will admit that some of this intention is selfish. Entertaining myself over the last decade has run its course and I want to be intrigued by you more than I am of myself, which is a rare occurrence. What a surprise that the above paragraph is certainly going to be judged and classified in terms of narcissism by some. Again, thank you counseling profession for slapping a wound on my light and deep respect for who I am. I am formally trained as a "Psycho"–Therapist and I have an incredibly low opinion of my profession as a whole. Incredibly low. Deeply disappointed and disheartened. Yes, the sentence is a fragment. Intentionally so. I am emphasizing the fragmentation I experience in my profession as you are reading. Moving forward with directness, I think we actually "suck" at healing. We do not understand the essence of what we are being called to bring forth in the world and, yes, I believe it is our responsibility to dig deeper. If there is a more sophisticated synonym I could use in replace of "suck," I'm not interested in your suggestion, but thank you. Get more content on
  • 9. Lars Von Trier Research Paper On this essay I will be focusing on Lars Von Trier background and biography. I will then list some of his major contributions to the art work, and his most famous works of art. I will include some interesting facts that have influenced him throughout his life and which I thought were important for his development as a filmmaker. Finally I will conclude the essay with my personal opinion of his character and overall art work. Von Trier was born in Copenhagen, Denmark in April 1956. He graduated from the Danish Film School in 1956, where he received his fist award for the "Best Film" for his short film "images of a relief". After he graduated he also worked in collaboration with many other filmmakers, one of them known as Dogma 95 more content... There were also some other successful films created based on the same idea and theme called: All About Anna, Constance, Pink Prison and Flick HotMen CoolBoys. It is said by critics and other artist that all of the previous films were meant to emphasize on women beauty, but there was also the other side of the society who thought of this to be unnecessary and disrespectful. Back in 2007 he was supposed to begin a horror movie that was already causing controversy called Antichrist. It postulated that the earth was created by Satan rather than God. However it was reported that in May 2007 he was suffering from depression and might cease film–making altogether. Unfortunately it is said by many sources including that he can easily be described as a hypochondriac and depressive person. Even though he has not been diagnosed yet, he would often convince himself that he has cancer and other dangerous diseases. He also has talk about his insanity and how he has long suffered from bipolar disease. Apparently all this mental problems have been going on since he was a little child, so it is definitely not something that has just arisen. Nevertheless, Lars Von Trierwas done remarkable work one of them known as Europa. This film is considered one of the most strange yet hunting films he's ever done. It is about a naГЇve American who decides to go to Germany right after WWII. His uncle works on the railroad and gets him, Leo, that is the name of the protagonist, Get more content on
  • 10. My Biography Essay I started my journey of life in the early 90's and ever since I have been up against barriers and met many different types of characters. All with their personal gain is put first without a thought for others. Anyways let's start from the beginning, I started my educational career in 1997 at welbourne primary school/ boy was it fun it had everything a kid could ever imagine, a massive sand box, shiny new tricycles, super fast scooters and loads and loads of coloured paint. It was unbelievable we were given milk and cookies and we got to sing as well as the fundamental steps of life, the alphabet and numbers. I have always been fond of those years and the joy it brought, but the person I will always remember Ms Kerion, she was more content... Wow now this stage of my life which made me who I am today, it had the most life changing experiences up to this date, secondary school. My very first secondary school was Salisbury, it was said that it was one of the worst performing schools in the country and also one of the worst behaved. I did not know this and didn't believe it because I and most of my friends had achieved very good grades in our SATS. I had achieved level five in English, five in science and four in mathematics. Anyways when I first started the school was the chitter chatter of other pupils and the smell of school dinners was as always putrid. The grease they used to fry made the air slimy and un– breathable. When I entered the massive gates the immense building towered over me. I felt tiny in comparison just like my confidence at the time, I was terrified. My year had started a day earlier than the rest of the school so that we could get to know each other better. I had already made some new friends but I had also made enemies. Me and my new friends played some football together and it was awesome they were unstoppable (I was unstoppable as well) and right there I knew I made friends for life One of my best friends was a boy called Hanad he was a tall and muscular, he had fair skin like caramel but was as tough as a nut. Hanad was the coolest boy I had ever met, he was the best in our whole year at most Get more content on
  • 11. Shakespeares Biography Essay SHAKESPEARE'S BIOGRAPHY Shakespeare's Biography William Shakespeare was a great writer who lead a very interesting life. In fact, he is often though of as "the greatest write of his time." As a child, William Shakespeare started his education at around the age of "six or seven at Stratford grammar school, also known as the King's New School of Stratford–upon–Avon."(Brooke pg23) It would be most likely that Shakespeare's lessons would focus around "Latin composition and the study of Latin authors like Seneca, Cicero, Ovid, Vigil, and Horace."(Brooke pg23) Shakespeare's schooling did not last long however, when he was removed from school at the age of thirteen due to more content... Not much is known about Anne and her children around this date, except for the death of her son, Hamnet, at the age of eleven on August 11, 1596. William Shakespeare was left without an aire, but by this time he had already left for England to start his career. As mentioned before, Shakespeare had an early period of his life which led from his withdrawal from grammar school, to his marriage to Anne Hathaway, which is commonly referred to as his "lost years." Now comes the second section of his life where not much is heard of him and is also likewise known as his "lost years." This period lasted seven years, from the time he left his family in Stratford to the time he had become an established actor by the end of 1592. It is thought that during this time "he practiced his skills and may have even been recruited by the Leicester's or Queen's Men."(Bentley pg 14) Many of his plays had already become well known, such as Henry VI, The Comedy of Errors, and Titus Andronicus. When the theatres were closed from 1592 to 1593, during this time, Shakespeare wrote many non–dramatic poems. When the Earl of Southampton saw his work, he immediately gave Shakespeare the support he needed. With the Earl's help, Shakespeare returned back to the theatre in 1594. "He then became so immersed with his work that he was more involved in the theatre than anyone else. He now shared ownership of the Globe." (Mabillard Get more content on
  • 12. Kate Chopin Biography Essay Kate Chopin Biography Kate Chopin was an American Author who born in Catherine O' Flaherty in St Luis on February 8, 1850. Eliza Faris who was from St Luis too was her mother. Chopin father was a successful businessman who died when Kate was only 5 years old. For that reason, Kate grows up in a woman dominated the environment. Chopin mother, great–grandmother and the female slave, used to take of the children most of the time. Chopin started her career as an author when her husband suddenly died, leaving her with six kids and financially broke. Chopin mother died too a few moths later. For that reason, she started feeling devastated, and that immerse her in a period of depression. As a result, her Doctor recommended to her, to started writing her, though. Chopin first publication was a short story At Fault in 1889(Toth, 1). Since Chopin started writing her work received many positive and negative review for controversial topics that she uses in her work. She was one of the first and the more content... Chopin wrote about the woman in conformity about her social role, self–discovery, and woman sexuality, becoming a pioneer for the others woman until today. Other topics that possessed great significance like married, racial prejudice, Lesbianism and social equality was present in her work during her career. One of her more controversial work at that time was Fedora and Lilacs for the lesbian elements present in the work. Others significant works for the social content "Desiree's Baby," "La Belle ZoraГЇde," "Tante Cat'rinette," or NГ©g CrГ©ol, where the themes are connected toward race. In The Awakening, Chopin most important novel, Edna Portlier goes under profound changes in her character, attitudes, behaviors. She was a heroin that lives her own rebellion against the customs of the society, as well as the others characters, do in Chopin Get more content on
  • 13. Essay on Biography of President Barack Obama Obama's Presidency Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on August 4th, 1961. He went to Harvard Law School. After his graduation, continued his legal work as a civil rights lawyer and a professor teaching constitutional law at the University of Chicago. He was elected to the Illinois State Senate in 1996. He served there for three terms (1996–2004). Later on, he started his campaign in 2007 for the presidential election in 2008. He won the presidential election against John McCain, his Republican opponent and started serving in the office in January 20, 2009. He became the 44th President of The United States of America. He is more well–known for being the first African–American who ever served in The White House. During his terms, more content... They are still debating over the solution for this. "In term of foreign policy, he is indecisive" –Bui, 36. According to what he said, Mr. Obama often gives late decisions. He is not good at dealing with other countries. Ukraine and Eastern Sea are one of the obvious proofs. China and Russia have been very daring lately; America is losing respect in both term of economy and military. Israel is another country to concern. Imagine if there is no Israel, all those Middle Eastern countries are sharing the same belief. They will eventually team up, create their own Alliance and only God knows what they can do with that. The world doesn't need another version of Germany in World War 2. According to Jenifer Rubin from The Washington Post, in an article she said "President Obama gave an interview in which he viciously attacked Israel, suggesting that Israel was the cause of the peace process failure, that the United States could no longer protect Israel if the peace process failed". Mr. Obama should consider that keeping Israel strong is a good thing to do right now. A strong Israel means that Middle East is unstable. Israel's neighbor countries will keep being suspicious in every moves Israel made. They will be busy dealing with each other. In another word, it will prevent them to unify. However, American should consider the good that he has done for this country. He ended the war with Iraq as the last troop left in 2011. He Get more content on
  • 14. Essay on Biography of William Shakespeare Biography of William Shakespeare William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564. He was baptized on April 24, 1564, in Stratford–upon–Avon, Warwickshire. He was the third of eight children born to John Shakespeare and Mary Arden, three of whom died in childhood. John was a well–known merchant and Mary was the daughter of a Roman Catholic member of the gentry, or high social position. The house where Shakespeare spent his childhood stood adjacent to he wool shop in which his father plied a successful trade as a glover and dealer in leather goods and other commodities. Before moving to Stratford sometime prior to 1552 John Shakespeare had been a farmer in the neighboring village of Snitterfield. Whether he was able to read and write more content... He was thought to have left Stratford after he was caught poaching in the deer park of Sir Thomas Lucy. He was a local justice of the peace. Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway had a daughter in 1583 and twins– a boy and a girl– in 1585. The boy however, eventually did not live. The age of Shakespeare was a great time in English history. The reign of Elizabeth, from 1558 to 1603, saw England emerge as the leading naval and commercial power of the Western world. Elizabeth I's England consolidated its position with the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, and firmly established the Church of England. Sir Humphrey Gilbert and Sir Walter Raleigh sent colonists eastward in search of profit. In trade, might, and art, England established an envious preeminence. At this time, London was the heart of England, reflecting all the vibrant qualities of the Elizabethan Age. It was in this atmosphere that London became a leading center of culture as well as commerce. Its dramatists and poets were among the leading literary artists of the daythis is the environment in which Shakespeare lived and wrote. In the 1580's, the writings of the University Wits defined the London theatre. Though grounded in medieval/Jacobean roots, men such as Marlowe, Greene, Lyly, Kyd, and Peele, produced new dramas and comedies using Marlowe's styling of blank verse. Shakespeare outdid them all; he combined the best traits of Elizabethan drama with Get more content on
  • 15. Essay on Biography of Alexander Hamilton Biography of Alexander Hamilton Summary Alexander Hamilton was most likely born on January 11, 1757, although the exact year of his birth is unknown. Hamilton was born on the Caribbean island of Nevis or St. Kitts to Rachel Fawcett and James Hamilton, but he spent the majority of his youth on the island of St. Croix. His formal education as a child was minimal. When his mother died in 1768, Hamilton took more content... Hamilton spent four years as Washington's attachГ© and participated in several battles, including the Battle of Yorktown and the Battle of Monmouth. Hamilton left the military in 1781. He had recently married Betsey Schuyler, and worked diligently for several months to pass the New York bar exam. Hamilton served as one of New York's most prominent lawyers in the early 1780s, and also began his political career, serving first as a national tax agent, and then as one of New York's representatives at the national Congress in Philadelphia. In 1786, Hamilton was chosen to represent New York state at a national convention held in Annapolis, Maryland, to amend the Articles of Confederation. When only a few of the delegates from the other states bothered to attend, Hamilton called for a second convention to be held in Philadelphia in 1787. This time, the delegates took the invitation more seriously, and created the outline for a new government by drafting the Constitution. Although Hamilton attended most of the proceedings at the 1787 Philadelphia Convention, he did not actually participate much in the drafting of the new document. Hamilton argued that a new and stronger central government was needed to correct the mistakes made in the government outlined in the Articles of Confederation, but Get more content on
  • 16. Essay on Biography of Karl Marx Karl Marx is the revolutionary founding father of communism and Marxism, while Niccolo Machiavelli expounded upon the concept of realism through his work The Prince. These two concepts have been the foundations that various countries and governments have tried to utilize in hopes of constructing a utopian society. Karl Marx was born in 1818 in Trier Germany, studying history, philosophy, and law at the universities of Berlin, Jena, and Bonn. Karl Marx did not like the production portion of Capitalism; he found it to be a signal of great trouble. Marx believed that the production stage of capitalism worked in a way that the rich owners of these companies benefited whereas the poor workers did not. So the rich will get richer and the more content... Therefore, states will act as rationally as possible to protect themselves, utilizing whatever necessary means and power to secure them. Countries would stock pile and hoard all elements of national power like political stability, abundance of raw material, cultural hegemony, economic capabilities, etc. but never really engage in conflict. A good correlation to this theory is the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. Both countries never directly engaged in conflict with one another, but they knew of each other's capabilities and in return created stock piles of nuclear weapons, creating an arms race (Taylor 2011, pg 138). At the same time realists believe that international institutions are not as significant as understanding what the capabilities are of their country and where it ranks within the international system. The biggest concept behind realism is expounded upon in Machiavelli's work The Prince, where he elaborates on the significance that power is the answer to end all political conflict and one should strive to maximize their individual power (Political Realism). Marxism and realism are by far two political theories that are in the opposite direction of the spectrum. Marxism has the main focus of teamwork and equality for one another, and that is what will create a utopian society; whereas realism fosters internal competition to strive for power in hopes of creating a strong and powerful country Get more content on
  • 17. Essay on Biography of Karl Marx Biography of Karl Marx Only in the course of the world's history can a person born over a hundred years ago be as famous today as they were back then. Karl Marx is one person that fits this category. He paved the way for people of the same political background as his own. Marx's ideas were unique and started uproar all over Europe. Marx helped write the Communist Manifesto one of the most important pieces of literature on Communism ever written. At one time people feared Communism as a power, which prompted Marx to write the Communist Manifesto and explain his ideas. How Communism should be used as type of government. He was seen as kind of an outlaw, having to move from country to country to avoid troubles with the more content... The Baron introduced him into Romantic literature and Saint–Simonian. Marx's dad sent him to the University of Berlin for four years. While in Berlin he traded in his views of Romanticism to views of the Hegelianism, which ruled Berlin at this point in history. When Marx's college career was cut short by the opposition of the Prussian Government he moved to journalism. Marx became the editor of the Rheinische Zeitung a liberal newspaper in Cologne, Germany in 1842. His views on economic questions made the Prussian Government uncomfortable and they closed the paper. This is where Marx first got his ideas of how classes make life harsh for certain people and the only way to fix this is to eliminate classes all together. After that Marx moved to France, where in a few months he became a communist. He developed his ideas in his writings, which he titled Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts. It was in Paris that Marx met his partner for life Friedrich Engel's. Both of them moved to Brussels, and visited Engel's family in England from time to time. During his time here he wrote The German Ideology for which he had studied history intensely to come up with a materialistic view of history. In the German Ideology Marx said, "The nature of individuals depends on the material conditions determining their production.". This was his thesis for the German Ideology, which is the same as all of his others, the idea that class and Get more content on
  • 18. Essay on Biography of Louis Armstrong Success is a path way, full of mysterious wonders. Many strive to accomplish, while others wait for success to find them. Louis Armstrong's life was similar to this. Armstrong strived and strived until he reached to a point in his life where he was comfortable with his fourth wife, Lucille Wilson. Armstrong is ultimately known as the creator of jazz and blues. He was awarded this title by using his talents when he was a young boy growing up in a rough neighborhood. Armstrong's talent was a result of his childhood and young adult life. Growing up, Armstrong was exposed to music in his surroundings. Armstrong obtained this fantastic talent, therefore causing him to establish it in a well minded surrounding; creating his success and more content... They moved to the corner of Liberty and Perdido Street, which in turn was an upgrade from their previous neighborhood. However, his mom's job kept her away from home, thus keeping her away from her children frequently. Armstrong and his sister were left in the care of their grandmother (Eaton 14–17). Armstrong always had a charm that could make a person melt, like ice cream on a hot day. "Louis was naturally a lively boy. He was always willing to be quiet [;] however... he could persuade his great grandmother to tell stories of her girl hood" (15). Although he was a charm, he also got into trouble. "By the time he was ten years old, he was asserting his own fists... his mother [would come] home to find her son with a bloody nose or a bruised eyes, she... begged him not to fight..." (27). Growing up music surrounded him; whether it was rhythms, beats, or even the sound of the train tracks, surrounded him. "Oh Granny, wish't you could hear [the] horns and drums playin' in dat dance hall on de corner... De horn player– I could hear him blow all day and all night and never git tired" (Eaton 18). Growing up in a Christian household Armstrong attended church and was exposed to music then. "Just as the spirituals once sprang from the lips of claves to express their hidden longing for freedom... inventions of rhythm and melody burst... expressions of sorrow or means of release." Armstrong understood the concept of the origin and reasons of music, especially spiritual music (30). Get more content on
  • 19. Essay on Biography of Martin Luther King Biography of Martin Luther King The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15,1929 (9). Martin Luther King Jr. began nursery school at the very young age of three years old in 1932 (5). After attending elementary school for one year Martin Luther King got expelled from school after his second grade teacher found out that he was only five years old which was a year too young to be in second grade in 1934 (5). The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. began attending high school at the thirteen in 1942 (5). Both the father and grandfather of Martin Luther King were pastors of the same church in Atlanta his grandfather served as pastor from 1914 to 1931 , his father served as more content... The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. got married on June 18,1953 to a woman named Coretta Scott. The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. had four kids the first if them was a girl , she was born November 17,1955, his second child was Martin Luther The Third who was born two years after the birth of his sister, Martin Luther King's third child was born four years after Martin Luther The Third and his name was Dexter Scott , finally the fourth and final child of Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. was Bernice Albertine, she was born March 28,1963 (4). The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. was also the founder and / or president of a lot of committee's / club that where dedicated to the advancement and equal rights and justice for colored people (8). In the year of 1957 was the year when Martin was the president of S.C.L.C , which stands for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Martin was also the founder of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (8). The year of 1957 was a very good year for Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr., not only did he form and was the president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference ,but it was the first time that he appeared on the cover of a magazine, and the reason why this was so important towards Get more content on
  • 20. Biography Of My Grandmother My grandmother, Kathy A Gerdes was born March 10, 1947 and has done many great things in her life. She excelled in everything because she is very strong and determined to do things. Growing up, I was always with her and watching her do things which is why I look up to her. It wasn't until she moved in with us until I got to have a strong relationship and get to see the kind loving person she is. This biography portrays what she has accomplished and how she is loving and strong. As a child, my grandma had a very simple life even though her parents were strict. She grew up in New Prague, Minnesota, by the old creamery. She had 3 siblings, Rosie, Roman, and Tony. They are all older than her and each sibling is about 10 years apart. Her dad owned a barber shop and her mom was stay at home. My grandma had to do many chores around the house including dishes, cleaning, garden work, shoveling snow, and many other things. She was always expected to do her chores for the day after school or she would be in trouble. Her parents were very conservative catholics. Her family had to go to church every Sunday and they didn't have a choice if they wanted to go or not. Kathy had many memories as a child. She loved to play outside all of the time. She played things like hide n' seek, ring around the frypan, Jacks, and marbles with shooters. She played many guy sports like football and basketball because she always played with boys that lived around her. She also loved to go ice skating. My Get more content on