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Essay Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla is regarded as one of the most brilliant inventors in history. His work provided the basis for the modern alternating current power system,
as well as having developed both radio and the fluorescent light bulb. He worked with Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse, among others. He
was also widely misunderstood by his peers and the public at large.
Nikola Tesla was born in a small town called Smiljan, in what is now Croatia, during a lightning storm. Some would say that this would prove
significant later in his life. He grew up the son of a Serbian Orthodox Reverend, and was one of five children. He was an avid reader, and would often
memorize entire books. He studied electrical engineering at Graz more content...
The infamous Tesla Coil was also developed at this time. In 1891, at the age of 35, he became a naturalized American citizen. In 1893, at the
World's Fair, Tesla and Westinghouse made history by having the first exhibit ever powered by electricity. He demonstrated several things,
including the fluorescent light bulb. This was to lead to problems with Edison, as Tesla was in favor of AC power, while Edison was promoting
DC power systems. Tesla filed the first basic radio patent in 1897, and demonstrated a crude radio controlled boat to the U.S. Navy in 1898. He also
invented the first spark plug that year, and was awarded a patent on that as well. In 1899, Tesla moved his operations to Colorado. There he could
pursue his research into high–voltage high frequency power transmission. After 3 years, he left Colorado for New York, and the lab was dismantled
and sold to pay debts. He next worked on a project called Wardenclyffe, which was an early radio transmission tower. After much investment, the
project was unsuccessful. Eventually, the tower was dismantled and sold for scrap. It was around this time that Marconi was given credit for the
invention of radio, up to and including a Nobel Prize. Tesla was deeply resentful, and spent years fighting for his rightful credit. Tesla's last patent was
issued in 1928, for what was actually the world's first VTOL (vertical take–off and
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Inventions of Nikola Tesla Essay
Most people when asked who influenced modern electricity think Thomas Edison. However, the real mind behind modern electricity was Nikola Tesla.
Nikola Tesla is most commonly known as the inventor of the AC current, or the electricity that is found when you plug something into a wall socket.
Undoubtedly, he was a revolutionary thinker during the 1870s. He opposed the old and imagined the new, battling with Edison in "The Current Wars"
and filing for hundreds of patents. Nikola Tesla was a man of many inventions inventing a practical use for AC current, imagining and establishing
revolutionary technologies, and furthering the scientific applications of radio. Nikola Tesla, despite his many contributions, is still unrecognized in more content...
After this achievement, Nikola set out to make devices that used AC, his most important being the transformer. A transformer is something that
converts a high voltage current to a lower voltage or the other way around. The Tesla Coil, provided this service quickly and efficiently amplifying
low voltages into very high ones through magnetic fields (75). Most of everything we use today requires a low safe voltage to be increased. His
second claim to fame is the hydroelectric generator he built in Niagara Falls in 1895, successfully powering the nearby town of Buffalo (93). He
had an obsession with Niagara Falls at 12 calling it "a terrible waste of water" (23). His successful building of the dam led to Nikola becoming a
famous inventor. Later, in his laboratory in Wardenclyffe, Nikola Tesla was able to create lightning to give a final view at the potential for wirelessly
transferred messages (118). This was one of the last major things he ever did before being shunned by the government due to World War I (125).
Nikola Tesla was also famous for revolutionary, or grandiose (in the public opinion) ideas. Some of his ideas were capitalized by others, one of the
biggest being the radio. "Guglielmo Marconi is often recognized as the father of the radio,
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Research Paper On Nikola Tesla
National History Day research paper
Nikola Tesla was a man who discovered the form of electricity today and had a huge impact.Nikola Tesla's legacy and leadership in history was his
impact on the industry.Tesla lead an interesting life, had a large legacy and great leadership in the industry.
First of all,Nikola Tesla had an interesting life filled with inventing and intelligence.When Nikola Tesla was 19 he started studyingelectrical engineering
and got in an argument with his professor over design flaws with the DC current.(Gilbert King 2013) The transcript from the source shows that even at
19 Nikola Tesla wanted to work with electricity and was passionate about it.The evidence shows his legacy by proving he was passionate about more content...
Finally,Tesla was the leader of the industry by finding the AC current.This talks about Tesla's own opinion on renewable energy.He says we
shouldn't use any resources for energy.Also it talks about his way of creating Geothermal energy which uses the earth's heat.It shows that he wanted
to impact the industry by using alternate forms and ways to create energy for people.It shows that he wanted to find other types of energy which
would have spread his legacy.It is important to history because he would have been able to do a lot more with these other types of energies.(Nikola
Tesla and renewable energy)He lectured the American electrical institute of engineers.Tesla did a lot of lectures about his work that a lot of people
liked.Tesla made a seismic wave device that could simulate an earthquake.In 1897 he filed for and recieved 2 patents.Tesla made a wirless boat
controlled by a Tesla remote control.Tesla advanced his research to make a 5 million volt oscelator.(Tesla master of electricity n.d.)It proves my thesis
because he lead the industry by having so many inventions which people would later use,and would impact the industry.Because he had all of these
inventions this relates to my thesis.This was important to history because these inventions helped us advance and still advance in inventing today.This
explains what Tesla thought of the times he was in.Also what he thought about pretty much everybody.He makes strong points by talking about
intellectual evolution and new and
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Nikola Tesla Research Papers
Nikola tesla was born in 1856 in smiljan, Croatia part of the Hungarian empire. He was born to an orthodox priest and the mother was an ordinary
farmer.Tesla studied maths and physics at the technical university of Graz and philosophy at the university of Prague. One day tesla while on a
walk he come up with an idea of a brushless AC motor, making sketches of it in the sand path. Later he moved to Paris where he secured a job of
repairing direct current power plants with the Edison one point in life Tesla was considered an eccentric man who talked about rays that
could destroy 10,000 plains in 250 miles.He devised the AC (alternating current) system which is used in most homes today because it was
advantageous than direct current system. His transformers help regulate the AC voltage, it could be stepped up or down and be transmitted over long
distances through thin wires, minimizing power loss across long distances. The direct current system had a lot of inefficiencies, it could not be
transported to long distances due to its inability to step to higher voltage levels. He also invented electric motors that are used by every house hold. He
invented fluorescentsbulbs and more content...
The use of alternating electrical currents and the invention of the AC engine, brought about major changes in electrical power generation and
transmission that are the global standard today. Many appliances that he invented are used in most homesteads and hence he brought about changes in
the lives of many.
Nikola Tesla
References Gilliams, E. Leslie. "Tesla's Plan of Electrically Treating Schoolchildren" PopularElectricity Magazine (2002).
Retrieved 19 August2014.
Mrkich, D. 2003. Nikola Tesla: the European years (1st ed.). Ottawa: Commoner's Publishing. Osha, Tim 2008. Marconi and Tesla: Pioneers of Radio
Communication. Books. p.
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September 27, 2017
Informational speech: Nikola Tesla
I. Introduction
A. Attention getter. Have you ever imagined how life would be without electricity? How difficult life would be without such a simple commodity. We
always connect our phones to the wall socket waiting desperately for them to charge, or we turn on the vacuum cleaner, cleaning away the debris and
dirt from the floor, but we never stop and think about who invented such devices. We never give appreciation to people that took the time and effort to
make such contraptions and one person that has is almost never mentioned is Nikola Tesla.
B.Thesis: Nikola Tesla is an inventor who is rarely mentioned or known even though he revolutionized the 20th century.
C.Preview of main points: So today we are going to be talking about Tesla's background, some of his inventions, and how they are used today.
Transition: Who exactly was Nikola Tesla?
Main point 1 Nikola Tesla was born July 9, 1856 in Smiljan, Austro–Hungarian Empire today it is know as Croatia.
Sub point 1 At a young age he showed remarkable intelligence when it came to languages and mathematics.
I. Sub–subpoint 1 He enrolled in school in 1875 at Austrian polytechnic where he studied electrical engineering and later went to study at Charles
Ferdinand University. According to, he never acquired a degree at Ferdinand University (
B. Sub Point 2 Tesla later left Ferdinand University to work for Thomas Edison in
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Nikola Tesla Essay
Nikola Tesla Few people recognize his name today, and even among those who do, the words Nikola Tesla are likly to summon up the image of a
crackpot rather than an authentic scientist. Nikola Tesla was possibly the greatest inventor the world has ever known. He was, without doubt, a genius
who is not only credited with many devices we use today, but is also credited with astonishing, sometimes world–transforming, devices that are even
simply amazing by todays scientific standards. Tesla was born at precisely midnight between July 9th and 10th, 1856, in a small Hungarien village. He
was born to his father, a priest, and his mother, an unschooled but extremely intelligent women. Training for an engineering career, he attendedthe more content...
The biggest rivaling against Edison was Tesla's development of alternating current which was very conflicting to Edison's use of electricity, direct
current. This great power struggle between Tesla and Edison's use of electricity practically ended when Tesla's alternating current won out and
was most favored and ruled most practical. Tesla's alternating current was used to light the Chicago's World Fair. His success was a factor in
winning him the contract to install the first power machinery at Niagara Falls, which bore Tesla's name and patent numbers. The project carried
power to Buffalo by 1896. In 1898 Tesla announced his invention of a teleautomatic boat guided by remote control. When skepticism was voiced,
Tesla proved his claims for it before a crowd in Madison Square Garden. The biggest controversy in Tesla's career is what most popularizes his
name today, this controversy is the fact that Tesla made hundreds of inventions and discoveries that was simply amazing. Many people have called
tesla "a man out of his time" because his astonishing experiments. In Colorado Springs, where he stayed from May 1899 until early 1900,
Tesla made what he regarded as his most important discovery, terrestrial stationary waves. By this discovery he proved that the earth could be used as
a conductor and would be as responsive as a tuning
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Nikola Tesla Essay
Nikola Tesla was born midnight on July 10, 1856, in Smiljan, Lika, which at that time was part of the Austrian–Hungarian Empire, which is now
known as Croatia. His father was named Milutin Tesla and he was a Serbian Orthodox Priest. Djuka Mandic was his mother and she invented
household appliances. Tesla was the fourth child of five, having one older brother and three younger sisters. In 1873, Tesla studied at the the
Polytechnic Institute in Graz, Austria and the University of Prague. At first, he wanted to pursue in physics and mathematics, but shortly after he
became extremely interested in electricity. He began studying alternating current their also. Supposedly he had a photographic memory being able to
memorize complete books. more content...
In New Jersey, Tesla had gone and started improving Thomas Edison's line of dynamos (also called an electric generator), while he was working in
Edison's lab. Edison had offered Tesla fifty–thousand dollars to try and improve Edison's direct current machines. Tesla did this and Edison had told
Tesla that the fifty–thousand dollars was just a joke and later he would appreciate it. It was here that his difference of opinion with Edison over direct
current versus alternating current started. This disagreement was called the war of the currents. Edison fought as hard as he could to protect his
investment in direct current equipment and buildings. Tesla began to point out the worthlessness of Edison's direct current electrical equipment that
has been being built up around the Atlantic seaboard.Tesla had noticed Edison's lamps were weak and worthless when supplied by direct current.
This system had a severe disadvantage in that it could not be transported more than two miles due to it not being able to step up to high voltage
levels that were necessary for long distance transmission. Because of this a direct current power station was needed every two miles. Direct current
flows regularly in one direction while alternating current tends to change its direction fifty to sixty times per second and can be worked up to high
voltage levels, meaning it shortens power loss across great distances. Nikola Tesla developed a polyphase alternating current system of generators,
motors and
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Descriptive Essay About Nikola Tesla
If Nikola Tesla had not shown the world that he was a genius inventor who would advance engineering with such incredible apparatus and had just
lived out his existence without sharing his knowledge then he would have been deemed and crackpot, abnormal and possibly shunned from the rest of
society. Tesla had some unique ways of carrying out things that even by today's standard would leave people thinking there is something peculiar about
him. This essay sets out to describe that these defining traits are the reason he was such a noteworthy inventor and a man who could clearly think
ahead of his time.
Tesla died a virgin, and by choice too. He believed that women in your life or a relationship in general were simply a distraction from more
Tesla like other known inventors like Thomas Edison and Leonardo De Vinci only slept for an infrequent number of hours and dedicated as much of
his time as he could to his laboratory. One of Tesla's most fascinating traits is how he could invent a device, construct it in his head and even go over
improvements and when he was satisfied he could build it exactly as he pictured, he would assemble it and it would work entirely as planned. A
charming fact into Tesla's dedication to self–improvement is he was left handed but sought the discipline to become ambidextrous in his career. (Tesla
notes that: he was left handed but sought the discipline to become ambidextrous, as citied in. Matthews, 1973, page 4)
The awe–inspiring engineer that was Nikola Tesla came into the world on the 10th of July 1856 in a part of the world now named Serbia. While
growing up his parents played mental tasks with him to aid his mindset, which as we can see from history they made a substantial impact. Tesla was
quoted saying "Although I must trace to my mother's influence whatever inventiveness I possess, the training my father gave me must have been
helpful. It comprised all sorts of exercises, such as guessing one another's thoughts, discovering the defects of some form of expression, repeating long
sentences, or performing mental calculations. These daily
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Nikola Tesla Essay
Nikola Tesla was born midnight on July 10, 1856 in Smiljan, Lika, which was then part of the Austo–Hungarian Empire, region of Croatia. His father
was named Milutin Tesla and was a Serbian Orthodox Priest. Djuka Mandic was his mother and was an inventor in her own right of household
appliances. Tesla was the fourth child of five, having one older brother and 3 younger sisters. Tesla studied at the Realschule, Karlstadt in 1873, the
Polytechnic Institute in Graz, Austria and the University of Prague. At first, he wanted to be specialized in physics and mathematics. But shortly after
he became extremely interested in electricity. He began studying alternating current their also. Supposedly he had a photographic memory being able to more content...
In New Jersey Tesla went about improving Edison's line of dynamos while working in Edison's lab. It was here that his variation of opinion with
Edison over direct current versus alternating current began. This disagreement soon became the war of the currents as Edison fought a losing battle
to protect his investment in direct current equipment and facilities. Tesla began pointing out the worthlessness of Edison's direct current electrical
powerhouses that have been building up and down the Atlantic seaboard. The secret, he felt, lay in the use of alternating current, because to him all
energies were cyclic. Edison's lamps were weak and worthless when supplied by direct current. This system had a severe disadvantage in that it could
not be transported more than two miles due to its incapability to step up to high voltage levels necessary for long distance transmission. Because of
this a direct current power station was required every two miles. Direct current flows continuously in one direction; alternating current changes
direction fifty or sixty times per second and can be stepped up to vary high voltage levels, minimizing power loss across great distances. Nikola Tesla
developed polyphase alternating current system of generators, motors and transformers. He held forty basic U.S. patents on the system, which George
Westinghouse bought, wanting to supply America with the Tesla system. Edison did not want to lose his direct current
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Nikola Tesla Essay
Born in 1856 the son of an Orthodox priest in Smiljan, Croatia, Nikola Tesla had an early exposure to inventing. His mother, although unschooled,
was a very intelligent woman who often created appliances that helped with home and farm responsibilities, such as a mechanical eggbeater. Young
Nikola was schooled at home during his early years and later attended a school in Carlstadt, Croatia. He soon developed advanced skills such as
doing calculus integrals in his head. He very deeply wanted to attend college and become an engineer, but his father wanted him to join the priesthood.
When Nikola was seventeen, he caught cholera and made his father to promise that if he survived the illness that he would be allowed to go to college. more content...
Edison hired Tesla anyway. Tesla claimed later that Edison had promised him $50,000 if he was able to improve the DC plants in New York. Months
later, Tesla was finished. However, Edison explained that the proposed $50,000 had been made in jest and said "When you become a full–fledged
American you will appreciate an American joke." Tesla resigned. During this time word had begun to travel that "a foreigner of unusual talent was
digging ditches to stay alive"( Investors began to contact Tesla offering him money to improve the current method of arc lightning.
This was enough for the European to form the Tesla Electric Light Company. Tesla was able to make the improvements he promised, but all the
money made went to the investors and all he got were stock certificates. Later, Mr. A.K. Brown of the Western Union Company invested in Tesla's
AC motor idea. A little ways down the street from Thomas Edison's office, Tesla established a small laboratory where he began to work on his motor.
The product turned out just exactly as he imagined it while he was working for the telephone company, and soon after the AC generator became the
future of power and replaced Edison's DC plants. Tesla's patents for AC were so novel that they were not met with a single successful
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An Essay About Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla didn't exactly become the most inspiring or famous inventor, but with the way he impacted modern life, he certainly seems like he'd be
the one to do it. His creations were part of the movement to change the lives of many around the world. Tesla even theorized and created the form of
electric transmission which beat that of Thomas Edison and still remains the world's choice. All said, Nikola Tesla may have single–handedly changed
the way we live today with his countless inventions and innovations in technology, impacting our lives with products like radio transmission and the
alternating–current system.
Leading to Nikola Tesla's success as an inventor was simply how effective he was with his inventions and how effective the more
Take Thomas Edison, for example. The two were partners in crime when Tesla first moved to the United States, but the two split after only a couple
years. During the fight for dominance as the world's power supply, the two led rival camps disputing the most effective way to transfer electric
currents, with Tesla's AC (alternating current) system vs. Edison's DC (direct current) ("Nikola", n.d.). Tesla won out in the end, but Edison put up a
great fight. How much more effective Tesla's system was, though, clearly unopposed, seeing as it is still in use throughout the world today
("Nikola Tesla", 2018). Edison wasn't Nikola Tesla's only rival, however. Italian inventor Gugliemo Marconi was huge in making advancements in
radio transmission. Tesla's later years were when Marconi was peaking, and in Tesla's later years, many of his projects failed, and were also
increasingly outlandish. Marconi was easily able to win over Tesla, but Tesla still had his part to play ("Nikola", n.d.). Nikola Tesla got the Supreme
Court to invalidate Marconi's radio patents because Tesla beat him to the advancements. Only problem; that was 30 years after Tesla's death ("Nikola
Tesla", 2018). Tesla also, at one point, tried to make a wireless transmission system, maybe inspiring people of today to try to do the same ("Nikola",
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Essay On Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla was an inventor, electrical engineer, futurist, mechanical engineer and physicist. He is the original inventor of the alternative currents
which revolutionize the way we use electricity. He made countless more inventions like remote controls, wireless telegraph, neon lamps, three–phase
electric power. Many people think that Thomas Edison made electricity available to us which he did for a while but it was very dangerous, however
Nokia Tesla was the true inventor that provided us with "AC currents", in other hands electricity. He revolutionized the way we use electricity all over
the world, we need it in our lives to give us warmth and start are device to communicate to other people and provide us light, to light this world. We more content...
He did not stop reading until he heard his mother beginning her arduous rounds at dawn". He was in loved with books and couldn't be separated from it.
Nikola Tesla was the fourth out of the five children. There was three girls and two boys, but Sadly his brother died. He was the eldest boy named
Daniel which dead by falling of a horse. The ironic thing about that horse was that horse actually, saved his father's life earlier, but Daniel wasn't so
lucky for his own life.
Nikola Tesla childhood choices for a career was to go into the army, start farming or become a priest for his church, but Tesla wasn't suite for any of
those options. He gains his photographic memory and genius from his mother. Tesla has a passion of creating poetry, since his father had that passion
as well, so Tesla adopted his father hobbies. Tesla never like to share his poems to the public because he felt that it was too personal, but he would tell
them to his friends and rehearse them with his friends. Tesla started to invent thing when he was young child "when he was five, he build a small
waterwheel quite unlike those he had seen in his country side. It was smooth, without paddles, yet it spun evenly in the current.". his passion of
inventing was there but he didn't realize it until later. During his adult years, Tesla attends college at Austrian polytechnic at Graz. During his first year
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Essay on Biography of Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla was born in Smiljan, Croatia at midnight between July 9th and 10th 1856. He was intelligent since his early childhood. He soon
became interested in engineering and he studied it at the Technical University in Graz, Austria, from 1877 to 1880. Right after that he went to the
University of Prague in 1880, but his father had died and he withdrew his studies from the University soon after. Tesla always dreamed of becoming
an electrical engineer and to invent a new type of power transmission instead of Direct Current (DC). He mourned for his father for about a year, but
he had to return to his work. In 1881 he went to Budapest to work as an engineer for a telephone company, but this isn't what he wanted to in life. Tesla's more content...
His dream was about to come true when George Westinghouse hired him. George let Tesla develop all his ideas and Tesla finally produced his invention
alternating current (AC). He then became a U.S. citizen in 1889. In 1891 he made another invention called the Tesla coil. It helped create many other
inventions that used the Tesla coil the television, a computer screen, the radio, and other electronics. Then Tesla was struck by depression because of
his mother's death in 1892. By about 1895 Tesla became a poor man due to a number of failed inventions, so he tried to get a contract with the military.
His first attempt to get a military contract was automated submarines and boats, but the government didn't accept his offer. He finally got a military
contract from the German Marine High Command. He made turbines for the Germans, and it's thought to be used for their U–boats. Soon After World
War 1 started and Tesla had to cancel his concert or he would have been arrested for treason. Tesla was broke again and was desperate for money so
he attempted to build a death ray for the U.S. military. It's unknown what components Tesla used for this machine and if it even worked. He said that
it would be used to defend of American soil; nevertheless the military rejected his offer. Tesla made one last effort to get a military contract. He would
make a sending
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Essay On Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla (1856–1943) was an inventor and is responsible for the world as we know it. He developed alternating current, the Tesla coil, and
wireless connectivity. Today he is regarded as one of the most important geniuses in history, but while he was alive, his ideas were largely unsupported.
Tesla was born in Smiljan, Yugoslavia (modern–day Croatia) on July 10, 1856. He went to primary school, where he learned subjects such as
arithmetic, religion, and German. From a very early age, Tesla was able to memorize entire books and solve complex mathematical equations. He
completed four years of study in only three years and graduated from secondary school (the European equivalent of high school) in 1873. Just after
graduation, more content...
Tesla stated in his autobiography, "it was a mental state of happiness about as complete as I have ever known in life," (Tesla, 29). He was able to
envision exactly how every component would work in conjunction with every other as if it were right in front of him. This ability would come to
serve him well as he progressed as an inventor. When he raised enough funds, in 1881, Tesla moved to Budapest, Hungary, where he worked for the
Budapest Telephone Exchange. It was there that he developed a design for the rotating magnetic field upon which many of his future inventions
would be based. He continued improving his designs after he moved to France in 1882. In 1884, he immigrated to the United States, where he was
immediately hired by Thomas Edison. Edison allegedly promised Tesla $50,000 ($1,244,675.65 today) to improve upon Edison's DC (direct current)
generators. Tesla did so, but Edison did not give him the money, saying, "'when you become a full–fledged American, you will appreciate an American
joke'" (Hourly History, 7) and instead offered him a raise. Tesla quit soon after. After he and Edison parted ways, Tesla founded Tesla Electric Light &
Manufacturing in 1886. In spite of his many ideas for improvements for preexisting technologies and original inventions, his investors were not
interested in funding him. Tesla soon ran out of money for his company and was forced to close down and he lost what few patents he had. Just
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Nikola Tesla Research Paper
Nikola Tesla
I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to
success... such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything. Nikola Tesla
Few people know his name today, and even those who do the words Nikola Tesla are likely to come up with the image of a crackpot rather than an
authentic scientist. Nikola Tesla was possibly the greatest inventor the world has known. He was is without a doubt a genius who isn't only credited
with many devices we use today, but is also credited with astonishing, sometimes world transforming that are even amazing by today's standards.
Nikola Tesla (born 10 July more content...
The two worked together for a period of time before parting ways due to a conflicting business–scientific relationship, attributed by their different
personalities. While Edison was a power figure who focused on marketing and financial success, Tesla was a commercially out–of–tune and somewhat
vulnerable, yet extremely pivotal inventor, who pioneered some of histories the most important inventions. His inventions include the "Tesla coil,"
developed in 1891, and an alternating–current electrical system of generators, motors and transformers, both of which are still used widely today.
On the AC electrical system alone, Tesla held 40 basic U.S. patents, which he later sold to George Westinghouse, an American engineer and business
man who was determined to supply the nation with the Tesla's AC system. He would succeed in doing just that, not long after purchasing Tesla's
patents. Around this time, conflict arose between Tesla and Edison, as Edison was determined to sell his direct–current system to the nation. According
to the Tesla Memorial Society of New York, Tesla
–Westinghouse ultimately won out because Tesla's system was "a superior technology," presenting
greater "progress of both America and the world" than Edison's DC system. Outside of his AC system patents, Tesla sold several other patent rights to
On 30 July 1891, at the age of 35, Tesla became a naturalized citizen of
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Essay On Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla, noted inventor, engineer, machinist, and electrical pioneer was born in 1846 in what is now modern Croatia. His parents had "five
children which included siblings Dane, Angelina, Milka and Marica, in the family. His mother, Djuka Mandic, who invented small household
appliances in her spare time while her son was growing up, spurred Tesla's interest in electrical invention. Tesla 's father, Milutin Tesla, was a Serbian
orthodox priest and a writer, and he pushed for his son to join the priesthood." Very little else is recorded regarding his early childhood or primary
education. It is rumored, though, that the young Tesla was alternately cheerful and upbeat, or sullen and solitary. A general theme in his life, though, more content...
While both men went on to continue developing sensational inventions, Edison is the man most credited in history books for his work. Tesla, on the
other hand, was not an inventor seeking fame, but one who simply had a peculiar and uncanny view on the world. He was known to have outbursts of
creative genius that led to days of non–stop work, eventually resulting in his "register(ing) over 700 patents worldwide." His most well known work
revolved around the Alternating Current electrical theories. While this stood in direct opposition to the corporately backed efforts of Edison to promote
a Direct Current network for electrical distribution, Tesla continued with the idea of transmitting electricity through the air, and free to all people.
Edison scoffed at the idea, but even the newest research in the 21st century reveals that Tesla's notions are quite feasible. In the end, it is clear that his
early education at home, his formal education on record, and his work with Edison all contributed to the foundation of Nikola Tesla's broad range of
The public perception of Tesla was quite positive during his productive years, even earning the financial backing of J. Pierpont Morgan for a while .
Tesla's disputes with Edison grew over the years, though, eventually leading Tesla to abandon much of his work later in life, and he eventually died
penniless in 1943 while residing in a New York hotel. By all accounts, he was
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Nikola Tesla Impact On Society
Most people have heard of Nikola Tesla, but the true extent of his influence is tragically overlooked. Tesla was a scientific pioneer, who came up
with original ideas far ahead of his time. His technologies paved the way for other scientists and inventors. Tesla propelled us immeasurably forward as
a nation in the areas of science and technology, making his impact undeniable. Nikola Tesla is the most influential historical figure from the gilded age
because of how his innovations forever revolutionized our understandings of energy and technology.
To begin with, Tesla's innovation ofalternating current or AC electricity was unique and crucial. Prior to Tesla, the world's power was largely supplied
using a DC or direct current system. more content...
Leonard DeGraaf, an archivist at Thomas Edison National Historical Park, "though the light bulb, the phonograph and moving pictures are touted
as Edison's most important inventions, other people were already working on similar technologies". In other words, Edison being the person to
invent what he did is not ultimately crucial to scientific history. As I've already explained, Tesla's ideas were far more original and crucial. Edison,
having been Tesla's former boss, even discounted Tesla's ideas for an AC system when he heard them. Tesla had to fight harder than any inventor,
including but not limited to Edison, in order to make his ideas known. Skeptics of Tesla's also like to argue that his influence is negated by Edison's
because Edison is more well known. However, there is a major flaw in this argument; a lack of visibility does not equate to a lack of impact. Also,
Tesla's electric incandescent lamp actually served as a basis for Edison's most famous invention of the light bulb. Tesla's interaction with Edison
facilitated his success, demonstrating just one instance of how Tesla's innovation inspired other scientists and inventors.
Likewise, Tesla's ideas influenced many other inventors. He described of one of his methods of transformation of electrical energy, "This has been
used by Poulsen and it is now called the 'Poulsen arc' and 'Poulsen system.'" Louis Poulsen is now a leading distributor of lighting products. Again,
while someone like Edison's influence on lighting and electricity may be more well–known, Tesla's impact runs far deeper. Ultimately, the success that
Tesla created was not just his own, but that of others as well. His highly advanced conceptions provided inspiration for countless other individuals in his
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Nikola Tesla Essay
"Were we to seize and eliminate from our industrial world the results of Mr. Tesla's work, the wheels of industry would cease to turn, our
electric cars and trains would stop, our towns would be dark, our mills would be dead and idle.
Yes, so far reaching is his work that it has become the warp and woof of industry... His name marks an epoch in the advance of electrical science.
From that work has sprung a revolution..." –B.A.
Behrend If you were to go to an encyclopedia and tried to find out who invented the radio, X– rays, and the tube amplifier, this is what you would find:
radio was invented by Marconi, X– rays by
Roentgen, and the tube amplifier by de Forest.
While you're there, look to see who invented the more content...
Seeing that there were none, Tesla invented the predecessors to the motors used in every appliance in our houses.
Inventing these motors was not simple, since scientists of the late 1800's were convinced that because no motor could be devised for an AC
system, trying to develop a motor for it was waste of time. After all, AC current reverses direction 60 times a second, which would make the motor
rock back and forth and never get anywhere. Tesla easily solved this problem and proved everyone wrong by developing a working motor for the AC
system. In May 1885, word of the AC system was heard by George Westinghouse. Tesla signed contract with Westinghouse under which Tesla would
receive $2.50 for each Kilowatt of AC electricity sold. Tesla finally had the money to conduct all the experiments he wanted. The problem wasEdison.
He had too much invested in his DC system of electricity. So Edison tried his best to discredit Tesla. He constantly tried to show that AC electricity
was far more dangerous than DC electricity. Tesla easily countered this. At the 1893 World Exposition in Chicago, Tesla demonstrated how safe AC
electricity was by passing high frequency AC electricity through his body to power light bulbs. He then shot lightning bolts from his Tesla Coils into
the crowd, without harm. Tesla had dramatically proven once an for all that AC electricity was safe to use. In addition,
Tesla also used Fluorescent bulbs in his lab about forty years before they were
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Nikola Tesla Research Paper
What would you say if I told you that one man was predominantly responsible for the installation of our modern world and conveniences? Who
might you think it is? The ascertainable people who read this may search for this man, or the wise may already know. His name was Nikola Tesla.
This man was a visionary, an inventive genius, and sadly a forgotten man. He, like most men had a dream. The majority of people among him would
ridicule his ideas and slander at what they thought to be impossible, but through his resilience he tried to overcome all of the adversity that faced
him. Now, the end of the story is nowhere near, for the story has not yet begun. It was on the day of July ninth, 1856 that a great storm swept over
present day Croatia. In a small house in the village of Smiljan that a baby was to be born, and at the precise moment that Nikola was delivered into this
world the furious storm outside the home shot a powerful bolt of lightning struck just near the house illuminating more content...
The father, Milutin Tesla, was in the process of following in his father's footsteps. He was currently studying for the high priest of the local
Orthodox church. His mother, Djouka Mandić, was the also the child of an Orthodox priest. After her mother's eyesight, tho never good, was
gone completely she had to take charge in her own home at a very young age. She was from a very well educated family, but with her sudden
change in upbringing she was too busy to learn to read or write. Thankfully, this was not so for the young Nikola. As he grew he was always
intrigued by the contraptions his mother made. She invented small tools and inventions for around the house. He also found joy in finding ways
nature's powers and products could serve man. He made his own water wheel, and he also created a windmill powered by beetles taped to the blades.
One time he even repaired the new local fire pump in
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Essay Nikola Tesla

  • 1. Essay Nikola Tesla Nikola Tesla is regarded as one of the most brilliant inventors in history. His work provided the basis for the modern alternating current power system, as well as having developed both radio and the fluorescent light bulb. He worked with Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse, among others. He was also widely misunderstood by his peers and the public at large. Biography Nikola Tesla was born in a small town called Smiljan, in what is now Croatia, during a lightning storm. Some would say that this would prove significant later in his life. He grew up the son of a Serbian Orthodox Reverend, and was one of five children. He was an avid reader, and would often memorize entire books. He studied electrical engineering at Graz more content... The infamous Tesla Coil was also developed at this time. In 1891, at the age of 35, he became a naturalized American citizen. In 1893, at the World's Fair, Tesla and Westinghouse made history by having the first exhibit ever powered by electricity. He demonstrated several things, including the fluorescent light bulb. This was to lead to problems with Edison, as Tesla was in favor of AC power, while Edison was promoting DC power systems. Tesla filed the first basic radio patent in 1897, and demonstrated a crude radio controlled boat to the U.S. Navy in 1898. He also invented the first spark plug that year, and was awarded a patent on that as well. In 1899, Tesla moved his operations to Colorado. There he could pursue his research into high–voltage high frequency power transmission. After 3 years, he left Colorado for New York, and the lab was dismantled and sold to pay debts. He next worked on a project called Wardenclyffe, which was an early radio transmission tower. After much investment, the project was unsuccessful. Eventually, the tower was dismantled and sold for scrap. It was around this time that Marconi was given credit for the invention of radio, up to and including a Nobel Prize. Tesla was deeply resentful, and spent years fighting for his rightful credit. Tesla's last patent was issued in 1928, for what was actually the world's first VTOL (vertical take–off and Get more content on
  • 2. Inventions of Nikola Tesla Essay Most people when asked who influenced modern electricity think Thomas Edison. However, the real mind behind modern electricity was Nikola Tesla. Nikola Tesla is most commonly known as the inventor of the AC current, or the electricity that is found when you plug something into a wall socket. Undoubtedly, he was a revolutionary thinker during the 1870s. He opposed the old and imagined the new, battling with Edison in "The Current Wars" and filing for hundreds of patents. Nikola Tesla was a man of many inventions inventing a practical use for AC current, imagining and establishing revolutionary technologies, and furthering the scientific applications of radio. Nikola Tesla, despite his many contributions, is still unrecognized in more content... After this achievement, Nikola set out to make devices that used AC, his most important being the transformer. A transformer is something that converts a high voltage current to a lower voltage or the other way around. The Tesla Coil, provided this service quickly and efficiently amplifying low voltages into very high ones through magnetic fields (75). Most of everything we use today requires a low safe voltage to be increased. His second claim to fame is the hydroelectric generator he built in Niagara Falls in 1895, successfully powering the nearby town of Buffalo (93). He had an obsession with Niagara Falls at 12 calling it "a terrible waste of water" (23). His successful building of the dam led to Nikola becoming a famous inventor. Later, in his laboratory in Wardenclyffe, Nikola Tesla was able to create lightning to give a final view at the potential for wirelessly transferred messages (118). This was one of the last major things he ever did before being shunned by the government due to World War I (125). Nikola Tesla was also famous for revolutionary, or grandiose (in the public opinion) ideas. Some of his ideas were capitalized by others, one of the biggest being the radio. "Guglielmo Marconi is often recognized as the father of the radio, Get more content on
  • 3. Research Paper On Nikola Tesla National History Day research paper Nikola Tesla was a man who discovered the form of electricity today and had a huge impact.Nikola Tesla's legacy and leadership in history was his impact on the industry.Tesla lead an interesting life, had a large legacy and great leadership in the industry. First of all,Nikola Tesla had an interesting life filled with inventing and intelligence.When Nikola Tesla was 19 he started studyingelectrical engineering and got in an argument with his professor over design flaws with the DC current.(Gilbert King 2013) The transcript from the source shows that even at 19 Nikola Tesla wanted to work with electricity and was passionate about it.The evidence shows his legacy by proving he was passionate about more content... Finally,Tesla was the leader of the industry by finding the AC current.This talks about Tesla's own opinion on renewable energy.He says we shouldn't use any resources for energy.Also it talks about his way of creating Geothermal energy which uses the earth's heat.It shows that he wanted to impact the industry by using alternate forms and ways to create energy for people.It shows that he wanted to find other types of energy which would have spread his legacy.It is important to history because he would have been able to do a lot more with these other types of energies.(Nikola Tesla and renewable energy)He lectured the American electrical institute of engineers.Tesla did a lot of lectures about his work that a lot of people liked.Tesla made a seismic wave device that could simulate an earthquake.In 1897 he filed for and recieved 2 patents.Tesla made a wirless boat controlled by a Tesla remote control.Tesla advanced his research to make a 5 million volt oscelator.(Tesla master of electricity n.d.)It proves my thesis because he lead the industry by having so many inventions which people would later use,and would impact the industry.Because he had all of these inventions this relates to my thesis.This was important to history because these inventions helped us advance and still advance in inventing today.This explains what Tesla thought of the times he was in.Also what he thought about pretty much everybody.He makes strong points by talking about intellectual evolution and new and Get more content on
  • 4. Nikola Tesla Research Papers Nikola tesla was born in 1856 in smiljan, Croatia part of the Hungarian empire. He was born to an orthodox priest and the mother was an ordinary farmer.Tesla studied maths and physics at the technical university of Graz and philosophy at the university of Prague. One day tesla while on a walk he come up with an idea of a brushless AC motor, making sketches of it in the sand path. Later he moved to Paris where he secured a job of repairing direct current power plants with the Edison one point in life Tesla was considered an eccentric man who talked about rays that could destroy 10,000 plains in 250 miles.He devised the AC (alternating current) system which is used in most homes today because it was advantageous than direct current system. His transformers help regulate the AC voltage, it could be stepped up or down and be transmitted over long distances through thin wires, minimizing power loss across long distances. The direct current system had a lot of inefficiencies, it could not be transported to long distances due to its inability to step to higher voltage levels. He also invented electric motors that are used by every house hold. He invented fluorescentsbulbs and more content... The use of alternating electrical currents and the invention of the AC engine, brought about major changes in electrical power generation and transmission that are the global standard today. Many appliances that he invented are used in most homesteads and hence he brought about changes in the lives of many. Nikola Tesla References Gilliams, E. Leslie. "Tesla's Plan of Electrically Treating Schoolchildren" PopularElectricity Magazine (2002). Retrieved 19 August2014. Mrkich, D. 2003. Nikola Tesla: the European years (1st ed.). Ottawa: Commoner's Publishing. Osha, Tim 2008. Marconi and Tesla: Pioneers of Radio Communication. Books. p. Get more content on
  • 5. September 27, 2017 Outline Informational speech: Nikola Tesla I. Introduction A. Attention getter. Have you ever imagined how life would be without electricity? How difficult life would be without such a simple commodity. We always connect our phones to the wall socket waiting desperately for them to charge, or we turn on the vacuum cleaner, cleaning away the debris and dirt from the floor, but we never stop and think about who invented such devices. We never give appreciation to people that took the time and effort to make such contraptions and one person that has is almost never mentioned is Nikola Tesla. B.Thesis: Nikola Tesla is an inventor who is rarely mentioned or known even though he revolutionized the 20th century. C.Preview of main points: So today we are going to be talking about Tesla's background, some of his inventions, and how they are used today. Transition: Who exactly was Nikola Tesla? II.Body Main point 1 Nikola Tesla was born July 9, 1856 in Smiljan, Austro–Hungarian Empire today it is know as Croatia. Sub point 1 At a young age he showed remarkable intelligence when it came to languages and mathematics. I. Sub–subpoint 1 He enrolled in school in 1875 at Austrian polytechnic where he studied electrical engineering and later went to study at Charles Ferdinand University. According to, he never acquired a degree at Ferdinand University ( B. Sub Point 2 Tesla later left Ferdinand University to work for Thomas Edison in Get more content on
  • 6. Nikola Tesla Essay Nikola Tesla Few people recognize his name today, and even among those who do, the words Nikola Tesla are likly to summon up the image of a crackpot rather than an authentic scientist. Nikola Tesla was possibly the greatest inventor the world has ever known. He was, without doubt, a genius who is not only credited with many devices we use today, but is also credited with astonishing, sometimes world–transforming, devices that are even simply amazing by todays scientific standards. Tesla was born at precisely midnight between July 9th and 10th, 1856, in a small Hungarien village. He was born to his father, a priest, and his mother, an unschooled but extremely intelligent women. Training for an engineering career, he attendedthe more content... The biggest rivaling against Edison was Tesla's development of alternating current which was very conflicting to Edison's use of electricity, direct current. This great power struggle between Tesla and Edison's use of electricity practically ended when Tesla's alternating current won out and was most favored and ruled most practical. Tesla's alternating current was used to light the Chicago's World Fair. His success was a factor in winning him the contract to install the first power machinery at Niagara Falls, which bore Tesla's name and patent numbers. The project carried power to Buffalo by 1896. In 1898 Tesla announced his invention of a teleautomatic boat guided by remote control. When skepticism was voiced, Tesla proved his claims for it before a crowd in Madison Square Garden. The biggest controversy in Tesla's career is what most popularizes his name today, this controversy is the fact that Tesla made hundreds of inventions and discoveries that was simply amazing. Many people have called tesla "a man out of his time" because his astonishing experiments. In Colorado Springs, where he stayed from May 1899 until early 1900, Tesla made what he regarded as his most important discovery, terrestrial stationary waves. By this discovery he proved that the earth could be used as a conductor and would be as responsive as a tuning Get more content on
  • 7. Nikola Tesla Essay Nikola Tesla was born midnight on July 10, 1856, in Smiljan, Lika, which at that time was part of the Austrian–Hungarian Empire, which is now known as Croatia. His father was named Milutin Tesla and he was a Serbian Orthodox Priest. Djuka Mandic was his mother and she invented household appliances. Tesla was the fourth child of five, having one older brother and three younger sisters. In 1873, Tesla studied at the the Polytechnic Institute in Graz, Austria and the University of Prague. At first, he wanted to pursue in physics and mathematics, but shortly after he became extremely interested in electricity. He began studying alternating current their also. Supposedly he had a photographic memory being able to memorize complete books. more content... In New Jersey, Tesla had gone and started improving Thomas Edison's line of dynamos (also called an electric generator), while he was working in Edison's lab. Edison had offered Tesla fifty–thousand dollars to try and improve Edison's direct current machines. Tesla did this and Edison had told Tesla that the fifty–thousand dollars was just a joke and later he would appreciate it. It was here that his difference of opinion with Edison over direct current versus alternating current started. This disagreement was called the war of the currents. Edison fought as hard as he could to protect his investment in direct current equipment and buildings. Tesla began to point out the worthlessness of Edison's direct current electrical equipment that has been being built up around the Atlantic seaboard.Tesla had noticed Edison's lamps were weak and worthless when supplied by direct current. This system had a severe disadvantage in that it could not be transported more than two miles due to it not being able to step up to high voltage levels that were necessary for long distance transmission. Because of this a direct current power station was needed every two miles. Direct current flows regularly in one direction while alternating current tends to change its direction fifty to sixty times per second and can be worked up to high voltage levels, meaning it shortens power loss across great distances. Nikola Tesla developed a polyphase alternating current system of generators, motors and Get more content on
  • 8. Descriptive Essay About Nikola Tesla If Nikola Tesla had not shown the world that he was a genius inventor who would advance engineering with such incredible apparatus and had just lived out his existence without sharing his knowledge then he would have been deemed and crackpot, abnormal and possibly shunned from the rest of society. Tesla had some unique ways of carrying out things that even by today's standard would leave people thinking there is something peculiar about him. This essay sets out to describe that these defining traits are the reason he was such a noteworthy inventor and a man who could clearly think ahead of his time. Tesla died a virgin, and by choice too. He believed that women in your life or a relationship in general were simply a distraction from more content... Tesla like other known inventors like Thomas Edison and Leonardo De Vinci only slept for an infrequent number of hours and dedicated as much of his time as he could to his laboratory. One of Tesla's most fascinating traits is how he could invent a device, construct it in his head and even go over improvements and when he was satisfied he could build it exactly as he pictured, he would assemble it and it would work entirely as planned. A charming fact into Tesla's dedication to self–improvement is he was left handed but sought the discipline to become ambidextrous in his career. (Tesla notes that: he was left handed but sought the discipline to become ambidextrous, as citied in. Matthews, 1973, page 4) The awe–inspiring engineer that was Nikola Tesla came into the world on the 10th of July 1856 in a part of the world now named Serbia. While growing up his parents played mental tasks with him to aid his mindset, which as we can see from history they made a substantial impact. Tesla was quoted saying "Although I must trace to my mother's influence whatever inventiveness I possess, the training my father gave me must have been helpful. It comprised all sorts of exercises, such as guessing one another's thoughts, discovering the defects of some form of expression, repeating long sentences, or performing mental calculations. These daily Get more content on
  • 9. Nikola Tesla Essay Nikola Tesla was born midnight on July 10, 1856 in Smiljan, Lika, which was then part of the Austo–Hungarian Empire, region of Croatia. His father was named Milutin Tesla and was a Serbian Orthodox Priest. Djuka Mandic was his mother and was an inventor in her own right of household appliances. Tesla was the fourth child of five, having one older brother and 3 younger sisters. Tesla studied at the Realschule, Karlstadt in 1873, the Polytechnic Institute in Graz, Austria and the University of Prague. At first, he wanted to be specialized in physics and mathematics. But shortly after he became extremely interested in electricity. He began studying alternating current their also. Supposedly he had a photographic memory being able to more content... In New Jersey Tesla went about improving Edison's line of dynamos while working in Edison's lab. It was here that his variation of opinion with Edison over direct current versus alternating current began. This disagreement soon became the war of the currents as Edison fought a losing battle to protect his investment in direct current equipment and facilities. Tesla began pointing out the worthlessness of Edison's direct current electrical powerhouses that have been building up and down the Atlantic seaboard. The secret, he felt, lay in the use of alternating current, because to him all energies were cyclic. Edison's lamps were weak and worthless when supplied by direct current. This system had a severe disadvantage in that it could not be transported more than two miles due to its incapability to step up to high voltage levels necessary for long distance transmission. Because of this a direct current power station was required every two miles. Direct current flows continuously in one direction; alternating current changes direction fifty or sixty times per second and can be stepped up to vary high voltage levels, minimizing power loss across great distances. Nikola Tesla developed polyphase alternating current system of generators, motors and transformers. He held forty basic U.S. patents on the system, which George Westinghouse bought, wanting to supply America with the Tesla system. Edison did not want to lose his direct current Get more content on
  • 10. Nikola Tesla Essay Born in 1856 the son of an Orthodox priest in Smiljan, Croatia, Nikola Tesla had an early exposure to inventing. His mother, although unschooled, was a very intelligent woman who often created appliances that helped with home and farm responsibilities, such as a mechanical eggbeater. Young Nikola was schooled at home during his early years and later attended a school in Carlstadt, Croatia. He soon developed advanced skills such as doing calculus integrals in his head. He very deeply wanted to attend college and become an engineer, but his father wanted him to join the priesthood. When Nikola was seventeen, he caught cholera and made his father to promise that if he survived the illness that he would be allowed to go to college. more content... Edison hired Tesla anyway. Tesla claimed later that Edison had promised him $50,000 if he was able to improve the DC plants in New York. Months later, Tesla was finished. However, Edison explained that the proposed $50,000 had been made in jest and said "When you become a full–fledged American you will appreciate an American joke." Tesla resigned. During this time word had begun to travel that "a foreigner of unusual talent was digging ditches to stay alive"( Investors began to contact Tesla offering him money to improve the current method of arc lightning. This was enough for the European to form the Tesla Electric Light Company. Tesla was able to make the improvements he promised, but all the money made went to the investors and all he got were stock certificates. Later, Mr. A.K. Brown of the Western Union Company invested in Tesla's AC motor idea. A little ways down the street from Thomas Edison's office, Tesla established a small laboratory where he began to work on his motor. The product turned out just exactly as he imagined it while he was working for the telephone company, and soon after the AC generator became the future of power and replaced Edison's DC plants. Tesla's patents for AC were so novel that they were not met with a single successful Get more content on
  • 11. An Essay About Nikola Tesla Nikola Tesla didn't exactly become the most inspiring or famous inventor, but with the way he impacted modern life, he certainly seems like he'd be the one to do it. His creations were part of the movement to change the lives of many around the world. Tesla even theorized and created the form of electric transmission which beat that of Thomas Edison and still remains the world's choice. All said, Nikola Tesla may have single–handedly changed the way we live today with his countless inventions and innovations in technology, impacting our lives with products like radio transmission and the alternating–current system. Leading to Nikola Tesla's success as an inventor was simply how effective he was with his inventions and how effective the more content... Take Thomas Edison, for example. The two were partners in crime when Tesla first moved to the United States, but the two split after only a couple years. During the fight for dominance as the world's power supply, the two led rival camps disputing the most effective way to transfer electric currents, with Tesla's AC (alternating current) system vs. Edison's DC (direct current) ("Nikola", n.d.). Tesla won out in the end, but Edison put up a great fight. How much more effective Tesla's system was, though, clearly unopposed, seeing as it is still in use throughout the world today ("Nikola Tesla", 2018). Edison wasn't Nikola Tesla's only rival, however. Italian inventor Gugliemo Marconi was huge in making advancements in radio transmission. Tesla's later years were when Marconi was peaking, and in Tesla's later years, many of his projects failed, and were also increasingly outlandish. Marconi was easily able to win over Tesla, but Tesla still had his part to play ("Nikola", n.d.). Nikola Tesla got the Supreme Court to invalidate Marconi's radio patents because Tesla beat him to the advancements. Only problem; that was 30 years after Tesla's death ("Nikola Tesla", 2018). Tesla also, at one point, tried to make a wireless transmission system, maybe inspiring people of today to try to do the same ("Nikola", Get more content on
  • 12. Essay On Nikola Tesla Nikola Tesla was an inventor, electrical engineer, futurist, mechanical engineer and physicist. He is the original inventor of the alternative currents which revolutionize the way we use electricity. He made countless more inventions like remote controls, wireless telegraph, neon lamps, three–phase electric power. Many people think that Thomas Edison made electricity available to us which he did for a while but it was very dangerous, however Nokia Tesla was the true inventor that provided us with "AC currents", in other hands electricity. He revolutionized the way we use electricity all over the world, we need it in our lives to give us warmth and start are device to communicate to other people and provide us light, to light this world. We more content... He did not stop reading until he heard his mother beginning her arduous rounds at dawn". He was in loved with books and couldn't be separated from it. Nikola Tesla was the fourth out of the five children. There was three girls and two boys, but Sadly his brother died. He was the eldest boy named Daniel which dead by falling of a horse. The ironic thing about that horse was that horse actually, saved his father's life earlier, but Daniel wasn't so lucky for his own life. Nikola Tesla childhood choices for a career was to go into the army, start farming or become a priest for his church, but Tesla wasn't suite for any of those options. He gains his photographic memory and genius from his mother. Tesla has a passion of creating poetry, since his father had that passion as well, so Tesla adopted his father hobbies. Tesla never like to share his poems to the public because he felt that it was too personal, but he would tell them to his friends and rehearse them with his friends. Tesla started to invent thing when he was young child "when he was five, he build a small waterwheel quite unlike those he had seen in his country side. It was smooth, without paddles, yet it spun evenly in the current.". his passion of inventing was there but he didn't realize it until later. During his adult years, Tesla attends college at Austrian polytechnic at Graz. During his first year Get more content on
  • 13. Essay on Biography of Nikola Tesla Nikola Tesla was born in Smiljan, Croatia at midnight between July 9th and 10th 1856. He was intelligent since his early childhood. He soon became interested in engineering and he studied it at the Technical University in Graz, Austria, from 1877 to 1880. Right after that he went to the University of Prague in 1880, but his father had died and he withdrew his studies from the University soon after. Tesla always dreamed of becoming an electrical engineer and to invent a new type of power transmission instead of Direct Current (DC). He mourned for his father for about a year, but he had to return to his work. In 1881 he went to Budapest to work as an engineer for a telephone company, but this isn't what he wanted to in life. Tesla's more content... His dream was about to come true when George Westinghouse hired him. George let Tesla develop all his ideas and Tesla finally produced his invention alternating current (AC). He then became a U.S. citizen in 1889. In 1891 he made another invention called the Tesla coil. It helped create many other inventions that used the Tesla coil the television, a computer screen, the radio, and other electronics. Then Tesla was struck by depression because of his mother's death in 1892. By about 1895 Tesla became a poor man due to a number of failed inventions, so he tried to get a contract with the military. His first attempt to get a military contract was automated submarines and boats, but the government didn't accept his offer. He finally got a military contract from the German Marine High Command. He made turbines for the Germans, and it's thought to be used for their U–boats. Soon After World War 1 started and Tesla had to cancel his concert or he would have been arrested for treason. Tesla was broke again and was desperate for money so he attempted to build a death ray for the U.S. military. It's unknown what components Tesla used for this machine and if it even worked. He said that it would be used to defend of American soil; nevertheless the military rejected his offer. Tesla made one last effort to get a military contract. He would make a sending Get more content on
  • 14. Essay On Nikola Tesla Nikola Tesla (1856–1943) was an inventor and is responsible for the world as we know it. He developed alternating current, the Tesla coil, and wireless connectivity. Today he is regarded as one of the most important geniuses in history, but while he was alive, his ideas were largely unsupported. Tesla was born in Smiljan, Yugoslavia (modern–day Croatia) on July 10, 1856. He went to primary school, where he learned subjects such as arithmetic, religion, and German. From a very early age, Tesla was able to memorize entire books and solve complex mathematical equations. He completed four years of study in only three years and graduated from secondary school (the European equivalent of high school) in 1873. Just after graduation, more content... Tesla stated in his autobiography, "it was a mental state of happiness about as complete as I have ever known in life," (Tesla, 29). He was able to envision exactly how every component would work in conjunction with every other as if it were right in front of him. This ability would come to serve him well as he progressed as an inventor. When he raised enough funds, in 1881, Tesla moved to Budapest, Hungary, where he worked for the Budapest Telephone Exchange. It was there that he developed a design for the rotating magnetic field upon which many of his future inventions would be based. He continued improving his designs after he moved to France in 1882. In 1884, he immigrated to the United States, where he was immediately hired by Thomas Edison. Edison allegedly promised Tesla $50,000 ($1,244,675.65 today) to improve upon Edison's DC (direct current) generators. Tesla did so, but Edison did not give him the money, saying, "'when you become a full–fledged American, you will appreciate an American joke'" (Hourly History, 7) and instead offered him a raise. Tesla quit soon after. After he and Edison parted ways, Tesla founded Tesla Electric Light & Manufacturing in 1886. In spite of his many ideas for improvements for preexisting technologies and original inventions, his investors were not interested in funding him. Tesla soon ran out of money for his company and was forced to close down and he lost what few patents he had. Just Get more content on
  • 15. Nikola Tesla Research Paper Nikola Tesla I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything. Nikola Tesla Few people know his name today, and even those who do the words Nikola Tesla are likely to come up with the image of a crackpot rather than an authentic scientist. Nikola Tesla was possibly the greatest inventor the world has known. He was is without a doubt a genius who isn't only credited with many devices we use today, but is also credited with astonishing, sometimes world transforming that are even amazing by today's standards. Nikola Tesla (born 10 July more content... The two worked together for a period of time before parting ways due to a conflicting business–scientific relationship, attributed by their different personalities. While Edison was a power figure who focused on marketing and financial success, Tesla was a commercially out–of–tune and somewhat vulnerable, yet extremely pivotal inventor, who pioneered some of histories the most important inventions. His inventions include the "Tesla coil," developed in 1891, and an alternating–current electrical system of generators, motors and transformers, both of which are still used widely today. On the AC electrical system alone, Tesla held 40 basic U.S. patents, which he later sold to George Westinghouse, an American engineer and business man who was determined to supply the nation with the Tesla's AC system. He would succeed in doing just that, not long after purchasing Tesla's patents. Around this time, conflict arose between Tesla and Edison, as Edison was determined to sell his direct–current system to the nation. According to the Tesla Memorial Society of New York, Tesla –Westinghouse ultimately won out because Tesla's system was "a superior technology," presenting greater "progress of both America and the world" than Edison's DC system. Outside of his AC system patents, Tesla sold several other patent rights to Westinghouse. On 30 July 1891, at the age of 35, Tesla became a naturalized citizen of Get more content on
  • 16. Essay On Nikola Tesla Nikola Tesla, noted inventor, engineer, machinist, and electrical pioneer was born in 1846 in what is now modern Croatia. His parents had "five children which included siblings Dane, Angelina, Milka and Marica, in the family. His mother, Djuka Mandic, who invented small household appliances in her spare time while her son was growing up, spurred Tesla's interest in electrical invention. Tesla 's father, Milutin Tesla, was a Serbian orthodox priest and a writer, and he pushed for his son to join the priesthood." Very little else is recorded regarding his early childhood or primary education. It is rumored, though, that the young Tesla was alternately cheerful and upbeat, or sullen and solitary. A general theme in his life, though, more content... While both men went on to continue developing sensational inventions, Edison is the man most credited in history books for his work. Tesla, on the other hand, was not an inventor seeking fame, but one who simply had a peculiar and uncanny view on the world. He was known to have outbursts of creative genius that led to days of non–stop work, eventually resulting in his "register(ing) over 700 patents worldwide." His most well known work revolved around the Alternating Current electrical theories. While this stood in direct opposition to the corporately backed efforts of Edison to promote a Direct Current network for electrical distribution, Tesla continued with the idea of transmitting electricity through the air, and free to all people. Edison scoffed at the idea, but even the newest research in the 21st century reveals that Tesla's notions are quite feasible. In the end, it is clear that his early education at home, his formal education on record, and his work with Edison all contributed to the foundation of Nikola Tesla's broad range of work. The public perception of Tesla was quite positive during his productive years, even earning the financial backing of J. Pierpont Morgan for a while . Tesla's disputes with Edison grew over the years, though, eventually leading Tesla to abandon much of his work later in life, and he eventually died penniless in 1943 while residing in a New York hotel. By all accounts, he was Get more content on
  • 17. Nikola Tesla Impact On Society Most people have heard of Nikola Tesla, but the true extent of his influence is tragically overlooked. Tesla was a scientific pioneer, who came up with original ideas far ahead of his time. His technologies paved the way for other scientists and inventors. Tesla propelled us immeasurably forward as a nation in the areas of science and technology, making his impact undeniable. Nikola Tesla is the most influential historical figure from the gilded age because of how his innovations forever revolutionized our understandings of energy and technology. To begin with, Tesla's innovation ofalternating current or AC electricity was unique and crucial. Prior to Tesla, the world's power was largely supplied using a DC or direct current system. more content... Leonard DeGraaf, an archivist at Thomas Edison National Historical Park, "though the light bulb, the phonograph and moving pictures are touted as Edison's most important inventions, other people were already working on similar technologies". In other words, Edison being the person to invent what he did is not ultimately crucial to scientific history. As I've already explained, Tesla's ideas were far more original and crucial. Edison, having been Tesla's former boss, even discounted Tesla's ideas for an AC system when he heard them. Tesla had to fight harder than any inventor, including but not limited to Edison, in order to make his ideas known. Skeptics of Tesla's also like to argue that his influence is negated by Edison's because Edison is more well known. However, there is a major flaw in this argument; a lack of visibility does not equate to a lack of impact. Also, Tesla's electric incandescent lamp actually served as a basis for Edison's most famous invention of the light bulb. Tesla's interaction with Edison facilitated his success, demonstrating just one instance of how Tesla's innovation inspired other scientists and inventors. Likewise, Tesla's ideas influenced many other inventors. He described of one of his methods of transformation of electrical energy, "This has been used by Poulsen and it is now called the 'Poulsen arc' and 'Poulsen system.'" Louis Poulsen is now a leading distributor of lighting products. Again, while someone like Edison's influence on lighting and electricity may be more well–known, Tesla's impact runs far deeper. Ultimately, the success that Tesla created was not just his own, but that of others as well. His highly advanced conceptions provided inspiration for countless other individuals in his Get more content on
  • 18. Nikola Tesla Essay "Were we to seize and eliminate from our industrial world the results of Mr. Tesla's work, the wheels of industry would cease to turn, our electric cars and trains would stop, our towns would be dark, our mills would be dead and idle. Yes, so far reaching is his work that it has become the warp and woof of industry... His name marks an epoch in the advance of electrical science. From that work has sprung a revolution..." –B.A. Behrend If you were to go to an encyclopedia and tried to find out who invented the radio, X– rays, and the tube amplifier, this is what you would find: radio was invented by Marconi, X– rays by Roentgen, and the tube amplifier by de Forest. While you're there, look to see who invented the more content... Seeing that there were none, Tesla invented the predecessors to the motors used in every appliance in our houses. Inventing these motors was not simple, since scientists of the late 1800's were convinced that because no motor could be devised for an AC system, trying to develop a motor for it was waste of time. After all, AC current reverses direction 60 times a second, which would make the motor rock back and forth and never get anywhere. Tesla easily solved this problem and proved everyone wrong by developing a working motor for the AC system. In May 1885, word of the AC system was heard by George Westinghouse. Tesla signed contract with Westinghouse under which Tesla would receive $2.50 for each Kilowatt of AC electricity sold. Tesla finally had the money to conduct all the experiments he wanted. The problem wasEdison. He had too much invested in his DC system of electricity. So Edison tried his best to discredit Tesla. He constantly tried to show that AC electricity was far more dangerous than DC electricity. Tesla easily countered this. At the 1893 World Exposition in Chicago, Tesla demonstrated how safe AC electricity was by passing high frequency AC electricity through his body to power light bulbs. He then shot lightning bolts from his Tesla Coils into the crowd, without harm. Tesla had dramatically proven once an for all that AC electricity was safe to use. In addition, Tesla also used Fluorescent bulbs in his lab about forty years before they were Get more content on
  • 19. Nikola Tesla Research Paper What would you say if I told you that one man was predominantly responsible for the installation of our modern world and conveniences? Who might you think it is? The ascertainable people who read this may search for this man, or the wise may already know. His name was Nikola Tesla. This man was a visionary, an inventive genius, and sadly a forgotten man. He, like most men had a dream. The majority of people among him would ridicule his ideas and slander at what they thought to be impossible, but through his resilience he tried to overcome all of the adversity that faced him. Now, the end of the story is nowhere near, for the story has not yet begun. It was on the day of July ninth, 1856 that a great storm swept over present day Croatia. In a small house in the village of Smiljan that a baby was to be born, and at the precise moment that Nikola was delivered into this world the furious storm outside the home shot a powerful bolt of lightning struck just near the house illuminating more content... The father, Milutin Tesla, was in the process of following in his father's footsteps. He was currently studying for the high priest of the local Orthodox church. His mother, Djouka MandiД‡, was the also the child of an Orthodox priest. After her mother's eyesight, tho never good, was gone completely she had to take charge in her own home at a very young age. She was from a very well educated family, but with her sudden change in upbringing she was too busy to learn to read or write. Thankfully, this was not so for the young Nikola. As he grew he was always intrigued by the contraptions his mother made. She invented small tools and inventions for around the house. He also found joy in finding ways nature's powers and products could serve man. He made his own water wheel, and he also created a windmill powered by beetles taped to the blades. One time he even repaired the new local fire pump in Get more content on