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My Past, Present, and Future Life
Reflective essay: My past, present and future life Introduction When I was growing up, I
remember my family situation as extremely chaotic. I was one of eight children and my father
and mother had little time to devote to me individually. Most of the time they spent trying to earn
enough to support us with their meager resources. I was often called upon to act as a surrogate
mother to my siblings. I felt I had little time to develop my own unique perspective and voice
when I was very young. Even as a preschooler I remember doing chores to help out at home.
However, this situation did foster some positive aspects of my character. I learned to be mature at
an early age and gained a sense of competence because of my responsibilities. But I also was
taught put the needs of others second to my own. I feel that I did not learn to value my own,
legitimate desires to an adequate degree as a young girl and have only recently acquired a true
sense of worth [THESIS]. Past According to the developmental theorist Erik Erikson, every child
proceeds through a series of social stages in which there is a core, essential conflict that must be
addressed. If that conflict is not fully resolved, the child carries that unresolved issue into the next
stage, and cannot truly mature. During the preschool–age stage of 'industry versus inferiority,' for
example, although I gained a sense of competence as a caregiver, I also gained a sense of inferiority
because my needs were supplanted by
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Decision for My Future Life
I'm already in my fourth year of high school, and I am well aware that I'm still a kid who is used
to be pampered by a big private school. One cold night, my parents told me to pass application
forms to universities, but I still haven't decided about what I really want for college. That same
night, I thought to pursue my childhood dream, which is to be a doctor, but I know for a fact that
I'm not that good in science. Eventually, I considered other subjects and remembered that I always
had a thing for mathematics. So, I came to a conclusion that I would pursue a science course for my
first choice and a math course for my second choice.
A week passed and as my annoyingly fat, dark brother invaded my room, he handed me application
forms from UP, UST, and FEU–NRMF.
"Why these three?" I asked him ignorantly.
"Why these you ask? Because these are excellent and renowned universities in line with med and
math. Also, because Dad said. So, you know he has a high standard, right? So better pass UPCAT. It
should be on your top priority," he said seriously with his never been serious face.
After that, I filled out my application forms. But then again, I doubt on what I should write in my
course choices. "What if someday I'll realize that this course is not the right one for me?" "Would I
regret this?" "Will I be happy with this?" These kinds of questions came into my mind. Despite my
doubts, I wrote it; biology, and math and/or accountancy.
As when I completed the needed requirements,
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My Future Life Essay
The Future is the time or period time following the moment of speaking or writing; time regarding
as still to come. The future is what we work for we got school and work to have good future. My
parents have taught me to work hard for the things I want, and I wish to have bright future, and
that's one of the reasons why am here at CI is to get an education that will help me find a career with
a good job that is going to pay enough to support me and my future family. My future dream job is
to be the CEO of a company, but I know that it will take while to get there so I am planning in
going into business administration first then work my way up to the position that I want. In the
future I also want to have a nice home to raise my future children, which is something else I see in
my future is having kids and living in Seattle, Washington. One goal that I wish to accomplish
when I get older is to but my parents a house to repay them for everything that they have done in
my life and teaching me how to deal with the difficulties of life. The quality me of my future life
is going to be a good one because I am going to achieve my goals and surround myself with people
that will bring me happiness. Getting the to where I am today being not easy I had to overcome
some obstacles that taught me lessons about life. One of the factors that has helped contribute to my
life choices is my mother. I have a close relationship with my mom, whenever I have something that
is bothering I like to
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Life : My Future Life
A Future Life
In a rocking chair even older than herself, she sits, her body as still as a river on a calm day. The
bright light emitting from the large windows in the living room gives the figure of an old woman
with grayish hair that hangs near her face. But, for her fingers progressing fast in an exact routine,
as an array of different colorful stitches extends from the knitting needles. Tomorrow I will be able
to start a new knitting project, maybe use the blue wool to make new sweaters for the grandchildren.
An unexpected sharp thud of a knock was heard at the door; more than enough to be detected by my
aging ears. As much as it bothers me to get up, I refuse to let the rattling pain in my bones win
against me. It isn't that I get up at all, it just feels more complex than before. I just can't get up too
quickly for a sharp pain may shatter me like glass. I allow my right leg to hold my weight as I move
my left leg upright to hold more of my weight. Once, standing I slowly take steps moving forward
and with every single step I take the cold wooden floor creaks. Growing old shouldn't really stop me
from doing the everyday things in life. They want us to give up and I simply can't allow that.
Yeah, I do gaze at the old woman in the mirror before me. At my age, I would have my feet hanging
from the grave already. The lines in my face are so deep and saggy – like the skin no longer
connects to the skull underneath. Beyond this mask of age, there remains the youthful
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My Future Life
My life started when my parents met it was fate brought them together and since then, it was my
fate to live on this Earth and live the life I live now. Things are planned from the beginning of time
since before your birth. My mom was fifteen years old at the time she met my father, they dated,
they shared memories, and they loved. Then my father proposed, and they married. My mother was
seventeen and my father was twenty–five at the time. My mother, now married with my father,
moved to the United States to give her future childtren a better life in the year of 1997. My sister
was welcomed into the world in 1998, me in 1999. I can't talk about my life without mentioning my
parent's. They made me become the person I am now, and not more content...
From the stories they have told me, my mother and father were not truly in love when they met.
Sometimes through the conversations that my mother has had with her sibling I have come to
think that she married my father solely for the purpose of getting papers. That is what my sister
and I have come to think upon eavesdropping on my mother's phone calls. My sister and I had no
choice but to eavesdrop since my mother's voice is so loud that it bounces off the living room
walls down the hallway and hits our ears. Their love story did flourish in the end though as my
mother soon realized what a great man my father was and started her family with him. She realized
she did love him. There was no better husband she could have ever asked for and no better father
that I could've asked for. On the other hand, I would hear stories of my father telling us of how
him and my mother met and how he came to win my mom's heart. My father would often say that
my mom caught his eyes. He would tell me "Ever since the first day I saw her, I knew he wanted
to spend the rest of their days together. When many guys saw your mom, their heads would turn,
and their mouths would open wide as they looked at her. She was a fair skinned beauty with long
hair down to her hips, hourglass figure, and fun personality. She was the perfect woman. Your
mother looked very mature for her age and many boys thought so as well."
Their love story is
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My Experience In Future Life
People who were born and have lived and grown in another country might think that it is
impossible to start a new life in another country and have a chance to change their lives, to make
their lives better. But I am the person who had this chance and I am using it for my successful
future life. For me, the chance to live and study in the different country had been the greatest
opportunity in my life. For as long as I can remember, I have been dreaming of higher education and
getting a good job. As a child, I looked at my father having a good successful job he had and I
thought that one day, maybe, I will be just like him.
I was born in Russia and had lived there almost for sixteen years before I got a chance to come to
the U.S. My childhood flew quickly and imperceptibly. But I remember well my school years. I
went to a usual Russian school where I have spent nine years. I can easily say that I did not have
any good and helpful opportunity for my future education there. My old school did not have any
good resources and preparation for the students future lives in college and further. This was a reason
why I did not think about college and further education at that moment of my life. In 2105 I
graduated from ninth grade and did not know what I should do next, and then I got a chance to
come to the U.S. and continue my education in an American school and go to college after. I have
decided that it would be a chance to start everything over. For all summer 2015, I could not
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My Future Life
As a college student, I am constantly thinking about my future: what career I want, what my
future family would be like, and how I would live my life. One question that I've considered
essential for my future is where I would like to live. Of course, everyone has different answers to
this simple question, depending on one's personality and desires. Some people would love to
travel across the world and explore various cities and countries; others would prefer to stay in one
place for some time and live in a large, highly populated city or even a small, rural town. Reflecting
on my future lifestyle, I would like to live in Alpharetta, Georgia because there are plenty of
enjoyable leisure activities to do, the area is aesthetically pleasing, and it is where I spent most
of my childhood. Primarily, I would love to live in Alpharetta because there are numerous
enjoyable activities to do. For example, there are countless arcades to play games in, bowling
alleys to compete in, and movie theaters to relax and watch a film in. Each of these services has
the perfect atmosphere to spend a morning, an afternoon, or an evening with friends and family.
They're excellent places to go for all ages, and I have never had a regretful experience in any of
these locations in Alpharetta. Additionally, there are copious amounts of restaurants in Alpharetta.
There are options available for everyone to eat, whether it be a fast–food craving or a special
occasion planned at a fancy restaurant. My favorite restaurants to go to are the sit–down restaurants,
where I can relax and enjoy any meal that I feel would suit my appetite. On the other hand, of all
the options of activities to choose from, the best option would be to spend a day or an evening
walking around downtown Alpharetta. There are shops and boutiques, restaurants and parlors, and
a beautiful town square to walk around and enjoy. Spending time outdoors downtown is the perfect
pastime on a nice day, no matter the time of year. In general, it is clear that there is something for
everyone to do in Alpharetta, no matter what day it is or what time it is, which is why I love
Alpharetta so much. Along with the endless options of activities, I would want to live
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My Life And Future Goals In Life
A common statement some might say to someone of my age is: "Anyone under the age of
eighteen cannot possibly experience something that will change their perspective on life; they
are simply too young." Regardless of how old someone is, they can still face experiences that
could one day shape them as a person. I, personally, have participated in an event that has
completely impacted my life to this day, and has helped me discover my future goals in life. This
event has made me want to change the world and I believe has made me a better person. In the
summer of 2011, I was given what I believed was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Since I was a
young girl, I only ever wanted to be around animals, and I dreamt that one day I would be able to
be an "animal doctor", as I once called it. So when my mother told me I would be spending two
weeks at the SeaWorld and Busch Gardens Adventure Camp, I was elated. I would be able to
work with animals both large and small and be a part of the park's conservational efforts. Once I
was there, the opportunity felt even more like a dream. I and other campers participated in
activities like sleeping beside beluga whales, swimming with sharks, and meeting one of the
veterinarians at the park. Everything was perfect, it seemed, until the events at the park began to
become a bit 'emotional' so to speak. After the first few days at SeaWorldOrlando, our camp
counselor decided it was time to show us the new additions at the park. She took us
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My Future Plans For The Future
Imagine the perfect life, the perfect family, dream house, dream car, and the perfect career. That's
what I hope someday my life will be like. Everyone has a future plan, to make the best out of our
life, what is your plan? My future plan is to be a pediatrician. I would like to help the children of
the future. They are the next generation and I would like to leave a legacy for them to follow. I
want to help save and make a child happy someday. The thought of making a difference in
someone's life is the reason I can go to sleep peacefully. We all have a purpose for being here and I
my purpose is to save one of us, my purpose is to help the ones in need, the ones in the street
begging for somewhere to live, the ones dying of poverty. However, right now in the 21st century
technology has taken over the world, not figuratively but literally. It made the world, both a bad
and good place. People are going to run out of jobs and tech will run the world. Technology will
be the greatest invention of human kind but how will it affect some of us? First to begin with,
Technology is part of our everyday lives. Every nook, every corner we turn there is someone with
technology. In doing research it says technology is advancing so fast that it will be a thousand times
more advanced in the next 10 years. From having no technology in the 1900s we are currently
flourishing with technology every day, in our house there is at least 10 different items that are
connected to the internet. To
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My Life And My Future
When I was in high school, I wanted to travel to Untied State to study in university there when I
finish the high school, and it was my only wish in my life. All I wanted is go to there and study,
but not all wishes in life anyone could be come true, it should be many things stop in our ways,
and something makes us stop thinking about it and give up. This is our problem we have, but we
know that some of us have a determination and resolve, and we could realize all our wishes without
hesitation. And I was ones of them, I wanted to building my future by my self. The thing that
stopped in my way was my family or rather my father. He thought that travel to united state is so
danger, and I might lose my life if I go over there and no body knows about me. He was thinking
that many danger things could happened to me when I travel there. In fact, he had bad thinks about
united state, and he thought all happens in the American movies are real, and I might be one of the
victims in there. It was difficult to make my father convinced, although he knows there is many
people went to there and came back to their countries safely with their certificate. There was no
way to make my father agree. I was thinking many time to find someone who could talk with him
and make him agree with that. One day I was trying to talk with his friends and tell them what I
want. Some of them wasn't want to do that, because if something happened to me there, my father
will blame them, but some of his friends
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My Future Essay
My future is something I often think about. Most often, the questions that arise include the
common doubts of "Am I doing this right?", or even the occasional midnight philosophical
questions such as "Why are we here?", and so on. For the purpose of this essay, I will focus on the
factors that have allowed me to reach this point in my life and how these factors influenced and
continue to influence me, in order to provide me with a visualization of my future.
Factors that contributed to my current life choices include the desperate want to be something
greater, as well as to experience the world in ways some could only dream of. I study hard,
allowing for me to have the possibility of an early graduation. I dream big, allowing me with the
imagination to draw up plans for myself and my future. I work hard, allowing me the strength and
vision to execute my plans for the future. The way that I was raised has greatly benefited me. My
parents have taught me that anything and everything is possible as long as you work hard for it
despite the what others may tell you or even if the odds are against you. Another factor that led to
my current life, is the amount of time I allow myself to think about my plans and refine them. This is
extremely important because, without a solid, flexible, long–term plan, you could get lost in
dreaming about the future, and end up not accomplishing anything. Hence, many aspects of my life
have been planned out with not one or two possible alternatives
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Reflection On My Future Self
On June 3, 2017 I write this to my future self I want myself to reflect on whats happened from now
because right now I feel lost. In the summer when I was getting ready to move out B just cut all
I've ever had with B it was just gone with no explanation that no one will ever hear. B is, was,
someone important to me I was interested in B, I liked B. I'd stay up late at night just to play
with B on my laptop, we'd sometimes hangout in Skype calls and do whatever. I felt like my
whole life at that point of time revolved around B and that B was the most important thing in the
world. When I first met B we were not on very good terms with each other. I don't know if it was
because I was just young and immature but the first thing I did was tease B I guess I was just
trying to hide the fact that I was interested in B when I first met B. It wasn't until a year after I
met B that I would actually talk to B again. In lunch after just meeting B again for no reason B
just grabbed my water bottle and drank from it and I who has been watching too many shows
took it back and with a "So what" look on my face I drank from it and B then proceeded to grab it
from my hands and drink from it again. I did the same and at the time my head was full of
questions like "Why did you just do that?" "Some random PERSON just drank from your water
bottle and you're just going to drink from it like nothing happened?" I don't know what it is about
this moment but it is something that I will always
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The Future Of My Life
As a child born right before the turn of the millennium, the world was already developed for me. I
was born in a time where people could go anywhere they wanted to if they worked hard enough. If
one quote were to describe what it felt like to be a kid during this era, it would be "The future
depends on what you do today." My life was not a sad one, nor a happy one. Because the future is
what you make of it, I always to strive to become the best version of myself . While not occupied
with my usual school responsibilities, I like to spend my passion time doing various things– mainly
drawing, playing badminton, and volunteering. These few activities that show my passion and
nature, make me feel truly alive. The way artists move the pencil always fascinated me since a
young age. The way my cousin moves like a cheetah on the court amazed me. And helping others
always brought a feeling of pride to my heart. Although these activities along with the usual
school activities guide me towards a positive direction, it was not always like this. Growing up as
a first generation Asian American was not always easy. My parents, who were refugees of the
Vietnam War, risked their lives to emigrate to America in search of freedom. My mother and father
would always lecture me that life in America had more opportunity than they could have ever
dreamed of, as they always worked grueling long hours just to bring food and happiness onto the
table. Being the good child I was, I followed
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My Life And My Future
I've only been alive for about nineteen years, and it will be only several more months until I
finally spend two complete decades revolving around the sun. My current stage of life is really
interesting to me; I'm old enough to realize that I had many life changing moments turn me into
the person I am now. But I also know that there is so much more that I could do and that I could
become an even different person in the next ten years. I'm slowly growing into an independent, but
I'm still trying to explore the world around me, and at times, I still feel a lot like a juvenile. I
changed a lot, though. As a five–year–old in New York City, I dreamt of working in construction.
Now, here I am, undergoing a business degree at a college in Minnesota. People always taught me
to never take life for granted, and I still follow that lesson to this day. Looking back at my earliest
memories, I was always fond of seeing the kid I once was. But seeing myself transform into young
adulthood is an experience that I will never forget.
The first place I remembered living in was a small, two–bedroom apartment in New York City. I was
the fourth child in an already large family. Both of my parents were from Somalia, and like most
Somalis, they loved having a full house. During my next five years, I would see multiple relatives
moving in and out of our apartments, including aunts, uncles, and my maternal grandmother. And if
that weren't enough, my parents would decide to have two more kids. Growing
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My Future Life
The past few months I have spent here at Hanover have been filled with lots of learned lessons,
newly made friends, and self–discovery. I originally came to Hanover to play football and study
criminology, so once I graduated I could return home and pursue a career in criminal justice. Once
school started, my life took a complete turn and what I wanted to be in the future changed along
with what I knew about myself. As the first semester of my college career comes to an end I have
changed my major to nursing and found a new appreciation for my family. My time at Hanover has
helped me learn what career I want to pursue and what important skills I will need to be successful.
Over the past few months I have been thinking a lot about my future, like where I would want to
live, how big of a house I want, and the type of family I want have. After I graduate from college I
want to move back to my quiet little hometown of Bedford, Indiana. The big cities have way too
much traffic and the houses are too close to one another for my liking. I would much rather live
out in the country where its quiet, your closest neighbor is about a mile away, and I can have
bonfires in my back yard without the cops being called. Eventually I would like to own a nice little
chunk of land with some woods on it for hiking and hunting. This little chunk of land would be
where I would build my dream house and hopefully my final house. My dream home isn't a huge
mansion with a thousand rooms, it is a nice
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The Future of Life Essay examples
The Future of Life
In the book The Future of Life, Edward O. Wilson tells us environmentalism is a large–scale lesson
in sacrifice. Some people will think when humans protecting the environment, they always need to
give up something. When humans need to protect an endangered species, some people will lose
their money, jobs and even their home. People will think the Earth's gain is human's lost and stop to
protect the environment. However, they forget humans are themselves a part of nature. Humans
cannot survive without the natural environment. Wilson follows with a cogent outline of how the
environmental crisis is threatening the Earth, focusing on the rapid destruction of species we have
not even begun to classify. He points more content...
If humans want to solve the problem, 12 percent of land should be set aside to protect nature
environment. Moreover, humans should reduce global consumption and production; otherwise the
resources will run up soon.
Overpopulation and environmentally ignorant development are destroying natural habitats and
biological diversity. Hawaii is a good example of how human beings destroy natural habitats and
eliminate other species. Before the arrival of humanity, Hawaii was biologically diverse and
unique. There were at least 125 and as many as 145 species of birds that could be found there.
However, now there are only 35 of the original species of birds still alive, and 24 of them are
endangered. (Nature's last stand) The developments and human activities destroyed the natural
habitat, and only one quarter of the land remains untouched. Humans transform forest into farms
and houses. Many species disappeared since they lost their living place. Moreover, the immigration
of non native species was another reason for habitat destruction. Humans carried non native species
to Hawaii. Those non native species do not have any predator and competitor, so they can develop
their population rapidly. Those non native species also rippled up the food chain; they have reduced
the food sources of the native species which lead to the disappearance of the native species.
The Domestic pig and house cat are good examples of how non native species
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My Future Of My Life
Future Mardi Gras day, falling on a Tuesday in 2035, relaxing on my deck while i'm hearing the
trumpets and saxophones playing while people are dancing and laughing. Enjoying the lively
feeling vibrating throughout the French Quarter. The smell of the burnt chicken on the grill
flowing into my nose as the kids are running around singing along to the songs being played in the
background. My husband grabbing me around my waist and holding me as we watch the people
parade through the city leaving nothing but vibrations all around us. This is what how I picture
my life eighteen years from now. As happy as I could be with my loved ones all around me. To
achieve my perfect life I have to work hard and devote myself to everything I do. The fear of
losing this is what keeps me from giving up. I know what I want for myself and I'll do everything
I can to make it happen. A total of eleven years of my life will be spent furthering my educational
requirements to fulfill my lifelong dream of becoming a trauma surgeon. I know some mornings
I will wake up thinking the process and devotion to this goal might just be too much to bare, but I
know my prayers will reassure me that it's very possible if I put my mind to it. Honestly, it would
be much smarter if I plan out my now before I even start thinking about my future life. Whatever I
do now will hopefully lead to me accomplishing my goals. My plans for today and until I graduate
are to keep my grades up and to put one hundred percent of
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My Future Essay: My Vision Of The World
Life sometimes seems scary. The fear of failure and the fear of the unknown make a person rethink
its choices and goals, this happens all the time. As time passes, be days, moths, years or only simply
one experience can change our whole vision of the world, about life, about what really matters and
consequently about our goals. Throughout my whole life I have questioned so many aspects of my
life, of existence, and consequently about my future. I never stopped wanting to achieve something
big, that could change the whole world, some amazing adventure that would be the one thing that
would give birth to all the amazing things that could happen next. As time passed I realized that
life itself is one big adventure, and that what I will do every day will matter for me and for the
people around me. I realized that life is not some perfect movie where there are good guys, bad
guys and that in the end of one amazing journey everything would be solved. It may be a childish
vision of the world, but it had motivated me for years to do the thing I believed would help me
achieve this, and to believe in myself. Obviously as I grew up, I saw what the world really looked
like, that sacrifices have to be made, that there are things which no one can control, that if I want
something I have to work really hard. In today society everything more content...
I want to help people, change a life for the best, and medicine seems like a good option to do it.
Not only that, medicine can earn a good amount of money and it is a stable job, with many
options of working places and environments. In the end, the more I think about it, the more I feel
like medicine is a great profession, that it is the right one. I would not do it for my parents, or for
anyone, I will be doing it for me, because even if it seems fun to play sports or create music, it is
necessary to have a professional goal in life and incoming money to sustain a
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My Future Essay
Every since I was a young girl I have been always asked by, what do you wanna be when you grow
up? I know some people that change their minds every week of what their future hold for them and
how they are gonna live through it. The future is changing every second of our lives, everything
single thing that we do affects what our future hold for us. All my life I have been determined on
one thing in my life. I have always wanted to become a doctor no matter what. I know that there is
nothing that is gonna change my mind about that. Technology has helped many people with what
they do at their job, however it has also harmed their jobs also. All my life I have been in and out of
hospitals. Every since I was born I had some problems that I had to face. Thanks to all the doctors
that were there for me, that helped me become the girl that stands today, I get to live my life in
peace. I had told myself from that day forward that I was gonna become a doctor or a nurse and help
as many people as I can. I have always loved to help people in need. I hope that one day that I can
save someone's life as someone saved mine.If I had to pick one role model that I looked up to ,I
couldn't. That is because I admire and idolize every single nurse and doctor there is in this world
that help keep people alive and safe every single day.
I want to do many things in my future. As well as being a doctor who helps people, I want to live
life and just be there. The future is
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My Future Goals Of My Life
I am a female who was named after a telenovela, "Abigail" born in Pomona CA and raised in San
Bernardino CA. I was named by the name Abigail because my dad thought it was a beautiful name
from the telenovela and it was also in the bible. I thought it was pretty hilarious when he told me. I
turned 18 on September 20th, and was born on the year 1998. I currently attend Cal State San
Bernardino and I'm a freshman majoring in Nutrition and Food Sciences. My future goals consist of
graduating and continuing my learnings into my life in the future. Where I am at this point of my
life is just school and my business. I will mention later on what this business consists of. Also, in
this point of my life I also do stuff beside school and my business. For example, I like to hangout
with my cousins and family on weekends and spend quality time with my family during the week.
We take family trips out of state every year and also do fun activities around the city.
With that being said, my living status is that I'm still living with my parents and i'm not planning
to move out anytime soon. It really doesn't affect me at all living their, I enjoy being with my
family I don't know what i'll do if I ever move out like around this age. I still feel like I need a lot
of more time to spend with them and plenty of more things to learn from them. I always question
myself why sometimes girls want to move out as soon as they hit 18. Why would they want to leave
their family? In my opinion I
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Essay My Future Life

  • 1. My Past, Present, and Future Life Reflective essay: My past, present and future life Introduction When I was growing up, I remember my family situation as extremely chaotic. I was one of eight children and my father and mother had little time to devote to me individually. Most of the time they spent trying to earn enough to support us with their meager resources. I was often called upon to act as a surrogate mother to my siblings. I felt I had little time to develop my own unique perspective and voice when I was very young. Even as a preschooler I remember doing chores to help out at home. However, this situation did foster some positive aspects of my character. I learned to be mature at an early age and gained a sense of competence because of my responsibilities. But I also was taught put the needs of others second to my own. I feel that I did not learn to value my own, legitimate desires to an adequate degree as a young girl and have only recently acquired a true sense of worth [THESIS]. Past According to the developmental theorist Erik Erikson, every child proceeds through a series of social stages in which there is a core, essential conflict that must be addressed. If that conflict is not fully resolved, the child carries that unresolved issue into the next stage, and cannot truly mature. During the preschool–age stage of 'industry versus inferiority,' for example, although I gained a sense of competence as a caregiver, I also gained a sense of inferiority because my needs were supplanted by Get more content on
  • 2. Decision for My Future Life I'm already in my fourth year of high school, and I am well aware that I'm still a kid who is used to be pampered by a big private school. One cold night, my parents told me to pass application forms to universities, but I still haven't decided about what I really want for college. That same night, I thought to pursue my childhood dream, which is to be a doctor, but I know for a fact that I'm not that good in science. Eventually, I considered other subjects and remembered that I always had a thing for mathematics. So, I came to a conclusion that I would pursue a science course for my first choice and a math course for my second choice. A week passed and as my annoyingly fat, dark brother invaded my room, he handed me application forms from UP, UST, and FEU–NRMF. "Why these three?" I asked him ignorantly. "Why these you ask? Because these are excellent and renowned universities in line with med and math. Also, because Dad said. So, you know he has a high standard, right? So better pass UPCAT. It should be on your top priority," he said seriously with his never been serious face. After that, I filled out my application forms. But then again, I doubt on what I should write in my course choices. "What if someday I'll realize that this course is not the right one for me?" "Would I regret this?" "Will I be happy with this?" These kinds of questions came into my mind. Despite my doubts, I wrote it; biology, and math and/or accountancy. As when I completed the needed requirements, Get more content on
  • 3. My Future Life Essay The Future is the time or period time following the moment of speaking or writing; time regarding as still to come. The future is what we work for we got school and work to have good future. My parents have taught me to work hard for the things I want, and I wish to have bright future, and that's one of the reasons why am here at CI is to get an education that will help me find a career with a good job that is going to pay enough to support me and my future family. My future dream job is to be the CEO of a company, but I know that it will take while to get there so I am planning in going into business administration first then work my way up to the position that I want. In the future I also want to have a nice home to raise my future children, which is something else I see in my future is having kids and living in Seattle, Washington. One goal that I wish to accomplish when I get older is to but my parents a house to repay them for everything that they have done in my life and teaching me how to deal with the difficulties of life. The quality me of my future life is going to be a good one because I am going to achieve my goals and surround myself with people that will bring me happiness. Getting the to where I am today being not easy I had to overcome some obstacles that taught me lessons about life. One of the factors that has helped contribute to my life choices is my mother. I have a close relationship with my mom, whenever I have something that is bothering I like to Get more content on
  • 4. Life : My Future Life A Future Life In a rocking chair even older than herself, she sits, her body as still as a river on a calm day. The bright light emitting from the large windows in the living room gives the figure of an old woman with grayish hair that hangs near her face. But, for her fingers progressing fast in an exact routine, as an array of different colorful stitches extends from the knitting needles. Tomorrow I will be able to start a new knitting project, maybe use the blue wool to make new sweaters for the grandchildren. An unexpected sharp thud of a knock was heard at the door; more than enough to be detected by my aging ears. As much as it bothers me to get up, I refuse to let the rattling pain in my bones win against me. It isn't that I get up at all, it just feels more complex than before. I just can't get up too quickly for a sharp pain may shatter me like glass. I allow my right leg to hold my weight as I move my left leg upright to hold more of my weight. Once, standing I slowly take steps moving forward and with every single step I take the cold wooden floor creaks. Growing old shouldn't really stop me from doing the everyday things in life. They want us to give up and I simply can't allow that. Yeah, I do gaze at the old woman in the mirror before me. At my age, I would have my feet hanging from the grave already. The lines in my face are so deep and saggy – like the skin no longer connects to the skull underneath. Beyond this mask of age, there remains the youthful Get more content on
  • 5. My Future Life My life started when my parents met it was fate brought them together and since then, it was my fate to live on this Earth and live the life I live now. Things are planned from the beginning of time since before your birth. My mom was fifteen years old at the time she met my father, they dated, they shared memories, and they loved. Then my father proposed, and they married. My mother was seventeen and my father was twenty–five at the time. My mother, now married with my father, moved to the United States to give her future childtren a better life in the year of 1997. My sister was welcomed into the world in 1998, me in 1999. I can't talk about my life without mentioning my parent's. They made me become the person I am now, and not more content... From the stories they have told me, my mother and father were not truly in love when they met. Sometimes through the conversations that my mother has had with her sibling I have come to think that she married my father solely for the purpose of getting papers. That is what my sister and I have come to think upon eavesdropping on my mother's phone calls. My sister and I had no choice but to eavesdrop since my mother's voice is so loud that it bounces off the living room walls down the hallway and hits our ears. Their love story did flourish in the end though as my mother soon realized what a great man my father was and started her family with him. She realized she did love him. There was no better husband she could have ever asked for and no better father that I could've asked for. On the other hand, I would hear stories of my father telling us of how him and my mother met and how he came to win my mom's heart. My father would often say that my mom caught his eyes. He would tell me "Ever since the first day I saw her, I knew he wanted to spend the rest of their days together. When many guys saw your mom, their heads would turn, and their mouths would open wide as they looked at her. She was a fair skinned beauty with long hair down to her hips, hourglass figure, and fun personality. She was the perfect woman. Your mother looked very mature for her age and many boys thought so as well." Their love story is Get more content on
  • 6. My Experience In Future Life People who were born and have lived and grown in another country might think that it is impossible to start a new life in another country and have a chance to change their lives, to make their lives better. But I am the person who had this chance and I am using it for my successful future life. For me, the chance to live and study in the different country had been the greatest opportunity in my life. For as long as I can remember, I have been dreaming of higher education and getting a good job. As a child, I looked at my father having a good successful job he had and I thought that one day, maybe, I will be just like him. I was born in Russia and had lived there almost for sixteen years before I got a chance to come to the U.S. My childhood flew quickly and imperceptibly. But I remember well my school years. I went to a usual Russian school where I have spent nine years. I can easily say that I did not have any good and helpful opportunity for my future education there. My old school did not have any good resources and preparation for the students future lives in college and further. This was a reason why I did not think about college and further education at that moment of my life. In 2105 I graduated from ninth grade and did not know what I should do next, and then I got a chance to come to the U.S. and continue my education in an American school and go to college after. I have decided that it would be a chance to start everything over. For all summer 2015, I could not Get more content on
  • 7. My Future Life As a college student, I am constantly thinking about my future: what career I want, what my future family would be like, and how I would live my life. One question that I've considered essential for my future is where I would like to live. Of course, everyone has different answers to this simple question, depending on one's personality and desires. Some people would love to travel across the world and explore various cities and countries; others would prefer to stay in one place for some time and live in a large, highly populated city or even a small, rural town. Reflecting on my future lifestyle, I would like to live in Alpharetta, Georgia because there are plenty of enjoyable leisure activities to do, the area is aesthetically pleasing, and it is where I spent most of my childhood. Primarily, I would love to live in Alpharetta because there are numerous enjoyable activities to do. For example, there are countless arcades to play games in, bowling alleys to compete in, and movie theaters to relax and watch a film in. Each of these services has the perfect atmosphere to spend a morning, an afternoon, or an evening with friends and family. They're excellent places to go for all ages, and I have never had a regretful experience in any of these locations in Alpharetta. Additionally, there are copious amounts of restaurants in Alpharetta. There are options available for everyone to eat, whether it be a fast–food craving or a special occasion planned at a fancy restaurant. My favorite restaurants to go to are the sit–down restaurants, where I can relax and enjoy any meal that I feel would suit my appetite. On the other hand, of all the options of activities to choose from, the best option would be to spend a day or an evening walking around downtown Alpharetta. There are shops and boutiques, restaurants and parlors, and a beautiful town square to walk around and enjoy. Spending time outdoors downtown is the perfect pastime on a nice day, no matter the time of year. In general, it is clear that there is something for everyone to do in Alpharetta, no matter what day it is or what time it is, which is why I love Alpharetta so much. Along with the endless options of activities, I would want to live Get more content on
  • 8. My Life And Future Goals In Life A common statement some might say to someone of my age is: "Anyone under the age of eighteen cannot possibly experience something that will change their perspective on life; they are simply too young." Regardless of how old someone is, they can still face experiences that could one day shape them as a person. I, personally, have participated in an event that has completely impacted my life to this day, and has helped me discover my future goals in life. This event has made me want to change the world and I believe has made me a better person. In the summer of 2011, I was given what I believed was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Since I was a young girl, I only ever wanted to be around animals, and I dreamt that one day I would be able to be an "animal doctor", as I once called it. So when my mother told me I would be spending two weeks at the SeaWorld and Busch Gardens Adventure Camp, I was elated. I would be able to work with animals both large and small and be a part of the park's conservational efforts. Once I was there, the opportunity felt even more like a dream. I and other campers participated in activities like sleeping beside beluga whales, swimming with sharks, and meeting one of the veterinarians at the park. Everything was perfect, it seemed, until the events at the park began to become a bit 'emotional' so to speak. After the first few days at SeaWorldOrlando, our camp counselor decided it was time to show us the new additions at the park. She took us Get more content on
  • 9. My Future Plans For The Future Imagine the perfect life, the perfect family, dream house, dream car, and the perfect career. That's what I hope someday my life will be like. Everyone has a future plan, to make the best out of our life, what is your plan? My future plan is to be a pediatrician. I would like to help the children of the future. They are the next generation and I would like to leave a legacy for them to follow. I want to help save and make a child happy someday. The thought of making a difference in someone's life is the reason I can go to sleep peacefully. We all have a purpose for being here and I my purpose is to save one of us, my purpose is to help the ones in need, the ones in the street begging for somewhere to live, the ones dying of poverty. However, right now in the 21st century technology has taken over the world, not figuratively but literally. It made the world, both a bad and good place. People are going to run out of jobs and tech will run the world. Technology will be the greatest invention of human kind but how will it affect some of us? First to begin with, Technology is part of our everyday lives. Every nook, every corner we turn there is someone with technology. In doing research it says technology is advancing so fast that it will be a thousand times more advanced in the next 10 years. From having no technology in the 1900s we are currently flourishing with technology every day, in our house there is at least 10 different items that are connected to the internet. To Get more content on
  • 10. My Life And My Future When I was in high school, I wanted to travel to Untied State to study in university there when I finish the high school, and it was my only wish in my life. All I wanted is go to there and study, but not all wishes in life anyone could be come true, it should be many things stop in our ways, and something makes us stop thinking about it and give up. This is our problem we have, but we know that some of us have a determination and resolve, and we could realize all our wishes without hesitation. And I was ones of them, I wanted to building my future by my self. The thing that stopped in my way was my family or rather my father. He thought that travel to united state is so danger, and I might lose my life if I go over there and no body knows about me. He was thinking that many danger things could happened to me when I travel there. In fact, he had bad thinks about united state, and he thought all happens in the American movies are real, and I might be one of the victims in there. It was difficult to make my father convinced, although he knows there is many people went to there and came back to their countries safely with their certificate. There was no way to make my father agree. I was thinking many time to find someone who could talk with him and make him agree with that. One day I was trying to talk with his friends and tell them what I want. Some of them wasn't want to do that, because if something happened to me there, my father will blame them, but some of his friends Get more content on
  • 11. My Future Essay My future is something I often think about. Most often, the questions that arise include the common doubts of "Am I doing this right?", or even the occasional midnight philosophical questions such as "Why are we here?", and so on. For the purpose of this essay, I will focus on the factors that have allowed me to reach this point in my life and how these factors influenced and continue to influence me, in order to provide me with a visualization of my future. Factors that contributed to my current life choices include the desperate want to be something greater, as well as to experience the world in ways some could only dream of. I study hard, allowing for me to have the possibility of an early graduation. I dream big, allowing me with the imagination to draw up plans for myself and my future. I work hard, allowing me the strength and vision to execute my plans for the future. The way that I was raised has greatly benefited me. My parents have taught me that anything and everything is possible as long as you work hard for it despite the what others may tell you or even if the odds are against you. Another factor that led to my current life, is the amount of time I allow myself to think about my plans and refine them. This is extremely important because, without a solid, flexible, long–term plan, you could get lost in dreaming about the future, and end up not accomplishing anything. Hence, many aspects of my life have been planned out with not one or two possible alternatives Get more content on
  • 12. Reflection On My Future Self On June 3, 2017 I write this to my future self I want myself to reflect on whats happened from now because right now I feel lost. In the summer when I was getting ready to move out B just cut all I've ever had with B it was just gone with no explanation that no one will ever hear. B is, was, someone important to me I was interested in B, I liked B. I'd stay up late at night just to play with B on my laptop, we'd sometimes hangout in Skype calls and do whatever. I felt like my whole life at that point of time revolved around B and that B was the most important thing in the world. When I first met B we were not on very good terms with each other. I don't know if it was because I was just young and immature but the first thing I did was tease B I guess I was just trying to hide the fact that I was interested in B when I first met B. It wasn't until a year after I met B that I would actually talk to B again. In lunch after just meeting B again for no reason B just grabbed my water bottle and drank from it and I who has been watching too many shows took it back and with a "So what" look on my face I drank from it and B then proceeded to grab it from my hands and drink from it again. I did the same and at the time my head was full of questions like "Why did you just do that?" "Some random PERSON just drank from your water bottle and you're just going to drink from it like nothing happened?" I don't know what it is about this moment but it is something that I will always Get more content on
  • 13. The Future Of My Life As a child born right before the turn of the millennium, the world was already developed for me. I was born in a time where people could go anywhere they wanted to if they worked hard enough. If one quote were to describe what it felt like to be a kid during this era, it would be "The future depends on what you do today." My life was not a sad one, nor a happy one. Because the future is what you make of it, I always to strive to become the best version of myself . While not occupied with my usual school responsibilities, I like to spend my passion time doing various things– mainly drawing, playing badminton, and volunteering. These few activities that show my passion and nature, make me feel truly alive. The way artists move the pencil always fascinated me since a young age. The way my cousin moves like a cheetah on the court amazed me. And helping others always brought a feeling of pride to my heart. Although these activities along with the usual school activities guide me towards a positive direction, it was not always like this. Growing up as a first generation Asian American was not always easy. My parents, who were refugees of the Vietnam War, risked their lives to emigrate to America in search of freedom. My mother and father would always lecture me that life in America had more opportunity than they could have ever dreamed of, as they always worked grueling long hours just to bring food and happiness onto the table. Being the good child I was, I followed Get more content on
  • 14. My Life And My Future I've only been alive for about nineteen years, and it will be only several more months until I finally spend two complete decades revolving around the sun. My current stage of life is really interesting to me; I'm old enough to realize that I had many life changing moments turn me into the person I am now. But I also know that there is so much more that I could do and that I could become an even different person in the next ten years. I'm slowly growing into an independent, but I'm still trying to explore the world around me, and at times, I still feel a lot like a juvenile. I changed a lot, though. As a five–year–old in New York City, I dreamt of working in construction. Now, here I am, undergoing a business degree at a college in Minnesota. People always taught me to never take life for granted, and I still follow that lesson to this day. Looking back at my earliest memories, I was always fond of seeing the kid I once was. But seeing myself transform into young adulthood is an experience that I will never forget. The first place I remembered living in was a small, two–bedroom apartment in New York City. I was the fourth child in an already large family. Both of my parents were from Somalia, and like most Somalis, they loved having a full house. During my next five years, I would see multiple relatives moving in and out of our apartments, including aunts, uncles, and my maternal grandmother. And if that weren't enough, my parents would decide to have two more kids. Growing Get more content on
  • 15. My Future Life The past few months I have spent here at Hanover have been filled with lots of learned lessons, newly made friends, and self–discovery. I originally came to Hanover to play football and study criminology, so once I graduated I could return home and pursue a career in criminal justice. Once school started, my life took a complete turn and what I wanted to be in the future changed along with what I knew about myself. As the first semester of my college career comes to an end I have changed my major to nursing and found a new appreciation for my family. My time at Hanover has helped me learn what career I want to pursue and what important skills I will need to be successful. Over the past few months I have been thinking a lot about my future, like where I would want to live, how big of a house I want, and the type of family I want have. After I graduate from college I want to move back to my quiet little hometown of Bedford, Indiana. The big cities have way too much traffic and the houses are too close to one another for my liking. I would much rather live out in the country where its quiet, your closest neighbor is about a mile away, and I can have bonfires in my back yard without the cops being called. Eventually I would like to own a nice little chunk of land with some woods on it for hiking and hunting. This little chunk of land would be where I would build my dream house and hopefully my final house. My dream home isn't a huge mansion with a thousand rooms, it is a nice Get more content on
  • 16. The Future of Life Essay examples The Future of Life In the book The Future of Life, Edward O. Wilson tells us environmentalism is a large–scale lesson in sacrifice. Some people will think when humans protecting the environment, they always need to give up something. When humans need to protect an endangered species, some people will lose their money, jobs and even their home. People will think the Earth's gain is human's lost and stop to protect the environment. However, they forget humans are themselves a part of nature. Humans cannot survive without the natural environment. Wilson follows with a cogent outline of how the environmental crisis is threatening the Earth, focusing on the rapid destruction of species we have not even begun to classify. He points more content... If humans want to solve the problem, 12 percent of land should be set aside to protect nature environment. Moreover, humans should reduce global consumption and production; otherwise the resources will run up soon. Overpopulation and environmentally ignorant development are destroying natural habitats and biological diversity. Hawaii is a good example of how human beings destroy natural habitats and eliminate other species. Before the arrival of humanity, Hawaii was biologically diverse and unique. There were at least 125 and as many as 145 species of birds that could be found there. However, now there are only 35 of the original species of birds still alive, and 24 of them are endangered. (Nature's last stand) The developments and human activities destroyed the natural habitat, and only one quarter of the land remains untouched. Humans transform forest into farms and houses. Many species disappeared since they lost their living place. Moreover, the immigration of non native species was another reason for habitat destruction. Humans carried non native species to Hawaii. Those non native species do not have any predator and competitor, so they can develop their population rapidly. Those non native species also rippled up the food chain; they have reduced the food sources of the native species which lead to the disappearance of the native species. The Domestic pig and house cat are good examples of how non native species Get more content on
  • 17. My Future Of My Life Future Mardi Gras day, falling on a Tuesday in 2035, relaxing on my deck while i'm hearing the trumpets and saxophones playing while people are dancing and laughing. Enjoying the lively feeling vibrating throughout the French Quarter. The smell of the burnt chicken on the grill flowing into my nose as the kids are running around singing along to the songs being played in the background. My husband grabbing me around my waist and holding me as we watch the people parade through the city leaving nothing but vibrations all around us. This is what how I picture my life eighteen years from now. As happy as I could be with my loved ones all around me. To achieve my perfect life I have to work hard and devote myself to everything I do. The fear of losing this is what keeps me from giving up. I know what I want for myself and I'll do everything I can to make it happen. A total of eleven years of my life will be spent furthering my educational requirements to fulfill my lifelong dream of becoming a trauma surgeon. I know some mornings I will wake up thinking the process and devotion to this goal might just be too much to bare, but I know my prayers will reassure me that it's very possible if I put my mind to it. Honestly, it would be much smarter if I plan out my now before I even start thinking about my future life. Whatever I do now will hopefully lead to me accomplishing my goals. My plans for today and until I graduate are to keep my grades up and to put one hundred percent of Get more content on
  • 18. My Future Essay: My Vision Of The World Life sometimes seems scary. The fear of failure and the fear of the unknown make a person rethink its choices and goals, this happens all the time. As time passes, be days, moths, years or only simply one experience can change our whole vision of the world, about life, about what really matters and consequently about our goals. Throughout my whole life I have questioned so many aspects of my life, of existence, and consequently about my future. I never stopped wanting to achieve something big, that could change the whole world, some amazing adventure that would be the one thing that would give birth to all the amazing things that could happen next. As time passed I realized that life itself is one big adventure, and that what I will do every day will matter for me and for the people around me. I realized that life is not some perfect movie where there are good guys, bad guys and that in the end of one amazing journey everything would be solved. It may be a childish vision of the world, but it had motivated me for years to do the thing I believed would help me achieve this, and to believe in myself. Obviously as I grew up, I saw what the world really looked like, that sacrifices have to be made, that there are things which no one can control, that if I want something I have to work really hard. In today society everything more content... I want to help people, change a life for the best, and medicine seems like a good option to do it. Not only that, medicine can earn a good amount of money and it is a stable job, with many options of working places and environments. In the end, the more I think about it, the more I feel like medicine is a great profession, that it is the right one. I would not do it for my parents, or for anyone, I will be doing it for me, because even if it seems fun to play sports or create music, it is necessary to have a professional goal in life and incoming money to sustain a Get more content on
  • 19. My Future Essay Every since I was a young girl I have been always asked by, what do you wanna be when you grow up? I know some people that change their minds every week of what their future hold for them and how they are gonna live through it. The future is changing every second of our lives, everything single thing that we do affects what our future hold for us. All my life I have been determined on one thing in my life. I have always wanted to become a doctor no matter what. I know that there is nothing that is gonna change my mind about that. Technology has helped many people with what they do at their job, however it has also harmed their jobs also. All my life I have been in and out of hospitals. Every since I was born I had some problems that I had to face. Thanks to all the doctors that were there for me, that helped me become the girl that stands today, I get to live my life in peace. I had told myself from that day forward that I was gonna become a doctor or a nurse and help as many people as I can. I have always loved to help people in need. I hope that one day that I can save someone's life as someone saved mine.If I had to pick one role model that I looked up to ,I couldn't. That is because I admire and idolize every single nurse and doctor there is in this world that help keep people alive and safe every single day. I want to do many things in my future. As well as being a doctor who helps people, I want to live life and just be there. The future is Get more content on
  • 20. My Future Goals Of My Life I am a female who was named after a telenovela, "Abigail" born in Pomona CA and raised in San Bernardino CA. I was named by the name Abigail because my dad thought it was a beautiful name from the telenovela and it was also in the bible. I thought it was pretty hilarious when he told me. I turned 18 on September 20th, and was born on the year 1998. I currently attend Cal State San Bernardino and I'm a freshman majoring in Nutrition and Food Sciences. My future goals consist of graduating and continuing my learnings into my life in the future. Where I am at this point of my life is just school and my business. I will mention later on what this business consists of. Also, in this point of my life I also do stuff beside school and my business. For example, I like to hangout with my cousins and family on weekends and spend quality time with my family during the week. We take family trips out of state every year and also do fun activities around the city. With that being said, my living status is that I'm still living with my parents and i'm not planning to move out anytime soon. It really doesn't affect me at all living their, I enjoy being with my family I don't know what i'll do if I ever move out like around this age. I still feel like I need a lot of more time to spend with them and plenty of more things to learn from them. I always question myself why sometimes girls want to move out as soon as they hit 18. Why would they want to leave their family? In my opinion I Get more content on