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Essay About Goals In Life
Crafting an essay on the subject of life goals is no simple task. It requires a delicate balance
between introspection, aspiration, and the ability to articulate one's ambitions. The challenge lies
not only in expressing personal goals but also in connecting them to a broader context that
resonates with the reader.
To begin with, delving into one's own aspirations can be a daunting process. It involves self-
reflection, a deep exploration of personal values, and a thoughtful consideration of the future.
Pinpointing specific goals requires careful thought about short-term and long-term objectives,
and the potential obstacles that may stand in the way.
Moreover, the challenge extends to the expression of these goals in a manner that captivates the
reader. A successful essay on life goals goes beyond mere enumeration; it requires the artful
conveyance of passion, determination, and the significance of these goals in the grander scheme
of life. Striking the right balance between personal experiences, aspirations, and the broader
societal context demands not only linguistic skill but also a profound understanding of the topic.
Additionally, structuring the essay effectively is crucial. The narrative should flow seamlessly,
guiding the reader through the journey of self-discovery and future envisioning. The transitions
between different aspects of life goals, such as career, personal development, and relationships,
must be smooth and logical.
In conclusion, composing an essay on life goals is a formidable challenge that demands a
harmonious blend of self-awareness, articulate expression, and organizational finesse. It is an
exercise that pushes the boundaries of personal reflection and literary craftsmanship. However,
the reward lies in the potential for self-discovery and the ability to inspire others through the
power of words.
For those seeking assistance in navigating this intricate task, similar essays and more can be
conveniently accessed and ordered through Their professional writers stand
ready to help individuals articulate their life goals with eloquence and precision.
Essay About Goals In Life Essay About Goals In Life
Retreat Reflection Paper
I have been to retreats where women were opening up about their lives, and I recall
very vividly thinking, I am not going to share with these people, I do not even
KNOW these people. For me, personally, I must feel comfortable with a person and
the situation, in order to share. This retreat was for only two days, so there wouldn t
be enough time for me to even build a lasting bond with those women. There must be
a foundation of trust, and in my personal experience, trust regarding a person, takes
time and quite a bit of vetting. Perhaps, some of those women at the retreat, thought
the fact that they did not know the other women there, that made them comfortable
regarding anonymity, and thus gave them the freedom to share. I cannot... Show more
content on ...
They were as close to us as family, and to this day, many of them still are. I allowed
myself to be vulnerable around them, because I knew they were genuine and could
trust them. Our son, is now 10 years old, and is doing very well. He did get a
diagnosis of autism when he was 6 years old, but all of the other things that the
doctors were concerned about never came to fruition, and he is doing extremely
well, even with the autism diagnosis. He is verbal, and thanks to a team of speech,
and occupational therapists, and behavior therapy, etc. he truly is doing well in life.
Today, my husband and I host a care group in our home every Monday night, and
continue to try to demonstrate the same type of love that was demonstrated to us in
our previous care group. We are there to support each other in life, and pray for
each other, and since we hold it in our home, I try my best to have the home look
and feel as inviting as possible. I would say the above, is the closest I can say I
have been involved in group therapy if you will. I would not say of course we host,
organized therapy session here, but with enough people sharing about their lives
and asking for prayer, I would have to say it has come quite close. In regard to
Margarita Tartakovsky s article on 5 Benefits of Group Therapy , I would have to
agree, that a group setting does help you realize that you are not alone. (2016) Even
in our care group, that my husband and
The Death Of A Gun
On Memorial Day in 2012, a boy in Ohio, only three years old, comes across a gun
his father had hidden between the couch and shoots himself in his eye. In North
Carolina, while a mother is cleaning, interrupted by an abrupt sound of a gunshot,
she rushes into the living room, and discovers that her three year old son had shot
her boyfriend s three year old daughter. Then, in Houston, a group of friends come
across a pistol in a closet while trying to find some money for snacks, the fifteen
year old boy carrying the pistol then accidentally shoots another boy, who was only
eleven years old. Unfortunately, these cases happen all too often and it does not just
affect minors who are young children, but also those in their adolescence. In many
incidents like these, parents who fail to properly store their firearms, could have more
than likely prevented a death or injury of another minor. According to the Second
Amendment, citizens have the right to own a gun, however those who have failed to
conceal their guns properly from a minor has caused it to become easily accessible,
and in turn that minor can put themselves or those around him/her at risk; therefore,
it should be enacted nationwide that adults who neglect to hide firearms in their
homes accordingly, should be charged with criminal negligence.
Key Concepts
In order to sense why and how it is possible for minors to gain access to firearms, it
needs to be understood that there is an excessive amount of firearms that
Rhode Island s Public Policy Guidelines Essay
Rhode Islands Future has been established to resolve Rhode Island s need to address
the issues of a failing elementary and secondary education system. Currently, Rhode
Island students are being outperformed by Massachusetts students on national tests.
Although Rhode Island and Massachusetts spend about the same on public education
per student. Differences are identified in the management of the schools and the
degree of state influence. The main issues focused in this research will be on
examining and determining if Rhode Island should adopt more of the management
and governance models that Massachusetts uses, which could open the door for
empowered schools in Rhode Island. Proposed public policy guidelines, best
practices, evaluations on potential educational funding, cost benefit analysis, and
risks will be analyzed. Finally, this report will look into what possible
recommendations could be made from the outcome of this research.
Focusing on Rhode Island s future, which encompasses the education of our youth is
a continuing topic of discussion. However, it is emphasized when neighboring states
are outperforming Rhode Island s public school children. Complicating the issue is
the performance of Rhode Island public school children fall near or even slightly
below the national average on several standardized tests. Delivering more and better
services is a persistent need for governments. Mounting costs of delivering services
has forced administrators
Writing in Mathematics Seminar
Mathematics is different from some other disciplines such as art and music in that it
builds upon itself. It has traditionally been based on a series of axioms and theorems
derived from these axioms, from which more theorems can be derived. Therefore,
when an essay asks us to eliminate a concept fundamental to mathematics, it is
difficult to make a choice since each concept has its merits and is necessary for
understanding concepts that build upon it. This essay, although not feasible to
implement in the real world, accomplishes the goals of a Writingin Mathematics
seminar, which are to encourage students to think creatively about mathematics,
increase the students skills in writing effective arguments, and show the students that
there... Show more content on ...
The ultimate goal of this seminar is to enhance our writing capabilities, with
mathematics as the topic of discussion. This assignment challenges us to think about
the arguments of the opposing viewpoints, because both sides are necessary for
mathematics to function properly. We have to anticipate the arguments of the other
side and build a strong case against those points thereby encouraging us to write more
persuasively than a typical assignment in this class would. In my essay, I chose to
eliminate the triangle. I had to take into consideration that other people could argue
triangles are important in engineering, and I built an argument on how triangles are
not necessary with some creative uses of circles. This exercise in counterargument
allowed me to practice different persuasive techniques. The higher level thinking
required by us is twofold creative workarounds to mathematical concepts and
advanced methods of persuasion. While this assignment does challenge our
writing abilities, it could do more. We are offered a choice of three topics to write
about, so we are free to pick a topic that is the most comfortable for us. A good
writer can create an argument for either side of any topic. If the assignment did not
give us any choices, we would be challenged to write about something that we are not
necessarily comfortable writing about. Students who write in their comfort zone will
not try to improve their writing
How Far Is Pornography Regulated
To paraphrase Nair, pornography is regulated by the Obscene Publications Act 1959.
Officially pornography is not legal in the UK. However due to societal values
changing over time since this act was written some content that would have been
deemed obscene half a century ago could be more accepted nowadays. ? The internet
became public in 1991, this caused more of a cultural change making the Obscene
Publication Act even more outdated. Alternatively, the act can still play a part in
court in modern day cases, to find obscenity. For example, in 2012 there was a court
appeal decision stating It was argued on behalf of Gavin Smith that internet relay chat
falls far beyond what the Obscene Publications Act 1959 ever had in mind . Even
though the
Anyone Lived In A Pretty How Town Analysis
Poetry is an art borne of a love for language and a want for individual expression.
Especially evident during times of transition, poetry can be used to define exisistence
or accentuate fantasy. The Modernist movement provided room for experimentation
and provocation, proclaiming, out with the old, in with the new . Edward Estlin
Cummings illustrated himself as an exemplar example of the Modernist poetryand
challenged the expectations of contemporary poetry.
Modernism emerged in America as a product of the country s evolved culture. The
economics boom that followed World War I created an increase in leisure
expenditures. The height of the roaring twenties embraced advancements in
technology and entertainment. However, the youth of America suffered from a crisis
of identity due to the changed values (VanSpankeren). The Great Depression of the
1930s only served to be another source of disorientation for the idle young. It
enlarged the gap between ... Show more content on ...
The speaker is an omnipresent narrator for the life of anyone and his love, noone .
They are a couple ostracized by society, ignored by everyone but the children. Their
situation reflects Cumming s scorned bohemian lifestyle. The phrase spring summer
autumn winter repeats throughout the poem indicating passage of time (3). Another
repetition is, (with up so floating many bells down) (2). Bells are symbol of
beginnings and endings, of weddings and funerals (Hunt). Together, anyone and
noone mature in their love, paying less attention to the monotony of the pretty how
town and the people who rejected them. When anyone dies, noone dies as well, and
the busy folk buried them side by side (27). Anyone and noone are buried both
physically and mentally; time goes on and the couple are forgotten by the
townspeople more focused on the dull and loveless work of reaping and sowing
Ronald Reagan Bibliography Essay
Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan came from humble beginnings. He was born on February 6, 1911
in the town of Tampico, Illinois. His parents were Jack and Nelle. Jack Reagan
was an unsuccessful salesman who was also known as an alcoholic. His mother,
Nelle Wilson Reagon was a devout farmwoman who raised Ronald and his older
brother, Neil, in the Disciples of Christ Church despite their father s Catholicism.
The family moved frequently, sometimes in response to new job opportunities,
sometimes after Jack had been fired because of his drinking. In 1920 they settled in
Dixon, Illinois, where Jack became the proprietor and part owner of a shoe store
(Reeves 2). Ronald Reagan was an outgoing, optimistic, popular, and apparently
happy youth ... Show more content on ...
Newsreels and magazine photos depicted Reagan coming home for leaves and
visits. Reagan later sometimes seemed actually to have believed the ruse. Even
decades later, he liked to talk about coming back from the war, like other veterans,
eager to take up family life again (a life that in his case had hardly been interrupted)
(D Souza 11).
Reagan s postwar acting career never regained the momentum it had enjoyed in the
early 1940s. He had some occasional successes (among them The Hasty Heart in
1949), but he found himself working more often now in minor roles or minor films.
Jane Wyman s career, in the meantime, was flourishing, and her absorption with it
contributed to what were already growing tensions within the marriage. The couple
divorced in 1948 (Reagan 4).
As his career and his marriage languished, Reagan had begun to become active in
politics. His first vehicle was the Screen Actors Guild (SAG), the film actors union.
Reagan had been active in SAG since his first months in Hollywood, and his
involvement grew with his marriage to Wyman, who was also an important figure in
the organization. In 1946, he chaired a union strike committee and demonstrated an
energy and a toughness that his SAG
Independence During The War For Independence
Independence in Mexico changed the dynamic of life inside the country. It brought
about social and economic issue that seemingly found a way to intertwine themselves.
In Mexico, the decline in stability led to corruption throughout the country that
created not just banditry, but massive widespread banditry. Bandits and the police
aspired too many roles in Mexicobefore and after the war on independence. These
roles by both bandits and the police were backed by motivations that changed over
time but some that stayed the same. The changes that happen were led by the
reformation of a rural police force in Mexico and also the rise/reign of Porfirio
Diaz that brought about supporters with a long rule. The bandits and police had
many roles in Mexican society after the War for Independence. The bandit s roles
are somewhat unique because bandits took on my characters in Mexican society.
Bandits were made up of mostly peasants, but it comprised of temporary bandits
from all parts of society that included; unemployed workers, drought farmers,
aspiring businessman, robbers, villagers, and prisoners. When bandits took over
regionally in 1857, they took the role of regulating commerce on the highways
with the raiding of railroad cars and stagecoaches to pillage valuables from
travelers and also goods being imported and exported to Mexico. The role that drove
most bandits was to change to a liberal Mexico into a more conservative one. The
main reason for controlling highways was to
Why DonT We Complain By William F. Buckley Jr.
If a person had the option to change the world for the better, would they? If they
would, then why is it when a person gets minor inconvenienced by a small problem
like not having enough chips for the bean dip, they just accept the problem and
they do not do anything about it. William F. Buckley Jr. Wrote an essay called,
Why Don t We Complain . Buckley is giving the readers his experience on both the
lack of care within the political system and also the apathy people give when it
comes to life s minor roadblocks. Society needs to learn that fixing minor problems
when given the chance is better than letting a problem grow so much that it starts
affecting other people. The audience that this essay is directed to will learn the
message of why people should complain, and the purpose the author has to
complain. People will do nothing to fix minor, everyday problems; even if the
problem is as minor as someone invades someone else s personal space. For
example, While Buckley was riding on an airplane, he was inconvenienced by a
flight stewardess that could not take Buckley s empty food tray back to the kitchen
(76). If he would have only been more affirmative with his words, things would have
definitely been different for him. So considering that the author has had experience
with being complacent in the real world, Buckley knows the problem of people
being passive on a personal level. Buckley wants to show the audience that even the
author of the essay can go through the same
Video Games And The Video Game
Have you ever played a video game and wonder? How does this thing work? Who
invented it? Well you re in luck because I have all the information that you ll need
to know all about the history of video games. How video games have advanced
right along with technology that we use in everyday life. If you ask people. When
video games did first came out? Most people would say in the 1970 s and they
would be wrong. In 1958, William A. Higginbotham, an engineer working for the
United States government, came up with first game played on a type of screen. It
was a two player tennis game played on an oscilloscope, a piece of electronic
equipment with a 5 inch display . (The history of video games) In 1961, Steve
Russell developed the first game played on a computer called Space war . The
game was a hit with people, but only a very few would really have the chance to
enjoy it. The reason was because back then a computer was the size of a car and
very expensive this system cost about $120,000. Only about fifty of these
computer were ever sold. In the mid 1960 the Military wanted some sort of device
that would develop the reflexes of the military personnel. In 1966 Ralph Baer, an
employee of defense contractor Sanders Associates, addressed this demand when he
came up with the concept of a television gaming apparatus. (Miller) It took four
more year to get a working system. When Baer did he showed it to Magnavox, which
then signed him to a licensing agreement in 1971. In January
Satire In Greek Comedy
Satirical methods have been introduced since the beginning of history as a form of
entertainment and a way to get a message across. This is demonstrated through Greek
comedies in particular. Greek comedies were typically written to address the common
people of that area through actions and words that they would find humorous. Not
much has changed today. Comedy and satirical methods are still present and continue
to hold a place in current society. The Acharniansis a clear example of an ancient
Greek play that uses satireto relay a message, and The Word: Armistice is a news
broadcast that plays as evidence that satirical methods used in the past are still present
today. Both hold many similarities, and their differences reveal how much society
and satire have changed throughout the years. The Acharnians is a satirical, ancient
Greek play by playwright Aristophanesdemonstrating a main theme of peace. The
play is set during the Peloponnesian war which was primarily fought between Sparta
and Athens. Dicaeopolis, the protagonist of the play who yearns for peace,
impatiently waits for an assembly to begin and will only stand for speeches that
speak of creating peace. However, the general assembly and Athenians are not
interested in creating peace. At the assembly, Dicaeopolis meets Amphitheus who
claims to be an immortal god. Amphitheus gives him a private peace treaty with
Sparta in exchange for eight drachmas. Throughout the play, Dicaepolis is showered
with luxurious belongings due to private trade with the enemies of Athens while
Lamachus, a belligerent war hero, is living in terrible conditions due to war.
Dicaepolis convinces the chorus, or common people of the play that maybe war isn t
worth the suffering it brings and that Athenians share more similarities with the
people of Sparta than originally thought of. As a result of this, Dicaepolis is
celebrated as a hero at the end of the play. Playwright Aristophanes uses a series of
satirical methods to present his theme of peace throughout The Acharnians. He makes
fun of the citizens of Athens and the Athenian government for their pugnacious
methods in war with Sparta and other nations. War gives them nothing but starvation,
poverty, and death on both
Why I Want To Marry Cromwell
Cromwell was at the height of power, religious success and continued to have a
tight hold on his master King Henry VIII. After the death of Henry s third wife
Jane Seymour, Cromwell advised a new political marriage for the king. To pursue
his own advantage and build Protestant connections in Europe, Cromwell suggested
the king take a German bride. This would also aid Cromwell against anti Cromwell
factions and nobilities, due to the potential bride being an outsider rather than
English noblewomen. Cromwell finally found success in the Duke of Cleves sister
Anne. Henry, eager to marry once again, sent his artist to paint her portrait,
determined to have a beautiful wife. Henry received her portrait and approved of
the young Anne of Cleves, she soon set sail for England, an enormous
accomplishment for Cromwell s domestic and foreign policy. Henry titled Cromwell
earl of Essex on 18... Show more content on ...
Henry was furious and turned on his long time friend and adviser, Cromwell. It was
alleged that Cromwell had kept Anne s true appetence from the king in fear of
discouraging the union. Cromwell s enemies of court encouraged the king to think
his minister had betrayed him while trying to further his own influence over the
realm and the king. Cromwell was arrested on 10 June 1540 and executed for
treason on 28 July, still protesting his innocence to his master. This is evident in his
final letter to Henry, begging his mercy. ...Written at the Tower this Wednesday, the
last of June, with the heavy hard and trembling hand of Your Highness most heavy
and most miserable prisoner and poor slave. Most gracious Prince, I cry for mercy,
mercy, mercy. From the evidence provided both Wolsey and Cromwell would
ultimately built King Henry up to greatness through political means, nevertheless,
their own influence and greed would see the mighty king turn on his closest
A And The American Dream
A Xicano and The American Dream Is the American Dream something that is
feasible for the son of two immigrant parents? Watching my parents try to climb up
the ranks of their job and society, in general, in the most honest way, only to just be
met with racist legislation, police brutality, racial profiling, and exploitation, I
have come to the conclusion that the American Dream is a fallacy. I ve seen too
many people beat and killed by the system; too many people of color systemically
beat down and killed. I have had too many friends fall victim to the prison system.
I have worked too many years in the strawberry, blackberry, and blueberry fields. I
am tired of seeing my people suffer; it is time for me to help. I want to become a
teacher and hopefully, someday, become a lawyer. The circumstances that led me
to the path that I am on started long before I was born. My father came to the U.S
when he was 14 years old. I wish I could say that he was still a kid, but he wasn t he
was treated like a man. He was expected to work the blazing hot summer fields and
the terribly cold winter fields like a grown man is expected to work. He was
expected to provide for his three brothers and three sisters like a grown man is
expected to provide for his family. There wasn t time to play outside with the other
children, paint, draw, or even go to school; there was only time to work and provide.
At age 19, he married my mother and they had my oldest sister. He undertook
What Are The Four Management Functions Of Google
This paper is about the four management functions of Google Company. What is
Google? What is management? What are their four management functions?
Moreover, how does Google Company manage those functions properly and
successfully? Google company Established in 1998 and that by doctorate at Stanford
University seekers: Larry Pageand Sberga Brin, a general and targeted a US for
profit company, and low in the online search and advertising (Online). The company
is located mainly in the Montaigne Qiao, Calif., And employs 20 222 full time
employees, in the June 30, 2008 according to the newspaper (USA Today).
Googol meaning follow up of 100 zeros is a mathematical term. This number makes
it possible to symbolize the incredible number of Web pages listed on Google. Google
is one of five most popular Internet sites in the world. In the USA it is the fourth
most visited site, after Yahoo, AOL, and Microsoft MSN and before e Bay. In... Show
more content on ...
Decisions at Google are made by their teams. Even the company management is in
the hands of a triad: the founders) Larry Page and Sergey Brin) hired Eric Schmidt
to act as the CEO of the company, and they are reportedly leading the company by
consensus. In other words, this is not a company where decisions are made by the
senior management and then implemented top down. It is common for several
small teams to attack each problem and for employees to try to influence each
other using rational persuasion and data. Gut feeling has little impact on how
decisions are made. In some meetings, people reportedly are not allowed to say I
think... but instead must say the data suggest.... To facilitate teamwork, employees
work in open office environments where private offices are assigned only to a
select few. Even Kai Fu Lee, the famous employee whose defection from Microsoft
was the target of a lawsuit, did not get his own office and shared a cubicle with two
Biography Of Rick Riordan
Rick Riordan is known for writing the famous series Percy Jackson and the
Olympians. He also wrote The Kane Chronicles, The Heroes of Olympus, Magnus
Chase, and Gods of Asgard. He is too well recognized for his award winning adult
series Tres Navarre. Rick taught English and History at public and private schools in
San Francisco and Texas. While Teaching in San Antonio, St. Mary s Hall honored
Rick with a Master teacher award.
Riordan was born on June 5, 1964. He is presently 51 and grew up in San Antonio,
Texas. His education consists of Almo Heights High Schooland the University of
Texas at Austin. He writes mainly about Fantasy, Fiction, and Mythology. As a child,
Riordan enjoyed reading and has ever since. He fell in love with Greek Mythology
What Is The Primary Underlying Cause Of The Armenian...
I. The primary underlying cause of the Armenian genocide derived from the decline
of the Ottoman Empire towards the end of the 19th century, and was based on land
dispute, religion, and ultra nationalism. One of the main factors that led to the
Armenian genocide is to be found in the mental conditions and characteristics of
Turkish National identity (Akçam, 2004, 59). The Armenianshave claimed their
home in the southern Caucasus since 7th Century BCE. Throughout many centuries,
the Mongol, Persian, Russian, and Ottoman empires have fought over this region.
Due to the Armenians lack of unity and strength, they could not claim their lands any
longer. They were weak in relation to their conflicting neighbors, and were often
deported from the very lands they first lived in. Constant deportations over history
eventually led them to many different parts of the world, forming what is the
Armenian diaspora. Ever since the 4th Century CE, the Armenian state claimed
Christianity as their official religion. Even after Islam was founded in the 7th century
CE and became the state religion in all of the countries surrounding Armenia, the
Armenians still held onto the Christian faith. Since Christianity was a religious
minority at the time, Armenians were viewed as infidels , and were disposed to
unjust treatment as a result. They experienced hardship, religious persecution,
discrimination, and abuse. Armenians began to pay higher taxes and had very few
political and legal
Reversible Data Hiding Method For Improving Security
Prabhakaran. G, 2 Sowkarthika. T, 3Aravindan.S, 4Anandraj.P,5 Palanimurugan.S
1,2,3,4,5 Asst. Prof/CSE, EGSPEC
Abstract The utilization of PC systems for information transmissions has made the
need of security. The security of this intuitive media data should be possible with
encryption or information concealing calculations. To diminish the transmission time,
the information pressure is necessary. Since couple of years, an issue is to attempt to
join pressure, encryption and information covering up in a solitary stride. Picture
security turns out to be progressively critical for some applications, e.g., secret
transmission, video reconnaissance, military and therapeutic applications. These
days, the transmission of pictures is an every day routine and it is important to locate
a proficient approach to transmit them over systems. They send Secret message over
channel utilizing Cryptography and Steganography calculations by AES (Advanced
Encryption Standard). It is utilized to scramble the information from plain content to
figure content the other way around. There are two sorts of keys accessible in the
cryptography, symmetric and asymmetric. There are utilizing symmetric keywhich is
separated into two key, for example, private and open key. Open key is utilized for
encryption and private key is utilized for decoding. The reversible information
concealing method is utilized to recover the information and picture
What Is The Moral Of No Name Woman
No Name Woman focuses on Kingston s mother telling her story about her aunt s
suicide and what lead to such drastic decision. While explaining the story Kingston
reveals superstitions that Chinese communities have and how it influenced her aunt s
death. Aiaa, the aunt, was the only daughter and was obviously cherished however
when she becomes pregnant and her community finds out chaos beginnings. The
community start harassing her and her familys house and eventually she becomes
isolated. The moral of the story is that womanhood has been considered the worst
thing since the dawn of time an Kingston s essay and the Chinese Culture do not fail
to fulfill such injustice.
In this essay we can tell that Kingston is just a child since
Environmental Pollution By Lee And Brenda Lerner
Pollution As our world becomes more industrialized, the outcome is hurting the
health of humans and destroying planet Earth. In the article Environmental Pollution
written by Lee and Brenda Lerner, it is stated that problems range from disposal of
wastes, water management, and burning of fossil fuels (Lerner and Lerner 200).
Although industrialization is very important in the world, restrictions and laws need
to be made to protect Earth for generations to come. One type of pollutionis water
pollution. Writers Lee Lerner and Brenda Lerner wrote in the article Water
Pollution and Biological Purification, that water pollution can be caused by runoffs
of chemicals or organic waste. (Lerner and Lerner 623) According to this article,
these pollutants can . . . radically alter the ecosystem . . . (Lerner and Lerner 623).
This allows for . . . the overproduction of certain forms of algae and bacteria that
pollute the water . . . ( Lerner and Lerner 623 ) According to Mr. and Mrs. Lerner,
water temperature can increase the growth of bacteria and algae, which can speed
the process up or slow it down. (Lerner and Lerner 623) These microorganisms can
be deathly fatal to humans. It is stated that water purification seeks to convert the
polluted water into water that is acceptable for drinking, for recreation, or for some
other purpose (Lerner and Lerner 624). The most common techniques are filtration of
chemicals and the use of chlorination. (Lerner and Lerner 624)
Nonverbal Communication And Nonverbal Behavior
Research Paper 1 Nonverbal Communication Nonverbal communication includes all
aspects of communication other than words (Wood, 2013).
Nonverbal Communication Indispensable Compliment of Oral and Written
Communication Dinica s article in Procedia, Social and Behavioral Sciences from
2014 researched how nonverbal behavior aids communication by observing how
animals communicate, since humans are the only species to use language as their
main form of communication. While there were some similarities between animal s
and human s nonverbal behaviors, they discovered that thanks to language, humans
have adapted to using their words to communicate information more and pick up on
less nonverbal cues. Animal communication was limited based on their body features
and the range of ways they could use their bodies to communicate different things. It
talks about how children learn nonverbal communication first and learn to pick up on
cues as a young kid until they become old enough to use full sentences. This makes it
so many of the nonverbal cues are learned at a young age from children watching
their parents communicate. It is believed that women have a better ability at
perceiving nonverbal cues since they are often the ones communicating with young
children. The article then goes on to discuss different areas of nonverbal
The first area is body language. Similar to class it mentions how facial expressions
are great for communicating emotions and posture can
Carl Roger Transcript
Transcripts of Carl Rogers Therapy Sessions Edited by Barbara T. Brodley and
Germain Lietaer Volume 12 YearPage Gloria Filmed Interview19652 Sylvia 4th
Interview (Filmed)197521 Commentary interspersed throughout Sylvia 5th Interview
(Filmed)197539 Commentary interspersed throughout Kathy Filmed
Interview197553 Commentary67 Dione 1st Filmed Interview197768 Commentary
interspersed throughout Dione 2nd Filmed Interview1977197785 Final
Comments109 These transcripts are available for purposes of research, study and
teaching. They may not be sold. Throughout these interviews the responses of the
therapist (T) (Rogers), and the client (C)... Show more content on ...
She ll explore some of her feelings and attitudes more deeply. She is likely to
discover some hidden aspects of herself that she wasn t aware of previously.
Feeling herself prized by me, it is quite possible she ll come to prize herself more.
Feeling that some of her meanings are understood by me, then she can more
readily perhaps listen to herself, listen to what is going on within her own
experience, listen to some of the meanings she hasn t been able to catch before.
And perhaps if she senses realness in me, she ll be able to be a little more real
within herself. I suspect there will be a change in the manner of her expression, at
least this has been my experience in other instances. From being rather remote
from her experiencing, remote from what is going on within her, it s possible that
she ll move toward more immediacy of experiencing, that she will be able to sense
and explore what is going on in her in the immediate moment. From being
disapproving of herself, it is quite possible she ll move toward a greater degree of
acceptance of herself. From somewhat of a fear of relating, she may move toward
being able to relate more directly and to encounter me more directly. From construing
life in somewhat rigid black and white patterns, she may move toward more tentative
ways of construing her experience and of seeing
Customer Centric Organization Of Fast Vision Products
Lenscrafters have differentiated themselves as unique providers of fast vision
products and services above their competitors. Specifically, the company s strengths
are based on its timely glasses in one hour service, the broad range of brand selection
and the great customer experience in their stores. Clients can, thus, be served within
an hour through a lab consultation where a customercan choose eyeglasses that meet
their most needs. The firm surpasses competitors through offering the latest brands
with customized payment plans such as flexible credit offers at their Optometric
service shops. They provide excellent customer service experience in their on site labs
where personal consultants offer eye examination and frame selection advises that
suit client needs. Lenscrafters have created a customer centric organization that
upholds customer relationship managementstrategy as their competitive advantage.
The primary operations management activities include operational planning,
designing of goods and services, resource planning and capacity management, quality
control and inventory control affect the outcomes of customer contact with a
company s goods and services (CordГіn, Sundtoft, Seifert, 2013).
The operations management activities of a service firm such as Lenscrafters
determine the level of service quality as perceived by the clients; hence, the amount
of entertainment the experience provides. The operations management concept
revolves around all the
The Employment Of Social Workers
Finding a job in this field should be relatively easy. According to the Bureau of
Labor statistics, the employment of social workers is projected to grow around 12
percent from 2014 2024. This growth is much faster than most other occupations.
The increased demand for social services and health care will lead to the
employment growth. Social workers can be employed in almost any setting. State
institutes focus on cases that deal with abuse or foster care ( Your Guide for
Becoming a Social Worker in 2017 ,2017,p.14 ). These are also the lowest paid
position a social worker can get. School districts is the one of the largest employers
to date. Social workers are usually needed to help handle special education cases
along with... Show more content on ...
Social work positions are often full time and come with full benefits ( U.S Bureau
of Labor Statistics, 2017,p.1). Senior social workers are allowed to have a self
directed schedule along with it being super flexible. They can choose how and
when to attend to their cases and will allowed to work by themselves without any
direct supervision. What do social workers actually do? what does their job consist
of? Social workers work with people and their families to help support them
through the many difficult times they may have and to ensure that the vulnerable
people in the situation are removed from any harm. Their role is to provide support
and help improve peoples lives to the best of their ability. They have to use their
professional judgment to make vast, quick and tough decisions that isn t always
well received by the people they are trying to help ( Your Guide for Becoming a
Social Worker in 2017 ,2017, p.8). These roles can be very challenging and have
the potential to get media attention which can be negative for the family, social
worker and whole institution. Due to that, the government is putting more
measures to support and develop a strong workforce for the many social workers and
to help them feel as comfortable as possible. Qualified social workers can also work
alongside a social work assistant who they work closely with. They can work in a
statutory and
Three Major Classes of Fingerprints Essay
The three basic pattern classifications of fingerprints established by Sir Edward
Richard Henry in 1896 are the arch, the loop, and the whorl. In an arch pattern,
ridges flow from one side of the finger directly to the opposite side without any
deltas. This type of print accounts for about 5% of all fingerprints. There are two
types of arch patterns, the plain arch and tented arch. In a loop pattern, the ridges
flow from one side of the finger, than they curve, than pass an imaginary line drawn
from the delta to the core, and flow out the same side of the finger. They contain
one delta on the opposite side of the opening. This type of print accounts for about
70% of all fingerprints. There are two types of loops. The two types are ulnar... Show
more content on ...
A double loop whorl is the type of pattern that consists of two separate sets of loop
formations, shoulders, and deltas. An accidental whorl is the type of pattern that is
composed of two types of patterns with two or more deltas. A central pocket loop is
the type of pattern that consists of one or more recurving ridges or an obstacle at a
right angle to the line of flow with two deltas. Also, when an imaginary line is drawn,
no recurving ridge near the inner pattern area is cut or touched. Sub classes are
important because they help distinguish specific prints from others quickly, therefore
illuminating some possible suspects right away.
There are three types of fingerprints that could be left at a crime scene. The three
types are latent, patent, and plastic. Latent fingerprints are made from the oil and
sweat on the surface of a person s skin. This type of print is invisible by the naked
eye and requires processing for visibility purposes. The process can be done using
chemicals or powder. Patent fingerprints are made from blood, ink, dirt, or grease
and they are visible by the naked eye. Plastic fingerprints are made when a person
presses on wax, paint, or soap and they are visible by the naked eye. The three types
of fingerprints help investigators discover who was at the crime scene which can
possibly lead to the arrest of suspects.
When collecting inked prints, there is a certain process that needs to be followed.
First, a person s hand must be
A Complicated Kindness And Catcher In The Rye
A Complicated Kindness is an adolescent novel by Miriam Toews, published
originally by Knopf Canada in 2004. Inspired by her experience as a Mennonite
herself, Toews crafts a story around a teenage girl known informally as Nomi. Nomi
experiences the hardships of religious oppression only to let her familygive in first.
Catcher in the Rye is, too, an adolescent novelwritten instead by J. D. Salinger.
Comparable to A Complicated Kindness, Catcher in the Rye saw some inspiration
for the story by Salinger s experience as an angsty teenager in New York. The
resulting tale is of a young man named Holden who abandons schooling and his
wealthy home to find a place to belong. These two narratives more than fifty years
apart have some striking parallels about them. The central theme in both novels is
how the benefits to maturity are greatly desired by youth, but the path to... Show more
content on ...
The second dress lies on the barn roof initially, but once returning to the barn the
dress was no longer there. This is representative of Nomi s mother and sister, who
had left to avoid waiting for death in East Village by leaving and never returning.
Nomi also states how she felt when she did not see it there, saying, I had really
been hoping that it would be [there] and when I couldn t find it I felt tired and
pissed off and hot and stupid (42). Her reaction to this missing dress can be applied
to her feelings toward the disappearance of her mother and sister. She is upset with
her mother and sister leaving, but she also feels daft for not leaving herself. To
conclude, the dress in the dirt represents Nomi presently, as she is sitting in East
Village and waiting to be buried. The dress that disappeared from the roof
represents what Nomi wishes to do, as she wants to leave East Village to experience
the rest of the world and do something with her life rather than wait for it to
Disobedience And Conformity In John Hughes s The
Being stereotyped and having a label put on you by your family s history or your
behavior, can bring either obedience or even worse, disobedience, not caring if it
was the authority or the less fortunate. In John Hughes film The Breakfast club
(1985) consists of five students, going from obedient with brains, to a disobedient
rebellious kid. While Benders actions and past was given a label of a criminal, Brian
was labeled as the brains in the group, due to his action in academics and being
obedient. Could we say Benders and Brian s action were to impress his friends/family
or to just follow the crowd ? or was it really their actions they wanted to take?
The Asch Experiment (1951) gave us a inside scoop of how someone will agree to
the group to feel conformity and not feeling as if he/she was incorrect to do so.
While Brian was opening up to his near suicide attempt, bringing out another side of
his character, a more dark and troubling way same as Bender. They all spoke out as
a group to feel comfort , and not be the odd one out not opening to one another.
Beginning of The Breakfast Club came in 5 student, all who disobeyed authority one
way or another. Being either bringing a gun to school, bullying or simply not
following authority, they were all sent to Saturday detention. There is , the obvious,
the brains and of course the criminal. Being Brian the brains and John Bender the
criminal, while one was the smart obedient kid, and the other the , no good know it all
The Godless Constitution Summary
This paper is a book critique of The Godless Constitution. The first chapter of the
book is titled Is America a Christian Nation? and it is an introduction for the rest of
the book. In this chapter, the main idea is to open the reader s mind about that the
constitution was created with the idea that religious believes will not influence in the
politicsof the nation. The authors state that The principal framers of the American
political system wanted no religious parties in national politics (Kramnick and
Moore, 23). Actually, the creation of a constitution without influence of religionwas
not an act of irreverence. The authors believe that the creation of the constitution
was a support to the idea that religion can preserve the civil morality necessary for
democracy, without an influence on any political party. The end of the chapter is
the description of the following chapters and with a disguise warning that both
authors were raise in religious families and they wrote the book with high respect
for America s religious traditions (Kramnick and Moore, 25). The second chapter,
called The Godless Constitution explains how the different terms to talk about God
were taken out and a no religious test clause was adopted with little discussion. This
clause was a veritable firestorm during the ratification debates in several states
(Kramnick and Moore, 32). For many people the no religious test clause was
considered as the gravest defect of the Constitution (Kramnick
The Habit Of Persistence By Dr. Howard Watson
The Habit of Persistence
By Dr Howard Watson | Submitted On November 07, 2012
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Expert Author Dr Howard Watson
There are many behavioural characteristics that can be identified amongst those
individuals who have succeeded as entrepreneurs and have consequently become self
made millionaires. One of the most important of such desirable and acquirable
attitudes is the habit of being persistent.
Calvin Coolidge stated this most eloquently when he said;
Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is
more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded
genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan Press On has solved
and always will solve the problems of the human race.
So what is persistence? Persistence is the determination to do something even though
it is difficult or other people oppose it. It is that dogged tenacity to never let go, like
a bulldog, until you achieve your goal.
The general principle is that if you want to be successful you must not give up too
early along the success
Humanity versus Virtual Reality Essay
Humanity versus Virtual Reality
. . . Aiding this process was a definition of information, formalized by Claude Shannon
and Norbert Wiener, that conceptualized information as an entity distinct from the
substrates carrying it. From this formulation, it was a small step to think of
information as a kind of bodiless fluid that could flow between different substrates
without loss of meaning or form. Writing nearly four decades after Turing, Hans
Moravec proposed that human identity is essentially an informational pattern rather
than an embodied enaction.
N. Katherine Hayles, How We Became Posthuman
William Wordsworth was well aware of the effect of technology upon human beings.
Of course he would have been speculating had he tried ... Show more content on ...
Wordsworth s writing career was focused on explaining the human experience as
being more than mere sensory stimuli. When a reader of Wordsworth reads The
Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson, she becomes aware of Wordsworth s profound
and nearly prophetic view of the world, at least of the world that Stephenson creates
in his novel. In The Diamond Age, the world of the future depends upon technology
that manipulates human beings lives, but Stephenson tell us that there is still more:
Nell, the protagonist, depends upon her soul and her intuition to save her from
physical suffering. The human soul and human intuition cannot be ordered or
manipulated, because they do not conform to logic and reason; perhaps the only word
to describe the power of the human soul and intuition is the power of the supernatural.
Wordsworth s writing subverts logic and reason and nourishes the idea that there is
more to human life than what is scientifically understood or proven. Science can only
manipulate the nervous system within human beings; it cannot understand nor
manipulate that which many call the human soul. Wordsworth s subversion does not
mean that he has no regard for reason; he is not worried about the compatibility of
reason, Nature, and human feelings such as passion, suffering, love, and the soul,
which are experiences or feelings that science cannot study or
Causes Of College Dropout
The college drop out and failure rate in North America is unacceptably high and it
s becoming a huge problem. In fact, US News reports that 30% of college freshmen
drop out after their first year of college (Bowler 2). There are quite a few reasons
students drop out of College. Whether it s having a child or working two jobs, it s
hard for most students to balance collegeand life. Some of the main causes of
dropping out include nontraditional situations, mental issues such as stress or
anxiety, and lack of self knowledge. Many college students have non traditional
situations. Some students have children or dependents that limit their available
hours. This can be hard because financial aid is not given to part time students and
they may not be able to afford their classes or a caretaker. Students also may drop
out because they don t want debt in the future and can t afford college on their own.
Some students work full time or have multiple jobs to support themselves and pay for
their education. This makes it hard to pass a class because they lack time to study or
to do their work outside of class. For example, an article about why students drop
out states that Nearly three quarters (71%) of students who dropped out of college
said that work contributed to the decision, with more than half (54%) identifying it
as a major factor (Kantrowitz, 3). This is a significant example because it provides
hard evidence that many students are dropping out or failing because
Nonverbal Communication And Communication
1. Confidence implies one s estimation of one s self. On the off chance that you
have a low estimation of your esteem, to yourself, to others, to society, to whatever
it is that you relate yourself to, that is low confidence. That is truly all it is. Your
own estimation of your own esteem. Confidence is simply the route in which one
perspectives. In their own life and their expert life, it is simply the route in which
they present as certain, their managers and future companions will consider them to
be such. In the event that they see themselves to be useless and monstrous, they will
in all probability have that sort of mentality in their discourse, non verbal
communication, and work efficiency. 2. A nourishment pyramid or eating routine
pyramid is a pyramid formed outline speaking to the ideal number of servings to be
eaten every day from each of the fundamental nutrition classes. The main pyramid
was distributed in Sweden in 1974. The 1992 pyramid presented by the Unified
States Branch of Farming was known as the sustenance control pyramid. It was
refreshed in 2005, and afterward it was supplanted by MyPlate in 2011. 3. Nonverbal
correspondence between individuals is correspondence through sending and getting
silent pieces of information. It incorporates the utilization of visual signals, for
example, non verbal communication, remove and physical conditions or appearance,
of voice and of touch. It can likewise incorporate chronemics and oculesics. Similarly
Review Of The Art Of Reinvention
The Art of Reinvention What is reinvention? Reinvention is the art of changing
something or someone that existed previously, and assigning it a new designated
role. Prior to undergoing a reinvention, someone must experience enough pain in
their current situation to aspire a need for it. An effective reinvention is when
someone is able to create something completely different out of the life they
previously lived. Characters from The Americans, Breaking Bad, and Gone Girl
all reinvented themselves into new individuals with new values and beliefs.
Although each of the characters experienced different forms of reinvention, they
were all able to recreate themselves into either something better or something
worse. Therefore, as a member of the Hollywood Foreign Press, I believe that
Walter White from Breaking Bad had the most complete reinvention because he
came to accept his flaws, went through an enormous amount of pain, and finally
created a new reality of standards for himself. When a person is in the process of
reinvention, it is vital to know why he or she wants to change and how they can
achieve the most effective reinvention. According to Arthur Day, Recognize what s
causing you to want to reinvent yourself....Is it age related, peer pressure, family
expectations? Is it a specific developmental stage you re in? Or is it a reaction to
something else in your life that you re unhappy with? To be fully reinvented, a
person needs to do more than just change a thing or
Crazy Horse Malt Liquor
People have a natural tendency to stereotype, given to them the minute they can
form ideas. These stereotypes are seen as wrong by the twenty first century society
of America, something humanity should fight within. They are seen as immoral, a
human instinct to be fought. Stereotyping is generally viewed as a negative thing:
many people even claim it s evil, a way to oppress those different from others. It is
commonly thought to have a major influence on the way people perceive others,
often influencing their perceptions negatively, thus being seen as having a bad
effect on the way people view other cultures or ideas. However, other people claim
that stereotyping can have a positive influence over the lives of others, and is not
innately bad. Thus begging the question; is stereotyping inherently bad, or has it
done some good for the world too?
In his article Crazy Horse Malt Liquor, renowned author Michael Dorris speaks of
stereotyping against a culture. Being of Native American descent himself, he refers to
many common ways the American people stereotype against Native Americans, often
unintentionally offending them for seemingly innocuous actions. He speaks of streets
and football teams named in honor of fallen tribes, cartoon images, media
generalizations that portray Native Americans a specific way, one that creates
distance between the Indians and the rest of the world. Dorris also explains that
because of stereotyping against Native Americans, the twenty first
Ontario Human Rights Case
The Ontario human rights case is about Micheal bates, he alleged that he was
discriminated against because Zurich insurance charged him higher premiums for his
automobile insurance than a young, single female driver with the same driving
record or drivers over the age of 25.
In the case above, I am gearing towards discrimination all young drivers are not on
the same level. The insurance company is failing to consider different perspectives
or not planning on including all drivers. Even if the insurance company didn t intend
to cause the barriers it s still considered discrimination based on Michaels gender,
age and martial status. It s a negative stereotype and biases against Micheal because
the individual is being judged based on negative feelings towards the gender. We have
all heard statements about young male ... Show more content on ...
As I mentioned above the focus is on increasing insurance rates on males based on
their age, gender, and marital status. Insurance companies like to increase insurance
for males for the reasons above. Instead of making it equal access for everyone and
starting off with a flat, basic rate that would go up based on speeding tickets and
accident claims.
The prohibited ground will protect Micheal, he was discriminated against because
of his association with a gender,marital status and age. The code prohibits
discrimination because of age in all social areas including employment. It is called
ageism its thinking about a person based on negative stereotypes, there is also
evidence of martial status in the case the policies and actions are based on the
stereotype of marriage. With a young man being married it s assumed that he will be
less likely to drive fast or risky.
The exceptions under the OHRC is not relateable, the category does not include any
specific defences and exceptions that would allow the behaviour to be otherwise
Rule of St. Benedict
Monasticism or monarchism is literally the act of dwelling alone . The Rule of St
Benedict played an important role in Europe during the middle ages, monks were
able to preserve many classical works from both the Romans and the Greeks while
acting as copiers that produced books, they were the most pious of the church and
acted as a model for the average person to strive for. It dignified manual labor, the
rule acted as a written constitution and rule of law for most monasteries, policies
could be seen as harsh by some but the overall message is built around a positive
spirit of reconciliation. The Rule of St. Benedict most significant role for the
development of European civilization was education.
The beginning of Christian monasticism can be divided into two main types, the
eremitical or solitary and the coenobitical or family type. St. Anthony may be called
the founder of the purely eremitical system or hermit life style living out in the
desert, while St. Pachomius was the founder of the second less solitary and more
community based way of life. The rule of St. Anthony or the Antonian system left
the monks way of life up to his own discretion. This contrasted the Rule of St.
Pachomius who were almost all living as a community yet without the stability
brought by the rule of St. Benedict. The two rules would rival each other in Egypt
but wouldn t become a model outside of Egypt. Then in the 4th century St. Basil
changed and reordered Greek monasticism. He rejected the
Annual Awareness Levels Of South Devon Tennis Centre
Background of the Client This proposal is to address the decreasing amount of
memberships and students awareness levels of South Devon Tennis Centre. South
Devon Tennis Centre is governed by Volunteers and all profits made are re invested
into the the centre. TennisMAD was first established in 1985 by Paul Butcher, he
started the company in South Devon and named it South Devon Tennis Centre,
which was and still is located in Ivybridge. Since then TennisMAD has expanded
covering a wide range of locations in the local area. The South Devon Tennis Centre
is now the head quarters of the company. TennisMAD provide different programmes
for adults, juniors, pre school as well as development coaching and performance
coaching. They currently have two distinct demographics which are 5 18 and 50+.
Over the past 10 years there has been significant changes in the amount of Tennis
participation across the UK, fluctuating year to year. In 2013 the amount of people
participating in Tennis was 694,100, comparing with today which has risen by 7%
theres now 746,900 (Senior Vice) people participating within Tennis. The increase of
tennis participation links in with the purchase of tennis balls and and tennis racquets,
within the last 12 months 67% of tennis players have purchased tennis balls and 54%
have purchased racquets. Similar to this Statistics show that more than 2 million
people participate in Tennis within the UK. These figures indicate that there is a clear
interest for Tennis
Self In Zootopia
Anyone can be Anything: How Self is Shaped by Individuals and Society.
In the movie Zootopia, racial profiling and social stereotypes are allegorized into
distinctive, discriminatory clade of predator prey and species archetypes such as
slow sloths, sly foxes and dumb bunnies. Most reviews praised the movie s thematic
portrayals of stereotypes (e.g. Telegraph, New York Times) and universal values of
freedom and perseverance (e.g. Washington Post). But few reviews address the films
exploration of variations of identity as noted by Screen Crush, and there was no in
depth analysis of self. Hence, this essay seeks to explore self in Zootopia. Within the
city of Zootopia, the recurring slogan In Zootopia, anyone can be anything ,
seemingly gives ... Show more content on ...
This implies that one s self is susceptible to racial profiling and stereotyping, as
Zootopia allegorizes. In Zootopia, although Nick had childhood aspirations of
becoming a scout, his victimization at the hands of other animals leaves him with a
pessimistic view of being able to define self outside of his species stereotype, stating
that if society see[s] a fox as shifty and untrustworthy, there s no point in being
anything else. Nick therefore accepts society s profiling as a sly fox and becomes a
con artist. In stark contrast to the hopeful belief spurred from the slogan that
Zootopian characters have the sovereignty to freely pursue their dreams, species
stereotyping within Zootopia limits the autonomy to construct self, and instead self
making is dominated by these discriminative perceptions. Consequently, Zootopian
characters such as Nick resigned self to a discriminatory role. No longer is self
constructed by just the individual; Species stereotyping becomes the social forces
which drives the individual s notion of self. Although Zootopia s motto of anyone can
be anything allows citizens to participate in self creation, societal perceptions of the
individual dictates their notion of
The Importance Of Student Success At Anaheim High
Do you believe the amount of time spent at school influences how smart you are or
how well you do in school? At Anaheim High School if you ask students if they
study at home, maybe about 50% of the students will tell you that they do and the
other 50% will tell you that they do, but not as often as they should be. Majority of
the students do very well on tests and other academic categories, but is all the
material they are learning staying in their memory? There is only six hours of school,
five days a week. It is most likely that not all of the information we have been told
on a daily basis will stay in our memory for the next day. In order to increase student
success at Anaheim High School, they should increase the time in class. In the essay
Marita s Bargain written by Gladwell, it states that when they increased the amount
of time their students spent in each class, it helped them enhance in different
academic categories, I think that extended amount of time gives you the chance as
a teacher to explain things, and more time for the kids to sit and digest everything
that s going on to review, to do things at a much slower pace (10). This is clarifying
the idea that the more time you have in class it gives you the opportunity to process
every bit of information you are given. You do not have to rush throughout your work
or feel pressured to finish your assignments on time. This concept should be
encouraged in order to improve the consistency in the students GPA s.
Why The Giant Panda Is One Of The Most Misunderstood
The Giant Panda is one of the most misunderstood animals on the planet. For many
years, it was believed to be a type of racoon, like the similarly named red panda.
However, genetics testing and observation have revealed that the panda is in fact, a
bear. It has several adaptations that make it unusual. First is the fact that it has six
digits on the front paws, giving it an opposable thumb ideal for holding onto the
stalks of bamboowhich it consumes in great amounts. The genitalia of the male are
rear pointing and small which is also decidedly bearish, and much more like those of
the red panda. It has only been since 1995 that the Panda has been officially
considered a bear.
Typical pandas have a large head, and distinct white and black ... Show more content
on ...
Males grow to 190 275 pounds and 64 76 inches in length, with females being
slightly smaller and lighter at 155 220 pounds. They reach sexual maturity
between ages 4 1/2 to 6 1/2 years and mate once during the spring months of March,
April, and May. The females are in estrus for anywhere from 1 to 3 weeks, but are
only really receptive for a few days of that time. During August and September,
pregnant females give birth to anywhere from one to three cubs, with one being the
more common. The cubs are weaned at nine months, but often stay with their mothers
for more than two years.
Like most bears, pandas are solitary animals. Females with cubs being the only
exception. They mark their territories by scratching trees and by rubbing a musky
anogenital gland against rocks and trees. Additionally, they communicate with
different vocalizations. Scientists have identified 11 distinct calls, but cannot identify
the exact function of all of them.
Pandas are quite vegetarian, making bamboo 99% of their diet. Adults can eat
anywhere between 26 and 33 pounds of it in a day, and with soft new shoots up to
84 pounds! Incredibly, that s almost 40% of their body weight! Occasionally they
consume meat and some other
1.02 Self-Determination, Code Of Ethics
I ve always been a very shy person who doesn t like much attention brought to
myself. I m assuming this is why a family member decided I would be his target.
Carl was roughly five six years older than me, and one would think, he should have
known better. It started when I was five, at least that s the age I can remember. It
wasn t until I had gotten older to really understand what was going on. Carl would
always say to me Don t tell, he ll get in trouble , or don t tell, because my mom
would get mad at me . This lasted until I was around 10, at that point I started to feel
uncomfortable, and weird. I had finally matured enough to understand that I didn t
like what was going on. I still didn t completely understand the gist of it, but I knew...
Show more content on ...
This relates to the non judgmentalism I received from my mother. This allowed me to
feel comfortable with sharing my experience, and later reaching out to other family
members. Code 1.02 Self Determination, Code of Ethics (2008) states, Social
Workers respect and promote the right of clients to self determination and assist
clients in their efforts to identify and clarify their goals (National Association of
Social Workers, 2008). This relates to my mother assisting me to become
comfortable with sharing my experience. As well as, reach my future goal in
obtaining outside help. Code 1.01 Commitment to Clients, Code of Ethics (2008)
states, Social workers primary responsibility is to promote the well being of clients.
In general, clients interests are primary (National Association of Social Workers,
2008). This code goes against my experience with my psychiatrists. When entering
her office, and disclosing my problem. She made me feel guilty, and allowed me to
feel as though she was not there to promote my
The Ethics Of The Clinical Trials
In recent years, the number of clinical trials increased significantly. With an
increasing number of clinical trials, the ethical issues related to clinical trials have
also increased. Furthermore, the ethics of the clinical trials were violated on several
occasions in last few decades. Nazi experiments with World War II initiated the world
leaders to implement a code of conduct that protects the autonomy of the clinical trial
subjects. Therefore, the Nuremberg Code was initiated in the year of 1949.
However, this Code failed to protect the human subjects in clinical trials. Tuskegee
syphilis trial was one of the few incidents that were exposed in front of the entire
country. The regulatory agencies and the government then realized that there should
be better regulations to protect the human subjects in the clinical trials. A series of
codes and regulations were established to protect the subjects in the clinical trial
after the Tuskegee incident. The Belmont report (1979), International Conference on
Harmonization guideline for Good Clinical Practice (1996), the Declaration of
Helsinki (2000), and CIOMS International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical
Research Involving Human Subjects (2002) are the main guidelines in recent years.
There are also federal regulations to protect human subjects in the clinical trials.
They are USCFR Title21 Part 50, 56 (Protection of Human Subjects and Institutional
Review Boards, 1991), and USCFR Title 46 (The Common Rule, 1981). These federal
A Critical Reflection Of Walmart
Practice makes perfect. We came into this project knowing we can improve from
our first presentation. We knew what areas we had to focus on this time around.
We became more comfortable around each other, allowing us to be more
expressive without fearing judgment from each other, at least in my point of view.
At first, we were a little upset, since we did not want to do a presentation on
Walmart. Walmart had a negative connotation to them based on their business
practices towards their employees, which pushes me away from their company.
Instead, we were hoping to base our project on a sustainable company we, as
college students, are closer to, such as New Belgium Brewing. It s funny, but I
believe that somewhat make us more close and unified to one another, being able to
rally around a common source of frustration. But in the end, we were good.
In this project we had to complete for our sustainable company, Walmart, we knew
we were being asked to create a creative presentation, to use our imagination to
transform the classroom into another world. Creativity is the generation, application,
combination, and extension of new ideas. In the context of groups and teams,
creativity is inventing or creating a new idea, strategy, principle, or approach to
solving a problem (Beebe and Masterson 302). A technique we used to enhance our
team creativity was group brainstorming. Brainstorming is a creative problem
solving method, developed by Alex Osborn, designed to help a group
Onomatopoeia In Fireworks
Boom, Boom, Boom! Is an example of onomatopoeia, which is a figurative language.
In the song Fireworks by Katy Perry is filled with numerous types of figurative
language and poetic elements. From personification to internal rhyme, there is more
to it. Along with that, there are means behind the words. Throughout the song, what
the singer is saying is that you are unique and that you should show others what you
In the first three lines, the figurative language, personification is identified. Which
means that you are giving a human trait to an object. The singer was giving a human
feelings to a plastic bag, saying it wanted to start again . What the singer is saying is
that you are a plastic bag and you are wanting to start something
The Effect Of Mobile And Wireless Communication On
Introduction Information and communication has been changing rapidly during the
past decades, and such changes will be affecting the society for the next five years.
One effect is on individual lifestyles and this includes an increase of mobile usage
and social network consumption. The changes also enable the appearance of cloud
technology and the utilization of data management called big data. Another effect
that is placed in a classroom. The classroom in the 21st century is virtual and allows
stakeholders include students and teachers to access courses through online devices.
Lin, H., Wang, Y., Li, C. (2016). Mobile learning
has become more and more
important in the educational context because the rapid advance and the popularity...
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Nowadays, students are able to access online learning through internet technology,
available time, and resources. This collaborative system allows student groups
interacting of learning, sharing and enabling learning evaluation. In terms of
Thailand, the Thai government has the policy to support the use of technology in the
education system. It is believed that technology increases students potential. To
achieve this, teachers should apply more technology in classes.
Therefore, The aim of this study is to improve higher students critical thinking skills
with the utilization of the changes in the information and communication technology.
To achieve this objective, the initial step of this research is to investigate the
effectiveness of learning in a borderless classroom. The borderless classroom will be
used as an alternative instrument which a lecturer can use to distribute learnings and
/or lessons. Research Question
1.Study the borderless classroom: a modern collaborative learning model to enhance
higher education students critical thinking skills.
2.Study the students satisfaction towards borderless classroom: a modern
collaborative learning model.
The progress of technology had improved digital technology and wireless network.
They resulted in the expansion of mobile phones and portable computers have
improved. The student could learned outside the
Anti-LGBT Legislation
On March 23, North Carolina passed the Public Facilities Privacy and Security Act,
commonly referred to as HB2. The new legislation mandates that students in North
Carolina state schools use the bathroom that corresponds with the sex listed on their
birth certificate. Although North Carolina is currently making headlines, it is not the
only state has passed anti LGBTlegislation. In fact, there have been almost 200 anti
LGBT bills introduced in other states since January. Opponents criticize HB2 for
excluding gay and transgenderpeople from privacy and legal protections. As a result,
North Carolina has received major backlash across the board from citizens of the
state, officials of other states, and large corporations such as PayPal.
The passing of HB2 caused PayPal to cancel its plans to open a new global
operations center in Charlotte, which was expected to employ 400 people in
skilled jobs. PayPal is an online payment service that allows businesses, as well as
individuals, to conveniently accept bank or credit card payments for items they sell.
Part of the company s values is that each person has the right to be treated with
equality, dignity, and respect. The CEO of PayPal, Dan Schulman, stated, Becoming
an employer in North Carolina, where members of our teams will not have equal
rights under the law, is simply untenable. Schulman believes HB2 does not foster the
inclusive environment PayPal aims to provide all employees and stakeholders.
PayPal vows to support the LGBT community in repealing HB2. ... Show more
content on ...
However, North Carolina has a lot to lose unless HB2 is repealed or amended. As of
now, researchers estimate that $20 million and 550 jobs are at
How Does Sethe Remember The Past In Beloved
Beloved The past haunts the present. Toni Morrison, in her novel Beloved, introduces
this relationship between the past and the present through the protagonist, Sethe.
Sethe, who was formerly a slave, suffers as she is haunted by her past at Sweet
Home. She carries the weight of the past enslavement on her shoulders, and although
she attempts to repress those memories, her attempts are futile. Thus, because of her
traumatic experience as a slave, she is compelled to murder her children in order to
liberate them from the clutches of the slave catchers. This decision proved to be fatal,
as while her other children survived, the death of her third daughter, Beloved,
continuously haunts her in her memories. Although Sethe attempts to forget... Show
more content on ...
Although Beloved is dead and has long since been buried, Beloved is introduced in
the beginning of the novel as a baby poltergeist who haunts house 124 because it
was furious at having its throat cut (5). The baby ghost enjoys wreaking havoc in
the house and terrorizing its residents, such as shattering mirrors and imprinting its
hands onto a cake. As the novel progresses, Beloved becomes a physical
manifestation of the past and is described as a fully dressed woman [who] walked
out of the water (50). As a supernatural being, Beloved affects Sethe s present life,
for she prevents Sethe from forgetting the past. Her name alone is a constant
reminder of Sethe s deceased daughter. Additionally, Sethe is mentally enslaved as
she is unable to face her past recollections of slavery and the guilt over murdering
her child. However, Beloved s presence plays an integral role in Sethe s epiphany in
acknowledging the past. At the end of the novel, Beloved only disappears only when
Sethe has reconciled and come to terms with her past. In order to move on, Sethe has
to first contend with the
Uncertainty Reduction Theory And Uncertainty Reduction
Being away from home for the first time and having to start over and make all new
friends can be both exciting and intimidating at the same time. When I first moved
into my freshmen dorm at UNCW three years ago, I was certainly feeling this rush
of emotions. I was excited to meet new people, but also scared I wouldn t make
any friends who I connected as well with as my high school friends. I was
especially nervous about having to live with a roommate who I hardly knew. I had
always heard horror stories from my older friends and family members about
having a crazy roommate who they just couldn t get along with. Fortunately, my
roommmate Kelly and I became great friends and were not only able to survive
freshmen year of college, but continued to live together all four years of college. This
transformation in our relationship from virtual strangers, to the best of friends can be
explained by Charles Berger s Uncertainty Reduction Theory. Uncertainty Reduction
Theory is the assumption that when strangers meet, their primary concern is one of
uncertainty reduction or increasing the predictability about the behavior of both
themselves and others in the interaction. We are motivated to search for this
information for one of more of three reasons anticiptation of future interaction,
incentive value, and deviance. With Kelly my motives were mostly based on
anticipation of future interaction. Not only would I see her again, but I would have
to interact with on a daily basis on a
How Does Elie Wiesel Change In The Book Night
Imagine that your life is changed within a few seconds, and you don t know it yet.
This is what happens to Elie Wiesel in the book Night. In the book Between Shades
of Gray, Ruta Sepetys writes about Lina and her family that goes through a similar
situation as Elie Wiesel. Though they were both put through terrible conditions, Lina
and Elie survived the traumatic, sad, and harsh conditions. In Night Elie Wieselwas
living in Sighet and was taken by the Nazis because he was Jewish. They took him
and his family to a death camp where boys and girls were split up. From then he and
his father never saw his sister and mother again. Elie and his father went through
terrible things that nobody should ve ever experienced. Elie almost gave up plenty
Symptoms And Treatment Of Infectious Diseases Essay
Mr. Brown, a 73 year old male with a medical history of a total hip replacement, was
diagnosed with a urinary tract infection (UTI). Experiencing a urinary retention
immediately after the surgery he was catheterised. The catheter was removed 24
hours later; however, the patient showed increasing signs of confusion, urine
appeared cloudy and had a strong smell (Ministry of Health, 2013). Infectious
Diseases Society of America (2015) states that UTI is a common risk factor
associated with a health associated infection following a hip replacement surgery. In
this case study firstly, normal and pathological conditions will be summarized.
Secondly, microbiology and infection control will be outlined. Thirdly, the mode of
action of the medication will be discussed and by identifying the predisposing factors
acquiring (UTI) disease case study will be finalised.
From the anatomical aspect, there are four systems in the human body performing
excretory functions by removing waste products; however, only the urinary system
has a significant effect on an individual s health and quality of life by finally not
only adjusting water and ions balance to required standards of homeostasis but also,
performing work assemble by all parts of urinary tract in order for normal
maturation to occur. The urinary system or renal system consists of following
structures such as two kidneys left is higher by 1.5 2 cm then the right and perform
filtering the blood (Watt, 2014). Microscopic units of
Forgiveness Essay
Christ Jesus some two thousand years ago came into this world to bring redemption
for our sins. He did this through his death and resurrection, or what we refer to as the
pascal mystery. We still encounter the saving presence of the
Lord in the sacraments and in the Word. In each and every sacrament we come face
to face with quot;the grace of God our Savior quot; (Titus 2:11). It is this redemption
of sins aspect of the sacraments that I will be examine. In the past couple of century
we have focused are attention primarily on the Sacrament of Penance as the means to
obtain forgiveness of sins after Baptism. We have come to focus on it so much that it
has come to be, for most Catholics, ... Show more content on ...
In the second and up to the sixth century A.D. a Christian could only receive the
Sacrament of Penance once after Baptism. The penitent would have to first confess
before his or her bishop. The penitent would then be required to participate in the
quot;order of penitents quot; of the early Church. This required the penitent to wear
special clothes, and the penitent would have to go to a special place with other
penitents when worshipping with the community. The community would pray for
those in the quot;order of penitents quot; during the worship serves, and the bishop
would lay his hands on the penitents. But this laying on of hands did not take on the
character of absolution until it was done during the worship serves on Thursday of
Holy Week. The penitents were not allowed to receive
Eucharist because the penitents were excommunicated, excluded from Communion.
After a period of probation, prescribed by the bishop, the penitent would be
absolved of the sins the individual committed. The bishop would do this by laying
his hands on the penitent. The typical time for this reconciliation to take place was
on Thursday of Holy Week before the Baptisms took place. The reason it was done at
this time was because the early Church believed that both
Baptism and Penance were both sacraments that brought about forgiveness of sins
and that they should be prepared for at the same time. It was just this type
The Standards Sections II Competency Based Assessment
Social workers continually strive to increase their professional knowledge and
skills and to apply them in practice (NASW, 2015). As stated above the facilitators
should research self harm as a coping mechanism, a search for such a situation in a
group setting could not be found, but I have found peer reviewed articles regarding
the issue. It appears that there are varying degrees of seriousness, but there is a
stigma, myths and lack of understanding that foster burgeoning resentment among
others can perpetuate the cycle of shame and guild among people that self harm,
which subsequently increases their dependence on the behavior (Long, 2013, p.
106). The IASWG standards sections II competency based assessment includes,
emphasis on members strengths and concerns, empowerment, empowerment, and
the type of group influences what worker does and how the group accomplishes its
goals (IASWG International Association for Social Work with Groups, Inc. ,
2015). I do believe that the group being made up of social work students could
possibly impact how the members and the facilitators handle the critical incident. I
believe that the group as a whole as well as F4 will be empowered by addressing the
thoughts of self harm. Group Prognosis This group is strengthening their cohesion
and mutual aid, they have overcome critical incidents in the past, F2 got upset in the
first meeting, a member broke confidentiality, M1 fell asleep at one point, another
member acted as a gate keeper
Panara Bread s Essay
| Panera Bread Company in 2011: Pursuing growth in a difficult economy. | |
Module II| | Panera Bread Company in 2011: Pursuing growth in a difficult
economy. | | Module II| MGT 495 March 30, 2013 Nate Huffman 127203 MGT 495
March 30, 2013 Nate Huffman 127203 Table of Contents What are the strategy
elements of Panera Bread Company? How well do the pieces fit together? The two
best indicators of how well a company s strategy is working are whether the company
is recording gains in financial strength and profitability and secondly whether the
company s competitive strength and market standing is improving. Other indicators
of how well a company s strategy is working include, trends in the... Show more
content on ...
Prepare a SWOT analysis for Panera Bread? Strengths: * Attractive appealing
menu * Bread baking expertise, artisan breads are Panera s signature product. *
Financial position lack of long term debt * High ratings in customer satisfaction
studies * The business model * Initial success in catering * Good franchisees
higher sales in franchised stores compared to company owned * Research and
Development Product Weaknesses: * A less well known brand name than some
rivals * Sales at franchised stores are higher than company owned stores,
wondering why that is? * Frequent diners only come at one meal time per day
Threats: * Rivals begin to imitate menu offerings * Competition * Saturate the
market will it become harder to find attractive locations for new stores and slow
company s growth * Product is a discretionary purchase Opportunities: * Open more
outlets untapped growth potential in a number of suburban markets * International
expansion * The industry life cycle is still in growth * Large number of small buyers
in the industry What does this analysis reveal? It competed with a wide assortment of
specialty food, casual dining, and quick service establishments
Boethius Was Successful in His Argument That God
Boethius was successful in his argument that God rewards and punishes justly.
Discuss (35)
Boethius was a philosopher teaching at the end of the Roman empire, in his 40 s he
was arrested for suspected conspiracy with the Eastern Roman Empire and was
eventually put to death at the age of about 44/45. Whilst in prison Boethius wrote his
book, The Consolation of Philosophy where he discusses in great depth with Lady
Philosophy issues with God s omniscience. In his writings, Boethius identifies an
issue with God s foreknowledge, our personal autonomy and the impact of how we
are to be judged as when we enter the life after this. He identifies that if God has
foreknowledge and knows our future, He then knows what we are going to do which
... Show more content on ...
However there is another definition of which Boethius thought was unsuitable. God
is eternal and he has no begging or no end, he always has existed and continues to
do so. Boethius rejects this as he can t see how a temporal God can judge someone
if he experiences time himself. On the other hand Boethius didn t consider the flaws
of his definition of eternal God; a God that is outside the category of time is one
whom cannot be personal, this also means that it doesn t fit in with the traditional
religious view of God who keeps his covenant with his people and sends his son to
save us. But it also has its strengths such as it maintains the majority of the attributes
of God, such as incorporeal and immutable.
Boethius concluded from his characterization of an eternal god that God is like a
bird flying over a man walking down the path, the bird can see where the man has
been, where he is and where he is about to go all at once. This is a power that God
is able to use due to him being outside of time, he can see everyone s past present and
future simultaneously. His knowledge is total however not causal.
Boethius expands on his idea of divine foreknowledge and goes onto explain the
different types of necessity; simple and contingent. Simple necessity is related to a
person s nature so for example man is a rational animal. Whereas conditional
necessity isn t tied to the objects nature so
Similarities And Differences Between The Friar And The...
Joseph Heimerl
Matt Daly
English 10
26 September, 2016
The Friar and the Pardoner The Canterbury Tales, retold by Geraldine
McCaughrean, is composed of many stories told by different characters on the
road to Canterbury. On their pilgrimage, each of the characters tells a different
story in a contest to win a free dinner when they get to Canterbury. Many of the
tales have similar morals, but the tellers are very different, such as the tales of the
Friar and the Pardoner. Though both of these tales have a similar plot and can be
interpreted in a similar way, their tellers are significantly different. Although the
Friar and the Pardoner are very different people, they both have a similarly
structured story, using a symbolic demons as the antagonist, and with very similar
plotlines. In the Pardoner s Tale, three unintelligent men want to find and murder
someone named Death who is killing many people. The three men stumble upon a
pot of gold, which happens to be Death s pot of gold. They all split the money in
the pot and become rich. While one of the three leaves to buy wine to celebrate
their fortune, the two guarding the gold become greedy and plot to kill the other
so they can keep his gold. However, the one who left had a similar idea, and poisons
the wine he brings to dinner. That night, the two who guarded the gold kill the other
one, but then drink the poisoned wine to celebrate. They all die, and Death takes
back his gold. In the Friar s Tale, a Summoner meets up
The Pros And Cons Of MIT Vs. Massachusetts Institute Of...
Without consideration for the difficulty of acceptance, which university would one
attend: Massachusetts Institute of Technology or California Institute of Technology?
Both universities are highly ranked throughout the world and have the same general
focus, which is STEM Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Even
though the California Institute of Technology(Caltech) has a more affordable tuition
and provides impacting research opportunities, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(MIT) offers greater financial aid services and is an overall higher ranked and more
advanced university.
In the first place, the tuition of each university is significant when deciding which
one is the best university. Initially, MIT has a higher tuition than Caltech, but after
financial aid is taken into account, the fees lower substantially. According to Laura
Bridgestock, an editor of TopUniversities website, the annual tuition fees for
undergraduates are $46,704 at MIT. Although this is exceeding Caltech s annual
tuition fees for undergraduates of $45,846, MIT offers an abundant amount of
financial aid (Bridgestock). This financial aid of MIT s, which 91% of its
undergraduates receive, is far greater than Caltech s, which almost 60% of
undergraduates receive (Bridgestock). Not only do undergraduates receive more
financial aid at MIT, but as Laura Bridgestock reports, the average scholarship
amounts to
Clarno 2
$36,566, leaving seven out of 10 students graduating

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Essay About Goals In Life

  • 1. Essay About Goals In Life Crafting an essay on the subject of life goals is no simple task. It requires a delicate balance between introspection, aspiration, and the ability to articulate one's ambitions. The challenge lies not only in expressing personal goals but also in connecting them to a broader context that resonates with the reader. To begin with, delving into one's own aspirations can be a daunting process. It involves self- reflection, a deep exploration of personal values, and a thoughtful consideration of the future. Pinpointing specific goals requires careful thought about short-term and long-term objectives, and the potential obstacles that may stand in the way. Moreover, the challenge extends to the expression of these goals in a manner that captivates the reader. A successful essay on life goals goes beyond mere enumeration; it requires the artful conveyance of passion, determination, and the significance of these goals in the grander scheme of life. Striking the right balance between personal experiences, aspirations, and the broader societal context demands not only linguistic skill but also a profound understanding of the topic. Additionally, structuring the essay effectively is crucial. The narrative should flow seamlessly, guiding the reader through the journey of self-discovery and future envisioning. The transitions between different aspects of life goals, such as career, personal development, and relationships, must be smooth and logical. In conclusion, composing an essay on life goals is a formidable challenge that demands a harmonious blend of self-awareness, articulate expression, and organizational finesse. It is an exercise that pushes the boundaries of personal reflection and literary craftsmanship. However, the reward lies in the potential for self-discovery and the ability to inspire others through the power of words. For those seeking assistance in navigating this intricate task, similar essays and more can be conveniently accessed and ordered through Their professional writers stand ready to help individuals articulate their life goals with eloquence and precision. Essay About Goals In Life Essay About Goals In Life
  • 2. Retreat Reflection Paper I have been to retreats where women were opening up about their lives, and I recall very vividly thinking, I am not going to share with these people, I do not even KNOW these people. For me, personally, I must feel comfortable with a person and the situation, in order to share. This retreat was for only two days, so there wouldn t be enough time for me to even build a lasting bond with those women. There must be a foundation of trust, and in my personal experience, trust regarding a person, takes time and quite a bit of vetting. Perhaps, some of those women at the retreat, thought the fact that they did not know the other women there, that made them comfortable regarding anonymity, and thus gave them the freedom to share. I cannot... Show more content on ... They were as close to us as family, and to this day, many of them still are. I allowed myself to be vulnerable around them, because I knew they were genuine and could trust them. Our son, is now 10 years old, and is doing very well. He did get a diagnosis of autism when he was 6 years old, but all of the other things that the doctors were concerned about never came to fruition, and he is doing extremely well, even with the autism diagnosis. He is verbal, and thanks to a team of speech, and occupational therapists, and behavior therapy, etc. he truly is doing well in life. Today, my husband and I host a care group in our home every Monday night, and continue to try to demonstrate the same type of love that was demonstrated to us in our previous care group. We are there to support each other in life, and pray for each other, and since we hold it in our home, I try my best to have the home look and feel as inviting as possible. I would say the above, is the closest I can say I have been involved in group therapy if you will. I would not say of course we host, organized therapy session here, but with enough people sharing about their lives and asking for prayer, I would have to say it has come quite close. In regard to Margarita Tartakovsky s article on 5 Benefits of Group Therapy , I would have to agree, that a group setting does help you realize that you are not alone. (2016) Even in our care group, that my husband and
  • 3. The Death Of A Gun On Memorial Day in 2012, a boy in Ohio, only three years old, comes across a gun his father had hidden between the couch and shoots himself in his eye. In North Carolina, while a mother is cleaning, interrupted by an abrupt sound of a gunshot, she rushes into the living room, and discovers that her three year old son had shot her boyfriend s three year old daughter. Then, in Houston, a group of friends come across a pistol in a closet while trying to find some money for snacks, the fifteen year old boy carrying the pistol then accidentally shoots another boy, who was only eleven years old. Unfortunately, these cases happen all too often and it does not just affect minors who are young children, but also those in their adolescence. In many incidents like these, parents who fail to properly store their firearms, could have more than likely prevented a death or injury of another minor. According to the Second Amendment, citizens have the right to own a gun, however those who have failed to conceal their guns properly from a minor has caused it to become easily accessible, and in turn that minor can put themselves or those around him/her at risk; therefore, it should be enacted nationwide that adults who neglect to hide firearms in their homes accordingly, should be charged with criminal negligence. Key Concepts In order to sense why and how it is possible for minors to gain access to firearms, it needs to be understood that there is an excessive amount of firearms that
  • 4. Rhode Island s Public Policy Guidelines Essay Abstract Rhode Islands Future has been established to resolve Rhode Island s need to address the issues of a failing elementary and secondary education system. Currently, Rhode Island students are being outperformed by Massachusetts students on national tests. Although Rhode Island and Massachusetts spend about the same on public education per student. Differences are identified in the management of the schools and the degree of state influence. The main issues focused in this research will be on examining and determining if Rhode Island should adopt more of the management and governance models that Massachusetts uses, which could open the door for empowered schools in Rhode Island. Proposed public policy guidelines, best practices, evaluations on potential educational funding, cost benefit analysis, and risks will be analyzed. Finally, this report will look into what possible recommendations could be made from the outcome of this research. Introduction Focusing on Rhode Island s future, which encompasses the education of our youth is a continuing topic of discussion. However, it is emphasized when neighboring states are outperforming Rhode Island s public school children. Complicating the issue is the performance of Rhode Island public school children fall near or even slightly below the national average on several standardized tests. Delivering more and better services is a persistent need for governments. Mounting costs of delivering services has forced administrators
  • 5. Writing in Mathematics Seminar Mathematics is different from some other disciplines such as art and music in that it builds upon itself. It has traditionally been based on a series of axioms and theorems derived from these axioms, from which more theorems can be derived. Therefore, when an essay asks us to eliminate a concept fundamental to mathematics, it is difficult to make a choice since each concept has its merits and is necessary for understanding concepts that build upon it. This essay, although not feasible to implement in the real world, accomplishes the goals of a Writingin Mathematics seminar, which are to encourage students to think creatively about mathematics, increase the students skills in writing effective arguments, and show the students that there... Show more content on ... The ultimate goal of this seminar is to enhance our writing capabilities, with mathematics as the topic of discussion. This assignment challenges us to think about the arguments of the opposing viewpoints, because both sides are necessary for mathematics to function properly. We have to anticipate the arguments of the other side and build a strong case against those points thereby encouraging us to write more persuasively than a typical assignment in this class would. In my essay, I chose to eliminate the triangle. I had to take into consideration that other people could argue triangles are important in engineering, and I built an argument on how triangles are not necessary with some creative uses of circles. This exercise in counterargument allowed me to practice different persuasive techniques. The higher level thinking required by us is twofold creative workarounds to mathematical concepts and advanced methods of persuasion. While this assignment does challenge our writing abilities, it could do more. We are offered a choice of three topics to write about, so we are free to pick a topic that is the most comfortable for us. A good writer can create an argument for either side of any topic. If the assignment did not give us any choices, we would be challenged to write about something that we are not necessarily comfortable writing about. Students who write in their comfort zone will not try to improve their writing
  • 6. How Far Is Pornography Regulated To paraphrase Nair, pornography is regulated by the Obscene Publications Act 1959. Officially pornography is not legal in the UK. However due to societal values changing over time since this act was written some content that would have been deemed obscene half a century ago could be more accepted nowadays. ? The internet became public in 1991, this caused more of a cultural change making the Obscene Publication Act even more outdated. Alternatively, the act can still play a part in court in modern day cases, to find obscenity. For example, in 2012 there was a court appeal decision stating It was argued on behalf of Gavin Smith that internet relay chat falls far beyond what the Obscene Publications Act 1959 ever had in mind . Even though the
  • 7. Anyone Lived In A Pretty How Town Analysis Poetry is an art borne of a love for language and a want for individual expression. Especially evident during times of transition, poetry can be used to define exisistence or accentuate fantasy. The Modernist movement provided room for experimentation and provocation, proclaiming, out with the old, in with the new . Edward Estlin Cummings illustrated himself as an exemplar example of the Modernist poetryand challenged the expectations of contemporary poetry. Modernism emerged in America as a product of the country s evolved culture. The economics boom that followed World War I created an increase in leisure expenditures. The height of the roaring twenties embraced advancements in technology and entertainment. However, the youth of America suffered from a crisis of identity due to the changed values (VanSpankeren). The Great Depression of the 1930s only served to be another source of disorientation for the idle young. It enlarged the gap between ... Show more content on ... The speaker is an omnipresent narrator for the life of anyone and his love, noone . They are a couple ostracized by society, ignored by everyone but the children. Their situation reflects Cumming s scorned bohemian lifestyle. The phrase spring summer autumn winter repeats throughout the poem indicating passage of time (3). Another repetition is, (with up so floating many bells down) (2). Bells are symbol of beginnings and endings, of weddings and funerals (Hunt). Together, anyone and noone mature in their love, paying less attention to the monotony of the pretty how town and the people who rejected them. When anyone dies, noone dies as well, and the busy folk buried them side by side (27). Anyone and noone are buried both physically and mentally; time goes on and the couple are forgotten by the townspeople more focused on the dull and loveless work of reaping and sowing
  • 8. Ronald Reagan Bibliography Essay Ronald Reagan Ronald Reagan came from humble beginnings. He was born on February 6, 1911 in the town of Tampico, Illinois. His parents were Jack and Nelle. Jack Reagan was an unsuccessful salesman who was also known as an alcoholic. His mother, Nelle Wilson Reagon was a devout farmwoman who raised Ronald and his older brother, Neil, in the Disciples of Christ Church despite their father s Catholicism. The family moved frequently, sometimes in response to new job opportunities, sometimes after Jack had been fired because of his drinking. In 1920 they settled in Dixon, Illinois, where Jack became the proprietor and part owner of a shoe store (Reeves 2). Ronald Reagan was an outgoing, optimistic, popular, and apparently happy youth ... Show more content on ... Newsreels and magazine photos depicted Reagan coming home for leaves and visits. Reagan later sometimes seemed actually to have believed the ruse. Even decades later, he liked to talk about coming back from the war, like other veterans, eager to take up family life again (a life that in his case had hardly been interrupted) (D Souza 11). Reagan s postwar acting career never regained the momentum it had enjoyed in the early 1940s. He had some occasional successes (among them The Hasty Heart in 1949), but he found himself working more often now in minor roles or minor films. Jane Wyman s career, in the meantime, was flourishing, and her absorption with it contributed to what were already growing tensions within the marriage. The couple divorced in 1948 (Reagan 4). As his career and his marriage languished, Reagan had begun to become active in politics. His first vehicle was the Screen Actors Guild (SAG), the film actors union. Reagan had been active in SAG since his first months in Hollywood, and his involvement grew with his marriage to Wyman, who was also an important figure in the organization. In 1946, he chaired a union strike committee and demonstrated an energy and a toughness that his SAG
  • 9. Independence During The War For Independence Independence in Mexico changed the dynamic of life inside the country. It brought about social and economic issue that seemingly found a way to intertwine themselves. In Mexico, the decline in stability led to corruption throughout the country that created not just banditry, but massive widespread banditry. Bandits and the police aspired too many roles in Mexicobefore and after the war on independence. These roles by both bandits and the police were backed by motivations that changed over time but some that stayed the same. The changes that happen were led by the reformation of a rural police force in Mexico and also the rise/reign of Porfirio Diaz that brought about supporters with a long rule. The bandits and police had many roles in Mexican society after the War for Independence. The bandit s roles are somewhat unique because bandits took on my characters in Mexican society. Bandits were made up of mostly peasants, but it comprised of temporary bandits from all parts of society that included; unemployed workers, drought farmers, aspiring businessman, robbers, villagers, and prisoners. When bandits took over regionally in 1857, they took the role of regulating commerce on the highways with the raiding of railroad cars and stagecoaches to pillage valuables from travelers and also goods being imported and exported to Mexico. The role that drove most bandits was to change to a liberal Mexico into a more conservative one. The main reason for controlling highways was to
  • 10. Why DonT We Complain By William F. Buckley Jr. If a person had the option to change the world for the better, would they? If they would, then why is it when a person gets minor inconvenienced by a small problem like not having enough chips for the bean dip, they just accept the problem and they do not do anything about it. William F. Buckley Jr. Wrote an essay called, Why Don t We Complain . Buckley is giving the readers his experience on both the lack of care within the political system and also the apathy people give when it comes to life s minor roadblocks. Society needs to learn that fixing minor problems when given the chance is better than letting a problem grow so much that it starts affecting other people. The audience that this essay is directed to will learn the message of why people should complain, and the purpose the author has to complain. People will do nothing to fix minor, everyday problems; even if the problem is as minor as someone invades someone else s personal space. For example, While Buckley was riding on an airplane, he was inconvenienced by a flight stewardess that could not take Buckley s empty food tray back to the kitchen (76). If he would have only been more affirmative with his words, things would have definitely been different for him. So considering that the author has had experience with being complacent in the real world, Buckley knows the problem of people being passive on a personal level. Buckley wants to show the audience that even the author of the essay can go through the same
  • 11. Video Games And The Video Game Have you ever played a video game and wonder? How does this thing work? Who invented it? Well you re in luck because I have all the information that you ll need to know all about the history of video games. How video games have advanced right along with technology that we use in everyday life. If you ask people. When video games did first came out? Most people would say in the 1970 s and they would be wrong. In 1958, William A. Higginbotham, an engineer working for the United States government, came up with first game played on a type of screen. It was a two player tennis game played on an oscilloscope, a piece of electronic equipment with a 5 inch display . (The history of video games) In 1961, Steve Russell developed the first game played on a computer called Space war . The game was a hit with people, but only a very few would really have the chance to enjoy it. The reason was because back then a computer was the size of a car and very expensive this system cost about $120,000. Only about fifty of these computer were ever sold. In the mid 1960 the Military wanted some sort of device that would develop the reflexes of the military personnel. In 1966 Ralph Baer, an employee of defense contractor Sanders Associates, addressed this demand when he came up with the concept of a television gaming apparatus. (Miller) It took four more year to get a working system. When Baer did he showed it to Magnavox, which then signed him to a licensing agreement in 1971. In January
  • 12. Satire In Greek Comedy Satirical methods have been introduced since the beginning of history as a form of entertainment and a way to get a message across. This is demonstrated through Greek comedies in particular. Greek comedies were typically written to address the common people of that area through actions and words that they would find humorous. Not much has changed today. Comedy and satirical methods are still present and continue to hold a place in current society. The Acharniansis a clear example of an ancient Greek play that uses satireto relay a message, and The Word: Armistice is a news broadcast that plays as evidence that satirical methods used in the past are still present today. Both hold many similarities, and their differences reveal how much society and satire have changed throughout the years. The Acharnians is a satirical, ancient Greek play by playwright Aristophanesdemonstrating a main theme of peace. The play is set during the Peloponnesian war which was primarily fought between Sparta and Athens. Dicaeopolis, the protagonist of the play who yearns for peace, impatiently waits for an assembly to begin and will only stand for speeches that speak of creating peace. However, the general assembly and Athenians are not interested in creating peace. At the assembly, Dicaeopolis meets Amphitheus who claims to be an immortal god. Amphitheus gives him a private peace treaty with Sparta in exchange for eight drachmas. Throughout the play, Dicaepolis is showered with luxurious belongings due to private trade with the enemies of Athens while Lamachus, a belligerent war hero, is living in terrible conditions due to war. Dicaepolis convinces the chorus, or common people of the play that maybe war isn t worth the suffering it brings and that Athenians share more similarities with the people of Sparta than originally thought of. As a result of this, Dicaepolis is celebrated as a hero at the end of the play. Playwright Aristophanes uses a series of satirical methods to present his theme of peace throughout The Acharnians. He makes fun of the citizens of Athens and the Athenian government for their pugnacious methods in war with Sparta and other nations. War gives them nothing but starvation, poverty, and death on both
  • 13. Why I Want To Marry Cromwell Cromwell was at the height of power, religious success and continued to have a tight hold on his master King Henry VIII. After the death of Henry s third wife Jane Seymour, Cromwell advised a new political marriage for the king. To pursue his own advantage and build Protestant connections in Europe, Cromwell suggested the king take a German bride. This would also aid Cromwell against anti Cromwell factions and nobilities, due to the potential bride being an outsider rather than English noblewomen. Cromwell finally found success in the Duke of Cleves sister Anne. Henry, eager to marry once again, sent his artist to paint her portrait, determined to have a beautiful wife. Henry received her portrait and approved of the young Anne of Cleves, she soon set sail for England, an enormous accomplishment for Cromwell s domestic and foreign policy. Henry titled Cromwell earl of Essex on 18... Show more content on ... Henry was furious and turned on his long time friend and adviser, Cromwell. It was alleged that Cromwell had kept Anne s true appetence from the king in fear of discouraging the union. Cromwell s enemies of court encouraged the king to think his minister had betrayed him while trying to further his own influence over the realm and the king. Cromwell was arrested on 10 June 1540 and executed for treason on 28 July, still protesting his innocence to his master. This is evident in his final letter to Henry, begging his mercy. ...Written at the Tower this Wednesday, the last of June, with the heavy hard and trembling hand of Your Highness most heavy and most miserable prisoner and poor slave. Most gracious Prince, I cry for mercy, mercy, mercy. From the evidence provided both Wolsey and Cromwell would ultimately built King Henry up to greatness through political means, nevertheless, their own influence and greed would see the mighty king turn on his closest
  • 14. A And The American Dream A Xicano and The American Dream Is the American Dream something that is feasible for the son of two immigrant parents? Watching my parents try to climb up the ranks of their job and society, in general, in the most honest way, only to just be met with racist legislation, police brutality, racial profiling, and exploitation, I have come to the conclusion that the American Dream is a fallacy. I ve seen too many people beat and killed by the system; too many people of color systemically beat down and killed. I have had too many friends fall victim to the prison system. I have worked too many years in the strawberry, blackberry, and blueberry fields. I am tired of seeing my people suffer; it is time for me to help. I want to become a teacher and hopefully, someday, become a lawyer. The circumstances that led me to the path that I am on started long before I was born. My father came to the U.S when he was 14 years old. I wish I could say that he was still a kid, but he wasn t he was treated like a man. He was expected to work the blazing hot summer fields and the terribly cold winter fields like a grown man is expected to work. He was expected to provide for his three brothers and three sisters like a grown man is expected to provide for his family. There wasn t time to play outside with the other children, paint, draw, or even go to school; there was only time to work and provide. At age 19, he married my mother and they had my oldest sister. He undertook
  • 15. What Are The Four Management Functions Of Google Company This paper is about the four management functions of Google Company. What is Google? What is management? What are their four management functions? Moreover, how does Google Company manage those functions properly and successfully? Google company Established in 1998 and that by doctorate at Stanford University seekers: Larry Pageand Sberga Brin, a general and targeted a US for profit company, and low in the online search and advertising (Online). The company is located mainly in the Montaigne Qiao, Calif., And employs 20 222 full time employees, in the June 30, 2008 according to the newspaper (USA Today). Googol meaning follow up of 100 zeros is a mathematical term. This number makes it possible to symbolize the incredible number of Web pages listed on Google. Google is one of five most popular Internet sites in the world. In the USA it is the fourth most visited site, after Yahoo, AOL, and Microsoft MSN and before e Bay. In... Show more content on ... Decisions at Google are made by their teams. Even the company management is in the hands of a triad: the founders) Larry Page and Sergey Brin) hired Eric Schmidt to act as the CEO of the company, and they are reportedly leading the company by consensus. In other words, this is not a company where decisions are made by the senior management and then implemented top down. It is common for several small teams to attack each problem and for employees to try to influence each other using rational persuasion and data. Gut feeling has little impact on how decisions are made. In some meetings, people reportedly are not allowed to say I think... but instead must say the data suggest.... To facilitate teamwork, employees work in open office environments where private offices are assigned only to a select few. Even Kai Fu Lee, the famous employee whose defection from Microsoft was the target of a lawsuit, did not get his own office and shared a cubicle with two other
  • 16. Biography Of Rick Riordan Rick Riordan is known for writing the famous series Percy Jackson and the Olympians. He also wrote The Kane Chronicles, The Heroes of Olympus, Magnus Chase, and Gods of Asgard. He is too well recognized for his award winning adult series Tres Navarre. Rick taught English and History at public and private schools in San Francisco and Texas. While Teaching in San Antonio, St. Mary s Hall honored Rick with a Master teacher award. Riordan was born on June 5, 1964. He is presently 51 and grew up in San Antonio, Texas. His education consists of Almo Heights High Schooland the University of Texas at Austin. He writes mainly about Fantasy, Fiction, and Mythology. As a child, Riordan enjoyed reading and has ever since. He fell in love with Greek Mythology
  • 17. What Is The Primary Underlying Cause Of The Armenian... I. The primary underlying cause of the Armenian genocide derived from the decline of the Ottoman Empire towards the end of the 19th century, and was based on land dispute, religion, and ultra nationalism. One of the main factors that led to the Armenian genocide is to be found in the mental conditions and characteristics of Turkish National identity (AkcМ§am, 2004, 59). The Armenianshave claimed their home in the southern Caucasus since 7th Century BCE. Throughout many centuries, the Mongol, Persian, Russian, and Ottoman empires have fought over this region. Due to the Armenians lack of unity and strength, they could not claim their lands any longer. They were weak in relation to their conflicting neighbors, and were often deported from the very lands they first lived in. Constant deportations over history eventually led them to many different parts of the world, forming what is the Armenian diaspora. Ever since the 4th Century CE, the Armenian state claimed Christianity as their official religion. Even after Islam was founded in the 7th century CE and became the state religion in all of the countries surrounding Armenia, the Armenians still held onto the Christian faith. Since Christianity was a religious minority at the time, Armenians were viewed as infidels , and were disposed to unjust treatment as a result. They experienced hardship, religious persecution, discrimination, and abuse. Armenians began to pay higher taxes and had very few political and legal
  • 18. Reversible Data Hiding Method For Improving Security Essay REVERSIBLE DATA HIDING METHOD FOR IMPROVING SECURITY 1 Prabhakaran. G, 2 Sowkarthika. T, 3Aravindan.S, 4Anandraj.P,5 Palanimurugan.S 1,2,3,4,5 Asst. Prof/CSE, EGSPEC Abstract The utilization of PC systems for information transmissions has made the need of security. The security of this intuitive media data should be possible with encryption or information concealing calculations. To diminish the transmission time, the information pressure is necessary. Since couple of years, an issue is to attempt to join pressure, encryption and information covering up in a solitary stride. Picture security turns out to be progressively critical for some applications, e.g., secret transmission, video reconnaissance, military and therapeutic applications. These days, the transmission of pictures is an every day routine and it is important to locate a proficient approach to transmit them over systems. They send Secret message over channel utilizing Cryptography and Steganography calculations by AES (Advanced Encryption Standard). It is utilized to scramble the information from plain content to figure content the other way around. There are two sorts of keys accessible in the cryptography, symmetric and asymmetric. There are utilizing symmetric keywhich is separated into two key, for example, private and open key. Open key is utilized for encryption and private key is utilized for decoding. The reversible information concealing method is utilized to recover the information and picture
  • 19. What Is The Moral Of No Name Woman No Name Woman focuses on Kingston s mother telling her story about her aunt s suicide and what lead to such drastic decision. While explaining the story Kingston reveals superstitions that Chinese communities have and how it influenced her aunt s death. Aiaa, the aunt, was the only daughter and was obviously cherished however when she becomes pregnant and her community finds out chaos beginnings. The community start harassing her and her familys house and eventually she becomes isolated. The moral of the story is that womanhood has been considered the worst thing since the dawn of time an Kingston s essay and the Chinese Culture do not fail to fulfill such injustice. In this essay we can tell that Kingston is just a child since
  • 20. Environmental Pollution By Lee And Brenda Lerner Pollution As our world becomes more industrialized, the outcome is hurting the health of humans and destroying planet Earth. In the article Environmental Pollution written by Lee and Brenda Lerner, it is stated that problems range from disposal of wastes, water management, and burning of fossil fuels (Lerner and Lerner 200). Although industrialization is very important in the world, restrictions and laws need to be made to protect Earth for generations to come. One type of pollutionis water pollution. Writers Lee Lerner and Brenda Lerner wrote in the article Water Pollution and Biological Purification, that water pollution can be caused by runoffs of chemicals or organic waste. (Lerner and Lerner 623) According to this article, these pollutants can . . . radically alter the ecosystem . . . (Lerner and Lerner 623). This allows for . . . the overproduction of certain forms of algae and bacteria that pollute the water . . . ( Lerner and Lerner 623 ) According to Mr. and Mrs. Lerner, water temperature can increase the growth of bacteria and algae, which can speed the process up or slow it down. (Lerner and Lerner 623) These microorganisms can be deathly fatal to humans. It is stated that water purification seeks to convert the polluted water into water that is acceptable for drinking, for recreation, or for some other purpose (Lerner and Lerner 624). The most common techniques are filtration of chemicals and the use of chlorination. (Lerner and Lerner 624)
  • 21. Nonverbal Communication And Nonverbal Behavior Research Paper 1 Nonverbal Communication Nonverbal communication includes all aspects of communication other than words (Wood, 2013). Nonverbal Communication Indispensable Compliment of Oral and Written Communication Dinica s article in Procedia, Social and Behavioral Sciences from 2014 researched how nonverbal behavior aids communication by observing how animals communicate, since humans are the only species to use language as their main form of communication. While there were some similarities between animal s and human s nonverbal behaviors, they discovered that thanks to language, humans have adapted to using their words to communicate information more and pick up on less nonverbal cues. Animal communication was limited based on their body features and the range of ways they could use their bodies to communicate different things. It talks about how children learn nonverbal communication first and learn to pick up on cues as a young kid until they become old enough to use full sentences. This makes it so many of the nonverbal cues are learned at a young age from children watching their parents communicate. It is believed that women have a better ability at perceiving nonverbal cues since they are often the ones communicating with young children. The article then goes on to discuss different areas of nonverbal communication. The first area is body language. Similar to class it mentions how facial expressions are great for communicating emotions and posture can
  • 22. Carl Roger Transcript Transcripts of Carl Rogers Therapy Sessions Edited by Barbara T. Brodley and Germain Lietaer Volume 12 YearPage Gloria Filmed Interview19652 Sylvia 4th Interview (Filmed)197521 Commentary interspersed throughout Sylvia 5th Interview (Filmed)197539 Commentary interspersed throughout Kathy Filmed Interview197553 Commentary67 Dione 1st Filmed Interview197768 Commentary interspersed throughout Dione 2nd Filmed Interview1977197785 Final Comments109 These transcripts are available for purposes of research, study and teaching. They may not be sold. Throughout these interviews the responses of the therapist (T) (Rogers), and the client (C)... Show more content on ... She ll explore some of her feelings and attitudes more deeply. She is likely to discover some hidden aspects of herself that she wasn t aware of previously. Feeling herself prized by me, it is quite possible she ll come to prize herself more. Feeling that some of her meanings are understood by me, then she can more readily perhaps listen to herself, listen to what is going on within her own experience, listen to some of the meanings she hasn t been able to catch before. And perhaps if she senses realness in me, she ll be able to be a little more real within herself. I suspect there will be a change in the manner of her expression, at least this has been my experience in other instances. From being rather remote from her experiencing, remote from what is going on within her, it s possible that she ll move toward more immediacy of experiencing, that she will be able to sense and explore what is going on in her in the immediate moment. From being disapproving of herself, it is quite possible she ll move toward a greater degree of acceptance of herself. From somewhat of a fear of relating, she may move toward being able to relate more directly and to encounter me more directly. From construing life in somewhat rigid black and white patterns, she may move toward more tentative ways of construing her experience and of seeing
  • 23. Customer Centric Organization Of Fast Vision Products And... Lenscrafters have differentiated themselves as unique providers of fast vision products and services above their competitors. Specifically, the company s strengths are based on its timely glasses in one hour service, the broad range of brand selection and the great customer experience in their stores. Clients can, thus, be served within an hour through a lab consultation where a customercan choose eyeglasses that meet their most needs. The firm surpasses competitors through offering the latest brands with customized payment plans such as flexible credit offers at their Optometric service shops. They provide excellent customer service experience in their on site labs where personal consultants offer eye examination and frame selection advises that suit client needs. Lenscrafters have created a customer centric organization that upholds customer relationship managementstrategy as their competitive advantage. The primary operations management activities include operational planning, designing of goods and services, resource planning and capacity management, quality control and inventory control affect the outcomes of customer contact with a company s goods and services (CordГіn, Sundtoft, Seifert, 2013). The operations management activities of a service firm such as Lenscrafters determine the level of service quality as perceived by the clients; hence, the amount of entertainment the experience provides. The operations management concept revolves around all the
  • 24. The Employment Of Social Workers Finding a job in this field should be relatively easy. According to the Bureau of Labor statistics, the employment of social workers is projected to grow around 12 percent from 2014 2024. This growth is much faster than most other occupations. The increased demand for social services and health care will lead to the employment growth. Social workers can be employed in almost any setting. State institutes focus on cases that deal with abuse or foster care ( Your Guide for Becoming a Social Worker in 2017 ,2017,p.14 ). These are also the lowest paid position a social worker can get. School districts is the one of the largest employers to date. Social workers are usually needed to help handle special education cases along with... Show more content on ... Social work positions are often full time and come with full benefits ( U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2017,p.1). Senior social workers are allowed to have a self directed schedule along with it being super flexible. They can choose how and when to attend to their cases and will allowed to work by themselves without any direct supervision. What do social workers actually do? what does their job consist of? Social workers work with people and their families to help support them through the many difficult times they may have and to ensure that the vulnerable people in the situation are removed from any harm. Their role is to provide support and help improve peoples lives to the best of their ability. They have to use their professional judgment to make vast, quick and tough decisions that isn t always well received by the people they are trying to help ( Your Guide for Becoming a Social Worker in 2017 ,2017, p.8). These roles can be very challenging and have the potential to get media attention which can be negative for the family, social worker and whole institution. Due to that, the government is putting more measures to support and develop a strong workforce for the many social workers and to help them feel as comfortable as possible. Qualified social workers can also work alongside a social work assistant who they work closely with. They can work in a statutory and
  • 25. Three Major Classes of Fingerprints Essay The three basic pattern classifications of fingerprints established by Sir Edward Richard Henry in 1896 are the arch, the loop, and the whorl. In an arch pattern, ridges flow from one side of the finger directly to the opposite side without any deltas. This type of print accounts for about 5% of all fingerprints. There are two types of arch patterns, the plain arch and tented arch. In a loop pattern, the ridges flow from one side of the finger, than they curve, than pass an imaginary line drawn from the delta to the core, and flow out the same side of the finger. They contain one delta on the opposite side of the opening. This type of print accounts for about 70% of all fingerprints. There are two types of loops. The two types are ulnar... Show more content on ... A double loop whorl is the type of pattern that consists of two separate sets of loop formations, shoulders, and deltas. An accidental whorl is the type of pattern that is composed of two types of patterns with two or more deltas. A central pocket loop is the type of pattern that consists of one or more recurving ridges or an obstacle at a right angle to the line of flow with two deltas. Also, when an imaginary line is drawn, no recurving ridge near the inner pattern area is cut or touched. Sub classes are important because they help distinguish specific prints from others quickly, therefore illuminating some possible suspects right away. There are three types of fingerprints that could be left at a crime scene. The three types are latent, patent, and plastic. Latent fingerprints are made from the oil and sweat on the surface of a person s skin. This type of print is invisible by the naked eye and requires processing for visibility purposes. The process can be done using chemicals or powder. Patent fingerprints are made from blood, ink, dirt, or grease and they are visible by the naked eye. Plastic fingerprints are made when a person presses on wax, paint, or soap and they are visible by the naked eye. The three types of fingerprints help investigators discover who was at the crime scene which can possibly lead to the arrest of suspects. When collecting inked prints, there is a certain process that needs to be followed. First, a person s hand must be
  • 26. A Complicated Kindness And Catcher In The Rye A Complicated Kindness is an adolescent novel by Miriam Toews, published originally by Knopf Canada in 2004. Inspired by her experience as a Mennonite herself, Toews crafts a story around a teenage girl known informally as Nomi. Nomi experiences the hardships of religious oppression only to let her familygive in first. Catcher in the Rye is, too, an adolescent novelwritten instead by J. D. Salinger. Comparable to A Complicated Kindness, Catcher in the Rye saw some inspiration for the story by Salinger s experience as an angsty teenager in New York. The resulting tale is of a young man named Holden who abandons schooling and his wealthy home to find a place to belong. These two narratives more than fifty years apart have some striking parallels about them. The central theme in both novels is how the benefits to maturity are greatly desired by youth, but the path to... Show more content on ... The second dress lies on the barn roof initially, but once returning to the barn the dress was no longer there. This is representative of Nomi s mother and sister, who had left to avoid waiting for death in East Village by leaving and never returning. Nomi also states how she felt when she did not see it there, saying, I had really been hoping that it would be [there] and when I couldn t find it I felt tired and pissed off and hot and stupid (42). Her reaction to this missing dress can be applied to her feelings toward the disappearance of her mother and sister. She is upset with her mother and sister leaving, but she also feels daft for not leaving herself. To conclude, the dress in the dirt represents Nomi presently, as she is sitting in East Village and waiting to be buried. The dress that disappeared from the roof represents what Nomi wishes to do, as she wants to leave East Village to experience the rest of the world and do something with her life rather than wait for it to
  • 27. Disobedience And Conformity In John Hughes s The Breakfast... Being stereotyped and having a label put on you by your family s history or your behavior, can bring either obedience or even worse, disobedience, not caring if it was the authority or the less fortunate. In John Hughes film The Breakfast club (1985) consists of five students, going from obedient with brains, to a disobedient rebellious kid. While Benders actions and past was given a label of a criminal, Brian was labeled as the brains in the group, due to his action in academics and being obedient. Could we say Benders and Brian s action were to impress his friends/family or to just follow the crowd ? or was it really their actions they wanted to take? The Asch Experiment (1951) gave us a inside scoop of how someone will agree to the group to feel conformity and not feeling as if he/she was incorrect to do so. While Brian was opening up to his near suicide attempt, bringing out another side of his character, a more dark and troubling way same as Bender. They all spoke out as a group to feel comfort , and not be the odd one out not opening to one another. Beginning of The Breakfast Club came in 5 student, all who disobeyed authority one way or another. Being either bringing a gun to school, bullying or simply not following authority, they were all sent to Saturday detention. There is , the obvious, the brains and of course the criminal. Being Brian the brains and John Bender the criminal, while one was the smart obedient kid, and the other the , no good know it all
  • 28. The Godless Constitution Summary This paper is a book critique of The Godless Constitution. The first chapter of the book is titled Is America a Christian Nation? and it is an introduction for the rest of the book. In this chapter, the main idea is to open the reader s mind about that the constitution was created with the idea that religious believes will not influence in the politicsof the nation. The authors state that The principal framers of the American political system wanted no religious parties in national politics (Kramnick and Moore, 23). Actually, the creation of a constitution without influence of religionwas not an act of irreverence. The authors believe that the creation of the constitution was a support to the idea that religion can preserve the civil morality necessary for democracy, without an influence on any political party. The end of the chapter is the description of the following chapters and with a disguise warning that both authors were raise in religious families and they wrote the book with high respect for America s religious traditions (Kramnick and Moore, 25). The second chapter, called The Godless Constitution explains how the different terms to talk about God were taken out and a no religious test clause was adopted with little discussion. This clause was a veritable firestorm during the ratification debates in several states (Kramnick and Moore, 32). For many people the no religious test clause was considered as the gravest defect of the Constitution (Kramnick
  • 29. The Habit Of Persistence By Dr. Howard Watson The Habit of Persistence By Dr Howard Watson | Submitted On November 07, 2012 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Dr Howard Watson There are many behavioural characteristics that can be identified amongst those individuals who have succeeded as entrepreneurs and have consequently become self made millionaires. One of the most important of such desirable and acquirable attitudes is the habit of being persistent. Calvin Coolidge stated this most eloquently when he said; Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan Press On has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race. So what is persistence? Persistence is the determination to do something even though it is difficult or other people oppose it. It is that dogged tenacity to never let go, like a bulldog, until you achieve your goal. The general principle is that if you want to be successful you must not give up too early along the success
  • 30. Humanity versus Virtual Reality Essay Humanity versus Virtual Reality . . . Aiding this process was a definition of information, formalized by Claude Shannon and Norbert Wiener, that conceptualized information as an entity distinct from the substrates carrying it. From this formulation, it was a small step to think of information as a kind of bodiless fluid that could flow between different substrates without loss of meaning or form. Writing nearly four decades after Turing, Hans Moravec proposed that human identity is essentially an informational pattern rather than an embodied enaction. N. Katherine Hayles, How We Became Posthuman William Wordsworth was well aware of the effect of technology upon human beings. Of course he would have been speculating had he tried ... Show more content on ... Wordsworth s writing career was focused on explaining the human experience as being more than mere sensory stimuli. When a reader of Wordsworth reads The Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson, she becomes aware of Wordsworth s profound and nearly prophetic view of the world, at least of the world that Stephenson creates in his novel. In The Diamond Age, the world of the future depends upon technology that manipulates human beings lives, but Stephenson tell us that there is still more: Nell, the protagonist, depends upon her soul and her intuition to save her from physical suffering. The human soul and human intuition cannot be ordered or manipulated, because they do not conform to logic and reason; perhaps the only word to describe the power of the human soul and intuition is the power of the supernatural. Wordsworth s writing subverts logic and reason and nourishes the idea that there is more to human life than what is scientifically understood or proven. Science can only manipulate the nervous system within human beings; it cannot understand nor manipulate that which many call the human soul. Wordsworth s subversion does not mean that he has no regard for reason; he is not worried about the compatibility of reason, Nature, and human feelings such as passion, suffering, love, and the soul, which are experiences or feelings that science cannot study or
  • 31. Causes Of College Dropout The college drop out and failure rate in North America is unacceptably high and it s becoming a huge problem. In fact, US News reports that 30% of college freshmen drop out after their first year of college (Bowler 2). There are quite a few reasons students drop out of College. Whether it s having a child or working two jobs, it s hard for most students to balance collegeand life. Some of the main causes of dropping out include nontraditional situations, mental issues such as stress or anxiety, and lack of self knowledge. Many college students have non traditional situations. Some students have children or dependents that limit their available hours. This can be hard because financial aid is not given to part time students and they may not be able to afford their classes or a caretaker. Students also may drop out because they don t want debt in the future and can t afford college on their own. Some students work full time or have multiple jobs to support themselves and pay for their education. This makes it hard to pass a class because they lack time to study or to do their work outside of class. For example, an article about why students drop out states that Nearly three quarters (71%) of students who dropped out of college said that work contributed to the decision, with more than half (54%) identifying it as a major factor (Kantrowitz, 3). This is a significant example because it provides hard evidence that many students are dropping out or failing because
  • 32. Nonverbal Communication And Communication 1. Confidence implies one s estimation of one s self. On the off chance that you have a low estimation of your esteem, to yourself, to others, to society, to whatever it is that you relate yourself to, that is low confidence. That is truly all it is. Your own estimation of your own esteem. Confidence is simply the route in which one perspectives. In their own life and their expert life, it is simply the route in which they present as certain, their managers and future companions will consider them to be such. In the event that they see themselves to be useless and monstrous, they will in all probability have that sort of mentality in their discourse, non verbal communication, and work efficiency. 2. A nourishment pyramid or eating routine pyramid is a pyramid formed outline speaking to the ideal number of servings to be eaten every day from each of the fundamental nutrition classes. The main pyramid was distributed in Sweden in 1974. The 1992 pyramid presented by the Unified States Branch of Farming was known as the sustenance control pyramid. It was refreshed in 2005, and afterward it was supplanted by MyPlate in 2011. 3. Nonverbal correspondence between individuals is correspondence through sending and getting silent pieces of information. It incorporates the utilization of visual signals, for example, non verbal communication, remove and physical conditions or appearance, of voice and of touch. It can likewise incorporate chronemics and oculesics. Similarly as
  • 33. Review Of The Art Of Reinvention The Art of Reinvention What is reinvention? Reinvention is the art of changing something or someone that existed previously, and assigning it a new designated role. Prior to undergoing a reinvention, someone must experience enough pain in their current situation to aspire a need for it. An effective reinvention is when someone is able to create something completely different out of the life they previously lived. Characters from The Americans, Breaking Bad, and Gone Girl all reinvented themselves into new individuals with new values and beliefs. Although each of the characters experienced different forms of reinvention, they were all able to recreate themselves into either something better or something worse. Therefore, as a member of the Hollywood Foreign Press, I believe that Walter White from Breaking Bad had the most complete reinvention because he came to accept his flaws, went through an enormous amount of pain, and finally created a new reality of standards for himself. When a person is in the process of reinvention, it is vital to know why he or she wants to change and how they can achieve the most effective reinvention. According to Arthur Day, Recognize what s causing you to want to reinvent yourself....Is it age related, peer pressure, family expectations? Is it a specific developmental stage you re in? Or is it a reaction to something else in your life that you re unhappy with? To be fully reinvented, a person needs to do more than just change a thing or
  • 34. Crazy Horse Malt Liquor People have a natural tendency to stereotype, given to them the minute they can form ideas. These stereotypes are seen as wrong by the twenty first century society of America, something humanity should fight within. They are seen as immoral, a human instinct to be fought. Stereotyping is generally viewed as a negative thing: many people even claim it s evil, a way to oppress those different from others. It is commonly thought to have a major influence on the way people perceive others, often influencing their perceptions negatively, thus being seen as having a bad effect on the way people view other cultures or ideas. However, other people claim that stereotyping can have a positive influence over the lives of others, and is not innately bad. Thus begging the question; is stereotyping inherently bad, or has it done some good for the world too? In his article Crazy Horse Malt Liquor, renowned author Michael Dorris speaks of stereotyping against a culture. Being of Native American descent himself, he refers to many common ways the American people stereotype against Native Americans, often unintentionally offending them for seemingly innocuous actions. He speaks of streets and football teams named in honor of fallen tribes, cartoon images, media generalizations that portray Native Americans a specific way, one that creates distance between the Indians and the rest of the world. Dorris also explains that because of stereotyping against Native Americans, the twenty first
  • 35. Ontario Human Rights Case The Ontario human rights case is about Micheal bates, he alleged that he was discriminated against because Zurich insurance charged him higher premiums for his automobile insurance than a young, single female driver with the same driving record or drivers over the age of 25. In the case above, I am gearing towards discrimination all young drivers are not on the same level. The insurance company is failing to consider different perspectives or not planning on including all drivers. Even if the insurance company didn t intend to cause the barriers it s still considered discrimination based on Michaels gender, age and martial status. It s a negative stereotype and biases against Micheal because the individual is being judged based on negative feelings towards the gender. We have all heard statements about young male ... Show more content on ... As I mentioned above the focus is on increasing insurance rates on males based on their age, gender, and marital status. Insurance companies like to increase insurance for males for the reasons above. Instead of making it equal access for everyone and starting off with a flat, basic rate that would go up based on speeding tickets and accident claims. The prohibited ground will protect Micheal, he was discriminated against because of his association with a gender,marital status and age. The code prohibits discrimination because of age in all social areas including employment. It is called ageism its thinking about a person based on negative stereotypes, there is also evidence of martial status in the case the policies and actions are based on the stereotype of marriage. With a young man being married it s assumed that he will be less likely to drive fast or risky. The exceptions under the OHRC is not relateable, the category does not include any specific defences and exceptions that would allow the behaviour to be otherwise
  • 36. Rule of St. Benedict Monasticism or monarchism is literally the act of dwelling alone . The Rule of St Benedict played an important role in Europe during the middle ages, monks were able to preserve many classical works from both the Romans and the Greeks while acting as copiers that produced books, they were the most pious of the church and acted as a model for the average person to strive for. It dignified manual labor, the rule acted as a written constitution and rule of law for most monasteries, policies could be seen as harsh by some but the overall message is built around a positive spirit of reconciliation. The Rule of St. Benedict most significant role for the development of European civilization was education. The beginning of Christian monasticism can be divided into two main types, the eremitical or solitary and the coenobitical or family type. St. Anthony may be called the founder of the purely eremitical system or hermit life style living out in the desert, while St. Pachomius was the founder of the second less solitary and more community based way of life. The rule of St. Anthony or the Antonian system left the monks way of life up to his own discretion. This contrasted the Rule of St. Pachomius who were almost all living as a community yet without the stability brought by the rule of St. Benedict. The two rules would rival each other in Egypt but wouldn t become a model outside of Egypt. Then in the 4th century St. Basil changed and reordered Greek monasticism. He rejected the
  • 37. Annual Awareness Levels Of South Devon Tennis Centre Essay Background of the Client This proposal is to address the decreasing amount of memberships and students awareness levels of South Devon Tennis Centre. South Devon Tennis Centre is governed by Volunteers and all profits made are re invested into the the centre. TennisMAD was first established in 1985 by Paul Butcher, he started the company in South Devon and named it South Devon Tennis Centre, which was and still is located in Ivybridge. Since then TennisMAD has expanded covering a wide range of locations in the local area. The South Devon Tennis Centre is now the head quarters of the company. TennisMAD provide different programmes for adults, juniors, pre school as well as development coaching and performance coaching. They currently have two distinct demographics which are 5 18 and 50+. Over the past 10 years there has been significant changes in the amount of Tennis participation across the UK, fluctuating year to year. In 2013 the amount of people participating in Tennis was 694,100, comparing with today which has risen by 7% theres now 746,900 (Senior Vice) people participating within Tennis. The increase of tennis participation links in with the purchase of tennis balls and and tennis racquets, within the last 12 months 67% of tennis players have purchased tennis balls and 54% have purchased racquets. Similar to this Statistics show that more than 2 million people participate in Tennis within the UK. These figures indicate that there is a clear interest for Tennis
  • 38. Self In Zootopia Anyone can be Anything: How Self is Shaped by Individuals and Society. In the movie Zootopia, racial profiling and social stereotypes are allegorized into distinctive, discriminatory clade of predator prey and species archetypes such as slow sloths, sly foxes and dumb bunnies. Most reviews praised the movie s thematic portrayals of stereotypes (e.g. Telegraph, New York Times) and universal values of freedom and perseverance (e.g. Washington Post). But few reviews address the films exploration of variations of identity as noted by Screen Crush, and there was no in depth analysis of self. Hence, this essay seeks to explore self in Zootopia. Within the city of Zootopia, the recurring slogan In Zootopia, anyone can be anything , seemingly gives ... Show more content on ... This implies that one s self is susceptible to racial profiling and stereotyping, as Zootopia allegorizes. In Zootopia, although Nick had childhood aspirations of becoming a scout, his victimization at the hands of other animals leaves him with a pessimistic view of being able to define self outside of his species stereotype, stating that if society see[s] a fox as shifty and untrustworthy, there s no point in being anything else. Nick therefore accepts society s profiling as a sly fox and becomes a con artist. In stark contrast to the hopeful belief spurred from the slogan that Zootopian characters have the sovereignty to freely pursue their dreams, species stereotyping within Zootopia limits the autonomy to construct self, and instead self making is dominated by these discriminative perceptions. Consequently, Zootopian characters such as Nick resigned self to a discriminatory role. No longer is self constructed by just the individual; Species stereotyping becomes the social forces which drives the individual s notion of self. Although Zootopia s motto of anyone can be anything allows citizens to participate in self creation, societal perceptions of the individual dictates their notion of
  • 39. The Importance Of Student Success At Anaheim High School Do you believe the amount of time spent at school influences how smart you are or how well you do in school? At Anaheim High School if you ask students if they study at home, maybe about 50% of the students will tell you that they do and the other 50% will tell you that they do, but not as often as they should be. Majority of the students do very well on tests and other academic categories, but is all the material they are learning staying in their memory? There is only six hours of school, five days a week. It is most likely that not all of the information we have been told on a daily basis will stay in our memory for the next day. In order to increase student success at Anaheim High School, they should increase the time in class. In the essay Marita s Bargain written by Gladwell, it states that when they increased the amount of time their students spent in each class, it helped them enhance in different academic categories, I think that extended amount of time gives you the chance as a teacher to explain things, and more time for the kids to sit and digest everything that s going on to review, to do things at a much slower pace (10). This is clarifying the idea that the more time you have in class it gives you the opportunity to process every bit of information you are given. You do not have to rush throughout your work or feel pressured to finish your assignments on time. This concept should be encouraged in order to improve the consistency in the students GPA s.
  • 40. Why The Giant Panda Is One Of The Most Misunderstood Animals The Giant Panda is one of the most misunderstood animals on the planet. For many years, it was believed to be a type of racoon, like the similarly named red panda. However, genetics testing and observation have revealed that the panda is in fact, a bear. It has several adaptations that make it unusual. First is the fact that it has six digits on the front paws, giving it an opposable thumb ideal for holding onto the stalks of bamboowhich it consumes in great amounts. The genitalia of the male are rear pointing and small which is also decidedly bearish, and much more like those of the red panda. It has only been since 1995 that the Panda has been officially considered a bear. Typical pandas have a large head, and distinct white and black ... Show more content on ... Males grow to 190 275 pounds and 64 76 inches in length, with females being slightly smaller and lighter at 155 220 pounds. They reach sexual maturity between ages 4 1/2 to 6 1/2 years and mate once during the spring months of March, April, and May. The females are in estrus for anywhere from 1 to 3 weeks, but are only really receptive for a few days of that time. During August and September, pregnant females give birth to anywhere from one to three cubs, with one being the more common. The cubs are weaned at nine months, but often stay with their mothers for more than two years. Like most bears, pandas are solitary animals. Females with cubs being the only exception. They mark their territories by scratching trees and by rubbing a musky anogenital gland against rocks and trees. Additionally, they communicate with different vocalizations. Scientists have identified 11 distinct calls, but cannot identify the exact function of all of them. Pandas are quite vegetarian, making bamboo 99% of their diet. Adults can eat anywhere between 26 and 33 pounds of it in a day, and with soft new shoots up to 84 pounds! Incredibly, that s almost 40% of their body weight! Occasionally they consume meat and some other
  • 41. 1.02 Self-Determination, Code Of Ethics I ve always been a very shy person who doesn t like much attention brought to myself. I m assuming this is why a family member decided I would be his target. Carl was roughly five six years older than me, and one would think, he should have known better. It started when I was five, at least that s the age I can remember. It wasn t until I had gotten older to really understand what was going on. Carl would always say to me Don t tell, he ll get in trouble , or don t tell, because my mom would get mad at me . This lasted until I was around 10, at that point I started to feel uncomfortable, and weird. I had finally matured enough to understand that I didn t like what was going on. I still didn t completely understand the gist of it, but I knew... Show more content on ... This relates to the non judgmentalism I received from my mother. This allowed me to feel comfortable with sharing my experience, and later reaching out to other family members. Code 1.02 Self Determination, Code of Ethics (2008) states, Social Workers respect and promote the right of clients to self determination and assist clients in their efforts to identify and clarify their goals (National Association of Social Workers, 2008). This relates to my mother assisting me to become comfortable with sharing my experience. As well as, reach my future goal in obtaining outside help. Code 1.01 Commitment to Clients, Code of Ethics (2008) states, Social workers primary responsibility is to promote the well being of clients. In general, clients interests are primary (National Association of Social Workers, 2008). This code goes against my experience with my psychiatrists. When entering her office, and disclosing my problem. She made me feel guilty, and allowed me to feel as though she was not there to promote my
  • 42. The Ethics Of The Clinical Trials In recent years, the number of clinical trials increased significantly. With an increasing number of clinical trials, the ethical issues related to clinical trials have also increased. Furthermore, the ethics of the clinical trials were violated on several occasions in last few decades. Nazi experiments with World War II initiated the world leaders to implement a code of conduct that protects the autonomy of the clinical trial subjects. Therefore, the Nuremberg Code was initiated in the year of 1949. However, this Code failed to protect the human subjects in clinical trials. Tuskegee syphilis trial was one of the few incidents that were exposed in front of the entire country. The regulatory agencies and the government then realized that there should be better regulations to protect the human subjects in the clinical trials. A series of codes and regulations were established to protect the subjects in the clinical trial after the Tuskegee incident. The Belmont report (1979), International Conference on Harmonization guideline for Good Clinical Practice (1996), the Declaration of Helsinki (2000), and CIOMS International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects (2002) are the main guidelines in recent years. There are also federal regulations to protect human subjects in the clinical trials. They are USCFR Title21 Part 50, 56 (Protection of Human Subjects and Institutional Review Boards, 1991), and USCFR Title 46 (The Common Rule, 1981). These federal
  • 43. A Critical Reflection Of Walmart Practice makes perfect. We came into this project knowing we can improve from our first presentation. We knew what areas we had to focus on this time around. We became more comfortable around each other, allowing us to be more expressive without fearing judgment from each other, at least in my point of view. At first, we were a little upset, since we did not want to do a presentation on Walmart. Walmart had a negative connotation to them based on their business practices towards their employees, which pushes me away from their company. Instead, we were hoping to base our project on a sustainable company we, as college students, are closer to, such as New Belgium Brewing. It s funny, but I believe that somewhat make us more close and unified to one another, being able to rally around a common source of frustration. But in the end, we were good. In this project we had to complete for our sustainable company, Walmart, we knew we were being asked to create a creative presentation, to use our imagination to transform the classroom into another world. Creativity is the generation, application, combination, and extension of new ideas. In the context of groups and teams, creativity is inventing or creating a new idea, strategy, principle, or approach to solving a problem (Beebe and Masterson 302). A technique we used to enhance our team creativity was group brainstorming. Brainstorming is a creative problem solving method, developed by Alex Osborn, designed to help a group
  • 44. Onomatopoeia In Fireworks Boom, Boom, Boom! Is an example of onomatopoeia, which is a figurative language. In the song Fireworks by Katy Perry is filled with numerous types of figurative language and poetic elements. From personification to internal rhyme, there is more to it. Along with that, there are means behind the words. Throughout the song, what the singer is saying is that you are unique and that you should show others what you got. In the first three lines, the figurative language, personification is identified. Which means that you are giving a human trait to an object. The singer was giving a human feelings to a plastic bag, saying it wanted to start again . What the singer is saying is that you are a plastic bag and you are wanting to start something
  • 45. The Effect Of Mobile And Wireless Communication On The... Introduction Information and communication has been changing rapidly during the past decades, and such changes will be affecting the society for the next five years. One effect is on individual lifestyles and this includes an increase of mobile usage and social network consumption. The changes also enable the appearance of cloud technology and the utilization of data management called big data. Another effect that is placed in a classroom. The classroom in the 21st century is virtual and allows stakeholders include students and teachers to access courses through online devices. Lin, H., Wang, Y., Li, C. (2016). Mobile learning has become more and more important in the educational context because the rapid advance and the popularity... Show more content on ... Nowadays, students are able to access online learning through internet technology, available time, and resources. This collaborative system allows student groups interacting of learning, sharing and enabling learning evaluation. In terms of Thailand, the Thai government has the policy to support the use of technology in the education system. It is believed that technology increases students potential. To achieve this, teachers should apply more technology in classes. Therefore, The aim of this study is to improve higher students critical thinking skills with the utilization of the changes in the information and communication technology. To achieve this objective, the initial step of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of learning in a borderless classroom. The borderless classroom will be used as an alternative instrument which a lecturer can use to distribute learnings and /or lessons. Research Question 1.Study the borderless classroom: a modern collaborative learning model to enhance higher education students critical thinking skills. 2.Study the students satisfaction towards borderless classroom: a modern collaborative learning model. Rationale The progress of technology had improved digital technology and wireless network. They resulted in the expansion of mobile phones and portable computers have improved. The student could learned outside the
  • 46. Anti-LGBT Legislation On March 23, North Carolina passed the Public Facilities Privacy and Security Act, commonly referred to as HB2. The new legislation mandates that students in North Carolina state schools use the bathroom that corresponds with the sex listed on their birth certificate. Although North Carolina is currently making headlines, it is not the only state has passed anti LGBTlegislation. In fact, there have been almost 200 anti LGBT bills introduced in other states since January. Opponents criticize HB2 for excluding gay and transgenderpeople from privacy and legal protections. As a result, North Carolina has received major backlash across the board from citizens of the state, officials of other states, and large corporations such as PayPal. The passing of HB2 caused PayPal to cancel its plans to open a new global operations center in Charlotte, which was expected to employ 400 people in skilled jobs. PayPal is an online payment service that allows businesses, as well as individuals, to conveniently accept bank or credit card payments for items they sell. Part of the company s values is that each person has the right to be treated with equality, dignity, and respect. The CEO of PayPal, Dan Schulman, stated, Becoming an employer in North Carolina, where members of our teams will not have equal rights under the law, is simply untenable. Schulman believes HB2 does not foster the inclusive environment PayPal aims to provide all employees and stakeholders. PayPal vows to support the LGBT community in repealing HB2. ... Show more content on ... However, North Carolina has a lot to lose unless HB2 is repealed or amended. As of now, researchers estimate that $20 million and 550 jobs are at
  • 47. How Does Sethe Remember The Past In Beloved Beloved The past haunts the present. Toni Morrison, in her novel Beloved, introduces this relationship between the past and the present through the protagonist, Sethe. Sethe, who was formerly a slave, suffers as she is haunted by her past at Sweet Home. She carries the weight of the past enslavement on her shoulders, and although she attempts to repress those memories, her attempts are futile. Thus, because of her traumatic experience as a slave, she is compelled to murder her children in order to liberate them from the clutches of the slave catchers. This decision proved to be fatal, as while her other children survived, the death of her third daughter, Beloved, continuously haunts her in her memories. Although Sethe attempts to forget... Show more content on ... Although Beloved is dead and has long since been buried, Beloved is introduced in the beginning of the novel as a baby poltergeist who haunts house 124 because it was furious at having its throat cut (5). The baby ghost enjoys wreaking havoc in the house and terrorizing its residents, such as shattering mirrors and imprinting its hands onto a cake. As the novel progresses, Beloved becomes a physical manifestation of the past and is described as a fully dressed woman [who] walked out of the water (50). As a supernatural being, Beloved affects Sethe s present life, for she prevents Sethe from forgetting the past. Her name alone is a constant reminder of Sethe s deceased daughter. Additionally, Sethe is mentally enslaved as she is unable to face her past recollections of slavery and the guilt over murdering her child. However, Beloved s presence plays an integral role in Sethe s epiphany in acknowledging the past. At the end of the novel, Beloved only disappears only when Sethe has reconciled and come to terms with her past. In order to move on, Sethe has to first contend with the
  • 48. Uncertainty Reduction Theory And Uncertainty Reduction Theory Being away from home for the first time and having to start over and make all new friends can be both exciting and intimidating at the same time. When I first moved into my freshmen dorm at UNCW three years ago, I was certainly feeling this rush of emotions. I was excited to meet new people, but also scared I wouldn t make any friends who I connected as well with as my high school friends. I was especially nervous about having to live with a roommate who I hardly knew. I had always heard horror stories from my older friends and family members about having a crazy roommate who they just couldn t get along with. Fortunately, my roommmate Kelly and I became great friends and were not only able to survive freshmen year of college, but continued to live together all four years of college. This transformation in our relationship from virtual strangers, to the best of friends can be explained by Charles Berger s Uncertainty Reduction Theory. Uncertainty Reduction Theory is the assumption that when strangers meet, their primary concern is one of uncertainty reduction or increasing the predictability about the behavior of both themselves and others in the interaction. We are motivated to search for this information for one of more of three reasons anticiptation of future interaction, incentive value, and deviance. With Kelly my motives were mostly based on anticipation of future interaction. Not only would I see her again, but I would have to interact with on a daily basis on a
  • 49. How Does Elie Wiesel Change In The Book Night Imagine that your life is changed within a few seconds, and you don t know it yet. This is what happens to Elie Wiesel in the book Night. In the book Between Shades of Gray, Ruta Sepetys writes about Lina and her family that goes through a similar situation as Elie Wiesel. Though they were both put through terrible conditions, Lina and Elie survived the traumatic, sad, and harsh conditions. In Night Elie Wieselwas living in Sighet and was taken by the Nazis because he was Jewish. They took him and his family to a death camp where boys and girls were split up. From then he and his father never saw his sister and mother again. Elie and his father went through terrible things that nobody should ve ever experienced. Elie almost gave up plenty
  • 50. Symptoms And Treatment Of Infectious Diseases Essay Mr. Brown, a 73 year old male with a medical history of a total hip replacement, was diagnosed with a urinary tract infection (UTI). Experiencing a urinary retention immediately after the surgery he was catheterised. The catheter was removed 24 hours later; however, the patient showed increasing signs of confusion, urine appeared cloudy and had a strong smell (Ministry of Health, 2013). Infectious Diseases Society of America (2015) states that UTI is a common risk factor associated with a health associated infection following a hip replacement surgery. In this case study firstly, normal and pathological conditions will be summarized. Secondly, microbiology and infection control will be outlined. Thirdly, the mode of action of the medication will be discussed and by identifying the predisposing factors acquiring (UTI) disease case study will be finalised. From the anatomical aspect, there are four systems in the human body performing excretory functions by removing waste products; however, only the urinary system has a significant effect on an individual s health and quality of life by finally not only adjusting water and ions balance to required standards of homeostasis but also, performing work assemble by all parts of urinary tract in order for normal maturation to occur. The urinary system or renal system consists of following structures such as two kidneys left is higher by 1.5 2 cm then the right and perform filtering the blood (Watt, 2014). Microscopic units of
  • 51. Forgiveness Essay Forgiveness Christ Jesus some two thousand years ago came into this world to bring redemption for our sins. He did this through his death and resurrection, or what we refer to as the pascal mystery. We still encounter the saving presence of the Lord in the sacraments and in the Word. In each and every sacrament we come face to face with quot;the grace of God our Savior quot; (Titus 2:11). It is this redemption of sins aspect of the sacraments that I will be examine. In the past couple of century we have focused are attention primarily on the Sacrament of Penance as the means to obtain forgiveness of sins after Baptism. We have come to focus on it so much that it has come to be, for most Catholics, ... Show more content on ... In the second and up to the sixth century A.D. a Christian could only receive the Sacrament of Penance once after Baptism. The penitent would have to first confess before his or her bishop. The penitent would then be required to participate in the quot;order of penitents quot; of the early Church. This required the penitent to wear special clothes, and the penitent would have to go to a special place with other penitents when worshipping with the community. The community would pray for those in the quot;order of penitents quot; during the worship serves, and the bishop would lay his hands on the penitents. But this laying on of hands did not take on the character of absolution until it was done during the worship serves on Thursday of Holy Week. The penitents were not allowed to receive Eucharist because the penitents were excommunicated, excluded from Communion. After a period of probation, prescribed by the bishop, the penitent would be absolved of the sins the individual committed. The bishop would do this by laying his hands on the penitent. The typical time for this reconciliation to take place was on Thursday of Holy Week before the Baptisms took place. The reason it was done at this time was because the early Church believed that both Baptism and Penance were both sacraments that brought about forgiveness of sins and that they should be prepared for at the same time. It was just this type
  • 52. The Standards Sections II Competency Based Assessment Social workers continually strive to increase their professional knowledge and skills and to apply them in practice (NASW, 2015). As stated above the facilitators should research self harm as a coping mechanism, a search for such a situation in a group setting could not be found, but I have found peer reviewed articles regarding the issue. It appears that there are varying degrees of seriousness, but there is a stigma, myths and lack of understanding that foster burgeoning resentment among others can perpetuate the cycle of shame and guild among people that self harm, which subsequently increases their dependence on the behavior (Long, 2013, p. 106). The IASWG standards sections II competency based assessment includes, emphasis on members strengths and concerns, empowerment, empowerment, and the type of group influences what worker does and how the group accomplishes its goals (IASWG International Association for Social Work with Groups, Inc. , 2015). I do believe that the group being made up of social work students could possibly impact how the members and the facilitators handle the critical incident. I believe that the group as a whole as well as F4 will be empowered by addressing the thoughts of self harm. Group Prognosis This group is strengthening their cohesion and mutual aid, they have overcome critical incidents in the past, F2 got upset in the first meeting, a member broke confidentiality, M1 fell asleep at one point, another member acted as a gate keeper
  • 53. Panara Bread s Essay | Panera Bread Company in 2011: Pursuing growth in a difficult economy. | | Module II| | Panera Bread Company in 2011: Pursuing growth in a difficult economy. | | Module II| MGT 495 March 30, 2013 Nate Huffman 127203 MGT 495 March 30, 2013 Nate Huffman 127203 Table of Contents What are the strategy elements of Panera Bread Company? How well do the pieces fit together? The two best indicators of how well a company s strategy is working are whether the company is recording gains in financial strength and profitability and secondly whether the company s competitive strength and market standing is improving. Other indicators of how well a company s strategy is working include, trends in the... Show more content on ... Prepare a SWOT analysis for Panera Bread? Strengths: * Attractive appealing menu * Bread baking expertise, artisan breads are Panera s signature product. * Financial position lack of long term debt * High ratings in customer satisfaction studies * The business model * Initial success in catering * Good franchisees higher sales in franchised stores compared to company owned * Research and Development Product Weaknesses: * A less well known brand name than some rivals * Sales at franchised stores are higher than company owned stores, wondering why that is? * Frequent diners only come at one meal time per day Threats: * Rivals begin to imitate menu offerings * Competition * Saturate the market will it become harder to find attractive locations for new stores and slow company s growth * Product is a discretionary purchase Opportunities: * Open more outlets untapped growth potential in a number of suburban markets * International expansion * The industry life cycle is still in growth * Large number of small buyers in the industry What does this analysis reveal? It competed with a wide assortment of specialty food, casual dining, and quick service establishments
  • 54. Boethius Was Successful in His Argument That God Rewards... Boethius was successful in his argument that God rewards and punishes justly. Discuss (35) Boethius was a philosopher teaching at the end of the Roman empire, in his 40 s he was arrested for suspected conspiracy with the Eastern Roman Empire and was eventually put to death at the age of about 44/45. Whilst in prison Boethius wrote his book, The Consolation of Philosophy where he discusses in great depth with Lady Philosophy issues with God s omniscience. In his writings, Boethius identifies an issue with God s foreknowledge, our personal autonomy and the impact of how we are to be judged as when we enter the life after this. He identifies that if God has foreknowledge and knows our future, He then knows what we are going to do which ... Show more content on ... However there is another definition of which Boethius thought was unsuitable. God is eternal and he has no begging or no end, he always has existed and continues to do so. Boethius rejects this as he can t see how a temporal God can judge someone if he experiences time himself. On the other hand Boethius didn t consider the flaws of his definition of eternal God; a God that is outside the category of time is one whom cannot be personal, this also means that it doesn t fit in with the traditional religious view of God who keeps his covenant with his people and sends his son to save us. But it also has its strengths such as it maintains the majority of the attributes of God, such as incorporeal and immutable. Boethius concluded from his characterization of an eternal god that God is like a bird flying over a man walking down the path, the bird can see where the man has been, where he is and where he is about to go all at once. This is a power that God is able to use due to him being outside of time, he can see everyone s past present and future simultaneously. His knowledge is total however not causal. Boethius expands on his idea of divine foreknowledge and goes onto explain the different types of necessity; simple and contingent. Simple necessity is related to a person s nature so for example man is a rational animal. Whereas conditional necessity isn t tied to the objects nature so
  • 55. Similarities And Differences Between The Friar And The... Joseph Heimerl Matt Daly English 10 26 September, 2016 The Friar and the Pardoner The Canterbury Tales, retold by Geraldine McCaughrean, is composed of many stories told by different characters on the road to Canterbury. On their pilgrimage, each of the characters tells a different story in a contest to win a free dinner when they get to Canterbury. Many of the tales have similar morals, but the tellers are very different, such as the tales of the Friar and the Pardoner. Though both of these tales have a similar plot and can be interpreted in a similar way, their tellers are significantly different. Although the Friar and the Pardoner are very different people, they both have a similarly structured story, using a symbolic demons as the antagonist, and with very similar plotlines. In the Pardoner s Tale, three unintelligent men want to find and murder someone named Death who is killing many people. The three men stumble upon a pot of gold, which happens to be Death s pot of gold. They all split the money in the pot and become rich. While one of the three leaves to buy wine to celebrate their fortune, the two guarding the gold become greedy and plot to kill the other so they can keep his gold. However, the one who left had a similar idea, and poisons the wine he brings to dinner. That night, the two who guarded the gold kill the other one, but then drink the poisoned wine to celebrate. They all die, and Death takes back his gold. In the Friar s Tale, a Summoner meets up
  • 56. The Pros And Cons Of MIT Vs. Massachusetts Institute Of... Without consideration for the difficulty of acceptance, which university would one attend: Massachusetts Institute of Technology or California Institute of Technology? Both universities are highly ranked throughout the world and have the same general focus, which is STEM Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Even though the California Institute of Technology(Caltech) has a more affordable tuition and provides impacting research opportunities, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) offers greater financial aid services and is an overall higher ranked and more advanced university. In the first place, the tuition of each university is significant when deciding which one is the best university. Initially, MIT has a higher tuition than Caltech, but after financial aid is taken into account, the fees lower substantially. According to Laura Bridgestock, an editor of TopUniversities website, the annual tuition fees for undergraduates are $46,704 at MIT. Although this is exceeding Caltech s annual tuition fees for undergraduates of $45,846, MIT offers an abundant amount of financial aid (Bridgestock). This financial aid of MIT s, which 91% of its undergraduates receive, is far greater than Caltech s, which almost 60% of undergraduates receive (Bridgestock). Not only do undergraduates receive more financial aid at MIT, but as Laura Bridgestock reports, the average scholarship amounts to Clarno 2 $36,566, leaving seven out of 10 students graduating