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Essay about Autism
There are many diseases and disorders that plague today's society, but one of the most serious of
those disorders is autism. Autism is not nearly as widely known as the familiar Down's Syndrome,
yet, surprisingly, autism is far more widespread. In fact, autism is the third most common
developmental disability, affecting 400,000 people worldwide (Autism Society of America). As of
yet there is no cure for this debilitating disorder, only a variety of treatments.
Autism is a developmental disability, not a mental illness, that typically appears during the first
three years of life and affects 15 of every 10,000 individuals. No one is certain why it occurs, but
researchers have found that MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scans of people more
Some of the treatments include behavioral training, teaching of communication and social skills,
auditory training, medications, and a change in diet.
Behavioral training or modification, as it is also called, deals with changing or extinguishing
inappropriate behaviors and increasing positive behaviors. A few methods are used to do this. One
way is self–management where the individual monitors their behavior and receives
self–reinforcement. Another method used is modeling. This is when the teacher or therapist
demonstrates what is being done so the child can "model" the steps. Behavioral training is effective
in stopping self–inflicted pain by shaping and distributing positive reinforcement.
The teaching of communication and social skills is an integral part of treating autism. Speech
therapy may include gaining language skills or learning sign language. Some devices are used
frequently such as picture communication boards. Another device is used with a trained
professional supporting the hand or arm of the person helping them to punch keys on a device. This
technique, called facilitated communication, is highly controversial because it is sometimes thought
that the facilitator is directing the person's arm unknowingly. One of the main characteristics of
autism is the lack of understanding of social cues (Autism Society of America). The person with
autism may be taught how to communicate in social situations or respond to certain facial
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Essay about Autism
1. Definition
Autism– is a developmental disability significantly affecting verbal and nonverbal communication
and social interaction, generally evident before the age of 3, that adversely affects a child's
educational performance. Other characteristics often associated with autism are engagement in
repetitive activities and stereotyped movements, resistance to environmental change or change in
daily routines, and unusual responses to sensory experiences.
2. Common Characteristics
Inability to use speech for communication
Withdrawal from people
Unusual bodily movements and peculiar mannerisms
Abnormal responses to one or more types of sensory stimuli, sound or touch
Lack of appropriate play
Preoccupation with hands (flapping) more content...
Autistic infants often show little or no interest in other people and lack typical social behaviors. For
example, they may not smile at their mother's voice or make eye contact with caregivers. Autistic
children fail to develop normal relationships with their parents, brothers or sisters, and other
children. Often they seem unaware of the needs and feelings of other people, and may not respond
if another person is hurt or in distress. They also fail to make friends.
Children with autism usually play alone. Often they engage in repetitious activities, such as
arranging objects in meaningless patterns, flipping a light switch on and off, or staring at rotating
objects. Some engage in repetitious body movements, such as spinning, flapping their arms, swaying,
rocking, snapping their fingers, and clapping or flapping their hands. In some cases these movements
may be harmful, involving repeated biting of their wrists or banging their head. Children with autism
frequently become upset at minor changes in their surroundings and daily routines.
Autistic children also have difficulties with language. Some never learn to speak or develop very
limited speech. An autistic child may say "you" when he means "I" and
produce incorrectly formed sentences. Autistic children may also demonstrate echolalia,
mechanically repeating words or phrases that other people say.
About 75 percent of autistic children are
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Essay On Autism
"Sometimes my mind feels noisey, but i'd never wish for my autism to go away. It helps me focus."
–Delaney Rodgers , a young woman who was diagnosed with asperger's syndrome when she was
eight years old (Parks 30). Autism is one of 5 developmental disabilities also known as Autism
Spectrum Disorders (ASD), which include autistic disorder (autism), Asperger's syndrome, and two
server and rare forms of autism known as rett syndrome and childhood disintegrative disorder. The
last type of autism is a pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified, which is
diagnosed then a child has autistic characteristics but does not meet all the criteria for autism (Parks
8). Autism is a bio–neurological developmental disability that more content...
Leo Kanner in 1943. He reported a few children who showed a lack of interest in other individuals
but, a highly unusual interest in the environment. These children were very different in physical and
mental characteristics.
It is possible to detect signs of autism in infants as young as 6–18 months. Babies and toddlers may
fail to respond to their names, avoid eye contact, or engage in repetitive movements such as rocking
or arm flapping. The most common signs of autism include, Not pointing to objects to show interest,
avoid eye contact and wants to be alone, appear to be unaware when people talk to them, but respond
to other sounds, repeat actions over and over again, and many more ("Facts about Autism"). There
are many symptoms of autism. Some people with autism typically have difficulties in verbal and
nonverbal communication, social interactions, and leisure or play activities. Other individuals with
autism might suffer from comorbid medical conditions such as: allergies, asthma, epilepsy, digestive
disorders, persistent viral infections, feeding disorders, etc. Between 30–50% of individuals with
autism have seizures ("Quick Facts about Autism").About 40% of individuals with autism does not
have the ability to speak. 20–30% of kids with autism have few words 12–18 months, but lose them.
Other children might speak, but not until early
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Argumentative Essay On Autism
Let's say you have a box of crayons. It represents ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), now inside
the box you have different colors of crayons. Each color/crayon is a different disorder. The color
we want to talk about today is teal, the official color for autism. Stuart Duncan once said, "Autism,
like a rainbow, has a bright side and a dark side and even though it can mean rough waters it can be
beautiful." Autism isn't a label, it's a diagnoses. People with autism can be just as successful as
neurotypical people. People with autism have been the subject of stereotypes and neglect for
decades. Only in the last 150 years or so have things started to change. We don't know what causes
autism, but thanks to increased research and awareness we're making more progress than ever.
People with autism face many challenges everyday, autism is a spectrum. It's not the same for
everyone. Due to it being a spectrum it can be hard for people without autism to understand the
challenges autistic people face, and how to go about interacting with autistic people. There are
lots of autistic people worldwide, it's time we start making them feel more like people. 1 in 68
people in the US have autism, this includes 1 in 189 girls and 1 in 42 boys. Autism is a difference
in perception; technically it's a developmental disorder that is the result of a difference in brain
chemicals. Scientists don't know what causes autism or why it's stayed in the human gene pool for
so long. People with autism could have a wide variety of symptoms, but some of the most common
characteristics are fixations on things they like, reliance on routines,and lack of social skills. Autism
can be formally diagnosed at ages as young as 3. There is no medical test to diagnose autism, rather
a trained professional in the psychology field will perform a developmental screening and a
comprehensive diagnostic evaluation. When a child is diagnosed with autism, therapy is strongly
recommended. The earlier treatment starts the better because certain aspects of the disorder can be
lessened through therapy. Therapy helps the mind and the body, certain therapies can help rebuild
your brain, so to speak. Autistic brains are physically different than neurotypical ones.
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Thesis Statement On Autism
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may be portrayed toward critical impairments in social interaction.
It also includes restricted repeated behaviors, interests and activities. (Mayo Clinic staff, 2014)
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may be a disorder in the brain, caused by genetic, environmental or
neural levels. Autism effects data processing in the brain by alerting how nerve cells and their
synapses connect and organize; how this occurs not understand. (Johnson.2004)
Autism is a disorder in brain progress that comes to be obvious in earliest youth. And there are a
few reasons for ASD, yet the vast majority of them are not known yet. There are some symptoms
that can easily recognize in kids with autism, as a consequence this will help to begin the treatment
early. Parents usually are attention of the sings in the first two years of their child's life. Autism
appears to be occurring more much than was the case more content...
Purpose statement:
This paper defines autism and explores its causes, symptoms and treatment method.
Experts do not know yet exactly what causes these differences for most people with ASD. However,
some people with ASD have known difference, such as a genetic condition, Environmental factors
and Neural levels. There are numerous reasons for ASD, although most are not known yet.
A.Genetic problems
A lot of various genes appear o be involved in autism spectrum disorder. For some children, autism
spectrum disorder can be combined with a genetic disorder such as Rett syndrome or fragile X
syndrome. For other genetic changes may make a child more affected to autism or create
environmental risk factors. Still other genes may affect the brain progress or the way that brain cells
communicate, or they may determine the severity of symptoms. Some genetic problems seem to be
innate, while others happen unconsciously. (Mayo clinic staff, 2014)
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Teaching Children with Autism Essay
Teaching Children with Autism
There has been an increase in the number of children diagnosed with autism or other autism
spectrum disorders. It is likely as an educator that you will have at least one child with this
diagnosis in your classroom. This paper explores some of the methods used to teach autistic children.
Autism is a disorder characterized by significant problems in communication and social functioning.
Autism is actually called Autism Spectrum Disorder and encompasses a broad range disabilities
such as Asperger syndrome, Rett's Syndrome, and Pervavasive Development Disorder (Dunlap &
Fox, n.d.). There are also varying degrees of the disorder from low–functioning (no communication
and no social interaction) more content...
Holding morning meetings helps autistic children by establishing a common routine that begins the
student's day in a predictable pattern (Sapona & Winterman, 2002, p. 31). Autistic children often
need predictable routines, and a highly organized and structured environment in order to function.
Since autistic children need routine there are some tips teachers can implement to make it easier for
their autistic students:
–Highlight most important concepts
–Establish alternate modes for completing assignments
–Prepare the students
–Maximize comprehension and content retention
–Graphic and visual organizers
–Mnemonic devices (Marks et. al., 2002)
Students with autism can become overwhelmed very easily by even minor deviations from the
routine. It is important to be sensitive to the way autistic children function so that their potential can
be reached.
To encourage the development of social skills students are encouraged to interact with one another
throughout the day in a variety of methods, including partner work, small group activities, and large
group activities. These teaching techniques enable autistic children to relate to their peers. As
autistic children relate to their peers more they are more accepted and in turn continue to learn and
acquire new and improved social skills.
Another way to encourage the
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Children With Autism Essay
Children With Autism
Children with autism have the possibility to improve greatly, and some even overcome the effects of
autism if appropriate therapies are begun early enough. A multifaceted disorder, autism has long
baffled professionals and parents alike. At a point in time, doctors gave parents absolutely no hope
for the recovery of their children. But recently, new treatments and therapies have shown that
improvement is possible. With early intervention, intensive care, some children have if not fully
recovered, improved, and have been integrated into schools, indistinguishable from their peers.
Sandra L. Harris, PhD; Topics inAutism
Siblings of children with autism, A Guide more content...
Readers are taught how to use ABA to teach speech and language, social, motor, and adaptive skills
through a system of repetition, reward, and goal adjustment. The author also discusses what families
should consider before choosing any treatment method for their child with autism, and specifically
what key elements an IBI program should have. The curriculum, professional roles, parent
involvement, inclusion, and pros and cons of a home based versus center based program are all
Staff training..... Characteristics of characteristics of children with autism. [Videotape]. Maryland,
MD: Integrated Care Management.
Autism is one of a spectrum, range, of disorders that vary in severity and in terms of how condition
manifests itself. According to the national association for autism research, the autism spectrum
disorder includes:
Autistic disorder: also known as "classic autism", this disorder affects a person's ability to
communicate, form relationships and respond appropriately to the environment.
Asperger's syndrome: this neurological disorder differs from autistic disorder in that the individuals
with this disorder do not have a delay in spoken language development. But they may have serious
communication skills.
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder: children with this disorder, also known as
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Persuasive Speech On Autism
To eliminate bias and hatred against autistic or differently abled children and individuals, it is
important to educate the masses about the endless possibilities autistic people are born with.
To address the perpetual need for widespread public awareness and core education on various
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), it is important to provide the normally–born people with training
and education to help them support individuals born with an ASD and how not to treat them.
What is Autism?
Autism is described as a neurodevelopmental disorder that inhibits characteristics like impaired social
interaction, difficulties in verbal and non–verbal communication, cognitive disorders and repetitive
Autism is heritable and is more content...
Pass on the information you gain about ASD to families having an Autistic patient in order to help
them understand this condition and not beat/abuse the patient in any case.
By helping other professionals and families to adapt and evolve their understanding of ASD, you
help the nation's understanding of mental conditions grow and boost the prospects of more research
in this field. Inspire the people around you for positive change.
Since you gain a thorough understanding of ASD, you can help an ASD patient stuck in trauma with
smart communication, soft skill coercing and calming down their anxiety.
By formulating your own intervention techniques and strategies, you can prevent any incidents that
involve any ASD patient, and in turn save them from further emotional trauma.
Not only do you calm their interfering behavior in a school/ workplace setting, but will help you
understand the positive and functional approaches to understanding their behavior by analyzing a
behavior chain and conducting a Functional Behavior Assessment.
You help the society in general with the development and implementation of a successful behavior
intervention plan to understand replacement behavior
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Informational Essay on Autism
About 1 percent of the world population has autism spectrum disorder. (CDC, 2014) Autism is the
fastest growing developmental disability. Autism is defined by a certain set of behaviors and is a
"spectrum disorder" that effects individuals differently. Autism is a serious and lifelong
developmental disability. On its own, autism is not a learning disability or a mental health problem.
To go further back into history, autism was first recognized in the early years of the 20th century by
medical doctors. Autism as Leo Kanner called the "syndrome" was defined as a cerebral disorder
which influence communication capabilities. Through the 1960s, psychiatrists continued to view
autism as a form of "childhood schizophrenia." more content...
It is very important to separate autism from other conditions. Once diagnosed accurately parents can
know the facts about autism and what can help their child. There are services available for parents
needing help with their child. There are teaching strategies that can introduce new behaviors or
reduce inappropriate actions. Types of interventions can lead to great opportunities.
(Syriopoulou–Delli, C., 2010)
People with autism often exhibit significant language problems such as delayed or absent speech.
Children and adults with autism may have a hard time communicating their need or want. This can
lead to frustration to parents and friends. This can affect all family members when one person is
frustrated. It is best for parents or caregiver to talk with experts on how to deal with situations like
this. Parents must know that now place their primary focus on helping their child with autism.
CDC website – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2014, January 1). Retrieved September
5, 2014, from
Charman, T., Swettenham, J., Baron–Cohen, S., Cox, A., Baird, G., & Drew, A. (1997). Infants
with autism: An investigation of empathy, pretend play, joint attention, and imitation.
Developmental Psychology, 33(5), 781–789.
Olney, M. F. (2000). Working
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Essay on autism
What is Autism?
Autism is a developmental disability that affects all areas of behavior and perception. Approximately
10 out of every 10,000 children are diagnosed with autism and four out of five are males. Autism is
the third most common developmental disability, more common than Down Syndrome. Children
with Autism are characterized by impairment in several areas of development such as: Cognitive,
Language, Play/Socialization skills and exhibit many challenging behaviors. Behavior Patterns of
Autism: ï‚· Difficulty mixing with other children ï‚· Acts as if deaf– may have normal
hearing but not comprehend language. ï‚· Resists learning– about 75% measured IQs below
70. ï‚· No fear of real danger– more content...
How Autism AffectsFunctioning in School:
Autism is a disability that can create a barrier between the individual and his or her friends, family,
and community. This disability often interferes with an individual’s ability to communicate,
interact with others, engage in play or leisure skills, and to relate to the world around them. People
with autism may exhibit repetitive movements, have unusual responses to people, be resistant to
change and demonstrate aggressive and/or self–injurious behavior.
As a teacher who works in a school for children with autism, I have seen first hand how the families
are affected by the disability of their child. The parents in my school have shown tremendous
strength and support for their children, contributing positively to their quality of life. They come into
school and learn how to work with their child, have continuous contact with the teacher, and
tremendously help the school with fundraising efforts. I have been lucky enough to see the positive
effects that parent support can have on a child with autism, but I am sure that there are many cases
that are opposite of this. Having a child with autism does put a great strain on all family members,
physically, mentally, and emotionally.
There are several interventions that are available for those with autism. The interventions are
separated into the
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Autism Essay
In the recent years, there has been an increase with the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders
(ASD). According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2007), 1 in 150 children
are said to be autistic and according to many states ASD is seen as an epidemic. The problem with
these numbers is how to teach these children affectively in the best academic environment. In
2005–2006 it was reported that 31% of autistic students were placed in general education classrooms
and around 40% in separate classes, typically referred as autistic support classrooms (U.S.
Department of Education, 2007). Characteristically, the student will be placed in an autistic support
(AS) room because the general education room is not the more content...
F's students. In this paper, I will discuss the instruction Mrs. F uses, the aspects of Bloom's
Taxonomy that are exhibited, some of the best practices used according to Santrock (2008), different
types of technology used, and how this classroom has introduced the primary elements as my future
role as a school psychologist.
I. Instruction Style Through my observations, Mrs. F uses a Teacher–Centered model, which allows
her to select the material that the students will learn (Santrock, 2008). Since all of Mrs. F's students
contain an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) it is important for her to control and closely
monitor what is being taught. When a teacher has a student with an IEP it is significant to maintain
the unique educational goals and help the child achieve the highest benefit from learning (Heward,
2009). In Mrs. F's class she is able to center her students goals around the curriculum or lesson plan
for the day. On several occasions, I have witnessed Mrs. F asking the student's different questions
based off a story the class read, that pertains to their specific goals. An example of this includes one
child's inability to identify colors and another child's inability to answer "who" questions (answering
the main character in the story). With constant repetition, the students are able to strengthen their
weaknesses and achieve their goal(s).
II. Bloom's Taxonomy Benjamin Bloom and colleagues in 1956 formed a group of educational
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Argumentative Essay On Autism
Autism is a developmental disorder that affects the brain's normal development of social and
communication skills. This complex illness varies widely in severity, and is marked by social
difficulties, repetitive behaviors, and communication problems. Usual features of autism include an
impairment of verbal and non–verbal communication, problems processing sensorial information,
difficulty in social interactions, and restrictive and repetitive patterns of conduct. Some causes of
autism relate to growth dysregulation, and early intervention and treatment may offer significant
advances in functioning.
Autism is a devastating medical condition which requires serious and permanent medical attention.
Even though there is no cure for autism, more content...
It does so by curbing abusive practices like excessive waiting periods for coverage; exclusions
regarding preexisting conditions; and rescissions of coverage. Insurance providers will be limited
in their ability to set annual or lifetime restrictions on the dollar value of medical benefits. This
will affect the laws in some states which cap autism insurance benefits. However, even though the
new law will extend insurance coverage to families of children with autism, not all plans will be
required to cover behavioral health treatments. The main reason behind this is based on the fact that
only some types of insurance plans will be required to cover a list of essential benefits, such as the
treatment of behavioral conditions, including autism. The plans that are included under this
provision are those offered by state based exchanges, through which businesses and individuals are
able to purchase coverage, and those plans offered in individual and small group markets, outside of
the exchange. Existing coverage plans, those plans offered by large group markets outside
exchanges, and self–insured plans, will not be required to provide packages that include behavioral
treatment. These exclusions are important as almost 60 % of workers are covered by a plan
provided by their employers, and more specifically, by a self–insured
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Essay on Autism
Diagnostic Summary Paper AUTISM Autism is a disorder that impairs the development of a
person's capacity to interact with, communicate with, and also maintain regular
"normal" bonds with the outside world. This disorder was described in 1943 by Leo
Kanner, an Americanpsychologist. Autism is considered one of the more common developmental
disabilities, and appears before the age of three. It is known to be four or five times more common
in males than in females. It most cited statistic is that autism occurs in 4.5 out of 10,000 live births.
The estimate of children having autistic qualities is reported to be 15 to 20 out of 10,000. The
gender statement noted before is not uncommon, since many developmental disabilities have a more content...
Tantrums can occur when these perseverative behaviors occur. Twenty years ago, most autistic
individuals were institutionalized. Now only the most severe cases live in institutions. During
adulthood, autistic individuals are known to live with their parents, in residential institutions, and
some do live independently. Because there are so many forms of this disorder, it has been said that
there is no true adjective to describe every type of person with autistic symptoms, or autism. My
research shows that there are no physiological tests that can be performed to determine whether a
person has autism. The diagnosis is given when a person exhibits the characteristics of the disorder.
Note: In the last five years, researchers have agreed that those who display autistic characteristics are
commonly suffering from other related but distinct disorders, such as Asperger Syndrome, Fragile X
syndrome, Landau
Kleffner syndrome, Rett syndrome, and Williams syndrome. Physiological researchers have
discovered abnormalities within the brain, but the reason for the abnormalities is not known, and it
is not known where the relation to autism lies. These abnormalities range from underdeveloped areas
in the limbic system, to Vernal lobules VI and VII, being smaller than average. Biochemical research
has found elevated beta–endorphins, relating to pain tolerance in autistic action. In the cognitive
realm, there is much talk of the "theory of mind",
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Introduction Autism Essay
Autism is on the rise. Many researchers feel the reasons isn't because there are more kids being
afflicted with it, but the increased public awareness has allowed this disorder to be more easily
recognized and diagnosed at a earlier age. The word "autism" was first used by a Swiss psychiatrist
Eugene Bleuler in an article written in the American Journal of Insanity in 1912. It comes from the
Greek word meaning self. Bleuler used it to describe the schizophrenic's seeming difficulty in
connecting with others ("Autism"). It wasn't until 1943 when the classification of autism was
introduced by Dr. Leo Kanner. Dr. Kanner, a psychiatrist from John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore,
reported on eleven child more content...
Repetitive behaviors like head banging and repetitive routines are consistent for individuals with
autism. If the routine is disturbed, he or she screams and throws a temper tantrum (Wing, 24). Like
their need for consistency in routines, autistics also need and demand absolute consistency in their
environment. Changes in their environment cause them to act negatively ("Autism"). And individual
with autism has a different sensory system than normal people, the stimulations are affected
differently. For example, they have oversensitivity to light and this oversensitivity may cause
seizures ("Autism"). At least one quarter of children with autism have an epilectic seizure before
they become an adult. Other behaviors that may occur are high levels or anxiety, odd fears (ex. of
color or shape), and emotions that change from one extreme to the other (Wing 31+; Siegel 49). A
common myth about autistic individuals is that they cannot show affection ("Defining Autism").
Autistics show affection, but they are very precise about who they show affection to. They have to
be very comfortable with this person and their affection they show is not like normal children's. The
affection is a brief hug or something simple. On reason they do not show affection is they simply do
not seek parental attention. As an infant the autistic child may have appeared very calm and not
cried very often ("Autism"). Even though these children
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Autism in Children Essay example
Autism according to Merriam–Webster Dictionary is defined as "a variable developmental disorder
that appears by age three and is characterized by impairment of the ability to form normal social
relationships, to commutate with others, and by stereotyped behavior patterns." Autism was
believed to be a psychiatric or emotional illness, and doctors told mothers that they were the cause.
They were wrong. The cause for autism is still a mystery, however, the facts remain that autism in
children is on the rise. Erin Allday of the San Francisco Chronicle writes, "Environmental factors
play a more important role in causing autism than previously assumed and, surprisingly, an even
larger role than genetic." There are theories based on more content...
The Autism Society says, "children with autism often have repetitive body movements such as, hand
flapping, spinning, or head banging." An autistic child often avoids interaction with others and does
not like to give eye contact during dialogue. Mastering social skills and interaction is a challenge
for children living with autism. Autistic children often do not play with other children. Part of this is
noticed during the early developmental stages of childhood. Autistic children are often referred as
off in a world of their own, unaware of people or events around them. Children with autism have
difficulties in verbal and with non–verbal communication, social interactions and leisure activities.
Autistic children have sensory disorders that affect how they interact with objects and people around
them. They possibly will experience sensitivities in the five senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste and
smell. "Many children with autism have unusual sensitivities to sounds, sights, touch, taste and
smells. High–pitched intermittent sounds, such as fire alarm or school bells, may be painful to these
children. Scratchy fabrics and clothing tags may also be intolerable, and some children have visual
sensitivities to the flickering of fluorescent lights (autism–society)." The lack of social skills can
create behaviors in autistic children.
Furthermore, when a child
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Essay about Autism

There are several reasons why I chose the topic of Autism. First, autism is intriguing because it is
very hard to understand. Medical science is at a loss to explain why and how it occurs.
Second, I have had occasion to develop a personal relationship with children who are afflicted with
autism. At The Children's Institute, where I volunteer, I sit and play with many kids, two of whom
are very hard to play with. Even though they are five and six years old, they avoid making eye
contact with others, and often refuse to play with the other kids. Also, once they start watching
something, like television, it is very hard to get them to look somewhere else. They more
A light touch to most people may hurt an autistic person. On the other hand, some autistic people
are insensitive to pain and won't notice injuries. Hearing can also be heightened so that a noise that
would not bother your or my ears, may hurt an autistic person's ears. Autistic people's vision can
also be affected. They have trouble recognizing people. They can also have their eyes hurt by a
bright light or a certain flickering.
People with autism lack normal non–verbal communication and body language. Because of this, they
will seem more literal minded and unemotional than those around them. They also have trouble with
verbal communication which sometimes means they will take a question or statement in a literal or
unusual way. Some autistic people display communication difficulties such as difficulty
remembering vocabulary and pronouncing words. Some are mute. Many need extra time to process
verbal questions or comments and to reply. From time to time they will repeat things they hear or
even their own words.
As you can see, autism affects its victims in a wide variety of ways. Some do well in special
supportive environments, other are completely independent and function fairly well, and still others
may never learn to talk or be able to work or live independently.
Problems arise when autistic people attempt to handle multiple stimuli. Because they have very
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Persuasive Essay About Autism
In a study conducted in Phoenix by the Arizona Business Gazette, researchers concluded that one in
every 68 children in the United States is diagnosed with Autism before the age of 3. Autism is
described as a "range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive
behaviors, and speech and nonverbal communication," ("What is Autism?"). Because of how present
Autism is in our society, the topic has been heavily debated for years. There are many contrasting
opinions regarding different issues on the subject of Autism, but there has yet to be an agreement on
one of the most important aspects of the topic, the cure. It is profoundly disagreed upon whether it is
ethically and morally correct for our society to fund and conduct research to find a cure for Autism
because some think that it sending the message that we are trying to "change" these autistic
individuals. In relation to the information regarding neurodiversity and the autism spectrum, society
should continue to pursue research and funding to find a cure because of the numerous ways it could
improve the quality of life for those affected by autism.
In order to form a strong and knowledgeable opinion regarding whether we should continue to
research a cure for autism, it is crucial to understand the basic ideas of the subject of neurodiversity.
Neurodiversity is the range of differences in the way the human brain functions and behaves.
("Neurodiversity: Some Basic Terms and Definitions") This variation in the way each individual
processes information and reacts to it that results in diversity in our population. No two people are
exactly alike due to the distinctions between each individual's race, religion, gender, and cultural
background. These factors cause each individual to have a different and unique personality and
outlook on life. This is seen as significant because it guarantees that the human race is not a unit of
people that think, act, and live exactly the same. Autism and other conditions such as Dyslexia and
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are viewed as components that contribute to
neurodiversity and neurodiversity movement because they affect the behaviors and brain function of
a person. The
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Descriptive Essay About Autism
We always fought, siblings do. Things have changed now though. She was always quiet, never
really contributed to other people's conversations. If you have a sibling you will understand that
there comes a point where you have to be the bigger person and there isn't a point in starting
arguments or fighting over stupid things like what to watch on television or if they are sitting in
your seat. We fought like cat and dog, we never stopped arguing, it got to the point we couldn't
being the same room without arguing at least once, we are much better now though we never
fight unless it's something that must be said but even then we only argue. I knew we wouldn't
argue forever, I knew we would become close sooner or later, I just never thought it would happen
so soon. It happened a few days before I found out. Before I found out that my little sister had
autism. The definition of autism is 'a mental condition, present from early childhood,
characterized by great difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people
and in using language and abstract concepts'. It's difficult to describe autism because it's different
for every person. Lucy's always got treated differently. She has always been the 'perfect child'. She
never gets into trouble. She doesn't like a lot of things, she covers her ears in the cinema if the
movie is too loud, she can't leave if her socks aren't on right and she needs to spend at least 5
minutes on each sock, and if we are leaving she
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Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism spectrum disorder has become the most common neurological and developmental disorder
diagnosed in children today. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2012)
estimate that 1 out of every 88 American children have been properly diagnosed. There is no known
cure for autism, and the inconsistencies of the symptoms of autism in each case make it difficult to
target a particular set of effective treatments. However some behavior management therapies,
specifically physical therapy, may help to significantly control the unwanted symptoms in young
children with autism spectrum disorder. Symptoms. Children begin showing symptoms of autism as
early as twelve months more content...
Finally, the third and broadest area of impairment is repetitive behaviors. Autistic children often
exhibit some degree of a repetitive behavior that can range anywhere from mild to extreme. This can
include a variety of actions such as constantly rocking back and forth, toe–walking, eye–rolling,
spinning, and clapping. The child could have set routines that they feel a need to obsessively
follow every day. This can even take the form of an overly focused interest on something that the
child enjoys such as science, music, or art. When these repetitive actions are observed in the child
over long periods of time they are then referred to as "stereotypic behaviors". Diagnosis. The earliest
indicators of autism are impairments of verbal and nonverbal communication. A child with autism
will have difficulties responding to their name, smiling and making eye contact, babbling or cooing
by twelve months, and using single or two word phrases by twenty–four months (NIMH, n.d.). A
proper diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder is a two part process. The child is first given a
general screening to check for developmental issues. If the child is not making satisfactory
developmental progress according to his or her age group, the child would be referred for
additional screening. At this stage, the child will need to be screened to check for specific
symptoms of autism. The screening can be based solely on the parent's observation of the
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Autism Awareness
Autism Awareness
Angi Reid Sisk
Instructor Pillar
October 24, 2011
Autism Awareness
Autism is a disability that affects thousands of children today. The causes are yet to be known but
there are many theories floating around as to how children develop this disorder. More importantly
than how they have gotten the diagnosis, is what can be done do to help them thrive in their
educational environment. Many of these children are staring school and are faced with an entirely
new set of challenges other than adjusting to life in a home setting. There are many common
characteristics that children with autism exhibit; educators must be aware of these traits and
understand the best way to deal with them and other needs required by more content...
Sensory issues can cause problems with intervention and teachers should always be aware of the
risks that therapy can bring to students due to sensory differences, (Volkmar and Weisner, 2009).
Environmental stimuli can be very disturbing and even painful at time for children with autism.
This can apply to limited types of sensory input or all forms of it; this can be caused by a disorder
with the child's sensory processing, An individual's tactile system which includes the skin and brain
allows a person to perceive and respond in the right manner to experiences in the environment, for
example staying away from fire or snuggling up with pleasure in a cozy throw blanket. When
autistic students have problems or disturbances in their tactile systems they may do the opposite.
They may withdraw from trying to be comforted or from affection; this is called tactile defensive.
These responses are a result of a tactile misconception and can lead to other behavioral problems.
(British Colombia: Ministry of Education, 2000).
Problem behaviors is a commonly shared by autistic children. This can be aggression toward oneself
or others. This happens more often when the student is frustrated or in a situation that cause over
stimulation or confusion, (Autism Society of North Carolina, 2009). This can cause major
disturbances in a
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Essay About Autism

  • 1. Essay about Autism There are many diseases and disorders that plague today's society, but one of the most serious of those disorders is autism. Autism is not nearly as widely known as the familiar Down's Syndrome, yet, surprisingly, autism is far more widespread. In fact, autism is the third most common developmental disability, affecting 400,000 people worldwide (Autism Society of America). As of yet there is no cure for this debilitating disorder, only a variety of treatments. Autism is a developmental disability, not a mental illness, that typically appears during the first three years of life and affects 15 of every 10,000 individuals. No one is certain why it occurs, but researchers have found that MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scans of people more content... Some of the treatments include behavioral training, teaching of communication and social skills, auditory training, medications, and a change in diet. Behavioral training or modification, as it is also called, deals with changing or extinguishing inappropriate behaviors and increasing positive behaviors. A few methods are used to do this. One way is self–management where the individual monitors their behavior and receives self–reinforcement. Another method used is modeling. This is when the teacher or therapist demonstrates what is being done so the child can "model" the steps. Behavioral training is effective in stopping self–inflicted pain by shaping and distributing positive reinforcement. The teaching of communication and social skills is an integral part of treating autism. Speech therapy may include gaining language skills or learning sign language. Some devices are used frequently such as picture communication boards. Another device is used with a trained professional supporting the hand or arm of the person helping them to punch keys on a device. This technique, called facilitated communication, is highly controversial because it is sometimes thought that the facilitator is directing the person's arm unknowingly. One of the main characteristics of autism is the lack of understanding of social cues (Autism Society of America). The person with autism may be taught how to communicate in social situations or respond to certain facial Get more content on
  • 2. Essay about Autism Autism 1. Definition Autism– is a developmental disability significantly affecting verbal and nonverbal communication and social interaction, generally evident before the age of 3, that adversely affects a child's educational performance. Other characteristics often associated with autism are engagement in repetitive activities and stereotyped movements, resistance to environmental change or change in daily routines, and unusual responses to sensory experiences. 2. Common Characteristics Inability to use speech for communication Withdrawal from people Unusual bodily movements and peculiar mannerisms Abnormal responses to one or more types of sensory stimuli, sound or touch Lack of appropriate play Preoccupation with hands (flapping) more content... Autistic infants often show little or no interest in other people and lack typical social behaviors. For example, they may not smile at their mother's voice or make eye contact with caregivers. Autistic children fail to develop normal relationships with their parents, brothers or sisters, and other children. Often they seem unaware of the needs and feelings of other people, and may not respond if another person is hurt or in distress. They also fail to make friends. Children with autism usually play alone. Often they engage in repetitious activities, such as arranging objects in meaningless patterns, flipping a light switch on and off, or staring at rotating objects. Some engage in repetitious body movements, such as spinning, flapping their arms, swaying, rocking, snapping their fingers, and clapping or flapping their hands. In some cases these movements may be harmful, involving repeated biting of their wrists or banging their head. Children with autism frequently become upset at minor changes in their surroundings and daily routines. Autistic children also have difficulties with language. Some never learn to speak or develop very limited speech. An autistic child may say "you" when he means "I" and produce incorrectly formed sentences. Autistic children may also demonstrate echolalia, mechanically repeating words or phrases that other people say. About 75 percent of autistic children are Get more content on
  • 3. Essay On Autism "Sometimes my mind feels noisey, but i'd never wish for my autism to go away. It helps me focus." –Delaney Rodgers , a young woman who was diagnosed with asperger's syndrome when she was eight years old (Parks 30). Autism is one of 5 developmental disabilities also known as Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), which include autistic disorder (autism), Asperger's syndrome, and two server and rare forms of autism known as rett syndrome and childhood disintegrative disorder. The last type of autism is a pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified, which is diagnosed then a child has autistic characteristics but does not meet all the criteria for autism (Parks 8). Autism is a bio–neurological developmental disability that more content... Leo Kanner in 1943. He reported a few children who showed a lack of interest in other individuals but, a highly unusual interest in the environment. These children were very different in physical and mental characteristics. It is possible to detect signs of autism in infants as young as 6–18 months. Babies and toddlers may fail to respond to their names, avoid eye contact, or engage in repetitive movements such as rocking or arm flapping. The most common signs of autism include, Not pointing to objects to show interest, avoid eye contact and wants to be alone, appear to be unaware when people talk to them, but respond to other sounds, repeat actions over and over again, and many more ("Facts about Autism"). There are many symptoms of autism. Some people with autism typically have difficulties in verbal and nonverbal communication, social interactions, and leisure or play activities. Other individuals with autism might suffer from comorbid medical conditions such as: allergies, asthma, epilepsy, digestive disorders, persistent viral infections, feeding disorders, etc. Between 30–50% of individuals with autism have seizures ("Quick Facts about Autism").About 40% of individuals with autism does not have the ability to speak. 20–30% of kids with autism have few words 12–18 months, but lose them. Other children might speak, but not until early Get more content on
  • 4. Argumentative Essay On Autism Let's say you have a box of crayons. It represents ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), now inside the box you have different colors of crayons. Each color/crayon is a different disorder. The color we want to talk about today is teal, the official color for autism. Stuart Duncan once said, "Autism, like a rainbow, has a bright side and a dark side and even though it can mean rough waters it can be beautiful." Autism isn't a label, it's a diagnoses. People with autism can be just as successful as neurotypical people. People with autism have been the subject of stereotypes and neglect for decades. Only in the last 150 years or so have things started to change. We don't know what causes autism, but thanks to increased research and awareness we're making more progress than ever. People with autism face many challenges everyday, autism is a spectrum. It's not the same for everyone. Due to it being a spectrum it can be hard for people without autism to understand the challenges autistic people face, and how to go about interacting with autistic people. There are lots of autistic people worldwide, it's time we start making them feel more like people. 1 in 68 people in the US have autism, this includes 1 in 189 girls and 1 in 42 boys. Autism is a difference in perception; technically it's a developmental disorder that is the result of a difference in brain chemicals. Scientists don't know what causes autism or why it's stayed in the human gene pool for so long. People with autism could have a wide variety of symptoms, but some of the most common characteristics are fixations on things they like, reliance on routines,and lack of social skills. Autism can be formally diagnosed at ages as young as 3. There is no medical test to diagnose autism, rather a trained professional in the psychology field will perform a developmental screening and a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation. When a child is diagnosed with autism, therapy is strongly recommended. The earlier treatment starts the better because certain aspects of the disorder can be lessened through therapy. Therapy helps the mind and the body, certain therapies can help rebuild your brain, so to speak. Autistic brains are physically different than neurotypical ones. Get more content on
  • 5. Thesis Statement On Autism I.Introduction: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may be portrayed toward critical impairments in social interaction. It also includes restricted repeated behaviors, interests and activities. (Mayo Clinic staff, 2014) A.Definition: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may be a disorder in the brain, caused by genetic, environmental or neural levels. Autism effects data processing in the brain by alerting how nerve cells and their synapses connect and organize; how this occurs not understand. (Johnson.2004) B.Background: Autism is a disorder in brain progress that comes to be obvious in earliest youth. And there are a few reasons for ASD, yet the vast majority of them are not known yet. There are some symptoms that can easily recognize in kids with autism, as a consequence this will help to begin the treatment early. Parents usually are attention of the sings in the first two years of their child's life. Autism appears to be occurring more much than was the case more content... Purpose statement: This paper defines autism and explores its causes, symptoms and treatment method. II.Causes: Experts do not know yet exactly what causes these differences for most people with ASD. However, some people with ASD have known difference, such as a genetic condition, Environmental factors and Neural levels. There are numerous reasons for ASD, although most are not known yet. A.Genetic problems A lot of various genes appear o be involved in autism spectrum disorder. For some children, autism spectrum disorder can be combined with a genetic disorder such as Rett syndrome or fragile X syndrome. For other genetic changes may make a child more affected to autism or create environmental risk factors. Still other genes may affect the brain progress or the way that brain cells communicate, or they may determine the severity of symptoms. Some genetic problems seem to be innate, while others happen unconsciously. (Mayo clinic staff, 2014) B.Environmental
  • 6. Get more content on
  • 7. Teaching Children with Autism Essay Teaching Children with Autism There has been an increase in the number of children diagnosed with autism or other autism spectrum disorders. It is likely as an educator that you will have at least one child with this diagnosis in your classroom. This paper explores some of the methods used to teach autistic children. Autism is a disorder characterized by significant problems in communication and social functioning. Autism is actually called Autism Spectrum Disorder and encompasses a broad range disabilities such as Asperger syndrome, Rett's Syndrome, and Pervavasive Development Disorder (Dunlap & Fox, n.d.). There are also varying degrees of the disorder from low–functioning (no communication and no social interaction) more content... Holding morning meetings helps autistic children by establishing a common routine that begins the student's day in a predictable pattern (Sapona & Winterman, 2002, p. 31). Autistic children often need predictable routines, and a highly organized and structured environment in order to function. Since autistic children need routine there are some tips teachers can implement to make it easier for their autistic students: –Highlight most important concepts –Establish alternate modes for completing assignments –Prepare the students –Maximize comprehension and content retention –Graphic and visual organizers –Mnemonic devices (Marks et. al., 2002) Students with autism can become overwhelmed very easily by even minor deviations from the routine. It is important to be sensitive to the way autistic children function so that their potential can be reached. To encourage the development of social skills students are encouraged to interact with one another throughout the day in a variety of methods, including partner work, small group activities, and large group activities. These teaching techniques enable autistic children to relate to their peers. As autistic children relate to their peers more they are more accepted and in turn continue to learn and acquire new and improved social skills. Another way to encourage the Get more content on
  • 8. Children With Autism Essay Children With Autism Children with autism have the possibility to improve greatly, and some even overcome the effects of autism if appropriate therapies are begun early enough. A multifaceted disorder, autism has long baffled professionals and parents alike. At a point in time, doctors gave parents absolutely no hope for the recovery of their children. But recently, new treatments and therapies have shown that improvement is possible. With early intervention, intensive care, some children have if not fully recovered, improved, and have been integrated into schools, indistinguishable from their peers. Sandra L. Harris, PhD; Topics inAutism Siblings of children with autism, A Guide more content... Readers are taught how to use ABA to teach speech and language, social, motor, and adaptive skills through a system of repetition, reward, and goal adjustment. The author also discusses what families should consider before choosing any treatment method for their child with autism, and specifically what key elements an IBI program should have. The curriculum, professional roles, parent involvement, inclusion, and pros and cons of a home based versus center based program are all covered. Staff training..... Characteristics of characteristics of children with autism. [Videotape]. Maryland, MD: Integrated Care Management. Autism is one of a spectrum, range, of disorders that vary in severity and in terms of how condition manifests itself. According to the national association for autism research, the autism spectrum disorder includes: Autistic disorder: also known as "classic autism", this disorder affects a person's ability to communicate, form relationships and respond appropriately to the environment. Asperger's syndrome: this neurological disorder differs from autistic disorder in that the individuals with this disorder do not have a delay in spoken language development. But they may have serious communication skills. Childhood Disintegrative Disorder: children with this disorder, also known as Get more content on
  • 9. Persuasive Speech On Autism To eliminate bias and hatred against autistic or differently abled children and individuals, it is important to educate the masses about the endless possibilities autistic people are born with. To address the perpetual need for widespread public awareness and core education on various Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), it is important to provide the normally–born people with training and education to help them support individuals born with an ASD and how not to treat them. What is Autism? Autism is described as a neurodevelopmental disorder that inhibits characteristics like impaired social interaction, difficulties in verbal and non–verbal communication, cognitive disorders and repetitive behavior. Autism is heritable and is more content... Pass on the information you gain about ASD to families having an Autistic patient in order to help them understand this condition and not beat/abuse the patient in any case. By helping other professionals and families to adapt and evolve their understanding of ASD, you help the nation's understanding of mental conditions grow and boost the prospects of more research in this field. Inspire the people around you for positive change. Since you gain a thorough understanding of ASD, you can help an ASD patient stuck in trauma with smart communication, soft skill coercing and calming down their anxiety. By formulating your own intervention techniques and strategies, you can prevent any incidents that involve any ASD patient, and in turn save them from further emotional trauma. Not only do you calm their interfering behavior in a school/ workplace setting, but will help you understand the positive and functional approaches to understanding their behavior by analyzing a behavior chain and conducting a Functional Behavior Assessment. You help the society in general with the development and implementation of a successful behavior intervention plan to understand replacement behavior Get more content on
  • 10. Informational Essay on Autism Autism About 1 percent of the world population has autism spectrum disorder. (CDC, 2014) Autism is the fastest growing developmental disability. Autism is defined by a certain set of behaviors and is a "spectrum disorder" that effects individuals differently. Autism is a serious and lifelong developmental disability. On its own, autism is not a learning disability or a mental health problem. To go further back into history, autism was first recognized in the early years of the 20th century by medical doctors. Autism as Leo Kanner called the "syndrome" was defined as a cerebral disorder which influence communication capabilities. Through the 1960s, psychiatrists continued to view autism as a form of "childhood schizophrenia." more content... It is very important to separate autism from other conditions. Once diagnosed accurately parents can know the facts about autism and what can help their child. There are services available for parents needing help with their child. There are teaching strategies that can introduce new behaviors or reduce inappropriate actions. Types of interventions can lead to great opportunities. (Syriopoulou–Delli, C., 2010) People with autism often exhibit significant language problems such as delayed or absent speech. Children and adults with autism may have a hard time communicating their need or want. This can lead to frustration to parents and friends. This can affect all family members when one person is frustrated. It is best for parents or caregiver to talk with experts on how to deal with situations like this. Parents must know that now place their primary focus on helping their child with autism. References: CDC website – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2014, January 1). Retrieved September 5, 2014, from Charman, T., Swettenham, J., Baron–Cohen, S., Cox, A., Baird, G., & Drew, A. (1997). Infants with autism: An investigation of empathy, pretend play, joint attention, and imitation. Developmental Psychology, 33(5), 781–789. Olney, M. F. (2000). Working Get more content on
  • 11. Essay on autism What is Autism? Autism is a developmental disability that affects all areas of behavior and perception. Approximately 10 out of every 10,000 children are diagnosed with autism and four out of five are males. Autism is the third most common developmental disability, more common than Down Syndrome. Children with Autism are characterized by impairment in several areas of development such as: Cognitive, Language, Play/Socialization skills and exhibit many challenging behaviors. Behavior Patterns of Autism: ï‚· Difficulty mixing with other children ï‚· Acts as if deaf– may have normal hearing but not comprehend language. ï‚· Resists learning– about 75% measured IQs below 70. ï‚· No fear of real danger– more content... How Autism AffectsFunctioning in School: Autism is a disability that can create a barrier between the individual and his or her friends, family, and community. This disability often interferes with an individual’s ability to communicate, interact with others, engage in play or leisure skills, and to relate to the world around them. People with autism may exhibit repetitive movements, have unusual responses to people, be resistant to change and demonstrate aggressive and/or self–injurious behavior. As a teacher who works in a school for children with autism, I have seen first hand how the families are affected by the disability of their child. The parents in my school have shown tremendous strength and support for their children, contributing positively to their quality of life. They come into school and learn how to work with their child, have continuous contact with the teacher, and tremendously help the school with fundraising efforts. I have been lucky enough to see the positive effects that parent support can have on a child with autism, but I am sure that there are many cases that are opposite of this. Having a child with autism does put a great strain on all family members, physically, mentally, and emotionally. There are several interventions that are available for those with autism. The interventions are separated into the Get more content on
  • 12. Autism Essay In the recent years, there has been an increase with the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2007), 1 in 150 children are said to be autistic and according to many states ASD is seen as an epidemic. The problem with these numbers is how to teach these children affectively in the best academic environment. In 2005–2006 it was reported that 31% of autistic students were placed in general education classrooms and around 40% in separate classes, typically referred as autistic support classrooms (U.S. Department of Education, 2007). Characteristically, the student will be placed in an autistic support (AS) room because the general education room is not the more content... F's students. In this paper, I will discuss the instruction Mrs. F uses, the aspects of Bloom's Taxonomy that are exhibited, some of the best practices used according to Santrock (2008), different types of technology used, and how this classroom has introduced the primary elements as my future role as a school psychologist. I. Instruction Style Through my observations, Mrs. F uses a Teacher–Centered model, which allows her to select the material that the students will learn (Santrock, 2008). Since all of Mrs. F's students contain an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) it is important for her to control and closely monitor what is being taught. When a teacher has a student with an IEP it is significant to maintain the unique educational goals and help the child achieve the highest benefit from learning (Heward, 2009). In Mrs. F's class she is able to center her students goals around the curriculum or lesson plan for the day. On several occasions, I have witnessed Mrs. F asking the student's different questions based off a story the class read, that pertains to their specific goals. An example of this includes one child's inability to identify colors and another child's inability to answer "who" questions (answering the main character in the story). With constant repetition, the students are able to strengthen their weaknesses and achieve their goal(s). II. Bloom's Taxonomy Benjamin Bloom and colleagues in 1956 formed a group of educational Get more content on
  • 13. Argumentative Essay On Autism Autism is a developmental disorder that affects the brain's normal development of social and communication skills. This complex illness varies widely in severity, and is marked by social difficulties, repetitive behaviors, and communication problems. Usual features of autism include an impairment of verbal and non–verbal communication, problems processing sensorial information, difficulty in social interactions, and restrictive and repetitive patterns of conduct. Some causes of autism relate to growth dysregulation, and early intervention and treatment may offer significant advances in functioning. Autism is a devastating medical condition which requires serious and permanent medical attention. Even though there is no cure for autism, more content... It does so by curbing abusive practices like excessive waiting periods for coverage; exclusions regarding preexisting conditions; and rescissions of coverage. Insurance providers will be limited in their ability to set annual or lifetime restrictions on the dollar value of medical benefits. This will affect the laws in some states which cap autism insurance benefits. However, even though the new law will extend insurance coverage to families of children with autism, not all plans will be required to cover behavioral health treatments. The main reason behind this is based on the fact that only some types of insurance plans will be required to cover a list of essential benefits, such as the treatment of behavioral conditions, including autism. The plans that are included under this provision are those offered by state based exchanges, through which businesses and individuals are able to purchase coverage, and those plans offered in individual and small group markets, outside of the exchange. Existing coverage plans, those plans offered by large group markets outside exchanges, and self–insured plans, will not be required to provide packages that include behavioral treatment. These exclusions are important as almost 60 % of workers are covered by a plan provided by their employers, and more specifically, by a self–insured Get more content on
  • 14. Essay on Autism Diagnostic Summary Paper AUTISM Autism is a disorder that impairs the development of a person's capacity to interact with, communicate with, and also maintain regular "normal" bonds with the outside world. This disorder was described in 1943 by Leo Kanner, an Americanpsychologist. Autism is considered one of the more common developmental disabilities, and appears before the age of three. It is known to be four or five times more common in males than in females. It most cited statistic is that autism occurs in 4.5 out of 10,000 live births. The estimate of children having autistic qualities is reported to be 15 to 20 out of 10,000. The gender statement noted before is not uncommon, since many developmental disabilities have a more content... Tantrums can occur when these perseverative behaviors occur. Twenty years ago, most autistic individuals were institutionalized. Now only the most severe cases live in institutions. During adulthood, autistic individuals are known to live with their parents, in residential institutions, and some do live independently. Because there are so many forms of this disorder, it has been said that there is no true adjective to describe every type of person with autistic symptoms, or autism. My research shows that there are no physiological tests that can be performed to determine whether a person has autism. The diagnosis is given when a person exhibits the characteristics of the disorder. Note: In the last five years, researchers have agreed that those who display autistic characteristics are commonly suffering from other related but distinct disorders, such as Asperger Syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, Landau Kleffner syndrome, Rett syndrome, and Williams syndrome. Physiological researchers have discovered abnormalities within the brain, but the reason for the abnormalities is not known, and it is not known where the relation to autism lies. These abnormalities range from underdeveloped areas in the limbic system, to Vernal lobules VI and VII, being smaller than average. Biochemical research has found elevated beta–endorphins, relating to pain tolerance in autistic action. In the cognitive realm, there is much talk of the "theory of mind", Get more content on
  • 15. Introduction Autism Essay Introduction Autism is on the rise. Many researchers feel the reasons isn't because there are more kids being afflicted with it, but the increased public awareness has allowed this disorder to be more easily recognized and diagnosed at a earlier age. The word "autism" was first used by a Swiss psychiatrist Eugene Bleuler in an article written in the American Journal of Insanity in 1912. It comes from the Greek word meaning self. Bleuler used it to describe the schizophrenic's seeming difficulty in connecting with others ("Autism"). It wasn't until 1943 when the classification of autism was introduced by Dr. Leo Kanner. Dr. Kanner, a psychiatrist from John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, reported on eleven child more content... Repetitive behaviors like head banging and repetitive routines are consistent for individuals with autism. If the routine is disturbed, he or she screams and throws a temper tantrum (Wing, 24). Like their need for consistency in routines, autistics also need and demand absolute consistency in their environment. Changes in their environment cause them to act negatively ("Autism"). And individual with autism has a different sensory system than normal people, the stimulations are affected differently. For example, they have oversensitivity to light and this oversensitivity may cause seizures ("Autism"). At least one quarter of children with autism have an epilectic seizure before they become an adult. Other behaviors that may occur are high levels or anxiety, odd fears (ex. of color or shape), and emotions that change from one extreme to the other (Wing 31+; Siegel 49). A common myth about autistic individuals is that they cannot show affection ("Defining Autism"). Autistics show affection, but they are very precise about who they show affection to. They have to be very comfortable with this person and their affection they show is not like normal children's. The affection is a brief hug or something simple. On reason they do not show affection is they simply do not seek parental attention. As an infant the autistic child may have appeared very calm and not cried very often ("Autism"). Even though these children Get more content on
  • 16. Autism in Children Essay example Autism according to Merriam–Webster Dictionary is defined as "a variable developmental disorder that appears by age three and is characterized by impairment of the ability to form normal social relationships, to commutate with others, and by stereotyped behavior patterns." Autism was believed to be a psychiatric or emotional illness, and doctors told mothers that they were the cause. They were wrong. The cause for autism is still a mystery, however, the facts remain that autism in children is on the rise. Erin Allday of the San Francisco Chronicle writes, "Environmental factors play a more important role in causing autism than previously assumed and, surprisingly, an even larger role than genetic." There are theories based on more content... The Autism Society says, "children with autism often have repetitive body movements such as, hand flapping, spinning, or head banging." An autistic child often avoids interaction with others and does not like to give eye contact during dialogue. Mastering social skills and interaction is a challenge for children living with autism. Autistic children often do not play with other children. Part of this is noticed during the early developmental stages of childhood. Autistic children are often referred as off in a world of their own, unaware of people or events around them. Children with autism have difficulties in verbal and with non–verbal communication, social interactions and leisure activities. Autistic children have sensory disorders that affect how they interact with objects and people around them. They possibly will experience sensitivities in the five senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell. "Many children with autism have unusual sensitivities to sounds, sights, touch, taste and smells. High–pitched intermittent sounds, such as fire alarm or school bells, may be painful to these children. Scratchy fabrics and clothing tags may also be intolerable, and some children have visual sensitivities to the flickering of fluorescent lights (autism–society)." The lack of social skills can create behaviors in autistic children. Furthermore, when a child Get more content on
  • 17. Essay about Autism  There are several reasons why I chose the topic of Autism. First, autism is intriguing because it is very hard to understand. Medical science is at a loss to explain why and how it occurs. Second, I have had occasion to develop a personal relationship with children who are afflicted with autism. At The Children's Institute, where I volunteer, I sit and play with many kids, two of whom are very hard to play with. Even though they are five and six years old, they avoid making eye contact with others, and often refuse to play with the other kids. Also, once they start watching something, like television, it is very hard to get them to look somewhere else. They more content... A light touch to most people may hurt an autistic person. On the other hand, some autistic people are insensitive to pain and won't notice injuries. Hearing can also be heightened so that a noise that would not bother your or my ears, may hurt an autistic person's ears. Autistic people's vision can also be affected. They have trouble recognizing people. They can also have their eyes hurt by a bright light or a certain flickering. People with autism lack normal non–verbal communication and body language. Because of this, they will seem more literal minded and unemotional than those around them. They also have trouble with verbal communication which sometimes means they will take a question or statement in a literal or unusual way. Some autistic people display communication difficulties such as difficulty remembering vocabulary and pronouncing words. Some are mute. Many need extra time to process verbal questions or comments and to reply. From time to time they will repeat things they hear or even their own words. As you can see, autism affects its victims in a wide variety of ways. Some do well in special supportive environments, other are completely independent and function fairly well, and still others may never learn to talk or be able to work or live independently. Problems arise when autistic people attempt to handle multiple stimuli. Because they have very narrowly Get more content on
  • 18. Persuasive Essay About Autism In a study conducted in Phoenix by the Arizona Business Gazette, researchers concluded that one in every 68 children in the United States is diagnosed with Autism before the age of 3. Autism is described as a "range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, and speech and nonverbal communication," ("What is Autism?"). Because of how present Autism is in our society, the topic has been heavily debated for years. There are many contrasting opinions regarding different issues on the subject of Autism, but there has yet to be an agreement on one of the most important aspects of the topic, the cure. It is profoundly disagreed upon whether it is ethically and morally correct for our society to fund and conduct research to find a cure for Autism because some think that it sending the message that we are trying to "change" these autistic individuals. In relation to the information regarding neurodiversity and the autism spectrum, society should continue to pursue research and funding to find a cure because of the numerous ways it could improve the quality of life for those affected by autism. In order to form a strong and knowledgeable opinion regarding whether we should continue to research a cure for autism, it is crucial to understand the basic ideas of the subject of neurodiversity. Neurodiversity is the range of differences in the way the human brain functions and behaves. ("Neurodiversity: Some Basic Terms and Definitions") This variation in the way each individual processes information and reacts to it that results in diversity in our population. No two people are exactly alike due to the distinctions between each individual's race, religion, gender, and cultural background. These factors cause each individual to have a different and unique personality and outlook on life. This is seen as significant because it guarantees that the human race is not a unit of people that think, act, and live exactly the same. Autism and other conditions such as Dyslexia and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are viewed as components that contribute to neurodiversity and neurodiversity movement because they affect the behaviors and brain function of a person. The Get more content on
  • 19. Descriptive Essay About Autism We always fought, siblings do. Things have changed now though. She was always quiet, never really contributed to other people's conversations. If you have a sibling you will understand that there comes a point where you have to be the bigger person and there isn't a point in starting arguments or fighting over stupid things like what to watch on television or if they are sitting in your seat. We fought like cat and dog, we never stopped arguing, it got to the point we couldn't being the same room without arguing at least once, we are much better now though we never fight unless it's something that must be said but even then we only argue. I knew we wouldn't argue forever, I knew we would become close sooner or later, I just never thought it would happen so soon. It happened a few days before I found out. Before I found out that my little sister had autism. The definition of autism is 'a mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by great difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts'. It's difficult to describe autism because it's different for every person. Lucy's always got treated differently. She has always been the 'perfect child'. She never gets into trouble. She doesn't like a lot of things, she covers her ears in the cinema if the movie is too loud, she can't leave if her socks aren't on right and she needs to spend at least 5 minutes on each sock, and if we are leaving she Get more content on
  • 20. Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorder Autism spectrum disorder has become the most common neurological and developmental disorder diagnosed in children today. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2012) estimate that 1 out of every 88 American children have been properly diagnosed. There is no known cure for autism, and the inconsistencies of the symptoms of autism in each case make it difficult to target a particular set of effective treatments. However some behavior management therapies, specifically physical therapy, may help to significantly control the unwanted symptoms in young children with autism spectrum disorder. Symptoms. Children begin showing symptoms of autism as early as twelve months more content... Finally, the third and broadest area of impairment is repetitive behaviors. Autistic children often exhibit some degree of a repetitive behavior that can range anywhere from mild to extreme. This can include a variety of actions such as constantly rocking back and forth, toe–walking, eye–rolling, spinning, and clapping. The child could have set routines that they feel a need to obsessively follow every day. This can even take the form of an overly focused interest on something that the child enjoys such as science, music, or art. When these repetitive actions are observed in the child over long periods of time they are then referred to as "stereotypic behaviors". Diagnosis. The earliest indicators of autism are impairments of verbal and nonverbal communication. A child with autism will have difficulties responding to their name, smiling and making eye contact, babbling or cooing by twelve months, and using single or two word phrases by twenty–four months (NIMH, n.d.). A proper diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder is a two part process. The child is first given a general screening to check for developmental issues. If the child is not making satisfactory developmental progress according to his or her age group, the child would be referred for additional screening. At this stage, the child will need to be screened to check for specific symptoms of autism. The screening can be based solely on the parent's observation of the Get more content on
  • 21. Autism Awareness Autism Awareness Angi Reid Sisk ESE Instructor Pillar October 24, 2011 Autism Awareness Autism is a disability that affects thousands of children today. The causes are yet to be known but there are many theories floating around as to how children develop this disorder. More importantly than how they have gotten the diagnosis, is what can be done do to help them thrive in their educational environment. Many of these children are staring school and are faced with an entirely new set of challenges other than adjusting to life in a home setting. There are many common characteristics that children with autism exhibit; educators must be aware of these traits and understand the best way to deal with them and other needs required by more content... Sensory issues can cause problems with intervention and teachers should always be aware of the risks that therapy can bring to students due to sensory differences, (Volkmar and Weisner, 2009). Environmental stimuli can be very disturbing and even painful at time for children with autism. This can apply to limited types of sensory input or all forms of it; this can be caused by a disorder with the child's sensory processing, An individual's tactile system which includes the skin and brain allows a person to perceive and respond in the right manner to experiences in the environment, for example staying away from fire or snuggling up with pleasure in a cozy throw blanket. When autistic students have problems or disturbances in their tactile systems they may do the opposite. They may withdraw from trying to be comforted or from affection; this is called tactile defensive. These responses are a result of a tactile misconception and can lead to other behavioral problems. (British Colombia: Ministry of Education, 2000). Problem behaviors is a commonly shared by autistic children. This can be aggression toward oneself or others. This happens more often when the student is frustrated or in a situation that cause over stimulation or confusion, (Autism Society of North Carolina, 2009). This can cause major disturbances in a Get more content on