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Threats to Energy Security and Critical Energy Infrastructure
What are the challenges and threats to a State’s energy security, and foremost, to
it’s Critical Energy Infrastructure during unconventional conflicts?
Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD
Research Director, Ecole Militaire Strategic Research Institute (IRSEM)
ENSEC COE, hybrid threats: overcoming ambiguity, building resilience
10/11 September 2015
What IRSEM is doing on risk analysis and to
enhance defence strategies
2Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD
• The Institut de Recherche Stratégique de l’Ecole Militaire (IRSEM) is a French
research centre with the status of national service attached to the DGRIS. Its goal is
to support and promote research in the area of defence and security.
• Its production is focused on international defence and security. It is openly
accessible worldwide. Publications cover Armament and Defence economics,
Defence studies, Strategic studies, and Defence and Society.
• The IRSEM provides academic and financial support to young researchers,
following doctoral and post-doctoral studies.
• The IRSEM results from the reform process that began with the creation of the
French Higher Council for Strategic Training and Research (Conseil Supérieur de la
Formationet de la Recherche Stratégique - CSFRS). It works through the French
Consistency Committee for Strategic Research and Forecasting (Comité De
Cohérence de la Recherche Stratégique et de la Prospective - CCRP) and is
responsible at the French Ministry of Defence for steering and facilitating the
approach to forecasting and strategic research.
• See:
Introduction: European countries are being
confronted to five key energy challenges
3Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD
1. Emerging countries are more and more taking a major part in the world energy
balance, limiting the European market power to impact world energy prices.
2. Inside the European Union, more and more countries, such as Germany, Italy or
Belgium, are giving up their nuclear industries, leaving the path to hydrocarbon
forms of energy such as coal and more energy imports.
3. The end of many European nuclear industries will mean more external energy
dependencies for an increasing number of European countries.
4. Many energy producers are located in instable areas. However, the recent
development of shale gas in Northern America, offshore oil in Brazil, and offshore
gas in Australia is indeed reshuffling the cards to the disadvantage of Russia and the
MENA area. It should help us to limit the terrorist risks and unconventional attacks.
5. France, the Baltic states, and other European countries will be confronted with a
triple challenge: energy security of supplies, economic efficiency and environmental
needs. Thus, a comprehensive approach of energy issues, not only limited to
economic and industrial topics, is essential to understand the current challenges we
face. Clearly, European countries need to understand and anticipate possible risks
and threats on energy infrastructures and local economies, because we’ll face a
growing vulnerability on our energy infrastructures in case of unconventional
conflicts. It is one of our main vulnerabilities.
Three parts
4Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD
I. Typology and origin of possible threats on energy
II. Between underestimation and overestimation of
threats on energy infrastructures: the right
analysis is the most difficult target to reach.
III. A possible scenario of unconventional attacks on
European energy infrastructures: new grids, new
First part
5Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD
I. Typology and origin of possible threats on
energy infrastructures
We need to define a typology of targets
and priorities in terms of security
6Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD
When terrorism is concerned, various targets are indeed highly vulnerable:
• Permanent military infrastructures (headquarters, ammunitions dumps, fuel
depots, spare parts storage, barracks). To neutralize these targets can slow down or
stop troops deployment during operations or to limit the ability of a military force
to engage itself in operations.
• High valued mobile military targets such as aircrafts (AWACS, supply planes,
carriers, fighters, bombers), radars, aircraft carriers, etc.
• Logistics and chains of supplies:
– Means of conveying, landing and boarding : ships, cranes, docks, bridges,
roads, control towers, runways, etc.
– Other suppliers: generators, power lines, tankers, gas tankers, etc.
• Political targets such as decision centres (ministries, key administrations), hospitals,
highly populated areas, etc.
• Economic targets, such as production sites, factories, civilian gas or oil depots,
goods stations and oil and gas companies.
To understand the MENA area is key to
anticipate threats on energy infrastructures
7Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD
• In a way, the 9/11 attack in New York was a turning point: before 9/11, Western
policy objectives included dual containment (Iran/Iraq), preserving access to oil and
gas, and promoting democracy. After 9/11, policies shifted on changes in security
and shifted on promoting pre-emptive action (“real and imminent threat”) and
regime change. It did not stop at all terrorism, extreme Islamism and instability in
the MENA area: it was just the contrary.
• With a MENA area dominated by wars and instability, to define what a possible
terrorist threat could be can be tricky: basically, the purpose is to send a political
message to the Western world and to induce fear. It might be state-sponsored, but
this time is a little bit over. Many are fighting against any form of Western influence
in their homeland, as in Syria and Iraq.
• What could do these “terrorist organizations”? They will try to pressure Western
influence on energy out of their countries through terrorist attacks. Al-Qaeda was
first founded to overthrow the Saudi Arabian government, but they all have today a
much broader scale agenda, especially ISIS.
ISIS vs. oil and gas infrastructures: is it still
that unconventional?
8Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD
Why launching an attack on energy
infrastructures? The example of Iraq
9Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD
• Immediate prospect of death
and destruction:
• Energy systems are war
• To cause huge
• Economic and social disruption
+ creation of ripple and
synergistic effects.
• Destroy critical nodes:
• Transportation
(pipelines, port
• Production bottlenecks
(oil refineries)
Instability in the Sahara desert: France on
the front in Mali
10Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD
Targeting oil and gas pipeline terminals is a
natural strategy. Does it work?
11Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD
• Pipeline terminals are indeed possible targets: however, key terminals such as Ras
Tanura in Saudi Arabia are well protected. In Ras Tanura, north of Bahrain, 7 mb/d
are leaving Saudi Arabia every day, making it an enviable target for any coordinated
action, terrorist apprentices and potential kamikazes. A neutralization, even
limited, is by nature able to disrupt world oil and gas markets and to increase oil
futures on a scale still unknown. Even a simple try would have side-effects on
traders and financial actors for a few days before returning to a cooler behavior.
• The real nightmare would be a “blockade” of the strait of Ormuz, not really a
physical one, something which is just impossible to achieve by terrorist means, but
a form of invisible barrier which would prevent ships from coming into the Arabian
Gulf without any substantial new insurance policy: to succeed in organizing such an
operation needs a complete network of supports, well-equipped teams, and a bit of
intelligence from terrorist organizations. We are in fact leaving conventional
terrorism and we are back to state support of terrorism, which is a completely
different subject.
Targeting Ras Tanura: a dream for terrorists
12Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD
Second part
13Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD
II. Between underestimation and
overestimation of threats on energy
infrastructures: the right analysis is the
most difficult target to reach.
Should we expect a new wave of terrorism
on energy supply routes? Sea routes?
14Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD
• Various forms of terrorist risks could potentially threaten European economies
and traditional energy routes, both at sea and on the ground, used for oil and
gas. The notoriously most threatened areas around Europe are said to be the
Arabian Gulf, the surroundings of Yemen and Somalia, and the Suez Canal as
potential targets.
• Shipbrokers and ship-owners awakened to the tough realities of terrorism when
the Limburg was blown up in 2001 in Yemen. Apart this noticeable exception of
Yemen, nothing really happened at sea since then. Precautionary measures to
increase the number of ships and to speed up crude oil movements were often
useless. It does not mean it could not happen; but it is quite unlikely today.
• Though the impact on the long term of the Limburg bombing was close to zero,
European states cannot underestimate the feasibility of broader attacks and
should give a specific watchfulness on their energy supply routes for the next
years. Due to the position of European states towards the Islamic State and
other Islamic movements, new terrorist attacks on pipelines, tankers, and
liquefied gas carriers could disrupt European economic stability and security.
Maritime routes, a risk overvalued?
15Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD
• Maritime routes used by tankers are indeed under pressure, but this pressure might
be a bit overvalued: a feeling of insecurity and anxiety developed after 2001,
without taking into account that only one single ship was attacked in 14 years. If
there were a large-scale political crisis of any kind around the MENA area, realities
should be different and terrorism at sea could be much more scrutinized by
Western chiefs of staff and European states.
• Risks on maritime transports should be considered among many other threats: one
has to take into consideration many forms of risks such as piracy, broad safety on
maritime routes, geopolitics of straits, balance between various means of
transports, and the true nature of physical risks on oil and gas maritime routes.
• If there is a risk on oil and gas maritime routes, as shown with the Limburg case,
damages aren’t bad enough to destabilize oil markets: the feasibility of inflicting
significant damages to a ship depends on geographical, technical and physical
conditions scarcely met. Though the destruction of a few ships should certainly
increase insurance’s prizes, it could certainly not disorganize world maritime traffic
on a period long enough to have durable effects on world energy markets. Only a
war could do this.
Oil transit chokepoints
16Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD
Sinking ships, a hard business in itself!
17Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD
• Weapons or explosives frequently used have various effects, depending on the angle,
the strength of the explosive charge, the rate of fire, the track course or the point of
impact. A simple RPG7 rocket-launcher is able to damage and make a hole to the hull
of any ship, but double-bottom tankers. It does not mean that tankers targeted will
going off easily. Against this kind of weapon, easy to get on markets, there is no
protection efficient enough to protect all commercial ships sailing at sea. If a military
escort could be provided during war time, it would not seem realistic enough for
Western navies to do it at all time or to equip commercial ships with heavy military
• The explosive capacity of ships, far beyond the strength of the explosive charge, is
also a key element to succeed in sinking them: if a ship is full or empty, she has little
chance to explode. When the ship is full, the fuel gets a capacity to absorb chocks,
which makes unlikely the feasibility of having an explosion. As an example, when the
French OAS launched an attack on gasoline depots in Antibes (southern France) in
1962, it failed; because the tanks were full and had limited explosive capacities.
• On the contrary, if a tanker is half empty, the gas in suspension in the empty part of
the ship, even in very limited quantities, makes an explosion more likely. Though this
risk is limited, there is indeed a bad combination, due to the highly inflammable mix
of oxygen and hydrocarbons.
Differences of approach between states?
18Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD
• For consuming states, the risk is limited to the possibility of being confronted to
temporary cuts of supplies. When the Suez canal was closed in 1956 or when the
Iran/Iraq war partly blocked ships in the Arabian Gulf, Western countries feared their
economies could be damaged by a long-term blockade. This kind of risk explained
partly why the American policy in the Middle East, as shown in Kuwait en 1990,
tended to show military strength in the area and to leave noticeable naval forces.
However, terrorism was never responsible of any significant blockade in the Middle
east for the last 70 years.
• For producing states, the risk is far beyond the risks we could be confronted to. They
could suffer from complete exports’ blockades. If producers are confronted with
temporary impossibilities of exporting oil and gas for physical or psychological
reasons, what is at stake is the sake of their whole economies. However, again, no
terrorist act was responsible of large blockades; even in the MENA area.
Third part
19Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD
III. A possible scenario of unconventional
attacks on European energy
new grids, new threats?
New grids for Europe: what for?
20Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD
• Europe needs a more efficient electricity system and new distribution networks to
face the growing complexity of systems management and a possible growing gap
between energy supplies and demand.
• New European grids thus mean stronger interconnections within the European
electricity system.
• The existing interconnections could go beyond their present limits to the South, across
the Mediterranean Sea, and possibly towards the Russian electricity system.
• The recent opening of electricity markets led to the development of smart meters
such as Linky in France in March 2009, which are the cornerstone of smart grids in a
new European distribution network.
• The European Commission targets 80% of smart meters in 2020 in the EU.
• Networks are indeed moving from a passive to an active position through the
development of decentralized power generation.
• Smart grids might be a potential target for unconventional attacks.
The way smart grids work
21Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD
Smart meters all over France in 2018?
22Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD
• France is preparing to embrace “smart meter” technology on a massive scale: 90% of
French smart meters should be replaced by 2021 (French law, 17 August 2015). “Smart
meters” or “communicating meters” are electronic boxes which replace traditional
meters on a building’s switchboard.
• Its distinguishing feature is that it connects itself directly, mainly via internet, with the
grid management system. This new generation of meters therefore provides all power
managers, distributors and customers with instant access to information on real-time
power consumption.
• These data should enable power suppliers and distribution service operators (EDF,
Direct Energie, Poweo, GDF, etc.) to finely tune power used by consumers over the
short, medium and long term.
• In France, Linky meters are due to replace old EDF meters across the country. Linky
will communicate data remotely, transmitting it directly to ERDF’s supervision centre.
European smart grids by 2020
23Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD
How smart meters and smart grids are
going to work
24Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD
• Smart meters intend to measure and control home electrical consumption precisely.
However, it could erode the privacy of daily life, unless regulators limit data collection
and disclosure, and maybe national security itself.
• Indeed, in the absence of clear rules, these potentially beneficial smart grid
technologies could mean another intrusion on security, leave apart privacy.
• Utilities collecting detailed information about energy use in the home must specify in
advance how they are going to use that data and must confine their collection to
legitimate purposes.
• Utility companies should ensure that consumers have access to their own data, so
they can take advantage of innovative energy efficiency services, and explain clearly
where data are stored and how they are protected.
• The load graphs gathered by advanced energy metering projects allows the
reconstruction of everyone’s life: when you wake up, when you get home, when you
go on vacation, etc.
• These are clearly potential targets for terrorist or criminal organizations.
Protecting European citizens on smart grids
25Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD
• Smart grids intelligent monitoring devices are vital information pertaining to the lives
of citizens that can make them vulnerable to criminals and terrorists, but also simply
annoying marketers.
• Smart grids are vulnerable to many attacks and hackers can share the information
they get with external hostile political or criminal movements.
• The usage data stored in the utility server has thus the risk of being stolen and
• In order to preserve security, energy companies should use anonymous data packets
which contain the usage information, but no user information. This approach allows
the utility companies to forecast load in a region, but not to enable the utility
companies to keep individual usage data to advice the consumers regarding their
energy usage habits.
• Security is a global process, not only a way of keeping the energy markets safe and
reliable in Europe.
26Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD
• Is more attention required for the security of energy infrastructures? Controlling
maritime routes is in fact a key element of successful strategies against any
potential terrorist activities. Since WWII, the link between freedom at sea and oil
supplies has been strong, noticeably enough in western powers’ foreign policies.
But terrorism is not a global threat on maritime routes. Gas and oil pipelines are
more local and regional when compared to maritime routes. They are largely on
the ground; sometimes under the sea, as for North Stream. Thus, some of them
could also be major strategic targets, as in Ukraine. However, though bombings
were frequent in Iraq in the last 12 years, it did not change the world energy
balances. It only impacted local forces and populations directly involved in the
area of the bombings.
• A key constraint is imposed by changes to the international strategic
configuration, especially in the MENA area. Although the move towards a
multipolar world is not yet complete, it is raising a number of questions: how do
we define our defence policy? What impact does the economic crisis have on
conflicts and on our military capacities? Is energy the next battlefield for Islamist
movements? Is Ukraine the next step towards energy insecurity in Europe? Etc.
End of the presentation

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ENSEC COE NATO September 2015

  • 1. Threats to Energy Security and Critical Energy Infrastructure What are the challenges and threats to a State’s energy security, and foremost, to it’s Critical Energy Infrastructure during unconventional conflicts? Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD Research Director, Ecole Militaire Strategic Research Institute (IRSEM) ENSEC COE, hybrid threats: overcoming ambiguity, building resilience 10/11 September 2015
  • 2. 24/09/2015 What IRSEM is doing on risk analysis and to enhance defence strategies 2Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD • The Institut de Recherche Stratégique de l’Ecole Militaire (IRSEM) is a French research centre with the status of national service attached to the DGRIS. Its goal is to support and promote research in the area of defence and security. • Its production is focused on international defence and security. It is openly accessible worldwide. Publications cover Armament and Defence economics, Defence studies, Strategic studies, and Defence and Society. • The IRSEM provides academic and financial support to young researchers, following doctoral and post-doctoral studies. • The IRSEM results from the reform process that began with the creation of the French Higher Council for Strategic Training and Research (Conseil Supérieur de la Formationet de la Recherche Stratégique - CSFRS). It works through the French Consistency Committee for Strategic Research and Forecasting (Comité De Cohérence de la Recherche Stratégique et de la Prospective - CCRP) and is responsible at the French Ministry of Defence for steering and facilitating the approach to forecasting and strategic research. • See:
  • 3. 24/09/2015 Introduction: European countries are being confronted to five key energy challenges 3Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD 1. Emerging countries are more and more taking a major part in the world energy balance, limiting the European market power to impact world energy prices. 2. Inside the European Union, more and more countries, such as Germany, Italy or Belgium, are giving up their nuclear industries, leaving the path to hydrocarbon forms of energy such as coal and more energy imports. 3. The end of many European nuclear industries will mean more external energy dependencies for an increasing number of European countries. 4. Many energy producers are located in instable areas. However, the recent development of shale gas in Northern America, offshore oil in Brazil, and offshore gas in Australia is indeed reshuffling the cards to the disadvantage of Russia and the MENA area. It should help us to limit the terrorist risks and unconventional attacks. 5. France, the Baltic states, and other European countries will be confronted with a triple challenge: energy security of supplies, economic efficiency and environmental needs. Thus, a comprehensive approach of energy issues, not only limited to economic and industrial topics, is essential to understand the current challenges we face. Clearly, European countries need to understand and anticipate possible risks and threats on energy infrastructures and local economies, because we’ll face a growing vulnerability on our energy infrastructures in case of unconventional conflicts. It is one of our main vulnerabilities.
  • 4. 24/09/2015 Three parts 4Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD I. Typology and origin of possible threats on energy infrastructures. II. Between underestimation and overestimation of threats on energy infrastructures: the right analysis is the most difficult target to reach. III. A possible scenario of unconventional attacks on European energy infrastructures: new grids, new threats?
  • 5. 24/09/2015 First part 5Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD I. Typology and origin of possible threats on energy infrastructures
  • 6. 24/09/2015 We need to define a typology of targets and priorities in terms of security 6Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD When terrorism is concerned, various targets are indeed highly vulnerable: • Permanent military infrastructures (headquarters, ammunitions dumps, fuel depots, spare parts storage, barracks). To neutralize these targets can slow down or stop troops deployment during operations or to limit the ability of a military force to engage itself in operations. • High valued mobile military targets such as aircrafts (AWACS, supply planes, carriers, fighters, bombers), radars, aircraft carriers, etc. • Logistics and chains of supplies: – Means of conveying, landing and boarding : ships, cranes, docks, bridges, roads, control towers, runways, etc. – Other suppliers: generators, power lines, tankers, gas tankers, etc. • Political targets such as decision centres (ministries, key administrations), hospitals, highly populated areas, etc. • Economic targets, such as production sites, factories, civilian gas or oil depots, goods stations and oil and gas companies.
  • 7. 24/09/2015 To understand the MENA area is key to anticipate threats on energy infrastructures 7Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD • In a way, the 9/11 attack in New York was a turning point: before 9/11, Western policy objectives included dual containment (Iran/Iraq), preserving access to oil and gas, and promoting democracy. After 9/11, policies shifted on changes in security and shifted on promoting pre-emptive action (“real and imminent threat”) and regime change. It did not stop at all terrorism, extreme Islamism and instability in the MENA area: it was just the contrary. • With a MENA area dominated by wars and instability, to define what a possible terrorist threat could be can be tricky: basically, the purpose is to send a political message to the Western world and to induce fear. It might be state-sponsored, but this time is a little bit over. Many are fighting against any form of Western influence in their homeland, as in Syria and Iraq. • What could do these “terrorist organizations”? They will try to pressure Western influence on energy out of their countries through terrorist attacks. Al-Qaeda was first founded to overthrow the Saudi Arabian government, but they all have today a much broader scale agenda, especially ISIS.
  • 8. 24/09/2015 ISIS vs. oil and gas infrastructures: is it still that unconventional? 8Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD
  • 9. 24/09/2015 Why launching an attack on energy infrastructures? The example of Iraq 9Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD • Immediate prospect of death and destruction: • Energy systems are war targets. • To cause huge damages. • Economic and social disruption + creation of ripple and synergistic effects. • Destroy critical nodes: • Transportation (pipelines, port facilities) • Production bottlenecks (oil refineries)
  • 10. 24/09/2015 Instability in the Sahara desert: France on the front in Mali 10Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD
  • 11. 24/09/2015 Targeting oil and gas pipeline terminals is a natural strategy. Does it work? 11Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD • Pipeline terminals are indeed possible targets: however, key terminals such as Ras Tanura in Saudi Arabia are well protected. In Ras Tanura, north of Bahrain, 7 mb/d are leaving Saudi Arabia every day, making it an enviable target for any coordinated action, terrorist apprentices and potential kamikazes. A neutralization, even limited, is by nature able to disrupt world oil and gas markets and to increase oil futures on a scale still unknown. Even a simple try would have side-effects on traders and financial actors for a few days before returning to a cooler behavior. • The real nightmare would be a “blockade” of the strait of Ormuz, not really a physical one, something which is just impossible to achieve by terrorist means, but a form of invisible barrier which would prevent ships from coming into the Arabian Gulf without any substantial new insurance policy: to succeed in organizing such an operation needs a complete network of supports, well-equipped teams, and a bit of intelligence from terrorist organizations. We are in fact leaving conventional terrorism and we are back to state support of terrorism, which is a completely different subject.
  • 12. 24/09/2015 Targeting Ras Tanura: a dream for terrorists 12Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD
  • 13. 24/09/2015 Second part 13Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD II. Between underestimation and overestimation of threats on energy infrastructures: the right analysis is the most difficult target to reach.
  • 14. 24/09/2015 Should we expect a new wave of terrorism on energy supply routes? Sea routes? 14Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD • Various forms of terrorist risks could potentially threaten European economies and traditional energy routes, both at sea and on the ground, used for oil and gas. The notoriously most threatened areas around Europe are said to be the Arabian Gulf, the surroundings of Yemen and Somalia, and the Suez Canal as potential targets. • Shipbrokers and ship-owners awakened to the tough realities of terrorism when the Limburg was blown up in 2001 in Yemen. Apart this noticeable exception of Yemen, nothing really happened at sea since then. Precautionary measures to increase the number of ships and to speed up crude oil movements were often useless. It does not mean it could not happen; but it is quite unlikely today. • Though the impact on the long term of the Limburg bombing was close to zero, European states cannot underestimate the feasibility of broader attacks and should give a specific watchfulness on their energy supply routes for the next years. Due to the position of European states towards the Islamic State and other Islamic movements, new terrorist attacks on pipelines, tankers, and liquefied gas carriers could disrupt European economic stability and security.
  • 15. 24/09/2015 Maritime routes, a risk overvalued? 15Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD • Maritime routes used by tankers are indeed under pressure, but this pressure might be a bit overvalued: a feeling of insecurity and anxiety developed after 2001, without taking into account that only one single ship was attacked in 14 years. If there were a large-scale political crisis of any kind around the MENA area, realities should be different and terrorism at sea could be much more scrutinized by Western chiefs of staff and European states. • Risks on maritime transports should be considered among many other threats: one has to take into consideration many forms of risks such as piracy, broad safety on maritime routes, geopolitics of straits, balance between various means of transports, and the true nature of physical risks on oil and gas maritime routes. • If there is a risk on oil and gas maritime routes, as shown with the Limburg case, damages aren’t bad enough to destabilize oil markets: the feasibility of inflicting significant damages to a ship depends on geographical, technical and physical conditions scarcely met. Though the destruction of a few ships should certainly increase insurance’s prizes, it could certainly not disorganize world maritime traffic on a period long enough to have durable effects on world energy markets. Only a war could do this.
  • 17. 24/09/2015 Sinking ships, a hard business in itself! 17Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD • Weapons or explosives frequently used have various effects, depending on the angle, the strength of the explosive charge, the rate of fire, the track course or the point of impact. A simple RPG7 rocket-launcher is able to damage and make a hole to the hull of any ship, but double-bottom tankers. It does not mean that tankers targeted will going off easily. Against this kind of weapon, easy to get on markets, there is no protection efficient enough to protect all commercial ships sailing at sea. If a military escort could be provided during war time, it would not seem realistic enough for Western navies to do it at all time or to equip commercial ships with heavy military capabilities. • The explosive capacity of ships, far beyond the strength of the explosive charge, is also a key element to succeed in sinking them: if a ship is full or empty, she has little chance to explode. When the ship is full, the fuel gets a capacity to absorb chocks, which makes unlikely the feasibility of having an explosion. As an example, when the French OAS launched an attack on gasoline depots in Antibes (southern France) in 1962, it failed; because the tanks were full and had limited explosive capacities. • On the contrary, if a tanker is half empty, the gas in suspension in the empty part of the ship, even in very limited quantities, makes an explosion more likely. Though this risk is limited, there is indeed a bad combination, due to the highly inflammable mix of oxygen and hydrocarbons.
  • 18. 24/09/2015 Differences of approach between states? 18Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD • For consuming states, the risk is limited to the possibility of being confronted to temporary cuts of supplies. When the Suez canal was closed in 1956 or when the Iran/Iraq war partly blocked ships in the Arabian Gulf, Western countries feared their economies could be damaged by a long-term blockade. This kind of risk explained partly why the American policy in the Middle East, as shown in Kuwait en 1990, tended to show military strength in the area and to leave noticeable naval forces. However, terrorism was never responsible of any significant blockade in the Middle east for the last 70 years. • For producing states, the risk is far beyond the risks we could be confronted to. They could suffer from complete exports’ blockades. If producers are confronted with temporary impossibilities of exporting oil and gas for physical or psychological reasons, what is at stake is the sake of their whole economies. However, again, no terrorist act was responsible of large blockades; even in the MENA area.
  • 19. 24/09/2015 Third part 19Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD III. A possible scenario of unconventional attacks on European energy infrastructures: new grids, new threats?
  • 20. 24/09/2015 New grids for Europe: what for? 20Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD • Europe needs a more efficient electricity system and new distribution networks to face the growing complexity of systems management and a possible growing gap between energy supplies and demand. • New European grids thus mean stronger interconnections within the European electricity system. • The existing interconnections could go beyond their present limits to the South, across the Mediterranean Sea, and possibly towards the Russian electricity system. • The recent opening of electricity markets led to the development of smart meters such as Linky in France in March 2009, which are the cornerstone of smart grids in a new European distribution network. • The European Commission targets 80% of smart meters in 2020 in the EU. • Networks are indeed moving from a passive to an active position through the development of decentralized power generation. • Smart grids might be a potential target for unconventional attacks.
  • 21. 24/09/2015 The way smart grids work 21Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD
  • 22. 24/09/2015 Smart meters all over France in 2018? 22Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD • France is preparing to embrace “smart meter” technology on a massive scale: 90% of French smart meters should be replaced by 2021 (French law, 17 August 2015). “Smart meters” or “communicating meters” are electronic boxes which replace traditional meters on a building’s switchboard. • Its distinguishing feature is that it connects itself directly, mainly via internet, with the grid management system. This new generation of meters therefore provides all power managers, distributors and customers with instant access to information on real-time power consumption. • These data should enable power suppliers and distribution service operators (EDF, Direct Energie, Poweo, GDF, etc.) to finely tune power used by consumers over the short, medium and long term. • In France, Linky meters are due to replace old EDF meters across the country. Linky will communicate data remotely, transmitting it directly to ERDF’s supervision centre.
  • 23. 24/09/2015 European smart grids by 2020 23Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD
  • 24. 24/09/2015 How smart meters and smart grids are going to work 24Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD • Smart meters intend to measure and control home electrical consumption precisely. However, it could erode the privacy of daily life, unless regulators limit data collection and disclosure, and maybe national security itself. • Indeed, in the absence of clear rules, these potentially beneficial smart grid technologies could mean another intrusion on security, leave apart privacy. • Utilities collecting detailed information about energy use in the home must specify in advance how they are going to use that data and must confine their collection to legitimate purposes. • Utility companies should ensure that consumers have access to their own data, so they can take advantage of innovative energy efficiency services, and explain clearly where data are stored and how they are protected. • The load graphs gathered by advanced energy metering projects allows the reconstruction of everyone’s life: when you wake up, when you get home, when you go on vacation, etc. • These are clearly potential targets for terrorist or criminal organizations.
  • 25. 24/09/2015 Protecting European citizens on smart grids 25Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD • Smart grids intelligent monitoring devices are vital information pertaining to the lives of citizens that can make them vulnerable to criminals and terrorists, but also simply annoying marketers. • Smart grids are vulnerable to many attacks and hackers can share the information they get with external hostile political or criminal movements. • The usage data stored in the utility server has thus the risk of being stolen and misused. • In order to preserve security, energy companies should use anonymous data packets which contain the usage information, but no user information. This approach allows the utility companies to forecast load in a region, but not to enable the utility companies to keep individual usage data to advice the consumers regarding their energy usage habits. • Security is a global process, not only a way of keeping the energy markets safe and reliable in Europe.
  • 26. 24/09/2015 Conclusions 26Christophe-Alexandre PAILLARD • Is more attention required for the security of energy infrastructures? Controlling maritime routes is in fact a key element of successful strategies against any potential terrorist activities. Since WWII, the link between freedom at sea and oil supplies has been strong, noticeably enough in western powers’ foreign policies. But terrorism is not a global threat on maritime routes. Gas and oil pipelines are more local and regional when compared to maritime routes. They are largely on the ground; sometimes under the sea, as for North Stream. Thus, some of them could also be major strategic targets, as in Ukraine. However, though bombings were frequent in Iraq in the last 12 years, it did not change the world energy balances. It only impacted local forces and populations directly involved in the area of the bombings. • A key constraint is imposed by changes to the international strategic configuration, especially in the MENA area. Although the move towards a multipolar world is not yet complete, it is raising a number of questions: how do we define our defence policy? What impact does the economic crisis have on conflicts and on our military capacities? Is energy the next battlefield for Islamist movements? Is Ukraine the next step towards energy insecurity in Europe? Etc.
  • 27. End of the presentation Questions/answers