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God has finally completed the same pattern that He countlessly repeated throughout the 6,000
years of His providence of restoration. The fall of the first human ancestors after their creation
resulted in the frustration of God's providence, as well as a history of unimaginable sorrow and
anguish. Heaven has worked throughout such a history to complete the salvation of all
humankind and the liberation of God through the messiah. We are now at the culmination of
history, in the age of the providence of recreation centering on Blessed families in which we must
build Cheon Il Guk. The True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind have completed the
liberation of God and the providence of restoration. Upon this foundation, we are now advancing
towards the ultimate purpose of building an ideal society, the substantial Cheon Il Guk, as
something that can be shared to all humankind, starting at the HJ Cheonwon Complex centering
on True Mother. The Cheon Il Guk society has as its core the philosophy of mutual existence,
mutual prosperity and mutual righteousness contained within Unification Thought, which provides
the basis for the construction of Cheon Il Guk. With the analogy of a computer with hardware and
software, we are in an age in which we have the hardware for the development of the HJ
Cheonwon Complex centering on True Mother, but still require the software for its operation.
Such software is to have financial self-sufficiency as its core, and our task as members in this age
is we go about to achieve financial self-sufficiency.
1. Faith and Finances
We as Blessed families, in our constant investment for the movement, have neglected the financial
aspect of our lives with the belief that we would eventually be blessed materially even without
taking the required financial steps. This fundamental view on finances is reflected in the past age
of restoration, in which focusing on financial aspects or accumulating personal wealth as Blessed
families were seen as profane. However, we are now in an age in which Blessed families who have
financial stability and are capable of making monetary contributions for True Parents and the
Providence are vital. Although the financial aspects of the Providence until now were dealt
through reliance on the monetary contributions made by the Japanese members, we must go
forth in making an age in which we actively take on these financial aspects and newly search for
solutions for achieving financial self-sufficiency.
Building Cheon Il Guk becomes the task of how to transform the current society with its
materialistic culture to that of one centering on God. In other words, we must recreate this society,
with its materialistic, mammonistic and capitalistic system, to that of one centered on spirituality
and universal truths, built on the values of mutual existence, mutual prosperity and mutual
righteousness found in Unification Thought. For the establishment of the substantial Cheon Il Guk,
an experimental community that acts as the testing grounds for the transition between the
current world grounded on capitalism to a world centering on God, along with in-depth studies of
the aspects of an ideal society, are of utmost importance. Studies must be performed based on
the comprehensive collection of True Parents’ words.
2. In Search of My Eternal Fatherland p395 (Korean version)
“Scientific technology must be equalized. All of Europe’s scientific technology must be
immediately distributed as is to Africa. America’s scientific technology must be distributed as is to
South America and be standardized.
With this in mind, I declared that I will become a heretic to developed countries, and made
preparations for this. Because of this, regarding the scientific technology I possess, I am in the
process of forming a connection with the owners of Germany’s cutting-edge scientific technology,
as well as forming a connection with the top ten Japanese electronics companies with cutting-
edge technology, and even being able to enter their laboratories from the back door. We must
reach the top of scientific technology in order to establish peace.
Then comes economic problems. As you may know, it is said that even America’s deficit is
recently increasing by $70 to $80 billion annually. A world centering on America with the dollar as
the strongest currency, along with the age of money management, are now coming to a close. It
is a matter of how to lead this difficult global banking age. Because of this, I already began being
involved with global financial institutions centering on these problems. I made 10,000
conglomerates throughout the world buy $10 million worth of shares each. Through this, I am
trying to gather $100 billion.
The funds of the world’s banks total to hundreds of billions or trillions of dollars. In the case of
America, American conglomerates are wasting accumulated money on relatively unknown
countries in efforts of avoiding taxes. It is the same with the citizens of America, and even
Germany. It is the same with even the citizens of the United Kingdom and Japan. It is the same
with even the citizens of France and Italy. We must take steps to revitalize all stagnant banks. I
therefore have plans to establish a bank for the management of $100 billion. Through the top
leaders of developed countries, this bank will be transformed into a global bank that is
untouchable by the laws of developed countries.”
True Parents have advocated the equalization of technology, science and finances to enable all of
humankind to live equally well centering on Heavenly Parent and a philosophy rooted in “One
Family Under God.” True Parents have also stated that the ultimate purpose of such efforts is the
establishment of an ideal world in which all humankind can live happily. Developed countries
receive royalties from their long-lasting technologies, sell these technologies to developing
countries and are building the majority of factories and facilities that cause environmental
destruction and pollution. In the modern world, with an economic climate in which countries take
advantage of abundant manual labor and low wages of developing countries and extract their
funds and workforce for the benefit of their respective countries, True Parents are advocating the
equalization of technology of all the countries of the world, centering on God. In other words,
True Parents are presenting the path that we must go on, towards the system of Cheon Il Guk, the
society of the future with true love as its basis. At the same time, this has as its underlying
message the necessity for the capitalistic view of economics based on the individualistic and
selfish production of maximum profits achieved through minimal investment, to be changed to
that of one that works toward the universal prosperity and development of all of countries of the
world and humankind. We are in a time in which we must gradually form our philosophy of how
we are to implement the new Heavenly Banking Revolution centering on God, and resolve the
financial problems of Cheon Il Guk and transform it to the system of the future society of Cheon Il
“I therefore have plans to establish a bank for the management of $100 billion. Through the top
leaders of developed countries, this bank will be transformed into a global bank that is
untouchable by the laws of developed countries.”
We can find in True Parents’ words their plans of establishing a global bank and pioneering a new
bank operation system. True Parents in fact purchased the Uruguay Credit Banco (Bank) in 1984,
and made efforts to perform initial tests of a new banking system. They designed a new banking
system centering on God, as opposed to the current banking system based on an individualistic
mechanism that pursues maximum profits with minimal investment. True Parents attempted to
create a new banking system as mentioned above. They made efforts to create a new banking
system to replace the new capitalistic system. I therefore believe that we are in a time in which we
must inherit and research this aspect of True Parents’ will, and perform in-depth studies regarding
the improved and altruistic Cheon Il Guk banking system as described by True Parents. We must
first know the intricacies of, as well as how the current banking system was formed.
We must first examine the banking system that acts as the core of capitalism and how we are to
create the ideal financial system of Cheon Il Guk, and perform studies on the new financial system
of Cheon Il Guk.
As a priority, we must first examine how money is produced in the current banking system in
society, while examining its structural contradictions and possible alternatives.
Let us examine how money is produced in the USA, the essence of capitalistic countries. Money in
the USA is produced through the privately-owned Federal Reserve Banks, not through the US
3. Bank Operation and the Creation of Money
Modern Money Mechanics published by the Federal Reserve explains the process of money
creation by the Federal Reserve, which supports the world’s commercial bank networks. The
purpose of this book is stated in its first sentence, that being to elucidate the basic process of
money creation within the reserve system. Here, the book explanation of the reserve system with
various banking terminology has been supplemented with examples given by the following for
easier comprehension.
If the US Government were to request the Federal Reserve $10 billion as funds for an economic
policy designed to stimulate the economy, a meeting is held at the Federal Reserve Board. Upon
approval, a $10 billion Treasury bond is bought. The government purchases the bond, writes up
an official proposal, and once it is approved as Treasury bond, it comes to have the value of $10
billion. Once it is then send to the Federal Reserve Board, the Federal Reserve Board sends wads
of bills. However, the money at this point is referred to as Federal Reserve notes. A Federal
Reserve note has the corresponding value of the bond (that being $10 billion in this case). The
Federal Reserve then exchanges the Federal Reserve notes for the Treasury bond, and with the
transaction complete, the government deposits the Federal Reserve notes with the value of $10
billion into a bank account. With the notes deposited, they officially become legal currency that
can be used in the US market. This amount ($10 billion) then becomes added to currency in
circulation. In other words, $10 billion is created. The above is simply a condensed explanation of
how money is created, and the actual request for funds by the US government is done
electronically with the above process.
Actual paper money is virtually unused, with almost all currency being handled electronically. Only
3% of US currency exists in paper form. The remaining 97% is stored electronically. Treasury
bonds are originally debt certificates. If the Federal Reserve purchases these bonds with money
made out of thin air, the government makes a promise to the Federal Reserve to pay back the
amount in full. In other words, it becomes government debt. This means that money is created
from debt. Money is debt. Upon further examination, the fact that money is created from debt
becomes clear. With the completion of the exchange, $10 billion is deposited into a commercial
bank, where it instantaneously becomes a bank reserve of the corresponding amount due to the
reserve system. This applies to all deposits. This concept corresponds to the reserve ratio as
explained in the Modern Money Mechanics. Banks must set the legal reserve ratio in accord with
the set deposit ratio. Under current regulations, banks must maintain a reserve ratio, or reserve
funds accessible to customers, of 10%. For example, if there is a deposit of $10 billion, 10%, or $1
billion, must be in actual possession of the bank as reserves. The remaining $9 billion becomes
the excess reserves, which may be distributed as loans. In other words, $9 billion of the $10 billion
deposit is usable by the bank. With $1 billion in the bank itself, with $9 billion available as loan to
customers, the amount of currency effectively increases to $19 billion. They do not pay back the
$9 billion that was created through loans. Even if they were to do so, no additional money is
created. When giving out loans, the bank receives a promissory note (debt certificate). The bank
then gives out the loan as credit (money) to the borrower. This loan ($9 billion in this case)
appears in the savings account. These funds are essentially created out of thin air. However, this is
legally possible based on the reserve ratio for $10 billion and demand for loans. Customers
borrow the $9 billion from the bank. They then deposit the $9 billion into their saving accounts.
This process repeats, and forms a new reserve fund (of $9 billion). The same process as above can
then be applied to this new reserve fund that is created, with 90% ($8.1 billion) usable toward
loans. This $8.1 billion then becomes part of the new reserve fund, resulting in more funds
available for loans. The same process repeats, resulting in $7.2, $6.5 and $5.9 billion, and so on.
Theoretically, this process of producing loans through deposits can be repeated indefinitely. A
maximum of $90 billion can be created from an initial reserve of $10 billion. In other words, banks
essentially create nine times worth the original reserve out of thin air.
Examining the problem of inflation caused by the expansion in money supply, we see that the
relationship of total money supply to total amount of goods and services is that of supply and
demand. Privately owned money is also included in the total money supply. Let us refer to this
private money as savings. Through these savings, we are able to purchase a fixed amount of
goods and services. However, the total money supply increases independently from the amount
of goods and services. The problem then becomes how we still have these savings as is in our
possession. However, with the increase in total money supply, the value of money itself drops. The
value of our savings also thus drops accordingly. However, we commonly hear through the media
that the currency has inflated. They do not state that the money has depreciated. They do not
state how the common honest citizen is being deceived. They instead state that interest rates
have decreased. The real scam is how money depreciates and is created out of thin air, but with
nothing left over (including savings) for the average citizen, or us. Even if we have savings, it is
constantly depreciating. However, we still have these savings. This then raises the question of how
are we to possibly resolve this problem of inflation. Eventually, with further increases in the total
money supply from inflation, this process will burst. Then the economic bubble bursts, with many
people and companies falling victim to bankruptcy and economic distress.
In essence, currency inflation without end is absurd. If we give up on the idea of how it is
economically self-destructive while understanding how the banking system operates, we can only
be met with criticism of such absurdity. This is because in our current banking system, money is
debt, and debt is money.
There exists another problem with the current reserve system. This is how the amount that must
be repaid is always greater than the actual money supply due to interest. When the government
borrows funds from the Federal Reserve, or individuals borrow money from the bank, the amount
must always be repaid back in full with interest. In other words, people or businesses that borrow
money from a bank must repay the principal plus interest to the bank.
Common banks utilize this system of borrowing money from the Central Bank and giving out
loans, with the principal created out of the money supply. If so, where is the money that can used
to repay the interest? There is not any, as it does not exist. This is a surprising fact. This results
from the amount of money that must be repaid to the bank always being greater than the actual
amount of money in circulation. It is because of this that there is always inflation. New money is
constantly required to hide this never-ending deficit, and to repay interest. This mathematically
results in insolvency and bankruptcy, and is directly tied to the world’s current banking system.
This is why there are unfortunate people who are constantly met with losses. This may be likened
to the game, “Musical Chairs” we play when out with our friends. In “Musical Chairs,” players circle
around the chairs while dancing to the music, but must sit down immediately once the music
stops, with the number of chairs decreasing by one each round. Thus, this is a game in which
there is always a loser, someone unable to sit on a chair. Likewise, an individual’s real personal
property is relinquished to the bank. If one is unable to repay the debt, the bank takes their
property. It is infuriating when we realize that such insolvency is inevitable as part of the current
reserve system, with the loans that banks give out not even existing legally. This structural
contradiction is present in the current capitalistic system, where the rich get richer and the poor
get poorer. The rich, or those who earn money, are always earning money, and become a slave to
greed. This results in increased selfishness, and drives society into social and structural financial
corruption and crime.
The IMF (International Monetary Fund) attempts to resolve the financial crises of developing
countries through this system, convincing them to repay the principal (loan) and even plus interest.
In this system, the best companies of these countries are taken over at dirt prices, and are
coerced to repay the principal plus interest. Human resources and the best companies of
developed countries are in a hostile battle of M&A based on a system of extreme selfishness.
In the third world, starvation is worsening and the gap in technology is widening. Developed
countries take advantage of the weak economic infrastructures of developed countries, and under
the name of “financial industry,” are making developing countries into economic slave countries
through such an institutional and structural system. This is a system in which the majority of
citizens of such victim countries are unable to escape form economic hardships and poverty.
People who are making efforts in creating a new social system toward Cheon Il Guk realize the
severity of the economic system of the future. However, in actuality, no one is willingly able to
step up due to the world’s top 1% with vested rights having control of 80% of the world’s
economy. As the ones who must create a new system and establish Cheon Il Guk, we must
continually conduct in-depth studies for the creation of a new economic system as an alternative
to the existing system. This alternative is already emerging through banks such as the Grameen
Bank of Bangladesh, and with Malaysia’s Islamic banking system complementing the shortcomings
of Malaysia’s current financial industry.
Cheon Seong Gyeong (CSG) Book 10, Chapter 4, Section 4, Verse 28
CSG Book 10, Chapter 4, Section 4, Verse 28:
“The time will come when there will no longer be a need for this policy, when there is no longer
any distinction between developed and developing nations. Knowledge belongs to the entire
universe; it can never belong to just one nation. That is why since the 1980[‘]s I have been
promoting the sharing [and equality] of technology, knowledge, material and financial resources
[and financial institutions]. Currently I am promoting equality in education and technology. These
days many developing nations are building technological research facilities in Germany. They are
competing against one another to manufacture even [small individual] parts. What they need to
do is to standardize their quality and sizes and then, having secured supplies of raw materials,
invest time into manufacturing them. Yet because they are competing, they are all suffering
tremendous losses. We now need to reconsider the international economic system and its
entrenched divisions. The economy will not work well unless the world is united.”
True Parents have stated that because all knowledge, as well as ideas for human inventions, come
from the universe, with this from the spirit world and God, originally there is nothing that belongs
to oneself. We can see how True Parents were ahead of their time, having mentioned the sharing
and equality of scientific technology, knowledge and finances in the year 2000. Through this
background, we see that this is not some sort of Cheon Il Guk that exists beyond the clouds, but
in the present age we must pioneer the substantial and real equality of finance.
4. “The Great Depression of the World Economy”
Harry Dent, the author of bestseller Sale of A Lifetime, through his three and a half decades spent
studying cycles concludes that generational spending cycles, geopolitical cycles, innovation cycles
and economic boom and recession cycles all have decisive impact on the economy. Even if one
were to desperately implement an economic stimulus package, it would prove futile due to the
inability to change the tremendous influence demographic structure cycles exert on the economy.
Dent states that among these cycles, generational spending cycles are the most significant, while
being the most predictable. People usually buy a house in their early 40’s, and familial spending
peaks when they are about 46 when their children go off to college. Based on this pattern, one
billion baby boomers will spend and retire at the same time. Then, the next generation will enter
the labor market and raise income at the same time. The impact that demographic structures
exert on the economy in this manner is tremendous. Dent became famous through his accurate
prediction of Japan’s economic bubble burst and the US’s economic recession in the 1990’s
through analysis of this pattern. Dent likens the economic period cycles to the four seasons, and
warns readers to prepare for a harsh winter that is to last for about three years from the year
2019. (Table 1-1, p29)
The cycle of economic bubble growth and bursts is essentially the same as the seasons. Dent
explains the principles of economic bubbles as the following. First and foremost, economic
bubbles emerge as a result of generational spending cycles. Secondly, as it is human nature to
chase after large profits, economic bubbles are unavoidable as long as people continue to pursue
profits through rises in stocks and real estate. Thirdly, an economic bubble is like a financial
orgasm: a slow process with an exponential boost until its climax, when it is then met by its
sudden collapse. In the case of a drastic bubble collapse, several years of continual bursting is
accompanied by hardships, as well as one-in-a-lifetime investment opportunities.
Dent explained that these principles are clearly visible through the 1929 Great Depression, Japan’s
Lost Decade and the US housing bubble collapse, in reference to the global real estate bubble. He
indicates that the sudden 587% rise in China’s real estate bubble from the 2000’s is a sign of its
imminent burst. In addition, Dent explains that the stock market and asset bubbles, as well as the
enormous bubbles of tuition and medical expenses, are expanding.
Dent predicts an imminent economic winter based on the following four cycles.
1) The 39-year Generational Spending Cycle: All generations exhibit predictable spending
habits. Spending increases when raising children, and decreases around retirement with
an increase in savings and decrease in property.
2) The 35-year Geopolitical Cycle: During the positive period of a geopolitical cycle,
problems throughout the world are of rare occurrence. However, during its negative
period, regional disputes and political tensions heighten with frequent riots, with
escalating dangerous and fear.
3) The Economic Boom and Recession Cycles Indicated by 8 to 13-year Sunspot Cycles: A
disruption in the market is said to usually occur within a few months to a year of at the
peak or bottom of a sunspot. This is said to align with economic boom and recession
4) The 45-year Innovation Cycle: When an innovation cycle is positive, a torrent of
groundbreaking technologies is implemented in society and leads the market. Production
and efficiency skyrocket through technology. When these cycles all entered a recession,
we historically faced the worst economic crises. In the 20th
century we faced two
recessions, with the first being the Great Depression in 1929 and the second being the
Oil Embargo in 1973. Following these crises was an extensive economic slump including
the greatest collapse of the stock market in history. At this time, all of these economic
indicators are falling for an imminent third recession.
Even with constant quantitative easing policies implemented with mass printing of new money,
economic growth stopped at a measly 2%, with a tremendous rise in stocks. In addition, there was
a tremendous increase in debt. This was the same as prescribing narcotics to a patient. The
patient continues to demand more without improvement in their physical condition. According to
Dent, the only method is to endure the hardships following the economic bubble collapse, clean
up the accumulated trash in the economy, and start anew. This is clearly seen through the US
economy. Following all debt bubbles is a tremendous reduction in debt. (Table 13-1, p185)
The world’s leading countries, including Korea, commonly have a debt to GDP ratio of over 300%.
This is undeniably an indication of how the bubble has reached a critical point.
If this is true, when and how will the worst bubble in this century begin and end? According to
Dent, warnings of such signs will emerge in 2018, with the stock market plummeting and financial
assets hitting rock bottom in 2019. Dent predicts for this great economic recession to continue
into the latter half of 2022, in a period of decrease in the human population. How are we to
handle such a collapse of the economic bubble? Although this would be a world crisis, it could
also be a blessing in disguise. Among Blessed families in the Unification Family, there may be
many devout members who think they have transcended the level of money and are immune to
such an economic crisis. However, at this day and age, such a mindset is a remnant of the period
of wandering in the wilderness of the Israelites, in which they left all of their material possessions
in Egypt during the Exodus. Likewise, Blessed families left all material possessions in pursuing
God’s Will and becoming absolutely one with True Parents, in an age of restoring through
indemnity the Christianity’s failed portion of responsibility. We have already entered the era of
having completed the portion of responsibility Christianity failed to accomplish. Upon completing
the indemnity for Christianity’s responsibility, True Parents made the “Declaration of the Age of
the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification” of a new age on April 8 1997 at the
assembly at the Central Training Center in Guri, Gyeonggi-do. With over 1,000 participants
including national messiah and Korean and Japanese leaders, True Father explained the change in
church name from the “Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity” to the
“Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU),” and wrote it in calligraphy on the
In the era of FFWPU, we must go on to embrace the numerous and various races, religions and
cultures of the world beyond the boundaries of religion in accordance to True Parents’ words.
Likewise, we must become people who, through various education seminars, international science
conferences, all forms of the mass media and NGO’s, carry out our mission as people absolutely
vital to the world. To become such individuals, we are in an age when we must be able to
independently accumulate enormous funds for such endeavors by ourselves. The world
providence until now has advanced through the immeasurable sacrifice and devotion of Japan as
the Mother Nation. However, now we ourselves must newly develop our capacity and become
professionals, and become people who can lead and go on to newly recreate this age of change
and crises.
Korean society is becoming multiracial with multicultural families, and we have entered the era of
transcending barriers of race, nationality and religion as desired by True Parents. True Parents are
investing various welfare programs for children of multicultural communities towards this. We
started to hold international marriage blessings from approximately 40 years ago, which may not
be acknowledged by the world, but is recorded in history and is remembered by God and
creation. We have constructed the water channel of world history centering on True Parents until
now, and continues to expand. We have entered an age in which we must practice a new concept
of having control over material possessions, in the position of completing the Third Great Blessing
of having dominion over creation, for the completion of a new material civilization. Our entry into
such an age is confirmed through Sale of A Lifetime, in which Dent indicates that the odds of the
collapse of the bubble in Asia and Europe beginning in China and Italy, respectively, are quite
high. If that is true, then what must we do? Dent states that the worst of global bubble collapses
is in fact followed by a one-in-a-lifetime investment opportunity. Benjamin Franklin, Rothschild
and Rockefeller all took advantage of such opportunities and accumulated tremendous wealth.
This chance for FFWPU to make this new economic crisis into a new opportunity is just around
the corner.
Dent has presented specific suggestions given by the following regarding this.
1) Understanding the needs and spending habits of the baby boomer generation and
investing in relevant businesses.
2) Avoiding infrastructure stocks and junk bonds.
3) Securing cash by selling all property excluding one’s residence(s).
4) Delaying major capital expenditures and lease office space for the following few years.
5) Investing in India instead of China.
There is also a scholar who advocates the need to transform an economic crisis into new finances.
Robert Shiller, recipient of the 2013 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics, explains in The New
Financial Order how even though finance capitalism as a human invention is incomplete, it can
contribute towards the construction of a better society once it is revolutionized to contain a more
democratic and human components.
We are living in a world order confined by “finance capitalism.” Finance capitalism, led by various
financial institutions and bodies, appears to be a disorderly and problematic system due to the
2007 financial crisis. As represented by the slogan, “Occupy Wall Street,” financial bodies are
increasingly receiving harsh criticism.
The purpose of banking, finance, is said to be derived from the Latin finis (“objective”). Finance in
essence refers to its role as a support tool towards the completion of an objective, whether it is
the wish of a family to buy a house, or ambitious goals of having a successful company. Thus,
finance must be used as a tool with the ability to raise the standard of affluence, and not as a
means of exploitation and plundering. All financial bodies must carry out their original role and
responsibility toward the fulfillment of this goal.
In The New Financial Order, Shiller emphasizes the importance of the role and responsibility of
financial bodies. First and foremost, Shiller states the need for CEO’s to provide incentives to
motivate employees. However, excessive usage of incentives may cause one to become trapped in
an obsession for justifying annual salaries through miracles. This may also result in employees
being tempted to commit immoral acts to meet demands within a short employment period.
Under the employee stock option (ESO) compensation system, to prevent drops in stock prices
important company information may be not properly disclosed publicly. Shiller proposes having a
significant portion of the compensation for the CEO’s of significant companies in society be given
five years after their resignation. This, along with practices of nepotism resulting from the unclear
line between society and senior management, must also be changed. If these changes are
implemented, all CEO’s will not become blinded by short-term profits, but will implement
fundamental measures for long-term investment and profits. This is because in the end, only true
companies who have the trust of their customers will be able to survive. The current system is too
focused on short-term profits, with lax moral codes and the lack of a humanistic investment
philosophy. According to finance engineering, the extreme, pure and selfish pursuit of profits is
shifting into finances that may implement anti-human policies.
Shiller especially emphasizes the necessity of the democratization of banks. Based on their ties
with companies, it is easy for moral hazards to occur. However, in the case of Bangladesh’s
Grameen Bank, it is in constant surveillance and is managed through organizational transparency
and thorough moral values. Its main clients demonstrated a successful model of giving out small
loans to the impoverished, and this model is spreading throughout the world. This is based on a
loan system in which loans are given out to three-member groups, with successful experienced
businessmen who lead their own companies providing tips and know-hows to newcomers. Banks
have proper roles to play, and through the development and implementation of moral codes, they
can contribute toward the construction of a better society through loans. This idea is proposed to
allow the impoverished, regardless of how poor they might be, to enjoy the right to receive
education through bank services.
In Israel, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) holds an event every year in
December. All Jewish citizens of the US offer donations for this event. In 2009, $140 million was
gathered through donations alone. This of course includes donations from Jewish banks, Goldman
Sachs, the Lehman Brothers, the Salomon brothers and the like. The power of Israel lies in its
business alliance formed through a network of global banks. If one person succeeds, then that
information is shared with other Jews for their success. In addition, these banks provide additional
exclusive services and benefits to Jews. With these funds, they lobby in Congress. Through
lobbying, political officials and legislative officials have access to a mountain of information during
most policy-making process. These lobbying funds are invested in divisions that make favorable
policies or used to directly sponsor congressmen. Israeli lobbyists formulate development policies
to protect their country, and are promoting the development of policies through guest politicians
at seminars.
We Blessed families must also go on to cultivate legislative lobbyists. I believe that through this,
we will be able to lead the age of and establish Cheon Il Guk. This measure is not to be carried
out in a short span of time, but gradually over a long period of time. Even True Father ordered
students of the Department of Theology and Pure Love and Department of UN studies at Sun
Moon University to enter the UN and become UN officials in the future. Through True Father’s
words we can see that we must stand at the forefront for the establishment of a Cheon Il Guk
nation through lobbying.
If there are no lobbyists representing specific social groups, it becomes difficult to determine the
specific influence a policy has. Shiller emphasizes that these activities, if adequately regulated, are
required for the total system. He explains why various financial bodies, including traders, lawyers,
accountants and auditors, educators, public financiers, policy-makers and philanthropists are
necessary, and the direction they must go in.
5. Israel’s America
It states in 2% of Jews Control America that “even the Iraq War would not have started if it was
not for Israeli lobbyists.” We can see how influential and powerful Israel is in US politics. Israeli-US
lobbying is implemented and spearheaded by the AIPAC, located by the White House between 2nd
and 3rd
St, along with a core formed by the 6 million Jewish American residents, along with
numerous Israeli organizations that act as the advance guards. With high standards of education
and financial power and high sense of involvement, Jewish Americans directly enter the US
political sphere or have control over political officials.
Israel utilizes its foundation from its economic financial system and donations from its people, and
is carrying out immense lobbying efforts in the US for its national interests.
6. From Economic Inequality to Economic Equality
Inequality is present in economics. If such inequality does not result in abject poverty or
resentment, this equality itself is not a bad thing. This is analogous to the inequality found in the
arts and sports in which its acknowledgement provides a strong motivation for human
development and high performance and results. Even if challenges are said to cause anxiety and
apprehension, inequality, the product of such constructive risk-taking, is said to bring out
development. Even in debts there are good debts and bad debts. Bad debt includes heavy debts
caused by the overissue of credit cards and accepting heavy mortgage loans without an
understanding of their potential risks. However, there are also good debts. A prime example of
this is the Marshall Plan implemented by the US after World War II. The Marshall Plan received its
name from US Secretary of State George Marshall, who campaigned for the implementation of
this plan, and its purpose was to prevent the further spread of Communism. This plan, otherwise
known as the European Recovery Plan, was organized at the Europe-US summit convened in June
1947. Through large-scale debt, it provided economic aid to various European nations to stabilize
the situation.
There are those who believe that the rich economically attack the majority through truly unlawful
means. Thus, this must be changed through a revolution in the system, as opposed to through
the dismissal of criticism and censure. The misconception that companies have evil intentions will
only serve as a hindrance to the prosperity of our future world. Finances and a good society can
coexist only when we have an understanding of the overall characteristics and implications of
financial capitalism, when society as a whole is considerate of one another, and when the desire
for those with power in the financial world use their power towards a public purpose and
direction. The author emphasizes the necessity for the overhaul and democratization of the
financial system, which was seen as destructive, for the construction of a “good society.”
From this perspective, the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification must bring about
new change in its financials system. This system, which is based on the donations offered through
the sacrifice and dedication of the Japanese members, must be changed into a new financial
system under new material management and ownership over creation of the future as its starting
point. We must then go on to bring about the era of Cheon Il Guk. The financial industry stands
at its core. We ourselves must initiate this financial industry, develop it with a renewed mindset as
a community, develop a system in line with the Cheon Il Guk era, and present it to the world.
In the 2,000 year history of the Catholic Church, they developed their financial industry through
its world network of Catholics, and stood at the center of bringing about global change while
expanding their information network. We can see how the Catholic Church bank was able to
develop at its core through its material management. Even in Korea, the central second financial
circle of the Catholic Church under the name of credit unions has already been developing along
with the development of Korea’s economy. This financial circle now has expanded to serve as the
golden goose for the Catholic Church.
Even the Japanese Soka Gakkai International, through its cooperation with banks, is mobilizing its
astronomical financial firepower to build SGI Culture Centers at each borough in Korea, bringing
in Korean believers, and providing financial benefits and generous investments for them.
Following Foundation Day, in this era of settlement, we, as the blessed families of the Third Israel,
must have dominion over creation and realize the Third Great Blessing as true people. We must
also reestablish this fallen materialistic culture and go on to recreate a new financial system of
Cheon Il Guk. This does not just refer to spiritual blessings. Rather, as in the biblical verse of how
creation waits in eager longing for the sons and daughters of God, we must have proper
dominion over creation, and start a new age of finance in which we ourselves can produce the
tremendous funds required for Cheon Il Guk. We have entered an era in which we must do our
utmost in creating a new bank like the Grameen Bank or the Catholic Church’s credit unions that
is exclusive to us.

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  • 1. Preface God has finally completed the same pattern that He countlessly repeated throughout the 6,000 years of His providence of restoration. The fall of the first human ancestors after their creation resulted in the frustration of God's providence, as well as a history of unimaginable sorrow and anguish. Heaven has worked throughout such a history to complete the salvation of all humankind and the liberation of God through the messiah. We are now at the culmination of history, in the age of the providence of recreation centering on Blessed families in which we must build Cheon Il Guk. The True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind have completed the liberation of God and the providence of restoration. Upon this foundation, we are now advancing towards the ultimate purpose of building an ideal society, the substantial Cheon Il Guk, as something that can be shared to all humankind, starting at the HJ Cheonwon Complex centering on True Mother. The Cheon Il Guk society has as its core the philosophy of mutual existence, mutual prosperity and mutual righteousness contained within Unification Thought, which provides the basis for the construction of Cheon Il Guk. With the analogy of a computer with hardware and software, we are in an age in which we have the hardware for the development of the HJ Cheonwon Complex centering on True Mother, but still require the software for its operation. Such software is to have financial self-sufficiency as its core, and our task as members in this age is we go about to achieve financial self-sufficiency. 1. Faith and Finances We as Blessed families, in our constant investment for the movement, have neglected the financial aspect of our lives with the belief that we would eventually be blessed materially even without taking the required financial steps. This fundamental view on finances is reflected in the past age of restoration, in which focusing on financial aspects or accumulating personal wealth as Blessed families were seen as profane. However, we are now in an age in which Blessed families who have financial stability and are capable of making monetary contributions for True Parents and the Providence are vital. Although the financial aspects of the Providence until now were dealt through reliance on the monetary contributions made by the Japanese members, we must go forth in making an age in which we actively take on these financial aspects and newly search for solutions for achieving financial self-sufficiency. Building Cheon Il Guk becomes the task of how to transform the current society with its materialistic culture to that of one centering on God. In other words, we must recreate this society,
  • 2. with its materialistic, mammonistic and capitalistic system, to that of one centered on spirituality and universal truths, built on the values of mutual existence, mutual prosperity and mutual righteousness found in Unification Thought. For the establishment of the substantial Cheon Il Guk, an experimental community that acts as the testing grounds for the transition between the current world grounded on capitalism to a world centering on God, along with in-depth studies of the aspects of an ideal society, are of utmost importance. Studies must be performed based on the comprehensive collection of True Parents’ words. 2. In Search of My Eternal Fatherland p395 (Korean version) “Scientific technology must be equalized. All of Europe’s scientific technology must be immediately distributed as is to Africa. America’s scientific technology must be distributed as is to South America and be standardized. With this in mind, I declared that I will become a heretic to developed countries, and made preparations for this. Because of this, regarding the scientific technology I possess, I am in the process of forming a connection with the owners of Germany’s cutting-edge scientific technology, as well as forming a connection with the top ten Japanese electronics companies with cutting- edge technology, and even being able to enter their laboratories from the back door. We must reach the top of scientific technology in order to establish peace. Then comes economic problems. As you may know, it is said that even America’s deficit is recently increasing by $70 to $80 billion annually. A world centering on America with the dollar as the strongest currency, along with the age of money management, are now coming to a close. It is a matter of how to lead this difficult global banking age. Because of this, I already began being involved with global financial institutions centering on these problems. I made 10,000 conglomerates throughout the world buy $10 million worth of shares each. Through this, I am trying to gather $100 billion. The funds of the world’s banks total to hundreds of billions or trillions of dollars. In the case of America, American conglomerates are wasting accumulated money on relatively unknown countries in efforts of avoiding taxes. It is the same with the citizens of America, and even Germany. It is the same with even the citizens of the United Kingdom and Japan. It is the same with even the citizens of France and Italy. We must take steps to revitalize all stagnant banks. I therefore have plans to establish a bank for the management of $100 billion. Through the top leaders of developed countries, this bank will be transformed into a global bank that is untouchable by the laws of developed countries.”
  • 3. True Parents have advocated the equalization of technology, science and finances to enable all of humankind to live equally well centering on Heavenly Parent and a philosophy rooted in “One Family Under God.” True Parents have also stated that the ultimate purpose of such efforts is the establishment of an ideal world in which all humankind can live happily. Developed countries receive royalties from their long-lasting technologies, sell these technologies to developing countries and are building the majority of factories and facilities that cause environmental destruction and pollution. In the modern world, with an economic climate in which countries take advantage of abundant manual labor and low wages of developing countries and extract their funds and workforce for the benefit of their respective countries, True Parents are advocating the equalization of technology of all the countries of the world, centering on God. In other words, True Parents are presenting the path that we must go on, towards the system of Cheon Il Guk, the society of the future with true love as its basis. At the same time, this has as its underlying message the necessity for the capitalistic view of economics based on the individualistic and selfish production of maximum profits achieved through minimal investment, to be changed to that of one that works toward the universal prosperity and development of all of countries of the world and humankind. We are in a time in which we must gradually form our philosophy of how we are to implement the new Heavenly Banking Revolution centering on God, and resolve the financial problems of Cheon Il Guk and transform it to the system of the future society of Cheon Il Guk. “I therefore have plans to establish a bank for the management of $100 billion. Through the top leaders of developed countries, this bank will be transformed into a global bank that is untouchable by the laws of developed countries.” We can find in True Parents’ words their plans of establishing a global bank and pioneering a new bank operation system. True Parents in fact purchased the Uruguay Credit Banco (Bank) in 1984, and made efforts to perform initial tests of a new banking system. They designed a new banking system centering on God, as opposed to the current banking system based on an individualistic mechanism that pursues maximum profits with minimal investment. True Parents attempted to create a new banking system as mentioned above. They made efforts to create a new banking system to replace the new capitalistic system. I therefore believe that we are in a time in which we must inherit and research this aspect of True Parents’ will, and perform in-depth studies regarding the improved and altruistic Cheon Il Guk banking system as described by True Parents. We must first know the intricacies of, as well as how the current banking system was formed. .
  • 4. We must first examine the banking system that acts as the core of capitalism and how we are to create the ideal financial system of Cheon Il Guk, and perform studies on the new financial system of Cheon Il Guk. As a priority, we must first examine how money is produced in the current banking system in society, while examining its structural contradictions and possible alternatives. Let us examine how money is produced in the USA, the essence of capitalistic countries. Money in the USA is produced through the privately-owned Federal Reserve Banks, not through the US government. 3. Bank Operation and the Creation of Money Modern Money Mechanics published by the Federal Reserve explains the process of money creation by the Federal Reserve, which supports the world’s commercial bank networks. The purpose of this book is stated in its first sentence, that being to elucidate the basic process of money creation within the reserve system. Here, the book explanation of the reserve system with various banking terminology has been supplemented with examples given by the following for easier comprehension. If the US Government were to request the Federal Reserve $10 billion as funds for an economic policy designed to stimulate the economy, a meeting is held at the Federal Reserve Board. Upon approval, a $10 billion Treasury bond is bought. The government purchases the bond, writes up an official proposal, and once it is approved as Treasury bond, it comes to have the value of $10 billion. Once it is then send to the Federal Reserve Board, the Federal Reserve Board sends wads of bills. However, the money at this point is referred to as Federal Reserve notes. A Federal Reserve note has the corresponding value of the bond (that being $10 billion in this case). The Federal Reserve then exchanges the Federal Reserve notes for the Treasury bond, and with the transaction complete, the government deposits the Federal Reserve notes with the value of $10 billion into a bank account. With the notes deposited, they officially become legal currency that can be used in the US market. This amount ($10 billion) then becomes added to currency in circulation. In other words, $10 billion is created. The above is simply a condensed explanation of how money is created, and the actual request for funds by the US government is done electronically with the above process. Actual paper money is virtually unused, with almost all currency being handled electronically. Only
  • 5. 3% of US currency exists in paper form. The remaining 97% is stored electronically. Treasury bonds are originally debt certificates. If the Federal Reserve purchases these bonds with money made out of thin air, the government makes a promise to the Federal Reserve to pay back the amount in full. In other words, it becomes government debt. This means that money is created from debt. Money is debt. Upon further examination, the fact that money is created from debt becomes clear. With the completion of the exchange, $10 billion is deposited into a commercial bank, where it instantaneously becomes a bank reserve of the corresponding amount due to the reserve system. This applies to all deposits. This concept corresponds to the reserve ratio as explained in the Modern Money Mechanics. Banks must set the legal reserve ratio in accord with the set deposit ratio. Under current regulations, banks must maintain a reserve ratio, or reserve funds accessible to customers, of 10%. For example, if there is a deposit of $10 billion, 10%, or $1 billion, must be in actual possession of the bank as reserves. The remaining $9 billion becomes the excess reserves, which may be distributed as loans. In other words, $9 billion of the $10 billion deposit is usable by the bank. With $1 billion in the bank itself, with $9 billion available as loan to customers, the amount of currency effectively increases to $19 billion. They do not pay back the $9 billion that was created through loans. Even if they were to do so, no additional money is created. When giving out loans, the bank receives a promissory note (debt certificate). The bank then gives out the loan as credit (money) to the borrower. This loan ($9 billion in this case) appears in the savings account. These funds are essentially created out of thin air. However, this is legally possible based on the reserve ratio for $10 billion and demand for loans. Customers borrow the $9 billion from the bank. They then deposit the $9 billion into their saving accounts. This process repeats, and forms a new reserve fund (of $9 billion). The same process as above can then be applied to this new reserve fund that is created, with 90% ($8.1 billion) usable toward loans. This $8.1 billion then becomes part of the new reserve fund, resulting in more funds available for loans. The same process repeats, resulting in $7.2, $6.5 and $5.9 billion, and so on. Theoretically, this process of producing loans through deposits can be repeated indefinitely. A maximum of $90 billion can be created from an initial reserve of $10 billion. In other words, banks essentially create nine times worth the original reserve out of thin air. Examining the problem of inflation caused by the expansion in money supply, we see that the relationship of total money supply to total amount of goods and services is that of supply and demand. Privately owned money is also included in the total money supply. Let us refer to this private money as savings. Through these savings, we are able to purchase a fixed amount of goods and services. However, the total money supply increases independently from the amount of goods and services. The problem then becomes how we still have these savings as is in our
  • 6. possession. However, with the increase in total money supply, the value of money itself drops. The value of our savings also thus drops accordingly. However, we commonly hear through the media that the currency has inflated. They do not state that the money has depreciated. They do not state how the common honest citizen is being deceived. They instead state that interest rates have decreased. The real scam is how money depreciates and is created out of thin air, but with nothing left over (including savings) for the average citizen, or us. Even if we have savings, it is constantly depreciating. However, we still have these savings. This then raises the question of how are we to possibly resolve this problem of inflation. Eventually, with further increases in the total money supply from inflation, this process will burst. Then the economic bubble bursts, with many people and companies falling victim to bankruptcy and economic distress. . In essence, currency inflation without end is absurd. If we give up on the idea of how it is economically self-destructive while understanding how the banking system operates, we can only be met with criticism of such absurdity. This is because in our current banking system, money is debt, and debt is money. There exists another problem with the current reserve system. This is how the amount that must be repaid is always greater than the actual money supply due to interest. When the government borrows funds from the Federal Reserve, or individuals borrow money from the bank, the amount must always be repaid back in full with interest. In other words, people or businesses that borrow money from a bank must repay the principal plus interest to the bank. Common banks utilize this system of borrowing money from the Central Bank and giving out loans, with the principal created out of the money supply. If so, where is the money that can used to repay the interest? There is not any, as it does not exist. This is a surprising fact. This results from the amount of money that must be repaid to the bank always being greater than the actual amount of money in circulation. It is because of this that there is always inflation. New money is constantly required to hide this never-ending deficit, and to repay interest. This mathematically results in insolvency and bankruptcy, and is directly tied to the world’s current banking system. This is why there are unfortunate people who are constantly met with losses. This may be likened to the game, “Musical Chairs” we play when out with our friends. In “Musical Chairs,” players circle around the chairs while dancing to the music, but must sit down immediately once the music stops, with the number of chairs decreasing by one each round. Thus, this is a game in which there is always a loser, someone unable to sit on a chair. Likewise, an individual’s real personal
  • 7. property is relinquished to the bank. If one is unable to repay the debt, the bank takes their property. It is infuriating when we realize that such insolvency is inevitable as part of the current reserve system, with the loans that banks give out not even existing legally. This structural contradiction is present in the current capitalistic system, where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The rich, or those who earn money, are always earning money, and become a slave to greed. This results in increased selfishness, and drives society into social and structural financial corruption and crime. The IMF (International Monetary Fund) attempts to resolve the financial crises of developing countries through this system, convincing them to repay the principal (loan) and even plus interest. In this system, the best companies of these countries are taken over at dirt prices, and are coerced to repay the principal plus interest. Human resources and the best companies of developed countries are in a hostile battle of M&A based on a system of extreme selfishness. In the third world, starvation is worsening and the gap in technology is widening. Developed countries take advantage of the weak economic infrastructures of developed countries, and under the name of “financial industry,” are making developing countries into economic slave countries through such an institutional and structural system. This is a system in which the majority of citizens of such victim countries are unable to escape form economic hardships and poverty. People who are making efforts in creating a new social system toward Cheon Il Guk realize the severity of the economic system of the future. However, in actuality, no one is willingly able to step up due to the world’s top 1% with vested rights having control of 80% of the world’s economy. As the ones who must create a new system and establish Cheon Il Guk, we must continually conduct in-depth studies for the creation of a new economic system as an alternative to the existing system. This alternative is already emerging through banks such as the Grameen Bank of Bangladesh, and with Malaysia’s Islamic banking system complementing the shortcomings of Malaysia’s current financial industry. Cheon Seong Gyeong (CSG) Book 10, Chapter 4, Section 4, Verse 28 CSG Book 10, Chapter 4, Section 4, Verse 28: “The time will come when there will no longer be a need for this policy, when there is no longer any distinction between developed and developing nations. Knowledge belongs to the entire universe; it can never belong to just one nation. That is why since the 1980[‘]s I have been promoting the sharing [and equality] of technology, knowledge, material and financial resources
  • 8. [and financial institutions]. Currently I am promoting equality in education and technology. These days many developing nations are building technological research facilities in Germany. They are competing against one another to manufacture even [small individual] parts. What they need to do is to standardize their quality and sizes and then, having secured supplies of raw materials, invest time into manufacturing them. Yet because they are competing, they are all suffering tremendous losses. We now need to reconsider the international economic system and its entrenched divisions. The economy will not work well unless the world is united.” True Parents have stated that because all knowledge, as well as ideas for human inventions, come from the universe, with this from the spirit world and God, originally there is nothing that belongs to oneself. We can see how True Parents were ahead of their time, having mentioned the sharing and equality of scientific technology, knowledge and finances in the year 2000. Through this background, we see that this is not some sort of Cheon Il Guk that exists beyond the clouds, but in the present age we must pioneer the substantial and real equality of finance. 4. “The Great Depression of the World Economy” Harry Dent, the author of bestseller Sale of A Lifetime, through his three and a half decades spent studying cycles concludes that generational spending cycles, geopolitical cycles, innovation cycles and economic boom and recession cycles all have decisive impact on the economy. Even if one were to desperately implement an economic stimulus package, it would prove futile due to the inability to change the tremendous influence demographic structure cycles exert on the economy. Dent states that among these cycles, generational spending cycles are the most significant, while being the most predictable. People usually buy a house in their early 40’s, and familial spending peaks when they are about 46 when their children go off to college. Based on this pattern, one billion baby boomers will spend and retire at the same time. Then, the next generation will enter the labor market and raise income at the same time. The impact that demographic structures exert on the economy in this manner is tremendous. Dent became famous through his accurate prediction of Japan’s economic bubble burst and the US’s economic recession in the 1990’s through analysis of this pattern. Dent likens the economic period cycles to the four seasons, and warns readers to prepare for a harsh winter that is to last for about three years from the year 2019. (Table 1-1, p29) The cycle of economic bubble growth and bursts is essentially the same as the seasons. Dent explains the principles of economic bubbles as the following. First and foremost, economic bubbles emerge as a result of generational spending cycles. Secondly, as it is human nature to
  • 9. chase after large profits, economic bubbles are unavoidable as long as people continue to pursue profits through rises in stocks and real estate. Thirdly, an economic bubble is like a financial orgasm: a slow process with an exponential boost until its climax, when it is then met by its sudden collapse. In the case of a drastic bubble collapse, several years of continual bursting is accompanied by hardships, as well as one-in-a-lifetime investment opportunities. Dent explained that these principles are clearly visible through the 1929 Great Depression, Japan’s Lost Decade and the US housing bubble collapse, in reference to the global real estate bubble. He indicates that the sudden 587% rise in China’s real estate bubble from the 2000’s is a sign of its imminent burst. In addition, Dent explains that the stock market and asset bubbles, as well as the enormous bubbles of tuition and medical expenses, are expanding. Dent predicts an imminent economic winter based on the following four cycles. 1) The 39-year Generational Spending Cycle: All generations exhibit predictable spending habits. Spending increases when raising children, and decreases around retirement with an increase in savings and decrease in property. 2) The 35-year Geopolitical Cycle: During the positive period of a geopolitical cycle, problems throughout the world are of rare occurrence. However, during its negative period, regional disputes and political tensions heighten with frequent riots, with escalating dangerous and fear. 3) The Economic Boom and Recession Cycles Indicated by 8 to 13-year Sunspot Cycles: A disruption in the market is said to usually occur within a few months to a year of at the peak or bottom of a sunspot. This is said to align with economic boom and recession cycles. 4) The 45-year Innovation Cycle: When an innovation cycle is positive, a torrent of groundbreaking technologies is implemented in society and leads the market. Production and efficiency skyrocket through technology. When these cycles all entered a recession, we historically faced the worst economic crises. In the 20th century we faced two recessions, with the first being the Great Depression in 1929 and the second being the Oil Embargo in 1973. Following these crises was an extensive economic slump including the greatest collapse of the stock market in history. At this time, all of these economic indicators are falling for an imminent third recession. Even with constant quantitative easing policies implemented with mass printing of new money,
  • 10. economic growth stopped at a measly 2%, with a tremendous rise in stocks. In addition, there was a tremendous increase in debt. This was the same as prescribing narcotics to a patient. The patient continues to demand more without improvement in their physical condition. According to Dent, the only method is to endure the hardships following the economic bubble collapse, clean up the accumulated trash in the economy, and start anew. This is clearly seen through the US economy. Following all debt bubbles is a tremendous reduction in debt. (Table 13-1, p185) The world’s leading countries, including Korea, commonly have a debt to GDP ratio of over 300%. This is undeniably an indication of how the bubble has reached a critical point. If this is true, when and how will the worst bubble in this century begin and end? According to Dent, warnings of such signs will emerge in 2018, with the stock market plummeting and financial assets hitting rock bottom in 2019. Dent predicts for this great economic recession to continue into the latter half of 2022, in a period of decrease in the human population. How are we to handle such a collapse of the economic bubble? Although this would be a world crisis, it could also be a blessing in disguise. Among Blessed families in the Unification Family, there may be many devout members who think they have transcended the level of money and are immune to such an economic crisis. However, at this day and age, such a mindset is a remnant of the period of wandering in the wilderness of the Israelites, in which they left all of their material possessions in Egypt during the Exodus. Likewise, Blessed families left all material possessions in pursuing God’s Will and becoming absolutely one with True Parents, in an age of restoring through indemnity the Christianity’s failed portion of responsibility. We have already entered the era of having completed the portion of responsibility Christianity failed to accomplish. Upon completing the indemnity for Christianity’s responsibility, True Parents made the “Declaration of the Age of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification” of a new age on April 8 1997 at the assembly at the Central Training Center in Guri, Gyeonggi-do. With over 1,000 participants including national messiah and Korean and Japanese leaders, True Father explained the change in church name from the “Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity” to the “Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU),” and wrote it in calligraphy on the board. In the era of FFWPU, we must go on to embrace the numerous and various races, religions and cultures of the world beyond the boundaries of religion in accordance to True Parents’ words. Likewise, we must become people who, through various education seminars, international science conferences, all forms of the mass media and NGO’s, carry out our mission as people absolutely vital to the world. To become such individuals, we are in an age when we must be able to
  • 11. independently accumulate enormous funds for such endeavors by ourselves. The world providence until now has advanced through the immeasurable sacrifice and devotion of Japan as the Mother Nation. However, now we ourselves must newly develop our capacity and become professionals, and become people who can lead and go on to newly recreate this age of change and crises. Korean society is becoming multiracial with multicultural families, and we have entered the era of transcending barriers of race, nationality and religion as desired by True Parents. True Parents are investing various welfare programs for children of multicultural communities towards this. We started to hold international marriage blessings from approximately 40 years ago, which may not be acknowledged by the world, but is recorded in history and is remembered by God and creation. We have constructed the water channel of world history centering on True Parents until now, and continues to expand. We have entered an age in which we must practice a new concept of having control over material possessions, in the position of completing the Third Great Blessing of having dominion over creation, for the completion of a new material civilization. Our entry into such an age is confirmed through Sale of A Lifetime, in which Dent indicates that the odds of the collapse of the bubble in Asia and Europe beginning in China and Italy, respectively, are quite high. If that is true, then what must we do? Dent states that the worst of global bubble collapses is in fact followed by a one-in-a-lifetime investment opportunity. Benjamin Franklin, Rothschild and Rockefeller all took advantage of such opportunities and accumulated tremendous wealth. This chance for FFWPU to make this new economic crisis into a new opportunity is just around the corner. Dent has presented specific suggestions given by the following regarding this. 1) Understanding the needs and spending habits of the baby boomer generation and investing in relevant businesses. 2) Avoiding infrastructure stocks and junk bonds. 3) Securing cash by selling all property excluding one’s residence(s). 4) Delaying major capital expenditures and lease office space for the following few years. 5) Investing in India instead of China. There is also a scholar who advocates the need to transform an economic crisis into new finances. Robert Shiller, recipient of the 2013 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics, explains in The New
  • 12. Financial Order how even though finance capitalism as a human invention is incomplete, it can contribute towards the construction of a better society once it is revolutionized to contain a more democratic and human components. We are living in a world order confined by “finance capitalism.” Finance capitalism, led by various financial institutions and bodies, appears to be a disorderly and problematic system due to the 2007 financial crisis. As represented by the slogan, “Occupy Wall Street,” financial bodies are increasingly receiving harsh criticism. The purpose of banking, finance, is said to be derived from the Latin finis (“objective”). Finance in essence refers to its role as a support tool towards the completion of an objective, whether it is the wish of a family to buy a house, or ambitious goals of having a successful company. Thus, finance must be used as a tool with the ability to raise the standard of affluence, and not as a means of exploitation and plundering. All financial bodies must carry out their original role and responsibility toward the fulfillment of this goal. . In The New Financial Order, Shiller emphasizes the importance of the role and responsibility of financial bodies. First and foremost, Shiller states the need for CEO’s to provide incentives to motivate employees. However, excessive usage of incentives may cause one to become trapped in an obsession for justifying annual salaries through miracles. This may also result in employees being tempted to commit immoral acts to meet demands within a short employment period. Under the employee stock option (ESO) compensation system, to prevent drops in stock prices important company information may be not properly disclosed publicly. Shiller proposes having a significant portion of the compensation for the CEO’s of significant companies in society be given five years after their resignation. This, along with practices of nepotism resulting from the unclear line between society and senior management, must also be changed. If these changes are implemented, all CEO’s will not become blinded by short-term profits, but will implement fundamental measures for long-term investment and profits. This is because in the end, only true companies who have the trust of their customers will be able to survive. The current system is too focused on short-term profits, with lax moral codes and the lack of a humanistic investment philosophy. According to finance engineering, the extreme, pure and selfish pursuit of profits is shifting into finances that may implement anti-human policies. Shiller especially emphasizes the necessity of the democratization of banks. Based on their ties with companies, it is easy for moral hazards to occur. However, in the case of Bangladesh’s
  • 13. Grameen Bank, it is in constant surveillance and is managed through organizational transparency and thorough moral values. Its main clients demonstrated a successful model of giving out small loans to the impoverished, and this model is spreading throughout the world. This is based on a loan system in which loans are given out to three-member groups, with successful experienced businessmen who lead their own companies providing tips and know-hows to newcomers. Banks have proper roles to play, and through the development and implementation of moral codes, they can contribute toward the construction of a better society through loans. This idea is proposed to allow the impoverished, regardless of how poor they might be, to enjoy the right to receive education through bank services. In Israel, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) holds an event every year in December. All Jewish citizens of the US offer donations for this event. In 2009, $140 million was gathered through donations alone. This of course includes donations from Jewish banks, Goldman Sachs, the Lehman Brothers, the Salomon brothers and the like. The power of Israel lies in its business alliance formed through a network of global banks. If one person succeeds, then that information is shared with other Jews for their success. In addition, these banks provide additional exclusive services and benefits to Jews. With these funds, they lobby in Congress. Through lobbying, political officials and legislative officials have access to a mountain of information during most policy-making process. These lobbying funds are invested in divisions that make favorable policies or used to directly sponsor congressmen. Israeli lobbyists formulate development policies to protect their country, and are promoting the development of policies through guest politicians at seminars. We Blessed families must also go on to cultivate legislative lobbyists. I believe that through this, we will be able to lead the age of and establish Cheon Il Guk. This measure is not to be carried out in a short span of time, but gradually over a long period of time. Even True Father ordered students of the Department of Theology and Pure Love and Department of UN studies at Sun Moon University to enter the UN and become UN officials in the future. Through True Father’s words we can see that we must stand at the forefront for the establishment of a Cheon Il Guk nation through lobbying. If there are no lobbyists representing specific social groups, it becomes difficult to determine the specific influence a policy has. Shiller emphasizes that these activities, if adequately regulated, are required for the total system. He explains why various financial bodies, including traders, lawyers, accountants and auditors, educators, public financiers, policy-makers and philanthropists are necessary, and the direction they must go in.
  • 14. 5. Israel’s America It states in 2% of Jews Control America that “even the Iraq War would not have started if it was not for Israeli lobbyists.” We can see how influential and powerful Israel is in US politics. Israeli-US lobbying is implemented and spearheaded by the AIPAC, located by the White House between 2nd and 3rd St, along with a core formed by the 6 million Jewish American residents, along with numerous Israeli organizations that act as the advance guards. With high standards of education and financial power and high sense of involvement, Jewish Americans directly enter the US political sphere or have control over political officials. Israel utilizes its foundation from its economic financial system and donations from its people, and is carrying out immense lobbying efforts in the US for its national interests. 6. From Economic Inequality to Economic Equality . Inequality is present in economics. If such inequality does not result in abject poverty or resentment, this equality itself is not a bad thing. This is analogous to the inequality found in the arts and sports in which its acknowledgement provides a strong motivation for human development and high performance and results. Even if challenges are said to cause anxiety and apprehension, inequality, the product of such constructive risk-taking, is said to bring out development. Even in debts there are good debts and bad debts. Bad debt includes heavy debts caused by the overissue of credit cards and accepting heavy mortgage loans without an understanding of their potential risks. However, there are also good debts. A prime example of this is the Marshall Plan implemented by the US after World War II. The Marshall Plan received its name from US Secretary of State George Marshall, who campaigned for the implementation of this plan, and its purpose was to prevent the further spread of Communism. This plan, otherwise known as the European Recovery Plan, was organized at the Europe-US summit convened in June 1947. Through large-scale debt, it provided economic aid to various European nations to stabilize the situation. There are those who believe that the rich economically attack the majority through truly unlawful means. Thus, this must be changed through a revolution in the system, as opposed to through the dismissal of criticism and censure. The misconception that companies have evil intentions will only serve as a hindrance to the prosperity of our future world. Finances and a good society can
  • 15. coexist only when we have an understanding of the overall characteristics and implications of financial capitalism, when society as a whole is considerate of one another, and when the desire for those with power in the financial world use their power towards a public purpose and direction. The author emphasizes the necessity for the overhaul and democratization of the financial system, which was seen as destructive, for the construction of a “good society.” Conclusion From this perspective, the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification must bring about new change in its financials system. This system, which is based on the donations offered through the sacrifice and dedication of the Japanese members, must be changed into a new financial system under new material management and ownership over creation of the future as its starting point. We must then go on to bring about the era of Cheon Il Guk. The financial industry stands at its core. We ourselves must initiate this financial industry, develop it with a renewed mindset as a community, develop a system in line with the Cheon Il Guk era, and present it to the world. In the 2,000 year history of the Catholic Church, they developed their financial industry through its world network of Catholics, and stood at the center of bringing about global change while expanding their information network. We can see how the Catholic Church bank was able to develop at its core through its material management. Even in Korea, the central second financial circle of the Catholic Church under the name of credit unions has already been developing along with the development of Korea’s economy. This financial circle now has expanded to serve as the golden goose for the Catholic Church. Even the Japanese Soka Gakkai International, through its cooperation with banks, is mobilizing its astronomical financial firepower to build SGI Culture Centers at each borough in Korea, bringing in Korean believers, and providing financial benefits and generous investments for them. . Following Foundation Day, in this era of settlement, we, as the blessed families of the Third Israel, must have dominion over creation and realize the Third Great Blessing as true people. We must also reestablish this fallen materialistic culture and go on to recreate a new financial system of Cheon Il Guk. This does not just refer to spiritual blessings. Rather, as in the biblical verse of how creation waits in eager longing for the sons and daughters of God, we must have proper dominion over creation, and start a new age of finance in which we ourselves can produce the tremendous funds required for Cheon Il Guk. We have entered an era in which we must do our
  • 16. utmost in creating a new bank like the Grameen Bank or the Catholic Church’s credit unions that is exclusive to us.