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English Writing Skills
Components of Effective writing
Robbia Gulnar
• Writing skills are an important part of
• Good writing skills allow you to communicate your
message with clarity and ease.
• The communication takes place to a far larger
audience than through face-to-face or telephone
Completeness: all information needed is
Correctness: relevant and precise information
Credibility: support your argument
Clarity: should not be vague, confusing,
Conciseness: to the point
Consideration: anticipate the reader’s reaction
Vitality: use the active voice rather than the
passive voice
• The first step to writing is choosing the
appropriate format.
• The format, as well as the audience, defines
the writing voice i.e., how formal or relaxed
the tone should be.
• With everything one writes, the readers/
recipients, should be able to define the tone
as well as aspects of the content
• Start with your audience- The reader
should be introduced with the subject.
• Create an outline- Outlines help in
identifying which steps to take in which
• Use AIDA- Follow the Attention-Interest-
Desire-Action (AIDA) formula. These
steps can help in the writing process.
• Try some empathy- One should
remember the audience's needs at all
• Use the rhetorical triangle- One should
make sure that one communicates why
people should listen , the message
should engage the audience.
• The document should be as reader friendly as
• Use headings, subheadings, bullet points, and
numbering whenever possible to break up the
is also a smart way
• Adding graphs and charts
to break up your text.
• Using questions is a good idea, questions help
keep the reader engaged and curious.
• It's essential to learn grammar properly, and
to avoid common mistakes that the spell
checker won't find.
• Using words like “affect” instead of “effect” or
missing out the apostrophe should be
• Everything that one writes should be of a
quality that every reader will find acceptable.
• Proof your headers and sub headers
– People often skip these and focus
on the text alone. Just because
headers are big and bold doesn't
mean they're error free!
• Read the document out loud –This
way one is more likely to catch
• Use your finger to follow text as you
read – This is another trick that helps
slow down.
• Start at the end of your document –
Proofread from the end to the
beginning. This helps focusing on
errors, not on content
• If one feels that there's too much information
to include, an outline should be created to
outline the thoughts.
• Learning grammatical and stylistic techniques
will also help in writing more clearly.
• Lastly, one should be sure to proof read the
document before sending it.
These are the stages of the writing process:
- is the stage in which you explore possible
topics, choose a topic, and then gather
details you can include in your writing.
-students write for a specified period of the
time without taking their from the page
(usually three minutes for a first attempt
an then typically for about five to eight
-a group exercise in which all students in
the class are encouraged to participate
by sharing their collective knowledge
about a particular subject
-the student is encouraged to produce
as lengthy list a listing as possible of all
the main ideas and subcategories that
come to mind as he or she thinks of the
topic at hand.
-begins with a keyword or central idea
placed in the center of the page (or on the
blackboard) around which the student (or
the teacher, using student-generated
suggestions) quickly jots down all free
associations triggered by the subject matter,
using words or short phrases.
Choosing Your Topic
Writing with invisible ink
Narrowing Your Topic
Use a Planning Web or Cluster Diagram
Considering your audience and purpose
Considering your Audience
Identify who will read your article.
Think about what your audience does and does not
know about your topic.
Consider the type of language that would suit them.
Considering your Purpose
Identify what you want to accomplish through
your writing.
4. Gathering details
Gather the specific information and
ingredients you need before you write your
first draft.
Use the Reporter’s Formula Strategy to gather
- Who, What, When, Where, Why, How
II.Drafting involves putting ideas down on paper in a
rough format.
1. Shaping your Writing
Focus on the form- each form of writing has its own set of
Attract your readers’ attention with strong lead
2. Providing Elaboration
As you develop each of the paragraphs in the body of your
paper, focus on elaborating, or developing your key points
by providing a thorough set of facts, examples, and
III. Revising - Is the stage in which you rework your rough
draft to improve both its form and its content
1. Using Systematic Approach
Ratiocination- applying logic to the way you look at your
work by color coding items for analysis. At each stage, use
a process of color- coding and marking clues in your work
to help you revise.
2. Revising your overall structure
Start by examining the soundness of your structure or
overall organization. Your ideas should flow logically from
beginning to end.
3. Revising your paragraphs
Consider the way each sentence contributes to
the point of the paragraph. As you evaluate your
draft, rewrite or eliminate any sentences that are
not effective.
Revising your sentences
Check to see that they flow smoothly from one to
the next. Look to see that you have avoided the
pattern of being most of your sentences in the
same way.
Revising your word choice
Make sure that each word conveys the
exact meaning you intend. Also, look for
the repetition of words, and make revisions
to reduce the number of the most
commonly repeated words.
Peer review
Work with one or more classmates to get
fresh perspective on your writing.
Revision and Editing Focused Exercises
•The content of the passage should be related as
closely as possible to whatever topics students
are working on so that they can review core
vocabulary or concepts.
•Similar exercises could involve other frequent
morphological errors, such as regular plural
nouns without –s. Students would then check
their own drafts to correct similar errors.
We tested velocity by placing a green trace dye on
the surface of the plot, at a measured point. After each run
we estimated the vegetation cover using a five-point pin
frame. We placed the pin frame in 20 places on the plot,
moving downward.
Velocity was tested by placing a green trace dye on
the surface of the plot, at a measured point. After each
run, the vegetation cover was estimated using a five-point
pin frame. The pin frame was placed on the plot, moving
*To make texts as natural as possible, the
instructor can simply underline or number the
sentences in a text to be rewritten. Afterward,
students should identify contextual factors that
influence use of the passive.
1. Sentence Combining
-this technique for developing syntactic
fluency often involved combining a set of kernel
The man was old.
The man had gray hair.
The man walked down the street.
The man walked slowly.
The old, gray-haired man walked
slowly down the street.
2. Guided Paraphrase
ESL/EFL writers often lack the facility with
vocabulary and syntax to rephrase ideas in their own
words; most experienced teachers are familiar with the
distorted paraphrases that result when novice writers
“slot” synonyms from a thesaurus into the original
sentence without adjusting the grammar.
In cued paraphrase exercises, writers transform
sentences or parts of sentences from assigned readings,
using cues as the first step.
The cues which may be words or phrases are
designed to require syntactic restructuring in the
Original: People trying to interpret a situation often look
at those around them to see how to react. (Base reactions
Rewrite: People trying to interpret a situation often base
their reactions on those around them.
Original: Even if a person defines an event as an
emergency… (Decides)
Rewrite: Even if a person decides that an event is an
3. Text Elicitation
•The instructor specifies a topic or writing
objective and a grammatical structure or
structures to be used.
•Excellent sources for eliciting summary include
surveys, graphs or charts on topics related to
writing themes, or genres such as research articles.
•Can be used to focus on diagnosed structural
problems, to develop syntactic complexity, to
familiarize students with discourse-based grammar
conventions, and to provide strategies for
organizing and displaying information.
4. Dictation
•Can be an effective way to familiarize students
with the ways in which grammar and vocabulary
interact in common collocations as well as to
address errors in writing that may result in part
from mismatches between learners’ aural
perception of English forms and Standard English
grammar and spelling.
•The instructor reads aloud a short text several
times, usually one related to the topic or genre on
which students are working.
•The text is first read at a normal pace,
with the students just listening. For the
second reading, the teacher pauses after
each phrase to allow students to write.
•The third reading, done at a normal
pace, gives students the opportunity to
read over the texts and make
5. Text Completion
Cloze Passage- each blank represents a
single word to fill in
-can be created either by random deletion
of words or by deletion of a specific item.
-if based on student texts can serve as an
error correction technique if the writer has
produced errors in the grammatical item
Gapped Text- do not specify the number of words
required for each blank, they can be used to elicit
deleted verbs that include forms with more than
one word, such as passives, progressive aspect and
present perfect.
Third Type of Text Completion asks students to
consider syntactic structures with essentially the
same meaning and to choose the more appropriate
rendering of the information based on the
preceding discourse context.
Climatologists have predicted that the continual
warming of the earth’s surface, commonly known as “the
greenhouse,” could have dramatic consequences.
1. (A) the melting of the polar ice caps could be one
(b)One result could be the melting of the polar ice caps.
2. (A) this melting would, in turn, cause a rise of the sea
(b) A rise of the sea level would, in turn, be caused by this
IV. Editing and proofreading
are the stages in which you
polish your writing, fixing
errors in grammar, spelling,
and mechanics.
Proofreading- This is a process
whereby the text is being scanned
for grammar, syntax and spelling
Editing- This process concentrates
less on the form and more on the
Rules of Effective Writing
Basic Rules
1. Getting to the point
a. Being Concise
b. Paragraphing
c. Use of Lists
d. Framing Effective Questions
Use of Non–Discriminatory Language
Punctuation, Grammar and Spelling
a. Choosing the Right Tone
b. Conversational Tone
Getting to the Point
• Being Concise
– Use of short sentences
– Start document with purpose
– Creation of ‘single screen view’ messages
– Elimination of unnecessary words
•E.g.. “Avoid bad miscommunication in email writing.”
(the word ‘bad’ is a modifier which is used unnecessarily)
– Use lesser number of words
Getting to the Point
• Paragraphing:
– Short Sentences
– Short Paragraphs (2 to 5 sentences)
• Creates “white space”
• Quicker to read
• Engages the reader
– Opening Paragraph
• Five “Ws” - “Who?”, “What?”, “When?”, “Where?”, & “Why?”
Use of Lists
• Benefits of using lists:
– Writer organizes thoughts
– Reader sees main points
– Important points are not overlooked
• Formatting a list:
– Use numbers or bullets
– Items should be parallel
– Capitalize the first word of each point
– Be consistent with punctuation
Use of Lists
• Spacing of a list:
– Double spacing makes reading easier
– Double spacing takes more valuable screen
– Single spacing does not enhance the list
– Single spacing takes less room
Use of non-discriminatory
• Nondiscriminatory language is language that
treats all people equally.
• Use language that is free of religious, age
and sexual bias
• Nondiscriminatory language can come
between you and your reader.
Methods to Avoid Errors
• Use ‘Spell Check’ function.
• Always Proof Read document.
• How can I make sure my messages have the
appropriate tone?
• Ask the following questions:
– Why am I writing this document?
– Who am I writing to and what do I want them to
– What kind of tone should I use?
• What kind of tone should I use with a negative
• When addressing faults or issues concerning an
individual, maintain a professional tone that does
not attack the individual but that makes your
position on the issue clear.
• Example:
Incorrect: I do not understand why you made such
discriminatory remarks.
Correct: Discriminatory remarks are not tolerated in
this organization.
Greenlaw (2005)
• Focus - The paper should have a clear point,
expressed as a thesis sentence, early in the
• Organization - The purpose of the paper is to
prove its point. To that end, the paper should
be organized as a series of major sub-points
which lead logically to the thesis as the
• Solid Development - Each of sub-points
should be explained in sufficient detail to
convince the reader of their validity.
• Clarity, Concision, Precision - Say what you
mean, as clearly and concisely as possible.
Vagueness or ambiguity suggests to the
reader that you're not sure what you're
writing about.
• Grammatical Correctness/Avoidance of
Spelling & Typographical Errors - Grammar is
a convention to improve communication.
Grammatical mistakes or typos convey that
you either don't know how to write correctly
or you don't care.
Timing of communication; choice of medium;
tone and point of view (perspective, attitude,
and relationship regarding audience, purpose,
and material); recognition of audience (reader
vs. writer orientation); direct vs. indirect
presentation (ordering of evidence and
conclusions); persuasive strategies and
rhetorical appeals (logos, pathos, ethos)
□Timing and choice of medium are appropriate to
the purpose, audience, and material.
□Tone is appropriate to the purpose, audience, and
□Material is made relevant to the reader (reader’s
interests and concerns are recognized).
□Conclusions are presented directly (conclusion
first, evidence last) to a sympathetic audience,
indirectly (evidence first, conclusion last) to an
unsympathetic or hostile audience.
□Persuasive strategy incorporates a mixture of
rhetorical approaches (appeals to logic, feelings,
and ethics or credibility).
 Organization (logical arrangement and sequence); evidence
and support (relevance, specificity, accuracy and sufficiency of
detail); knowledge of subject and material; quality of
perception, analysis, and insight
□Material is arranged in a logical and coherent
□Conclusion or closing restates the argument
and identifies the action to be taken.
□Examples are relevant, specific, detailed,
sufficient, and persuasive.
□Quotations support the argument.
□Handling of material demonstrates knowledge
and insight.
Presentation of thesis or central
argument (statement of purpose,
delineation or narrowing of topic,
relevance of subordinate or
secondary arguments); word choice;
technical language and jargon;
structure (sentence, paragraph,
document); coherence devices
(organizational statement, repetition
of words and phrases, progression
□Purpose or central idea is sufficiently limited for
meaningful discussion.
□Purpose or central idea is stated clearly, usually in
the opening.
□Organizational statement is offered, usually at the
end of the opening.
□Subordinate ideas are effectively identified and
related clearly to the main purpose or central
□Language is clear, specific, accurate, and
appropriate to the audience, purpose, and
□Word choice is clear, specific, accurate,
unassuming, and free of clichés and misused
□Technical language and terms are defined and
explained as needed (depending on knowledge of
the audience).
□Sentences are free of ambiguity.
□Text is coherent, with new information linked to
previously discussed information (ordered within
sentences as “something old/something new”).
□Transitions between paragraphs are clear and
□Text is appropriately highlighted (bullets,
paragraphing, boldface, italics, underlining, etc.)
to engage the reader and reinforce the main
 Word choice (economy, precision, and specificity of language
and detail; abstract vs. concrete language; action verbs vs.
linking or weak verbs with nominalizations; figures of speech:
schemes and tropes); tone (personality and humor); active vs.
passive voice; sentence variety
□Word choice is economical, clear, specific,
accurate, unassuming, and free of clichés and
misused jargon.
□Action verbs are preferred over weak verbs with
nominalizations (as in recommend over make a
□Language is appropriately concrete or abstract
(signifying or not signifying things that can be
perceived by the senses).
□Figurative language (metaphors and similes, as
well as other tropes and schemes) enrich and
deepen the argument.
□Active voice is preferred over passive voice
(active voice is used to emphasize the
performer of the action; passive voice is used
to emphasize the receiver of the action).
□Sentences are free of wordiness and
unnecessarily complex constructions.
□Variety in sentence structure and sentence
length creates emphasis.
□Author’s values, personality and – when
appropriate – humor are conveyed in a way
that reinforces the message.
• Rules and conventions of spelling, grammar,
punctuation, usage, and idiom; style
(appropriateness of word choice and level of
formality to audience, purpose, and material);
social and cultural appropriateness; accuracy
in proofreading
□Spelling (including technical terms and proper
names) is correct.
□Correct words are used to convey the intended
□Rules of grammar and syntax are followed,
including pronoun-noun agreement, subject-verb
agreement, appropriate verb tense, pronoun
case, possessive forms, parallel construction, etc.
□Punctuation (particularly comma placement)
reflects standard usage.
□Copy is free of mechanical errors and lapses in
• It's important to know how to communicate a
point quickly and professionally.
• Many people spend a lot of time writing and
reading, so the better you one is at this form
of communication, the more successful one is
likely to be.
• Identify the audience before even starting to
create the document.
Sources are taken from
•Web sources

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English Writing Skills.pptx

  • 1. English Writing Skills Components of Effective writing Skills Robbia Gulnar
  • 3. INTRODUCTION • Writing skills are an important part of communication. • Good writing skills allow you to communicate your message with clarity and ease. • The communication takes place to a far larger audience than through face-to-face or telephone conversations.
  • 4. GOOD WRITING: Features Completeness: all information needed is provided Correctness: relevant and precise information Credibility: support your argument Clarity: should not be vague, confusing, ambiguous Conciseness: to the point Consideration: anticipate the reader’s reaction Vitality: use the active voice rather than the passive voice
  • 5. AUDIENCE AND FORMAT • The first step to writing is choosing the appropriate format. • The format, as well as the audience, defines the writing voice i.e., how formal or relaxed the tone should be. • With everything one writes, the readers/ recipients, should be able to define the tone as well as aspects of the content
  • 6. COMPOSITION AND STYLE • Start with your audience- The reader should be introduced with the subject. • Create an outline- Outlines help in identifying which steps to take in which order. • Use AIDA- Follow the Attention-Interest- Desire-Action (AIDA) formula. These steps can help in the writing process.
  • 7. • Try some empathy- One should remember the audience's needs at all times. • Use the rhetorical triangle- One should make sure that one communicates why people should listen , the message should engage the audience.
  • 8. STRUCTURE • The document should be as reader friendly as possible • Use headings, subheadings, bullet points, and numbering whenever possible to break up the text. is also a smart way • Adding graphs and charts to break up your text. • Using questions is a good idea, questions help keep the reader engaged and curious.
  • 9. GRAMMATICAL ERRORS • It's essential to learn grammar properly, and to avoid common mistakes that the spell checker won't find. • Using words like “affect” instead of “effect” or missing out the apostrophe should be avoided. • Everything that one writes should be of a quality that every reader will find acceptable.
  • 10. PROOFING • Proof your headers and sub headers – People often skip these and focus on the text alone. Just because headers are big and bold doesn't mean they're error free! • Read the document out loud –This way one is more likely to catch mistakes.
  • 11. • Use your finger to follow text as you read – This is another trick that helps slow down. • Start at the end of your document – Proofread from the end to the beginning. This helps focusing on errors, not on content
  • 12. • If one feels that there's too much information to include, an outline should be created to outline the thoughts. • Learning grammatical and stylistic techniques will also help in writing more clearly. • Lastly, one should be sure to proof read the document before sending it.
  • 14. These are the stages of the writing process: Prewriting - is the stage in which you explore possible topics, choose a topic, and then gather details you can include in your writing.
  • 15. Free writing -students write for a specified period of the time without taking their from the page (usually three minutes for a first attempt an then typically for about five to eight minutes)
  • 16. Brainstorming -a group exercise in which all students in the class are encouraged to participate by sharing their collective knowledge about a particular subject
  • 17. Listing -the student is encouraged to produce as lengthy list a listing as possible of all the main ideas and subcategories that come to mind as he or she thinks of the topic at hand.
  • 18. Clustering -begins with a keyword or central idea placed in the center of the page (or on the blackboard) around which the student (or the teacher, using student-generated suggestions) quickly jots down all free associations triggered by the subject matter, using words or short phrases.
  • 19. Choosing Your Topic Writing with invisible ink Narrowing Your Topic Use a Planning Web or Cluster Diagram Considering your audience and purpose Considering your Audience Identify who will read your article. Think about what your audience does and does not know about your topic. Consider the type of language that would suit them.
  • 20. Considering your Purpose Identify what you want to accomplish through your writing. 4. Gathering details Gather the specific information and ingredients you need before you write your first draft. Use the Reporter’s Formula Strategy to gather details. - Who, What, When, Where, Why, How
  • 21. II.Drafting involves putting ideas down on paper in a rough format. 1. Shaping your Writing Focus on the form- each form of writing has its own set of objectives. Attract your readers’ attention with strong lead 2. Providing Elaboration As you develop each of the paragraphs in the body of your paper, focus on elaborating, or developing your key points by providing a thorough set of facts, examples, and details.
  • 22. III. Revising - Is the stage in which you rework your rough draft to improve both its form and its content 1. Using Systematic Approach Ratiocination- applying logic to the way you look at your work by color coding items for analysis. At each stage, use a process of color- coding and marking clues in your work to help you revise. 2. Revising your overall structure Start by examining the soundness of your structure or overall organization. Your ideas should flow logically from beginning to end.
  • 23. 3. Revising your paragraphs Consider the way each sentence contributes to the point of the paragraph. As you evaluate your draft, rewrite or eliminate any sentences that are not effective. Revising your sentences Check to see that they flow smoothly from one to the next. Look to see that you have avoided the pattern of being most of your sentences in the same way.
  • 24. Revising your word choice Make sure that each word conveys the exact meaning you intend. Also, look for the repetition of words, and make revisions to reduce the number of the most commonly repeated words. Peer review Work with one or more classmates to get fresh perspective on your writing.
  • 25. Revision and Editing Focused Exercises •The content of the passage should be related as closely as possible to whatever topics students are working on so that they can review core vocabulary or concepts. •Similar exercises could involve other frequent morphological errors, such as regular plural nouns without –s. Students would then check their own drafts to correct similar errors.
  • 26. Example: We tested velocity by placing a green trace dye on the surface of the plot, at a measured point. After each run we estimated the vegetation cover using a five-point pin frame. We placed the pin frame in 20 places on the plot, moving downward. Rewritten: Velocity was tested by placing a green trace dye on the surface of the plot, at a measured point. After each run, the vegetation cover was estimated using a five-point pin frame. The pin frame was placed on the plot, moving downward.
  • 27. *To make texts as natural as possible, the instructor can simply underline or number the sentences in a text to be rewritten. Afterward, students should identify contextual factors that influence use of the passive. 1. Sentence Combining -this technique for developing syntactic fluency often involved combining a set of kernel sentences
  • 28. Example: The man was old. The man had gray hair. The man walked down the street. The man walked slowly. Combined: The old, gray-haired man walked slowly down the street.
  • 29. 2. Guided Paraphrase ESL/EFL writers often lack the facility with vocabulary and syntax to rephrase ideas in their own words; most experienced teachers are familiar with the distorted paraphrases that result when novice writers “slot” synonyms from a thesaurus into the original sentence without adjusting the grammar. In cued paraphrase exercises, writers transform sentences or parts of sentences from assigned readings, using cues as the first step. The cues which may be words or phrases are designed to require syntactic restructuring in the paraphrase.
  • 30. Example: Original: People trying to interpret a situation often look at those around them to see how to react. (Base reactions on) Rewrite: People trying to interpret a situation often base their reactions on those around them. Original: Even if a person defines an event as an emergency… (Decides) Rewrite: Even if a person decides that an event is an emergency…
  • 31. 3. Text Elicitation •The instructor specifies a topic or writing objective and a grammatical structure or structures to be used. •Excellent sources for eliciting summary include surveys, graphs or charts on topics related to writing themes, or genres such as research articles. •Can be used to focus on diagnosed structural problems, to develop syntactic complexity, to familiarize students with discourse-based grammar conventions, and to provide strategies for organizing and displaying information.
  • 32. 4. Dictation •Can be an effective way to familiarize students with the ways in which grammar and vocabulary interact in common collocations as well as to address errors in writing that may result in part from mismatches between learners’ aural perception of English forms and Standard English grammar and spelling. •The instructor reads aloud a short text several times, usually one related to the topic or genre on which students are working.
  • 33. •The text is first read at a normal pace, with the students just listening. For the second reading, the teacher pauses after each phrase to allow students to write. •The third reading, done at a normal pace, gives students the opportunity to read over the texts and make corrections.
  • 34. 5. Text Completion Cloze Passage- each blank represents a single word to fill in -can be created either by random deletion of words or by deletion of a specific item. -if based on student texts can serve as an error correction technique if the writer has produced errors in the grammatical item deleted.
  • 35. Gapped Text- do not specify the number of words required for each blank, they can be used to elicit deleted verbs that include forms with more than one word, such as passives, progressive aspect and present perfect. Third Type of Text Completion asks students to consider syntactic structures with essentially the same meaning and to choose the more appropriate rendering of the information based on the preceding discourse context.
  • 36. Example : Climatologists have predicted that the continual warming of the earth’s surface, commonly known as “the greenhouse,” could have dramatic consequences. 1. (A) the melting of the polar ice caps could be one result. (b)One result could be the melting of the polar ice caps. 2. (A) this melting would, in turn, cause a rise of the sea level. (b) A rise of the sea level would, in turn, be caused by this melting.
  • 37. IV. Editing and proofreading are the stages in which you polish your writing, fixing errors in grammar, spelling, and mechanics.
  • 38. Proofreading- This is a process whereby the text is being scanned for grammar, syntax and spelling errors. Editing- This process concentrates less on the form and more on the terminology.
  • 39.
  • 40.
  • 41.
  • 42. Rules of Effective Writing Basic Rules 1. Getting to the point a. Being Concise b. Paragraphing c. Use of Lists d. Framing Effective Questions 2. 3. 4. Use of Non–Discriminatory Language Punctuation, Grammar and Spelling Tone a. Choosing the Right Tone b. Conversational Tone
  • 43. Getting to the Point • Being Concise – Use of short sentences – Start document with purpose – Creation of ‘single screen view’ messages – Elimination of unnecessary words •E.g.. “Avoid bad miscommunication in email writing.” (the word ‘bad’ is a modifier which is used unnecessarily) – Use lesser number of words
  • 44. Getting to the Point • Paragraphing: – Short Sentences – Short Paragraphs (2 to 5 sentences) • Creates “white space” • Quicker to read • Engages the reader – Opening Paragraph • Five “Ws” - “Who?”, “What?”, “When?”, “Where?”, & “Why?”
  • 45. Use of Lists • Benefits of using lists: – Writer organizes thoughts – Reader sees main points – Important points are not overlooked • Formatting a list: – Use numbers or bullets – Items should be parallel – Capitalize the first word of each point – Be consistent with punctuation
  • 46. Use of Lists • Spacing of a list: – Double spacing makes reading easier – Double spacing takes more valuable screen space – Single spacing does not enhance the list – Single spacing takes less room
  • 47. Use of non-discriminatory language • Nondiscriminatory language is language that treats all people equally. • Use language that is free of religious, age and sexual bias • Nondiscriminatory language can come between you and your reader.
  • 48. Methods to Avoid Errors • Use ‘Spell Check’ function. • Always Proof Read document.
  • 49. T one • How can I make sure my messages have the appropriate tone? • Ask the following questions: – Why am I writing this document? – Who am I writing to and what do I want them to understand? – What kind of tone should I use?
  • 50. T one • What kind of tone should I use with a negative message? • When addressing faults or issues concerning an individual, maintain a professional tone that does not attack the individual but that makes your position on the issue clear. • Example: Incorrect: I do not understand why you made such discriminatory remarks. Correct: Discriminatory remarks are not tolerated in this organization.
  • 52. Greenlaw (2005) • Focus - The paper should have a clear point, expressed as a thesis sentence, early in the paper. • Organization - The purpose of the paper is to prove its point. To that end, the paper should be organized as a series of major sub-points which lead logically to the thesis as the conclusion. • Solid Development - Each of sub-points should be explained in sufficient detail to convince the reader of their validity.
  • 53. • Clarity, Concision, Precision - Say what you mean, as clearly and concisely as possible. Vagueness or ambiguity suggests to the reader that you're not sure what you're writing about. • Grammatical Correctness/Avoidance of Spelling & Typographical Errors - Grammar is a convention to improve communication. Grammatical mistakes or typos convey that you either don't know how to write correctly or you don't care.
  • 54. APPROACH Timing of communication; choice of medium; tone and point of view (perspective, attitude, and relationship regarding audience, purpose, and material); recognition of audience (reader vs. writer orientation); direct vs. indirect presentation (ordering of evidence and conclusions); persuasive strategies and rhetorical appeals (logos, pathos, ethos)
  • 55. Checkpoints: □Timing and choice of medium are appropriate to the purpose, audience, and material. □Tone is appropriate to the purpose, audience, and material. □Material is made relevant to the reader (reader’s interests and concerns are recognized). □Conclusions are presented directly (conclusion first, evidence last) to a sympathetic audience, indirectly (evidence first, conclusion last) to an unsympathetic or hostile audience. □Persuasive strategy incorporates a mixture of rhetorical approaches (appeals to logic, feelings, and ethics or credibility).
  • 56. DEVELOPMENT  Organization (logical arrangement and sequence); evidence and support (relevance, specificity, accuracy and sufficiency of detail); knowledge of subject and material; quality of perception, analysis, and insight
  • 57. Checkpoints: □Material is arranged in a logical and coherent sequence. □Conclusion or closing restates the argument and identifies the action to be taken. □Examples are relevant, specific, detailed, sufficient, and persuasive. □Quotations support the argument. □Handling of material demonstrates knowledge and insight.
  • 58. CLARITY Presentation of thesis or central argument (statement of purpose, delineation or narrowing of topic, relevance of subordinate or secondary arguments); word choice; technical language and jargon; structure (sentence, paragraph, document); coherence devices (organizational statement, repetition of words and phrases, progression
  • 59. Checkpoints: □Purpose or central idea is sufficiently limited for meaningful discussion. □Purpose or central idea is stated clearly, usually in the opening. □Organizational statement is offered, usually at the end of the opening. □Subordinate ideas are effectively identified and related clearly to the main purpose or central idea. □Language is clear, specific, accurate, and appropriate to the audience, purpose, and material.
  • 60. □Word choice is clear, specific, accurate, unassuming, and free of clichés and misused jargon. □Technical language and terms are defined and explained as needed (depending on knowledge of the audience). □Sentences are free of ambiguity. □Text is coherent, with new information linked to previously discussed information (ordered within sentences as “something old/something new”). □Transitions between paragraphs are clear and helpful. □Text is appropriately highlighted (bullets, paragraphing, boldface, italics, underlining, etc.) to engage the reader and reinforce the main points.
  • 61. STYLE  Word choice (economy, precision, and specificity of language and detail; abstract vs. concrete language; action verbs vs. linking or weak verbs with nominalizations; figures of speech: schemes and tropes); tone (personality and humor); active vs. passive voice; sentence variety
  • 62. Checkpoints: □Word choice is economical, clear, specific, accurate, unassuming, and free of clichés and misused jargon. □Action verbs are preferred over weak verbs with nominalizations (as in recommend over make a recommendation). □Language is appropriately concrete or abstract (signifying or not signifying things that can be perceived by the senses). □Figurative language (metaphors and similes, as well as other tropes and schemes) enrich and deepen the argument.
  • 63. □Active voice is preferred over passive voice (active voice is used to emphasize the performer of the action; passive voice is used to emphasize the receiver of the action). □Sentences are free of wordiness and unnecessarily complex constructions. □Variety in sentence structure and sentence length creates emphasis. □Author’s values, personality and – when appropriate – humor are conveyed in a way that reinforces the message.
  • 64. CORRECTNESS • Rules and conventions of spelling, grammar, punctuation, usage, and idiom; style (appropriateness of word choice and level of formality to audience, purpose, and material); social and cultural appropriateness; accuracy in proofreading
  • 65. Checkpoints: □Spelling (including technical terms and proper names) is correct. □Correct words are used to convey the intended meaning. □Rules of grammar and syntax are followed, including pronoun-noun agreement, subject-verb agreement, appropriate verb tense, pronoun case, possessive forms, parallel construction, etc. □Punctuation (particularly comma placement) reflects standard usage. □Copy is free of mechanical errors and lapses in proofreading.
  • 66. CONCLUSION • It's important to know how to communicate a point quickly and professionally. • Many people spend a lot of time writing and reading, so the better you one is at this form of communication, the more successful one is likely to be. • Identify the audience before even starting to create the document.
  • 67. Sources are taken from • •Web sources