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▪ A teenager, or teen, is a young person whose age falls within the range from 13–19. They are
called teenagers because their age number ends with "teen". Someone aged 18 or 19 is also
considered a young adult.
▪ Usage by ordinary people varies, and also varies in different societies. Most societies traditionally
had a formal ceremony to mark the change from childhood to adulthood.During puberty, rapid
mental and physical development occurs.
▪ Adolescence is the name for this transition period from childhood to adulthood.
Mean Girls
Emo Kids
▪ Even as they try to fit into a social group,
teens are struggling to find their
individual identity. So, strange behavior,
outlandish dress, wacky hairdos -- it's all
par for the course. And if you find it hard
to understand, well, that's the point.
▪ If you're tempted to laugh or tear out
your hair, just remember that you were a
teen once, too. Who can't pull out at
least one cringe-worthy snapshot from
those years? Keep in mind that while
teens may fall into categories, each one
is unique. So, be sure to look at the
complete person, not just the pink hair.
Talk to them. Praise them when you can -
- their self-esteems can always use a
▪ Now, let's delve into this foreign culture
and have a look at some of the types.
▪ Their "type" has been around forever, and
you can spot them by their T-shirts, school
colors and running shoes. They're the teens
who live for athletics. One big change from
when you were a teen might be that this
category isn't just for boys anymore -- many
girls are jocks as well.
▪ Sports are a great way for teens to burn off
excess energy. Plus, jocks tend to be
popular -- at least with many of their peers.
Adults also tend to look on these students
as leaders among their peers.
▪ Of course, all the adulation can be a
problem. Many athletes may look for (and
even sometimes get) preferential treatment
at school. It can be too easy to put sports
before studies. Watch out for jocks who
become bullies, and for the win-at-any-cost
▪ THE DUMB JOCK MYTHIn spite of their not-so-
bright stereotype, kids who participate in athletics
often do better in school than non-athletes,
according to a study of 12,000 U.S. students
published in the Journal of Sport and Exercise
Science in 2003.
▪ They're obsessed with something. It might
be computer or computer games, comic
books, anime, "Star Wars" or superheroes. It
may even be a school subject or activity --
there are math geeks, band geeks and drama
▪ Sometimes geeks' superior knowledge or
devotion to something can create a wall
separating them from outsiders. They may not
always welcome your attempts to understand
or get involved in their world.
▪ Geeks usually aren't fashion-conscious and
may be introverted. They often do well in
school, especially in subjects that grab them,
such as science, art or writing. The flip side to
watch for is neglect of those subjects that
don't turn them on. Same with socializing --
they may limit their friends to only those with
similar interests.
▪ An obsessive interest in anything,
such as comic books, can be a sign of
SKATERS▪ In your day, you might have known them as
surfer wannabes. Since then, skaters came
along and borrowed the long hair and
slacker trappings of the surf scene, but
they have always been more rebellious.
▪ Look for Vans retro sneakers and oversized
tees. They may call each other "dude" and
move through the world with their attitude
on display.
▪ As a parent, the first thing to remember
when dealing with a skater teen is to avoid
stereotypes. Yes, a few skaters might be
looking for trouble, but most are not. In
fact, skaters today are more likely to be
devoted to skateboarding as a sport,
practicing long hours to land complicated
▪ Try not to get too upset over those
outlandish stunts -- and the occasional
sprained wrist. But don't be tempted to try
the tricks yourself, either.
▪ DID YOU KNOW? Skateboards were around
before the parents of some of today's skaters
were born. The first board for "sidewalk surfing"
was mass produced in 1959.
▪ Not every kid fits neatly into a category. There
are basically three types of "outsider" groups
that a teen might fall into. The socially
challenged teen has trouble making friends
and just doesn't fit. The independent teen
might be a "floater," who has a variety of
friends and feels no need to join any one
group exclusively. The determined outsider
actively rejects cliques and may even hang
with fellow outsiders, who form their own
group (go figure).
▪ Experimenting is natural during the teen
years, and kids often change their circle of
friends. Some teens really are loners by
nature. It's important not to jump to the
conclusion that there's something wrong with
▪ At the same time, outsiders can become the
targets of bullying, so keep an eye on these
teens and be ready to intervene if they
become too isolated.
▪ They make a big effort to assemble a
wardrobe that seems effortless. Guys
and girls alike go for tight jeans, flannel
shirts, Buddy Holly glasses and vintage
clothing. They sport a cooler-than-thou,
I-could-care-less attitude, and they try
hard to be ironic at all costs.
▪ In your day, they might have been called
indies or the artsy crowd. Before that,
they were hippies. Today, it's not so
much "peace and love," but rather an
appreciation of independent music and a
taste for fringe movements that defines
▪ Don't try to outdo hipsters at being hip.
You might remind them that there's
often a fine line between hip and smug.
Dismissing others because they aren't up
on the latest is simply, well, not cool.
▪ A DEFINITION: In 2009, Time magazine writer
Dan Fletcher defined hipsters as "the people who
wear T-shirts silk-screened with quotes from
movies you've never heard of."
▪ These teens are ever eager to fit in. They're
dedicated followers of fashion, devoted to
a particular band, club or style. They dress
in tight, fashionable clothing, wear
sunglasses and sport wild but styled
hairdos (think striped, streaked or spiked).
▪ Social media platforms
like Facebook and Twitter are popular with
all teens (and a lot of adults), but for
scenesters, these Web sites are totally
▪ Scenesters sometimes get labeled posers
or wannabes. There's a danger of some of
them being drawn into the drugs and
alcohol use sometimes associated with a
club or scene, but not all do. One category
of scenesters goes in for the scene but
rejects these dangerous trappings --
they're known as straight-edge scenesters.
▪ Scenester and hipster fashion often overlap,
with followers sporting scarves, sunglasses
and tight jeans.
▪ You know them by their logos: Lacoste,
L.L. Bean., Abercrombie & Fitch. Popped
collars and polo shirts are standard, and
their grooming tends to be impeccable.
▪ In your day, preps might have actually
gone to prep school, but the category has
grown since then. Today, they tend to be
the latest incarnation of the in-crowd: the
popular kids. Sometimes they overlap
with jocks, especially when it comes to
sports such as golf or tennis.
▪ One of the things to watch for with preps
is overachieving. Keeping up schoolwork,
being involved in too many organizations
or getting into the right college can stress
them out. Maintaining the right image
may even make them vulnerable to eating
Wallace, one of the authors of the spoof that made "preppy" a
household word in 1980, said she is amazed how durable the
style has been."Maybe there was an implicit promise
embedded in the humor: this ease, this comfort can be yours
if you dare to wear pink and green," she wrote in the New
York Times in 2005.
▪ You might have called them "brains’’ or
"teacher's pets" when you were a teen.
They're the first kids with their hands up,
and they always have the right answer.
They might not have the fashion sense of
other groups, and they usually prefer
chess to hoops.
▪ At one time, anyone who understood the
mysteries of computers was considered a
nerd. Now, a whole generation is
computer savvy, so modern nerds might
be the ones who understand the science
behind the techno glitz.
▪ Nerds are smart, but they sometimes have
a hard time socially. Many teens still think
being academically gifted just isn't cool.
It's important for parents to counter this
idea, emphasizing the real advantages to
▪ If your teen is especially good at
academics, his peers might consider
him part of the nerdy crowd.
▪ The 2004 movie "Mean Girls," starring Lindsay
Lohan as a girl negotiating the jungles of
teenage subcultures, put a new label on this
type of teen.
▪ High heels, short skirts -- whatever the latest
fashion is, they're into it. They form exclusive
cliques, and gossip is their native language. In
your day, they might have been known as Valley
Girls or Barbies.
▪ Mean girls crave popularity, often because they
feel insecure. Yet they have a hard time with
genuine relationships. They cultivate
"frenemies," which are girls they hang with but
secretly hate. Even their BFFs (best friends
forever) might be spurned tomorrow.
▪ The name points toward what you should watch
for. Petty gossiping is one thing, but real,
verbal bullying can be destructive.
▪ Mean girls might be your teen's friends
one day, then turn on her the next.
▪ The teen years can be an emotional roller
coaster, and emo kids are the ones eager for
another ride. Their emotions are reflected in
their appearance: black clothing, streaked
bangs,tattoos and piercings. They maintain a
strict fashion sense while insisting on their
individuality -- not an easy task.
▪ The emo style has its roots in punk culture,
which tended to be more rebellious, and goth,
which was gloomier. All of the groups shared an
angst that most of us can remember suffering at
one time or another when we were teenagers.
▪ The way emo kids speak their inner feelings
might make them seem whiny, but that doesn't
mean the emotions aren't heartfelt. Watch these
kids for signs of depression or bipolar
tendencies. They may also experiment with self-
injury and cutting.
▪ Regardless of which group (or groups) your teen
may identify with, remember that looking past
any label and keeping lines of communication
open are the key to helping your teen discover
his or her identity.
▪ TATTOOED UPA 2006 survey by the American
Academy of Dermatology showed that 36
percent of Americans age 18 to 29 have at
least one tattoo.
•Internet and gaming additicon
•Violence in Media
•Cyberbullying and bullying at school
•Violence video games and school shootings
•Violence at home
It is possible - and even common - for young
people to over-use technology, especially
online gaming. At the same time, parents and
teachers would do best to understand
children's affinity for technology given their
status as digital natives. Young people are not
"addicted" simply because they were born in,
and enjoy, the digital era.
▪ What Parents Can Do:
▪ Learn about what the Internet means to your children by
talking with them about it.
▪ Understand that most children do not just sit idly in front of
the screen. Most often, they communicate, create, socialize,
post photos, explore, listen to music, and learn.
▪ Don't nag, label "You're sick!", blame "You're wasting your
life!’’ , scold, prematurely threaten or demand that they must
▪ Observe your children with open eyes & open heart.
▪ Do not diminish the importance of the Internet & other
advanced technology as this is the world they are growing up
▪ Figure out what actual games are played, how these games
played, how much time they spend playing, when and where
they play, and with whom they play.
▪ Violence in the media, whether it is reflected in music,
games, cartoons, T.V. shows or movies, desensitizes children
to the effects of violence, legitimizes and glorifies violence
and can increase aggressive behavior or, at the least,
increases tolerance and acceptance of violent and abusive
behavior. After seeing violence on T.V., cartoons, and playing
violent games, violence offline seems "normal."
▪ What Parents Can Do:
▪ A child's bedroom should be free of T.V.
and video game consoles, so you have
control over the amount of time they
spend on games and passive activity.
▪ Monitor the amount of exposure children
have to violent movies, T.V. and video
▪ Don't expose children under the age of
10 to ANY violent content in
entertainment (this includes games).
▪ Watch age-appropriate shows together,
as a family.
▪ Don't turn on the T.V. before school and
turn it off well before bedtime.
▪ Online bullying is a widespread and growing phenomenon,
and offline bullying has always been and continues to be a
problem. Bullying of all kinds peaks in Middle School and in
most cases tapers off by College age, when students are
more independent and more mature. Lack of coordination
among school staff, parents and students make cyber- and
offline bullying a continual threat to young people's
confidence and safety.
▪ Actions to take if your child is bullied online OR
▪ Demand that the school develop a
comprehensive educational policy about
▪ Do not settle for the school simply sending the
bully and/or the bullied to talk to the school
▪ Support - and implement, if needed - programs
and activities that teach and reward acceptance
of diversity.
▪ If your child is LGBTQI, help them find or start a
support group, such as a Gay-Straight Alliance.
There is safety in numbers and this can help
combat feelings of isolation. Also, importantly,
cohesion among students against bullying can
change the culture of a school. This is
particularly true of cyberbullying, which is easier
to stop than in-person bullying.
▪ Violent video games can train our children to kill,
glorify violence, desensitize them to suffering and
legitimize and trivialize violence. One must remember
that there are more significant factors, such as child
abuse, domestic violence, gangs in the neighborhood,
or growing up in a war zone, that are likely desensitize
people to violence or increase violent behavior.
▪ What Parents Can Do:
▪ Discuss with your children what they find appealing
about playing certain violent video games.
▪ Prevent young children from playing violent video
▪ As with television, use video games as an opportunity to
interact with your children rather than as a babysitter to
allow you time away from them.
▪ Work on and support legislation to outlaw the
sale/display of violent video games in your community.
▪ Teach your children how to define their values and how
to make responsible choices that reflect them.
▪ Creating Balance between online and offline and
between different kind of games is extremely important.
▪ Growing up in a violent home is one of the most
terrifying and traumatic experiences a child can go
through.It’s an experience that a child will not
forget. It’s an experience that can affect every
aspect of a child’s life, growth and their
development. Living in a violent home can cause
children not to do well in school.
▪ There is a definite correlation between domestic
violence and child abuse. Growing up in a violent
home can set patterns for children … patterns that
can cause them to commit violence and abuse,
and continue the cycle of violence and abuse.
▪ Children living in violent homes are often too
frightened and embarrassed to speak out. Kids
who grow up in violent environments are more
apt to have health problems, use poor judgment,
and have social and emotional issues.
▪ What You Can Do:
▪ Do not ignore signs or evidence of
child abuse or domestic violence.
Report to Child Protective Services,
local police or school counselors.
Passivity perpetuates abuse.
▪ If there is violence in your own home
seek help immediately. Stop the cycle
of violence!
▪ - 6 times more likely to commit suicide
▪ - 24 times more likely to be sexually assaulted
▪ - 67 times more likely to engage in delinquent behavior as an
▪ - 100 times more likely to be abusers themselves
▪ - 1500 times more likely to be abused or neglected
▪ Teenage depression isn’t just bad moods and the
occasional melancholy—it’s a serious problem
that impacts every aspect of a teen’s life. Teen
depression can lead to drug and alcohol abuse,
self-loathing and self-mutilation, pregnancy,
violence, and even suicide. But as a concerned
parent, teacher, or friend, there are many ways
you can help. Talking about the problem and
offering support can go a long way toward getting
your teenager back on track.
▪ Tips for Talking to a Depressed Teen
▪ Let depressed teenagers know that
you’re there for them, fully and
unconditionally. Hold back from asking
a lot of questions (teenagers don’t like
to feel patronized or crowded), but
make it clear that you’re ready and
willing to provide whatever support
they need.
▪ Don’t give up if your adolescent shuts
you out at first. Talking about
depression can be very tough for
teens. Be respectful of your child’s
comfort level while still emphasizing
your concern and willingness to listen.
Once a teenager decides to kill himself, nothing can stop him.
▪ Some common symptoms of these
disorders include:
▪ Extreme personality changes
▪ Loss of interest in activities that used to be
▪ Significant loss or gain in appetite
▪ Difficulty falling asleep or wanting to sleep
all day
▪ Fatigue or loss of energy
▪ Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
▪ Withdrawal from family and friends
▪ Neglect of personal appearance or hygiene
▪ Sadness, irritability, or indifference
▪ Having trouble concentrating
▪ Extreme anxiety or panic
▪ Drug or alcohol use or abuse
▪ Aggressive, destructive, or defiant behavior
▪ Poor school performance
▪ Hallucinations or unusual beliefs
Tragically, many of these signs go unrecognized. And
while suffering from one of these symptoms certainly
does not necessarily mean that one is suicidal, it’s
always best to communicate openly with a loved one
who has one or more of these behaviors, especially if
they are unusual for that person.

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English Project Teenagers

  • 3. TEENAGERS. ▪ A teenager, or teen, is a young person whose age falls within the range from 13–19. They are called teenagers because their age number ends with "teen". Someone aged 18 or 19 is also considered a young adult. ▪ Usage by ordinary people varies, and also varies in different societies. Most societies traditionally had a formal ceremony to mark the change from childhood to adulthood.During puberty, rapid mental and physical development occurs. ▪ Adolescence is the name for this transition period from childhood to adulthood.
  • 4. A FIELD GUIDE TO TEENAGERS Jocks Geeks Skaters Outsiders Hipsters Nerds Scenesters Preps Mean Girls Emo Kids ▪ Even as they try to fit into a social group, teens are struggling to find their individual identity. So, strange behavior, outlandish dress, wacky hairdos -- it's all par for the course. And if you find it hard to understand, well, that's the point. ▪ If you're tempted to laugh or tear out your hair, just remember that you were a teen once, too. Who can't pull out at least one cringe-worthy snapshot from those years? Keep in mind that while teens may fall into categories, each one is unique. So, be sure to look at the complete person, not just the pink hair. Talk to them. Praise them when you can - - their self-esteems can always use a boost. ▪ Now, let's delve into this foreign culture and have a look at some of the types.
  • 5. JOCKS ▪ Their "type" has been around forever, and you can spot them by their T-shirts, school colors and running shoes. They're the teens who live for athletics. One big change from when you were a teen might be that this category isn't just for boys anymore -- many girls are jocks as well. ▪ Sports are a great way for teens to burn off excess energy. Plus, jocks tend to be popular -- at least with many of their peers. Adults also tend to look on these students as leaders among their peers. ▪ Of course, all the adulation can be a problem. Many athletes may look for (and even sometimes get) preferential treatment at school. It can be too easy to put sports before studies. Watch out for jocks who become bullies, and for the win-at-any-cost attitude. ▪ THE DUMB JOCK MYTHIn spite of their not-so- bright stereotype, kids who participate in athletics often do better in school than non-athletes, according to a study of 12,000 U.S. students published in the Journal of Sport and Exercise Science in 2003.
  • 6. GEEKS ▪ They're obsessed with something. It might be computer or computer games, comic books, anime, "Star Wars" or superheroes. It may even be a school subject or activity -- there are math geeks, band geeks and drama geeks. ▪ Sometimes geeks' superior knowledge or devotion to something can create a wall separating them from outsiders. They may not always welcome your attempts to understand or get involved in their world. ▪ Geeks usually aren't fashion-conscious and may be introverted. They often do well in school, especially in subjects that grab them, such as science, art or writing. The flip side to watch for is neglect of those subjects that don't turn them on. Same with socializing -- they may limit their friends to only those with similar interests. ▪ An obsessive interest in anything, such as comic books, can be a sign of geekdom.
  • 7. SKATERS▪ In your day, you might have known them as surfer wannabes. Since then, skaters came along and borrowed the long hair and slacker trappings of the surf scene, but they have always been more rebellious. ▪ Look for Vans retro sneakers and oversized tees. They may call each other "dude" and move through the world with their attitude on display. ▪ As a parent, the first thing to remember when dealing with a skater teen is to avoid stereotypes. Yes, a few skaters might be looking for trouble, but most are not. In fact, skaters today are more likely to be devoted to skateboarding as a sport, practicing long hours to land complicated tricks. ▪ Try not to get too upset over those outlandish stunts -- and the occasional sprained wrist. But don't be tempted to try the tricks yourself, either. ▪ DID YOU KNOW? Skateboards were around before the parents of some of today's skaters were born. The first board for "sidewalk surfing" was mass produced in 1959.
  • 8. OUTSIDERS ▪ Not every kid fits neatly into a category. There are basically three types of "outsider" groups that a teen might fall into. The socially challenged teen has trouble making friends and just doesn't fit. The independent teen might be a "floater," who has a variety of friends and feels no need to join any one group exclusively. The determined outsider actively rejects cliques and may even hang with fellow outsiders, who form their own group (go figure). ▪ Experimenting is natural during the teen years, and kids often change their circle of friends. Some teens really are loners by nature. It's important not to jump to the conclusion that there's something wrong with them. ▪ At the same time, outsiders can become the targets of bullying, so keep an eye on these teens and be ready to intervene if they become too isolated.
  • 9. HIPSTERS ▪ They make a big effort to assemble a wardrobe that seems effortless. Guys and girls alike go for tight jeans, flannel shirts, Buddy Holly glasses and vintage clothing. They sport a cooler-than-thou, I-could-care-less attitude, and they try hard to be ironic at all costs. ▪ In your day, they might have been called indies or the artsy crowd. Before that, they were hippies. Today, it's not so much "peace and love," but rather an appreciation of independent music and a taste for fringe movements that defines them. ▪ Don't try to outdo hipsters at being hip. You might remind them that there's often a fine line between hip and smug. Dismissing others because they aren't up on the latest is simply, well, not cool. ▪ A DEFINITION: In 2009, Time magazine writer Dan Fletcher defined hipsters as "the people who wear T-shirts silk-screened with quotes from movies you've never heard of."
  • 10. SCENESTERS ▪ These teens are ever eager to fit in. They're dedicated followers of fashion, devoted to a particular band, club or style. They dress in tight, fashionable clothing, wear sunglasses and sport wild but styled hairdos (think striped, streaked or spiked). ▪ Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are popular with all teens (and a lot of adults), but for scenesters, these Web sites are totally essential. ▪ Scenesters sometimes get labeled posers or wannabes. There's a danger of some of them being drawn into the drugs and alcohol use sometimes associated with a club or scene, but not all do. One category of scenesters goes in for the scene but rejects these dangerous trappings -- they're known as straight-edge scenesters. ▪ Scenester and hipster fashion often overlap, with followers sporting scarves, sunglasses and tight jeans.
  • 11. PREPS ▪ You know them by their logos: Lacoste, L.L. Bean., Abercrombie & Fitch. Popped collars and polo shirts are standard, and their grooming tends to be impeccable. ▪ In your day, preps might have actually gone to prep school, but the category has grown since then. Today, they tend to be the latest incarnation of the in-crowd: the popular kids. Sometimes they overlap with jocks, especially when it comes to sports such as golf or tennis. ▪ One of the things to watch for with preps is overachieving. Keeping up schoolwork, being involved in too many organizations or getting into the right college can stress them out. Maintaining the right image may even make them vulnerable to eating disorders. ▪ "THE OFFICIAL PREPPY HANDBOOK" HOLDS TRUE Carol McD. Wallace, one of the authors of the spoof that made "preppy" a household word in 1980, said she is amazed how durable the style has been."Maybe there was an implicit promise embedded in the humor: this ease, this comfort can be yours if you dare to wear pink and green," she wrote in the New York Times in 2005.
  • 12. NERDS ▪ You might have called them "brains’’ or "teacher's pets" when you were a teen. They're the first kids with their hands up, and they always have the right answer. They might not have the fashion sense of other groups, and they usually prefer chess to hoops. ▪ At one time, anyone who understood the mysteries of computers was considered a nerd. Now, a whole generation is computer savvy, so modern nerds might be the ones who understand the science behind the techno glitz. ▪ Nerds are smart, but they sometimes have a hard time socially. Many teens still think being academically gifted just isn't cool. It's important for parents to counter this idea, emphasizing the real advantages to learning. ▪ If your teen is especially good at academics, his peers might consider him part of the nerdy crowd.
  • 13. MEAN GIRLS ▪ The 2004 movie "Mean Girls," starring Lindsay Lohan as a girl negotiating the jungles of teenage subcultures, put a new label on this type of teen. ▪ High heels, short skirts -- whatever the latest fashion is, they're into it. They form exclusive cliques, and gossip is their native language. In your day, they might have been known as Valley Girls or Barbies. ▪ Mean girls crave popularity, often because they feel insecure. Yet they have a hard time with genuine relationships. They cultivate "frenemies," which are girls they hang with but secretly hate. Even their BFFs (best friends forever) might be spurned tomorrow. ▪ The name points toward what you should watch for. Petty gossiping is one thing, but real, verbal bullying can be destructive. ▪ Mean girls might be your teen's friends one day, then turn on her the next.
  • 14. EMO KIDS ▪ The teen years can be an emotional roller coaster, and emo kids are the ones eager for another ride. Their emotions are reflected in their appearance: black clothing, streaked bangs,tattoos and piercings. They maintain a strict fashion sense while insisting on their individuality -- not an easy task. ▪ The emo style has its roots in punk culture, which tended to be more rebellious, and goth, which was gloomier. All of the groups shared an angst that most of us can remember suffering at one time or another when we were teenagers. ▪ The way emo kids speak their inner feelings might make them seem whiny, but that doesn't mean the emotions aren't heartfelt. Watch these kids for signs of depression or bipolar tendencies. They may also experiment with self- injury and cutting. ▪ Regardless of which group (or groups) your teen may identify with, remember that looking past any label and keeping lines of communication open are the key to helping your teen discover his or her identity. ▪ TATTOOED UPA 2006 survey by the American Academy of Dermatology showed that 36 percent of Americans age 18 to 29 have at least one tattoo.
  • 15. THE MAJOR ISSUES FACING TEENAGERS •Internet and gaming additicon •Violence in Media •Cyberbullying and bullying at school •Violence video games and school shootings •Violence at home •Suicide
  • 16. INTERNET AND GAMING ADDITICON It is possible - and even common - for young people to over-use technology, especially online gaming. At the same time, parents and teachers would do best to understand children's affinity for technology given their status as digital natives. Young people are not "addicted" simply because they were born in, and enjoy, the digital era. ▪ What Parents Can Do: ▪ Learn about what the Internet means to your children by talking with them about it. ▪ Understand that most children do not just sit idly in front of the screen. Most often, they communicate, create, socialize, post photos, explore, listen to music, and learn. ▪ Don't nag, label "You're sick!", blame "You're wasting your life!’’ , scold, prematurely threaten or demand that they must change. ▪ Observe your children with open eyes & open heart. ▪ Do not diminish the importance of the Internet & other advanced technology as this is the world they are growing up in. ▪ Figure out what actual games are played, how these games played, how much time they spend playing, when and where they play, and with whom they play.
  • 17. VIOLENCE IN MEDIA ▪ Violence in the media, whether it is reflected in music, games, cartoons, T.V. shows or movies, desensitizes children to the effects of violence, legitimizes and glorifies violence and can increase aggressive behavior or, at the least, increases tolerance and acceptance of violent and abusive behavior. After seeing violence on T.V., cartoons, and playing violent games, violence offline seems "normal." ▪ What Parents Can Do: ▪ A child's bedroom should be free of T.V. and video game consoles, so you have control over the amount of time they spend on games and passive activity. ▪ Monitor the amount of exposure children have to violent movies, T.V. and video games. ▪ Don't expose children under the age of 10 to ANY violent content in entertainment (this includes games). ▪ Watch age-appropriate shows together, as a family. ▪ Don't turn on the T.V. before school and turn it off well before bedtime.
  • 18. CYBERBULLYING AND BULLYING AT SCHOOL ▪ Online bullying is a widespread and growing phenomenon, and offline bullying has always been and continues to be a problem. Bullying of all kinds peaks in Middle School and in most cases tapers off by College age, when students are more independent and more mature. Lack of coordination among school staff, parents and students make cyber- and offline bullying a continual threat to young people's confidence and safety. ▪ Actions to take if your child is bullied online OR offline: ▪ Demand that the school develop a comprehensive educational policy about bullying. ▪ Do not settle for the school simply sending the bully and/or the bullied to talk to the school counselor. ▪ Support - and implement, if needed - programs and activities that teach and reward acceptance of diversity. ▪ If your child is LGBTQI, help them find or start a support group, such as a Gay-Straight Alliance. There is safety in numbers and this can help combat feelings of isolation. Also, importantly, cohesion among students against bullying can change the culture of a school. This is particularly true of cyberbullying, which is easier to stop than in-person bullying.
  • 19. VIOLENT VIDEO GAMES & SCHOOL SHOOTINGS ▪ Violent video games can train our children to kill, glorify violence, desensitize them to suffering and legitimize and trivialize violence. One must remember that there are more significant factors, such as child abuse, domestic violence, gangs in the neighborhood, or growing up in a war zone, that are likely desensitize people to violence or increase violent behavior. ▪ What Parents Can Do: ▪ Discuss with your children what they find appealing about playing certain violent video games. ▪ Prevent young children from playing violent video games. ▪ As with television, use video games as an opportunity to interact with your children rather than as a babysitter to allow you time away from them. ▪ Work on and support legislation to outlaw the sale/display of violent video games in your community. ▪ Teach your children how to define their values and how to make responsible choices that reflect them. ▪ Creating Balance between online and offline and between different kind of games is extremely important.
  • 20. VIOLENCE AT HOME ▪ Growing up in a violent home is one of the most terrifying and traumatic experiences a child can go through.It’s an experience that a child will not forget. It’s an experience that can affect every aspect of a child’s life, growth and their development. Living in a violent home can cause children not to do well in school. ▪ There is a definite correlation between domestic violence and child abuse. Growing up in a violent home can set patterns for children … patterns that can cause them to commit violence and abuse, and continue the cycle of violence and abuse. ▪ Children living in violent homes are often too frightened and embarrassed to speak out. Kids who grow up in violent environments are more apt to have health problems, use poor judgment, and have social and emotional issues. ▪ What You Can Do: ▪ Do not ignore signs or evidence of child abuse or domestic violence. Report to Child Protective Services, local police or school counselors. Passivity perpetuates abuse. ▪ If there is violence in your own home seek help immediately. Stop the cycle of violence!
  • 21. CHILDREN WHO GROW UP IN HOMES WHERE VIOLENCE IS PRESENT ARE: ▪ - 6 times more likely to commit suicide ▪ - 24 times more likely to be sexually assaulted ▪ - 67 times more likely to engage in delinquent behavior as an adolescent ▪ - 100 times more likely to be abusers themselves ▪ - 1500 times more likely to be abused or neglected
  • 22. SUICIDE ▪ Teenage depression isn’t just bad moods and the occasional melancholy—it’s a serious problem that impacts every aspect of a teen’s life. Teen depression can lead to drug and alcohol abuse, self-loathing and self-mutilation, pregnancy, violence, and even suicide. But as a concerned parent, teacher, or friend, there are many ways you can help. Talking about the problem and offering support can go a long way toward getting your teenager back on track. ▪ Tips for Talking to a Depressed Teen ▪ Let depressed teenagers know that you’re there for them, fully and unconditionally. Hold back from asking a lot of questions (teenagers don’t like to feel patronized or crowded), but make it clear that you’re ready and willing to provide whatever support they need. ▪ Don’t give up if your adolescent shuts you out at first. Talking about depression can be very tough for teens. Be respectful of your child’s comfort level while still emphasizing your concern and willingness to listen. Once a teenager decides to kill himself, nothing can stop him.
  • 23. SUICIDE SIGNS ▪ Some common symptoms of these disorders include: ▪ Extreme personality changes ▪ Loss of interest in activities that used to be enjoyable ▪ Significant loss or gain in appetite ▪ Difficulty falling asleep or wanting to sleep all day ▪ Fatigue or loss of energy ▪ Feelings of worthlessness or guilt ▪ Withdrawal from family and friends ▪ Neglect of personal appearance or hygiene ▪ Sadness, irritability, or indifference ▪ Having trouble concentrating ▪ Extreme anxiety or panic ▪ Drug or alcohol use or abuse ▪ Aggressive, destructive, or defiant behavior ▪ Poor school performance ▪ Hallucinations or unusual beliefs Tragically, many of these signs go unrecognized. And while suffering from one of these symptoms certainly does not necessarily mean that one is suicidal, it’s always best to communicate openly with a loved one who has one or more of these behaviors, especially if they are unusual for that person.