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Employment of Illegal Immigrants
Employment of Illegal Immigrants Employment of illegal immigrants in the United States, as well as other countries has been a highly controversial
subject for many years now. There are many people living in various countries around the world that are unhappy with the way they are living, and
want something more out of life than what their country can offer. Due to their unhappiness, they decide to immigrate to another country, and this is
usually done illegally. Once they are in their preferred country, which a lot of the time is the United States, they are forced to work in low skilled
jobs because higher skilled jobs require people to speak fluent English and show proof of residency. Although many people view illegal migrants as a...
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There has been many laws and regulations passed, to try and prevent illegal migrants from working in the United States. In all states, businesses "Are
required by federal law to check the legal status of all new hires. They must fill out federal form 1–9 to show that each worker holds federally
acceptable residency documents, like a driver's license or social security card" (Speizer 1). Although they must do all of those things, they are not
required to check the authenticity of the documents. In Arizona that has all changed, a new law has been passed that makes it mandatory for all
employers to participate in E–Verify "in which information from 1–9 documents can be checked through databases at the Social Security
Administration or the Department of Homeland Security" (Speizer 2). This used to be something businesses could voluntarily partake in, but has now
become mandatory in Arizona. Under this law they have created harsh punishments for employers who knowingly hire undocumented migrants. One of
these harsh punishments includes the loss of the employer's business license, if it is a reoccurring issue. They hope that this new law will decrease
the amount of undocumented workers in the state and create more jobs for their own U.S. citizens. I do not believe that employment of illegal
immigrants is a problem in our country in any way. Over half of the jobs
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Illegal Immigrants And Illegal Immigration
Since the 1980s, the US government has undertaken initiatives to make its borders more non–porous to illegal immigration from its neighboring
countries. The menace of illegal immigrants seeking better opportunities in the USA started reflecting in the 1970s. The migrating people are
motivated by the better non–skilled or semi–skilled employment opportunities in the USA and the relatively higher remuneration for services rendered
in the USA than in the neighbor countries especially Mexico (Hanson and Spilimbergo 17). Countries where these people flocked such as the
California, Texas and Arizona began experiencing illegal immigrants' populations' menace. The main efforts have been along the Mexican and
Canadian borders where walking immigrants freely used to walk through. The need to secure the borders has been rising steadily. The successive
governments have realized the need for secure borders and it had responded by dedicating more resources to these areas. The need to secure the USA
borders has not been groundless, illegal border immigration remains to be the most potent entry point for illegal drugs, smugglers of contraband goods
and criminals especially terrorists. In light of these dangerous threats that can be made possible by pours border; it is of utmost need that the U.S.
government tighten our borders to neighboring countries.
The government should not relent to avail the best resources in terms of building effective physical barriers along the notorious illegal
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An Illegal Mexican Immigrant Immigrants
They slip into the San Diego rail yard furtively, preferably beneath the protective cover of darkness, jumping fences, eluding guards and dodging two
hundred –ton locomotives in a perilous dash for the most elusive of prizes, a free ride to the north. According to Jose Flores, an illegal Mexican
immigrant seeking work in the United States says, "To be truthful, I have no idea of precisely where this train goes, other than it takes us to el norte"
(Griffin 363+). The fact that each night literally hundreds of men and women clamber over the barricade is testament to its ineffectiveness and to the
irresistible pull of United States jobs "that on average pay eight times their equivalent in Mexico" (Griffin 363+ ). Javier Ortega, a 40–year–old auto
body repairman from Guadalajara, says, "It doesn 't matter how many people, horses, bicycles, helicopters or planes they use.... People will go. It
doesn 't matter if the fence is electric" (Griffin 363+). These people carry dreams with them in hopes for a better life. These people are willing to
walk day and night through any desert and any river they come across to achieve the "American Dream." Illegal immigration between Mexico and the
United States is a serious situation that needs to be solved. To better understand this situation, one must analyze the causes and effects and come up
with a solution.
More and more people are coming from Mexico and entering the United States illegally. Every day thousands of Mexicans and Central
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The Issue Of Illegal Immigrants
No matter what a person's ethnicity or race may be, every person has thoughts, feelings, values, aspirations, needs, and desires. People are
uncomfortable if someone else's values and culture are different from their own. The term for a group or community fearing another person's
perspective and lifestyle is called ethnocentrism. Ethnocentrism is the reason that American citizen's highly debate and criticize illegal immigration,
arguing that illegal immigrants are drug addicted thieves who thrive off of stealing American's jobs and harming the United States labor force and the
economy. As the immigration rate progressively rise's it simultaneously concerns those who favor strict immigration laws and believe that illegal
immigrants are harming the United States. However, these assumptions are hardly fact based and people fail to acknowledge that immigrants are
human beings who only want to help and support their families. The reality is that without illegal immigrants, the United States would economically
"Actual data shows that immigration has a generally positive impact on a county 's economy, what with immigrants doing work, paying taxes, spending
their money in the country and all that. Even parts of our infrastructure on which the economy depends are owned by foreigners. Places where strong
anti–immigrant policies have been enacted usually suffer economic downturns as a result. It seems like stopping immigration to improve the economy
is like hacking your foot
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Immigrants Be Illegal
Immigrating should be legal because I believe we all have human rights and freedom is one of our rights so why can't we all be equal. I honestly
feel like immigrants work really hard and seek for a better life, If it wasn't for immigrants crossing over here how would our countries even hold
ups are basically the ones who run it. How are some of us considered legal and some illegal; aren't we all supposed to be equal? Illegal citizens
usually move to other countries in search of improved living standards and higher education. It's through higher education that these people will have
increased standards of living. As a result, they move in these countries so that they can get a higher education which will enable them to work in good...
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America is a selfish country that thinks that they are beyond others and everyone's out to get them. They are inhospitable to others from another
country because they are scared that their jobs might be taken away. A controlled, limited, flow of physically and mentally healthy immigrants who
will assimilate and are capable of contributing to America with their skills and training is a good thing. The uncontrolled invasion that has been
allowed to overrun our country, threaten our culture, and burden our social systems, is a national disgrace and a threat to our security. I'm all for the
equal opportunity so for the people who are against it what if your family were immigrants? Then they would not be against it right. I come from a
family that is undocumented and that's not the only reason why I want to make people understand why Non–Citizens should have the right to
immigrate but because I have seen my family struggle. Families are away from each other and we can't see each other because of the law. I myself am
a U.S citizen that wants to fight for the rights that Non–Citizens deserve, President Trump has made this world become hell Trump has blamed
undocumented immigrants for taking American jobs, committing violent crimes and milking US taxpayers. The Conference Board states on Article
(Bill Links and More) "There are certainly anecdotal examples of each, but Trump also applies his usual
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Illegal Immigrants
Michael Jones
Dr. Cindy Murillo
English 1020
February 27, 2012 The Benefits of Illegal Immigrants Are illegal immigrants or undocumented immigrants beneficial to America's economy? Most
illegal immigrants have a positive impact on the United States (U.S.) economy. Illegal immigrants have a positive impact on the United States economy
because they increase our tax revenue, they add to our social security, and they also increase our employment rates." In 2000, statistics revealed 8.7
million illegal immigrants resided in the United States" (Knickerbocker pgs.11–12). "A study of illegal immigrants living in Texas showed a 420
million dollar increase in the states economy" (Strayhorn). Companies risk hiring illegal immigrants ... Show more content on ...
However, they have provided 33 percent of services to construction companies, 17 percent to industries, 16 percent to repair and installation, 13 percent
to administrative support and sales, 10 percent to professional and management businesses, 8 percent to material moving and transportation, and 3
percent to agriculture (Pew Hispanic Center). If illegal immigrants were able to earn a legal status their giving would be even greater (Ewing) and they
could help better their families. Releasing illegal immigrants is very important to America's economic wealth in the future (Ewing). Many United States
citizens say that illegal immigration is a crime. According to (Border Control) an entry into the United States illegally should be a misdemeanor and is
like sneaking into the country as a violation. Many things about illegal immigration laws is that why is it illegal to come to a better country to try to
better their lives as people. It is understandable that the country that they were born in has a low–income environment and it is not their fault if they are
willing to do anything necessary to make it in this world. Every human being living should have access to the American dream. It should matter if
you are from Mexico, China, or Japan we are all created equal and I strongly do not agree with the illegal immigration rules why stop a person trying
to travel across the world trying to better their lives. Why are we here if they
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Illegal Immigrants
There are over 11 million illegal immigrants living in the United States, which is why I think that the U.S. should allow the children of illegal
immigrants to become citizens, but make the adult illegal immigrants get in line, behind all the other immigrants trying to become citizens. I think this
because the children were brought here by their parents, who were probably fleeing the hardships of their home country. I also think the parents
should be able to take responsibility for their actions, especially since they came here knowing they were bringing their kids here unlawfully. If they
really came to America for the right reasons, they should have no problem applying to become citizens and getting the same benefits as others. After
becoming citizens they should be able to get their children back and provide them the life they wanted for them. The sooner we allow this to happen
the sooner these immigrant families can be together again and start their new life.
I think the children should stay and the adults be able to become citizens because they will help our economy and create more jobs. Studies have shown
that undocumented immigrants living in the United States contribute significantly to state and local taxes, paying approximately $11.64 billion a year.
These immigrants nationwide pay an estimated average of 8 percent of their income in state and local taxes, which means granting legal status to these
immigrants and allowing them to legally work, would increase state
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Illegal Immigrants In America
Illegal immigration is a very controversial topic in America today. There is a controversy over whether or not America should be allowing these
illegal people in, and whether or not they should receive privileges reserved for American citizens. The humanitarian argument is to let everyone who
needs help in and to allow them to establish residency and be afforded all of the privileges of a citizen, which would include welfare, public schools,
etc. However, the overall state of the country must be considered over that of the happiness and comfort of non–citizens. People need to realize there
are many negative consequences to letting these people in, besides the fact the crime of crossing the border has already been committed. Despite people
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When the Irish came to America they were persecuted and discriminated against, many not being able to find work being turned away with signs such
as "Irish need not apply." However, the real problem began when immigrants from South America began crossing the nation's southern border to come
here illegally. An estimated eleven million illegal immigrants are in theUnited States today. That is an increase of roughly one third since 2000, when
there were 8.5 million illegal immigrants, according to the Center for American Progress.(Goldfuss) Also eighty–six percent of illegal immigrants have
been living in America for seven years or longer.(LeMay) Many argue that becoming a legal immigrant is next to impossible and that it is "too
hard" and the process takes "too long", meaning that by the standards they have created there are not enough visas awarded and the process to
legally emigrate takes too long, so they decide to take it upon themselves to commit a crime and cross the United States southern border. (Herreras)
The current legal channel for people to become citizens is through getting either a green card or a work visa, which can be seasonal or year
round.(U.S. Department of State.) However, there are only so may awarded so not every person will be able to enter America legally, but that does
not give the right to the excluded for them to illegally cross into the country and act as if they are one of the ones which a green card or a
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Illegal Immigration And Illegal Immigrants
Throughout the years there has been and increasing number of illegal immigrants in this country. Just recently Obama took executive action to shield
illegal immigrants from deportation. A Texas Judge though blocked his executive action on immigration. Illegal immigration is a huge controversy
here in the United States partly due to Americans thinking that illegal immigrates are taking jobs, causing lower wages, and the costs of education. In
Immigration and the American Worker, George Borjas found that the presence of immigrant workers, whether they are legal or illegal, made the U.S
economy about 11 percent larger each year. If overall the U.S economy is better off with illegal immigrant workers, then why is there a push for
harsher immigration policies? The controversy is due to the fact that the impact of illegal immigration changes from state to state. I hypothesize that
the problem is the distribution of illegal immigrants across the United States. I believe that the benefits outweigh the costs and that because of the
distribution of illegal immigrants, the costs are only felt by a few. By granting amnesty to the undocumented workers we could increase the level of
tax payers and better the lives of those who feel the costs of illegal immigrants the most. I will test this hypothesis out by looking at the impact illegal
immigrant on the labor market, the cost of illegal immigration, cost of ant–immigrant policies, impact of legalization, and impact of amnesty.
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Illegal Immigrants
In the beginning of the 19th century a big wave of immigrants came to America looking for a new life (Estrada). Ever since then immigrants have
been shaping America to what it is today (Jawetz). But eventually it started to become an issue in the everyday life of the american citizens (Jawetz).
Everyday thousands of illegal immigrants cross the border from Mexico to the United States (Estrada). This can affect The United States in a good
way or a bad way (Estrada). Not only do immigrants come from Mexico; they also come from Asia, Central America, South America, Europe, and
Africa (Estrada). Immigrants have impacted our culture, economy, and is one of the most controversial category in politics today (Jawetz).
Immigrants can also be a good thing for our economy (Estrada). How, you might ask? Immigrants that are here illegally will work for very low
rates (Estrada). Most average americans that are supporting a family will not work a tobacco field for 10 dollars an hour all day 5 days a week
without any benefits? The average american would not make enough money to support a family working for such low rates (Estrada). 25,000 people
come across the U.S. border everyday illegally for a better life (Jawetz) . It has a negative effect on our country because they bring in drugs and
weapons (Jawetz). It opposes a threat to our national security and environment (Estrada). The problem with illegal immigrants coming to the US is how
can they become legal (Wong).
Immigrants have
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Illegal Immigrants
At the beginning of the 19th century with a big wave of immigrants came to America looking for a new life (Estrada). Ever since then immigrants
shaped America to what it is today (Jawetz). But eventually it started to become an issue in the everyday life of the American citizens (Jawetz).
Everyday thousands of illegal immigrants cross the border from Mexico to the United States (Estrada). This can affect The United States in a good
way or a bad way (Estrada). Not only do immigrants come from Mexico; they also come from Asia, Central America, South America, Europe, and
Africa (Estrada). Immigrants have impacted our culture, economy, and is one of the most controversial category in politics today (Jawetz).
Immigrants can also be a good thing for our economy (Estrada). How, you might ask? Immigrants that are here illegally will work for very low
rates (Estrada). Most average Americans that are supporting a family will not work a tobacco field for 10 dollars an hour all day 5 days a week
without any benefits? The average American would not make enough money to support a family working for such low rates (Estrada). 25,000 people
come across the U.S. border everyday illegally for a better life (Jawetz) . It has a negative effect on our country because they bring in drugs and
weapons (Jawetz). It opposes a threat to our national security and environment (Estrada). The problem with illegal immigrants coming to the US is how
can they become legal (Wong).
Immigrants have developed
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The Immigration Of Illegal Immigrants
The United States has been worldly known for its characteristics of prosperity, opportunity, and freedom which ultimately form the famous "American
dream," in which so many individuals desire. While this country's reputation and culture was built on the basis of immigration, the ideals and
viewpoints of this topic have strayed far from welcoming over the years. Both the Democratic and Republican parties find faults in the overflow of
illegal immigrants coming into America, but differ in their strategies of devising a solution to this issue. In short, Democrats believe in giving
immigrants the opportunity to enhance our nation by contributing to their communities and workforces, offering them an education, and strengthening
social values by keeping families together instead of deporting them. Their main goal is to form a road to citizenship in which illegal immigrants can
make their lives here permanent as legal American citizens. On the other hand, Republicans have a much stronger view on the necessary enforcements
and restrictions that should be placed upon the flow of illegal immigrants. They believe that there is a defined line between legal immigration and illegal
immigration that is causing the immigration system to fall apart. Over the years, immigration reform has been a common topic of debate, especially
during presidential campaigning, with the Republican Party holding steady views on controlling border security, illegal immigrants already in the
country, and the
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Illegal Immigrant Count
Did you know in 2007 illegal immigrant count was at an all time high up to 12.2 million illegal immigrants living in the United States, now in 2012 the
illegal immigrant count has gone from 12.2 to 11.2 million in a span of 5 years(Study find most illegal immigrants earn little).
What is a illegal immigrant you may ask. Well an illegal immigrant is a person that illegally crossed a country's borders without proper papers and has
not gone through an immigration checkpoint to authenticate their papers and baggage.
Some laws or Policies regarding immigration, one is the " is that if you are caught with a hired illegal immigrant you will face being closed down.
Another is that if you are the illegal immigrant than you will be deported back to
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Illegal Immigrants
There are 7.5 billion people in this world. Among those 7.5 billion, 232 million are "illegal immigrants". Most immigrants in the United States and
Greece make dangerous trips to cross the border. Those dangerous trips could include getting beaten, rape, and starvation. Immigrants go through things
they shouldn't have to even after crossing the border like getting deported to a poor or war–zone country, being treated inhuman, and separation
between loving families.
Who is one to tell another they are an immigrant and if they are one to judge what if they aren't fair? "Numerous international human rights documents
firmly establish the principle that no human being can be 'illegal' or outside the protection of the law." Nobody should be illegal because this is no
one's world. Everybody was born on earth therefore, no one declares another person "illegal" because they were born on a different piece of land. "He
warned that many immigrants fleeing war zones and potential persecution from dictatorial regimes were being denied a fair asylum assessment." Some
immigrants aren't migrating illegally for just any reason. Anyone would risk being in a safe environment to get out of harm's way. Kids are taught
early on not to make fun of others just because they are different. These immigrants may be vulnerable but that does not mean to attack them. "Despite
years of advocacy and some additional oversight, U.S. immigration detention facilities continue to be plagued by inhumane
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Benefits Of Illegal Immigrants
Since Many years ago immigrants have come to this country for a better life and more opportunities. Having faced a difficult life in their home
country, immigrants want to work for a better future. They will risk their lives to go to a place where they can get more opportunities and better
their life. Immigrants value the country that allows them to work and improve themselves. Many people think illegal immigrants should get
deported. They think this way because they are afraid immigrants are going to take over their country and take all of the benefits and jobs that the
country offers. On the other side, I think illegal immigrants should not get deported from the U.S. because they are not a danger to society and
some were brought here as kids. This means they were not aware they were here illegally. Immigrants are not a danger to society if they live or
work with us."In the eyes of their advocates, they are families and workers, taking the jobs nobody else wants, staying out of trouble, here only to
earn their way to better, safer lives for themselves and their children" (Robbins).The evidence helps to prove the topic by showing how illegal
people are not here to hurt others they are here to make a better future and have a good career. Also they live their life like other citizens. For
example, they work hard and at the end of the day they sit with their families because they know that value of being in America. This shows
immigrants are very responsible and follow rules and know that if they break them this will affect them terribly. Some people believe that illegal
immigrants are taking jobs but the reality is they are only бє—aking the jobs nobody else wants." For example, they work in the fields, factories and
other jobs that do not pay much but is hard labor. Illegal immigrants come to this country because they know there are jobs that no one else want to
work in. Also if the U.S deports all the immigrants many jobs will stay empty because Americans will not want to work in those jobs. If there is no
illegal immigrants in these jobs then the US economy will go down. There are a lot of illegal immigrants who are waiting for a work permit or green
card. They wish they had a green card so they feel safe
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Illegal Immigrants : Illegal Chinese Immigrants
In the story of Forbidden Workers– Illegal Chinese Immigrants in New York, we are given a look at American Society from the perspective of an
illegal immigrant who is taken advantage of because of their status and the vulnerable position that they are put in because of it. Peter Kwong provides
a broad, but subjective, analysis of American life, labor laws, and other key points in immigration. However, while the message Kwong conveys with
this interesting and informational work, it is hindered by his bias which comes out blatantly throughout, limiting the book that would have earned a
recommendation for the American Psychological Association (ASA) award for the International Migration category, but instead deserving an
honorable mention.
Kwong focuses his work on illegal immigration as being more of a labor problem, as opposed to an immigration problem and is brought up by the
author as early in our reading as the introduction (Kwong, p. 7, 3rd paragraph) as he admits – "... the problem of illegal immigration, including Chinese
immigration, can only be understood in the context of the underlying supply–and–demand principle enshrined in traditional U.S. economics." This
statement is a legitimate theory as to the possible cause of the discrimination and other difficulties faced by Chinese immigrants, however, it is also
one of many shots at the U.S. in general as seen just three pages earlier (Kwong, p.4, 2nd para.) – "Even though America portrays itself as a country of
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Illegal Immigrants And Illegal Immigration
Undocumented Immigration
An analysis of illegal immigration in the United States reveals one challenge facing the banks and other institutions: whether to provide banking and
other services to the illegal immigrants or to treat them as criminals because they are illegal and therefore, not to provide them with banking and other
The articles, "Crossing the Line" by Stein and "Illegal Immigrants – They're Money," by Rodriguez discuss the impact of illegal immigration in the
United States and how the illegal immigrants should be treated. They both reference the treatment of illegal immigrants by Bank of America that
started issuing credit cards to illegal immigrants shortly before Dan Stein's article was published in February 2007.
Stein criticizes Bank of America for its decision to issue credit cards to illegal immigrants in the United States. He is of the opinion that the profit
seeking banks, trying to tap every opportunity to make profits from customers, are providing banking services to illegal immigrants, thereby,
encouraging illegal immigration. He says that illegal immigrants are breaking the laws of the United States, taking jobs from citizens, driving down
wages for middle class workers, burdening public school systems and other vital public services. He states that a Harris Poll revealed that Americans
perceived the two greatest threats to their security to be illegal immigration and the outsourcing of American jobs. Stein also compares providing
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Illegal Immigration : Illegal Immigrants
Illegal immigrants have been a hot topic lately due to the popularity of this topic amongst the Republican Presidential Nominees, especially Donald
Trump. These illegal immigrants bring various things to this country when they come. Some things are positive, such as a family simply seeking to
find a better life, while some things are harmful to the United States, such as the amount of crime among illegal immigrants. In July 2015, the most
recent estimate of illegal immigrants was 11.2 million. This same data shoes that 56 percent of all deportations last year were convicted criminals,
which accounted for 177,960 individuals (Shoichet, 2015). Crime among illegal immigrants is a problem, and sanctuary cities, which are supposed to
be a solution, may be making this problem worse. Although illegal immigrants only make up less than four percent of the total population in the
United States, five percent of the population in both state and federal prisons is made up of those who are not United States citizens. Between 2010
and 2014, 121 illegal immigrants who were released from immigration custody were later charged with murder (Shoichet, 2015). Figures show that
immigrants are three times more likely to be convicted of murder than the general population. Each year, approximately 900,000 legal and illegal
immigrants are arrested, and 700,000 of these end up being released. Illegal immigrants account for 12 percent of murder sentences, 20 percent of
kidnapping sentences, and 16
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Illegal Immigrants
The US federal government should allow amnesty for illegal immigrants in the country. The US federal government could provide a system for earning
citizenship such as US military service. If illegal immigrants were given citizenship that would benefit the economy by raising wages, creating new
jobs, and it would also generate more tax revenue. If illegal immigrants were to earn their citizenship that would benefit the economy by raising wages.
When immigrants become legal citizens then they would earn more money, with their higher earning they would use their money to buy things such as
a house, things for their house, they would also use their money for vehicles (x). When they buy things like this then they would increase the demand
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Illegal Immigrants : Illegal Immigration
Illegal Immigration In Texas
Border Security is a pressing issue within Texas. Every year, thousands of illegal immigrants cross the border in an attempt to have a better life. No
one has issues with legal immigration, but to illegally trespass into this country tends to upset many people. This issue of border security has become
more prevalent with the upcoming election Illegal immigration is causing job loss to legal residents of the state because illegal immigrants are doing
labor cheaper. Also, there is major drug and human trafficking occurring at the Texas
–Mexico border. This topic is extremely important and needs to
constantly be addressed. Although building a big wall may not stop all immigration, it is a step in the right way I believe. Recently there has been
about 670 miles of fencing put up at the border between the United States and Mexico. While this is extremely pricey, it is important to keep illegal
immigration to a minimum if at all possible. While there are multiple components to Texas' border security, stopping illegal immigration is one of the
main steps in a secure border. Texas Department of Public Safety states that between June 1, 2011 and July 31, 2016 over 130,000 illegal immigrants
have been arrested for various criminal offenses (2016, Texas Department of Public Safety.) Texas Department of State Health Services states that there
are 28,240,245 humans living within the state of Texas. Comparatively, the illegal immigrant arrests made seems
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Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants
Should the United States Grant amnesty to immigrants who came here illegally? By: Chris Myers
Should the U.S. grant amnesty to immigrants who came here illegally? The answer to this question is yes, they should. What 's wrong with granting
amnesty to hard–working, tax–paying individuals whose only crime is their immigration status? Amnesty is not only the best solution to our
immigration problem, it is the only feasible solution. Here are some reasons to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants now. Immigration is good for the
economy. Despite all the fuss about immigrants stealing jobs, immigration actually provides a benefit to the economy, whether those immigrants
crossed the border legally or not. Why you ask? Because of what ... Show more content on ...
While illegal immigration is a crime, the act of crossing the border without authorization is a mere misdemeanor. Immigrants, in fact, may help drive
crime down. The vast majority want to stay in the country in order to work, so they naturally steer clear of breaking any laws. And as The Future of
Freedom Foundation 's Sheldon Richman pointed out a few years ago, all manners of violent crimes dropped dramatically since 1986, the last time an
amnesty was granted to illegal immigrants. Yes, 14 percent of federal inmates are illegal immigrants, but they are largely there for immigration
violations. On the state level, Richman notes, less than 5 percent of inmates are illegal immigrants. Not exactly the makings of a crime wave. An
important one would be that immigration is a natural right. Judge Andrew Napolitano explained that immigration is a natural right. What does that
mean? A natural right is a right inherent to our humanity, and the freedom of movement is such a right. The idea that immigration needs to be
"authorized" by the government flies in the face of that freedom. Immigrants who come to America seeking the opportunity to work and pursue
happiness, or those brought here at too young an age to have any say in the matter, ought to be able to stay to pursue those opportunities. Conversely,
employers ought to be able to enter into contracts with any would–be employees they please. The government doesn't own the country and political
borders are
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Illegal Immigration And Immigrants
Should illegal immigrants be allowed to become U.S. citizens? Should they be deported and not be allowed to pursue a better way of life in
America? Immigrants did want, in fact, to become Americans in every sense of the word, not just in terms of the ability to achieve a measure of
economic prosperity. Immigrants and refugees are entrepreneurs, job creators, taxpayers, and consumers. According to Center for American Progress
"They add trillions of dollars to the U.S. gross domestic product, or GDP, and their economic importance will only increase in the coming decades as
America's largest generation." The goal of this research paper is to construct a strong case that illegal immigration/deportation should be dealt in a
different manner, show how America benefits from this and is best addressed in terms of multiculturalism, poverty/inequality, and cultural relativism.
From its earliest days, America has been a nation of immigrants, starting with its original inhabitants, who crossed the land bridge connecting Asia and
North America thousands of years ago. By the 1500s, the first Europeans, led by the Spanish and French, had begun establishing settlements in what
would become the United States. In 1607, the English founded their first permanent settlement in present–day America at Jamestown in the Virginia
Colony. Some of America's first settlers came in search of freedom to practice their faith. In 1620, a group of roughly 100 people later known as the
Pilgrims fled
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Illegal Immigrants Should Be Illegal
Research Paper
In the world today, "Ten to thirteen million illegal immigrants live in America" (Watkins). According to the recent study, "The Percentage of
immigrants living in the U.S.A. is almost fourteen percent"(Wooldridge). This problem is an issue to the U.S. and will be an issue to all of the
nations including europe, asia, etcetera. if it is not fixed. Reason is that the immigrants get more government help or welfare some may call it, than the
registered citizens of America. Studies show that 51 percent of homes led by immigrants are getting some kind of government help (Gomez). When
there is help able to use then it should be used by the citizens of that country. Allimmigration needs to be controlled so anything tragic won 't happen
Immigration needs to be illegal because most of the Illegal immigrants don 't pay taxes and get government help. Studies from Washington times
show that 700,000 illegal immigrants work and pay individual taxes but there are about four million that do not pay taxes or work (stephen). In the
world today, "Illegal immigrants have not paid taxes and it has added up to a little over four billion dollars" (North). This is a problem and needs to
be fixed, as immigrants are living here for free basically. For example, "If the Immigrants paid income taxes the U.S.A. would bring in a lot more
revenue (Hrenchir)." if they did pay taxes the U.S. would not have a problem with them. Immigrants steal jobs from americans and the americans
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The Mistreatment Of The Illegal Immigrants
The mistreatment of the illegal immigrants has become a serious issue among the United States. There are tons of debates on the issue, which causes a
lot of unrest among the citizens of the country. With the political debates constanly going back and forth, I well reveal the many insecurities and
injustices that many of the immigrants have faced. Many have complained that because of the illegal immigrants, the competition for jobs have been
fierce making it impossible to obtain a job. However, by analyzing the welfare of the immigrants, we find that many of them are fighting for minimum
wage jobs. The struggle to make two ends meet alone is enough to cause a breaking point let alone the unfair treatment given to them by the biased
masses. Not even the children are spared from the senseless bickering, Leaving them doomed to suffer the unjust penalties due to the lack of
Immigration reform. Immigrants have been constantly being demonized by the usual patriotic propaganda the has spawned from the people. The lack
of any positive reform can't be seen in the future due to congress at a constant power struggle spiraling downward. Analyzing the Welfare effect of
illegal immigration, shows the dynamic overall framework and shows why it's positive for two reasons. First, immigrants are paid less than their
marginal product, and second, after an increase in immigration, domestic households find it optimal to increase their holdings of capital. It is also
shown that dynamic
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Illegal Immigration And Illegal Immigrants
In recent discussion s of illegal immigration, a controversial issue has been whether or not to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants in the U.S. On the one
hand, some argue that amnesty shouldn't be granted to illegal criminals. From this perspective, there are downfalls that many ignore and is unjust and
stereotypical that all illegals are dangerous criminals. On the other hand, however, others argue that amnesty should be granted to illegal immigrants
and how all of us are immigrants. In the words of one of this view's main supporters," Our country is strong because of generation after generation of
immigrants... were all immigrants" (We Are All Immigrants.). According to this view, Obama's saying immigrants have a huge impact economically
within the U.S that makes it stronger and how we are all immigrants in this country. In sum, then the issue is whether amnesty should be dismissed and
deportation take place or pardon illegals with amnesty and recognizes basic, simple fact that immigrants are a benefit to the U.S. My own view is that
Amnesty should be passed. Though I concede that many are against this and there are some illegals that are criminals escaping into the U.S. I still
maintain that amnesty should be given because it's what keeps the United States strong and should apply to what the United States stands for and how
we are all immigrants.
Illegal immigration what is it? To many it's a problem the United States claims it has. Illegal immigration is the migration
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Illegal Immigrants
Most immigrants in the United States can either be part of the middle class or live in poverty. Based on the results from Ruark and Graham,
low–skilled immigrants are more likely to live poverty and lack of health insurance. In their research, immigrants and their children made up about
32% of those who lives in America who does not have health insurance (Ruark and Graham "Immigration, Poverty and Low–Wage Earners") Without
statistic data, one could easily draw out a conclusion: since immigrants cannot obtain a health insurance, they cannot go to the doctor whenever they're
ill. Without proper treatment for critical diseases such as cancer, the immigrants would suffer more than they should have. Besides the lack of health
insurance, there are numerous of cases of deportation of illegal immigrants. Luis H. Zayas and Mollie H. Bradlee's article "Exiling Children, Creating
Orphans: When Immigration Policies Hurt Citizens" explores the impact of deportation on the immigrant's families and their children. According to the
article, in 2012, the government had deported about 409,849 illegal immigrants back to their country. If the deportation only involved the entire family
then the issue is not very serious, but it is serious when the illegal immigrant have a child with an American citizen, thus making the child an American
citizen. At this point, the child's family have to decide whether to leave the child in the United States or bring the child with them. If the parents choose
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Illegal Immigrants And Illegal Immigration
Griffin Tritto
Politics Paper
Through the past few decades, the rise of illegal immigrants has been both good and bad. The topic of illegal immigration has recently been brought up
frequently by politicians, seeing the economic problems that have occurred. An "illegal" immigrant is somebody who enters a country without
following the proper legal requirements to make them a citizen. Illegal immigration is not only taking place in the United States, but all over the globe.
The United States has seen the most amount of illegal immigrants by far. A 2010 Census reported that there were more than 10 million immigrants
living in the United States. Although many disagree, saying that that number is only an estimate, some ... Show more content on ...
There are parents who use the government health care and welfare checks on their own needs instead of the child's. California governor Pete Wilson
commissioned a study in 1994 to find the cost of these services given to illegal immigrants. The study stated taxpayer's pay on average $4 billion
annually for unemployment, medical, educational, and several other government services. That study was done in 1994, so it may be much more
considering inflation.
With the debate of job security, there is the realization that is it even possible to stop illegal immigration? They come into the U.S via the Mexican
border, Canadian border, and on cargo ships. There have been many ideas brought to light including building a wall along the Mexican border, to
putting troops at the border to patrol it. "The power is there to do it", said New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, "we just need to leadership to put it into
effect." Not only would this stop illegal immigration, but it would also increase the number of jobs available to blue–collar American workers.
Recently many states and local cities have been trying to take illegal immigration into their own hands, including Hazleton, Pennsylvania, who released
this statement:
"With so many immigrants, an estimated 10,000, moving from New York City to this small rural town, the mayor Lou Barletta and local lawmakers
took action and passed a law stating that any business employing illegal immigrants will
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Illegal Immigrants
Illegal Immigrants
With the rise of illegal immigrants, the United States has had difficulties solving the issue for a long time. Hence, there're many factors for the causes
and solutions from different branches and the government. "Amnesty?" and "Why blame Mexico?" are two articles that discuss the reasons for
millions of Mexicans risking their lives to come illegally to the U.S. and indeed illustrate the writer's perspectives and ideas for those people.
In "Amnesty?", John F. Kavanaugh, a Jesuit professor of philosophy, presents the illegal immigrants problem based upon the morality of a
Judeo–Christian country. The writer begins by a sensational example of an illegal Mexican named MarГa. She is a productive woman, a mother of ...
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So overall, we reject having illegal immigrants in theory but in reality want them to stay to do our work. This is a conflict situation but also the
comprehensive warrant that Reed wants the readers to recognize and understand. He also proves how poorly our law is obeyed. For instance, if a
restaurant is caught hiring illegals, there'll be $1,000 a day fine. This amount is very small compared to the benefits a restaurant would get from hiring
illegals. On the other hand, the business smuggling illegals into the U.S., happen everyday by the border guards. The controlled immigration system is
corrupt because of the flow of money. While the border guards could gain up to approximately $300,000 per day, tax–free, from this activity, it's nearly
impossible to ask someone to refuse such a paycheck. In additional, there are legal Latino and Mexican–American communities that are starting to
grow and vote. Hence, they shall try to protect these illegal immigrants, who are also their countryman, as much as possible. From Reed's point of
view, he doesn't think that the issues caused by Mexico but rather by America. He gives us the example of Mexico's policies to convince us that they
are reasonable and that we should at least give ourselves a second thought about our policies. Mexico's policies for foreigners are generally friendly
and open for citizenship, but still under control and require immigrants to reach certain
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Illegal Immigrants And Illegal Immigration
Illegal immigration Over the past few years illegal immigration has become a bigger problem. Statistics reveal that more and more immigrants are
entering the country illegally by crossing the borders. If something is not done soon, this may get out of hand and be to gone far not to handle.
The number of illegal immigrants have gone up over the past years drastically "In 2011, there were 40 million immigrants in the U.S. Of that 11.1
million were illegal." Although the number of illegal immigrants has leveled off it still is a continuing problem that should be attended to. In the
next few years the number of illegal immigrants will continue to increase. "United Nations reported that 97% of the illegal immigrants who enter
the U.S. Clandestinely across the nearly 2,000 mile Mexico border, but only 20% of those are caught." This proves that our border is our weakest
link of our security system . This proves that immigrants are crossing the border into the U.S. And getting away with it. To prevent this something
needs to be done and improve and strengthen the the Mexico border soon. With more and more illegal immigrants entering the country, the number of
immigrants will continue to climb and crime rates will rise also. If something is not done soon it will eventually become to big of a problem to
handle. studies show that the population of illegal immigrants is increasing and it is becoming a bigger problem every year and needs to be attended
to to make the
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The Problem Of Illegal Immigrants
Many immigrants who decide to leave their countries do so for either economic, political, or familial reasons. Poverty and limited resources are also
problems that arise when it comes to deciding whether to leave their country or not. One of the biggest issues that comes with these immigrants is that
they go through without documentation, therefore, becoming labeled as illegal immigrants. While couple of the people I interviewed received
education back in their own countries, the economic situations had been so unpredictable and their own parents had trouble finding jobs or if they did
have a job it had no type of security. Each of these individuals shared their testimonies of the obstacles they faced and a 'behind–the–scenes ' look at the
reality of what really goes on when moving to the US.
The individuals who were selected and interviewed for this research were two male. Each individual migrated from China and India. There was a
similarity between the ages of when these individuals decided to migrate abroad. My first interviewee made the journey when he was twelve years of
age with his parents, and second person came to the US in his late twenties by his own efforts. He was very much concerned about the phrase of illegal
immigration. He said, "Here, when you think about illegal immigrant, people have a prejudgment that they are Hispanic people, whatever you think,
that people have immediate connection with it. People's first impression is bad impression". What he
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Illegal Immigration And Illegal Immigrants
Illegal immigration has been one of the main topics during the last three presidential election. Many bills and laws have been passed in order to keep
them out but is it really necessary to neglect illegal immigrant?
Most Americans believe that illegal immigrants are only people of Mexicans or Latin American descent but illegal immigrants can be from any race or
country. Illegal immigration is defined by United States Department of Homeland Security as "... all foreign–born non–citizens who are not legal
residents. Most unauthorized residents either entered the United States without inspection or were admitted temporarily and stayed past the date they
were required to leave. . ." In general, an illegal immigrant is a person who enters and remains in a country without a valid visa or permit from that
country, or who has overstayed the duration of a visa that has been granted, or whose visa has been cancelled.
After reading and processing all of the history of the world, it is difficult for one to understand why we are discriminating illegal immigrants. Dating
back some 12,000 to 15,000 years ago, humans and animals began migrated to new lands in order to survive. This trend would continue until people
began to build towns and stopped making their normal migration with the food sources. During the late 1400's, humans sailed from continent to
continent looking for new land to conquer and settle in [Tindall, Shi, 6; vol. 1]. Great Britain settled in the Eastern part of the
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Illegal Immigrants Cons
Bill Clinton once said, "I believe that those who promote discrimination on sexual orientation or any other grounds are gravely mistaken about the
values that make our nation strong". There is employment discrimination when someone is fired because of personal grudges or non work related
issues. Many groups of people don't have equal opportunities in the American workplace. Including illegal immigrants, ex convicts, children under
fourteen and gays. Illegal immigrants will be denied jobs because businesses just don't hire illegal immigrants. That can be because of policy, they
don't want to get in trouble for hiring someone who is here illegally. Ex convicts aren't always trusted in the workplace. Many businesses just don't hire
ex convicts... Show more content on ...
They don't have a chance at getting any government jobs. If they try to get a government job, the government would find out that they're here
illegally. Many businesses don't hire them because of policy. Many politicians say they're taking our jobs, and yet not many illegal immigrants
can get a living wage job. A lot of times illegal immigrants will work on a farm for less than minimum wage. Ex convicts have even less chance of
getting jobs. Society views all ex convicts as a danger to their lives. As a result, many times they are not trusted. Some businesses don't hire them.
They can be fired when their employers find out they were an ex convict. Sometimes they feel pressured to lie because they don't know if they'll be
hired. This gives ex convicts few choices, but to continue crime to make money. Both Gays and youth under fourteen have hard times getting jobs.
There is no real reason for either. They are just discriminated against and not welcome. Anyone under fourteen is not allowed to get a job by law.
Even when they turn fourteen they can't get jobs at many businesses, for example subway doesn't hire at fourteen. As we saw earlier, gay's can be
fired because of their sexuality. That is not protected
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Illegal Immigrants
Introduction United States is the country known for its endless opportunities for those who are willing to work and achieve them. But it is also
known to be the country where the rule of law is praised and respected, especially when it comes to immigration. Regrettably, there are many of those
who are willingly and purposely breaking the law in order to gain work authorization and a chance to stay in the United States permanently. Who are
these "undocumented" workers or "illegal immigrants"? United States Citizenship and Immigration Services define the undocumented immigrant as a
foreign–born person who has come to the U.S. legally but has since overstayed the visa duration and is neither a permanent resident nor a U.S. citizen,
making their
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Illegal Immigrants : Illegal Immigration
Introduction Illegal Immigration is a huge topic especially in 2017, bringing in different aspects about illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants are told
to be killers, drug dealers, job stealers and whom also hurt the U.S. economy. Is this true? Could it possibly be that they do all of this to hurt the
United States? Or could it be that they truly come here for the American Dream? On one side of people's perspectives illegal immigrants come here to
help provide for their family and don't take to consideration to hurt the United States in anyway. While on the other hand, others believe differently by
saying that illegal immigrants do come to the United States to hurt the economy and bring their drugs as well as other harmful actions.... Show more
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There were teachers, students, workers, etc. who'd look down on them and say that they will never make it to a university and that they will never
become someone in life. Although these students had hardly any help while attending college or universities they still found ways to make it without
any petty excuse. They managed to continue going forward and receive the degrees and careers they were aiming for. Many even went above and
beyond. One of the students he interviewed named Nicole said: " I would say that if a student's test scores, drive, motivation, good grades,
responsibility, and potential is based on their success in high school or before, then I would say, foster that learning and success so that we have more
productive individuals in this society. By limiting the education of an individual who is undocumented, you are limiting the potential of young people
who could be great leaders." Dream Act Around 65,000 undocumented students graduate from high school every year. To which that average of 65,000
undocumented students can't attend college, go into the military, or work because they aren 't documented to which they have no social security
number. In all, they have no hope. As said previously, many of these students are brought here to the United States as infants or toddlers and were
raised most of their lives inside the United States to which they're grown "American". Usually these students are very well fluent in english
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Illegal Immigrants : Illegal Immigration
Today one of the biggest issues in America is illegal immigration; these people travel from all over the world, and illegally cross national borders onto
U.S soil in desperation to find a better life. Immigrants come to America in hopes of fulfilling the American dream, being free and safe from their
original home lands. Most immigrants are illegal and come by the millions each year, which lead to many controversial disputes. The overflow of
immigrants caused many citizens to question if these illegal immigrants are damaging America in various way and also by bringing in crime, drugs,
and terrorists. Others state that immigrants truly aids the economy "Indeed, some sectors of the economy might have a hard time functioning without
illegal workers. (Katel 395) Many citizens believe illegal immigrants are taking jobs, and abusing government benefits, however many argue that these
immigrants in fact contribute to a stronger economic stimulus, take unwanted jobs, and some even create jobs for Americans.
Some citizens and politicians believe immigration is taking a negative effect on native born American citizens. They claim these illegal immigrants
trespassing damage the U.S by bringing drugs, crime, and stealing jobs from American citizens. They also make statements that immigrant's illegally
trespassing damage the U.S by bringing drugs, crime, and stealing jobs from American citizens. "...they worry that leaky borders could allow in
terrorists and undocumented immigrants who
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The Problem Of Illegal Immigrants
"Donald Trump wrongly says the number of illegal immigrants is 30 million or higher" Donald Trump made several claims recently that the
population of illegal immigrants in the U.S. has risen to thirty million or more. He claimed that the government had no grasp on the population of
illegal immigrants, and that he's seen those estimates in several papers and other sources. The Department of Homeland Security disagreed, saying
that their calculations of illegal immigrants took a lot of factors into account. Even with a plus or minus one million margin, there was no way
possible for the number of illegal immigrants to have tripled without them knowing. Several other major research organizations agreed, saying they
also came up with estimates very close to the eleven million estimate given. No one is really sure where exactly Trump got these outrageous and
wildly inaccurate claims, but they are almost certain that he is incorrect. I think Trump will always be a racist figurehead, constantly spewing
misinformation because he knows the general public will eat it up. He spent some time in probably what is mostly a white supremacist Texas town,
and suddenly came back with unfounded overestimates of the population of illegal immigrants. This does not surprise me, nor should it surprise anyone
"Facts on immigration in the United States"
Though illegal immigration has been steadily increasing in recent years, researchers say that it seems to have stopped or even reversed. At
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The Legal And Illegal Immigrants
'm an immigrant, I moved to this country three years ago, but since I was born here I'm considered a legal immigrant, as many legal and illegal
immigrants I believe that we help the economy of this country. There are many immigrants in this country, they all come from all over the world.
By no means I want to assume that they have all had my experiences. In my case I'm here on the pursuit of new opportunities, in my mind, or in the
way I was raised by my parents, and how am I supposed to achieve my goals is exactly the way they work every day to support our household, is a
discontented mind, it is a hard working mind, a mind that always thinks it has to work harder, acquire more knowledge. This is a generalization;
they are plenty of exemptions after all it is good to be hard working, it is good to want a better education for your children and to want a better way of
living, everyone has the right to pursuit their dreams. I will focus on how immigration helps United States as compared to the mostly held view that it
hurts America.
The United States has long served as a refuge for people running from politics, economy, natural disasters, who seek to escape hunger, poverty, torture,
and the oppression of their human rights in their own countries. In my case my family and I moved here in search for better opportunities. Our
country, as a prosperous nation will be always attracting immigrants that are in search for a better life, such as other developed countries like Canada
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Illegal Immigrants And Illegal Immigration
A. Attention Step (quotation, question, or story)
About four months ago in government class, we had a class discussion. The topic was illegal immigration. One student said that America should
send the illegal immigrants back to their country because they are taking American's jobs. He stated that he would send his dad back to Mexico
because he is an illegal immigrant. Going around the circle that we created, everyone gave their opinions, most disagreed, but some agreed with the
student. When it was my friend's turn, she agreed with him and said that teachers, professors, friends, and etc. should report any undocumented
person to the police. It will also help if police officers knock on door after door to verify whether the family in the house is illegal or not. If one of your
friend, neighbor, student, or even family member is illegal, would you report him or her to the police?
B. Thesis
With a broken immigration system, many illegal immigrants are still unsafe in the United States knowing that they can be sent back to their country,
causing a controversy debate between the citizens when Supreme Court called for a tie.
C. Statement of Significance
America, the nation of immigrants, has roughly 11 million illegal immigrants today. Mexicans make up 5.6 million. There are around a million legal
immigrants coming to the United States each year. In November 2007, there were "1.5 million fewer native–born Americans working . . . while 2
million more immigrants (legal and
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Arguments For Illegal Immigrants
The issue of illegal immigrants has raised heated debate in the U.S., after President Trump clarified his stand on immigration. He maintained that under
his plan, there is no legalization path for the illegal immigrants that reside here currently, unless it is that they have served in the armed forces.
Presently, it is estimated that there are over 11 million illegal / undocumented immigrants in the United States. He plans to have them deported and
once returned home, then may they apply for re–entry. The 1952 Act ofImmigration and Nationality, defines illegal immigrants also known as illegal
aliens as individuals who are not U.S. nationals or citizens. Some of these undocumented people, have lived in the U.S. for many years and even raised
families here. Although, some may argue that the illegal immigrants are a burden to the nation's economy and keep wages lower. They have
contributed towards building this country for decades and significantly contribute to state taxes. I feel it would be impractical and inhumane to deport
all illegal immigrants. The U.S. government should offer the illegal aliens a path to obtain citizenship or legal residency.
Why Give Illegal Immigrants Legal Residency/Citizenship?
Providing a path to the undocumented persons to earn citizenship would greatly benefit the U.S. economy. Economic experts have revealed that the
immigrants residing and working in the country without authorization earn less income than their potential, pay fewer
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Employment Of Illegal Immigrants

  • 1. Employment of Illegal Immigrants Employment of Illegal Immigrants Employment of illegal immigrants in the United States, as well as other countries has been a highly controversial subject for many years now. There are many people living in various countries around the world that are unhappy with the way they are living, and want something more out of life than what their country can offer. Due to their unhappiness, they decide to immigrate to another country, and this is usually done illegally. Once they are in their preferred country, which a lot of the time is the United States, they are forced to work in low skilled jobs because higher skilled jobs require people to speak fluent English and show proof of residency. Although many people view illegal migrants as a... Show more content on ... There has been many laws and regulations passed, to try and prevent illegal migrants from working in the United States. In all states, businesses "Are required by federal law to check the legal status of all new hires. They must fill out federal form 1–9 to show that each worker holds federally acceptable residency documents, like a driver's license or social security card" (Speizer 1). Although they must do all of those things, they are not required to check the authenticity of the documents. In Arizona that has all changed, a new law has been passed that makes it mandatory for all employers to participate in E–Verify "in which information from 1–9 documents can be checked through databases at the Social Security Administration or the Department of Homeland Security" (Speizer 2). This used to be something businesses could voluntarily partake in, but has now become mandatory in Arizona. Under this law they have created harsh punishments for employers who knowingly hire undocumented migrants. One of these harsh punishments includes the loss of the employer's business license, if it is a reoccurring issue. They hope that this new law will decrease the amount of undocumented workers in the state and create more jobs for their own U.S. citizens. I do not believe that employment of illegal immigrants is a problem in our country in any way. Over half of the jobs ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Illegal Immigrants And Illegal Immigration Since the 1980s, the US government has undertaken initiatives to make its borders more non–porous to illegal immigration from its neighboring countries. The menace of illegal immigrants seeking better opportunities in the USA started reflecting in the 1970s. The migrating people are motivated by the better non–skilled or semi–skilled employment opportunities in the USA and the relatively higher remuneration for services rendered in the USA than in the neighbor countries especially Mexico (Hanson and Spilimbergo 17). Countries where these people flocked such as the California, Texas and Arizona began experiencing illegal immigrants' populations' menace. The main efforts have been along the Mexican and Canadian borders where walking immigrants freely used to walk through. The need to secure the borders has been rising steadily. The successive governments have realized the need for secure borders and it had responded by dedicating more resources to these areas. The need to secure the USA borders has not been groundless, illegal border immigration remains to be the most potent entry point for illegal drugs, smugglers of contraband goods and criminals especially terrorists. In light of these dangerous threats that can be made possible by pours border; it is of utmost need that the U.S. government tighten our borders to neighboring countries. The government should not relent to avail the best resources in terms of building effective physical barriers along the notorious illegal ... Get more on ...
  • 3. An Illegal Mexican Immigrant Immigrants They slip into the San Diego rail yard furtively, preferably beneath the protective cover of darkness, jumping fences, eluding guards and dodging two hundred –ton locomotives in a perilous dash for the most elusive of prizes, a free ride to the north. According to Jose Flores, an illegal Mexican immigrant seeking work in the United States says, "To be truthful, I have no idea of precisely where this train goes, other than it takes us to el norte" (Griffin 363+). The fact that each night literally hundreds of men and women clamber over the barricade is testament to its ineffectiveness and to the irresistible pull of United States jobs "that on average pay eight times their equivalent in Mexico" (Griffin 363+ ). Javier Ortega, a 40–year–old auto body repairman from Guadalajara, says, "It doesn 't matter how many people, horses, bicycles, helicopters or planes they use.... People will go. It doesn 't matter if the fence is electric" (Griffin 363+). These people carry dreams with them in hopes for a better life. These people are willing to walk day and night through any desert and any river they come across to achieve the "American Dream." Illegal immigration between Mexico and the United States is a serious situation that needs to be solved. To better understand this situation, one must analyze the causes and effects and come up with a solution. More and more people are coming from Mexico and entering the United States illegally. Every day thousands of Mexicans and Central ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Issue Of Illegal Immigrants No matter what a person's ethnicity or race may be, every person has thoughts, feelings, values, aspirations, needs, and desires. People are uncomfortable if someone else's values and culture are different from their own. The term for a group or community fearing another person's perspective and lifestyle is called ethnocentrism. Ethnocentrism is the reason that American citizen's highly debate and criticize illegal immigration, arguing that illegal immigrants are drug addicted thieves who thrive off of stealing American's jobs and harming the United States labor force and the economy. As the immigration rate progressively rise's it simultaneously concerns those who favor strict immigration laws and believe that illegal immigrants are harming the United States. However, these assumptions are hardly fact based and people fail to acknowledge that immigrants are human beings who only want to help and support their families. The reality is that without illegal immigrants, the United States would economically suffer. "Actual data shows that immigration has a generally positive impact on a county 's economy, what with immigrants doing work, paying taxes, spending their money in the country and all that. Even parts of our infrastructure on which the economy depends are owned by foreigners. Places where strong anti–immigrant policies have been enacted usually suffer economic downturns as a result. It seems like stopping immigration to improve the economy is like hacking your foot ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Immigrants Be Illegal Immigrating should be legal because I believe we all have human rights and freedom is one of our rights so why can't we all be equal. I honestly feel like immigrants work really hard and seek for a better life, If it wasn't for immigrants crossing over here how would our countries even hold ups are basically the ones who run it. How are some of us considered legal and some illegal; aren't we all supposed to be equal? Illegal citizens usually move to other countries in search of improved living standards and higher education. It's through higher education that these people will have increased standards of living. As a result, they move in these countries so that they can get a higher education which will enable them to work in good... Show more content on ... America is a selfish country that thinks that they are beyond others and everyone's out to get them. They are inhospitable to others from another country because they are scared that their jobs might be taken away. A controlled, limited, flow of physically and mentally healthy immigrants who will assimilate and are capable of contributing to America with their skills and training is a good thing. The uncontrolled invasion that has been allowed to overrun our country, threaten our culture, and burden our social systems, is a national disgrace and a threat to our security. I'm all for the equal opportunity so for the people who are against it what if your family were immigrants? Then they would not be against it right. I come from a family that is undocumented and that's not the only reason why I want to make people understand why Non–Citizens should have the right to immigrate but because I have seen my family struggle. Families are away from each other and we can't see each other because of the law. I myself am a U.S citizen that wants to fight for the rights that Non–Citizens deserve, President Trump has made this world become hell Trump has blamed undocumented immigrants for taking American jobs, committing violent crimes and milking US taxpayers. The Conference Board states on Article (Bill Links and More) "There are certainly anecdotal examples of each, but Trump also applies his usual ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Illegal Immigrants Michael Jones Dr. Cindy Murillo English 1020 February 27, 2012 The Benefits of Illegal Immigrants Are illegal immigrants or undocumented immigrants beneficial to America's economy? Most illegal immigrants have a positive impact on the United States (U.S.) economy. Illegal immigrants have a positive impact on the United States economy because they increase our tax revenue, they add to our social security, and they also increase our employment rates." In 2000, statistics revealed 8.7 million illegal immigrants resided in the United States" (Knickerbocker pgs.11–12). "A study of illegal immigrants living in Texas showed a 420 million dollar increase in the states economy" (Strayhorn). Companies risk hiring illegal immigrants ... Show more content on ... However, they have provided 33 percent of services to construction companies, 17 percent to industries, 16 percent to repair and installation, 13 percent to administrative support and sales, 10 percent to professional and management businesses, 8 percent to material moving and transportation, and 3 percent to agriculture (Pew Hispanic Center). If illegal immigrants were able to earn a legal status their giving would be even greater (Ewing) and they could help better their families. Releasing illegal immigrants is very important to America's economic wealth in the future (Ewing). Many United States citizens say that illegal immigration is a crime. According to (Border Control) an entry into the United States illegally should be a misdemeanor and is like sneaking into the country as a violation. Many things about illegal immigration laws is that why is it illegal to come to a better country to try to better their lives as people. It is understandable that the country that they were born in has a low–income environment and it is not their fault if they are willing to do anything necessary to make it in this world. Every human being living should have access to the American dream. It should matter if you are from Mexico, China, or Japan we are all created equal and I strongly do not agree with the illegal immigration rules why stop a person trying to travel across the world trying to better their lives. Why are we here if they ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Illegal Immigrants There are over 11 million illegal immigrants living in the United States, which is why I think that the U.S. should allow the children of illegal immigrants to become citizens, but make the adult illegal immigrants get in line, behind all the other immigrants trying to become citizens. I think this because the children were brought here by their parents, who were probably fleeing the hardships of their home country. I also think the parents should be able to take responsibility for their actions, especially since they came here knowing they were bringing their kids here unlawfully. If they really came to America for the right reasons, they should have no problem applying to become citizens and getting the same benefits as others. After becoming citizens they should be able to get their children back and provide them the life they wanted for them. The sooner we allow this to happen the sooner these immigrant families can be together again and start their new life. I think the children should stay and the adults be able to become citizens because they will help our economy and create more jobs. Studies have shown that undocumented immigrants living in the United States contribute significantly to state and local taxes, paying approximately $11.64 billion a year. These immigrants nationwide pay an estimated average of 8 percent of their income in state and local taxes, which means granting legal status to these immigrants and allowing them to legally work, would increase state ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Illegal Immigrants In America Illegal immigration is a very controversial topic in America today. There is a controversy over whether or not America should be allowing these illegal people in, and whether or not they should receive privileges reserved for American citizens. The humanitarian argument is to let everyone who needs help in and to allow them to establish residency and be afforded all of the privileges of a citizen, which would include welfare, public schools, etc. However, the overall state of the country must be considered over that of the happiness and comfort of non–citizens. People need to realize there are many negative consequences to letting these people in, besides the fact the crime of crossing the border has already been committed. Despite people ... Show more content on ... When the Irish came to America they were persecuted and discriminated against, many not being able to find work being turned away with signs such as "Irish need not apply." However, the real problem began when immigrants from South America began crossing the nation's southern border to come here illegally. An estimated eleven million illegal immigrants are in theUnited States today. That is an increase of roughly one third since 2000, when there were 8.5 million illegal immigrants, according to the Center for American Progress.(Goldfuss) Also eighty–six percent of illegal immigrants have been living in America for seven years or longer.(LeMay) Many argue that becoming a legal immigrant is next to impossible and that it is "too hard" and the process takes "too long", meaning that by the standards they have created there are not enough visas awarded and the process to legally emigrate takes too long, so they decide to take it upon themselves to commit a crime and cross the United States southern border. (Herreras) The current legal channel for people to become citizens is through getting either a green card or a work visa, which can be seasonal or year round.(U.S. Department of State.) However, there are only so may awarded so not every person will be able to enter America legally, but that does not give the right to the excluded for them to illegally cross into the country and act as if they are one of the ones which a green card or a ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Illegal Immigration And Illegal Immigrants Abstract Throughout the years there has been and increasing number of illegal immigrants in this country. Just recently Obama took executive action to shield illegal immigrants from deportation. A Texas Judge though blocked his executive action on immigration. Illegal immigration is a huge controversy here in the United States partly due to Americans thinking that illegal immigrates are taking jobs, causing lower wages, and the costs of education. In Immigration and the American Worker, George Borjas found that the presence of immigrant workers, whether they are legal or illegal, made the U.S economy about 11 percent larger each year. If overall the U.S economy is better off with illegal immigrant workers, then why is there a push for harsher immigration policies? The controversy is due to the fact that the impact of illegal immigration changes from state to state. I hypothesize that the problem is the distribution of illegal immigrants across the United States. I believe that the benefits outweigh the costs and that because of the distribution of illegal immigrants, the costs are only felt by a few. By granting amnesty to the undocumented workers we could increase the level of tax payers and better the lives of those who feel the costs of illegal immigrants the most. I will test this hypothesis out by looking at the impact illegal immigrant on the labor market, the cost of illegal immigration, cost of ant–immigrant policies, impact of legalization, and impact of amnesty. ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Illegal Immigrants In the beginning of the 19th century a big wave of immigrants came to America looking for a new life (Estrada). Ever since then immigrants have been shaping America to what it is today (Jawetz). But eventually it started to become an issue in the everyday life of the american citizens (Jawetz). Everyday thousands of illegal immigrants cross the border from Mexico to the United States (Estrada). This can affect The United States in a good way or a bad way (Estrada). Not only do immigrants come from Mexico; they also come from Asia, Central America, South America, Europe, and Africa (Estrada). Immigrants have impacted our culture, economy, and is one of the most controversial category in politics today (Jawetz). Immigrants can also be a good thing for our economy (Estrada). How, you might ask? Immigrants that are here illegally will work for very low rates (Estrada). Most average americans that are supporting a family will not work a tobacco field for 10 dollars an hour all day 5 days a week without any benefits? The average american would not make enough money to support a family working for such low rates (Estrada). 25,000 people come across the U.S. border everyday illegally for a better life (Jawetz) . It has a negative effect on our country because they bring in drugs and weapons (Jawetz). It opposes a threat to our national security and environment (Estrada). The problem with illegal immigrants coming to the US is how can they become legal (Wong). Immigrants have ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Illegal Immigrants At the beginning of the 19th century with a big wave of immigrants came to America looking for a new life (Estrada). Ever since then immigrants shaped America to what it is today (Jawetz). But eventually it started to become an issue in the everyday life of the American citizens (Jawetz). Everyday thousands of illegal immigrants cross the border from Mexico to the United States (Estrada). This can affect The United States in a good way or a bad way (Estrada). Not only do immigrants come from Mexico; they also come from Asia, Central America, South America, Europe, and Africa (Estrada). Immigrants have impacted our culture, economy, and is one of the most controversial category in politics today (Jawetz). Immigrants can also be a good thing for our economy (Estrada). How, you might ask? Immigrants that are here illegally will work for very low rates (Estrada). Most average Americans that are supporting a family will not work a tobacco field for 10 dollars an hour all day 5 days a week without any benefits? The average American would not make enough money to support a family working for such low rates (Estrada). 25,000 people come across the U.S. border everyday illegally for a better life (Jawetz) . It has a negative effect on our country because they bring in drugs and weapons (Jawetz). It opposes a threat to our national security and environment (Estrada). The problem with illegal immigrants coming to the US is how can they become legal (Wong). Immigrants have developed ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Immigration Of Illegal Immigrants The United States has been worldly known for its characteristics of prosperity, opportunity, and freedom which ultimately form the famous "American dream," in which so many individuals desire. While this country's reputation and culture was built on the basis of immigration, the ideals and viewpoints of this topic have strayed far from welcoming over the years. Both the Democratic and Republican parties find faults in the overflow of illegal immigrants coming into America, but differ in their strategies of devising a solution to this issue. In short, Democrats believe in giving immigrants the opportunity to enhance our nation by contributing to their communities and workforces, offering them an education, and strengthening social values by keeping families together instead of deporting them. Their main goal is to form a road to citizenship in which illegal immigrants can make their lives here permanent as legal American citizens. On the other hand, Republicans have a much stronger view on the necessary enforcements and restrictions that should be placed upon the flow of illegal immigrants. They believe that there is a defined line between legal immigration and illegal immigration that is causing the immigration system to fall apart. Over the years, immigration reform has been a common topic of debate, especially during presidential campaigning, with the Republican Party holding steady views on controlling border security, illegal immigrants already in the country, and the ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Illegal Immigrant Count Did you know in 2007 illegal immigrant count was at an all time high up to 12.2 million illegal immigrants living in the United States, now in 2012 the illegal immigrant count has gone from 12.2 to 11.2 million in a span of 5 years(Study find most illegal immigrants earn little). What is a illegal immigrant you may ask. Well an illegal immigrant is a person that illegally crossed a country's borders without proper papers and has not gone through an immigration checkpoint to authenticate their papers and baggage. Some laws or Policies regarding immigration, one is the " is that if you are caught with a hired illegal immigrant you will face being closed down. Another is that if you are the illegal immigrant than you will be deported back to ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Illegal Immigrants There are 7.5 billion people in this world. Among those 7.5 billion, 232 million are "illegal immigrants". Most immigrants in the United States and Greece make dangerous trips to cross the border. Those dangerous trips could include getting beaten, rape, and starvation. Immigrants go through things they shouldn't have to even after crossing the border like getting deported to a poor or war–zone country, being treated inhuman, and separation between loving families. Who is one to tell another they are an immigrant and if they are one to judge what if they aren't fair? "Numerous international human rights documents firmly establish the principle that no human being can be 'illegal' or outside the protection of the law." Nobody should be illegal because this is no one's world. Everybody was born on earth therefore, no one declares another person "illegal" because they were born on a different piece of land. "He warned that many immigrants fleeing war zones and potential persecution from dictatorial regimes were being denied a fair asylum assessment." Some immigrants aren't migrating illegally for just any reason. Anyone would risk being in a safe environment to get out of harm's way. Kids are taught early on not to make fun of others just because they are different. These immigrants may be vulnerable but that does not mean to attack them. "Despite years of advocacy and some additional oversight, U.S. immigration detention facilities continue to be plagued by inhumane ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Benefits Of Illegal Immigrants Since Many years ago immigrants have come to this country for a better life and more opportunities. Having faced a difficult life in their home country, immigrants want to work for a better future. They will risk their lives to go to a place where they can get more opportunities and better their life. Immigrants value the country that allows them to work and improve themselves. Many people think illegal immigrants should get deported. They think this way because they are afraid immigrants are going to take over their country and take all of the benefits and jobs that the country offers. On the other side, I think illegal immigrants should not get deported from the U.S. because they are not a danger to society and some were brought here as kids. This means they were not aware they were here illegally. Immigrants are not a danger to society if they live or work with us."In the eyes of their advocates, they are families and workers, taking the jobs nobody else wants, staying out of trouble, here only to earn their way to better, safer lives for themselves and their children" (Robbins).The evidence helps to prove the topic by showing how illegal people are not here to hurt others they are here to make a better future and have a good career. Also they live their life like other citizens. For example, they work hard and at the end of the day they sit with their families because they know that value of being in America. This shows immigrants are very responsible and follow rules and know that if they break them this will affect them terribly. Some people believe that illegal immigrants are taking jobs but the reality is they are only бє—aking the jobs nobody else wants." For example, they work in the fields, factories and other jobs that do not pay much but is hard labor. Illegal immigrants come to this country because they know there are jobs that no one else want to work in. Also if the U.S deports all the immigrants many jobs will stay empty because Americans will not want to work in those jobs. If there is no illegal immigrants in these jobs then the US economy will go down. There are a lot of illegal immigrants who are waiting for a work permit or green card. They wish they had a green card so they feel safe ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Illegal Immigrants : Illegal Chinese Immigrants In the story of Forbidden Workers– Illegal Chinese Immigrants in New York, we are given a look at American Society from the perspective of an illegal immigrant who is taken advantage of because of their status and the vulnerable position that they are put in because of it. Peter Kwong provides a broad, but subjective, analysis of American life, labor laws, and other key points in immigration. However, while the message Kwong conveys with this interesting and informational work, it is hindered by his bias which comes out blatantly throughout, limiting the book that would have earned a recommendation for the American Psychological Association (ASA) award for the International Migration category, but instead deserving an honorable mention. Kwong focuses his work on illegal immigration as being more of a labor problem, as opposed to an immigration problem and is brought up by the author as early in our reading as the introduction (Kwong, p. 7, 3rd paragraph) as he admits – "... the problem of illegal immigration, including Chinese immigration, can only be understood in the context of the underlying supply–and–demand principle enshrined in traditional U.S. economics." This statement is a legitimate theory as to the possible cause of the discrimination and other difficulties faced by Chinese immigrants, however, it is also one of many shots at the U.S. in general as seen just three pages earlier (Kwong, p.4, 2nd para.) – "Even though America portrays itself as a country of ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Illegal Immigrants And Illegal Immigration Undocumented Immigration An analysis of illegal immigration in the United States reveals one challenge facing the banks and other institutions: whether to provide banking and other services to the illegal immigrants or to treat them as criminals because they are illegal and therefore, not to provide them with banking and other services. The articles, "Crossing the Line" by Stein and "Illegal Immigrants – They're Money," by Rodriguez discuss the impact of illegal immigration in the United States and how the illegal immigrants should be treated. They both reference the treatment of illegal immigrants by Bank of America that started issuing credit cards to illegal immigrants shortly before Dan Stein's article was published in February 2007. Stein criticizes Bank of America for its decision to issue credit cards to illegal immigrants in the United States. He is of the opinion that the profit seeking banks, trying to tap every opportunity to make profits from customers, are providing banking services to illegal immigrants, thereby, encouraging illegal immigration. He says that illegal immigrants are breaking the laws of the United States, taking jobs from citizens, driving down wages for middle class workers, burdening public school systems and other vital public services. He states that a Harris Poll revealed that Americans perceived the two greatest threats to their security to be illegal immigration and the outsourcing of American jobs. Stein also compares providing ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Illegal Immigration : Illegal Immigrants Illegal immigrants have been a hot topic lately due to the popularity of this topic amongst the Republican Presidential Nominees, especially Donald Trump. These illegal immigrants bring various things to this country when they come. Some things are positive, such as a family simply seeking to find a better life, while some things are harmful to the United States, such as the amount of crime among illegal immigrants. In July 2015, the most recent estimate of illegal immigrants was 11.2 million. This same data shoes that 56 percent of all deportations last year were convicted criminals, which accounted for 177,960 individuals (Shoichet, 2015). Crime among illegal immigrants is a problem, and sanctuary cities, which are supposed to be a solution, may be making this problem worse. Although illegal immigrants only make up less than four percent of the total population in the United States, five percent of the population in both state and federal prisons is made up of those who are not United States citizens. Between 2010 and 2014, 121 illegal immigrants who were released from immigration custody were later charged with murder (Shoichet, 2015). Figures show that immigrants are three times more likely to be convicted of murder than the general population. Each year, approximately 900,000 legal and illegal immigrants are arrested, and 700,000 of these end up being released. Illegal immigrants account for 12 percent of murder sentences, 20 percent of kidnapping sentences, and 16 ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Illegal Immigrants The US federal government should allow amnesty for illegal immigrants in the country. The US federal government could provide a system for earning citizenship such as US military service. If illegal immigrants were given citizenship that would benefit the economy by raising wages, creating new jobs, and it would also generate more tax revenue. If illegal immigrants were to earn their citizenship that would benefit the economy by raising wages. When immigrants become legal citizens then they would earn more money, with their higher earning they would use their money to buy things such as a house, things for their house, they would also use their money for vehicles (x). When they buy things like this then they would increase the demand ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Illegal Immigrants : Illegal Immigration Illegal Immigration In Texas Border Security is a pressing issue within Texas. Every year, thousands of illegal immigrants cross the border in an attempt to have a better life. No one has issues with legal immigration, but to illegally trespass into this country tends to upset many people. This issue of border security has become more prevalent with the upcoming election Illegal immigration is causing job loss to legal residents of the state because illegal immigrants are doing labor cheaper. Also, there is major drug and human trafficking occurring at the Texas –Mexico border. This topic is extremely important and needs to constantly be addressed. Although building a big wall may not stop all immigration, it is a step in the right way I believe. Recently there has been about 670 miles of fencing put up at the border between the United States and Mexico. While this is extremely pricey, it is important to keep illegal immigration to a minimum if at all possible. While there are multiple components to Texas' border security, stopping illegal immigration is one of the main steps in a secure border. Texas Department of Public Safety states that between June 1, 2011 and July 31, 2016 over 130,000 illegal immigrants have been arrested for various criminal offenses (2016, Texas Department of Public Safety.) Texas Department of State Health Services states that there are 28,240,245 humans living within the state of Texas. Comparatively, the illegal immigrant arrests made seems ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants Should the United States Grant amnesty to immigrants who came here illegally? By: Chris Myers Should the U.S. grant amnesty to immigrants who came here illegally? The answer to this question is yes, they should. What 's wrong with granting amnesty to hard–working, tax–paying individuals whose only crime is their immigration status? Amnesty is not only the best solution to our immigration problem, it is the only feasible solution. Here are some reasons to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants now. Immigration is good for the economy. Despite all the fuss about immigrants stealing jobs, immigration actually provides a benefit to the economy, whether those immigrants crossed the border legally or not. Why you ask? Because of what ... Show more content on ... While illegal immigration is a crime, the act of crossing the border without authorization is a mere misdemeanor. Immigrants, in fact, may help drive crime down. The vast majority want to stay in the country in order to work, so they naturally steer clear of breaking any laws. And as The Future of Freedom Foundation 's Sheldon Richman pointed out a few years ago, all manners of violent crimes dropped dramatically since 1986, the last time an amnesty was granted to illegal immigrants. Yes, 14 percent of federal inmates are illegal immigrants, but they are largely there for immigration violations. On the state level, Richman notes, less than 5 percent of inmates are illegal immigrants. Not exactly the makings of a crime wave. An important one would be that immigration is a natural right. Judge Andrew Napolitano explained that immigration is a natural right. What does that mean? A natural right is a right inherent to our humanity, and the freedom of movement is such a right. The idea that immigration needs to be "authorized" by the government flies in the face of that freedom. Immigrants who come to America seeking the opportunity to work and pursue happiness, or those brought here at too young an age to have any say in the matter, ought to be able to stay to pursue those opportunities. Conversely, employers ought to be able to enter into contracts with any would–be employees they please. The government doesn't own the country and political borders are ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Illegal Immigration And Immigrants Should illegal immigrants be allowed to become U.S. citizens? Should they be deported and not be allowed to pursue a better way of life in America? Immigrants did want, in fact, to become Americans in every sense of the word, not just in terms of the ability to achieve a measure of economic prosperity. Immigrants and refugees are entrepreneurs, job creators, taxpayers, and consumers. According to Center for American Progress "They add trillions of dollars to the U.S. gross domestic product, or GDP, and their economic importance will only increase in the coming decades as America's largest generation." The goal of this research paper is to construct a strong case that illegal immigration/deportation should be dealt in a different manner, show how America benefits from this and is best addressed in terms of multiculturalism, poverty/inequality, and cultural relativism. From its earliest days, America has been a nation of immigrants, starting with its original inhabitants, who crossed the land bridge connecting Asia and North America thousands of years ago. By the 1500s, the first Europeans, led by the Spanish and French, had begun establishing settlements in what would become the United States. In 1607, the English founded their first permanent settlement in present–day America at Jamestown in the Virginia Colony. Some of America's first settlers came in search of freedom to practice their faith. In 1620, a group of roughly 100 people later known as the Pilgrims fled ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Illegal Immigrants Should Be Illegal Research Paper In the world today, "Ten to thirteen million illegal immigrants live in America" (Watkins). According to the recent study, "The Percentage of immigrants living in the U.S.A. is almost fourteen percent"(Wooldridge). This problem is an issue to the U.S. and will be an issue to all of the nations including europe, asia, etcetera. if it is not fixed. Reason is that the immigrants get more government help or welfare some may call it, than the registered citizens of America. Studies show that 51 percent of homes led by immigrants are getting some kind of government help (Gomez). When there is help able to use then it should be used by the citizens of that country. Allimmigration needs to be controlled so anything tragic won 't happen anymore. Immigration needs to be illegal because most of the Illegal immigrants don 't pay taxes and get government help. Studies from Washington times show that 700,000 illegal immigrants work and pay individual taxes but there are about four million that do not pay taxes or work (stephen). In the world today, "Illegal immigrants have not paid taxes and it has added up to a little over four billion dollars" (North). This is a problem and needs to be fixed, as immigrants are living here for free basically. For example, "If the Immigrants paid income taxes the U.S.A. would bring in a lot more revenue (Hrenchir)." if they did pay taxes the U.S. would not have a problem with them. Immigrants steal jobs from americans and the americans ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Mistreatment Of The Illegal Immigrants The mistreatment of the illegal immigrants has become a serious issue among the United States. There are tons of debates on the issue, which causes a lot of unrest among the citizens of the country. With the political debates constanly going back and forth, I well reveal the many insecurities and injustices that many of the immigrants have faced. Many have complained that because of the illegal immigrants, the competition for jobs have been fierce making it impossible to obtain a job. However, by analyzing the welfare of the immigrants, we find that many of them are fighting for minimum wage jobs. The struggle to make two ends meet alone is enough to cause a breaking point let alone the unfair treatment given to them by the biased masses. Not even the children are spared from the senseless bickering, Leaving them doomed to suffer the unjust penalties due to the lack of Immigration reform. Immigrants have been constantly being demonized by the usual patriotic propaganda the has spawned from the people. The lack of any positive reform can't be seen in the future due to congress at a constant power struggle spiraling downward. Analyzing the Welfare effect of illegal immigration, shows the dynamic overall framework and shows why it's positive for two reasons. First, immigrants are paid less than their marginal product, and second, after an increase in immigration, domestic households find it optimal to increase their holdings of capital. It is also shown that dynamic ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Illegal Immigration And Illegal Immigrants In recent discussion s of illegal immigration, a controversial issue has been whether or not to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants in the U.S. On the one hand, some argue that amnesty shouldn't be granted to illegal criminals. From this perspective, there are downfalls that many ignore and is unjust and stereotypical that all illegals are dangerous criminals. On the other hand, however, others argue that amnesty should be granted to illegal immigrants and how all of us are immigrants. In the words of one of this view's main supporters," Our country is strong because of generation after generation of immigrants... were all immigrants" (We Are All Immigrants.). According to this view, Obama's saying immigrants have a huge impact economically within the U.S that makes it stronger and how we are all immigrants in this country. In sum, then the issue is whether amnesty should be dismissed and deportation take place or pardon illegals with amnesty and recognizes basic, simple fact that immigrants are a benefit to the U.S. My own view is that Amnesty should be passed. Though I concede that many are against this and there are some illegals that are criminals escaping into the U.S. I still maintain that amnesty should be given because it's what keeps the United States strong and should apply to what the United States stands for and how we are all immigrants. Illegal immigration what is it? To many it's a problem the United States claims it has. Illegal immigration is the migration ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Illegal Immigrants Most immigrants in the United States can either be part of the middle class or live in poverty. Based on the results from Ruark and Graham, low–skilled immigrants are more likely to live poverty and lack of health insurance. In their research, immigrants and their children made up about 32% of those who lives in America who does not have health insurance (Ruark and Graham "Immigration, Poverty and Low–Wage Earners") Without statistic data, one could easily draw out a conclusion: since immigrants cannot obtain a health insurance, they cannot go to the doctor whenever they're ill. Without proper treatment for critical diseases such as cancer, the immigrants would suffer more than they should have. Besides the lack of health insurance, there are numerous of cases of deportation of illegal immigrants. Luis H. Zayas and Mollie H. Bradlee's article "Exiling Children, Creating Orphans: When Immigration Policies Hurt Citizens" explores the impact of deportation on the immigrant's families and their children. According to the article, in 2012, the government had deported about 409,849 illegal immigrants back to their country. If the deportation only involved the entire family then the issue is not very serious, but it is serious when the illegal immigrant have a child with an American citizen, thus making the child an American citizen. At this point, the child's family have to decide whether to leave the child in the United States or bring the child with them. If the parents choose ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Illegal Immigrants And Illegal Immigration Griffin Tritto Politics Paper 5/1/17 Immigration Through the past few decades, the rise of illegal immigrants has been both good and bad. The topic of illegal immigration has recently been brought up frequently by politicians, seeing the economic problems that have occurred. An "illegal" immigrant is somebody who enters a country without following the proper legal requirements to make them a citizen. Illegal immigration is not only taking place in the United States, but all over the globe. The United States has seen the most amount of illegal immigrants by far. A 2010 Census reported that there were more than 10 million immigrants living in the United States. Although many disagree, saying that that number is only an estimate, some ... Show more content on ... There are parents who use the government health care and welfare checks on their own needs instead of the child's. California governor Pete Wilson commissioned a study in 1994 to find the cost of these services given to illegal immigrants. The study stated taxpayer's pay on average $4 billion annually for unemployment, medical, educational, and several other government services. That study was done in 1994, so it may be much more considering inflation. With the debate of job security, there is the realization that is it even possible to stop illegal immigration? They come into the U.S via the Mexican border, Canadian border, and on cargo ships. There have been many ideas brought to light including building a wall along the Mexican border, to putting troops at the border to patrol it. "The power is there to do it", said New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, "we just need to leadership to put it into effect." Not only would this stop illegal immigration, but it would also increase the number of jobs available to blue–collar American workers. Recently many states and local cities have been trying to take illegal immigration into their own hands, including Hazleton, Pennsylvania, who released this statement: "With so many immigrants, an estimated 10,000, moving from New York City to this small rural town, the mayor Lou Barletta and local lawmakers took action and passed a law stating that any business employing illegal immigrants will ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Illegal Immigrants Illegal Immigrants With the rise of illegal immigrants, the United States has had difficulties solving the issue for a long time. Hence, there're many factors for the causes and solutions from different branches and the government. "Amnesty?" and "Why blame Mexico?" are two articles that discuss the reasons for millions of Mexicans risking their lives to come illegally to the U.S. and indeed illustrate the writer's perspectives and ideas for those people. In "Amnesty?", John F. Kavanaugh, a Jesuit professor of philosophy, presents the illegal immigrants problem based upon the morality of a Judeo–Christian country. The writer begins by a sensational example of an illegal Mexican named MarГa. She is a productive woman, a mother of ... Show more content on ... So overall, we reject having illegal immigrants in theory but in reality want them to stay to do our work. This is a conflict situation but also the comprehensive warrant that Reed wants the readers to recognize and understand. He also proves how poorly our law is obeyed. For instance, if a restaurant is caught hiring illegals, there'll be $1,000 a day fine. This amount is very small compared to the benefits a restaurant would get from hiring illegals. On the other hand, the business smuggling illegals into the U.S., happen everyday by the border guards. The controlled immigration system is corrupt because of the flow of money. While the border guards could gain up to approximately $300,000 per day, tax–free, from this activity, it's nearly impossible to ask someone to refuse such a paycheck. In additional, there are legal Latino and Mexican–American communities that are starting to grow and vote. Hence, they shall try to protect these illegal immigrants, who are also their countryman, as much as possible. From Reed's point of view, he doesn't think that the issues caused by Mexico but rather by America. He gives us the example of Mexico's policies to convince us that they are reasonable and that we should at least give ourselves a second thought about our policies. Mexico's policies for foreigners are generally friendly and open for citizenship, but still under control and require immigrants to reach certain ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Illegal Immigrants And Illegal Immigration Illegal immigration Over the past few years illegal immigration has become a bigger problem. Statistics reveal that more and more immigrants are entering the country illegally by crossing the borders. If something is not done soon, this may get out of hand and be to gone far not to handle. The number of illegal immigrants have gone up over the past years drastically "In 2011, there were 40 million immigrants in the U.S. Of that 11.1 million were illegal." Although the number of illegal immigrants has leveled off it still is a continuing problem that should be attended to. In the next few years the number of illegal immigrants will continue to increase. "United Nations reported that 97% of the illegal immigrants who enter the U.S. Clandestinely across the nearly 2,000 mile Mexico border, but only 20% of those are caught." This proves that our border is our weakest link of our security system . This proves that immigrants are crossing the border into the U.S. And getting away with it. To prevent this something needs to be done and improve and strengthen the the Mexico border soon. With more and more illegal immigrants entering the country, the number of immigrants will continue to climb and crime rates will rise also. If something is not done soon it will eventually become to big of a problem to handle. studies show that the population of illegal immigrants is increasing and it is becoming a bigger problem every year and needs to be attended to to make the ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Problem Of Illegal Immigrants Many immigrants who decide to leave their countries do so for either economic, political, or familial reasons. Poverty and limited resources are also problems that arise when it comes to deciding whether to leave their country or not. One of the biggest issues that comes with these immigrants is that they go through without documentation, therefore, becoming labeled as illegal immigrants. While couple of the people I interviewed received education back in their own countries, the economic situations had been so unpredictable and their own parents had trouble finding jobs or if they did have a job it had no type of security. Each of these individuals shared their testimonies of the obstacles they faced and a 'behind–the–scenes ' look at the reality of what really goes on when moving to the US. The individuals who were selected and interviewed for this research were two male. Each individual migrated from China and India. There was a similarity between the ages of when these individuals decided to migrate abroad. My first interviewee made the journey when he was twelve years of age with his parents, and second person came to the US in his late twenties by his own efforts. He was very much concerned about the phrase of illegal immigration. He said, "Here, when you think about illegal immigrant, people have a prejudgment that they are Hispanic people, whatever you think, that people have immediate connection with it. People's first impression is bad impression". What he ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Illegal Immigration And Illegal Immigrants Illegal immigration has been one of the main topics during the last three presidential election. Many bills and laws have been passed in order to keep them out but is it really necessary to neglect illegal immigrant? Most Americans believe that illegal immigrants are only people of Mexicans or Latin American descent but illegal immigrants can be from any race or country. Illegal immigration is defined by United States Department of Homeland Security as "... all foreign–born non–citizens who are not legal residents. Most unauthorized residents either entered the United States without inspection or were admitted temporarily and stayed past the date they were required to leave. . ." In general, an illegal immigrant is a person who enters and remains in a country without a valid visa or permit from that country, or who has overstayed the duration of a visa that has been granted, or whose visa has been cancelled. After reading and processing all of the history of the world, it is difficult for one to understand why we are discriminating illegal immigrants. Dating back some 12,000 to 15,000 years ago, humans and animals began migrated to new lands in order to survive. This trend would continue until people began to build towns and stopped making their normal migration with the food sources. During the late 1400's, humans sailed from continent to continent looking for new land to conquer and settle in [Tindall, Shi, 6; vol. 1]. Great Britain settled in the Eastern part of the ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Illegal Immigrants Cons Bill Clinton once said, "I believe that those who promote discrimination on sexual orientation or any other grounds are gravely mistaken about the values that make our nation strong". There is employment discrimination when someone is fired because of personal grudges or non work related issues. Many groups of people don't have equal opportunities in the American workplace. Including illegal immigrants, ex convicts, children under fourteen and gays. Illegal immigrants will be denied jobs because businesses just don't hire illegal immigrants. That can be because of policy, they don't want to get in trouble for hiring someone who is here illegally. Ex convicts aren't always trusted in the workplace. Many businesses just don't hire ex convicts... Show more content on ... They don't have a chance at getting any government jobs. If they try to get a government job, the government would find out that they're here illegally. Many businesses don't hire them because of policy. Many politicians say they're taking our jobs, and yet not many illegal immigrants can get a living wage job. A lot of times illegal immigrants will work on a farm for less than minimum wage. Ex convicts have even less chance of getting jobs. Society views all ex convicts as a danger to their lives. As a result, many times they are not trusted. Some businesses don't hire them. They can be fired when their employers find out they were an ex convict. Sometimes they feel pressured to lie because they don't know if they'll be hired. This gives ex convicts few choices, but to continue crime to make money. Both Gays and youth under fourteen have hard times getting jobs. There is no real reason for either. They are just discriminated against and not welcome. Anyone under fourteen is not allowed to get a job by law. Even when they turn fourteen they can't get jobs at many businesses, for example subway doesn't hire at fourteen. As we saw earlier, gay's can be fired because of their sexuality. That is not protected ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Illegal Immigrants Introduction United States is the country known for its endless opportunities for those who are willing to work and achieve them. But it is also known to be the country where the rule of law is praised and respected, especially when it comes to immigration. Regrettably, there are many of those who are willingly and purposely breaking the law in order to gain work authorization and a chance to stay in the United States permanently. Who are these "undocumented" workers or "illegal immigrants"? United States Citizenship and Immigration Services define the undocumented immigrant as a foreign–born person who has come to the U.S. legally but has since overstayed the visa duration and is neither a permanent resident nor a U.S. citizen, making their ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Illegal Immigrants : Illegal Immigration Introduction Illegal Immigration is a huge topic especially in 2017, bringing in different aspects about illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants are told to be killers, drug dealers, job stealers and whom also hurt the U.S. economy. Is this true? Could it possibly be that they do all of this to hurt the United States? Or could it be that they truly come here for the American Dream? On one side of people's perspectives illegal immigrants come here to help provide for their family and don't take to consideration to hurt the United States in anyway. While on the other hand, others believe differently by saying that illegal immigrants do come to the United States to hurt the economy and bring their drugs as well as other harmful actions.... Show more content on ... There were teachers, students, workers, etc. who'd look down on them and say that they will never make it to a university and that they will never become someone in life. Although these students had hardly any help while attending college or universities they still found ways to make it without any petty excuse. They managed to continue going forward and receive the degrees and careers they were aiming for. Many even went above and beyond. One of the students he interviewed named Nicole said: " I would say that if a student's test scores, drive, motivation, good grades, responsibility, and potential is based on their success in high school or before, then I would say, foster that learning and success so that we have more productive individuals in this society. By limiting the education of an individual who is undocumented, you are limiting the potential of young people who could be great leaders." Dream Act Around 65,000 undocumented students graduate from high school every year. To which that average of 65,000 undocumented students can't attend college, go into the military, or work because they aren 't documented to which they have no social security number. In all, they have no hope. As said previously, many of these students are brought here to the United States as infants or toddlers and were raised most of their lives inside the United States to which they're grown "American". Usually these students are very well fluent in english ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Illegal Immigrants : Illegal Immigration Today one of the biggest issues in America is illegal immigration; these people travel from all over the world, and illegally cross national borders onto U.S soil in desperation to find a better life. Immigrants come to America in hopes of fulfilling the American dream, being free and safe from their original home lands. Most immigrants are illegal and come by the millions each year, which lead to many controversial disputes. The overflow of immigrants caused many citizens to question if these illegal immigrants are damaging America in various way and also by bringing in crime, drugs, and terrorists. Others state that immigrants truly aids the economy "Indeed, some sectors of the economy might have a hard time functioning without illegal workers. (Katel 395) Many citizens believe illegal immigrants are taking jobs, and abusing government benefits, however many argue that these immigrants in fact contribute to a stronger economic stimulus, take unwanted jobs, and some even create jobs for Americans. Some citizens and politicians believe immigration is taking a negative effect on native born American citizens. They claim these illegal immigrants trespassing damage the U.S by bringing drugs, crime, and stealing jobs from American citizens. They also make statements that immigrant's illegally trespassing damage the U.S by bringing drugs, crime, and stealing jobs from American citizens. "...they worry that leaky borders could allow in terrorists and undocumented immigrants who ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The Problem Of Illegal Immigrants "Donald Trump wrongly says the number of illegal immigrants is 30 million or higher" Donald Trump made several claims recently that the population of illegal immigrants in the U.S. has risen to thirty million or more. He claimed that the government had no grasp on the population of illegal immigrants, and that he's seen those estimates in several papers and other sources. The Department of Homeland Security disagreed, saying that their calculations of illegal immigrants took a lot of factors into account. Even with a plus or minus one million margin, there was no way possible for the number of illegal immigrants to have tripled without them knowing. Several other major research organizations agreed, saying they also came up with estimates very close to the eleven million estimate given. No one is really sure where exactly Trump got these outrageous and wildly inaccurate claims, but they are almost certain that he is incorrect. I think Trump will always be a racist figurehead, constantly spewing misinformation because he knows the general public will eat it up. He spent some time in probably what is mostly a white supremacist Texas town, and suddenly came back with unfounded overestimates of the population of illegal immigrants. This does not surprise me, nor should it surprise anyone else. "Facts on immigration in the United States" Though illegal immigration has been steadily increasing in recent years, researchers say that it seems to have stopped or even reversed. At ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Legal And Illegal Immigrants 'm an immigrant, I moved to this country three years ago, but since I was born here I'm considered a legal immigrant, as many legal and illegal immigrants I believe that we help the economy of this country. There are many immigrants in this country, they all come from all over the world. By no means I want to assume that they have all had my experiences. In my case I'm here on the pursuit of new opportunities, in my mind, or in the way I was raised by my parents, and how am I supposed to achieve my goals is exactly the way they work every day to support our household, is a discontented mind, it is a hard working mind, a mind that always thinks it has to work harder, acquire more knowledge. This is a generalization; they are plenty of exemptions after all it is good to be hard working, it is good to want a better education for your children and to want a better way of living, everyone has the right to pursuit their dreams. I will focus on how immigration helps United States as compared to the mostly held view that it hurts America. The United States has long served as a refuge for people running from politics, economy, natural disasters, who seek to escape hunger, poverty, torture, and the oppression of their human rights in their own countries. In my case my family and I moved here in search for better opportunities. Our country, as a prosperous nation will be always attracting immigrants that are in search for a better life, such as other developed countries like Canada ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Illegal Immigrants And Illegal Immigration A. Attention Step (quotation, question, or story) About four months ago in government class, we had a class discussion. The topic was illegal immigration. One student said that America should send the illegal immigrants back to their country because they are taking American's jobs. He stated that he would send his dad back to Mexico because he is an illegal immigrant. Going around the circle that we created, everyone gave their opinions, most disagreed, but some agreed with the student. When it was my friend's turn, she agreed with him and said that teachers, professors, friends, and etc. should report any undocumented person to the police. It will also help if police officers knock on door after door to verify whether the family in the house is illegal or not. If one of your friend, neighbor, student, or even family member is illegal, would you report him or her to the police? B. Thesis With a broken immigration system, many illegal immigrants are still unsafe in the United States knowing that they can be sent back to their country, causing a controversy debate between the citizens when Supreme Court called for a tie. C. Statement of Significance America, the nation of immigrants, has roughly 11 million illegal immigrants today. Mexicans make up 5.6 million. There are around a million legal immigrants coming to the United States each year. In November 2007, there were "1.5 million fewer native–born Americans working . . . while 2 million more immigrants (legal and ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Arguments For Illegal Immigrants The issue of illegal immigrants has raised heated debate in the U.S., after President Trump clarified his stand on immigration. He maintained that under his plan, there is no legalization path for the illegal immigrants that reside here currently, unless it is that they have served in the armed forces. Presently, it is estimated that there are over 11 million illegal / undocumented immigrants in the United States. He plans to have them deported and once returned home, then may they apply for re–entry. The 1952 Act ofImmigration and Nationality, defines illegal immigrants also known as illegal aliens as individuals who are not U.S. nationals or citizens. Some of these undocumented people, have lived in the U.S. for many years and even raised families here. Although, some may argue that the illegal immigrants are a burden to the nation's economy and keep wages lower. They have contributed towards building this country for decades and significantly contribute to state taxes. I feel it would be impractical and inhumane to deport all illegal immigrants. The U.S. government should offer the illegal aliens a path to obtain citizenship or legal residency. Why Give Illegal Immigrants Legal Residency/Citizenship? Providing a path to the undocumented persons to earn citizenship would greatly benefit the U.S. economy. Economic experts have revealed that the immigrants residing and working in the country without authorization earn less income than their potential, pay fewer ... Get more on ...