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77 Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders
By Gerald J. Furnkranz
In my middleclass education, up bringing and experience, my writings had me coming up with the term,
“Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders”! While I’ve had the concept in my mind for quite a while,
and defined it in a short version, I will now try to nail it down!
Elitist - relating to or supporting the view that a society or system should be led by an elite: a person or
class of persons, considered superior by others or by themselves, as in intellect, talent, power, wealth, or
position in society. someone who believes that some things should be controlled or owned only by the
richest or best educated people: (These definitions obtained from an internet search)
Pseudo Intellectual - a person who wants to be thought of as having a lot of intelligence and knowledge
but who is not really intelligent or knowledgeable. (Merriam Webster)
Definitions –
Pseudo Intellectual – A person exhibiting intellectual pretensions that have no basis in sound
scholarship. A person who pretends an interest in intellectual matters for reasons of status. Of, relating
to, or characterized by fraudulent intellectuality; unscholarly.
Bottom Feeder – An opportunist who seeks quick profit, usually at the expense of others or from their
My Translation of the Definitions
Let us begin by discussing Elite. A person or people considered superior by themselves or others, by
intellect, talent, or power, perhaps wealth or position in society. Because of these supposed elite
benchmarks, they consider themselves as superior and often because of self-perceived behaviors of
superiority, influence and convince others of their preeminence. Therefore, those elites see themselves
as worthy of ruling all in the world.
Pseudo Intellectual, a person exhibiting intellectual pretensions that have no basis in sound scholarship,
who pretends an interest in intellectual matters for reasons of status. Often a pretentious pompous ass
taking the podium for the purpose of elevating themselves and often self-serving pontificating their
pretentious ideas and philosophies!
Finally, let’s wrap this up with Bottom Feeder! An opportunist who seeks quick profit usually at the
expense of others or from their misfortune! Even reaping misfortune on others considered of lower
class! Their victims looked upon as dumber, baskets of deplorables, smellie Walmart customers, missing
teeth and less educated! Or not formally educated in the elite institutions in which elitists have been
Would I be presumptuous to present the once lauded smartest, I guess the most intelligent woman in
the world as an epitome or prototype of the Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeder? Yes, Hillary
Clinton was awarded that title. No doubt she is a talker, expounder, espouser, pontificator of her ideas.
Never at a loss for words, like a radio talk show host, she never allows dead air! Like Radio and TV
talkers will repeat over and over her opinions to keep the air filled with her words. Constantly
filibustering her personal points of view!
Hillary oft prone to lying, like being subjected to sniper fire on a visit to Bosnia. Lying her way out of
responsibility for those killed in Benghazi while she was Secretary of State! Wiping her private Email
server of her emails when requested by the FBI! Destroying all cellphones that may have revealed her
collusion with Russia and other foreign entities! Using her Clinton Foundation for personal profit and
power, not administering the charity they purported!
Now Hillary, the howling harpy of hatred and hostility, is on her Destroy Donald Trump Tour. She is
guilty of all those corrupt actions Trump has been falsely accused. Trump who has been investigated
nonstop since announcing his run for the presidency in 2016, while Hillary has slithered through without
questioning of her obvious corruptions.
Hillary paid for the fabricated, false dossier that sparked the phony Trump Russian Collusion scam. She
double and tripled down on it, colluding with the FBI to pursue it! Even today, Years later she still speaks
as though it were true, even though it has been proven false by the Mueller Investigation and many
other sources. Hillary having established her propagandized pulpit as an “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual
Bottom Feeder” has the support of other such Bottom Feeders (i.e. The View) to continue her road tours
slandering Trump!
Hillary branded Trump supporters “A Basket of Deplorables” during her campaign against Trump!
Recently in 2023 she suggested Trump supporters needed deprograming! Alluding to the idea of
reeducation centers for almost half the nation. Resembles the Hitler like tyranny which Hillary smeared
Trump. Hillary Clinton is everything she accuses Trump!
Hillary spews vial venom tearing down opponents. Destroying her enemies, anyone thinking differently
than she does, her weapon to win. Seeing herself as an intelligent scholar, she is devoid of positive
ideas, commonsense to make things better for America and Americans. Leaning on her Democrat Party’s
strategy of division, she spreads her hatred and hostility to lure people to her side. Destroying America
in her destructive process to gain personal power and profit!
While Hillary’s behavior seems to very much fit, the definition of my term, “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual
Bottom Feeder” she certainly fits the definition of politician from The Webster Universal Dictionary of
the English Language, copyright 1936. Defines “Politician - A man of artifice or deep contrivance: a man
who adopts politics as a means to his own ends; an intriguer or schemer.” Clearly a reprehensible,
corrupt human being not worthy of the trust of the people! Except proving woman politicians fit the
same selfish corrupt models!
Hillary Summary
Hillary, sly and sneaky, intelligent in a devious manner. Her skills produce little to nothing for the people
she has been supposed to represent! But, her devious, underhanded ways have been very profitable for
herself! Corruption her game, corruption her fame!
”Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders”, are often highly educated, from elite educational
institutions! In the past these institutions were about education, teaching language, history,
mathematics! Yes, some philosophy by great scholars of the past! Being educated bestowed power!
With the passing of time and maturing of civilization the theory “Power corrupts and absolute power
corrupts absolutely” took hold. Awareness the halls of academia could be used to control power rather
than share it with the masses. Indoctrinating with ideas and philosophies beneficial to the rulers of
education could amass great power and profit for elitist groups. So, we see our elite institutions of
supposed learning becoming institution of mind control and brainwashing!
Famous American author and home spun philosopher Mark Twain once revealed, “I never let schooling
get in the way of my education!” Alluding to the idea life and experience the most important path to
education for those with opened inquiring minds! These days inhibited by the indoctrination of formal
educational institutions!
Seems like our universities deemed the elite of our society have become factories cranking out flocks of
“Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders”! From the top, leadership of Bottom Feeders, to the
professors preaching the Bottom Feeder dogma, recruiting students to supposedly be educated to
independent and critical thinking. Educated not to be smart, intelligent critical and independent thinkers.
But told they are smart, voicing the dogma fed them creating ignorant smart alecks and smart asses!
Those students, brainwashed into compliant automatons, creating armies of robots to carry out the
wishes of the ‘Elitist Pseudo Intellectuals” to achieve their power grab to install their selfish goals.
Utilizing Climate Change, Critical Race Theory, 1619 Project, Antisemitism, Covid Protocols, etc., and so
many sneaky, under the radar conspiracies to subdue, oppress, control, and enslave “We the People”!
Those, Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders obtain the Golden Ticket credentials, from Harvard,
Yale, Ivy League schools and like elite institutions of “Higher Education”, Standford etc. which symbolize
they are the smartest! The elite, Golden Ticket institutions practice legacy enrollment. Creating family
dynasties of bottom feeders. Like the Cuomo’s, Bushes, Gores, Clintons, Kerrys, just check the names of
their legacy graduates!
Spreading their elitism through majority of colleges and universities of lesser stature to be their pawns.
Reaching their creepy long fingers all the way down to kindergarten, Pre-K and Pre-Pre-K! Those people
we should listen to lead us? So, our society trains us to afford them credibility. We listen to them in their
long, convoluted diatribes, talking in circles, not understandable to us.
We accept what they say as gospel, thinking they are smart, talking over our heads because they think
we aren’t as smart as they! This is what they have been taught in their elitist bottom feeder institutions.
Talk, long, tedious, and unintelligible. Confuse and obfuscate, in a commanding and authoritative
manner, like they really know what they are talking about. Mesmerizing, hypnotizing to make the people
feel inferior so they think they just don’t understand, comprehend, measure up to the bottom feeder’s
Vice President Kamala Harris personifies this Democrat Party scam to the absurd. Cackling constantly to
camouflage and cover the compulsive lying she employs, thinking she conveys intelligence. Her hapless
hand motions to enhance expression and validity to her empty words. All devices she thinks adds
credibility to her diatribes. But only conveys the phoniness of her being. To the point her talks and
speeches have been satirized as “Word Salad”! An insincere string of words cobbled together, heading
nowhere, meaningless to those listening! Likely meaningless within her sawdust filled head!
So, our education Industry is filling the pipeline with indoctrinated “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom
Feeders”! Leaders, teachers and soldiers, obnoxious loud mouths to drown out the voices of “We the
People”! Pushing agendas that are harmful and dangerous to the people. Agenda’s that even prescribe
the elimination of the people! Plans like President of the WEF Klaus Schwab’s 87% population reduction!
But, carried out in a civilized way? Killing the people in ways they will not even know they are being
targeted. Utilizing disease, vaccines, drugs, wars, chemical additives, mental manipulation, crime, food
shortages, etc., all these civilized conspiracies to cull earth’s population.
I think you will find a proliferation of “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders” in academia and
politics! In those professions their individuals able to hide in the dense population stew of pseudo
intellectuals with little measure of production. People can hide in the crowd, their bad, even corrupt
behaviors diluted by the massive inept activity!
Who are these leaders of the “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders”! Having already mentioned
two, Hillary Clinton and Klaus Schwab, I’ll name a few more. Joe Biden certainly falls within that
category! Especially able to hide because the media and Democrat Party refuse to see his failures,
corruption, and incompetence. Most of Biden’s cabinet including Alejandro Mayorkas, Anthony Blinkin,
Jennifer Granholm, Janet Yellen, Pete Buttigieg, and appointees fits the description. John Kerry, Nancy
Pelosi, Mitch McConell, Mitt Romney, Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, Chuck Schumer, Gavin Newsome.
George Soros, Dr. Anthony Fauci, a bunch of the obvious ones. Less obvious politicians flying under the
radar, grazing in the government progressive grasslands. Then there is the UN, United Nations, an
international country club for the “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders”! The World Economic
Forum (WEF), World Health Organization (WHO), Council on Foreign Relations and World Bank etc. just a
few more!
But we have these “Bottom Feeders” in so many other professions! Media, once called journalism for
instance! Robots with empty brains and megaphone mouths like Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon, Brian Stelter,
Joy Reid, Joe & Mika, Rachel Maddow, Nicole Wallace, the vast majority mainstream media’s (NBC, ABC,
CBS, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, etc.) vast lineup of hacks and clowns! Raining down propaganda to smear
Trump while at the same time papering over all the faults, failures, and foibles of President Biden!
Next comes the vast wasteland of the education industry! Except for a very few, the presidents of our
colleges and universities. Leading the institutions through their staffs and professors to brainwash paying
students into their gestapo armies. Demonstrating, turning to rioting on the poor information, miss and
disinformation their pseudo intellectual professors are espousing! Then they infect public education
down to kindergarten, Pre-K and Pre-Pre-K with their warped and distorted thinking, with philosophies
like Gender Fluidity, Critical Race Theory, Dismantling History and the Rule of Law etc.! Trashing Critical
and Independent Thinking, Freedom of Speech, because those things would threaten their corrupt
Religious leaders Jimmy Swaggart, James Baker, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and I fear Pope Francis. Using
the well scripted Bible to mouth the words of the Lord. Having them laid out for their sermons. All they
have to do is feign sincerity! Like the tears of Jimmy Swaggart. Jim Baker and Al Sharpton, after their
great indiscretions and sins, coming back with family businesses in religion, selling souvenirs and
indulgences. Like Burt Lancaster’s depiction of the religious phony Elmer Gantry.
These “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders” are the “Medicine Show Hucksters” of our generation!
Or horse traders selling us the broken-down horse as a thoroubred. The used car salesman selling the car
without an engine! The bottom feeders the super scammers of today! Shoveling disinformation, miss
information, no, out right lies down our throats like the fireman throwing shovel after shovel of coal into
the fire box on the old steam engines! Metaphorically feeding the flames of hate, hostility and violence,
inflaming society with animosity and mutual loathing!
It looks like the society of Klaus Schwab’s and Joe Biden’s New World Order will look like a buffet table,
with silk table cloths, fine China, crystal, and silver ware. The fare would be the finest beef, fish,
vegetables, and fruit in abundance! The finest beverages, ambrosia, and nectars for these self-
proclaimed gods! Prepared, then served by masked deplorable slaves, forced to wear masks, not
because of any disease, but so they would know their place and not breathe on the Elitist Pseudo
Intellectual Bottom Feeders. Elitist feasting ferociously while the paired down deplorables feed on bugs!
Some deplorables allowed limited existence to serve, like the limited herds of cattle managed for the
appetites of elites. The deplorables will only be allowed to breed for the entertainment of the Jeffrey
Epstein pedophilia entitlement of the Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders ruling the world. Filling
their pipeline for children to defile and steal their innocence. To wipe innocence and the innocent from
the earth. This Biden’s and Schwab’s New World Order that abandons humanity!
The United Nations and their Agenda 21, a strategy for the subjugation of “We the People” of the world!
The mobbing by vultures, buzzards, and elitist parasites, out to destroy the gathering of eagles and
democracy for the enslavement of the common people!
Seems to be a strong relationship between Biden’s “Comprehensive Destruction of America” Policies and
“Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders” vacuuming up freedoms of common people all over the
world. The antisemitism against one of the few other world democracies Israel raises questions and
concerns. A Globalist push to steal the power of the people to rest control for the elitists, subduing any
resistance to their tyranny!
Trust requires truth, a commodity so rare in politics and politicians! Truth and trustworthiness essential
to integrity, seriously lacking in Washington D.C.! Especially amongst the “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual
Bottom Feeders”, with their corrupt, propagandist, lying ways. Trying to manipulate the minds of “We
the People” for their personal power and profit! Little of anything coming from government can be
trusted. Searching for truth in America today, like panning for gold in septic tank sludge!
The Elitist Bottom Feeders want to drag non elitists into the pits of poverty and degradation! In futility
the people turning to the elitists running governments and accepting socialism and authoritarianism.
Tyrannical rule at the mercy of the elitist bottom feeders. The defeated people lead to the slaughter
houses of those bottom feeders so they could be culled in a civilized manner! Civilized culling of 87% of
the population viewed as the people not knowing how they are being eliminated! Mercy killings of the
people to make the earth paradise for those “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders”!
It has often been implied secularists want to replace the Gods people worship, inserting government and
themselves into that position. The power they wield in society is not enough. Their greed, gluttony,
arrogance and narcissism has them craving more and more. Never enough! They want supreme power
as far as power over life and death, to eliminate 87% of the earth’s population for their own pleasure!
Look at the “Elitist Bottom Feeders” in Hollywood, the perfect nesting place. A petri dish for the culturing
of the “Elitist Bottom Feeders”! Often adored, even worshipped! Using that appeal to dictate to the
people how we should think! If “We the People” choose contrary to their wishes, like Cher, Barbra
Streisand, Whoopi Goldberg, Miley Cyrus and so many of Hollywood elites! They decree their royal
displeasure to the peons! Like spoiled little children, if “We the People” do not vote their way, they
threaten to leave America! Talk about enthralled with their own power. This the insidious, corrosive
selfish nature and character of the “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders”!

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Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders.pdf

  • 1. 1 77 Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders By Gerald J. Furnkranz In my middleclass education, up bringing and experience, my writings had me coming up with the term, “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders”! While I’ve had the concept in my mind for quite a while, and defined it in a short version, I will now try to nail it down! DEFINITIONS Elitist - relating to or supporting the view that a society or system should be led by an elite: a person or class of persons, considered superior by others or by themselves, as in intellect, talent, power, wealth, or position in society. someone who believes that some things should be controlled or owned only by the richest or best educated people: (These definitions obtained from an internet search) Pseudo Intellectual - a person who wants to be thought of as having a lot of intelligence and knowledge but who is not really intelligent or knowledgeable. (Merriam Webster) Definitions – Pseudo Intellectual – A person exhibiting intellectual pretensions that have no basis in sound scholarship. A person who pretends an interest in intellectual matters for reasons of status. Of, relating to, or characterized by fraudulent intellectuality; unscholarly. Bottom Feeder – An opportunist who seeks quick profit, usually at the expense of others or from their misfortune. My Translation of the Definitions Let us begin by discussing Elite. A person or people considered superior by themselves or others, by intellect, talent, or power, perhaps wealth or position in society. Because of these supposed elite benchmarks, they consider themselves as superior and often because of self-perceived behaviors of superiority, influence and convince others of their preeminence. Therefore, those elites see themselves as worthy of ruling all in the world. Pseudo Intellectual, a person exhibiting intellectual pretensions that have no basis in sound scholarship, who pretends an interest in intellectual matters for reasons of status. Often a pretentious pompous ass taking the podium for the purpose of elevating themselves and often self-serving pontificating their pretentious ideas and philosophies! Finally, let’s wrap this up with Bottom Feeder! An opportunist who seeks quick profit usually at the expense of others or from their misfortune! Even reaping misfortune on others considered of lower class! Their victims looked upon as dumber, baskets of deplorables, smellie Walmart customers, missing teeth and less educated! Or not formally educated in the elite institutions in which elitists have been educated. Would I be presumptuous to present the once lauded smartest, I guess the most intelligent woman in the world as an epitome or prototype of the Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeder? Yes, Hillary Clinton was awarded that title. No doubt she is a talker, expounder, espouser, pontificator of her ideas. Never at a loss for words, like a radio talk show host, she never allows dead air! Like Radio and TV
  • 2. 2 talkers will repeat over and over her opinions to keep the air filled with her words. Constantly filibustering her personal points of view! Hillary oft prone to lying, like being subjected to sniper fire on a visit to Bosnia. Lying her way out of responsibility for those killed in Benghazi while she was Secretary of State! Wiping her private Email server of her emails when requested by the FBI! Destroying all cellphones that may have revealed her collusion with Russia and other foreign entities! Using her Clinton Foundation for personal profit and power, not administering the charity they purported! Now Hillary, the howling harpy of hatred and hostility, is on her Destroy Donald Trump Tour. She is guilty of all those corrupt actions Trump has been falsely accused. Trump who has been investigated nonstop since announcing his run for the presidency in 2016, while Hillary has slithered through without questioning of her obvious corruptions. Hillary paid for the fabricated, false dossier that sparked the phony Trump Russian Collusion scam. She double and tripled down on it, colluding with the FBI to pursue it! Even today, Years later she still speaks as though it were true, even though it has been proven false by the Mueller Investigation and many other sources. Hillary having established her propagandized pulpit as an “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeder” has the support of other such Bottom Feeders (i.e. The View) to continue her road tours slandering Trump! Hillary branded Trump supporters “A Basket of Deplorables” during her campaign against Trump! Recently in 2023 she suggested Trump supporters needed deprograming! Alluding to the idea of reeducation centers for almost half the nation. Resembles the Hitler like tyranny which Hillary smeared Trump. Hillary Clinton is everything she accuses Trump! Hillary spews vial venom tearing down opponents. Destroying her enemies, anyone thinking differently than she does, her weapon to win. Seeing herself as an intelligent scholar, she is devoid of positive ideas, commonsense to make things better for America and Americans. Leaning on her Democrat Party’s strategy of division, she spreads her hatred and hostility to lure people to her side. Destroying America in her destructive process to gain personal power and profit! While Hillary’s behavior seems to very much fit, the definition of my term, “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeder” she certainly fits the definition of politician from The Webster Universal Dictionary of the English Language, copyright 1936. Defines “Politician - A man of artifice or deep contrivance: a man who adopts politics as a means to his own ends; an intriguer or schemer.” Clearly a reprehensible, corrupt human being not worthy of the trust of the people! Except proving woman politicians fit the same selfish corrupt models! Hillary Summary Hillary, sly and sneaky, intelligent in a devious manner. Her skills produce little to nothing for the people she has been supposed to represent! But, her devious, underhanded ways have been very profitable for herself! Corruption her game, corruption her fame! ”Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders”, are often highly educated, from elite educational institutions! In the past these institutions were about education, teaching language, history, mathematics! Yes, some philosophy by great scholars of the past! Being educated bestowed power!
  • 3. 3 With the passing of time and maturing of civilization the theory “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely” took hold. Awareness the halls of academia could be used to control power rather than share it with the masses. Indoctrinating with ideas and philosophies beneficial to the rulers of education could amass great power and profit for elitist groups. So, we see our elite institutions of supposed learning becoming institution of mind control and brainwashing! Famous American author and home spun philosopher Mark Twain once revealed, “I never let schooling get in the way of my education!” Alluding to the idea life and experience the most important path to education for those with opened inquiring minds! These days inhibited by the indoctrination of formal educational institutions! Seems like our universities deemed the elite of our society have become factories cranking out flocks of “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders”! From the top, leadership of Bottom Feeders, to the professors preaching the Bottom Feeder dogma, recruiting students to supposedly be educated to independent and critical thinking. Educated not to be smart, intelligent critical and independent thinkers. But told they are smart, voicing the dogma fed them creating ignorant smart alecks and smart asses! Those students, brainwashed into compliant automatons, creating armies of robots to carry out the wishes of the ‘Elitist Pseudo Intellectuals” to achieve their power grab to install their selfish goals. Utilizing Climate Change, Critical Race Theory, 1619 Project, Antisemitism, Covid Protocols, etc., and so many sneaky, under the radar conspiracies to subdue, oppress, control, and enslave “We the People”! Those, Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders obtain the Golden Ticket credentials, from Harvard, Yale, Ivy League schools and like elite institutions of “Higher Education”, Standford etc. which symbolize they are the smartest! The elite, Golden Ticket institutions practice legacy enrollment. Creating family dynasties of bottom feeders. Like the Cuomo’s, Bushes, Gores, Clintons, Kerrys, just check the names of their legacy graduates! Spreading their elitism through majority of colleges and universities of lesser stature to be their pawns. Reaching their creepy long fingers all the way down to kindergarten, Pre-K and Pre-Pre-K! Those people we should listen to lead us? So, our society trains us to afford them credibility. We listen to them in their long, convoluted diatribes, talking in circles, not understandable to us. We accept what they say as gospel, thinking they are smart, talking over our heads because they think we aren’t as smart as they! This is what they have been taught in their elitist bottom feeder institutions. Talk, long, tedious, and unintelligible. Confuse and obfuscate, in a commanding and authoritative manner, like they really know what they are talking about. Mesmerizing, hypnotizing to make the people feel inferior so they think they just don’t understand, comprehend, measure up to the bottom feeder’s intellect! Vice President Kamala Harris personifies this Democrat Party scam to the absurd. Cackling constantly to camouflage and cover the compulsive lying she employs, thinking she conveys intelligence. Her hapless hand motions to enhance expression and validity to her empty words. All devices she thinks adds credibility to her diatribes. But only conveys the phoniness of her being. To the point her talks and speeches have been satirized as “Word Salad”! An insincere string of words cobbled together, heading nowhere, meaningless to those listening! Likely meaningless within her sawdust filled head!
  • 4. 4 So, our education Industry is filling the pipeline with indoctrinated “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders”! Leaders, teachers and soldiers, obnoxious loud mouths to drown out the voices of “We the People”! Pushing agendas that are harmful and dangerous to the people. Agenda’s that even prescribe the elimination of the people! Plans like President of the WEF Klaus Schwab’s 87% population reduction! But, carried out in a civilized way? Killing the people in ways they will not even know they are being targeted. Utilizing disease, vaccines, drugs, wars, chemical additives, mental manipulation, crime, food shortages, etc., all these civilized conspiracies to cull earth’s population. I think you will find a proliferation of “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders” in academia and politics! In those professions their individuals able to hide in the dense population stew of pseudo intellectuals with little measure of production. People can hide in the crowd, their bad, even corrupt behaviors diluted by the massive inept activity! Who are these leaders of the “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders”! Having already mentioned two, Hillary Clinton and Klaus Schwab, I’ll name a few more. Joe Biden certainly falls within that category! Especially able to hide because the media and Democrat Party refuse to see his failures, corruption, and incompetence. Most of Biden’s cabinet including Alejandro Mayorkas, Anthony Blinkin, Jennifer Granholm, Janet Yellen, Pete Buttigieg, and appointees fits the description. John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConell, Mitt Romney, Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, Chuck Schumer, Gavin Newsome. George Soros, Dr. Anthony Fauci, a bunch of the obvious ones. Less obvious politicians flying under the radar, grazing in the government progressive grasslands. Then there is the UN, United Nations, an international country club for the “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders”! The World Economic Forum (WEF), World Health Organization (WHO), Council on Foreign Relations and World Bank etc. just a few more! But we have these “Bottom Feeders” in so many other professions! Media, once called journalism for instance! Robots with empty brains and megaphone mouths like Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon, Brian Stelter, Joy Reid, Joe & Mika, Rachel Maddow, Nicole Wallace, the vast majority mainstream media’s (NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, etc.) vast lineup of hacks and clowns! Raining down propaganda to smear Trump while at the same time papering over all the faults, failures, and foibles of President Biden! Next comes the vast wasteland of the education industry! Except for a very few, the presidents of our colleges and universities. Leading the institutions through their staffs and professors to brainwash paying students into their gestapo armies. Demonstrating, turning to rioting on the poor information, miss and disinformation their pseudo intellectual professors are espousing! Then they infect public education down to kindergarten, Pre-K and Pre-Pre-K with their warped and distorted thinking, with philosophies like Gender Fluidity, Critical Race Theory, Dismantling History and the Rule of Law etc.! Trashing Critical and Independent Thinking, Freedom of Speech, because those things would threaten their corrupt kingdom! Religious leaders Jimmy Swaggart, James Baker, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and I fear Pope Francis. Using the well scripted Bible to mouth the words of the Lord. Having them laid out for their sermons. All they have to do is feign sincerity! Like the tears of Jimmy Swaggart. Jim Baker and Al Sharpton, after their great indiscretions and sins, coming back with family businesses in religion, selling souvenirs and indulgences. Like Burt Lancaster’s depiction of the religious phony Elmer Gantry.
  • 5. 5 These “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders” are the “Medicine Show Hucksters” of our generation! Or horse traders selling us the broken-down horse as a thoroubred. The used car salesman selling the car without an engine! The bottom feeders the super scammers of today! Shoveling disinformation, miss information, no, out right lies down our throats like the fireman throwing shovel after shovel of coal into the fire box on the old steam engines! Metaphorically feeding the flames of hate, hostility and violence, inflaming society with animosity and mutual loathing! It looks like the society of Klaus Schwab’s and Joe Biden’s New World Order will look like a buffet table, with silk table cloths, fine China, crystal, and silver ware. The fare would be the finest beef, fish, vegetables, and fruit in abundance! The finest beverages, ambrosia, and nectars for these self- proclaimed gods! Prepared, then served by masked deplorable slaves, forced to wear masks, not because of any disease, but so they would know their place and not breathe on the Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders. Elitist feasting ferociously while the paired down deplorables feed on bugs! Some deplorables allowed limited existence to serve, like the limited herds of cattle managed for the appetites of elites. The deplorables will only be allowed to breed for the entertainment of the Jeffrey Epstein pedophilia entitlement of the Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders ruling the world. Filling their pipeline for children to defile and steal their innocence. To wipe innocence and the innocent from the earth. This Biden’s and Schwab’s New World Order that abandons humanity! The United Nations and their Agenda 21, a strategy for the subjugation of “We the People” of the world! The mobbing by vultures, buzzards, and elitist parasites, out to destroy the gathering of eagles and democracy for the enslavement of the common people! Seems to be a strong relationship between Biden’s “Comprehensive Destruction of America” Policies and “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders” vacuuming up freedoms of common people all over the world. The antisemitism against one of the few other world democracies Israel raises questions and concerns. A Globalist push to steal the power of the people to rest control for the elitists, subduing any resistance to their tyranny! Trust requires truth, a commodity so rare in politics and politicians! Truth and trustworthiness essential to integrity, seriously lacking in Washington D.C.! Especially amongst the “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders”, with their corrupt, propagandist, lying ways. Trying to manipulate the minds of “We the People” for their personal power and profit! Little of anything coming from government can be trusted. Searching for truth in America today, like panning for gold in septic tank sludge! The Elitist Bottom Feeders want to drag non elitists into the pits of poverty and degradation! In futility the people turning to the elitists running governments and accepting socialism and authoritarianism. Tyrannical rule at the mercy of the elitist bottom feeders. The defeated people lead to the slaughter houses of those bottom feeders so they could be culled in a civilized manner! Civilized culling of 87% of the population viewed as the people not knowing how they are being eliminated! Mercy killings of the people to make the earth paradise for those “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders”! It has often been implied secularists want to replace the Gods people worship, inserting government and themselves into that position. The power they wield in society is not enough. Their greed, gluttony, arrogance and narcissism has them craving more and more. Never enough! They want supreme power as far as power over life and death, to eliminate 87% of the earth’s population for their own pleasure!
  • 6. 6 Look at the “Elitist Bottom Feeders” in Hollywood, the perfect nesting place. A petri dish for the culturing of the “Elitist Bottom Feeders”! Often adored, even worshipped! Using that appeal to dictate to the people how we should think! If “We the People” choose contrary to their wishes, like Cher, Barbra Streisand, Whoopi Goldberg, Miley Cyrus and so many of Hollywood elites! They decree their royal displeasure to the peons! Like spoiled little children, if “We the People” do not vote their way, they threaten to leave America! Talk about enthralled with their own power. This the insidious, corrosive selfish nature and character of the “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders”!