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FOREWORD ................................................... 5
INTRODUCTION .......................................... 14
ACTION ....................................................... 27
 LAND ...................................................................................28
 CORRUPTION ......................................................................39
 GENDER, WOMEN AND LGBTQI..........................................42
 LGBTQI ................................................................................45
 YOUTH DEVELOPMENT.......................................................47
 CRIME..................................................................................50
 EDUCATION.........................................................................54
 HEALTH................................................................................67
 PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES.................................................81
 TRADITIONAL LEADERS.......................................................83
 ENERGY ...............................................................................86
 MINING ...............................................................................90
 FINANCIAL SECTOR .............................................................94
 SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT.......................................................99
 STATE CAPACITY................................................................103
 AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FORESTRY........................109
 ECONOMY.........................................................................117
 ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE..........................................127
 FISCAL FRAMEWORK.........................................................130
 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY .............................................135
 SPORTS, ARTS, CULTURE AND RECREATION.....................144
 ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE...................................................156
 NATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE ...........................................158
 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS.............................................165
The year 2019 marks exactly 25 years since the
attainment of political freedom in South Africa.
As observed in the Founding Manifesto of the
Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), political
freedom in South Africa has hardly translated
into observable economic emancipation. Black
people remain landless, they remain on the
margins of economic production and outside of
life-enhancing economic participation. The
majority of those that participate in the economy
do so as suppliers of cheap and easily disposable
labour. Landlessness and joblessness among
black South Africans are at crisis levels, posing
the biggest challenges that confront South
African society today.
While focusing on clear, implementable and
decisive programmes for all spheres of
governance, the EFF’s emphasis for the 2019
general elections will be on LAND and JOBS.
Consequently, the EFF’s theme for the 2019
elections is: OUR LAND AND JOBS NOW.
The emphasis on LAND derives from the fact that
25 years since the attainment political
freedom, 80% of the population continues to
occupy less than 10% of South Africa’s land.
The emphasis on JOBS is motivated by the sad
reality that after 25 years of attempts at
addressing the matter, more than seven million capable South
Africans who need jobs are unemployed, with no hope that
anything will change unless the current government is
The emphasis on NOW is informed by the fact that 25 years is
a rather long time for any political party to keep making empty
promises. The emphasis on NOW is also because our people
live in absolute poverty. Similarly, the emphasis on NOW is
because our people are landless. The emphasis on NOW is
because our people are jobless. Yet again the emphasis on
NOW is because the crises of racialised poverty, inequality,
underdevelopment, landlessness and joblessness are being
experienced NOW, and must be resolved NOW!
More fundamentally, the emphasis on NOW is because we
cannot postpone the true liberation of our people from
economic apartheid. We are not part of the 1994 elite pact.
We are a completely new generation, with new demands. And
our demands, unlike those of the 1994 generation, will not be
postponed. We refuse to be silenced with so-called
reconciliation. We want justice now. We want our land now.
We want jobs now. We demand the economy NOW!
It is our considered view that the political change-over in 1994,
did not bring true liberation. It was a bluff which continues to
subject black people to economic and social apartheid. This
economic apartheid must end now. The demand for land and
jobs now is the demand to end apartheid because it is now
evident that apartheid did not end in 1994. We are not part of
the CODESA compromises, which only focused on taking over
political power without the control of the economy. We are a
generation that is fighting for true economic emancipation
The economy in South Africa continues today to be under the
ownership and control of white minority settlers, whose
ownership and control of land in particular, were gained
through settler colonialism and its corollary - the dispossession
of the black colonised. Other sectors of the economy, such as
the retail chains, industry and the financial sector, are also
owned and controlled by the white minority in South Africa. All
the means of economic survival and existence continue to be
controlled by the white minority. All of this continues to be the
case two decades after the country attained political freedom.
The black majority, and Africans in particular, are the
numerical majority, yet they continue to be the economic
minority, living under difficult conditions and perennially
begging for participation in and benefit from what is a white-
owned economy linked to the global capitalist system. The few
black people who participate in the economy, do so, subject to
white approval through a black economic empowerment
model that is ostensibly designed to benefit a small number of
individuals without ever changing the structural exclusion of the
The post-1994 governments have dismally failed to transfer
economic power to the black majority and, even worse, to
optimally use government ownership and control of certain
state assets for the benefit of all South Africans. Instead, they
have reproduced and worsened apartheid economic
inequalities, such that a prominent defining characteristic of all
post-1994 governments is their perpetuation of economic
apartheid defined along racial lines. Whilst political apartheid
has been abolished, economic and social apartheid remain a
stark reality, evidenced by the fact that poverty is associated
with blackness and wealth with whiteness.
The Economic Freedom Fighters has demonstrated in its five
years of existence, through various interventions and political
leadership in different spheres of influence, that it is the only
political movement that will bring about real economic change
in South Africa. As a movement, we carry collective and
individual capacity that will fundamentally change South
Africa’s economy in a manner that will allow us to reclaim
economic ownership, expand the productive economy, give
black people real ownership, create jobs and drive inclusive
The EFF’s political programme is the only programme that is
embedded in the interests of all South Africans, having been
organically developed to meet people’s demands. The
manifesto we present hereafter for the 2019 general elections
is therefore not a wish list of unattainable goals, but a clear
programme of action of what we will do when elected as
government of South Africa.
The EFF Manifesto 2019 is based on primarily three sources:
a) The numerous submissions the EFF received from
different sectors through public consultations, which
included public meetings, letters to different
organisations, social media inputs and oral
b) The Founding Manifesto of the EFF; and
c) The collective experience the EFF gained through its
participation in Parliament, Provincial Legislatures and
Municipal Councils.
It is important to highlight that the EFF’s political programme
is underpinned by the desire for ECONOMIC FREEDOM IN
OUR LIFETIME. This is a generational clarion call that we will
never deviate from. The EFF’s manifesto commitments for the
2019 general elections are inspired by as well as based on our
movement’s seven cardinal pillars, which constitute the core of
our approach to genuine revolutionary transformation of
society for the better.
The seven pillars are:
a. Expropriation of South Africa’s land without
compensation, for equal redistribution in use
b. Nationalisation of mines, banks and other
strategic sectors of the economy, without
c. Building state and government capacity, which
will lead to the abolishment of tenders
d. Free quality education, health care, houses and
e. Massive protected industrial development to
create millions of sustainable jobs, including the
introduction of minimum wage(s) in order to
close the wage gap between the rich and the
poor, close the apartheid wage gap and
promote rapid career paths for Africans in the
f. Massive development of the African economy
and advocating for a move from reconciliation to
justice on the entire continent
g. Open, accountable, corrupt-free government
and society without fear of victimisation by state
The seven cardinal pillars and all the areas which the manifesto
covers are of crucial importance to us in their totality, while
specific emphasis is being placed on LAND and JOBS. It is our
firm belief that the crisis levels of poverty, inequality and
underdevelopment being experienced in the country can be
ended by the reclamation and equitable redistribution of the
land and the creation of millions of jobs. The current
government has spectacularly demonstrated that it is incapable
both now and in the foreseeable future to economically
empower all South Africans.
The EFF does not promote job creation at any cost. The quality
of jobs and the quality of life in the workplace are also of
utmost importance. The role of trade unions therefore needs to
be specifically guaranteed and protected. The wage gap is also
one of the biggest contributors to inequality. Statistics show that
in South Africa, the wealthiest three billionaires own more
wealth than the poorest 26 million citizens. Globally, it will take
four days for the CEOs of the world’s largest fashion
companies to earn what a clothing worker in those companies
earns in a lifetime. Economic wealth therefore must be
transferred from the hands of the few to the hands of the many.
The EFF’s manifesto takes into consideration various domestic,
regional, global, geo-political, economic and industrial
developments. We particularly take into consideration that we
have the obligation to present a credible JOBS strategy in the
era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which could reduce the
number of people employed to produce goods and services for
a wage. The Manifesto will address these developments in a
manner that appreciates reality and yet achieves maximum
What distinguishes the EFF’s 2019, election manifesto from all
other election manifestos is that it makes specific commitments
with timelines and clearly specifies areas that will receive the
deliverables, illustrating the movement’s readiness and
preparedness to govern on behalf of the people. The era of
meaningless and broad promises is over. The EFF’s
quantitative and qualitative growth has taught us that we
should always stay in contact with the people and understand
their demands and aspirations.
Some of the policy innovations contained in this manifesto
a) Land redistribution policies which will guarantee land
access by all landless people for residential, industrial,
cultural, religious and recreational purposes;
b) Multiple special economic zones to promote inward
industrialisation and manufacturing investments with
export capacity in order to make the ownership and
control of the economy demographically representative,
expand its productive capacity and create millions of
c) Doubling of social grants in order to reduce the crisis
levels of poverty and boost domestic economic
demands and expansion;
d) Usage of legislated state procurement as a boost for
localisation and creation of sustainable quality jobs,
prioritising women and the youth;
e) Reconfiguration of the spheres of government into
national and local spheres and eliminating the
provincial sphere in order to redirect resources to
impactful service delivery and investments; and
f) Amending the constitution to make the National
Prosecutions Authority (NPA) a Chapter 9, institution
accountable to Parliament in order to stop selective
prosecutions and fight corruption.
Fellow South Africans, Commissars, Fighters, and all Ground
Forces, the EFF hereby presents our commitments, a
programme of action and a clearly articulated plan on what
we will do when elected to govern on behalf of the people.
These are not empty promises. They are clear commitments
that will be realised under the decisive and capable leadership
of the Economic Freedom Fighters. The clarion call is clear:
Revolutionary regards,
Julius Sello Malema
The EFF’s election manifesto will focus on the key
areas set out below. It should be highlighted that
each focus area will have a localised expression and
jobs dividend.
The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) is a revolutionary
socialist economic emancipation movement founded in 2013,
in South Africa to fight for economic freedom in our lifetime.
The EFF is a registered political party with 890 public
representatives in the National Assembly, the National Council
of Provinces, Provincial Legislatures and Municipal Councils.
Since its formation, the EFF has, among many others,
registered the following victories:
1) Through various efforts the EFF led the country into
discussing the amendment of the constitution to realise
the expropriation of land without compensation for equal
2) The EFF got former President Mr Jacob Zuma to pay back
money spent on non-security-related upgrades at his
homestead in Nkandla.
3) The EFF effectively led a political process that stopped the
Gupta criminal syndicate from running the country’s
government and key state-owned companies.
4) The EFF used its Parliamentary participation to table the
following laws, which will fundamentally change the
economic architecture of South Africa to benefit ordinary
South Africans:
i. The National Health Amendment Bill, which will
ensure that all clinics in South Africa are open 24
hours a day;
ii. The Insourcing of all Government and State Entities
Bill, which will result in the insourcing of all workers
who provide constant services to government and
state companies;
iii. The Illegalisation of Alcohol Advertisement Bill, which
will end the celebration and promotion of alcohol
consumption in South Africa;
iv. The Banks Amendment Bill, which will lead to the
creation of a state-owned bank; and
v. The Nationalisation of the South African Reserve
Bank Bill, which will discontinue private ownership of
the central bank.
5) The EFF used its Parliamentary participation to table
motions which sought to achieve the following:
i. Provision of free-fee education for the poor at higher
education level, which was rejected by the ruling
ii. Increase in mineworkers’ salaries and improvement
of their working conditions;
iii. Repeal of all apartheid legislation and laws that
continue to govern South African society;
iv. Nationalisation of banks and changing how state-
owned companies are managed; and
v. Submission on illicit financial flows, tax avoidance
and base erosion in Parliament as well as to SARS
and the Davis Tax Committee.
6) The EFF led and supported land occupation programmes
which resulted in residential land being given to many
landless people in all the provinces.
7) The EFF led a decisive political programme that resulted
in the admission of more than 100 000 students to
institutions of higher learning without their having to pay
any fees.
8) The EFF’s public representatives and leadership have
individually and collectively assisted many communities
i. Implements for agricultural productivity, including
ii. School assistance programmes and bursaries that
help hundreds of schoolchildren;
iii. School uniforms and vital learning and teaching
support materials;
iv. Many labour disputes that prevented racism,
dismissals and retrenchments; and
v. Legal representation that prevents evictions.
9) The EFF caucuses at provincial and local levels tabled
insourcing bills and motions for government to disallow
anyone to work for government through a third party to
provide common services such as cleaning, gardening,
security guards etc.
10) The EFF caucuses in Johannesburg, Tshwane and Nelson
Mandela Bay tabled successful motions on the insourcing
of municipality workers, as a result of which thousands of
security guards are now full-time employees with proper
salaries at the municipalities.
11) The EFF caucuses in Johannesburg and Tshwane tabled
successful motions to have clinics remain open 24 hours
a day. As a result, clinics in cities are now open 24 hours,
seven days a week.
12) The EFF had Parliament debate the plight of ‘Fees Must
Fall’ activists in support of all activists who were arrested
and remained behind bars or who were involved in court
cases or awaiting trial in prison.
13) The EFF in KwaZulu-Natal tabled a motion for the
discontinuation of all contracts with KPMG by provincial
government. The motion was adopted by the provincial
14) The EFF in Rustenburg tabled a motion to reinstate 100
workers whose employment with the Council had been
wrongfully terminated. The motion was adopted by the
15) The EFF in Bela-Bela tabled a motion for a land
expropriation programme. As a result, the Council
allocated 700 fully serviced stands to deserving
16) The EFF in Modimolle tabled a motion for the Municipal
Council to scrap all debt that indigent people owed. The
motion was adopted by the Council.
17) The EFF in Nelson Mandela Bay tabled a motion for the
insourcing of security guards, with a salary increase from
R4 000 to R11 000. The motion was adopted by the
18) The EFF secured transport for learners who previously
had to walk long distances to school in Buffalo City.
19) The EFF in Matjhabeng in Free State helped 95 workers
who had been employed on contract for more than ten
years to secure full-time positions.
20) The EFF protected the independence of the office of the
Public Protector.
21) The EFF has made politics fashionable and worthy.
22) The EFF has made Parliament vibrant.
23) The EFF has helped many people with legal
representation, including artists.
24) The EFF fought for the insourcing of workers at institutions
of higher learning such as Wits University, University of
South Africa (UNISA), University of Kwa Zulu/Natal
(UKZN) and University of Pretoria (UP).
25) The EFF pushed President Zuma out of office through a
motion of no confidence.
26) The EFF introduced secret voting in Parliament.
27) The EFF has gained credibility at institutions of higher
learning by constantly winning SRC elections.
28) Wherever the EFF led the SRC, poor students were
provided with free sanitary towels and one meal a day.
29) The EFF effectively gave land to 50 000 people who were
30) The EFF helped to remove corrupt government officials at
Nelson Mandela, Tshwane, Johannesburg, Thabazimbi,
Modimolle, Mogale City and Jozini municipal councils.
31) The EFF has built the confidence of black people and
confronted racism everywhere where it encounters it.
32) The EFF is the only party that has a higher gender balance
in Parliament, provincial legislature and municipal
The EFF has had many collective and individual victories in all
the provinces and numerous municipalities, some which
cannot for reasons of space be included here. In sum it has
brought hope to ordinary South Africans and revived their
confidence in politics.
1) The large majority of black South Africans are landless,
and the post-1994 governments have cumulatively
bought less than 7% of the targeted 30% of land meant
for redistribution, over a period of 25 years.
2) Close to 40% of South Africans who need jobs are
unemployed, meaning that more than nine million South
Africans who need jobs and are capable of working
cannot find employment. The present government has
failed dismally in devising a strategy for creating
employment for all, and unemployment has since 1994,
never been below 20%.
3) The South African governments have consistently over the
past 25 years adopted a legislative and policy framework
according to which service delivery is completely
dependent on external service providers and tenders.
Thus, the government itself lacks the capability to perform
basic/core government functions.
4) The food economy in South Africa is dominated by the
white minority at all levels, from land ownership and
agricultural production to the packaging and retailing of
food - nothing has changed since 1994.
1. The South African economy has not fully
developed its productive capacity to provide jobs
for millions of unemployed people and is still
heavily dependent on the importation of finished
goods and products.
2. South Africa’s education system is not well
positioned to respond to the Fourth Industrial
Revolution due to a lack of high-technology
infrastructure, and the post-secondary education
and training institutions cannot absorb all learners
from secondary schools.
3. South Africa’s health care system excludes a
substantial number of South Africans, and the
country is sadly, still far from achieving universal
health coverage.
4. Millions of South Africans still reside in unsafe
human settlements and remain trapped in poverty.
5. South Africa has extra-ordinarily high levels of
crime. An average of 20 000 murders are
committed annually, and huge numbers of violent
crimes are not properly resolved.
6. Social development and assistance do not deliver
impactful results in resolving the massive poverty
and inequality challenges.
7. South Africa’s criminal justice system does not
serve justice to poor people, and its correctional
services system is not corrective.
8. South Africa’s energy plan and capacity are not
dependable enough to allow for massive
industrialisation and reliable household usage.
9. South Africa’s environmental management does
not adequately address the protection of the
climate because of the country’s complete
dependence on polluting energy sources.
10. The financial sector in South Africa is owned and
controlled by a financial cartel that excludes and
discriminates against many people on racial
11. South Africa’s fiscal architecture permanently
incapacitates the state from achieving basic service
delivery demands, and taxes are not maximally
collected from the private sector.
12. South Africa has trivialised science and technology
and is thus not maximising the potential thereof to
improve people’s lives.
13. South Africa’s international relations policies are
not positioned to maximally benefit the country.
14. Women in South Africa are still at the margins of
economic empowerment and are largely excluded
from senior positions in both the private and public
15. People with disabilities are not optimally taken
care of.
16. South Africa’s infrastructure back-log is still
massive, particularly in areas where black people
17. The role of traditional leadership is not clearly
defined, and this leads to abuse of the institution
of traditional leadership.
18. South Africa’s architecture of procurement leads to
massive corruption in both the private and public
19. In South Africa, women are violently abused and
killed every day. South Africa is thus considered a
rape capital.
20. In South Africa, there is no free education.
21. In South Africa, 55% of young people are
unemployed and cannot find work.
22. Data is expensive in South Africa.
23. In South Africa, black people live on dumping
24. In South Africa, drug abuse and gangsterism are
25. In South Africa, leadership recipients are paid
poorly and exploited.
26. In South Africa, teenage pregnancy is extremely
27. In South Africa, violence against the LGBTQI
community is prevalent.
28. In South Africa, anti-black racism and xenophobia
against Africans are on the rise.
29. South Africa’s local government is extremely
30. In South Africa, artists are underpaid. Their jobs
are not protected, and many die poor, as a
31. In South Africa, women in sports are paid less than
their male counterparts.
32. South Africa has a bloated cabinet with useless
deputy ministers.
33. South Africa still has apartheid murders.
34. South Africa still uses an apartheid national
35. In South Africa, streets, buildings, towns and
monuments are still named after apartheid icons.
36. South Africa has one of the highest school dropout
37. South Africa has insufficient learning spaces and
accommodation at institutions of higher learning.
38. South Africa still has schools where children learn
under trees or in mud structures and/or must use
pit toilets.
39. South Africa still has bucket toilets.
40. South Africa still has bogus initiation schools which
lead to death.
41. South Africa still has a huge, widening gap
between poor and rich people.
42. In South Africa, there are still kids who walk
kilometres to school and back.
1. The EFF government will ensure that the amendment of
Section 25 of the 1996 South African Constitution to
allow expropriation of land without compensation for
equal redistribution and use is carried through with
immediate effect.
2. All land will be under the custodianship of the state, for
equal redistribution to all.
3. The EFF government will pass accompanying legislation
such as a Land Redistribution Act and an Agrarian
Reform Act.
4. The EFF government will discontinue ownership of land
by a few and ensure that all South African land is owned
by all South African people through the principle of
progressive state custodianship of land.
5. The EFF government will redistribute land in a manner
that is demographically representative, meaning that
black people will accordingly control the majority of the
land, as they constitute the majority in South Africa.
6. The EFF government will redistribute a minimum of 50%
of the land to be controlled by women and the youth.
7. The EFF government will abolish foreign land
8. The EFF government will establish a People’s Land
Council to manage and redistribute land to all those
who need it for residential and productive purposes.
9. The EFF government will establish a land ombudsman
to ensure that people’s rights to the land are protected
and not subjected to arbitrary abuse by state officials
and injudicious mining companies.
10. The EFF government will reconfigure the Land Claims
Court into the People’s Land Court which will be
constituted by no less than ten permanent judges in
order to speed up the resolution of all land disputes.
11. The EFF government will once and for all guarantee that
the right to land of people living in communal areas,
such as the people of Xolobeni, is an absolute right, and
that no one has authority to dispossess indigenous
people of their right to land for the benefit of a few
12. The EFF government will develop a new system of land
rights registration to ensure that communal and
customary land rights are recordable and offered the
same protection as other forms of rights over land.
13. The EFF government will abolish rentals of all residential
14. The EFF government will allocate land for residential,
agriculture and industrial usage for free.
15. The EFF government will allocate land for residential
purposes with inheritance rights.
16. The EFF government will not abolish the rights of
traditional leaders in the allocation and redistribution of
17. The EFF government will nationalise all game reserves,
particularly the game reserves in Waterberg region in
Limpopo and uMkhanyakude region of Kwazulu-Natal,
bringing them under the management of South African
National Parks (SANParks).
As of 2019, South Africa has a workforce of 25.4 million
people with the capacity to work. Only 16.4 million of them
have jobs while the remaining nine million are unemployed,
meaning that 35% of South Africans who are seeking
employment are jobless. To create jobs, the EFF government
will do the following:
1. The EFF government will ensure and lead massive and
protected sustainable industrial development and
diversification to create millions of decent jobs between
2019 and 2024. This will happen through state-led
industrialisation, industrial diversification, the protection
of infant and existing industries, the transfer of
ownership to black people through subsidies, an
increase in tariffs, and state-aided marketing and
promotion of South African products internally, across
the continent and worldwide, with a focus on key,
progressive and most beneficial trading partners.
2. The EFF government will declare multiple special
economic zones in various regions of South Africa,
clearly emphasising that each investor will gain special
economic zone benefits such as tax incentives and
factory building allowances if they each employ and
sustain a minimum of 2 000 jobs.
3. The EFF government will ensure that a minimum of 80%
of the goods and services procured by the state at all
levels and at all state companies are domestically
4. The EFF government will ensure that a minimum of 50%
of all South Africa’s mineral resources are locally
beneficiated, processed and value added.
5. The EFF government will ensure that all food for local
consumption is produced and processed on a massive
scale in South Africa. This will happen through the
intensification of small-scale farming and agriculture
and by giving strategic support to all small-scale
agricultural operations, including providing trade
routes. All food traders in South Africa will be compelled
by law to buy South African food products and to
support operations that produce these food products.
6. The EFF government will build sustainable food
processing zones that will supply food items to other
parts of the world, particularly the rest of Africa, China,
Latin America and India. This will lead to the creation of
millions of jobs across the entire food chain.
7. The EFF government will help communities in the coastal
areas to start agro-fishing corporates and businesses,
which will be their main source of income and
8. The EFF government will ensure that all products and
goods that contribute to state construction projects are
locally produced, bar exceptional cases where there is
no capacity to produce locally.
9. The EFF government will ensure the development,
protection and localisation of industries which produce
basic and daily used goods through import substitution
mechanisms. These include:
 Glasses, cups, plates, spoons, pots etc.
 Tiles and energy-efficient building materials
 Furniture, energy-efficient light bulbs and
decorating materials
 Solar water geysers, insulation material and
energy-efficient products
 Washing products and soap
 Electronics
 Basic energy-efficient electronics
 The textile industry including, clothing and shoes,
 Agro-processing of food.
10. The EFF government will ensure that small and medium-
sized enterprises are given strategic support and that
legislation is passed to ensure that key industrial inputs
and services to big corporates and companies are
provided by SMMEs.
11. The EFF government will protect the right of street
hawkers and informal traders to trade in a safe and
clean environment in all the cities of South Africa without
fear of police harassment.
12. The EFF government will prohibit the confiscation of
street traders’ goods as a means of enforcing municipal
13. The EFF government will amend the PFMA and MFMA
to compel national, provincial and state-owned entities
to procure 80% of all goods from local producers and a
minimum of 50% from producers of which 50% is
owned and controlled by women and the youth.
14. The EFF government will build and support state-owned
trading and retail platforms in every municipality.
15. The EFF government will declare the following areas as
special economic zones with zero company taxes and a
building allowance in exchange for each investor
creating 2 000 full-time jobs, paying a minimum wage
and pension contributions:
Free State
1. QwaQwa in the Thabomofutsanyana region
2. Thabanchu in the Mangaung region
3. Deneysville in the Fezile Dabie region
Eastern Cape
1. Butterworth in the Amathole region
2. Mount Ayliff and Mbizana in the Alfred Nzo region
3. Cofimvaba in the Chris Hani region
4. Graaff-Reinet in the Cacadu region
5. Mthatha and Port St Johns in the OR Tambo region
6. Sterkspruit in the Joe Gqabi region
7. King Williams Town in the Amathole region
1. Bushbuck Ridge and Mjindini in the Enhlanzeni region
2. Marapiane in Dr J.S. Moroka in the Nkangala region
3. Moloto in Tembisile Hani in the Nkangala region
4. Mkhizeville in Mkhondo in the Gert Sibande region
5. Enyibe in Msukalikwa in the Gert Sibande region
1. Groblersdal in the Sekhukhune region
2. Seshego in the Capricorn region
3. Mogalakwena in the Waterberg region
4. Shayandima in the Vhembe region
5. Phalaborwa in the Mopani region
North West
1. Kagisano and Taung in Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati
2. Ramotshere and Ratlou in the Ngaka Modiri Molema
3. Moses Kotane in the Bojanala region
1. uMhlabuyalingana in the uMkhanyakude region
2. eDumbe in the Zululand region
3. Utrecht in the Amajuba region
4. Ladysmith in the uThukela region
5. eNquthu in Umzinyathi
6. Umzimkhulu in the Sisonke region
7. Scottsburgh in the Ugu region
8. Maphumulo in the Ilembe region
Northern Cape
1. The whole province must be declared a special
economic zone with industrial assistance for all
companies that create a minimum of 2 000 jobs per
investor per area.
Western Cape
1. Cape Agulhas in the Overberg region
2. Beaufort West in the Central Karoo region
3. Ashton in the Cape Winelands region
4. Oudtshoorn in the South Cape region
5. Citrusdal in the West Coast region.
16. Under the EFF government, township economy equates
to township industrialisation, and special tax-free
economic zones will be created in populous townships.
17. The EFF government will declare township areas as
special tax-free zones in exchange for 2 000 full-time
jobs per investor paying a minimum wage and pension
contribution per company.
18. The EFF government will pass legislation that ensures a
minimum wage of R4 500 across the board for all full-
time workers and will fight that each of the following
sectors accordingly receives the stipulated minimum
 Mineworkers: R12 500 per month
 Farm workers: R5 000 per month
 Manufacturing workers: R6 500 per month
 Retail workers: R5 000 per month
 Builders: R7 000 per month
 Petrol attendants: R6 500 per month
 Cleaners: R4 500 per month
 Domestic workers: R5 000 per month
 Private security guards: R7 500 per month
 Full-time waiters and waitresses: R4 500 per month.
19. The EFF government will use state procurement as an
instrument for driving job creation, meaning that a
minimum of 80% of all goods and services procured by
the state must be locally produced, and majority-owned
and controlled by the people of South Africa.
20. The localisation drive will include all procurement,
inclusive of automobiles, electronics, textiles, food and
professional services.
21. The EFF government will pass a policy that 100% of the
food procured by the state for school feeding schemes,
hospitals, prisons, etc. is locally produced by emerging
historically excluded farmers, and that a minimum of
50% is procured from women and the youth.
22. The EFF government will put measures in place to
ensure that a minimum of 50% of the labour force is
unionised and that collective bargaining is prescribed
and actively promoted.
23. The EFF government will ensure that a minimum of 50%
of all state procurement benefits women and youth-
owned and/or controlled companies.
24. The EFF government will guarantee ‘one degree one
job’ – The EFF government commits to absorb all
unemployed graduates and place them into areas
relevant to their qualifications.
25. The EFF government will drive a massive job creation
programme by building studios in every municipality for
artists to record and produce their work locally.
26. The EFF government will create jobs through local
27. The EFF government will impose a quota of 60% on all
shops to sell locally produced goods and products.
1. The EFF government will increase, harness and enhance
the efficiency and effectiveness of governance institutions
to pre-empt all forms of corruption.
2. The EFF government will abolish the usage of private
companies to fulfil functions and duties that government
should fulfil.
3. The EFF government will ban the usage of consultants
and project management units as a basis for delivering
government services.
4. The EFF government will build internal capacity to fulfil its
own functions and responsibilities, thereby avoiding
being influenced and having its employees bribed by
private companies and consultants in the fulfilment of
government tasks.
5. The EFF government will establish state administration
courts to promptly respond to incidents of corruption with
the aim of firing and blacklisting corrupt state employees
and private companies and recovering money lost due to
6. The EFF government will introduce a minimum sentence
of 20 years for all public representatives and servants
convicted of corruption.
7. The EFF government will protect the independence of the
Public Protector, the Auditor General and all other
corruption monitoring institutions to independently
oversee government programmes.
8. The EFF government will introduce legislation preventing
all public representatives and public servants from doing
any form of business with public institutions.
9. The EFF will pass a law that will make all Public
Representatives and Servants to forfeit their pension funds
and savings if they are found guilty of corruption.
10. The EFF government will reduce and eventually ban the
use of consultants and project management units as a
basis for delivering government services.
11. The EFF government will strengthen the current legislation
aimed at the protection of whistle-blowers.
12. The Eff government will introduce new legislation
13. The EFF government will introduce new legislation and
other measures for:
a. compulsory imprisonment plus community service
during and beyond the term of imprisonment to pay
back to society any money gained through corruption
and send a clear message that corruption does not
b. corrupt offenders employed in the public sector to
forfeit their pensions and other benefits; and
c. Corrupt offenders to receive lifetime bans from
employment in the public sector.
14. The EFF government will act decisively on private sector
15. The EFF government will amend the Constitution to make
the National Prosecution Authority (NPA) a constitutional
institution accountable to Parliament to guarantee its
independence in the fight against corruption and crime in
1. Women have suffered most from the neo-liberal reality
of the past 20 years. The vicious circle of triple
oppression, based on race, class and gender, has not
been broken for black women in particular. The EFF
recognises that while patriarchy and sexism are
pervasive in our society, it is black women who suffer
the most from gender-based violence. Up to now,
interventions for dealing with violence against women
have been superficial, half-hearted and based on the
wrong understanding of the root causes for the
vulnerability of women.
2. The EFF government will strive to realise women's
liberation through a variety of interventions, starting
with prioritising women when it comes to the benefits of
economic emancipation. These interventions will
include education against patriarchy and sexism,
complemented by legislation to protect and promote
women’s liberation and the close monitoring of the
implementation thereof in order to realise real women
empowerment in society, within the family and at the
3. The EFF believes that gender-based violence and
related antisocial activities are reinforced and even
sustained by the deplorable general conditions of our
people; therefore, a key to female emancipation is the
emancipation of all. The EFF will emphasise
transforming the lives of our people in the ghettos from
one of generalised structural violence as a mechanism
to end all violence, including violence against women.
4. The EFF government will ensure that the following key
interventions are made:
 50% women representation in all spheres
representing economic benefit, political
participation, a managerial and leadership
 Compulsory gender education and training for
all (e.g. at school, work, within the family,
church, in the legislative, executive as well as
civil society);
 Education of the police on gender justice and the
establishment of specialised law enforcement
units to deal with women-related crimes;
 Strengthening of education of men on
patriarchy, sexism and misogyny; and
 Engaging custodians of tradition, faith leaders
and other cultural practitioners to collectively
find means to combat the oppression of women.
5. The EFF government will introduce a special
inspectorate in the Department of Labour to monitor,
report on and enforce gender parity and equality in the
workplace. Such measures will range from name-and-
shame, heavy penalties to the withdrawal of trading
licences in the case of repeat offenders.
6. The EFF government will introduce a whistle-blowing
mechanism for reporting all instances of sexual
harassment, jobs-for-sex and gender-based violence in
the workplace.
7. The EFF government will initiate a comprehensive
research project aimed at the recognition of work
performed by women in the household as formal labour
which contributes to the national economy, GDP and the
formal tax system.
1. The EFF government will aggressively engage in public
awareness and communication strategies and training
interventions all aimed at or directed towards positively
changing social norms which declare LGBTQI sexual
preferences as abnormal.
2. The EFF government will amend the Criminal Law
Amendment Act and existing legislation to include
harsher minimum sentences for ‘corrective’ rape
specifically, or crimes committed with hatred as
motivation in general.
3. The EFF government will also amend the Sex Description
4. Act and related legislation to ensure the Home Affairs
Department expedites ID alteration applications for
transgender applicants.
5. The EFF government will invest in a public health care
system that ensures easy access to gender-affirming
6. The EFF government will decisively enforce the Equality
Act and related legislation to end unfair discrimination
by government and private organisations in relation to
the employment of women and the LGBTQI community.
7. The EFF government will amend the Facilities
Regulations Act and related regulations to enable the
implementation of gender-neutral toilet facilities in
schools, public facilities and workplaces to benefit
transgender populations and people outside of the
gender binary.
8. The EFF government will amend the Child Care Act and
related legislation to impose penalties for unfair
discrimination against LGBTQI individuals in relation to
adoption processes.
1. Youth development cuts across all aspects of the EFF
manifesto, because the jobs the EFF government will
create, the businesses that will be financed, the fee-
free education that will be provided and the social
assistance programme will primarily benefit the youth.
2. The EFF government will mainstream youth
development in all sectors of government and pursue
active programmes to professionalise youth work.
3. The EFF government will develop mechanisms to
monitor the implementation of youth development
4. The EFF government will pass legislation that will
ensure that all government departments and all public
institutions employ a minimum of 40% of people
between the ages of 18 and 35.
5. The EFF government will pass legislation that will
ensure that all government departments and all public
institutions spend 50% of their procurement budget on
youth-owned businesses.
6. The EFF government will ensure that all private
corporations employ a minimum of 35% of people
between the ages of 18 and 35.
7. The EFF government will ensure that all communities
have a Youth Information and Advisory Centre which
will inform, educate and guide young people on
possible career paths and educational opportunities
available in South Africa.
8. The EFF government will ensure that a minimum of
40% of budget allocation to government departments
in all spheres of government is specifically set aside for
youth empowerment and upliftment.
9. Under the EFF government, the NYDA will be
autonomous from any direct influence or micro-
management by government in an effective, efficient
and integrated manner, whilst rallying and advocating
support for the implementation of women and youth-
driven development strategies.
10. The EFF government will integrate and institutionalise
youth development at local government level.
11. The EFF government will build NYDA offices in every
12. The EFF government will allocate R2 billion to the
NYDA, with a minimum of 50% of that allocated to
companies, programmes and projects controlled by
1. The EFF government’s approach to fighting crime will
take into consideration that crime is a socio-economic
consequence and should be fundamentally uprooted by
economically developing our communities and
providing criminals with quality jobs and careers.
2. The EFF government will by 2024 establish satellite
police stations that will be open 24 hours in a day and
seven days in a week in every ward of the country where
there currently is no police station.
3. The EFF government will re-open police and satellite
police stations in Marabastad, Zandspruit, Kocksoord,
Azaadville, Morula Sun, Melville, Zithobeni and
Thembelihle in Gauteng by 2022.
4. The EFF government will re-open police and satellite
police stations in Siyathemba, Emjindini, Botleng,
Tjakastad, Kwazamokuhle, Msogwaba, Daanjie,
Hectorspuit, Lebohang, Badfontein, Dundonald, Phola,
Thuthukani, Phungutsha and Kamhlushwa in
Mpumalanga by 2022.
5. The EFF government will ensure that all police stations
are housed in properties owned by the state.
6. The EFF government will ensure that each police station
has officers with specialised skills to deal with cases of
sexual violence against and abuse of women and
children and to support victims.
7. The EFF government will require all police stations to
have DNA kits by the end of 2019.
8. The EFF government will retrain all police officers by
2022 so that they are able to process and investigate
sexual violence and intimate-partner violence crimes, in
a way that takes cognisance of the short-term and long-
term mental and physical health of the victim.
9. The EFF government will determine the number of police
officers to be allocated to a station in relation to the
number of people within the station’s catchment area.
10. The EFF government will employ an additional 100 000
police officers by 2023.
11. The EFF government will repair all broken police
vehicles by 2020.
12. The EFF government will purchase an additional 7 000
police vehicles by 2022, on condition that 50% of all
parts are made in South Africa.
13. The EFF government will absorb all police reservists and
security guards.
14. The EFF government will increase police visibility.
15. The EFF government will impose strict rules on gun
ownership and will aggressively recover illegal guns.
16. The EFF government will deploy a special task team to
deal with gangsterism and drugs in places such as the
Cape Flats in Cape Town,
17. The EFF government will improve the capacity of crime
intelligence to include the usage of technology to solve
18. The EFF government will train additional detectives.
19. The EFF government will re-capacitate Community
Policing Forums across the country and encourage the
formation of crime watch and street committees in crime
hotspot communities and areas
20. The EFF government will give rewards for citizens who
submit evidence depicting alleged criminal activities,
including drug dealing, social crimes and domestic
21. Racism shall be declared a punishable criminal offence
22. As part of its massive drive for rural development, the
EFF government will introduce a specialised unit to deal
with the problem of stock theft in rural and farming
23. Sentences for rhino poaching will be increased
24. The SABC must dedicate one hour per day on all radio
and television stations to educate the public about crime
prevention and community policing
25. All immigrants shall be registered and have their
fingerprints captured by the new Department of Home
Affairs and Internal Security.
1. The EFF government will introduce free decolonised
education for all, advancing topics pertaining to
indigenous knowledge, sovereignty and economic
freedom in the curricula.
2. The EFF government will criminalise all parents who do
not take their children to school.
1. The EFF government will make universal provision for
early childhood development (ECD) programmes and will
make it compulsory for children from the ages of three
years and upwards to be enrolled in an ECD for free.
2. The EFF will develop a common ECD curriculum focusing
on nutrition programmes, book reading and storytelling,
and other land-based activities to enhance children’s
understanding of their surrounding environment.
3. Under the EFF government, all ECD practitioners will be
employed on a full-time basis, with full pay and pension
contribution by government.
4. The EFF government will train an additional 40 000 ECD
practitioners by 2021, of whom a minimum of 50% must
be women and the youth.
5. The EFF government will introduce free decolonised
education for all, advancing topics pertaining to
indigenous knowledge, sovereignty and economic
freedom in the curricula.
6. The EFF government will increase the use of information
and communication technology for teaching, with the aim
of achieving universal coverage in computer literacy by
7. Under the EFF, each learner will get a tablet loaded with
all necessary study material, tutorials and educational
8. The EFF government will prioritise indigenous ways of
teaching, learning and development.
9. ‘One education system, one country’ – Under the EFF
government, all students will fall under one school system
and all matric learners will write the same examinations.
Independent Examination Board (IEB) will be abolished.
10. The EFF will provide scholar transport for all learners who
stay more than 2 kilometres from the school.
11. The EFF government will electrify all schools everywhere
by 2021.
12. The EFF government will provide two nutritious meals a
day to all learners in all schools by 2020.
13. The EFF government will ensure that there is clean water
in every school by January 2021.
14. The EFF government will provide security in all schools.
15. The EFF government will encourage all learners to do
16. Under the EFF government, all schools will have remedial
17. The EFF government will ensure that there are safe
flushing toilets in all schools by 2021.
18. The EFF government will build new schools with
technology integration in the classroom, sports facilities
and computer labs to reduce the teacher-to-pupil ratio to
1:40 for primary schools and 1:30 for secondary schools.
19. The following areas will be prioritised for the building of
new schools:
Eastern Cape
1. Matatiele ward 8: Belfort
2. Mbizana ward 18: Sigidi
3. Dimbaza ward 36: Mzintshane
4. Mdantsane ward 11: Langelitsha, ward 46:
Cover Ridge Primary, ward 31: Qonce High,
ward 39: Rayi Primary
5. Dzluxolo SS ward 1: Elundini
6. Mhlontlo ward 16: Mthintwa
7. PSJ ward 5: Caguba High School
Free State
1. Jagersfontein
2. Koffiefontein
3. Botshabelo (Extension 1)
4. Reitz
5. Marquard
6. Vrede
1. Ward 17 Sebokeng, Emfuleni in Extension 28
2. Ward 1 Ekurhuleni, Clayville Extension 45
3. Between wards 4 and 5 Mogale West Rand –
4. Between wards 1 and 2 Merafong
5. Ward 127 Mathole Roodepoort –
Kwa Zulu-Natal
1. Emladlangegeni (Mange Area)
2. Mtubatuba (KwaMsane Township)
3. Ubuhlebezwee
4. Ray Nkonyane
5. uMsinga
1. Nkomo village (Giyani)
2. Mavalane village (Giyani)
3. Biko village (Lulekane township)
4. Boelane Maseke village (Namakgale)
5. Phalama village (Thulamela))
1. Mshadza in Masoyi Mbombela
2. Langeloop and Bosfontein in Nkomazi
3. Allandale in Bushbuck Ridge
4. Mametlake
5. Nokaneng
6. Lefisoane
Northern Cape
1. Duplooysburg and Olierivier primary schools
and secondary school
2. Richmond
3. Gamobedi
4. Gasehubane
5. Garuele Siyanda primary school
6. Ikaganeng
North West
1. Blydeville
2. Boskuil
3. Vaal Reefs
4. Marikana
5. Ipelegeng
Western Cape
1. De Doorns
2. Rawsonville
3. Op die Berg
4. Kayamandi
5. Enaknini
20. The EFF government will ensure that all learning and
teaching support materials are delivered in September
the year preceding a new school year and will publish a
report in November of every year on the delivery of
learner-teacher support materials.
21. The EFF government will launch a yearlong
#TeachersMatter campaign, starting in 2020, to look at
both the professional and personal needs of teachers,
including training in soft skills, emotional wellness,
financial literacy, assistance with debt management etc.
22. The EFF will build high-technology teacher training
colleges to equip educators of the future with adequate
technological skills to impart to learners.
23. The EFF government will introduce peer review evaluation
for teachers that focuses on development.
24. The EFF government will launch a #ReturnToSchool
campaign in 2020 for all people who have dropped out
of school, including domestic workers, sex workers and
girls who have left school.
25. The EFF government will employ at least two physical
education trainers in each school by 2022.
26. The EFF government will build two grass fields, two
pitches and a swimming pool at every school by 2023.
27. The EFF government will appoint two social workers per
school by the end of 2021.
28. The EFF government will appoint one nurse per school by
29. The EFF government will appoint one orthodontist per
school by 2023.
30. The EFF government will make it compulsory for every
school to have a vegetable garden by 2020.
31. The EFF government will employ one arts and culture
teacher per grade in each school by 2022.
32. The EFF government will build computer labs, equipped
with internet connectivity, by 2022.
33. The EFF government will build a library in all schools
without libraries by 2022.
34. The EFF government will incorporate in the curriculum
career guidance as a mandatory subject for all high
school learners.
35. The EFF will build new special schools by 2021 with
technology integration in the classroom, sports facilities
and computer labs.
36. The EFF government will introduce modules about
different disabilities and practical lessons on inclusion.
37. The EFF government will provide safe and accessible
transport for children with disabilities.
38. The EFF government will provide mobility, technological
and human aids for all pupils with disabilities.
39. The EFF government will provide sanitary towels to all
learners in public schools immediately.
40. The EFF government will introduce vernacular languages
as the foundation of the education system in all provinces.
41. The EFF government will introduce driving schools for all
learners, including a subsidy for booking leaner’s and
driver’s license tests.
42. The EFF government will launch a countrywide literacy
campaign to equip all citizens with the basic skills to read,
write and count so as to enable them to become more
knowledgeable about all aspects of their lives and
increase the literacy rate to 98% by 2024.
43. The EFF government will abolish the 30% pass mark and
increase it to 50% and ensure that all learners who enter
the school system are accounted for by the 12th year of
writing matric.
44. The EFF government will introduce basic sign language
lessons to be taught to all learners.
45. The EFF will introduce comprehensive Adult Education
programmes and guarantee educational access by adults
who could not finish school for one reason or another.
46. The EFF government will introduce free decolonised
education for all, advancing issues of indigenous
knowledge, sovereignty and economic freedom in
47. The EFF government will increase the use of information
and communication technology for teaching.
48. The EFF will pass a law that will zero-rate all Educational
Apps and content in all gadgets, such as computers,
laptops, tablets, and phones.
49. The EFF government will make it compulsory for all
learners to pursue post-secondary education and training
at universities, universities of technology and TVET
colleges. This will be made possible through state
assistance and massive expansion of vocational training
and education.
50. The EFF government will cancel all student debt, re-
integrate all students who were excluded on the basis of
fees and give certificates, diplomas and degrees to all
students who passed and were denied their qualifications
because of outstanding fees.
51. The EFF government will establish a centralised higher
education registration system so that students are not
required to fill in their details and register more than
52. The EFF government will provide free higher education
until a first degree for all and will provide scholarships,
including scholarships to study at overseas universities for
postgraduate qualifications.
53. The EFF government will provide free accommodation for
students at institutions of higher learning and will
quadruple the number of rooms available by 2023.
54. The EFF government will provide two warm meals per day
to each student at institutions of higher learning by 2020.
55. The EFF government will allow all students to travel for
free on public transport, provided they carry their student
card, by 2023.
56. The EFF government will place a price cap on food sold
at all institutions of higher learning by 2019.
57. The EFF government will establish a free 24hours/7days
clinic at each institution of higher learning by 2022.
58. The EFF government will provide free learning materials
at all institutions of higher learning by 2021.
59. The EFF government will require each institution of higher
learning to have a counsellor for every 1 000 students by
60. The EFF government will make all institutions of higher
learning differently-abled friendly by 2020.
61. The EFF government will introduce free driving schools at
all institutions of higher learning by 2020.
62. The EFF government will require each campus to insource
all staff by the end of 2019.
63. The EFF government will require each campus to have
campus security by 2020, with a sexual crimes unit, more
than 70% of employees of which must be female.
64. The EFF government will provide free sanitary towels at
all institutions of higher learning immediately.
65. The EFF government will provide each student residing off
campus with three gigabytes of data per month by 2021.
66. The EFF government will increase the intake at institutions
of higher learning at both universities and TVETs by 20%
67. The EFF government will synchronise the goals and needs
of the economy with the number of places available at
each institution of higher learning.
68. The EFF government will connect all institutions of higher
learning to high-speed fibre networks by 2023.
69. The EFF government will provide each student with a
laptop by 2024.
70. The EFF government will fast-track the digitalisation of
institutions of higher learning according to annual
71. The EFF government will re-open all nursing colleges that
have been closed and will open five new nursing colleges
by 2023.
72. The EFF government will re-open all teacher training
colleges that have been closed and will open five new
teacher training colleges by 2023.
73. The EFF government will require all institutions of higher
learning to provide learning materials in the three most
spoken languages where the institutions are located by
74. The EFF government will require all institutions of higher
learning to teach 50% of all courses in a South African
language besides English and Afrikaans by 2024.
75. The EFF government will require 10% of all academic
publications in the country to be written in a South African
language besides English and Afrikaans by 2024.
76. The EFF government will require each university to offer
Swahili Studies as a degree by 2024.
77. The EFF government will establish a digital library which
will buy the rights to every academic publication that has
ever been published so that all students can access them
free of charge.
78. The EFF government will require each university in the
country to offer degrees and courses in coding, computer
hardware development, artificial intelligence, robotics,
the internet and biotechnology by 2022.
79. The EFF government will require each TVET to offer
courses focused on computer hardware and coding by
80. The EFF government will provide scholarships to students
to study abroad, specifically focusing on degrees and
courses which are not provided in South Africa or that are
of strategic importance or relate to national security.
81. The EFF government will require each medical school in
the country to provide courses in traditional medicine by
82. The EFF government will establish an agency to place
each final-year student in an internship programme by
83. The EFF government will establish a satellite campus of
the University of Witwatersrand’s School of Mining
Engineering in Rustenburg by 2022 which will focus on
mining and mineral beneficiation.
84. The EFF government will establish a satellite campus of
the University of Limpopo’s School of Physical and
Mineral Sciences in Phalaborwa by 2022 which will focus
on mining and mineral beneficiation.
85. The EFF government will establish a satellite campus of
the University of Pretoria’s Faculty of Natural and
Agricultural Sciences in Ehlanzeni by 2022 which will
focus on agriculture and agro-processing.
86. The EFF government will establish a satellite campus of
the University of Free State’s Faculty of Natural and
Agricultural Sciences in Thabo Mofutsanyana District
Municipality by 2022 which will focus on agriculture and
87. The EFF government will establish a satellite campus of
the University of the North-West’s School of Agricultural
Sciences in Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality by
2022 which will focus on agriculture and agro-
88. The EFF government will establish a satellite campus of
the University of Cape Town’s Faculty of Engineering and
the Built Environment in ZF Magcawu District Municipality
by 2022 which will focus on renewable energy.
89. The EFF government will establish a satellite campus of
the University of Johannesburg’s Department of Mining
and Mine Surveying in Sekhukhune District Municipality
which will focus on mining and mineral beneficiation.
90. The EFF government will pay a once-off grant of R1
million to all black graduates pursuing doctoral studies at
accredited institutions, including overseas students, by
91. The EFF government will introduce a scholarship for
people with disabilities to incentivise doctoral studies
among them.
92. The EFF government will build one medical training
school per province.
93. The EFF government will triple the amount of research
funding available by 2024.
94. The EFF government will improve the remuneration and
working conditions of lecturers and professors and
encourage them to continue with teaching and research
and not take up administrative posts in private or public
95. The EFF government will heavily invest in research and
development and will heavily invest in and subsidise
technological and scientific innovations and discoveries.
96. The EFF government will support and subsidise
technological innovation which leads to the development
and manufacturing of a South African automobile (car),
computer, tablet, phone and other world-class
technological innovations.
97. The EFF government will build a specialist technology
university or institute whose primary focus will be
technological innovation.
98. The EFF government will use existing capacity to provide
high-speed and quality broadband to all schools and
institutions of higher learning in South Africa.
99. The EFF government will allocate more funding to
conduct research on HIV/Aids, TB and diabetes.
1. The EFF government will focus on primary health with a
commitment to attain universal health coverage, with
the intention of decreasing infant mortality rates and
increase the life expectancy of all people in South Africa.
2. The EFF government will adopt a national health care
system that focuses on primary health care, quality
clinics and disease profiling through public health care
3. The EFF government will implement an immunisation
and vaccination programme which will cover 100% of
all South Africans by 2024.
4. The EFF government’s approach to health care will be
based on the pillars of a) prevention, b) promotion and
c) education on health care.
5. The EFF will regularise and fully integrate Community
Healthcare Workers as full employees of the State who
will be responsible for provision of quality healthcare in
each and every community.
6. The EFF government will regularly send doctors and
other health practitioners to schools, communities and
places of work to test for diseases that can be treated at
an early stage, starting in 2020.
7. The EFF government will work with established medical
research institutions in Cuba to develop vaccines for
identified preventable diseases in South Africa.
8. The EFF government will invest in superior medical
research which will explore the usage of cannabis for
pharmaceutical and medical purposes.
9. The EFF government will work with the South African
Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) and maximally use
other forms of mass communication to produce health
education content to be aired on all SABC radio and
television stations and disseminated using all relevant
10. The EFF government will establish a confidential and
secured digital database of health profiles for all South
Africa citizens by 2021.
11. The EFF government will build 24-hour integrated post-
sexual trauma centres in all district hospitals for urgent
medical, forensic, psychological and social assistance,
directly linked to policing and detective directorates, by
12. The EFF government will upgrade hospitals such that
each district in South Africa has a regional or tertiary
hospital with a minimum of 450 beds, open 24 hours a
day, with internal medicine, paediatrics, obstetrics,
gynaecology and general surgeons, by 2022.
13. The EFF government will build and upgrade hospitals in
areas such as:
Eastern Cape
1. Mzimvubu
2. Mbizana
3. Ntabankulu
Free State
1. Thaba Nchu
2. Wepener
3. Masilonyana
1. Orange Farm
2. Ivory Park
Kwa Zulu-Natal
1. Manguzi
2. eNquthu
3. uMzimkhulu
1. Vhufuli
2. Makhado
3. Modimolle
4. Suswe
5. Botlowka
1. Barberton
2. Bethal
3. Witbank
4. Acornhoeck
Northern Cape
1. Kuruman
2. Springbok
3. Kimberley
4. Postmasburg
5. Hartswater
North West
1. Ditsobotla
2. Mogwase
3. Rustenburg
4. Moretele
Western Cape
1. Masiphumelele
2. Grabouw
3. Ocean View
4. Gansbaai
14. The EFF government will build specialised hospitals for
the following disease categories: tuberculosis, diabetes
mellitus, cerebrovascular diseases, heart disease,
hypertensive diseases, chronic lower respiratory
diseases and ischaemic heart diseases.
15. The EFF government will pay specific attention to autism
16. and build adequate and high level capacity to treat and
respond to cases of autism.
17. The EFF government will strive to build at least one clinic
18. per ward in all wards of South Africa and will extend
this to one polyclinic per village in wards that are
composed of more than one village.
19. The EFF government will make it compulsory for
workplaces with more than 1 500 employees to have a
properly equipped and staffed in-house health care
facility, such as a clinic or hospital, available for free to
all employees.
20. All clinics under the EFF government will be open 24
21. a day.
22. The EFF government will appoint qualified people,
23. including medical practitioners, with adequate
administrative and managerial experience and
competency at all clinics, community-based health care
facilities, therapy and rehabilitation centres and
24. The EFF government will build consulting rooms for
traditional and indigenous health practitioners,
traditional healers and traditional herbalists to use for
free in all district hospitals by 2021, as a way to
incorporate traditional and indigenous health care
practices into the primary health care system.
25. The EFF government will establish a fund to support
indigenous African health knowledge production by
August 2020.
26. The EFF government will massively increase the number
of health care practitioners and ensure that they are
evenly spread across districts and provinces.
27. The EFF government will increase the number of nurses
and doctors in South Africa’s health care system by:
I. Establishing at least one health care training
facility per province and ensuring that there is no
province without a medical school; and
II. Sending recruits to train as nurses in countries
across the world, including in Cuba, namely
5 000 in 2021, 6 000 in 2022 and 7 000 in
28. The EFF government will allocate community health care
practitioners to all ward-based clinics and polyclinics.
29. The EFF will make sure that all hospitals, clinics,
polyclinics and community health care centres have an
adequate number of ambulances.
30. Ambulances will be locally produced by investing in
ambulance production plants in South Africa.
31. The EFF government’s state-owned health mechanical
service workshops and technicians will prioritise all
machines and equipment in district hospitals, and all
machines and equipment will be in a working condition
by the end of 2020.
32. The EFF government will establish shared services
administration facilities for clinics in a ratio of one
shared services administration facility to 15 clinics, to
manage all administrative services such as record
keeping, medication management, facilities
management, human resources and financial
management services.
33. The EFF will replace all machines and equipment older
than ten years in all clinics and hospitals by 2022.
34. The EFF government will develop a policy to guide and
ensure the provision of school-based primary health
care, social work and psychological services.
35. The EFF government will send specialists such as
dentists, optometrists and audiologists to all primary
schools at least twice a year, starting from 2020.
36. The EFF government will send scarce specialists to all
district hospitals on a weekly basis.
37. The EFF government will use ICT in the health care
sector for greater efficiency and improved reaction times
when dealing with health problems and concerns.
38. The EFF government will build a state-owned
pharmaceutical company to ensure the availability of
adequate medicine in all health care facilities by 2021.
39. The EFF government will develop an efficient registration
process for generic medicines to ensure affordable
40. The EFF government will establish a pharmaceutical
industrial zone for investors with protection of
investment and security of tenure on state land by 2022
on condition that they work with the state-owned
pharmaceutical company and supply medicine and
equipment to clinics, hospitals and community health
care facilities.
41. The EFF government will build a state-owned health care
equipment company to manufacture health care
42. EFF government will ensure that the health care system
and health solutions are non-discriminatory towards
sexual and gender minorities and those with varying
physical and mental abilities.
43. The EFF government will establish indoor residual
spraying teams on a full-time basis in all malaria-
infested areas.
44. The EFF government will provide health inspectors with
all the basic resources they need to do their job.
45. The EFF government will police, investigate and
prosecute all illegal advertisements of medical
procedures or organ sales, illegal health facilities and
illegal providers of health care.
46. The EFF government will follow the national and
international calendars and will produce health
material, communication programmes and campaigns
that are in line with both priorities and calendars.
47. The EFF government will use evidence-based and
scientific knowledge to educate and inform communities
and individuals on health issues.
48. The EFF government will establish four specialised
health research institutes, namely TB, malaria, HIV/AIDS
and cancer institutes.
49. The EFF government will establish medical missions to
send medical trainees to African countries to share and
learn from each other’s experiences.
50. The EFF government will give all hospitals autonomy to
procure goods and services.
51. The EFF government will appoint additional oncologists,
especially for hospitals in KwaZulu-Natal.
1. The EFF government will provide quality, spacious
houses to all the people. These houses will be located
within sustainable human settlements with basic
services such as water, electricity, sanitation, schools,
shopping complexes, sports and recreation grounds,
and parks.
2. The EFF government will re-zone all informal
settlements by 2021.
3. The EFF government will put mechanisms in place to
ensure that all public servants have houses.
4. The EFF government will subsidise housing finance for
middle-income earners.
5. The EFF government will legislate for the reduction of
20- to 30-year housing loans to a maximum of ten
years by 2020.
6. The EFF government will make it illegal for banks to
repossess houses from people who have paid off 50%
of their bonds and are unable to continue paying their
bond instalments due to socioeconomic circumstances,
by the end of 2019.
7. The EFF government will make it illegal to use houses
as surety for any loans from financial institutions, by
8. The EFF government will regulate the cost of rent on
state-owned land.
9. The EFF government will make it illegal for residents to
be evicted from private properties unless a suitable
alternative is found for them.
10. The EFF government will ensure that access to a home
is made an inalienable right in the Constitution.
12. The EFF government will do away with apartheid
spatial planning and expropriate land without
compensation closer to inner city centres to build
sustainable housing for all.
13. The EFF government will create a housing access
coordinating unit that involves national, provincial and
local government which will regularly report to the
Presidency on progress with housing provision, the
elimination of slums and the provision of dignified
14. The EFF government will ensure that the state improves
the quality and size of low-cost houses through the
state housing construction company.
15. The EFF government will ensure that the state regulates
housing finance by providing housing finance that
does not exceed a period of ten years.
16. The EFF government will guarantee integrated human
settlements that will in the real sense be definitive of all
settlements led by the state and that will be equipped
with guaranteed bulk services such as water provision,
electricity, sewerage systems, parks and recreation
17. The EFF government will ensure that government-built
houses meet the standards required to ensure ease of
access for people with disabilities.
18. The EFF government will convert unused state
buildings into affordable housing for the poor, offering
people long-term, secured leaseholds to these
19. The EFF government will, through the state
construction company, build state-owned houses and
complexes which will be made available to people on
a lease basis for a period of 99 years.
20. The EFF Government will discontinue private
ownership of bulk water infrastructure and will ensure
that each and every household, factory, farm, school,
and public infrastructure has access to clean water.
21. The following areas will be prioritised for the building
of water infrastructure:
Eastern Cape
1. Noxolo
2. Mfuleni wothando
3. Qaqawuli
4. Emahlabathini
1. Giyani
2. Maleboho
3. Sekgakgapeng
4. Lulekanin
1. Lethabong
2. Thonando
3. Matlosana
4. Boikhutso
5. Tlhakajeng
1. Tjovitjo Orange Farm
2. Langaville Kwathema
3. Ikangala Phumekhaya
4. Mooiplas Tshwane
5. Zenzele Westanaria
1. Moloto, in Thembisile Hani
2. Nokaneng, New Stand
3. Steenbok, Ward 18, Nkomazi
Free State
1. Thenezen in Masilonyana
2. Qwaqwa wards 10, 11, 18 and 19 in
Maluti a Phofung
3. Matlharantleng in Tswelopele
4. Moipatong in Dihlabeng
5. Baipehing in Metsimaholo
Western Cape
1. Enkanini
2. Marikana
3. Kayamandi
4. Groenheuwel
5. Ashton and Robertson informal
22. The EFF government will repair all water treatment
centres by 2020.
23. The EFF government will build a new water treatment
facility in each province by 2021.
24. The EFF government will employ 10 000 artisans to
repair all leaks in the water infrastructure with the aim
of reducing the amount of water lost by leaks to 10%
of the current rate by 2022.
25. The EFF government will ensure water sustainability for
daily and industrial usage by building dams and large-
scale water projects with the capacity to sustainably
supply South Africa.
26. The EFF government will provide each South African
with in-house hot running water by 2024.
27. The EFF government will build storm water drains in
every street in South Africa by 2022.
28. The EFF government will eradicate bucket toilets by the
end of 2024.
29. The EFF government will provide each South African
with in-house sanitation by 2024.
30. The EFF government will connect each house to the
sewage system by 2023.
31. The EFF government will ensure that all schools have
a flushing toilet by the end of 2021.
1. The EFF government will introduce policies in both the
public and private sectors to impose measurable goals
and targets for the recruitment, employment and
retention of people with disabilities to promote their
economic independence and reduce their dependence
on charity and welfare.
2. The EFF government will ensure that each and every
public institution such as hospitals, police stations, home
affairs offices, labour offices, and social development
offices have at least two people who are trained at and
understand sign language to cater for people who
cannot speak.
3. The EFF government will actively and materially support
initiatives to organise and mobilise the disability sector
so that it can constantly and integrally communicate its
concerns and amplify its voice in society guided by the
principle; ‘Nothing about us without us!’
4. Under the EFF government, the President will assume
direct responsibility for the protection of this vulnerable
sector and report on progress annually in his/her State
of the Nation Address, after consultation with the sector.
5. The EFF government will ensure that all government
buildings and facilities such as police stations, hospitals,
clinics, schools and universities are accessible to people
with disabilities.
6. The EFF government will ensure that the public transport
system is accessible to people with disabilities.
7. The EFF government will establish doctoral scholarships
for people with disabilities.
1. In order to enhance state capacity and in recognition of
the reality that the majority of South Africans subscribe
to and align themselves with the institution of traditional
leadership, the EFF government will give full recognition
to the central role of traditional leaders.
2. The EFF firmly believes that the received western notions
of democracy must necessarily be aligned with and
adapted to the African way of life, culture, traditions,
customs and norms.
3. The EFF government will work hand in glove with
traditional leaders as well as CONTRALESA on diverse
issues that include:
 Rural development initiatives aimed at
discouraging rural-to-urban migration,
 The capacitation of rural-based co-operatives
and similar collectivist schemes such as burial
 Climate change and the Green Revolution,
 The abolition of all cultural practices which
promote and tolerate gender discrimination and
gender-based violence,
 The custodianship and redistribution of land and
the holding of a land summit,
 Community participation in mining and other
economic activities, especially in the North West
and Limpopo Provinces,
 The elimination of the scourge of deaths at
traditional initiation schools, especially in the
Eastern Cape Province,
 The definition of roles and building co-operation
between traditional leaders and democratically
elected councillors,
 Mass participation in sporting and cultural
activities, and
 Conducting a comprehensive legislative review,
amendment or repeal of relevant and
inadequate legislation such as the Traditional
Leadership and Governance Frameworks Act 41
of 2003.
1. The EFF government will stabilise energy supply
through maximally pursuing mixed energy sources,
including safe coal, nuclear energy and renewable
energy sources.
2. The EFF government will instruct and assist Eskom to
build a massive renewable energy division which will
make optimal use of solar, wind and hydro-energy
sources while the dependable energy base will remain
safe coal and nuclear energy.
3. The EFF government will expand South Africa’s energy
sources, ensuring that all energy needed for South
Africa, including fuel, is processed in the country.
4. The EFF government will give free electricity up to 200
kWh per household per month to poor households,
and all households will have electricity.
5. The EFF government will cancel all contracts with
independent power producers and will stop the roll-out
of new independent power producers immediately.
6. The EFF government will ensure that all communities
have electricity, starting in Lesedisele, Lekoko,
Marikana, Tshing, Jouberton, Khuma, Ditsobotla,
Kraaipan, Menoto and Tlholakae in North-West;
Matlharantlheng, Baipehing, Vrede Ext 4 and Memel
in the Free State; and Madelakufa, KwaThema,
KwaMkhancwa, Khutsong, Sonderwater, Vuka Setshe,
Jabulani and Siyahlala informal settlements,
Kromdraai ward 39, Mathumbu section ward 23,
Chief Mogale New Section, Prince, Chris Hani, Denver
and Sofaya informal settlements, Lethlabong ward 36,
Sobukweville ward 21, Ndlozi, Slovo, Soutpan
Marikana, Mavuso and Mountain View informal
settlements, Phomolong and Sizanani in Gauteng.
7. The EFF government will establish an independent
state electricity economic research institute to prioritise
research on energy security and support more than
100 years of energy infrastructure planning, which will
report to Parliament.
8. The EFF government will scrap all historical electricity
debt, including municipal debt, owed to Eskom.
9. The EFF government will clear all illegal connections
and launch an electricity safety campaign in June
10. The EFF government will scrap all preferential tariff
deals that give smelting companies owned by BHP
Billiton electricity at below cost by January 2020.
11. The EFF government, through Eskom, will invest
heavily in renewable energy sources, including
windmills, solar water heaters and all forms of
renewable energy, to ensure a good mix of sources of
energy and energy security for the country.
12. The EFF government will cancel all indexed fixed-price
and cost-plus contracts with immediate effect and
furthermore will cancel all mining rights issued to
companies mining coal mines that belong to Eskom.
13. The EFF government will compile a comprehensive
register of all assets that belong to coal mines,
including coal reserves, and it will be published
14. A state-owned mining company will take over the
operations of all coal mines owned by Eskom. This
company will prioritise the supply of quality coal at an
affordable price to Eskom to lower the overall price of
electricity. A state-owned mining company will export
surplus coal and will prioritise exports to African
countries to support the electrification and
industrialisation of the continent.
15. The EFF government will build rail infrastructure in and
around its power plants and coal mines to facilitate
access to its power plants, coal mines and
16. The EFF government will work towards enlarging
Eskom’s capacity so that Eskom is able to distribute
electricity to all users in South Africa.
17. The EFF government will utilise Eskom’s capacity to
build a nuclear power station.
18. The EFF government will specifically discontinue
private ownership of Sasol and Mittal Steel and provide
them with concrete developmental mandates to
contribute to the rapid sustainable industrial
development of South Africa.
1. The EFF government will nationalise all mines and
mineral wealth in South Africa by the year 2023.
2. The EFF government will allocate key shares in South
Africa’s mineral and petroleum resources to the
Sovereign Wealth Fund.
3. The EFF government will establish an efficient and
impactful state mining company to reposition the state
as a central player in the development, management
and utilisation of South African wealth for industrial
growth and job creation.
4. The EFF government will, through state management
and control of mineral wealth in the country, lead a
process of rapid beneficiation of South Africa’s mineral
resources, to ensure that the bulk of South Africa’s
minerals are processed and developed into finished
products within the country.
5. The EFF government will establish mining development
and beneficiation schools in Rustenburg in the North
West, Kimberley in the Northern Cape, Phalaborwa in
Limpopo, West Rand in Gauteng, and Witbank in
Mpumalanga. These schools will focus on localised
beneficiation solutions for mineral resources found in
the areas.
6. The EFF government will ensure the rapid development
of South Africa’s productive forces in the mining
industry by actively promoting the development of
black industrial and manufacturing entrepreneurs,
cooperatives and small and medium enterprises.
7. The EFF government will ensure that the local
beneficiation of mineral resources takes place through
a legislative mandate by introducing an amendment to
the Minerals and Petroleum Development Act,
ensuring that quotas are introduced on the exportation
of raw mineral resources, that no more than 30% of
raw mineral resources are exported, and that 70% or
more of raw mineral resources are processed into
finished industrial products within South Africa.
8. The EFF government will introduce amendments to the
MPRDA to ensure that the manufacturing and
processing of mineral resources are transformed and
prioritise the participation of black companies in
mineral beneficiation.
9. The EFF government will, through the state mining
company, strategically exploit the country’s coal
resources to ensure affordable and readily available
coal for rapid expansion of Eskom’s ability to generate
and redistribute electricity.
10. The EFF government will ensure that a state-owned
mining company will start operating at all coal mines
owned by Eskom and will export surplus coal to
generate revenue to the fiscus.
11. The EFF government will commission research towards
ensuring a sustainable method of extracting shale gas
to diversify the country’s energy sources and build up
Eskom’s capacity to reduce its dependence on coal.
12. The EFF government will regulate and promote small-
scale mining in Kimberley in the Northern Cape, the
Namaqualand Coast in the Northern Cape, Marikana
in North West, and Emalahleni in Mpumalanga. This
will ensure community and locally driven mining
13. The EFF government will listen to the people of
Xolobeni and take direction from them on any
development that must happen in the area, including
their views on mining development.
14. The EFF government will force mining companies that
left denuded mining landscapes to invest in the
rehabilitation of these mining areas. As such, the EFF
government will force Anglo to rehabilitate the entire
Namaqualand Coast and create sustainable jobs from
mining rehabilitation.
15. The EFF government will revitalise abandoned dying
mining towns such as Welkom in the Free State, Okiep
and Poffader in the Northern Cape, and will create
mining-based manufacturing industries.
16. The EFF Government will track all ex-mineworkers or
their close family members and ensure that each and
every one of them gain access to their pension funds.
1. The EFF government will nationalise the South African
Reserve Bank and discontinue its private ownership.
2. The EFF government will finalise the licensing of the
Post Bank.
3. The EFF government will transfer ownership of African
Bank to a restructured state-owned bank.
4. The EFF government will establish national and
provincial state-owned banks in the following sectors
by the year 2021:
 Retail state-owned bank, which will be built
from the banking assets of African Bank,
 Agricultural state-owned bank, which will be
built from the banking assets and capacity of
the Land Bank,
 Housing state-owned bank, which will be a
new bank, and
 Social assistance bank, which will be built from
the assets and capacity of the Post Bank.
5. The EFF government will pass a special appropriation
bill allocating R100 billion to the Sovereign Wealth
Fund in the 2021 budget.
6. The EFF government will pass a special appropriation
bill to write off some debts in state-owned companies
and to convert the Public Investment Corporation (PIC)
debt into equity.
7. The EFF government will work with the PIC for the
state-owned asset manager to offload assets, where it
is overexposed, into the prudent politically insulated
management of the Sovereign Wealth Fund.
8. Under the EFF government, executives and directors
involved in collusion to manipulate currency trading
will face jail sentences.
9. The EFF government will lower capital adequacy
requirements for new banks owned by Africans, in
particular, black and women owners.
10. The EFF government will issue a minimum of 50% of
insurance licences to companies controlled and wholly
owned by black people.
11. The EFF government will pass legislation to make it a
requirement for other companies that hold insurance
licenses to include a minimum of 30% black
ownership, 30% women ownership and 50% women
and youth control in management and boards.
12. The EFF government will limit the number of insurance
licences issued to majority foreign-owned insurance
13. The EFF government will pass legislation for insurance
companies to largely mandate black-owned asset
management companies to manage their funds as a
requirement to keep their license.
14. The EFF government will give banks and asset
management companies 12 months to change their
ownership to mainly black people, particularly African,
with adequate ownership by women and people living
with disabilities.
15. The EFF government will give banks and asset
management companies six months to change their
management to mainly black people, particularly
Africans, so that they form the majority at all levels of
management, with 50% of management being women
and 10% being people living with disability.
16. The EFF government will establish an incubation
programme for black asset managers to increase the
share of industry assets managed by black firms to R2
trillion, with 50% women and 10% people living with
disabilities as owners, by the year 2022.
17. The EFF government will increase ownership of shares
in the JSE by black people, Africans in particular, to
30% by the year 2022.
18. The EFF government will establish a state-owned asset
manager to manage municipal pensions of all
municipalities by the year 2021.
19. The EFF government will regulate and cap interest
rates on unsecured lending, home loans, service and
bank charges.
20. The EFF government will pass legislation for banks to
report a racial breakdown of their lending, interest
rates and what the money was borrowed for annually.
21. The EFF government will pass legislation that will
disallow banks to be transaction advisors and lenders
in the same transaction.
22. The EFF government will amend the Pension Funds Act
to increase investment in private equity for
infrastructure development, SME development and
land transformation venture capital to 50%.
23. The EFF government will pass legislation to disallow
the repossession of properties that have been paid off
for more than five years.
24. The EFF government will establish a relief fund for
people who are in financial distress and cannot service
their home loans owing to them losing their jobs.
25. The EFF government will pass legislation to disallow
house mortgage repayment periods to exceed ten
26. Under the EFF government, a minimum of 50% from
development finance institutions will benefit women
and youth-owned and controlled businesses.
27. The EFF government will introduce a policy of
aggressive social and green investments by all
government-guaranteed pension funds and mandated
asset managers as well as equally impactful
shareholder activism.
28. The EFF government will introduce a free and user-
friendly search engine to trace the billions of rands
currently locked up in unclaimed insurance benefits,
most of which belong to black people and the poor.
29. The EFF government will close down all illegal money
30. The EFF government will regulate and cap interest
rates by money lenders.
1. The EFF government’s philosophical approach to
social development and assistance shall be
underpinned by two pillars: firstly, to primarily
safeguard the economic social wellbeing of children,
the elderly, pensioners and people with disabilities
and, secondly, to constantly strive to reduce the
number of South Africans who are solely dependent on
social grants to a minimum. Reductions in dependency
will be announced annually by the President in his/her
State of the Nation Address.
2. The EFF government’s approach to social development
and assistance will be integrated across all sectors,
with automatic exemption of recipients of social grants
from the many fees that the different spheres of
government charge.
3. The EFF government’s philosophical approach to
social development and assistance is to primarily
safeguard the economic and social wellbeing of
children, the elderly and people with disabilities.
4. The EFF government will substantially increase socials
grants payable to different categories of people as
 Grant for older persons to increase from
R1 700 to R3 400 per month,
 Disability grant to increase from R1 700 to
R3 400 per month,
 War veterans grant to increase from R1720
to R3 440 per month,
 Care dependency grant to increase from
R1 700 to R3 400 per month,
EFF 2019 election manifesto
EFF 2019 election manifesto
EFF 2019 election manifesto
EFF 2019 election manifesto
EFF 2019 election manifesto
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EFF 2019 election manifesto
EFF 2019 election manifesto
EFF 2019 election manifesto

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EFF 2019 election manifesto

  • 1.
  • 2. 2 CONTENTS FOREWORD ................................................... 5 INTRODUCTION .......................................... 14 DIAGNOSIS: WHAT ARE THE CONDITIONS IN SOUTH AFRICA TODAY? ... 21 THE EFF’S COMMITMENT AND PLAN OF ACTION ....................................................... 27  LAND ...................................................................................28  CORRUPTION ......................................................................39  GENDER, WOMEN AND LGBTQI..........................................42  LGBTQI ................................................................................45  YOUTH DEVELOPMENT.......................................................47  CRIME..................................................................................50  EDUCATION.........................................................................54  HEALTH................................................................................67  HUMAN SETTLEMENTS, WATER AND SANITATION............75  PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES.................................................81  TRADITIONAL LEADERS.......................................................83  ENERGY ...............................................................................86  MINING ...............................................................................90  FINANCIAL SECTOR .............................................................94  SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT.......................................................99
  • 3. 3  STATE CAPACITY................................................................103  AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FORESTRY........................109  ECONOMY.........................................................................117  JUSTICE SYSTEM AND CORRECTIONAL SERVICES .............121  ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE..........................................127  FISCAL FRAMEWORK.........................................................130  SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY .............................................135  SPORTS, ARTS, CULTURE AND RECREATION.....................144  INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY ...152  ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE...................................................156  NATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE ...........................................158  INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS.............................................165
  • 4. 4
  • 5. 5 FOREWORD The year 2019 marks exactly 25 years since the attainment of political freedom in South Africa. As observed in the Founding Manifesto of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), political freedom in South Africa has hardly translated into observable economic emancipation. Black people remain landless, they remain on the margins of economic production and outside of life-enhancing economic participation. The majority of those that participate in the economy do so as suppliers of cheap and easily disposable labour. Landlessness and joblessness among black South Africans are at crisis levels, posing the biggest challenges that confront South African society today. While focusing on clear, implementable and decisive programmes for all spheres of governance, the EFF’s emphasis for the 2019 general elections will be on LAND and JOBS. Consequently, the EFF’s theme for the 2019 elections is: OUR LAND AND JOBS NOW. The emphasis on LAND derives from the fact that 25 years since the attainment political freedom, 80% of the population continues to occupy less than 10% of South Africa’s land. The emphasis on JOBS is motivated by the sad reality that after 25 years of attempts at
  • 6. 6 addressing the matter, more than seven million capable South Africans who need jobs are unemployed, with no hope that anything will change unless the current government is changed. The emphasis on NOW is informed by the fact that 25 years is a rather long time for any political party to keep making empty promises. The emphasis on NOW is also because our people live in absolute poverty. Similarly, the emphasis on NOW is because our people are landless. The emphasis on NOW is because our people are jobless. Yet again the emphasis on NOW is because the crises of racialised poverty, inequality, underdevelopment, landlessness and joblessness are being experienced NOW, and must be resolved NOW! More fundamentally, the emphasis on NOW is because we cannot postpone the true liberation of our people from economic apartheid. We are not part of the 1994 elite pact. We are a completely new generation, with new demands. And our demands, unlike those of the 1994 generation, will not be postponed. We refuse to be silenced with so-called reconciliation. We want justice now. We want our land now. We want jobs now. We demand the economy NOW! It is our considered view that the political change-over in 1994, did not bring true liberation. It was a bluff which continues to subject black people to economic and social apartheid. This economic apartheid must end now. The demand for land and jobs now is the demand to end apartheid because it is now evident that apartheid did not end in 1994. We are not part of the CODESA compromises, which only focused on taking over political power without the control of the economy. We are a
  • 7. 7 generation that is fighting for true economic emancipation NOW! The economy in South Africa continues today to be under the ownership and control of white minority settlers, whose ownership and control of land in particular, were gained through settler colonialism and its corollary - the dispossession of the black colonised. Other sectors of the economy, such as the retail chains, industry and the financial sector, are also owned and controlled by the white minority in South Africa. All the means of economic survival and existence continue to be controlled by the white minority. All of this continues to be the case two decades after the country attained political freedom. The black majority, and Africans in particular, are the numerical majority, yet they continue to be the economic minority, living under difficult conditions and perennially begging for participation in and benefit from what is a white- owned economy linked to the global capitalist system. The few black people who participate in the economy, do so, subject to white approval through a black economic empowerment model that is ostensibly designed to benefit a small number of individuals without ever changing the structural exclusion of the majority. The post-1994 governments have dismally failed to transfer economic power to the black majority and, even worse, to optimally use government ownership and control of certain state assets for the benefit of all South Africans. Instead, they have reproduced and worsened apartheid economic inequalities, such that a prominent defining characteristic of all post-1994 governments is their perpetuation of economic apartheid defined along racial lines. Whilst political apartheid
  • 8. 8 has been abolished, economic and social apartheid remain a stark reality, evidenced by the fact that poverty is associated with blackness and wealth with whiteness. The Economic Freedom Fighters has demonstrated in its five years of existence, through various interventions and political leadership in different spheres of influence, that it is the only political movement that will bring about real economic change in South Africa. As a movement, we carry collective and individual capacity that will fundamentally change South Africa’s economy in a manner that will allow us to reclaim economic ownership, expand the productive economy, give black people real ownership, create jobs and drive inclusive development. The EFF’s political programme is the only programme that is embedded in the interests of all South Africans, having been organically developed to meet people’s demands. The manifesto we present hereafter for the 2019 general elections is therefore not a wish list of unattainable goals, but a clear programme of action of what we will do when elected as government of South Africa. The EFF Manifesto 2019 is based on primarily three sources: a) The numerous submissions the EFF received from different sectors through public consultations, which included public meetings, letters to different organisations, social media inputs and oral submissions; b) The Founding Manifesto of the EFF; and c) The collective experience the EFF gained through its participation in Parliament, Provincial Legislatures and Municipal Councils.
  • 9. 9 It is important to highlight that the EFF’s political programme is underpinned by the desire for ECONOMIC FREEDOM IN OUR LIFETIME. This is a generational clarion call that we will never deviate from. The EFF’s manifesto commitments for the 2019 general elections are inspired by as well as based on our movement’s seven cardinal pillars, which constitute the core of our approach to genuine revolutionary transformation of society for the better. The seven pillars are: a. Expropriation of South Africa’s land without compensation, for equal redistribution in use b. Nationalisation of mines, banks and other strategic sectors of the economy, without compensation c. Building state and government capacity, which will lead to the abolishment of tenders d. Free quality education, health care, houses and sanitation e. Massive protected industrial development to create millions of sustainable jobs, including the introduction of minimum wage(s) in order to close the wage gap between the rich and the poor, close the apartheid wage gap and promote rapid career paths for Africans in the workplace f. Massive development of the African economy and advocating for a move from reconciliation to justice on the entire continent g. Open, accountable, corrupt-free government and society without fear of victimisation by state agencies.
  • 10. 10 The seven cardinal pillars and all the areas which the manifesto covers are of crucial importance to us in their totality, while specific emphasis is being placed on LAND and JOBS. It is our firm belief that the crisis levels of poverty, inequality and underdevelopment being experienced in the country can be ended by the reclamation and equitable redistribution of the land and the creation of millions of jobs. The current government has spectacularly demonstrated that it is incapable both now and in the foreseeable future to economically empower all South Africans. The EFF does not promote job creation at any cost. The quality of jobs and the quality of life in the workplace are also of utmost importance. The role of trade unions therefore needs to be specifically guaranteed and protected. The wage gap is also one of the biggest contributors to inequality. Statistics show that in South Africa, the wealthiest three billionaires own more wealth than the poorest 26 million citizens. Globally, it will take four days for the CEOs of the world’s largest fashion companies to earn what a clothing worker in those companies earns in a lifetime. Economic wealth therefore must be transferred from the hands of the few to the hands of the many. The EFF’s manifesto takes into consideration various domestic, regional, global, geo-political, economic and industrial developments. We particularly take into consideration that we have the obligation to present a credible JOBS strategy in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which could reduce the number of people employed to produce goods and services for a wage. The Manifesto will address these developments in a manner that appreciates reality and yet achieves maximum benefits.
  • 11. 11 What distinguishes the EFF’s 2019, election manifesto from all other election manifestos is that it makes specific commitments with timelines and clearly specifies areas that will receive the deliverables, illustrating the movement’s readiness and preparedness to govern on behalf of the people. The era of meaningless and broad promises is over. The EFF’s quantitative and qualitative growth has taught us that we should always stay in contact with the people and understand their demands and aspirations. Some of the policy innovations contained in this manifesto include: a) Land redistribution policies which will guarantee land access by all landless people for residential, industrial, cultural, religious and recreational purposes; b) Multiple special economic zones to promote inward industrialisation and manufacturing investments with export capacity in order to make the ownership and control of the economy demographically representative, expand its productive capacity and create millions of jobs; c) Doubling of social grants in order to reduce the crisis levels of poverty and boost domestic economic demands and expansion; d) Usage of legislated state procurement as a boost for localisation and creation of sustainable quality jobs, prioritising women and the youth; e) Reconfiguration of the spheres of government into national and local spheres and eliminating the provincial sphere in order to redirect resources to impactful service delivery and investments; and
  • 12. 12 f) Amending the constitution to make the National Prosecutions Authority (NPA) a Chapter 9, institution accountable to Parliament in order to stop selective prosecutions and fight corruption. Fellow South Africans, Commissars, Fighters, and all Ground Forces, the EFF hereby presents our commitments, a programme of action and a clearly articulated plan on what we will do when elected to govern on behalf of the people. These are not empty promises. They are clear commitments that will be realised under the decisive and capable leadership of the Economic Freedom Fighters. The clarion call is clear: OUR LAND AND JOBS NOW! VICTORY IS CERTAIN! Revolutionary regards, Julius Sello Malema
  • 13. 13
  • 15. 15 SERVICES 20) CONSTITUTIONAL STRUCTURE AND DEMOCRATIC PARTICIPATION 21) ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE 22) FISCAL FRAMEWORK 23) SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 24) SPORTS, ARTS, CULTURE AND RECREATION 25) INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY 26) INFRASTRUCTURE 27) ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE 28) INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS A. WHERE DOES THE ECONOMIC FREEDOM FIGHTERS MOVEMENT COME FROM AND WHAT HAVE WE ACHIEVED? The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) is a revolutionary socialist economic emancipation movement founded in 2013, in South Africa to fight for economic freedom in our lifetime. The EFF is a registered political party with 890 public representatives in the National Assembly, the National Council of Provinces, Provincial Legislatures and Municipal Councils. Since its formation, the EFF has, among many others, registered the following victories: 1) Through various efforts the EFF led the country into discussing the amendment of the constitution to realise the expropriation of land without compensation for equal redistribution.
  • 16. 16 2) The EFF got former President Mr Jacob Zuma to pay back money spent on non-security-related upgrades at his homestead in Nkandla. 3) The EFF effectively led a political process that stopped the Gupta criminal syndicate from running the country’s government and key state-owned companies. 4) The EFF used its Parliamentary participation to table the following laws, which will fundamentally change the economic architecture of South Africa to benefit ordinary South Africans: i. The National Health Amendment Bill, which will ensure that all clinics in South Africa are open 24 hours a day; ii. The Insourcing of all Government and State Entities Bill, which will result in the insourcing of all workers who provide constant services to government and state companies; iii. The Illegalisation of Alcohol Advertisement Bill, which will end the celebration and promotion of alcohol consumption in South Africa; iv. The Banks Amendment Bill, which will lead to the creation of a state-owned bank; and v. The Nationalisation of the South African Reserve Bank Bill, which will discontinue private ownership of the central bank. 5) The EFF used its Parliamentary participation to table motions which sought to achieve the following: i. Provision of free-fee education for the poor at higher education level, which was rejected by the ruling party; ii. Increase in mineworkers’ salaries and improvement of their working conditions; iii. Repeal of all apartheid legislation and laws that continue to govern South African society;
  • 17. 17 iv. Nationalisation of banks and changing how state- owned companies are managed; and v. Submission on illicit financial flows, tax avoidance and base erosion in Parliament as well as to SARS and the Davis Tax Committee. 6) The EFF led and supported land occupation programmes which resulted in residential land being given to many landless people in all the provinces. 7) The EFF led a decisive political programme that resulted in the admission of more than 100 000 students to institutions of higher learning without their having to pay any fees. 8) The EFF’s public representatives and leadership have individually and collectively assisted many communities with: i. Implements for agricultural productivity, including tractors; ii. School assistance programmes and bursaries that help hundreds of schoolchildren; iii. School uniforms and vital learning and teaching support materials; iv. Many labour disputes that prevented racism, dismissals and retrenchments; and v. Legal representation that prevents evictions. 9) The EFF caucuses at provincial and local levels tabled insourcing bills and motions for government to disallow anyone to work for government through a third party to provide common services such as cleaning, gardening, security guards etc. 10) The EFF caucuses in Johannesburg, Tshwane and Nelson Mandela Bay tabled successful motions on the insourcing of municipality workers, as a result of which thousands of
  • 18. 18 security guards are now full-time employees with proper salaries at the municipalities. 11) The EFF caucuses in Johannesburg and Tshwane tabled successful motions to have clinics remain open 24 hours a day. As a result, clinics in cities are now open 24 hours, seven days a week. 12) The EFF had Parliament debate the plight of ‘Fees Must Fall’ activists in support of all activists who were arrested and remained behind bars or who were involved in court cases or awaiting trial in prison. 13) The EFF in KwaZulu-Natal tabled a motion for the discontinuation of all contracts with KPMG by provincial government. The motion was adopted by the provincial legislature. 14) The EFF in Rustenburg tabled a motion to reinstate 100 workers whose employment with the Council had been wrongfully terminated. The motion was adopted by the Council. 15) The EFF in Bela-Bela tabled a motion for a land expropriation programme. As a result, the Council allocated 700 fully serviced stands to deserving recipients. 16) The EFF in Modimolle tabled a motion for the Municipal Council to scrap all debt that indigent people owed. The motion was adopted by the Council. 17) The EFF in Nelson Mandela Bay tabled a motion for the insourcing of security guards, with a salary increase from R4 000 to R11 000. The motion was adopted by the Council. 18) The EFF secured transport for learners who previously had to walk long distances to school in Buffalo City. 19) The EFF in Matjhabeng in Free State helped 95 workers who had been employed on contract for more than ten years to secure full-time positions.
  • 19. 19 20) The EFF protected the independence of the office of the Public Protector. 21) The EFF has made politics fashionable and worthy. 22) The EFF has made Parliament vibrant. 23) The EFF has helped many people with legal representation, including artists. 24) The EFF fought for the insourcing of workers at institutions of higher learning such as Wits University, University of South Africa (UNISA), University of Kwa Zulu/Natal (UKZN) and University of Pretoria (UP). 25) The EFF pushed President Zuma out of office through a motion of no confidence. 26) The EFF introduced secret voting in Parliament. 27) The EFF has gained credibility at institutions of higher learning by constantly winning SRC elections. 28) Wherever the EFF led the SRC, poor students were provided with free sanitary towels and one meal a day. 29) The EFF effectively gave land to 50 000 people who were landless. 30) The EFF helped to remove corrupt government officials at Nelson Mandela, Tshwane, Johannesburg, Thabazimbi, Modimolle, Mogale City and Jozini municipal councils. 31) The EFF has built the confidence of black people and confronted racism everywhere where it encounters it. 32) The EFF is the only party that has a higher gender balance in Parliament, provincial legislature and municipal councils. The EFF has had many collective and individual victories in all the provinces and numerous municipalities, some which cannot for reasons of space be included here. In sum it has brought hope to ordinary South Africans and revived their confidence in politics.
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  • 21. 21 DIAGNOSIS: WHAT ARE THE CONDITIONS IN SOUTH AFRICA TODAY? 1) The large majority of black South Africans are landless, and the post-1994 governments have cumulatively bought less than 7% of the targeted 30% of land meant for redistribution, over a period of 25 years. 2) Close to 40% of South Africans who need jobs are unemployed, meaning that more than nine million South Africans who need jobs and are capable of working cannot find employment. The present government has failed dismally in devising a strategy for creating employment for all, and unemployment has since 1994, never been below 20%. 3) The South African governments have consistently over the past 25 years adopted a legislative and policy framework according to which service delivery is completely dependent on external service providers and tenders. Thus, the government itself lacks the capability to perform basic/core government functions. 4) The food economy in South Africa is dominated by the white minority at all levels, from land ownership and agricultural production to the packaging and retailing of food - nothing has changed since 1994. 1. The South African economy has not fully developed its productive capacity to provide jobs for millions of unemployed people and is still heavily dependent on the importation of finished goods and products.
  • 22. 22 2. South Africa’s education system is not well positioned to respond to the Fourth Industrial Revolution due to a lack of high-technology infrastructure, and the post-secondary education and training institutions cannot absorb all learners from secondary schools. 3. South Africa’s health care system excludes a substantial number of South Africans, and the country is sadly, still far from achieving universal health coverage. 4. Millions of South Africans still reside in unsafe human settlements and remain trapped in poverty. 5. South Africa has extra-ordinarily high levels of crime. An average of 20 000 murders are committed annually, and huge numbers of violent crimes are not properly resolved. 6. Social development and assistance do not deliver impactful results in resolving the massive poverty and inequality challenges. 7. South Africa’s criminal justice system does not serve justice to poor people, and its correctional services system is not corrective. 8. South Africa’s energy plan and capacity are not dependable enough to allow for massive industrialisation and reliable household usage. 9. South Africa’s environmental management does not adequately address the protection of the climate because of the country’s complete dependence on polluting energy sources. 10. The financial sector in South Africa is owned and controlled by a financial cartel that excludes and discriminates against many people on racial grounds.
  • 23. 23 11. South Africa’s fiscal architecture permanently incapacitates the state from achieving basic service delivery demands, and taxes are not maximally collected from the private sector. 12. South Africa has trivialised science and technology and is thus not maximising the potential thereof to improve people’s lives. 13. South Africa’s international relations policies are not positioned to maximally benefit the country. 14. Women in South Africa are still at the margins of economic empowerment and are largely excluded from senior positions in both the private and public sectors. 15. People with disabilities are not optimally taken care of. 16. South Africa’s infrastructure back-log is still massive, particularly in areas where black people reside. 17. The role of traditional leadership is not clearly defined, and this leads to abuse of the institution of traditional leadership. 18. South Africa’s architecture of procurement leads to massive corruption in both the private and public sectors. 19. In South Africa, women are violently abused and killed every day. South Africa is thus considered a rape capital. 20. In South Africa, there is no free education. 21. In South Africa, 55% of young people are unemployed and cannot find work. 22. Data is expensive in South Africa. 23. In South Africa, black people live on dumping sites.
  • 24. 24 24. In South Africa, drug abuse and gangsterism are prevalent. 25. In South Africa, leadership recipients are paid poorly and exploited. 26. In South Africa, teenage pregnancy is extremely high. 27. In South Africa, violence against the LGBTQI community is prevalent. 28. In South Africa, anti-black racism and xenophobia against Africans are on the rise. 29. South Africa’s local government is extremely underfunded. 30. In South Africa, artists are underpaid. Their jobs are not protected, and many die poor, as a consequence. 31. In South Africa, women in sports are paid less than their male counterparts. 32. South Africa has a bloated cabinet with useless deputy ministers. 33. South Africa still has apartheid murders. 34. South Africa still uses an apartheid national anthem. 35. In South Africa, streets, buildings, towns and monuments are still named after apartheid icons. 36. South Africa has one of the highest school dropout rates. 37. South Africa has insufficient learning spaces and accommodation at institutions of higher learning. 38. South Africa still has schools where children learn under trees or in mud structures and/or must use pit toilets. 39. South Africa still has bucket toilets. 40. South Africa still has bogus initiation schools which lead to death.
  • 25. 25 41. South Africa still has a huge, widening gap between poor and rich people. 42. In South Africa, there are still kids who walk kilometres to school and back.
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  • 28. 28  LAND 1. The EFF government will ensure that the amendment of Section 25 of the 1996 South African Constitution to allow expropriation of land without compensation for equal redistribution and use is carried through with immediate effect. 2. All land will be under the custodianship of the state, for equal redistribution to all. 3. The EFF government will pass accompanying legislation such as a Land Redistribution Act and an Agrarian Reform Act. 4. The EFF government will discontinue ownership of land by a few and ensure that all South African land is owned by all South African people through the principle of progressive state custodianship of land. 5. The EFF government will redistribute land in a manner that is demographically representative, meaning that black people will accordingly control the majority of the land, as they constitute the majority in South Africa. 6. The EFF government will redistribute a minimum of 50% of the land to be controlled by women and the youth. 7. The EFF government will abolish foreign land ownership. 8. The EFF government will establish a People’s Land Council to manage and redistribute land to all those who need it for residential and productive purposes. 9. The EFF government will establish a land ombudsman to ensure that people’s rights to the land are protected and not subjected to arbitrary abuse by state officials and injudicious mining companies. 10. The EFF government will reconfigure the Land Claims Court into the People’s Land Court which will be
  • 29. 29 constituted by no less than ten permanent judges in order to speed up the resolution of all land disputes. 11. The EFF government will once and for all guarantee that the right to land of people living in communal areas, such as the people of Xolobeni, is an absolute right, and that no one has authority to dispossess indigenous people of their right to land for the benefit of a few capitalists. 12. The EFF government will develop a new system of land rights registration to ensure that communal and customary land rights are recordable and offered the same protection as other forms of rights over land. 13. The EFF government will abolish rentals of all residential land. 14. The EFF government will allocate land for residential, agriculture and industrial usage for free. 15. The EFF government will allocate land for residential purposes with inheritance rights. 16. The EFF government will not abolish the rights of traditional leaders in the allocation and redistribution of land. 17. The EFF government will nationalise all game reserves, particularly the game reserves in Waterberg region in Limpopo and uMkhanyakude region of Kwazulu-Natal, bringing them under the management of South African National Parks (SANParks).
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  • 31. 31  JOBS As of 2019, South Africa has a workforce of 25.4 million people with the capacity to work. Only 16.4 million of them have jobs while the remaining nine million are unemployed, meaning that 35% of South Africans who are seeking employment are jobless. To create jobs, the EFF government will do the following: 1. The EFF government will ensure and lead massive and protected sustainable industrial development and diversification to create millions of decent jobs between 2019 and 2024. This will happen through state-led industrialisation, industrial diversification, the protection of infant and existing industries, the transfer of ownership to black people through subsidies, an increase in tariffs, and state-aided marketing and promotion of South African products internally, across the continent and worldwide, with a focus on key, progressive and most beneficial trading partners. 2. The EFF government will declare multiple special economic zones in various regions of South Africa, clearly emphasising that each investor will gain special economic zone benefits such as tax incentives and factory building allowances if they each employ and sustain a minimum of 2 000 jobs. 3. The EFF government will ensure that a minimum of 80% of the goods and services procured by the state at all levels and at all state companies are domestically produced. 4. The EFF government will ensure that a minimum of 50% of all South Africa’s mineral resources are locally beneficiated, processed and value added.
  • 32. 32 5. The EFF government will ensure that all food for local consumption is produced and processed on a massive scale in South Africa. This will happen through the intensification of small-scale farming and agriculture and by giving strategic support to all small-scale agricultural operations, including providing trade routes. All food traders in South Africa will be compelled by law to buy South African food products and to support operations that produce these food products. 6. The EFF government will build sustainable food processing zones that will supply food items to other parts of the world, particularly the rest of Africa, China, Latin America and India. This will lead to the creation of millions of jobs across the entire food chain. 7. The EFF government will help communities in the coastal areas to start agro-fishing corporates and businesses, which will be their main source of income and livelihoods. 8. The EFF government will ensure that all products and goods that contribute to state construction projects are locally produced, bar exceptional cases where there is no capacity to produce locally. 9. The EFF government will ensure the development, protection and localisation of industries which produce basic and daily used goods through import substitution mechanisms. These include:  Glasses, cups, plates, spoons, pots etc.  Tiles and energy-efficient building materials  Furniture, energy-efficient light bulbs and decorating materials  Solar water geysers, insulation material and energy-efficient products  Washing products and soap  Electronics
  • 33. 33  Basic energy-efficient electronics  The textile industry including, clothing and shoes, and  Agro-processing of food. 10. The EFF government will ensure that small and medium- sized enterprises are given strategic support and that legislation is passed to ensure that key industrial inputs and services to big corporates and companies are provided by SMMEs. 11. The EFF government will protect the right of street hawkers and informal traders to trade in a safe and clean environment in all the cities of South Africa without fear of police harassment. 12. The EFF government will prohibit the confiscation of street traders’ goods as a means of enforcing municipal by-laws. 13. The EFF government will amend the PFMA and MFMA to compel national, provincial and state-owned entities to procure 80% of all goods from local producers and a minimum of 50% from producers of which 50% is owned and controlled by women and the youth. 14. The EFF government will build and support state-owned trading and retail platforms in every municipality. 15. The EFF government will declare the following areas as special economic zones with zero company taxes and a building allowance in exchange for each investor creating 2 000 full-time jobs, paying a minimum wage and pension contributions:
  • 34. 34 Free State 1. QwaQwa in the Thabomofutsanyana region 2. Thabanchu in the Mangaung region 3. Deneysville in the Fezile Dabie region Eastern Cape 1. Butterworth in the Amathole region 2. Mount Ayliff and Mbizana in the Alfred Nzo region 3. Cofimvaba in the Chris Hani region 4. Graaff-Reinet in the Cacadu region 5. Mthatha and Port St Johns in the OR Tambo region 6. Sterkspruit in the Joe Gqabi region 7. King Williams Town in the Amathole region Mpumalanga 1. Bushbuck Ridge and Mjindini in the Enhlanzeni region 2. Marapiane in Dr J.S. Moroka in the Nkangala region 3. Moloto in Tembisile Hani in the Nkangala region 4. Mkhizeville in Mkhondo in the Gert Sibande region 5. Enyibe in Msukalikwa in the Gert Sibande region Limpopo 1. Groblersdal in the Sekhukhune region 2. Seshego in the Capricorn region 3. Mogalakwena in the Waterberg region 4. Shayandima in the Vhembe region 5. Phalaborwa in the Mopani region North West 1. Kagisano and Taung in Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati 2. Ramotshere and Ratlou in the Ngaka Modiri Molema region 3. Moses Kotane in the Bojanala region
  • 35. 35 KwaZulu-Natal 1. uMhlabuyalingana in the uMkhanyakude region 2. eDumbe in the Zululand region 3. Utrecht in the Amajuba region 4. Ladysmith in the uThukela region 5. eNquthu in Umzinyathi 6. Umzimkhulu in the Sisonke region 7. Scottsburgh in the Ugu region 8. Maphumulo in the Ilembe region Northern Cape 1. The whole province must be declared a special economic zone with industrial assistance for all companies that create a minimum of 2 000 jobs per investor per area. Western Cape 1. Cape Agulhas in the Overberg region 2. Beaufort West in the Central Karoo region 3. Ashton in the Cape Winelands region 4. Oudtshoorn in the South Cape region 5. Citrusdal in the West Coast region. 16. Under the EFF government, township economy equates to township industrialisation, and special tax-free economic zones will be created in populous townships. 17. The EFF government will declare township areas as special tax-free zones in exchange for 2 000 full-time jobs per investor paying a minimum wage and pension contribution per company. 18. The EFF government will pass legislation that ensures a minimum wage of R4 500 across the board for all full- time workers and will fight that each of the following
  • 36. 36 sectors accordingly receives the stipulated minimum wage:  Mineworkers: R12 500 per month  Farm workers: R5 000 per month  Manufacturing workers: R6 500 per month  Retail workers: R5 000 per month  Builders: R7 000 per month  Petrol attendants: R6 500 per month  Cleaners: R4 500 per month  Domestic workers: R5 000 per month  Private security guards: R7 500 per month  Full-time waiters and waitresses: R4 500 per month. 19. The EFF government will use state procurement as an instrument for driving job creation, meaning that a minimum of 80% of all goods and services procured by the state must be locally produced, and majority-owned and controlled by the people of South Africa. 20. The localisation drive will include all procurement, inclusive of automobiles, electronics, textiles, food and professional services. 21. The EFF government will pass a policy that 100% of the food procured by the state for school feeding schemes, hospitals, prisons, etc. is locally produced by emerging historically excluded farmers, and that a minimum of 50% is procured from women and the youth. 22. The EFF government will put measures in place to ensure that a minimum of 50% of the labour force is unionised and that collective bargaining is prescribed and actively promoted. 23. The EFF government will ensure that a minimum of 50% of all state procurement benefits women and youth- owned and/or controlled companies. 24. The EFF government will guarantee ‘one degree one job’ – The EFF government commits to absorb all
  • 37. 37 unemployed graduates and place them into areas relevant to their qualifications. 25. The EFF government will drive a massive job creation programme by building studios in every municipality for artists to record and produce their work locally. 26. The EFF government will create jobs through local beneficiation. 27. The EFF government will impose a quota of 60% on all shops to sell locally produced goods and products.
  • 39. 39  CORRUPTION 1. The EFF government will increase, harness and enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of governance institutions to pre-empt all forms of corruption. 2. The EFF government will abolish the usage of private companies to fulfil functions and duties that government should fulfil. 3. The EFF government will ban the usage of consultants and project management units as a basis for delivering government services. 4. The EFF government will build internal capacity to fulfil its own functions and responsibilities, thereby avoiding being influenced and having its employees bribed by private companies and consultants in the fulfilment of government tasks. 5. The EFF government will establish state administration courts to promptly respond to incidents of corruption with the aim of firing and blacklisting corrupt state employees and private companies and recovering money lost due to corruption. 6. The EFF government will introduce a minimum sentence of 20 years for all public representatives and servants convicted of corruption. 7. The EFF government will protect the independence of the Public Protector, the Auditor General and all other corruption monitoring institutions to independently oversee government programmes. 8. The EFF government will introduce legislation preventing all public representatives and public servants from doing any form of business with public institutions.
  • 40. 40 9. The EFF will pass a law that will make all Public Representatives and Servants to forfeit their pension funds and savings if they are found guilty of corruption. 10. The EFF government will reduce and eventually ban the use of consultants and project management units as a basis for delivering government services. 11. The EFF government will strengthen the current legislation aimed at the protection of whistle-blowers. 12. The Eff government will introduce new legislation 13. The EFF government will introduce new legislation and other measures for: a. compulsory imprisonment plus community service during and beyond the term of imprisonment to pay back to society any money gained through corruption and send a clear message that corruption does not pay; b. corrupt offenders employed in the public sector to forfeit their pensions and other benefits; and c. Corrupt offenders to receive lifetime bans from employment in the public sector. 14. The EFF government will act decisively on private sector corruption. 15. The EFF government will amend the Constitution to make the National Prosecution Authority (NPA) a constitutional institution accountable to Parliament to guarantee its independence in the fight against corruption and crime in general.
  • 41. 41
  • 42. 42  GENDER, WOMEN AND LGBTQI 1. Women have suffered most from the neo-liberal reality of the past 20 years. The vicious circle of triple oppression, based on race, class and gender, has not been broken for black women in particular. The EFF recognises that while patriarchy and sexism are pervasive in our society, it is black women who suffer the most from gender-based violence. Up to now, interventions for dealing with violence against women have been superficial, half-hearted and based on the wrong understanding of the root causes for the vulnerability of women. 2. The EFF government will strive to realise women's liberation through a variety of interventions, starting with prioritising women when it comes to the benefits of economic emancipation. These interventions will include education against patriarchy and sexism, complemented by legislation to protect and promote women’s liberation and the close monitoring of the implementation thereof in order to realise real women empowerment in society, within the family and at the workplace. 3. The EFF believes that gender-based violence and related antisocial activities are reinforced and even sustained by the deplorable general conditions of our people; therefore, a key to female emancipation is the emancipation of all. The EFF will emphasise transforming the lives of our people in the ghettos from one of generalised structural violence as a mechanism to end all violence, including violence against women. 4. The EFF government will ensure that the following key interventions are made:
  • 43. 43  50% women representation in all spheres representing economic benefit, political participation, a managerial and leadership responsibility;  Compulsory gender education and training for all (e.g. at school, work, within the family, church, in the legislative, executive as well as civil society);  Education of the police on gender justice and the establishment of specialised law enforcement units to deal with women-related crimes;  Strengthening of education of men on patriarchy, sexism and misogyny; and  Engaging custodians of tradition, faith leaders and other cultural practitioners to collectively find means to combat the oppression of women. 5. The EFF government will introduce a special inspectorate in the Department of Labour to monitor, report on and enforce gender parity and equality in the workplace. Such measures will range from name-and- shame, heavy penalties to the withdrawal of trading licences in the case of repeat offenders. 6. The EFF government will introduce a whistle-blowing mechanism for reporting all instances of sexual harassment, jobs-for-sex and gender-based violence in the workplace. 7. The EFF government will initiate a comprehensive research project aimed at the recognition of work performed by women in the household as formal labour which contributes to the national economy, GDP and the formal tax system.
  • 44. 44
  • 45. 45  LGBTQI 1. The EFF government will aggressively engage in public awareness and communication strategies and training interventions all aimed at or directed towards positively changing social norms which declare LGBTQI sexual preferences as abnormal. 2. The EFF government will amend the Criminal Law Amendment Act and existing legislation to include harsher minimum sentences for ‘corrective’ rape specifically, or crimes committed with hatred as motivation in general. 3. The EFF government will also amend the Sex Description 4. Act and related legislation to ensure the Home Affairs Department expedites ID alteration applications for transgender applicants. 5. The EFF government will invest in a public health care system that ensures easy access to gender-affirming treatment. 6. The EFF government will decisively enforce the Equality Act and related legislation to end unfair discrimination by government and private organisations in relation to the employment of women and the LGBTQI community. 7. The EFF government will amend the Facilities Regulations Act and related regulations to enable the implementation of gender-neutral toilet facilities in schools, public facilities and workplaces to benefit transgender populations and people outside of the gender binary. 8. The EFF government will amend the Child Care Act and related legislation to impose penalties for unfair discrimination against LGBTQI individuals in relation to adoption processes.
  • 46. 46
  • 47. 47  YOUTH DEVELOPMENT 1. Youth development cuts across all aspects of the EFF manifesto, because the jobs the EFF government will create, the businesses that will be financed, the fee- free education that will be provided and the social assistance programme will primarily benefit the youth. 2. The EFF government will mainstream youth development in all sectors of government and pursue active programmes to professionalise youth work. 3. The EFF government will develop mechanisms to monitor the implementation of youth development initiatives. 4. The EFF government will pass legislation that will ensure that all government departments and all public institutions employ a minimum of 40% of people between the ages of 18 and 35. 5. The EFF government will pass legislation that will ensure that all government departments and all public institutions spend 50% of their procurement budget on youth-owned businesses. 6. The EFF government will ensure that all private corporations employ a minimum of 35% of people between the ages of 18 and 35. 7. The EFF government will ensure that all communities have a Youth Information and Advisory Centre which will inform, educate and guide young people on possible career paths and educational opportunities available in South Africa. 8. The EFF government will ensure that a minimum of 40% of budget allocation to government departments in all spheres of government is specifically set aside for youth empowerment and upliftment.
  • 48. 48 9. Under the EFF government, the NYDA will be autonomous from any direct influence or micro- management by government in an effective, efficient and integrated manner, whilst rallying and advocating support for the implementation of women and youth- driven development strategies. 10. The EFF government will integrate and institutionalise youth development at local government level. 11. The EFF government will build NYDA offices in every municipality. 12. The EFF government will allocate R2 billion to the NYDA, with a minimum of 50% of that allocated to companies, programmes and projects controlled by women.
  • 49. 49
  • 50. 50  CRIME 1. The EFF government’s approach to fighting crime will take into consideration that crime is a socio-economic consequence and should be fundamentally uprooted by economically developing our communities and providing criminals with quality jobs and careers. 2. The EFF government will by 2024 establish satellite police stations that will be open 24 hours in a day and seven days in a week in every ward of the country where there currently is no police station. 3. The EFF government will re-open police and satellite police stations in Marabastad, Zandspruit, Kocksoord, Azaadville, Morula Sun, Melville, Zithobeni and Thembelihle in Gauteng by 2022. 4. The EFF government will re-open police and satellite police stations in Siyathemba, Emjindini, Botleng, Tjakastad, Kwazamokuhle, Msogwaba, Daanjie, Hectorspuit, Lebohang, Badfontein, Dundonald, Phola, Thuthukani, Phungutsha and Kamhlushwa in Mpumalanga by 2022. 5. The EFF government will ensure that all police stations are housed in properties owned by the state. 6. The EFF government will ensure that each police station has officers with specialised skills to deal with cases of sexual violence against and abuse of women and children and to support victims. 7. The EFF government will require all police stations to have DNA kits by the end of 2019. 8. The EFF government will retrain all police officers by 2022 so that they are able to process and investigate sexual violence and intimate-partner violence crimes, in a way that takes cognisance of the short-term and long- term mental and physical health of the victim.
  • 51. 51 9. The EFF government will determine the number of police officers to be allocated to a station in relation to the number of people within the station’s catchment area. 10. The EFF government will employ an additional 100 000 police officers by 2023. 11. The EFF government will repair all broken police vehicles by 2020. 12. The EFF government will purchase an additional 7 000 police vehicles by 2022, on condition that 50% of all parts are made in South Africa. 13. The EFF government will absorb all police reservists and security guards. 14. The EFF government will increase police visibility. 15. The EFF government will impose strict rules on gun ownership and will aggressively recover illegal guns. 16. The EFF government will deploy a special task team to deal with gangsterism and drugs in places such as the Cape Flats in Cape Town, 17. The EFF government will improve the capacity of crime intelligence to include the usage of technology to solve crimes. 18. The EFF government will train additional detectives. 19. The EFF government will re-capacitate Community Policing Forums across the country and encourage the formation of crime watch and street committees in crime hotspot communities and areas 20. The EFF government will give rewards for citizens who submit evidence depicting alleged criminal activities, including drug dealing, social crimes and domestic violence 21. Racism shall be declared a punishable criminal offence 22. As part of its massive drive for rural development, the EFF government will introduce a specialised unit to deal
  • 52. 52 with the problem of stock theft in rural and farming areas 23. Sentences for rhino poaching will be increased 24. The SABC must dedicate one hour per day on all radio and television stations to educate the public about crime prevention and community policing 25. All immigrants shall be registered and have their fingerprints captured by the new Department of Home Affairs and Internal Security.
  • 53. 53
  • 54. 54  EDUCATION 1. The EFF government will introduce free decolonised education for all, advancing topics pertaining to indigenous knowledge, sovereignty and economic freedom in the curricula. 2. The EFF government will criminalise all parents who do not take their children to school. EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT: 1. The EFF government will make universal provision for early childhood development (ECD) programmes and will make it compulsory for children from the ages of three years and upwards to be enrolled in an ECD for free. 2. The EFF will develop a common ECD curriculum focusing on nutrition programmes, book reading and storytelling, and other land-based activities to enhance children’s understanding of their surrounding environment. 3. Under the EFF government, all ECD practitioners will be employed on a full-time basis, with full pay and pension contribution by government. 4. The EFF government will train an additional 40 000 ECD practitioners by 2021, of whom a minimum of 50% must be women and the youth. BASIC EDUCATION: 5. The EFF government will introduce free decolonised education for all, advancing topics pertaining to
  • 55. 55 indigenous knowledge, sovereignty and economic freedom in the curricula. 6. The EFF government will increase the use of information and communication technology for teaching, with the aim of achieving universal coverage in computer literacy by 2024. 7. Under the EFF, each learner will get a tablet loaded with all necessary study material, tutorials and educational videos. 8. The EFF government will prioritise indigenous ways of teaching, learning and development. 9. ‘One education system, one country’ – Under the EFF government, all students will fall under one school system and all matric learners will write the same examinations. Independent Examination Board (IEB) will be abolished. 10. The EFF will provide scholar transport for all learners who stay more than 2 kilometres from the school. 11. The EFF government will electrify all schools everywhere by 2021. 12. The EFF government will provide two nutritious meals a day to all learners in all schools by 2020. 13. The EFF government will ensure that there is clean water in every school by January 2021. 14. The EFF government will provide security in all schools. 15. The EFF government will encourage all learners to do mathematics. 16. Under the EFF government, all schools will have remedial teachers. 17. The EFF government will ensure that there are safe flushing toilets in all schools by 2021. 18. The EFF government will build new schools with technology integration in the classroom, sports facilities
  • 56. 56 and computer labs to reduce the teacher-to-pupil ratio to 1:40 for primary schools and 1:30 for secondary schools. 19. The following areas will be prioritised for the building of new schools: Eastern Cape 1. Matatiele ward 8: Belfort 2. Mbizana ward 18: Sigidi 3. Dimbaza ward 36: Mzintshane 4. Mdantsane ward 11: Langelitsha, ward 46: Cover Ridge Primary, ward 31: Qonce High, ward 39: Rayi Primary 5. Dzluxolo SS ward 1: Elundini 6. Mhlontlo ward 16: Mthintwa 7. PSJ ward 5: Caguba High School Free State 1. Jagersfontein 2. Koffiefontein 3. Botshabelo (Extension 1) 4. Reitz 5. Marquard 6. Vrede Gauteng 1. Ward 17 Sebokeng, Emfuleni in Extension 28 2. Ward 1 Ekurhuleni, Clayville Extension 45 3. Between wards 4 and 5 Mogale West Rand – Kagiso 4. Between wards 1 and 2 Merafong Municipality 5. Ward 127 Mathole Roodepoort – Johannesburg
  • 57. 57 Kwa Zulu-Natal 1. Emladlangegeni (Mange Area) 2. Mtubatuba (KwaMsane Township) 3. Ubuhlebezwee 4. Ray Nkonyane 5. uMsinga Limpopo 1. Nkomo village (Giyani) 2. Mavalane village (Giyani) 3. Biko village (Lulekane township) 4. Boelane Maseke village (Namakgale) 5. Phalama village (Thulamela)) Mpumalanga 1. Mshadza in Masoyi Mbombela 2. Langeloop and Bosfontein in Nkomazi 3. Allandale in Bushbuck Ridge 4. Mametlake 5. Nokaneng 6. Lefisoane Northern Cape 1. Duplooysburg and Olierivier primary schools and secondary school 2. Richmond 3. Gamobedi 4. Gasehubane 5. Garuele Siyanda primary school 6. Ikaganeng North West 1. Blydeville
  • 58. 58 2. Boskuil 3. Vaal Reefs 4. Marikana 5. Ipelegeng Western Cape 1. De Doorns 2. Rawsonville 3. Op die Berg 4. Kayamandi 5. Enaknini 20. The EFF government will ensure that all learning and teaching support materials are delivered in September the year preceding a new school year and will publish a report in November of every year on the delivery of learner-teacher support materials. 21. The EFF government will launch a yearlong #TeachersMatter campaign, starting in 2020, to look at both the professional and personal needs of teachers, including training in soft skills, emotional wellness, financial literacy, assistance with debt management etc. 22. The EFF will build high-technology teacher training colleges to equip educators of the future with adequate technological skills to impart to learners. 23. The EFF government will introduce peer review evaluation for teachers that focuses on development. 24. The EFF government will launch a #ReturnToSchool campaign in 2020 for all people who have dropped out of school, including domestic workers, sex workers and girls who have left school. 25. The EFF government will employ at least two physical education trainers in each school by 2022.
  • 59. 59 26. The EFF government will build two grass fields, two pitches and a swimming pool at every school by 2023. 27. The EFF government will appoint two social workers per school by the end of 2021. 28. The EFF government will appoint one nurse per school by 2021. 29. The EFF government will appoint one orthodontist per school by 2023. 30. The EFF government will make it compulsory for every school to have a vegetable garden by 2020. 31. The EFF government will employ one arts and culture teacher per grade in each school by 2022. 32. The EFF government will build computer labs, equipped with internet connectivity, by 2022. 33. The EFF government will build a library in all schools without libraries by 2022. 34. The EFF government will incorporate in the curriculum career guidance as a mandatory subject for all high school learners. 35. The EFF will build new special schools by 2021 with technology integration in the classroom, sports facilities and computer labs. 36. The EFF government will introduce modules about different disabilities and practical lessons on inclusion. 37. The EFF government will provide safe and accessible transport for children with disabilities. 38. The EFF government will provide mobility, technological and human aids for all pupils with disabilities. 39. The EFF government will provide sanitary towels to all learners in public schools immediately. 40. The EFF government will introduce vernacular languages as the foundation of the education system in all provinces.
  • 60. 60 41. The EFF government will introduce driving schools for all learners, including a subsidy for booking leaner’s and driver’s license tests. 42. The EFF government will launch a countrywide literacy campaign to equip all citizens with the basic skills to read, write and count so as to enable them to become more knowledgeable about all aspects of their lives and increase the literacy rate to 98% by 2024. 43. The EFF government will abolish the 30% pass mark and increase it to 50% and ensure that all learners who enter the school system are accounted for by the 12th year of writing matric. 44. The EFF government will introduce basic sign language lessons to be taught to all learners. 45. The EFF will introduce comprehensive Adult Education programmes and guarantee educational access by adults who could not finish school for one reason or another. HIGHER EDUCATION: 46. The EFF government will introduce free decolonised education for all, advancing issues of indigenous knowledge, sovereignty and economic freedom in education. 47. The EFF government will increase the use of information and communication technology for teaching. 48. The EFF will pass a law that will zero-rate all Educational Apps and content in all gadgets, such as computers, laptops, tablets, and phones. 49. The EFF government will make it compulsory for all learners to pursue post-secondary education and training at universities, universities of technology and TVET colleges. This will be made possible through state
  • 61. 61 assistance and massive expansion of vocational training and education. 50. The EFF government will cancel all student debt, re- integrate all students who were excluded on the basis of fees and give certificates, diplomas and degrees to all students who passed and were denied their qualifications because of outstanding fees. 51. The EFF government will establish a centralised higher education registration system so that students are not required to fill in their details and register more than once. 52. The EFF government will provide free higher education until a first degree for all and will provide scholarships, including scholarships to study at overseas universities for postgraduate qualifications. 53. The EFF government will provide free accommodation for students at institutions of higher learning and will quadruple the number of rooms available by 2023. 54. The EFF government will provide two warm meals per day to each student at institutions of higher learning by 2020. 55. The EFF government will allow all students to travel for free on public transport, provided they carry their student card, by 2023. 56. The EFF government will place a price cap on food sold at all institutions of higher learning by 2019. 57. The EFF government will establish a free 24hours/7days clinic at each institution of higher learning by 2022. 58. The EFF government will provide free learning materials at all institutions of higher learning by 2021. 59. The EFF government will require each institution of higher learning to have a counsellor for every 1 000 students by 2023.
  • 62. 62 60. The EFF government will make all institutions of higher learning differently-abled friendly by 2020. 61. The EFF government will introduce free driving schools at all institutions of higher learning by 2020. 62. The EFF government will require each campus to insource all staff by the end of 2019. 63. The EFF government will require each campus to have campus security by 2020, with a sexual crimes unit, more than 70% of employees of which must be female. 64. The EFF government will provide free sanitary towels at all institutions of higher learning immediately. 65. The EFF government will provide each student residing off campus with three gigabytes of data per month by 2021. 66. The EFF government will increase the intake at institutions of higher learning at both universities and TVETs by 20% annually. 67. The EFF government will synchronise the goals and needs of the economy with the number of places available at each institution of higher learning. 68. The EFF government will connect all institutions of higher learning to high-speed fibre networks by 2023. 69. The EFF government will provide each student with a laptop by 2024. 70. The EFF government will fast-track the digitalisation of institutions of higher learning according to annual targets. 71. The EFF government will re-open all nursing colleges that have been closed and will open five new nursing colleges by 2023. 72. The EFF government will re-open all teacher training colleges that have been closed and will open five new teacher training colleges by 2023. 73. The EFF government will require all institutions of higher learning to provide learning materials in the three most
  • 63. 63 spoken languages where the institutions are located by 2024. 74. The EFF government will require all institutions of higher learning to teach 50% of all courses in a South African language besides English and Afrikaans by 2024. 75. The EFF government will require 10% of all academic publications in the country to be written in a South African language besides English and Afrikaans by 2024. 76. The EFF government will require each university to offer Swahili Studies as a degree by 2024. 77. The EFF government will establish a digital library which will buy the rights to every academic publication that has ever been published so that all students can access them free of charge. 78. The EFF government will require each university in the country to offer degrees and courses in coding, computer hardware development, artificial intelligence, robotics, the internet and biotechnology by 2022. 79. The EFF government will require each TVET to offer courses focused on computer hardware and coding by 2022. 80. The EFF government will provide scholarships to students to study abroad, specifically focusing on degrees and courses which are not provided in South Africa or that are of strategic importance or relate to national security. 81. The EFF government will require each medical school in the country to provide courses in traditional medicine by 2023. 82. The EFF government will establish an agency to place each final-year student in an internship programme by 2023. 83. The EFF government will establish a satellite campus of the University of Witwatersrand’s School of Mining
  • 64. 64 Engineering in Rustenburg by 2022 which will focus on mining and mineral beneficiation. 84. The EFF government will establish a satellite campus of the University of Limpopo’s School of Physical and Mineral Sciences in Phalaborwa by 2022 which will focus on mining and mineral beneficiation. 85. The EFF government will establish a satellite campus of the University of Pretoria’s Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences in Ehlanzeni by 2022 which will focus on agriculture and agro-processing. 86. The EFF government will establish a satellite campus of the University of Free State’s Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences in Thabo Mofutsanyana District Municipality by 2022 which will focus on agriculture and agro-processing. 87. The EFF government will establish a satellite campus of the University of the North-West’s School of Agricultural Sciences in Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality by 2022 which will focus on agriculture and agro- processing. 88. The EFF government will establish a satellite campus of the University of Cape Town’s Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment in ZF Magcawu District Municipality by 2022 which will focus on renewable energy. 89. The EFF government will establish a satellite campus of the University of Johannesburg’s Department of Mining and Mine Surveying in Sekhukhune District Municipality which will focus on mining and mineral beneficiation. 90. The EFF government will pay a once-off grant of R1 million to all black graduates pursuing doctoral studies at accredited institutions, including overseas students, by 2024.
  • 65. 65 91. The EFF government will introduce a scholarship for people with disabilities to incentivise doctoral studies among them. 92. The EFF government will build one medical training school per province. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTIONS: 93. The EFF government will triple the amount of research funding available by 2024. 94. The EFF government will improve the remuneration and working conditions of lecturers and professors and encourage them to continue with teaching and research and not take up administrative posts in private or public institutions. 95. The EFF government will heavily invest in research and development and will heavily invest in and subsidise technological and scientific innovations and discoveries. 96. The EFF government will support and subsidise technological innovation which leads to the development and manufacturing of a South African automobile (car), computer, tablet, phone and other world-class technological innovations. 97. The EFF government will build a specialist technology university or institute whose primary focus will be technological innovation. 98. The EFF government will use existing capacity to provide high-speed and quality broadband to all schools and institutions of higher learning in South Africa. 99. The EFF government will allocate more funding to conduct research on HIV/Aids, TB and diabetes.
  • 66. 66
  • 67. 67  HEALTH 1. The EFF government will focus on primary health with a commitment to attain universal health coverage, with the intention of decreasing infant mortality rates and increase the life expectancy of all people in South Africa. 2. The EFF government will adopt a national health care system that focuses on primary health care, quality clinics and disease profiling through public health care facilities. 3. The EFF government will implement an immunisation and vaccination programme which will cover 100% of all South Africans by 2024. 4. The EFF government’s approach to health care will be based on the pillars of a) prevention, b) promotion and c) education on health care. 5. The EFF will regularise and fully integrate Community Healthcare Workers as full employees of the State who will be responsible for provision of quality healthcare in each and every community. 6. The EFF government will regularly send doctors and other health practitioners to schools, communities and places of work to test for diseases that can be treated at an early stage, starting in 2020. 7. The EFF government will work with established medical research institutions in Cuba to develop vaccines for identified preventable diseases in South Africa. 8. The EFF government will invest in superior medical research which will explore the usage of cannabis for pharmaceutical and medical purposes. 9. The EFF government will work with the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) and maximally use other forms of mass communication to produce health
  • 68. 68 education content to be aired on all SABC radio and television stations and disseminated using all relevant platforms. 10. The EFF government will establish a confidential and secured digital database of health profiles for all South Africa citizens by 2021. 11. The EFF government will build 24-hour integrated post- sexual trauma centres in all district hospitals for urgent medical, forensic, psychological and social assistance, directly linked to policing and detective directorates, by 2021. 12. The EFF government will upgrade hospitals such that each district in South Africa has a regional or tertiary hospital with a minimum of 450 beds, open 24 hours a day, with internal medicine, paediatrics, obstetrics, gynaecology and general surgeons, by 2022. 13. The EFF government will build and upgrade hospitals in areas such as: Eastern Cape 1. Mzimvubu 2. Mbizana 3. Ntabankulu Free State 1. Thaba Nchu 2. Wepener 3. Masilonyana Gauteng 1. Orange Farm 2. Ivory Park
  • 69. 69 Kwa Zulu-Natal 1. Manguzi 2. eNquthu 3. uMzimkhulu Limpopo 1. Vhufuli 2. Makhado 3. Modimolle 4. Suswe 5. Botlowka Mpumalanga 1. Barberton 2. Bethal 3. Witbank 4. Acornhoeck Northern Cape 1. Kuruman 2. Springbok 3. Kimberley 4. Postmasburg 5. Hartswater North West 1. Ditsobotla 2. Mogwase 3. Rustenburg 4. Moretele Western Cape 1. Masiphumelele
  • 70. 70 2. Grabouw 3. Ocean View 4. Gansbaai 14. The EFF government will build specialised hospitals for the following disease categories: tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, cerebrovascular diseases, heart disease, hypertensive diseases, chronic lower respiratory diseases and ischaemic heart diseases. 15. The EFF government will pay specific attention to autism 16. and build adequate and high level capacity to treat and respond to cases of autism. 17. The EFF government will strive to build at least one clinic 18. per ward in all wards of South Africa and will extend this to one polyclinic per village in wards that are composed of more than one village. 19. The EFF government will make it compulsory for workplaces with more than 1 500 employees to have a properly equipped and staffed in-house health care facility, such as a clinic or hospital, available for free to all employees. 20. All clinics under the EFF government will be open 24 hours 21. a day. 22. The EFF government will appoint qualified people, 23. including medical practitioners, with adequate administrative and managerial experience and competency at all clinics, community-based health care facilities, therapy and rehabilitation centres and hospitals. 24. The EFF government will build consulting rooms for traditional and indigenous health practitioners, traditional healers and traditional herbalists to use for free in all district hospitals by 2021, as a way to
  • 71. 71 incorporate traditional and indigenous health care practices into the primary health care system. 25. The EFF government will establish a fund to support indigenous African health knowledge production by August 2020. 26. The EFF government will massively increase the number of health care practitioners and ensure that they are evenly spread across districts and provinces. 27. The EFF government will increase the number of nurses and doctors in South Africa’s health care system by: I. Establishing at least one health care training facility per province and ensuring that there is no province without a medical school; and II. Sending recruits to train as nurses in countries across the world, including in Cuba, namely 5 000 in 2021, 6 000 in 2022 and 7 000 in 2023. 28. The EFF government will allocate community health care practitioners to all ward-based clinics and polyclinics. 29. The EFF will make sure that all hospitals, clinics, polyclinics and community health care centres have an adequate number of ambulances. 30. Ambulances will be locally produced by investing in ambulance production plants in South Africa. 31. The EFF government’s state-owned health mechanical service workshops and technicians will prioritise all machines and equipment in district hospitals, and all machines and equipment will be in a working condition by the end of 2020. 32. The EFF government will establish shared services administration facilities for clinics in a ratio of one shared services administration facility to 15 clinics, to manage all administrative services such as record
  • 72. 72 keeping, medication management, facilities management, human resources and financial management services. 33. The EFF will replace all machines and equipment older than ten years in all clinics and hospitals by 2022. 34. The EFF government will develop a policy to guide and ensure the provision of school-based primary health care, social work and psychological services. 35. The EFF government will send specialists such as dentists, optometrists and audiologists to all primary schools at least twice a year, starting from 2020. 36. The EFF government will send scarce specialists to all district hospitals on a weekly basis. 37. The EFF government will use ICT in the health care sector for greater efficiency and improved reaction times when dealing with health problems and concerns. 38. The EFF government will build a state-owned pharmaceutical company to ensure the availability of adequate medicine in all health care facilities by 2021. 39. The EFF government will develop an efficient registration process for generic medicines to ensure affordable prices. 40. The EFF government will establish a pharmaceutical industrial zone for investors with protection of investment and security of tenure on state land by 2022 on condition that they work with the state-owned pharmaceutical company and supply medicine and equipment to clinics, hospitals and community health care facilities. 41. The EFF government will build a state-owned health care equipment company to manufacture health care equipment. 42. EFF government will ensure that the health care system and health solutions are non-discriminatory towards
  • 73. 73 sexual and gender minorities and those with varying physical and mental abilities. 43. The EFF government will establish indoor residual spraying teams on a full-time basis in all malaria- infested areas. 44. The EFF government will provide health inspectors with all the basic resources they need to do their job. 45. The EFF government will police, investigate and prosecute all illegal advertisements of medical procedures or organ sales, illegal health facilities and illegal providers of health care. 46. The EFF government will follow the national and international calendars and will produce health material, communication programmes and campaigns that are in line with both priorities and calendars. 47. The EFF government will use evidence-based and scientific knowledge to educate and inform communities and individuals on health issues. 48. The EFF government will establish four specialised health research institutes, namely TB, malaria, HIV/AIDS and cancer institutes. 49. The EFF government will establish medical missions to send medical trainees to African countries to share and learn from each other’s experiences. 50. The EFF government will give all hospitals autonomy to procure goods and services. 51. The EFF government will appoint additional oncologists, especially for hospitals in KwaZulu-Natal.
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  • 75. 75  HUMAN SETTLEMENTS, WATER AND SANITATION ` HUMAN SETTLEMENTS: 1. The EFF government will provide quality, spacious houses to all the people. These houses will be located within sustainable human settlements with basic services such as water, electricity, sanitation, schools, shopping complexes, sports and recreation grounds, and parks. 2. The EFF government will re-zone all informal settlements by 2021. 3. The EFF government will put mechanisms in place to ensure that all public servants have houses. 4. The EFF government will subsidise housing finance for middle-income earners. 5. The EFF government will legislate for the reduction of 20- to 30-year housing loans to a maximum of ten years by 2020. 6. The EFF government will make it illegal for banks to repossess houses from people who have paid off 50% of their bonds and are unable to continue paying their bond instalments due to socioeconomic circumstances, by the end of 2019. 7. The EFF government will make it illegal to use houses as surety for any loans from financial institutions, by 2019. 8. The EFF government will regulate the cost of rent on state-owned land. 9. The EFF government will make it illegal for residents to be evicted from private properties unless a suitable alternative is found for them.
  • 76. 76 10. The EFF government will ensure that access to a home is made an inalienable right in the Constitution. 11. 12. The EFF government will do away with apartheid spatial planning and expropriate land without compensation closer to inner city centres to build sustainable housing for all. 13. The EFF government will create a housing access coordinating unit that involves national, provincial and local government which will regularly report to the Presidency on progress with housing provision, the elimination of slums and the provision of dignified sanitation. 14. The EFF government will ensure that the state improves the quality and size of low-cost houses through the state housing construction company. 15. The EFF government will ensure that the state regulates housing finance by providing housing finance that does not exceed a period of ten years. 16. The EFF government will guarantee integrated human settlements that will in the real sense be definitive of all settlements led by the state and that will be equipped with guaranteed bulk services such as water provision, electricity, sewerage systems, parks and recreation facilities. 17. The EFF government will ensure that government-built houses meet the standards required to ensure ease of access for people with disabilities. 18. The EFF government will convert unused state buildings into affordable housing for the poor, offering people long-term, secured leaseholds to these buildings. 19. The EFF government will, through the state construction company, build state-owned houses and
  • 77. 77 complexes which will be made available to people on a lease basis for a period of 99 years. WATER: 20. The EFF Government will discontinue private ownership of bulk water infrastructure and will ensure that each and every household, factory, farm, school, and public infrastructure has access to clean water. 21. The following areas will be prioritised for the building of water infrastructure: Eastern Cape 1. Noxolo 2. Mfuleni wothando 3. Qaqawuli 4. Emahlabathini Limpopo 1. Giyani 2. Maleboho 3. Sekgakgapeng 4. Lulekanin North-West 1. Lethabong 2. Thonando 3. Matlosana 4. Boikhutso 5. Tlhakajeng Gauteng 1. Tjovitjo Orange Farm 2. Langaville Kwathema
  • 78. 78 3. Ikangala Phumekhaya 4. Mooiplas Tshwane 5. Zenzele Westanaria Mpumalanga 1. Moloto, in Thembisile Hani 2. Nokaneng, New Stand 3. Steenbok, Ward 18, Nkomazi Free State 1. Thenezen in Masilonyana 2. Qwaqwa wards 10, 11, 18 and 19 in Maluti a Phofung 3. Matlharantleng in Tswelopele 4. Moipatong in Dihlabeng 5. Baipehing in Metsimaholo Western Cape 1. Enkanini 2. Marikana 3. Kayamandi 4. Groenheuwel 5. Ashton and Robertson informal settlements 22. The EFF government will repair all water treatment centres by 2020. 23. The EFF government will build a new water treatment facility in each province by 2021.
  • 79. 79 24. The EFF government will employ 10 000 artisans to repair all leaks in the water infrastructure with the aim of reducing the amount of water lost by leaks to 10% of the current rate by 2022. 25. The EFF government will ensure water sustainability for daily and industrial usage by building dams and large- scale water projects with the capacity to sustainably supply South Africa. 26. The EFF government will provide each South African with in-house hot running water by 2024. 27. The EFF government will build storm water drains in every street in South Africa by 2022. SANITATION: 28. The EFF government will eradicate bucket toilets by the end of 2024. 29. The EFF government will provide each South African with in-house sanitation by 2024. 30. The EFF government will connect each house to the sewage system by 2023. 31. The EFF government will ensure that all schools have a flushing toilet by the end of 2021.
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  • 81. 81  PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES 1. The EFF government will introduce policies in both the public and private sectors to impose measurable goals and targets for the recruitment, employment and retention of people with disabilities to promote their economic independence and reduce their dependence on charity and welfare. 2. The EFF government will ensure that each and every public institution such as hospitals, police stations, home affairs offices, labour offices, and social development offices have at least two people who are trained at and understand sign language to cater for people who cannot speak. 3. The EFF government will actively and materially support initiatives to organise and mobilise the disability sector so that it can constantly and integrally communicate its concerns and amplify its voice in society guided by the principle; ‘Nothing about us without us!’ 4. Under the EFF government, the President will assume direct responsibility for the protection of this vulnerable sector and report on progress annually in his/her State of the Nation Address, after consultation with the sector. 5. The EFF government will ensure that all government buildings and facilities such as police stations, hospitals, clinics, schools and universities are accessible to people with disabilities. 6. The EFF government will ensure that the public transport system is accessible to people with disabilities. 7. The EFF government will establish doctoral scholarships for people with disabilities.
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  • 83. 83  TRADITIONAL LEADERS 1. In order to enhance state capacity and in recognition of the reality that the majority of South Africans subscribe to and align themselves with the institution of traditional leadership, the EFF government will give full recognition to the central role of traditional leaders. 2. The EFF firmly believes that the received western notions of democracy must necessarily be aligned with and adapted to the African way of life, culture, traditions, customs and norms. 3. The EFF government will work hand in glove with traditional leaders as well as CONTRALESA on diverse issues that include:  Rural development initiatives aimed at discouraging rural-to-urban migration,  The capacitation of rural-based co-operatives and similar collectivist schemes such as burial societies,  Climate change and the Green Revolution,  The abolition of all cultural practices which promote and tolerate gender discrimination and gender-based violence,  The custodianship and redistribution of land and the holding of a land summit,  Community participation in mining and other economic activities, especially in the North West and Limpopo Provinces,  The elimination of the scourge of deaths at traditional initiation schools, especially in the Eastern Cape Province,
  • 84. 84  The definition of roles and building co-operation between traditional leaders and democratically elected councillors,  Mass participation in sporting and cultural activities, and  Conducting a comprehensive legislative review, amendment or repeal of relevant and inadequate legislation such as the Traditional Leadership and Governance Frameworks Act 41 of 2003.
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  • 86. 86  ENERGY 1. The EFF government will stabilise energy supply through maximally pursuing mixed energy sources, including safe coal, nuclear energy and renewable energy sources. 2. The EFF government will instruct and assist Eskom to build a massive renewable energy division which will make optimal use of solar, wind and hydro-energy sources while the dependable energy base will remain safe coal and nuclear energy. 3. The EFF government will expand South Africa’s energy sources, ensuring that all energy needed for South Africa, including fuel, is processed in the country. 4. The EFF government will give free electricity up to 200 kWh per household per month to poor households, and all households will have electricity. 5. The EFF government will cancel all contracts with independent power producers and will stop the roll-out of new independent power producers immediately. 6. The EFF government will ensure that all communities have electricity, starting in Lesedisele, Lekoko, Marikana, Tshing, Jouberton, Khuma, Ditsobotla, Kraaipan, Menoto and Tlholakae in North-West; Matlharantlheng, Baipehing, Vrede Ext 4 and Memel in the Free State; and Madelakufa, KwaThema, KwaMkhancwa, Khutsong, Sonderwater, Vuka Setshe, Jabulani and Siyahlala informal settlements, Kromdraai ward 39, Mathumbu section ward 23, Chief Mogale New Section, Prince, Chris Hani, Denver and Sofaya informal settlements, Lethlabong ward 36, Sobukweville ward 21, Ndlozi, Slovo, Soutpan Marikana, Mavuso and Mountain View informal settlements, Phomolong and Sizanani in Gauteng.
  • 87. 87 7. The EFF government will establish an independent state electricity economic research institute to prioritise research on energy security and support more than 100 years of energy infrastructure planning, which will report to Parliament. 8. The EFF government will scrap all historical electricity debt, including municipal debt, owed to Eskom. 9. The EFF government will clear all illegal connections and launch an electricity safety campaign in June 2020. 10. The EFF government will scrap all preferential tariff deals that give smelting companies owned by BHP Billiton electricity at below cost by January 2020. 11. The EFF government, through Eskom, will invest heavily in renewable energy sources, including windmills, solar water heaters and all forms of renewable energy, to ensure a good mix of sources of energy and energy security for the country. 12. The EFF government will cancel all indexed fixed-price and cost-plus contracts with immediate effect and furthermore will cancel all mining rights issued to companies mining coal mines that belong to Eskom. 13. The EFF government will compile a comprehensive register of all assets that belong to coal mines, including coal reserves, and it will be published publicly. 14. A state-owned mining company will take over the operations of all coal mines owned by Eskom. This company will prioritise the supply of quality coal at an affordable price to Eskom to lower the overall price of electricity. A state-owned mining company will export surplus coal and will prioritise exports to African
  • 88. 88 countries to support the electrification and industrialisation of the continent. 15. The EFF government will build rail infrastructure in and around its power plants and coal mines to facilitate access to its power plants, coal mines and infrastructure. 16. The EFF government will work towards enlarging Eskom’s capacity so that Eskom is able to distribute electricity to all users in South Africa. 17. The EFF government will utilise Eskom’s capacity to build a nuclear power station. 18. The EFF government will specifically discontinue private ownership of Sasol and Mittal Steel and provide them with concrete developmental mandates to contribute to the rapid sustainable industrial development of South Africa.
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  • 90. 90  MINING 1. The EFF government will nationalise all mines and mineral wealth in South Africa by the year 2023. 2. The EFF government will allocate key shares in South Africa’s mineral and petroleum resources to the Sovereign Wealth Fund. 3. The EFF government will establish an efficient and impactful state mining company to reposition the state as a central player in the development, management and utilisation of South African wealth for industrial growth and job creation. 4. The EFF government will, through state management and control of mineral wealth in the country, lead a process of rapid beneficiation of South Africa’s mineral resources, to ensure that the bulk of South Africa’s minerals are processed and developed into finished products within the country. 5. The EFF government will establish mining development and beneficiation schools in Rustenburg in the North West, Kimberley in the Northern Cape, Phalaborwa in Limpopo, West Rand in Gauteng, and Witbank in Mpumalanga. These schools will focus on localised beneficiation solutions for mineral resources found in the areas. 6. The EFF government will ensure the rapid development of South Africa’s productive forces in the mining industry by actively promoting the development of black industrial and manufacturing entrepreneurs, cooperatives and small and medium enterprises. 7. The EFF government will ensure that the local beneficiation of mineral resources takes place through a legislative mandate by introducing an amendment to the Minerals and Petroleum Development Act,
  • 91. 91 ensuring that quotas are introduced on the exportation of raw mineral resources, that no more than 30% of raw mineral resources are exported, and that 70% or more of raw mineral resources are processed into finished industrial products within South Africa. 8. The EFF government will introduce amendments to the MPRDA to ensure that the manufacturing and processing of mineral resources are transformed and prioritise the participation of black companies in mineral beneficiation. 9. The EFF government will, through the state mining company, strategically exploit the country’s coal resources to ensure affordable and readily available coal for rapid expansion of Eskom’s ability to generate and redistribute electricity. 10. The EFF government will ensure that a state-owned mining company will start operating at all coal mines owned by Eskom and will export surplus coal to generate revenue to the fiscus. 11. The EFF government will commission research towards ensuring a sustainable method of extracting shale gas to diversify the country’s energy sources and build up Eskom’s capacity to reduce its dependence on coal. 12. The EFF government will regulate and promote small- scale mining in Kimberley in the Northern Cape, the Namaqualand Coast in the Northern Cape, Marikana in North West, and Emalahleni in Mpumalanga. This will ensure community and locally driven mining development. 13. The EFF government will listen to the people of Xolobeni and take direction from them on any development that must happen in the area, including their views on mining development.
  • 92. 92 14. The EFF government will force mining companies that left denuded mining landscapes to invest in the rehabilitation of these mining areas. As such, the EFF government will force Anglo to rehabilitate the entire Namaqualand Coast and create sustainable jobs from mining rehabilitation. 15. The EFF government will revitalise abandoned dying mining towns such as Welkom in the Free State, Okiep and Poffader in the Northern Cape, and will create mining-based manufacturing industries. 16. The EFF Government will track all ex-mineworkers or their close family members and ensure that each and every one of them gain access to their pension funds.
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  • 94. 94  FINANCIAL SECTOR 1. The EFF government will nationalise the South African Reserve Bank and discontinue its private ownership. 2. The EFF government will finalise the licensing of the Post Bank. 3. The EFF government will transfer ownership of African Bank to a restructured state-owned bank. 4. The EFF government will establish national and provincial state-owned banks in the following sectors by the year 2021:  Retail state-owned bank, which will be built from the banking assets of African Bank,  Agricultural state-owned bank, which will be built from the banking assets and capacity of the Land Bank,  Housing state-owned bank, which will be a new bank, and  Social assistance bank, which will be built from the assets and capacity of the Post Bank. 5. The EFF government will pass a special appropriation bill allocating R100 billion to the Sovereign Wealth Fund in the 2021 budget. 6. The EFF government will pass a special appropriation bill to write off some debts in state-owned companies and to convert the Public Investment Corporation (PIC) debt into equity. 7. The EFF government will work with the PIC for the state-owned asset manager to offload assets, where it is overexposed, into the prudent politically insulated management of the Sovereign Wealth Fund. 8. Under the EFF government, executives and directors involved in collusion to manipulate currency trading will face jail sentences.
  • 95. 95 9. The EFF government will lower capital adequacy requirements for new banks owned by Africans, in particular, black and women owners. 10. The EFF government will issue a minimum of 50% of insurance licences to companies controlled and wholly owned by black people. 11. The EFF government will pass legislation to make it a requirement for other companies that hold insurance licenses to include a minimum of 30% black ownership, 30% women ownership and 50% women and youth control in management and boards. 12. The EFF government will limit the number of insurance licences issued to majority foreign-owned insurance companies. 13. The EFF government will pass legislation for insurance companies to largely mandate black-owned asset management companies to manage their funds as a requirement to keep their license. 14. The EFF government will give banks and asset management companies 12 months to change their ownership to mainly black people, particularly African, with adequate ownership by women and people living with disabilities. 15. The EFF government will give banks and asset management companies six months to change their management to mainly black people, particularly Africans, so that they form the majority at all levels of management, with 50% of management being women and 10% being people living with disability. 16. The EFF government will establish an incubation programme for black asset managers to increase the share of industry assets managed by black firms to R2
  • 96. 96 trillion, with 50% women and 10% people living with disabilities as owners, by the year 2022. 17. The EFF government will increase ownership of shares in the JSE by black people, Africans in particular, to 30% by the year 2022. 18. The EFF government will establish a state-owned asset manager to manage municipal pensions of all municipalities by the year 2021. 19. The EFF government will regulate and cap interest rates on unsecured lending, home loans, service and bank charges. 20. The EFF government will pass legislation for banks to report a racial breakdown of their lending, interest rates and what the money was borrowed for annually. 21. The EFF government will pass legislation that will disallow banks to be transaction advisors and lenders in the same transaction. 22. The EFF government will amend the Pension Funds Act to increase investment in private equity for infrastructure development, SME development and land transformation venture capital to 50%. 23. The EFF government will pass legislation to disallow the repossession of properties that have been paid off for more than five years. 24. The EFF government will establish a relief fund for people who are in financial distress and cannot service their home loans owing to them losing their jobs. 25. The EFF government will pass legislation to disallow house mortgage repayment periods to exceed ten years. 26. Under the EFF government, a minimum of 50% from development finance institutions will benefit women and youth-owned and controlled businesses.
  • 97. 97 27. The EFF government will introduce a policy of aggressive social and green investments by all government-guaranteed pension funds and mandated asset managers as well as equally impactful shareholder activism. 28. The EFF government will introduce a free and user- friendly search engine to trace the billions of rands currently locked up in unclaimed insurance benefits, most of which belong to black people and the poor. 29. The EFF government will close down all illegal money lenders. 30. The EFF government will regulate and cap interest rates by money lenders.
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  • 99. 99  SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT 1. The EFF government’s philosophical approach to social development and assistance shall be underpinned by two pillars: firstly, to primarily safeguard the economic social wellbeing of children, the elderly, pensioners and people with disabilities and, secondly, to constantly strive to reduce the number of South Africans who are solely dependent on social grants to a minimum. Reductions in dependency will be announced annually by the President in his/her State of the Nation Address. 2. The EFF government’s approach to social development and assistance will be integrated across all sectors, with automatic exemption of recipients of social grants from the many fees that the different spheres of government charge. 3. The EFF government’s philosophical approach to social development and assistance is to primarily safeguard the economic and social wellbeing of children, the elderly and people with disabilities. 4. The EFF government will substantially increase socials grants payable to different categories of people as follows:  Grant for older persons to increase from R1 700 to R3 400 per month,  Disability grant to increase from R1 700 to R3 400 per month,  War veterans grant to increase from R1720 to R3 440 per month,  Care dependency grant to increase from R1 700 to R3 400 per month,