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Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
Table of Contents
FOREWORD............................................................................................................................................................ 3
1 #HelloOpportunity ........................................................................................................................................... 6
#LifeLongLearning .............................................................................................................................................19
#NationalHealth .................................................................................................................................................24
#QualityOfLife .....................................................................................................................................................35
#LandAndHomes ...............................................................................................................................................44
#NoXenophobia .................................................................................................................................................46
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
To fix South Africa, we will need to fix the economy. This is what the LAND PARTY intends to do. To arrive
at our conclusions below, we have looked at the flaws and the best practice solutions of all ideologies -
from Socialism, Communism, Capitalism and more. We were particularly interested in some of the
economic policies deployed by one of our BRICS partners - namely CHINA - that led to the emergence of
CHINA as a world economic force within a few short decades.
In short: we need to bring back business confidence to South Africa, so that employers and
professionals can return to our shores, so that they can start new businesses and employ our people.
The people can ONLY prosper if the people can work.
Poor people cannot employ other poor people.
We therefore need to welcome rich business people who have become wealthy by running honest
businesses, whilst we need to prosecute corrupt billionaires who have stolen from our people and
bankrupted state entities. We need to stamp out crime and corruption. Public servants must become
servants again, and not act like they are public ‘gods’.
These few simple strategies have been impossible for the ANC to implement. After 25 years of
democracy, our people continue to suffer under the so called 'new dawn'. After 25 years, the ANC has
effectively run the country into the ground. Empty promises are no longer enough. Let’s look at the
 All state-owned enterprises have been bankrupted since the ANC took over.
 The ANC has bankrupted SAA through mismanagement, theft and corruption whilst privately
operated local airlines are very profitable.
 The ANC has bankrupted ESKOM through mismanagement, theft and corruption.
 The ANC has bankrupted the SABC through mismanagement, theft and corruption.
 The ANC has led the country to a number of international downgrades to only a single notch
 The ANC government has bankrupted municipalities, as Government owned buildings and land
account for the largest percentage of unpaid Rates and Taxes bills for local municipalities.
 The people have become poorer, whilst a few corrupt elite politicians and their associates have
become billionaires – effectively by stealing from our people.
 Our murder rate is the highest in the world (20 336 people were murdered in 2018 in South
Africa – up 7% from the year before) and South Africa has become a war zone (‘only’ 7000
people per year died in the Afghanistan war since 2001!)
 Our rape rate is some of the highest in the world and our women are under violent attack.
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
 Our education system is in crisis and our school results are some of the poorest in the world.
 Our infrastructure (dams, sewerage, clean water, basic services, schools, etc.) are falling apart.
 Crime and corruption under the ANC have not only kept investment out of our beautiful country,
but have chased literally hundreds of thousands of able entrepreneurs, employers and
professionals out of South Africa.
 Whilst the ANC government is sitting on a whopping 78 000 deteriorating buildings in municipal
areas where we can create immediate housing and millions of hectares of farm land in South
Africa where we can establish deserving farmers, irresponsible statements by the ANC of land
expropriation without compensation have chased investors away and contributed to grinding
our economy to a halt.
These are the facts. BUT our ‘public servants’ in the ANC government have been so busy lining their own
pockets, they don’t seem to care.
Thanks to two and a half decades of corruption after Apartheid, South Africans have not been afforded
the opportunities or freedom to become prosperous, contributing members of society. In short, we are
under severe bondage and are suffering oppression under the ANC that may soon be worse than what
we suffered under Apartheid. What does a VOTE mean if you cannot work and you don’t have food?
Because of this lack of freedom and opportunity to create wealth, this country has not been available
to all and we are experiencing a rise in backyard dwellers and overcrowded informal settlements. Every
South African who want to work, deserves the freedom to create their own wealth and to become at
least self-sustainable, and to live at least comfortably.
It is time for some serious change. It is time for discipline. It is time for people to be productive. It is time
for people to have freedom and opportunity to create wealth. It is time for government to be held
vigilantly accountable. It is time for the youth to have hope. It is time for people to be responsible
citizens. It is time for power to be in the hands of the people.
This election is a make or break election for South Africa. It is imperative that every registered voter
votes. It has never been more important for people to make an informed decision about where they're
going to put their mark on the ballot paper than it is now. South Africa needs to vote for change. We
cannot simply vote for who we've always voted for or who our parents vote for or even for the party
that best matches our personal political ideal. We need to vote for South Africa. WE NEED TO VOTE
So yes, this election is about what sort of country we want South Africa to be. Is it a country where the
majority of our people are held back by the sheer struggle caused by the empty rhetoric and empty
promises of the ruling elites? NO!
South Africa needs to be a country where everybody is safe, secure, comfortable and happy, where
everybody has a range of options available to them that enable them to live rewarding and worthwhile
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
lives, with dignity. Let’s build a South Africa where we invest our wealth in such a way that it gives
everyone the chance to prosper.
It was this time last year, in 2018, when women and men in Zwelihle, Hermanus took it upon
themselves to take to the streets and fight for freedom and opportunity, and succeeded. This was a
historic moment in our country and clearly illustrated the frustrations of people living in poverty. It also
led to the birth of the LAND PARTY to seriously address these issues and create more opportunities for
wealth development.
The newly elected Central Committee of the LAND PARTY held its first plenum from 23 to 24 February
2019. This meeting re-established an ideological line of ‘seeking truth from facts’. It decided to shift the
focus from political movement to economic development. This laid the foundation for reforming and
opening up. We all agreed that South Africa must open up to international trade and investment.
Domestic economic development and participation in economic globalisation must march forward
hand in hand.
Without even holding any official office, the LAND PARTY has already delivered tangible results to the
communities it serves because it is led by people and not politicians. It is the only party that truly puts
the power in the hands of the people and that puts the economy first. It is the only party that offers
solutions for the real, radical change needed to afford every single person in South Africa the
opportunity to get on in life.
We need to get to work. We need to reform and open up. It is not going to be easy, but it is going to be
worth it. Vote for the LAND PARTY and take control of your own destiny. It is time for the people to
Chief Leader Gcobani Ndzongana
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
The current economic system is corrupt and not conducive for foreign or any investors. It only
benefits the corrupt political elite and it neglects the poor. We need radical economic reform in
order to grow and sustain a strong economy in South Africa. Here is our comprehensive plan for
economic reform:
 LAND PARTY will change the constitution to strengthen private property rights.
 We will strengthen the independence of the Reserve Bank and lower the inflation target
to 2%.
 We will investigate and support the use of new technologies, like blockchain for payment
systems, asset registers and the like.
 We will dramatically alter the tax system by, amongst others, abolishing all taxes on
capital, like capital gains tax, transfer duties, estate duties, etc.
 We will abolish our myriad of small and irritating taxes, like vehicle taxes and financial
transaction taxes.
 We will increase the tax on fuel and reduce the number of personal income tax
categories to only three. Personal income tax rates may have to be increased.
 We will reduce company income taxes and abolish taxes on dividends.
 We will establish an independent “Fiscal Board” implementing the Fiscal Credibility Rule,
that uses VAT (by changing the VAT rate) as an instrument to assure balanced fiscal
accounts over the economic cycle.
 We will scrap all exemptions to VAT - except for exports.
 Should certain groups require assistance, such as pensioners, we will help them through
accessing the expenditure side of the budget.
 We will establish means to invest child grants directly into the child’s development and
care, for example: introducing a Three Meal Scheme to the schooling system.
 We will increase the qualifying age for state pension gradually (say over 20 years) to 70
years of age.
 We will issue coupons to parents and allow them to decide themselves to which school
they want to send their kids.
 We will provide student loans to the best students that want to further their studies
overseas, and require them to repay these loans.
 We will reinstate education colleges and launch a project to make SA’s primary education
system world class.
 We will declare a state of emergency for education, increase the length of school days,
consider school on Saturdays and ban trade unions in education.
 We will allow state hospitals and clinics more autonomy and convert the department of
health into state-funded medical funds for all. Once you reach your limit on your medical
fund you will be required to go to a medical training facility for treatment, for “free”.
 We will place Eskom, SAA and the other state-owned parastatals under business rescue.
We will take over their debt and enter into a public/private partnership.
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
 We will launch a programme to pay civil servants who prove their commitment to this
country through hard work and dedication what they are worth.
 We will reduce the cabinet to a maximum of ten worthy and dedicated ministers. We will
abolish irrelevant departments like sport, small business, women and so on.
 We will develop basic infrastructure for housing on state-owned land and transfer full title
to the poor.
 We will sell other state land to fund this.
 We will build police stations out of glass. The people must SEE that the police is working
and the police must be held accountable by the people they are serving.
 We will abolish all exchange control regulations and allow trustees greater discretion on
investment decisions with no prescribed assets.
 We will change the government’s employers pension fund to a defined contribution fund
and allow members to migrate to funds of their choice.
 Thereafter, we will abolish the Public Investment Corporation (PIC) - except for non-
pension fund related functions.
 We will abolish the minimum wage and the unemployment insurance fund.
 We will abolish all forms of BEE and official race-based discrimination and replace it with
a poverty development programme.
Tax underpins the prosperity of any country's economy. It is every citizen's social obligation to
contribute fairly to our shared prosperity.
Opening up and reforming our economy will make more people productive and increase our tax
base. Simple changes in policy to make tax fairer will ease the burden of those currently bearing
the brunt of taxation and will address tax avoidance which is rife in South Africa. All of us,
including business, must benefit from a healthy, educated and skilled population, with access to
basic services and secure housing. This is only possible with a fair and transparent tax system.
 We need to dramatically alter the tax system by, amongst others, abolishing all taxes on
capital, like capital gains tax, transfer duties, estate duties, etc.
 Abolish our myriad of small and irritating taxes, like vehicle taxes and financial transaction
 Increase the tax on fuel and reduce the number of personal income tax categories to only
three. Personal income tax rates may have to be increased.
 Reduce company income taxes and abolish taxes on dividends.
 Establish an independent “Fiscal Board” implementing the Fiscal Credibility Rule, that uses
VAT (by changing the VAT rate) as an instrument to assure balanced fiscal accounts over
the economic cycle.
 Scrap all exemptions to VAT - except for exports.
 We will address the culture of tax avoidance through our Tax Transparency and Enforcement
Programme, and close down tax loopholes.
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
 We will meet the business need for a more skilled workforce with extra corporate tax
revenues contributing to education and skills budgets.
 We will protect small businesses by introducing a voluntary turn-over tax.
Under a LAND PARTY government tax will be fair and affordable. We expect a substantial increase
in tax income when loopholes that have allowed people to boost their personal wealth for years
and years through tax avoidance are closed.
The delivery of services to the public must rest squarely on a foundation of sound finances. Fair
taxation, redirected revenue streams and renegotiated trade deals will ensure the books are
Government must focus on how we spend as much as we do on how we earn. We must ensure
that every cent spent is an investment in our collective future to ensure faster growth and to
eliminate our deficit as quickly as possible. South Africa must be a well-oiled machine that
operates independently and that continuously builds up resources to realise its potential of
being the economic powerhouse of Africa.
 We will set the target of eliminating the government’s deficit on day-to-day spending within
five years.
 We will have a firm Fiscal Credibility Rule in place to guide all our taxation and spending
decisions to ensure fiscal health.
 We will establish an independent National Budget Responsibility Unit to oversee the
compliance of this rule that reports directly to Parliament.
 We are committed to ensuring that the national debt is lower at the end of the next
Parliament than it is now.
Our Fiscal Credibility Rule is based on the simple principle that government should not be
borrowing for day-to-day spending, but that future growth depends on investment.
The backbone of any modern economy is the infrastructure of transport, communications and
energy systems. This infrastructure is virtually non-existent in South Africa or unaffordable. It
needs to be addressed urgently in order for South Africa to actively participate in the global
In addition to ridiculous levels of corruption, South Africa and its people have been held back by
poor and impulsive investments as well as an environment that is not conducive enough for
competition to thrive in certain sectors because of the monopolies that evolved out of sanctions.
From trains that don't fit railway tracks to slow broadband that costs a fortune to ageing energy
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
systems and inadequate investment into the development of science and technology, we have a
lot of catching up to do.
 We will expand the Gautrain project to other parts of the country to re-establish and
revitalise our rail programme thereby creating easy, accessible and affordable transport for
 We will harness the economic potential of new technologies and science.
 We will deliver rail electrification and expansion across the whole country, including to
SADC countries like Botswana, Swaziland, Namibia, and Lesotho.
 We will transform our energy systems, investing in new, state-of-the-art, low-carbon gas
and renewable electricity production.
 We will deliver superfast broadband availability nationwide.
 We will improve mobile internet coverage and expand provision of free public Wi-Fi in city
centres, townships, rural areas and on public transport.
 We will improve 4G coverage and invest to ensure all urban areas, as well as major roads
and railways, have uninterrupted 5G coverage.
 We will put tight rules in place to ensure that investment is fairly shared around every
province and region.
 We will prioritise investment in modern technological infrastructure.
LAND PARTY will do things very differently. We will ensure that the potential of every corner of
South Africa is realised. We will rebuild communities ripped apart by globalisation and neglected
for the past 25 years by government. We will rebuild and transform our economy so that it is
reformed and opened up to all.
While the LAND PARTY does not wish to see a decline in our import revenue, we need to create
an environment that provides equal opportunity to grow our export revenue. Economic growth is
the main objective.
The current government has not provided adequate freedom, opportunity or support to our
industries, businesses and workers. As a result the economy has shifted towards fewer
opportunities for people to create wealth and a government EPWP programme that isn’t
empowering people to contribute to the economy.
There are thousands of skilled people out there that are either unemployed or have no
opportunities to create wealth. This is wasted potential and leaves us in a catch-22 situation
where we are unable to kick-start manufacturing-based growth and have to turn to hi-tech
services that require skills sets that we are unable to provide because of the state of our
education system.
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
Many rural areas in provinces such as Limpopo, Eastern Cape, Northern Cape, North West; as
well as coastal towns and villages have watched as their economies and communities crumble.
South Africa’s failure to provide freedom and opportunity to its provincial, regional, and local
economies to work is blatantly obvious in the continuous rise in unemployment, the increased
cost of living, the deterioration of the country’s current account, weak productivity growth and
under-investment in infrastructure.
South Africa can only be stronger if the potential of all South Africans is unlocked, and every
province is given the freedom, opportunity and support needed to succeed and create wealth.
The LAND PARTY has an innovative industrial strategy that puts the right mechanisms in place to
stimulate economic growth and provide opportunity. It is built on measurable goals designed to
address the great challenges of the 21st
Century where we also have to consider that machines
are taking people's jobs.
The reality is that the 4th
industrial revolution will cause an initial loss in jobs; however, it will also
open up new opportunities to take advantage of modern technology to grow the economy in
more innovative ways.
 We will encourage private investment by allowing full capital deductions in the first year.
 We will further encourage private investment by removing new plant and machinery from
business rate calculations.
 We will develop apprenticeship and internship programmes to increase youth inclusion
and upskilling.
 We will restructure the EPWP to ensure it serves as an effective starting block for people
that are unskilled and/or unemployed to start being productive and gaining new skills
focused on modern technology and science.
 We will reform the administration and implementation of the EPWP to ensure that support
and resources are made available to empower people with freedom and opportunity to
create wealth rather than simply using them for menial tasks.
 We will create an environment where the economy will be so favourable that imposing a
minimum wage will not be necessary.
 We will increase access to network sectors and services.
 We will ensure that 60% of energy comes from zero-carbon or renewable sources by 2030.
 We will meet the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)'s target of
3% of the GDP to be spent on research and development by 2030.
 We will re-establish trade schools to teach skills needed by industry as well as
 We will negotiate new deals with BRICS that create freedom and opportunity to grow our
 We will deepen regional integration in the SADC to expand market size and open new
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
opportunities for growth.
 We will reduce the red tape for setting up all businesses and for foreigners wanting to
trade with South Africa.
 We will open up opportunities for businesses and co-operatives to supply products and
services to government.
 We will require all businesses to: pay their taxes, recognise the worker’s party, respect
workers’ rights and provide equal opportunities.
 We will encourage businesses to protect the environment, provide skills transfer and
training, and to pay suppliers on time.
 We will support huge increases in civil servant wages in line with their levels of productivity.
 We will simplify customs procedures.
 We will evaluate and streamline financial and non-financial support for start-ups, co-
operatives and small businesses.
 We will increase entrepreneurial and co-operative education in the education system.
 We will ensure that State Owned Enterprises stick to procurement and expenditure rules.
 We will appoint a Digital Ambassador who will promote South Africa as an attractive place
for investment to technology companies and who will help to ensure South Africa grows
and prospers in the digital age.
 We will provide support for start-ups to scale up to become world-class digital businesses.
Mobilising the talents and the resources of our whole country and ensuring that everybody has
the opportunity to work and to be productive will have a positive impact on our economy.
Training people with skills that are in demand for targeted industries will ensure that the South
African economy is sustainable and fit for the future. Reforming and opening up industry councils
and government departments to be more streamlined, cut out red tape and communicate more
effectively will lay a solid foundation to grow the South African industrial economy sustainably.
South Africa has been in a recession because of poor governance, inept leadership and
corruption. Our financial system is not conducive to opening up opportunities for businesses and
local economies to thrive.
LAND PARTY will follow the successful example of China, Germany and the Nordic countries and
transform how our financial system operates. We will establish a National Investment Bank which
will deliver R150 billion of lending power through private capital finance.
Unlike the commercial banks, this new public institution will support a network of provincial
development banks that will have a mandate to foster inclusive growth in their communities
according to the specific needs of those communities. The banks will deliver affordable finance to
individuals, businesses and co-operatives in all 9 provinces.
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
The National Investment Bank will fill existing gaps in lending by private banks, particularly to
businesses and co-operatives, by providing patient, long-term finance to intensive Research and
Development investments. It will also play an integral role in implementing our industrial strategy
by prioritising spending in line with national objectives.
 We will commit to creating a more diverse banking system, backed up by legislation.
 We will use listing Stamp Duty Reserve Tax to cover a wider range of assets, ensuring that
the public gets a fairer share of financial system profits.
 We will overhaul the regulation of our financial system.
 We will create new local public banks that offer services to match their customers’ needs.
South Africa needs a strong, safe and socially useful banking system that meets the needs of
regional economies and communities, fosters economic growth and is affordable.
Scandals such as the failure of VBS, Steinhoff, Eskom etc. shows how the long-term growth of a
company can be sacrificed for the sake of making a quick buck.
 We will ensure that directors are accountable not only to shareholders, but to employees,
customers, the environment and the wider public.
 We will consult on bringing forward appropriate legislation to curb tax avoidance.
 We will amend the business takeover regime to ensure that clear plans are in place to
protect workers and pensioners when a company is taken over.
In order to open up the economy and create opportunity and earning potential, the LAND PARTY
will invest in support, resources and education for businesses and co-operatives.
 We will mandate the new National Investment Bank, as well as the provincial and national
development banks in every region, to identify where other lenders fail to meet the needs
of business growth.
 We will have strict laws on late payments that will ensure that anyone tendering for a
government contract pays its own suppliers within 30 days.
 We will bring forward legislation to create a proper legal definition for co-operative
The current government's Integrated Resource Plan has been stuck in red tape since before
Zuma left office and decisions cannot be made without it. This means that procurement to
upgrade existing sources of energy can't be authorised and there is no clear plan on the way
forward with regards to renewable energy. This alone could cause the total collapse of our
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
It is ironic that South Africa finds itself with an energy crisis when we have an abundance of
sunlight, wind and water that could be used to provide us with energy. The Integrated Resource
Plan (IRP) for electricity is a planning process which determines the optimal mix of generation
technologies and capacities, at least cost to the economy, necessary to meet the projected
demand for electricity in the years ahead, with defined reliability and security of supply. We
cannot move forward without it. We are also sitting with the problem of unions who are not
happy about the development of renewable energy because of predicted job losses which means
more to-ing and fro-ing between stakeholders and the high probability that we may not have an
IRP any time soon.
The LAND PARTY is a people's democracy where everyone has a say and, as such, a plan as
important as this should not get stuck in bureaucratic red tape. Our energy policy is very
straightforward and based on four principles:
1. To ensure security of energy supply and to ‘keep the lights on’.
2. To provide affordable energy for consumers and businesses.
3. To ensure we meet our climate change targets, and foster a low-carbon economy.
4. To ensure public ownership to deliver renewable energy, affordability for consumers, and
democratic control.
 We will place Eskom under business rescue. We will take over their debt and enter into a
public/private partnership.
 We will offer home owners loans to install renewable energy systems.
 We will ban fracking because it would lock us into an energy infrastructure based on fossil
fuels, long after the point in 2030 when the Committee on Climate Change says gas
emissions must sharply decline.
 We will invest in emerging technologies such as carbon capture and storage to help
smooth the transition to cleaner fuels and to protect existing opportunities as part of the
future energy mix.
 We are committed to investing in renewable energy projects, including tidal lagoons, which
can help create manufacturing and energy opportunities as well as contribute to climate-
change commitments.
 We will prioritise maintaining access to the internal energy market.
One of the most important things we can do for future generations is to build a clean economy.
The low-carbon economy is one of the fastest-growing sectors; it will create investment
opportunities across the country.
Healthy International Trade Relations are essential to a healthy economy. LAND PARTY is pro-
trade and pro-investment. The future prosperity depends on minimising barriers that prevent us
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
from exporting and creating the opportunities and economic growth we need.
 We will work with involved administrations to bring forward an integrated trade and
industrial strategy that boosts exports, investment and opportunities in South Africa.
 We will establish initiatives to work with global trading partners to develop best-in-class
free trade and investment agreements that remove trade barriers and promote skilled
jobs and high standards.
 We will ensure proper transparency and parliamentary scrutiny of all future trade and
investment deals. Parliament must also be involved in making trade deals.
 It is vital that we retain unrestricted access to our goods and services.
 LAND PARTY is committed to the rules-based international trading system of the World
Trade Organisation (WTO).
 We will use trade negotiations to boost market access for South Africa’s environmental
goods and services, alongside support for investment into new green technologies and
innovative low-carbon products.
 We will develop capital investment schemes and other incentives to encourage
investment into South Africa, especially into target areas identified by the industrial
 We will champion South Africa as a safe investment environment.
 We will use the full range of export credit, finance, insurance and trade promotion tools
to boost South Africa’s exports and support priority industrial sectors.
 LAND PARTY is committed to growing the digital economy and ensuring that trade
agreements do not impede cross-border data, whilst maintaining strong data protection
rules to protect personal privacy.
The versatility of this resource opens a whole new world of opportunities for economic growth.
This is a multibillion rand industry and Africa’s climate is one of the most conducive to cultivating
this resource and unlocking the myriad of benefits from this resource.
 LAND PARTY will ensure the legalization and licensing of Cannabis trade in all sectors of
the economy.
 We will regulate the trade and use of Cannabis.
 We will invest in the growth and explore the development of this industry, for example
textile, construction, food supplements, feed for poultry and livestock.
 We will promote the research, development and use of Cannabis for medical purposes.
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
Without shared opportunity or an environment conducive to empowering people to become self-
sustainable, the economic slowdown in South Africa will continue to push up the unemployment
People need to get to work, but they need the freedom and opportunity to create wealth as this
is the most effective way to reduce poverty and grow the economy.
A LAND PARTY government will tackle these issues by investing in the tools and resources people
need, and creating abundant opportunity and freedom to create wealth and grow the economy
 We will empower businesses, workers and the worker’s party by upholding the rights of
both employer and employee.
 We will reduce skills shortages through education and training in modern technology and
 We will implement existing SADC protocols and agreements more effectively to advance
integration and create opportunity.
 We will provide a range of support and resources to businesses and co-operatives to
enable them to open up more opportunities to more people.
LAND PARTY government will introduce a13-point plan for security and equality at work:
1. Give all workers equal rights from day one, whether part-time or full-time, temporary or
permanent so that working conditions are not driven down.
2. Ban zero hour contracts so that every worker gets a guaranteed number of hours each
3. Pass legislation to ensure that any employer wishing to recruit labour from abroad or
employ foreigners does not undercut workers at home because it causes divisions and
xenophobia when one workforce is used against another.
4. To form a worker’s party that will forge alliance with LAND PARTY because the most
effective way to maintain good rights at work is collectively through one banner.
5. Abolish the Minimum Wage and grow a prosperous enough economy that makes it
6. Introduce a takeover code to ensure every takeover proposal has a clear plan in place to
protect workers and pensioners - because workers shouldn’t suffer when a company is
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
7. Address unpaid internships - because it’s important to gain work experience and develop
8. Hold a public inquiry into blacklisting - to ensure that blacklisting truly becomes and
remains a thing of the past.
9. Ban labour brokers.
10.Use public spending power to drive up standards, including only awarding public tenders
to companies that recognise the worker’s party.
11.Introduce a civil enforcement system to ensure compliance with gender pay auditing – so
that all workers have fair access to employment and promotion opportunities and are
treated fairly at work.
12.Ensure that all workers work in a safe environment and return to their families at the end
of the day.
13.We will enforce regulations that protect the lives of mine workers.
Many people choose self-employment because of the many benefits and freedoms it provides,
and they deserve to be protected too.
 We will set up a dedicated commission to modernise the law around employment status
because we understand that the law often struggles to keep up with the ever-changing
new forms of employment and work typical of the 21st
Century so new statutory
definitions of employment status are needed to reduce the need for litigation and improve
compliance. The commission will be led by legal and academic experts with representation
from industry and the worker’s party.
 We will shift the burden of proof so that any worker is assumed to be an employee unless
the employer can prove otherwise.
 We will give the Ministry of Labour the resources to enforce the Labour Relations Act.
 We will roll out sectoral collective bargaining and strengthening worker’s party rights,
because empowering people to claim their own rights in the workplace is the most
effective means of enforcement.
 We would also extend the rights of employees to all workers, including shared parental
pay, making a substantial and immediate difference to the quality of life of people in
insecure work.
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
Education plays a key role in the health of our economy. It is also what empowers us to realise
our full potential and our dreams. Education in South Africa is plagued by inequality with the
majority of schools having overcrowded classrooms, poorly trained teachers and minimal
resources. The dropout rate is high and post-school education is inaccessible due to financial
constraints. This has been the case for far too long and has resulted in us having a poorly
educated workforce.
In South Africa we are not only faced with the challenges of a defunct education system, we also
have to deal with the reality that we are living in a time when working lives and the skills our
economy needs are changing rapidly. Governments have the responsibility to give everyone the
opportunity to access education throughout their lives by making lifelong learning a reality.
LAND PARTY will create a unified National Education Service (NES) for South Africa to move towards
free cradle-to-grave learning. The NES will be built on the principle that ‘Education Matters’ and will
incorporate all forms of education, from early years through to adult education.
There is a gap between the end of maternity leave and the beginning of full-time schooling where
access to informal childcare is needed. This makes it difficult for women to return to work and
the costs can make it prohibitive. It has also become evident that education in the early years of
childhood development has a significant impact on the future performance of the child
throughout formal schooling and into adulthood.
 LAND PARTY will not compromise on the provision of care and education for babies,
toddlers and pre-school children.
 We will reform the social grants budget and allocate funds directly to the National
Education Service.
 Children must be inoculated before being eligible to receive social grants.
 We will make significant capital investment in both new and existing, formal and informal
crèches during our first two years of government to ensure proper facilities are in place
and well-resourced as well as that there are enough places to meet the need.
 We will increase staff wages and facilitate the education of existing caregivers to ensure
that this education sector becomes a qualified, graduate-led workforce.
 We will invest more in child development programmes.
Ensuring that facilities and resources are available at this crucial stage of development, including
happy, well-trained and well-paid staff, will have a major impact on early childhood development.
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
Our schools and the education system, particularly the administration in the Department of
Education is in a mess. The standard of teaching is poor, corruption and nepotism is rife,
resources are limited and we still have children learning under trees because they have no
classrooms. We also have far too many dysfunctional schools where there are serious social
issues like teachers impregnating scholars and violence between teachers and pupils.
Education is the cornerstone of a healthy economic future and a healthy society. LAND PARTY will
strive to ensure that all South Africans receive a first class education.
The LAND PARTY school policy will be built on the following four foundations:
1. Investment
 We will make sure that all schools have the resources they need.
 We will implement a fairer funding formula that redresses the historical underfunding of
certain schools but leaves no school worse off.
 We will invest in new school buildings and maximise the capacity of existing schools by
upgrading or adding to the facilities.
 We will issue coupons to parents and allow them to decide themselves to which school
they want to send their kids.
 We will provide student loans to the best students that want to further their studies
overseas, and require them to repay these loans.
 We will reinstate education colleges and launch a project to make SA’s primary education
system world class.
2. Quality
 We will do an audit of all teachers’ skills and retrain them where necessary.
 We will drive up standards across the entire education system from administration to
teaching, to supplied resources and beyond.
 We will encourage teachers and staff to focus their energies on what happens in the
 We will foster co-operation and strong leadership across schools and between parents,
teachers, staff and pupils.
3. Accountability
 We must declare a state of emergency for education, increase the length of school days,
consider school on Saturdays and ban trade unions in education.
 We will ensure that all schools are accountable to the communities they serve.
 We will implement appropriate controls to ensure that all schools serve the public interest
and their local communities.
 We will require strict admissions policies across schools to enable the National Education
Service to fulfil their responsibility to ensure that every child has a place in a local school.
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
 We will simplify the admissions process for parents.
 We will put systems in place to ensure that no child slips through the net and that every
child receives an education.
 We will immediately review the current powers held by School Governing Bodies,
specifically their ability to create unique admissions policies.
4. Inclusion
 We will ensure that a Land-led education system recognises the uniqueness of each child
and will enable each to discover their learning path through a wide choice of courses and
 We will implement measures to close the attainment gap between children from different
 We will provide free school meals for all primary school children which will be funded, as
part of our attainment strategy, by removing the VAT exemption on private school fees.
 We will end the public-sector pay cap, allow teachers to have more direct involvement in
curriculum development and reduce the administration and bureaucracy that has a direct
impact on the teacher recruitment and retention crisis.
 We will also consult on introducing teacher sabbaticals and placements with industry to
encourage interaction between education and industry and introduce broad experiences
into the classroom.
 We will introduce schools-based counselling to all schools to improve children’s mental
 We will implement a strategy that is based on inclusivity in mainstream education for
children with special educational needs and disabilities.
 We will ensure that training with regard to children with special needs and disabilities is
compulsory so that staff, children and their parents are well-equipped and have the
support they need to educate these children.
South Africa is in urgent need of empowering the potential and existing workforce with skills in
order to turn the economy around. We need everyone to have the opportunity to grow and to be
productive and be able to contribute to the country's economy and improve their own lives. In
addition to this, due to technology and work patterns constantly changing, there is an ongoing
demand for different kinds of skills. It is vital that people are able to upskill and retrain
throughout their lives.
 We will include lifelong training in the National Education System to ensure we are able to
deliver a suitably qualified workforce that will increase productivity and thereby grow the
economy and transform the lives of individuals and communities.
 We will devolve the responsibility for skills development to local administrations in every
corner of South Africa to ensure access for all citizens.
 We will reward businesses, corporations and organisations that undertake to offer skills
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
development to their employees and their local communities.
Further and Adult Education
 We will ensure that everyone has the opportunity to upskill and retrain at any point in their
lives by introducing lifelong education in Further Education colleges.
 Our skills and training sector has been held back by repeated reorganisation, which
deprives providers, learners and employers the consistency they need to assess quality.
 We will improve access to careers advice and open up a range of routes through which
people can gain both technical and soft skills for a range of industries, with a particular
focus on science and technology.
 We will invest in the facilities and teachers needed to enable public schools to be able to
deliver adult and vocational education.
 We will improve the quality and consistency of education in the further and adult
education sector by encouraging co-operation and leadership across colleges.
 We will set a target, and allocate the necessary budget, for all teaching staff to have the
necessary teaching qualifications within five years.
 We will extend support for teacher training to teachers in the private sector.
 We will increase capital investment to ensure that colleges are equipped to deliver quality
educations and an official pre-apprenticeship trainee programme.
 We will put controls in place to ensure that every apprenticeship is of a high quality.
 We will establish the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education to monitor and
report on the quality outcomes of completed apprenticeships.
 We will mandate the institute to ensure employers have access to skilled workers and that
there are real jobs for apprentices once they have completed their training.
 We will set a target to double the number of completed apprenticeships at NQF level 5 by
 We will set targets to increase apprenticeships for people with disabilities, care leavers,
veterans, women, LGBTQI and people with disabilities in all sectors.
It is a reality that students are being priced out of university Education. The average student now
graduates from university, and starts their working life with debts of over R200, 000. Many
students struggle to afford accommodation or food while at university.
LAND PARTY believes education should be accessible to all. One should not be put off educating
themselves for lack of money or through fear of debt.
 We will provide maintenance grants to students.
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
National Health Care
The challenges facing the current health care system in South Africa are bureaucratic and
operational rather than clinical. Great strides have been made in the treatment of HIV and TB,
infant mortality is down and the system deals with 100 million patients a year, but there is still
room for much more improvement.
The issues from the public's perspective lie in reports of poor patient experiences due to rude
staff, the inconsistent supply of medication and the distances that need to be travelled for
specialist care. From the healthcare professional side, issues include under staffing, inadequate
facilities, poor remuneration and general administration. The institutional and organisational
machinations of public healthcare are weak in delegation, accountability and clarity of
responsibility in the delivery chain.
 LAND PARTY will allow state hospitals and clinics more autonomy and convert the
department of health into state-funded medical funds for all. Once you reach your limit on
your medical fund you will be required to go to a medical training facility for treatment, for
 We will create the NHC South Africa blue print that will serve to define and uphold the
standards of service which patients are legally entitled to.
 We will guarantee that patients are seen within four hours.
 We will stop the routine breach of safe levels of bed occupancy and end mixed-sex wards
by ensuring hospitals have the resources they need.
 We will introduce the Cancer Strategy for South Africa in full by 2030 to improve the lives
of people living with cancer.
 We will end slow ambulance-response times by ensuring they have the proper resources.
 We will deliver a truly 21st
Century health system by focussing resources on services to
provide healthcare closer to home.
 We will devise a new model of healthcare that centres around communities and offers
social care and mental health care as well as primary health care.
 We will ensure the most effective new drugs and treatments are available to all NHC South
Africa patients.
 We will ensure that everyone with chronic conditions, such as diabetes, has the right to a
specialised care plan and access to the knowledge they need to manage their condition
 We will ensure that NHC South Africa reduces HIV infection by monitoring the effect of the
recent programme that provides PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) to high risk groups.
 We will ensure that all NHC South Africa staff are trained to deal with the relatively new
diseases affecting our aged like Alzheimers, Dementia and Parkinson's.
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
Public health
In our the South African health system, the major driver of an unusually low national life
expectancy is a multi-faceted disease burden, made up of HIV/AIDS, TB, diseases related to poor
nutrition and exercise habits, and trauma from violence and road accidents.
In order for NHC South Africa services to be sustainable in the long term we need to educate
people about the various diseases and how they can avoid contracting them as well as
encourage citizens to make a commitment to keeping fit and healthy and assisting them with the
knowledge and resources to do so. The LAND PARTY's primary focus will be on children’s health.
By doing this we will be protecting the future well-being of the nation.
 We will take action to significantly reduce infant deaths and to ensure all families who lose
a baby receive appropriate bereavement support.
 We will invest in children’s physical and mental health.
 We will fight health inequalities to break the link between child ill-health and poverty.
 We will measure progress against international standards by introducing a new Index of
Child Health that keeps tabs on the overall standard of health of South African children
against four key indicators: obesity, dental health, under-fives and mental health.
 We will increase the number of health visitors and school nurses as part of our
preventative healthcare strategy.
 We will make a concerted effort to address poor childhood eating habits in South Africa.
 We will remove sugar tax but will encourage companies to reduce sugar in their products.
 We will implement a strategy for the children of alcoholics based on recommendations
drawn up by independent experts.
 We will implement a Tobacco Control Plan that focusses on mental health issues and on
young smokers.
 We will address historic public-health injustices.
 We will hold a public enquiry into contaminated blood.
 We will also hold a public inquiry into medicines, including Valproate, medical devices and
medical products licensing and regulation.
 We will continuously improve sexual-health services, especially HIV services which will
include reducing the rates of undiagnosed and late-diagnosed HIV, ending the stigma of
HIV in society, and promoting the increased availability of testing and treatment.
NHC staff
Many of the problems in the healthcare sector are as a result of overworked and underpaid staff
who have to work in under-resourced facilities. There is also an issue that is prevalent of people
who are healthcare workers entering the sector to get a job and not because they have a calling
to help people.
The LAND PARTY believes that by investing in the well-being of healthcare workers, to improve
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
their working and living conditions and to provide them with the skills they need to work in highly-
pressurised and stressful environments and circumstances, we will be able to guarantee the best
possible services and outcomes for patients.
 We will ensure that all healthcare workers are well paid.
 We will enforce a cap to the number of consecutive hours a healthcare worker can work.
 We will put forward a long-term support plan for healthcare workers.
 We will empower doctors by investing in their training, education and development
throughout their careers.
 We will support NHC whistleblowers to make sure health service staff are able to speak up
for their rights and those of their patients without fear.
 We will make it an aggravated criminal offence to attack NHC staff.
LAND PARTY’s long-term ambition is for NHC South Africa to be one of the best public health care
systems in the world; for it to have highly trained staff, state-of-the-art facilities and access to
modern technology that will enable the service providers to deliver quality healthcare to the
people of South Africa.
NHC funding
 We will introduce a new Budget Responsibility Office for Health to scrutinise and oversee
health spending.
 We will halt and review the National Health Insurance (NHI) implemented by the ANC.
 We will establish a Healthcare Sustainability commission to investigate health services
across South Africa and involve local people in devising plans which focus on patient
needs rather than available finances.
The state of mental health in South Africa is shocking. As many as one in six South Africans suffer
from anxiety, depression or substance-use problems (and this does not include more serious
conditions such as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia). Over 40% of people living with HIV in
South Africa have a diagnosable mental disorder. In low-income and informal settlements
surrounding Cape Town, one in three women suffer from postnatal depression, while research
from rural KwaZulu-Natal shows that 41% of pregnant women are depressed. When crime and
motor-vehicle accidents are taken into consideration, up to 6 million South Africans could suffer
from post-traumatic stress disorder.
Considering the fact that these figures do not take into account the many people who don’t know
where to go to get help, or are too scared to seek it, mental ill-health is probably our biggest
unaddressed health challenge. Despite the acute need, South Africa’s mental healthcare
resources are completely unequipped to handle the demand. Less than 16% of sufferers receive
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
treatment and there are only 18 beds for every 100 000 people available in appropriate hospitals
(and only 1% of these are reserved for children and adolescents!).
The current government is doing very little to deal with mental health challenges and so the
burden falls on community-based providers. Clinics, support groups, lay counsellors and
community leaders are having to step in when institutionalised help is not available. In addition
to a lack of resources, stigmas surrounding mental health pose a major stumbling block when it
comes to treating the disease in South Africa. In Zulu there is not even a word for ‘depression’. It
is not considered a real illness in African culture. As a result, sufferers are afraid of being
discriminated against or disowned by their families should they admit to having a problem. There
is still the perception that someone with a mental illness is crazy, dangerous or weak.
LAND PARTY believes that the nature of the mental health situation in the South African context
requires a uniquely South African solution. We need an approach to dealing with our country’s
mental health issues that incorporates both western medicine and traditional healing. Traditional
healers can play a significant role in addressing the cultural belief systems at play in order to find
ways to best help patients and their families.
 We will immediately invest in training to ensure that traditional healers, local nurses,
counsellors and coaches who are at the forefront of fighting mental illness have the skills
they need to deal with this pandemic.
 We will actively campaign for any citizens wanting to help their communities with
counselling to apply for free training.
 We will implement policies that ensure there is a general increase in awareness about
mental health issues and a vigorous and ongoing programme to educate the public about
mental health issues in order to encourage more people to share their diagnoses and
seek help.
 We will ring-fence mental health budgets and ensure that finances are reaching the front
 We will stop people from being sent to facilities hundreds of kilometres away from their
families and support networks for treatment.
 We will ensure that there are no out-of-area placements to avert another national crisis
like Life Esidimeni.
 We will also bring an end to the neglect of children’s mental health by providing special
facilities for under 18's only.
 We will invest in early intervention programmes by increasing the proportion of the mental
health budget allocated to young people.
 We will ensure that access to a counselling service is available for all children.
 We will incorporate alternative therapies in the services we offer as patients who receive
their therapy of choice tend to have better outcomes.
 We will establish the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) to evaluate
the potential for increasing the range of evidence-based psychological therapies on offer.
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
Mental health is as important as physical health and in South Africa, because of our traumatic
history and the inequality and violence we have had to live with, we have people with a range of
mental health issues from alcoholism to schizophrenia. We need to do everything we can to help
these people heal or manage their illnesses so that they are no longer isolated and are also given
an opportunity to contribute to their communities and their country.
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
Living against a backdrop of crime is a daily reality for South Africans: violent crime, property
crime, gender-based crime and all the many variances in between. According to the latest
SAPS/Stats SA report overall crime rates had slightly dipped from March 2017 to April 2018, but
the murder rate had increased significantly. 57 murders take place in South Africa every day, at
an alarming rate of 35.7 out of every 100,000 people. Responding to these statistics, Police
Minister Bheki Cele said that the country was becoming a “war zone”.
With concentrated poverty comes high rates of alcoholism, drug addiction and joblessness –
which, in turn, contribute to climbing criminality. However, these factors alone cannot explain the
situation in South Africa. Neighbouring countries exhibit greater poverty, for example, but they do
not suffer with crime that is endemic.
LAND PARTY’s approach to policing crime will be different. We would like to see every citizen
undergo 6 months of police training, to learn how to arrest, write a statement and combat crime
without being employed as a permanent police officer. Every citizen must have the opportunity
to be a police officer in their own right. This kind of policing model works in Switzerland.
 We will support the police in the performance of their duties.
 We will provide officers, community support officers and civilian staff with the equipment
and people they need to provide effective policing services, including from the growing
threat of cybercrime.
 We will work with police to ensure that all communities are safer.
 We will champion community policing policies and incentivise good policing practice.
 We will work with Police and Crime Commissioners throughout the country on strategies
to prevent crime.
 We will devise programmes to eliminate institutional biases against specific communities.
 We will insure that all police offers are well-trained, healthy and fit for the job.
 We will ensure that every neighbourhood in the country has a high police presence.
 We will ensure appropriate support is provided to victims of crime and introduce
legislation for minimum standard entitlements to service criminal justice agencies.
 We will emphasise the safety of women and girls and set new standards for tackling
domestic and sexual violence.
 We will establish a fund for women and children displaced by domestic violence.
 We will ensure safety and financial stability for rape crisis centres.
 We will make age-appropriate sex and relationship education a compulsory part of the
educational curriculum so young people can learn about respectful relationships and
conflict resolution.
 We will ban the use of community resolutions as a response to domestic violence.
 We will enforce effective measures to prevent all forms of abuse, including female genital
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
 We will make sure rape perpetrators will be sent to prison for life.
 We will ensure that those who falsely accuse others of this heinous crime are equally
punished and sentenced to life imprisonment.
Border security is vital in preventing crimes such as child abduction, smuggling of drugs, guns
and stolen cars, terrorism, and modern day slavery. The South African National Defence Force
(SANDF) is patrolling hundreds of kilometres of the country’s borders on a shoestring budget. Ill-
equipped soldiers compromise the military’s ability to effectively control the country’s borders.
 We will maintain the cross-border security co-operation agreements with our intelligence
partners in the SADC and beyond.
 We will ensure that border security have the resources and the powers they need to
protect our country and keep us all safe.
 We will also ensure that these powers do not infringe on our individual rights or civil
The privatisation of fire and rescue services and the arrangements these businesses have with
the EPWP has led to the severe exploitation of workers who literally put their lives on the line to
save people and property.
Working on Fire (WOF) Fire fighters, for example, earn around R2000 per month and work 9
months on, 7 days a week, and 3 months off. They are not given adequate benefits (including
medical aid), equipment, support or rest when fighting fires for extended periods of time. In the
recent fires in the Overberg, fire fighters did not come down off the mountain for days on end
and had no change of clothing or even underwear or socks.
 We will absorb fire-fighters from EPWP to permanently work for government and ensure
they receive benefits such as health, pension and training.
 We will ensure that fire-fighters and rescue services workers have all the equipment and
support they need on the ground whilst doing their jobs.
 We will ensure that rescue services going into dangerous or crime-ridden areas are
accompanied by adequate security.
South Africa has an independent judiciary and a constitutional court to be proud of. It has, with
some notable individual exceptions, avoided the descent into corruption and disintegration of
state institutions that took place in the Zuma era. Our court system, however, is frustrating, slow
and technologically backward and the cost of legal fees can be prohibitive and stop justice from
being served.
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
 We will hold public inquiries into historic injustices.
 We will open inquiries into blacklisting.
 We will release all papers relating to the death of the 34 Marikana mine workers.
 We will immediately establish early child maintenance settlements in the Family Courts.
 We will legislate to prohibit victims of domestic violence being cross-examined by their
abuser in certain circumstances.
 We will introduce a no-fault divorce procedure.
 We will legislate that cases cannot be postponed except under exceptional circumstances.
 We will invest in the resources necessary to ensure that all court documentation, including
judgements, is available electronically.
 We will consult on establishing an environmental tribunal with simplified procedures to
hear challenges to unlawful government decisions, like those of building nuclear plants
next to the sea, without engaging in public participation processes.
 We will not prohibit the courts from raising monies to provide services, but we will
introduce a ratio to establish the maximum difference between actual costs and charges
Our prisons are overcrowded and offending rates are too high. Staffing levels are too low. The
situation is dangerous and violence against prison officers is rising. Riots and disturbances in our
prisons are increasing.
LAND PARTY is tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime, but we won’t make the lives of
workers in the criminal justice system tougher. Prison officers, probation officers and other
workers need the resources to do their jobs safely, effectively and successfully.
LAND PARTY believes that prison should always be a last resort - the state’s most severe sanction
for serious offences. Incarcerating more and more individuals and ignoring the evidence that
prisons are all too often dumping grounds for people who need treatment more than they need
punishment is adding to the problems plaguing our society.
 We will publish annual reports on prisoner-staff ratios, with a view to maintaining safety
and ending overcrowding.
 We will review the training and professional development in place for correctional services
 We will insist on personal rehabilitation plans for all prisoners.
 We will review the provision of mental health services in prisons.
 We will embed restorative justice practices across all youth offending institutions.
 We will devise innovative models of youth justice in order to successfully help young
people turn their lives around and turn their back on crime towards more constructive
ways of living.
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
 We will not allow prison or juvenile correctional facilities to be an option when dealing with
juveniles and youth. They must rather be placed in military schools.
 We will incentivise local authorities, police forces and probation services to engage
effectively with young people to curb them from drifting into anti-social or criminal
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
LAND PARTY will invest in a modern, integrated, accessible and sustainable transport system that
is reliable and affordable. We plan to introduce the Gautrain model railway all over the country to
reform and open up the transport system.
 LAND PARTY will introduce regulations to designate and protect routes of critical
community value, including those that serve local schools, hospitals and isolated
settlements in rural areas.
 A LAND PARTY government will invest to regenerate the local and regional economies
across the whole country, so that every area gets its fair share of transport investment.
 A LAND PARTY government will complete the HS2 high-speed rail line from Johannesburg
through Cape Town to Port Elizabeth and Durban and then into East London, consulting
with communities affected about the optimal route. We will link HS2 with other rail
investments to harness the economic potential of new technologies and science; we will
complete the Science Vale transport arc that runs from Cape Town to Mangaung through
 We will deliver rail electrification and expansion across the whole country, including in
Northern Cape and the North West. We will also consult with local communities to open
branch lines.
 To prepare for global new trade arrangements, we will study the feasibility of port
development across the country.
 LAND PARTY will position South Africa at the forefront of the development, manufacture
and use of ultra-low emission vehicles, supporting the creation of clean modes of
transport through investment in low-emission vehicles.
 We will continue to upgrade our highways and improve roadworks at known bottlenecks.
 We will refocus the roads building and maintenance programmes, connecting our
communities, feeding public transport hubs and realising untapped economic potential.
 LAND PARTY recognises the need for additional airport capacity in the Eastern Cape,
Limpopo, Free State, Northern Cape and North West.
Our plans will encourage and enable people to get out of their cars, for better health and a
cleaner environment.
Our farms face an uncertain future, our fish stocks are collapsing, our oceans are used as
dumping grounds, and our forests, green belt, national parks, areas of outstanding natural
beauty and sites of special scientific interest are all under threat.
Investing in our environment is investing in our future. LAND PARTY will defend and extend
existing environmental protections. We will champion sustainable farming, food and fishing by
investing in and promoting skills, research, technology, market access and innovation.
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
 Our stewardship of the environment needs to be founded on sound principles and based
on scientific assessments.
 We will establish a science innovation fund, working with farmers and fisheries that will
include support for our small scale fishing industry.
 We will safeguard habitats and species in the ‘blue belts’ of the seas and oceans.
 We will set guiding targets for plastic bottle deposit schemes, working with food
manufacturers and retailers to reduce waste.
 We will protect our bees by prohibiting neonicotinoids.
 We will work with farmers and foresters to plant a million trees of native species to
promote biodiversity and better for food management.
Only a LAND PARTY government will prioritise a sustainable, long-term future for our farming,
fishing and food industries, fund robust food resilience, invest in rural and coastal communities,
and guarantee the protection and advancement of environmental quality standards.
South Africa faces major challenges with illegal hunting and poaching of wild animals; a lack of
free sterilization projects; dog fighting as a sport, and no governmental support for emerging
farmers to correctly and sustainably care for their animals.
LAND PARTY’s vision is for South Africa to lead the world with high animal welfare standards in
the wild, in farming and for domestic animals.
 LAND PARTY will support and educate emerging farmers on effective, hygienic, modern
and cruelty-free animal husbandry practices.
 We will increase the maximum sentence for those convicted of committing animal cruelty.
 We will promote cruelty-free animal husbandry and consult on ways to ensure better
enforcement of agreed standards.
 We will prohibit the third-party sale of puppies, introduce and enforce a total ban on ivory
trading, and support the ban on wild animals in circuses.
Animals in our food chain need welfare standards. Domestic animals require stronger protection
from cruelty. Wild animals need a sustainable ecosystem. LAND PARTY will ensure all of this.
The SABC is a national asset which we should all be proud of; however, it is currently being run by
inexperienced, uneducated and biased individuals with clear agendas for particular narratives
and personal gain.
To protect democracy and media freedom, we will take steps to ensure that ICASA is better able
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
to safeguard a healthy plurality of media ownership and to put in place clearer rules on who is fit
and proper to own or run TV and radio stations.
 LAND PARTY will hold a national review of local media and into the ownership of national
media to ensure plurality.
 We will ensure the SABC and public service broadcasting has a healthy future.
 LAND PARTY will guarantee the future of African languages.
 Local newspapers and broadcasting in South Africa are an important part of our
democracy and culture.
 We will support and uphold journalists’ freedom and ensure their safety and
independence to be objective truth-tellers.
LAND PARTY will always support the media and uphold its independence.
There is little or no history of voluntary youth sport in townships. With poverty rife, priorities lie
elsewhere, physical education and sport has disappeared from the school curriculum which has
reduced the exposure of young people to sport. There are too few sports facilities, little sport
activity at school and very few community sports clubs.
LAND PARTY will ensure Sport must be run in the interests of those who participate in it and love
not just for a privileged few.
 LAND PARTY government will allocate and invest more resources into grassroots sports
including supporting clubs who are proactive in their community.
 We will make sure that we introduce social tickets to cater for 15% of free tickets for the
poor, the disabled and the pensioners.
 The racial composition of national teams should not be advocated, nor should national
federations be prescribed to on how they should select their teams. National teams should
be selected on merit but transformation should be implemented at school/youth levels to
prepare a broad basis of athletes for participation at higher levels in future.
 We will give rugby, soccer and cricket supporters the opportunity to have a greater say in
how their clubs are run.
 Sporting events must be open and accessible to all. We will push sports authorities to
make rapid improvements on access provision for fans with disabilities.
 LAND PARTY will ensure the Premier Soccer League will invest 5 per cent of its television
rights income into the grassroots game to help the next generation of players and
coaches, and to improve facilities and pitches.
Pierre de Coubertin, the “father” of the modern Olympic Games, believed that sports events in
general and international ones in particular were important tools for the promotion of human
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
rights. Sports have the explicit function to encourage active peace, international understanding in
a spirit of mutual respect between people from different origins, ideologies and creeds.
LAND PARTY understands that participation in sport promotes human rights through generating
shared interests and values and teaching social skills that are necessary for democratic
citizenship. Sport enhances social and cultural life by bringing together individuals and
communities. Sports can help to overcome difference and encourages dialogue, and therefore
helps to break down prejudice, stereotypes, cultural differences, ignorance, intolerance and
South Africa has a complicated history of inequality and discrimination. Sadly, not enough has
changed, even after 24 years of democracy. We are currently seeing a rise in hate crimes and
racial intolerance that need to be addressed as a matter of priority.
The Land Party is a party of equality and seeks to build a society and world free from all forms of
racism, anti-semitism, islamophobia, homophobia, gender inequality and xenophobia.
 Land Party government will enhance the powers and functions of the Human Rights
Commission, making it truly independent, to ensure it can support ordinary working people
to challenge any discrimination they may face.
 Land Party will introduce the Equal Pay Act and the Sex Discrimination Act to quickly deal with
discrimination of women at work and discrimination of gender and sex.
 Land Party will introduce gender tax to bring relief and also as a measure to close the existing
wage gap between women and men.
Land Party is anti-nationalist and anti-tribalist and we will protect every individual that resides in
South Africa regardless of their gender, race, religion, culture or birthplace.
Women still face challenges of inequality in South Africa even though their rights are seemingly
upheld and supported by the government. The advances for women in South Africa and around
the world have been fought by determined women working together for real change, often in the
face of resistance, abuse and even femicide.
Land Party salutes these women and gives them equal power, rights safety, security and
opportunity to get ahead in life and make a significant impact on how our country is run.
 Land Party will bring in the Equal Pay Act, the Sex Discrimination Act, and enforce the Equity
Act and Living Wage.
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
 Ours will be a government for women, with a cabinet of at least 51% per cent women, which
fights inequality and misogyny in every part of society.
 A Land Party government will gender audit all policy and legislation for its impact on women
before implementation.
 Land Party will continue to ensure a woman’s right to choose a safe, legal abortion - and we
will work with parliament to ensure that we introduce a community register for all new moms
to avoid children being dumped.
 We will introduce very tough laws to ensure that all babies are supported.
 In South Africa, on average, a woman is killed by their current or a former partner every eight
 Violence against women and girls continues to be a global epidemic, affecting an estimated
one in three women worldwide.
 Land Party will establish special courts tackling domestic and sexual violence. This will be
assisted by the establishment of Violence Against Women Commissioner.
Land Party will forever remain committed to empowering and protecting women as mothers,
workers, providers, peace-makers and leaders.
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
LAND PARTY will do everything possible to protect the security of South Africa. It is unrealistic for
any one country to undertake to resolve global problems single-handedly.
 LAND PARTY will exhaust diplomatic solutions in international, regional and local partnership,
in compliance with International laws.
 A modern and inclusive strategy will be implemented to unite foreign policy instruments of
diplomacy, defence and development.
War, Terrorism and Military Intervention has been the cause of death, injuries and the
displacement of millions in Africa and the Middle East. Syria has suffered the loss of some 400
000 citizens due to recent interventions.
LAND PARTY commits to labour endlessly to contribute to the end of conflict, re-establish
diplomacy and avail resources in bringing those that commit war crimes to book.
 We will investigate circumstances in order to end the suffering brought upon people of
war stricken countries.
 We endeavour to share strategies on both conflict prevention and peace building in the
countries that have suffered recent conflicts.
 LAND PARTY will appoint a Minister for Peace and Disarmament to facilitate diplomatic
 LAND PARTY will work towards comprehensive peace in the Middle East based on a two
state solution, which entails a secure Israel alongside a secure and viable Palestine state
without military intervention, promoting diplomatic peaceful resolutions and negotiations.
 LAND PARTY will recognise the Palestine State with immediate effect, when it comes into
 We will promote political negotiations in countries enduring conflict such as Libya, Nigeria,
Sudan, South Sudan, Yemen and Kashmir.
 LAND PARTY will extend continuous support to countries focussing on ending divisions
internally such as Columbia, Cypress and the DRC.
 LAND PARTY insists on multilateral political dialogue to relieve tensions in the regions of
the Korean Peninsula and South China Sea.
 LAND PARTY will engage China, Egypt, the Gulf States, Myanmar, the Philippines and others
to uphold human rights and the rule of law.
 LAND PARTY will review all relations with repressive regimes, so as to never collude in the
mistreatment of civilians.
 We will work tirelessly to meet all requirements in accordance with the Paris Agreement in
terms of climate change, reducing emissions and mitigating the impact of climate change
on developing countries.
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
 LAND PARTY will partner internationally in building support for UN reform, making its
institutions more effective and responsive.
LAND PARTY will appoint global ambassadors dedicated to women’s rights, LGBTQI rights and
religious freedom to fight discrimination and promote equality, globally.
LAND PARTY calls for a defence security policy that offers sustainable implementation to protect
citizens from any potential interference at any given time, as is the case of all governments
prioritising defence and security protection.
 LAND PARTY will order a complete strategic review of defence and security.
 We will asses emerging threats from all potential platforms, including cyber warfare.
 LAND PARTY ensures integrating Cyber security into the defence and security strategy.
 We will introduce a Cyber-security Charter for companies involved with the Defence
 We will enforce properly equipped armed forces, capable of responding to any security
threat, supported by sufficient resources.
 LAND PARTY will integrate UN peacekeeping and pledge allegiance to the UN Emergency
Peace Service.
 We commit to ensuring global and regional security in continuous cooperation with the AU
in all operational missions possible.
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
The current challenge that South Africans face regarding housing and access to land is mainly
due to a lack of interest at ground level from the different spheres of government. Blatantly high
levels of corruption is leaving poor and working class communities feeling helpless, while
benefitting criminals organize themselves around government tenders and illegal public land
 LAND PARTY will amend the constitution to strengthen private property rights.
 We will develop basic infrastructure for housing on state-owned land and transfer full title
to the poor. We will sell other state land to fund this.
 LAND PARTY will develop Social Rentals to provide affordable and accessible
accommodation to the working class, in close proximity to work hubs.
LAND PARTY will back first-time home owners to build or buy that special first home.
 The number of affordable homes to buy has plummeted under the corrupt ANC
government, so we will build thousands more low-cost homes reserved for first-time
buyers, using sustainable products like hemp, and employing thousands of local service
 LAND PARTY will build the new homes according to the first-time buyers’ needs.
 We will back those who own their homes, including home-owners who own their home as
 Foreigners will only be allowed to invest in new developments, not “second-hand”
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
Immigration is another conundrum for South Africa. The immigration system is basically
dysfunctional and we have a situation where the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) has no idea
how many people are coming in and out of the country.
LAND PARTY offers fair rules and reasonable management of migration. Our priorities favour
growth, jobs and prosperity. We make no apologies for putting these aims before bogus and
illegal immigration targets. Freedom of movement must be protected and proper immigration
systems must be introduced, but LAND PARTY will not scapegoat migrants nor blame them for
economic failures.
 We will develop and implement fair immigration rules.
 We will not discriminate between people of different races or creeds.
 We will end indefinite detentions and distinguish between migrant labour and family
 We will introduce the Forced Marriage Unit.
 We will work with businesses and the worker’s party; involve government and others to
identify specific labour and skill shortages.
 Migrant labour must be allowed to join the worker’s party.
 Whatever our trade arrangements, we will need new migration management systems
that are transparent and fair to everybody.
 We will work together to institute a new system which is based on our economic needs,
balancing controls and existing entitlements. This may include employer sponsorship,
work permits, visa regulations or a tailored mix of all of these to work for the many, not
the few.
 We will protect those already working here, whatever their ethnicity.
 Our National Education Service will raise the level of skills and training of foreigners.
 We will not denigrate migrant workers. LAND PARTY values the economic and social
contributions of immigrants. Private sector employers depend on immigrants. We value
their contributions, including their tax contributions.
 We will uphold the proud traditional values of honouring the spirit of international law,
the spirit of Ubuntu and our moral obligations by taking our fair share of refugees.
 Refugees are not migrants. They have been forced from their homes, by war, famine or
other disasters. We will ensure that refugees benefit from LAND PARTY government
policies. They will benefit from our justice system and be granted parole and apply for
bail like any other South African citizen.
 We will welcome international students who benefit and strengthen our education
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
The LAND PARTY shall:
Through pragmatic and progressive economic policy, individual freedom, and in harmony with
nature, establish a prosperous society of people based on social justice and shared
Freedom doesn’t equal immediate wealth, but we believe that it is better to live in an
environment where you are provided with the freedom to create your own wealth, even though
you might make some mistakes along the way.
The more rules and regulations you have, the less important it becomes for people to distinguish
between what is right and wrong. We want to give people the opportunity to have that freedom,
and to make mistakes and learn from them. We want to provide them the support, education and
resources necessary to become wealthy through hard work and effective use of the
opportunities that will be made available to them through a Land-led government. Our ultimate
plan is to reform, open up and strengthen the economy by providing people with the individual
freedom and opportunities to become prosperous and actively contributing members of society.
The LAND PARTY subscribes to the following values in all its endeavours:
1. Respect for the community of life
2. Honesty
3. Integrity
4. Trust
5. Consultation
6. Solidarity
7. Dignity
The LAND PARTY seeks to reorder the political and economic institutions and systems
domestically and globally.
We have to deal with the damage from the years of government corruption we have had to
endure. We will broadly seek to reform, open up and grow the economy, eradicate poverty,
Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
opportunities for all the people of South Africa to become wealthy and self-sustainable, skills
development, gender equality, safety and research. It will establish programmes that will ensure
that within the first 2 years of taking power that the following is achieved:
1. Food security - encouraging modern, scientific agricultural practices, and providing the
necessary support, technological resources, scientific research and education to
encourage people to get involved in agriculture with the ultimate goal of strengthening the
economy while eliminating food wastage and the discarding of surplus produce.
2. Housing security - where private property rights are strengthened, allocation of state
resources are dealt with strategically through referendum and homes are designed to
people’s specifications.
3. People development - Education that is ongoing, progressive and emphasizing the
reconstruction and development of family and service to society. Creating and maintaining
skills development for a move to modern technology and science.
4. A modern, technologically savvy supportive state that responds to the people’s legitimate
demand for prosperity and opportunity creation.
5. Crime eradication and all forms of deviance through social interventions, corrective
rehabilitation and victim oriented punishment.
6. Economic prosperity through freedom of opportunity so that people become self-
sustainable and wealthy, and through free trade agreements, and rapid industrialization.
Allocation of state resources shall be utilized in a rational, consultative and inclusive
manner with due regard to the dictates of justice and equal opportunity. It shall
reconfigure the banking system to be more people-centred.
7. Foreign policy that is people-centred, educative and principled.
8. Environmental Justice – ensuring all programmes are in harmony with nature and
conscious of the limited capacity of the planet to sustain us.
9. Human Rights - Implementation of the remaining rights encapsulated in the current South
African Bill of Rights and other universally respected HR documents which shall be
prioritized by public participation. Apportion justice and material resources on an
equitable and just basis.

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Land party

  • 1. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |
  • 2. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | LAND PARTY MANIFESTO 2019 #ReformAndOpenUp Table of Contents FOREWORD............................................................................................................................................................ 3 1 #HelloOpportunity ........................................................................................................................................... 6 #OpportunityPays..............................................................................................................................................16 #LifeLongLearning .............................................................................................................................................19 #NationalHealth .................................................................................................................................................24 #SafeAndSound..................................................................................................................................................30 #QualityOfLife .....................................................................................................................................................35 #GlobalSouthAfrica............................................................................................................................................41 #LandAndHomes ...............................................................................................................................................44 #NoXenophobia .................................................................................................................................................46 Vision.....................................................................................................................................................................48 Values....................................................................................................................................................................48 Mission..................................................................................................................................................................48
  • 3. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | FOREWORD PLEASE READ OUR MANIFESTO AT THE END OF THIS INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH: To fix South Africa, we will need to fix the economy. This is what the LAND PARTY intends to do. To arrive at our conclusions below, we have looked at the flaws and the best practice solutions of all ideologies - from Socialism, Communism, Capitalism and more. We were particularly interested in some of the economic policies deployed by one of our BRICS partners - namely CHINA - that led to the emergence of CHINA as a world economic force within a few short decades. In short: we need to bring back business confidence to South Africa, so that employers and professionals can return to our shores, so that they can start new businesses and employ our people. The people can ONLY prosper if the people can work. Poor people cannot employ other poor people. We therefore need to welcome rich business people who have become wealthy by running honest businesses, whilst we need to prosecute corrupt billionaires who have stolen from our people and bankrupted state entities. We need to stamp out crime and corruption. Public servants must become servants again, and not act like they are public ‘gods’. These few simple strategies have been impossible for the ANC to implement. After 25 years of democracy, our people continue to suffer under the so called 'new dawn'. After 25 years, the ANC has effectively run the country into the ground. Empty promises are no longer enough. Let’s look at the facts:  All state-owned enterprises have been bankrupted since the ANC took over.  The ANC has bankrupted SAA through mismanagement, theft and corruption whilst privately operated local airlines are very profitable.  The ANC has bankrupted ESKOM through mismanagement, theft and corruption.  The ANC has bankrupted the SABC through mismanagement, theft and corruption.  The ANC has led the country to a number of international downgrades to only a single notch above JUNK STATUS.  The ANC government has bankrupted municipalities, as Government owned buildings and land account for the largest percentage of unpaid Rates and Taxes bills for local municipalities.  The people have become poorer, whilst a few corrupt elite politicians and their associates have become billionaires – effectively by stealing from our people.  Our murder rate is the highest in the world (20 336 people were murdered in 2018 in South Africa – up 7% from the year before) and South Africa has become a war zone (‘only’ 7000 people per year died in the Afghanistan war since 2001!)  Our rape rate is some of the highest in the world and our women are under violent attack.
  • 4. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |  Our education system is in crisis and our school results are some of the poorest in the world.  Our infrastructure (dams, sewerage, clean water, basic services, schools, etc.) are falling apart.  Crime and corruption under the ANC have not only kept investment out of our beautiful country, but have chased literally hundreds of thousands of able entrepreneurs, employers and professionals out of South Africa.  Whilst the ANC government is sitting on a whopping 78 000 deteriorating buildings in municipal areas where we can create immediate housing and millions of hectares of farm land in South Africa where we can establish deserving farmers, irresponsible statements by the ANC of land expropriation without compensation have chased investors away and contributed to grinding our economy to a halt. These are the facts. BUT our ‘public servants’ in the ANC government have been so busy lining their own pockets, they don’t seem to care. Thanks to two and a half decades of corruption after Apartheid, South Africans have not been afforded the opportunities or freedom to become prosperous, contributing members of society. In short, we are under severe bondage and are suffering oppression under the ANC that may soon be worse than what we suffered under Apartheid. What does a VOTE mean if you cannot work and you don’t have food? Because of this lack of freedom and opportunity to create wealth, this country has not been available to all and we are experiencing a rise in backyard dwellers and overcrowded informal settlements. Every South African who want to work, deserves the freedom to create their own wealth and to become at least self-sustainable, and to live at least comfortably. It is time for some serious change. It is time for discipline. It is time for people to be productive. It is time for people to have freedom and opportunity to create wealth. It is time for government to be held vigilantly accountable. It is time for the youth to have hope. It is time for people to be responsible citizens. It is time for power to be in the hands of the people. This election is a make or break election for South Africa. It is imperative that every registered voter votes. It has never been more important for people to make an informed decision about where they're going to put their mark on the ballot paper than it is now. South Africa needs to vote for change. We cannot simply vote for who we've always voted for or who our parents vote for or even for the party that best matches our personal political ideal. We need to vote for South Africa. WE NEED TO VOTE FOR THE LAND PARTY. So yes, this election is about what sort of country we want South Africa to be. Is it a country where the majority of our people are held back by the sheer struggle caused by the empty rhetoric and empty promises of the ruling elites? NO! South Africa needs to be a country where everybody is safe, secure, comfortable and happy, where everybody has a range of options available to them that enable them to live rewarding and worthwhile
  • 5. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | lives, with dignity. Let’s build a South Africa where we invest our wealth in such a way that it gives everyone the chance to prosper. It was this time last year, in 2018, when women and men in Zwelihle, Hermanus took it upon themselves to take to the streets and fight for freedom and opportunity, and succeeded. This was a historic moment in our country and clearly illustrated the frustrations of people living in poverty. It also led to the birth of the LAND PARTY to seriously address these issues and create more opportunities for wealth development. The newly elected Central Committee of the LAND PARTY held its first plenum from 23 to 24 February 2019. This meeting re-established an ideological line of ‘seeking truth from facts’. It decided to shift the focus from political movement to economic development. This laid the foundation for reforming and opening up. We all agreed that South Africa must open up to international trade and investment. Domestic economic development and participation in economic globalisation must march forward hand in hand. Without even holding any official office, the LAND PARTY has already delivered tangible results to the communities it serves because it is led by people and not politicians. It is the only party that truly puts the power in the hands of the people and that puts the economy first. It is the only party that offers solutions for the real, radical change needed to afford every single person in South Africa the opportunity to get on in life. We need to get to work. We need to reform and open up. It is not going to be easy, but it is going to be worth it. Vote for the LAND PARTY and take control of your own destiny. It is time for the people to govern. Chief Leader Gcobani Ndzongana
  • 6. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | #HelloOpportunity
  • 7. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | ECONOMIC REFORM POLICY The current economic system is corrupt and not conducive for foreign or any investors. It only benefits the corrupt political elite and it neglects the poor. We need radical economic reform in order to grow and sustain a strong economy in South Africa. Here is our comprehensive plan for economic reform:  LAND PARTY will change the constitution to strengthen private property rights.  We will strengthen the independence of the Reserve Bank and lower the inflation target to 2%.  We will investigate and support the use of new technologies, like blockchain for payment systems, asset registers and the like.  We will dramatically alter the tax system by, amongst others, abolishing all taxes on capital, like capital gains tax, transfer duties, estate duties, etc.  We will abolish our myriad of small and irritating taxes, like vehicle taxes and financial transaction taxes.  We will increase the tax on fuel and reduce the number of personal income tax categories to only three. Personal income tax rates may have to be increased.  We will reduce company income taxes and abolish taxes on dividends.  We will establish an independent “Fiscal Board” implementing the Fiscal Credibility Rule, that uses VAT (by changing the VAT rate) as an instrument to assure balanced fiscal accounts over the economic cycle.  We will scrap all exemptions to VAT - except for exports.  Should certain groups require assistance, such as pensioners, we will help them through accessing the expenditure side of the budget.  We will establish means to invest child grants directly into the child’s development and care, for example: introducing a Three Meal Scheme to the schooling system.  We will increase the qualifying age for state pension gradually (say over 20 years) to 70 years of age.  We will issue coupons to parents and allow them to decide themselves to which school they want to send their kids.  We will provide student loans to the best students that want to further their studies overseas, and require them to repay these loans.  We will reinstate education colleges and launch a project to make SA’s primary education system world class.  We will declare a state of emergency for education, increase the length of school days, consider school on Saturdays and ban trade unions in education.  We will allow state hospitals and clinics more autonomy and convert the department of health into state-funded medical funds for all. Once you reach your limit on your medical fund you will be required to go to a medical training facility for treatment, for “free”.  We will place Eskom, SAA and the other state-owned parastatals under business rescue. We will take over their debt and enter into a public/private partnership.
  • 8. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |  We will launch a programme to pay civil servants who prove their commitment to this country through hard work and dedication what they are worth.  We will reduce the cabinet to a maximum of ten worthy and dedicated ministers. We will abolish irrelevant departments like sport, small business, women and so on.  We will develop basic infrastructure for housing on state-owned land and transfer full title to the poor.  We will sell other state land to fund this.  We will build police stations out of glass. The people must SEE that the police is working and the police must be held accountable by the people they are serving.  We will abolish all exchange control regulations and allow trustees greater discretion on investment decisions with no prescribed assets.  We will change the government’s employers pension fund to a defined contribution fund and allow members to migrate to funds of their choice.  Thereafter, we will abolish the Public Investment Corporation (PIC) - except for non- pension fund related functions.  We will abolish the minimum wage and the unemployment insurance fund.  We will abolish all forms of BEE and official race-based discrimination and replace it with a poverty development programme. TAX TRANSPARENCY AND FAIRNESS Tax underpins the prosperity of any country's economy. It is every citizen's social obligation to contribute fairly to our shared prosperity. Opening up and reforming our economy will make more people productive and increase our tax base. Simple changes in policy to make tax fairer will ease the burden of those currently bearing the brunt of taxation and will address tax avoidance which is rife in South Africa. All of us, including business, must benefit from a healthy, educated and skilled population, with access to basic services and secure housing. This is only possible with a fair and transparent tax system.  We need to dramatically alter the tax system by, amongst others, abolishing all taxes on capital, like capital gains tax, transfer duties, estate duties, etc.  Abolish our myriad of small and irritating taxes, like vehicle taxes and financial transaction taxes.  Increase the tax on fuel and reduce the number of personal income tax categories to only three. Personal income tax rates may have to be increased.  Reduce company income taxes and abolish taxes on dividends.  Establish an independent “Fiscal Board” implementing the Fiscal Credibility Rule, that uses VAT (by changing the VAT rate) as an instrument to assure balanced fiscal accounts over the economic cycle.  Scrap all exemptions to VAT - except for exports.  We will address the culture of tax avoidance through our Tax Transparency and Enforcement Programme, and close down tax loopholes.
  • 9. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |  We will meet the business need for a more skilled workforce with extra corporate tax revenues contributing to education and skills budgets.  We will protect small businesses by introducing a voluntary turn-over tax. Under a LAND PARTY government tax will be fair and affordable. We expect a substantial increase in tax income when loopholes that have allowed people to boost their personal wealth for years and years through tax avoidance are closed. SPENDING SQUARED The delivery of services to the public must rest squarely on a foundation of sound finances. Fair taxation, redirected revenue streams and renegotiated trade deals will ensure the books are balanced. Government must focus on how we spend as much as we do on how we earn. We must ensure that every cent spent is an investment in our collective future to ensure faster growth and to eliminate our deficit as quickly as possible. South Africa must be a well-oiled machine that operates independently and that continuously builds up resources to realise its potential of being the economic powerhouse of Africa.  We will set the target of eliminating the government’s deficit on day-to-day spending within five years.  We will have a firm Fiscal Credibility Rule in place to guide all our taxation and spending decisions to ensure fiscal health.  We will establish an independent National Budget Responsibility Unit to oversee the compliance of this rule that reports directly to Parliament.  We are committed to ensuring that the national debt is lower at the end of the next Parliament than it is now. Our Fiscal Credibility Rule is based on the simple principle that government should not be borrowing for day-to-day spending, but that future growth depends on investment. INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT The backbone of any modern economy is the infrastructure of transport, communications and energy systems. This infrastructure is virtually non-existent in South Africa or unaffordable. It needs to be addressed urgently in order for South Africa to actively participate in the global economy. In addition to ridiculous levels of corruption, South Africa and its people have been held back by poor and impulsive investments as well as an environment that is not conducive enough for competition to thrive in certain sectors because of the monopolies that evolved out of sanctions. From trains that don't fit railway tracks to slow broadband that costs a fortune to ageing energy
  • 10. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | systems and inadequate investment into the development of science and technology, we have a lot of catching up to do.  We will expand the Gautrain project to other parts of the country to re-establish and revitalise our rail programme thereby creating easy, accessible and affordable transport for all.  We will harness the economic potential of new technologies and science.  We will deliver rail electrification and expansion across the whole country, including to SADC countries like Botswana, Swaziland, Namibia, and Lesotho.  We will transform our energy systems, investing in new, state-of-the-art, low-carbon gas and renewable electricity production.  We will deliver superfast broadband availability nationwide.  We will improve mobile internet coverage and expand provision of free public Wi-Fi in city centres, townships, rural areas and on public transport.  We will improve 4G coverage and invest to ensure all urban areas, as well as major roads and railways, have uninterrupted 5G coverage.  We will put tight rules in place to ensure that investment is fairly shared around every province and region.  We will prioritise investment in modern technological infrastructure. LAND PARTY will do things very differently. We will ensure that the potential of every corner of South Africa is realised. We will rebuild communities ripped apart by globalisation and neglected for the past 25 years by government. We will rebuild and transform our economy so that it is reformed and opened up to all. LAND’S INDUSTRIAL STRATEGY FOR UPGRADING THE ECONOMY While the LAND PARTY does not wish to see a decline in our import revenue, we need to create an environment that provides equal opportunity to grow our export revenue. Economic growth is the main objective. The current government has not provided adequate freedom, opportunity or support to our industries, businesses and workers. As a result the economy has shifted towards fewer opportunities for people to create wealth and a government EPWP programme that isn’t empowering people to contribute to the economy. There are thousands of skilled people out there that are either unemployed or have no opportunities to create wealth. This is wasted potential and leaves us in a catch-22 situation where we are unable to kick-start manufacturing-based growth and have to turn to hi-tech services that require skills sets that we are unable to provide because of the state of our education system.
  • 11. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | Many rural areas in provinces such as Limpopo, Eastern Cape, Northern Cape, North West; as well as coastal towns and villages have watched as their economies and communities crumble. South Africa’s failure to provide freedom and opportunity to its provincial, regional, and local economies to work is blatantly obvious in the continuous rise in unemployment, the increased cost of living, the deterioration of the country’s current account, weak productivity growth and under-investment in infrastructure. South Africa can only be stronger if the potential of all South Africans is unlocked, and every province is given the freedom, opportunity and support needed to succeed and create wealth. The LAND PARTY has an innovative industrial strategy that puts the right mechanisms in place to stimulate economic growth and provide opportunity. It is built on measurable goals designed to address the great challenges of the 21st Century where we also have to consider that machines are taking people's jobs. The reality is that the 4th industrial revolution will cause an initial loss in jobs; however, it will also open up new opportunities to take advantage of modern technology to grow the economy in more innovative ways.  We will encourage private investment by allowing full capital deductions in the first year.  We will further encourage private investment by removing new plant and machinery from business rate calculations.  We will develop apprenticeship and internship programmes to increase youth inclusion and upskilling.  We will restructure the EPWP to ensure it serves as an effective starting block for people that are unskilled and/or unemployed to start being productive and gaining new skills focused on modern technology and science.  We will reform the administration and implementation of the EPWP to ensure that support and resources are made available to empower people with freedom and opportunity to create wealth rather than simply using them for menial tasks.  We will create an environment where the economy will be so favourable that imposing a minimum wage will not be necessary.  We will increase access to network sectors and services.  We will ensure that 60% of energy comes from zero-carbon or renewable sources by 2030.  We will meet the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)'s target of 3% of the GDP to be spent on research and development by 2030.  We will re-establish trade schools to teach skills needed by industry as well as apprenticeships.  We will negotiate new deals with BRICS that create freedom and opportunity to grow our economy.  We will deepen regional integration in the SADC to expand market size and open new
  • 12. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | opportunities for growth.  We will reduce the red tape for setting up all businesses and for foreigners wanting to trade with South Africa.  We will open up opportunities for businesses and co-operatives to supply products and services to government.  We will require all businesses to: pay their taxes, recognise the worker’s party, respect workers’ rights and provide equal opportunities.  We will encourage businesses to protect the environment, provide skills transfer and training, and to pay suppliers on time.  We will support huge increases in civil servant wages in line with their levels of productivity.  We will simplify customs procedures.  We will evaluate and streamline financial and non-financial support for start-ups, co- operatives and small businesses.  We will increase entrepreneurial and co-operative education in the education system.  We will ensure that State Owned Enterprises stick to procurement and expenditure rules.  We will appoint a Digital Ambassador who will promote South Africa as an attractive place for investment to technology companies and who will help to ensure South Africa grows and prospers in the digital age.  We will provide support for start-ups to scale up to become world-class digital businesses. Mobilising the talents and the resources of our whole country and ensuring that everybody has the opportunity to work and to be productive will have a positive impact on our economy. Training people with skills that are in demand for targeted industries will ensure that the South African economy is sustainable and fit for the future. Reforming and opening up industry councils and government departments to be more streamlined, cut out red tape and communicate more effectively will lay a solid foundation to grow the South African industrial economy sustainably. REFORMING OUR FINANCIAL SYSTEM South Africa has been in a recession because of poor governance, inept leadership and corruption. Our financial system is not conducive to opening up opportunities for businesses and local economies to thrive. LAND PARTY will follow the successful example of China, Germany and the Nordic countries and transform how our financial system operates. We will establish a National Investment Bank which will deliver R150 billion of lending power through private capital finance. Unlike the commercial banks, this new public institution will support a network of provincial development banks that will have a mandate to foster inclusive growth in their communities according to the specific needs of those communities. The banks will deliver affordable finance to individuals, businesses and co-operatives in all 9 provinces.
  • 13. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | The National Investment Bank will fill existing gaps in lending by private banks, particularly to businesses and co-operatives, by providing patient, long-term finance to intensive Research and Development investments. It will also play an integral role in implementing our industrial strategy by prioritising spending in line with national objectives.  We will commit to creating a more diverse banking system, backed up by legislation.  We will use listing Stamp Duty Reserve Tax to cover a wider range of assets, ensuring that the public gets a fairer share of financial system profits.  We will overhaul the regulation of our financial system.  We will create new local public banks that offer services to match their customers’ needs. South Africa needs a strong, safe and socially useful banking system that meets the needs of regional economies and communities, fosters economic growth and is affordable. FOSTERING A NEW BUSINESS CULTURE Scandals such as the failure of VBS, Steinhoff, Eskom etc. shows how the long-term growth of a company can be sacrificed for the sake of making a quick buck.  We will ensure that directors are accountable not only to shareholders, but to employees, customers, the environment and the wider public.  We will consult on bringing forward appropriate legislation to curb tax avoidance.  We will amend the business takeover regime to ensure that clear plans are in place to protect workers and pensioners when a company is taken over. In order to open up the economy and create opportunity and earning potential, the LAND PARTY will invest in support, resources and education for businesses and co-operatives.  We will mandate the new National Investment Bank, as well as the provincial and national development banks in every region, to identify where other lenders fail to meet the needs of business growth.  We will have strict laws on late payments that will ensure that anyone tendering for a government contract pays its own suppliers within 30 days.  We will bring forward legislation to create a proper legal definition for co-operative ownership. EMBRACING SUSTAINABLE ENERGY The current government's Integrated Resource Plan has been stuck in red tape since before Zuma left office and decisions cannot be made without it. This means that procurement to upgrade existing sources of energy can't be authorised and there is no clear plan on the way forward with regards to renewable energy. This alone could cause the total collapse of our economy.
  • 14. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | It is ironic that South Africa finds itself with an energy crisis when we have an abundance of sunlight, wind and water that could be used to provide us with energy. The Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) for electricity is a planning process which determines the optimal mix of generation technologies and capacities, at least cost to the economy, necessary to meet the projected demand for electricity in the years ahead, with defined reliability and security of supply. We cannot move forward without it. We are also sitting with the problem of unions who are not happy about the development of renewable energy because of predicted job losses which means more to-ing and fro-ing between stakeholders and the high probability that we may not have an IRP any time soon. The LAND PARTY is a people's democracy where everyone has a say and, as such, a plan as important as this should not get stuck in bureaucratic red tape. Our energy policy is very straightforward and based on four principles: 1. To ensure security of energy supply and to ‘keep the lights on’. 2. To provide affordable energy for consumers and businesses. 3. To ensure we meet our climate change targets, and foster a low-carbon economy. 4. To ensure public ownership to deliver renewable energy, affordability for consumers, and democratic control.  We will place Eskom under business rescue. We will take over their debt and enter into a public/private partnership.  We will offer home owners loans to install renewable energy systems.  We will ban fracking because it would lock us into an energy infrastructure based on fossil fuels, long after the point in 2030 when the Committee on Climate Change says gas emissions must sharply decline.  We will invest in emerging technologies such as carbon capture and storage to help smooth the transition to cleaner fuels and to protect existing opportunities as part of the future energy mix.  We are committed to investing in renewable energy projects, including tidal lagoons, which can help create manufacturing and energy opportunities as well as contribute to climate- change commitments.  We will prioritise maintaining access to the internal energy market. One of the most important things we can do for future generations is to build a clean economy. The low-carbon economy is one of the fastest-growing sectors; it will create investment opportunities across the country. OPENING UP INTERNATIONAL TRADE Healthy International Trade Relations are essential to a healthy economy. LAND PARTY is pro- trade and pro-investment. The future prosperity depends on minimising barriers that prevent us
  • 15. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | from exporting and creating the opportunities and economic growth we need.  We will work with involved administrations to bring forward an integrated trade and industrial strategy that boosts exports, investment and opportunities in South Africa.  We will establish initiatives to work with global trading partners to develop best-in-class free trade and investment agreements that remove trade barriers and promote skilled jobs and high standards.  We will ensure proper transparency and parliamentary scrutiny of all future trade and investment deals. Parliament must also be involved in making trade deals.  It is vital that we retain unrestricted access to our goods and services.  LAND PARTY is committed to the rules-based international trading system of the World Trade Organisation (WTO).  We will use trade negotiations to boost market access for South Africa’s environmental goods and services, alongside support for investment into new green technologies and innovative low-carbon products.  We will develop capital investment schemes and other incentives to encourage investment into South Africa, especially into target areas identified by the industrial strategy.  We will champion South Africa as a safe investment environment.  We will use the full range of export credit, finance, insurance and trade promotion tools to boost South Africa’s exports and support priority industrial sectors.  LAND PARTY is committed to growing the digital economy and ensuring that trade agreements do not impede cross-border data, whilst maintaining strong data protection rules to protect personal privacy. CANNABIS The versatility of this resource opens a whole new world of opportunities for economic growth. This is a multibillion rand industry and Africa’s climate is one of the most conducive to cultivating this resource and unlocking the myriad of benefits from this resource.  LAND PARTY will ensure the legalization and licensing of Cannabis trade in all sectors of the economy.  We will regulate the trade and use of Cannabis.  We will invest in the growth and explore the development of this industry, for example textile, construction, food supplements, feed for poultry and livestock.  We will promote the research, development and use of Cannabis for medical purposes.
  • 16. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | #OpportunityPays
  • 17. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | EMPOWERMENT THROUGH SHARED OPPORTUNITY Without shared opportunity or an environment conducive to empowering people to become self- sustainable, the economic slowdown in South Africa will continue to push up the unemployment rate. People need to get to work, but they need the freedom and opportunity to create wealth as this is the most effective way to reduce poverty and grow the economy. A LAND PARTY government will tackle these issues by investing in the tools and resources people need, and creating abundant opportunity and freedom to create wealth and grow the economy sustainably.  We will empower businesses, workers and the worker’s party by upholding the rights of both employer and employee.  We will reduce skills shortages through education and training in modern technology and science.  We will implement existing SADC protocols and agreements more effectively to advance integration and create opportunity.  We will provide a range of support and resources to businesses and co-operatives to enable them to open up more opportunities to more people. SECURITY AND EQUALITY AT WORK LAND PARTY government will introduce a13-point plan for security and equality at work: 1. Give all workers equal rights from day one, whether part-time or full-time, temporary or permanent so that working conditions are not driven down. 2. Ban zero hour contracts so that every worker gets a guaranteed number of hours each week. 3. Pass legislation to ensure that any employer wishing to recruit labour from abroad or employ foreigners does not undercut workers at home because it causes divisions and xenophobia when one workforce is used against another. 4. To form a worker’s party that will forge alliance with LAND PARTY because the most effective way to maintain good rights at work is collectively through one banner. 5. Abolish the Minimum Wage and grow a prosperous enough economy that makes it unnecessary. 6. Introduce a takeover code to ensure every takeover proposal has a clear plan in place to protect workers and pensioners - because workers shouldn’t suffer when a company is sold.
  • 18. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | 7. Address unpaid internships - because it’s important to gain work experience and develop skills. 8. Hold a public inquiry into blacklisting - to ensure that blacklisting truly becomes and remains a thing of the past. 9. Ban labour brokers. 10.Use public spending power to drive up standards, including only awarding public tenders to companies that recognise the worker’s party. 11.Introduce a civil enforcement system to ensure compliance with gender pay auditing – so that all workers have fair access to employment and promotion opportunities and are treated fairly at work. 12.Ensure that all workers work in a safe environment and return to their families at the end of the day. 13.We will enforce regulations that protect the lives of mine workers. SELF-EMPLOYED WORKERS Many people choose self-employment because of the many benefits and freedoms it provides, and they deserve to be protected too.  We will set up a dedicated commission to modernise the law around employment status because we understand that the law often struggles to keep up with the ever-changing new forms of employment and work typical of the 21st Century so new statutory definitions of employment status are needed to reduce the need for litigation and improve compliance. The commission will be led by legal and academic experts with representation from industry and the worker’s party.  We will shift the burden of proof so that any worker is assumed to be an employee unless the employer can prove otherwise.  We will give the Ministry of Labour the resources to enforce the Labour Relations Act.  We will roll out sectoral collective bargaining and strengthening worker’s party rights, because empowering people to claim their own rights in the workplace is the most effective means of enforcement.  We would also extend the rights of employees to all workers, including shared parental pay, making a substantial and immediate difference to the quality of life of people in insecure work.
  • 19. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | #LifeLongLearning
  • 20. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | INVESTING IN LIFELONG EDUCATION Education plays a key role in the health of our economy. It is also what empowers us to realise our full potential and our dreams. Education in South Africa is plagued by inequality with the majority of schools having overcrowded classrooms, poorly trained teachers and minimal resources. The dropout rate is high and post-school education is inaccessible due to financial constraints. This has been the case for far too long and has resulted in us having a poorly educated workforce. In South Africa we are not only faced with the challenges of a defunct education system, we also have to deal with the reality that we are living in a time when working lives and the skills our economy needs are changing rapidly. Governments have the responsibility to give everyone the opportunity to access education throughout their lives by making lifelong learning a reality. LAND PARTY will create a unified National Education Service (NES) for South Africa to move towards free cradle-to-grave learning. The NES will be built on the principle that ‘Education Matters’ and will incorporate all forms of education, from early years through to adult education. EARLY YEARS There is a gap between the end of maternity leave and the beginning of full-time schooling where access to informal childcare is needed. This makes it difficult for women to return to work and the costs can make it prohibitive. It has also become evident that education in the early years of childhood development has a significant impact on the future performance of the child throughout formal schooling and into adulthood.  LAND PARTY will not compromise on the provision of care and education for babies, toddlers and pre-school children.  We will reform the social grants budget and allocate funds directly to the National Education Service.  Children must be inoculated before being eligible to receive social grants.  We will make significant capital investment in both new and existing, formal and informal crèches during our first two years of government to ensure proper facilities are in place and well-resourced as well as that there are enough places to meet the need.  We will increase staff wages and facilitate the education of existing caregivers to ensure that this education sector becomes a qualified, graduate-led workforce.  We will invest more in child development programmes. Ensuring that facilities and resources are available at this crucial stage of development, including happy, well-trained and well-paid staff, will have a major impact on early childhood development.
  • 21. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | SCHOOLS Our schools and the education system, particularly the administration in the Department of Education is in a mess. The standard of teaching is poor, corruption and nepotism is rife, resources are limited and we still have children learning under trees because they have no classrooms. We also have far too many dysfunctional schools where there are serious social issues like teachers impregnating scholars and violence between teachers and pupils. Education is the cornerstone of a healthy economic future and a healthy society. LAND PARTY will strive to ensure that all South Africans receive a first class education. The LAND PARTY school policy will be built on the following four foundations: 1. Investment  We will make sure that all schools have the resources they need.  We will implement a fairer funding formula that redresses the historical underfunding of certain schools but leaves no school worse off.  We will invest in new school buildings and maximise the capacity of existing schools by upgrading or adding to the facilities.  We will issue coupons to parents and allow them to decide themselves to which school they want to send their kids.  We will provide student loans to the best students that want to further their studies overseas, and require them to repay these loans.  We will reinstate education colleges and launch a project to make SA’s primary education system world class. 2. Quality  We will do an audit of all teachers’ skills and retrain them where necessary.  We will drive up standards across the entire education system from administration to teaching, to supplied resources and beyond.  We will encourage teachers and staff to focus their energies on what happens in the classroom.  We will foster co-operation and strong leadership across schools and between parents, teachers, staff and pupils. 3. Accountability  We must declare a state of emergency for education, increase the length of school days, consider school on Saturdays and ban trade unions in education.  We will ensure that all schools are accountable to the communities they serve.  We will implement appropriate controls to ensure that all schools serve the public interest and their local communities.  We will require strict admissions policies across schools to enable the National Education Service to fulfil their responsibility to ensure that every child has a place in a local school.
  • 22. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |  We will simplify the admissions process for parents.  We will put systems in place to ensure that no child slips through the net and that every child receives an education.  We will immediately review the current powers held by School Governing Bodies, specifically their ability to create unique admissions policies. 4. Inclusion  We will ensure that a Land-led education system recognises the uniqueness of each child and will enable each to discover their learning path through a wide choice of courses and qualifications.  We will implement measures to close the attainment gap between children from different backgrounds.  We will provide free school meals for all primary school children which will be funded, as part of our attainment strategy, by removing the VAT exemption on private school fees.  We will end the public-sector pay cap, allow teachers to have more direct involvement in curriculum development and reduce the administration and bureaucracy that has a direct impact on the teacher recruitment and retention crisis.  We will also consult on introducing teacher sabbaticals and placements with industry to encourage interaction between education and industry and introduce broad experiences into the classroom.  We will introduce schools-based counselling to all schools to improve children’s mental health.  We will implement a strategy that is based on inclusivity in mainstream education for children with special educational needs and disabilities.  We will ensure that training with regard to children with special needs and disabilities is compulsory so that staff, children and their parents are well-equipped and have the support they need to educate these children. SKILLS South Africa is in urgent need of empowering the potential and existing workforce with skills in order to turn the economy around. We need everyone to have the opportunity to grow and to be productive and be able to contribute to the country's economy and improve their own lives. In addition to this, due to technology and work patterns constantly changing, there is an ongoing demand for different kinds of skills. It is vital that people are able to upskill and retrain throughout their lives.  We will include lifelong training in the National Education System to ensure we are able to deliver a suitably qualified workforce that will increase productivity and thereby grow the economy and transform the lives of individuals and communities.  We will devolve the responsibility for skills development to local administrations in every corner of South Africa to ensure access for all citizens.  We will reward businesses, corporations and organisations that undertake to offer skills
  • 23. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | development to their employees and their local communities. Further and Adult Education  We will ensure that everyone has the opportunity to upskill and retrain at any point in their lives by introducing lifelong education in Further Education colleges.  Our skills and training sector has been held back by repeated reorganisation, which deprives providers, learners and employers the consistency they need to assess quality.  We will improve access to careers advice and open up a range of routes through which people can gain both technical and soft skills for a range of industries, with a particular focus on science and technology.  We will invest in the facilities and teachers needed to enable public schools to be able to deliver adult and vocational education.  We will improve the quality and consistency of education in the further and adult education sector by encouraging co-operation and leadership across colleges.  We will set a target, and allocate the necessary budget, for all teaching staff to have the necessary teaching qualifications within five years.  We will extend support for teacher training to teachers in the private sector.  We will increase capital investment to ensure that colleges are equipped to deliver quality educations and an official pre-apprenticeship trainee programme. Apprenticeships  We will put controls in place to ensure that every apprenticeship is of a high quality.  We will establish the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education to monitor and report on the quality outcomes of completed apprenticeships.  We will mandate the institute to ensure employers have access to skilled workers and that there are real jobs for apprentices once they have completed their training.  We will set a target to double the number of completed apprenticeships at NQF level 5 by 2025.  We will set targets to increase apprenticeships for people with disabilities, care leavers, veterans, women, LGBTQI and people with disabilities in all sectors. HIGHER EDUCATION It is a reality that students are being priced out of university Education. The average student now graduates from university, and starts their working life with debts of over R200, 000. Many students struggle to afford accommodation or food while at university. LAND PARTY believes education should be accessible to all. One should not be put off educating themselves for lack of money or through fear of debt.  We will provide maintenance grants to students.
  • 24. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | #NationalHealth
  • 25. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | National Health Care The challenges facing the current health care system in South Africa are bureaucratic and operational rather than clinical. Great strides have been made in the treatment of HIV and TB, infant mortality is down and the system deals with 100 million patients a year, but there is still room for much more improvement. The issues from the public's perspective lie in reports of poor patient experiences due to rude staff, the inconsistent supply of medication and the distances that need to be travelled for specialist care. From the healthcare professional side, issues include under staffing, inadequate facilities, poor remuneration and general administration. The institutional and organisational machinations of public healthcare are weak in delegation, accountability and clarity of responsibility in the delivery chain.  LAND PARTY will allow state hospitals and clinics more autonomy and convert the department of health into state-funded medical funds for all. Once you reach your limit on your medical fund you will be required to go to a medical training facility for treatment, for free.  We will create the NHC South Africa blue print that will serve to define and uphold the standards of service which patients are legally entitled to.  We will guarantee that patients are seen within four hours.  We will stop the routine breach of safe levels of bed occupancy and end mixed-sex wards by ensuring hospitals have the resources they need.  We will introduce the Cancer Strategy for South Africa in full by 2030 to improve the lives of people living with cancer.  We will end slow ambulance-response times by ensuring they have the proper resources.  We will deliver a truly 21st Century health system by focussing resources on services to provide healthcare closer to home.  We will devise a new model of healthcare that centres around communities and offers social care and mental health care as well as primary health care.  We will ensure the most effective new drugs and treatments are available to all NHC South Africa patients.  We will ensure that everyone with chronic conditions, such as diabetes, has the right to a specialised care plan and access to the knowledge they need to manage their condition effectively.  We will ensure that NHC South Africa reduces HIV infection by monitoring the effect of the recent programme that provides PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) to high risk groups.  We will ensure that all NHC South Africa staff are trained to deal with the relatively new diseases affecting our aged like Alzheimers, Dementia and Parkinson's.
  • 26. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | Public health In our the South African health system, the major driver of an unusually low national life expectancy is a multi-faceted disease burden, made up of HIV/AIDS, TB, diseases related to poor nutrition and exercise habits, and trauma from violence and road accidents. In order for NHC South Africa services to be sustainable in the long term we need to educate people about the various diseases and how they can avoid contracting them as well as encourage citizens to make a commitment to keeping fit and healthy and assisting them with the knowledge and resources to do so. The LAND PARTY's primary focus will be on children’s health. By doing this we will be protecting the future well-being of the nation.  We will take action to significantly reduce infant deaths and to ensure all families who lose a baby receive appropriate bereavement support.  We will invest in children’s physical and mental health.  We will fight health inequalities to break the link between child ill-health and poverty.  We will measure progress against international standards by introducing a new Index of Child Health that keeps tabs on the overall standard of health of South African children against four key indicators: obesity, dental health, under-fives and mental health.  We will increase the number of health visitors and school nurses as part of our preventative healthcare strategy.  We will make a concerted effort to address poor childhood eating habits in South Africa.  We will remove sugar tax but will encourage companies to reduce sugar in their products.  We will implement a strategy for the children of alcoholics based on recommendations drawn up by independent experts.  We will implement a Tobacco Control Plan that focusses on mental health issues and on young smokers.  We will address historic public-health injustices.  We will hold a public enquiry into contaminated blood.  We will also hold a public inquiry into medicines, including Valproate, medical devices and medical products licensing and regulation.  We will continuously improve sexual-health services, especially HIV services which will include reducing the rates of undiagnosed and late-diagnosed HIV, ending the stigma of HIV in society, and promoting the increased availability of testing and treatment. NHC staff Many of the problems in the healthcare sector are as a result of overworked and underpaid staff who have to work in under-resourced facilities. There is also an issue that is prevalent of people who are healthcare workers entering the sector to get a job and not because they have a calling to help people. The LAND PARTY believes that by investing in the well-being of healthcare workers, to improve
  • 27. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | their working and living conditions and to provide them with the skills they need to work in highly- pressurised and stressful environments and circumstances, we will be able to guarantee the best possible services and outcomes for patients.  We will ensure that all healthcare workers are well paid.  We will enforce a cap to the number of consecutive hours a healthcare worker can work.  We will put forward a long-term support plan for healthcare workers.  We will empower doctors by investing in their training, education and development throughout their careers.  We will support NHC whistleblowers to make sure health service staff are able to speak up for their rights and those of their patients without fear.  We will make it an aggravated criminal offence to attack NHC staff. LAND PARTY’s long-term ambition is for NHC South Africa to be one of the best public health care systems in the world; for it to have highly trained staff, state-of-the-art facilities and access to modern technology that will enable the service providers to deliver quality healthcare to the people of South Africa. NHC funding  We will introduce a new Budget Responsibility Office for Health to scrutinise and oversee health spending.  We will halt and review the National Health Insurance (NHI) implemented by the ANC.  We will establish a Healthcare Sustainability commission to investigate health services across South Africa and involve local people in devising plans which focus on patient needs rather than available finances. MENTAL HEALTH The state of mental health in South Africa is shocking. As many as one in six South Africans suffer from anxiety, depression or substance-use problems (and this does not include more serious conditions such as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia). Over 40% of people living with HIV in South Africa have a diagnosable mental disorder. In low-income and informal settlements surrounding Cape Town, one in three women suffer from postnatal depression, while research from rural KwaZulu-Natal shows that 41% of pregnant women are depressed. When crime and motor-vehicle accidents are taken into consideration, up to 6 million South Africans could suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. Considering the fact that these figures do not take into account the many people who don’t know where to go to get help, or are too scared to seek it, mental ill-health is probably our biggest unaddressed health challenge. Despite the acute need, South Africa’s mental healthcare resources are completely unequipped to handle the demand. Less than 16% of sufferers receive
  • 28. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | treatment and there are only 18 beds for every 100 000 people available in appropriate hospitals (and only 1% of these are reserved for children and adolescents!). The current government is doing very little to deal with mental health challenges and so the burden falls on community-based providers. Clinics, support groups, lay counsellors and community leaders are having to step in when institutionalised help is not available. In addition to a lack of resources, stigmas surrounding mental health pose a major stumbling block when it comes to treating the disease in South Africa. In Zulu there is not even a word for ‘depression’. It is not considered a real illness in African culture. As a result, sufferers are afraid of being discriminated against or disowned by their families should they admit to having a problem. There is still the perception that someone with a mental illness is crazy, dangerous or weak. LAND PARTY believes that the nature of the mental health situation in the South African context requires a uniquely South African solution. We need an approach to dealing with our country’s mental health issues that incorporates both western medicine and traditional healing. Traditional healers can play a significant role in addressing the cultural belief systems at play in order to find ways to best help patients and their families.  We will immediately invest in training to ensure that traditional healers, local nurses, counsellors and coaches who are at the forefront of fighting mental illness have the skills they need to deal with this pandemic.  We will actively campaign for any citizens wanting to help their communities with counselling to apply for free training.  We will implement policies that ensure there is a general increase in awareness about mental health issues and a vigorous and ongoing programme to educate the public about mental health issues in order to encourage more people to share their diagnoses and seek help.  We will ring-fence mental health budgets and ensure that finances are reaching the front line.  We will stop people from being sent to facilities hundreds of kilometres away from their families and support networks for treatment.  We will ensure that there are no out-of-area placements to avert another national crisis like Life Esidimeni.  We will also bring an end to the neglect of children’s mental health by providing special facilities for under 18's only.  We will invest in early intervention programmes by increasing the proportion of the mental health budget allocated to young people.  We will ensure that access to a counselling service is available for all children.  We will incorporate alternative therapies in the services we offer as patients who receive their therapy of choice tend to have better outcomes.  We will establish the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) to evaluate the potential for increasing the range of evidence-based psychological therapies on offer.
  • 29. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | Mental health is as important as physical health and in South Africa, because of our traumatic history and the inequality and violence we have had to live with, we have people with a range of mental health issues from alcoholism to schizophrenia. We need to do everything we can to help these people heal or manage their illnesses so that they are no longer isolated and are also given an opportunity to contribute to their communities and their country.
  • 30. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | #SafeAndSound
  • 31. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | POLICE AND CRIME Living against a backdrop of crime is a daily reality for South Africans: violent crime, property crime, gender-based crime and all the many variances in between. According to the latest SAPS/Stats SA report overall crime rates had slightly dipped from March 2017 to April 2018, but the murder rate had increased significantly. 57 murders take place in South Africa every day, at an alarming rate of 35.7 out of every 100,000 people. Responding to these statistics, Police Minister Bheki Cele said that the country was becoming a “war zone”. With concentrated poverty comes high rates of alcoholism, drug addiction and joblessness – which, in turn, contribute to climbing criminality. However, these factors alone cannot explain the situation in South Africa. Neighbouring countries exhibit greater poverty, for example, but they do not suffer with crime that is endemic. LAND PARTY’s approach to policing crime will be different. We would like to see every citizen undergo 6 months of police training, to learn how to arrest, write a statement and combat crime without being employed as a permanent police officer. Every citizen must have the opportunity to be a police officer in their own right. This kind of policing model works in Switzerland.  We will support the police in the performance of their duties.  We will provide officers, community support officers and civilian staff with the equipment and people they need to provide effective policing services, including from the growing threat of cybercrime.  We will work with police to ensure that all communities are safer.  We will champion community policing policies and incentivise good policing practice.  We will work with Police and Crime Commissioners throughout the country on strategies to prevent crime.  We will devise programmes to eliminate institutional biases against specific communities.  We will insure that all police offers are well-trained, healthy and fit for the job.  We will ensure that every neighbourhood in the country has a high police presence.  We will ensure appropriate support is provided to victims of crime and introduce legislation for minimum standard entitlements to service criminal justice agencies.  We will emphasise the safety of women and girls and set new standards for tackling domestic and sexual violence.  We will establish a fund for women and children displaced by domestic violence.  We will ensure safety and financial stability for rape crisis centres.  We will make age-appropriate sex and relationship education a compulsory part of the educational curriculum so young people can learn about respectful relationships and conflict resolution.  We will ban the use of community resolutions as a response to domestic violence.  We will enforce effective measures to prevent all forms of abuse, including female genital mutilation.
  • 32. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |  We will make sure rape perpetrators will be sent to prison for life.  We will ensure that those who falsely accuse others of this heinous crime are equally punished and sentenced to life imprisonment. BORDER SECURITY Border security is vital in preventing crimes such as child abduction, smuggling of drugs, guns and stolen cars, terrorism, and modern day slavery. The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) is patrolling hundreds of kilometres of the country’s borders on a shoestring budget. Ill- equipped soldiers compromise the military’s ability to effectively control the country’s borders.  We will maintain the cross-border security co-operation agreements with our intelligence partners in the SADC and beyond.  We will ensure that border security have the resources and the powers they need to protect our country and keep us all safe.  We will also ensure that these powers do not infringe on our individual rights or civil liberties. FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICES The privatisation of fire and rescue services and the arrangements these businesses have with the EPWP has led to the severe exploitation of workers who literally put their lives on the line to save people and property. Working on Fire (WOF) Fire fighters, for example, earn around R2000 per month and work 9 months on, 7 days a week, and 3 months off. They are not given adequate benefits (including medical aid), equipment, support or rest when fighting fires for extended periods of time. In the recent fires in the Overberg, fire fighters did not come down off the mountain for days on end and had no change of clothing or even underwear or socks.  We will absorb fire-fighters from EPWP to permanently work for government and ensure they receive benefits such as health, pension and training.  We will ensure that fire-fighters and rescue services workers have all the equipment and support they need on the ground whilst doing their jobs.  We will ensure that rescue services going into dangerous or crime-ridden areas are accompanied by adequate security. JUSTICE South Africa has an independent judiciary and a constitutional court to be proud of. It has, with some notable individual exceptions, avoided the descent into corruption and disintegration of state institutions that took place in the Zuma era. Our court system, however, is frustrating, slow and technologically backward and the cost of legal fees can be prohibitive and stop justice from being served.
  • 33. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |  We will hold public inquiries into historic injustices.  We will open inquiries into blacklisting.  We will release all papers relating to the death of the 34 Marikana mine workers.  We will immediately establish early child maintenance settlements in the Family Courts.  We will legislate to prohibit victims of domestic violence being cross-examined by their abuser in certain circumstances.  We will introduce a no-fault divorce procedure.  We will legislate that cases cannot be postponed except under exceptional circumstances.  We will invest in the resources necessary to ensure that all court documentation, including judgements, is available electronically.  We will consult on establishing an environmental tribunal with simplified procedures to hear challenges to unlawful government decisions, like those of building nuclear plants next to the sea, without engaging in public participation processes.  We will not prohibit the courts from raising monies to provide services, but we will introduce a ratio to establish the maximum difference between actual costs and charges levied. PRISONS AND PROBATION SERVICE Our prisons are overcrowded and offending rates are too high. Staffing levels are too low. The situation is dangerous and violence against prison officers is rising. Riots and disturbances in our prisons are increasing. LAND PARTY is tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime, but we won’t make the lives of workers in the criminal justice system tougher. Prison officers, probation officers and other workers need the resources to do their jobs safely, effectively and successfully. LAND PARTY believes that prison should always be a last resort - the state’s most severe sanction for serious offences. Incarcerating more and more individuals and ignoring the evidence that prisons are all too often dumping grounds for people who need treatment more than they need punishment is adding to the problems plaguing our society.  We will publish annual reports on prisoner-staff ratios, with a view to maintaining safety and ending overcrowding.  We will review the training and professional development in place for correctional services staff.  We will insist on personal rehabilitation plans for all prisoners.  We will review the provision of mental health services in prisons.  We will embed restorative justice practices across all youth offending institutions.  We will devise innovative models of youth justice in order to successfully help young people turn their lives around and turn their back on crime towards more constructive ways of living.
  • 34. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |  We will not allow prison or juvenile correctional facilities to be an option when dealing with juveniles and youth. They must rather be placed in military schools.  We will incentivise local authorities, police forces and probation services to engage effectively with young people to curb them from drifting into anti-social or criminal behaviours.
  • 35. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | 6 #QualityOfLife
  • 36. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | TRANSPORT LAND PARTY will invest in a modern, integrated, accessible and sustainable transport system that is reliable and affordable. We plan to introduce the Gautrain model railway all over the country to reform and open up the transport system.  LAND PARTY will introduce regulations to designate and protect routes of critical community value, including those that serve local schools, hospitals and isolated settlements in rural areas.  A LAND PARTY government will invest to regenerate the local and regional economies across the whole country, so that every area gets its fair share of transport investment.  A LAND PARTY government will complete the HS2 high-speed rail line from Johannesburg through Cape Town to Port Elizabeth and Durban and then into East London, consulting with communities affected about the optimal route. We will link HS2 with other rail investments to harness the economic potential of new technologies and science; we will complete the Science Vale transport arc that runs from Cape Town to Mangaung through Johannesburg.  We will deliver rail electrification and expansion across the whole country, including in Northern Cape and the North West. We will also consult with local communities to open branch lines.  To prepare for global new trade arrangements, we will study the feasibility of port development across the country.  LAND PARTY will position South Africa at the forefront of the development, manufacture and use of ultra-low emission vehicles, supporting the creation of clean modes of transport through investment in low-emission vehicles.  We will continue to upgrade our highways and improve roadworks at known bottlenecks.  We will refocus the roads building and maintenance programmes, connecting our communities, feeding public transport hubs and realising untapped economic potential.  LAND PARTY recognises the need for additional airport capacity in the Eastern Cape, Limpopo, Free State, Northern Cape and North West. Our plans will encourage and enable people to get out of their cars, for better health and a cleaner environment. ENVIRONMENT Our farms face an uncertain future, our fish stocks are collapsing, our oceans are used as dumping grounds, and our forests, green belt, national parks, areas of outstanding natural beauty and sites of special scientific interest are all under threat. Investing in our environment is investing in our future. LAND PARTY will defend and extend existing environmental protections. We will champion sustainable farming, food and fishing by investing in and promoting skills, research, technology, market access and innovation.
  • 37. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |  Our stewardship of the environment needs to be founded on sound principles and based on scientific assessments.  We will establish a science innovation fund, working with farmers and fisheries that will include support for our small scale fishing industry.  We will safeguard habitats and species in the ‘blue belts’ of the seas and oceans.  We will set guiding targets for plastic bottle deposit schemes, working with food manufacturers and retailers to reduce waste.  We will protect our bees by prohibiting neonicotinoids.  We will work with farmers and foresters to plant a million trees of native species to promote biodiversity and better for food management. Only a LAND PARTY government will prioritise a sustainable, long-term future for our farming, fishing and food industries, fund robust food resilience, invest in rural and coastal communities, and guarantee the protection and advancement of environmental quality standards. ANIMAL WELFARE South Africa faces major challenges with illegal hunting and poaching of wild animals; a lack of free sterilization projects; dog fighting as a sport, and no governmental support for emerging farmers to correctly and sustainably care for their animals. LAND PARTY’s vision is for South Africa to lead the world with high animal welfare standards in the wild, in farming and for domestic animals.  LAND PARTY will support and educate emerging farmers on effective, hygienic, modern and cruelty-free animal husbandry practices.  We will increase the maximum sentence for those convicted of committing animal cruelty.  We will promote cruelty-free animal husbandry and consult on ways to ensure better enforcement of agreed standards.  We will prohibit the third-party sale of puppies, introduce and enforce a total ban on ivory trading, and support the ban on wild animals in circuses. Animals in our food chain need welfare standards. Domestic animals require stronger protection from cruelty. Wild animals need a sustainable ecosystem. LAND PARTY will ensure all of this. MEDIA The SABC is a national asset which we should all be proud of; however, it is currently being run by inexperienced, uneducated and biased individuals with clear agendas for particular narratives and personal gain. To protect democracy and media freedom, we will take steps to ensure that ICASA is better able
  • 38. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | to safeguard a healthy plurality of media ownership and to put in place clearer rules on who is fit and proper to own or run TV and radio stations.  LAND PARTY will hold a national review of local media and into the ownership of national media to ensure plurality.  We will ensure the SABC and public service broadcasting has a healthy future.  LAND PARTY will guarantee the future of African languages.  Local newspapers and broadcasting in South Africa are an important part of our democracy and culture.  We will support and uphold journalists’ freedom and ensure their safety and independence to be objective truth-tellers. LAND PARTY will always support the media and uphold its independence. SPORT There is little or no history of voluntary youth sport in townships. With poverty rife, priorities lie elsewhere, physical education and sport has disappeared from the school curriculum which has reduced the exposure of young people to sport. There are too few sports facilities, little sport activity at school and very few community sports clubs. LAND PARTY will ensure Sport must be run in the interests of those who participate in it and love it, not just for a privileged few.  LAND PARTY government will allocate and invest more resources into grassroots sports including supporting clubs who are proactive in their community.  We will make sure that we introduce social tickets to cater for 15% of free tickets for the poor, the disabled and the pensioners.  The racial composition of national teams should not be advocated, nor should national federations be prescribed to on how they should select their teams. National teams should be selected on merit but transformation should be implemented at school/youth levels to prepare a broad basis of athletes for participation at higher levels in future.  We will give rugby, soccer and cricket supporters the opportunity to have a greater say in how their clubs are run.  Sporting events must be open and accessible to all. We will push sports authorities to make rapid improvements on access provision for fans with disabilities.  LAND PARTY will ensure the Premier Soccer League will invest 5 per cent of its television rights income into the grassroots game to help the next generation of players and coaches, and to improve facilities and pitches. Pierre de Coubertin, the “father” of the modern Olympic Games, believed that sports events in general and international ones in particular were important tools for the promotion of human
  • 39. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | rights. Sports have the explicit function to encourage active peace, international understanding in a spirit of mutual respect between people from different origins, ideologies and creeds. LAND PARTY understands that participation in sport promotes human rights through generating shared interests and values and teaching social skills that are necessary for democratic citizenship. Sport enhances social and cultural life by bringing together individuals and communities. Sports can help to overcome difference and encourages dialogue, and therefore helps to break down prejudice, stereotypes, cultural differences, ignorance, intolerance and discrimination. CREATING A MORE EQUAL SOCIETY South Africa has a complicated history of inequality and discrimination. Sadly, not enough has changed, even after 24 years of democracy. We are currently seeing a rise in hate crimes and racial intolerance that need to be addressed as a matter of priority. The Land Party is a party of equality and seeks to build a society and world free from all forms of racism, anti-semitism, islamophobia, homophobia, gender inequality and xenophobia.  Land Party government will enhance the powers and functions of the Human Rights Commission, making it truly independent, to ensure it can support ordinary working people to challenge any discrimination they may face.  Land Party will introduce the Equal Pay Act and the Sex Discrimination Act to quickly deal with discrimination of women at work and discrimination of gender and sex.  Land Party will introduce gender tax to bring relief and also as a measure to close the existing wage gap between women and men. Land Party is anti-nationalist and anti-tribalist and we will protect every individual that resides in South Africa regardless of their gender, race, religion, culture or birthplace. ADVANCING THE RIGHTS OF WOMEN Women still face challenges of inequality in South Africa even though their rights are seemingly upheld and supported by the government. The advances for women in South Africa and around the world have been fought by determined women working together for real change, often in the face of resistance, abuse and even femicide. Land Party salutes these women and gives them equal power, rights safety, security and opportunity to get ahead in life and make a significant impact on how our country is run.  Land Party will bring in the Equal Pay Act, the Sex Discrimination Act, and enforce the Equity Act and Living Wage.
  • 40. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |  Ours will be a government for women, with a cabinet of at least 51% per cent women, which fights inequality and misogyny in every part of society.  A Land Party government will gender audit all policy and legislation for its impact on women before implementation.  Land Party will continue to ensure a woman’s right to choose a safe, legal abortion - and we will work with parliament to ensure that we introduce a community register for all new moms to avoid children being dumped.  We will introduce very tough laws to ensure that all babies are supported.  In South Africa, on average, a woman is killed by their current or a former partner every eight hours.  Violence against women and girls continues to be a global epidemic, affecting an estimated one in three women worldwide.  Land Party will establish special courts tackling domestic and sexual violence. This will be assisted by the establishment of Violence Against Women Commissioner. Land Party will forever remain committed to empowering and protecting women as mothers, workers, providers, peace-makers and leaders.
  • 41. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | 7 #GlobalSouthAfrica
  • 42. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | GLOBAL SECURITY LAND PARTY will do everything possible to protect the security of South Africa. It is unrealistic for any one country to undertake to resolve global problems single-handedly.  LAND PARTY will exhaust diplomatic solutions in international, regional and local partnership, in compliance with International laws.  A modern and inclusive strategy will be implemented to unite foreign policy instruments of diplomacy, defence and development. DIPLOMACY War, Terrorism and Military Intervention has been the cause of death, injuries and the displacement of millions in Africa and the Middle East. Syria has suffered the loss of some 400 000 citizens due to recent interventions. LAND PARTY commits to labour endlessly to contribute to the end of conflict, re-establish diplomacy and avail resources in bringing those that commit war crimes to book.  We will investigate circumstances in order to end the suffering brought upon people of war stricken countries.  We endeavour to share strategies on both conflict prevention and peace building in the countries that have suffered recent conflicts.  LAND PARTY will appoint a Minister for Peace and Disarmament to facilitate diplomatic relations.  LAND PARTY will work towards comprehensive peace in the Middle East based on a two state solution, which entails a secure Israel alongside a secure and viable Palestine state without military intervention, promoting diplomatic peaceful resolutions and negotiations.  LAND PARTY will recognise the Palestine State with immediate effect, when it comes into rule.  We will promote political negotiations in countries enduring conflict such as Libya, Nigeria, Sudan, South Sudan, Yemen and Kashmir.  LAND PARTY will extend continuous support to countries focussing on ending divisions internally such as Columbia, Cypress and the DRC.  LAND PARTY insists on multilateral political dialogue to relieve tensions in the regions of the Korean Peninsula and South China Sea.  LAND PARTY will engage China, Egypt, the Gulf States, Myanmar, the Philippines and others to uphold human rights and the rule of law.  LAND PARTY will review all relations with repressive regimes, so as to never collude in the mistreatment of civilians.  We will work tirelessly to meet all requirements in accordance with the Paris Agreement in terms of climate change, reducing emissions and mitigating the impact of climate change on developing countries.
  • 43. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 |  LAND PARTY will partner internationally in building support for UN reform, making its institutions more effective and responsive. LAND PARTY will appoint global ambassadors dedicated to women’s rights, LGBTQI rights and religious freedom to fight discrimination and promote equality, globally. DEFENCE LAND PARTY calls for a defence security policy that offers sustainable implementation to protect citizens from any potential interference at any given time, as is the case of all governments prioritising defence and security protection.  LAND PARTY will order a complete strategic review of defence and security.  We will asses emerging threats from all potential platforms, including cyber warfare.  LAND PARTY ensures integrating Cyber security into the defence and security strategy.  We will introduce a Cyber-security Charter for companies involved with the Defence Ministry.  We will enforce properly equipped armed forces, capable of responding to any security threat, supported by sufficient resources.  LAND PARTY will integrate UN peacekeeping and pledge allegiance to the UN Emergency Peace Service.  We commit to ensuring global and regional security in continuous cooperation with the AU in all operational missions possible.
  • 44. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | #LandAndHomes
  • 45. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | HUMAN SETTLEMENTS The current challenge that South Africans face regarding housing and access to land is mainly due to a lack of interest at ground level from the different spheres of government. Blatantly high levels of corruption is leaving poor and working class communities feeling helpless, while benefitting criminals organize themselves around government tenders and illegal public land sales.  LAND PARTY will amend the constitution to strengthen private property rights.  We will develop basic infrastructure for housing on state-owned land and transfer full title to the poor. We will sell other state land to fund this.  LAND PARTY will develop Social Rentals to provide affordable and accessible accommodation to the working class, in close proximity to work hubs. HOME OWNERSHIP LAND PARTY will back first-time home owners to build or buy that special first home.  The number of affordable homes to buy has plummeted under the corrupt ANC government, so we will build thousands more low-cost homes reserved for first-time buyers, using sustainable products like hemp, and employing thousands of local service providers.  LAND PARTY will build the new homes according to the first-time buyers’ needs.  We will back those who own their homes, including home-owners who own their home as leaseholders.  Foreigners will only be allowed to invest in new developments, not “second-hand” properties.
  • 46. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | #NoXenophobia
  • 47. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | IMMIGRATION Immigration is another conundrum for South Africa. The immigration system is basically dysfunctional and we have a situation where the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) has no idea how many people are coming in and out of the country. LAND PARTY offers fair rules and reasonable management of migration. Our priorities favour growth, jobs and prosperity. We make no apologies for putting these aims before bogus and illegal immigration targets. Freedom of movement must be protected and proper immigration systems must be introduced, but LAND PARTY will not scapegoat migrants nor blame them for economic failures.  We will develop and implement fair immigration rules.  We will not discriminate between people of different races or creeds.  We will end indefinite detentions and distinguish between migrant labour and family attachment.  We will introduce the Forced Marriage Unit.  We will work with businesses and the worker’s party; involve government and others to identify specific labour and skill shortages.  Migrant labour must be allowed to join the worker’s party.  Whatever our trade arrangements, we will need new migration management systems that are transparent and fair to everybody.  We will work together to institute a new system which is based on our economic needs, balancing controls and existing entitlements. This may include employer sponsorship, work permits, visa regulations or a tailored mix of all of these to work for the many, not the few.  We will protect those already working here, whatever their ethnicity.  Our National Education Service will raise the level of skills and training of foreigners.  We will not denigrate migrant workers. LAND PARTY values the economic and social contributions of immigrants. Private sector employers depend on immigrants. We value their contributions, including their tax contributions.  We will uphold the proud traditional values of honouring the spirit of international law, the spirit of Ubuntu and our moral obligations by taking our fair share of refugees.  Refugees are not migrants. They have been forced from their homes, by war, famine or other disasters. We will ensure that refugees benefit from LAND PARTY government policies. They will benefit from our justice system and be granted parole and apply for bail like any other South African citizen.  We will welcome international students who benefit and strengthen our education system.
  • 48. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | #VOTELANDPARTY Vision The LAND PARTY shall: Through pragmatic and progressive economic policy, individual freedom, and in harmony with nature, establish a prosperous society of people based on social justice and shared opportunities. Freedom doesn’t equal immediate wealth, but we believe that it is better to live in an environment where you are provided with the freedom to create your own wealth, even though you might make some mistakes along the way. The more rules and regulations you have, the less important it becomes for people to distinguish between what is right and wrong. We want to give people the opportunity to have that freedom, and to make mistakes and learn from them. We want to provide them the support, education and resources necessary to become wealthy through hard work and effective use of the opportunities that will be made available to them through a Land-led government. Our ultimate plan is to reform, open up and strengthen the economy by providing people with the individual freedom and opportunities to become prosperous and actively contributing members of society. Values The LAND PARTY subscribes to the following values in all its endeavours: 1. Respect for the community of life 2. Honesty 3. Integrity 4. Trust 5. Consultation 6. Solidarity 7. Dignity Mission The LAND PARTY seeks to reorder the political and economic institutions and systems domestically and globally. We have to deal with the damage from the years of government corruption we have had to endure. We will broadly seek to reform, open up and grow the economy, eradicate poverty,
  • 49. Organisation: LAND PARTY | IEC Registration Number: 1352 | opportunities for all the people of South Africa to become wealthy and self-sustainable, skills development, gender equality, safety and research. It will establish programmes that will ensure that within the first 2 years of taking power that the following is achieved: 1. Food security - encouraging modern, scientific agricultural practices, and providing the necessary support, technological resources, scientific research and education to encourage people to get involved in agriculture with the ultimate goal of strengthening the economy while eliminating food wastage and the discarding of surplus produce. 2. Housing security - where private property rights are strengthened, allocation of state resources are dealt with strategically through referendum and homes are designed to people’s specifications. 3. People development - Education that is ongoing, progressive and emphasizing the reconstruction and development of family and service to society. Creating and maintaining skills development for a move to modern technology and science. 4. A modern, technologically savvy supportive state that responds to the people’s legitimate demand for prosperity and opportunity creation. 5. Crime eradication and all forms of deviance through social interventions, corrective rehabilitation and victim oriented punishment. 6. Economic prosperity through freedom of opportunity so that people become self- sustainable and wealthy, and through free trade agreements, and rapid industrialization. Allocation of state resources shall be utilized in a rational, consultative and inclusive manner with due regard to the dictates of justice and equal opportunity. It shall reconfigure the banking system to be more people-centred. 7. Foreign policy that is people-centred, educative and principled. 8. Environmental Justice – ensuring all programmes are in harmony with nature and conscious of the limited capacity of the planet to sustain us. 9. Human Rights - Implementation of the remaining rights encapsulated in the current South African Bill of Rights and other universally respected HR documents which shall be prioritized by public participation. Apportion justice and material resources on an equitable and just basis.