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Portfolio Piece:
Eddie Tangel
Edward Tangel & Corey Stephens
Full Sail University
Artist Management
Alex Knight
May 2, 2021
All corrections highlighted in green.
(Assignment 1)
1. Have each member of your group read this article about the 9 intelligence types.
Then, take this quick assessment of your individual strengths.
List the names of your group members below and include their top
individual top 3 strengths. (Please note that this is a loose assessment for the
purposes of understanding your group mates better so you can function more
efficiently as a team, not a definitive statement regarding your personality.)
1. Musical
2. Body Movement
3. Logic/math
1. Musical
2. Social
3. Logic/Math
2. Review the artist requirements in FSO and select an independent artist based on the
given criteria.
Provide the artist’s name and at least one website where I can check out
their music and/or look and aesthetic.
Eddie Tangel -
3. Identify one well-known artist that is similar to your artist and that would likely share
a target audience.
Ed Sheeran
Answer the questions in the “TARGET AUDIENCE” section below for your
artist’s audience based on research into the well-known artist that you have
identified. A minimum of one resource is required to be cited and listed in APA
format in the Target Audience section.
4. Target Audience - Demographics:
In 1 or 2 well-written paragraphs, provide information regarding the target
audience’s age (5-10 age year range), relevant social communities or
scenes they’re in, lifestyle descriptions, and anything else you deem
relevant. Use this article to help guide additional inclusions.
The target audience for Eddie Tangel consists of high school and college students that
speak English in North America, approximately ages 15-25. They are ones who don’t
have much money but enjoy supporting local artists and local businesses with the
money that is available for them to do so. These students enjoy long outdoor hikes, bike
rides, reading, and watching shows that make you think, with the occasional comedy
thrown in there.
These students within the target audience are dealing with life’s troubles: anxiety,
depression, family issues, death of a loved one, etc. They look for music that makes
them feel better and makes them feel like someone understands what they’re going
through. They look for music that makes them feel better about their current situation;
music that helps them feel understood and heard.
Target audience research. (n.d.). Retrieved April 20, 2021, from
5. Target Audience- Psychographics:
Give 3 specific examples of each of the following behavioral categories as
they pertain to your artist’s target audience.
1. Hobbies/Lifestyle Choices (Ex. fitness enthusiasts, cars,
outdoors, social justice movements, dancing, etc.)
- Outdoors
- Reading
- Gaming
2. Clothing/Accessory Brands (Where do they shop and what do
they buy?)
- Patagonia
- Local coffee shops/grocery stores
- Craft beer/local breweries
3. Major Social Media Accounts They Follow
- Major Record Companies (Capitol Records, Sony Music
Group, UMG)
- Spotify
- Billboard
4. Relevant Personalities/Influencers They Follow
- Jack Antonoff
- Lucian Grange
- Chris Martin
5. Other Similar Artists
- Ben Rector
- Jack Johnson
- Chadwick Stokes
6. Movies and TV Shows
- Jeopardy (TV Show)
- Man vs. Wild
- That 70’s Show
- The Office
6. Quick Pitch
Read this article about how Spotify uses quick pitches in their playlisting
decisions (there are example pitches at the bottom of the article), as well
as any additional research into the process that you would like to utilize.
Write a 500-character maximum pitch for your artist.
In this song about hope, determination, and love, Eddie Tangel shows his vulnerability,
emotions, and soul all while giving the listener a catchy melody and a “sing-along”
chorus that can have you humming along with it by the second half of the very first
chorus. “Hold On” is a song that can pertain to almost any major life-changing event,
reminding us to just hold on and stay true to ourselves.
Infusing soul and pop, singer/songwriter Eddie Tangel brings happiness and heartfelt
feelings to life and shares his emotions with those around him. With the ups-and-downs
and victories/defeats that came from being raised in a family of 8 with separated
parents, Eddie’s music is full of hope, determination, and love. After years of playing
small local venues, Eddie Tangel decided to record his original music. His first single,
“Hold On” reminds us to simply hold on and stay true to ourselves.
7. Primary Platforms
Identify at least 3 online platforms (examples: Instagram, Twitch,
SoundCloud) that you feel will be crucial to the success of your artist
based on their music, personality, strengths, fan habits, and the success
of similar artists.
List the 3 platforms you have chosen below and prove a minimum 2-
sentence description for each regarding why you feel that platform is
important and why your artist could thrive there.
- With the Pandora radio stations, “Hold On” could be a track used on any of
the number of acoustic/coffeehouse/easy listening stations. With many
businesses and individuals relying on Pandora to supply them with music
throughout their days, Eddie Tangel’s song would have multiple opportunities to
be heard/liked/followed by new fans across the world.
- In a similar function, Spotify’s analytics could place Tangel’s “Hold On” with
music of a similar genre or sound. On this particular platform though, the
listeners would actually be able to like the song, follow Eddie Tangel on the
platform, and follow him throughout his entire musical journey as each song
comes out, whether individually or on a full-length album.
Tik Tok
- The first thing I have to say about Tik Tok is that they revealed exactly how to
use their algorithm to your benefit. Knowing this will allow you to post a Tik Tok
(short video on the platform) at the appropriate time with the appropriate settings,
so that your video is seen by as many people as possible (Tik Tok, 2020).
Becoming “Tik Tok famous” is very beneficial for outreach, but he will need
something different to really put him above the rest. Although being TikTok
famous might not be on his radar, this platform will be good to use as a portfolio
of cover songs, showcasing his skills and range as an artist.
Tik Tok. (2020, November 23). This is How the TikTok Algorithm Works. Later Blog.
8. Provide at least two pictures of ideal members of the artist’s target audience.
Remember to consider the demographic and psychographic information you listed above
when choosing these images.
Discuss the questions sections below thoroughly with your group in regard to your artist,
then answer them in writing.
Choose at least 3 talents out of the list below that apply to your chosen artist and
write 4 sentences describing each talent (total of 12 sentences).
Please elaborate and provide specific details, considering things like particular lyrics
that grabbed you or got them attention, influences, other artists they get compared to,
1. Singing
- From the beginning of “Hold On”, there was a lullaby feel to the singing. It was
soothing and felt familiar. With the chorus, “La-da, Da-da, da-da-da, Hey-ey, La-
da, da-da-da”, the listener is almost cast into a spell/trance to join in. The singing
accompanied by the catchy melody is the strength of the song. As far as his
singing talent goes, he has a soothing voice fit for songs of comfort, love and
perseverance, such as the ones he has released. When listening, you feel as if
you know Eddie on a personal level. He is heavily influenced by artists like John
Mayer and Jack Johnson. He also has a soft spot for lesser known, more open-
minded type artists like Sticky Fingers, Chadwick Stokes, and Dispatch. His voice
and style is very familiar to Ed Sheeran and Vance Joy, other large influences of
2. Songwriting
- The songwriting felt very historical, like an old folklore tune that has been
passed down through generations. Again, his songwriting influence comes from
smaller, more open-minded and free artists, like Chadwick Stokes, Caamp, Cage
the Elephant, and The Strokes. Surprisingly, his lyrical influence comes from
artists such as J. Cole, Kendrick Lamar, Mac Miller, and others that preach about
being good humans and finding happiness. In the first 2 lines of Hold On, “There
are many things to be happy about, when life knocks you down please have no
doubt”, the sense of parental guidance is foreshadowing the daily reassurances
that one may need. It’s a gentle beacon of hope that has been disguised by a
contagious, lullaby-esque melody, with lyrics that can sneak up on you in those
moments you need them most. Then in the last stanza where it speaks on the
parents, the idea of the listener being the child or the parent becomes
3. Live Performance
4. Beat-making and/or Instruments Played
5. Look and/or Aesthetic
6. Additional Talents (anything relevant and worthy of mention that is or could be tied
into their career as a musician)
- Eddie is a funny, down to earth person with a very open mind. He is ready to
tackle each new obstacle with a smile and a great attitude. If in a situation, he is
quick to be there with a helping hand, whether it’s physically demanding or just
some advice. His hard work and determination are what makes him the artist and
human he is today.
Elements of Experience
Choose at least 3 elements of experience that apply to your chosen artist and
write 4 sentences describing each element of experience. (Total of 12 sentences)
Please elaborate and provide specific details.
1. Recording/Producing
- Using help from a friend with a home studio, he had to record his guitar, main
vocal, and layer vocals in order to achieve the sound that we can hear while
playing the song on Spotify. The ability to record/produce/mix is convenient and
not limited to how much it would take to rent a studio space and pay someone
else to do it. Also, the more he records himself, the better the tracks will become
and this first one was actually pretty good.
2. Touring/Booking Themselves
- According to Eddie, himself, he plays at local coffee shops and restaurants
during the summer and when it is nice outside. Currently, he is taking his
business to local restaurants and bars to get recognition around his local area.
He does all of the work for booking and personal marketing himself. To do all of
this, he has had to make business cards, record his music, and drive around his
town and local cities nearby to book shows for himself.
3. Cowriting and Collaborating
4. Social Media
- Eddie Tangel is active on social media currently. Because he just released his
first single and is releasing his first EP, he has had to be on social media to
market, get the word out, and get people listening to his songs. On Facebook,
Twitter, and Instagram, Eddie is posting a direct link to his song on Spotify, as
well as a heart-felt written post asking people to listen, add it to their playlists,
and share it with friends and family. He is also interacting and answering any
questions asked directly through each platform. Part of this is research and
knowing when to post. Twitter, Spotify, Facebook, Instagram, and Tik Tok all
have specific algorithms that can really boost listeners, as long as his posts
contain the right information and hashtags.
5. Sponsorships
6. Publicity
To evaluate your chosen artist, write 4 sentences describing each element of a
SWOT analysis. (Total of 16 sentences) Please provide a minimum of 2 specific
examples of each category and give specific details.
1. Strengths
- One of the greatest strengths is the ability to be able to record at home
whenever a song hits him. In this industry, content reigns supreme, because if
your listeners are constantly getting new material, you will continue to be
- Having moving lyrics is something that can catch and hold the attention of the
audience. The storytelling and raw emotion that is put into the songs shows the
passion behind the lyrics.
2. Weaknesses
- The self-recorded first release is a weakness. First impressions are
everything and in music that is no different.
- Merchandise can help to gain recognition and followers. This also helps
spread the word, especially if the clothing design is unique.
3. Opportunities
- The amount of digital platforms to release music on is bountiful. Having the
courage to put your music on these platforms makes it easier for people to find
you and for you to start making money. One thing to consider would be to work
with someone who is already TikTok or Instagram famous and ask to do a duo-
live session, promoting your music and abilities as an artist. This would help
expand fan base and possibly open the door for more monetary opportunities
through these platforms.
- There are many opportunities for personal branding. Adding a logo and
choosing a merchandise brand can really boost one’s music and exposure.
4. Threats
- With home recording equipment becoming more affordable, almost daily,
there is a chance for new music to get lost among every other new artist who is
aspiring to do the same thing. The competition is stiff and can be really tough to
get recognized.
- With the amount of music being released and people being found on
streaming sites like TikTok and Twitch, a musician is going to have to have some
kind of factor that sets them apart from the rest. It is a constant fight to get music
heard and there’s always someone willing to go the extra mile to make things
happen for themselves and their career.
Read this article regarding potential revenue sources for an independent artist: -
For each of the 2 strengths identified in the SWOT analysis, brainstorm a list of 3
potential revenue sources for the artist. (Total of 6)
STRENGTH 1 – Potential Revenue Sources
1. Writing for music libraries/Sync licensing
2. Creating content for YouTube/Patreon
3. Making songs/producing beats for other people
STRENGTH 2 – Potential Revenue Sources
1. Becoming a session musician for a local studio
2. Pitching talents to local bars that can play at weekly
3. Creating merchandise to sell for fans
For each of the 2 weaknesses identified in the SWOT analysis, brainstorm a list of
2 potential ways to improve or fix the issue/circumstance. (Total of 4)
WEAKNESS 1 – Potential Solution
1. More experience self-recording
2. Recording others to get more exposure
WEAKNESS 2 – Potential Solution
1. Contact a graphic artist to create a logo/merchandise
2. Create a store, accessible from all social media sites (even Spotify)
(Assignment 3)
1. Provide 1-2 sentences describing the goal.
We want to create a line of merchandise, using a personalized logo.
2. List the name, position, and contact information of any gatekeepers necessary in
helping you achieve this goal. (If the contact information is not available, consider
including contacts for their company/organization, a social media handle or platform
that they’re active on, or as a last resort, put “N/A” if nothing is available.)
2.1. GATEKEEPER: Nalin
2.2. POSITION: Graphic Design Artist - 1 Creative logo/portrait, high quality .jpg
and .png
2.3. CONTACT: Through Fiverr, a freelance platform for various artists/services
2.4. GATEKEEPER: Eddie Tangel
2.5. POSITION: Artist
3. Provide 3-4 sentences elaborating on your decision to include this goal and/or
why you think it is a realistic step for the artist at this point of their career. Consider
things like how this goal utilizes a core strength of your artist, why you think the artist
is prepared to take this step, or a contact/connection that the artist or team has who
can help make this a reality.
- Having a line of merchandise including various items such as apparel and
accessories with a branded logo on them will help produce an income. If all goes
as planned, a year from now Eddie will have a devoted fan base ready to have
the first digital copy of his first album or some kind of apparel from his upcoming
tour! Utilizing an online platform, we will create an online store where people can
buy apparel/accessories with part of the profit going to Eddie. Eventually we
would like to team up with an established brand to help promote Eddie’s image
and music even more.
4. Identify a minimum of one potential obstacle that could keep you from
accomplishing this goal (for example, the booker of a club won’t respond to your
messages, or the artist isn’t meeting deadlines), and include at least one idea for
how you could solve this problem, or even pivot to a similar goal while removing this
4.1. OBSTACLE: One problem here would be the affordability of the graphic
design artist or the cut in profit from using a template from a website.
4.2. POTENTIAL SOLUTION: Only sell merchandise at shows and keep the
merch small-scale. If Eddie ends up getting big and designing more, the fans
who bought the very first merch will get to say they got it “before he was cool”.
1. Provide 1-2 sentences describing the goal.
For this goal, we want to release a new song every 4-6 weeks (record, mix, and
master at least one song). This will keep content new and flowing to his
2. List the name, position, and contact information of any gatekeepers necessary in
helping you achieve this goal. (If the contact information is not available, consider
including contacts for their company/organization, a social media handle or platform
that they’re active on, or as a last resort, put “N/A” if nothing is available.)
2.1. GATEKEEPER: Edward Tangel
2.2. POSITION: Artist
2.4. GATEKEEPER: Carlos J
2.5. POSITION: Producer/Engineer
2.6. CONTACT: Twitter- @gooodnatureclub
3. Provide 3-4 sentences elaborating on your decision to include this goal and/or
why you think it is a realistic step for the artist at this point of their career. Consider
things like how this goal utilizes a core strength of your artist, why you think the artist
is prepared to take this step, or a contact/connection that the artist or team has who
can help make this a reality.
- This is a great goal for an artist starting out such as Eddie. This will help with
getting new content out there quick. Our theory is that more people are likely to
listen to one song and add it to their playlists rather than try to keep up with a
whole album every year. It is also easier to say, “Hey go check out this one song
by my friend!” rather than asking someone to listen to a whole album. This takes
less time out of their day, and most people only have time to listen to one or two
songs at a time anyways!
4. Identify a minimum of one potential obstacle that could keep you from
accomplishing this goal (for example, the booker of a club won’t respond to your
messages, or the artist isn’t meeting deadlines), and include at least one idea for
how you could solve this problem, or even pivot to a similar goal while removing this
4.1. OBSTACLE: Not being able to make it to the studio or even get the time to
record. Another problem could arise if the artist isn’t able to produce enough
4.2. POTENTIAL SOLUTION: Predetermine dates to record and book those
dates specifically to record, mix/master, and release within a 3-4 day span.
Continually write songs to have so they’re ready months in advance.
1. Provide 1-2 sentences describing the goal.
With each recorded song, we release a short playlist with other songs that are
curated to the same style of Eddie’s most recent single, featuring the single
within the top 3-4 songs.
2. List the name, position, and contact information of any gatekeepers necessary in
helping you achieve this goal. (If the contact information is not available, consider
including contacts for their company/organization, a social media handle or platform
that they’re active on, or as a last resort, put “N/A” if nothing is available.)
2.1. GATEKEEPER: Rizing Playlists
2.2. POSITION: Playlist curator site
2.3. CONTACT: e
2.4. GATEKEEPER: Eddie Tangel
2.5. POSITION: Artist
3. Provide 3-4 sentences elaborating on your decision to include this goal and/or
why you think it is a realistic step for the artist at this point of their career. Consider
things like how this goal utilizes a core strength of your artist, why you think the artist
is prepared to take this step, or a contact/connection that the artist or team has who
can help make this a reality.
Since playlists are easy to curate, Eddie won’t have any issues creating his
own. Having our artist combine his music with other comparable and well-
known artists, the chance of being heard and picking up new fans. After
playing several shows and releasing material on Patreon, Eddie has been
preparing himself to make this splash on such a large digital music platform.
Between his fans, independent playlist curators, and himself, leading people
to Eddie’s website to purchase merchandise is the end goal and achievable.
4. Identify a minimum of one potential obstacle that could keep you from
accomplishing this goal (for example, the booker of a club won’t respond to your
messages, or the artist isn’t meeting deadlines), and include at least one idea for
how you could solve this problem, or even pivot to a similar goal while removing this
Be specific with your potential solution and include the same amount of depth that
you gave to the initial goal’s description and projected path to accomplishing it. Also,
keep in mind that “not accomplishing a goal” doesn’t necessarily mean that it didn’t
happen at all, but this could also include the goal not being delivered upon at a
standard of quality that is acceptable to your artist and team.
4.1. OBSTACLE: The playlist could potentially slip through the cracks and get
lost-in-translation, so new listeners would miss it.
4.2. POTENTIAL SOLUTION: We can have fans help to pick the songs for the
playlist, and hopefully this will encourage them to share it with their individual
friend lists.
5. Provide 1-2 sentences describing the goal.
We want to get Eddie on a hard ticket bill at the Apollo Theatre in Peoria, Illinois.
Having the potential to sell out a small venue will create more revenue streams
and opportunities for bigger things.
6. List the name, position, and contact information of any gatekeepers necessary in
helping you achieve this goal. (If the contact information is not available, consider
including contacts for their company/organization, a social media handle or platform
that they’re active on, or as a last resort, put “N/A” if nothing is available.)
6.2. POSITION: Venue manager
6.5. POSITION: Booking agent
6.6. CONTACT: (309) 673-4343
6.4. GATEKEEPER: Band or Artist Manager of other acts on bill
6.5. POSITION: band/artist manager
7. Provide 3-4 sentences elaborating on your decision to include this goal and/or
why you think it is a realistic step for the artist at this point of their career. Consider
things like how this goal utilizes a core strength of your artist, why you think the artist
is prepared to take this step, or a contact/connection that the artist or team has who
can help make this a reality.
- Selling out a small, local venue will create ticket sales for Eddie, and in return, he
will get a cut of the ticket sales. Once the artist has an established fan base from
playing at local bars, restaurants, and coffee houses, he will be able to promote
and sell tickets to a show. These fans will obviously buy them, and they will most
likely bring a friend with them who will also buy a ticket!
8. Identify a minimum of one potential obstacle that could keep you from
accomplishing this goal (for example, the booker of a club won’t respond to your
messages, or the artist isn’t meeting deadlines), and include at least one idea for
how you could solve this problem, or even pivot to a similar goal while removing this
8.1. OBSTACLE: The booker doesn’t respond or doesn’t want Eddie to play at
their venue.
8.2. POTENTIAL SOLUTION: Research a few venues in town (with built-in
crowds) where this could be possible before any promotion or advertisement
and establish a date, time, and contract with the booking agent/owner.
5. Provide 1-2 sentences describing the goal.
Connecting Eddie with another local artist to release music could help with
networking, so that Eddie and that artist have access to more outreach and
6. List the name, position, and contact information of any gatekeepers necessary in
helping you achieve this goal. (If the contact information is not available, consider
including contacts for their company/organization, a social media handle or platform
that they’re active on, or as a last resort, put “N/A” if nothing is available.)
6.1. GATEKEEPER: Jaylin Howard
6.2. POSITION: Local Artist and friend of Eddie
6.3. CONTACT: Twitter- @im_jaylin34 or by personal telephone
6.4. GATEKEEPER: Rob Ponce
6.5. POSITION: Local open mic night host
7. Provide 3-4 sentences elaborating on your decision to include this goal and/or
why you think it is a realistic step for the artist at this point of their career. Consider
things like how this goal utilizes a core strength of your artist, why you think the artist
is prepared to take this step, or a contact/connection that the artist or team has who
can help make this a reality.
When it comes to exposure for up-and-coming artists, collaborations help to play
a part in getting heard by more people. Every artist, including Eddie Tangel,
excels by networking and expanding their circle of associates. Eddie will be
ready to take this step because he has been putting himself in the public eye by
playing small shows and creating video content. Once he meets the right artist or
two to collaborate with, they can hopefully infiltrate each other’s fans and build
their foundation together.
8. Identify a minimum of one potential obstacle that could keep you from
accomplishing this goal (for example, the booker of a club won’t respond to your
messages, or the artist isn’t meeting deadlines), and include at least one idea for
how you could solve this problem, or even pivot to a similar goal while removing this
8.1. OBSTACLE: Reaching out and actually connecting with an artist to
collaborate with can be a tricky thing. Between finding open dates to having
chemistry for songwriting, the obstacles aren’t hard to find here.
8.2. POTENTIAL SOLUTION: We have to be persistent and do our best to work
with whatever schedules that we can. Once we can get them in a room together,
the vibe and chemistry will take over.
5. Provide 1-2 sentences describing the goal.
Play more shows at Leaves N’ Beans, Pour Bros, open mic nights, and other
opportunities to play live in a local setting. This gains outreach to a different
crowd, sometimes ones that aren’t even online listening to his recorded music.
6. List the name, position, and contact information of any gatekeepers necessary in
helping you achieve this goal. (If the contact information is not available, consider
including contacts for their company/organization, a social media handle or platform
that they’re active on, or as a last resort, put “N/A” if nothing is available.)
6.1. GATEKEEPER: Edward Tangel
6.2. POSITION: Artist
6.4. GATEKEEPER: James Cross/Robbie Matheisen
6.5. POSITION:Owner of coffee shop/bar
6.6. CONTACT: Instagram- leaves_n_beans_peoriaheights/pourbrostap
7. Provide 3-4 sentences elaborating on your decision to include this goal and/or
why you think it is a realistic step for the artist at this point of their career. Consider
things like how this goal utilizes a core strength of your artist, why you think the artist
is prepared to take this step, or a contact/connection that the artist or team has who
can help make this a reality.
- Eddie has a list of cover songs for any situation. Whether it be a bar, coffee shop,
or restaurant, Eddie is ready to fit the vibe. Playing at as many gigs as possible,
booked or just open mic nights, will create a large audience. If the audience likes
him, he could start advertising that he does shows at all these other places,
bringing in income for those owners. Eventually this could lead to a paid weekly
gig for Eddie and a large local following.
8. Identify a minimum of one potential obstacle that could keep you from
accomplishing this goal (for example, the booker of a club won’t respond to your
messages, or the artist isn’t meeting deadlines), and include at least one idea for
how you could solve this problem, or even pivot to a similar goal while removing this
Be specific with your potential solution and include the same amount of depth that
you gave to the initial goal’s description and projected path to accomplishing it. Also,
keep in mind that “not accomplishing a goal” doesn’t necessarily mean that it didn’t
happen at all, but this could also include the goal not being delivered upon at a
standard of quality that is acceptable to your artist and team.
8.1. OBSTACLE: Eddie can’t come up with any new content to play, and the
crowd is getting bored with the same old songs.
8.2. POTENTIAL SOLUTION: Start taking suggestions or having a paper for
people to fill out their song suggestions for what they want to hear. Eddie could
take that list into consideration and practice the songs to decide which ones are
best for him to play live.
9. Provide 1-2 sentences describing the goal.
Create video content of Eddie’s songwriting process or daily life on Patreon.
Patreon is a platform to make video content and get paid different amounts for
each video.
10. List the name, position, and contact information of any gatekeepers necessary in
helping you achieve this goal. (If the contact information is not available, consider
including contacts for their company/organization, a social media handle or platform
that they’re active on, or as a last resort, put “N/A” if nothing is available.)
10.1. GATEKEEPER: Jamie Willis
10.2. POSITION: Fan Club President/Girlfriend
10.3. CONTACT: personal relationship/ telephone
11. Provide 3-4 sentences elaborating on your decision to include this goal and/or
why you think it is a realistic step for the artist at this point of their career. Consider
things like how this goal utilizes a core strength of your artist, why you think the artist
is prepared to take this step, or a contact/connection that the artist or team has who
can help make this a reality.
Creating fresh video content for a Patreon account will help to prepare Eddie
for his future in front of the camera, while challenging him to constantly find
new ways to engage his audience. By pushing himself, Eddie will hopefully
inspire more songs, growth into his stage presence, and building/cultivating a
relationship with his audience. What has Eddie ready for this step is the
necessity to start to grow his online presence and in order to do that, we need
to create a stronger, better, and more consistent presence online.
12. Identify a minimum of one potential obstacle that could keep you from
accomplishing this goal (for example, the booker of a club won’t respond to your
messages, or the artist isn’t meeting deadlines), and include at least one idea for
how you could solve this problem, or even pivot to a similar goal while removing this
12.1. OBSTACLE: Helping Eddie to find the creativity to stay fresh and
intrigue existing/potential fans.
12.2. POTENTIAL SOLUTION: By trying to have the video content follow
the different steps in the songwriting process, hopefully we can have fans
submersed in the material so much that they feel like a part of Eddie’s material.
9. Provide 1-2 sentences describing the goal.
Have Eddie create acoustic originals as intimate YouTube videos. These could
be shot in various places to catch the certain vibe of the song.
10. List the name, position, and contact information of any gatekeepers necessary in
helping you achieve this goal. (If the contact information is not available, consider
including contacts for their company/organization, a social media handle or platform
that they’re active on, or as a last resort, put “N/A” if nothing is available.)
10.1. GATEKEEPER: Laurence Henderson
10.2. POSITION: Videographer/Photographer
10.3. CONTACT: Instagram- whoslaurence
10.4. GATEKEEPER: Eddie Tangel
10.5. POSITION: Artist
10.6. CONTACT:
11. Provide 3-4 sentences elaborating on your decision to include this goal and/or
why you think it is a realistic step for the artist at this point of their career. Consider
things like how this goal utilizes a core strength of your artist, why you think the artist
is prepared to take this step, or a contact/connection that the artist or team has who
can help make this a reality.
- Creating a series of acoustic YouTube videos could help make fans feel more
engaged and involved. Using the background setting to set the mood of the song,
these videos will guide the viewer through the powerful lyrics behind each song.
Having a visual helps the viewer feel more emotion and see deeper into the
meaning of each song.
12. Identify a minimum of one potential obstacle that could keep you from
accomplishing this goal (for example, the booker of a club won’t respond to your
messages, or the artist isn’t meeting deadlines), and include at least one idea for
how you could solve this problem, or even pivot to a similar goal while removing this
12.1. OBSTACLE: Videographer not being available or too expensive.
12.2. POTENTIAL SOLUTION: Pick up more shifts, play more shows, or
even apply for a new job that generates more income but still allows free time for
9. Provide 1-2 sentences describing the goal.
Creating TikToks of Eddie singing short covers could reach the online-only and
younger community.
10. List the name, position, and contact information of any gatekeepers necessary in
helping you achieve this goal. (If the contact information is not available, consider
including contacts for their company/organization, a social media handle or platform
that they’re active on, or as a last resort, put “N/A” if nothing is available.)
10.1. GATEKEEPER: Ashnikko
10.2. POSITION: TikTok music influencer
10.3. CONTACT: Instagram- @ashnikko
11. Provide 3-4 sentences elaborating on your decision to include this goal and/or
why you think it is a realistic step for the artist at this point of their career. Consider
things like how this goal utilizes a core strength of your artist, why you think the artist
is prepared to take this step, or a contact/connection that the artist or team has who
can help make this a reality.
By integrating TikTok, Eddie will be positioning himself to have his music heard
by a younger audience. With his demographics on people between the ages of 18-
25, TikTok will provide an avenue to those fans/consumers. Since Eddie has been
preaching about TikTok since the first day, he has been preparing for this step since
before we (artist manager) started to look at him. If we can strategically place clips of
his music with choreography or a storyline, we believe that we can hook the right
12. Identify a minimum of one potential obstacle that could keep you from
accomplishing this goal (for example, the booker of a club won’t respond to your
messages, or the artist isn’t meeting deadlines), and include at least one idea for
how you could solve this problem, or even pivot to a similar goal while removing this
Be specific with your potential solution and include the same amount of depth that
you gave to the initial goal’s description and projected path to accomplishing it. Also,
keep in mind that “not accomplishing a goal” doesn’t necessarily mean that it didn’t
happen at all, but this could also include the goal not being delivered upon at a
standard of quality that is acceptable to your artist and team.
12.1. OBSTACLE: Trying to game plan for the right TikTok strategy is one of
our biggest obstacles.
12.2. POTENTIAL SOLUTION: Research the best “cold or no-name” TikTok
videos with the most views and see how we can piggyback off of those ideas.

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  • 1. Portfolio Piece: Eddie Tangel Edward Tangel & Corey Stephens Full Sail University Artist Management Alex Knight May 2, 2021
  • 2. All corrections highlighted in green. (Assignment 1) FOUNDATION 1. Have each member of your group read this article about the 9 intelligence types. Then, take this quick assessment of your individual strengths. List the names of your group members below and include their top individual top 3 strengths. (Please note that this is a loose assessment for the purposes of understanding your group mates better so you can function more efficiently as a team, not a definitive statement regarding your personality.) GROUP MEMBER NAMES AND ASSESSMENT RESULTS Edward- 1. Musical 2. Body Movement 3. Logic/math Corey- 1. Musical 2. Social 3. Logic/Math 2. Review the artist requirements in FSO and select an independent artist based on the given criteria. Provide the artist’s name and at least one website where I can check out their music and/or look and aesthetic. Eddie Tangel - wpw 3. Identify one well-known artist that is similar to your artist and that would likely share a target audience. Ed Sheeran
  • 3. Answer the questions in the “TARGET AUDIENCE” section below for your artist’s audience based on research into the well-known artist that you have identified. A minimum of one resource is required to be cited and listed in APA format in the Target Audience section. TARGET AUDIENCE 4. Target Audience - Demographics: In 1 or 2 well-written paragraphs, provide information regarding the target audience’s age (5-10 age year range), relevant social communities or scenes they’re in, lifestyle descriptions, and anything else you deem relevant. Use this article to help guide additional inclusions. The target audience for Eddie Tangel consists of high school and college students that speak English in North America, approximately ages 15-25. They are ones who don’t have much money but enjoy supporting local artists and local businesses with the money that is available for them to do so. These students enjoy long outdoor hikes, bike rides, reading, and watching shows that make you think, with the occasional comedy thrown in there. These students within the target audience are dealing with life’s troubles: anxiety, depression, family issues, death of a loved one, etc. They look for music that makes them feel better and makes them feel like someone understands what they’re going through. They look for music that makes them feel better about their current situation; music that helps them feel understood and heard. Target audience research. (n.d.). Retrieved April 20, 2021, from 5. Target Audience- Psychographics: Give 3 specific examples of each of the following behavioral categories as they pertain to your artist’s target audience. 1. Hobbies/Lifestyle Choices (Ex. fitness enthusiasts, cars, outdoors, social justice movements, dancing, etc.) - Outdoors - Reading - Gaming 2. Clothing/Accessory Brands (Where do they shop and what do they buy?) - Patagonia
  • 4. - Local coffee shops/grocery stores - Craft beer/local breweries 3. Major Social Media Accounts They Follow - Major Record Companies (Capitol Records, Sony Music Group, UMG) - Spotify - Billboard 4. Relevant Personalities/Influencers They Follow - Jack Antonoff - Lucian Grange - Chris Martin 5. Other Similar Artists - Ben Rector - Jack Johnson - Chadwick Stokes 6. Movies and TV Shows - Jeopardy (TV Show) - Man vs. Wild - That 70’s Show - The Office 6. Quick Pitch Read this article about how Spotify uses quick pitches in their playlisting decisions (there are example pitches at the bottom of the article), as well as any additional research into the process that you would like to utilize. Write a 500-character maximum pitch for your artist. In this song about hope, determination, and love, Eddie Tangel shows his vulnerability, emotions, and soul all while giving the listener a catchy melody and a “sing-along” chorus that can have you humming along with it by the second half of the very first chorus. “Hold On” is a song that can pertain to almost any major life-changing event, reminding us to just hold on and stay true to ourselves. Infusing soul and pop, singer/songwriter Eddie Tangel brings happiness and heartfelt feelings to life and shares his emotions with those around him. With the ups-and-downs and victories/defeats that came from being raised in a family of 8 with separated parents, Eddie’s music is full of hope, determination, and love. After years of playing small local venues, Eddie Tangel decided to record his original music. His first single, “Hold On” reminds us to simply hold on and stay true to ourselves. 7. Primary Platforms Identify at least 3 online platforms (examples: Instagram, Twitch, SoundCloud) that you feel will be crucial to the success of your artist
  • 5. based on their music, personality, strengths, fan habits, and the success of similar artists. List the 3 platforms you have chosen below and prove a minimum 2- sentence description for each regarding why you feel that platform is important and why your artist could thrive there. Pandora - With the Pandora radio stations, “Hold On” could be a track used on any of the number of acoustic/coffeehouse/easy listening stations. With many businesses and individuals relying on Pandora to supply them with music throughout their days, Eddie Tangel’s song would have multiple opportunities to be heard/liked/followed by new fans across the world. Spotify - In a similar function, Spotify’s analytics could place Tangel’s “Hold On” with music of a similar genre or sound. On this particular platform though, the listeners would actually be able to like the song, follow Eddie Tangel on the platform, and follow him throughout his entire musical journey as each song comes out, whether individually or on a full-length album. Tik Tok - The first thing I have to say about Tik Tok is that they revealed exactly how to use their algorithm to your benefit. Knowing this will allow you to post a Tik Tok (short video on the platform) at the appropriate time with the appropriate settings, so that your video is seen by as many people as possible (Tik Tok, 2020). Becoming “Tik Tok famous” is very beneficial for outreach, but he will need something different to really put him above the rest. Although being TikTok famous might not be on his radar, this platform will be good to use as a portfolio of cover songs, showcasing his skills and range as an artist. Tik Tok. (2020, November 23). This is How the TikTok Algorithm Works. Later Blog. 8. Provide at least two pictures of ideal members of the artist’s target audience. Remember to consider the demographic and psychographic information you listed above when choosing these images.
  • 6. GETTING TO KNOW THE ARTIST: Discuss the questions sections below thoroughly with your group in regard to your artist, then answer them in writing. Talents Choose at least 3 talents out of the list below that apply to your chosen artist and write 4 sentences describing each talent (total of 12 sentences). Please elaborate and provide specific details, considering things like particular lyrics that grabbed you or got them attention, influences, other artists they get compared to, etc. 1. Singing - From the beginning of “Hold On”, there was a lullaby feel to the singing. It was soothing and felt familiar. With the chorus, “La-da, Da-da, da-da-da, Hey-ey, La- da, da-da-da”, the listener is almost cast into a spell/trance to join in. The singing accompanied by the catchy melody is the strength of the song. As far as his singing talent goes, he has a soothing voice fit for songs of comfort, love and perseverance, such as the ones he has released. When listening, you feel as if you know Eddie on a personal level. He is heavily influenced by artists like John Mayer and Jack Johnson. He also has a soft spot for lesser known, more open- minded type artists like Sticky Fingers, Chadwick Stokes, and Dispatch. His voice and style is very familiar to Ed Sheeran and Vance Joy, other large influences of Eddie. 2. Songwriting - The songwriting felt very historical, like an old folklore tune that has been passed down through generations. Again, his songwriting influence comes from
  • 7. smaller, more open-minded and free artists, like Chadwick Stokes, Caamp, Cage the Elephant, and The Strokes. Surprisingly, his lyrical influence comes from artists such as J. Cole, Kendrick Lamar, Mac Miller, and others that preach about being good humans and finding happiness. In the first 2 lines of Hold On, “There are many things to be happy about, when life knocks you down please have no doubt”, the sense of parental guidance is foreshadowing the daily reassurances that one may need. It’s a gentle beacon of hope that has been disguised by a contagious, lullaby-esque melody, with lyrics that can sneak up on you in those moments you need them most. Then in the last stanza where it speaks on the parents, the idea of the listener being the child or the parent becomes interchangeable. 3. Live Performance 4. Beat-making and/or Instruments Played 5. Look and/or Aesthetic 6. Additional Talents (anything relevant and worthy of mention that is or could be tied into their career as a musician) - Eddie is a funny, down to earth person with a very open mind. He is ready to tackle each new obstacle with a smile and a great attitude. If in a situation, he is quick to be there with a helping hand, whether it’s physically demanding or just some advice. His hard work and determination are what makes him the artist and human he is today. Elements of Experience Choose at least 3 elements of experience that apply to your chosen artist and write 4 sentences describing each element of experience. (Total of 12 sentences) Please elaborate and provide specific details. 1. Recording/Producing - Using help from a friend with a home studio, he had to record his guitar, main vocal, and layer vocals in order to achieve the sound that we can hear while playing the song on Spotify. The ability to record/produce/mix is convenient and not limited to how much it would take to rent a studio space and pay someone else to do it. Also, the more he records himself, the better the tracks will become and this first one was actually pretty good. 2. Touring/Booking Themselves - According to Eddie, himself, he plays at local coffee shops and restaurants during the summer and when it is nice outside. Currently, he is taking his business to local restaurants and bars to get recognition around his local area. He does all of the work for booking and personal marketing himself. To do all of this, he has had to make business cards, record his music, and drive around his town and local cities nearby to book shows for himself. 3. Cowriting and Collaborating 4. Social Media
  • 8. - Eddie Tangel is active on social media currently. Because he just released his first single and is releasing his first EP, he has had to be on social media to market, get the word out, and get people listening to his songs. On Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, Eddie is posting a direct link to his song on Spotify, as well as a heart-felt written post asking people to listen, add it to their playlists, and share it with friends and family. He is also interacting and answering any questions asked directly through each platform. Part of this is research and knowing when to post. Twitter, Spotify, Facebook, Instagram, and Tik Tok all have specific algorithms that can really boost listeners, as long as his posts contain the right information and hashtags. 5. Sponsorships 6. Publicity ARTIST SWOT ANALYSIS: To evaluate your chosen artist, write 4 sentences describing each element of a SWOT analysis. (Total of 16 sentences) Please provide a minimum of 2 specific examples of each category and give specific details. 1. Strengths - One of the greatest strengths is the ability to be able to record at home whenever a song hits him. In this industry, content reigns supreme, because if your listeners are constantly getting new material, you will continue to be relevant. - Having moving lyrics is something that can catch and hold the attention of the audience. The storytelling and raw emotion that is put into the songs shows the passion behind the lyrics. 2. Weaknesses - The self-recorded first release is a weakness. First impressions are everything and in music that is no different. - Merchandise can help to gain recognition and followers. This also helps spread the word, especially if the clothing design is unique. 3. Opportunities - The amount of digital platforms to release music on is bountiful. Having the courage to put your music on these platforms makes it easier for people to find you and for you to start making money. One thing to consider would be to work with someone who is already TikTok or Instagram famous and ask to do a duo- live session, promoting your music and abilities as an artist. This would help expand fan base and possibly open the door for more monetary opportunities through these platforms. - There are many opportunities for personal branding. Adding a logo and choosing a merchandise brand can really boost one’s music and exposure.
  • 9. 4. Threats - With home recording equipment becoming more affordable, almost daily, there is a chance for new music to get lost among every other new artist who is aspiring to do the same thing. The competition is stiff and can be really tough to get recognized. - With the amount of music being released and people being found on streaming sites like TikTok and Twitch, a musician is going to have to have some kind of factor that sets them apart from the rest. It is a constant fight to get music heard and there’s always someone willing to go the extra mile to make things happen for themselves and their career. ACTION ITEMS: Read this article regarding potential revenue sources for an independent artist: - world-of-digital-sales-and-streaming/ For each of the 2 strengths identified in the SWOT analysis, brainstorm a list of 3 potential revenue sources for the artist. (Total of 6) STRENGTH 1 – Potential Revenue Sources 1. Writing for music libraries/Sync licensing 2. Creating content for YouTube/Patreon 3. Making songs/producing beats for other people STRENGTH 2 – Potential Revenue Sources 1. Becoming a session musician for a local studio 2. Pitching talents to local bars that can play at weekly 3. Creating merchandise to sell for fans For each of the 2 weaknesses identified in the SWOT analysis, brainstorm a list of 2 potential ways to improve or fix the issue/circumstance. (Total of 4) WEAKNESS 1 – Potential Solution 1. More experience self-recording 2. Recording others to get more exposure WEAKNESS 2 – Potential Solution 1. Contact a graphic artist to create a logo/merchandise 2. Create a store, accessible from all social media sites (even Spotify)
  • 10. (Assignment 3) 1-YEAR GOALS REVENUE GENERATION 1. Provide 1-2 sentences describing the goal. 1.1. DESCRIPTION: We want to create a line of merchandise, using a personalized logo. 2. List the name, position, and contact information of any gatekeepers necessary in helping you achieve this goal. (If the contact information is not available, consider including contacts for their company/organization, a social media handle or platform that they’re active on, or as a last resort, put “N/A” if nothing is available.) 2.1. GATEKEEPER: Nalin 2.2. POSITION: Graphic Design Artist - 1 Creative logo/portrait, high quality .jpg and .png 2.3. CONTACT: Through Fiverr, a freelance platform for various artists/services logo?context_referrer=logo_maker_banner&source=gallery- listing&ref_ctx_id=de6945f68e3734805f49b39d8fc0cc11&pckg_id=1&pos=4&co ntext_type=rating&funnel=6ca04334960a708ac9035ce04d05c0ef&seller_online =true 2.4. GATEKEEPER: Eddie Tangel 2.5. POSITION: Artist 2.6. CONTACT: 3. Provide 3-4 sentences elaborating on your decision to include this goal and/or why you think it is a realistic step for the artist at this point of their career. Consider things like how this goal utilizes a core strength of your artist, why you think the artist is prepared to take this step, or a contact/connection that the artist or team has who can help make this a reality. - Having a line of merchandise including various items such as apparel and accessories with a branded logo on them will help produce an income. If all goes as planned, a year from now Eddie will have a devoted fan base ready to have the first digital copy of his first album or some kind of apparel from his upcoming tour! Utilizing an online platform, we will create an online store where people can
  • 11. buy apparel/accessories with part of the profit going to Eddie. Eventually we would like to team up with an established brand to help promote Eddie’s image and music even more. 4. Identify a minimum of one potential obstacle that could keep you from accomplishing this goal (for example, the booker of a club won’t respond to your messages, or the artist isn’t meeting deadlines), and include at least one idea for how you could solve this problem, or even pivot to a similar goal while removing this obstacle. 4.1. OBSTACLE: One problem here would be the affordability of the graphic design artist or the cut in profit from using a template from a website. 4.2. POTENTIAL SOLUTION: Only sell merchandise at shows and keep the merch small-scale. If Eddie ends up getting big and designing more, the fans who bought the very first merch will get to say they got it “before he was cool”. CONTENT CREATION 1. Provide 1-2 sentences describing the goal. 1.1. DESCRIPTION: For this goal, we want to release a new song every 4-6 weeks (record, mix, and master at least one song). This will keep content new and flowing to his audience. 2. List the name, position, and contact information of any gatekeepers necessary in helping you achieve this goal. (If the contact information is not available, consider including contacts for their company/organization, a social media handle or platform that they’re active on, or as a last resort, put “N/A” if nothing is available.) 2.1. GATEKEEPER: Edward Tangel 2.2. POSITION: Artist 2.3. CONTACT: 2.4. GATEKEEPER: Carlos J 2.5. POSITION: Producer/Engineer 2.6. CONTACT: Twitter- @gooodnatureclub 3. Provide 3-4 sentences elaborating on your decision to include this goal and/or why you think it is a realistic step for the artist at this point of their career. Consider
  • 12. things like how this goal utilizes a core strength of your artist, why you think the artist is prepared to take this step, or a contact/connection that the artist or team has who can help make this a reality. - This is a great goal for an artist starting out such as Eddie. This will help with getting new content out there quick. Our theory is that more people are likely to listen to one song and add it to their playlists rather than try to keep up with a whole album every year. It is also easier to say, “Hey go check out this one song by my friend!” rather than asking someone to listen to a whole album. This takes less time out of their day, and most people only have time to listen to one or two songs at a time anyways! 4. Identify a minimum of one potential obstacle that could keep you from accomplishing this goal (for example, the booker of a club won’t respond to your messages, or the artist isn’t meeting deadlines), and include at least one idea for how you could solve this problem, or even pivot to a similar goal while removing this obstacle. 4.1. OBSTACLE: Not being able to make it to the studio or even get the time to record. Another problem could arise if the artist isn’t able to produce enough content. 4.2. POTENTIAL SOLUTION: Predetermine dates to record and book those dates specifically to record, mix/master, and release within a 3-4 day span. Continually write songs to have so they’re ready months in advance. AUDIENCE GROWTH 1. Provide 1-2 sentences describing the goal. 1.1. DESCRIPTION: With each recorded song, we release a short playlist with other songs that are curated to the same style of Eddie’s most recent single, featuring the single within the top 3-4 songs. 2. List the name, position, and contact information of any gatekeepers necessary in helping you achieve this goal. (If the contact information is not available, consider including contacts for their company/organization, a social media handle or platform that they’re active on, or as a last resort, put “N/A” if nothing is available.) 2.1. GATEKEEPER: Rizing Playlists 2.2. POSITION: Playlist curator site
  • 13. 2.3. CONTACT: e 2.4. GATEKEEPER: Eddie Tangel 2.5. POSITION: Artist 2.6. CONTACT: 3. Provide 3-4 sentences elaborating on your decision to include this goal and/or why you think it is a realistic step for the artist at this point of their career. Consider things like how this goal utilizes a core strength of your artist, why you think the artist is prepared to take this step, or a contact/connection that the artist or team has who can help make this a reality. Since playlists are easy to curate, Eddie won’t have any issues creating his own. Having our artist combine his music with other comparable and well- known artists, the chance of being heard and picking up new fans. After playing several shows and releasing material on Patreon, Eddie has been preparing himself to make this splash on such a large digital music platform. Between his fans, independent playlist curators, and himself, leading people to Eddie’s website to purchase merchandise is the end goal and achievable. 4. Identify a minimum of one potential obstacle that could keep you from accomplishing this goal (for example, the booker of a club won’t respond to your messages, or the artist isn’t meeting deadlines), and include at least one idea for how you could solve this problem, or even pivot to a similar goal while removing this obstacle. Be specific with your potential solution and include the same amount of depth that you gave to the initial goal’s description and projected path to accomplishing it. Also, keep in mind that “not accomplishing a goal” doesn’t necessarily mean that it didn’t happen at all, but this could also include the goal not being delivered upon at a standard of quality that is acceptable to your artist and team. 4.1. OBSTACLE: The playlist could potentially slip through the cracks and get lost-in-translation, so new listeners would miss it. 4.2. POTENTIAL SOLUTION: We can have fans help to pick the songs for the playlist, and hopefully this will encourage them to share it with their individual friend lists. 6-MONTH GOALS
  • 14. REVENUE GENERATION 5. Provide 1-2 sentences describing the goal. 5.1. DESCRIPTION: We want to get Eddie on a hard ticket bill at the Apollo Theatre in Peoria, Illinois. Having the potential to sell out a small venue will create more revenue streams and opportunities for bigger things. 6. List the name, position, and contact information of any gatekeepers necessary in helping you achieve this goal. (If the contact information is not available, consider including contacts for their company/organization, a social media handle or platform that they’re active on, or as a last resort, put “N/A” if nothing is available.) 6.1. GATEKEEPER: Name N/A 6.2. POSITION: Venue manager 6.3. CONTACT: 6.4. GATEKEEPER: Name N/A 6.5. POSITION: Booking agent 6.6. CONTACT: (309) 673-4343 6.4. GATEKEEPER: Band or Artist Manager of other acts on bill 6.5. POSITION: band/artist manager 6.6. CONTACT: N/A 7. Provide 3-4 sentences elaborating on your decision to include this goal and/or why you think it is a realistic step for the artist at this point of their career. Consider things like how this goal utilizes a core strength of your artist, why you think the artist is prepared to take this step, or a contact/connection that the artist or team has who can help make this a reality. - Selling out a small, local venue will create ticket sales for Eddie, and in return, he will get a cut of the ticket sales. Once the artist has an established fan base from playing at local bars, restaurants, and coffee houses, he will be able to promote and sell tickets to a show. These fans will obviously buy them, and they will most likely bring a friend with them who will also buy a ticket! 8. Identify a minimum of one potential obstacle that could keep you from accomplishing this goal (for example, the booker of a club won’t respond to your messages, or the artist isn’t meeting deadlines), and include at least one idea for
  • 15. how you could solve this problem, or even pivot to a similar goal while removing this obstacle. 8.1. OBSTACLE: The booker doesn’t respond or doesn’t want Eddie to play at their venue. 8.2. POTENTIAL SOLUTION: Research a few venues in town (with built-in crowds) where this could be possible before any promotion or advertisement and establish a date, time, and contract with the booking agent/owner. CONTENT CREATION 5. Provide 1-2 sentences describing the goal. 5.1. DESCRIPTION: Connecting Eddie with another local artist to release music could help with networking, so that Eddie and that artist have access to more outreach and opportunities. 6. List the name, position, and contact information of any gatekeepers necessary in helping you achieve this goal. (If the contact information is not available, consider including contacts for their company/organization, a social media handle or platform that they’re active on, or as a last resort, put “N/A” if nothing is available.) 6.1. GATEKEEPER: Jaylin Howard 6.2. POSITION: Local Artist and friend of Eddie 6.3. CONTACT: Twitter- @im_jaylin34 or by personal telephone 6.4. GATEKEEPER: Rob Ponce 6.5. POSITION: Local open mic night host 6.6. CONTACT: 7. Provide 3-4 sentences elaborating on your decision to include this goal and/or why you think it is a realistic step for the artist at this point of their career. Consider things like how this goal utilizes a core strength of your artist, why you think the artist is prepared to take this step, or a contact/connection that the artist or team has who can help make this a reality. When it comes to exposure for up-and-coming artists, collaborations help to play a part in getting heard by more people. Every artist, including Eddie Tangel, excels by networking and expanding their circle of associates. Eddie will be ready to take this step because he has been putting himself in the public eye by
  • 16. playing small shows and creating video content. Once he meets the right artist or two to collaborate with, they can hopefully infiltrate each other’s fans and build their foundation together. 8. Identify a minimum of one potential obstacle that could keep you from accomplishing this goal (for example, the booker of a club won’t respond to your messages, or the artist isn’t meeting deadlines), and include at least one idea for how you could solve this problem, or even pivot to a similar goal while removing this obstacle. 8.1. OBSTACLE: Reaching out and actually connecting with an artist to collaborate with can be a tricky thing. Between finding open dates to having chemistry for songwriting, the obstacles aren’t hard to find here. 8.2. POTENTIAL SOLUTION: We have to be persistent and do our best to work with whatever schedules that we can. Once we can get them in a room together, the vibe and chemistry will take over. AUDIENCE GROWTH 5. Provide 1-2 sentences describing the goal. 5.1. DESCRIPTION: Play more shows at Leaves N’ Beans, Pour Bros, open mic nights, and other opportunities to play live in a local setting. This gains outreach to a different crowd, sometimes ones that aren’t even online listening to his recorded music. 6. List the name, position, and contact information of any gatekeepers necessary in helping you achieve this goal. (If the contact information is not available, consider including contacts for their company/organization, a social media handle or platform that they’re active on, or as a last resort, put “N/A” if nothing is available.) 6.1. GATEKEEPER: Edward Tangel 6.2. POSITION: Artist 6.3. CONTACT: 6.4. GATEKEEPER: James Cross/Robbie Matheisen 6.5. POSITION:Owner of coffee shop/bar 6.6. CONTACT: Instagram- leaves_n_beans_peoriaheights/pourbrostap
  • 17. 7. Provide 3-4 sentences elaborating on your decision to include this goal and/or why you think it is a realistic step for the artist at this point of their career. Consider things like how this goal utilizes a core strength of your artist, why you think the artist is prepared to take this step, or a contact/connection that the artist or team has who can help make this a reality. - Eddie has a list of cover songs for any situation. Whether it be a bar, coffee shop, or restaurant, Eddie is ready to fit the vibe. Playing at as many gigs as possible, booked or just open mic nights, will create a large audience. If the audience likes him, he could start advertising that he does shows at all these other places, bringing in income for those owners. Eventually this could lead to a paid weekly gig for Eddie and a large local following. 8. Identify a minimum of one potential obstacle that could keep you from accomplishing this goal (for example, the booker of a club won’t respond to your messages, or the artist isn’t meeting deadlines), and include at least one idea for how you could solve this problem, or even pivot to a similar goal while removing this obstacle. Be specific with your potential solution and include the same amount of depth that you gave to the initial goal’s description and projected path to accomplishing it. Also, keep in mind that “not accomplishing a goal” doesn’t necessarily mean that it didn’t happen at all, but this could also include the goal not being delivered upon at a standard of quality that is acceptable to your artist and team. 8.1. OBSTACLE: Eddie can’t come up with any new content to play, and the crowd is getting bored with the same old songs. 8.2. POTENTIAL SOLUTION: Start taking suggestions or having a paper for people to fill out their song suggestions for what they want to hear. Eddie could take that list into consideration and practice the songs to decide which ones are best for him to play live. 3-MONTH GOALS REVENUE GENERATION 9. Provide 1-2 sentences describing the goal. 9.1. DESCRIPTION:
  • 18. Create video content of Eddie’s songwriting process or daily life on Patreon. Patreon is a platform to make video content and get paid different amounts for each video. 10. List the name, position, and contact information of any gatekeepers necessary in helping you achieve this goal. (If the contact information is not available, consider including contacts for their company/organization, a social media handle or platform that they’re active on, or as a last resort, put “N/A” if nothing is available.) 10.1. GATEKEEPER: Jamie Willis 10.2. POSITION: Fan Club President/Girlfriend 10.3. CONTACT: personal relationship/ telephone 11. Provide 3-4 sentences elaborating on your decision to include this goal and/or why you think it is a realistic step for the artist at this point of their career. Consider things like how this goal utilizes a core strength of your artist, why you think the artist is prepared to take this step, or a contact/connection that the artist or team has who can help make this a reality. Creating fresh video content for a Patreon account will help to prepare Eddie for his future in front of the camera, while challenging him to constantly find new ways to engage his audience. By pushing himself, Eddie will hopefully inspire more songs, growth into his stage presence, and building/cultivating a relationship with his audience. What has Eddie ready for this step is the necessity to start to grow his online presence and in order to do that, we need to create a stronger, better, and more consistent presence online. 12. Identify a minimum of one potential obstacle that could keep you from accomplishing this goal (for example, the booker of a club won’t respond to your messages, or the artist isn’t meeting deadlines), and include at least one idea for how you could solve this problem, or even pivot to a similar goal while removing this obstacle. 12.1. OBSTACLE: Helping Eddie to find the creativity to stay fresh and intrigue existing/potential fans. 12.2. POTENTIAL SOLUTION: By trying to have the video content follow the different steps in the songwriting process, hopefully we can have fans submersed in the material so much that they feel like a part of Eddie’s material.
  • 19. CONTENT CREATION 9. Provide 1-2 sentences describing the goal. 9.1. DESCRIPTION: Have Eddie create acoustic originals as intimate YouTube videos. These could be shot in various places to catch the certain vibe of the song. 10. List the name, position, and contact information of any gatekeepers necessary in helping you achieve this goal. (If the contact information is not available, consider including contacts for their company/organization, a social media handle or platform that they’re active on, or as a last resort, put “N/A” if nothing is available.) 10.1. GATEKEEPER: Laurence Henderson 10.2. POSITION: Videographer/Photographer 10.3. CONTACT: Instagram- whoslaurence 10.4. GATEKEEPER: Eddie Tangel 10.5. POSITION: Artist 10.6. CONTACT: 11. Provide 3-4 sentences elaborating on your decision to include this goal and/or why you think it is a realistic step for the artist at this point of their career. Consider things like how this goal utilizes a core strength of your artist, why you think the artist is prepared to take this step, or a contact/connection that the artist or team has who can help make this a reality. - Creating a series of acoustic YouTube videos could help make fans feel more engaged and involved. Using the background setting to set the mood of the song, these videos will guide the viewer through the powerful lyrics behind each song. Having a visual helps the viewer feel more emotion and see deeper into the meaning of each song. 12. Identify a minimum of one potential obstacle that could keep you from accomplishing this goal (for example, the booker of a club won’t respond to your messages, or the artist isn’t meeting deadlines), and include at least one idea for how you could solve this problem, or even pivot to a similar goal while removing this obstacle. 12.1. OBSTACLE: Videographer not being available or too expensive.
  • 20. 12.2. POTENTIAL SOLUTION: Pick up more shifts, play more shows, or even apply for a new job that generates more income but still allows free time for music. AUDIENCE GROWTH 9. Provide 1-2 sentences describing the goal. 9.1. DESCRIPTION: Creating TikToks of Eddie singing short covers could reach the online-only and younger community. 10. List the name, position, and contact information of any gatekeepers necessary in helping you achieve this goal. (If the contact information is not available, consider including contacts for their company/organization, a social media handle or platform that they’re active on, or as a last resort, put “N/A” if nothing is available.) 10.1. GATEKEEPER: Ashnikko 10.2. POSITION: TikTok music influencer 10.3. CONTACT: Instagram- @ashnikko 11. Provide 3-4 sentences elaborating on your decision to include this goal and/or why you think it is a realistic step for the artist at this point of their career. Consider things like how this goal utilizes a core strength of your artist, why you think the artist is prepared to take this step, or a contact/connection that the artist or team has who can help make this a reality. By integrating TikTok, Eddie will be positioning himself to have his music heard by a younger audience. With his demographics on people between the ages of 18- 25, TikTok will provide an avenue to those fans/consumers. Since Eddie has been preaching about TikTok since the first day, he has been preparing for this step since before we (artist manager) started to look at him. If we can strategically place clips of his music with choreography or a storyline, we believe that we can hook the right audience. 12. Identify a minimum of one potential obstacle that could keep you from accomplishing this goal (for example, the booker of a club won’t respond to your messages, or the artist isn’t meeting deadlines), and include at least one idea for how you could solve this problem, or even pivot to a similar goal while removing this obstacle.
  • 21. Be specific with your potential solution and include the same amount of depth that you gave to the initial goal’s description and projected path to accomplishing it. Also, keep in mind that “not accomplishing a goal” doesn’t necessarily mean that it didn’t happen at all, but this could also include the goal not being delivered upon at a standard of quality that is acceptable to your artist and team. 12.1. OBSTACLE: Trying to game plan for the right TikTok strategy is one of our biggest obstacles. 12.2. POTENTIAL SOLUTION: Research the best “cold or no-name” TikTok videos with the most views and see how we can piggyback off of those ideas.