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Ecological Echo-Chamber:
Sci-Fi Macro-Imagineering
Richard Brook Cathcart © 2017
Creative Commons License*
* Creative Commons License means free use is permitted, provided:
1) Authorship attribution is given, 2) Use is non-commercial, and 3)
Music is not altered.
Chapter One
Altair-4: Sci-Fi’s Green Sky Alien Planet-Gesamtkunstwerk
Chapter Two
Watch Southern California’s Blue Skies!
(For Wind-wafted Bad Weed Seed!)
Chapter Three
Serendipitous Connect-the-Dots Earth Macro-Imagineering
Chapter Four
Socio-Ecological Attraction: “Disco Mirror Ball” in Our Sky?
Chapter Five
Arrival (2016) and Purposeful Astro-Engineering of Our Sun
“Macro-Imagineering”, a term coined by RBC at least two decades
ago, may be very similar in meaning to another declared word coinage,
“Exploratory Engineering” by Kim Eric Drexler (born 1955). Defined
thus: Exploratory Engineering relies on careful peer review, physical
and computer simulations and other methods usually employed by
scientists, but applies them to some magnificent hypothetical artifact, a
specific and detailed hypothesized artifact design or artifact creation
process. Furthermore, “Exploratory Engineering” or “Macro-
Imagineering—either term is OK as they are synonymous from Team
Geographos’ viewpoint—must be indisputably within the realm of
possibility as determined by constantly progressing Science (Bailey,
2017). Therefore, Pulp Macro-Imagineering simply recounts new
solutions—speculations, conjectures—to our practical macro-problems
for the purpose of prolongation of humanity’s survival as an intelligent
species. Macro-Imagineering melds Exploratory Engineering with
Anticipatory Geoscience. Macro-imagineers are always propositional!
RBC was particularly inspired to seek the education necessary to
become a Macro-Imagineer by excited reading of the commercial Sci-Fi
of the Tom Swift book series (Osten, 2004) as well as the wonderfully
entertaining live demonstrations and clear explanations provided by
television’s Watch Mr. Wizard series (1951-1965), master-hosted by
the genial gentleman Mr. Don Herbert (1917-2007). Human
imagination is a “staging ground” for worldly human action. Any
realistic expectation of what Science and Technology R&D results
actually imply must always be tempered by the fact of imperfection,
the uncertainties of reported scientific measurements. We hope that
Macro-Imagineering and creativity, evidenced herein by Team
Geographos, will reinforce the common democratic design of our Earth-
world’s technological future.
Some References
Bailey, D.C. (in press, 2017) Not Normal: the uncertainties of scientific
measurement. Royal Society Open Science. 2 December 2016 posting at
Bernardo, S.M. (Ed.) (2014) Environments in Science Fiction. North
Carolina: MacFarland. 208 pages.
Osten, Robert Von der (April 2004) Four Generations of Tom Swift:
Ideology in Juvenile Science Fiction. The Lion and the Unicorn 28: 268-
Team Geographos member RBC wishes to acknowledge the
contributions of Mr. Steven Ross, Children’s Book Department expert
with Vroman’s Bookstore (Pasadena, CA) for his significant helpfulness
with research related to Forbidden Planet media-history; the “ancient
wisdom” of Dr. J.M. Herndon; as well as the benefits of participation, in
various work-related R&D activities with Mr. Jeffrey E. Milner. Again,
my thanks go to the owner and knowledgeable staff of Mark Piscitelli
Men’s Fashions (Pasadena, CA) for their evident sartorial expertise as
well as to the always pleasant and hard-working staff of Milt & Edie’s
Drycleaners & Tailoring Center (Burbank, CA)—“lookin’ good clothing-
wise” raises any struggling writer’s morale when the task of putting
cogent and coherent words on a blank PC screen-page at times
becomes especially arduous! My wholehearted “many thanks” are
hereby conveyed to Dr. Viorel Mihail Badescu (Bucharest, Romania), a
multi-decade wise friend. And, a special personal print-media shout-out
for Mr. Jose Luis Castillo, Burbank (CA), neighbor extraordinaire.
Altair-4: Sci-Fi’s Green Sky Alien Planet-Gesamtkunstwerk
“In twenty-four hours you must be a hundred million miles out in
space. The Krell furnaces—chain-reaction….It cannot be reversed!”
These words, the expiring Professor Edward Morbius’ final warning
shouted utterance to his witnesses in the pre-human Space Age [before
AD 1957, (Millard, 2016)] Hollywood-made film Forbidden Planet
(1956). [In our Solar System 93 million miles is denoted as one
Astronomical Unit, AU: the distance between the Sun and Earth. The
real-Universe, containing two trillion galaxies, does have a star humans
named Altair, in Aquila the Eagle, which shines, almost point-like, at
designated Magnitude +1, seen from Earth.] Following a brief period of
movie-time, and utilizing the “creative geography” film-making
technique invented by Lev Kuleshov (1899-1970) during the 1920s, the
two Morbius dying-scene witnesses, his beloved daughter Altaira and
Commander J.J. Adams, escaping safely aboard the flattened saucer-
shaped United Planets interstellar manned spacecraft Cruiser C-57-D,
circa AD 2200, also foreknowingly see the planet Altair-4 suddenly
transmogrify from a Mars-resembling planet into an eye-dazzling
distant scintillating white-dot blossoming as new-born starlight, Figure
1, on the spaceship’s enormous command-deck television screen using
tiny 1950s-fashion screen pixels, color-changing squares embedded still
in standard AD 2016 television monitors! [This truly dramatic violen
scene, in part, replicates a televisual technical failure when only
Americans viewed remotely the first live broadcast of a continental USA
nuclear weapon explosion on 22 April 1952 (Fay, 2016). Nuclear
weapon explosions debut as two separate World War II anti-people
incineration event-processes occurred during 1945. However, it was
not until 1954 that radioactive “fallout” came into common use by our
world’s media, and not until 1956 was world-public informed that
Earth’s bioshell could be poisoned (Jacobs, 2015)! Such sickening/killing
fallout, along with our civilization’s techno-fossils lodged below the
active human settlement layer of Earth’s crust, defines the Earth’s
ceno-Anthropocene stratum! Even the film-demonstrated 200,000+
year-old tough Krell Metal—a chemical composition out of reach of our
best materials production engineering effort so far, currently an
extremely hard carbon nitride compound (Stavrou et al., 2016)—is
vaporized ingloriously, leaving no trace whatsoever within this
Figure 1. Artistic painted rendering of a blazing, newly lit star. Here it is
shown as a spherical explosion with a central energy source, thus
producing a spherically symmetric blast wave propagating in the
positive radial direction, namely outwards in every direction, away from
the innermost ignition point. Jupiter is converted by Aliens into a star in
the 1984 Hollywood Sci-Fi sequel 2010: such conversion would increase
Jupiter’s luminosity from its normal -8.523 to and extra-ordinary 18.038
Apparent Magnitude viewed from Earth’s surface. (Google Image.)
Discovered earlier to be a unique green-sky planet hosting an
Alien-created Krellocene Total Artwork [Gesamtkunstwerk], Altair-4
had been impressively vaporized by explosion of its planetocentric
Krell-installed “nuclear reactors”, assumed thereafter to become an
object of astronomical study by postulated interested investigators
elsewhere in the Universe. The contact of many mega-tonnes of anti-
matter with the planet’s Nature-given components would accomplish
the complete demolition of Altair-4 by explosively releasing about 7.6 X
Joules. Humans have already managed to explain the production
and dynamics of electrons and positrons by impact of ultra-high
intensity laser beam-matter interactions—in short, the first computer-
calculated means to create both matter and anti-matter (Kostyyukov
and Nerush, 2016). Or, perhaps, the universally masterful Krell had
managed nuclear-lasers powered by 180m
Ta [tantalum-180m] to do the
reactor vaporization events? Though unplanned, except by the Krell
[anticipating possible future species desperation?] in the form of a film
set-placed, conveniently existing, built-in planetary destruction-switch
actuated by a terrified and unconsciously jealous Professor Morbius, in
any case, Altair-4’s Krellocene Geologic Time—Geologic Time is
determined by biota because only biological processes engage in
replication of structure, whilst Astrologic Time is defined by changes in
phase, or the predominant structure of matter in a Universe—was
terminated artificially, and deliberately. Noteworthy is that the
fictitious planet Altair-4, really a gigantic robot capable of both rapid
assembly and disassembly, evidently had limited or no on-screen
biodiversity. In reality, Earth’s post-World War II ceno-Anthropocene
Geologic Time may someday be technologically terminated in perhaps
the very same fashion, but for an entirely different, positive reason
linked directly to an aggressive eco-industrial goal—namely, the
efficient and absolutely necessary far-future generation of many
mineable asteroids from all intentionally shattered planets and moons
comprising a great bulk of our present-day Solar System (Cathcart,
1983; Olson, 2012)!
Visually, to late-1950s movie-theatre audiences and 21st
television viewers, the Forbidden Planet Altair-4 resembled the current
NASA images of Mars’s dry, all-land surface, or the totally imaginary
circumbinary desert planet Tatooine (Miller, 2017; Lopez and
Zimbelman, 2014) revolving around two Main Sequence stars as seen
frequently in Star Wars Episodes; after stellifying Altair-4, that stellar
system became, at the film’s finale, a binary star system too.
South Africa, with its world-famous deep gold mines, is the
deepest ecosystem-nation contained by Earth’s bioshell; miners first
descended to Earth-crust depths below one kilometer in Europe during
AD 1875 to extract valuable minerals—long before the 21st
effort to construct skyscrapers higher than one kilometer commenced;
Mark Richard Shuttleworth (born 1973), during 2002 AD, was the first
self-funded South African space tourist to achieve low-Earth orbit.
Whilst humans ponder the true onset moment of its own worldwide
ceno-Anthropocene—surely the first instance of a new Earthly Geologic
Time period, stemming purely from our benighted civilization’s
industrialized technological actions, and witnessed firsthand by its living
human time period name-devisors to boot—mirrors the blasted end of
what Team Geographos refer drolly to as the Krellocene! Team
Geographos offers its CHAOS-CAP in Chapter Five as the true onset of
Earth’s Anthropocene, commenced when and if Homo sapiens first play
a primary role altering all of our planet’s geosystems as a totality,
permanently or reversibly, perhaps in our agency as “Savior of Earth’s
Biosphere” attacked by predatory Aliens not native to our Solar System;
our species’ action must be a technological rupture of Earth’s natural
Geologic Time, done in a selfless attempt to control Earth’s fate (Haff,
2016). [It is worth noting that almost 50% of all observed Sun-type stars
known to human astronomers are also taken to be members of binary
and higher order stellar systems.]
Altair-4 was shown film displayed theatre-going audiences as a
planet with an attractive-to-the-eye green sky in a one-way audio-visual
communication of foreignness sent and received within a single
ornately-decorated room visited temporarily. Figure 2. However, since
the advent of colorized flat-screen televisions, such image and sound
receivers have almost ceased to be discrete living-room cultural objects
of only decoration and entertainment, news acquisition—indeed, such
wall-like receivers are now more socially menacing than ever, capable
of secretly monitoring audience participation and viewing habits
(Horrocks, 2017)!
Figure 2. A panorama of Altair-4. Like some pre-ceno-Anthropocenic
Mars, Altair-4 pictured here is without any features common to Earth,
yet it has a beguiling aesthetic of its own (McMahon, 2016). Altair-4’s
pudgy triangular-shaped native population must have seen their world
quite differently than human eyes see (Hoffman and Prakash, 2014;
Jameson, 2016)! (Google Image.)
Why, and by what technological-mentalist means, was Altair-4,
possibly the first, but certainly the final homeland of the extinct Krell,
deliberately destroyed by its last obviously sentient mammal visitors
from afar, the curious traveling human exploration, salvage and
exploitation team mission-dispatched by the United Planets to voyage
for six months to Altair-4? [The Krell are unconnected to that dastardly
filmic Krall person in Star Trek Beyond (2016).] Altair-4 might be said to
symbolize our developing “Internet of Things”—that “Internet of
Things” concept [a Krell Internet, or potential spin-off of today’s Earthly
Google nuclearized?] not clearly voiced until AD 1999, first by Kevin
Ashton—gifted with self-capabilities that includes the man-made as
well some of Nature’s other creatures (Pschera, 2016) and features
(Gabrys, 2016)! [What should our ever-tightening relationship with
machines mean? Machines are things that no other animal species in
the Earth-bioshell can mimic.] This chapter will offer a new, early-2017
AD geoscientific-Macro-Imagineering perspective on the colorful story-
telling of the Forbidden Planet cinematic-creation 1956 event-process!
Interestingly, AD 2016 was the 400th
anniversary of William
Shakespeare’s death as well as the 500th
anniversary of Thomas More’s
Utopia. The apprehension offered herein is, more or less, in the same
popular genre as Rod Pyle’s Blueprint for a Battlestar: Serious Scientific
Explanations Behind Scifi’s Greatest Inventions (2016) and Chris Pak’s
Terraforming: Ecopolitical Transformations and Environmentalism in
Science Fiction (2016) with just a hint of Hugo Priemus and Bert van
Wee’s International Handbook on Mega-Projects (2014) shaken, not
stirred, by J.P. Tellote’s Science Fiction TV (2014).
CAVE-human Virtually Engages Reality
Pitiably, our troglodyte ancestors hunkered at the mouth of
natural caves for shelter from Nature’s inclemency, to use sunlight,
moonlight and starlight, and to benefit from refreshing wind-promoted
ventilation. In other words, humans had not quite decided to enter the
spaceship-like capsules we nowadays call buildings (Zenovia, 2016)!
With the use of controlled fire, human troglodytes advanced further
inside available and penetrable caves, becoming ever more reliant on
technology to maintain comfortable and healthy bodily ambient
surroundings. Truly, perhaps it was the almost uncountable stars
overhead that initially provoked star-gazing humans to ponder the
ultimate actual and potential life-carrying capacity of the scientifically
known Universe (Gantevoort et al., 2016)! If we imagine Earth as a
gigantic spherical “eyeball”, looking in all directions, so that at any
single moment, it could “see” only 9,096 stars designated Magnitude
6.5, according to astronomer Dorrit Hoffleit (1907-2007). [See: Plato,
Timaeus (47a-b).] As Plato unveils in Republic (516b), with reference to
his intriguing Parable of the Cave, it is only subsequent to actually
seeing the Sun by a single harshly guided captive’s lone excursion that it
then became possible for him to study temporarily, and subsequently
reason about, that immense, bright ovoid object in the Earth’s clear
daytime sky, and to define its sensible properties in his own mind, as
well as to later relate to other ignorant prisoners confined in the back
of the Cave his personal intellectual insights derived from his brief,
constrained “Prisoner’s Tour” (Berlucchi, 2011). All post-Ice Age
geoscientific thinking is done by intuitive and/or trained persons, such
varied people naturally having all the physique and character flaws as
well as strengths common to living humans (Homo sapiens individuals)!
An understanding of our total being, of our experience and self-
knowledge and the world is the essential valid objective for practicing
A recursive abbreviation, CAVE is still used to label the “Cave
Automatic Virtual Environment” electronic display installation housed,
since 1992, in an 8.64 cubic meter room at the University of Illinois’
Electronic Visualization Laboratory in Chicago, USA. CAVE provides an
immersive environment of high-resolution graphics projected in stereo
onto the room’s walls and floor. Inconveniently, its human users must
don stereo mini-television eye-coverings, all-too-physically clumsy
forms of uncomfortable apparel/headgear, to properly appreciate the
colorful generated CAVE views. Even more technically advanced CAVE-
like facilities have been developed elsewhere within Earth’s enclosing
bio-shell [because the volume referenced is not a ball, it is a misnomer
to use the term “biosphere” but widespread media usage often
overshadows scientific accuracy] during this planet’s post-1945-1950
AD global ceno-Anthropocene Geologic Time. Folks using “Google Earth
VR” platforms since AD 2017 have grown used to such invigorating
immersive experiences using only electronics. According to its script,
the Krell of Forbidden Planet were intellectually a million years ahead
of the visiting humans: interestingly, the astronomer and physicist Dr.
Edward R. Harrison postulated that a million years hence descendants
of our species-minds might be contemplating creation of a new
Universe, possibly the result of a “…planned project to test the
feasibility of cosmogenesis, or to establish universes more hospitable to
intelligent life, or, in a more speculative vein, to transfer from one
universe to another” (Harrison, 1995 , page 201; Dick, 2012).
During 1965 AD, Ivan Edward Sutherland (born 1938), Figure 3,
suggested “The Ultimate [interactive] Display would, of course, be a
room within which the computer can control the existence of
matter….With appropriate programming such a display could literally
be the Wonderland into which Alice walked” (Sutherland, 1965, page
508). Sutherland’s proposed “machine room”—really an audio-visual
dedicated computer’s insides made amenable to demanding totalizing
persons, perhaps equipped with modern-day plastic and metal material
electronic printer technology—was far beyond any device macro-
imagined during the 20th
Century, or even the early years of the 21st
Century’s integrated electronic or near-term future networked
quantum computer graphics special effects-laden Sci-Fi movies (Larson,
2008; Anderson, 2011; Tang et al., 2016). Our current imperfect
cyberspace is only a particular possibility of true Spatiography and
Geography (Rid, 2016; Cathcart, 2014).
A Krell-style planet core-centralized material auto-creation
machine-power-plant installed more than 2,000 centuries earlier (see
Figure 4)—a deadly product of social telesis of just that kind foolishly
built to alter worldly reality by responding to any Krell creature’s every
personal whim—destroyed the movie’s super-being Krell Civilization of
a fictional Earth-resembling world named Altair-4. In other words, their
creation exceeded mere navigation of a Virtual Reality by thought—
instead it linked seamlessly with all Krell creatures and features of
Altair-4: the vision portrayed in Forbidden Planet by its dominant Sci-Fi
script-writer was of all Krell brains interfacing with the ultimate Real
Reality, awkwardly so to speak! [Russian philosopher V.I. Vernadsky
elaborated, during 1924 AD, on his idea of Earth’s dawning
“Noosphere”, a planetary phenomenon nowadays inherent to Earth
Systems Geoscience—its basis was his concept that human thought
would come to play a critical role in future whole Earth change
(Guillaume, 2014). Is there a dreadful Krell Machine in humankind’s
future?] Real Reality is, of course, beyond Virtual Reality and
Augmented Reality. Static three-dimensional physical printing
(Llewellyn-Jones et al., 2016) today presents an attractive alternative to
visual representation of data-sets as images on television screens. As of
AD 2016, aerial JOLED technology came closest to the postulated future
media shown as a possibility in Forbidden Planet—that is, interactive
physical visualization using Janus-objects as physical voxels, a unit of
three-dimensional functional magnetic resonance imaging physicalized
as moveable and touchable physical pixels (Sahoo et al., 2016)!
Even with the current predominance of ever-advancing CGI
special-effects R&D, Forbidden Planet remains a widely-admired
Hollywood-made Sci-Fi movie because of its sheer spectacle. Pulp
Macro-Imagineering, as displayed herein by Team Geographos’ willful
effort, descriptively labels the emergence into Macro-Engineering’s
professional-awareness of a scholarly discipline heavily influenced by a
thematic literary genre called Sci-Fi. What follows is Team Geographos’
unique, non-standard interpretation of the very popular 1956’s film’s
meaning, intellectually and psychologically, as finally assembled and
paginated on 17 March 1955 by Cyril Hume (1900-1966). “Ironically, the
Universe that Science stripped of the supernatural is being resupplied
with deities and redemptive purposes by science-fiction writers and
moviemakers” (Herrick, 2009, pages 20-25). Just what might humanity’s
imago dei become if, and whenever, Homo sapiens has
changed/evolved or been surpassed by AI robots [overtaken
intellectually by techno sapiens, as designated by Antje Jackelen
(2002)? So, in that vein, the Macro-Imagineering community’s leading
Team Geographos members sought any answer to the perplexing
question: What if I.E. Sutherland’s robust wish/dream/fantasy/think
materialization machine, situated in the rocky innards of Earth, ever
actually came into existence, operated solely by Homo sapiens spatially
confined to our naturally changing Solar System? Other, possibly far-
out, thoughts emerged subsequently.
Figure 3. Dr. Ivan Edward Sutherland, circa 1960s. (Google Images.)
A Story’s Sci-Fi Screen-site Seer
Jay P. Telotte devoted Chapter Five of Replications: A Robotic
History of the Science Fiction Film (1995) to an enlargement of what
has become the not necessarily correct standardized narrative
analysis—Wikipedia-style—interpretation to which Telotte slavishly
subscribes, and first promoted, during AD 1989. Perhaps his book-title’s
“robotic” actually is inadvertently descriptive of his own homogenized
writings on this particular subject as well as that of many others too?
Telotte’s viewpoint on Forbidden Planet is reasonably acceptable
although not especially insightful but, strangely, Telotte consistently
misspelled “Krell” as “Krel”, that is one piece of convincing evidence he
probably never actually read Cyril Hume’s phantasmagoric logic
shooting typescript followed by the film’s Director, its adventurous
male actors and its only charming actress who, seductively garbed
Hollywood-style, ultimately portends future humankind’s generalized
motherhood via implied liaison with the supremely manly Commander
J.J. Adams. All the on-screen action, where birds twitter, tiger’s roar
and people talk, takes place in the mini-Garden of Eden that is
Professor Edward Mobius’s Altair-4 homestead previously established
and nurtured by human-discovered and excavated Krell technology.
It is our thought that Cyril Hume was unaware of, or deliberately
concealed, some of its readable effective religious, scientific, artistic
and visualized symbolism in his working script and, therefore, he did
not defeat himself. In Team Geographos’ certain estimation, the final-
version screenplay of Forbidden Planet deserves to be generally
considered the most perfect example of a dormant Alien ecology yet
penned, published or play-acted, for it entails nothing less than an
example of an instantaneous subtractive “de-terraforming”, and
Krellocene termination, of an arid celestial body far, far away from our
barely-known Solar System as well an startling expose of the possible
impending caducity of Homo sapiens, already enduring a
contemporary, global sensorial displacement from Nature since,
nowadays, the global Internet has almost converted the Earth-
biosphere into a thing akin to peeled human skin! Too, people
everywhere increasingly seem to be adhering to a disabling species-
wide groupthink. It is Team Geographos’ desire to promote an eco-
faction that is semi-ignited by a Sci-Fi interpretation consisting of
reliable fact/feasible factoid Science forming its explicative Macro-
Imagineering assessment.
In terms of its geographical soundscape, the recorded background
noise soundtrack for Forbidden Planet is extra-ordinarily quiet—except
for the speaking-role humans, their various humming and buzzing
machines and some Earth-derived roaring animal offspring wandering
the film’s stunningly, even hauntingly beautiful green-sky set, there is
no audience-noticeable background noise, and of course not even
when Altair-4 explodes soundlessly in interstellar space! This is odd
because there are no relics in Altair-4, every subsurface piece of Krell
equipment is working or is on call for operation! Clearly, the theatrical
dramatic emphasis is on the utter dearth of life’s potential enrichment
were Altair-4 to remain whole, and the Krell civilization’s remainders to
continuously operate!
Why? Team Geographos believes/thinks that Cyril Hume, more
than a decade after World War II, wished to warn humans of the
possibility of an enervating and crippling future world-civilization
pervading “cargo cult” outlook [the first professionally documented
Earthly anthropologic cases date from 1885 AD, but the words “cargo
cult” were not introduced in print-media until about AD 1945] by Homo
sapiens outlook—that is, a Krell hoard of ultra-technology, whose
discovery by Professor Edward Morbius is accidental, might seem to fall
inexplicably from Heaven and, therefore, might forestall Homo sapiens’
own intelligence-guided planning and hard work! In other words, the
so-called “Hope” remaining within the Krell’s “Pandora’s Box”, Altair-4,
must be eliminated forever, lest overpowering Evil befall other
creatures situated throughout the foreseeable physical Universe,
whatever its true volume. Some knowledge should be forbidden
(Kourany, 2016).
Exploration Reversed, Destruction of Krell “Pandora’s Box”
Cyril Hume’s exotically reflexive but never seen Krell were
portrayed as a hyper-rational, scientifically objective, technologically
manipulative Alien species, driven by a libido sciendi, with the
misfortune to invent and use a machine that automatically enabled all
their thoughts to be instantly realized in three-dimensional material.
Their enormously large, big volume, machine was not simply a
generator of Virtual Realities, nor was it a theatrical deus-ex-machine!
By the way, the Krell themselves may have been imagined as fatties for,
according to Alien-physique speculator Fergus Simpson who alleges
that “…since population density is widely observed to decline with
increasing body mass, we conclude that most intelligent species are
expected to exceed 300 kg [kilograms in body weight]” Simpson, 2016,
page L59).
After losing their affection for Altair-4’s biosphere—a Nature
eradicated means it was impossible for the Krell to have self-
knowledge—at the apex of their scientific and Macro-Engineering
prowess, the super-intelligent Krell then linked their super-luminal
direct material-creation machine to an unimaginably powerful
centralized electricity-generating supra-infrastructure, which had come
to replace most of Altair-4’s original planetary interior (Cirkovic, 2015,
pages 10-11)—an obvious important visualization image omission of an
important powerhouse technicality by the screen-writer Cyril Hume is
that it is never clearly stated anywhere during the course of the movie’s
story unfoldment whether that geological fact includes a majority of
the crust, parts of the planet’s mantle or, possibly its Nature-given core
materials. The power-plant’s output was sourced from 9,200
thermonuclear reactors occupying 6,880 cubic kilometers of the
planet’s core region, which made [perpetually apparently] 1031
our Sun, by comparison, generates about 3.82 X 1026
Watts—all of
which had been instantly available to the last living Krell individual
200,000 years previously! Figure 4.
Figure 4. Professor Morbius leading a 3-man talking-tour of one of the
Krell’s 9,200 underground powerhouses. The planet Altair-4 is, in fact, a
gigantic machine; “machine” is used precisely to mean that complex
material device, assembled by the absent Krell, and meant to perfect
“mass production” of anything, anywhere, at any time from pure
energy! (Google Images.)
That last Krell creature was, perhaps, an overzealous exceptionally
able rogue individual; or, possibly, Hume had in his mind’s-eye a
pervasive bureau-pathology vision—that is, a dysfunctional and
irrational aspect of a worldwide bureaucracy that forced the end upon
all it could survey and rule, including its membership! In the insolence
of their endlessly expansive technological successes, the irreversibly
corrupted Krell tried to usurp the power of God; since Krell technology
had imprinted everything of Altair-4, no thing or living creature therein
is ever again wholly Holy. As God prevented materialization and land-
artwork signing of the Tower of Babel by rebels, so He treated the Krell
to an even worse termination phase experience—the thoroughly
unpleasant and extinctive experience stemming from the effectual,
merciless administrations of a magnificently compliant, almost totally
robotized terrestrial-type planet. Summarizing, ultimately the Krell did
not avoid groupthink, eliminate ego-drive behavior or successfully
foster inter-personal trust and openness. Sadly, today in the
progressing real-world that is the ever-anthropic Earth-biosphere,
published scholarly scientific reports issued are dominated by teams,
whereas academics at one time, mainly before World War II, published
their scholarly reports on their own; today, far too many persons in
media and in academia have already abandoned their proper roles as
conduits to the world-public for scientifically and historically verified
facts to selfishly promote selected social and geopolitical agendas!
Cyril Hume intentionally “cast” Altair-4 as his selected symbol for
the portrayal of Nature/God, and it became a “forbidden planet”—that
is, a mostly dryland robotized Alien world the must become off-limits to
all Earthlings as well as all other sentient and souled beings because it
suffered a Krell-induced harsh inquisition so undeniably far beyond our
own present-day planet Earth’s imposed ceno-Anthropocene, most
usually today typified by doom-dominated forecasts/predictions, as to
boggle the considerate, moral human mind! Team Geographos suggests
that Altair-4 made into plasma is the discontinuation or initiation an
equivalent of Astronomy’s “Great Silence” (Brin, 1983)—so far in
human history, thereafter the absence of any detectable activities,
manifestations or obtainable artifacts indisputably originating from
another world’s Aliens—especially as Cyril Hume revealed in his
penultimate movie script that the Krell had captured animals living on
Earth and brought some of them to Altair-4 to reproduce. Lions and
tigers, oh my! 200,000 years ago, humans were barely human yet, and
quite uncivilized, those animals and such must have been intended for
some unstated use [Krell zoo, future repopulation of Earth or other
terrestrial-type planets? Oddly, these Earth-derived creatures were
unaffected by the Krell machine of death].
Our modern-day technologists often elaborate that Science’s
future breakthroughs lie within a currently “forbidden zone”, a realm
beyond humankind’s extant domain of extrapolative ability; indeed,
rectangle-shaped human technologists are forever analyzing and
synthesizing ventures into their respective profession’s “forbidden
zone”. During their last awful mass murder/mass suicide moment of
their species’ existence, the deltoid-shaped Krell creatures, Figure 5,
knew they had unwittingly exterminated themselves when these two
machines magnified their unconscious impulses—that is, the irrational
welled up and came to command their rational minds. At the same
moment, their expertise also neutralized Satan via an unexpected
technological fix: if the Krell no longer exist, then they can never ever
be “tempted”. In other words, after accidently inventing a new
evolutionary experience (auto-extinction), the Krell, without any
assistance from hyper-real estate agents, experienced the final,
agonizing, less than 0.7 second moment of their diminutive species’
long lifetime in a Krell Id-ruled Altair-4 “Global Village”, instead of an
ancient Greek-style city-state society consisting of whole, normal Krell
Figure 5. A common fatty passageway Krell doorway. Cyril Hume’s
super-intelligent creatures apparently were shaped like those
aluminum foil-wrapped chocolaty American commercial goodies called
Hershey-Kisses! Its regular, but odd to common human experience,
outline may indicate pointy-headed intellectuals with bodies
resembling cartooned Tweedledee and Tweedledum! Since the humans
are not encumbered by space, pressure or environmental suits it
means, as Dr. Morbius and his daughter demonstrate, that the Krell
planet is a proper place for people! (Google Image.)
Savvy, but unsaved creatures, they then knew, soul-sickeningly, that
they had succumbed to Satan’s bait. Operating in planet-wide concert,
the Krell’s brainstorming innovation, part of which is palpable and part
of which is invisible (thus, it cannot be totally envisioned) duplicates the
“Human Vaporizer” of George Orwell’s 1984 (1949) and “The Machine”,
which also dissolves persons, supplied by Yevgeny Zamyatin in We
(1920). [Humanity’s world is both blessed and cursed by our species’
ever more globalized Internet, which by 2016 AD served more than 2.7
billion users (out of 7.2 billion humans on this planet) of a system of
text-and cognitive-based services that requires substantially more
knowledge of any user than viewing television or speaking long-
distances with telephony. The internationalized Internet uses a large
amount of our world’s generated electricity supply (Horner et al.,
2016). To date, Team Geographos has been unable to find any
definitive statement by adherents of professional Macro-Engineering
on the future relationship of the Solar System-wide Internet and the
Earth’s biosphere during the future ceno-Anthropocene. The Krell
foolishly manufactured a big machine from which no secret act, or
secret thought, was ever actually secret (Broeders, 2016)!
No individual Krell creature survived to write a book boasting an
attractively grand and teasing book-sales shelf title such as The End of
History (Rupke, 1998); the conception of an absolute, compleat
termination is sublime, quite beyond everyday language usage because
of its difficult comprehensibility! We do know for sure that there was,
for Earth, a Geologic Time segment before any life appeared (Kowaleski
et al., 2011). A single psychically-wounded Krell survivor, using
unnoticed Lazarusian Krell technology, after all, might cause an instant
return to existence of the entire Krell populace as imagined by that last
survivor alone—perhaps an ugly recreation, but certainly not
resurrected Krell creatures. The last instant of Altair-4’s Geologic Time,
previously herein called “Krellocene”, the Krell’s sadly unique
Psychozoic Era moment, terminated in a schizo-second saturated with
nihilistic delusion. Prior to the instant of their violent, unanticipated
deaths, Krell thinkers had not painstakingly contemplated their species’
end in a broad way—another guess needed to be included in their
eschatology. These are not banal generalizations! To our minds,
Robby—the adorable anthropomorphic robot character in Forbidden
Planet (played by a diminutive male actor encased in a yet-to-become-
fashionable high-technology suiting, symbolizes what may be
happening to Homo sapiens. Humans may eventually become a Krell-
like group of creatures. Robby, really a 219 centimeter-tall mechanical
suiting for enclosure of the short American actor Bob May (1939-2009),
cost USD$125,000 in AD 1956 to design and put together and did
provide some uncontroversial comic relief. However, by AD 2016, its
estimated replication cost had escalated to, at least, USD$1,000,000+
to identically fabricate! Figure 6.
Figure 6. Robby [the irrepressibly dutiful] Robot, here charmingly
framed in an image taken from Forbidden Planet (1956). In that film,
humans possessed no anthropomorphic robots, so they had to visit
Altair-4 to meet one for the first time! Robby was capable of making
diamond nanothreads for luxurious fabric coverings for the film’s sole,
and prettiest girl Altaira, Professor Morbius’ daughter, a feat not
actually accomplished until sixty years later (Zhan et al., 2016)! Both the
spationauts crewing the spaceship and Robby behave as intermediary
drones, and both do leave Altair-4 safely. Possibly Robby the Robot was
shaped after pre-historic humans since it is a given that Krell visitors
interacted with Earth’s bioshell. (Google Image.)
Sigmund Freud’s conceptual and terminological innovation, the
“Id”, was assumed to be that part of the human psyche that contains
the life and death instincts; Freud (1856-1939) envisioned the operative
properties of the “Id” as the main source of “physic energy” over which
the human “Ego” gains as children age in order to organize the human
individual’s personality. Academia’s sociology commonly presumes that
an idealized global human noosystem—currently there are more than
190 such United Nations Organization-recognized ecosystem-nation
units that are the basic components of our world’s public—is a concert
of shared human consciousness. Logically, any ideal human noosystem
is also a concert of shared unconsciousness! Krell creature sinning
whilst simultaneously and inseparably embedded within Altair-4’s
cyberspace of Forbidden Planet—the Spiritism counseled against in The
Holy Bible at Deuteronomy 120: 10-12—was fatal.
A conventional movie lore, such as the genuinely reliable
Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (1993) by John Clute and Peter Nicholls,
or even the sometimes spurious on-line encyclopedia Wikipedia,
always characterize Cyril Hume’s fascinating final shooting script as
merely an unpretentious rehash William Shakespeare’s very last play,
The Tempest, and unfailingly refer to the movie’s hideous, gargantuan
Id-monster as equivalent to Shakespeare’s play-character “Caliban”. For
Shakespeare (1564-1616), however, “Caliban” was a composite
character fashioned to represent the primitive, variously-hued peoples
of the Earth-biosphere—to Europeans, people with extraordinary skin
pigmentation—resident in isolated, distant lands far from Europe only
then recently discovered by explorers, as these unfamiliar strangers
had by then been incompletely described anthropologically, but only in
traveler’s tales and corporate and governmental intelligence reports.
Onscreen, the Id-monster’s electricity-forged skin is multi-hued on
screen (green, red, yellow and purple). The Authorized or King James
Version of The Holy Bible (1611) is commonly cited simply as “1611
bible”. The Tempest (1611) introduced by Act IV, Scene 1 our still-
pregnant phrase of post-AD 1874 philosophical debate [“Nature and
Nurture”], which epitomizes the idea of separate influences on the
individual organism arising from heredity and planetary environment.
Perfected future immersion in materially three-dimensional
realities may induce unhealthy desires in human minds—something far
worse than today’s violent video pornography—that could give physical
existence to unwise acts and biblical sin, causing our existing Earth-
biosphere and future terraformed planets (Mars, possibly) to become
negatively impacted geographical places. Forbidden Planet ought to be
embraced as an impressive mene-tekel warning: our self-created near-
term future Real Reality must be used selectively so that unhealthy
appetites are not wetted in Homo sapiens (Daniel 5: 25-28). Cyril
Hume’s Krell sought a quickly realizable Golden Age—a delusion of
obsessive infantile wishing. Krell dreamers, living vigorous normal
creature lives (like the espoused ideal of Ancient Greece) excided of
gruesomely destructive Id tantalizations, might have recreated an
Altair-4 biosphere with diverse species plant and animal populations,
restoring their almost unnatural terrestrial-type planet to what it was
before their enshrouding civilization—like the human pride of the
skyscraper—became a tottering Utopia of the seemingly socially
adjusted which knowingly opened the trap-door to the destructive
unbuffered horror of mass public hallucinations. The Krellocene
Geologic Time period was, in fact, always an abyss of Krell species-
degrading misery. Located outside the pale of Judeo-Christian
civilization, the Krell were self-trained barbarians.
Can any human imagine a scientifically or sociological highly
probable event-process, other than a horrible real species auto-
extinction should Homo sapiens or its organic replacements or
nonorganic descendants ever put together an Ivan Edward
Sutherlandish mind-reading direct material-creation machine? The late
Arthur C. Clarke’s The City and the Stars (1956) imagined a far-future
anthropocentric Earth-biosphere’s inhabitants cooperating with Aliens
on the construction of a disembodied intelligence; the beloved Sci-Fi
writer Clarke’s pure mentality fiction was to search for “…a true picture
of the Universe” unencumbered by any actual physical limitations. The
CAVE can impart a contradictory experience, a feeling of simultaneously
being enclosed in a claustrophobic capsule and wandering unbounded
geographic space. [Such disconcerting visual places are called “Ganzfeld
Spaces”.] Other than these two unpleasant reactions, normal human
persons ordinarily tend not to be otherwise stimulated. But I.E.
Sutherland’s post-CAVE machine would be excitingly simulative and
very, very situational. Of the newly professionalized humans theorizing
currently about Terraforming our Solar System’s planets and moons, is
there one member of that elite learned pack of would-be extra-
terrestrial industrialists that will renounce any and all use of such a
tricky, wish-granting, auto-cathartic Devilish gizmo?
Since the Krell civilization was not entirely hypogeal, before its
“unbreakable” Krell Metal composed aerial portion crumbled from
decay caused by eons of natural weathering and erosion during a post-
Krellocene Altair-4 time period lasting five million years, Altair-4 had
the appearance of Sci-Fi writer James Graham Ballard’s imagined multi-
story, bioshell shaped Space Age world city enclosing Earth (Cathcart,
2002), but in a totally decrepit state. Ballard’s humongous edifice was a
warehouse crowded with people, a monumental ultracomputer-
regulated epidermis covering our homeland. The Forbidden Planet
depiction of the crust-surface remains of Altair-4 screened a planetary
surface that has the inviting and delightful appearance of a popular
Mediterranean Sea Basin climate regime-landform zone (exactly like
those of Southern California when Cyril Hume wrote in Hollywood).
When the crew and passengers of the United Planets interstellar
Cruiser C-57-D first examine Altair-4 closely, they do not yet understand
that they are treading on just 50% of the Krell’s original above-grade
infrastructure [modernly termed “techno-fossils”—literally the Krell’s
planetary footprint preserved below grade (Zalasiewicz et al., 2014)],
situated halfway between a fiery Hell [its 9,200 centralized functioning
nuclear reactors] and a Heaven that even an early-21st
Century radical
Green activist would love (the sky has a pleasingly enjoyable permanent
green hue) (Elden, 2013)! The same year Forbidden Planet enthralled
moviegoers, Frank Lloyd Wright (1869-1959) proposed “The Illinois”, a
technically doable macro-project centered on a tripod-shaped 1.2
kilometer-high skyscraper with a deeply penetrating taproot
foundation, which featured futuristic nuclear-powered elevators as well
as heliports installed at various floor levels. With almost the mass of
our Solar System’s planet Venus, Altair-4’s former superficial sub-aerial
splendors, constructed of Krell Metal, could have towered 120
kilometers into its Statue of Liberty green sky. A similar reimaging of
Earth, of course without the green-tinged sky yet, can be understood
from Stephen Graham’s Vertical: The City from Satellites to Bunkers
When United Planets Cruiser C-57-D initially deploys near Altair-
4—the fourth planet from the star Altair—a huge relief map-like visual
aid is projected that fully fills the movie screen, clearly showing
aquamarine-shaded seas and brownish continents with Sahara-like
dune fields, plains and obviously rugged mountain ranges. In this
particular section of the movie, the C-57-D’s captain-leader,
Commander J.J. Adams, announces to his unshakably loyal crewmen
(there are no female members of its crew; later, these well-mannered
fellows rediscover the opposite sex on this bizarre world of only two
persons who are not an Adam and Eve couple) that Altair-4’s “…oxygen
[gas] content [is] 4.7 richer than Earth standard, gravity only .897”. If
the oxygen gas content of Altair-4 were really 98.7% by volume, it
would be decidedly unhealthy for humans! Laboratory results from
plant physiology experiments, work designed since the 1950s to assess
differences in green plant growth in outer space as well as on
terrestrial-type planets (Poulet et al., 2016), indicate that green plants
can still grow in an atmosphere that is about 40% oxygen, but not air of
98.7% oxygen! [The lower limit for combustion of organic materials,
such as wood and moss, is an atmospheric oxygen gas content of 15%.]
Uncontrollable wildfire would pose an ever-present menace! Team
Geographos, therefore, concludes that Cyril Hume’s odd technical
specification statement, mouthed by Commander J.J. Adam’s, is
biologically uninformed techno-babble (May, 2017; Grazier and Cass,
2015). [The Commander’s surname is interesting from a minor literary
standpoint: mentioned first in Genesis 2:19, “Adam” was the name of
the first human and the “Adam’s Apple”, a projection in the front part
of the human male’s neck caused by thyroid cartilage, is supposed to
symbolize the apple from the Garden of Eden.]
Finally, to achieve the action-film’s achievement of “The End”,
Altair-4 is blasted into rubble via a terrific, cinematically astounding
anthropogenic spectacle: an explosion instigated because of an oneiric
impulse, in order to safely remove its lurking “cargo cult” dangers,
those damned linked machines, from Homo sapiens’ immediate grasp
and distribution. The demolition is done on the specific command of
Professor Edward Morbius, the fatherly philologist survivor from the
crashed star-traveling spacecraft Cruiser Bellerophon, which was
shattered by previous Forbidden Planet Id-monster incarnations. Note,
however, that Professor Morbius had, in terms of both status and
fraternity, been deposed as his daughter’s only male idol, replaced by
the contrastingly younger Commander Adams. The name “Morbius”
seems to convey a subtle linguistic meaning—morbidity—in addition to
mere passing geometric association with August Ferdinand Mobius
(1790-1868). “Bellerophon”, from ancient Greek mythology, was a
victim of slander pitted against the monstrous Chimera, which he
successfully slew; the Chimera was a fire-spitting beast with the head of
a lion, a body like that of a goat, and a tail that was a snake! After many
other tests of his character and physique, Bellerophon completed his
natural term of life as a beggar. J.P. Telotte’s thesis that Altair-4 (a
planet-sized robot) and the Krell creatures were, so to speak, Siamese
twins is an intriguing interpretation of the storyline. However, the
standard iconological interpretation of Forbidden Planet upon which
J.P. Tellote based his interesting and singular opinion is, in the
estimation of Team Geographos, inadequate.
Lastly, it is our collective contention that Cyril Hume 1900-1966)
included far more Christian religious thoughts and beliefs than any
published interpretation has recognized and revealed, so far. David
Hume (1711-1776) was skeptical of the philosophical proposition by
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) that our world, Earth, was
designed as the best of all possible worlds. Cyril Hume may have
thought otherwise. And, it was David Hume who philosophized in AD
1779 that, rather than an omnipotent God, reasonably competent
human laborers could have produced the Earth, which humans now
sometimes gratefully and joyously inhabit because our direct Homo
sapiens predecessors had endured all the necessary trials and errors to
do it correctly! The nascent community of Terraforming professionals
can only be thrilled by this historical tidbit. After all, Macro-Engineering
inspired by Nature, or biomimicry as it is often termed, can be
functionally indistinguishable from the remaining natural world we see
surrounding us. Appearances, after all, can deceive.In terms strictly of
the polished moral lesson script-writer Cyril Hume wished to impart
with Forbidden Planet, it is starkly obvious: figuratively, “The End”
came at the first moment of film-frame where Professor Morbius
directed, by oral dialogue instruction, Commander J.J. Adams to slide
the easily unlocked triggering rod downwards, thus initiating the
planet-core nuclear chain-reaction overload event-process which was
to end in another Solar System’s alteration by addition of a new star.
See: Figure 7, below, which is a Google Image. The Krell planet’s “kill
switch” is both scarily and oddly accessible to anyone for any purpose,
even for childish play or to teenage pranksters!
Overall, the extinct Krell had tried to imitate/duplicate the Universe’s
Ultimate Being [God]. So, not only were the Krell defeated by the God-
installed long-forgotten unconscious “Id” of their species’ unaware or
unwary minds, but weirdly they had themselves thoughtfully installed a
very convenient total machine on/off firing-circuit interrupter to govern
their otherwise inadequately or improperly safeguarded active macro-
object robotic machine creation—and, most revealingly, of all possible
plotline outcomes devisable by Cyril Hume, their reverse dead-man
governor was placed inside a subterranean Altair-4 school
classroom…for Krell children! Therein, Krell youths were tested and
educated via the machine’s tri-bud head-set apparatus. Figure 8.
Humans have already realized that it is necessary, for the future
progress of our high-technology civilization, to patent computers as
inventors, just as normally U.S.A. capitalists currently conceive publicly-
owned corporations as persons in U.S.A. taxation laws (Abbott, 2016).
Sentient tools—socially aware AI tools accommodating the anticipated
needs of human co-workers—are already available and at work in
factories and laboratories because of near-fantastic technological
progress as well as economic and human cultural shifts (Johnson,
Figure 8. Krell children, being educated in a non-Green, windowless
“basement” schoolroom, were users of the machine on the middle left-
side, topped by a triangular transparent covering, of this captured film-
frame imagery. Notice the close proximity to the core-sited limitless
nuclear power-plant’s overload trigger! (Google Image.)
Team Geographos hazards a reasoned guess that screen-writer
Cyril Hume might have envisioned that one-room subterranean
receptacle, for a few supervising Krell adults and school-children, as a
potential radioactive fallout shelter (Popeik, 2016) that is foresightedly
equipped with a suicide schoolroom devise to be used in the utter
absence of “Hope” or “Faith”. Possibly, it is a pre-Ego development
child’s innocence in non-collaborative playfulness—Krell or otherwise—
that is basic Super-Intelligence, and could have “saved” the allegedly
benevolent and kindly Krell civilization from extermination by its own
invented and enveloping fabricated centralized energy-harnessing
device! It is possible that human wisdom is the guarantor of the human
mind; without wisdom the human mind can perceive no meaning to
life, no purpose that is valuable. Thus, it may be impossible for any
human to live without a mind endowed with wisdom, however
intensely expressed that wisdom might be in the world.
The human world-public’s profound ongoing engagement with
Sci-Fi themes indirectly assists human beings to evade successfully
inapplicable formal educational biases that encourage(d) severely
inappropriately lineal assumptions about the pre-conditions, and
potential origination, of thoroughly technology-saturated telluric planet
bioshells (Szerszynski, 2016). Frankenstein (1818) posed a question
nowadays asked of Artificial Intelligence robotics and Molecular
Nanotechnology research workers: is actual development a true mortal
threat to humans? Yes, in some circumstances—competitive exclusion
is a form of extinctive “death spiral” (Dominy and Yeakel, 2016)!
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Watch Southern California’s Blue Skies!
(For Wind-Wafted Bad Weed Seed!)
Given that humans are currently adapted to nearly all the extant
but naturally variable climate regimes of Earth’s ceno-Anthropocene
bio-shell, high rates of change during continuing Geologic Time risk
large maintenance costs for infrastructure, no matter what regional
climate regimes might be considered to be optimal for humanity’s long-
term sub-aerial survival and prosperity. Climate regimes naturally affect
the prevalence and growth rates of most biota exposed to air. This
chapter’s title comes from Bill Warren’s Keep Watching the Skies!
American Science Fiction Movies of the Fifties (1997). However, the
signature alerting phrase “Keep watching the skies” derives from a
staged radio-dialogue statement issued by a news-gathering
organization’s on-site agent, “Ned ‘Scotty’ Scott” played by the actor
Douglas Spencer (1910-1960). Figure 1, below, a Google Image.
From a non-Russian above-the-Arctic-Circle research station located on
North America, in the Hollywood film THE THING From Another World
(1951) came this radio-broadcast clarion-cry for Earthlings to be ultra-
vigilant against Earth bioshell invasion, especially by vegetable Aliens.
Meantime, Nature represented by the Earth’s only civilized animal
species, has read, seen and heard real-world news reports of massive
jellyfish—planet-native class Scyphozoa—invasions in various regions of
the Earth-ocean. One normal Green adherent-reporter of Biology,
playing off “Sci-Fi” and “zoic”, termed the sensationally exposed
disruptive bobbing blob jellyfish invasions as “SciFizoa” incursions
(Burton, 2015; Patwa et al., 2015). Actual jellyfish have nematocysts on
their tentacles which exude venom explosively when stimulated by
prey; precursor, or more accurately the model, for the Sci-Fi film
creature The Blob (1958)! Figure 2.
Figure 2. Still-frame extricated from the movie’s exposed and
developed reeled film, recording the ominous pulsating emergence,
from a gently landed meteor, of the corrosive Alien “amoeba” that
absorbs and grows by consuming various enveloped living Earth
creatures, seemingly becoming redder and redder in coloration with
each endless “meal” of available digestible flesh! Keep Watching the
Ground and Ocean too! [The 15,000th
observed near-Earth asteroid,
designated 2016 TB57, was discovered on 13 October 2016.] (Google
In the often arcane jargon of professional Sociology, an “echo-
chamber” is the state of social learning—the learning process of
observing and imitating other persons’ behaviors—in which individual
performances are deteriorated by excessive observation of others—
copy-cat thinking and doing. Until an Artificial Intelligence Effect first
comes to the fore and dominates our planet’s bioshell (Jordan, 2016),
human rationality remains constrained, and Homo sapiens cannot avoid
coping with uncertainty in the natural real-world decision-making
processes. In such rather everyday common situations, it is quite
rational to observe the actions/reactions of other persons and to
generally copy their choices of behaviors. The performance of humans
is improved by social learning, and that result is, sometimes, termed
the “Collective Intelligence Effect”. Unfortunately, behavioral cascades
of copy-cat behaviors seem to cause a group-wide tendency to choose
the majority [“consensus”?] choice of behavior even if an individual
strongly thinks or believes the minority option is correct or optimal!
The most realistic benefit of social learning is that it costs less than
asocial or individual learning where a person obtains information with
decisive individual effort. Such is the current state of climatology: the
public-bickering conflict between those radical Greens adamantly
proclaiming a coming global climatic catastrophe, climate regime
alterations and collapses, and cooler head who do not share that
alarmist view of our homey planet’s geophysical future. The upshot:
this confrontation over developing climate regimes gave Team
Geographos a nifty book title! It is copy-cat behavior, 20th
and early-21st
Century industrialization fostering mega-urbanization, may lead to a
strange new Homo sapiens future: Molecular Nanotechnology may
soon cancel all need for trade, but also reduce humankind’s clustered
dependence on imported resources and products. Ultimately, as Team
Geographos will demonstrate in Chapter Five, even to survive an Alien
perusal and attack, this technical development will necessitate no trade
relations amongst humans!
Amongst Sci-Fi critic as well as Sci-Fi fan social groupings
Forbidden Planet was a rational money-earning cinema, a studio-made
public entertainment. However, the geoscience community has, rather
recently, come to the significant realization that on other terrestrial-
type planets and moons, even asteroids, of our Solar System, as well as
on far-away but someday reachable exoplanets in the Universe, serious
investigators must diligently search for ancient mines preserved
beneath later-emplaced rock strata, rather than only aerial dust or
fluvial sediment-covered ruined superficial urban conglomerations still
bathed constantly by incoming cosmic and solar radiations: in other
words, a global technofossil layer, located beneath an inactive global
settlement layer, consisting of preserved machinery (strange
compressed objects), as well as innumerable unknown microscopic
material artifacts. 20th
Century Sci-Fi film presaged this new
archaeological and geoscience discovery strategy in Planet of the Apes
(1968) and even more emphatically represented in Beneath Planet of
the Apes (1970) (Kibblewhite et al., 2015)! Bjorn Wallsten, an Swedish
expert in sociotechnical systems engineering, has calmly codified relict
anthropogenic geological deposits, and dubbed them “urks”,
disconnected urban infrastructure that is abandoned in place,
unremoved possibly for-ever (Wallsten, 2016; Graham, 2016)! Today,
7.3 billion persons live and work on about 7.6% of our planet’s
landmass. One forever abandoned Wallsten “urk” might be a special,
absolutely accidental massive emplacement of an Anthropic Rock, the
so-called “Chernobyllium”, a molten mass which collected since AD
1986 at the bottom of the destroyed reactor, which was finally received
a constructed capstone (an artificial dome) by AD 2016. The build-up of
carbon dioxide gas content of Earth’s air is matched by the intended or
unintended sequestration of man-made stuff within this terrestrial-type
planet’s crust. [Earth’s current “Global Warming” may, in fact, be
caused mostly by increased natural geothermal activity (Viterito, 2016)
as well as magnified by its appearance in consonance with a natural
Earthly geophysical cycle of 60 years duration (Gervais, 2016).] Costly
modern drilling attempts that are designed ultimately to breach the
Moho stratum, and to actually penetrate the Earth-mantle, gives us
some inkling of the possible archaeological depth of any Alien mines!
Hibernating Life Mingled with Urks & Hibernating Infrastructure?
Ceno-Anthropocene is a Sci-Fi concept formalized in such a way so
as to extract Homo sapiens from the Earth’s bioshell of long-familiar
time and space to encourage the viewpoint from outer space, as if our
blue planet were some distant object fully contemplatable as a global
entity (Swanson et al., 2015). Errantly subjective Greenism’s popular
media bellowed species self-hatred notion of a pristine Nature once
utterly untouched by Homo sapiens is a concocted ideological platform
because, without that invocation of past-time purity, “…how is one to
define environment to be protected or preserved?” (Sayre, 2012, page
61). [“Environment”, in its totality, actually references the “known
Universe”. If radical Greens are aware of this fact, then quite simply it
means such persons, as well as groups of normal Greens, see
themselves as corporeal God-like instructors of the hated anti-Green
predominant persons and their social groupings!] Interestingly, for
several recent decades, the radical Greens portrayed Earth’s Tropic
Zone rainforests as the essence of truest evidence for Greenism’s
authenticity, but with mounting properly-done biogeoscientific
research, it now is certainly known that prehistoric peoples burned,
cleared, farmed the rainforests and constructed vast urban
conglomerations within the bounds of today’s tertiary rainforests (the
Amazon River Basin, for example)! Thusly, ancient peoples left lasting
evidential physical markings on the Earthly landscape and soils of every
extant Tropic Zone rainforest (Curry, 2016; Becek and Horwath, 2017)!
Ambivalences of Outlandish Green Thinkers
Viewed through telescopes and other such visualizing devices, it is
apparent that whilst red-colored and blue-colored galaxies are
relatively common throughout our known Universe, rare green-colored
galaxies also occur which are observed and calculated to be violently
disrupted by the gravitational attraction of massive neighboring
galaxies so that the green-colored galaxies lose their enveloping
gaseous bubbles rapidly; green-colored galaxies are sometimes also
generated when super-massive Black Holes located at their centers
cause almost inconceivably powerful explosions that massively
“destroy” green-colored galaxies (Trayford et al., 2016). As a visible
color, green is an ambivalent color suggestive of life, photosynthetic
growth, Nature and hope as well as sickness, putrefaction and even
“demonism” (Punt et al., 2016, page 277). Contrarily, the color red is
usually associated with the inducement of risk averse and compliant
human public behaviors. However, recent psychological evaluations
seem to indicate that, amongst some humans, there can be another
normal cognitive response, namely the arousal of non-compliant
behaviors, including incurring physical, social and financial risks which
may evoke strong sensations (Mehta et al. 2016).
Team Geographos simply asks: what color inspired Norman
Borlaug (1914-2009), the famed American agronomist who fostered the
high-yield crop boom in commercial agriculture whilst other scientists
perfected high-yield explosives? By marked contrast, extensive lawns
consisting of plastic green grass-blades—sometimes exhibited in the
world-news media as inedible “permanent botanicals”—are becoming,
more and more, a singular threat to the feed-browsing and other
activities of wildlife! [During late-2016 AD, Astroturf LLC filed for
bankruptcy after loss of a USA Patent Office dispute with its arch-rival
FieldTurf synthetic-grass product.] Zero K: A Novel, a 2016-published
Sci-Fi novel penned by Don DeLillo (born 1936) featured artificial
gardens composed of plastic flowers and trees (SEE: Bletter et al., 2007;
Stavrinidou et al., 2015). Zero K[elvin temperature] is a specialized
cryogenic encapsulation unit that, supposedly, will ensure transition of
its human occupant to the “next level” beyond to avoid what is claimed
by DeLillo to be a certain coming termination of a once livable Earth—in
other words, an apocalyptic, “The End” Sci-Fi story. The on-going
California drought, plus public urging by untrustworthy politicians and
co-opted government bureaucracies using the popular news media
liberally, helped to spread the phony greenish outdoor plastic carpet in
that State! Radicalized Greenism’s foolish, selfish and often self-serving
propagandists, for more than five years, have advocated home-owners
and others extract their freshwater-irrigated real lawns, replacing them
with synthetic grass and mostly ugly xerophytes. In other words,
sometimes, just anything green-colored that might resemble a real
lawn but, alternatively, naturally Mars-red gravel is generally
emplaced—perfect rocky mini-stuff to be blown away (via saltation)
whenever El Nino-style ARK-storm winds eventually return to the
currently too-sunny, too-little precipitation State of California!
[Particulate blasting of neighboring structures and vehicles passing and
parked outside will become superficially a macro-problem: abraded
and, possibly, unprotected persons could be injured by fast-skipping
“flying” pebbles!] Yet, amazingly, cheap and renewable hydrogen
energy can now be obtained easily by simple chemical processing of
industrially harvested fescue grass (Caravaca et al., 2016)!
Humankind “Smothered” by Unmowable Mutant Grass?
As of AD 2016, prognosticating Los Angeles County “futurist”
politician posers, constantly and sometimes clandestinely advised by
special-interest non-business social groups, must also hear soon from
the folks, the imperiled citizenry! Entire coastal State of California
neighborhoods have already been eroded by the naturally changeable
Pacific Ocean and a possibly impending 21st
Century sea-level rise,
expressed at the State’s western margin, may accelerate that process-
event in Los Angeles County’s harbors. Indeed, Team Geographos
foresees a macro-problem developing—even at Venice, State of
California—caused by land subsidence that replicates what happened
to Venice, Italy during the 1950s and 1970s (Trincardi et al., 2016)! The
Los Angeles River, a basin outflow channel fully concreted in its main
section since World War II, so that nowadays its “normal” summertime
discharge to the Pacific Ocean at the City of Long Beach is 200% greater
than before massive urban water-pipe leaks, partly treated wastewater
releases, and excessive decorative landscape irrigation of public and
private properties augmented its unregulated 20th
Century flowage
(Townsend-Small et al., 2014). The on-going, five-year-long State-wide
drought as well as faulty State Government policies, are nudging some
prominent public officials, as well as their surrogates, toward ever-
more locally resourced freshwater acquisitions and future reliance
(Porse et al., 2016). “Grey Water”, a product of partial recycling effort,
aimed at the public consumer is one media-touted idea favored by local
politicians, who are, undoubtedly, mostly hydrated by costly freshwater
harvested and bottled freshwater taken from pristine nearby, and
distant, mountain watersheds and artesian springs or the city’s tap-
water rendered tasteless by expensive on-site multi-layered filtering
systems. More and more, secretive and self-indulgent politicians voice
their desire Los Angeles County groundwater be utilized to meet the
needs of thirsty urbanites. Freshwater pumped upwards from
underground aquifers can have structural impacts that may become
clearly evident only years after the “Blue Water” liquid’s withdrawals
commence. Perhaps even long after pumping program approvers and
instructed instigators are no longer public office-holders and
bureaucracy minions but are, instead, very comfortable pensioners
living out-of-County! A thorough geological study report done by Dr.
Susan E. Hough and her colleagues documents as fact that several Los
Angeles County earthquakes (1920 Inglewood, 1929 Whittier, 1930
Santa Monica and the Long Beach tremor of 1933) were probably
induced by early-Oil Era pumping techniques which, since AD 1935 have
been replaced by simultaneous fluid injection techniques.
Depletion of subterranean freshwater aquafers reduces the bulk
of the grainy rock which was the holding reservoir. Reduction of
underground rock-mass volume, naturally, creates the likelihood of
ground-surface deformation—over-taxed owners of real property
affected by groundwater pumping probably will discovers their
landscape to be riven by vertical and horizontal ground displacements.
Already, the Santa Clara Valley and Yucaipa Valley exhibit visible
examples of ground failure indisputably attributable to freshwater
mining. In Los Angeles County, many land-owners are quite familiar
with ground-surface subsidence caused by oil and natural gas
production, and the building and structure macro-problems resulting
from that industrial activity—Wilmington in Long Beach and the
Baldwin Hills Reservoir dam collapse on 14 November 1963 AD are still
remembered by older Angelinos especially. If ever local sea-level rises
markedly it does impose a hydraulic pressure upon freshwater-
depleted coastal aquifers, forcing adjacent seawater (polluted or not)
inland beneath very valuable near-seashore properties. Further inland,
however, Los Angeles County residents must be wary of future actual
topographic elevational descent! “Grey Water”, untreated to a potable
standard for human and domesticated animal consumption, is widely
used to irrigate public-property vegetations, including lawns.
Reasonably, whenever the BIG ONE [the expected 8.0+ magnitude
earthquake of southern California’s 21st
Century] occurs, it could have a
generally unanticipated effect—tumbling homes, apartments, office
and industrial buildings harshly because politicians had not clearly
understood concerned individual property taxpayer owners about
possible future landscape value decline—including actual reduction in
height above sea-level. Los Angeles County’s politics is riven with
publicly-expressed media and insider group derision of so-called
landlords and suburban property owners. The public, however, is wiser
than professionalized lawyer-politicians, mainly because our focus in on
the long-term environment with which we must cope on a daily basis!
The Sci-Fi story elucidated next is edifyingly rife with political-speakers
speaking nonsense and not solving a gigantic macro-problem entailing
Homo sapiens’ survival!
Bounded ecosystem-nations, connected increasingly by a
worldwide Internet in which packets of data are carried mostly by laser-
light through fiber-optic cables, may be characterized as large and
complex 21st
Century “organisms”; cities, too, are natural geographical
sub-systems of the Earth’s encapsulating bioshell. This concurrence of
spatial and temporal Macro-Engineering macro-plans—initiated, of
course, by mega-project-conceptualizing human Macro-Imagineers—
allows world societies, and humanity, to effectively address the macro-
problem of the Earth’s fuzzy “limit state”—that is, the condition at
which a single, thinly vertical shell of various organic and inorganic
molecules held by our planet’s gravity from escaping into outer space,
hospitable to life, begins to become unfit for further use by mind-
endowed Homo sapiens. Once such a “golden” state of affairs is
achieved, our Earth’s limit state ought to be called a Geologic Time
epoch, since it undoubtedly marks the onset of a new planetary time
that is obviously markedly different from any that preceded it.
Sometimes this dawning epoch is said to have already been passed—
hence, the ceno-Anthropocene Sci-Fi concept.
It is fortunate that so much of humanity’s international
telecommunications traffic is transmitted by electromagnetic pulse-
immune fiber-optic cables, since the inauguration of Earthly
anthropogenic outer space weather, which commenced with the first
widespread geographical adoption of metal-wire conducted alternating
electric current, and reached its peak contemporary influence circa AD
1962 with nuclear weapon test explosions in near-Earth outer space
[revealing the possibility of a global electromagnetic pulse capable of
interrupting over-land wire and satellite-based telecommunications]
(Bombosi et al., 2016)!
Century geographical science is plagued by non-trivial
terminological tribulations! Coeval with the Copernican cliché’s demise
(Danielson, 2001), the ecosystem cliché is collapsing because Homo
sapiens modify vast ecological systems, shifting major parts of
ecosystems outside the realm of bioshell conditions that have existed
since the Ice Age. This post-territoriality epoch, which the ceno-
Anthropocene supervenes, supersedes the foundation it is based upon
to become planetary in both geographical scale and implication, is terra
incognita. Present-day macroscopic robot exploration and future
industrial exploitation of the other Solar System planets, moons and
asteroids—still very much terra incognitos—warrant our serious
consideration of some biogeochemical Earth futures proposed already
by fatidic Sci-Fi writers. And, no, Chapter 2 is not about “grass farmers”,
the marijuana growers and users who usually puff their way to personal
intellectual befuddlement and proper police notice!
Many terrestrial photosynthetic plants are currently appropriated
for use by our species and, in the course of industrialized mono-cultural
farmed cropland, have caused green plant extinctions and the erasure
of noticed and unnoticed ecological niches. Is it possible a postulated
diminished future planet-encompassing biodiversity can weaken the
role Homo sapiens plays in the Earth-bioshell? In the past, some
scientists have likened the Cenozoic expansion of grasslands—
gramineous landscapes—exclusively by Nature as a force and event-
process comparable to the ceno-Anthropocene (Retallack, 2001). Is our
Century species trending to a future Earth-world literally going to
weedy grass seed? Philosophers have deduced that rocks may have
“minds” and biologists have postulated that green plants may be
capable of “thought” (Trewavas, 2014). Team Geographos assumes that
radical Greens will, sooner or later, grasp these bizarre extensions of
English-language vocabulary—because they are so difficult to narrowly
define—in some publicity effort to undermine normal Homo sapiens
Mars terraforming theoreticians—talented and sometimes genius
humans who rightly ought to be titled “Planet Stylists” because of their
ever more professional planning efforts and because they seek the
impure art of the “Technological Fix”—might well rejoice at a future
biotechnology’s laboratory development of a less hardy and ramifying
Cynodon dactylon (Chen et al., 2015) featured in the Sci-Fi novel Green
Than You Think (1947). Figure 3. Already, scientists have supposed
development of Space Synthetic Biology to be used as manufacturers of
needed components (Menezes et al., 2015; Landenmark et al., 2015) as
well as the employment of such synthetic organisms to prevent
declines in some over-stressed landscapes whilst reducing the air’s
content of gaseous carbon dioxide gas (Sole et al., 2015). In other
words “terraformation” of Earth as well as Mars, including specialized
vegetating enclosures moving through interplanetary space!
Figure 3. Cover-artwork illustrates the iconic City Hall of Los Angeles,
California, USA (completed AD 1928) encircled by looping freeway
access ramps, all overgrown by menacingly tall, very healthy grass! The
installation of the extensive freeway network after World War II
worsened Los Angeles’ fabled smoggy chemical weather (Lawrence et
al., 2005). (Google Image.)
A rapid, smothering, geography-altering flood, like in the Biblical
sense, is frighteningly rendered in print by Joseph Ward Moore (1903-
1978). Figure 4.
Figure 4. Photographic image of the writer Ward Moore, no-date.
(Google Image.)
It is a well-crafted tale in which Earth’s landmass is overrun by an
ineradicable mutated domestic lawn of Bermuda grass that starts its
massive ungovernable growth and ultimate global spread from the City
of Los Angeles’s Hollywood District, locale of some of our world’s major
motion-picture corporations. Los Angeles, as of AD 2016, is our Earth-
world’s most spatially extensive urban region—other than Juneau,
Alaska—often descriptively and smugly portrayed as a notorious smog-
smitten urban sprawl of the worst sort! [By AD 1947, when Moore’s Sci-
Fi book was published, smog in Los Angeles appeared to have become a
permanent aerial impediment health-wise since it first manifested
during the Second World War.] In other words, J.W. Moore imagines
humankind humiliated by a grassy Hollywood product, echoing
perennial film-fan paeans and raving drug addict-like pleas for “More!
More! More!” In the New World, all Americans make their last stand:
“It was decided to complete digging the Nicaragua Canal and blow up
part of Central America lying between it and the Isthmus of Panama” [A
real-world canal excavated in Nicaragua may be in the offing (Huete-
Perez et al., 2016; Carse and Lewis, 2017).] By AD 1987, a
prognosticator from the Geosciences had, more or less, mirrored
Moore’s scenario (Perry, 1987)!
Greater than 30% of our atmosphere’s current carbon dioxide gas
content passes through green-plant stomata annually; in exchange,
green-plant stomata exude water vapor equivalent to twice the amount
naturally present in Earth’s air (Zwieniecki et al., 2016). The rate of
green-plant photosynthesis on the landmass and in the world-ocean is
high: a 1% biomass increase per year, absent balancing return flow (via
animal respiration, fiery conflagration and repugnantly smelly rot),
would result in all atmospheric carbon dioxide gas being converted to
verdure in less than a decade! Quite naturally, Moore’s scenario of a
global anthropogenic “Green Hell”, an anti-Creation, chlorophyllic
Chernobyl wherein too much of only one plant species life is left
unmentioned by lawn cultivation’s most ardent commercial advocates:
for example, during the early-21st
Century, the giant perennial grass
Miscanthus x giganteus was researched as a possible feedstock for
ethanol production. “Green” surely symbolizes Earthly life (healthy
living vegetation’s chlorophyll, Greek for “leaf green”), sickness
(queasiness), death (mold) and organic inexperience! Most persons
seem to prefer the vistas of short grasslands—for instance, a well-
trimmed lawn of air-polluting wounded grass (de Gouw et al., 1999)—
possibly because our species’ savannah-inhabiting forebears knew from
harsh experience that such wild landscapes were a far safer ecological
niche than forests in terms of other animals’ predation of Homo
sapiens. Flee to the “tall grass” is an indicator phrase, especially for the
Most abnormally, excepting the voluminous and vast world-ocean
during long-gone periods of planetary existence, a single dominating
biotic environment exists upon Moore’s landmass during one indefinite
period of Earth’s Geologic Time. Stratigraphy would be impossible if
only one kind of life existed through millennia; there would be no
means by which to identify strata (different rock types) in a rock-body
since there would not be any stratum or rocky layer differentiable by
fossilized content of bedding and named as a geological formation.
Microbial life forms have been found to survive and thrive many
kilometers beneath Earth’s crust surface in high-pressure environments
below the seafloor, islands and continents. “Utopia” is an ideal region
of static topography; “Euchronia” is an ideal period of Geologic Time
evidencing unnatural sameness of descriptive characteristics in every
examinable rock section, resulting in mass of starkly unrelieved
stratigraphic continuity. Earth’s plate tectonics makes it impossible for
either to exist for more than a few hundred million years since
subduction—the event-process by which tectonic plates descend into
Earth’s mantle—erases everything eventually!
Some time ago, Biology proved that the total difference between
the smallest and largest living Earth organisms is 1022
(Gaines, 1993). If
the reader assume a single hypothetical organism—for instance, J.E.
Lovelock’s “Gaia”—larger than the State of California’s tallest giant
sequoia tree, then this enormous would be more than 10% of the
current known volume of Earth [that is, more than 10842 X 108
kilometers], but less than our currently expanding Anthropocosmos
delimited by Voyager I and II spacecraft exiting our Solar System. The
Anthropocosmos is simply the anthropostrome’s current ceno-
Anthropocene boundary extended upwards into outer space from the
Earth’s Moho crust layer! Defined by Sun-escaping American-fabricated
spacecraft, the Anthropocosmos’ interstellar border is the outer limit of
our so-called Internet-connected “global village”. Since these
unmanned spacecraft are moving outward from our Sun, the ball-
shaped volume of outer space (and all objects therein), the
Anthropocosmos increases at a more or less stable rate. During the
Century, the Anthropocosmos’ radius is, at least, 70
Astronomical Units.
Each mature blade of grass, which grows untended from its base,
in Joseph Ward Moore’s mind-stimulating Sci-Fi story, is approximately
the height of a single small Sequoia semperevirens, so gigantic that a
land-covering never mowable “lawn” composed of such blades stifles
and exterminates all fauna bigger than field-mice. Biologists theorize
vegetarian dinosaurs were relentlessly pestered by the first small
mammals. Greener Than You Think imaginatively kills off a proud, once
world-dominating Homo sapiens using a common green plant treated
with, and Frankensteined by, artificial growth stimulating chemicals,
which causes the chemical-sprayed grass to flourish extra-ordinarily,
growing to enormous physical proportions during the course of J.W.
Moore’s matter-of-fact story—in effect, a true and likely unpopular
“Tragedy of the Commons” event, absolutely not a popular Green
Acres-style situational comedy television series episode. Moore never
mentions in his novel which mutagenic or teratogenic chemicals he had
in mind as his tale’s instigator, but suffice to say that would-be chemical
weather manipulators have proposed using, on a Macro-Engineering
geographical scale, DEHA [diethyl hydroxylamine, or (C2H5)2NOH] to
inhibit photochemical smog’s formation in the stagnant air sheds of
major urban regions such as the City of Los Angeles (Maugh, 1976);
plastic artificial turf raises the risk of human cancers (Luzer, 2017). Not
considering the possibility of chemical, biological and nuclear “dirty
bomb” terrorism, there have so far been three major smog incidences:
(I) the December 1930 air pollution disaster in eastern Belgium’s Meuse
River Valley; (II) the October 1948 event in the cities of Donora and
Webster situated in the Monongahela River Valley of southwestern
Pennsylvania, USA and (III) the world’s single worst air pollution even in
December 1952 in London, England. Nevertheless, more disasters
impend: dangerously hazardous high-levels of air pollutants are present
during the hajj in Mecca, Saudi Arabia and, since AD 2015, the Chinese
artist calling himself “Nut Brother” has made solid bricks from Beijing,
China’s collected and compressed formerly aerialized smog particles!
Although leaves emit isoprene [(C5H8)] thus causing visible smog,
machine emissions of visible and invisible combustion gases, as well as
gritty particles, are more dangerous to life, especially in cities and
densely populated landscapes. The nebulous smog, intermittently
present in the Los Angeles air shed since the first irritating smog siege
in July 1943, to this very day damages Hollywood’s show-cased
celebrity lawns! More to Team Geographos’ point, was modern
celebrity-architect Frank Gehry ignorant of the devastating potential of
his ghastly plan for Dallas, Texas—“The Rainforest Enzyme” proposal—
illustrated in October/November 1998 issue of Civilization magazine?
Moore and so-called “starchitect” Frank Gehry’s Earth-bioshell epoch
development scenarios promote something quite unlike anything
portrayed as the Kingdom of God in The Holy Bible.
“Chlorophyllic Chernobyl” is a code-phrase that raises and
reminds people of the horrific specter of radioactive a complete global
contamination of our planet’s air, its soils and water. By AD 1922,
Robert Lionel Sherlock (1875-1948) suspected the Uniformitarianism
geosciences doctrine had applied much too avidly and was, even in the
Century, over-reaching its obvious geographical scope and
historical comprehensibility. Instead, he shrewdly surmised,
Catastrophism was likely to return to the forward-moving “edge” of
hypothetical and theoretical professional discussions in the
Geosciences. Present-day avant-garde Macro-Engineering philosophers
suspect that, even melded with James E. Lovelock’s Gaia Theory,
Uniformitarianism and Catastrophism Earth change concepts are each,
at their base, somewhat outdated, make-do, cliché concepts. In other
words, it may not be true that organic and inorganic elements interact
in an incomparable huge system—that is, the Universe!
Prominent Gaia theorists tweaked geoscientists when they
asserted that anthropogenic artifacts, including machines, pollution,
and artworks, were not separate from the feedback process-events of
Earth Nature. The underlying idea of John Storrs Halls’ “Utility Fog” [his
barely visible droplet-sized machines he has dubbed “foglets” that can
harvest resources from air] is to stimulate the physical existence of a
material object by micrometer-size robots—definitely smaller than a
mustard seed. Molecular nanotechnology’s R&D is channeled toward
the common goal of perfecting invisible machines that will have the
safeguarded capability to compose and decompose tiny and large
objects for any human’s preferred purpose (Milburn, 2015).
Interestingly, at the time Forbidden Planet was showing in theatres,
Arthur von Hippel (1898-2003) strongly hinted at the future realization
of Molecular Nanotechnology (von Hippel, 1956)! Summarizing, such
persons as Halls are satisfied that the Earth bioshell can be
apprehended as an open system subject to science’s misconceptions
and actual misuse (abuse)! Shocking! Yeah.
Well aware of the USA’s awful AD 1930s Dust Bowl ordeal, J.W.
Moore speculated that our Earth’s vital hydrologic cycle (Linton, 2008)
will eventually diminish in global effectivity. Realistically, evaporating at
1.14 meters per annum, the Blue Planet’s ocean could utterly disappear
in about 2,670 years, leaving a few deep, hyper-brine lakes and
exposing much of the desiccated, salt-encrusted exposed former
seafloor to sunlight heating and geothermal vents—look at “before”
and “after” satellite images of Central Asia’s Aral Sea for a preview
glimpse (Badescu et al., 2011). Lacking any fluid runoff, continental
erosion will be nil, especially as the dense ultra-Bermuda grasses
absorb whatever rainfall does occur, and the terrigenous sediment will
no longer be a big factor in altering the seafloor’s topography close to
shores—in fact, because in Moore’s world there could be no base-level
of erosion (i.e., sea-level today)—the central geographical sections of
former ocean basins will change very little with Geologic Time’s
passage. The increased accumulation of carbon dioxide gas by Moore’s
“lawn” will also cause a further oxygenation of Earth’s atmosphere. If
the oxygen-mixing ratio fell exceeded today’s 21% oxygen by volume,
then spontaneous wildfires clearance of naturally accumulating dead
vegetation would become unquenchable conflagrations, filling Earth’s
air with smoke and large ash flakes, subsequently changing Earth’s
albedo. Moore’s still-popular Sci-Fi novel, published between the
treaty-enshrined end of World War II and the start of the Cold War,
pioneered imaginative extensions of thought and described a true anti-
Gaia place—a place not to be wished for by any sane human being.
Moore’s literary genre, in some important sense, has been reflected in
modern-day non-fictional historical writings, such as The Great Hedge
of India (2001) by Roy Moxham that elucidated the planting,
maintenance, and recent near-disappearance of a living physical
taxation barrier that separated millions of people.
In his Sci-Fi novel No Blade of Grass, during AD 1956, John
Christopher suggested humanity’s extinction as an inevitable result of a
previous, permanent global extinction of all species of grass. In reality,
the total area of the macro-molecular matrix of Earth’s living green
plants is about 641,000,000 square kilometers; Moore’s fictitious
Bermuda Grass-like biotic mutation, his expansive and deadly “lawn
grass” monster, would likely have a total leaf area that is at least equal
to, and probably would exceed, that tentative mathematical
extrapolation. A still-organizing American grassroots corps of
propagandized and indoctrinated Greenism child-ecologists won’t truly
understand the theorizing of Biogeochemistry proponents, so Sci-Fi’s
writers should continue to have much leverage on still-forming young
Joseph Ward Moore’s First Sci-Fi Novel
Answering a newspaper advertisement, Ward’s “Albert Weener”
salesman is hired by an obscure scientist “Josephine Spencer Francis”
who has formulated a plant-stimulating rapid growth potion that
causes only grasses to flourish. Her aim is to make Earth’s agricultural
Dust Bowls bloom, thus relieving the misery of our world’s hungry
humans. “Albert Weener”, on his own account, decides to market this
wonder of science first to property-proud suburban housewives wishing
for greener lawns (Whitney, 2010). Unbeknownst to “Albert Weener”
the sales-sample he is given by “Josephine Spencer Francis” is missing a
crucial ingredient. The defective formula is applied to demonstrably
dormant Bermuda grass. Revisiting the test lawn the next day, the lawn
Ecological Echo-Chamber
Ecological Echo-Chamber
Ecological Echo-Chamber
Ecological Echo-Chamber
Ecological Echo-Chamber
Ecological Echo-Chamber
Ecological Echo-Chamber
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Ecological Echo-Chamber
Ecological Echo-Chamber
Ecological Echo-Chamber
Ecological Echo-Chamber
Ecological Echo-Chamber
Ecological Echo-Chamber
Ecological Echo-Chamber
Ecological Echo-Chamber
Ecological Echo-Chamber
Ecological Echo-Chamber
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Ecological Echo-Chamber

  • 1. 1 Ecological Echo-Chamber: Sci-Fi Macro-Imagineering Richard Brook Cathcart © 2017 Creative Commons License* GEOGRAPHOS * Creative Commons License means free use is permitted, provided: 1) Authorship attribution is given, 2) Use is non-commercial, and 3) Music is not altered. 2017
  • 2. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Acknowledgements Chapter One Altair-4: Sci-Fi’s Green Sky Alien Planet-Gesamtkunstwerk Chapter Two Watch Southern California’s Blue Skies! (For Wind-wafted Bad Weed Seed!) Chapter Three Serendipitous Connect-the-Dots Earth Macro-Imagineering Chapter Four Socio-Ecological Attraction: “Disco Mirror Ball” in Our Sky? Chapter Five Arrival (2016) and Purposeful Astro-Engineering of Our Sun
  • 3. 3 Preface “Macro-Imagineering”, a term coined by RBC at least two decades ago, may be very similar in meaning to another declared word coinage, “Exploratory Engineering” by Kim Eric Drexler (born 1955). Defined thus: Exploratory Engineering relies on careful peer review, physical and computer simulations and other methods usually employed by scientists, but applies them to some magnificent hypothetical artifact, a specific and detailed hypothesized artifact design or artifact creation process. Furthermore, “Exploratory Engineering” or “Macro- Imagineering—either term is OK as they are synonymous from Team Geographos’ viewpoint—must be indisputably within the realm of possibility as determined by constantly progressing Science (Bailey, 2017). Therefore, Pulp Macro-Imagineering simply recounts new solutions—speculations, conjectures—to our practical macro-problems for the purpose of prolongation of humanity’s survival as an intelligent species. Macro-Imagineering melds Exploratory Engineering with Anticipatory Geoscience. Macro-imagineers are always propositional! RBC was particularly inspired to seek the education necessary to become a Macro-Imagineer by excited reading of the commercial Sci-Fi of the Tom Swift book series (Osten, 2004) as well as the wonderfully entertaining live demonstrations and clear explanations provided by television’s Watch Mr. Wizard series (1951-1965), master-hosted by the genial gentleman Mr. Don Herbert (1917-2007). Human imagination is a “staging ground” for worldly human action. Any realistic expectation of what Science and Technology R&D results actually imply must always be tempered by the fact of imperfection, the uncertainties of reported scientific measurements. We hope that Macro-Imagineering and creativity, evidenced herein by Team Geographos, will reinforce the common democratic design of our Earth- world’s technological future.
  • 4. 4 Some References Bailey, D.C. (in press, 2017) Not Normal: the uncertainties of scientific measurement. Royal Society Open Science. 2 December 2016 posting at arXiv:1612.00778v1. Bernardo, S.M. (Ed.) (2014) Environments in Science Fiction. North Carolina: MacFarland. 208 pages. Osten, Robert Von der (April 2004) Four Generations of Tom Swift: Ideology in Juvenile Science Fiction. The Lion and the Unicorn 28: 268- 283. Acknowledgements Team Geographos member RBC wishes to acknowledge the contributions of Mr. Steven Ross, Children’s Book Department expert with Vroman’s Bookstore (Pasadena, CA) for his significant helpfulness with research related to Forbidden Planet media-history; the “ancient wisdom” of Dr. J.M. Herndon; as well as the benefits of participation, in various work-related R&D activities with Mr. Jeffrey E. Milner. Again, my thanks go to the owner and knowledgeable staff of Mark Piscitelli Men’s Fashions (Pasadena, CA) for their evident sartorial expertise as well as to the always pleasant and hard-working staff of Milt & Edie’s Drycleaners & Tailoring Center (Burbank, CA)—“lookin’ good clothing- wise” raises any struggling writer’s morale when the task of putting cogent and coherent words on a blank PC screen-page at times becomes especially arduous! My wholehearted “many thanks” are hereby conveyed to Dr. Viorel Mihail Badescu (Bucharest, Romania), a multi-decade wise friend. And, a special personal print-media shout-out for Mr. Jose Luis Castillo, Burbank (CA), neighbor extraordinaire.
  • 5. 5 CHAPTER ONE Altair-4: Sci-Fi’s Green Sky Alien Planet-Gesamtkunstwerk “In twenty-four hours you must be a hundred million miles out in space. The Krell furnaces—chain-reaction….It cannot be reversed!” These words, the expiring Professor Edward Morbius’ final warning shouted utterance to his witnesses in the pre-human Space Age [before AD 1957, (Millard, 2016)] Hollywood-made film Forbidden Planet (1956). [In our Solar System 93 million miles is denoted as one Astronomical Unit, AU: the distance between the Sun and Earth. The real-Universe, containing two trillion galaxies, does have a star humans named Altair, in Aquila the Eagle, which shines, almost point-like, at designated Magnitude +1, seen from Earth.] Following a brief period of movie-time, and utilizing the “creative geography” film-making technique invented by Lev Kuleshov (1899-1970) during the 1920s, the two Morbius dying-scene witnesses, his beloved daughter Altaira and Commander J.J. Adams, escaping safely aboard the flattened saucer- shaped United Planets interstellar manned spacecraft Cruiser C-57-D, circa AD 2200, also foreknowingly see the planet Altair-4 suddenly transmogrify from a Mars-resembling planet into an eye-dazzling distant scintillating white-dot blossoming as new-born starlight, Figure 1, on the spaceship’s enormous command-deck television screen using tiny 1950s-fashion screen pixels, color-changing squares embedded still in standard AD 2016 television monitors! [This truly dramatic violen scene, in part, replicates a televisual technical failure when only Americans viewed remotely the first live broadcast of a continental USA nuclear weapon explosion on 22 April 1952 (Fay, 2016). Nuclear weapon explosions debut as two separate World War II anti-people incineration event-processes occurred during 1945. However, it was not until 1954 that radioactive “fallout” came into common use by our world’s media, and not until 1956 was world-public informed that
  • 6. 6 Earth’s bioshell could be poisoned (Jacobs, 2015)! Such sickening/killing fallout, along with our civilization’s techno-fossils lodged below the active human settlement layer of Earth’s crust, defines the Earth’s ceno-Anthropocene stratum! Even the film-demonstrated 200,000+ year-old tough Krell Metal—a chemical composition out of reach of our best materials production engineering effort so far, currently an extremely hard carbon nitride compound (Stavrou et al., 2016)—is vaporized ingloriously, leaving no trace whatsoever within this Universe! Figure 1. Artistic painted rendering of a blazing, newly lit star. Here it is shown as a spherical explosion with a central energy source, thus producing a spherically symmetric blast wave propagating in the positive radial direction, namely outwards in every direction, away from the innermost ignition point. Jupiter is converted by Aliens into a star in the 1984 Hollywood Sci-Fi sequel 2010: such conversion would increase Jupiter’s luminosity from its normal -8.523 to and extra-ordinary 18.038 Apparent Magnitude viewed from Earth’s surface. (Google Image.) Discovered earlier to be a unique green-sky planet hosting an Alien-created Krellocene Total Artwork [Gesamtkunstwerk], Altair-4 had been impressively vaporized by explosion of its planetocentric Krell-installed “nuclear reactors”, assumed thereafter to become an object of astronomical study by postulated interested investigators elsewhere in the Universe. The contact of many mega-tonnes of anti- matter with the planet’s Nature-given components would accomplish the complete demolition of Altair-4 by explosively releasing about 7.6 X
  • 7. 7 1031 Joules. Humans have already managed to explain the production and dynamics of electrons and positrons by impact of ultra-high intensity laser beam-matter interactions—in short, the first computer- calculated means to create both matter and anti-matter (Kostyyukov and Nerush, 2016). Or, perhaps, the universally masterful Krell had managed nuclear-lasers powered by 180m Ta [tantalum-180m] to do the reactor vaporization events? Though unplanned, except by the Krell [anticipating possible future species desperation?] in the form of a film set-placed, conveniently existing, built-in planetary destruction-switch actuated by a terrified and unconsciously jealous Professor Morbius, in any case, Altair-4’s Krellocene Geologic Time—Geologic Time is determined by biota because only biological processes engage in replication of structure, whilst Astrologic Time is defined by changes in phase, or the predominant structure of matter in a Universe—was terminated artificially, and deliberately. Noteworthy is that the fictitious planet Altair-4, really a gigantic robot capable of both rapid assembly and disassembly, evidently had limited or no on-screen biodiversity. In reality, Earth’s post-World War II ceno-Anthropocene Geologic Time may someday be technologically terminated in perhaps the very same fashion, but for an entirely different, positive reason linked directly to an aggressive eco-industrial goal—namely, the efficient and absolutely necessary far-future generation of many mineable asteroids from all intentionally shattered planets and moons comprising a great bulk of our present-day Solar System (Cathcart, 1983; Olson, 2012)! Visually, to late-1950s movie-theatre audiences and 21st Century television viewers, the Forbidden Planet Altair-4 resembled the current NASA images of Mars’s dry, all-land surface, or the totally imaginary circumbinary desert planet Tatooine (Miller, 2017; Lopez and Zimbelman, 2014) revolving around two Main Sequence stars as seen frequently in Star Wars Episodes; after stellifying Altair-4, that stellar system became, at the film’s finale, a binary star system too.
  • 8. 8 South Africa, with its world-famous deep gold mines, is the deepest ecosystem-nation contained by Earth’s bioshell; miners first descended to Earth-crust depths below one kilometer in Europe during AD 1875 to extract valuable minerals—long before the 21st Century effort to construct skyscrapers higher than one kilometer commenced; Mark Richard Shuttleworth (born 1973), during 2002 AD, was the first self-funded South African space tourist to achieve low-Earth orbit. Whilst humans ponder the true onset moment of its own worldwide ceno-Anthropocene—surely the first instance of a new Earthly Geologic Time period, stemming purely from our benighted civilization’s industrialized technological actions, and witnessed firsthand by its living human time period name-devisors to boot—mirrors the blasted end of what Team Geographos refer drolly to as the Krellocene! Team Geographos offers its CHAOS-CAP in Chapter Five as the true onset of Earth’s Anthropocene, commenced when and if Homo sapiens first play a primary role altering all of our planet’s geosystems as a totality, permanently or reversibly, perhaps in our agency as “Savior of Earth’s Biosphere” attacked by predatory Aliens not native to our Solar System; our species’ action must be a technological rupture of Earth’s natural Geologic Time, done in a selfless attempt to control Earth’s fate (Haff, 2016). [It is worth noting that almost 50% of all observed Sun-type stars known to human astronomers are also taken to be members of binary and higher order stellar systems.] Altair-4 was shown film displayed theatre-going audiences as a planet with an attractive-to-the-eye green sky in a one-way audio-visual communication of foreignness sent and received within a single ornately-decorated room visited temporarily. Figure 2. However, since the advent of colorized flat-screen televisions, such image and sound receivers have almost ceased to be discrete living-room cultural objects of only decoration and entertainment, news acquisition—indeed, such wall-like receivers are now more socially menacing than ever, capable
  • 9. 9 of secretly monitoring audience participation and viewing habits (Horrocks, 2017)! Figure 2. A panorama of Altair-4. Like some pre-ceno-Anthropocenic Mars, Altair-4 pictured here is without any features common to Earth, yet it has a beguiling aesthetic of its own (McMahon, 2016). Altair-4’s pudgy triangular-shaped native population must have seen their world quite differently than human eyes see (Hoffman and Prakash, 2014; Jameson, 2016)! (Google Image.) Why, and by what technological-mentalist means, was Altair-4, possibly the first, but certainly the final homeland of the extinct Krell, deliberately destroyed by its last obviously sentient mammal visitors from afar, the curious traveling human exploration, salvage and exploitation team mission-dispatched by the United Planets to voyage for six months to Altair-4? [The Krell are unconnected to that dastardly filmic Krall person in Star Trek Beyond (2016).] Altair-4 might be said to symbolize our developing “Internet of Things”—that “Internet of Things” concept [a Krell Internet, or potential spin-off of today’s Earthly Google nuclearized?] not clearly voiced until AD 1999, first by Kevin Ashton—gifted with self-capabilities that includes the man-made as
  • 10. 10 well some of Nature’s other creatures (Pschera, 2016) and features (Gabrys, 2016)! [What should our ever-tightening relationship with machines mean? Machines are things that no other animal species in the Earth-bioshell can mimic.] This chapter will offer a new, early-2017 AD geoscientific-Macro-Imagineering perspective on the colorful story- telling of the Forbidden Planet cinematic-creation 1956 event-process! Interestingly, AD 2016 was the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare’s death as well as the 500th anniversary of Thomas More’s Utopia. The apprehension offered herein is, more or less, in the same popular genre as Rod Pyle’s Blueprint for a Battlestar: Serious Scientific Explanations Behind Scifi’s Greatest Inventions (2016) and Chris Pak’s Terraforming: Ecopolitical Transformations and Environmentalism in Science Fiction (2016) with just a hint of Hugo Priemus and Bert van Wee’s International Handbook on Mega-Projects (2014) shaken, not stirred, by J.P. Tellote’s Science Fiction TV (2014). CAVE-human Virtually Engages Reality Pitiably, our troglodyte ancestors hunkered at the mouth of natural caves for shelter from Nature’s inclemency, to use sunlight, moonlight and starlight, and to benefit from refreshing wind-promoted ventilation. In other words, humans had not quite decided to enter the spaceship-like capsules we nowadays call buildings (Zenovia, 2016)! With the use of controlled fire, human troglodytes advanced further inside available and penetrable caves, becoming ever more reliant on technology to maintain comfortable and healthy bodily ambient surroundings. Truly, perhaps it was the almost uncountable stars overhead that initially provoked star-gazing humans to ponder the ultimate actual and potential life-carrying capacity of the scientifically known Universe (Gantevoort et al., 2016)! If we imagine Earth as a gigantic spherical “eyeball”, looking in all directions, so that at any single moment, it could “see” only 9,096 stars designated Magnitude 6.5, according to astronomer Dorrit Hoffleit (1907-2007). [See: Plato, Timaeus (47a-b).] As Plato unveils in Republic (516b), with reference to
  • 11. 11 his intriguing Parable of the Cave, it is only subsequent to actually seeing the Sun by a single harshly guided captive’s lone excursion that it then became possible for him to study temporarily, and subsequently reason about, that immense, bright ovoid object in the Earth’s clear daytime sky, and to define its sensible properties in his own mind, as well as to later relate to other ignorant prisoners confined in the back of the Cave his personal intellectual insights derived from his brief, constrained “Prisoner’s Tour” (Berlucchi, 2011). All post-Ice Age geoscientific thinking is done by intuitive and/or trained persons, such varied people naturally having all the physique and character flaws as well as strengths common to living humans (Homo sapiens individuals)! An understanding of our total being, of our experience and self- knowledge and the world is the essential valid objective for practicing Science. A recursive abbreviation, CAVE is still used to label the “Cave Automatic Virtual Environment” electronic display installation housed, since 1992, in an 8.64 cubic meter room at the University of Illinois’ Electronic Visualization Laboratory in Chicago, USA. CAVE provides an immersive environment of high-resolution graphics projected in stereo onto the room’s walls and floor. Inconveniently, its human users must don stereo mini-television eye-coverings, all-too-physically clumsy forms of uncomfortable apparel/headgear, to properly appreciate the colorful generated CAVE views. Even more technically advanced CAVE- like facilities have been developed elsewhere within Earth’s enclosing bio-shell [because the volume referenced is not a ball, it is a misnomer to use the term “biosphere” but widespread media usage often overshadows scientific accuracy] during this planet’s post-1945-1950 AD global ceno-Anthropocene Geologic Time. Folks using “Google Earth VR” platforms since AD 2017 have grown used to such invigorating immersive experiences using only electronics. According to its script, the Krell of Forbidden Planet were intellectually a million years ahead of the visiting humans: interestingly, the astronomer and physicist Dr.
  • 12. 12 Edward R. Harrison postulated that a million years hence descendants of our species-minds might be contemplating creation of a new Universe, possibly the result of a “…planned project to test the feasibility of cosmogenesis, or to establish universes more hospitable to intelligent life, or, in a more speculative vein, to transfer from one universe to another” (Harrison, 1995 , page 201; Dick, 2012). During 1965 AD, Ivan Edward Sutherland (born 1938), Figure 3, suggested “The Ultimate [interactive] Display would, of course, be a room within which the computer can control the existence of matter….With appropriate programming such a display could literally be the Wonderland into which Alice walked” (Sutherland, 1965, page 508). Sutherland’s proposed “machine room”—really an audio-visual dedicated computer’s insides made amenable to demanding totalizing persons, perhaps equipped with modern-day plastic and metal material electronic printer technology—was far beyond any device macro- imagined during the 20th Century, or even the early years of the 21st Century’s integrated electronic or near-term future networked quantum computer graphics special effects-laden Sci-Fi movies (Larson, 2008; Anderson, 2011; Tang et al., 2016). Our current imperfect cyberspace is only a particular possibility of true Spatiography and Geography (Rid, 2016; Cathcart, 2014). A Krell-style planet core-centralized material auto-creation machine-power-plant installed more than 2,000 centuries earlier (see Figure 4)—a deadly product of social telesis of just that kind foolishly built to alter worldly reality by responding to any Krell creature’s every personal whim—destroyed the movie’s super-being Krell Civilization of a fictional Earth-resembling world named Altair-4. In other words, their creation exceeded mere navigation of a Virtual Reality by thought— instead it linked seamlessly with all Krell creatures and features of Altair-4: the vision portrayed in Forbidden Planet by its dominant Sci-Fi script-writer was of all Krell brains interfacing with the ultimate Real Reality, awkwardly so to speak! [Russian philosopher V.I. Vernadsky
  • 13. 13 elaborated, during 1924 AD, on his idea of Earth’s dawning “Noosphere”, a planetary phenomenon nowadays inherent to Earth Systems Geoscience—its basis was his concept that human thought would come to play a critical role in future whole Earth change (Guillaume, 2014). Is there a dreadful Krell Machine in humankind’s future?] Real Reality is, of course, beyond Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. Static three-dimensional physical printing (Llewellyn-Jones et al., 2016) today presents an attractive alternative to visual representation of data-sets as images on television screens. As of AD 2016, aerial JOLED technology came closest to the postulated future media shown as a possibility in Forbidden Planet—that is, interactive physical visualization using Janus-objects as physical voxels, a unit of three-dimensional functional magnetic resonance imaging physicalized as moveable and touchable physical pixels (Sahoo et al., 2016)! Even with the current predominance of ever-advancing CGI special-effects R&D, Forbidden Planet remains a widely-admired Hollywood-made Sci-Fi movie because of its sheer spectacle. Pulp Macro-Imagineering, as displayed herein by Team Geographos’ willful effort, descriptively labels the emergence into Macro-Engineering’s professional-awareness of a scholarly discipline heavily influenced by a thematic literary genre called Sci-Fi. What follows is Team Geographos’ unique, non-standard interpretation of the very popular 1956’s film’s meaning, intellectually and psychologically, as finally assembled and paginated on 17 March 1955 by Cyril Hume (1900-1966). “Ironically, the Universe that Science stripped of the supernatural is being resupplied with deities and redemptive purposes by science-fiction writers and moviemakers” (Herrick, 2009, pages 20-25). Just what might humanity’s imago dei become if, and whenever, Homo sapiens has changed/evolved or been surpassed by AI robots [overtaken intellectually by techno sapiens, as designated by Antje Jackelen (2002)? So, in that vein, the Macro-Imagineering community’s leading Team Geographos members sought any answer to the perplexing
  • 14. 14 question: What if I.E. Sutherland’s robust wish/dream/fantasy/think materialization machine, situated in the rocky innards of Earth, ever actually came into existence, operated solely by Homo sapiens spatially confined to our naturally changing Solar System? Other, possibly far- out, thoughts emerged subsequently. Figure 3. Dr. Ivan Edward Sutherland, circa 1960s. (Google Images.) A Story’s Sci-Fi Screen-site Seer Jay P. Telotte devoted Chapter Five of Replications: A Robotic History of the Science Fiction Film (1995) to an enlargement of what has become the not necessarily correct standardized narrative analysis—Wikipedia-style—interpretation to which Telotte slavishly subscribes, and first promoted, during AD 1989. Perhaps his book-title’s “robotic” actually is inadvertently descriptive of his own homogenized writings on this particular subject as well as that of many others too? Telotte’s viewpoint on Forbidden Planet is reasonably acceptable although not especially insightful but, strangely, Telotte consistently misspelled “Krell” as “Krel”, that is one piece of convincing evidence he probably never actually read Cyril Hume’s phantasmagoric logic shooting typescript followed by the film’s Director, its adventurous male actors and its only charming actress who, seductively garbed Hollywood-style, ultimately portends future humankind’s generalized motherhood via implied liaison with the supremely manly Commander J.J. Adams. All the on-screen action, where birds twitter, tiger’s roar
  • 15. 15 and people talk, takes place in the mini-Garden of Eden that is Professor Edward Mobius’s Altair-4 homestead previously established and nurtured by human-discovered and excavated Krell technology. It is our thought that Cyril Hume was unaware of, or deliberately concealed, some of its readable effective religious, scientific, artistic and visualized symbolism in his working script and, therefore, he did not defeat himself. In Team Geographos’ certain estimation, the final- version screenplay of Forbidden Planet deserves to be generally considered the most perfect example of a dormant Alien ecology yet penned, published or play-acted, for it entails nothing less than an example of an instantaneous subtractive “de-terraforming”, and Krellocene termination, of an arid celestial body far, far away from our barely-known Solar System as well an startling expose of the possible impending caducity of Homo sapiens, already enduring a contemporary, global sensorial displacement from Nature since, nowadays, the global Internet has almost converted the Earth- biosphere into a thing akin to peeled human skin! Too, people everywhere increasingly seem to be adhering to a disabling species- wide groupthink. It is Team Geographos’ desire to promote an eco- faction that is semi-ignited by a Sci-Fi interpretation consisting of reliable fact/feasible factoid Science forming its explicative Macro- Imagineering assessment. In terms of its geographical soundscape, the recorded background noise soundtrack for Forbidden Planet is extra-ordinarily quiet—except for the speaking-role humans, their various humming and buzzing machines and some Earth-derived roaring animal offspring wandering the film’s stunningly, even hauntingly beautiful green-sky set, there is no audience-noticeable background noise, and of course not even when Altair-4 explodes soundlessly in interstellar space! This is odd because there are no relics in Altair-4, every subsurface piece of Krell equipment is working or is on call for operation! Clearly, the theatrical dramatic emphasis is on the utter dearth of life’s potential enrichment
  • 16. 16 were Altair-4 to remain whole, and the Krell civilization’s remainders to continuously operate! Why? Team Geographos believes/thinks that Cyril Hume, more than a decade after World War II, wished to warn humans of the possibility of an enervating and crippling future world-civilization pervading “cargo cult” outlook [the first professionally documented Earthly anthropologic cases date from 1885 AD, but the words “cargo cult” were not introduced in print-media until about AD 1945] by Homo sapiens outlook—that is, a Krell hoard of ultra-technology, whose discovery by Professor Edward Morbius is accidental, might seem to fall inexplicably from Heaven and, therefore, might forestall Homo sapiens’ own intelligence-guided planning and hard work! In other words, the so-called “Hope” remaining within the Krell’s “Pandora’s Box”, Altair-4, must be eliminated forever, lest overpowering Evil befall other creatures situated throughout the foreseeable physical Universe, whatever its true volume. Some knowledge should be forbidden (Kourany, 2016). Exploration Reversed, Destruction of Krell “Pandora’s Box” Cyril Hume’s exotically reflexive but never seen Krell were portrayed as a hyper-rational, scientifically objective, technologically manipulative Alien species, driven by a libido sciendi, with the misfortune to invent and use a machine that automatically enabled all their thoughts to be instantly realized in three-dimensional material. Their enormously large, big volume, machine was not simply a generator of Virtual Realities, nor was it a theatrical deus-ex-machine! By the way, the Krell themselves may have been imagined as fatties for, according to Alien-physique speculator Fergus Simpson who alleges that “…since population density is widely observed to decline with increasing body mass, we conclude that most intelligent species are expected to exceed 300 kg [kilograms in body weight]” Simpson, 2016, page L59).
  • 17. 17 After losing their affection for Altair-4’s biosphere—a Nature eradicated means it was impossible for the Krell to have self- knowledge—at the apex of their scientific and Macro-Engineering prowess, the super-intelligent Krell then linked their super-luminal direct material-creation machine to an unimaginably powerful centralized electricity-generating supra-infrastructure, which had come to replace most of Altair-4’s original planetary interior (Cirkovic, 2015, pages 10-11)—an obvious important visualization image omission of an important powerhouse technicality by the screen-writer Cyril Hume is that it is never clearly stated anywhere during the course of the movie’s story unfoldment whether that geological fact includes a majority of the crust, parts of the planet’s mantle or, possibly its Nature-given core materials. The power-plant’s output was sourced from 9,200 thermonuclear reactors occupying 6,880 cubic kilometers of the planet’s core region, which made [perpetually apparently] 1031 Watts— our Sun, by comparison, generates about 3.82 X 1026 Watts—all of which had been instantly available to the last living Krell individual 200,000 years previously! Figure 4.
  • 18. 18 Figure 4. Professor Morbius leading a 3-man talking-tour of one of the Krell’s 9,200 underground powerhouses. The planet Altair-4 is, in fact, a gigantic machine; “machine” is used precisely to mean that complex material device, assembled by the absent Krell, and meant to perfect “mass production” of anything, anywhere, at any time from pure energy! (Google Images.) That last Krell creature was, perhaps, an overzealous exceptionally able rogue individual; or, possibly, Hume had in his mind’s-eye a pervasive bureau-pathology vision—that is, a dysfunctional and irrational aspect of a worldwide bureaucracy that forced the end upon all it could survey and rule, including its membership! In the insolence of their endlessly expansive technological successes, the irreversibly corrupted Krell tried to usurp the power of God; since Krell technology had imprinted everything of Altair-4, no thing or living creature therein is ever again wholly Holy. As God prevented materialization and land- artwork signing of the Tower of Babel by rebels, so He treated the Krell to an even worse termination phase experience—the thoroughly unpleasant and extinctive experience stemming from the effectual, merciless administrations of a magnificently compliant, almost totally robotized terrestrial-type planet. Summarizing, ultimately the Krell did not avoid groupthink, eliminate ego-drive behavior or successfully foster inter-personal trust and openness. Sadly, today in the progressing real-world that is the ever-anthropic Earth-biosphere, published scholarly scientific reports issued are dominated by teams, whereas academics at one time, mainly before World War II, published their scholarly reports on their own; today, far too many persons in media and in academia have already abandoned their proper roles as conduits to the world-public for scientifically and historically verified facts to selfishly promote selected social and geopolitical agendas! Cyril Hume intentionally “cast” Altair-4 as his selected symbol for the portrayal of Nature/God, and it became a “forbidden planet”—that is, a mostly dryland robotized Alien world the must become off-limits to
  • 19. 19 all Earthlings as well as all other sentient and souled beings because it suffered a Krell-induced harsh inquisition so undeniably far beyond our own present-day planet Earth’s imposed ceno-Anthropocene, most usually today typified by doom-dominated forecasts/predictions, as to boggle the considerate, moral human mind! Team Geographos suggests that Altair-4 made into plasma is the discontinuation or initiation an equivalent of Astronomy’s “Great Silence” (Brin, 1983)—so far in human history, thereafter the absence of any detectable activities, manifestations or obtainable artifacts indisputably originating from another world’s Aliens—especially as Cyril Hume revealed in his penultimate movie script that the Krell had captured animals living on Earth and brought some of them to Altair-4 to reproduce. Lions and tigers, oh my! 200,000 years ago, humans were barely human yet, and quite uncivilized, those animals and such must have been intended for some unstated use [Krell zoo, future repopulation of Earth or other terrestrial-type planets? Oddly, these Earth-derived creatures were unaffected by the Krell machine of death]. Our modern-day technologists often elaborate that Science’s future breakthroughs lie within a currently “forbidden zone”, a realm beyond humankind’s extant domain of extrapolative ability; indeed, rectangle-shaped human technologists are forever analyzing and synthesizing ventures into their respective profession’s “forbidden zone”. During their last awful mass murder/mass suicide moment of their species’ existence, the deltoid-shaped Krell creatures, Figure 5, knew they had unwittingly exterminated themselves when these two machines magnified their unconscious impulses—that is, the irrational welled up and came to command their rational minds. At the same moment, their expertise also neutralized Satan via an unexpected technological fix: if the Krell no longer exist, then they can never ever be “tempted”. In other words, after accidently inventing a new evolutionary experience (auto-extinction), the Krell, without any assistance from hyper-real estate agents, experienced the final,
  • 20. 20 agonizing, less than 0.7 second moment of their diminutive species’ long lifetime in a Krell Id-ruled Altair-4 “Global Village”, instead of an ancient Greek-style city-state society consisting of whole, normal Krell creatures! Figure 5. A common fatty passageway Krell doorway. Cyril Hume’s super-intelligent creatures apparently were shaped like those aluminum foil-wrapped chocolaty American commercial goodies called Hershey-Kisses! Its regular, but odd to common human experience, outline may indicate pointy-headed intellectuals with bodies resembling cartooned Tweedledee and Tweedledum! Since the humans are not encumbered by space, pressure or environmental suits it means, as Dr. Morbius and his daughter demonstrate, that the Krell planet is a proper place for people! (Google Image.) Savvy, but unsaved creatures, they then knew, soul-sickeningly, that they had succumbed to Satan’s bait. Operating in planet-wide concert, the Krell’s brainstorming innovation, part of which is palpable and part of which is invisible (thus, it cannot be totally envisioned) duplicates the “Human Vaporizer” of George Orwell’s 1984 (1949) and “The Machine”, which also dissolves persons, supplied by Yevgeny Zamyatin in We (1920). [Humanity’s world is both blessed and cursed by our species’ ever more globalized Internet, which by 2016 AD served more than 2.7 billion users (out of 7.2 billion humans on this planet) of a system of
  • 21. 21 text-and cognitive-based services that requires substantially more knowledge of any user than viewing television or speaking long- distances with telephony. The internationalized Internet uses a large amount of our world’s generated electricity supply (Horner et al., 2016). To date, Team Geographos has been unable to find any definitive statement by adherents of professional Macro-Engineering on the future relationship of the Solar System-wide Internet and the Earth’s biosphere during the future ceno-Anthropocene. The Krell foolishly manufactured a big machine from which no secret act, or secret thought, was ever actually secret (Broeders, 2016)! No individual Krell creature survived to write a book boasting an attractively grand and teasing book-sales shelf title such as The End of History (Rupke, 1998); the conception of an absolute, compleat termination is sublime, quite beyond everyday language usage because of its difficult comprehensibility! We do know for sure that there was, for Earth, a Geologic Time segment before any life appeared (Kowaleski et al., 2011). A single psychically-wounded Krell survivor, using unnoticed Lazarusian Krell technology, after all, might cause an instant return to existence of the entire Krell populace as imagined by that last survivor alone—perhaps an ugly recreation, but certainly not resurrected Krell creatures. The last instant of Altair-4’s Geologic Time, previously herein called “Krellocene”, the Krell’s sadly unique Psychozoic Era moment, terminated in a schizo-second saturated with nihilistic delusion. Prior to the instant of their violent, unanticipated deaths, Krell thinkers had not painstakingly contemplated their species’ end in a broad way—another guess needed to be included in their eschatology. These are not banal generalizations! To our minds, Robby—the adorable anthropomorphic robot character in Forbidden Planet (played by a diminutive male actor encased in a yet-to-become- fashionable high-technology suiting, symbolizes what may be happening to Homo sapiens. Humans may eventually become a Krell- like group of creatures. Robby, really a 219 centimeter-tall mechanical
  • 22. 22 suiting for enclosure of the short American actor Bob May (1939-2009), cost USD$125,000 in AD 1956 to design and put together and did provide some uncontroversial comic relief. However, by AD 2016, its estimated replication cost had escalated to, at least, USD$1,000,000+ to identically fabricate! Figure 6. Figure 6. Robby [the irrepressibly dutiful] Robot, here charmingly framed in an image taken from Forbidden Planet (1956). In that film, humans possessed no anthropomorphic robots, so they had to visit Altair-4 to meet one for the first time! Robby was capable of making diamond nanothreads for luxurious fabric coverings for the film’s sole, and prettiest girl Altaira, Professor Morbius’ daughter, a feat not actually accomplished until sixty years later (Zhan et al., 2016)! Both the spationauts crewing the spaceship and Robby behave as intermediary drones, and both do leave Altair-4 safely. Possibly Robby the Robot was shaped after pre-historic humans since it is a given that Krell visitors interacted with Earth’s bioshell. (Google Image.) Sigmund Freud’s conceptual and terminological innovation, the “Id”, was assumed to be that part of the human psyche that contains the life and death instincts; Freud (1856-1939) envisioned the operative properties of the “Id” as the main source of “physic energy” over which the human “Ego” gains as children age in order to organize the human individual’s personality. Academia’s sociology commonly presumes that
  • 23. 23 an idealized global human noosystem—currently there are more than 190 such United Nations Organization-recognized ecosystem-nation units that are the basic components of our world’s public—is a concert of shared human consciousness. Logically, any ideal human noosystem is also a concert of shared unconsciousness! Krell creature sinning whilst simultaneously and inseparably embedded within Altair-4’s cyberspace of Forbidden Planet—the Spiritism counseled against in The Holy Bible at Deuteronomy 120: 10-12—was fatal. A conventional movie lore, such as the genuinely reliable Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (1993) by John Clute and Peter Nicholls, or even the sometimes spurious on-line encyclopedia Wikipedia, always characterize Cyril Hume’s fascinating final shooting script as merely an unpretentious rehash William Shakespeare’s very last play, The Tempest, and unfailingly refer to the movie’s hideous, gargantuan Id-monster as equivalent to Shakespeare’s play-character “Caliban”. For Shakespeare (1564-1616), however, “Caliban” was a composite character fashioned to represent the primitive, variously-hued peoples of the Earth-biosphere—to Europeans, people with extraordinary skin pigmentation—resident in isolated, distant lands far from Europe only then recently discovered by explorers, as these unfamiliar strangers had by then been incompletely described anthropologically, but only in traveler’s tales and corporate and governmental intelligence reports. Onscreen, the Id-monster’s electricity-forged skin is multi-hued on screen (green, red, yellow and purple). The Authorized or King James Version of The Holy Bible (1611) is commonly cited simply as “1611 bible”. The Tempest (1611) introduced by Act IV, Scene 1 our still- pregnant phrase of post-AD 1874 philosophical debate [“Nature and Nurture”], which epitomizes the idea of separate influences on the individual organism arising from heredity and planetary environment. Perfected future immersion in materially three-dimensional realities may induce unhealthy desires in human minds—something far worse than today’s violent video pornography—that could give physical
  • 24. 24 existence to unwise acts and biblical sin, causing our existing Earth- biosphere and future terraformed planets (Mars, possibly) to become negatively impacted geographical places. Forbidden Planet ought to be embraced as an impressive mene-tekel warning: our self-created near- term future Real Reality must be used selectively so that unhealthy appetites are not wetted in Homo sapiens (Daniel 5: 25-28). Cyril Hume’s Krell sought a quickly realizable Golden Age—a delusion of obsessive infantile wishing. Krell dreamers, living vigorous normal creature lives (like the espoused ideal of Ancient Greece) excided of gruesomely destructive Id tantalizations, might have recreated an Altair-4 biosphere with diverse species plant and animal populations, restoring their almost unnatural terrestrial-type planet to what it was before their enshrouding civilization—like the human pride of the skyscraper—became a tottering Utopia of the seemingly socially adjusted which knowingly opened the trap-door to the destructive unbuffered horror of mass public hallucinations. The Krellocene Geologic Time period was, in fact, always an abyss of Krell species- degrading misery. Located outside the pale of Judeo-Christian civilization, the Krell were self-trained barbarians. Can any human imagine a scientifically or sociological highly probable event-process, other than a horrible real species auto- extinction should Homo sapiens or its organic replacements or nonorganic descendants ever put together an Ivan Edward Sutherlandish mind-reading direct material-creation machine? The late Arthur C. Clarke’s The City and the Stars (1956) imagined a far-future anthropocentric Earth-biosphere’s inhabitants cooperating with Aliens on the construction of a disembodied intelligence; the beloved Sci-Fi writer Clarke’s pure mentality fiction was to search for “…a true picture of the Universe” unencumbered by any actual physical limitations. The CAVE can impart a contradictory experience, a feeling of simultaneously being enclosed in a claustrophobic capsule and wandering unbounded geographic space. [Such disconcerting visual places are called “Ganzfeld
  • 25. 25 Spaces”.] Other than these two unpleasant reactions, normal human persons ordinarily tend not to be otherwise stimulated. But I.E. Sutherland’s post-CAVE machine would be excitingly simulative and very, very situational. Of the newly professionalized humans theorizing currently about Terraforming our Solar System’s planets and moons, is there one member of that elite learned pack of would-be extra- terrestrial industrialists that will renounce any and all use of such a tricky, wish-granting, auto-cathartic Devilish gizmo? Since the Krell civilization was not entirely hypogeal, before its “unbreakable” Krell Metal composed aerial portion crumbled from decay caused by eons of natural weathering and erosion during a post- Krellocene Altair-4 time period lasting five million years, Altair-4 had the appearance of Sci-Fi writer James Graham Ballard’s imagined multi- story, bioshell shaped Space Age world city enclosing Earth (Cathcart, 2002), but in a totally decrepit state. Ballard’s humongous edifice was a warehouse crowded with people, a monumental ultracomputer- regulated epidermis covering our homeland. The Forbidden Planet depiction of the crust-surface remains of Altair-4 screened a planetary surface that has the inviting and delightful appearance of a popular Mediterranean Sea Basin climate regime-landform zone (exactly like those of Southern California when Cyril Hume wrote in Hollywood). When the crew and passengers of the United Planets interstellar Cruiser C-57-D first examine Altair-4 closely, they do not yet understand that they are treading on just 50% of the Krell’s original above-grade infrastructure [modernly termed “techno-fossils”—literally the Krell’s planetary footprint preserved below grade (Zalasiewicz et al., 2014)], situated halfway between a fiery Hell [its 9,200 centralized functioning nuclear reactors] and a Heaven that even an early-21st Century radical Green activist would love (the sky has a pleasingly enjoyable permanent green hue) (Elden, 2013)! The same year Forbidden Planet enthralled moviegoers, Frank Lloyd Wright (1869-1959) proposed “The Illinois”, a technically doable macro-project centered on a tripod-shaped 1.2
  • 26. 26 kilometer-high skyscraper with a deeply penetrating taproot foundation, which featured futuristic nuclear-powered elevators as well as heliports installed at various floor levels. With almost the mass of our Solar System’s planet Venus, Altair-4’s former superficial sub-aerial splendors, constructed of Krell Metal, could have towered 120 kilometers into its Statue of Liberty green sky. A similar reimaging of Earth, of course without the green-tinged sky yet, can be understood from Stephen Graham’s Vertical: The City from Satellites to Bunkers (2016). When United Planets Cruiser C-57-D initially deploys near Altair- 4—the fourth planet from the star Altair—a huge relief map-like visual aid is projected that fully fills the movie screen, clearly showing aquamarine-shaded seas and brownish continents with Sahara-like dune fields, plains and obviously rugged mountain ranges. In this particular section of the movie, the C-57-D’s captain-leader, Commander J.J. Adams, announces to his unshakably loyal crewmen (there are no female members of its crew; later, these well-mannered fellows rediscover the opposite sex on this bizarre world of only two persons who are not an Adam and Eve couple) that Altair-4’s “…oxygen [gas] content [is] 4.7 richer than Earth standard, gravity only .897”. If the oxygen gas content of Altair-4 were really 98.7% by volume, it would be decidedly unhealthy for humans! Laboratory results from plant physiology experiments, work designed since the 1950s to assess differences in green plant growth in outer space as well as on terrestrial-type planets (Poulet et al., 2016), indicate that green plants can still grow in an atmosphere that is about 40% oxygen, but not air of 98.7% oxygen! [The lower limit for combustion of organic materials, such as wood and moss, is an atmospheric oxygen gas content of 15%.] Uncontrollable wildfire would pose an ever-present menace! Team Geographos, therefore, concludes that Cyril Hume’s odd technical specification statement, mouthed by Commander J.J. Adam’s, is biologically uninformed techno-babble (May, 2017; Grazier and Cass,
  • 27. 27 2015). [The Commander’s surname is interesting from a minor literary standpoint: mentioned first in Genesis 2:19, “Adam” was the name of the first human and the “Adam’s Apple”, a projection in the front part of the human male’s neck caused by thyroid cartilage, is supposed to symbolize the apple from the Garden of Eden.] Finally, to achieve the action-film’s achievement of “The End”, Altair-4 is blasted into rubble via a terrific, cinematically astounding anthropogenic spectacle: an explosion instigated because of an oneiric impulse, in order to safely remove its lurking “cargo cult” dangers, those damned linked machines, from Homo sapiens’ immediate grasp and distribution. The demolition is done on the specific command of Professor Edward Morbius, the fatherly philologist survivor from the crashed star-traveling spacecraft Cruiser Bellerophon, which was shattered by previous Forbidden Planet Id-monster incarnations. Note, however, that Professor Morbius had, in terms of both status and fraternity, been deposed as his daughter’s only male idol, replaced by the contrastingly younger Commander Adams. The name “Morbius” seems to convey a subtle linguistic meaning—morbidity—in addition to mere passing geometric association with August Ferdinand Mobius (1790-1868). “Bellerophon”, from ancient Greek mythology, was a victim of slander pitted against the monstrous Chimera, which he successfully slew; the Chimera was a fire-spitting beast with the head of a lion, a body like that of a goat, and a tail that was a snake! After many other tests of his character and physique, Bellerophon completed his natural term of life as a beggar. J.P. Telotte’s thesis that Altair-4 (a planet-sized robot) and the Krell creatures were, so to speak, Siamese twins is an intriguing interpretation of the storyline. However, the standard iconological interpretation of Forbidden Planet upon which J.P. Tellote based his interesting and singular opinion is, in the estimation of Team Geographos, inadequate. Lastly, it is our collective contention that Cyril Hume 1900-1966) included far more Christian religious thoughts and beliefs than any
  • 28. 28 published interpretation has recognized and revealed, so far. David Hume (1711-1776) was skeptical of the philosophical proposition by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) that our world, Earth, was designed as the best of all possible worlds. Cyril Hume may have thought otherwise. And, it was David Hume who philosophized in AD 1779 that, rather than an omnipotent God, reasonably competent human laborers could have produced the Earth, which humans now sometimes gratefully and joyously inhabit because our direct Homo sapiens predecessors had endured all the necessary trials and errors to do it correctly! The nascent community of Terraforming professionals can only be thrilled by this historical tidbit. After all, Macro-Engineering inspired by Nature, or biomimicry as it is often termed, can be functionally indistinguishable from the remaining natural world we see surrounding us. Appearances, after all, can deceive.In terms strictly of the polished moral lesson script-writer Cyril Hume wished to impart with Forbidden Planet, it is starkly obvious: figuratively, “The End” came at the first moment of film-frame where Professor Morbius directed, by oral dialogue instruction, Commander J.J. Adams to slide the easily unlocked triggering rod downwards, thus initiating the planet-core nuclear chain-reaction overload event-process which was to end in another Solar System’s alteration by addition of a new star. See: Figure 7, below, which is a Google Image. The Krell planet’s “kill switch” is both scarily and oddly accessible to anyone for any purpose, even for childish play or to teenage pranksters!
  • 29. 29 Overall, the extinct Krell had tried to imitate/duplicate the Universe’s Ultimate Being [God]. So, not only were the Krell defeated by the God- installed long-forgotten unconscious “Id” of their species’ unaware or unwary minds, but weirdly they had themselves thoughtfully installed a very convenient total machine on/off firing-circuit interrupter to govern their otherwise inadequately or improperly safeguarded active macro- object robotic machine creation—and, most revealingly, of all possible plotline outcomes devisable by Cyril Hume, their reverse dead-man governor was placed inside a subterranean Altair-4 school classroom…for Krell children! Therein, Krell youths were tested and educated via the machine’s tri-bud head-set apparatus. Figure 8. Humans have already realized that it is necessary, for the future progress of our high-technology civilization, to patent computers as inventors, just as normally U.S.A. capitalists currently conceive publicly- owned corporations as persons in U.S.A. taxation laws (Abbott, 2016). Sentient tools—socially aware AI tools accommodating the anticipated needs of human co-workers—are already available and at work in factories and laboratories because of near-fantastic technological progress as well as economic and human cultural shifts (Johnson, 2016).
  • 30. 30 Figure 8. Krell children, being educated in a non-Green, windowless “basement” schoolroom, were users of the machine on the middle left- side, topped by a triangular transparent covering, of this captured film- frame imagery. Notice the close proximity to the core-sited limitless nuclear power-plant’s overload trigger! (Google Image.) Team Geographos hazards a reasoned guess that screen-writer Cyril Hume might have envisioned that one-room subterranean receptacle, for a few supervising Krell adults and school-children, as a potential radioactive fallout shelter (Popeik, 2016) that is foresightedly equipped with a suicide schoolroom devise to be used in the utter absence of “Hope” or “Faith”. Possibly, it is a pre-Ego development child’s innocence in non-collaborative playfulness—Krell or otherwise— that is basic Super-Intelligence, and could have “saved” the allegedly benevolent and kindly Krell civilization from extermination by its own invented and enveloping fabricated centralized energy-harnessing device! It is possible that human wisdom is the guarantor of the human mind; without wisdom the human mind can perceive no meaning to life, no purpose that is valuable. Thus, it may be impossible for any human to live without a mind endowed with wisdom, however intensely expressed that wisdom might be in the world. The human world-public’s profound ongoing engagement with Sci-Fi themes indirectly assists human beings to evade successfully inapplicable formal educational biases that encourage(d) severely inappropriately lineal assumptions about the pre-conditions, and potential origination, of thoroughly technology-saturated telluric planet bioshells (Szerszynski, 2016). Frankenstein (1818) posed a question nowadays asked of Artificial Intelligence robotics and Molecular Nanotechnology research workers: is actual development a true mortal threat to humans? Yes, in some circumstances—competitive exclusion is a form of extinctive “death spiral” (Dominy and Yeakel, 2016)!
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  • 39. 39 CHAPTER TWO Watch Southern California’s Blue Skies! (For Wind-Wafted Bad Weed Seed!) Given that humans are currently adapted to nearly all the extant but naturally variable climate regimes of Earth’s ceno-Anthropocene bio-shell, high rates of change during continuing Geologic Time risk large maintenance costs for infrastructure, no matter what regional climate regimes might be considered to be optimal for humanity’s long- term sub-aerial survival and prosperity. Climate regimes naturally affect the prevalence and growth rates of most biota exposed to air. This chapter’s title comes from Bill Warren’s Keep Watching the Skies! American Science Fiction Movies of the Fifties (1997). However, the signature alerting phrase “Keep watching the skies” derives from a staged radio-dialogue statement issued by a news-gathering organization’s on-site agent, “Ned ‘Scotty’ Scott” played by the actor Douglas Spencer (1910-1960). Figure 1, below, a Google Image. From a non-Russian above-the-Arctic-Circle research station located on North America, in the Hollywood film THE THING From Another World (1951) came this radio-broadcast clarion-cry for Earthlings to be ultra- vigilant against Earth bioshell invasion, especially by vegetable Aliens. Meantime, Nature represented by the Earth’s only civilized animal
  • 40. 40 species, has read, seen and heard real-world news reports of massive jellyfish—planet-native class Scyphozoa—invasions in various regions of the Earth-ocean. One normal Green adherent-reporter of Biology, playing off “Sci-Fi” and “zoic”, termed the sensationally exposed disruptive bobbing blob jellyfish invasions as “SciFizoa” incursions (Burton, 2015; Patwa et al., 2015). Actual jellyfish have nematocysts on their tentacles which exude venom explosively when stimulated by prey; precursor, or more accurately the model, for the Sci-Fi film creature The Blob (1958)! Figure 2. Figure 2. Still-frame extricated from the movie’s exposed and developed reeled film, recording the ominous pulsating emergence, from a gently landed meteor, of the corrosive Alien “amoeba” that absorbs and grows by consuming various enveloped living Earth creatures, seemingly becoming redder and redder in coloration with each endless “meal” of available digestible flesh! Keep Watching the Ground and Ocean too! [The 15,000th observed near-Earth asteroid, designated 2016 TB57, was discovered on 13 October 2016.] (Google Image.) In the often arcane jargon of professional Sociology, an “echo- chamber” is the state of social learning—the learning process of observing and imitating other persons’ behaviors—in which individual performances are deteriorated by excessive observation of others— copy-cat thinking and doing. Until an Artificial Intelligence Effect first
  • 41. 41 comes to the fore and dominates our planet’s bioshell (Jordan, 2016), human rationality remains constrained, and Homo sapiens cannot avoid coping with uncertainty in the natural real-world decision-making processes. In such rather everyday common situations, it is quite rational to observe the actions/reactions of other persons and to generally copy their choices of behaviors. The performance of humans is improved by social learning, and that result is, sometimes, termed the “Collective Intelligence Effect”. Unfortunately, behavioral cascades of copy-cat behaviors seem to cause a group-wide tendency to choose the majority [“consensus”?] choice of behavior even if an individual strongly thinks or believes the minority option is correct or optimal! The most realistic benefit of social learning is that it costs less than asocial or individual learning where a person obtains information with decisive individual effort. Such is the current state of climatology: the public-bickering conflict between those radical Greens adamantly proclaiming a coming global climatic catastrophe, climate regime alterations and collapses, and cooler head who do not share that alarmist view of our homey planet’s geophysical future. The upshot: this confrontation over developing climate regimes gave Team Geographos a nifty book title! It is copy-cat behavior, 20th and early-21st Century industrialization fostering mega-urbanization, may lead to a strange new Homo sapiens future: Molecular Nanotechnology may soon cancel all need for trade, but also reduce humankind’s clustered dependence on imported resources and products. Ultimately, as Team Geographos will demonstrate in Chapter Five, even to survive an Alien perusal and attack, this technical development will necessitate no trade relations amongst humans! Amongst Sci-Fi critic as well as Sci-Fi fan social groupings Forbidden Planet was a rational money-earning cinema, a studio-made public entertainment. However, the geoscience community has, rather recently, come to the significant realization that on other terrestrial- type planets and moons, even asteroids, of our Solar System, as well as
  • 42. 42 on far-away but someday reachable exoplanets in the Universe, serious investigators must diligently search for ancient mines preserved beneath later-emplaced rock strata, rather than only aerial dust or fluvial sediment-covered ruined superficial urban conglomerations still bathed constantly by incoming cosmic and solar radiations: in other words, a global technofossil layer, located beneath an inactive global settlement layer, consisting of preserved machinery (strange compressed objects), as well as innumerable unknown microscopic material artifacts. 20th Century Sci-Fi film presaged this new archaeological and geoscience discovery strategy in Planet of the Apes (1968) and even more emphatically represented in Beneath Planet of the Apes (1970) (Kibblewhite et al., 2015)! Bjorn Wallsten, an Swedish expert in sociotechnical systems engineering, has calmly codified relict anthropogenic geological deposits, and dubbed them “urks”, disconnected urban infrastructure that is abandoned in place, unremoved possibly for-ever (Wallsten, 2016; Graham, 2016)! Today, 7.3 billion persons live and work on about 7.6% of our planet’s landmass. One forever abandoned Wallsten “urk” might be a special, absolutely accidental massive emplacement of an Anthropic Rock, the so-called “Chernobyllium”, a molten mass which collected since AD 1986 at the bottom of the destroyed reactor, which was finally received a constructed capstone (an artificial dome) by AD 2016. The build-up of carbon dioxide gas content of Earth’s air is matched by the intended or unintended sequestration of man-made stuff within this terrestrial-type planet’s crust. [Earth’s current “Global Warming” may, in fact, be caused mostly by increased natural geothermal activity (Viterito, 2016) as well as magnified by its appearance in consonance with a natural Earthly geophysical cycle of 60 years duration (Gervais, 2016).] Costly modern drilling attempts that are designed ultimately to breach the Moho stratum, and to actually penetrate the Earth-mantle, gives us some inkling of the possible archaeological depth of any Alien mines!
  • 43. 43 Hibernating Life Mingled with Urks & Hibernating Infrastructure? Ceno-Anthropocene is a Sci-Fi concept formalized in such a way so as to extract Homo sapiens from the Earth’s bioshell of long-familiar time and space to encourage the viewpoint from outer space, as if our blue planet were some distant object fully contemplatable as a global entity (Swanson et al., 2015). Errantly subjective Greenism’s popular media bellowed species self-hatred notion of a pristine Nature once utterly untouched by Homo sapiens is a concocted ideological platform because, without that invocation of past-time purity, “…how is one to define environment to be protected or preserved?” (Sayre, 2012, page 61). [“Environment”, in its totality, actually references the “known Universe”. If radical Greens are aware of this fact, then quite simply it means such persons, as well as groups of normal Greens, see themselves as corporeal God-like instructors of the hated anti-Green predominant persons and their social groupings!] Interestingly, for several recent decades, the radical Greens portrayed Earth’s Tropic Zone rainforests as the essence of truest evidence for Greenism’s authenticity, but with mounting properly-done biogeoscientific research, it now is certainly known that prehistoric peoples burned, cleared, farmed the rainforests and constructed vast urban conglomerations within the bounds of today’s tertiary rainforests (the Amazon River Basin, for example)! Thusly, ancient peoples left lasting evidential physical markings on the Earthly landscape and soils of every extant Tropic Zone rainforest (Curry, 2016; Becek and Horwath, 2017)! Ambivalences of Outlandish Green Thinkers Viewed through telescopes and other such visualizing devices, it is apparent that whilst red-colored and blue-colored galaxies are relatively common throughout our known Universe, rare green-colored galaxies also occur which are observed and calculated to be violently disrupted by the gravitational attraction of massive neighboring galaxies so that the green-colored galaxies lose their enveloping
  • 44. 44 gaseous bubbles rapidly; green-colored galaxies are sometimes also generated when super-massive Black Holes located at their centers cause almost inconceivably powerful explosions that massively “destroy” green-colored galaxies (Trayford et al., 2016). As a visible color, green is an ambivalent color suggestive of life, photosynthetic growth, Nature and hope as well as sickness, putrefaction and even “demonism” (Punt et al., 2016, page 277). Contrarily, the color red is usually associated with the inducement of risk averse and compliant human public behaviors. However, recent psychological evaluations seem to indicate that, amongst some humans, there can be another normal cognitive response, namely the arousal of non-compliant behaviors, including incurring physical, social and financial risks which may evoke strong sensations (Mehta et al. 2016). Team Geographos simply asks: what color inspired Norman Borlaug (1914-2009), the famed American agronomist who fostered the high-yield crop boom in commercial agriculture whilst other scientists perfected high-yield explosives? By marked contrast, extensive lawns consisting of plastic green grass-blades—sometimes exhibited in the world-news media as inedible “permanent botanicals”—are becoming, more and more, a singular threat to the feed-browsing and other activities of wildlife! [During late-2016 AD, Astroturf LLC filed for bankruptcy after loss of a USA Patent Office dispute with its arch-rival FieldTurf synthetic-grass product.] Zero K: A Novel, a 2016-published Sci-Fi novel penned by Don DeLillo (born 1936) featured artificial gardens composed of plastic flowers and trees (SEE: Bletter et al., 2007; Stavrinidou et al., 2015). Zero K[elvin temperature] is a specialized cryogenic encapsulation unit that, supposedly, will ensure transition of its human occupant to the “next level” beyond to avoid what is claimed by DeLillo to be a certain coming termination of a once livable Earth—in other words, an apocalyptic, “The End” Sci-Fi story. The on-going California drought, plus public urging by untrustworthy politicians and co-opted government bureaucracies using the popular news media
  • 45. 45 liberally, helped to spread the phony greenish outdoor plastic carpet in that State! Radicalized Greenism’s foolish, selfish and often self-serving propagandists, for more than five years, have advocated home-owners and others extract their freshwater-irrigated real lawns, replacing them with synthetic grass and mostly ugly xerophytes. In other words, sometimes, just anything green-colored that might resemble a real lawn but, alternatively, naturally Mars-red gravel is generally emplaced—perfect rocky mini-stuff to be blown away (via saltation) whenever El Nino-style ARK-storm winds eventually return to the currently too-sunny, too-little precipitation State of California! [Particulate blasting of neighboring structures and vehicles passing and parked outside will become superficially a macro-problem: abraded and, possibly, unprotected persons could be injured by fast-skipping “flying” pebbles!] Yet, amazingly, cheap and renewable hydrogen energy can now be obtained easily by simple chemical processing of industrially harvested fescue grass (Caravaca et al., 2016)! Humankind “Smothered” by Unmowable Mutant Grass? As of AD 2016, prognosticating Los Angeles County “futurist” politician posers, constantly and sometimes clandestinely advised by special-interest non-business social groups, must also hear soon from the folks, the imperiled citizenry! Entire coastal State of California neighborhoods have already been eroded by the naturally changeable Pacific Ocean and a possibly impending 21st Century sea-level rise, expressed at the State’s western margin, may accelerate that process- event in Los Angeles County’s harbors. Indeed, Team Geographos foresees a macro-problem developing—even at Venice, State of California—caused by land subsidence that replicates what happened to Venice, Italy during the 1950s and 1970s (Trincardi et al., 2016)! The Los Angeles River, a basin outflow channel fully concreted in its main section since World War II, so that nowadays its “normal” summertime discharge to the Pacific Ocean at the City of Long Beach is 200% greater than before massive urban water-pipe leaks, partly treated wastewater
  • 46. 46 releases, and excessive decorative landscape irrigation of public and private properties augmented its unregulated 20th Century flowage (Townsend-Small et al., 2014). The on-going, five-year-long State-wide drought as well as faulty State Government policies, are nudging some prominent public officials, as well as their surrogates, toward ever- more locally resourced freshwater acquisitions and future reliance (Porse et al., 2016). “Grey Water”, a product of partial recycling effort, aimed at the public consumer is one media-touted idea favored by local politicians, who are, undoubtedly, mostly hydrated by costly freshwater harvested and bottled freshwater taken from pristine nearby, and distant, mountain watersheds and artesian springs or the city’s tap- water rendered tasteless by expensive on-site multi-layered filtering systems. More and more, secretive and self-indulgent politicians voice their desire Los Angeles County groundwater be utilized to meet the needs of thirsty urbanites. Freshwater pumped upwards from underground aquifers can have structural impacts that may become clearly evident only years after the “Blue Water” liquid’s withdrawals commence. Perhaps even long after pumping program approvers and instructed instigators are no longer public office-holders and bureaucracy minions but are, instead, very comfortable pensioners living out-of-County! A thorough geological study report done by Dr. Susan E. Hough and her colleagues documents as fact that several Los Angeles County earthquakes (1920 Inglewood, 1929 Whittier, 1930 Santa Monica and the Long Beach tremor of 1933) were probably induced by early-Oil Era pumping techniques which, since AD 1935 have been replaced by simultaneous fluid injection techniques. Depletion of subterranean freshwater aquafers reduces the bulk of the grainy rock which was the holding reservoir. Reduction of underground rock-mass volume, naturally, creates the likelihood of ground-surface deformation—over-taxed owners of real property affected by groundwater pumping probably will discovers their landscape to be riven by vertical and horizontal ground displacements.
  • 47. 47 Already, the Santa Clara Valley and Yucaipa Valley exhibit visible examples of ground failure indisputably attributable to freshwater mining. In Los Angeles County, many land-owners are quite familiar with ground-surface subsidence caused by oil and natural gas production, and the building and structure macro-problems resulting from that industrial activity—Wilmington in Long Beach and the Baldwin Hills Reservoir dam collapse on 14 November 1963 AD are still remembered by older Angelinos especially. If ever local sea-level rises markedly it does impose a hydraulic pressure upon freshwater- depleted coastal aquifers, forcing adjacent seawater (polluted or not) inland beneath very valuable near-seashore properties. Further inland, however, Los Angeles County residents must be wary of future actual topographic elevational descent! “Grey Water”, untreated to a potable standard for human and domesticated animal consumption, is widely used to irrigate public-property vegetations, including lawns. Reasonably, whenever the BIG ONE [the expected 8.0+ magnitude earthquake of southern California’s 21st Century] occurs, it could have a generally unanticipated effect—tumbling homes, apartments, office and industrial buildings harshly because politicians had not clearly understood concerned individual property taxpayer owners about possible future landscape value decline—including actual reduction in height above sea-level. Los Angeles County’s politics is riven with publicly-expressed media and insider group derision of so-called landlords and suburban property owners. The public, however, is wiser than professionalized lawyer-politicians, mainly because our focus in on the long-term environment with which we must cope on a daily basis! The Sci-Fi story elucidated next is edifyingly rife with political-speakers speaking nonsense and not solving a gigantic macro-problem entailing Homo sapiens’ survival! Bounded ecosystem-nations, connected increasingly by a worldwide Internet in which packets of data are carried mostly by laser- light through fiber-optic cables, may be characterized as large and
  • 48. 48 complex 21st Century “organisms”; cities, too, are natural geographical sub-systems of the Earth’s encapsulating bioshell. This concurrence of spatial and temporal Macro-Engineering macro-plans—initiated, of course, by mega-project-conceptualizing human Macro-Imagineers— allows world societies, and humanity, to effectively address the macro- problem of the Earth’s fuzzy “limit state”—that is, the condition at which a single, thinly vertical shell of various organic and inorganic molecules held by our planet’s gravity from escaping into outer space, hospitable to life, begins to become unfit for further use by mind- endowed Homo sapiens. Once such a “golden” state of affairs is achieved, our Earth’s limit state ought to be called a Geologic Time epoch, since it undoubtedly marks the onset of a new planetary time that is obviously markedly different from any that preceded it. Sometimes this dawning epoch is said to have already been passed— hence, the ceno-Anthropocene Sci-Fi concept. It is fortunate that so much of humanity’s international telecommunications traffic is transmitted by electromagnetic pulse- immune fiber-optic cables, since the inauguration of Earthly anthropogenic outer space weather, which commenced with the first widespread geographical adoption of metal-wire conducted alternating electric current, and reached its peak contemporary influence circa AD 1962 with nuclear weapon test explosions in near-Earth outer space [revealing the possibility of a global electromagnetic pulse capable of interrupting over-land wire and satellite-based telecommunications] (Bombosi et al., 2016)! Late-20th Century geographical science is plagued by non-trivial terminological tribulations! Coeval with the Copernican cliché’s demise (Danielson, 2001), the ecosystem cliché is collapsing because Homo sapiens modify vast ecological systems, shifting major parts of ecosystems outside the realm of bioshell conditions that have existed since the Ice Age. This post-territoriality epoch, which the ceno- Anthropocene supervenes, supersedes the foundation it is based upon
  • 49. 49 to become planetary in both geographical scale and implication, is terra incognita. Present-day macroscopic robot exploration and future industrial exploitation of the other Solar System planets, moons and asteroids—still very much terra incognitos—warrant our serious consideration of some biogeochemical Earth futures proposed already by fatidic Sci-Fi writers. And, no, Chapter 2 is not about “grass farmers”, the marijuana growers and users who usually puff their way to personal intellectual befuddlement and proper police notice! Many terrestrial photosynthetic plants are currently appropriated for use by our species and, in the course of industrialized mono-cultural farmed cropland, have caused green plant extinctions and the erasure of noticed and unnoticed ecological niches. Is it possible a postulated diminished future planet-encompassing biodiversity can weaken the role Homo sapiens plays in the Earth-bioshell? In the past, some scientists have likened the Cenozoic expansion of grasslands— gramineous landscapes—exclusively by Nature as a force and event- process comparable to the ceno-Anthropocene (Retallack, 2001). Is our 21st Century species trending to a future Earth-world literally going to weedy grass seed? Philosophers have deduced that rocks may have “minds” and biologists have postulated that green plants may be capable of “thought” (Trewavas, 2014). Team Geographos assumes that radical Greens will, sooner or later, grasp these bizarre extensions of English-language vocabulary—because they are so difficult to narrowly define—in some publicity effort to undermine normal Homo sapiens civilization! Mars terraforming theoreticians—talented and sometimes genius humans who rightly ought to be titled “Planet Stylists” because of their ever more professional planning efforts and because they seek the impure art of the “Technological Fix”—might well rejoice at a future biotechnology’s laboratory development of a less hardy and ramifying Cynodon dactylon (Chen et al., 2015) featured in the Sci-Fi novel Green Than You Think (1947). Figure 3. Already, scientists have supposed
  • 50. 50 development of Space Synthetic Biology to be used as manufacturers of needed components (Menezes et al., 2015; Landenmark et al., 2015) as well as the employment of such synthetic organisms to prevent declines in some over-stressed landscapes whilst reducing the air’s content of gaseous carbon dioxide gas (Sole et al., 2015). In other words “terraformation” of Earth as well as Mars, including specialized vegetating enclosures moving through interplanetary space! Figure 3. Cover-artwork illustrates the iconic City Hall of Los Angeles, California, USA (completed AD 1928) encircled by looping freeway access ramps, all overgrown by menacingly tall, very healthy grass! The installation of the extensive freeway network after World War II worsened Los Angeles’ fabled smoggy chemical weather (Lawrence et al., 2005). (Google Image.) A rapid, smothering, geography-altering flood, like in the Biblical sense, is frighteningly rendered in print by Joseph Ward Moore (1903- 1978). Figure 4.
  • 51. 51 Figure 4. Photographic image of the writer Ward Moore, no-date. (Google Image.) It is a well-crafted tale in which Earth’s landmass is overrun by an ineradicable mutated domestic lawn of Bermuda grass that starts its massive ungovernable growth and ultimate global spread from the City of Los Angeles’s Hollywood District, locale of some of our world’s major motion-picture corporations. Los Angeles, as of AD 2016, is our Earth- world’s most spatially extensive urban region—other than Juneau, Alaska—often descriptively and smugly portrayed as a notorious smog- smitten urban sprawl of the worst sort! [By AD 1947, when Moore’s Sci- Fi book was published, smog in Los Angeles appeared to have become a permanent aerial impediment health-wise since it first manifested during the Second World War.] In other words, J.W. Moore imagines humankind humiliated by a grassy Hollywood product, echoing perennial film-fan paeans and raving drug addict-like pleas for “More! More! More!” In the New World, all Americans make their last stand: “It was decided to complete digging the Nicaragua Canal and blow up part of Central America lying between it and the Isthmus of Panama” [A real-world canal excavated in Nicaragua may be in the offing (Huete- Perez et al., 2016; Carse and Lewis, 2017).] By AD 1987, a prognosticator from the Geosciences had, more or less, mirrored Moore’s scenario (Perry, 1987)!
  • 52. 52 Greater than 30% of our atmosphere’s current carbon dioxide gas content passes through green-plant stomata annually; in exchange, green-plant stomata exude water vapor equivalent to twice the amount naturally present in Earth’s air (Zwieniecki et al., 2016). The rate of green-plant photosynthesis on the landmass and in the world-ocean is high: a 1% biomass increase per year, absent balancing return flow (via animal respiration, fiery conflagration and repugnantly smelly rot), would result in all atmospheric carbon dioxide gas being converted to verdure in less than a decade! Quite naturally, Moore’s scenario of a global anthropogenic “Green Hell”, an anti-Creation, chlorophyllic Chernobyl wherein too much of only one plant species life is left unmentioned by lawn cultivation’s most ardent commercial advocates: for example, during the early-21st Century, the giant perennial grass Miscanthus x giganteus was researched as a possible feedstock for ethanol production. “Green” surely symbolizes Earthly life (healthy living vegetation’s chlorophyll, Greek for “leaf green”), sickness (queasiness), death (mold) and organic inexperience! Most persons seem to prefer the vistas of short grasslands—for instance, a well- trimmed lawn of air-polluting wounded grass (de Gouw et al., 1999)— possibly because our species’ savannah-inhabiting forebears knew from harsh experience that such wild landscapes were a far safer ecological niche than forests in terms of other animals’ predation of Homo sapiens. Flee to the “tall grass” is an indicator phrase, especially for the cowardly! Most abnormally, excepting the voluminous and vast world-ocean during long-gone periods of planetary existence, a single dominating biotic environment exists upon Moore’s landmass during one indefinite period of Earth’s Geologic Time. Stratigraphy would be impossible if only one kind of life existed through millennia; there would be no means by which to identify strata (different rock types) in a rock-body since there would not be any stratum or rocky layer differentiable by fossilized content of bedding and named as a geological formation.
  • 53. 53 Microbial life forms have been found to survive and thrive many kilometers beneath Earth’s crust surface in high-pressure environments below the seafloor, islands and continents. “Utopia” is an ideal region of static topography; “Euchronia” is an ideal period of Geologic Time evidencing unnatural sameness of descriptive characteristics in every examinable rock section, resulting in mass of starkly unrelieved stratigraphic continuity. Earth’s plate tectonics makes it impossible for either to exist for more than a few hundred million years since subduction—the event-process by which tectonic plates descend into Earth’s mantle—erases everything eventually! Some time ago, Biology proved that the total difference between the smallest and largest living Earth organisms is 1022 (Gaines, 1993). If the reader assume a single hypothetical organism—for instance, J.E. Lovelock’s “Gaia”—larger than the State of California’s tallest giant sequoia tree, then this enormous would be more than 10% of the current known volume of Earth [that is, more than 10842 X 108 cubic kilometers], but less than our currently expanding Anthropocosmos delimited by Voyager I and II spacecraft exiting our Solar System. The Anthropocosmos is simply the anthropostrome’s current ceno- Anthropocene boundary extended upwards into outer space from the Earth’s Moho crust layer! Defined by Sun-escaping American-fabricated spacecraft, the Anthropocosmos’ interstellar border is the outer limit of our so-called Internet-connected “global village”. Since these unmanned spacecraft are moving outward from our Sun, the ball- shaped volume of outer space (and all objects therein), the Anthropocosmos increases at a more or less stable rate. During the early-21st Century, the Anthropocosmos’ radius is, at least, 70 Astronomical Units. Each mature blade of grass, which grows untended from its base, in Joseph Ward Moore’s mind-stimulating Sci-Fi story, is approximately the height of a single small Sequoia semperevirens, so gigantic that a land-covering never mowable “lawn” composed of such blades stifles
  • 54. 54 and exterminates all fauna bigger than field-mice. Biologists theorize vegetarian dinosaurs were relentlessly pestered by the first small mammals. Greener Than You Think imaginatively kills off a proud, once world-dominating Homo sapiens using a common green plant treated with, and Frankensteined by, artificial growth stimulating chemicals, which causes the chemical-sprayed grass to flourish extra-ordinarily, growing to enormous physical proportions during the course of J.W. Moore’s matter-of-fact story—in effect, a true and likely unpopular “Tragedy of the Commons” event, absolutely not a popular Green Acres-style situational comedy television series episode. Moore never mentions in his novel which mutagenic or teratogenic chemicals he had in mind as his tale’s instigator, but suffice to say that would-be chemical weather manipulators have proposed using, on a Macro-Engineering geographical scale, DEHA [diethyl hydroxylamine, or (C2H5)2NOH] to inhibit photochemical smog’s formation in the stagnant air sheds of major urban regions such as the City of Los Angeles (Maugh, 1976); plastic artificial turf raises the risk of human cancers (Luzer, 2017). Not considering the possibility of chemical, biological and nuclear “dirty bomb” terrorism, there have so far been three major smog incidences: (I) the December 1930 air pollution disaster in eastern Belgium’s Meuse River Valley; (II) the October 1948 event in the cities of Donora and Webster situated in the Monongahela River Valley of southwestern Pennsylvania, USA and (III) the world’s single worst air pollution even in December 1952 in London, England. Nevertheless, more disasters impend: dangerously hazardous high-levels of air pollutants are present during the hajj in Mecca, Saudi Arabia and, since AD 2015, the Chinese artist calling himself “Nut Brother” has made solid bricks from Beijing, China’s collected and compressed formerly aerialized smog particles! Although leaves emit isoprene [(C5H8)] thus causing visible smog, machine emissions of visible and invisible combustion gases, as well as gritty particles, are more dangerous to life, especially in cities and densely populated landscapes. The nebulous smog, intermittently present in the Los Angeles air shed since the first irritating smog siege
  • 55. 55 in July 1943, to this very day damages Hollywood’s show-cased celebrity lawns! More to Team Geographos’ point, was modern celebrity-architect Frank Gehry ignorant of the devastating potential of his ghastly plan for Dallas, Texas—“The Rainforest Enzyme” proposal— illustrated in October/November 1998 issue of Civilization magazine? Moore and so-called “starchitect” Frank Gehry’s Earth-bioshell epoch development scenarios promote something quite unlike anything portrayed as the Kingdom of God in The Holy Bible. “Chlorophyllic Chernobyl” is a code-phrase that raises and reminds people of the horrific specter of radioactive a complete global contamination of our planet’s air, its soils and water. By AD 1922, Robert Lionel Sherlock (1875-1948) suspected the Uniformitarianism geosciences doctrine had applied much too avidly and was, even in the early-20th Century, over-reaching its obvious geographical scope and historical comprehensibility. Instead, he shrewdly surmised, Catastrophism was likely to return to the forward-moving “edge” of hypothetical and theoretical professional discussions in the Geosciences. Present-day avant-garde Macro-Engineering philosophers suspect that, even melded with James E. Lovelock’s Gaia Theory, Uniformitarianism and Catastrophism Earth change concepts are each, at their base, somewhat outdated, make-do, cliché concepts. In other words, it may not be true that organic and inorganic elements interact in an incomparable huge system—that is, the Universe! Prominent Gaia theorists tweaked geoscientists when they asserted that anthropogenic artifacts, including machines, pollution, and artworks, were not separate from the feedback process-events of Earth Nature. The underlying idea of John Storrs Halls’ “Utility Fog” [his barely visible droplet-sized machines he has dubbed “foglets” that can harvest resources from air] is to stimulate the physical existence of a material object by micrometer-size robots—definitely smaller than a mustard seed. Molecular nanotechnology’s R&D is channeled toward the common goal of perfecting invisible machines that will have the
  • 56. 56 safeguarded capability to compose and decompose tiny and large objects for any human’s preferred purpose (Milburn, 2015). Interestingly, at the time Forbidden Planet was showing in theatres, Arthur von Hippel (1898-2003) strongly hinted at the future realization of Molecular Nanotechnology (von Hippel, 1956)! Summarizing, such persons as Halls are satisfied that the Earth bioshell can be apprehended as an open system subject to science’s misconceptions and actual misuse (abuse)! Shocking! Yeah. Well aware of the USA’s awful AD 1930s Dust Bowl ordeal, J.W. Moore speculated that our Earth’s vital hydrologic cycle (Linton, 2008) will eventually diminish in global effectivity. Realistically, evaporating at 1.14 meters per annum, the Blue Planet’s ocean could utterly disappear in about 2,670 years, leaving a few deep, hyper-brine lakes and exposing much of the desiccated, salt-encrusted exposed former seafloor to sunlight heating and geothermal vents—look at “before” and “after” satellite images of Central Asia’s Aral Sea for a preview glimpse (Badescu et al., 2011). Lacking any fluid runoff, continental erosion will be nil, especially as the dense ultra-Bermuda grasses absorb whatever rainfall does occur, and the terrigenous sediment will no longer be a big factor in altering the seafloor’s topography close to shores—in fact, because in Moore’s world there could be no base-level of erosion (i.e., sea-level today)—the central geographical sections of former ocean basins will change very little with Geologic Time’s passage. The increased accumulation of carbon dioxide gas by Moore’s “lawn” will also cause a further oxygenation of Earth’s atmosphere. If the oxygen-mixing ratio fell exceeded today’s 21% oxygen by volume, then spontaneous wildfires clearance of naturally accumulating dead vegetation would become unquenchable conflagrations, filling Earth’s air with smoke and large ash flakes, subsequently changing Earth’s albedo. Moore’s still-popular Sci-Fi novel, published between the treaty-enshrined end of World War II and the start of the Cold War, pioneered imaginative extensions of thought and described a true anti-
  • 57. 57 Gaia place—a place not to be wished for by any sane human being. Moore’s literary genre, in some important sense, has been reflected in modern-day non-fictional historical writings, such as The Great Hedge of India (2001) by Roy Moxham that elucidated the planting, maintenance, and recent near-disappearance of a living physical taxation barrier that separated millions of people. In his Sci-Fi novel No Blade of Grass, during AD 1956, John Christopher suggested humanity’s extinction as an inevitable result of a previous, permanent global extinction of all species of grass. In reality, the total area of the macro-molecular matrix of Earth’s living green plants is about 641,000,000 square kilometers; Moore’s fictitious Bermuda Grass-like biotic mutation, his expansive and deadly “lawn grass” monster, would likely have a total leaf area that is at least equal to, and probably would exceed, that tentative mathematical extrapolation. A still-organizing American grassroots corps of propagandized and indoctrinated Greenism child-ecologists won’t truly understand the theorizing of Biogeochemistry proponents, so Sci-Fi’s writers should continue to have much leverage on still-forming young minds. Joseph Ward Moore’s First Sci-Fi Novel Answering a newspaper advertisement, Ward’s “Albert Weener” salesman is hired by an obscure scientist “Josephine Spencer Francis” who has formulated a plant-stimulating rapid growth potion that causes only grasses to flourish. Her aim is to make Earth’s agricultural Dust Bowls bloom, thus relieving the misery of our world’s hungry humans. “Albert Weener”, on his own account, decides to market this wonder of science first to property-proud suburban housewives wishing for greener lawns (Whitney, 2010). Unbeknownst to “Albert Weener” the sales-sample he is given by “Josephine Spencer Francis” is missing a crucial ingredient. The defective formula is applied to demonstrably dormant Bermuda grass. Revisiting the test lawn the next day, the lawn