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Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible
Chapter Four
Easy e Learning
'Flow Centre'
David Jean-Baptiste
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Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible
Inken's Case for Easy e Learning
Learning from Mistakes
Fast Phobia Cure
Radiant Thinking with Mind Maps
Your Learning Strategy
Strengthening Your Inner World
Intention in Motion with Time-Line
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Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible
Inken's Case for Easy e Learning
Inken now loves her life, a free agent, an
entrepreneurial advisor to people wanting change
and enjoys it. She has a checkered past but doesn't
need to work so hard these days. Living well as
enough money comes in from her income streams
and has all the time she needs to do what she likes.
Happy as she is, things were not always so.
Rewind 2 years and Inken has a high standard of
living but a poor quality of life. Works in a busy
Central London corporate environment inside a
tall glass building on the 34
floor as a recruitment
specialist, in an open plan office. Rather like the
Facebook open plan office in California. The work
entails sifting through thousands of pages of data
from prospective candidates for global shipping
industries. Not minding the work at first, but as
the information age motors on, communication
technology and her networks grew too. As time
passed there were more and more applications
each day coming from as far afield as China,
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Australia and India through various internet
channels. Whereas in former times she would
assess and make notes on 50 applications in an
afternoon, now was expected to assess 3 to 400 in
the same time. If she failed there would be even
more to do the following day, so she had to finish
things up each day.
In time the wear and tear began to show up in her
as bad health. Fatigue tiredness and bad skin sent
her to the clinic.
Advice received from the doctors was to work a fifty
percent week timetable. As a valued employee her
boss kept her perks in place which were quite
generous, but Inken had to live on half the money
she was used to, and didn't like that at all.
The up side was having more time. The hours she
did work showed an increased productivity ratio
compared to working the full week, but her
standard of living slowing declined, as the quality
of life gradually improved.
She loved the hours but now wanted more, needed
more too as the unpaid bills flowed in.
One afternoon browsing through the shelves in
Foyles Bookshop Inken stumbled upon 'Easy e
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Learning' by David Jean-Baptiste from a firm
called The Wellness Clarinet LTD, an interesting
name she thought to herself. Wondering what the
clarinet bit was all about, but kept reading.
Learning form Mistakes
David talks of his silly mistakes as a young person
as he turns the clock back a few years. Can you
believe it, one day I was stranded on the lovely
island of Martinique in the Caribbean on an
evening I was meant to be leading my woodwind
horns group 'The Righteous Reeds' on the stage of
the Queen Elizabeth Hall in London. All the shock
horror and disappointment of Mr No Show. Other
than the obvious missing bass clarinet, alto
saxophone, dimension and personality it was no
problem for the guys in the band to cover for me,
as all of them are superb musicians in their own
right. If I remember we had Patrick Clahar, Jason
Yarde, Tony Kofi, Denys Baptiste; but it was bad for
me, in fact very bad, raising a titter or two
whenever my name came up in conversation
during the period following of time.
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A big mistake for sure and one luckily I've never
repeated again to date. Somehow I had to change,
to alter the meaning this poor memory had for me;
not to negate its importance as a professional
musician. But to see to it that it would no longer
hold power over me. Turning to a technique
learned from Richard Bandler I learned on my
'NLP Trainers Training Certification', with Richard
bandler, Paul Mckenna and Michael Breen, called
Turning Mistakes Into Humour, as well as feeling
silly and stupid I was instructed to exaggerate the
image and make it sillier and even more stupid,
ridiculous and surreal. Expanding the time frame,
tuning in to the feelings, sensations, sounds and
other fine-sensuals such as expanding the mental
picture making it distorted and comical, totally
exaggerated. I adopted the voice of Mickey Mouse
and played the saxophone like Zoot form the
muppet show loudly and ridiculously. Myself
becoming the cookie monster.
The truth is today when ever I think of this totally
unprofessional mistake I can laugh and laugh hard
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too. Whenever taking myself too seriously again I
see a custard pie smacking me in the face. To
hysterical laughter. It works!”
Inken thought it hilarious and cast her mind back
to silly things she had done. Falling over in a dance
performance sprang to mind. Following the
exercise to the letter it wasn't long before she was
on the floor in hysterics about it.
A Fast Phobia Cure
It is incredible just how many people have an
extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to
something in their daily lives. Developing a phobia
be it an aversion to heights, spiders, dogs, public
performance or speaking can have disastrous
consequences for these people. Especially when the
phobic reaction creates intense fear, sickness and
adverse physical symptoms. Impeding them from
enjoying situations that another person would
Phobias are nothing more that a negative learning
experience that got stuck as a mind-set. Each time
that person sees the object of their derision the
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phobic reaction is triggered re-experiencing those
horrible feelings.
Here is the fast phobia cure...
a) Stop a moment and bring to the surface what
your phobia is, be truthful.
b) In your mind's eye, enter an imaginary theater
and position yourself on a seat in the centre of the
front row. Why not make it a grand theater, on the
stage there is a very large screen.
c) Look up to a balcony the left or right of the
theatre, a balcony where a vip would be chosen to
sit and view a performance. Now, allow a double of
you to float up to the balcony, gently taking a
prime viewing position on a seat on the balcony. So
now you can watch yourself in the front row
watching the screen.
d) On the screen there is a colourful paused movie
of you freeze framed as a slide at the very
beginning of experiencing your greatest fear. Be
brave re-experience those feeling as you play the
movie all the way to the end. Phew what relief, it's
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e) When the movie is over freeze frame the final
slide as you turn the screen black and white. Get up
out of your seat in the front row and walk into the
movie. Fully associate yourself into the movie and
rewind the movie triple speed or faster, with
comical and cartoon like music playing. Freeze-
frame the very first image when you get back to the
beginning of the movie.
f) Walk out of the still slide and sit back down in
your seat in the front of the theatre. Then white-out
the entire screen.
g) Loop steps c to f as often as necessary. Each time
test for phobic response after every run through.
A phobia is only a poor state of mind which can
and should be transformed into a healthy
curiousity for that thing or situation.
David continued saying that learning is a state of
mind, and a powerful one at that.
“There has been one area of my life that has
presented one of the biggest challenges for me, one
in which I have had numerous successes and some
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calamitous failures. Those who know me know that
it is in the area around money.
It took me a very long time to understand what
money is, the nature of it and the laws which
govern it. Learning how to become a Forex and
stock trader helped me understand this immensely.
Being always honest and hard working and good at
what I do I've always been lucky and able to acquire
money. But there was a blip in my mental
programming somewhere, and that programme
crashed occasionally.
So what is money?
The essence of perceived value you give to a thing or
your offering, combined with creativity to attain it,
as there is more than enough money in the world.
With the power of genuine passion behind your
action or love of your thing to give value to other
So what was my problem?
Later I realized that I had been putting too low a
value on my skills and ability because I have it in
abundance; I took my virtues too lightly. Also I
would do what ever I pleased without looking into
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the needs of the people who might buy into me or
what I'm offering. A good friend once told me that I
choke at the people who love me.
Why did I do this?
Again later I realized that as a fanciful character I
would go for the cheap thrill, unknowingly looking
for acceptance from the wrong people, instead of
hanging my hat with the ones who love and cheer
So why did I do this?
Even though I had more ability than almost anyone
I knew, this thinking came from a value that I was
not good enough; and I played this out in my
financial life. Actually believing deep inside that I
was undeserving of lasting success and wealth. As
they say, you can hold on to a belief but the system
moves around it.
So where did this come from?
That's quite easy to understand. Having been born
and brought up in Mile End, East London; growing
up I didn't have the references around me showing
me that I could reach the sky if I wanted to.
In fact the opposite, many boys there were hard
nuts, a few of them the amongst toughest people
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you will ever meet. It's true to say that quite a few
people left school and went straight into the work
market without a trade. But there were very many
success stories too, as the school I went to spawned
many millionaires. This was at a time before
regeneration, before all the investment and big
businesses moved to East London, before Canary
Wharf existed when that area was known as the
Isles of Dogs.
On returning back to England after absence for 12
years in New York, Bremen and Paris, as a much
improved musician with a lot more under my belt.
I remember running into jazz pianist Trevor
Watkiss outside Ronnie Scott's club one night. A
man who seems to have done well for himself
having done the New York thing for a bit, and
playing with the Kenny Garrett Quartet.
Conversing about the scene with gentle banter, I
reminded him at least 3 times in that conversation
that I now live in a flat on Brewer St just around the
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corner. Equally in the same conversation at least 3
times he informed me that I still live in Germany.
Luckily I had an amazing clarinet teacher at school
by the name of Bunny Gould. Bunny was the best
woodwind doubler I've ever known, playing the
bassoon, all saxophones, clarinets and flutes at a
very high level, and a brilliant reader; and what's
more he was always there for me. He taught me a
system for practicing scales that he used on all his
instruments; later I developed this taking it further.
Working for years and years in London's West End
musicals like Evita and Song and Dance for the
likes of Andrew Lloyd Webber. Bunny wasn't a
touring musician so was there every Monday for
my entire school life. With him from 11 years of age
to 16 I learned fast advancing quickly; it was him
who gave me the ability and vision.
Also having it in my genes from my father Ashley
who was a very able bass player, this is where the
talent came from.
Many years later having achieved success as a
professional musician in England and beyond
Bunny offered me a large chunk of his teaching
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work. He had been in the game for years and was
on a top scale of pay that I would have stepped
He wanted me to give something back to where I
was from, but I refused, knowing that such a move
would change my direction and the complexion of
my international musical lifestyle, plus I could
never be for the kids what he had been to me. I
simply wasn't ready to do that back them. Whether
it was a selfish refusal on my part I don't know but
I had to keep moving forward, and I have done so.
Today I stand in a fortuitous position and can
usually attract and generate the funds I require to
do what I want to. With my skill as a clarinet and
saxophone player I get invited to perform at
festivals internationally and sometimes at clarinet
festivals like the International Clarinet Festival in
Assisi Italy and Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The owner
of Wellklar Records and The Wellness Clarinet
LTD with £20,000,000 share capital at £1 a share.
With personal trading and investing skills, my
music and trading model, Intention In Motion
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Milestones and Flow Centre; not taking up Bunny's
offer was surely the correct decision.
Jugglers are very able learners. What ever one can
say about the often scruffy image of some street
performers, they enjoy peripheral skills from their
ability to juggle. Having recently spent time in
Edinburgh, the Edinburgh Festival is the par
excellence of the street performing industry. Some
of the feats I have seen are jaw-dropping.
Learning a new trick involves failing and trying
again, dropping the balls again and again until
you get it right.
Once I belonged to a juggling club in Highgate
London that met on Thursday evenings. At the end
of every session I felt like I could learn a new
language at will there and then; as well as having
triggered immense feel good endorphins from my
brain through the rest of my body.
My efforts to learn new tricks and perform the
tricks I already knew better, coupled with learning
from everyone else there. Who would be
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performing all manner of feats from juggling 6
clubs in groups, hacky sack, rings, rip boarding
and other bizarre modes of transport, devil stick, 6
ball juggling tricks and lots of other stuff I couldn't
do very well. Learning there by osmosis, my
learning strategy ran on steroids. Talk about
optimizing eye to hand and mind body co-
Juggling promotes ambidexterity and relaxed
concentration. Relaxed concentration being a state
of mind I find particularly fascinating, since
learning the Alexander Technique in my late teens.
I found a fringe benefit for me showed up in my
driving. I can drive a right hand drive car on the
left hand side or the right hand side of the road,
just as easily as I can drive a left hand drive car on
the right hand side of the road or the left hand side
of the road. Lots of new levels of connectivity in the
brain I'd say.”
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Radiant Thinking with Mind Maps
“Mind mapping has been key in making me the
man I am, one with a reservoir of creative juice,”
David proudly cites. “Tony Buzan the inventor of
mind maps an exceptionally bright Englishman at
that, has changed the world through the use and
application of them in businesses, governments
and naturally in education. He calls it radiant
thinking, a whole brained approach to thinking
utilizing both left and right cortical skills in
tandem. Right brain skills being imagination,
spatial awareness, colour, rhythm, dimension,
movement, daydreaming, density. Left brain
cortical skills including logic, numbers, lists, words
and order and sequence. Mind mapping combines
them all. Also presenting a most ideal way for our
Intention In Motion Milestone consulting clients to
empty their minds of all their intentions, plans,
milestones, life sectors, challenges and a lot more.
A typical mind map starts with a central image in 3
colours. Moving out from the centre clockwise from
let's say one o clock in 3 or 4 main keyword
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branches. The core keywords sitting on the
branches triggering ever smaller branches, rather
like a tree. Each main branch with its own
dedicated colour. Using images, codes and many
levels of association all cortical skills are applied.
When the ideas have poured out of the head on to
paper or a canvas in the iMindMap software you
can see your thinking clearly. Your priorities and
errors in prioritizing. Then maybe section smaller
areas to scrutinize with a more specific mind map.
Mind maps are an awesome tool to use and have
under your hat. Tony Buzan's iMindMap software
is a particularly special tool. Users enjoy so many
benefits and features like converting the mind map
to numerous file formats, maybe a power point or a
video to upload to YouTube, group collaboration
functions and more.
Mind-maps also act as a super memory device, if I
were to mind map a whole book on one page or a
presentation. Perhaps the first branch with the
main theme, characters, plot etc in keyword form.
Creating other branches to collect the rest in
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keywords and image associations I get from the
book. If I were to leave it alone, forget about it and
come back 6 months later. Just one glace at the
mind-map would be all I would need for the whole
book or presentation to come back to me.
Once I had a Swedish girl friend called Anna from
the pretty town of Stockholm; seems appropriate as
she was a very beautiful lady indeed. Back then I
wasn't sure about being called schnoukle bear by
her but that's ok. Anna worked in travel guides in a
firm in Covent Garden and has fine and unique
artistic skills. One day I created a big mind map for
life on a large sheet of paper and included all my
intentions and desires on it, and asked Anna to
create all the detailed artwork on it for me. When
finished it was a work of art indeed and I felt
proud. Rich in colour, codes associations and
priorities. With goals and intention of such nature
it is advised that you view and review them each
day. Perhaps it is a good idea to carry your top
three goals around with you on a laminated card to
view at different point in your day. But I didn't do
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this and it wasn't long before I left my gorgeous
mind map under a pile of books and forgot about
Eventually getting back to it, to my elation I had
achieved every goal I had set for myself on the mind
map. Knowing this was an incredible realization I
began to wonder what was the kicker, what made it
It must have been something about the level of joy
and expectation I had about the map when I had
finally laid my ideas out. I loved the images created
by a woman I was in love with, and enjoyed the look
and feel of it. Unknowingly my positive emotional
connection to it set the power of my mind and body
into action, and things began to happen.”
Inken was rightly very impressed by this, and
began to think about how to use mind maps to
create categories and sub-categories for the various
job application types at work. As this would indeed
take her productivity up a level or two and save her
more time. Meaning she could work more hours
without the burnout and make more money, in
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turn raising her standard of living by a notch or
Your Learning Strategy
“We can all learn new things and relearn things in
a new way. This is of paramount importance if you
desire to win the game, whatever that game may be.
If we learn something the wrong way we need take
a look at what we do, then to unlearn and relearn
that thing the right way.
When learning a new piece of music I always aim to
input the notes correctly in my brain and under
my fingers the first time of playing a piece, as there
is always a speed at which I can play something;
even ten times slower than the original speed but I
can always get it right the first time. This gives me
no option to make a mistake as my body doesn't
know how to play a mistake as the information has
been inputted correctly.
As the saying goes, 'The learner will inherit the
earth. The learn-ed find themselves equip for a
world that no longer exists'.
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Unlearning and relearning reminds me of a time
on my NLP Practitioner training with Julian
Russell. The exercise we were learning was
changing personal history using time-line. The
exercise involved first bringing to the surface an
emotional block that restricts growth in some way.
Quickly realizing I had one and applied it to the
My block was something to do with connecting
emotionally with men on a very simple level of
friendship, even though I had many male friends.
Its negative influence resulted in sometimes being
aloof or a little aggressive.
In time-line you place an imaginary line in front of
you. It's important to know where the past is in
space for you as well as the future. Asking a simple
question like, what is the colour of your front door?
Can ascertain this for you depending on whether
you look up to the left or the right, but that's
another topic.
So standing on my time-line in the present holding
this question in my mind regarding the issue with
men I walked along the time-line back in time. As I
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engaged in this exercise fully, associating into it
with fine-sensuals, I found it amazing the
memories that came up as I walked back in time.
At 5 years old I hit the block that strongly
resonated with my problem. I was 5 and it was my
birthday, expecting my father to show up with a
present he promised me but he never came, I
remember how sad and disappointed I felt.
Knowing I found the emotional block I stepped off
the time-line and took a deep breath, before
walking back up it to the present moment in time.
The next stage of the exercise was to stand on the
line and create an emotional resource of all the
men in my life who had encouraged me. So again I
walked back along the line. There were so many,
from my teachers to influential family members.
Stacking all these memories together I walked them
back to my disappointing time at 5 years old, I
replaced the negative emotional resource with the
powerful and supportive one. Alas feeling the shift
immediately, it was a strong one and I was free.
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Some people speak of their long dark past; and it's
good to know that your long dark past need not be
so dark.
The really funny thing is, that afternoon I felt a
very strong pull to call my uncle Totor who had
always been supportive, that evening I went to visit
him. It so happened to be his birthday and many
other family members were at his home celebrating
with him.
The good news is that it may be powerful for you to
apply this exercise to any emotional block you have,
Naturally you will need to discover what the block
is but you can surface it. Repeat this exercise many
times until when you think of the place and the
time where the negative emotion resided you feel no
pain, only pleasure. Enjoy the knowledge that it can
be replaced by any resource you can imagine.
When you're done stand in the present on your
time-line and walk into the future to an impending
planned event, bringing this resourceful feeling
with you.
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The previous exercise may very well deal with an
emotional block impeding your learning. Now we
need to turn on your learning ability, pretty much
to the level at which you were able to learn was a
child. Children are amazing learners.
Go back in time using time-line or mentally and
think of the point in time just before a powerful
learning experience. Can you remember the point
at which you learned to ride a bike, or something
else? What did you do? Where were you? Most of
all what was the kicker? How did you feel? Who
was with you? Was something said to you, if so
what? What physical sensations did you have?
Make it picture panoramic, in 3 dimension, large,
life-size and bright. What type of sounds were
around you? What did you say aloud or to
yourself? Was there a dominant colour, sound,
pressure, pitch, timbre, taste, fragrance? Are you in
the picture experiencing it as real or looking at it?
Bring the picture closer to you. Are you looking at it
from an angle, up down left or right? Is it centre
weighted? Make the colours crisp and bold, and
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the image clear. Was there movement, if so in what
direction? Increase the intensity. Amplify
everything as much as you can then find another
learning experience and then another and do the
same. Until a clear series of steps emerge for you to
know how you learn quickly. Anchor it and learn
how to recall this mental and physical state of high
Another way could be to study some-one doing
something you want to learn how to do. Study them
in detail and take notice of all the steps from A to Z
they take to do what they do both in action and
mentally too. Get their permission, you may need to
get closer to them but it will be worth it. Then aim
to apply all those steps they use to your own efforts
and see how it works. Test it, and continue to test
by adding criteria that works for you until you get
the results you are looking for.”
Strengthening Your Inner World
“Tune in to the power of perspective. Overcoming a
challenge or building upon an idea may involve
looking at it from a different point of view. Having
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said this it is important to know exactly what your
own perspective is.
Step into the shoes of another and see from their
eyes, what do they feel, see and hear? How do they
view the challenge, idea or situation? Maybe take a
third position and see the challenge, idea or
situation looking from a they viewpoint, of the first
two people through the eyes of person three.
Organize this spatially using chairs if you so desire,
moving between them. What beliefs and values
does the third person from this position have?
What do they see hear and feel when observing the
challenge or idea from your and person twos
Perhaps bring in a person four and build a we
position of all four views. This will invariably give
you an immensely richer picture of your challenge,
idea or situation. You may want to assign the other
three positions character types of even as a
mastermind group of advisers.
If you were dealing with an investing decision for
example, what would happen if you created a
mental life-size image of Warren Buffett the super
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investor. Step into him, become him, see what he
may see, hear what he may hear, feel what he may
feel. What advice might he give you?
You could do the same for visionary musician Bob
Marley if you wished, but don't get too stoned.
I love running ideas through the Walt Disney
strategy, a strategy with three perceptual positions,
one of the dreamer, the realist and the critic.
Changing perspectives on something is an
incredibly powerful thing to do. Experiment with
perceptual positions until you become masterful at
them. They draw upon archetypal energies which
may be a very slippery fish to grasp at first for
some, in the same ilk as mastermind group sets
managing consultants use to solve problems for
businesses. But I can promise when you get it you
will never look back. Particularly in tune people are
known to invoke archetypes or power of that sort.
Mozart is the best example I can think of, Id say
earlier in his life he invoked Haydn. Later on his
work came straight from the creator as pure
genius. A man capable of hearing a complete
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original work of music in his head only needing to
write it down, be it a symphony, concerto or an
Another way to strengthen your inner world is by
taking a word of value, let's say 'Trustworthy'. You
can explore the word with any number of people.
For now let us say three people were to explore the
word trustworthy. Person A tells person B what the
word means to them. What does a person do, look,
say, sound, to be trustworthy? How do they carry
themselves, how do they make you feel? What
makes a person trustworthy?
Then person A and person B switch roles while
person C, takes notes and observes. Rotate until all
three have explored the word for themselves, each
building on the information of the other.
As this is Easy E Learning I will very briefly go into
the components of PhotoReading, an accelerated
reading technique by Paul Scheele of the 'Learning
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Strategies Corporation', merely to create a curiosity
for you in PhotoReading. PhotoReading is a great
way to read through large amounts of material and
obtain the vital information that gives you what
you need. My PhotoReading instructor that I was
certificated by, signed by Paul Scheele was a very
talented Slovenian named Matej Sedmak. Matej is a
man world-class at learning and teaching
languages, as well as many other things. He gave us
a demonstration of reading and comprehending a
thick book on a random topic in virtually no time
at all.
There are five main steps to the technique:
1. Prepare
2. Preview
3. PhotoRead
4. Post view
5. Activate
1. Prepare
(a) Clearly state to yourself your intention for
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Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible
(b) Use the 321 relaxation technique to get you into
the right state of mind.
2. Preview
Look over the material, perhaps at the index and
table of content, then decide whether you want t go
3. PhotoRead
(a) Prepare to PhotoRead
(b) Enter the resource level of mind.
(c) Affirm your capability and the goal you are
going to achieve.
(d) Enter the photo focus state, see the 'blip' page
and use the tangerine technique.
(e) Keep your state steady while flipping the pages
and chanting.
(f) When done, affirm the effect your PhotoReading
has had.
4. Post view
(a) Do a more in depth survey.
(b) Find trigger words that get your attention as
you go through the book fifteen pages at a time.
(c) Formulate questions based on what need to
know for specific information.
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Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible
5. Activate
(a) Wait some time before activating, allow for an
incubation period.
(b) Review the questions you wrote down during
the post view. It allows the mind to search for
connections that lead you to the right pages.
(c) Super read parts of the text by moving you eyes
down the centre of the pages, to create awareness to
large blocks of text.
(d) Dip into text to explore certain passages and
answer certain questions. Rhythmic perusal is the
best way to dip.
(e) Skitter your eyes over supporting words and
(e) Mind Map.
(f) Rapid Read by reading the text quickly from
start to finish.
(g) Explore other alternatives to activation like
discussion and dreaming.
Intention in Motion with Time-Line
Take this moment and stand on your time-line in
the present, we take a look at change with time line
Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 33
Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible
in chapter eight. Know where your future, past and
present is on your time line and relax.
Have your time line extend out one year, two years,
ten years, twenty years into the future. Give this
imaginary line your favorite colour, add sparkles,
widen it or enlarge; whatever makes it most
compelling for you. Imagine a desire you have, an
intention or a dream. Point to an image of you
having achieved this desire. Amplify this feeling
and double again to the point where your desire to
achieve this intention becomes breathtaking. Have
this image on a forty by forty foot screen, step into
the picture and let the intense sensations vibrate
inside you.
Take this image and move it over onto the time-
line. Move it a little further out than where you
think it will be, maybe five years or seven years.
Then bring it closer towards you, to a point on your
time-line. where it feels compelling.
Take this image out even further into your future,
to age ninety of more. Look back along the time-
line. to now, and see all the changes that would
Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 34
Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible
have taken place to have achieved your dream.
Notice how your life will have changed and the
things you do differently.
Now, bring the image back to the present and
intensify the feeling, then a little into the past. With
the image in the past, experience the thing you
desire to achieve already being a past event. Now
something you have already done.
Bring the image up to the present and into the
now. Where is the image now and how do you feel
about it? Notice where the image has settled in. Do
you believe that it is already possible and
achievable in the near future.
All this left much food for thought for Inken as she
got lost in David's Easy e Learning world inside
Foyles Bookshop. So much so she wondered how
much time in her life had been wasted not knowing
this stuff. From now onwards she would do all
possible to assume the position as a master learner,
a mind-mapper committed to getting to know her
Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 35
Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible
learning strategy and to become a master of using
perceptual positions.
Back in the field she tested and tested these new
skills and successfully as she hoped for became a
master learner. When stepping into her high
learning state she could now assess 500
applications in a fraction of the time than before.
Back on a full week of work her standard of living
reached heights like she had never seen, and
quality of life too.
After a while having taught a few other employees
in the firm how to do the same as she had learned,
also adding to her skills Flow Centre,
PhotoReading, Intention in Motion Milestones,
Equations for Life Sectors, Avatar Alchemy and
Accelerating the Motion, the shipping industries
firm she worked for became a market leader and
infinity more profitable.
All was well and good universally. In her heart
Inken felt the need for a change of direction, that's
when the entrepreneurial advisor work took over.
Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 36
Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible
Her new learning skills gives her the confidence,
and all the money to make the changes she wants
to, and has served her well ever since.
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Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible
Intention In Motion Consultancy Sessions
(assumptions, you are seen, understood, and will get to
where you are going when you follow through)
Session One: Vision, Mind-mapping Mission, Areas
of Life Review and SMART goals.
Session Two: Net Worth and Critical Net Worth,
action milestones.
Session Three: Your Learning Strategy.
Session Four: Focusing on your strengths.
Session Five: Turbo-charging passion.
Session Six: Expanding Waves of Possibility
Session Seven: Beliefs in Motion
Session Eight: Strengthening your inner world.
Session Nine: Accountability review. Assessing
action taken.
Session Ten: Accelerating the Motion for your core
Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 38
Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible
Flow Centre is a powerful tool. Use it and your life
will change in ways you never thought possible.
Take action today!
David Jean-Baptiste
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Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible
The Wellness Clarinet LTD
+44 (0) 845 868 8221
Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 40

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Easy e Learning

  • 1.
  • 2. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible Chapter Four Easy e Learning from 'Flow Centre' David Jean-Baptiste Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 2
  • 3. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible Inken's Case for Easy e Learning Learning from Mistakes Fast Phobia Cure Osmosis Radiant Thinking with Mind Maps Your Learning Strategy Strengthening Your Inner World PhotoReading Intention in Motion with Time-Line Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 3
  • 4. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible Inken's Case for Easy e Learning Inken now loves her life, a free agent, an entrepreneurial advisor to people wanting change and enjoys it. She has a checkered past but doesn't need to work so hard these days. Living well as enough money comes in from her income streams and has all the time she needs to do what she likes. Happy as she is, things were not always so. Rewind 2 years and Inken has a high standard of living but a poor quality of life. Works in a busy Central London corporate environment inside a tall glass building on the 34 th floor as a recruitment specialist, in an open plan office. Rather like the Facebook open plan office in California. The work entails sifting through thousands of pages of data from prospective candidates for global shipping industries. Not minding the work at first, but as the information age motors on, communication technology and her networks grew too. As time passed there were more and more applications each day coming from as far afield as China, Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 4
  • 5. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible Australia and India through various internet channels. Whereas in former times she would assess and make notes on 50 applications in an afternoon, now was expected to assess 3 to 400 in the same time. If she failed there would be even more to do the following day, so she had to finish things up each day. In time the wear and tear began to show up in her as bad health. Fatigue tiredness and bad skin sent her to the clinic. Advice received from the doctors was to work a fifty percent week timetable. As a valued employee her boss kept her perks in place which were quite generous, but Inken had to live on half the money she was used to, and didn't like that at all. The up side was having more time. The hours she did work showed an increased productivity ratio compared to working the full week, but her standard of living slowing declined, as the quality of life gradually improved. She loved the hours but now wanted more, needed more too as the unpaid bills flowed in. One afternoon browsing through the shelves in Foyles Bookshop Inken stumbled upon 'Easy e Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 5
  • 6. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible Learning' by David Jean-Baptiste from a firm called The Wellness Clarinet LTD, an interesting name she thought to herself. Wondering what the clarinet bit was all about, but kept reading. Learning form Mistakes David talks of his silly mistakes as a young person as he turns the clock back a few years. Can you believe it, one day I was stranded on the lovely island of Martinique in the Caribbean on an evening I was meant to be leading my woodwind horns group 'The Righteous Reeds' on the stage of the Queen Elizabeth Hall in London. All the shock horror and disappointment of Mr No Show. Other than the obvious missing bass clarinet, alto saxophone, dimension and personality it was no problem for the guys in the band to cover for me, as all of them are superb musicians in their own right. If I remember we had Patrick Clahar, Jason Yarde, Tony Kofi, Denys Baptiste; but it was bad for me, in fact very bad, raising a titter or two whenever my name came up in conversation during the period following of time. Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 6
  • 7. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible A big mistake for sure and one luckily I've never repeated again to date. Somehow I had to change, to alter the meaning this poor memory had for me; not to negate its importance as a professional musician. But to see to it that it would no longer hold power over me. Turning to a technique learned from Richard Bandler I learned on my 'NLP Trainers Training Certification', with Richard bandler, Paul Mckenna and Michael Breen, called Turning Mistakes Into Humour, as well as feeling silly and stupid I was instructed to exaggerate the image and make it sillier and even more stupid, ridiculous and surreal. Expanding the time frame, tuning in to the feelings, sensations, sounds and other fine-sensuals such as expanding the mental picture making it distorted and comical, totally exaggerated. I adopted the voice of Mickey Mouse and played the saxophone like Zoot form the muppet show loudly and ridiculously. Myself becoming the cookie monster. The truth is today when ever I think of this totally unprofessional mistake I can laugh and laugh hard Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 7
  • 8. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible too. Whenever taking myself too seriously again I see a custard pie smacking me in the face. To hysterical laughter. It works!” Inken thought it hilarious and cast her mind back to silly things she had done. Falling over in a dance performance sprang to mind. Following the exercise to the letter it wasn't long before she was on the floor in hysterics about it. A Fast Phobia Cure It is incredible just how many people have an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something in their daily lives. Developing a phobia be it an aversion to heights, spiders, dogs, public performance or speaking can have disastrous consequences for these people. Especially when the phobic reaction creates intense fear, sickness and adverse physical symptoms. Impeding them from enjoying situations that another person would relish. Phobias are nothing more that a negative learning experience that got stuck as a mind-set. Each time that person sees the object of their derision the Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 8
  • 9. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible phobic reaction is triggered re-experiencing those horrible feelings. Here is the fast phobia cure... a) Stop a moment and bring to the surface what your phobia is, be truthful. b) In your mind's eye, enter an imaginary theater and position yourself on a seat in the centre of the front row. Why not make it a grand theater, on the stage there is a very large screen. c) Look up to a balcony the left or right of the theatre, a balcony where a vip would be chosen to sit and view a performance. Now, allow a double of you to float up to the balcony, gently taking a prime viewing position on a seat on the balcony. So now you can watch yourself in the front row watching the screen. d) On the screen there is a colourful paused movie of you freeze framed as a slide at the very beginning of experiencing your greatest fear. Be brave re-experience those feeling as you play the movie all the way to the end. Phew what relief, it's over. Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 9
  • 10. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible e) When the movie is over freeze frame the final slide as you turn the screen black and white. Get up out of your seat in the front row and walk into the movie. Fully associate yourself into the movie and rewind the movie triple speed or faster, with comical and cartoon like music playing. Freeze- frame the very first image when you get back to the beginning of the movie. f) Walk out of the still slide and sit back down in your seat in the front of the theatre. Then white-out the entire screen. g) Loop steps c to f as often as necessary. Each time test for phobic response after every run through. A phobia is only a poor state of mind which can and should be transformed into a healthy curiousity for that thing or situation. David continued saying that learning is a state of mind, and a powerful one at that. “There has been one area of my life that has presented one of the biggest challenges for me, one in which I have had numerous successes and some Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 10
  • 11. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible calamitous failures. Those who know me know that it is in the area around money. It took me a very long time to understand what money is, the nature of it and the laws which govern it. Learning how to become a Forex and stock trader helped me understand this immensely. Being always honest and hard working and good at what I do I've always been lucky and able to acquire money. But there was a blip in my mental programming somewhere, and that programme crashed occasionally. So what is money? The essence of perceived value you give to a thing or your offering, combined with creativity to attain it, as there is more than enough money in the world. With the power of genuine passion behind your action or love of your thing to give value to other people. So what was my problem? Later I realized that I had been putting too low a value on my skills and ability because I have it in abundance; I took my virtues too lightly. Also I would do what ever I pleased without looking into Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 11
  • 12. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible the needs of the people who might buy into me or what I'm offering. A good friend once told me that I choke at the people who love me. Why did I do this? Again later I realized that as a fanciful character I would go for the cheap thrill, unknowingly looking for acceptance from the wrong people, instead of hanging my hat with the ones who love and cheer me. So why did I do this? Even though I had more ability than almost anyone I knew, this thinking came from a value that I was not good enough; and I played this out in my financial life. Actually believing deep inside that I was undeserving of lasting success and wealth. As they say, you can hold on to a belief but the system moves around it. So where did this come from? That's quite easy to understand. Having been born and brought up in Mile End, East London; growing up I didn't have the references around me showing me that I could reach the sky if I wanted to. In fact the opposite, many boys there were hard nuts, a few of them the amongst toughest people Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 12
  • 13. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible you will ever meet. It's true to say that quite a few people left school and went straight into the work market without a trade. But there were very many success stories too, as the school I went to spawned many millionaires. This was at a time before regeneration, before all the investment and big businesses moved to East London, before Canary Wharf existed when that area was known as the Isles of Dogs. On returning back to England after absence for 12 years in New York, Bremen and Paris, as a much improved musician with a lot more under my belt. I remember running into jazz pianist Trevor Watkiss outside Ronnie Scott's club one night. A man who seems to have done well for himself having done the New York thing for a bit, and playing with the Kenny Garrett Quartet. Conversing about the scene with gentle banter, I reminded him at least 3 times in that conversation that I now live in a flat on Brewer St just around the Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 13
  • 14. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible corner. Equally in the same conversation at least 3 times he informed me that I still live in Germany. Luckily I had an amazing clarinet teacher at school by the name of Bunny Gould. Bunny was the best woodwind doubler I've ever known, playing the bassoon, all saxophones, clarinets and flutes at a very high level, and a brilliant reader; and what's more he was always there for me. He taught me a system for practicing scales that he used on all his instruments; later I developed this taking it further. Working for years and years in London's West End musicals like Evita and Song and Dance for the likes of Andrew Lloyd Webber. Bunny wasn't a touring musician so was there every Monday for my entire school life. With him from 11 years of age to 16 I learned fast advancing quickly; it was him who gave me the ability and vision. Also having it in my genes from my father Ashley who was a very able bass player, this is where the talent came from. Many years later having achieved success as a professional musician in England and beyond Bunny offered me a large chunk of his teaching Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 14
  • 15. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible work. He had been in the game for years and was on a top scale of pay that I would have stepped into. He wanted me to give something back to where I was from, but I refused, knowing that such a move would change my direction and the complexion of my international musical lifestyle, plus I could never be for the kids what he had been to me. I simply wasn't ready to do that back them. Whether it was a selfish refusal on my part I don't know but I had to keep moving forward, and I have done so. Today I stand in a fortuitous position and can usually attract and generate the funds I require to do what I want to. With my skill as a clarinet and saxophone player I get invited to perform at festivals internationally and sometimes at clarinet festivals like the International Clarinet Festival in Assisi Italy and Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The owner of Wellklar Records and The Wellness Clarinet LTD with £20,000,000 share capital at £1 a share. With personal trading and investing skills, my music and trading model, Intention In Motion Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 15
  • 16. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible Milestones and Flow Centre; not taking up Bunny's offer was surely the correct decision. Osmosis Jugglers are very able learners. What ever one can say about the often scruffy image of some street performers, they enjoy peripheral skills from their ability to juggle. Having recently spent time in Edinburgh, the Edinburgh Festival is the par excellence of the street performing industry. Some of the feats I have seen are jaw-dropping. Learning a new trick involves failing and trying again, dropping the balls again and again until you get it right. Once I belonged to a juggling club in Highgate London that met on Thursday evenings. At the end of every session I felt like I could learn a new language at will there and then; as well as having triggered immense feel good endorphins from my brain through the rest of my body. My efforts to learn new tricks and perform the tricks I already knew better, coupled with learning from everyone else there. Who would be Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 16
  • 17. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible performing all manner of feats from juggling 6 clubs in groups, hacky sack, rings, rip boarding and other bizarre modes of transport, devil stick, 6 ball juggling tricks and lots of other stuff I couldn't do very well. Learning there by osmosis, my learning strategy ran on steroids. Talk about optimizing eye to hand and mind body co- ordination. Juggling promotes ambidexterity and relaxed concentration. Relaxed concentration being a state of mind I find particularly fascinating, since learning the Alexander Technique in my late teens. I found a fringe benefit for me showed up in my driving. I can drive a right hand drive car on the left hand side or the right hand side of the road, just as easily as I can drive a left hand drive car on the right hand side of the road or the left hand side of the road. Lots of new levels of connectivity in the brain I'd say.” Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 17
  • 18. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible Radiant Thinking with Mind Maps “Mind mapping has been key in making me the man I am, one with a reservoir of creative juice,” David proudly cites. “Tony Buzan the inventor of mind maps an exceptionally bright Englishman at that, has changed the world through the use and application of them in businesses, governments and naturally in education. He calls it radiant thinking, a whole brained approach to thinking utilizing both left and right cortical skills in tandem. Right brain skills being imagination, spatial awareness, colour, rhythm, dimension, movement, daydreaming, density. Left brain cortical skills including logic, numbers, lists, words and order and sequence. Mind mapping combines them all. Also presenting a most ideal way for our Intention In Motion Milestone consulting clients to empty their minds of all their intentions, plans, milestones, life sectors, challenges and a lot more. A typical mind map starts with a central image in 3 colours. Moving out from the centre clockwise from let's say one o clock in 3 or 4 main keyword Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 18
  • 19. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible branches. The core keywords sitting on the branches triggering ever smaller branches, rather like a tree. Each main branch with its own dedicated colour. Using images, codes and many levels of association all cortical skills are applied. When the ideas have poured out of the head on to paper or a canvas in the iMindMap software you can see your thinking clearly. Your priorities and errors in prioritizing. Then maybe section smaller areas to scrutinize with a more specific mind map. Mind maps are an awesome tool to use and have under your hat. Tony Buzan's iMindMap software is a particularly special tool. Users enjoy so many benefits and features like converting the mind map to numerous file formats, maybe a power point or a video to upload to YouTube, group collaboration functions and more. Mind-maps also act as a super memory device, if I were to mind map a whole book on one page or a presentation. Perhaps the first branch with the main theme, characters, plot etc in keyword form. Creating other branches to collect the rest in Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 19
  • 20. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible keywords and image associations I get from the book. If I were to leave it alone, forget about it and come back 6 months later. Just one glace at the mind-map would be all I would need for the whole book or presentation to come back to me. Once I had a Swedish girl friend called Anna from the pretty town of Stockholm; seems appropriate as she was a very beautiful lady indeed. Back then I wasn't sure about being called schnoukle bear by her but that's ok. Anna worked in travel guides in a firm in Covent Garden and has fine and unique artistic skills. One day I created a big mind map for life on a large sheet of paper and included all my intentions and desires on it, and asked Anna to create all the detailed artwork on it for me. When finished it was a work of art indeed and I felt proud. Rich in colour, codes associations and priorities. With goals and intention of such nature it is advised that you view and review them each day. Perhaps it is a good idea to carry your top three goals around with you on a laminated card to view at different point in your day. But I didn't do Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 20
  • 21. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible this and it wasn't long before I left my gorgeous mind map under a pile of books and forgot about it. Eventually getting back to it, to my elation I had achieved every goal I had set for myself on the mind map. Knowing this was an incredible realization I began to wonder what was the kicker, what made it happen. It must have been something about the level of joy and expectation I had about the map when I had finally laid my ideas out. I loved the images created by a woman I was in love with, and enjoyed the look and feel of it. Unknowingly my positive emotional connection to it set the power of my mind and body into action, and things began to happen.” Inken was rightly very impressed by this, and began to think about how to use mind maps to create categories and sub-categories for the various job application types at work. As this would indeed take her productivity up a level or two and save her more time. Meaning she could work more hours without the burnout and make more money, in Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 21
  • 22. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible turn raising her standard of living by a notch or two. Your Learning Strategy “We can all learn new things and relearn things in a new way. This is of paramount importance if you desire to win the game, whatever that game may be. If we learn something the wrong way we need take a look at what we do, then to unlearn and relearn that thing the right way. When learning a new piece of music I always aim to input the notes correctly in my brain and under my fingers the first time of playing a piece, as there is always a speed at which I can play something; even ten times slower than the original speed but I can always get it right the first time. This gives me no option to make a mistake as my body doesn't know how to play a mistake as the information has been inputted correctly. As the saying goes, 'The learner will inherit the earth. The learn-ed find themselves equip for a world that no longer exists'. Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 22
  • 23. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible Unlearning and relearning reminds me of a time on my NLP Practitioner training with Julian Russell. The exercise we were learning was changing personal history using time-line. The exercise involved first bringing to the surface an emotional block that restricts growth in some way. Quickly realizing I had one and applied it to the exercise. My block was something to do with connecting emotionally with men on a very simple level of friendship, even though I had many male friends. Its negative influence resulted in sometimes being aloof or a little aggressive. In time-line you place an imaginary line in front of you. It's important to know where the past is in space for you as well as the future. Asking a simple question like, what is the colour of your front door? Can ascertain this for you depending on whether you look up to the left or the right, but that's another topic. So standing on my time-line in the present holding this question in my mind regarding the issue with men I walked along the time-line back in time. As I Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 23
  • 24. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible engaged in this exercise fully, associating into it with fine-sensuals, I found it amazing the memories that came up as I walked back in time. At 5 years old I hit the block that strongly resonated with my problem. I was 5 and it was my birthday, expecting my father to show up with a present he promised me but he never came, I remember how sad and disappointed I felt. Knowing I found the emotional block I stepped off the time-line and took a deep breath, before walking back up it to the present moment in time. The next stage of the exercise was to stand on the line and create an emotional resource of all the men in my life who had encouraged me. So again I walked back along the line. There were so many, from my teachers to influential family members. Stacking all these memories together I walked them back to my disappointing time at 5 years old, I replaced the negative emotional resource with the powerful and supportive one. Alas feeling the shift immediately, it was a strong one and I was free. Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 24
  • 25. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible Some people speak of their long dark past; and it's good to know that your long dark past need not be so dark. The really funny thing is, that afternoon I felt a very strong pull to call my uncle Totor who had always been supportive, that evening I went to visit him. It so happened to be his birthday and many other family members were at his home celebrating with him. The good news is that it may be powerful for you to apply this exercise to any emotional block you have, Naturally you will need to discover what the block is but you can surface it. Repeat this exercise many times until when you think of the place and the time where the negative emotion resided you feel no pain, only pleasure. Enjoy the knowledge that it can be replaced by any resource you can imagine. When you're done stand in the present on your time-line and walk into the future to an impending planned event, bringing this resourceful feeling with you. Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 25
  • 26. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible The previous exercise may very well deal with an emotional block impeding your learning. Now we need to turn on your learning ability, pretty much to the level at which you were able to learn was a child. Children are amazing learners. Go back in time using time-line or mentally and think of the point in time just before a powerful learning experience. Can you remember the point at which you learned to ride a bike, or something else? What did you do? Where were you? Most of all what was the kicker? How did you feel? Who was with you? Was something said to you, if so what? What physical sensations did you have? Make it picture panoramic, in 3 dimension, large, life-size and bright. What type of sounds were around you? What did you say aloud or to yourself? Was there a dominant colour, sound, pressure, pitch, timbre, taste, fragrance? Are you in the picture experiencing it as real or looking at it? Bring the picture closer to you. Are you looking at it from an angle, up down left or right? Is it centre weighted? Make the colours crisp and bold, and Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 26
  • 27. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible the image clear. Was there movement, if so in what direction? Increase the intensity. Amplify everything as much as you can then find another learning experience and then another and do the same. Until a clear series of steps emerge for you to know how you learn quickly. Anchor it and learn how to recall this mental and physical state of high learning. Another way could be to study some-one doing something you want to learn how to do. Study them in detail and take notice of all the steps from A to Z they take to do what they do both in action and mentally too. Get their permission, you may need to get closer to them but it will be worth it. Then aim to apply all those steps they use to your own efforts and see how it works. Test it, and continue to test by adding criteria that works for you until you get the results you are looking for.” Strengthening Your Inner World “Tune in to the power of perspective. Overcoming a challenge or building upon an idea may involve looking at it from a different point of view. Having Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 27
  • 28. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible said this it is important to know exactly what your own perspective is. Step into the shoes of another and see from their eyes, what do they feel, see and hear? How do they view the challenge, idea or situation? Maybe take a third position and see the challenge, idea or situation looking from a they viewpoint, of the first two people through the eyes of person three. Organize this spatially using chairs if you so desire, moving between them. What beliefs and values does the third person from this position have? What do they see hear and feel when observing the challenge or idea from your and person twos position. Perhaps bring in a person four and build a we position of all four views. This will invariably give you an immensely richer picture of your challenge, idea or situation. You may want to assign the other three positions character types of even as a mastermind group of advisers. If you were dealing with an investing decision for example, what would happen if you created a mental life-size image of Warren Buffett the super Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 28
  • 29. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible investor. Step into him, become him, see what he may see, hear what he may hear, feel what he may feel. What advice might he give you? You could do the same for visionary musician Bob Marley if you wished, but don't get too stoned. I love running ideas through the Walt Disney strategy, a strategy with three perceptual positions, one of the dreamer, the realist and the critic. Changing perspectives on something is an incredibly powerful thing to do. Experiment with perceptual positions until you become masterful at them. They draw upon archetypal energies which may be a very slippery fish to grasp at first for some, in the same ilk as mastermind group sets managing consultants use to solve problems for businesses. But I can promise when you get it you will never look back. Particularly in tune people are known to invoke archetypes or power of that sort. Mozart is the best example I can think of, Id say earlier in his life he invoked Haydn. Later on his work came straight from the creator as pure genius. A man capable of hearing a complete Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 29
  • 30. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible original work of music in his head only needing to write it down, be it a symphony, concerto or an opera. Another way to strengthen your inner world is by taking a word of value, let's say 'Trustworthy'. You can explore the word with any number of people. For now let us say three people were to explore the word trustworthy. Person A tells person B what the word means to them. What does a person do, look, say, sound, to be trustworthy? How do they carry themselves, how do they make you feel? What makes a person trustworthy? Then person A and person B switch roles while person C, takes notes and observes. Rotate until all three have explored the word for themselves, each building on the information of the other. PhotoReading As this is Easy E Learning I will very briefly go into the components of PhotoReading, an accelerated reading technique by Paul Scheele of the 'Learning Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 30
  • 31. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible Strategies Corporation', merely to create a curiosity for you in PhotoReading. PhotoReading is a great way to read through large amounts of material and obtain the vital information that gives you what you need. My PhotoReading instructor that I was certificated by, signed by Paul Scheele was a very talented Slovenian named Matej Sedmak. Matej is a man world-class at learning and teaching languages, as well as many other things. He gave us a demonstration of reading and comprehending a thick book on a random topic in virtually no time at all. There are five main steps to the technique: 1. Prepare 2. Preview 3. PhotoRead 4. Post view 5. Activate 1. Prepare (a) Clearly state to yourself your intention for reading. Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 31
  • 32. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible (b) Use the 321 relaxation technique to get you into the right state of mind. 2. Preview Look over the material, perhaps at the index and table of content, then decide whether you want t go ahead. 3. PhotoRead (a) Prepare to PhotoRead (b) Enter the resource level of mind. (c) Affirm your capability and the goal you are going to achieve. (d) Enter the photo focus state, see the 'blip' page and use the tangerine technique. (e) Keep your state steady while flipping the pages and chanting. (f) When done, affirm the effect your PhotoReading has had. 4. Post view (a) Do a more in depth survey. (b) Find trigger words that get your attention as you go through the book fifteen pages at a time. (c) Formulate questions based on what need to know for specific information. Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 32
  • 33. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible 5. Activate (a) Wait some time before activating, allow for an incubation period. (b) Review the questions you wrote down during the post view. It allows the mind to search for connections that lead you to the right pages. (c) Super read parts of the text by moving you eyes down the centre of the pages, to create awareness to large blocks of text. (d) Dip into text to explore certain passages and answer certain questions. Rhythmic perusal is the best way to dip. (e) Skitter your eyes over supporting words and phases. (e) Mind Map. (f) Rapid Read by reading the text quickly from start to finish. (g) Explore other alternatives to activation like discussion and dreaming. Intention in Motion with Time-Line Take this moment and stand on your time-line in the present, we take a look at change with time line Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 33
  • 34. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible in chapter eight. Know where your future, past and present is on your time line and relax. Have your time line extend out one year, two years, ten years, twenty years into the future. Give this imaginary line your favorite colour, add sparkles, widen it or enlarge; whatever makes it most compelling for you. Imagine a desire you have, an intention or a dream. Point to an image of you having achieved this desire. Amplify this feeling and double again to the point where your desire to achieve this intention becomes breathtaking. Have this image on a forty by forty foot screen, step into the picture and let the intense sensations vibrate inside you. Take this image and move it over onto the time- line. Move it a little further out than where you think it will be, maybe five years or seven years. Then bring it closer towards you, to a point on your time-line. where it feels compelling. Take this image out even further into your future, to age ninety of more. Look back along the time- line. to now, and see all the changes that would Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 34
  • 35. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible have taken place to have achieved your dream. Notice how your life will have changed and the things you do differently. Now, bring the image back to the present and intensify the feeling, then a little into the past. With the image in the past, experience the thing you desire to achieve already being a past event. Now something you have already done. Bring the image up to the present and into the now. Where is the image now and how do you feel about it? Notice where the image has settled in. Do you believe that it is already possible and achievable in the near future. All this left much food for thought for Inken as she got lost in David's Easy e Learning world inside Foyles Bookshop. So much so she wondered how much time in her life had been wasted not knowing this stuff. From now onwards she would do all possible to assume the position as a master learner, a mind-mapper committed to getting to know her Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 35
  • 36. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible learning strategy and to become a master of using perceptual positions. Back in the field she tested and tested these new skills and successfully as she hoped for became a master learner. When stepping into her high learning state she could now assess 500 applications in a fraction of the time than before. Back on a full week of work her standard of living reached heights like she had never seen, and quality of life too. After a while having taught a few other employees in the firm how to do the same as she had learned, also adding to her skills Flow Centre, PhotoReading, Intention in Motion Milestones, Equations for Life Sectors, Avatar Alchemy and Accelerating the Motion, the shipping industries firm she worked for became a market leader and infinity more profitable. All was well and good universally. In her heart Inken felt the need for a change of direction, that's when the entrepreneurial advisor work took over. Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 36
  • 37. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible Her new learning skills gives her the confidence, and all the money to make the changes she wants to, and has served her well ever since. Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 37
  • 38. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible Intention In Motion Consultancy Sessions (assumptions, you are seen, understood, and will get to where you are going when you follow through) Session One: Vision, Mind-mapping Mission, Areas of Life Review and SMART goals. Session Two: Net Worth and Critical Net Worth, action milestones. Session Three: Your Learning Strategy. Session Four: Focusing on your strengths. Session Five: Turbo-charging passion. Session Six: Expanding Waves of Possibility Session Seven: Beliefs in Motion Session Eight: Strengthening your inner world. Session Nine: Accountability review. Assessing action taken. Session Ten: Accelerating the Motion for your core intention. Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 38
  • 39. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible Flow Centre is a powerful tool. Use it and your life will change in ways you never thought possible. Take action today! David Jean-Baptiste Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 39
  • 40. Reach Your Milestones as Fast as Possible The Wellness Clarinet LTD +44 (0) 845 868 8221 Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 40