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Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible
Chapter One
Mindset Claritique
'Flow Centre'
David Jean-Baptiste
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ATM, the fastest way to see the results you desire
The WUGI Stance (Plugging in. Strengthening and healing the body)
Tapping to Emotional Freedom (Clearing blocks)
Brain Wave Vibration (Better body balance and brain functioning)
Anchoring Positive States of Mind (State building)
Flow Centre (Living your intention)
Hip Walk True Talk (Doing it, and incantations)
Waves of Possibility (Expansion by reframing)
Knowingness, Beliefs and Values (Beliefs in motion and reference building)
The Identity Ball (Aligning with and deepening knowledge of your authentic self)
The Spiritual, Awareness, Renewable, Mastermind (Who Else?)
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Chapter One
The Claritique Questionnaire
1. Can you share one Intention you most
desire to achieve?
2. Imagine some likely future situation,
what happens when you see yourself
making your Intention come real?
3. Can you imagine your favorite place in
the world to relax and feel good? Some
people say their own home and this is
good, can you think of another?
4. Being appreciated and respected is a
human need, we can all remember at
least one time when we felt appreciated
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and respected. What happens as you
begin to feel loved and respected?
5. What drives your passion positively?
Passion sometimes reaches boiling point.
What happens when your passion for
something, someone or a situation in
your life was so intense it was on fire,
burning inside you with life?
6. When you learn new ways to act on
intention, beautifully your chances of
making it come real multiplies. What
else happens as you begin to learn new
7. Having a deep sense of fulfilment from
within is the best elixir imaginable,
magically bringing you freedom,
happiness and satisfaction. It’s good to
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know that people find different things
Can you remember a time when you felt
totally fulfilled?
8. Wow moments often come
unexpectedly and are often amazing
thrilling us to bits. Can you describe five
different wow moments in your life?
9. What does the word enrichment mean
to you?
10. Music is an incredible healing force,
enriching the human spirit, also opening
and strengthening the connection
between the body and mind.
What music gives you strong feelings?
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1. Can you share one Intention you most
desire to achieve?
A very simple question, encouraging the
participant to focus on a single intention they
desire in life. The responses have been from passing
university masters degrees to having a life change
completely. There was one case in the final years of
her bar exams.
When asked, can you share an intention you desire
to achieve, her response was about getting her full
qualification and working in the courts.
It so happened that as part of her final year she
was working in a court, and hated it. She simply
didn’t like how certain lawyers disregard the truth
in support of their client. After flow centre she
realized that she no longer wanted to work in the
courts. Taking a change of direction, after
completing her course she decided to emigrate to a
beach house on the Gold Coast of Australia, and set
up a business in copyright law instead of working
the courts.
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Now how is it so that by talking to me for 20 or 30
minutes she made such a life changing shift? Easy,
it’s the cumulative effect of the questions. The
questions asked taps into deep values and positive
emotions creating a unique, very true and positive
state of mind. The magic lies in the combination of
question and how the questions gives the
participant an unprecedented opportunity to talk
about themselves and what they value in life.
2. Imagine some likely future situation,
what happens when you see yourself
making your Intention come real?
This is a simple goal setting type of question where
you get to visualize and allow your mind to see and
explore what it’s like having achieved the intention.
The brain has infinite power that needs a direction
to go in. Visualization backed by feelings of
knowingness will make it happen. The
knowingness strengthens through action. It is a
scientific fact that tuning into a vibration in the
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shape of a thought, picture or feeling; connects
with a like vibration. Repetition and focus makes
the thought come real. So we are talking of creating
a mental visual scape, in other words a
visualization. We visualize using our visual internal
eyes. Close your eyes and what do you see? Some
people have a rich palette of experience when they
close their eyes, seeing pictures, or their very special
place of relaxation, remembered or created in vivid
detail, bright and panoramic, relative to life size.
The various shapes beings and elements around
them, be it a lark in the sky, a beach or another
person. Rich in color, focused, with sounds and
movement, associated in the picture experiencing
everything there so real. Feel and hear everything
as real, the sensations in your body and touching
your skin. Feel the warmth of the air around on the
skin; weight and warmth of your feet on the
ground, the clothes on the skin. Hearing sound of
breath at an even pace; birdsong, the sea or the
gentle hum of conversation in the distance, the
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taste of the air, be it the salty sea, or the aroma of
Chanel no5.
Maybe you see nothing when you close your eyes.
But believe me; you have in your rich palette of
senses a sub distinction of experience that kicks the
picture into place for you. I had problems
visualizing then I discovered that adding
movement within the mental picture gave it the
intensity necessary. For another person it may be a
particular tone, pitch, timbre, melody, rhythm,
direction of sound or even pulse rate.
It is not necessarily as simple as that because if it
were so we would all be living in fabulous mansions
and driving dream cars. Mind-set specialist Andy
Shaw in his book ‘A Bug Free Mind’ uses a
computer hard drive as a metaphor. Explaining
you wouldn’t install brand new software on a virus
infected hard drive. You’ll need to run an anti-virus
first, and he suggests exercises of increasing
awareness and the practice of no-mind to eradicate
the bugs in the mind.
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This is where flow centre works wonders. The
process starts by knowing where you want to go,
seeing what you see; hearing what you hear, and
feeling what you feel having achieved it. Then
acceptance of where you are standing and your
current situation. Concentrating on your desired
intention for periods of 20 seconds at a time allow
the bugs to surface and be acknowledged, so you
can let them go.
Another way is by using affirmations. Positive
statements we make to ourselves affirming what we
know to be true somewhere, and what we desire to
be real for ourselves. An affirmation should begin
with I.
It should be positive and in the present for
“I am happy and grateful to be fulfilled in my life.”
A person may repeat such a statement to them self
and not feel fulfilled in life at all, in fact they may
feel the opposite. This may be a good time to draw
this negativity out of you by writing down on a
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piece of paper a list of fifty to one hundred reasons
why you think your positive statement is not true.
Take a good look at these reasons and spend a little
time with them, accepting to yourself this is the way
you feel right now. Then tear the paper up as this
action acts as a letting go of these beliefs and
commit to your new view.
By doing so, you will begin to see and feel where
already fulfilled in life; as you watch this space
3. Can you imagine your favorite place in
the world to relax and feel good? Some
people say their own home and this is
good, can you think of another?
What this question does is to create and build a
resource in the mind where you can go to when you
want to. The hot beach is definitely the favored
response from women I’ve asked. Imagine having
an intention to become financially free, and your
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journey towards fulfilling this intention is a relaxed
and satisfying one; how would you feel?
Visual streaming is a technique, devised by Dr.
Win Wenger, a foremost innovator in the field of
intelligence and problem solving. It involves two
principles, daydreaming and description, allowing
you to tap into your vast and infinite visual
capability. In doing so strengthening neural
pathways to the emotions in pictures and feeling
you desire to strengthen. Simply close your eyes
and imagine yourself in a scenario of your choice;
and describe aloud what you see, feel, hear, etc.… If
you only see darkness when you close your eyes
describe that aloud, eventually clarity will come
through. Tests have shown every 90 minutes of
visual streaming increases your IQ by one point.
“See yourself there, sun-drenched beaches with
pure white sands, warm crystal clear waters and a
cool whispering breeze. You too can discover this
natural, relaxing and soothing paradise. Nestling
in the Atlantic Ocean off the west coast of Africa
and just one-hour south of the Canaries, Cape
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Verde consists of ten islands and five islets. It is an
idyllic location, where the sun always shines and
the refreshing light breeze helps maintain a
delightfully warm year-round climate.”
4. Being appreciated and respected is a
human need, we can all remember at
least one time when we felt appreciated
and respected. What happens as you
begin to feel loved and respected?
I’ve actually had a young lady tell me during a Flow
Centre that she has never felt respected before, and
she meant it too; so I moved on and asked the next
question. We ran through the questions a second
time, now on the second time around because of
the cumulative effect emotionally, she came up with
examples of a times when customers appreciated
her for helping them out.
So why is it important to feel respected and
appreciated while moving towards your intention?
It’s more about tapping into a feeling of respect
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and being appreciated for what you do, and
knowing where that feeling is in your body. We all
need feedback as no-one is an island. That is why
having a coach to point things out to you often
adds fuel to your game. We see and experience
what we can perceive. There is so much that we
cannot see that other people do. Therefore, tapping
into the positives of feeling appreciated and loved,
will hardwire your expectations and you will feel
supported. Think of as many of these times as you
can. Being a musician it’s easy for me, I only need
to think of times when I’ve moved an audience of
appreciative people.
Having a genuine knowingness of surety that you
have appreciation and love gives you power. It often
comes from family members, colleagues and
friends. Anyone who has shown you respect and
5. What drives your passion positively?
Passion sometimes reaches boiling point.
What happens when your passion for
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something, someone or a situation in
your life was so intense it was on fire,
burning inside you with life?
Passion is it!!!
You need to locate your passion button and turn it
on. Can you think of a time when you felt
passionate towards something you did or someone
in your life?
Passion is the magical elixir that makes things
What are you positively passionate about?
What do you love?
What gives you strongest feeling positively?
What makes you sizzle?
What melts you?
Where are you?
What are you doing?
Explain the scenario in detail.
What do you hear see and feel?
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What’s in the picture?
How are you dressed?
Is there any color you focus on the most?
As you think of it is it a movie or a picture in still
Is it in color or in black and white?
Is the image on the right, the left or centre
Is the image positioned up, middle or down?
Is the image bright, dim or dark?
Is the image life-size bigger or smaller than life-
Is the image near you or further away?
How does your level of pleasure change when you
bring it closer to you?
Is the speed of the image fast medium or slow?
Is there a particular element focused on
Are you in the picture or watching it from afar?
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Does the image have a frame or is it picture
How does making your picture 3 dimensional
change the level of pleasure you feel?
Is there a particular color that impacts you the
From what viewpoint are you looking at the
picture, are you looking down on it, up at it, from
the left or right or at an angle?
Is there anything else that triggers strong feelings?
Find the zoom lens of your camera and zoom in.
Are there sounds in the picture? Is there a sound
that impacts the level of pleasure you feel the most?
Are you saying something to yourself or hearing it
from others? How do you hear or say it?
What specifically do you hear or say? How many
sounds are there, and where do they come from?
If you are imagining the sound of someone’s voice
experiment with different inflections and accents.
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What does raising the volume do to the level of
pleasure you feel?
What tonality is it? Are there deep and bass
sounds and or higher ones?
Are they even or changing sounds?
At what pace do you hear it, how fast is it?
Can you feel the music in your body?
How does the rhythm and vibration impact the
level of pleasure you feel?
Does it speed up or does it slow down?
Where is the sound coming from?
Is the sound melodic or unmelodic?
Is the sound in harmony or noisy?
Is the sound regular or unusual?
Do you hear it more in one ear than the other?
If there is a voice is there inflection in it?
Are certain words emphasized?
How long does the sound last?
Is there something unique about the sound?
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Is there anything else that triggers strong feelings?
Now double the feeling and the passion…and then
As you remember this pleasurable experience, how
does changing the feeling elements intensify or
decrease your pleasure?
Does raising the temperature intensify the level of
pleasure you feel?
Did you notice a texture change, rough or smooth?
Is the sensation on touch rigid or flexible?
Is there vibration?
How intensely do you feel the vibration?
Is there an increase or decrease of pressure?
Where was the pressure located?
How is your pulse rate?
Is there an increase of tension or relaxation?
Is there movement if so what was the direction and
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How was your quality of breathing, deep and even?
Where did it end/start?
Enjoy the weight, possibly of your feet on the
ground, are they heavy or light?
Are the feelings steady or intermittent?
Does it change size or shape?
Are feeling coming into body or going out?
What is the quality of air on skin, thicker than air?
Lighter than water?
Is there anything else that triggers strong feelings?
Is the aroma sweet, musty or fragrant? Was the
aroma uplifting or relaxing?
Find your passion button, step into it and fire
up your intention in motion.
6. When you learn new ways to act on
intention, beautifully your chances of
making it come real multiplies. What else
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happens as you begin to learn new
Ok so you have an intention you desire to achieve
and you are building an optimum state of mind to
make it happen! You have the passion. You may
need to learn and adapt, find new ways to get
there, as what you are currently doing might not be
enough or may not be working. This is where
knowing how you learn quickly becomes
important. Your learning strategy. Know your
learning strategy. A big challenge with many
people is knowing when taking a new approach is
Some people find learning easy others not, but
everyone has a time when they learned something
new with ease, and a positive learning experience
too. Think of a time when you learned something
new? Explain in detail, where were you and what
did you learn?
Recently I gave a flow centre to a woman who said
she learns anew when getting positive feedback
from other people. I suppose learning isn’t always
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positive, somethings we learn the hard way from
making mistakes, hopefully not repeating the same
mistakes. For now, focus on positive learning
7. Having a deep sense of fulfilment from
within is the best elixir imaginable,
magically bringing you freedom,
happiness and satisfaction. It’s good to
know that people find different things
Can you remember a time when you felt
totally fulfilled?
Asking this question to people is sometimes met by
surprise. The question of being fulfilled is
something that so many people have never ever
even thought about.
Most people waken, go to work, tend to their
families and friends, which is great; but they
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never spend a moment to stretch their imagination
enough, to think about what makes you totally
On the other hand, other people know straight
away. Peace of mind, when I wake up in the
morning I feel fulfilled, my lover, my work etc.…It’s
a big question to ask because when you are totally
fulfilled by what you are doing or how you be. You
wouldn’t want to do anything else. What a great
thing that is.
The world is an interesting place to live with
positive thought patterns on board. The universal
law of polarity says like attracts like. On a sliding
scale of positive thought to negativity, you will
attract the same thought or vibration at any point
along that scale, just like radio. A radio sending out
a signal at 147Hz will tune into a sound vibrating
at 147Hz not 257HZ. Our thoughts are the same.
We must raise our vibration in order to get a better
situation than what we are currently getting.
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Anyone can soar high like an eagle if you truly
believe you can. According to Thomas Carlyle, the
block of granite which was an obstacle in the
pathway of the negative thinker becomes a
stepping-stone in the pathway of the positive
thinker. Flow Centre aims to provide you with the
tools to activate your positive Intention into Motion.
8. Wow moments often come
unexpectedly and are often amazing
thrilling us to bits. Can you describe five
different wow moments in your life?
I once attended a seminar by personal growth
hurricane Raymond Aaron. He explained that in
his company he employs an 'Officer of Wow'. A
person who goes around making things wow.
Five experiences of wow! And use them as a
powerful resource you can get strength from.
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9. What does the word enrichment mean
to you?
It may be the car the house the love affair, peace of
mind, travel, a big fat bank account. There are no
right or wrong answers.
For many people enrichment goes hand in hand
with fulfillment, but there is a difference. I
personally see enrichment as a power that comes
from doing what you do. Money on its own is as
dumb as a bucket of shrimp, but apply meaning to
it and make things happen for yourself and other
people then money becomes valuable.
The word enrichment conjures up a colorful palette
of positive emotions in us. Can you tell me what the
word enrichment means to you?
The Entrepreneur can be likened to the free
thinking musician who breaks free from
convention and goes their own way. A person who
identifies themselves as being an entrepreneur
innovates, or embraces novel ways to generate
revenue for themselves or their business.
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A much misunderstood individual,
entrepreneurship leads to amassing wealth for
sure, but during the process one can be alone with
their vision, and stony broke until the model works
through a process of testing and adapting.
The Best Way to Ever Buy a Stock Yielding
There are two types of people that put money in the
stock market:
(i) The "investors" who put money to work in
fundamentally sound companies for the long term.
(ii) The "traders" who buy stocks for a short-
term gains, getting in and out of the market
quickly based on price movement.
If you aren't using the principles of both investing
and trading, then you're limiting your returns and
increasing your losses.
Fundamentals work fine up to a certain point. But
if you followed a few simple trading signals, you
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would've known EXACTLY when to buy and sell
this stock, avoiding the excessive risk and
unexpected stock dive.
To be more specific, I am talking about using
"relative strength."
Relative strength is found by calculating the
percentage price change over the past six months
for every stock and ETF or exchange-traded fund.
You then sort these changes from high to low and
assign the highest value a relative strength rank of
100 and the lowest value a rank of zero.
Every stock is assigned a rank based on where it fits
into that range. I like to use 70 as the limit for buys
and sells.
If relative strength is greater than 70, meaning a
stock is rising more than 70% of the market, the
stock or ETF is a buy.
Its advisable to sell whenever the rank falls below
70. That's why I think using relative strength is an
excellent way to ever buy a high-yield stock, or any
stock, safely.
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If you aren't using trading signals in your
investing, then you're missing one of the most
important tools to beat the market.
This is what this question is about, money and how
to grow your wealth passively in the happiest
possible way.
An Exciting Joint Venture Model
The Wellness Clarinet LTD is now sourcing below
market value properties to purchase in lease
options deals as a means of cash flow generation,
security, to beautify the environment and to
establish valuable joint venture relationships with
private investors for mutual growth.
We are a Music, Lifestyle and Trading firm,
creating strategies for people desiring change, the
millennial generation, the music industry, and the
newly divorced, in personal and financial growth
through trading the stock market.
This property investment model increases net
worth and the net worth of private investors. For
the moment this model not part of our value
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proposition on offer to clients. Our aim is to invest
in properties creating a prototype of financial
freedom. To beautify the environment through
reburbishment and generate positive cash flow for
ourselves and joint venture partners.
Below market value property opportunities are
everywhere, and there are certain criteria in which
a property owner may wish to let go of their
property below market value. Such as a quick sale,
being in risk of repossession or as a solution to
being in debt.
An example in action: Let's say the property value
is £100,000 we buy 25% below market value at
£75,000. The deposit of £18,750 is put up by the
private investor. So the mortgage on the property
would be £56,250.
Let’s assume the property is re-mortgaged after 6
months at its full value of £100,000 and not
reburbished. The deposit can be returned to the
private investor, plus the monthly agreed interest.
And there will be £25,000 in equity left in the
property. Plus rental revenues if so desired.
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How does a joint venture partner make money?
1. Split of profit. When the property is sold or
remortgaged you the private investor can have a
percentage stake in the property, and or ongoing
profit. We can own the property together, use a
‘Deed of Trust’. Or you the investor can host the
mortgage, for security if necessary.
2. The private investor lends the money to us
directly. We pay the agreed interest per money
until the money is paid back. Normally 1% to 3%
for short term finance. 0.75% to 1.5% for more
than 6 months. The security is in the property so
any such concern is alleviated.
3. You the private investor receives a percentage of
property revenues over 5 years.
10. Music is an incredible healing force,
enriching the human spirit, also opening
and strengthening the connection
between the body and mind.
What music giving you strong feelings?
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What’s your favorite song, band singer or
How does this music make you feel?
Being a well known clarinet and saxophone player
I've been lucky enough to have had an exciting
musical career. The peak experiences from
performing concerts internationally have been
amazing. More importantly, it's the connection
made with appreciative music lovers that makes
being a musician super special; making many
friends. I just love the feeling when a new and
original melody comes into my head from thin air;
almost like a gift from the creator.
Music has almost unlimited potential to positively
influence our personal emotional experiences in
the present. Positive change is what lies at the heart
of Flow Centre; listening to your favourite music
triggers a melting pot of positive thoughts,
memories, strong feelings and emotions in us.
Healers particularly are fascinated by walking
through past life records to find meaning, and to
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solve problems for themselves and others in real-
Sometimes you may see or hear an excellent
musician or a person with extraordinary depth in
their craft, a person that can touch you emotionally
in a way far beyond their years. Such people more
often than not have what I call an old soul in a
young person’s body. You find these people in every
area of endeavor. It's almost like they began
practicing their craft in a previous life and in this
one they continued where they left off in the last
This is all well and good, it's even more fascinating
to me that some of us have cycles of new
beginnings in our current lifetimes. Being a
musician has been the only constant through my
life, and yet I've learned so many new things and
reinvented myself many times.
The point of power is always in the present. What
you were in years gone by doesn't have to reflect the
person you have become, or who you desire to be.
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You've probably let it go. Simply accept that your
past has shaped what and who you are today and
you should thank it for that. Now, go and form new
habits that support yourintention.
Let’s take a look at how thoughts spark the brain,
and how a positive mental attitude triggered by
music, spreads bliss to the rest of the physical body.
Our brains process 400 billion units of information
a second and we’re only aware of 2000 of these
units. Stop a moment, what an amazing thing to
know. This means that various realities reside in
our brains constantly, and we are unaware of
almost all of it. We only see what we believe is
possible; and for most of us this is laughable in
comparison to what is actually there. Now you
know infinitely more is going on in our grey matter
than what we perceive and actualize.
Here is a little anecdote; when the clipper ships of
Christopher Columbus arrived over the horizon in
the Caribbean, the indigenous native Indians living
there never saw them coming. Up until that point
they had never seen or even heard of any such
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seafaring vessels before. It wasn’t until the tribal
shaman saw ripples in the water that he realized
the ships were there, then he saw them. Alerted his
people to this, then they saw the ships too. Imagine
the shift in awareness seeing the ships for the first
time gave them. The shaman could see more,
meaning he was more enlightened than the others.
Physical things, people, houses, diamonds we see
around us in our daily lives are comprised of
particles, the table, the chair, the BMW. The atom
is the smallest particle of matter even though the
atom itself has a structure a nucleus, electrons,
protons, photons, and countless even smaller
particles. We know that we don’t see most things
but they are there; therefore, we can look at what
we don’t see as waves of possibility. Uncovering
waves of possibility by re-framing behaviour
needing to improve. Getting in touch with your
creative part, and asking if it is willing to generate
more and better choices of behaviour. So you can
enjoy more flexible choices of things to do, as you
hip talk and true talk in your flow centre.
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Accelerating the Motion an accelerated learning
model I have developed, touching upon Neuro-
logical Levels by Robert Dilts, draws upon Vedic
philosophy. The sum of past and future moments
exists simultaneously, meaning time exists in a
vertical line in the present. That’s what an avatar
does, expand awareness tuning into the frequency
and vibration of something that exists already
somewhere in the ether, and making it physical.
So the first steps are, describing what you want to
actualize in detail, to know it already exists in the
ether, and to explore consciousness.
How? by expanding awareness and by tuning into
the subtle energies of your body and mind.
Music has almost unlimited potential to positively
influence our personal emotional experiences in
the moment. When you let the music take you, you
feel better, the mind-body highway opens moving
you into a better state of mind, and flow better.
Positive personal change is what lies at the heart of
Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 36
Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible
Flow Centre; being open to music can trigger a
melting pot of positive thoughts, strong feelings
and emotions in us. Let’s take a look at how
thoughts spark the brain, and how a positive
mental attitude triggered by music, can spread
bliss to the rest of the physical body.
Each brain consists of around 10,000,000,000
neurons and each cell connects to approximately
100,000 other cells. Each neuron is the size of one
thousandth of an inch is capable of storing enough
information to fill 1000 books of 600 pages each.
Neuro scientists tell us when the brain fires a
thought it can be likened to a thunder cloud and
lightning. Like a thunderstorm in its presentation
of a coherent thought. Scientists have never seen a
thought, but what they do see is a storm breaking
around different quadrants of the brain. In this
volatile electric scenario neurons connect to each
other along tiny neural path ways by electrical
impulses and juice, each place they connect a
thought or a memory is formed. Connected
neurons along neural pathways form neural nets.
Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 37
Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible
The music body-mind connects to body-minds
alike, as the vibrations attune performer and the
listening audience. Together a cybernetic feedback
loop is created. You tune in and the brain works
The brain does not know the difference between
what it sees in its environment and what it
remembers or creates in visualization, because the
same neuro nets fire for all three. Some people may
have the feeling of love connected to rejection for
example. Nerve cells that fire together wire
together. And nerve cells that don’t fire together
don’t wire together. Repeated observation of the
negative emotional connections we have, shining a
bright light on them is a way of interrupting the
path, and disconnecting the negative emotions, so
they no longer fire or wire together.
The hypothalamus area of the brain is like a small
factory for peptides which are small chains of
amino acids. The hypothalamus houses 20 different
amino acids, assembling peptide chains that
produce the range of emotions we experience on a
Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 38
Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible
day to day basis. All emotions are a holographic
imprint of one sort of chemical or another. The
moment we express our emotion which could be
joy, pleasure, anger, love, the hypothalamus
releases the corresponding peptide chain into the
blood stream. The moment it enters the blood
stream the peptide chain finds its way to our cells
in different parts of the body. Every single cell in
the body has receptors on the outside. When a
peptide docks on a cell it sits on the receptor and
latches onto it like a key fits into a lock.
May what we perceive and believe be under
constant review. Both observing what is seen, and
carrying a healthy curiosity in what lies outside
your conscious processes. Surfing your mighty
waves of possibility, as ever deepening potentiality
becomes available to you. Perpetually bring you
closer to something magical.
Carry this feeling with you at all time.
This is flow Centre.
David Jean-Baptiste
Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 39
Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible
ATM, the fastest way to see
the results you desire
The WUGI Stance (Plugging in.
Strengthening and healing the body)
Tapping to Emotional Freedom (Clearing
Brain Wave Vibration (Better body balance
and brain functioning)
Anchoring Positive States of Mind (State
Flow Centre (Living your intention)
Hip Walk True Talk (Doing it, and
Waves of Possibility (Expansion by
Knowingness, Beliefs and Values (Beliefs in
motion and reference building)
The Identity Ball (Aligning with and
deepening knowledge of your authentic self)
The Spiritual, Awareness, Renewable,
Mastermind (Who Else?)
Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 40
Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible
Intention In Motion
Consultancy Sessions
(assumptions, you are seen, understood, and will get to
where you are going when you follow through)
Session One: Vision, Mind-mapping Mission, Areas
of Life Review and SMART goals.
Session Two: Net Worth and Critical Net Worth,
action milestones.
Session Three: Your Learning Strategy.
Session Four: Focusing on your strengths.
Session Five: Turbo-charging passion.
Session Six: Expanding Waves of Possibility
Session Seven: Beliefs in Motion
Session Eight: Strengthening your inner world.
Session Nine: Accountability review. Assessing
action taken.
Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 41
Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible
Session Ten: Accelerating the Motion for your core
Flow Centre is a powerful tool. Use it and your life
will change in ways you never thought possible.
Take action today!
David Jean-Baptiste
The Wellness Clarinet LTD
+44 (0) 845 868 8221
Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 42

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Mindset Claritique

  • 1.
  • 2. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible Chapter One Mindset Claritique from 'Flow Centre' David Jean-Baptiste Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 2
  • 3. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible ATM, the fastest way to see the results you desire The WUGI Stance (Plugging in. Strengthening and healing the body) Tapping to Emotional Freedom (Clearing blocks) Brain Wave Vibration (Better body balance and brain functioning) Anchoring Positive States of Mind (State building) Flow Centre (Living your intention) Hip Walk True Talk (Doing it, and incantations) Waves of Possibility (Expansion by reframing) Knowingness, Beliefs and Values (Beliefs in motion and reference building) The Identity Ball (Aligning with and deepening knowledge of your authentic self) The Spiritual, Awareness, Renewable, Mastermind (Who Else?) Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 3
  • 4. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible Chapter One MINDSET CLARITIQUE The Claritique Questionnaire 1. Can you share one Intention you most desire to achieve? 2. Imagine some likely future situation, what happens when you see yourself making your Intention come real? 3. Can you imagine your favorite place in the world to relax and feel good? Some people say their own home and this is good, can you think of another? 4. Being appreciated and respected is a human need, we can all remember at least one time when we felt appreciated Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 4
  • 5. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible and respected. What happens as you begin to feel loved and respected? 5. What drives your passion positively? Passion sometimes reaches boiling point. What happens when your passion for something, someone or a situation in your life was so intense it was on fire, burning inside you with life? 6. When you learn new ways to act on intention, beautifully your chances of making it come real multiplies. What else happens as you begin to learn new possibilities? 7. Having a deep sense of fulfilment from within is the best elixir imaginable, magically bringing you freedom, happiness and satisfaction. It’s good to Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 5
  • 6. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible know that people find different things fulfilling. Can you remember a time when you felt totally fulfilled? 8. Wow moments often come unexpectedly and are often amazing thrilling us to bits. Can you describe five different wow moments in your life? 9. What does the word enrichment mean to you? 10. Music is an incredible healing force, enriching the human spirit, also opening and strengthening the connection between the body and mind. What music gives you strong feelings? Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 6
  • 7. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible 1. Can you share one Intention you most desire to achieve? A very simple question, encouraging the participant to focus on a single intention they desire in life. The responses have been from passing university masters degrees to having a life change completely. There was one case in the final years of her bar exams. When asked, can you share an intention you desire to achieve, her response was about getting her full qualification and working in the courts. It so happened that as part of her final year she was working in a court, and hated it. She simply didn’t like how certain lawyers disregard the truth in support of their client. After flow centre she realized that she no longer wanted to work in the courts. Taking a change of direction, after completing her course she decided to emigrate to a beach house on the Gold Coast of Australia, and set up a business in copyright law instead of working the courts. Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 7
  • 8. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible Now how is it so that by talking to me for 20 or 30 minutes she made such a life changing shift? Easy, it’s the cumulative effect of the questions. The questions asked taps into deep values and positive emotions creating a unique, very true and positive state of mind. The magic lies in the combination of question and how the questions gives the participant an unprecedented opportunity to talk about themselves and what they value in life. 2. Imagine some likely future situation, what happens when you see yourself making your Intention come real? This is a simple goal setting type of question where you get to visualize and allow your mind to see and explore what it’s like having achieved the intention. The brain has infinite power that needs a direction to go in. Visualization backed by feelings of knowingness will make it happen. The knowingness strengthens through action. It is a scientific fact that tuning into a vibration in the Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 8
  • 9. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible shape of a thought, picture or feeling; connects with a like vibration. Repetition and focus makes the thought come real. So we are talking of creating a mental visual scape, in other words a visualization. We visualize using our visual internal eyes. Close your eyes and what do you see? Some people have a rich palette of experience when they close their eyes, seeing pictures, or their very special place of relaxation, remembered or created in vivid detail, bright and panoramic, relative to life size. The various shapes beings and elements around them, be it a lark in the sky, a beach or another person. Rich in color, focused, with sounds and movement, associated in the picture experiencing everything there so real. Feel and hear everything as real, the sensations in your body and touching your skin. Feel the warmth of the air around on the skin; weight and warmth of your feet on the ground, the clothes on the skin. Hearing sound of breath at an even pace; birdsong, the sea or the gentle hum of conversation in the distance, the Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 9
  • 10. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible taste of the air, be it the salty sea, or the aroma of Chanel no5. Maybe you see nothing when you close your eyes. But believe me; you have in your rich palette of senses a sub distinction of experience that kicks the picture into place for you. I had problems visualizing then I discovered that adding movement within the mental picture gave it the intensity necessary. For another person it may be a particular tone, pitch, timbre, melody, rhythm, direction of sound or even pulse rate. It is not necessarily as simple as that because if it were so we would all be living in fabulous mansions and driving dream cars. Mind-set specialist Andy Shaw in his book ‘A Bug Free Mind’ uses a computer hard drive as a metaphor. Explaining you wouldn’t install brand new software on a virus infected hard drive. You’ll need to run an anti-virus first, and he suggests exercises of increasing awareness and the practice of no-mind to eradicate the bugs in the mind. Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 10
  • 11. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible This is where flow centre works wonders. The process starts by knowing where you want to go, seeing what you see; hearing what you hear, and feeling what you feel having achieved it. Then acceptance of where you are standing and your current situation. Concentrating on your desired intention for periods of 20 seconds at a time allow the bugs to surface and be acknowledged, so you can let them go. Another way is by using affirmations. Positive statements we make to ourselves affirming what we know to be true somewhere, and what we desire to be real for ourselves. An affirmation should begin with I. It should be positive and in the present for example: “I am happy and grateful to be fulfilled in my life.” A person may repeat such a statement to them self and not feel fulfilled in life at all, in fact they may feel the opposite. This may be a good time to draw this negativity out of you by writing down on a Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 11
  • 12. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible piece of paper a list of fifty to one hundred reasons why you think your positive statement is not true. Take a good look at these reasons and spend a little time with them, accepting to yourself this is the way you feel right now. Then tear the paper up as this action acts as a letting go of these beliefs and commit to your new view. By doing so, you will begin to see and feel where already fulfilled in life; as you watch this space grow. 3. Can you imagine your favorite place in the world to relax and feel good? Some people say their own home and this is good, can you think of another? What this question does is to create and build a resource in the mind where you can go to when you want to. The hot beach is definitely the favored response from women I’ve asked. Imagine having an intention to become financially free, and your Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 12
  • 13. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible journey towards fulfilling this intention is a relaxed and satisfying one; how would you feel? Visual streaming is a technique, devised by Dr. Win Wenger, a foremost innovator in the field of intelligence and problem solving. It involves two principles, daydreaming and description, allowing you to tap into your vast and infinite visual capability. In doing so strengthening neural pathways to the emotions in pictures and feeling you desire to strengthen. Simply close your eyes and imagine yourself in a scenario of your choice; and describe aloud what you see, feel, hear, etc.… If you only see darkness when you close your eyes describe that aloud, eventually clarity will come through. Tests have shown every 90 minutes of visual streaming increases your IQ by one point. “See yourself there, sun-drenched beaches with pure white sands, warm crystal clear waters and a cool whispering breeze. You too can discover this natural, relaxing and soothing paradise. Nestling in the Atlantic Ocean off the west coast of Africa and just one-hour south of the Canaries, Cape Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 13
  • 14. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible Verde consists of ten islands and five islets. It is an idyllic location, where the sun always shines and the refreshing light breeze helps maintain a delightfully warm year-round climate.” 4. Being appreciated and respected is a human need, we can all remember at least one time when we felt appreciated and respected. What happens as you begin to feel loved and respected? I’ve actually had a young lady tell me during a Flow Centre that she has never felt respected before, and she meant it too; so I moved on and asked the next question. We ran through the questions a second time, now on the second time around because of the cumulative effect emotionally, she came up with examples of a times when customers appreciated her for helping them out. So why is it important to feel respected and appreciated while moving towards your intention? It’s more about tapping into a feeling of respect Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 14
  • 15. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible and being appreciated for what you do, and knowing where that feeling is in your body. We all need feedback as no-one is an island. That is why having a coach to point things out to you often adds fuel to your game. We see and experience what we can perceive. There is so much that we cannot see that other people do. Therefore, tapping into the positives of feeling appreciated and loved, will hardwire your expectations and you will feel supported. Think of as many of these times as you can. Being a musician it’s easy for me, I only need to think of times when I’ve moved an audience of appreciative people. Having a genuine knowingness of surety that you have appreciation and love gives you power. It often comes from family members, colleagues and friends. Anyone who has shown you respect and appreciation. 5. What drives your passion positively? Passion sometimes reaches boiling point. What happens when your passion for Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 15
  • 16. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible something, someone or a situation in your life was so intense it was on fire, burning inside you with life? Passion is it!!! You need to locate your passion button and turn it on. Can you think of a time when you felt passionate towards something you did or someone in your life? Passion is the magical elixir that makes things happen. What are you positively passionate about? What do you love? What gives you strongest feeling positively? What makes you sizzle? What melts you? Where are you? What are you doing? Explain the scenario in detail. What do you hear see and feel? Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 16
  • 17. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible What’s in the picture? How are you dressed? Is there any color you focus on the most? As you think of it is it a movie or a picture in still frame? Is it in color or in black and white? Is the image on the right, the left or centre weighted? Is the image positioned up, middle or down? Is the image bright, dim or dark? Is the image life-size bigger or smaller than life- size? Is the image near you or further away? How does your level of pleasure change when you bring it closer to you? Is the speed of the image fast medium or slow? Is there a particular element focused on consistently? Are you in the picture or watching it from afar? Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 17
  • 18. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible Does the image have a frame or is it picture panoramic? How does making your picture 3 dimensional change the level of pleasure you feel? Is there a particular color that impacts you the most? From what viewpoint are you looking at the picture, are you looking down on it, up at it, from the left or right or at an angle? Is there anything else that triggers strong feelings? Find the zoom lens of your camera and zoom in. Are there sounds in the picture? Is there a sound that impacts the level of pleasure you feel the most? Are you saying something to yourself or hearing it from others? How do you hear or say it? What specifically do you hear or say? How many sounds are there, and where do they come from? If you are imagining the sound of someone’s voice experiment with different inflections and accents. Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 18
  • 19. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible What does raising the volume do to the level of pleasure you feel? What tonality is it? Are there deep and bass sounds and or higher ones? Are they even or changing sounds? At what pace do you hear it, how fast is it? Can you feel the music in your body? How does the rhythm and vibration impact the level of pleasure you feel? Does it speed up or does it slow down? Where is the sound coming from? Is the sound melodic or unmelodic? Is the sound in harmony or noisy? Is the sound regular or unusual? Do you hear it more in one ear than the other? If there is a voice is there inflection in it? Are certain words emphasized? How long does the sound last? Is there something unique about the sound? Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 19
  • 20. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible Is there anything else that triggers strong feelings? Now double the feeling and the passion…and then again. As you remember this pleasurable experience, how does changing the feeling elements intensify or decrease your pleasure? Does raising the temperature intensify the level of pleasure you feel? Did you notice a texture change, rough or smooth? Is the sensation on touch rigid or flexible? Is there vibration? How intensely do you feel the vibration? Is there an increase or decrease of pressure? Where was the pressure located? How is your pulse rate? Is there an increase of tension or relaxation? Is there movement if so what was the direction and speed? Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 20
  • 21. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible How was your quality of breathing, deep and even? Where did it end/start? Enjoy the weight, possibly of your feet on the ground, are they heavy or light? Are the feelings steady or intermittent? Does it change size or shape? Are feeling coming into body or going out? What is the quality of air on skin, thicker than air? Lighter than water? Is there anything else that triggers strong feelings? Is the aroma sweet, musty or fragrant? Was the aroma uplifting or relaxing? Find your passion button, step into it and fire up your intention in motion. 6. When you learn new ways to act on intention, beautifully your chances of making it come real multiplies. What else Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 21
  • 22. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible happens as you begin to learn new possibilities? Ok so you have an intention you desire to achieve and you are building an optimum state of mind to make it happen! You have the passion. You may need to learn and adapt, find new ways to get there, as what you are currently doing might not be enough or may not be working. This is where knowing how you learn quickly becomes important. Your learning strategy. Know your learning strategy. A big challenge with many people is knowing when taking a new approach is necessary. Some people find learning easy others not, but everyone has a time when they learned something new with ease, and a positive learning experience too. Think of a time when you learned something new? Explain in detail, where were you and what did you learn? Recently I gave a flow centre to a woman who said she learns anew when getting positive feedback from other people. I suppose learning isn’t always Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 22
  • 23. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible positive, somethings we learn the hard way from making mistakes, hopefully not repeating the same mistakes. For now, focus on positive learning experiences. 7. Having a deep sense of fulfilment from within is the best elixir imaginable, magically bringing you freedom, happiness and satisfaction. It’s good to know that people find different things fulfilling. Can you remember a time when you felt totally fulfilled? Asking this question to people is sometimes met by surprise. The question of being fulfilled is something that so many people have never ever even thought about. Most people waken, go to work, tend to their families and friends, which is great; but they Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 23
  • 24. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible never spend a moment to stretch their imagination enough, to think about what makes you totally fulfilled. On the other hand, other people know straight away. Peace of mind, when I wake up in the morning I feel fulfilled, my lover, my work etc.…It’s a big question to ask because when you are totally fulfilled by what you are doing or how you be. You wouldn’t want to do anything else. What a great thing that is. The world is an interesting place to live with positive thought patterns on board. The universal law of polarity says like attracts like. On a sliding scale of positive thought to negativity, you will attract the same thought or vibration at any point along that scale, just like radio. A radio sending out a signal at 147Hz will tune into a sound vibrating at 147Hz not 257HZ. Our thoughts are the same. We must raise our vibration in order to get a better situation than what we are currently getting. Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 24
  • 25. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible Anyone can soar high like an eagle if you truly believe you can. According to Thomas Carlyle, the block of granite which was an obstacle in the pathway of the negative thinker becomes a stepping-stone in the pathway of the positive thinker. Flow Centre aims to provide you with the tools to activate your positive Intention into Motion. 8. Wow moments often come unexpectedly and are often amazing thrilling us to bits. Can you describe five different wow moments in your life? I once attended a seminar by personal growth hurricane Raymond Aaron. He explained that in his company he employs an 'Officer of Wow'. A person who goes around making things wow. Brilliant! Five experiences of wow! And use them as a powerful resource you can get strength from. Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 25
  • 26. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible 9. What does the word enrichment mean to you? It may be the car the house the love affair, peace of mind, travel, a big fat bank account. There are no right or wrong answers. For many people enrichment goes hand in hand with fulfillment, but there is a difference. I personally see enrichment as a power that comes from doing what you do. Money on its own is as dumb as a bucket of shrimp, but apply meaning to it and make things happen for yourself and other people then money becomes valuable. The word enrichment conjures up a colorful palette of positive emotions in us. Can you tell me what the word enrichment means to you? The Entrepreneur can be likened to the free thinking musician who breaks free from convention and goes their own way. A person who identifies themselves as being an entrepreneur innovates, or embraces novel ways to generate revenue for themselves or their business. Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 26
  • 27. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible A much misunderstood individual, entrepreneurship leads to amassing wealth for sure, but during the process one can be alone with their vision, and stony broke until the model works through a process of testing and adapting. The Best Way to Ever Buy a Stock Yielding 17% There are two types of people that put money in the stock market: (i) The "investors" who put money to work in fundamentally sound companies for the long term. (ii) The "traders" who buy stocks for a short- term gains, getting in and out of the market quickly based on price movement. If you aren't using the principles of both investing and trading, then you're limiting your returns and increasing your losses. Fundamentals work fine up to a certain point. But if you followed a few simple trading signals, you Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 27
  • 28. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible would've known EXACTLY when to buy and sell this stock, avoiding the excessive risk and unexpected stock dive. To be more specific, I am talking about using "relative strength." Relative strength is found by calculating the percentage price change over the past six months for every stock and ETF or exchange-traded fund. You then sort these changes from high to low and assign the highest value a relative strength rank of 100 and the lowest value a rank of zero. Every stock is assigned a rank based on where it fits into that range. I like to use 70 as the limit for buys and sells. If relative strength is greater than 70, meaning a stock is rising more than 70% of the market, the stock or ETF is a buy. Its advisable to sell whenever the rank falls below 70. That's why I think using relative strength is an excellent way to ever buy a high-yield stock, or any stock, safely. Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 28
  • 29. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible If you aren't using trading signals in your investing, then you're missing one of the most important tools to beat the market. This is what this question is about, money and how to grow your wealth passively in the happiest possible way. An Exciting Joint Venture Model The Wellness Clarinet LTD is now sourcing below market value properties to purchase in lease options deals as a means of cash flow generation, security, to beautify the environment and to establish valuable joint venture relationships with private investors for mutual growth. We are a Music, Lifestyle and Trading firm, creating strategies for people desiring change, the millennial generation, the music industry, and the newly divorced, in personal and financial growth through trading the stock market. This property investment model increases net worth and the net worth of private investors. For the moment this model not part of our value Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 29
  • 30. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible proposition on offer to clients. Our aim is to invest in properties creating a prototype of financial freedom. To beautify the environment through reburbishment and generate positive cash flow for ourselves and joint venture partners. Below market value property opportunities are everywhere, and there are certain criteria in which a property owner may wish to let go of their property below market value. Such as a quick sale, being in risk of repossession or as a solution to being in debt. An example in action: Let's say the property value is £100,000 we buy 25% below market value at £75,000. The deposit of £18,750 is put up by the private investor. So the mortgage on the property would be £56,250. Let’s assume the property is re-mortgaged after 6 months at its full value of £100,000 and not reburbished. The deposit can be returned to the private investor, plus the monthly agreed interest. And there will be £25,000 in equity left in the property. Plus rental revenues if so desired. Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 30
  • 31. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible How does a joint venture partner make money? 1. Split of profit. When the property is sold or remortgaged you the private investor can have a percentage stake in the property, and or ongoing profit. We can own the property together, use a ‘Deed of Trust’. Or you the investor can host the mortgage, for security if necessary. 2. The private investor lends the money to us directly. We pay the agreed interest per money until the money is paid back. Normally 1% to 3% for short term finance. 0.75% to 1.5% for more than 6 months. The security is in the property so any such concern is alleviated. 3. You the private investor receives a percentage of property revenues over 5 years. 10. Music is an incredible healing force, enriching the human spirit, also opening and strengthening the connection between the body and mind. What music giving you strong feelings? Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 31
  • 32. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible What’s your favorite song, band singer or musician? How does this music make you feel? Being a well known clarinet and saxophone player I've been lucky enough to have had an exciting musical career. The peak experiences from performing concerts internationally have been amazing. More importantly, it's the connection made with appreciative music lovers that makes being a musician super special; making many friends. I just love the feeling when a new and original melody comes into my head from thin air; almost like a gift from the creator. Music has almost unlimited potential to positively influence our personal emotional experiences in the present. Positive change is what lies at the heart of Flow Centre; listening to your favourite music triggers a melting pot of positive thoughts, memories, strong feelings and emotions in us. Healers particularly are fascinated by walking through past life records to find meaning, and to Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 32
  • 33. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible solve problems for themselves and others in real- time. Sometimes you may see or hear an excellent musician or a person with extraordinary depth in their craft, a person that can touch you emotionally in a way far beyond their years. Such people more often than not have what I call an old soul in a young person’s body. You find these people in every area of endeavor. It's almost like they began practicing their craft in a previous life and in this one they continued where they left off in the last life. This is all well and good, it's even more fascinating to me that some of us have cycles of new beginnings in our current lifetimes. Being a musician has been the only constant through my life, and yet I've learned so many new things and reinvented myself many times. The point of power is always in the present. What you were in years gone by doesn't have to reflect the person you have become, or who you desire to be. Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 33
  • 34. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible You've probably let it go. Simply accept that your past has shaped what and who you are today and you should thank it for that. Now, go and form new habits that support yourintention. Let’s take a look at how thoughts spark the brain, and how a positive mental attitude triggered by music, spreads bliss to the rest of the physical body. Our brains process 400 billion units of information a second and we’re only aware of 2000 of these units. Stop a moment, what an amazing thing to know. This means that various realities reside in our brains constantly, and we are unaware of almost all of it. We only see what we believe is possible; and for most of us this is laughable in comparison to what is actually there. Now you know infinitely more is going on in our grey matter than what we perceive and actualize. Here is a little anecdote; when the clipper ships of Christopher Columbus arrived over the horizon in the Caribbean, the indigenous native Indians living there never saw them coming. Up until that point they had never seen or even heard of any such Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 34
  • 35. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible seafaring vessels before. It wasn’t until the tribal shaman saw ripples in the water that he realized the ships were there, then he saw them. Alerted his people to this, then they saw the ships too. Imagine the shift in awareness seeing the ships for the first time gave them. The shaman could see more, meaning he was more enlightened than the others. Physical things, people, houses, diamonds we see around us in our daily lives are comprised of particles, the table, the chair, the BMW. The atom is the smallest particle of matter even though the atom itself has a structure a nucleus, electrons, protons, photons, and countless even smaller particles. We know that we don’t see most things but they are there; therefore, we can look at what we don’t see as waves of possibility. Uncovering waves of possibility by re-framing behaviour needing to improve. Getting in touch with your creative part, and asking if it is willing to generate more and better choices of behaviour. So you can enjoy more flexible choices of things to do, as you hip talk and true talk in your flow centre. Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 35
  • 36. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible Accelerating the Motion an accelerated learning model I have developed, touching upon Neuro- logical Levels by Robert Dilts, draws upon Vedic philosophy. The sum of past and future moments exists simultaneously, meaning time exists in a vertical line in the present. That’s what an avatar does, expand awareness tuning into the frequency and vibration of something that exists already somewhere in the ether, and making it physical. So the first steps are, describing what you want to actualize in detail, to know it already exists in the ether, and to explore consciousness. How? by expanding awareness and by tuning into the subtle energies of your body and mind. Music has almost unlimited potential to positively influence our personal emotional experiences in the moment. When you let the music take you, you feel better, the mind-body highway opens moving you into a better state of mind, and flow better. Positive personal change is what lies at the heart of Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 36
  • 37. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible Flow Centre; being open to music can trigger a melting pot of positive thoughts, strong feelings and emotions in us. Let’s take a look at how thoughts spark the brain, and how a positive mental attitude triggered by music, can spread bliss to the rest of the physical body. Each brain consists of around 10,000,000,000 neurons and each cell connects to approximately 100,000 other cells. Each neuron is the size of one thousandth of an inch is capable of storing enough information to fill 1000 books of 600 pages each. Neuro scientists tell us when the brain fires a thought it can be likened to a thunder cloud and lightning. Like a thunderstorm in its presentation of a coherent thought. Scientists have never seen a thought, but what they do see is a storm breaking around different quadrants of the brain. In this volatile electric scenario neurons connect to each other along tiny neural path ways by electrical impulses and juice, each place they connect a thought or a memory is formed. Connected neurons along neural pathways form neural nets. Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 37
  • 38. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible The music body-mind connects to body-minds alike, as the vibrations attune performer and the listening audience. Together a cybernetic feedback loop is created. You tune in and the brain works better. The brain does not know the difference between what it sees in its environment and what it remembers or creates in visualization, because the same neuro nets fire for all three. Some people may have the feeling of love connected to rejection for example. Nerve cells that fire together wire together. And nerve cells that don’t fire together don’t wire together. Repeated observation of the negative emotional connections we have, shining a bright light on them is a way of interrupting the path, and disconnecting the negative emotions, so they no longer fire or wire together. The hypothalamus area of the brain is like a small factory for peptides which are small chains of amino acids. The hypothalamus houses 20 different amino acids, assembling peptide chains that produce the range of emotions we experience on a Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 38
  • 39. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible day to day basis. All emotions are a holographic imprint of one sort of chemical or another. The moment we express our emotion which could be joy, pleasure, anger, love, the hypothalamus releases the corresponding peptide chain into the blood stream. The moment it enters the blood stream the peptide chain finds its way to our cells in different parts of the body. Every single cell in the body has receptors on the outside. When a peptide docks on a cell it sits on the receptor and latches onto it like a key fits into a lock. May what we perceive and believe be under constant review. Both observing what is seen, and carrying a healthy curiosity in what lies outside your conscious processes. Surfing your mighty waves of possibility, as ever deepening potentiality becomes available to you. Perpetually bring you closer to something magical. Carry this feeling with you at all time. This is flow Centre. David Jean-Baptiste Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 39
  • 40. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible ATM, the fastest way to see the results you desire The WUGI Stance (Plugging in. Strengthening and healing the body) Tapping to Emotional Freedom (Clearing blocks) Brain Wave Vibration (Better body balance and brain functioning) Anchoring Positive States of Mind (State building) Flow Centre (Living your intention) Hip Walk True Talk (Doing it, and incantations) Waves of Possibility (Expansion by reframing) Knowingness, Beliefs and Values (Beliefs in motion and reference building) The Identity Ball (Aligning with and deepening knowledge of your authentic self) The Spiritual, Awareness, Renewable, Mastermind (Who Else?) Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 40
  • 41. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible Intention In Motion Consultancy Sessions (assumptions, you are seen, understood, and will get to where you are going when you follow through) Session One: Vision, Mind-mapping Mission, Areas of Life Review and SMART goals. Session Two: Net Worth and Critical Net Worth, action milestones. Session Three: Your Learning Strategy. Session Four: Focusing on your strengths. Session Five: Turbo-charging passion. Session Six: Expanding Waves of Possibility Session Seven: Beliefs in Motion Session Eight: Strengthening your inner world. Session Nine: Accountability review. Assessing action taken. Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 41
  • 42. Reach Your Milestones as fast as Possible Session Ten: Accelerating the Motion for your core intention. Flow Centre is a powerful tool. Use it and your life will change in ways you never thought possible. Take action today! David Jean-Baptiste The Wellness Clarinet LTD +44 (0) 845 868 8221 Copyright © 2017 The Wellness Clarinet LTD All Rights Reserved. PAGE | 42