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Student Executive Council Board
      Faculty of Medicine G M U

  Are both of these lines the same length?

   How can you verify your perception?

  A Symbol is only a symbol when many
 people agree that is represents a certain
 thing. A symbol is often difficult to verify.

We see things not as they are but as we are

                                     Jean H Michulka, Let’s Talk Business
Review of Steps for Language
1. Reality   An object
2. Perception       Create visual image
                    Blue, 10cm long, 6 sides, black printing, black pointed tip,
3. Description      shiny metal band

4. Classification     It’s a pencil

5. Interpretation      I could use that to write with

6. Generalizing       I’m ready to take notes because I have the equipment

                               The teacher likes students who are quipped and
7. Further generalizing

8. More Abstract       What a good student I am

9. More Abstract        What a perfect morning
                                                                   Jean H Michulka, Let’s Talk Business
Stop Press !!!

                      Test IQ.exe

50% kecerdikan adalah mengetahui dalam hal apa anda bodoh

                                    Terry L Paulson, Humor yang Sehat di tempat kerja
Four Quadrant

 Menunda      II

 Yes Man

                   Sean Covey, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Untuk mengetahui nilai Satu Tahun,
     Tanyakan seorang siswa yang gagal dalam ujian kenaikannya.
                  Untuk mengetahui nilai Satu Bulan,
           Tanyakan pada Ibu yang melahirkan bayi prematur.
                 Untuk mengetahui nilai Satu Minggu,
              Tanyakan seorang editor majalah mingguan.
                   Untuk mengetahui nilai Satu Hari,
Tanyakan seorang buruh harian yang punya enam anak untuk diberi makan.
                   Untuk mengetahui nilai Satu Jam,
       Tanyakan kekasih yang sedang menantikan waktu bertemu.
                  Untuk mengetahui nilai Satu Menit,
              Tanyakan seorang yang ketinggalan kereta.
                  Untuk mengetahui nilai Satu Detik,
            Tanyakan seorang yang selamat dari kecelakaan.
                 Untuk mengetahui nilai Satu Milidetik,
      Tanyakan seorang yang memenangkan medali di olimpiade.

                                            Sean Covey, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Not all of the important thing is always be the right
 How to say ―No‖                   thing to do

   1. How to ruin Relationships: Agree to everything

When we fall into the habit of ―yes-ing‖ to avoid conflict, we’re not really solving
anything-we’re just trading from one problem to another.

   2.You can say No and Be Nice
You can learn to use the word ―no‖ with skill and sensitivity.

   3. The Joy of No
 Ultimately, saying no is a very positive thing.                              I’d sooner die

                                              Patti Breitman & Connie Hatch, How to Say No Without Feeling Guilty

     Buying time          I need to check it, I’ll get back to you
                          Let me check with my partner to see if we’re free that day
                          I’ve got to think about that I’ll let you know

     ―The Policy‖         Sorry, I have a policy about not lending money
                          Sorry, I cant come—its our policy to have dinner together as a family
                          every Friday night

     Prevention           ―Don’t be in the wrong place at the wrong time‖
                          Withholding information is a classic preventive tactic

     ―I Have Plans‖:  A night alone at home to take bubble bath and read books is a plan
     A New Definition Spend Sunday with your pet or watching video with your friends, that’s
                      a plan
                      Treat them like important dates—because they are
     Face-saving          Help to say no—not lie your way out of doing things you don’t want to
     excuses              do

Kita semua harus menjadi orang yang toleran,
saya termasuk orang yang paling suka
mentoleransi kemalasan diri sendiri          Patti Breitman & Connie Hatch, How to Say No Without Feeling Guilty
Why do we need improvement?

   ―The best way to learn a language is to use it‖

   ―The only certainty is change‖ is truer than ever
   before. Globalization, information superhighway,
   total quality management, empowerment,
   reengineering, learning organization, and diversity
   are indicative of the challenges. How to
   effectively manage human resources has become
   the key challenge not only to compete, but to
You don’t win the silver, you lose the gold   Fred Luthans, Organizational Behavior




 Order A: Intelligent-industrious-impulsive-

 Order B: Envious-stubborn-critical-impulsive-

 These studies demonstrated a primacy effect in
 impression formation

Tidak ada kesempatan kedua untuk menunjukkan kesan pertama (Head & Shoulders)

         Asch, S. E. Forming Impressions of personality. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology. 1946. 41, 258-290

                Science proves that tossed
               pennies come up heads 25 %
                        of the time

                       Head comes first

                   ―One cent‖ comes first

                         Both came first

                      Eaten by the birds
If the fact doesn’t fit the theory, change the fact   Darrel Huff, How to Lie with Statistics
Meliput tokoh
-   bukan sekedar pejabat, tapi siapa saja yang famous maupun

Media suka yang Eksklusif, Dramatik
-   tentu menarik ketika Anda mengadakan kegiatan dengan
    pendanaan dari penjualan pakaian bekas atau jimpitan beras.

-   saat mengunjungi ODHA, rangkul dia!

Media suka konflik, kontroversi
    - Mau publikasi karena pengurusnya konflik?
    - Atau, diliput pers karena melakukan kegiatan kontroversial: orasi
    dengan fashion show miniskirt.
    - Tertangkap dugem di diskotek!
    - Menjadi penengah, mediator, fasilitator, pemberi solusi atau
    sekedar komentator.
                                                      Erwan Widyarto, Membuat Rilis Berita
Rolls up! Rolls stable!
50                                                     24




25                                                     22




 0                                                     20
     1st Qtr        2nd Qtr      3rd Qtr     4th Qtr        1st Qtr        2nd Qtr      3rd Qtr       4th Qtr

          1st Qtr      2nd Qtr    3rd Qtr   4th Qtr              1st Qtr      2nd Qtr    3rd Qtr     4th Qtr

                                                                                 Darrel Huff, How to Lie with Statistics
Improper   Incorrect


 Creativity is knowledge of
knowing how to hide your source
 Read reason Write
 Colombus discover America

      Dorothy U Seyler, Read Reason Write, Random House: New York, 1984.

Who - says what - in which channel – to whom – with what

                         4%      2% 1%


                       See    Hear    Smell   Touch   Taste

                                                                    Trustco, Komuikasi Efektif
Alzheimer Test

 The False Logic Explanation of Many Issues
 Consist in the Repetition on Postural of Action
Fearless in Count of Numbers in Order to Build a
    Progress on Area Revival For Feathers
If you don’t want to be
misunderstood by anyone,      Distance of information
         don’t do anything

 Presiden kepada wakil: ―Besok kira-kira pukul 21.00, Komet Halley
      akan terlihat di daerah ini, suatu peristiwa yang hanya terjadi tiap
      75 tahun. Kumpulkan semua karyawan di tempat parkir dan saya
      akan menerangkan kejadian yang langka ini pada mereka. Jika
      hujan, kita tidak aka bisa melihat apa-apa, maka berkumpullah di
      kafetaria dan saya akan memperihatkan film-film tentang hal itu. ‖

     ―Atas perintah eksekutif dari presiden, besok pukul 9 pagi Komet
     Halley yang hebat itu akan mucul di kafetaria. Jika hujan di tempat
     parkir, presiden akan memberikan perintah, sesuatu yang hanya
     terjadi sekali tiap 75 tahun.‖

                                               Terry L Paulson, Humor yang Sehat di tempat kerja
I’m OK, and you?
      Optimistically    I hope it works out for both of us
      Empathetically    I can understand how you feel, and I’ll consider this
      Confidently       All right, lets try it your way
      Gracefully        I guess I’m wrong
      Caringly          I want to do whatever I can to help
      Aggressively      Why don’t you be quite before I kick you to Mancasan?
      Disparagingly     Why can’t you ever get anything right?
      Authoritatively   I’m the expert, so do as I say
      Apathetically     I really don’t care what you do
      Dogmatically      This is the way we have always done it, so don’t you dare change it
OK    Loftily           I really don’t have time for chit-chat
      Critically        Can’t you do it any better than that?
      Defensively       It’s not my fault that this is incorrect
      Cynically         She got the job because her father is the boss
      Pessimistically   I’ll never get her
      Reluctantly       I’ll do it if you think I should

                                                                       Claude Steiner, Scripts People Live

Intimate Zone   15 - 46 cm

         Personal Zone       46 cm - 1,2 m

                   Social Zone      1,2 – 3,6 m

                                 Public Zone      > 3,6 m

                                             Allan Pease, Bahasa Tubuh
Gestures: Important Features
Menyentuh hidung                   Menutupi mulut

Menggosok mata                     Memegang dagu: evaluatif

Menggosok telinga                  Memegang jam tangan: kegugupan

Menggaruk leher: kekesalan         Lengan dilipat: tegas

Menarik leher baju                 Penghalang dengan aksesoris

Lengan sebagai penghalang          Kaki dilipat: defensif/ tertutup

Berjabat tangan                    ―Mirror image‖

Mengulum: mengulur waktu           Mengendalikan tatapan
Menutup mata                       Posisi kepala

―Saya tidak pernah berbohong, dan saya tidak akan mengulanginya lagi‖

                                                              Allan Pease, Bahasa Tubuh
 #1—Main Topic & Subordinates

 #2—Eye Contact

 #3—Improving Visual Tools

 #4—Improving Preface

1.   Anekdot
2.   Humor (ringkas, klimaks, jeda, unggulan)
3.   Pertanyaan retoris
4.   Pernyataan yang menimbulkan syok
 #5—Improving Conclusion

                                     Steve Mandel, Presentasi yang Efektif
And Remember

When you try to avoid mistakes, it would be
       the biggest mistakes of all

         You try, and then failed..
           Lesson is, never try

        50 % of all people are optimistic
        50 % of all people are pessimistic

1.   Ada tiga peraturan untuk menciptakan humor, tetapi
     sayangnya tak seorangpun tahu apa peraturan-peraturan itu—
     Laurence Peter
2.   Saya tidak bisa bermuka dua. Jikalau saya mempunyai dua
     muka, saya tidak akan memakai yang ini—Abraham Lincoln
3.   Mungkin saya tidak bisa menyanyi, tetapi yang jelas saya tidak
     bisa menari
4.   Untuk membuat mereka mendengarkan, buatlah mereka
     tertawa—Allen Klein
5.   Siapa saja yang mengatakan sesuatu tidak bisa dilakukan,
     sebaiknya jangan mengganggu orang yang sedang

                                         Terry L Paulson, Humor yang Sehat di tempat kerja
• Allan Pease, Bahasa Tubuh.
• Brian Hunt [et al], The Japanese Advantage?: Competitive It’s Strategies Past, Present & Future,
Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd: Oxford, 1995.
• C Northcote Parkinson [et al], Seni Mempraktekkan Manajemen, Pustaka Binaman Pressindo: Jakarta,
• Darrel Huff, How to Lie with Statistics, WW Norton & Company: New York, 1993.
• Dorothy U Seyler, Read Reason Write, Random House: New York, 1984.
• Fred Luthans, Organizational Behavior, McGraw-Hill: New York, 1995.
• Herbert E Meyer [et al], How to Write, Storm King Press: Washington DC, 1986.
• Herb Cohen, Negotiation.
• Jean H Michulka, Let’s Talk Bussiness, South-Western Publishing: Ohio, 1983.
• John Horgan, The End of Science: Facing the Limits of Knowledge in the Twilight of the Scientific Age,
Broadway Books: New York, 1997.
• Larry King Jr., Communication.
• Lynn Quitman Troyka, Simon & Schuster Handbook for Writers, Prentice-Hall: Rio de Janeiro, 1987.
• Sean Covey, 7 Kebiasaan Remaja yang Sangat Efektif, Binarupa Aksara: Jakarta, 2001.
• Steve Mandel, Presentasi yang Efektif: Pedoman Praktis untuk Berbicara lebih Baik, Binarupa Aksara:
Jakarta, 1991.
• Terry L Paulson, Humor yang Sehat di Tempat Kerja: Tanggapilah Pekerjaan Anda Secara Serius dan Diri
Anda Secara Santai, Binarupa Aksara: Jakarta, 1991.

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Mam Management

  • 1. IMPROVE YOU dr. IMAM MANGGALYA A Student Executive Council Board Faculty of Medicine G M U (
  • 2. Perception Are both of these lines the same length? How can you verify your perception? A Symbol is only a symbol when many people agree that is represents a certain thing. A symbol is often difficult to verify. We see things not as they are but as we are Jean H Michulka, Let’s Talk Business
  • 4. Review of Steps for Language Symbols 1. Reality An object 2. Perception Create visual image Blue, 10cm long, 6 sides, black printing, black pointed tip, 3. Description shiny metal band 4. Classification It’s a pencil 5. Interpretation I could use that to write with 6. Generalizing I’m ready to take notes because I have the equipment The teacher likes students who are quipped and 7. Further generalizing prepared 8. More Abstract What a good student I am 9. More Abstract What a perfect morning Jean H Michulka, Let’s Talk Business
  • 5. Stop Press !!! Test IQ.exe 50% kecerdikan adalah mengetahui dalam hal apa anda bodoh Terry L Paulson, Humor yang Sehat di tempat kerja
  • 6. Four Quadrant I Suka Menunda II Manajer III Yes Man IV Pemalas Profesional Sean Covey, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
  • 7. Untuk mengetahui nilai Satu Tahun, Tanyakan seorang siswa yang gagal dalam ujian kenaikannya. Untuk mengetahui nilai Satu Bulan, Tanyakan pada Ibu yang melahirkan bayi prematur. Untuk mengetahui nilai Satu Minggu, Tanyakan seorang editor majalah mingguan. Untuk mengetahui nilai Satu Hari, Tanyakan seorang buruh harian yang punya enam anak untuk diberi makan. Untuk mengetahui nilai Satu Jam, Tanyakan kekasih yang sedang menantikan waktu bertemu. Untuk mengetahui nilai Satu Menit, Tanyakan seorang yang ketinggalan kereta. Untuk mengetahui nilai Satu Detik, Tanyakan seorang yang selamat dari kecelakaan. Untuk mengetahui nilai Satu Milidetik, Tanyakan seorang yang memenangkan medali di olimpiade. Sean Covey, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
  • 8. Not all of the important thing is always be the right How to say ―No‖ thing to do 1. How to ruin Relationships: Agree to everything When we fall into the habit of ―yes-ing‖ to avoid conflict, we’re not really solving anything-we’re just trading from one problem to another. 2.You can say No and Be Nice You can learn to use the word ―no‖ with skill and sensitivity. 3. The Joy of No Ultimately, saying no is a very positive thing. I’d sooner die Patti Breitman & Connie Hatch, How to Say No Without Feeling Guilty
  • 9. THE BASICS Buying time I need to check it, I’ll get back to you Let me check with my partner to see if we’re free that day I’ve got to think about that I’ll let you know ―The Policy‖ Sorry, I have a policy about not lending money Sorry, I cant come—its our policy to have dinner together as a family every Friday night Prevention ―Don’t be in the wrong place at the wrong time‖ Withholding information is a classic preventive tactic ―I Have Plans‖: A night alone at home to take bubble bath and read books is a plan A New Definition Spend Sunday with your pet or watching video with your friends, that’s a plan Treat them like important dates—because they are Face-saving Help to say no—not lie your way out of doing things you don’t want to excuses do Kita semua harus menjadi orang yang toleran, saya termasuk orang yang paling suka mentoleransi kemalasan diri sendiri Patti Breitman & Connie Hatch, How to Say No Without Feeling Guilty
  • 10. Why do we need improvement? ―The best way to learn a language is to use it‖ ―The only certainty is change‖ is truer than ever before. Globalization, information superhighway, total quality management, empowerment, reengineering, learning organization, and diversity are indicative of the challenges. How to effectively manage human resources has become the key challenge not only to compete, but to survive. You don’t win the silver, you lose the gold Fred Luthans, Organizational Behavior
  • 12. FIRST IMPRESSION Order A: Intelligent-industrious-impulsive- critical-stubborn-evious Order B: Envious-stubborn-critical-impulsive- industrious-intelligent These studies demonstrated a primacy effect in impression formation Tidak ada kesempatan kedua untuk menunjukkan kesan pertama (Head & Shoulders) Asch, S. E. Forming Impressions of personality. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology. 1946. 41, 258-290
  • 13. MANAGING POSSIBILITIES Science proves that tossed pennies come up heads 25 % of the time Head comes first ―One cent‖ comes first Both came first Eaten by the birds If the fact doesn’t fit the theory, change the fact Darrel Huff, How to Lie with Statistics
  • 14. NEWSvalue-NEWSworthy Meliput tokoh - bukan sekedar pejabat, tapi siapa saja yang famous maupun notorius Media suka yang Eksklusif, Dramatik - tentu menarik ketika Anda mengadakan kegiatan dengan pendanaan dari penjualan pakaian bekas atau jimpitan beras. - saat mengunjungi ODHA, rangkul dia! Media suka konflik, kontroversi - Mau publikasi karena pengurusnya konflik? - Atau, diliput pers karena melakukan kegiatan kontroversial: orasi dengan fashion show miniskirt. - Tertangkap dugem di diskotek! - Menjadi penengah, mediator, fasilitator, pemberi solusi atau sekedar komentator. Erwan Widyarto, Membuat Rilis Berita
  • 15. Rolls up! Rolls stable! 50 24 45 40 23 35 30 25 22 20 15 21 10 5 0 20 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Darrel Huff, How to Lie with Statistics
  • 16. Improper Incorrect White Lies
  • 17. Creativity Creativity is knowledge of knowing how to hide your source Read reason Write Colombus discover America Dorothy U Seyler, Read Reason Write, Random House: New York, 1984.
  • 18. COMMUNICATION Who - says what - in which channel – to whom – with what effect SENSE 4% 2% 1% 11% 82% See Hear Smell Touch Taste Trustco, Komuikasi Efektif
  • 19. Alzheimer Test The False Logic Explanation of Many Issues Consist in the Repetition on Postural of Action Fearless in Count of Numbers in Order to Build a Progress on Area Revival For Feathers
  • 20. If you don’t want to be misunderstood by anyone, Distance of information don’t do anything Presiden kepada wakil: ―Besok kira-kira pukul 21.00, Komet Halley akan terlihat di daerah ini, suatu peristiwa yang hanya terjadi tiap 75 tahun. Kumpulkan semua karyawan di tempat parkir dan saya akan menerangkan kejadian yang langka ini pada mereka. Jika hujan, kita tidak aka bisa melihat apa-apa, maka berkumpullah di kafetaria dan saya akan memperihatkan film-film tentang hal itu. ‖ ―Atas perintah eksekutif dari presiden, besok pukul 9 pagi Komet Halley yang hebat itu akan mucul di kafetaria. Jika hujan di tempat parkir, presiden akan memberikan perintah, sesuatu yang hanya terjadi sekali tiap 75 tahun.‖ Terry L Paulson, Humor yang Sehat di tempat kerja
  • 21. I’m OK, and you? Optimistically I hope it works out for both of us Empathetically I can understand how you feel, and I’ll consider this OK Confidently All right, lets try it your way Gracefully I guess I’m wrong Caringly I want to do whatever I can to help Aggressively Why don’t you be quite before I kick you to Mancasan? Disparagingly Why can’t you ever get anything right? Authoritatively I’m the expert, so do as I say Apathetically I really don’t care what you do Not Dogmatically This is the way we have always done it, so don’t you dare change it OK Loftily I really don’t have time for chit-chat Critically Can’t you do it any better than that? Defensively It’s not my fault that this is incorrect Cynically She got the job because her father is the boss Pessimistically I’ll never get her Reluctantly I’ll do it if you think I should Claude Steiner, Scripts People Live
  • 22. Zone Intimate Zone 15 - 46 cm Personal Zone 46 cm - 1,2 m Social Zone 1,2 – 3,6 m Public Zone > 3,6 m Allan Pease, Bahasa Tubuh
  • 23. Gestures: Important Features Menyentuh hidung Menutupi mulut Menggosok mata Memegang dagu: evaluatif Menggosok telinga Memegang jam tangan: kegugupan Menggaruk leher: kekesalan Lengan dilipat: tegas Menarik leher baju Penghalang dengan aksesoris Lengan sebagai penghalang Kaki dilipat: defensif/ tertutup Berjabat tangan ―Mirror image‖ Mengulum: mengulur waktu Mengendalikan tatapan Menutup mata Posisi kepala ―Saya tidak pernah berbohong, dan saya tidak akan mengulanginya lagi‖ Allan Pease, Bahasa Tubuh
  • 24. ORGANIZING ORGAN #1—Main Topic & Subordinates #2—Eye Contact #3—Improving Visual Tools #4—Improving Preface 1. Anekdot 2. Humor (ringkas, klimaks, jeda, unggulan) 3. Pertanyaan retoris 4. Pernyataan yang menimbulkan syok #5—Improving Conclusion Steve Mandel, Presentasi yang Efektif
  • 25. And Remember When you try to avoid mistakes, it would be the biggest mistakes of all You try, and then failed.. Lesson is, never try 50 % of all people are optimistic 50 % of all people are pessimistic
  • 26. Example 1. Ada tiga peraturan untuk menciptakan humor, tetapi sayangnya tak seorangpun tahu apa peraturan-peraturan itu— Laurence Peter 2. Saya tidak bisa bermuka dua. Jikalau saya mempunyai dua muka, saya tidak akan memakai yang ini—Abraham Lincoln 3. Mungkin saya tidak bisa menyanyi, tetapi yang jelas saya tidak bisa menari 4. Untuk membuat mereka mendengarkan, buatlah mereka tertawa—Allen Klein 5. Siapa saja yang mengatakan sesuatu tidak bisa dilakukan, sebaiknya jangan mengganggu orang yang sedang melakukannya Terry L Paulson, Humor yang Sehat di tempat kerja
  • 27. • Allan Pease, Bahasa Tubuh. • Brian Hunt [et al], The Japanese Advantage?: Competitive It’s Strategies Past, Present & Future, Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd: Oxford, 1995. • C Northcote Parkinson [et al], Seni Mempraktekkan Manajemen, Pustaka Binaman Pressindo: Jakarta, 1986. • Darrel Huff, How to Lie with Statistics, WW Norton & Company: New York, 1993. • Dorothy U Seyler, Read Reason Write, Random House: New York, 1984. • Fred Luthans, Organizational Behavior, McGraw-Hill: New York, 1995. • Herbert E Meyer [et al], How to Write, Storm King Press: Washington DC, 1986. • Herb Cohen, Negotiation. • Jean H Michulka, Let’s Talk Bussiness, South-Western Publishing: Ohio, 1983. • John Horgan, The End of Science: Facing the Limits of Knowledge in the Twilight of the Scientific Age, Broadway Books: New York, 1997. • Larry King Jr., Communication. • Lynn Quitman Troyka, Simon & Schuster Handbook for Writers, Prentice-Hall: Rio de Janeiro, 1987. • Sean Covey, 7 Kebiasaan Remaja yang Sangat Efektif, Binarupa Aksara: Jakarta, 2001. • Steve Mandel, Presentasi yang Efektif: Pedoman Praktis untuk Berbicara lebih Baik, Binarupa Aksara: Jakarta, 1991. • Terry L Paulson, Humor yang Sehat di Tempat Kerja: Tanggapilah Pekerjaan Anda Secara Serius dan Diri Anda Secara Santai, Binarupa Aksara: Jakarta, 1991.