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            Englewood Area Macintosh Users Group
                  public meeting March 5th 1:30 PM
                        at the Elsie Quirk Library

    At the meeting...
    1:30 to 2 Beginners Session lead by Mary Lou
    2 to 2:45 Q & A Period then a break
    2:45 to 3 Break

    3 to 3:30 Dictate with Mary Lou Dobson
    3:30 to 4 Mike Volpe to continue Mail

         President's Letter by Mary Lou
         Computer Tutor,Too Tips by Mary Lou
         Preview's Feature by Will Bosch
         Picnic and Dues by Carl and Curt
         Buyer Beware by Carl
         Bill's Musings by Bill
         Board meeting notes by Christina
EAMUG President's Letter                   February 2009

Such a fun meeting in February. There were 67 people there and four people joined as
new members!
Mary Lou had spent over 4 hours training with iListen, and when she demonstrated it, it
didn't go as expected. There was much laughter as people watched the screen when she
spoke into the microphone and expected iListen to write her words on the computer and
on the screen. Such odd words were printing. By the time she managed to get the third
or fourth statement out, the words she spoke were appearing correctly. She was
frustrated, and assumed she needed to give her voice a rest and needed to practice some
more. Come to find out, iListen doesn't work well on Intel Macs and she could upgrade
to a newer version called Dictate (by MacSpeech). She did that, trained the application
for less than ten minutes and was surprised. What that surprise was, you will have to
come to the meeting and find out on March 5.
The rest of the meeting went as expected with good questions from the audience during
the Q & A. We like it when good answers come from the audience as well. There is
more than one way to do things on our Macs. Do remember to include the system you
use, be it Panther, Tiger or Leopard. (It might be more efficient if the questions were
emailed to Mary Lou prior to the meeting. Or hand written and left on the table at the
front of the room, even during the session.)
Dianne Roberto did a captivating presentation of her use of GarageBand.(GarageBand
comes free with your Mac, it's that Guitar icon on your dock, and is available to upgrade
with the purchase of iLife.) The projection/screen problem has been solved by changing
the resolution of the display (also known as the monitor). Let us know if you want her to
do it again. Or if there are other GarageBand players in our user group.
Did you know that periods only go inside of parentheses when the whole sentence is
within the parentheses? I keep forgetting which is which, which is why I included it here
for your enlightenment. (The 'w' words above are an example of alliteration I believe.)
Another surprise was the door prize. There was none. There will be two this month.
There are 42 people signed up for the March 19th Pizza Social and the deadline to list
yourself is at the March meeting on Thursday, March 5. There will be a signup sheet for
those who have not already mailed their replies to Dale. Why wait? Send that email now,
while you are thinking of it.
Enjoy your Macs and share with us how you use them, in case we didn't think of using
them that way. See the minutes on the back page for the March agenda. Looking forward
to seeing you again.

                                                                    Mary Lou Dobson
Computer Tutor,Too March 2009
     by Mary Lou Dobson

In this column I try to include things that may be relevant to experienced users and
also tips for the Beginner. If you don't understand something here, please ask at the
meeting or email me about it.

Tired of looking for the Reply button in Mail? Use Command+R. Hint: just select as
much of the original message as you want in the reply, then do the keyboard shortcut
above. If you don't select at least one character, the whole message will appear in the
Reply. I just select one and then delete it in the Reply unless I want to include more.

I noticed that in three instances, people must have hit Reply All in error because I got
emails from people I didn't know who were included on someone else's email list. Reply
All means reply to all those who were included in the addressees.

Speaking of that, there is a place in the
email message where you can list people's
addresses so that they don't show up on
each individual's email. It is BCC. If it
doesn't appear on your new message you
may find it in one of the Menus, or see the
pictures accompanying this column. Find
out more about Bcc by opening Mail help
and typing 'bcc' in the blank. When I send
the EAMUG emails to the entire group of

                                           over 130, I know you don't want to scroll
                                           through all those names. I usually put EAMUG
                                           in the To: but it is not necessary to put anything
                                           there if you use bcc. (Bcc is spelled differently
                                           in various email programs.)

The delete key, also known as backspace, will delete characters to the left.
Shift+delete will erase things to the right.

When typing user IDs or Usernames, it is usually              to use Upper Case. For
passwords we must use the case that we create our passwords in.

I spelled unnecessary incorrectly in the previous paragraph (it came up underlined with
red dots). I right-clicked (ctrl-clicked) on it and the correct spelling appeared at the top
to the contextual menu. I left-clicked on the correct spelling and it replaced the error. If
it were a proper name that was underlined, I could right-click and then click on Ignore

If you are using an application that underlines in green as well, it indicates a grammar

I put 'CorelDraw Tutorial' in Google Search and found many, some free. If you click on
Help when in CorelDraw, it may list Tutorial. There's lots of other help on the Internet as

                Mike Volpe has a small program called,
                VideoBox2.7.4, cost around 8 bucks. He drags the
URL to the program pane and clicks a couple of places and it
downloads the video right to his Desktop. He saves a lot of funny
things and sends them to friends and family. Currently it only
downloads from YouTube.

                   When Carolyn Rosenfeld's sick flash drive was unrecognized by her
                   Mac, I tried it in mine and it wasn't recognized either, and
                   unrepairable. I had a sudden idea, stuck it into my Toshiba laptop
                   (which I keep on hand so I can help my Vista clients), it opened
                   because it was formatted for Windows in the first place. I copied all 10
                   pictures from it to a folder on the desktop of my Toshiba, reformatted
                   the flash drive, again for Windows, put back the 10 pictures, inserted
                   the flash drive into my MacBook Pro, and it was all better. (Leaving it
                   formatted for Windows it can be used on either a PC or a Mac. If
                   formatted for Mac, Windows cannot read it.

I'll have to look up on the Internet just when to use italics. I think I used them too many
times in the last paragraph. In the old days of manual typewriters, names of books, etc.,
had to be underlined. Now underlining is rarely used as it usually indicates hyperlinks to
click on to go to somewhere else on the 'net.

If one of your email buddies asks you to take them off your list for Forwards, etc., please
respect their wishes. One man's treasure may be another man's trash. I have friends who
get maybe 50 emails a day, and not one of them is a personal note. Many people delete
forwards without reading them, so why waste your energy sending them. It is easier to
take them off your list than it is to put them on in the first place. If you don't know how,
ask me.

If trouble deleting one email, use the Apple key to choose more than one and delete
therm together. Choose non-troublemaking one first.
Empty the Trash in your email program quickly by right-clicking or control-
           clicking on the Trash folder. A Folder is a file that can contain one or more
           files. lists hyperlinks to good

Buying a new computer is not the only way to have a better experience with your iMac.
Go to Remember too,
that if your Mac does what you want it to, you do not have upgrade. The same goes for
any application that you use. That grass that is not in our yard is not always greener, it
only looks that way from here.
                         Time is a non-renewable resource.

Here is a feature in Preview that some may not know. Open in Preview a PDF or
photo. Go to the View menu and choose Customize Toolbar. In the resulting
window find Annotate and drag it to Previews Menubar. Now you can draw
arrows, ovals, rectangles and write text on whatever you open in Preview. Great
for adding arrows to a screenshot of a map.

                                                                          Will Bosch

Editors note-
Preview keeps improving with each new upgrade of the system software. This menu
does not appear in the Panther (10.3.9) version. Don't know if it works in 10.4. Check
it out.

I use Preview for about 90% of my photo editing.

If you don't have another photo editor try Seashore, a nice freeware application that
can change the size of the photo, do layers and add text. Panther(10.3) and above.
Sort of like Photoshop Elements.

If you want a more advanced photo editor try GIMP, a freeware application that has
some of the features of Photoshop.

Your Editor is still using his old Power Book and NeoOffice for this issue as my new
iMac has not yet arrived.

                                                                           Carl Schwartz
EAMUG Beach Pizza Picnic
     Prizes Food Pizza and Pop Supplied                 Beach
              March 19 at 12:00 Noon
          Englewood Gardens Beach Club.
            Food is “served” at 1:00 PM

                                          Remember you must be a member.
                                          Sign up for our Optional Pot Luck

 LAST CALL for Annual EAMUG 2009 Dues - Individual $12 or Family $18.
ATTENTION OCTOGENARIANS! The EAMUG Board has decided to offer
Complimentary Membership status exempt from 2009 dues for those members in
good standing who have reached the age of 80. If you have already celebrated
your 80th birthday, contact the Treasurer to confirm your exempt status. If you
will reach the age of 80 during 2009, also contact the Treasurer to arrange for a
prorated dues charge.
phone in Port Charlotte: (941) 625-1096

Dues can be paid by check or cash to the Treasurer, Curt Lundeen, at the User
Group meeting (NOT TO “EAMUG”) or by mail to:
                          Curt Lundeen, Treasurer
                               13229 Irwin Dr
                          Port Charlotte, FL 33953
Buyer Beware
Sometimes I see a product and think it would be great, and easy to use. I always
check the box to see if it works OK on my Mac. Here are two recent purchases made
last month where the box info was misleading or incomplete.

iomega EGO HD - Several Days to use vs 10
min if the directions to use had been clear.

I read the package and hooked up the USB to my PowerBook.
It would view the drive but not allow me to save new files. I
gave up and went on line to get help from a user forum.

Info from the forum: iomega 250GB drive
What could possibly be happening here is that the drive is in
NTFS format (proprietary format for Windows) which can be seen and read from on a Mac,
but doesn't allow you to write anything to the drive. Iomega has steps available that explain
how to reformat the drive to HFS+ format, which is Mac's proprietary format.

Now the drive did not appear on my desktop. So I could do nothing! Next I went to our Mac
group meeting and tried hooking it up to other Macs. It only worked on the newest Mac.

Later I went to a friend's house and used his new Mac to Format the drive. It now works on
my Mac.
What I learned: Only a Intel Mac can use the drive until it is reformatted.

Logitech mouse              2hrs vs 10 min if the
directions to use had been clear..
The packaging for my new mouse led me to the wrong WEB
site. It would have resulted in a PC download. I would not do
that so I called the help line and was walked through getting
the right site for a mac. Thanks Logitech for a helpful service

            This wasted about an hour of time and would not have been necessary if I had
           known the following:
            1. go to this site: (not the one printed in the Quick Help that
           came with the drive)
            2. next click on the Get Support Now under Support Center on the lower right
           side of the web page.
           3. Finally enter your data for your mouse and you
           should get the correct driver (Mine was a 17 MB

           I like the mouse and am using it, but it takes 1.4
           MB of memory and 80 MB of virtual memory.
Bill’s Musings
     by Bill Kiefer

Those of you who own a Power Book with OS10.4.5 or later can find out about the
battery along with other things about your laptop. Here’s how. Google ‘coconut battery’
and open the link ‘coconut battery’ in the results. Download version 2.6.3 and it will tell
you some interesting things about your laptop. Try it! (Thanks to Mike Volpe for the

                              FREE! FREE! FREE!
How many of us have heard our more experienced friends use the term Freeware? Well,
I decided to google Freeware and boy, did I get an eyeful! If you google Freeware, in the
results go to Freeware Home and go to the panel on the left and check out all the free
stuff you can download. They’re all categorized by subject and within each subject there
are many more. If I had to guess I would say there are at least 1k items one could down
load for free or minimal cost. Return to Google and see that there are thousands more
results for free stuff you can check out.

            iTunes RADIO
Here’s a refresher for you from Rob Griffiths’ Mac OS X Hints. One of the most
overlooked features in Apple’s iTunes is the Radio entry in the Library section of the
Sidebar. Here you will find streaming radio from around the world, covering everything
from music (alternative, classical, hard rock and so on) to comedy, sports, and talk radio.
You can use this feature to listen to your favorite station while you are online doing
whatever you are doing. I like that feature because if I get bored with the music, or
whatever, I can turn it off or switch to another station.
EAMUG Board Minutes February 20, 2009

The EAMUG Board met at The Elks Club. We were called to order at 12:45.
Present were: Mary Lou Dobson, Dale Watson, Mike Volpe, Georgia and Jim Britton, Will Bosch, Jo Crebbin,
Curt Lundeen, Karla Lundeen, Christina Anglin, Joe Consolmagno, Carl Schwartz, and Liz Vaughn.
Curt gave the Treasurer's report and Georgia reported that our current membership total is 135. Four
new members joined at the January meeting.
Mary Lou said she liked the new, green complimentary badges for our members over 80 years of age.
Mike reported on the PA system. He says that Jennifer at the Elsie Quirk Library has(?) lavalier
microphones. Mike will talk to her about borrowing them or ordering our own.
Discussion about possible future Special Interest Groups (SIGs):
Reunion Genealogy - Sherry Cassick is already meeting with a group (not a SIG).
A Beginners SIG/class for people who are using a Mac for the first time.
An iPod, iTouch, iPhone SIG.
Other possibilities (one-time SIGs) include Word and NeoOffice, Quicken, Address Book,
Printing/Scanning, and Syncing.
We will discuss future SIGs again at the next board meeting.
Dale reported on the March 19 EAMUG Pizza Social at the Englewood Gardens Beach Club. We
currently have about 40 members signed up. We decided that a member may bring a spouse or
significant other without paying a fee, but will be expected to pay $5 for each additional guest. Pizzas
will be purchased from Trattoria 13 in Englewood. The Beach Club will open at 12 noon and lunch will
be served at 1. Dale will follow up on atttendees at the March 5th meeting. Mary Lou and Christina
will purchase door prizes.
It was suggested that to maintain a quieter atmosphere at the
EAMUG meetings that the presenter wait for quiet before            Contact list 2009 EAMUG:
proceeding. It is exciting to learn something new and to         President Mary Lou Dobson
comment, but conversations can be a problem.
The iPhoto SIG will be replaced from May to November             Vice President Mike Volpe
with other SIGs because JoAnn Crebbin will not be      
available to lead it. Any other person interested in
continuing it through the summer should let us know.             Treasurer Curt Lundeen
The program for March will include:                              Editor CarlSchwartz
1:30–2      Beginner's Session led by Mary Lou
2–2:45      Q&A Period                                 
2:45–3      Break                                                Librarian Will Bosch,
3–3:25      Dictate with Mary Lou                      
3:25–3:55 Mike Volpe to continue Mail                            Secretary Christina Anglin
3:55        Door prizes and restoring room.
                                   Respectfully submitted,       Membership Georgia Britton
                                  Christina Anglin, Secretary Webmaster Mary Lou Dobson
                                                                 iPhoto SIG leader Jo Ann Crebbin
                                                                 EAMUG Web page

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  • 1. E Englewood Area Macintosh Users Group public meeting March 5th 1:30 PM at the Elsie Quirk Library A M U At the meeting... 1:30 to 2 Beginners Session lead by Mary Lou 2 to 2:45 Q & A Period then a break 2:45 to 3 Break G 3 to 3:30 Dictate with Mary Lou Dobson 3:30 to 4 Mike Volpe to continue Mail Contents President's Letter by Mary Lou Computer Tutor,Too Tips by Mary Lou Preview's Feature by Will Bosch Picnic and Dues by Carl and Curt Buyer Beware by Carl Bill's Musings by Bill Board meeting notes by Christina
  • 2. EAMUG President's Letter February 2009 Such a fun meeting in February. There were 67 people there and four people joined as new members! Mary Lou had spent over 4 hours training with iListen, and when she demonstrated it, it didn't go as expected. There was much laughter as people watched the screen when she spoke into the microphone and expected iListen to write her words on the computer and on the screen. Such odd words were printing. By the time she managed to get the third or fourth statement out, the words she spoke were appearing correctly. She was frustrated, and assumed she needed to give her voice a rest and needed to practice some more. Come to find out, iListen doesn't work well on Intel Macs and she could upgrade to a newer version called Dictate (by MacSpeech). She did that, trained the application for less than ten minutes and was surprised. What that surprise was, you will have to come to the meeting and find out on March 5. The rest of the meeting went as expected with good questions from the audience during the Q & A. We like it when good answers come from the audience as well. There is more than one way to do things on our Macs. Do remember to include the system you use, be it Panther, Tiger or Leopard. (It might be more efficient if the questions were emailed to Mary Lou prior to the meeting. Or hand written and left on the table at the front of the room, even during the session.) Dianne Roberto did a captivating presentation of her use of GarageBand.(GarageBand comes free with your Mac, it's that Guitar icon on your dock, and is available to upgrade with the purchase of iLife.) The projection/screen problem has been solved by changing the resolution of the display (also known as the monitor). Let us know if you want her to do it again. Or if there are other GarageBand players in our user group. Did you know that periods only go inside of parentheses when the whole sentence is within the parentheses? I keep forgetting which is which, which is why I included it here for your enlightenment. (The 'w' words above are an example of alliteration I believe.) Another surprise was the door prize. There was none. There will be two this month. There are 42 people signed up for the March 19th Pizza Social and the deadline to list yourself is at the March meeting on Thursday, March 5. There will be a signup sheet for those who have not already mailed their replies to Dale. Why wait? Send that email now, while you are thinking of it. Enjoy your Macs and share with us how you use them, in case we didn't think of using them that way. See the minutes on the back page for the March agenda. Looking forward to seeing you again. Mary Lou Dobson
  • 3. Computer Tutor,Too March 2009 by Mary Lou Dobson In this column I try to include things that may be relevant to experienced users and also tips for the Beginner. If you don't understand something here, please ask at the meeting or email me about it. Tired of looking for the Reply button in Mail? Use Command+R. Hint: just select as much of the original message as you want in the reply, then do the keyboard shortcut above. If you don't select at least one character, the whole message will appear in the Reply. I just select one and then delete it in the Reply unless I want to include more. I noticed that in three instances, people must have hit Reply All in error because I got emails from people I didn't know who were included on someone else's email list. Reply All means reply to all those who were included in the addressees. Speaking of that, there is a place in the email message where you can list people's addresses so that they don't show up on each individual's email. It is BCC. If it doesn't appear on your new message you may find it in one of the Menus, or see the pictures accompanying this column. Find out more about Bcc by opening Mail help and typing 'bcc' in the blank. When I send the EAMUG emails to the entire group of over 130, I know you don't want to scroll through all those names. I usually put EAMUG in the To: but it is not necessary to put anything there if you use bcc. (Bcc is spelled differently in various email programs.) The delete key, also known as backspace, will delete characters to the left. Shift+delete will erase things to the right. When typing user IDs or Usernames, it is usually to use Upper Case. For passwords we must use the case that we create our passwords in. I spelled unnecessary incorrectly in the previous paragraph (it came up underlined with red dots). I right-clicked (ctrl-clicked) on it and the correct spelling appeared at the top
  • 4. to the contextual menu. I left-clicked on the correct spelling and it replaced the error. If it were a proper name that was underlined, I could right-click and then click on Ignore Spelling. If you are using an application that underlines in green as well, it indicates a grammar error. I put 'CorelDraw Tutorial' in Google Search and found many, some free. If you click on Help when in CorelDraw, it may list Tutorial. There's lots of other help on the Internet as well. Mike Volpe has a small program called, VideoBox2.7.4, cost around 8 bucks. He drags the URL to the program pane and clicks a couple of places and it downloads the video right to his Desktop. He saves a lot of funny things and sends them to friends and family. Currently it only downloads from YouTube. When Carolyn Rosenfeld's sick flash drive was unrecognized by her Mac, I tried it in mine and it wasn't recognized either, and unrepairable. I had a sudden idea, stuck it into my Toshiba laptop (which I keep on hand so I can help my Vista clients), it opened because it was formatted for Windows in the first place. I copied all 10 pictures from it to a folder on the desktop of my Toshiba, reformatted the flash drive, again for Windows, put back the 10 pictures, inserted the flash drive into my MacBook Pro, and it was all better. (Leaving it formatted for Windows it can be used on either a PC or a Mac. If formatted for Mac, Windows cannot read it. I'll have to look up on the Internet just when to use italics. I think I used them too many times in the last paragraph. In the old days of manual typewriters, names of books, etc., had to be underlined. Now underlining is rarely used as it usually indicates hyperlinks to click on to go to somewhere else on the 'net. If one of your email buddies asks you to take them off your list for Forwards, etc., please respect their wishes. One man's treasure may be another man's trash. I have friends who get maybe 50 emails a day, and not one of them is a personal note. Many people delete forwards without reading them, so why waste your energy sending them. It is easier to take them off your list than it is to put them on in the first place. If you don't know how, ask me. If trouble deleting one email, use the Apple key to choose more than one and delete therm together. Choose non-troublemaking one first.
  • 5. Empty the Trash in your email program quickly by right-clicking or control- clicking on the Trash folder. A Folder is a file that can contain one or more files. lists hyperlinks to good videos. Buying a new computer is not the only way to have a better experience with your iMac. Go to Remember too, that if your Mac does what you want it to, you do not have upgrade. The same goes for any application that you use. That grass that is not in our yard is not always greener, it only looks that way from here. Time is a non-renewable resource. Preview Here is a feature in Preview that some may not know. Open in Preview a PDF or photo. Go to the View menu and choose Customize Toolbar. In the resulting window find Annotate and drag it to Previews Menubar. Now you can draw arrows, ovals, rectangles and write text on whatever you open in Preview. Great for adding arrows to a screenshot of a map. Will Bosch Editors note- Preview keeps improving with each new upgrade of the system software. This menu does not appear in the Panther (10.3.9) version. Don't know if it works in 10.4. Check it out. I use Preview for about 90% of my photo editing. If you don't have another photo editor try Seashore, a nice freeware application that can change the size of the photo, do layers and add text. Panther(10.3) and above. Sort of like Photoshop Elements. If you want a more advanced photo editor try GIMP, a freeware application that has some of the features of Photoshop. Your Editor is still using his old Power Book and NeoOffice for this issue as my new iMac has not yet arrived. Carl Schwartz
  • 6. EAMUG Beach Pizza Picnic Prizes Food Pizza and Pop Supplied Beach March 19 at 12:00 Noon Englewood Gardens Beach Club. Food is “served” at 1:00 PM Remember you must be a member. Sign up for our Optional Pot Luck LAST CALL for Annual EAMUG 2009 Dues - Individual $12 or Family $18. ATTENTION OCTOGENARIANS! The EAMUG Board has decided to offer Complimentary Membership status exempt from 2009 dues for those members in good standing who have reached the age of 80. If you have already celebrated your 80th birthday, contact the Treasurer to confirm your exempt status. If you will reach the age of 80 during 2009, also contact the Treasurer to arrange for a prorated dues charge. e-mail: phone in Port Charlotte: (941) 625-1096 Dues can be paid by check or cash to the Treasurer, Curt Lundeen, at the User Group meeting (NOT TO “EAMUG”) or by mail to: Curt Lundeen, Treasurer 13229 Irwin Dr Port Charlotte, FL 33953
  • 7. Buyer Beware Sometimes I see a product and think it would be great, and easy to use. I always check the box to see if it works OK on my Mac. Here are two recent purchases made last month where the box info was misleading or incomplete. iomega EGO HD - Several Days to use vs 10 min if the directions to use had been clear. I read the package and hooked up the USB to my PowerBook. It would view the drive but not allow me to save new files. I gave up and went on line to get help from a user forum. Info from the forum: iomega 250GB drive What could possibly be happening here is that the drive is in NTFS format (proprietary format for Windows) which can be seen and read from on a Mac, but doesn't allow you to write anything to the drive. Iomega has steps available that explain how to reformat the drive to HFS+ format, which is Mac's proprietary format. Now the drive did not appear on my desktop. So I could do nothing! Next I went to our Mac group meeting and tried hooking it up to other Macs. It only worked on the newest Mac. Later I went to a friend's house and used his new Mac to Format the drive. It now works on my Mac. What I learned: Only a Intel Mac can use the drive until it is reformatted. Logitech mouse 2hrs vs 10 min if the directions to use had been clear.. The packaging for my new mouse led me to the wrong WEB site. It would have resulted in a PC download. I would not do that so I called the help line and was walked through getting the right site for a mac. Thanks Logitech for a helpful service rep. This wasted about an hour of time and would not have been necessary if I had known the following: 1. go to this site: (not the one printed in the Quick Help that came with the drive) 2. next click on the Get Support Now under Support Center on the lower right side of the web page. 3. Finally enter your data for your mouse and you should get the correct driver (Mine was a 17 MB download) I like the mouse and am using it, but it takes 1.4 MB of memory and 80 MB of virtual memory.
  • 8. Bill’s Musings by Bill Kiefer Those of you who own a Power Book with OS10.4.5 or later can find out about the battery along with other things about your laptop. Here’s how. Google ‘coconut battery’ and open the link ‘coconut battery’ in the results. Download version 2.6.3 and it will tell you some interesting things about your laptop. Try it! (Thanks to Mike Volpe for the tip.) FREE! FREE! FREE! How many of us have heard our more experienced friends use the term Freeware? Well, I decided to google Freeware and boy, did I get an eyeful! If you google Freeware, in the results go to Freeware Home and go to the panel on the left and check out all the free stuff you can download. They’re all categorized by subject and within each subject there are many more. If I had to guess I would say there are at least 1k items one could down load for free or minimal cost. Return to Google and see that there are thousands more results for free stuff you can check out. iTunes RADIO Here’s a refresher for you from Rob Griffiths’ Mac OS X Hints. One of the most overlooked features in Apple’s iTunes is the Radio entry in the Library section of the Sidebar. Here you will find streaming radio from around the world, covering everything from music (alternative, classical, hard rock and so on) to comedy, sports, and talk radio. You can use this feature to listen to your favorite station while you are online doing whatever you are doing. I like that feature because if I get bored with the music, or whatever, I can turn it off or switch to another station.
  • 9. EAMUG Board Minutes February 20, 2009 The EAMUG Board met at The Elks Club. We were called to order at 12:45. Present were: Mary Lou Dobson, Dale Watson, Mike Volpe, Georgia and Jim Britton, Will Bosch, Jo Crebbin, Curt Lundeen, Karla Lundeen, Christina Anglin, Joe Consolmagno, Carl Schwartz, and Liz Vaughn. Curt gave the Treasurer's report and Georgia reported that our current membership total is 135. Four new members joined at the January meeting. Mary Lou said she liked the new, green complimentary badges for our members over 80 years of age. Mike reported on the PA system. He says that Jennifer at the Elsie Quirk Library has(?) lavalier microphones. Mike will talk to her about borrowing them or ordering our own. Discussion about possible future Special Interest Groups (SIGs): Reunion Genealogy - Sherry Cassick is already meeting with a group (not a SIG). A Beginners SIG/class for people who are using a Mac for the first time. An iPod, iTouch, iPhone SIG. Other possibilities (one-time SIGs) include Word and NeoOffice, Quicken, Address Book, Printing/Scanning, and Syncing. We will discuss future SIGs again at the next board meeting. Dale reported on the March 19 EAMUG Pizza Social at the Englewood Gardens Beach Club. We currently have about 40 members signed up. We decided that a member may bring a spouse or significant other without paying a fee, but will be expected to pay $5 for each additional guest. Pizzas will be purchased from Trattoria 13 in Englewood. The Beach Club will open at 12 noon and lunch will be served at 1. Dale will follow up on atttendees at the March 5th meeting. Mary Lou and Christina will purchase door prizes. It was suggested that to maintain a quieter atmosphere at the EAMUG meetings that the presenter wait for quiet before Contact list 2009 EAMUG: proceeding. It is exciting to learn something new and to President Mary Lou Dobson comment, but conversations can be a problem. The iPhoto SIG will be replaced from May to November Vice President Mike Volpe with other SIGs because JoAnn Crebbin will not be available to lead it. Any other person interested in continuing it through the summer should let us know. Treasurer Curt Lundeen The program for March will include: Editor CarlSchwartz 1:30–2 Beginner's Session led by Mary Lou 2–2:45 Q&A Period 2:45–3 Break Librarian Will Bosch, 3–3:25 Dictate with Mary Lou 3:25–3:55 Mike Volpe to continue Mail Secretary Christina Anglin 3:55 Door prizes and restoring room. ≈ Respectfully submitted, Membership Georgia Britton Christina Anglin, Secretary Webmaster Mary Lou Dobson iPhoto SIG leader Jo Ann Crebbin EAMUG Web page