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TÜV SÜD | Vol. 4 February 2012

Food Safety | Technical industry e-news updates essential to your operations

       Guidelines for Chilled Prepared Foods                          02
      Version 6 of BRC Global Standard for Food Safety Takes Effect   04
      The FDA’s Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory Program
      TÜV SÜD America Profile: Robert LaFreniere                      07
       Events                                                         09

      w w w. t u v a m e r i c a . c o m / f o o d s a f e t y
Vol. 4 February 2012
 TÜV SÜD E-ssentials                                                                                                                                         Page 2

Editorial                                                            Guidelines for Chilled Prepared Foods
Dear Readers,
Welcome to the January 2012 issue of Food Safety E-ssentials,        With less time available than ever for
the quarterly e-newsletter from the food safety professionals        daily tasks, more and more consumers
at TÜV SÜD!                                                          are finding refrigerated prepared foods
With less time available than ever for daily tasks, more             as a convenient and nutritious alternative
consumers are finding refrigerated prepared foods as a               to home-cooked meals. Indeed, chilled
convenient and nutritious alternative to home-cooked meals.          prepared foods sold in grocery stores
Indeed, chilled prepared foods sold in grocery stores and take-      and take-out restaurants represent one
out restaurants represent one of the fastest growing sectors         of the fastest growing sectors in the food
in the food industry. Nonetheless, the preparation and storage       industry. Spurred by consumer demand,
of chilled foods present a unique set of food safety challenges      food producers are actively expanding
for producers and retailers. Our article “Guidelines for Chilled     their product lines to include an ever-wider
Prepared Foods” provides an overview of the key points for           variety of chilled prepared food offerings.
the safe production of chilled prepared foods.
The British Retail Consortium (BRC) published Issue 6 of its         According to the Chilled Food Association
Global Standard for Food Safety in July 2011. Issue 6 became         (CFA), the food industry currently produces
the effective standard for food safety audits for companies          more than 7,000 different chilled prepared
certified to the BRC standard beginning January 1, 2012. Our         food products. Chilled foods available
article “Version 6 of BRC Global Standard for Food Safety            today range from delicatessen products,
Takes Effect” discusses the key changes found in Issue 6, and        fresh pasta and chilled pizza, to dressed
reviews other actions being taken by the BRC in connection           salads, chilled soups and sandwiches,
with food safety compliance that will affect food producers          as well as prepared fruits and desserts.        •   Ingredient hygienic quality
and suppliers.                                                       Chilled prepared foods typically use a          •   Product formulation/characteristics
An effective regulatory program for retail food must be based        variety of fresh ingredients and receive        •   Processing parameters
on a set of widely recognized standards. To meet this need,          minimal processing, eliminating the need for    •   Intended use of product
the FDA has developed the Voluntary National Retail Food             additives that help to keep food fresh.         •   Storage and distribution conditions
Regulatory Program Standards, which provide state and local                                                          •   Manufacturing hygiene
regulators with guidance on the design and management                Nonetheless, the preparation and storage        •   Shelf life
of a retail food regulatory program. The article “The FDS’s          of chilled foods present a unique set of
Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards”         food safety challenges for producers and        INGREDIENT HYGIENIC QUALITY
offers an overview of these important standards and their            retailers. Although there is regulation         The initial step in ensuring the safety
potential benefits to local regulators.                              of chilled prepared foods in the United         of chilled prepared food products is to
TÜV SÜD America is pleased to have a number of talented              States, food producers can find additional      assess the hygienic quality of the food
food safety professionals in its ranks, including lead food          guidance in industry standards applicable       ingredients themselves. Some specific
safety auditor Robert LaFreniere. In this issue, we interview        in the United Kingdom and elsewhere. In         points to consider include an evaluation of
Bob about his career in food safety management, and his              this article, we provide an overview of the     the pathogens and levels of contamination
views on the biggest safety challenges facing the food               key points for the safe production of chilled   that might typically be expected with the
industry in 2012.                                                    prepared foods, as discussed in CFA’s Best      selected ingredients, and what reasonable
Rounding out our editorial lineup for this issue is a list of food   Practice Guidelines for the Production of       specification levels might be applicable to
industry trade shows and events during the first half of 2012.       Chilled Foods.                                  minimize risk. In addition, the producer should
TÜV SÜD America will be exhibiting at many of these shows.                                                           assess what further processing, if any, should
So, if you’re planning to attend, please stop by our booth and       CFA GUIDELINES                                  be applied to ensure the overall safety of
say hello.                                                           Similar to most food safety programs, the       the ingredients used.
We hope that you enjoy this issue of Food Safety E-ssentials. If     production of safe chilled food products
you have comments or suggestions on how we can improve               involves the application of hazard analysis     PRODUCT FORMULATION/
this e-newsletter, or ideas for future topics, please let us know.   and critical control points (HACCP)             CHARACTERISTICS
Thanks!                                                              principles to every aspect of the production    The growth of pathogens in food
                                                                     process. When it comes to chilled prepared      products can be controlled by product
Craig Casillas                                                       foods, the following issues warrant             characteristics and formulations. For
Director of Managment Services, TÜV SÜD America Inc.                 particular attention:                           example, adjusting the product’s acidity
Vol. 4 February 2012
 TÜV SÜD E-ssentials                                                                                                                 Page 3

(as measured by its pH) or the amount of          • Packaging: Foods that are cooked,             product’s microbiological profile. Therefore,
water available (as measured by aw) can             cooled, and then packaged present a           the required level of manufacturing hygiene
reduce the potential for microbial growth,          risk of recontamination during assembly.      must account for the impact of these
as can the addition of a preservative. A            However, foods cooked within their            aspects of production, in order to ensure
combination of such adjustments may                 packaging prevent the prospect of post-       that the food product is microbiologically
actually produce a synergistic effect,              processing contamination, as long as the      safe at the point of consumption.
resulting in an even greater reduction in           packaging maintains its integrity. Modified
the potential for microbial growth than any         atmospheric packaging (MAP) or vacuum         SHELF LIFE
single approach used alone.                         packaging does not necessarily inhibit        The shelf life of chilled prepared foods
                                                    the growth of pathogens, and must be          ultimately depends on all of the preceding
PROCESSING PARAMETERS                               assessed in each individual case.             factors. However, the shelf life for
The actual processing of chilled prepared                                                         each individual product must also be
foods should be evaluated according to the        INTENDED USE OF PRODUCT                         independently modeled based on its unique
following factors:                                Consideration should also be given to           ingredients and the processes used in
                                                  the additional steps necessary to make          its production, packaging, storage, and
• Heat treatments: Pathogens present              chilled prepared foods “table-ready.”           distribution. In reality, it is the combination
  in foods that are not heat-treated, or          For example, foods such as salads or            of these factors that will determine the
  heated to less than 158º F (70º C) for meat     refrigerated desserts are ready to eat, and     actual shelf life for each chilled prepared
  products, and for poultry products less         can be consumed without any heating. In         food product.
  than 160º F (71.1º C), are likely to survive.   other cases, some form of reheating may
  The required lethalities for pathogens          be necessary to meet consumer taste             CONCLUSION
  are achieved instantly when the internal        expectations, such as with prepared soups       The increase in demand for nutritious
  temperature of a cooked meat product            for example. Finally, there are certain         prepared foods is expected to continue, and
  reaches 158°F or above, and 160º F (71.1º       chilled prepared foods, such as fresh           food producers will introduce new prepared
  C) or above for poultry products. However,      pastas, that are intended for consumption       food products to meet that demand.
  thermal processing does not destroy             only after additional cooking.                  However, chilled prepared foods present
  spores and preformed toxins and these                                                           a unique set of safety challenges for both
  may persist. Most vegetative pathogens,         STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION                        food producers and retailers. Knowledge
  including cold-growing spores and               CONDITIONS                                      and application of key food safety principles
  clostridium botulinum, will be reduced          Temperature is the principle controlling        for chilled prepared foods can help ensure
  to an acceptable level when foods are           factor for the safety of chilled prepared       the safety of food, as well as the health of
  heated to 194º F (90º C) for ten minutes.       foods, since it slows or inhibits altogether    consumers.
  For further details please see Appendix         the growth of pathogenic bacteria. For
  A - Compliance Guidelines For Meeting           reasons of both safety and quality, chilled     TÜV SÜD America is accredited by the
  Lethality Performance Standards For             prepared foods must be continuously             American National Standards Institute
  Certain Meat And Poultry Products.              stored at refrigeration temperatures, that      (ANSI) under the SQF certification scheme.
                                                  is, temperatures at or below 40º F (4.4º C)     TÜV SÜD is an effective single source for
• Cooling: Heated products should be              as per the FDA Food Code. Therefore, it is      assistance with all food safety certification
  cooled as quickly as possible. During           important to anticipate the ability of the      and compliance issues and requirements.
  cooling, the product's maximum internal         proposed distribution chain to maintain         For more information on TÜV SÜD's
  temperature should not remain between           these temperatures, and to monitor the          Food Safety services, please visit www.
  130°F and 80°F for more than 1.5 hours          actual performance of distribution chain n
  or between 80°F and 40°F for more than          participants.
  5 hours. This cooling rate can be applied
  universally to cooked products (e.g.,           MANUFACTURING HYGIENE
  partially cooked or fully cooked, intact        The purpose of establishing specific
  or non-intact, meat or poultry). There          standards of hygiene is to control possible
  are other regulatory alternatives to this       microbial contamination. However, chilled
  method. For further details please see          prepared foods are manufactured using
  Appendix B - Compliance Guidelines for          a wide variety of raw ingredients, and
  Cooling Heat-Treated Meat and Poultry           processing and packaging systems and
  Products (Stabilization).                       techniques, all of which impact the final
Vol. 4 February 2012
 TÜV SÜD E-ssentials                                                                                                                    Page 4

Version 6 of BRC Global Standard for Food Safety Takes Effect
                                                                                                 produced by third-party manufacturers.
                                                                                                 Initially named the BRC Food Technical
                                                                                                 Standard, the Standard came to be
                                                                                                 regarded as a benchmark safety standard
                                                                                                 for the entire food industry, and was
                                                                                                 subsequently adopted by major retailers
                                                                                                 throughout the European Union as well as
                                                                                                 in the United States. It was also the first
                                                                                                 food safety standard to be approved by the
                                                                                                 Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI).

                                                                                                 KEY CHANGES IN ISSUE 6
                                                                                                 The key change in Issue 6 of the
                                                                                                 Global Standard for Food Safety is the
                                                                                                 introduction of a new, voluntary, two-
                                                                                                 stage, unannounced audit scheme. Issue
                                                                                                 6 also includes expanded sections on the
                                                                                                 control of foreign bodies in food production,
As part of its continuing efforts to ensure      programs. To date, over 14,000 certified        hygiene and housekeeping, and allergens.
that its standards meet the evolving needs       suppliers operating in more than 90             Finally, the standard has been revised to
and requirements of manufacturers and            countries have achieved certification in        ensure that individual clauses represent
retailers, the British Retail Consortium (BRC)   conjunction with one or more of the four        issues of similar scope and importance,
published Issue 6 of its Global Standard for     BRC global standards. Certification to BRC      thereby increasing the consistency of audit
Food Safety in July 2011. Issue 6 became         standards is widely recognized by suppliers     grading.
the effective standard for food safety audits    and retailers as evidence of a producer’s
for companies certified to the BRC standard      commitment to bringing safe products to         Additional information about the changes
beginning January 1, 2012. Although food         the marketplace.                                in Issue 6 is presented in the following
safety certificates issued against Issue 5 of                                                    sections.
the standard will remain valid for the term      BRC’s suite of standards addresses the
indicated on the certificate, food producers     production, packaging, storage and              INCREASED FOCUS ON GOOD
and suppliers certified to the earlier version   distribution of safe food and consumer          MANUFACTURING PRACTICE (GMP)
of the BRC standard are advised to prepare       products. In addition to its Global Standard    Issue 6 of the Standard and the auditor
now to meet the revised requirements             for Food Safety, the BRC also publishes         training package that accompanies the
found in Issue 6.                                a Global Standard for Packaging and             Standard now place greater emphasis
                                                 Packaging Materials, a Global Standard          on the GMP aspects of the audit. These
This article provides background                 for Consumer Products, and a Global             changes include:
information on the BRC Global Standard           Standard for Storage and Distribution. Each
for Food Safety, and discusses the key           standard is built on the principles of clear,   • A two-part audit checklist, intended to
changes found in Issue 6. The article also       risk-based requirements, informative report       better define the requirements to be
reviews other actions being taken by             formats, and auditor competence. Further,         audited within food production areas;
the BRC in connection with food safety           each standard is thoroughly reviewed and        • A change in the number and depth of
compliance that will affect food producers       revised at least once every three years so        individual requirements to increase the
and suppliers.                                   that the requirements remain up to date.          focus on good manufacturing practices
                                                                                                   and decrease the emphasis on the
BACKGROUND ON THE BRC GLOBAL                     The Global Standard for Food Safety               documentation of systems;
STANDARD FOR FOOD SAFETY                         was originally developed in 1998 as a           • A new audit report format that is expected
Safety and quality systems standards             mechanism to support the objective                to reduce report writing time and
developed by the BRC are the basis for           evaluation of branded food products sold          encourage a more challenging approach
some of the world’s leading certification        by retailers in the United Kingdom and            to the audit itself;
Vol. 4 February 2012
 TÜV SÜD E-ssentials                                                                                                                Page 5

(continued from Page 4)
                                                and records, while maintaining the                is available from the BRC and from BRC-
• A greater emphasis on standardizing best      importance of an unannounced audit for            approved training providers.
  practices for auditing within the auditor     essential operations. The BRC says that
  training materials, including discussions     this approach should increase customer            Auditor Competence: Auditing to the BRC
  with production staff, audit trails, and      confidence in the audit and in the audit          Standard requires a high level of technical
  observing product change procedures.          grades.                                           knowledge and experience. The auditor
                                                                                                  competency working group for Issue 6 of
In addition, sections of the Standard           A NEW ENROLLMENT PROCESS                          the Standard is currently defining category
addressing foreign body control, hygiene        With the release of Issue 6, the BRC has          skills and required knowledge for auditors,
and housekeeping and allergens have been        introduced a new enrollment process which         and developing additional materials to
expanded.                                       will enable audited sites to post their results   assist Certification Bodies in evaluating and
                                                on the BRC online directory for review by         improving auditors’ sector knowledge.
SIMPLIFIED STRUCTURE AND WORDING                customers, and to share other progress in
The revision of Issue 6 was undertaken with     implementing their food safety systems. In        Certification Body Management: The
a goal of simplifying the wording and layout    addition, Issue 6 introduces a progressive        BRC also reviews the performance of all
of the Standard, and removing ambiguity.        weighted scoring system that prioritizes          registered Certification Bodies against a set
Specifically, the statements of intent that     the basics of food hygiene to encourage           of key performance indicators. In the future,
precede each set of requirements in the         improvement in those cases where sites            the results of these performance ratings
Standard have been revised to expressly         do not yet qualify for certification. However,    will be published in the BRC online directory
state their required outcome as well as the     only sites achieving full certification will be   to allow sites to select Certification Bodies
detailed requirements necessary to achieve      issued with a grade and certificate, and be       based on their performance.
that outcome.                                   authorized to use BRC certification marks in
                                                connection with their products.                   CONCLUSION
These and other changes have reduced                                                              As previously noted, the requirements of
the total number of clauses in the Standard     INCREASED TRANSPARENCY                            Issue 6 of the BRC’s Global Standard for
by about 25%. Further, because individual       Revisions found in Issue 6 of the Standard        Food Safety came into effect on January
requirements are now comparable in              now ensure that the certification scope           1, 2012. Although food safety certificates
scope and significance, consistency of          defined on certificates and audit reports         issued against Issue 5 of the standard will
audit grading is expected to increase.          clearly reflect the activities covered by the     remain valid for the term indicated on the
Finally, the certification process has been     audit process, and that any exclusions are        certificate, food producers and suppliers
strengthened to ensure that the root causes     explicitly identified. In addition, factored      certified to the earlier BRC standard are
of issues are identified, and that an action    goods have now been excluded from scope.          advised to prepare now to meet the revised
plan is developed to prevent recurrence.                                                          requirements found in Issue 6.
                                                A detailed list of the changes
NEW AUDIT OPTIONS                               represented in Issue 6 is available at            TÜV SÜD Food Safety experts can evaluate
Issue 6 presents two options for                             and verify HACCP plans for compliance
unannounced audits, as follows:                                                                   with regulations of the U.S. Food and
                                                OTHER CHANGES                                     Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S.
• Option 1: Full unannounced audit, similar     In addition to the changes in Issue 6 of          Department of Agriculture (USDA). These
  to that detailed in Issue 5 of the Standard   the Standard, the BRC has also made               broad capabilities make TÜV SÜD an
• Option 2: An audit in two parts:              improvements to the certification scheme          effective single source for assistance
   1. Unannounced audit: Focuses primarily      which supports the Standard, including            with all food safety certification and
      on factory operations and good            training, auditor competency, and                 compliance issues and requirements. For
      manufacturing practices;                  Certification Body management.                    more information on TÜV SÜD’s Food Safety
   2. Planned audit: Focuses primarily                                                            services, please visit
      on a review of documented systems,        Training: New interactive training courses        industry/foodsafety.cfm. n
      procedures and records, and carried       have been developed to provide information
      out on the usual audit due date.          for both auditors and manufacturing sites. All
                                                registered auditors will be required to attend
The new Option 2 audit allows audited sites     a two-day training course and successfully
to ensure the availability of key personnel     complete an exam in order to conduct audits
for the scheduled review of documentation       to the requirements of Issue 6. Training
Vol. 4 February 2012
 TÜV SÜD E-ssentials                                                                                                                    Page 6

The FDA’s Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards
In the United States, more than 3,000            • Standard No. 4—Uniform Inspection
state and local agencies have primary              Program
responsibility to regulate the retail food       • Standard No. 5—Foodborne Illness
and food service industries, including the         and Food Defense Preparedness and
inspection and oversight of more than one          Response
million food establishments. The Food Code       • Standard No. 6—Compliance and
of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration           Enforcement
(FDA) is the basis for most retail food safety   • Standard No. 7—Industry and Community
initiatives in the United States. Written by       Relations
the FDA, and reviewed and modified on a          • Standard No. 8—Program Support and
regular basis, the Food Code serves as a           Resources
model document for food service regulation,      • Standard No. 9—Program Assessment
and is intended to help state and local
health departments develop regulations           Each Standard has one or more
for their own retail food service inspection     corresponding worksheets, forms, and           criteria specified in each of nine standards.
programs.                                        guidance documents. State and local            The self-assessment identifies the current
                                                 regulatory program managers may use            program's strengths as well as those areas
However, to be effective, a regulatory           available forms or may choose to develop       requiring improvement. Upon completion of
program for retail food must be based on         and use alternate forms and worksheets         the self-assessment, the program manager
a set of widely recognized standards. To         that capture the same information.             reports to the FDA those standards whose
meet this need, the FDA has developed the                                                       requirements are met by the existing
Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory        The complete texts of the nine FDA             program.
Program Standards through collaboration          program standards are available at
with federal, state, and local regulatory The FDA           Following the self-assessment, the jurisdiction
officials, industry, trade and professional      has also prepared a Retail Food Program        creates short-and long-term action plans to
associations, academia and consumers.            Resource Disk which contains all of the        achieve compliance with the requirements
The first set of Program Standards was           worksheets, forms and step-by-step             of additional standards. Once an individual
issued in 2007, and most recently updated in     guidance documents necessary to collect        action plan has been completed, the program
January 2011.                                    data for a self-assessment or to perform a     manager reports to the FDA the status of any
                                                 verification audit. The disk can be obtained   additional standards that have been met.
SPECIFICS OF THE PROGRAM                         from any FDA regional food specialist.
STANDARDS                                                                                       Within 36 months of the completion of the
The Program Standards provide a guide to         PROGRAM ENROLLMENT                             self-assessment, the jurisdiction is subject
the design and management of an effective        The Program Standards also provide a           to a verification audit conducted by a
retail food regulatory program. Program          means of recognition for those state and       third party. The verification audit confirms
managers and administrators can adopt            local retail food safety regulatory programs   the accuracy of the self-reported status
the Program Standards as written, and            that meet the voluntary standards, as          of standards compliance, and provides
can also implement additional food safety        well as a model for continuous program         the jurisdiction with unbiased feedback
requirements to meet specific regulatory         improvement. As of the end of 2011, more       that can be used to make further program
program needs.                                   than 500 of the 3,000 state and local          improvements.
                                                 jurisdictions in the United States were
Currently, the Program Standards consists        enrolled in the Draft Voluntary National       Following the completion of the verification
of nine separate standards, as follows:          Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards.      audit, a jurisdiction begins the continuous
• Standard No. 1—Regulatory Foundation                                                          improvement cycle again. The cycle is
• Standard No. 2—Trained Regulatory Staff        Once enrolled in the Program, a jurisdiction   repeated every three years, and provides
• Standard No. 3—Inspection Program              conducts a self-assessment of their retail     support for program improvements over the
  Based on HACCP Principles                      food regulatory program, to determine          long term.
                                                 whether the existing program meets the
Vol. 4 February 2012
 TÜV SÜD E-ssentials                                                                                                                     Page 7

(continued from Page 6)

BENEFITS OF ADOPTING THE PROGRAM                 TÜV SÜD America Profile: Robert LaFreniere
The FDA’s Voluntary National Retail              TÜV SÜD America is fortunate to
Food Regulatory Program Standards are            have a number of talented food safety
designed to help food regulatory programs        professionals in its ranks, including lead
enhance the quality and effectiveness of         food safety auditor Robert (Bob) LaFreniere.
the services they provide to food retailers
and the general public. When applied in the      Bob has more than three decades of
intended manner, the Program Standards           experience in the food industry, including
can help regulatory program managers:            15 years in product development at Kraft
                                                 Foods, and another 15 years in product
• Identify and prioritize current program        development and quality assurance at
  areas where the greatest impact on retail      High Liner Foods. Since joining TÜV SÜD
  food safety can be achieved;                   America in 2010, he has worked with dozens
• Identify program areas most in need of         of clients on a wide range of food safety
  enhancement;                                   initiatives.                                        corrective action, internal auditing, and
• Establish baseline data on the occurrence                                                          more. These new systems originated mostly
  of foodborne illness to increase               We recently spoke with Bob about the                in the European Union (EU) through the
  accountability and achieve measurable          importance of food safety management, his           application of ISO standards, so the EU has
  program outcomes;                              work at TÜV SÜD America, and his views              had a head start on the United States.
• Promote the application of effective           on the biggest safety challenges facing the
  intervention strategies to reduce the          food industry.                                      I believe it is time for us to get into the food
  factors that contribute to foodborne                                                               safety endeavor not because we are told to
  illnesses;                                     (Food Safety E-ssentials): From your                do so, but because it is the right thing to do
• Support the adoption of a "best practice"      perspective, describe the progress that             for consumers.
  model to implement and administer retail       has been made over the past decade in
  food safety regulatory programs;               ensuring the safety of food.                        (FSE): What have been some of the biggest
• Provide supporting information to justify                                                          obstacles that food producers and suppliers
  program resources;                             (Bob LaFreniere): Food safety in the United         have to deal with when it comes to food
• Increase industry and consumer                 States has been continuously improving              safety?
  confidence in retail food regulatory           since the early days of HACCP (hazard
  programs.                                      analysis and critical control point). The           (BL): It’s the implementation of those ISO-
                                                 focus of food safety auditing in the U.S.           based management control systems that
CONCLUSION                                       initially focused on good manufacturing             has proved to be one of the greatest food
State and local retail food regulatory           practices (GMPs) such as hand washing,              safety challenges, especially for small and
managers and administrators can derive           wearing hair nets, and cleaning equipment           mid-sized companies.
significant benefit from enrolling in the        and facilities. In the last five years or so, the
FDA’s National Retail Food Regulatory            focus has shifted to certification consistent       (FSE): You’ve spoken at industry events
Program Standards program, and from              with the requirements of the Global Food            about the process for developing new food
integrating the principles of the Program        Safety Initiative (GFSI), as large retailers        products, and the importance of integrating
Standards into their existing regulatory         and food service firms have started to insist       issues of safety into that process. Why is
programs. The food safety professionals at       that suppliers provide evidence of GFSI-            that important?
TÜV SÜD America can provide additional           certified audits.
information on the benefits of this important                                                        (BL): When food products are developed
FDA program, and support the efforts of          The biggest recent change for food                  without the integration of food safety
retail food safety regulators to integrate the   manufacturers is the integration of                 principles as part of the process,
Program Standards into their programs. For       management control systems into their food          addressing food safety issues after the fact
more information on TÜV SÜD’s Food Safety        production processes. Such systems were             becomes much more difficult. It’s sort of like
services, please visit       not a focus of audits until the shift to GFSI       trying to add more sugar after the cake has
industry/foodsafety.cfm. n                       certification, which added elements like            been baked. For example, under U.S. Food
                                                 document control, verification, validation,         and Drug Administration (FDA)
Vol. 4 February 2012
 TÜV SÜD E-ssentials                                                                                                                   Page 8

(continued from Page 7)
                                                                       (FSE): When it comes to food safety, most of the emphasis is on
requirements, the development of seafood products must be              efforts by producers and suppliers. What role, if any, do consumers
conducted in accordance with HACCP principles. Although this           play in improving the safety of food?
approach is often perceived to be more burdensome, it ensures
that food safety concerns are addressed up front.                      (BL): You’re right! Consumers also have an important role to play in
                                                                       preventing health risks associated with unsafe food. For example,
(FSE): While food safety certification programs are being widely       consumers can reduce their risk for foodborne illness by following
adopted by the industry, some producers still balk at the investment   safe food-handling and preparation recommendations. They should
of time and money required to achieve certification. Why is            also avoid consuming raw or undercooked foods of animal origin,
certification so important, and what factors should producers          such as eggs, ground beef, and poultry, unpasteurized milk, and
consider?                                                              raw or undercooked oysters.

(BL): The direct cost of being certified is small compared to          (FSE): What are your key professional priorities in 2012?
the investment in human resources to design and implement a
robust food safety management system. However, I believe that          (BL): My number one priority for the coming year is to calibrate our
certification can save a company money even before they become         food safety audits to help ensure that all producers and suppliers
certified. Food safety standards embody a structured approach          are audited in a consistent fashion. That effort would strengthen
that provides deliberate control across the entire food safety         the importance and value of certification audits, not just for
management system.                                                     producers and suppliers but for customers as well.

I often ask my clients “Who is deciding how things are getting         (FSE): Why should food producers and retailers choose TÜV SÜD
done? Is it management or the employees?” I know that most             America as their food safety quality management partner?
employees want to do the right thing. However, without a
documented, systematic approach, employees who are not                 (BL): Our professional staff literally has hundreds of years of
well-trained in food safety often end up running the show and          experience in food safety, spanning all food sectors.
unintentionally make bad decisions.
                                                                       For more information on TÜV SÜD’s Food Safety services, please
(FSE): As you look to the year ahead, what are the biggest food        contact Bob LaFreniere at or visit
safety challenges facing producers and suppliers?            

(BL): Rather than the biggest challenge, I think that the biggest
opportunity is for food producers and suppliers to create a culture
of food safety within their organizations. Many companies talk
about food safety, but not everyone “walks the talk.” Some take
the attitude that the absence of problems to date validates the
approach they’re taking. However, that’s exactly what many
companies say just before they find themselves in the middle of a
major product recall.

(FSE): What additional steps can producers and suppliers take to
improve the safety of food?

(BL): The best additional steps that producers and suppliers can
take are to really understand their food safety risks and then work
to reduce or eliminate them. That’s the basic approach behind
HACCP, but many firms pay mere lip service to HACCP principles
and end up with a food safety system that’s ineffective.
Vol. 4 February 2012
 TÜV SÜD E-ssentials                                                                                                                                                  Page 9

2012 Food Industry Trade Shows and Events
For successful food safety professionals, keeping up with changes in food safety technologies and regulations is a continuous effort.
Attendance at industry conventions, conferences, and trade shows can be an efficient and effective way to stay current with the latest
trends in food safety. Here’s a list of the major food industry shows scheduled for the first half of 2012:

                                                          Wednesday, February 15th
                                                         Exhibition & Networking Area

              The Global Food Safety Conference will bring together more than 1,000 of the world’s leading food safety specialists
              from more than 60 countries around the world. This year’s Conference features more than 40 speakers in plenary and
              technical breakout sessions over three days. Additional details are available at Visit us at
              booth #12.

              The International Boston Seafood Show is North America’s largest seafood exhibition, with more than 20 technical
              presentations and panel discussions, as well more than 800 seafood industry exhibitors from 120 countries. For more
              information, go to Visit us at booth #1768.

              BRC GLOBAL FOOD SAFETY 2012, CHICAGO, MARCH 26-30, 2012
              Focused on the needs and interests of the American food services community, BRC Global Food Safety 2012 will offer
              presentations, case studies and panel discussions on a wide range of food safety topics, as well as optional training
              sessions concurrent with the Conference. Additional information is available at
              Visit us at our exhibition stand in the networking room.

              FOOD SAFETY SUMMIT, WASHINGTON, D.C., APRIL 17-19, 2012
              The 2012 Food Safety Summit is dedicated to providing food safety professionals with an array of quality education
              offerings, including workshops, training and certification programs, an interactive Exhibit Hall, and numerous
              networking opportunities. For further information, go to Visit us at booth #402.

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 || Food Safety | Technical industry e-news updates essential to your operations ||

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Food Safety E-ssential February2012

  • 1. TÜV SÜD | Vol. 4 February 2012 E-ssentials Food Safety | Technical industry e-news updates essential to your operations Contents Guidelines for Chilled Prepared Foods 02 Version 6 of BRC Global Standard for Food Safety Takes Effect 04 The FDA’s Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory Program 06 Standards TÜV SÜD America Profile: Robert LaFreniere 07 Events 09 w w w. t u v a m e r i c a . c o m / f o o d s a f e t y
  • 2. Vol. 4 February 2012 TÜV SÜD E-ssentials Page 2 Editorial Guidelines for Chilled Prepared Foods Dear Readers, Welcome to the January 2012 issue of Food Safety E-ssentials, With less time available than ever for the quarterly e-newsletter from the food safety professionals daily tasks, more and more consumers at TÜV SÜD! are finding refrigerated prepared foods With less time available than ever for daily tasks, more as a convenient and nutritious alternative consumers are finding refrigerated prepared foods as a to home-cooked meals. Indeed, chilled convenient and nutritious alternative to home-cooked meals. prepared foods sold in grocery stores Indeed, chilled prepared foods sold in grocery stores and take- and take-out restaurants represent one out restaurants represent one of the fastest growing sectors of the fastest growing sectors in the food in the food industry. Nonetheless, the preparation and storage industry. Spurred by consumer demand, of chilled foods present a unique set of food safety challenges food producers are actively expanding for producers and retailers. Our article “Guidelines for Chilled their product lines to include an ever-wider Prepared Foods” provides an overview of the key points for variety of chilled prepared food offerings. the safe production of chilled prepared foods. The British Retail Consortium (BRC) published Issue 6 of its According to the Chilled Food Association Global Standard for Food Safety in July 2011. Issue 6 became (CFA), the food industry currently produces the effective standard for food safety audits for companies more than 7,000 different chilled prepared certified to the BRC standard beginning January 1, 2012. Our food products. Chilled foods available article “Version 6 of BRC Global Standard for Food Safety today range from delicatessen products, Takes Effect” discusses the key changes found in Issue 6, and fresh pasta and chilled pizza, to dressed reviews other actions being taken by the BRC in connection salads, chilled soups and sandwiches, with food safety compliance that will affect food producers as well as prepared fruits and desserts. • Ingredient hygienic quality and suppliers. Chilled prepared foods typically use a • Product formulation/characteristics An effective regulatory program for retail food must be based variety of fresh ingredients and receive • Processing parameters on a set of widely recognized standards. To meet this need, minimal processing, eliminating the need for • Intended use of product the FDA has developed the Voluntary National Retail Food additives that help to keep food fresh. • Storage and distribution conditions Regulatory Program Standards, which provide state and local • Manufacturing hygiene regulators with guidance on the design and management Nonetheless, the preparation and storage • Shelf life of a retail food regulatory program. The article “The FDS’s of chilled foods present a unique set of Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards” food safety challenges for producers and INGREDIENT HYGIENIC QUALITY offers an overview of these important standards and their retailers. Although there is regulation The initial step in ensuring the safety potential benefits to local regulators. of chilled prepared foods in the United of chilled prepared food products is to TÜV SÜD America is pleased to have a number of talented States, food producers can find additional assess the hygienic quality of the food food safety professionals in its ranks, including lead food guidance in industry standards applicable ingredients themselves. Some specific safety auditor Robert LaFreniere. In this issue, we interview in the United Kingdom and elsewhere. In points to consider include an evaluation of Bob about his career in food safety management, and his this article, we provide an overview of the the pathogens and levels of contamination views on the biggest safety challenges facing the food key points for the safe production of chilled that might typically be expected with the industry in 2012. prepared foods, as discussed in CFA’s Best selected ingredients, and what reasonable Rounding out our editorial lineup for this issue is a list of food Practice Guidelines for the Production of specification levels might be applicable to industry trade shows and events during the first half of 2012. Chilled Foods. minimize risk. In addition, the producer should TÜV SÜD America will be exhibiting at many of these shows. assess what further processing, if any, should So, if you’re planning to attend, please stop by our booth and CFA GUIDELINES be applied to ensure the overall safety of say hello. Similar to most food safety programs, the the ingredients used. We hope that you enjoy this issue of Food Safety E-ssentials. If production of safe chilled food products you have comments or suggestions on how we can improve involves the application of hazard analysis PRODUCT FORMULATION/ this e-newsletter, or ideas for future topics, please let us know. and critical control points (HACCP) CHARACTERISTICS Thanks! principles to every aspect of the production The growth of pathogens in food process. When it comes to chilled prepared products can be controlled by product Craig Casillas foods, the following issues warrant characteristics and formulations. For Director of Managment Services, TÜV SÜD America Inc. particular attention: example, adjusting the product’s acidity
  • 3. Vol. 4 February 2012 TÜV SÜD E-ssentials Page 3 (as measured by its pH) or the amount of • Packaging: Foods that are cooked, product’s microbiological profile. Therefore, water available (as measured by aw) can cooled, and then packaged present a the required level of manufacturing hygiene reduce the potential for microbial growth, risk of recontamination during assembly. must account for the impact of these as can the addition of a preservative. A However, foods cooked within their aspects of production, in order to ensure combination of such adjustments may packaging prevent the prospect of post- that the food product is microbiologically actually produce a synergistic effect, processing contamination, as long as the safe at the point of consumption. resulting in an even greater reduction in packaging maintains its integrity. Modified the potential for microbial growth than any atmospheric packaging (MAP) or vacuum SHELF LIFE single approach used alone. packaging does not necessarily inhibit The shelf life of chilled prepared foods the growth of pathogens, and must be ultimately depends on all of the preceding PROCESSING PARAMETERS assessed in each individual case. factors. However, the shelf life for The actual processing of chilled prepared each individual product must also be foods should be evaluated according to the INTENDED USE OF PRODUCT independently modeled based on its unique following factors: Consideration should also be given to ingredients and the processes used in the additional steps necessary to make its production, packaging, storage, and • Heat treatments: Pathogens present chilled prepared foods “table-ready.” distribution. In reality, it is the combination in foods that are not heat-treated, or For example, foods such as salads or of these factors that will determine the heated to less than 158º F (70º C) for meat refrigerated desserts are ready to eat, and actual shelf life for each chilled prepared products, and for poultry products less can be consumed without any heating. In food product. than 160º F (71.1º C), are likely to survive. other cases, some form of reheating may The required lethalities for pathogens be necessary to meet consumer taste CONCLUSION are achieved instantly when the internal expectations, such as with prepared soups The increase in demand for nutritious temperature of a cooked meat product for example. Finally, there are certain prepared foods is expected to continue, and reaches 158°F or above, and 160º F (71.1º chilled prepared foods, such as fresh food producers will introduce new prepared C) or above for poultry products. However, pastas, that are intended for consumption food products to meet that demand. thermal processing does not destroy only after additional cooking. However, chilled prepared foods present spores and preformed toxins and these a unique set of safety challenges for both may persist. Most vegetative pathogens, STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION food producers and retailers. Knowledge including cold-growing spores and CONDITIONS and application of key food safety principles clostridium botulinum, will be reduced Temperature is the principle controlling for chilled prepared foods can help ensure to an acceptable level when foods are factor for the safety of chilled prepared the safety of food, as well as the health of heated to 194º F (90º C) for ten minutes. foods, since it slows or inhibits altogether consumers. For further details please see Appendix the growth of pathogenic bacteria. For A - Compliance Guidelines For Meeting reasons of both safety and quality, chilled TÜV SÜD America is accredited by the Lethality Performance Standards For prepared foods must be continuously American National Standards Institute Certain Meat And Poultry Products. stored at refrigeration temperatures, that (ANSI) under the SQF certification scheme. is, temperatures at or below 40º F (4.4º C) TÜV SÜD is an effective single source for • Cooling: Heated products should be as per the FDA Food Code. Therefore, it is assistance with all food safety certification cooled as quickly as possible. During important to anticipate the ability of the and compliance issues and requirements. cooling, the product's maximum internal proposed distribution chain to maintain For more information on TÜV SÜD's temperature should not remain between these temperatures, and to monitor the Food Safety services, please visit www. 130°F and 80°F for more than 1.5 hours actual performance of distribution chain n or between 80°F and 40°F for more than participants. 5 hours. This cooling rate can be applied universally to cooked products (e.g., MANUFACTURING HYGIENE partially cooked or fully cooked, intact The purpose of establishing specific or non-intact, meat or poultry). There standards of hygiene is to control possible are other regulatory alternatives to this microbial contamination. However, chilled method. For further details please see prepared foods are manufactured using Appendix B - Compliance Guidelines for a wide variety of raw ingredients, and Cooling Heat-Treated Meat and Poultry processing and packaging systems and Products (Stabilization). techniques, all of which impact the final
  • 4. Vol. 4 February 2012 TÜV SÜD E-ssentials Page 4 Version 6 of BRC Global Standard for Food Safety Takes Effect produced by third-party manufacturers. Initially named the BRC Food Technical Standard, the Standard came to be regarded as a benchmark safety standard for the entire food industry, and was subsequently adopted by major retailers throughout the European Union as well as in the United States. It was also the first food safety standard to be approved by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI). KEY CHANGES IN ISSUE 6 The key change in Issue 6 of the Global Standard for Food Safety is the introduction of a new, voluntary, two- stage, unannounced audit scheme. Issue 6 also includes expanded sections on the control of foreign bodies in food production, As part of its continuing efforts to ensure programs. To date, over 14,000 certified hygiene and housekeeping, and allergens. that its standards meet the evolving needs suppliers operating in more than 90 Finally, the standard has been revised to and requirements of manufacturers and countries have achieved certification in ensure that individual clauses represent retailers, the British Retail Consortium (BRC) conjunction with one or more of the four issues of similar scope and importance, published Issue 6 of its Global Standard for BRC global standards. Certification to BRC thereby increasing the consistency of audit Food Safety in July 2011. Issue 6 became standards is widely recognized by suppliers grading. the effective standard for food safety audits and retailers as evidence of a producer’s for companies certified to the BRC standard commitment to bringing safe products to Additional information about the changes beginning January 1, 2012. Although food the marketplace. in Issue 6 is presented in the following safety certificates issued against Issue 5 of sections. the standard will remain valid for the term BRC’s suite of standards addresses the indicated on the certificate, food producers production, packaging, storage and INCREASED FOCUS ON GOOD and suppliers certified to the earlier version distribution of safe food and consumer MANUFACTURING PRACTICE (GMP) of the BRC standard are advised to prepare products. In addition to its Global Standard Issue 6 of the Standard and the auditor now to meet the revised requirements for Food Safety, the BRC also publishes training package that accompanies the found in Issue 6. a Global Standard for Packaging and Standard now place greater emphasis Packaging Materials, a Global Standard on the GMP aspects of the audit. These This article provides background for Consumer Products, and a Global changes include: information on the BRC Global Standard Standard for Storage and Distribution. Each for Food Safety, and discusses the key standard is built on the principles of clear, • A two-part audit checklist, intended to changes found in Issue 6. The article also risk-based requirements, informative report better define the requirements to be reviews other actions being taken by formats, and auditor competence. Further, audited within food production areas; the BRC in connection with food safety each standard is thoroughly reviewed and • A change in the number and depth of compliance that will affect food producers revised at least once every three years so individual requirements to increase the and suppliers. that the requirements remain up to date. focus on good manufacturing practices and decrease the emphasis on the BACKGROUND ON THE BRC GLOBAL The Global Standard for Food Safety documentation of systems; STANDARD FOR FOOD SAFETY was originally developed in 1998 as a • A new audit report format that is expected Safety and quality systems standards mechanism to support the objective to reduce report writing time and developed by the BRC are the basis for evaluation of branded food products sold encourage a more challenging approach some of the world’s leading certification by retailers in the United Kingdom and to the audit itself;
  • 5. Vol. 4 February 2012 TÜV SÜD E-ssentials Page 5 (continued from Page 4) and records, while maintaining the is available from the BRC and from BRC- • A greater emphasis on standardizing best importance of an unannounced audit for approved training providers. practices for auditing within the auditor essential operations. The BRC says that training materials, including discussions this approach should increase customer Auditor Competence: Auditing to the BRC with production staff, audit trails, and confidence in the audit and in the audit Standard requires a high level of technical observing product change procedures. grades. knowledge and experience. The auditor competency working group for Issue 6 of In addition, sections of the Standard A NEW ENROLLMENT PROCESS the Standard is currently defining category addressing foreign body control, hygiene With the release of Issue 6, the BRC has skills and required knowledge for auditors, and housekeeping and allergens have been introduced a new enrollment process which and developing additional materials to expanded. will enable audited sites to post their results assist Certification Bodies in evaluating and on the BRC online directory for review by improving auditors’ sector knowledge. SIMPLIFIED STRUCTURE AND WORDING customers, and to share other progress in The revision of Issue 6 was undertaken with implementing their food safety systems. In Certification Body Management: The a goal of simplifying the wording and layout addition, Issue 6 introduces a progressive BRC also reviews the performance of all of the Standard, and removing ambiguity. weighted scoring system that prioritizes registered Certification Bodies against a set Specifically, the statements of intent that the basics of food hygiene to encourage of key performance indicators. In the future, precede each set of requirements in the improvement in those cases where sites the results of these performance ratings Standard have been revised to expressly do not yet qualify for certification. However, will be published in the BRC online directory state their required outcome as well as the only sites achieving full certification will be to allow sites to select Certification Bodies detailed requirements necessary to achieve issued with a grade and certificate, and be based on their performance. that outcome. authorized to use BRC certification marks in connection with their products. CONCLUSION These and other changes have reduced As previously noted, the requirements of the total number of clauses in the Standard INCREASED TRANSPARENCY Issue 6 of the BRC’s Global Standard for by about 25%. Further, because individual Revisions found in Issue 6 of the Standard Food Safety came into effect on January requirements are now comparable in now ensure that the certification scope 1, 2012. Although food safety certificates scope and significance, consistency of defined on certificates and audit reports issued against Issue 5 of the standard will audit grading is expected to increase. clearly reflect the activities covered by the remain valid for the term indicated on the Finally, the certification process has been audit process, and that any exclusions are certificate, food producers and suppliers strengthened to ensure that the root causes explicitly identified. In addition, factored certified to the earlier BRC standard are of issues are identified, and that an action goods have now been excluded from scope. advised to prepare now to meet the revised plan is developed to prevent recurrence. requirements found in Issue 6. A detailed list of the changes NEW AUDIT OPTIONS represented in Issue 6 is available at TÜV SÜD Food Safety experts can evaluate Issue 6 presents two options for and verify HACCP plans for compliance unannounced audits, as follows: with regulations of the U.S. Food and OTHER CHANGES Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. • Option 1: Full unannounced audit, similar In addition to the changes in Issue 6 of Department of Agriculture (USDA). These to that detailed in Issue 5 of the Standard the Standard, the BRC has also made broad capabilities make TÜV SÜD an • Option 2: An audit in two parts: improvements to the certification scheme effective single source for assistance 1. Unannounced audit: Focuses primarily which supports the Standard, including with all food safety certification and on factory operations and good training, auditor competency, and compliance issues and requirements. For manufacturing practices; Certification Body management. more information on TÜV SÜD’s Food Safety 2. Planned audit: Focuses primarily services, please visit on a review of documented systems, Training: New interactive training courses industry/foodsafety.cfm. n procedures and records, and carried have been developed to provide information out on the usual audit due date. for both auditors and manufacturing sites. All registered auditors will be required to attend The new Option 2 audit allows audited sites a two-day training course and successfully to ensure the availability of key personnel complete an exam in order to conduct audits for the scheduled review of documentation to the requirements of Issue 6. Training
  • 6. Vol. 4 February 2012 TÜV SÜD E-ssentials Page 6 The FDA’s Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards In the United States, more than 3,000 • Standard No. 4—Uniform Inspection state and local agencies have primary Program responsibility to regulate the retail food • Standard No. 5—Foodborne Illness and food service industries, including the and Food Defense Preparedness and inspection and oversight of more than one Response million food establishments. The Food Code • Standard No. 6—Compliance and of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Enforcement (FDA) is the basis for most retail food safety • Standard No. 7—Industry and Community initiatives in the United States. Written by Relations the FDA, and reviewed and modified on a • Standard No. 8—Program Support and regular basis, the Food Code serves as a Resources model document for food service regulation, • Standard No. 9—Program Assessment and is intended to help state and local health departments develop regulations Each Standard has one or more for their own retail food service inspection corresponding worksheets, forms, and criteria specified in each of nine standards. programs. guidance documents. State and local The self-assessment identifies the current regulatory program managers may use program's strengths as well as those areas However, to be effective, a regulatory available forms or may choose to develop requiring improvement. Upon completion of program for retail food must be based on and use alternate forms and worksheets the self-assessment, the program manager a set of widely recognized standards. To that capture the same information. reports to the FDA those standards whose meet this need, the FDA has developed the requirements are met by the existing Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory The complete texts of the nine FDA program. Program Standards through collaboration program standards are available at with federal, state, and local regulatory The FDA Following the self-assessment, the jurisdiction officials, industry, trade and professional has also prepared a Retail Food Program creates short-and long-term action plans to associations, academia and consumers. Resource Disk which contains all of the achieve compliance with the requirements The first set of Program Standards was worksheets, forms and step-by-step of additional standards. Once an individual issued in 2007, and most recently updated in guidance documents necessary to collect action plan has been completed, the program January 2011. data for a self-assessment or to perform a manager reports to the FDA the status of any verification audit. The disk can be obtained additional standards that have been met. SPECIFICS OF THE PROGRAM from any FDA regional food specialist. STANDARDS Within 36 months of the completion of the The Program Standards provide a guide to PROGRAM ENROLLMENT self-assessment, the jurisdiction is subject the design and management of an effective The Program Standards also provide a to a verification audit conducted by a retail food regulatory program. Program means of recognition for those state and third party. The verification audit confirms managers and administrators can adopt local retail food safety regulatory programs the accuracy of the self-reported status the Program Standards as written, and that meet the voluntary standards, as of standards compliance, and provides can also implement additional food safety well as a model for continuous program the jurisdiction with unbiased feedback requirements to meet specific regulatory improvement. As of the end of 2011, more that can be used to make further program program needs. than 500 of the 3,000 state and local improvements. jurisdictions in the United States were Currently, the Program Standards consists enrolled in the Draft Voluntary National Following the completion of the verification of nine separate standards, as follows: Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards. audit, a jurisdiction begins the continuous • Standard No. 1—Regulatory Foundation improvement cycle again. The cycle is • Standard No. 2—Trained Regulatory Staff Once enrolled in the Program, a jurisdiction repeated every three years, and provides • Standard No. 3—Inspection Program conducts a self-assessment of their retail support for program improvements over the Based on HACCP Principles food regulatory program, to determine long term. whether the existing program meets the
  • 7. Vol. 4 February 2012 TÜV SÜD E-ssentials Page 7 (continued from Page 6) BENEFITS OF ADOPTING THE PROGRAM TÜV SÜD America Profile: Robert LaFreniere STANDARDS The FDA’s Voluntary National Retail TÜV SÜD America is fortunate to Food Regulatory Program Standards are have a number of talented food safety designed to help food regulatory programs professionals in its ranks, including lead enhance the quality and effectiveness of food safety auditor Robert (Bob) LaFreniere. the services they provide to food retailers and the general public. When applied in the Bob has more than three decades of intended manner, the Program Standards experience in the food industry, including can help regulatory program managers: 15 years in product development at Kraft Foods, and another 15 years in product • Identify and prioritize current program development and quality assurance at areas where the greatest impact on retail High Liner Foods. Since joining TÜV SÜD food safety can be achieved; America in 2010, he has worked with dozens • Identify program areas most in need of of clients on a wide range of food safety enhancement; initiatives. corrective action, internal auditing, and • Establish baseline data on the occurrence more. These new systems originated mostly of foodborne illness to increase We recently spoke with Bob about the in the European Union (EU) through the accountability and achieve measurable importance of food safety management, his application of ISO standards, so the EU has program outcomes; work at TÜV SÜD America, and his views had a head start on the United States. • Promote the application of effective on the biggest safety challenges facing the intervention strategies to reduce the food industry. I believe it is time for us to get into the food factors that contribute to foodborne safety endeavor not because we are told to illnesses; (Food Safety E-ssentials): From your do so, but because it is the right thing to do • Support the adoption of a "best practice" perspective, describe the progress that for consumers. model to implement and administer retail has been made over the past decade in food safety regulatory programs; ensuring the safety of food. (FSE): What have been some of the biggest • Provide supporting information to justify obstacles that food producers and suppliers program resources; (Bob LaFreniere): Food safety in the United have to deal with when it comes to food • Increase industry and consumer States has been continuously improving safety? confidence in retail food regulatory since the early days of HACCP (hazard programs. analysis and critical control point). The (BL): It’s the implementation of those ISO- focus of food safety auditing in the U.S. based management control systems that CONCLUSION initially focused on good manufacturing has proved to be one of the greatest food State and local retail food regulatory practices (GMPs) such as hand washing, safety challenges, especially for small and managers and administrators can derive wearing hair nets, and cleaning equipment mid-sized companies. significant benefit from enrolling in the and facilities. In the last five years or so, the FDA’s National Retail Food Regulatory focus has shifted to certification consistent (FSE): You’ve spoken at industry events Program Standards program, and from with the requirements of the Global Food about the process for developing new food integrating the principles of the Program Safety Initiative (GFSI), as large retailers products, and the importance of integrating Standards into their existing regulatory and food service firms have started to insist issues of safety into that process. Why is programs. The food safety professionals at that suppliers provide evidence of GFSI- that important? TÜV SÜD America can provide additional certified audits. information on the benefits of this important (BL): When food products are developed FDA program, and support the efforts of The biggest recent change for food without the integration of food safety retail food safety regulators to integrate the manufacturers is the integration of principles as part of the process, Program Standards into their programs. For management control systems into their food addressing food safety issues after the fact more information on TÜV SÜD’s Food Safety production processes. Such systems were becomes much more difficult. It’s sort of like services, please visit not a focus of audits until the shift to GFSI trying to add more sugar after the cake has industry/foodsafety.cfm. n certification, which added elements like been baked. For example, under U.S. Food document control, verification, validation, and Drug Administration (FDA)
  • 8. Vol. 4 February 2012 TÜV SÜD E-ssentials Page 8 (continued from Page 7) (FSE): When it comes to food safety, most of the emphasis is on requirements, the development of seafood products must be efforts by producers and suppliers. What role, if any, do consumers conducted in accordance with HACCP principles. Although this play in improving the safety of food? approach is often perceived to be more burdensome, it ensures that food safety concerns are addressed up front. (BL): You’re right! Consumers also have an important role to play in preventing health risks associated with unsafe food. For example, (FSE): While food safety certification programs are being widely consumers can reduce their risk for foodborne illness by following adopted by the industry, some producers still balk at the investment safe food-handling and preparation recommendations. They should of time and money required to achieve certification. Why is also avoid consuming raw or undercooked foods of animal origin, certification so important, and what factors should producers such as eggs, ground beef, and poultry, unpasteurized milk, and consider? raw or undercooked oysters. (BL): The direct cost of being certified is small compared to (FSE): What are your key professional priorities in 2012? the investment in human resources to design and implement a robust food safety management system. However, I believe that (BL): My number one priority for the coming year is to calibrate our certification can save a company money even before they become food safety audits to help ensure that all producers and suppliers certified. Food safety standards embody a structured approach are audited in a consistent fashion. That effort would strengthen that provides deliberate control across the entire food safety the importance and value of certification audits, not just for management system. producers and suppliers but for customers as well. I often ask my clients “Who is deciding how things are getting (FSE): Why should food producers and retailers choose TÜV SÜD done? Is it management or the employees?” I know that most America as their food safety quality management partner? employees want to do the right thing. However, without a documented, systematic approach, employees who are not (BL): Our professional staff literally has hundreds of years of well-trained in food safety often end up running the show and experience in food safety, spanning all food sectors. unintentionally make bad decisions. For more information on TÜV SÜD’s Food Safety services, please (FSE): As you look to the year ahead, what are the biggest food contact Bob LaFreniere at or visit safety challenges facing producers and suppliers? (BL): Rather than the biggest challenge, I think that the biggest opportunity is for food producers and suppliers to create a culture of food safety within their organizations. Many companies talk about food safety, but not everyone “walks the talk.” Some take the attitude that the absence of problems to date validates the approach they’re taking. However, that’s exactly what many companies say just before they find themselves in the middle of a major product recall. (FSE): What additional steps can producers and suppliers take to improve the safety of food? (BL): The best additional steps that producers and suppliers can take are to really understand their food safety risks and then work to reduce or eliminate them. That’s the basic approach behind HACCP, but many firms pay mere lip service to HACCP principles and end up with a food safety system that’s ineffective.
  • 9. Vol. 4 February 2012 TÜV SÜD E-ssentials Page 9 2012 Food Industry Trade Shows and Events For successful food safety professionals, keeping up with changes in food safety technologies and regulations is a continuous effort. Attendance at industry conventions, conferences, and trade shows can be an efficient and effective way to stay current with the latest trends in food safety. Here’s a list of the major food industry shows scheduled for the first half of 2012: PLEASE JOIN TÜV SÜD FOR THE GFSI WELCOME COCKTAIL RECEPTION Wednesday, February 15th 5:00-6:15pm Exhibition & Networking Area GLOBAL FOOD SAFETY CONFERENCE, ORLANDO, FEBRUARY 15-17, 2012 The Global Food Safety Conference will bring together more than 1,000 of the world’s leading food safety specialists from more than 60 countries around the world. This year’s Conference features more than 40 speakers in plenary and technical breakout sessions over three days. Additional details are available at Visit us at booth #12. INTERNATIONAL BOSTON SEAFOOD SHOW, BOSTON, MARCH 11-13, 2012 The International Boston Seafood Show is North America’s largest seafood exhibition, with more than 20 technical presentations and panel discussions, as well more than 800 seafood industry exhibitors from 120 countries. For more information, go to Visit us at booth #1768. BRC GLOBAL FOOD SAFETY 2012, CHICAGO, MARCH 26-30, 2012 Focused on the needs and interests of the American food services community, BRC Global Food Safety 2012 will offer presentations, case studies and panel discussions on a wide range of food safety topics, as well as optional training sessions concurrent with the Conference. Additional information is available at Visit us at our exhibition stand in the networking room. FOOD SAFETY SUMMIT, WASHINGTON, D.C., APRIL 17-19, 2012 The 2012 Food Safety Summit is dedicated to providing food safety professionals with an array of quality education offerings, including workshops, training and certification programs, an interactive Exhibit Hall, and numerous networking opportunities. For further information, go to Visit us at booth #402. Your TÜV SÜD Food contacts worldwide Americas Asia Pacific Europe, Middle East & Africa TÜV SÜD America Inc. TÜV SÜD Canada Inc. TÜV SÜD América de México TÜV SÜD Asia Pacific TÜV SÜD AG Toll-free: 1-800-TUV-0123 Toll-Free: 877-888-2187 Phone: +52 81 8221 3530 Phone: +65 6773 9731 Phone: +49 (0) 89-5791-0 Fax: 978-977-0157 Fax: 519-767-1162 Fax: +52 81 8221 3557 Fax: +65 6872 4948 Fax: +49 (0) 89-5791-1551 Email: Email: Email: Email: Email: Web: Web: Web: Web: Web: DISCLAIMER All reasonable measures have been taken to ensure the quality, reliability, and accuracy of the information in this newsletter. However, TÜV SÜD is not responsible for the third- party content contained in this newsletter. TÜV SÜD makes no warranties or representations, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this newsletter. This newsletter is intended to provide general information on a particular subject or subjects and is not an exhaustive treatment of such subject (s). Accordingly, the information in this newsletter is not intended to constitute consulting or professional advice or services. If you are seeking advice on any matters relating to information in this newsletter, you should – where appropriate – contact us directly with your specific query or seek advice from qualified professional people. The information contained in this newsletter may not be copied, quoted or referred to in any other publication or materials without the prior written consent of TÜV SÜD. All rights reserved © 2012 TÜV SÜD America Inc. || Food Safety | Technical industry e-news updates essential to your operations ||