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(A Case Study at Sn;iart Education Center (SEC) Villa Mutiara, Jornbang- Ciputat)
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This Paper
Has fulfilled The Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana (SI)
At The English Department the Faculty of Education
NIM. 0014000382
2005 MI 1426 H
(A Case Study at Smart Education Center (SEC) Villa Mutiara, Jorn hang Ciput:lli
Presented to The Faculty ofTarbiyah and Teachers Training Jn Partial Fulfillm.:nl nCThe
Requirement for The Degree of Sarjana (31 )
!)Wl HJ},J(l:iTl
NIP. l50 244 682
J.~ F <, ·~··r '
J ,.a..M.N. KA
2005 1'l / 1425
A skripsi titled ~using Picture in Teaching Vocabulary (A Case Study at
Smart Education Center Villa Mutiara Jombang, Ciputat)" was examined at the
examination session pf the faculty of Tarbiyah of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic
University Jakarta on October 10, 2005. This skripsi has fulfilled the requirement for
the det,>ree of Sarjana (SI) at the English Department.
Jakarta, October I0, 2005
Examination Committee
The Read of Committee The Secretary of Committee
Examiner I
Mas'ud Mada, M.A
NIP. 150012951
r.HAziz.Fahrurrozi M..A.
NIP. 150 202 343
Dr;.Sya { M.Pd.
NIP. 150 246 289
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Praise be to Allah, the lord of the universe, peace and blessing be upon prophet
Muhammad saw.
Alhamdulillah, the writer has finished her skripsi, entitled: "Using Picture in
Teaching Vocabulary". The primary aim of writing this skripsi is to complete a partial
fulfillment ofrequireme)its for sarjana degree in the Faculty ofTarbiyah
This Skripsi could not be completed without a great deal of help from many
people, especially Drs. Syauki M.Pd, as advisor who always guides and suggest the
writer to make a good skripsi, from the beginner until he end.
Fmihermore, it is pleasant task for her to extend this acknowledgement to:
1. Prof Dr. Dede Rosyada M.A., the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher's
2. Drs. Nasrun Mahmud M.Pd., the Head of English Department, and Drs. Syauki
M.Pd the Secretary of English Depaiiment and her advisor, who had given her
valuable advice to the writer.
3. All Lecturers in English Department, who had given motivation and support
4. The Staff and Officers of Libraries UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, British
Council and Atma Jaya, who had given permission to use their books.
5. Drs. Subarja, The Head of Smart Education Center (S.E.C), and Mrs Lily Kartika
S.Pcl, who had given permission to research.
6. Her Family, exactly her Father (Kasimo), her Mother (Suharmi), and her Brother
(Aris, lyut, and Fajar), and my adopted father Vinod Jayashinge who had given
their materials and support.
7. Her Boss (Djupri and Family) who had given permission to completed her
8. The writer does not forget to say thanks to Akim and his family, Nana, Dina, Aam
and her family, Chaira Saidah, Risnawati, Dayat, Novi, Faris, Opunk, Ruslan,
Teguh and all of her wonderful friends of the English Department 2000.
May Allah Bless, Protect and Guided them all, Amin.
Jakarta, June 2005
The writer
«._A. Background of the Study......................................... 1
.A'.: B. L)mitation and Formulation of the Study..................... 2
C. Statement of the Problem,<..................................... 3
D. Objectives of the Study .......................................... 3
E. Method of the Study ............................................ 3
F. Hypothesis ...
G. Orgapization of the Study.
I. The Meaning of Picture .............................. .
The Types of Picture ...................................... .
3. The Use of Pictures......................................... 11
..f. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Pictures 12
I. The Meaning of Vocabulary ................................
The Types of Vocabulary ...................................
3. The Use of Vocabulary ......................................
A. Research Methodology
L The Purpose of111e Research ...... ...... ... ... ...... ..... 2 l
2. Place and Time of Study ... .. . ... .. .... ... .. .... .. .. ... .. .. 21
3. Population and Sample .... .. ... .. ... . ... ... ...... .. .. .. .... 21
4. Instrument of Research ....................................... 21
5. Technique of Data Taking ........ .'......................... 22
6. Technique ofData Analysis ................................ 23
B. Research Finding
I. Description ofData .......................................... 24
2. Analysis ofData .............................................. 27
3. Interpretation ofData ........................................ 28
4. Discussion of Finding ....................................... 29
A. Conclusion .. _.......................... _.. _.............. _...... .... 30
t3 Suggestion .......................................................... 30
··············-· ··············································· 31
Table[: The Result of Control Class (Y).................................. ............ 24
Table ll: The Result of Experiment Class (X)... .................................... 25
Table III: The Comparison ofX and Y............................................... 25
Table IV: The Pre-Test Score of Control Class (Y1) ................................. 83
Table V: The Post-Test Score of Control Class (Y2) ............................... 83
Table lV: The Pre-Test Score of Experiment Class (X1)-.......................... 83
Table V: The Post-Test Score of Experiment Class (X2)............................. 84
A. Background of the Study
English as a language for international communication is clearly needed by
many learners to deliver thoughts and interact in a variety of situation, as for foreign
travel, business or other professional reasons in Indonesia. English is one of
international languages, which takes the widest range of usage. English is used in
many fields such as in politics, economics, social and education.
In education field English is a main subject, which must be learnt from
kindergarten up to university level. Generally, English is still considered as a difficult
subject for the Indonesian students because English is completely different from
lndoncs1an language in the systems of strncture, pronunciation and vocabulary.
Vocabulary is one of the important aspects in teaching language, besides
grammar and pronunciation, as stated by Edward in his book "Vocabulary is one
important factor in all language teaching, student must continually be learning words
as they learn structure and as they practice the sound system."1
Therefore, the English teachers have to be able to organize teaching learning
activities. They have to give materials by using a suitable technique and master the
sub.1ect matter. A good technique may make students understand and master the
Edward David Allen and Rebecca M. Vallete, Classroom Technique: Foreign langtmge and
!oi1gl1sh as Second Language (New York; Harcourt Brave Javanovich l977) p.149.
Asking children to memorize words with their meaning is usually ineffective,
sometimes children remember their meaning for a short period of time, and moreover
they forget with the meaning.
To give solution of this problem, the writer gives an alternative technique to
enrich student's vocabulary by using pictures. Because the picture ean direct the
student see and speak about object from elementary school until university, especially
when the students are taught using English as ·medium of instruction and
Another reason for using picture in teaching vocabulary is that the picture is
effective and helpful in teaching learning process, so the students became easier in
understanding and studying English especially in studying vocabulary, and it may
save valuable classroom time in teaching learning process.
B. Limitation and Formulation of the Study
I. L1111//ation ofthe problem
To avoid misunderstanding and to clarify the problem, it is necessary to
make limitation of the problem. The writer will limit the problem in using
picture in teaching vocabulary especially in noun and verb.
2. Formulation <>lthe problem
The formulation of the problem is: "which one is more effective in using
picture or without picture in teaching vocabulary"
C. Statement of the Problem
The writer conducts the study to reveal whether usmg the pictures has
influence on teaching vocabulary. The problem of statement of the study is
formulated as follows: How effective is teaching vocabulary using pictures?
D. Objectives of the Study
The objectives of the study are, firstly, to encourage the use of pictures in
teaching vocabulary to basic level students, and secondly, to help students
learning vocabulary better with the use of pictures.
E. Method of the Study
The study is based on both library and field research. In library research she
got some information concern with the topic from the books, textbook, magazine,
newspaper. etc.
ln field research the writer collected data by teaching and observing two
classes, experiment class by using picture in teaching vocabulary and control
class without pictures in teaching vocabulary. The research is conducted in an
English Course institution in Ciputat, SEC (Smart Education Center) Ciputat,
especially for pre basic level students.
F. Hypothesis
!he experiment hypothesis (Ha) is: there is significance difference in teaching
vocabulary before using picture and after using picture for the pre beginner
students of SEC.
The Null Hypothesis (Ho) is: Teacher vocabulary before using picture has no
inlluencc for the pre beginner students of SEC.
G. Organization of the Study
This "Skripsi" consists of four chapters, as follow:
The firsr chapter is introductions, which include background of study,
limitation and formulation or the problem, the statement of problems, the
objective or study. method of the study and the organization of study.
The second chapter is theoretical framework; it discussed about Pictures; the
meaning or pictures, the type of pictures. the use of pictures and the advantages
and disadvantages; Vocabulary: the meaning of vocabulary, the types of
vocabulary and the use of vocabulary; Teaching vocabulary by using picture;
!"he third dwpter is research methodology and findings which consists of
research methodology; purpose of the research, place and time of study,
population and sample. instrument of research, technique of data taking,
technique of data analyzing, research finding, description of data, analysis of data,
interpretation of data and discussion of finding.
The fourth chapter is the conclusion and suggestion.
1. The Meaning ofPicture
Pictures are kinds of visual instmction materials might be used more
effectively to develop and sustain motivation in producing positive attitudes
toward English and to teach or reinforce language-language skill. Some experts
gave the explanation ofpictures, as follow:
In Webster New World dictionary of American English, it can be seen that:
''Pictures is an image or likeliness of an object, person, or scene procedure on a
flat surface, especially by paining, drawing or photography."2
Vernon S. Gerlacha stated:
'"Pictures are a two dimension visual representation of person, places, or
things. Photo1,>raph prints are most common, but sketches, cartoons, murals,
cut outs, charts, graphs, and maps are widely used... " "A Picture may not
only be worth a thousand words it may also be worth a thousand years or a
thousand miles. Through pictures, learner can see people, places, and things
from areas for out side their own picture can also represent images from
ancient times or portray the future." 3
Andrew Wright pointed out that pictures are the most suitable for the revision
of known language and for recombination or manipulation word, the picture or
Noah Webster, Webster New Word Dicliouary «fAmerican English (Prentice
Hall. I994).p. I022
Vernon S.Berlach and Donald P. Elly, Teaching andMedia a ,:Vstematic Approach, 2nd (New
Jersey:Prentice Hall), 1980,pP.273.
word acting as a cue for substitution the size and shape of the pictures are
excellent for speedy and stimulating words.
The kinds ru1d nw11bers ofpictures that the teacher should take with him to
carry out the activities in class can be taken from magazines, articles or others and
should be attractive and interesting to capture the students' attention. The purpose
of using pictures for the students is to give them an opportunity to practice the
language in real context or in situations in which they can use it to communicate
their ideas.
Picture is the non-verbal sources infonnation. The non-verbal helps us to
predict what the next might be about, and this ability to predict helps us to
recognize meaning more quickly that if we had to sort it out solely from what we
hear and read. Picture can represent these non-verbal sources of infonnation.
Indeed, they and what they represent are centrally bound up with the nature of
communication itself What we see affects how we interpret what we hear and
vice versa.
2. The Type of Pictures
There are two kinds of pictures that Grazyna Szyke finds especially useful
as teaching aids, they are:
a. Pictures of individual persons and objects.
Andrew Wright, Visual Materialfor language Teacher, Longman Group Ltd,1983, p.73.
Andrew Wright, Picturesjor language Leaming, (New York: Cambridge University press,
l994), p.137
Pictures of individual persons or thing may be used, mainly at the
elementary level, to introduce or test vocabulary items, for example: a man,
and a car. Portraits, pictures showing people in close detail, are useful for
intermediate and advance learners. The students can be asked question about
the age and profession ofthe model.
b. Pictures of situations in which persons and object are "in action".
Situation pictures that show or suggest relationships between objects and
or people can be perfect teaching aids for introducing, practicing, or reviewing
. l 6
grammatlca structures.
According to Betty Morgan Bowen, there are some types ofpictures as
their shapes:
a. 'Wall Charts
h. Vall Pictures
Wall Pictures is simply a large illustration of scene or event a set of scenes
or events. It is usually to be used with the whole class.
e. Sequence Picture
Sequence Picture is a series of pictures of a single subject. Its function is
to tell a story or a sequence of events.
(, Cirazna Szyke, "(}sing l'icture as Teaching Aids", (English Teaching Foru1n,
Vol.XfX, No.4,0ctober, 1981)
d. Flash Cards
•!• Word flashcard, card with printed words on it can help up rapidly; the
cards can be used to demonstrate exactly what the teacher wishes.
•!• Picture flashcard, useful for the representation of a single concept,
such as an object or an action.
e. ·work cards
Include visual as well as text magazme pictures, drawing, maps and
diagrams can be important part or work card at aJJ levels, used for variety
Meanwhile, Noor azlina Yunus in his book grouped the pictures into four
a. Composite Pictures
These are large single pictures, which show a scene (Hospital, beach, canteen,
railway station, street) in which number of people can be seen doing things. They
enable students to see places, people and events that they would otherwise not see
because of factors like distance, time and cost. Because of their size, composite
picture are most appropriate for whole-class teaching rather than individualized
learning or group work.8
Betty Morgan Bowen. Look Here!, Visual Aids r11 La11g11age Teaching, London: Essential
language teaching series, 1973, p. 13-31
'Noor Azlina Yunus, Prepari//g and U>i//g Aidsfor English Language Teaching, (Kuala
Lumpur Oxford University Press, 1981), p. 49
b. A picture se1·ies
A picture series is a number of related composite pictures linked to fonn a
series or sequences. Hence, its main function is to tell a story or sequence of events.
A wide variety of picture series is available in textbooks, in comics and in cartoon
slrips in magazines for the teacher to copy and enlarge. However the observant
teacher can find such series in other sources, for example calendars and wrapping
c. Individual pictures
These are single pictures of objects, person or activities. Such pictures ve1y in
size from small newspaper pictures and full-page magazine pictures to poster-sized
pictures, and can be mounted singly. There is an enormous variety of material
available from newspaper, magazines, catalogues, greeting cards, trail brochures,
advertisements, old textbooks and even 'Tapping paper.9
d. Specialized pictures (posters, charts, advertisements, brochures)
Wall posters arc not designed specifically for teaching, but rather for
advertising or propaganda purposes. Although they provide very little textual
information, they cannot be dismissed from the ESL class- room as they can be
used to iIIustrate topics and provide motivation for discussion.
lhtd. p.50
3. The Use of Pictures
There are five roles ofpicture:
a. Pictures can motivate the students and make him or her want to pay attention
and want to take part.
b. Pictures contribute to the context in which the language is being used. They
bring the world into the classroom.
c. The pictures can be described an objective way or interpreted or responded to
d. Pictures can cue responses to questions or cue substitutions though control
e. Pictures can stimulate and provide information to be referred to in conversation,
discussion and storytelling.
Beside those five roles in using picture, there are six reasons why pictures
helpful in teaching learning process.
There are six reasons why using pictorial material:
a. Pictures are very useful for presenting new £,>rammatical and vocabulary items.
They help to provide the situations and contexts which light up the meaning of
words or utterances and, indirectly help the teacher to avoid resorting to
translation or to lengthy explanations of meaning.
b. Pictorial material allows for meaningful practice of vocabulary and structures
presented by the teacher. Rather than have students repeat words or utterances
whose meaning may be unknown, the teacher can use cues or prompts.
c. Pictorial material can also provide a stimulus for using the language at the
reproduction and manipulation stages-to speak, to read and to write.
d. Pict"Ures can be used for revision from one lesson to another as well as for long-
tenn revision ofvocabulary and structures.
e. Pictorial material can be used to supplement whatever textbook the teacher is
using or whatever course he is following. Pictures, of course can be used to
provide more practice ofthe exercises that students have done using the textbook.
f. Pictorial material is easy to collect, to make and to transport.
In an article, Edmundo J. Morn stated that the pictures could be used to give
students of English as a foreign language an opportunity to practice the language in
real context or in situations in which they can use it to communicate their ideas. 10
4. The Advantages and Disadvantages of using Pictures
a. The Advantages of using pictures
Following are some opinions concerning with the advantages of usmg
According to Vernon S. Gerlach:
"'Edmundo J. Mora, "Using Pictures Creatively", English Teaching Fomm, vol. XXVI, No.4,
October, 1988
I) They are inexpensive and widely available.
2) They provide common experiences for an entire group.
3) The visual detail makes it possible to study subjects, which would otherwise
be impossible.
4) They can help to prevent and correct misconceptions.
5) They offer a stimulus to further study, reading and research. Visual evidence
1s a power tool.
6) They help to focus attention and to develop critical judgment.
7) They are easily manipulated.11
Accurdmg ro A..!. Romis::owski:
l) It is convenient to use the real thing
2) ; model or chart can better explain the principle being thought.
3) The real thing can not be seen any way
4) Requirement no equipment for use. 12
b. The Disadvantages of using Pictures
Vernon S. Gerlach said:
Il Sizes and distances are often distorted
2) Lack of color in some pictures limits proper interpretations
3) Students do not always know how to read pictures13
-·--------- --------
" Vernon S. Gerlach and Donald P. Elly, Op. Cit. p. 277
AJ. Ro111iszowski~ 771e selection and use ofi11str11ctio11a/Media:for hnproved classroom
f'eaching and inleracti»e, Jndil'idualized i11.11ructim1, London: Kogan Page, 1988, 2nd ed, p. I03
Although the pictures have the disadvantages but from the statement
above, it can be concluded that there are many advantages, which can be taken
from the use ofpictures in composing, they are:
,.. Represent things which are not available
;,. Motivate and stimulate the students
,- More Practice (can be used everywhere and anytime)
,.. Help both the students and the teachers in teaching-learning process, etc.
I. The Meaning of Vocabulary
In this chapter the writer wants. to prepare vocabulary meaning because to
understand a language the learners must understand vocabulary first. It is difficult
to make one definition of vocabulary. So, the writer tries to take it from some
There are some experts who give definition of vocabulary. Hatch and Brown
define vocabulary as a list or set of words for a particular language or a list or set
ofwords that individual speakers oflanguage might use. 14
While according to Harimurti Kridalaksana, vocabulary is "Komponen
bahasa yang memuat semua informasi tentang makna dan pemakaian )cata dalam
"Vernon S. Gerlach and Donald P. Elly, Loe. cit
Evelyn Hatch and Cheryl Brown. Vocahulwy, Semantics and Language Education,
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), p. l
Vocabulary is a component of language that maintains all infom1ation
about meaning and using words in a language.)
Webster Dictionary noted that, vocabulary is: "a list or collection of words
usually alphabetically arranged and explained or lexicon, stock of words used in
language or by class, individual, etc."16
According to Webster's ninth collegiate Dictionary, Vocabulary is:
1. A list of word and often phrases, abbreviation inflectional fonn, etc. Usually
arranged in alphabetical order and defined or otherwise identified as in a
dictionary of glossary.
An interrelated group of non-verbal symbols, signs, gestures, etc. used for
communication or expression in a particular art, skill, etc.17
The words that students know depend upon their experience. We hope that
our students know not only the meaning of words, but also know they are using
its in sentence. The vocabulary meant here, the English words as stated in the
secondary school curriculum of the elementary school.
"Zainuri, A.M. Vocabulary l UlN Jakarta, 2003,p. I
Vebster's,77u.! Largest Abridg111ent of}Vehster 's New Inter11ational dictiona1y ofEn.s;lish
l.a11g11age. Webster's Collage Dictionary. USA: G & G Merriam co, 1935, p. 1073.
Zainuri~ 1.M~ Loe cit
2. The Types of Vocabulary
Vocabulary is frequently divided into four types; listening, reading,
writing and speaking.
That is possible for people to understand words they hear, and yet not use the
words themselves in speaking and writing. It is also possible that a word can be
read and understood, and yet not handled easily when heard in a listening, and at
the same time, contain dit1erent words that are understood or used frequently by
individuals. There is also a fifth vocabulary that we might consider-our
·'understanding" vocabulary. We know certain words well enough that we can
respond to them. We may, however, need to see or hear them in context, or need
someone to say something that helps us record the word meaning. 18
Fries say Vocabulary is oftwo, namely;function and content wordv.
!he timction words are a closed class, we cannot add to the preposition or
·auxiliaries or modals or any structure words ofthe language (with, for, May, will,
etc). 7/1e content word,, on the other hand, can be added to at any times as new
scientific advances make new words and communication about new inventions
necessary (Pen, school, go, pretty, etc).
The content words can be divided into three general classes:
a) Words naming things, ideas, entitles, that we might call them nouns
b) Words naming actions called verbs
"Carol J fisher, Jerry, Childrm 's Language and the language Art. USA : Alemary Press, l977.
c) Words used to describe the qualities ofthose things or action called adjectives
and adverbs19
John Haycraft distinguishes vocabulary into active and passive vocabulary.
a. Active vocabulary-words that the students understand can pronounce correctly
and used constructively in speaking and writing.
b. Passive vocabulary-words that the students recognizes and understand when
they occur in a context, but which cannot produce correctly him self2°
3. The Use of Vocabulary
Yocab1t!ary is important because it helps the students enjoy their classes. One
who masters enough vocabulary will find fewer difficulties than those who have
fewer vocabularies. When they read a certain text, they will easily get the
information from it since they can understand every word in the texi. On the other
hand, those who lack of vocabulary will face a lot of problems. Mastery of
vocabulary will be useful for the process of achieving language-teaching
objectives that is the mastery of language skills (reading, listening, speaking, and
If we want to communicate with other in certain language we must master the
language they belong to especially to know enough vocabulary of those
languages. Yang Zhihong who says that words are the basic unit oflanguage form
1"z· .. M 0 . ?
~ainun, A. . p c1t_,p....
John Haycrat1, J111rod11ctio11 lo Ji)1g/ish liu1guage Teaching, (Harlow: Long1nan Group
L1rnitcd. I1
178) p44
supports it. Without vocabulary, one cannot communicate effectively or express
idea. He also states that having a limited vocabulary is also a barrier.21
Furthermore, Long and Richards explains that vocabulary like grammar is an
essential component ofall uses oflanguage.22
Pictures for vocabulary teaching come from many sources. Jn addition to
those drawn by the students (or by the teacher) there are attractive sets, which are
intended for schools. Picture which have been cut out of magazines and newspapers
are also useful: many inexpensive books for children have attractive picture, which
show meaning ofbasic words.
Often a picture will show a situation or a scene in which there are several
different thing and persons. It is good for students to see the total scene or picture to
see how its parts are related to the whole. ft is also helpful (especially for beginner in
English) to see a picture ofa single object or person as the only focus ofattention.
Suppose, for example, we have a picture of each ofthe following: a church, a
taxi. a bus, a traffic light, a policeman, and a mailbox. Suppose each of the pictures is
large enough to be seen by all in the class. The students have seen and heard the
English word for each one, and have copied the word into their notebooks. Our aim
now is to help the students master the vocabulary, so we want to encourage the use of
Yang Zhihong. "Leaming Words" English Teaching Fonun,vol.38, no. J July,2000
Michael H. Long and Jack C. Richards, Methodology in 1ESOL: a Book ofReadings, (New
York: Newbury House Publishers, 1987), p.105
each word for commw1ication. We consider possible techniques for making students
feel it is important to know the English word. Here is one way:
l. The teacher arranges the pictures aJong ledge of the black board, saymg
something like this: "We'll put the taxi here. That's the first picture. Then the
bus... then the traffic light... then the clmrch... then the policemen...then the
2. The teacher asks a member of the class (We'll call her Lia) to came to the
TEACHER: Lia is going to move one of the pictures for us. We are going to tell her
which picture to move. Lia, please move the policeman. Put the
policeman first (Lia moves the picture (1. 1he policeman, placing it
first in the row on the !edge ofthe blackboard).
TEACHER: Put the taxi first. (Lia does so.)
3. The teacher indicates that vari0t1s members of the class should request Lia to
make other changes in the order of the pictures using English, of course. For
A STUDENT: Move the church. Put the church first. (Lill does so.)
A STUDENT: Move the mailbox, etc
If the class has began to learn the ordinal numerals (first, second, third, etc)
these may be reviewed in connection with this activity. After each rearrangement of
the pictures. the teacher (and then various students) says: "Now the _is first; the
is second; the is third."
In the activity, which has just been described, students use English words
while talking about changes in location of pictures and changes in relationships. To
make such changes quickly and easily, we need pictures that can be moved and
rearranged w(J:hout taking time to pin them or tape them to the wall.23
Allen French Virginia, Techniques in Teaching Vocabu!aJy, Oxford Univercity Press; p.34
A. Research Methodology
l. The Purpose of The Research
The purpose of this research is to find out whether there is a significance a
difference of using picture in teaching vocabulary or not.
2. Place and Time of Stndy
The research was held at SEC (Smart Education Center), which located on
Villa Mutiara Jombang, Ciputat. The field research was done from May 12Ll' until
June l0'11
J. Populations and Sample
The population of the study consists of20 students from pre beginner students
of Smart Education Center (S.E.C) from two classes. The sample was taken by
random sampling system where 10 students from experiment (Picture) class and
10 students are from control (drill) class.
Sampling is done in random in order to get representative data and make it
easy to calculate. In this research the writer presented a lesson using picture and
drill. And also she gave the explanation ofdoing test.
4. Instrument ofResearch
The instrument in this research was the final test. The material of test was
taken from the flash card, which taught in the class, like names of animals, tools
of school, occupation, and transportation. This test made by the English teacher.
This instrument was given only to experiment class during teaching learning
5. Techn.ique of Data Taking
The techniques ofdata taking in this research are:
a. Observation
The observation in Smart Education Center (S.E.C), which is located on
JI Kccubung IV No.65, Sawah barn, Ciputat - Tangerang to research the
students of pre basic, the English teacher, the English teaching - learning
process in the classroom.
b. Ex1leriment
The experiment is conducted by dividing the students into two classes:
an experiment class and a control class. In the experiment class, writer teaches
students some vocabularies through the use of pictures. The material is for
pre-basic students.
c. Evaluation
The writer gives vocabulary test to the students then they have
answered the question. The test was held at first research (pre test) and at the
end ofthe research (post test) in each meeting.
6. Technique ofData Analysis
Data analysis is the last step in the procedure of experiment, in this case,
processing the data. Data processing is the step to know the result of both the
experiment class and control class also their difference.
To find out the differences of students' score in using picture technique in
teaching English vocabulary will be compared to the students; that using drill
technique in teaching English vocabulary the writer using T - test.
Before using T-test formula, the writer has to seek the differences of mean
variables by using formula as followed:
M1 = > and Mi =I
Ni Nz
And after getting mean variables, the writer has to seek the standard of
deviation of variable and standard error mean of variables by using formula as
~ ····~···
2. SEM1 =
The next step is seeking the standard error mean differences of variables by
using formula as followed:
SE,11 Ml= ~SEM12
.Then the last is determining T - test by using formula:
To -
B. Research Finding
l. Description of Data
As mentioned in this chapter, the writer conducted both library research and
field research. The VTiter did field research by teaching two classes; Experiment
class (By using Picture technique) and control class (By drill technique). The
research of both methods was done four times for each method respectively. And
the writer got the data from pre-test and post-test. The pre-test was given before
the lesson began and the post-test was given at the end ofthe teaching.
There are fifteen items in the pre-test; the instrument of this research consists
oftwo types;
a. Multiple choice, there are ten items and each item scored 5, so the total ofthis
type is 50.
b_ Matching, there are five items and each items scored I0, so the total of this
type is 50_
And there are twenty items for post-test; this research consists ofthree types;
a_ Multiple choice, there are ten items and each item scored 5, so the total ofthis
type is 50_
b_ Matching there are five items and each items scored 5, so the total ofthis type
is 25_
c_ Completion, there are five items and each items scored 5, so the total of this
type is 25_
Having finished the field research by using picture in teaching vocabulary and
without using picture in teaching vocabulary the writer obtained the score as
Table I
i -Student
~fhe Result of Control Class (Y)
Pre-test score Post-test score Y=Y2-Y1
i (Y1) (Yz)
! 1 62,75 65,75 '
' 2 54,5 61,75 7,25
! 3 53 59 6
' 4 54,25 64,75 10,5
5 51,75 55,5 3,75
' 6 62,5 67 4,5
f 7
I 52 64,75 12,75
8 63 I 59,5 -3,5
9 67 68 l
r 10 61 64,5 3,5
I 2
I 3
l- 5

M1=94 75
M1 = 9,475
Table II
The Result of Experiment Class (X)
Pre-test score Post-test score
(X1l (X2l
63,75 76,25
50,5 67,5
54,5 71
64,75 71,5
73,75 76,5
68,25 75,25
64,5 71,5
59,75 72,75
69 75,5
63,5 69,25
Table III
The Comparison of X and Y
M'.ll. =48 75
M2 =4,875
x y
3,025 -l,875
7,525 2,375
7,025 1,125
-2,725 5,625
-6,725 -1,125
-2,475 -0,375
-2,475 7,875
3,525 -8,375
-2,975 -3,875
-3,725 -1,375
0 0
2 l5,18
2. Analysis of Data
In analyzing of the data the writer uses the comparative technique. The
comparative technique is analysis technique to evaluate hypothesis concemmg
differences between two variables that examined statistically.
Jn the comparative technique, 1J1e •;ariables are compared to know whether
di llcrenccs are very significant or they arc only happened by chance. The writer uses
T-tcst to find out the differences score of using picture in teaching vocabulary and
without picture in teaching vocabulary. The formula ofT-test is:
)· a. - Determining mean I with fomrnla:
:-x = 94.75 = 9.475
---'"'----- --
N lO
b. Detennining mean II with formula:
~ 00
48.75 = 4.875
N 10
c. Determining ofstandard ofdeviation ofvariable I:
SDJ= ~ ~ = ~ 2;~·18 =Fl =4.6
d. Determining of standard ofdeviation ofvariable II
SDI= ~ =~ 192.53 =~ 1_'.?.2--5 =4.3
N !O
e. Determining ofstandard error mean ofvariable I:
SEM1 =~ SD1 = ~ 4.6 =~ 4.6 = "105l =0.71
Ni-1 10-l 9
f Determining of standard error mean ofvariable I:
SEM2=j "~
~ 4.3 = ~ 94.3 = ""0.47 = 0.69
10- I
2. Determining ofstandard Error Mean difference ofMl and M2:
sEM1-M2 = JsEM/+sEM/ =J0.71+0.69=~=1.18
3. Determining t0 with formula:
To= Ml -M2 = 9.475 - 4.875 = 4.6 = 3.89
SEML SEM2 1.18 1.18
4. Detennining t - table in significance level 5 % and 1 % with df:
The writer gained t - table:
At the degree ofsignificance of 5 % = 2.10
At the degree of significance of l % = 2.90
The comparison between T - score with T - table:
5 % to : tt = 3.89 > 2. l0
I % ·-·to : tt = 3.89 > 2.90
So we can conclude that t - score is higher than t - table
3. Interpretation of Data
Based on the data collected from the test gained from the experiment class,
taught by using picture, and control class, taught by using drill, it showed the mean
scores oftest in the experiment class was 9.475 while the mean scores oftest in the '
control class was 4.875.
From the explanation above the analysis of the result on the table above, we
can see that the using picture in teaching vocabulary is adequately success. It can be
seen on the table above that the students who receive picture in learning vocabulary
get higher score than the students who do not. It means that the influence of using
picture in teaching vocabulary in experiment class is bigger than teaching vocabulary
using drill in control class. It can conclude that picture have influence in teaching
vocabulary for the primary school students as (Basic class) in Smart Education Center
4. Discussion of Finding
Based on the research finding, why there is significance influence between
using picture in teachmg vocabuJary and without it, perhaps there are some reasons to
I. Using picture in teaching - learning process make student interested more m
learning vocabulary.
2. By using picture the students are faster and easier in memorizing vocabuJary
because they can see directly the type and the shape ofthe object.
A. Conclusion
Based on data found in the previous chapter, it can be concluded that the use
of picture has significant influence in teaching English vocabulary. As can be seen
from the average score of test of the pre-basic class is (3.89)24
in using picture in
teaching vocabulary
From the result of the analysis, it is generally accepted that using picture is a
good technique and method in teaching vocabulary.
B. ·Suggestion
In relation to the writer's conclusion, she suggests:
I. In teaching learning process, teachers are expected to process many ways and
methods in their teaching. Those ways and method function to make the class
alive. Especially in learning vocabulary that often make the students bored.
One of the ways and methods to make class alive is using picture.
Using picture in teaching vocabulary especially and in teaching English
generally is more effective and useful than without using picture. Therefore,
the writer suggests the English teacher to use media in their teaching.
see t.he calculation in page 28
Allen, David, and Rebecca M, Classroom Technique: Foreign Language and English
as SecondLanguage. New York: Harcourt Brave Javanovich, 1977
Allen French Virginia, Technique in Teaching Vocabulary, Oxford University press
Berlach Vernon S. and Elly Donald P., Teaching and Media a Systematic Approach,
(New Jersey: Prentice Hall), 1980
Bowen Betty Morgan., Look Here! , Visual Aitf.1· in Language Teaching, London:
Essential language teaching series, 1973
Fisher Carol .!, Jerry., Children's Language and The Language Art. USA: Almery
press, 1977
Hatch Evelyn and Brown Cheryl., Vocabulwy, Semantic and Language Education,
(Cambridge: Cambridge University press, 1995)
Haycraf John., Introduction to English Language Teaching, (Harlow: Longman
Group Limited, 1978)
Long Michel H. and Richards Jack C., Methodology in TESOL: A Book <>(Readings,
(New York: Newbury House Publisher, 1987)
Mora Edmundo J., Using Pictures Creatively, English Teaching Forum, vol. XXVI,
no.4 October, 1988
Romiszowski.AJ., The Selection and Use of Instruction Aiedia: For Improved
( 'fassroom Teaching and Interactive, lndividuali::ed Instruction, London:
Kogan page, 1988
Szyke Grazna., Using Picture as Teaching Aids, (English Teaching Forum, Vol. XIX,
no.4, October, 1981)
Webster Noah.,. Webster New word Dictionmy of American English (prentice Hall,
Wright Andrew, Pictures For l,anguage [,earning, (New York: Cambridge
University press, 1994)
Wright Andrew, Visual lvfaterial For Language Teacher, Longman Group Ltd, 1983
Yunus Noor Azlina,. Preparing and [/.ving Aidv for English Language Teaching,
(Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University press, 1981)
Zainuri, A.M. Vocabulary I, UIN Jakarta, 2003
Zhihong Yang, Learning Word~, English Teaching Forum, vol.38, no.3 July, 2000
Nama Lembaga
Mata Pelajaran
: Smart Education Center (S.E.C)
: Pre Besic (Experiment Class)
: Bahasa Inggris
: Animal
: 90Menit
A Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum (TPU)
Siswa dapat menguasai kosakata dengan menggunakan kata yang tersedia.
B. Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus (TPK)
l. Siswa dapat menyebutkan nama-nama hewan dengan bahasa [nggris secara lisan.
2. Siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan guru tentimg nama-nama hewan dengan
menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan lisan.
3. Siswa dapat menyusun kata-kata baru.
4. Siswa dapat mencocokkan kata-kata dengan gambar.
5. Siswa dapat mengucapkan kata-kata yang diucapkan oleh guru.
C. Materi Pembelajaran (Terlampir)
D. Buku Panduan
Y.Cerstari,Bermain sambil belajar Bahasa Jnggris,Grasindo.1955
Smart Education center,English Class Book for Beginner level
E. Media Pembelajaran
Word flashcard and Picture flashcard (Terlampir)
·F. Kegiatan Pembelajaran
1. Pendahuluan (25')
> Guru memberi salam dan bertegur sapa.
,. Guru mengabsen kehadiran siswa.
Y Guru mengarahkan siswa pada topic yang akan dibahas dengan mengajukan
beberapa pertanyaan.
:r Guru memberikan kertas Jatihan soal tentang materi yang akan di bahas.dan siswa
mengerjakannya dengan batas waktu 15 menit. (pre test)
,. Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran,
> Guru menjelaskan kepada siswa kegiatan yang akan meraka lakukan: menghapal,
mengerjakan latihan.
2. Peny4jian ( 60 ')
• Guru memperkenalkan nama-nama hewan dengan menggunakan kartu yang
mana nama-nama hewan tersebut telah terlampir di dalam kartu dalam bahasa
• Guru mengajarkan bagaimana pengucapan nama-nama hewan dalam bahasa
Tnggris dan di ikuti oleh seluruh siswa.
• Guru memberikan pertanyaan yang berhubungan dcngan gambar yang ada di
• Guru memberikan flashcard kepada siswa, masing-masing 2 11ashcard,dan siswa
di haruskan menghapalkan kata-kata yang ada dalam flashcard tersebut.
• Guru mengambil flashcard yang telah diberikan pada siswa setclah 5 menit
ditangan mereka.
• Guru menanyakan pada masing-masing siswa tentang nama-nama hewan apa saja
yang ada pada flashcard yang ada pada tangan mereka.
• Guru membagikan kembali flashcard kepada siswa dengan gambar yang berbeda,
dan siswa di haruskan menghapalkan kembali flashcard yang memiliki kata-kata
yang berbcda, dan seterusnya sampai semua siswa mendapalkan semua flash card.
• Guru memberikan pertanyaan kepada siswa secarn kescluruhan tentang nama-
nama hewan dalam bahasa lnggris..Dan siswa di hitruskan menjawab secara
• Guru rnemberikan kesempatan untuk bertanya kepada siswa.
• Guru mcrnbcrikun soal-soal dalam kertas Jatihan yang berhubungan dcngan
matcri (animal) kcpada siswa experiment class. (post test)
0 Guru rnengumpulkan pekerjaan
3. /'cnutup (5 ')
o GCirn mcnanyakan pada mercka apa yang sudah mcrcka dapal dari apa yang tclah
mereka pelajari.
o Guru mengakhiri pelajaran, dengan penutup salam
G. Vaktu
: 25 l'[ enit
: 60 Menit
: 5 Menit
90 Menit
Jakaita, Juni 2005
Three ' I
Seven.! 9 Nine'
I (
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. -·" ,_ . , .. '
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El2ven 1
::. _; . ..• ~(I
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! I
··r·.,:.. 1~,.
.  ., ' ! .
Pre Test
I. Choose the right answer of the following question by crossing A, B, C or D
1. It eats carrot, what is it.........
a. Penguin b. Rabbit
c. Horse d. Tiger
2. It lives in desert........
a. Camel
c. Horse
b. Cat
3. to eats fish
a. Elephant b. Snake
c. Monkey d. Cat
4. It is very dangerous and has poison...... .
a. Snake
c. Lion
b. Monkey
d. Camel
5. lt is the king of the jungle...... .
a. Tiger
b. Giraffe
d. Lion
6. The bird that can deliverletter.. ..
a. Penguin
c. Rabbit
b. Pigeon
d. Cat
7. The animal that likes to eat banana.....
a. Monkey b. Elephant
c. Giraffe d. Horse
8. The long neck animal is......
a. Tiger
c. Cnnd
b. Cat
d. giraffe
9.'Thc long nose animal is...... .
a. Elephant b. Swan
c. Dog d. Octopus
J0. The animal which lives in north pole......
a. I:aglc
c. Turke·
b. Swan
d. Penguin
IL Match the left side of the following words into right side <::.:-<;-::~,,
!. T;gcc ( ) A. , ,
2. Crocodrle (
;j ~·1;)~~
4 I , ':. 1,
B &.·
:~~W,.J:i' . 1. V
'if v
3. Giraffe ( )
4. Elephant ( )
4 ... ' .
5. Jellyfish ( )
Post Test
I. Choose the right answer ofthe following questi. - 'crossing A, B, C or D
c. Horse ·
c. Snake d. Monkey·
3. It always makes a sound "Meow"?
a. Elephant b. Snake
c. Monkey d. Cat
4. What is the animal which likes to eat banana?
a. Snake
c. Lion
d. Camel
5. My ..... Born three little puppies
c. Snake
b. Dog
d. Lion
6. An.......has a big body, big ears and long nose
. a. Elephant b. Pigeon
c. Rabbit d. Cat
7. The bird has long leg and we usually see it at the beach?
a. Monkey
c. Giraffe
b. Elephant
d. Pinguin
8. This 11nilmil hus long neck imd moat lives in Arabic?
a. Tiger
c. Camel
b. Cat
d. giraffe
9. lt is a wild animal and likes to hunt another animal?
a. Elephant b. Lion
c.Dog d. Octopus
10. A.....can help people to send the letter
a. Eagle
c. Turkey
b. Swan
d. Penguin
IT. Match the left side of the following words into right side
1. Cat ( )
2. Crocodile ( )
3. rfiger ( )
4. Monkey ( )
5. Eagle ( )
Ill. Arrange the letters to be right words!
l.G··l-R-E-T (Harimau):
2. T - A - B - l - R -B (Kelinci):
3. H-E-R-0-S(Kuda):
4. K-E-M-0-N-Y (Monyet):
5.G-A-L-E-E (Elang):
a_) ~•

Nama Lembaga
Mata Pelajaran
: Smart Education Center (S.E.C)
: Pre Besic (Control Class)
: Bahasa lnggris
: Animal
: 90Menit
A Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum (TPU)
Siswa dapat menguasai kosakata dengan menggunakan kata yang tersedia.
B. Tujuan Pembelajara11 Khusus (TPK)
1. Siswa dapat menyebutkan nama-nama hewan dengan bahasa Inggris secara lisan.
2. Siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan guru tentang nama-nama hewan dengan
menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan lisan.
3. Siswa dapat menyusun kata-kata baru.
4. Siswa dapat mencocokkan kata-kata dengan gambar.
5. Siswa dapat mengucapkan kata-kata yang di ucapkan oleh guru.
C. Materi Pembelajaran (Terlampir)
D. Buku Panduan
E. Media Pembelajaran
Papan Tulis dan spidol
F. Kcgiatan Pembelajaran
I. Pendahuluan (25 ')
,.. Guru memberi salam dan bertegur sapa.
r Guru mengabsen kehadiran siswa.
,- Guru mengarahkan siswa pada topic yang akan dibahas dengan mengajukan
beberapa pertanyaan.
r Guru memberikan kertas latihan soal tentang materi yang akan di bahas.dan siswa
mengerjakannya dengan batas waktu 15 menit. (pre test)
).;.- Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran.
;;. Guru menjelaskan kepada siswa kegiatan yang akan meraka lakukan: mengbapal,
mengerjakan latihan.
2. Penyajian ( 60 ')
• Guru memperkenalkan nama-nama hewan dalam bahasa Inggris dengan
menulisnya di papan tulis.
• Guru mengajarkan bagaimana pengucapan nama-nama hewan dalam bahasa
Inggris dan di ikuti oleh seluruh siswa.
Pre Test
I choose the right answer of the following question by crossing A, B, C or D
1. lt eats carrot, what is it. ........ (Kelinci)
a. Penguin b. Rabbit c. Horse d. Tiger
2. It lives in desert........(Unta)
a. Camel b. Cat c. Horse d. Monkey
3. to eats fish (Kucing)
a. Elephant b. Snake c. Monkey d. Cat
4. It is very dangerous and has poison.......(Ular)
a. Snake b. Monkey c. Lion d. Camel
5. It is the king ofthe jungle.......(Singa)
a. Tiger b. Giraffe c. Snake d. Lion
6. The bird that can deliver letter. ....(Merpati)
a. Penguin b. Pigeon c. Rabbit d. Cat
7. The animal that likes to eat banana.....(Monyet)
a. Monkey b. Elephant c. Giraffe d. Horse
8. The long neck animal is...... (Jerapah)
. a. Tiger b. Cat c. Camel d. giraffe
9. The long nose animal is.......(Gajah)
a. Elephant b. Swan c. Dog d. Octopus
I0. The animal which lives in north pole...... (Pinguin)
a. Eagle b. Swan c. Turkey d. Penguin
II. Match the left side of the following words into right side
l. Tiger ( ) A. Uhur-ubur
2. Crocodile ( ) B. Jerapah
3. Giraffe ( ) C. Harimau
4. Elephant ( ) D.Buaya
5. Jellyfish ( ) E. Gajah
Post Test
I Choose the right answer ofthe following question by crossing A, B, C or D
1. What is the animal which has a Jong ear? (Kelinci)
a. Penguin Q. Rabbit c. Horse d. Tiger
2. What is the animal which has along body? (U1ar)
a. Camel b. Cat c.Snake d. Monkey
3. It always makes a sound "Meow"? (Kucing)
a. Elephant b. Snake c. Monkey d. Cat
4. What is the animal which likes to eat banana?
a. Snake b. Monkey c. Lion d. Camel
5. My .....Born three little puppies (Anjing)
a. Tiger b.Dog c. Snake d. Lion
6. An.......has a big body, big ears and long nose (gajah)
a. Elephant b. Pigeon c. Rabbit d. Cat
7. The bird has long leg and we usually see it at the beach?
a. Monkey b. Elephant c. Giraffe d. Pinguin
8. This animal has long neck and most lives in Arabic? (unta)
a. Tiger b. Cat c. Camel d. giraffe
9. It is a wild animal and likes to hunt another animal? (Singa)
a. Elephant b. Lion c. Dog d. Octopus
10. A.....can help people to send the letter
a. Eagle b. Swan c. Turkey
d. Penguin
II. Match the left side ofthe following words into right side
1. Cat ( ) A. Monyet
2. Crocodile ( ) B. Harimau
3. Tiger ( ) C. Kucing
4.Monkey ( ) D. Buaya
5. Eagle ( ) E. Elang
Nama Lembaga
Mata Pelajamn
: Smart Education Center (S.E.C)
: Pre Besic (Experiment Class)
: Bahasa Inggris
: Tools ofschool
: 90 Menit
A Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum (TPU)
Siswa dapat menguasai kosakata dengan menggunakan kata yang tersedia.
B. Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus (TPK)
I. Siswa dapat menyebutkan aama-nama buah dengan bahasa Iaggris secara lisan.
2. Siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan guru tentang nama-nama buah dengan
menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan lisan.
3. Siswa dapat menyusun kata-kata.
4. Siswa dapat mencocokkan kata-kata dengan gambar.
5. Siswa dapat mengucapkan kata-kata yang diucapkan oleh guru.
C. Materi Pembelajaran (Terlampir)
D. Buku Panduan
E. Media Pembelajaran
Word flashcard and Picture flashcard (Terlampir)
F. Kegiatan Pembelajaran
1. Pe11dah11lua11 (25 ')
r Guru memberi salam dan bertegur sapa.
r Guru mengabsen kehadiran siswa.
r Guru mengarahkan siswa pada topic yang akan dibahas dengan mengajukan
beberapa pertanyaan.
r Guru memberikan kertas latihan soal tentang materi yang akan di bahas.dan siswa
mengerjakannya dengan batas waktu .l5 menit. (pre test)
r Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran.
r Guru menjelaskan kepada siswa kegiatan yang akan meraka lakukan: menghapal,
menge~jakan latihan.
2. Penyqjian ( 60 ')
• Guru memperkenalkan nama-nama buah dengan menggunakan kartu yang mana
nama-nama buah tersebut telah terlampir di dalam kartu dalam bahasa Inggris
• Guru mengajarkan bagaimana pengucapan nama-nama buah dalam bahasa Inggris
dan di ikuti oleh seluruh siswa.
• Gurn memberikan pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan gambar yang ada di
• Guru mcmbcrikan flashcard kepada siswa, masill,g-masing 2 11ashcard,dan siswa
di haruskan menghapalkan kata-kata yang ada d:tlam flashcard tcrsebut.
• Guru mcngambil flashcard yang telah dibcrikan p:ida siswa selelah 5 mcnit
ditangan mcreka.
• Guru mcnanyakan pada masing-masing siswa ten!ang nanrn-nama buah apa s:ija
yang aJa pada flashcard yang ada pada tangan mereka.
• Guru mcmbagikan kembali flashcard kepada sisw11 dengan gambar yang bcrbcda,
dan siswa di haruskan menghapalkan kembali flashcard yang memiliki kata-kata
yang bcrbeda, clan seterusnya sampai semua siswa mendapatkan semua flash card.
• Guru memberikan pertanyaan kepada siswa secara kcseluruhan tcntang nama-
nurna buah dalam bahasa lnggris..Dan siswa di haruskun mcnjawab secara
• Guru memberikan kescrnpatan untuk bcrtanya kepada siswa.
• Guru mcmberikan soal-soal dalam kc1tas latihan yang bcrhubungan dcngan
matc:ri J kcpada siswa experiment class. (post test)
• Guru mcngumpLdkan pckci:jaan siswa.
3. l'llllllljJ (5 ')
Guru mcmnyakan pacla mereka apa yang sudah mcreka dapal dari apa yang tclah
rnert~ka pclajari.
Ciuru 111:.::ngakhiri pclajaran, dengan p~nutup sa!attt
G. W:rktu
(Lily Kar ilrn, S.pd)
: 25 M'enit
: 60 Menit
: 5 tv1enit
90 lv1enit
hkarta, Juni 2005
--------------- ~-
Pre Test
I choose the right answer ofthe following question by crossing A, B, C or D
I. The teacher writes on the........
a. Pencil
c. Black board
b. Ruler
2. l put the pencil in the........
a. Pencil b. Pen
c. pencil case d. Pencil sharpener
3_ The students write the exercise on the...... ~
a. Rubber
c. Blackboard
b. Book
d. Ruler
4. Nita sharpens the pencil using........
a_ Book b. Chalk
c. Pen d. Pencil sharpener
5. Rani erases the mistake note using..... .
a. Rubber
c. Chalk
b. Ruler
d. Book
6_ lbnu writes on the Blackboard using......
a. Chalk b. Pen
c. Pencil d. Ruler
7. Tomakealineweuse..... .
a. Book b. Rubber
c. Ruler d. Chalk
8. The.......teaches the student
a_ Dentist
c. Teacher
b. Nurse
d. Farmer
9. I buy a... __ the book shop
a. Chalk
c_ Pencil
b. Marker
d. Pen
I0. My sister writes using.. __ ._
a. Pencil
c. Pen
b. Chalk
II. Match the left side of the following words into right side
L Pencil (
2. Ruler (
3. Chalk ( )
4. Teacher ( )
5. Book ( )
Post Test
I. Choose the right answer ofthe following questiou by crossing A, B, C or D
l.T~e stud~nts write the letter with... ··/~/;:
a. Pencll b. Ruler . -~
c. Black board d. Pen
2. J put a........ in the pencil case
a. Pencil b.Pen
c. pencil case d. Pencil sharpener
3. There is a'. ..... on the wall
a. Rubber
c. Blackboard
b. Book
d. Ruler
4. Ami uses the sharpen her pencil
a. Book b. Chalk
c. Pen d. Pencil sharpener
5. My ...... is in the bag
a. Rubber b. Ruler
c. Chalk d. Book
6. Budi uses ...... to write on the blackboard
a. Chalk
c. Pencil
d. Ruler
7. The ...... stands in front ofthe class
a. Nurse
c. Ruler
b. Rubber
d. Teacher
8. a place for pencil and pen 1
a. Pen b. Ruler
c. Chalk d. Pencil case
9. Ida cleans the picture with......
a. Chalk b. Rubber
c. Pencil d.Pen
I0. Novi borrow make straight line ~ i·, , ; , , , , , , 1 J
a. Pencil
c. Pen
b. Chalk
II. Match the left side of the following words into right side
1. Rubber ( )
2. Pencil case ( )
3. Pencil Sharpener ( )
4. Teacher ( )
5. Chalk ( )
HJ. Arrange the letters to be right words!
2. U - B - E - R- B
4. R-E-A-C-H-T-E
A. f!ii·
. "-.:JS
Nama Lembaga
Mata Pelajaran
: Smart Education Center (S.E.C)
: Pre Besic (Control Class)
: Bahasa Inggris
: Tools of school
: 90Menit
A Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum (TPU)
Siswa dapat menguasai kosakata dengan menggunakan kata yang tersedia.
B. Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus (TPK)
I. Siswa dapat menyebutkan nama-nama alat-alat tulis dio sekolah dengan bahasa
Inggris secara lisan. .
2. Si'swa dapat menjawab pertanyaan guru tentang nama-nama alat-alat tulis di sekolah
dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan Iisan.
3, Siswa dapat menyusun kata.
4. Siswa dapat mencocokkan kata-kata dengan gambar.
5. Siswa dapat mengucapkan kata-kata yang diucapkan oleh guru..
C. Materi Pembelajaran (Terlampir)
D. Buku Panduan
E. Media Pembelajaran
Papan Tulis dan spidol
F. Kegiatan Pembelajaran
I.. Pendahu/uan (25 ')
,- Guru memberi salam dan bertegur sapa.
,. Guru mengabsen kehadiran siswa.
r Guru mengarahkan siswa pada topic yang akan dibahas dengan mengajukan
beberapa pertanyaan.
,. Guru memberikan kertas Iatihan soal tentang materi yang akan di bahas.dan siswa
mengerjakannya dengan batas waktu 15 menit. (pre test)
,. Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran.
r Guru mc1jelusk11n kepudii sisw11 kcginllm ynng nknn mernkn lukukun: menghoptll,
mengerjakan Iatihan.
2. Penyajian ( 60'.)
• Guru memperkenalkan nama-nama buah dalam bahasa Inggris dengan
menulisnya di papan tulis.
• Guru mengajarkan bagaimana pengucapan nama-nama buah dalam bahasa Inggris
dan di ikuti oleh seluruh siswa.
• Guru memberikan waktu kepada siswa untuk menghafal nama pekerjaan yang
telah ditulis dipapan tulis dalam waktu lO menit
• Guru memberikan pertanyaan kepada seluruh siswa yang bcrhubungan dengan
nama-nama pekerjaan dalam bahasa lnggris dan siswa di wajibkan menjawab
dengan scrempak tanpa melihat catatan mereka.
• Gum mcrnberikan kesempatan untuk bertanya kepada siswa.
0 Guru mcmbcrikan soal-soal dalam kertas Iatihan (post test) yang bcrhubungan
dengan materi · kepada siswa Khususnya contol class.
• Guru mcngumpulkan pekerjaan siswa.
3. Pe1111111p (5)
o Guru mcnanyakan pada mcreka apa yang sudah mereka dapat dari apa yang telah
n1crcka pclajari.
,·J Guru mcngakhiri pelajaran, dengan penutup salarn
G. Waktu
PendahuJ uan
(Lily Kart1 rn, S.pd)
: 25 M'enit
: 60Menit
: 5 Menit
90 Menit
Jakarta, Juni 2005
Pre Test
I choose the right answer of the following question by crossing A, B, C or D
I.The teacher write on the........(Papan tulis hitam)
a. Pencil b. Ruler c. Black board d.Pen
2. rput the pencil in the........(Tempat pensil)
a. Pencil b.Pen c. pencil case d. Pencil sharpener
3. The students write the exercise on the...... (Buku)
a. Rubber b. Book c. Blackboard d. Ruler
4. Nita sharpens the pencil using........(Peruncing pensil)
a. Book b. Chalk c.Pen d. Pencil sharpener
5. Rani erases the mistake note using...... (Penghapus)
a. Rubber b. Ruler c. Chalk d. Book
6. lbnu writes on the Blackboard using...... (Kapur tulis)
a. Chalk b.Pen c. Pencil d. Ruler
7. To make a line we use...... (Penggaris)
a. Book b. Rubber c. Ruler d. Chalk
8 The......teaches the student (Guru)
a. Dentist b. Nurse c. Teacher d. Farmer
9. J buy the book shop (PuJpen)
a. Chalk b. Marker c. Pencil d.Pen
10. My sister writes using......(Pensil)
a. Pencil b. Chalk c. Pen d.Ruler
ll. Match the left side of the following words into right side
I. Pencil ( ) A. Kapur
2. Ruler ( ) B. Buku
3. Chltlk ( ) C. Penggaris
4. Teacher ( ) D. PensiJ
5. Book ( ) E. Guru
Post Test
I. Choose the right answer ofthe following question by crossing A, B, C or D
The students write the letter with........(Pulpen)
a. Pencil b. Ruler c. Black board d. Pen
2. I put a........ in the pencil case (Pensil)
a. Pencil b. Pen
3. There is a ...... on the wall
a. Rubber b. Book
c. pencil case
(Papan tulis)
c. Blackboard
4. Ami uses the sharpen her pencil
a. Book b. Chalk c. Pen
5. My ...... is in the bag (Buku)
a. Rubber b. Ruler c. Chalk
6. Budi uses ...... to write on the blackboard
a. Chalk b. Pen c. Pencil
7. The ..... stands in front ofthe class (guru)
a. Nurse b. Rubber c. Ruler
d. Pencil sharpener
d. Ruler
(Peruncing pensil)
d. Pencil sharpener
d. Book
(Kapur tulis)
d. Ruler
d. Teacher
8. The....... is a place for pencil and pen (Tempat pensil)
a. Dentist b. Nurse c. Teacher d. Farmer
9. lda cleans the blackboard with...... (penghapus)
a. Chalk b. Rubber c. Pencil
10. Novi borrow make straight line
a. Pencil b. Chalk c. Pen
d. Pen
IL Match the left side ofthe following words into right side
1. Rubber ( ) A. Kapur
2. Pencil case
3. Pencil Sharpener
4. Teacher
5. Chalk
( )
( )
( )
( )
B. Penghapus
C. Rautan/peruncing pinsil
D. Tempat pensil
Ill. Complete the following words with suitable letters!
l. T R (Guru)
·- - - -- -
2. p N (Pensil)
- - -
3. R E (Penggaris)
4. () ]( (Buku)
5. B R (Penghapus)
Nama Lembaga
Mata Pelajaran
: Smart Education Center (S.E.C)
: Pre Besic (Experiment Class)
: Bahasa Inggris
: Occupation
: 90 Menit
A Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum (TPU)
Siswa dapat menguasai kosakata dengan menggunakan kata yang tersedia.
B. Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus (TPK)
l. Siswa dapat menyebutkan nama-nama pekerjaan dengan bahasa lnggris secara lisan.
2. Siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan guru tentang nama-nama pekerjaan dengan
menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan lisan.
3. Siswa dapat menyusun kata.
4. Siswa dapat mencocokkan kata-kata dengan gambar.
5. Siswa dapat mengucapkan kata-kata yang diucapkan oleh guru.
C. Materi Pembelajaran (Terlampir)
D. Buku Pandu.1n
E. Media Pembelajaran
Word flashcard and Picture flashcard (Terlampir)
F. Kegiatan Pembelajaran
I. l'endalwluan (25 ')
r Guru memberi salam dan berte1,>ur sapa.
r Guru mengabsen kehadiran siswa.
r Guru mengarahkan siswa pada topic yang akan dibahas dengan mengajukan
beberapa pertanyaan.
>- Guru memberikan kertas latihan soal tentang materi yang akan di bahas.dan siswa
mengerjakannya dengan batas waktu 15 menit. (pre test)
r Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran.
,- Guru menjelaskan kepada siswa kegiatan yang akan meraka lakukan: menghapal,
mengerjakan latihan.
2. Pe1zvaiia11 ( 60 ')
• Guru memperkenalkan nama-nama pekerjaan dengan menggunakan kartu yang
mana nama-nama pekerjaan tersebut telah terlampir di dalam kartu dalam bahasa
• . Guru mengajarkan bagaimana pengucapan nama-nama pekerjaan dalam bahasa
lnggris dan di ikuti oleh seluruh siswa.
•. Guru mernberikan pertanyaan yang berhubungan dcngan garnbar yang ada di
• Guru mcmberikan flashcard kcpada siswa, masing-masing 2 lfashcard,dan siswa
di haruskan mcnghapalkan kata-kata yang ada dalam flashcard tcrsebut
• Guru nrnngambil flashcard yang telah dibcrikan pad'1 siswa sctelah 5 menit
ditangan mcreka.
• Guru menanyakan pada masing-rnasing siswa tent<.ng nama-nama pckerjaan apa
saja yang ada pada flashcard yang ada pada tangan rnacka.
• Guru tncmbagikan kembali flashcard kepada siswa dcngan gambar yang berbeda,
dan siswa di haruskan menghapalkan kembali flashcard yang memiliki kata-kata
yang bcrbeda, dan sctcrusnya.sampai semua siswa mcndapatkan semua flash card.
• Guru 111c111bcrikan pertanyaan kepada siswa secara kesGluruhan tenlang nama-
nama pekerjaan dalam bahasa Jnggris..Dan siswa di harnskan menjawab sccara
• Guru mrn1bcrikan kesempatan untuk bertanya kGpada siswa.
• Guru membcrikan soal-soal dalam kertas latihan yang berhubungan dengan
matcri (occupation) kepada siswa experiment class. (post test)
• Guru mcngumpulkan pckerjaan siswa.
3. /'c1111111p (5 'j
Gurn mcnanyakan pada rnereka apa yang sudah m,;reka dapal dari apa yang tclah
1ncrcka pclajar-i.
'" Guru mengakhiri pclajaran, dcngan pcnutup salarn
: 25 ivt'cnit
• 6U Menit
• 5 '.v!cnit
90 1v!enit
Jakarta, Juni 2005
hairdresser nurse '
Pre Test
I. Choose the right answer of the following question by crossing A, B, C or D
1. lfwe are sick we go to.....
a. Dentist
c. Doctor
b. Nurse
d. Driver
2. My father is a.....
a. Sailor b. Pilot
c. Fanner d. Postman
3. A.......plant the tree in the garden l~·.···.
a. Fam1er b. fireman 'u ··. '
c. Nurse d. Teacher
4. She assists the doctor to help the patient....
a. Dentist
c. Doctor
b. Nurse
d. Pilot
5. He delivers letters everyday....
a. Fireman b. Postman _
c. Hairdresser d. F=er ..
6. My uncle is a taxi ...... (Supir)
a. Driver b. Pilot
c. Sailor d. Mechanic
7. He or she makes cloth for people......
a. Sailor b. Tailor
c. Farmer cl Teacher
8. Andi has toothache, so he goes to.......
a. Doctor
c. Ikntist
b. Nurse
d. Butcher
9. Ori want to cat her hair, she goes to..... .
a. Baker
c. Tailor
b. Hairdresser
cl Sailor
10. A ......sails in the sea
a. Pilot
c. Chemist
b. Tailor
cl Sailor
IL Match the left side ofthe following words into right side
!. Baker ( )
2. Architect ( )
3. Butcher ( )
4. Sailor ( ) D.
5. Driver ( ) E..
Post Test
l. Choose the right answer of the following question by crossing A, B, C or D
a. Dentist
L A ..... treats people who are ill or hurt
c. Doctor
b. Nurse
d. Driver
' A '"" ' boow"'' I~I
:~:;:::~r :::~:t~nan :~~-J
3. J .. ... .drives a car
a. Pilot
c. Sailor
b. Driver
d. Teacher
4. A .... looks a!kr people who are iIL
a. Dentist
c. Doctor
b. Nurse
d. Pilot
5. A ... fl ics an aeroplane
a. Fireman b. Postman
c. Pilot d. Sail.or
6. A.....teaches us in the class room
a. Teacher b. Pilot
c. Sailor d. Mechanic
7. A.....plants com in the field
a. Sailor
c. Fanner
b. Tailor
cL Teacher
8. Every day a.....always deliver mail
a. Doctor
c. Dentist
b. Nurse
d. Postman
9. A...... sells meat
a. Baker b. Butcher
c. Tailor d. Sailor
10. An.......designs buildings
a. Architect
c. Chemist
b. Tailor
d. Sailor
IL Match the kft side of the following words into right side
1. Teacher ( ) A.
2. Chemist ( )
3. Nurse ( )
4. Postman ( )
5. Architect
····-···---······· ·· 1
( )
III. Arrange the letters to be right words!
I.I - I R - S - 0 - L (Pelaut)
2. V - R - E - D - R-1 (Supir)
S ·· U R - E - N (Perawat)
.) .
4. 0 ·· H ··I - L -A- T (Penjahit):
5. T-0·-R-D-E-K (Dokter):
Nama J,cmb'·~:t
rvfata P~laj:1r .11
Tc!lla .
: Smart Education Center (S.E.C)
: Pre Besic (Control Class)
: I3ahasa fnggris
: Occupation
: 90 Menit
A Tujuan !'~mbc!ajaran lJmum (Tl'li)
Siswa dap,11 mcnguasai kosakata dengan mcnggunakan kata yang terscdia.
B. Tujuan I'cmbelajaran Khusus (TPK)
I. Siswa d:q1al mcnyebutkan nama-nmna pckerjaan dcngan bahasa lnggris secara lisan.
2. Siswa cfapat mcnjawab pcrtanyaan guru tentang narna-nama pckerjaan dengan
rncnggur:1kan bahasa Jnggris dcngan lisan.
.). Siswa ch ;1at rncnyusun kata.
4. Siswa dapat rnencocokkan kata-kata dengan t;<cmbar.
5. Siswa ,J:ipat mengucapk<tn kata-kata yang di ucapkan oleh guru.
C. Materi Pcmbelajaran (Terlampir)
D. Buku P:induan
E. Media l'cmbelajaran
Tulisan-tulisan yang berhubungan denga11 peketjaan
F. Kcgiatan Pembclajaran
!. l'enda/111/uun (25 ')
r Guru mcrnberi salam dan bcrtegur sapa.
,.. Guru rnengabsen kehadiran siswa.
,.. Guru mengarahkan siswa pada topic yang akan dibahas dengan mengaj ukan
beberapa pertanyaan.
r Guru mernberikan kertas latihan soal tentang materi yang akan di bahas.dan siswa
mengcrjakannya dengan batas waktu 15 menit. (pre test)
r Guru menjelaskan tujuan pcmbelajaran.
r Guru menjelaskan kepada siswa kegiatan yang akan meraka lakukan: menghapal,
mcngerjakan latihan.
2. !'enycy1a11 ( 60 j
• Guru mempcrkenalkan nama-nama pckerjaan dalam bahasa Inggris dengan
menulisnya di papan tulis.
• Guru mengajarkan bagaimana pengucapan nama-nama pekerjaan dalam bahasa
lnggris dan di ikuti oleh seluruh siswa.
• Guru mcrnberikan waktu kcpada siswa unluk menghafal nama kcndaraan yang
telah ditulis dipapan tulis dalam waktu 1.0 mcnit
• Guru rncmberikan pertanyaan kcpada selumh siswa yang bcrhubw1gan dengan
nan1:1-n:11na kcndaraan dalarn bahasi1 lnggris dan slsva di Vajibkun 1ncnja'al)
dengan ::.::r~n1rx1k tanpa n1clihat catatan 1ncr~:~~L
v Guru 1: .• ,;flcribn kcscmpatan untuk bcrt:mya kep:.!da sisI'.::.
Guru r;;.. ;11bcriL:rn soal-soal daL1111 kcrtas btibn (post ksi) yang berhubung;in
dl'.nI7:.H1 i:;:iteri (occup:.ltion) kcpada sis,va }:hususnya conlol c~1s:s.
Guni tfa:;1"urnrulkan pckcrj:ian siswa.
3. /-:11111111) (:i ';
u Guru 11:·..')lanyakan pada incrcka apa yang sudnh n1ercka dapat dari apa yang tclah
1ncrcka r-.~!aj<iri .
._:) Cluru ni,::igaklliri pehjaran, dcngan pcnu1up..salan1
Pcnya_i i~u1
't•,[i'[' l;'' '1,., ,.
I ·1 l - .I .,
( ..1y ~nrl1 ;.a, S.pd)
: 25 h·1~1lil
: 60 ivknit
: 5 Menit
90 !vkr1it
Jakarta, Juni :2005
Pre Test
Na n1c:
I Choose the right answer ofthe following question by crossing A, B, C or D
l. If WC arc sick WC go to.....(Dokter)
a. l)cntist b. Nurse c. Doctor d. Driver
2. My father is a...... (Pilot)
a. Sailor b. Pilot c. Farmer d. Postman
3. A.......plant the tree in the garden (Petani)
a. Farn1cr b. firerna.n c. Nurse d. Teacher
4. She assists the doctor to help the patient.. ...(Pcrawat)
a. Dentist b. Nurs.-: c. Doctor d. Pilot
5. He delivers letters everyday.....(Tukang pos)
a. Fireman b. Postman c. Hairdresser d. Farmer
6. lvly uncle is a taxi...... (Supir)
a. Driver- b. Pilot c. Sailor d. Mechanic
7. I le or she makes cloth fi:.1r people...... (Tubngjahit)
a. Sailor b. Tailor c. Fani1er d. Teacher
8. Andi has toothache, so he goes to.......(Dokter gigi)
a. Doctor b. Nurse c. Dentist d. Butcher
9. Ori want to cat her hair, she goes to.......(Tukang cukur)
a. Baker b. Hairdresser c. Tailor d. Sailor
10. A.......sails in the sea (Pelaut)
a. Pilot b. Tailor c. Chemist d. Sailor
II. Match the left side of the following words into right side
l. Baker ( ) A. Tukang daging
2. Architect ( ) B. Tukang Roti
3. Butcher ( ) C. Pelaut
4. Sailor ( ) D. Supir
5. Driver ( E. Arsitck
Post Test
~--~~,,,,,,,,=""~-~~~-=-=-=·= ~~·~-~-~-~-~""""""""""""~"""'~""""~~""""'~"""""""'"""""
I. ('.hoi 1 ~;e tLc ri~~lit anS·t'r of the follo·,·ing question by crPssing }'-,I{,(.: or L)
, . treats p•:opk who aTL'. ill Or hurt
a. l)cnlist b. I~--Uf.SC c. Doctor
1 A ...... sailaboatorship (l'claut)
a. Sailor b. Piiot c. Farn1cr
3. i .... ..drives a car (Supir)
a. Pilot b. r:~ivcr c. Sailor
d. Drive<'
d. Postman
d. Tcachc:r
~. , .... looks aJkr pcrp!.e who are ill. (Pcrawat)
a. Dentist c. Doctor cl. Pilot
5. A ... flies an acropl:one. (l'cnc.rbang)
a. Fircn1an b. Pbsunan c. Pilot rl. Sailor
6. A.....teaches us in t'1cclass f(VJm (gurn)
c. Sailor d. Mechanic
7. A..... rlants corn inrhe:fiehl
a. Sailor b. 'falror c. Farmer d. Teacher
8. l'.vc:ry day a .....ah:n:~;sdcliver mail (Tukang pos)
a. Doctor c. Dentist d. Postman
9. A...... sells .meat (Tukang daging)
a. Baker b. Butcher c. Tailor d. Sailor
l0. An.......designs OOildings
a. Architect b. Tailor c. Chemist d. Sailor
11. Match the left side oftfre following words into right side
1. Teacher (, ) A. Tuk<mg pos
2. Chemist ( ) B. Perawat
" Nurse ( ) C. Arsitck
4. Postman ( ) D.Gurn
5. Architect f ) E. Ahli kimia
HI. Complete the following words with suitable letters!
I. s R (Pelaut)
2. T I (Penjahit)
- ---
' D v (Supir)
4. N s (Perawat)
-- -
5. D T (Dokter Gigi)
Nania J__,crnbaga
Mata Pclajaran
: Smart Education Center (S.E.C)
: Pre Besic (Experiment Class)
: Bzhasa fnggris
: Trnnsportation
: 90 Menit
A Tujuan Pcmbclajanrn Um um (TPll)
Siswa dapal mcnguasai kosakata dengan mcnggunakan kata yang tersedia.
B. Tujuan Pcmhclajanrn Khusus (TPK)
I. Siswa dapat menyebutkan nama-nama kendaraan dengan bahasa lnggris secara lisan.
2. Siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan guru tentang rnuna-nama kcndarnan dcngan
mcnggunakan bahasa lnggris dengan lisan.
3. Siswa dapat mcnyusGn kata.
-!. ·siswa dapat mencocokkan kata-kata dengan gambar.
5. Siswa dapat mengue<!pkan kata-kata yang diucapkan olch guru.
C. Matcri Pcmbclajaran (Terlampir)
D. Buku J>ancluan
E. Media .Pembelajaran
Word flashcard (Terlampir)
F. Kcgiatan Pemhelajarna
1. I'endahuluan (25 ')
,- Guru memberi salam dan bertegur sapa.
r Guru mengabsen kehadiran siswa.
r Guru mengara11kan siswa pada topic yang akan dibahas dengan mengajukan
beberapa pertanyaan.
r Guru memberikan kertas latihan soal tentang materi yang akan di balms.dan siswa
mengerjakannya dengan batas waktu 15 menit. (pre test)
r Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran.
,- Guru menjelaskan kepada siswa kegiatan yang akan meraka lakukan: menghapal,
mengerjakan latihan.
2. Penyaiian ( 60 ')
• Guru memperkenalkan nama-nama kendaraan dengan menggunakan kartu yang
mana nama-namakendaraan tersebut telah terlampir di dalam kartu dalam bahasa
• Guru mcngajarkan bagaimana pengucapan nama-nama kendaraan dalam bahasa
lnggris dan di ikuti oleh seluruh siswa.
• Gurn mernbcrikan pertar1yaan yang berhubungan dengan garnbar yang ada di
• Guru memberikan flashcard kepada siswa, masing-masing 2 flashcard,dan siswa
di haruskiln menghapalkan kata-kata yang ada dalam flashcard tersebut.
• Guru mengarnbil flashcard yang te!ah diberikan pada siswa sctclah S mcnit
ditangau n1crcka.
Q C-iuru inen:1nyakar1 pada n1asing-111asing sisva tcntang na1na-n~11na kendaraan apa
saja yang ada pada flashcard yang ada pada tangan mercka.
o Guru mcmbagikan kcmbali l1ashcard kcpada siswa dengan gambar yang berbcda,
dan siswa di haruskan menghapalka:n kembaJi flashcard yang rncmiliki kata-kata
yang bcrbcda, dan seterusnya sampai semua siswa mendapatkan semua flash card.
" Guru m.:rnbcrikan pertanyaan kep::ida siswa secara kescluruhan tentang nama-
narna kendaraan dalam bahasa lnggris..Dan siswa di haruskan mcnjawab sccarn
0 Guru 1ncmberibn kcscmpatan unluk ber1anya kepada siswa.
• Guru rnembcrikan soal-soal dalam ke1tas latihan yang berhubungan dengan
rnakri (transport<ttion) kepacla siswa e:q1<.:rinient class. (post test)
ei (Juru n1l:ngu1npufk;:u1 pckcrjaan sisv.a.
3. }'nUll!/) (5 '.J
o Guru rncnanyabn pada mereka apa yang sudah rnercka dapal dari apa yang tclah
rnereka pelajari.
C!uru 1nL:11gakhiri pckijaran, clc:n~~~111 .rx;nutup sa!a111
G. W:ddu
(Lily Kar ika, S.pd)
: 25 lknit
: 60 Menit
: 5 Menit
90 lvknit
.lakai1a, .itu1i 2005
'lAI I 111..,-
I11--•; r·1 b
/___:.:._< ' I -
,n (yi·or('yci n g
t •• ~1 t. ~ _,,. _, l ~~ .!!.
Pre Test
1 choose t" d;)1t answer of the following question by crns<:'g A, B, C or D
1. My Lihc:r drives ....... to office
a_ 1k, ic:optcr b_ Lorry
d. Car
2. Wlui ;, "Motor" in English"
a. IL:l'ck b. Bus
/ ... .
3. I go t,' school b~y... ···®9Y~·~
a. f:; " b. Car
d. MotorcYcic
4. We~- 1 to Australia by...... -~"';:?
a. I! :icopter b. Aeroplane <~~
c. T:,:i11 <l. Ship "·
5. It is :r,· long transportation, what is i'1 It is....... --- 1
b. Taxi
c. S!:ip d. Lorry
6. We 1 i:;it botanical garden by using....... rr-"•"''';(;;:-.,;,::~ 
a_ Tc:in b. Lorry (E':··&/ ,0 i
c_ b: -.·1·c]e d. Bus
' -,
7. My father will buy a .. _... for my brother's birthday, ;-;!!'.~~,-,).·:=,,,_y_;_•'
'_'~.' i,
a. h 'otorcycle b_ bicycle ., . __ ,-_o -
c. Helicopter d. Lorry
8. l see a ...... in the sea
a. Ship b. Train
c. Helicopter d. Lorry
9. A driver drives a....... carefully
a. Taxi b.Bus
c. Pedicap d. Carriage
10. P-0-1-L-C-E-R-T-H
a. Aeroplane b. Police car
c. Ambulance d. Helicopter
/,-)(-~'{~- ~'
:~ 6;~~-:~'~~:"·
II. Match the left side of the following words into right side
J. Lorry (
2. Aeroplane (
3..Ambulance (
4. Ship (
5. Bicycle (
;;._ J'
- ; i i(;S <J.11
Post Test
·:c.:uptcr b. L,orry
d. Aeroplane:
b. Bus
c. :-. ,'_i_I, i_:ycc d. Taxi
b. Car
d. Motorcycle
. ~l. i·-l:~ ,. ~;;_·c.:r just carne fro1n Suranaya by ...
~-: ..:::copter b. Aeroplane
c. , '"'" d. Ship
5. ·r11e ~<<-1~:cnts are traveling 1nu:::.eun1
b. Taxi
d. Lorry
6. ___ --·. Brings sick people to hospital iitJ.
c. b1..:: c!c d. Ambulance
7. Cbris:orher Columbus sailed by... ··- to discover a new Jami -'"'·"··
b bicvcle
• 0
c. Helicopter d. Lorry
:J'.. My brother buys a new ...... from Suzuki show room
b. bicycle
d. r-.·1otorcyclc
.. to pick them up rnm1 the ho:~J
h. 13us
JL.'.ltrl:.a1ch the i·~·~·- ~ide of the folloving 'vor<ls into right side
( )
.:.• ..t/f.'.li fl (
..'.!..;Ship (
5.. N!otorcyclc (
l!!L.litnange the letters to be right words!
Y. N - I -- T ·- A - R
., H·-1 ···l'-S
:r. 1-X-T--A
i E-N-A-L-E-R-0-P-A
S. R- C-A
A. G'-'.)
c. f;..•
:vrata Pclajar. ,J
: Smart Education Cc:::;:r (S.E.C)
: Pre Bcsic (Control C! :~:s)
: 8ah3sa rnggris
: Transportation
: 90 Mcnit
_ Tujuan Fc.•1:1dajaran Umum (Tl'li)
Sisva <lap::· 1n·-..:nguasai kosakata dcngan 1n~nggunaka:n k~ita yang h~rse·Jj~l.
l3. Tujuan l'emklajaran Khusus (TPK)
I. SrS'iJ d:•:':!! rn~nycbutkan nan1a-na1n~1 kc:1daraan dcnc.:!n bahas_a lng.gris scc:{ra lisan.
2. Sisva <.:._-;~~ n1cnjavab ~rtanyaan gurl! l('ntang nan1a-r1an1a kcndard:~n d1
rn-~nggu;·:::1~:n bahasa Inggris dcngan li:<:'i.
3. S1s1:a d.::',1
.: 1nc:nyusun kata.
.+. Siswa ci:•;coil rncncocokkan kata-kata dc11:::in gambar.
5. SiS'a 1..L'.1.':-~t inengucapkan kata-kata yan2 t~lah diucapi~an ol~h guru.
£. M:1tcri l'c'ii1:1dajaran (Tcrlampir)
l~.. ~redia i»::-dn~lajaran
'ord Card
F. I1
:cgi.atan !'enibelajarau
I. l'<'mfah1n'uu11 (25 ')
,- Guru mc:111beri salam dan bertegur S:ti'l!.
r Guru mcngabsen kehadiran siswa.
r Guru rncngarahkan siswa pada topic·yang akan dibahas dengan mengaj ukan
bcbcr;ipa pcrtanyaan.
,.. Guru mcmberikan kertas latihan soal tcntang materi yang akan di lJahas.dan siswa
men'°crjakannya dengan batas waktu 15 menit. (pre test)
r Guru mc:njelaskan tujuan pembelajr;ran.
r Guru menjelaskan kepada siswa kegiatan yang abn meraka lakrn:an: menghapal,
111en;;,:i:iakn11 lalihan.
2. l'en1'£1ii.111 ( (;{) ')
• Guru mcmperkenalkan nama-nama kcndaraan dahcrn bahasa Inggris dengan
rnenulirnrn di papan tulis.
• Guru mcngajarkan bagaimana penguccpan nama-mma kendaraar.i dalam bahasa
lngg: is cLm di ikuti oleh seluruh siswa.
• Guru mcmbcrikan waktu kepada siswa untuk mcnghafal nam:1 buah yang telah
ditu!is dipapan tulis dalarn waktu JO mcnit
~ (/uni rn,.:rnb~rikan pc:rtanyaan kcpada sGluruh sisv1a yang b~rh111-"ungan dL~ngan
n:~;r::1-n:;n1;1 liuJh dalan1 bal1asa 1nggris dan sisva di '~1jibk:1n n·:cnjaV:tb dcngan
SL'1-.:1:1p::L t::i~p:: n11.:ld1:1t catatan 111crc!:a.
" Ciui u 11:,:!.1b1.·.rik~:n k,..:~;~111pata11 untuk bcn::11y;1 kcp:ichi si:~va_
.., (Ju cu 1·11,,·!:-ih(:riLan S.):d-soal dala111_Lt'.rt::1s !:1til~;1n (post lL:st) y:ii~ ;; bcrhubung~n
dc:i.-i•-'L'! 1::::1~-ri ) kc·rx1da sis'"'a Khususnya contnl c!as::;_
Ciu:·i_J tl'.,_:t1~~l:!ttpulka:1 p<..'.kt.;tjaan sisv~t.
3. J·11:1.'." ....' (."'" ';
(~l 1 ~:i 11: ..·n:::·::-·::·:~:111 p;1(!:1 1nc~rL'.k~1 ~:pa y;1ng :;ud;1h 1111..
.:rLk:i d;1;x!.t t::n·i ;,1pa yang lt..:L.t:·1
Pcndahu!i 1::: 1
tLily l:irlib, S.pd)
: ~5 ivl'cnit
·{JO ~cnit
(D wih :Jrtat i)
Pre Test
i.bll~.HlS(~ the r: r'.,l ansvver of the follov,·lng question by crossing A, Ii, c: or})
"i. My i';i:i' r drives ofllcc (Mobil
~- l k: r :. ;''er b. Lorry
.:.'.-'hat r; · k1tor"' in English"
C. Ship d. Car
b. Bus c. Motorcycle d. Taxi
3: [ c'" td "'"'by...... (Sepeda)
b. Car c. bic·clc
' ·c ,,,. · i-.ustralia by.....(l'csawat)
a. f-b :c ·;'ccr b. Aeroplane c. Train
d. Motorcycle
d. Ship
5~ lt is vcr' l•rng transportation, what is it0 lt is........(Kereta)
b. Taxi c. Ship d. Lorry
'Y:. ~ '"l : -,r.::=inical gardi;n by using __ .....(l3is)
b. Lo1Ty c. bicycle d. Bus f;,· : '"ill buy a ...... for my brother's birthday (Motor)
Ycle b. bicvcle c. Hcl icoptcr d. Lorry
in the sea (Kapa! laut)
b. Train c. l!clicortcr d. Lorry
l. A elm : ,_,:11·cs a.. . . careCully (taxi)
a. I ;t 1 b. Bus c. Pedicap d. Carriage
i.O. l' · 1 l ··I - L - C- E- R- T - H
a. !emplane b.Police car c. Ambulance d. Helicopter
illl.!latch 1he left side of the following words into right side
.:~~1.:e:ropla r;c (
A. Motor
B. Becak
C. Lorri
D. Pesawat
E. Pedati
Post Test
'-"'""-""'"'-""""~'-''''""'''· ,.,..·-··--·--·-·-········-·-·-..~-----··-""' ~-·=-===~""""""""""""
c. Ship
b. Eus c. iv1otorcycle d. ·ra:--:i
• I (b1cr dri1·cs a ........ (mohi!J
b. C"r c. bicyck d. iviu~urcyclc
•. The students arc traveling by museum (bis)
b. Taxi c. Bus d. Lorry
c'. . .... Brings sick pcopk to hospital (Arnbulan)
a. l rain b. Lorry c. bicyck
.. Christoph.:r Columbus sailed bl' ..... to discover a ne1v land (kapal laut)
a. Ship b. bicycle: c. Helicopter d. Lorry
~;. ly brother bu:ys a nc'. ...... frorn Suzuki shOV roon1
b. bicycle c. Hel icoptcr d. Motorcycle
9. The tourist call the... .to pick them up from the hotel (Taxi)
b. Bus c. Pedi cap d. Carriage
10. The. .... sound the sirenc
a. Aeroplane b.Police car c. Ambulance d. Helicopter
i!V!atch the lcrt side of the following words into right i.ide
T,;,.An1bulance ( ) A Se;)cda
:::.· E-!cvclc ( ) 13. f1o:-or
2~Iw1n ( ) c. AmbuIan
~LShip ( ) D. Kcreta api
III. Complete the following words with suitable letters!
1. s p (Kapa! laut)
T x (Taksi)
' M E (Sepeda Motor)
·'· -· -----
-1. 11 (' R (I lclikoplcr)
), i p (Pesawat)
Table IV.
The Pre-test Score of Control Class IY1)
... Stude~-t--;-·1" Meeting I2"" Meeting I3"' Meeting 41
" Meeting J
' (A) I CB) ! ( c) (D) I
I I I 4
--·ss--r- 60 I 66 70
·-··-_·-:2..····.···········+ !'JQ___L---~---I 5s LI_4_0__~162,75
3 55 I 50 I 49 58 3
··..··.~_:i:·. • • - r n 50 55 -r--· 49 6~ J 54 25
--- --------------
6·---- -------··
7 i
45 I
! .............l ,
50 I 55 57 I 51,75
·······---r 1
58 62 69 I 62,5
50 58 60
60 i 65 69
58 I 70 ' 62 78 67
49 69 I
69 57 61
____________ _,_ _ _..!..____
The Post-test Score of Control Class (Y2)
.... Stu·d~~;;·-r I" Meeting
J 60
5 50
J 211
J Meeting I
I (B) I
! 59 I
3ra Meeting
( c)
! 60 .L 62
l 58 i 55
60 I 70
I 57
I 65
69 60
4 'Meeting
70 I
65 i 61,75
63 ! 59
69 64,75
50 I 55,5
70 !
?9····1·· . -- -----·------
·+ ------·----- ·--------- ----------------- ..L. --------~---------
)8 ; 69 I 69 63 I 64,75
}i5 --~-_§2_--l 63 60 59,5
60 65 I 72 75 68
)3 ·-1=_§9__
_J __ 70 65 64,5
Table VI
_'}'l1~!'j~C.~r.~~t Sc()re °iLg11.e.iillleJ!i Cl':s (~L_.
1_ .... . _
I" Meeting
2'" Meeting i 3" Jl.,leeting 4 Meeting
(A) I (B) I ( c) (D) l±Tl-1:;'.+d
' I 1 •I
·····-· ·······r······-·-······--······· ··-··-·r-···-···--····-
63 ! 59 i 73 60 I 63,75
49--·T··--33···- l 65 i 55 I 50,5 I
58 51 1, 60 ;___49__ 1 54,~_
62 --~-l 69 I 68 , 64,75 ·1
75 69 I 77 . 74 I 73,75 ]
_____6 -
__._-___ ·-~- ~;--~=r----~;
1-~---F 6
~ - --------1 -------i------+------t-----------<t----6--c-4~,5--j
, ----<--)-- ----- · -;~ i ~~ l ~~ I ~~
1---------- ------------
; l0 60 65 60 69
' ------- -- --- -
Table VU
The Post-test Score ofEx11eriment Class (X2)
-!-;;-Meeting I2'"1
Meeting I 3'° Meeting 4"' Meeting I IX2~
(A) I (B) I (c) (D)
A +!l-+C-hJ
I 4
76 ! 68 I 86 75 I
-- __,__ - I
' -
62 I
51 I
83 74 I 67,5
68 I
62 I
77 77 71
I ! I
60 I
73 I 75 78 71,5
70 I 77 ! 79 80 76,5
I 7l I 76 83 75,25
73 60
78 75 71,5
~ --
I 4
; 5
r----~----- -------------r--
' 6
' 7
r 8 -
l 9
S lfY:I Ill rl
U'et Snuilirt Wilh Us
Ketua Yayasan S.E.C, Villa Mutiara - Ciputat dengan ini menerangkan bahwa:
Nama : Dwi Hartati  c. v1
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: 00014000382 I) 1.()1
: IX
: B. Inggris I Tarbiyah
: Jln. Kecubung Raya block GG No.19 RT 003/02
Villa Mutiara - Ciputat
Dengan ini memberitahukan bahwa, yang bersangkutan telah melakukan penelitian
(Research) di S.E.C. Jombang- Ciputat sarnpai dengan selesai.
Bidang penditian dalam rangka penyelesaian Skripsi yang berjudul: "USING PI(:;"'TUR.E
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Sava yang berlanda tangan di bawah ini:
: 0014000382
: IJ111u Tarbiyah dan Pendidikan
: Bahasa Inggris
Dengan 111i 111engajukanjudul skripsi "Using Pictures in Teaching Vocabulary"
A case study at S.E.C (Smart Education Center) Jombang Ciputat Dan bersamaan
ini saya lampirkan:
1. Outline
2. Abstraksi
3. Daftar pustaka sementara
De111ikian permohonan ini saya sampaikan, semoga Bapak berkenan menerima
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mengucapkan banyak terimakasih.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.
Kotun .Jurusan Bahasa Jnggris
Drs. Nasrun Mahmud, M.pd.
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Fakultas !!mu Tarhiyah dan !-;cguruan
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Kami mengharapkan kcsediaan Saudara untuk mcmpapan.1ang v,aktu
llimbingan I/II (materi/teknis)*) penulisan skripsi mahasiswa:
No. Pokok
: 0014000382
.ludul Skripsi
: Pendidikan Bahasa Jnggris
:"Using Picture in Teaching Vocabulary··
Penulisan skripsi mahasiswa tersebut telah habis batas waktu yang telah
ditcntukan sejak 21 Desember 2004 dan diperpanjang sampai dengan tanggal
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Demikianlah, atas kescdiaan Saudara kami ucapkan tcrirna kasih.
Wassalarnu'alaikum wr. wb.
''en1busan :
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. Mahasiswa yang bcrsangkutan
) coret yang tidak pc'rlu.
a.n. Dekan

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  • 1. ' -- / ~t C I USING PICTURE IN TEACHING VOCABULARY (A Case Study at Sn;iart Education Center (SEC) Villa Mutiara, Jornbang- Ciputat) .:/ _1 j-1n - L>> This Paper Has fulfilled The Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana (SI) At The English Department the Faculty of Education By: DWIHARTATI NIM. 0014000382 ! ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF TARBIYA AND TEACHERS TRAINING SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY JAKARTA 2005 MI 1426 H
  • 2. USING PICTURE IN TEACHING VOCABULARY (A Case Study at Smart Education Center (SEC) Villa Mutiara, Jorn hang Ciput:lli APaper Presented to The Faculty ofTarbiyah and Teachers Training Jn Partial Fulfillm.:nl nCThe Requirement for The Degree of Sarjana (31 ) By: !)Wl HJ},J(l:iTl NIM.0014000382 Advisor: NIP. l50 244 682 ENGLISH DEPARTJYf.ENT FACULTY OF TARRIYAH. AND TEACHERS Ti<iAlNING SYAHJ.F HTDAYATULLAH STATE JSLAJ'vHC UN!VERSrf':/ J.~ F <, ·~··r ' J ,.a..M.N. KA 2005 1'l / 1425
  • 3. LEGALIZATION OF EXAMINATION C0i1MITTEE A skripsi titled ~using Picture in Teaching Vocabulary (A Case Study at Smart Education Center Villa Mutiara Jombang, Ciputat)" was examined at the examination session pf the faculty of Tarbiyah of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta on October 10, 2005. This skripsi has fulfilled the requirement for the det,>ree of Sarjana (SI) at the English Department. Jakarta, October I0, 2005 Examination Committee The Read of Committee The Secretary of Committee Examiner I ~ Mas'ud Mada, M.A NIP. 150012951 r.HAziz.Fahrurrozi M..A. NIP. 150 202 343 ~-----.... Dr;.Sya { M.Pd. NIP. 150 246 289
  • 4. ACKNOWLEDGMENT In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful Praise be to Allah, the lord of the universe, peace and blessing be upon prophet Muhammad saw. Alhamdulillah, the writer has finished her skripsi, entitled: "Using Picture in Teaching Vocabulary". The primary aim of writing this skripsi is to complete a partial fulfillment ofrequireme)its for sarjana degree in the Faculty ofTarbiyah This Skripsi could not be completed without a great deal of help from many people, especially Drs. Syauki M.Pd, as advisor who always guides and suggest the writer to make a good skripsi, from the beginner until he end. Fmihermore, it is pleasant task for her to extend this acknowledgement to: 1. Prof Dr. Dede Rosyada M.A., the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher's Training. 2. Drs. Nasrun Mahmud M.Pd., the Head of English Department, and Drs. Syauki M.Pd the Secretary of English Depaiiment and her advisor, who had given her valuable advice to the writer. 3. All Lecturers in English Department, who had given motivation and support 4. The Staff and Officers of Libraries UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, British Council and Atma Jaya, who had given permission to use their books. 5. Drs. Subarja, The Head of Smart Education Center (S.E.C), and Mrs Lily Kartika S.Pcl, who had given permission to research.
  • 5. 6. Her Family, exactly her Father (Kasimo), her Mother (Suharmi), and her Brother (Aris, lyut, and Fajar), and my adopted father Vinod Jayashinge who had given their materials and support. 7. Her Boss (Djupri and Family) who had given permission to completed her Skripsi. 8. The writer does not forget to say thanks to Akim and his family, Nana, Dina, Aam and her family, Chaira Saidah, Risnawati, Dayat, Novi, Faris, Opunk, Ruslan, Teguh and all of her wonderful friends of the English Department 2000. May Allah Bless, Protect and Guided them all, Amin. Jakarta, June 2005 The writer
  • 6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TABLE OF CONTENT UST OF TABLES TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 111 v «._A. Background of the Study......................................... 1 .A'.: B. L)mitation and Formulation of the Study..................... 2 C. Statement of the Problem,<..................................... 3 D. Objectives of the Study .......................................... 3 E. Method of the Study ............................................ 3 F. Hypothesis ... G. Orgapization of the Study. CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK /. PICTURES I. The Meaning of Picture .............................. . The Types of Picture ...................................... . 4 4 6 7 3. The Use of Pictures......................................... 11 ..f. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Pictures 12 13. VOCABULARY I. The Meaning of Vocabulary ................................ The Types of Vocabulary ................................... 3. The Use of Vocabulary ...................................... 14 16 17
  • 7. C. TEACHING VOCABULARY BY USING PICTURE... 18 CHAPTER III: RESEARCH .METHODOLOGY AND FINDING A. Research Methodology L The Purpose of111e Research ...... ...... ... ... ...... ..... 2 l 2. Place and Time of Study ... .. . ... .. .... ... .. .... .. .. ... .. .. 21 3. Population and Sample .... .. ... .. ... . ... ... ...... .. .. .. .... 21 4. Instrument of Research ....................................... 21 5. Technique of Data Taking ........ .'......................... 22 6. Technique ofData Analysis ................................ 23 B. Research Finding I. Description ofData .......................................... 24 2. Analysis ofData .............................................. 27 3. Interpretation ofData ........................................ 28 4. Discussion of Finding ....................................... 29 CHAPTER IV: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion .. _.......................... _.. _.............. _...... .... 30 t3 Suggestion .......................................................... 30 BIBLIOGRAPHY. APPENDIX ··············-· ··············································· 31 33
  • 8. LIST OF TABLES Table[: The Result of Control Class (Y).................................. ............ 24 Table ll: The Result of Experiment Class (X)... .................................... 25 Table III: The Comparison ofX and Y............................................... 25 Table IV: The Pre-Test Score of Control Class (Y1) ................................. 83 Table V: The Post-Test Score of Control Class (Y2) ............................... 83 Table lV: The Pre-Test Score of Experiment Class (X1)-.......................... 83 Table V: The Post-Test Score of Experiment Class (X2)............................. 84
  • 9. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study English as a language for international communication is clearly needed by many learners to deliver thoughts and interact in a variety of situation, as for foreign travel, business or other professional reasons in Indonesia. English is one of international languages, which takes the widest range of usage. English is used in many fields such as in politics, economics, social and education. In education field English is a main subject, which must be learnt from kindergarten up to university level. Generally, English is still considered as a difficult subject for the Indonesian students because English is completely different from lndoncs1an language in the systems of strncture, pronunciation and vocabulary. Vocabulary is one of the important aspects in teaching language, besides grammar and pronunciation, as stated by Edward in his book "Vocabulary is one important factor in all language teaching, student must continually be learning words as they learn structure and as they practice the sound system."1 Therefore, the English teachers have to be able to organize teaching learning activities. They have to give materials by using a suitable technique and master the sub.1ect matter. A good technique may make students understand and master the lesson. 1 Edward David Allen and Rebecca M. Vallete, Classroom Technique: Foreign langtmge and !oi1gl1sh as Second Language (New York; Harcourt Brave Javanovich l977) p.149.
  • 10. 2 Asking children to memorize words with their meaning is usually ineffective, sometimes children remember their meaning for a short period of time, and moreover they forget with the meaning. To give solution of this problem, the writer gives an alternative technique to enrich student's vocabulary by using pictures. Because the picture ean direct the student see and speak about object from elementary school until university, especially when the students are taught using English as ·medium of instruction and communication. Another reason for using picture in teaching vocabulary is that the picture is effective and helpful in teaching learning process, so the students became easier in understanding and studying English especially in studying vocabulary, and it may save valuable classroom time in teaching learning process. B. Limitation and Formulation of the Study I. L1111//ation ofthe problem To avoid misunderstanding and to clarify the problem, it is necessary to make limitation of the problem. The writer will limit the problem in using picture in teaching vocabulary especially in noun and verb. 2. Formulation <>lthe problem The formulation of the problem is: "which one is more effective in using picture or without picture in teaching vocabulary"
  • 11. 3 C. Statement of the Problem The writer conducts the study to reveal whether usmg the pictures has influence on teaching vocabulary. The problem of statement of the study is formulated as follows: How effective is teaching vocabulary using pictures? D. Objectives of the Study The objectives of the study are, firstly, to encourage the use of pictures in teaching vocabulary to basic level students, and secondly, to help students learning vocabulary better with the use of pictures. E. Method of the Study The study is based on both library and field research. In library research she got some information concern with the topic from the books, textbook, magazine, newspaper. etc. ln field research the writer collected data by teaching and observing two classes, experiment class by using picture in teaching vocabulary and control class without pictures in teaching vocabulary. The research is conducted in an English Course institution in Ciputat, SEC (Smart Education Center) Ciputat, especially for pre basic level students.
  • 12. 4 F. Hypothesis !he experiment hypothesis (Ha) is: there is significance difference in teaching vocabulary before using picture and after using picture for the pre beginner students of SEC. The Null Hypothesis (Ho) is: Teacher vocabulary before using picture has no inlluencc for the pre beginner students of SEC. G. Organization of the Study This "Skripsi" consists of four chapters, as follow: The firsr chapter is introductions, which include background of study, limitation and formulation or the problem, the statement of problems, the objective or study. method of the study and the organization of study. The second chapter is theoretical framework; it discussed about Pictures; the meaning or pictures, the type of pictures. the use of pictures and the advantages and disadvantages; Vocabulary: the meaning of vocabulary, the types of vocabulary and the use of vocabulary; Teaching vocabulary by using picture; Hypothesis. !"he third dwpter is research methodology and findings which consists of research methodology; purpose of the research, place and time of study, population and sample. instrument of research, technique of data taking, technique of data analyzing, research finding, description of data, analysis of data, interpretation of data and discussion of finding.
  • 13. 5 The fourth chapter is the conclusion and suggestion.
  • 14. A..PICTURES CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRA11EWORK 1. The Meaning ofPicture Pictures are kinds of visual instmction materials might be used more effectively to develop and sustain motivation in producing positive attitudes toward English and to teach or reinforce language-language skill. Some experts gave the explanation ofpictures, as follow: In Webster New World dictionary of American English, it can be seen that: ''Pictures is an image or likeliness of an object, person, or scene procedure on a flat surface, especially by paining, drawing or photography."2 Vernon S. Gerlacha stated: '"Pictures are a two dimension visual representation of person, places, or things. Photo1,>raph prints are most common, but sketches, cartoons, murals, cut outs, charts, graphs, and maps are widely used... " "A Picture may not only be worth a thousand words it may also be worth a thousand years or a thousand miles. Through pictures, learner can see people, places, and things from areas for out side their own picture can also represent images from ancient times or portray the future." 3 Andrew Wright pointed out that pictures are the most suitable for the revision of known language and for recombination or manipulation word, the picture or 2 Noah Webster, Webster New Word Dicliouary «fAmerican English (Prentice Hall. I994).p. I022 1 Vernon S.Berlach and Donald P. Elly, Teaching andMedia a ,:Vstematic Approach, 2nd (New Jersey:Prentice Hall), 1980,pP.273.
  • 15. 7 word acting as a cue for substitution the size and shape of the pictures are excellent for speedy and stimulating words. 4 The kinds ru1d nw11bers ofpictures that the teacher should take with him to carry out the activities in class can be taken from magazines, articles or others and should be attractive and interesting to capture the students' attention. The purpose of using pictures for the students is to give them an opportunity to practice the language in real context or in situations in which they can use it to communicate their ideas. Picture is the non-verbal sources infonnation. The non-verbal helps us to predict what the next might be about, and this ability to predict helps us to recognize meaning more quickly that if we had to sort it out solely from what we hear and read. Picture can represent these non-verbal sources of infonnation. Indeed, they and what they represent are centrally bound up with the nature of communication itself What we see affects how we interpret what we hear and vice versa. 5 2. The Type of Pictures There are two kinds of pictures that Grazyna Szyke finds especially useful as teaching aids, they are: a. Pictures of individual persons and objects. 1 Andrew Wright, Visual Materialfor language Teacher, Longman Group Ltd,1983, p.73. 5 Andrew Wright, Picturesjor language Leaming, (New York: Cambridge University press, l994), p.137
  • 16. 8 Pictures of individual persons or thing may be used, mainly at the elementary level, to introduce or test vocabulary items, for example: a man, and a car. Portraits, pictures showing people in close detail, are useful for intermediate and advance learners. The students can be asked question about the age and profession ofthe model. b. Pictures of situations in which persons and object are "in action". Situation pictures that show or suggest relationships between objects and or people can be perfect teaching aids for introducing, practicing, or reviewing . l 6 grammatlca structures. According to Betty Morgan Bowen, there are some types ofpictures as their shapes: a. 'Wall Charts h. Vall Pictures Wall Pictures is simply a large illustration of scene or event a set of scenes or events. It is usually to be used with the whole class. e. Sequence Picture Sequence Picture is a series of pictures of a single subject. Its function is to tell a story or a sequence of events. ----··-------- (, Cirazna Szyke, "(}sing l'icture as Teaching Aids", (English Teaching Foru1n, Vol.XfX, No.4,0ctober, 1981) •
  • 17. 9 d. Flash Cards •!• Word flashcard, card with printed words on it can help up rapidly; the cards can be used to demonstrate exactly what the teacher wishes. •!• Picture flashcard, useful for the representation of a single concept, such as an object or an action. e. ·work cards Include visual as well as text magazme pictures, drawing, maps and diagrams can be important part or work card at aJJ levels, used for variety ofpurposes.7 Meanwhile, Noor azlina Yunus in his book grouped the pictures into four groups: a. Composite Pictures These are large single pictures, which show a scene (Hospital, beach, canteen, railway station, street) in which number of people can be seen doing things. They enable students to see places, people and events that they would otherwise not see because of factors like distance, time and cost. Because of their size, composite picture are most appropriate for whole-class teaching rather than individualized learning or group work.8 7 Betty Morgan Bowen. Look Here!, Visual Aids r11 La11g11age Teaching, London: Essential language teaching series, 1973, p. 13-31 'Noor Azlina Yunus, Prepari//g and U>i//g Aidsfor English Language Teaching, (Kuala Lumpur Oxford University Press, 1981), p. 49
  • 18. 10 b. A picture se1·ies A picture series is a number of related composite pictures linked to fonn a series or sequences. Hence, its main function is to tell a story or sequence of events. A wide variety of picture series is available in textbooks, in comics and in cartoon slrips in magazines for the teacher to copy and enlarge. However the observant teacher can find such series in other sources, for example calendars and wrapping paper. c. Individual pictures These are single pictures of objects, person or activities. Such pictures ve1y in size from small newspaper pictures and full-page magazine pictures to poster-sized pictures, and can be mounted singly. There is an enormous variety of material available from newspaper, magazines, catalogues, greeting cards, trail brochures, advertisements, old textbooks and even 'Tapping paper.9 d. Specialized pictures (posters, charts, advertisements, brochures) Wall posters arc not designed specifically for teaching, but rather for advertising or propaganda purposes. Although they provide very little textual information, they cannot be dismissed from the ESL class- room as they can be used to iIIustrate topics and provide motivation for discussion. 9 lhtd. p.50
  • 19. 11 3. The Use of Pictures There are five roles ofpicture: a. Pictures can motivate the students and make him or her want to pay attention and want to take part. b. Pictures contribute to the context in which the language is being used. They bring the world into the classroom. c. The pictures can be described an objective way or interpreted or responded to subjectively. d. Pictures can cue responses to questions or cue substitutions though control practice. e. Pictures can stimulate and provide information to be referred to in conversation, discussion and storytelling. Beside those five roles in using picture, there are six reasons why pictures helpful in teaching learning process. There are six reasons why using pictorial material: a. Pictures are very useful for presenting new £,>rammatical and vocabulary items. They help to provide the situations and contexts which light up the meaning of words or utterances and, indirectly help the teacher to avoid resorting to translation or to lengthy explanations of meaning.
  • 20. 12 b. Pictorial material allows for meaningful practice of vocabulary and structures presented by the teacher. Rather than have students repeat words or utterances whose meaning may be unknown, the teacher can use cues or prompts. c. Pictorial material can also provide a stimulus for using the language at the reproduction and manipulation stages-to speak, to read and to write. d. Pict"Ures can be used for revision from one lesson to another as well as for long- tenn revision ofvocabulary and structures. e. Pictorial material can be used to supplement whatever textbook the teacher is using or whatever course he is following. Pictures, of course can be used to provide more practice ofthe exercises that students have done using the textbook. f. Pictorial material is easy to collect, to make and to transport. In an article, Edmundo J. Morn stated that the pictures could be used to give students of English as a foreign language an opportunity to practice the language in real context or in situations in which they can use it to communicate their ideas. 10 4. The Advantages and Disadvantages of using Pictures a. The Advantages of using pictures Following are some opinions concerning with the advantages of usmg pictures. According to Vernon S. Gerlach: "'Edmundo J. Mora, "Using Pictures Creatively", English Teaching Fomm, vol. XXVI, No.4, October, 1988
  • 21. 13 I) They are inexpensive and widely available. 2) They provide common experiences for an entire group. 3) The visual detail makes it possible to study subjects, which would otherwise be impossible. 4) They can help to prevent and correct misconceptions. 5) They offer a stimulus to further study, reading and research. Visual evidence 1s a power tool. 6) They help to focus attention and to develop critical judgment. 7) They are easily manipulated.11 Accurdmg ro A..!. Romis::owski: l) It is convenient to use the real thing 2) ; model or chart can better explain the principle being thought. 3) The real thing can not be seen any way 4) Requirement no equipment for use. 12 b. The Disadvantages of using Pictures Vernon S. Gerlach said: Il Sizes and distances are often distorted 2) Lack of color in some pictures limits proper interpretations 3) Students do not always know how to read pictures13 -·--------- -------- " Vernon S. Gerlach and Donald P. Elly, Op. Cit. p. 277 12 AJ. Ro111iszowski~ 771e selection and use ofi11str11ctio11a/Media:for hnproved classroom f'eaching and inleracti»e, Jndil'idualized i11.11ructim1, London: Kogan Page, 1988, 2nd ed, p. I03
  • 22. 14 Although the pictures have the disadvantages but from the statement above, it can be concluded that there are many advantages, which can be taken from the use ofpictures in composing, they are: ,.. Represent things which are not available ;,. Motivate and stimulate the students ,- More Practice (can be used everywhere and anytime) ,.. Help both the students and the teachers in teaching-learning process, etc. B. VOCABULARY I. The Meaning of Vocabulary In this chapter the writer wants. to prepare vocabulary meaning because to understand a language the learners must understand vocabulary first. It is difficult to make one definition of vocabulary. So, the writer tries to take it from some differences. There are some experts who give definition of vocabulary. Hatch and Brown define vocabulary as a list or set of words for a particular language or a list or set ofwords that individual speakers oflanguage might use. 14 While according to Harimurti Kridalaksana, vocabulary is "Komponen bahasa yang memuat semua informasi tentang makna dan pemakaian )cata dalam I "Vernon S. Gerlach and Donald P. Elly, Loe. cit 14 Evelyn Hatch and Cheryl Brown. Vocahulwy, Semantics and Language Education, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), p. l
  • 23. 15 bahasa."1 Vocabulary is a component of language that maintains all infom1ation about meaning and using words in a language.) Webster Dictionary noted that, vocabulary is: "a list or collection of words usually alphabetically arranged and explained or lexicon, stock of words used in language or by class, individual, etc."16 According to Webster's ninth collegiate Dictionary, Vocabulary is: 1. A list of word and often phrases, abbreviation inflectional fonn, etc. Usually arranged in alphabetical order and defined or otherwise identified as in a dictionary of glossary. An interrelated group of non-verbal symbols, signs, gestures, etc. used for communication or expression in a particular art, skill, etc.17 The words that students know depend upon their experience. We hope that our students know not only the meaning of words, but also know they are using its in sentence. The vocabulary meant here, the English words as stated in the secondary school curriculum of the elementary school. "Zainuri, A.M. Vocabulary l UlN Jakarta, 2003,p. I 16 Vebster's,77u.! Largest Abridg111ent of}Vehster 's New Inter11ational dictiona1y ofEn.s;lish l.a11g11age. Webster's Collage Dictionary. USA: G & G Merriam co, 1935, p. 1073. 17 Zainuri~ 1.M~ Loe cit
  • 24. 16 2. The Types of Vocabulary Vocabulary is frequently divided into four types; listening, reading, writing and speaking. That is possible for people to understand words they hear, and yet not use the words themselves in speaking and writing. It is also possible that a word can be read and understood, and yet not handled easily when heard in a listening, and at the same time, contain dit1erent words that are understood or used frequently by individuals. There is also a fifth vocabulary that we might consider-our ·'understanding" vocabulary. We know certain words well enough that we can respond to them. We may, however, need to see or hear them in context, or need someone to say something that helps us record the word meaning. 18 Fries say Vocabulary is oftwo, namely;function and content wordv. !he timction words are a closed class, we cannot add to the preposition or ·auxiliaries or modals or any structure words ofthe language (with, for, May, will, etc). 7/1e content word,, on the other hand, can be added to at any times as new scientific advances make new words and communication about new inventions necessary (Pen, school, go, pretty, etc). The content words can be divided into three general classes: a) Words naming things, ideas, entitles, that we might call them nouns b) Words naming actions called verbs "Carol J fisher, Jerry, Childrm 's Language and the language Art. USA : Alemary Press, l977. p.92-93
  • 25. 17 c) Words used to describe the qualities ofthose things or action called adjectives and adverbs19 John Haycraft distinguishes vocabulary into active and passive vocabulary. a. Active vocabulary-words that the students understand can pronounce correctly and used constructively in speaking and writing. b. Passive vocabulary-words that the students recognizes and understand when they occur in a context, but which cannot produce correctly him self2° 3. The Use of Vocabulary Yocab1t!ary is important because it helps the students enjoy their classes. One who masters enough vocabulary will find fewer difficulties than those who have fewer vocabularies. When they read a certain text, they will easily get the information from it since they can understand every word in the texi. On the other hand, those who lack of vocabulary will face a lot of problems. Mastery of vocabulary will be useful for the process of achieving language-teaching objectives that is the mastery of language skills (reading, listening, speaking, and writing). If we want to communicate with other in certain language we must master the language they belong to especially to know enough vocabulary of those languages. Yang Zhihong who says that words are the basic unit oflanguage form 1"z· .. M 0 . ? ~ainun, A. . p c1t_,p.... 10 John Haycrat1, J111rod11ctio11 lo Ji)1g/ish liu1guage Teaching, (Harlow: Long1nan Group L1rnitcd. I1 178) p44
  • 26. 18 supports it. Without vocabulary, one cannot communicate effectively or express idea. He also states that having a limited vocabulary is also a barrier.21 Furthermore, Long and Richards explains that vocabulary like grammar is an essential component ofall uses oflanguage.22 C. TEACHING VOCABULARY BY USING PICTURE Pictures for vocabulary teaching come from many sources. Jn addition to those drawn by the students (or by the teacher) there are attractive sets, which are intended for schools. Picture which have been cut out of magazines and newspapers are also useful: many inexpensive books for children have attractive picture, which show meaning ofbasic words. Often a picture will show a situation or a scene in which there are several different thing and persons. It is good for students to see the total scene or picture to see how its parts are related to the whole. ft is also helpful (especially for beginner in English) to see a picture ofa single object or person as the only focus ofattention. Suppose, for example, we have a picture of each ofthe following: a church, a taxi. a bus, a traffic light, a policeman, and a mailbox. Suppose each of the pictures is large enough to be seen by all in the class. The students have seen and heard the English word for each one, and have copied the word into their notebooks. Our aim now is to help the students master the vocabulary, so we want to encourage the use of 21 Yang Zhihong. "Leaming Words" English Teaching Fonun,vol.38, no. J July,2000 22 Michael H. Long and Jack C. Richards, Methodology in 1ESOL: a Book ofReadings, (New York: Newbury House Publishers, 1987), p.105
  • 27. 19 each word for commw1ication. We consider possible techniques for making students feel it is important to know the English word. Here is one way: l. The teacher arranges the pictures aJong ledge of the black board, saymg something like this: "We'll put the taxi here. That's the first picture. Then the bus... then the traffic light... then the clmrch... then the policemen...then the mailbox." 2. The teacher asks a member of the class (We'll call her Lia) to came to the blackboard. TEACHER: Lia is going to move one of the pictures for us. We are going to tell her which picture to move. Lia, please move the policeman. Put the policeman first (Lia moves the picture (1. 1he policeman, placing it first in the row on the !edge ofthe blackboard). TEACHER: Put the taxi first. (Lia does so.) 3. The teacher indicates that vari0t1s members of the class should request Lia to make other changes in the order of the pictures using English, of course. For example: A STUDENT: Move the church. Put the church first. (Lill does so.) A STUDENT: Move the mailbox, etc If the class has began to learn the ordinal numerals (first, second, third, etc) these may be reviewed in connection with this activity. After each rearrangement of the pictures. the teacher (and then various students) says: "Now the _is first; the is second; the is third."
  • 28. 20 In the activity, which has just been described, students use English words while talking about changes in location of pictures and changes in relationships. To make such changes quickly and easily, we need pictures that can be moved and rearranged w(J:hout taking time to pin them or tape them to the wall.23 23 Allen French Virginia, Techniques in Teaching Vocabu!aJy, Oxford Univercity Press; p.34
  • 29. CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND FINDING A. Research Methodology l. The Purpose of The Research The purpose of this research is to find out whether there is a significance a difference of using picture in teaching vocabulary or not. 2. Place and Time of Stndy The research was held at SEC (Smart Education Center), which located on Villa Mutiara Jombang, Ciputat. The field research was done from May 12Ll' until June l0'11 J. Populations and Sample The population of the study consists of20 students from pre beginner students of Smart Education Center (S.E.C) from two classes. The sample was taken by random sampling system where 10 students from experiment (Picture) class and 10 students are from control (drill) class. Sampling is done in random in order to get representative data and make it easy to calculate. In this research the writer presented a lesson using picture and drill. And also she gave the explanation ofdoing test. 4. Instrument ofResearch
  • 30. 22 The instrument in this research was the final test. The material of test was taken from the flash card, which taught in the class, like names of animals, tools of school, occupation, and transportation. This test made by the English teacher. This instrument was given only to experiment class during teaching learning process. 5. Techn.ique of Data Taking The techniques ofdata taking in this research are: a. Observation The observation in Smart Education Center (S.E.C), which is located on JI Kccubung IV No.65, Sawah barn, Ciputat - Tangerang to research the students of pre basic, the English teacher, the English teaching - learning process in the classroom. b. Ex1leriment The experiment is conducted by dividing the students into two classes: an experiment class and a control class. In the experiment class, writer teaches students some vocabularies through the use of pictures. The material is for pre-basic students.
  • 31. 23 c. Evaluation The writer gives vocabulary test to the students then they have answered the question. The test was held at first research (pre test) and at the end ofthe research (post test) in each meeting. 6. Technique ofData Analysis Data analysis is the last step in the procedure of experiment, in this case, processing the data. Data processing is the step to know the result of both the experiment class and control class also their difference. To find out the differences of students' score in using picture technique in teaching English vocabulary will be compared to the students; that using drill technique in teaching English vocabulary the writer using T - test. Before using T-test formula, the writer has to seek the differences of mean variables by using formula as followed: M1 = > and Mi =I Ni Nz And after getting mean variables, the writer has to seek the standard of deviation of variable and standard error mean of variables by using formula as followed: ~and ~ ····~···
  • 32. 24 2. SEM1 = ~ N-1 and The next step is seeking the standard error mean differences of variables by using formula as followed: SE,11 Ml= ~SEM12 +SE~12 2 .Then the last is determining T - test by using formula: To - Ml-M2 B. Research Finding l. Description of Data As mentioned in this chapter, the writer conducted both library research and field research. The VTiter did field research by teaching two classes; Experiment class (By using Picture technique) and control class (By drill technique). The research of both methods was done four times for each method respectively. And the writer got the data from pre-test and post-test. The pre-test was given before the lesson began and the post-test was given at the end ofthe teaching. There are fifteen items in the pre-test; the instrument of this research consists oftwo types; a. Multiple choice, there are ten items and each item scored 5, so the total ofthis type is 50.
  • 33. 25 b_ Matching, there are five items and each items scored I0, so the total of this type is 50_ And there are twenty items for post-test; this research consists ofthree types; a_ Multiple choice, there are ten items and each item scored 5, so the total ofthis type is 50_ b_ Matching there are five items and each items scored 5, so the total ofthis type is 25_ c_ Completion, there are five items and each items scored 5, so the total of this type is 25_ Having finished the field research by using picture in teaching vocabulary and without using picture in teaching vocabulary the writer obtained the score as follows: Table I i -Student ~fhe Result of Control Class (Y) Pre-test score Post-test score Y=Y2-Y1 i (Y1) (Yz) ! 1 62,75 65,75 ' __, ' 2 54,5 61,75 7,25 ' ! 3 53 59 6 ' 4 54,25 64,75 10,5 ! I 5 51,75 55,5 3,75 I ' 6 62,5 67 4,5 f 7 I 52 64,75 12,75 8 63 I 59,5 -3,5 ' I I 9 67 68 l I r 10 61 64,5 3,5
  • 34. Student l I 2 I 3 4 l- 5 6 I nt ·---l I I ··--r . - AL M1=94 75 JO M1 = 9,475 I I 7 8 9 10 x 12,5 17 16,5 6,75 2,75 7 7 l3 6,5 5,75 D<= 94,75 Table II The Result of Experiment Class (X) Pre-test score Post-test score (X1l (X2l 63,75 76,25 50,5 67,5 54,5 71 64,75 71,5 73,75 76,5 68,25 75,25 64,5 71,5 59,75 72,75 69 75,5 63,5 69,25 Table III The Comparison of X and Y y 3 7,25 6 I0,5 3,75 4,5 12,75 -3,5 l 3,5 'LY= 48,75 M'.ll. =48 75 lO M2 =4,875 x y 3,025 -l,875 7,525 2,375 7,025 1,125 -2,725 5,625 -6,725 -1,125 -2,475 -0,375 -2,475 7,875 3,525 -8,375 -2,975 -3,875 -3,725 -1,375 0 0 X=X2-X1 12,5 l7 16,5 6,75 2,75 7 7 13 6,5 5,75 x" 9,150 56,625 49,350 7,425 45,225 6,125 6,125 l2,425 8,850 13,875 L:x2= 2 l5,18 26 v" 3,515 5,640 1,265 31,640 1,265 0,140 62,015 72,l40 l5,015 1,890 L:i= 192,53
  • 35. 27 2. Analysis of Data In analyzing of the data the writer uses the comparative technique. The comparative technique is analysis technique to evaluate hypothesis concemmg differences between two variables that examined statistically. Jn the comparative technique, 1J1e •;ariables are compared to know whether di llcrenccs are very significant or they arc only happened by chance. The writer uses T-tcst to find out the differences score of using picture in teaching vocabulary and without picture in teaching vocabulary. The formula ofT-test is: )· a. - Determining mean I with fomrnla: :-x = 94.75 = 9.475 ---'"'----- -- N lO b. Detennining mean II with formula: ~ 00 48.75 = 4.875 N 10 c. Determining ofstandard ofdeviation ofvariable I: SDJ= ~ ~ = ~ 2;~·18 =Fl =4.6 d. Determining of standard ofdeviation ofvariable II SDI= ~ =~ 192.53 =~ 1_'.?.2--5 =4.3 N !O e. Determining ofstandard error mean ofvariable I: SEM1 =~ SD1 = ~ 4.6 =~ 4.6 = "105l =0.71 Ni-1 10-l 9 f Determining of standard error mean ofvariable I:
  • 36. nm SEM2=j "~ N1-l ~ 4.3 = ~ 94.3 = ""0.47 = 0.69 10- I 2. Determining ofstandard Error Mean difference ofMl and M2: sEM1-M2 = JsEM/+sEM/ =J0.71+0.69=~=1.18 3. Determining t0 with formula: To= Ml -M2 = 9.475 - 4.875 = 4.6 = 3.89 SEML SEM2 1.18 1.18 4. Detennining t - table in significance level 5 % and 1 % with df: The writer gained t - table: At the degree ofsignificance of 5 % = 2.10 At the degree of significance of l % = 2.90 The comparison between T - score with T - table: 5 % to : tt = 3.89 > 2. l0 I % ·-·to : tt = 3.89 > 2.90 So we can conclude that t - score is higher than t - table 3. Interpretation of Data 28 Based on the data collected from the test gained from the experiment class, taught by using picture, and control class, taught by using drill, it showed the mean
  • 37. 29 scores oftest in the experiment class was 9.475 while the mean scores oftest in the ' control class was 4.875. From the explanation above the analysis of the result on the table above, we can see that the using picture in teaching vocabulary is adequately success. It can be seen on the table above that the students who receive picture in learning vocabulary get higher score than the students who do not. It means that the influence of using picture in teaching vocabulary in experiment class is bigger than teaching vocabulary using drill in control class. It can conclude that picture have influence in teaching vocabulary for the primary school students as (Basic class) in Smart Education Center (S.EC). 4. Discussion of Finding Based on the research finding, why there is significance influence between using picture in teachmg vocabuJary and without it, perhaps there are some reasons to discuss. I. Using picture in teaching - learning process make student interested more m learning vocabulary. 2. By using picture the students are faster and easier in memorizing vocabuJary because they can see directly the type and the shape ofthe object.
  • 38. A. Conclusion CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION Based on data found in the previous chapter, it can be concluded that the use of picture has significant influence in teaching English vocabulary. As can be seen from the average score of test of the pre-basic class is (3.89)24 in using picture in teaching vocabulary From the result of the analysis, it is generally accepted that using picture is a good technique and method in teaching vocabulary. B. ·Suggestion In relation to the writer's conclusion, she suggests: I. In teaching learning process, teachers are expected to process many ways and methods in their teaching. Those ways and method function to make the class alive. Especially in learning vocabulary that often make the students bored. One of the ways and methods to make class alive is using picture. Using picture in teaching vocabulary especially and in teaching English generally is more effective and useful than without using picture. Therefore, the writer suggests the English teacher to use media in their teaching. 2 · 1 see t.he calculation in page 28
  • 39. BIBLIOGRAPHY Allen, David, and Rebecca M, Classroom Technique: Foreign Language and English as SecondLanguage. New York: Harcourt Brave Javanovich, 1977 Allen French Virginia, Technique in Teaching Vocabulary, Oxford University press Berlach Vernon S. and Elly Donald P., Teaching and Media a Systematic Approach, 2'"1 (New Jersey: Prentice Hall), 1980 Bowen Betty Morgan., Look Here! , Visual Aitf.1· in Language Teaching, London: Essential language teaching series, 1973 Fisher Carol .!, Jerry., Children's Language and The Language Art. USA: Almery press, 1977 Hatch Evelyn and Brown Cheryl., Vocabulwy, Semantic and Language Education, (Cambridge: Cambridge University press, 1995) Haycraf John., Introduction to English Language Teaching, (Harlow: Longman Group Limited, 1978) Long Michel H. and Richards Jack C., Methodology in TESOL: A Book <>(Readings, (New York: Newbury House Publisher, 1987) Mora Edmundo J., Using Pictures Creatively, English Teaching Forum, vol. XXVI, no.4 October, 1988 Romiszowski.AJ., The Selection and Use of Instruction Aiedia: For Improved ( 'fassroom Teaching and Interactive, lndividuali::ed Instruction, London: Kogan page, 1988 Szyke Grazna., Using Picture as Teaching Aids, (English Teaching Forum, Vol. XIX, no.4, October, 1981) Webster Noah.,. Webster New word Dictionmy of American English (prentice Hall, 1994) Wright Andrew, Pictures For l,anguage [,earning, (New York: Cambridge University press, 1994) Wright Andrew, Visual lvfaterial For Language Teacher, Longman Group Ltd, 1983
  • 40. 32 Yunus Noor Azlina,. Preparing and [/.ving Aidv for English Language Teaching, (Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University press, 1981) Zainuri, A.M. Vocabulary I, UIN Jakarta, 2003 Zhihong Yang, Learning Word~, English Teaching Forum, vol.38, no.3 July, 2000
  • 41. APPENDIXl Nama Lembaga Level Mata Pelajaran Terna Waktu RENCANA PEMBELAJARAN I : Smart Education Center (S.E.C) : Pre Besic (Experiment Class) : Bahasa Inggris : Animal : 90Menit A Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum (TPU) Siswa dapat menguasai kosakata dengan menggunakan kata yang tersedia. B. Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus (TPK) l. Siswa dapat menyebutkan nama-nama hewan dengan bahasa [nggris secara lisan. 2. Siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan guru tentimg nama-nama hewan dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan lisan. 3. Siswa dapat menyusun kata-kata baru. 4. Siswa dapat mencocokkan kata-kata dengan gambar. 5. Siswa dapat mengucapkan kata-kata yang diucapkan oleh guru. C. Materi Pembelajaran (Terlampir) D. Buku Panduan Y.Cerstari,Bermain sambil belajar Bahasa Jnggris,Grasindo.1955 Smart Education center,English Class Book for Beginner level E. Media Pembelajaran Word flashcard and Picture flashcard (Terlampir) ·F. Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1. Pendahuluan (25') > Guru memberi salam dan bertegur sapa. ,. Guru mengabsen kehadiran siswa. Y Guru mengarahkan siswa pada topic yang akan dibahas dengan mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan. 33 :r Guru memberikan kertas Jatihan soal tentang materi yang akan di bahas.dan siswa mengerjakannya dengan batas waktu 15 menit. (pre test) ,. Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran, > Guru menjelaskan kepada siswa kegiatan yang akan meraka lakukan: menghapal, mengerjakan latihan. 2. Peny4jian ( 60 ') • Guru memperkenalkan nama-nama hewan dengan menggunakan kartu yang mana nama-nama hewan tersebut telah terlampir di dalam kartu dalam bahasa Inggris
  • 42. • Guru mengajarkan bagaimana pengucapan nama-nama hewan dalam bahasa Tnggris dan di ikuti oleh seluruh siswa. • Guru memberikan pertanyaan yang berhubungan dcngan gambar yang ada di kartu 34 • Guru memberikan flashcard kepada siswa, masing-masing 2 11ashcard,dan siswa di haruskan menghapalkan kata-kata yang ada dalam flashcard tersebut. • Guru mengambil flashcard yang telah diberikan pada siswa setclah 5 menit ditangan mereka. • Guru menanyakan pada masing-masing siswa tentang nama-nama hewan apa saja yang ada pada flashcard yang ada pada tangan mereka. • Guru membagikan kembali flashcard kepada siswa dengan gambar yang berbeda, dan siswa di haruskan menghapalkan kembali flashcard yang memiliki kata-kata yang berbcda, dan seterusnya sampai semua siswa mendapalkan semua flash card. • Guru memberikan pertanyaan kepada siswa secarn kescluruhan tentang nama- nama hewan dalam bahasa lnggris..Dan siswa di hitruskan menjawab secara serempak. • Guru rnemberikan kesempatan untuk bertanya kepada siswa. • Guru mcrnbcrikun soal-soal dalam kertas Jatihan yang berhubungan dcngan matcri (animal) kcpada siswa experiment class. (post test) 0 Guru rnengumpulkan pekerjaan 3. /'cnutup (5 ') o GCirn mcnanyakan pada mercka apa yang sudah mcrcka dapal dari apa yang tclah mereka pelajari. o Guru mengakhiri pelajaran, dengan penutup salam G. Vaktu Pendahuluan Penyajian Penutup : 25 l'[ enit : 60 Menit : 5 Menit 90 Menit Mengetahui Jakaita, Juni 2005 Penulis (Dwihartati)
  • 43. ANMAL Kelinci i I ·~·1 I '' Three ' I I Seven.! 9 Nine' t i ! I ( 35 · .. '._:·1 ' . ' . i Four:! . -·" ,_ . , .. ' ..., ___;_.'):, - :.. . ·'" ' ,_. ,.; ' .,. ;i- ' TPn·
  • 44. j I i El2ven 1 J 1 i ' 1 l .I I Four) ::. _; . ..• ~(I /four ! I [ I Kucing 4 i I . I l I Four) 36 ..!. ! I 8 Twelve !2 ··---... ' i I I i Eight! 12 ··r·.,:.. 1~,. . ., ' ! .
  • 45. SMART EDUCATION CENTER Pre Test PRE BASIC LEVEL Na1nc: I. Choose the right answer of the following question by crossing A, B, C or D 1. It eats carrot, what is it......... a. Penguin b. Rabbit c. Horse d. Tiger 2. It lives in desert........ a. Camel c. Horse b. Cat d.Monkey 3. to eats fish a. Elephant b. Snake c. Monkey d. Cat 4. It is very dangerous and has poison...... . a. Snake c. Lion b. Monkey d. Camel 5. lt is the king of the jungle...... . a. Tiger c.Snake b. Giraffe d. Lion 6. The bird that can deliverletter.. .. a. Penguin c. Rabbit b. Pigeon d. Cat 7. The animal that likes to eat banana..... a. Monkey b. Elephant 37
  • 46. c. Giraffe d. Horse 8. The long neck animal is...... a. Tiger c. Cnnd b. Cat d. giraffe 9.'Thc long nose animal is...... . a. Elephant b. Swan c. Dog d. Octopus J0. The animal which lives in north pole...... a. I:aglc c. Turke· b. Swan d. Penguin Jrr ' . ' .J.~ ··:£~~ j IL Match the left side of the following words into right side <::.:-<;-::~,, !. T;gcc ( ) A. , , 2. Crocodrle ( j (jfl~.~~~ ;j ~·1;)~~ 4 I , ':. 1, B &.· :~~W,.J:i' . 1. V 'if v 3. Giraffe ( ) c~,,~ 4. Elephant ( ) 4 ... ' . o.~4j~ 5. Jellyfish ( ) 38
  • 47. Name: SMART EDUCATION CENTER Post Test PRE BASIC LEVEL I. Choose the right answer ofthe following questi. - 'crossing A, B, C or D l. c. Horse · c. Snake d. Monkey· 3. It always makes a sound "Meow"? a. Elephant b. Snake c. Monkey d. Cat 4. What is the animal which likes to eat banana? a. Snake c. Lion b.Monkey d. Camel 5. My ..... Born three little puppies c. Snake b. Dog d. Lion 6. An.......has a big body, big ears and long nose . a. Elephant b. Pigeon c. Rabbit d. Cat 7. The bird has long leg and we usually see it at the beach? a. Monkey c. Giraffe b. Elephant d. Pinguin 8. This 11nilmil hus long neck imd moat lives in Arabic? a. Tiger c. Camel b. Cat d. giraffe 9. lt is a wild animal and likes to hunt another animal? a. Elephant b. Lion .. 39
  • 48. c.Dog d. Octopus 10. A.....can help people to send the letter a. Eagle c. Turkey b. Swan d. Penguin IT. Match the left side of the following words into right side 1. Cat ( ) 2. Crocodile ( ) 3. rfiger ( ) 4. Monkey ( ) 5. Eagle ( ) Ill. Arrange the letters to be right words! l.G··l-R-E-T (Harimau): 2. T - A - B - l - R -B (Kelinci): 3. H-E-R-0-S(Kuda): 4. K-E-M-0-N-Y (Monyet): 5.G-A-L-E-E (Elang): ;·? c(f ~~, a_) ~• .i!....// 40
  • 49. APPENDIXES II Nama Lembaga Level Mata Pelajaran Tema Waktu RENCANA PEMBELAJARAN II : Smart Education Center (S.E.C) : Pre Besic (Control Class) : Bahasa lnggris : Animal : 90Menit A Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum (TPU) Siswa dapat menguasai kosakata dengan menggunakan kata yang tersedia. B. Tujuan Pembelajara11 Khusus (TPK) 1. Siswa dapat menyebutkan nama-nama hewan dengan bahasa Inggris secara lisan. 2. Siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan guru tentang nama-nama hewan dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan lisan. 3. Siswa dapat menyusun kata-kata baru. 4. Siswa dapat mencocokkan kata-kata dengan gambar. 5. Siswa dapat mengucapkan kata-kata yang di ucapkan oleh guru. C. Materi Pembelajaran (Terlampir) D. Buku Panduan E. Media Pembelajaran Papan Tulis dan spidol F. Kcgiatan Pembelajaran I. Pendahuluan (25 ') ,.. Guru memberi salam dan bertegur sapa. r Guru mengabsen kehadiran siswa. ,- Guru mengarahkan siswa pada topic yang akan dibahas dengan mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan. 41 r Guru memberikan kertas latihan soal tentang materi yang akan di bahas.dan siswa mengerjakannya dengan batas waktu 15 menit. (pre test) ).;.- Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran. ;;. Guru menjelaskan kepada siswa kegiatan yang akan meraka lakukan: mengbapal, mengerjakan latihan. 2. Penyajian ( 60 ') • Guru memperkenalkan nama-nama hewan dalam bahasa Inggris dengan menulisnya di papan tulis. • Guru mengajarkan bagaimana pengucapan nama-nama hewan dalam bahasa Inggris dan di ikuti oleh seluruh siswa.
  • 50. SMART EDUCATION CENTER Pre Test PRE BASIC LEVEL Name: I choose the right answer of the following question by crossing A, B, C or D 1. lt eats carrot, what is it. ........ (Kelinci) a. Penguin b. Rabbit c. Horse d. Tiger 2. It lives in desert........(Unta) a. Camel b. Cat c. Horse d. Monkey 3. to eats fish (Kucing) a. Elephant b. Snake c. Monkey d. Cat 4. It is very dangerous and has poison.......(Ular) a. Snake b. Monkey c. Lion d. Camel 5. It is the king ofthe jungle.......(Singa) a. Tiger b. Giraffe c. Snake d. Lion 6. The bird that can deliver letter. ....(Merpati) a. Penguin b. Pigeon c. Rabbit d. Cat 7. The animal that likes to eat banana.....(Monyet) a. Monkey b. Elephant c. Giraffe d. Horse 8. The long neck animal is...... (Jerapah) . a. Tiger b. Cat c. Camel d. giraffe 9. The long nose animal is.......(Gajah) a. Elephant b. Swan c. Dog d. Octopus I0. The animal which lives in north pole...... (Pinguin) a. Eagle b. Swan c. Turkey d. Penguin II. Match the left side of the following words into right side l. Tiger ( ) A. Uhur-ubur 2. Crocodile ( ) B. Jerapah 3. Giraffe ( ) C. Harimau 4. Elephant ( ) D.Buaya 5. Jellyfish ( ) E. Gajah 43
  • 51. Name: SMART EDUCATION CENTER Post Test PRE BASIC LEVEL I Choose the right answer ofthe following question by crossing A, B, C or D 1. What is the animal which has a Jong ear? (Kelinci) a. Penguin Q. Rabbit c. Horse d. Tiger 2. What is the animal which has along body? (U1ar) a. Camel b. Cat c.Snake d. Monkey 3. It always makes a sound "Meow"? (Kucing) a. Elephant b. Snake c. Monkey d. Cat 4. What is the animal which likes to eat banana? a. Snake b. Monkey c. Lion d. Camel 5. My .....Born three little puppies (Anjing) a. Tiger b.Dog c. Snake d. Lion 6. An.......has a big body, big ears and long nose (gajah) a. Elephant b. Pigeon c. Rabbit d. Cat 7. The bird has long leg and we usually see it at the beach? a. Monkey b. Elephant c. Giraffe d. Pinguin 8. This animal has long neck and most lives in Arabic? (unta) a. Tiger b. Cat c. Camel d. giraffe 9. It is a wild animal and likes to hunt another animal? (Singa) a. Elephant b. Lion c. Dog d. Octopus 10. A.....can help people to send the letter a. Eagle b. Swan c. Turkey (Merpati) d. Penguin II. Match the left side ofthe following words into right side 1. Cat ( ) A. Monyet 2. Crocodile ( ) B. Harimau 3. Tiger ( ) C. Kucing 4.Monkey ( ) D. Buaya 5. Eagle ( ) E. Elang (Pingwin) 44
  • 52. APPENDIX III Nama Lembaga Level Mata Pelajamn Terna Waktu RENCANAPEMBELAJARANIIl : Smart Education Center (S.E.C) : Pre Besic (Experiment Class) : Bahasa Inggris : Tools ofschool : 90 Menit A Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum (TPU) Siswa dapat menguasai kosakata dengan menggunakan kata yang tersedia. B. Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus (TPK) 46 I. Siswa dapat menyebutkan aama-nama buah dengan bahasa Iaggris secara lisan. 2. Siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan guru tentang nama-nama buah dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan lisan. 3. Siswa dapat menyusun kata-kata. 4. Siswa dapat mencocokkan kata-kata dengan gambar. 5. Siswa dapat mengucapkan kata-kata yang diucapkan oleh guru. C. Materi Pembelajaran (Terlampir) D. Buku Panduan E. Media Pembelajaran Word flashcard and Picture flashcard (Terlampir) F. Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1. Pe11dah11lua11 (25 ') r Guru memberi salam dan bertegur sapa. r Guru mengabsen kehadiran siswa. r Guru mengarahkan siswa pada topic yang akan dibahas dengan mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan. r Guru memberikan kertas latihan soal tentang materi yang akan di bahas.dan siswa mengerjakannya dengan batas waktu .l5 menit. (pre test) r Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran. r Guru menjelaskan kepada siswa kegiatan yang akan meraka lakukan: menghapal, menge~jakan latihan. 2. Penyqjian ( 60 ') • Guru memperkenalkan nama-nama buah dengan menggunakan kartu yang mana nama-nama buah tersebut telah terlampir di dalam kartu dalam bahasa Inggris • Guru mengajarkan bagaimana pengucapan nama-nama buah dalam bahasa Inggris dan di ikuti oleh seluruh siswa.
  • 53. • Gurn memberikan pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan gambar yang ada di kartu 47 • Guru mcmbcrikan flashcard kepada siswa, masill,g-masing 2 11ashcard,dan siswa di haruskan menghapalkan kata-kata yang ada d:tlam flashcard tcrsebut. • Guru mcngambil flashcard yang telah dibcrikan p:ida siswa selelah 5 mcnit ditangan mcreka. • Guru mcnanyakan pada masing-masing siswa ten!ang nanrn-nama buah apa s:ija yang aJa pada flashcard yang ada pada tangan mereka. • Guru mcmbagikan kembali flashcard kepada sisw11 dengan gambar yang bcrbcda, dan siswa di haruskan menghapalkan kembali flashcard yang memiliki kata-kata yang bcrbeda, clan seterusnya sampai semua siswa mendapatkan semua flash card. • Guru memberikan pertanyaan kepada siswa secara kcseluruhan tcntang nama- nurna buah dalam bahasa lnggris..Dan siswa di haruskun mcnjawab secara serempak. • Guru memberikan kescrnpatan untuk bcrtanya kepada siswa. • Guru mcmberikan soal-soal dalam kc1tas latihan yang bcrhubungan dcngan matc:ri J kcpada siswa experiment class. (post test) • Guru mcngumpLdkan pckci:jaan siswa. 3. l'llllllljJ (5 ') Guru mcmnyakan pacla mereka apa yang sudah mcreka dapal dari apa yang tclah rnert~ka pclajari. Ciuru 111:.::ngakhiri pclajaran, dengan p~nutup sa!attt G. W:rktu l'endalruIu:111 Pcnyajian Pcnutup (Lily Kar ilrn, S.pd) : 25 M'enit : 60 Menit : 5 tv1enit 90 lv1enit Mengctahui hkarta, Juni 2005 Pcnulis (Dwiharlati)
  • 54. STATlONAR'j 48 • ~v: t'IGH APUS BOLPON PAPAN TULIS ENGGARlS BUKU --------------- ~- ~----'------·'
  • 56. SMART EDUCATION CENTER Pre Test PRE BASIC LEVEL Name: I choose the right answer ofthe following question by crossing A, B, C or D I. The teacher writes on the........ a. Pencil c. Black board b. Ruler d.Pen 2. l put the pencil in the........ a. Pencil b. Pen c. pencil case d. Pencil sharpener 3_ The students write the exercise on the...... ~ a. Rubber c. Blackboard b. Book d. Ruler 4. Nita sharpens the pencil using........ a_ Book b. Chalk c. Pen d. Pencil sharpener 5. Rani erases the mistake note using..... . a. Rubber c. Chalk b. Ruler d. Book 6_ lbnu writes on the Blackboard using...... a. Chalk b. Pen c. Pencil d. Ruler 7. Tomakealineweuse..... . a. Book b. Rubber •• 50
  • 57. c. Ruler d. Chalk 8. The.......teaches the student a_ Dentist c. Teacher b. Nurse d. Farmer 9. I buy a... __ the book shop a. Chalk c_ Pencil b. Marker d. Pen I0. My sister writes using.. __ ._ a. Pencil c. Pen b. Chalk cl.Ruler / . . II. Match the left side of the following words into right side L Pencil ( 2. Ruler ( 3. Chalk ( ) 4. Teacher ( ) 5. Book ( ) 51
  • 58. Name: SMART EDUCATION CENTER Post Test PRE BASIC LEVEL I. Choose the right answer ofthe following questiou by crossing A, B, C or D l.T~e stud~nts write the letter with... ··/~/;: a. Pencll b. Ruler . -~ ):! c. Black board d. Pen 2. J put a........ in the pencil case a. Pencil b.Pen c. pencil case d. Pencil sharpener 3. There is a'. ..... on the wall a. Rubber c. Blackboard b. Book d. Ruler 4. Ami uses the sharpen her pencil a. Book b. Chalk c. Pen d. Pencil sharpener 5. My ...... is in the bag a. Rubber b. Ruler c. Chalk d. Book 6. Budi uses ...... to write on the blackboard a. Chalk c. Pencil b.Pen d. Ruler 7. The ...... stands in front ofthe class a. Nurse c. Ruler b. Rubber d. Teacher 8. a place for pencil and pen 1 ~--~--·"·~ a. Pen b. Ruler c. Chalk d. Pencil case 9. Ida cleans the picture with...... a. Chalk b. Rubber 52
  • 59. c. Pencil d.Pen I0. Novi borrow make straight line ~ i·, , ; , , , , , , 1 J a. Pencil c. Pen b. Chalk d.Ruler II. Match the left side of the following words into right side 1. Rubber ( ) 2. Pencil case ( ) 3. Pencil Sharpener ( ) 4. Teacher ( ) 5. Chalk ( ) HJ. Arrange the letters to be right words! LU-L-E-R-R 2. U - B - E - R- B 3.C-A-L-K-H 4. R-E-A-C-H-T-E 5.L-1-P-N-E-C A. f!ii· · .. B. ~ . . C.1.; -~·~ . "-.:JS 53
  • 60. APPENDIXES IV Nama Lembaga Level Mata Pelajaran Terna Waktu RENCANA PEMBELAJARAN IV : Smart Education Center (S.E.C) : Pre Besic (Control Class) : Bahasa Inggris : Tools of school : 90Menit A Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum (TPU) Siswa dapat menguasai kosakata dengan menggunakan kata yang tersedia. B. Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus (TPK) I. Siswa dapat menyebutkan nama-nama alat-alat tulis dio sekolah dengan bahasa Inggris secara lisan. . 54 2. Si'swa dapat menjawab pertanyaan guru tentang nama-nama alat-alat tulis di sekolah dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan Iisan. 3, Siswa dapat menyusun kata. 4. Siswa dapat mencocokkan kata-kata dengan gambar. 5. Siswa dapat mengucapkan kata-kata yang diucapkan oleh guru.. C. Materi Pembelajaran (Terlampir) D. Buku Panduan E. Media Pembelajaran Papan Tulis dan spidol F. Kegiatan Pembelajaran I.. Pendahu/uan (25 ') ,- Guru memberi salam dan bertegur sapa. ,. Guru mengabsen kehadiran siswa. r Guru mengarahkan siswa pada topic yang akan dibahas dengan mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan. ,. Guru memberikan kertas Iatihan soal tentang materi yang akan di bahas.dan siswa mengerjakannya dengan batas waktu 15 menit. (pre test) ,. Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran. r Guru mc1jelusk11n kepudii sisw11 kcginllm ynng nknn mernkn lukukun: menghoptll, mengerjakan Iatihan. 2. Penyajian ( 60'.) • Guru memperkenalkan nama-nama buah dalam bahasa Inggris dengan menulisnya di papan tulis. • Guru mengajarkan bagaimana pengucapan nama-nama buah dalam bahasa Inggris dan di ikuti oleh seluruh siswa.
  • 61. 55 • Guru memberikan waktu kepada siswa untuk menghafal nama pekerjaan yang telah ditulis dipapan tulis dalam waktu lO menit • Guru memberikan pertanyaan kepada seluruh siswa yang bcrhubungan dengan nama-nama pekerjaan dalam bahasa lnggris dan siswa di wajibkan menjawab dengan scrempak tanpa melihat catatan mereka. • Gum mcrnberikan kesempatan untuk bertanya kepada siswa. 0 Guru mcmbcrikan soal-soal dalam kertas Iatihan (post test) yang bcrhubungan dengan materi · kepada siswa Khususnya contol class. • Guru mcngumpulkan pekerjaan siswa. 3. Pe1111111p (5) o Guru mcnanyakan pada mcreka apa yang sudah mereka dapat dari apa yang telah n1crcka pclajari. ,·J Guru mcngakhiri pelajaran, dengan penutup salarn G. Waktu PendahuJ uan Pcnyajian Penutup (Lily Kart1 rn, S.pd) : 25 M'enit : 60Menit : 5 Menit 90 Menit Mengctahui Jakarta, Juni 2005 Pcnulis (Dwihartati)
  • 62. Name: SMART EDUCATION CENTER Pre Test PRE BASIC LEVEL 56 I choose the right answer of the following question by crossing A, B, C or D I.The teacher write on the........(Papan tulis hitam) a. Pencil b. Ruler c. Black board d.Pen 2. rput the pencil in the........(Tempat pensil) a. Pencil b.Pen c. pencil case d. Pencil sharpener 3. The students write the exercise on the...... (Buku) a. Rubber b. Book c. Blackboard d. Ruler 4. Nita sharpens the pencil using........(Peruncing pensil) a. Book b. Chalk c.Pen d. Pencil sharpener 5. Rani erases the mistake note using...... (Penghapus) a. Rubber b. Ruler c. Chalk d. Book 6. lbnu writes on the Blackboard using...... (Kapur tulis) a. Chalk b.Pen c. Pencil d. Ruler 7. To make a line we use...... (Penggaris) a. Book b. Rubber c. Ruler d. Chalk 8 The......teaches the student (Guru) a. Dentist b. Nurse c. Teacher d. Farmer 9. J buy the book shop (PuJpen) a. Chalk b. Marker c. Pencil d.Pen 10. My sister writes using......(Pensil) a. Pencil b. Chalk c. Pen d.Ruler ll. Match the left side of the following words into right side I. Pencil ( ) A. Kapur 2. Ruler ( ) B. Buku 3. Chltlk ( ) C. Penggaris 4. Teacher ( ) D. PensiJ 5. Book ( ) E. Guru
  • 63. SMART EDUCATION CENTER Post Test PRE BASIC LEVEL Name: I. Choose the right answer ofthe following question by crossing A, B, C or D The students write the letter with........(Pulpen) a. Pencil b. Ruler c. Black board d. Pen 2. I put a........ in the pencil case (Pensil) a. Pencil b. Pen 3. There is a ...... on the wall a. Rubber b. Book c. pencil case (Papan tulis) c. Blackboard 4. Ami uses the sharpen her pencil a. Book b. Chalk c. Pen 5. My ...... is in the bag (Buku) a. Rubber b. Ruler c. Chalk 6. Budi uses ...... to write on the blackboard a. Chalk b. Pen c. Pencil 7. The ..... stands in front ofthe class (guru) a. Nurse b. Rubber c. Ruler d. Pencil sharpener d. Ruler (Peruncing pensil) d. Pencil sharpener d. Book (Kapur tulis) d. Ruler d. Teacher 8. The....... is a place for pencil and pen (Tempat pensil) a. Dentist b. Nurse c. Teacher d. Farmer 9. lda cleans the blackboard with...... (penghapus) a. Chalk b. Rubber c. Pencil 10. Novi borrow make straight line a. Pencil b. Chalk c. Pen d. Pen (Penggaris) d.Ruler IL Match the left side ofthe following words into right side 1. Rubber ( ) A. Kapur 2. Pencil case 3. Pencil Sharpener 4. Teacher 5. Chalk ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) B. Penghapus C. Rautan/peruncing pinsil D. Tempat pensil E.Guru 57
  • 64. 58 Ill. Complete the following words with suitable letters! l. T R (Guru) ·- - - -- - 2. p N (Pensil) - - - 3. R E (Penggaris) 4. () ]( (Buku) 5. B R (Penghapus)
  • 65. APPENDIXES V Nama Lembaga Level Mata Pelajaran Terna Wak'tu RENCANA PEMBELAJARAN V : Smart Education Center (S.E.C) : Pre Besic (Experiment Class) : Bahasa Inggris : Occupation : 90 Menit A Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum (TPU) Siswa dapat menguasai kosakata dengan menggunakan kata yang tersedia. B. Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus (TPK) 59 l. Siswa dapat menyebutkan nama-nama pekerjaan dengan bahasa lnggris secara lisan. 2. Siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan guru tentang nama-nama pekerjaan dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan lisan. 3. Siswa dapat menyusun kata. 4. Siswa dapat mencocokkan kata-kata dengan gambar. 5. Siswa dapat mengucapkan kata-kata yang diucapkan oleh guru. C. Materi Pembelajaran (Terlampir) D. Buku Pandu.1n E. Media Pembelajaran Word flashcard and Picture flashcard (Terlampir) F. Kegiatan Pembelajaran I. l'endalwluan (25 ') r Guru memberi salam dan berte1,>ur sapa. r Guru mengabsen kehadiran siswa. r Guru mengarahkan siswa pada topic yang akan dibahas dengan mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan. >- Guru memberikan kertas latihan soal tentang materi yang akan di bahas.dan siswa mengerjakannya dengan batas waktu 15 menit. (pre test) r Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran. ,- Guru menjelaskan kepada siswa kegiatan yang akan meraka lakukan: menghapal, mengerjakan latihan. 2. Pe1zvaiia11 ( 60 ') • Guru memperkenalkan nama-nama pekerjaan dengan menggunakan kartu yang mana nama-nama pekerjaan tersebut telah terlampir di dalam kartu dalam bahasa lnggris • . Guru mengajarkan bagaimana pengucapan nama-nama pekerjaan dalam bahasa lnggris dan di ikuti oleh seluruh siswa.
  • 66. 60 •. Guru mernberikan pertanyaan yang berhubungan dcngan garnbar yang ada di kartu • Guru mcmberikan flashcard kcpada siswa, masing-masing 2 lfashcard,dan siswa di haruskan mcnghapalkan kata-kata yang ada dalam flashcard tcrsebut • Guru nrnngambil flashcard yang telah dibcrikan pad'1 siswa sctelah 5 menit ditangan mcreka. • Guru menanyakan pada masing-rnasing siswa tent<.ng nama-nama pckerjaan apa saja yang ada pada flashcard yang ada pada tangan rnacka. • Guru tncmbagikan kembali flashcard kepada siswa dcngan gambar yang berbeda, dan siswa di haruskan menghapalkan kembali flashcard yang memiliki kata-kata yang bcrbeda, dan sctcrusnya.sampai semua siswa mcndapatkan semua flash card. • Guru 111c111bcrikan pertanyaan kepada siswa secara kesGluruhan tenlang nama- nama pekerjaan dalam bahasa Jnggris..Dan siswa di harnskan menjawab sccara si:ren1pak. • Guru mrn1bcrikan kesempatan untuk bertanya kGpada siswa. • Guru membcrikan soal-soal dalam kertas latihan yang berhubungan dengan matcri (occupation) kepada siswa experiment class. (post test) • Guru mcngumpulkan pckerjaan siswa. 3. /'c1111111p (5 'j Gurn mcnanyakan pada rnereka apa yang sudah m,;reka dapal dari apa yang tclah 1ncrcka pclajar-i. '" Guru mengakhiri pclajaran, dcngan pcnutup salarn l'cndahuluan l'cnyajian Pcnutup : 25 ivt'cnit • 6U Menit • 5 '.v!cnit 90 1v!enit Mcngetahui Jakarta, Juni 2005 l'cnulis (Dwihartati)
  • 67. _AUT 1 iorryJ LOP.I OCCUPATlON 61 hairdresser nurse ' PEHATA Pt:RAWAT RAM'BUT PETAN I l?t:MAUAM <EBAKA~AN__
  • 68. SMART EDUCATION CENTER Pre Test PRE BASIC LEVEL Name: I. Choose the right answer of the following question by crossing A, B, C or D 1. lfwe are sick we go to..... a. Dentist c. Doctor b. Nurse d. Driver 2. My father is a..... a. Sailor b. Pilot c. Fanner d. Postman 3. A.......plant the tree in the garden l~·.···. a. Fam1er b. fireman 'u ··. ' ../ c. Nurse d. Teacher 4. She assists the doctor to help the patient.... a. Dentist c. Doctor b. Nurse d. Pilot 5. He delivers letters everyday.... 1 1~ a. Fireman b. Postman _ c. Hairdresser d. F=er .. "'1...L.1'1diii?l:I>:~ 6. My uncle is a taxi ...... (Supir) a. Driver b. Pilot c. Sailor d. Mechanic 7. He or she makes cloth for people...... a. Sailor b. Tailor 62
  • 69. c. Farmer cl Teacher 8. Andi has toothache, so he goes to....... a. Doctor c. Ikntist b. Nurse d. Butcher 9. Ori want to cat her hair, she goes to..... . a. Baker c. Tailor b. Hairdresser cl Sailor 10. A ......sails in the sea a. Pilot c. Chemist b. Tailor cl Sailor IL Match the left side ofthe following words into right side !. Baker ( ) 2. Architect ( ) 3. Butcher ( ) 4. Sailor ( ) D. ~ . 5. Driver ( ) E.. 63
  • 70. Nam!': SMART EDUCATION CENTER Post Test PRE BASIC LEVEL l. Choose the right answer of the following question by crossing A, B, C or D [UI a. Dentist L A ..... treats people who are ill or hurt c. Doctor b. Nurse d. Driver ' A '"" ' boow"'' I~I :~:;:::~r :::~:t~nan :~~-J 3. J .. ... .drives a car a. Pilot c. Sailor b. Driver d. Teacher 4. A .... looks a!kr people who are iIL a. Dentist c. Doctor b. Nurse d. Pilot 5. A ... fl ics an aeroplane a. Fireman b. Postman c. Pilot d. Sail.or 6. A.....teaches us in the class room a. Teacher b. Pilot c. Sailor d. Mechanic 7. A.....plants com in the field a. Sailor c. Fanner b. Tailor cL Teacher 8. Every day a.....always deliver mail a. Doctor c. Dentist b. Nurse d. Postman 9. A...... sells meat a. Baker b. Butcher 64
  • 71. c. Tailor d. Sailor 10. An.......designs buildings a. Architect c. Chemist b. Tailor d. Sailor IL Match the kft side of the following words into right side 1. Teacher ( ) A. 2. Chemist ( ) 3. Nurse ( ) 4. Postman ( ) 5. Architect ····-···---······· ·· 1 Ei',~a,· ( ) III. Arrange the letters to be right words! I.I - I R - S - 0 - L (Pelaut) 2. V - R - E - D - R-1 (Supir) /"'" S ·· U R - E - N (Perawat) 0 .) . 4. 0 ·· H ··I - L -A- T (Penjahit): 5. T-0·-R-D-E-K (Dokter): 65
  • 72. APPENDIXES VI Nama J,cmb'·~:t Lc:vd rvfata P~laj:1r .11 Tc!lla . 1/aktu RENCANA PEMBELAJARAN VI : Smart Education Center (S.E.C) : Pre Besic (Control Class) : I3ahasa fnggris : Occupation : 90 Menit A Tujuan !'~mbc!ajaran lJmum (Tl'li) Siswa dap,11 mcnguasai kosakata dengan mcnggunakan kata yang terscdia. B. Tujuan I'cmbelajaran Khusus (TPK) 66 I. Siswa d:q1al mcnyebutkan nama-nmna pckerjaan dcngan bahasa lnggris secara lisan. 2. Siswa cfapat mcnjawab pcrtanyaan guru tentang narna-nama pckerjaan dengan rncnggur:1kan bahasa Jnggris dcngan lisan. .). Siswa ch ;1at rncnyusun kata. 4. Siswa dapat rnencocokkan kata-kata dengan t;<cmbar. 5. Siswa ,J:ipat mengucapk<tn kata-kata yang di ucapkan oleh guru. C. Materi Pcmbelajaran (Terlampir) D. Buku P:induan E. Media l'cmbelajaran Tulisan-tulisan yang berhubungan denga11 peketjaan F. Kcgiatan Pembclajaran !. l'enda/111/uun (25 ') r Guru mcrnberi salam dan bcrtegur sapa. ,.. Guru rnengabsen kehadiran siswa. ,.. Guru mengarahkan siswa pada topic yang akan dibahas dengan mengaj ukan beberapa pertanyaan. r Guru mernberikan kertas latihan soal tentang materi yang akan di bahas.dan siswa mengcrjakannya dengan batas waktu 15 menit. (pre test) r Guru menjelaskan tujuan pcmbelajaran. r Guru menjelaskan kepada siswa kegiatan yang akan meraka lakukan: menghapal, mcngerjakan latihan. 2. !'enycy1a11 ( 60 j • Guru mempcrkenalkan nama-nama pckerjaan dalam bahasa Inggris dengan menulisnya di papan tulis. • Guru mengajarkan bagaimana pengucapan nama-nama pekerjaan dalam bahasa lnggris dan di ikuti oleh seluruh siswa.
  • 73. 67 • Guru mcrnberikan waktu kcpada siswa unluk menghafal nama kcndaraan yang telah ditulis dipapan tulis dalam waktu 1.0 mcnit • Guru rncmberikan pertanyaan kcpada selumh siswa yang bcrhubw1gan dengan nan1:1-n:11na kcndaraan dalarn bahasi1 lnggris dan slsva di Vajibkun 1ncnja'al) dengan ::.::r~n1rx1k tanpa n1clihat catatan 1ncr~:~~L v Guru 1: .• ,;flcribn kcscmpatan untuk bcrt:mya kep:.!da sisI'.::. Guru r;;.. ;11bcriL:rn soal-soal daL1111 kcrtas btibn (post ksi) yang berhubung;in dl'.nI7:.H1 i:;:iteri (occup:.ltion) kcpada sis,va }:hususnya conlol c~1s:s. Guni tfa:;1"urnrulkan pckcrj:ian siswa. 3. /-:11111111) (:i '; u Guru 11:·..')lanyakan pada incrcka apa yang sudnh n1ercka dapat dari apa yang tclah 1ncrcka r-.~!aj<iri . ._:) Cluru ni,::igaklliri pehjaran, dcngan pcnu1up..salan1 Pcnya_i i~u1 P._::; 't•,[i'[' l;'' '1,., ,. ~;! ~fJ/' I ·1 l - .I ., ( ..1y ~nrl1 ;.a, S.pd) : 25 h·1~1lil : 60 ivknit : 5 Menit 90 !vkr1it i·fengetalmi Jakarta, Juni :2005 l~nulis (Owihartati)
  • 74. SlVlARTEDUCATION CENTER Pre Test PRE BASIC LEVEL Na n1c: I Choose the right answer ofthe following question by crossing A, B, C or D l. If WC arc sick WC go to.....(Dokter) a. l)cntist b. Nurse c. Doctor d. Driver 2. My father is a...... (Pilot) a. Sailor b. Pilot c. Farmer d. Postman 3. A.......plant the tree in the garden (Petani) a. Farn1cr b. firerna.n c. Nurse d. Teacher 4. She assists the doctor to help the patient.. ...(Pcrawat) a. Dentist b. Nurs.-: c. Doctor d. Pilot 5. He delivers letters everyday.....(Tukang pos) a. Fireman b. Postman c. Hairdresser d. Farmer 6. lvly uncle is a taxi...... (Supir) a. Driver- b. Pilot c. Sailor d. Mechanic 7. I le or she makes cloth fi:.1r people...... (Tubngjahit) a. Sailor b. Tailor c. Fani1er d. Teacher 8. Andi has toothache, so he goes to.......(Dokter gigi) a. Doctor b. Nurse c. Dentist d. Butcher 9. Ori want to cat her hair, she goes to.......(Tukang cukur) a. Baker b. Hairdresser c. Tailor d. Sailor 10. A.......sails in the sea (Pelaut) a. Pilot b. Tailor c. Chemist d. Sailor II. Match the left side of the following words into right side l. Baker ( ) A. Tukang daging 2. Architect ( ) B. Tukang Roti 3. Butcher ( ) C. Pelaut 4. Sailor ( ) D. Supir 5. Driver ( E. Arsitck 68
  • 75. SMART EDUCATION CENTER Post Test PRE BASIC LEVEL 69 ~--~~,,,,,,,,=""~-~~~-=-=-=·= ~~·~-~-~-~-~""""""""""""~"""'~""""~~""""'~"""""""'""""" I. ('.hoi 1 ~;e tLc ri~~lit anS·t'r of the follo·,·ing question by crPssing }'-,I{,(.: or L) , . treats p•:opk who aTL'. ill Or hurt a. l)cnlist b. I~--Uf.SC c. Doctor 1 A ...... sailaboatorship (l'claut) a. Sailor b. Piiot c. Farn1cr 3. i .... ..drives a car (Supir) a. Pilot b. r:~ivcr c. Sailor (Doktcr) d. Drive<' d. Postman d. Tcachc:r ~. , .... looks aJkr pcrp!.e who are ill. (Pcrawat) a. Dentist c. Doctor cl. Pilot 5. A ... flies an acropl:one. (l'cnc.rbang) a. Fircn1an b. Pbsunan c. Pilot rl. Sailor 6. A.....teaches us in t'1cclass f(VJm (gurn) c. Sailor d. Mechanic 7. A..... rlants corn inrhe:fiehl a. Sailor b. 'falror c. Farmer d. Teacher 8. l'.vc:ry day a .....ah:n:~;sdcliver mail (Tukang pos) a. Doctor c. Dentist d. Postman 9. A...... sells .meat (Tukang daging) a. Baker b. Butcher c. Tailor d. Sailor l0. An.......designs OOildings a. Architect b. Tailor c. Chemist d. Sailor 11. Match the left side oftfre following words into right side 1. Teacher (, ) A. Tuk<mg pos 2. Chemist ( ) B. Perawat " Nurse ( ) C. Arsitck J. 4. Postman ( ) D.Gurn 5. Architect f ) E. Ahli kimia
  • 76. 70 HI. Complete the following words with suitable letters! I. s R (Pelaut) ---- 2. T I (Penjahit) - --- ' D v (Supir) -'. 4. N s (Perawat) -- - 5. D T (Dokter Gigi) -·~---
  • 77. APPENDIXES VII Nania J__,crnbaga Level Mata Pclajaran Terna Vaktu RENCANA PEMBELAJARAN VH : Smart Education Center (S.E.C) : Pre Besic (Experiment Class) : Bzhasa fnggris : Trnnsportation : 90 Menit A Tujuan Pcmbclajanrn Um um (TPll) Siswa dapal mcnguasai kosakata dengan mcnggunakan kata yang tersedia. B. Tujuan Pcmhclajanrn Khusus (TPK) 71 I. Siswa dapat menyebutkan nama-nama kendaraan dengan bahasa lnggris secara lisan. 2. Siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan guru tentang rnuna-nama kcndarnan dcngan mcnggunakan bahasa lnggris dengan lisan. 3. Siswa dapat mcnyusGn kata. -!. ·siswa dapat mencocokkan kata-kata dengan gambar. 5. Siswa dapat mengue<!pkan kata-kata yang diucapkan olch guru. C. Matcri Pcmbclajaran (Terlampir) D. Buku J>ancluan E. Media .Pembelajaran Word flashcard (Terlampir) F. Kcgiatan Pemhelajarna 1. I'endahuluan (25 ') ,- Guru memberi salam dan bertegur sapa. r Guru mengabsen kehadiran siswa. r Guru mengara11kan siswa pada topic yang akan dibahas dengan mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan. r Guru memberikan kertas latihan soal tentang materi yang akan di balms.dan siswa mengerjakannya dengan batas waktu 15 menit. (pre test) r Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran. ,- Guru menjelaskan kepada siswa kegiatan yang akan meraka lakukan: menghapal, mengerjakan latihan. 2. Penyaiian ( 60 ') • Guru memperkenalkan nama-nama kendaraan dengan menggunakan kartu yang mana nama-namakendaraan tersebut telah terlampir di dalam kartu dalam bahasa Inggris • Guru mcngajarkan bagaimana pengucapan nama-nama kendaraan dalam bahasa lnggris dan di ikuti oleh seluruh siswa.
  • 78. 72 • Gurn mernbcrikan pertar1yaan yang berhubungan dengan garnbar yang ada di karlu • Guru memberikan flashcard kepada siswa, masing-masing 2 flashcard,dan siswa di haruskiln menghapalkan kata-kata yang ada dalam flashcard tersebut. • Guru mengarnbil flashcard yang te!ah diberikan pada siswa sctclah S mcnit ditangau n1crcka. Q C-iuru inen:1nyakar1 pada n1asing-111asing sisva tcntang na1na-n~11na kendaraan apa saja yang ada pada flashcard yang ada pada tangan mercka. o Guru mcmbagikan kcmbali l1ashcard kcpada siswa dengan gambar yang berbcda, dan siswa di haruskan menghapalka:n kembaJi flashcard yang rncmiliki kata-kata yang bcrbcda, dan seterusnya sampai semua siswa mendapatkan semua flash card. " Guru m.:rnbcrikan pertanyaan kep::ida siswa secara kescluruhan tentang nama- narna kendaraan dalam bahasa lnggris..Dan siswa di haruskan mcnjawab sccarn scrempak. 0 Guru 1ncmberibn kcscmpatan unluk ber1anya kepada siswa. • Guru rnembcrikan soal-soal dalam ke1tas latihan yang berhubungan dengan rnakri (transport<ttion) kepacla siswa e:q1<.:rinient class. (post test) ei (Juru n1l:ngu1npufk;:u1 pckcrjaan sisv.a. 3. }'nUll!/) (5 '.J o Guru rncnanyabn pada mereka apa yang sudah rnercka dapal dari apa yang tclah rnereka pelajari. C!uru 1nL:11gakhiri pckijaran, clc:n~~~111 .rx;nutup sa!a111 G. W:ddu l'endahuIuan Pcnyajian l'enutup (Lily Kar ika, S.pd) : 25 lknit : 60 Menit : 5 Menit 90 lvknit Mcngetahui .lakai1a, .itu1i 2005 l'cnulis (llwiharlali)
  • 79. B1S SEPEDA ·----·---- ----~ ~ ----- 'lAI I 111..,- I11--•; r·1 b /___:.:._< ' I - {taaj TAKSI ,n (yi·or('yci n g t •• ~1 t. ~ _,,. _, l ~~ .!!. ---------- MfT"ff) 73 .[aeropl2110A ----'/ PESA'vJA.T MOBL
  • 80. SMART EDUCATION CENTER Pre Test PRE HASIC LEVEL 74 ---"""--___ _,,,.._,,,,-..,'"'''''""-~-==="""""""'=""·""-""'-~~··"'·===,,,,-·,,,,·-""·=· ,,_,,,,,,,____,,,,,,,==="""'"""' Name: 1 choose t" d;)1t answer of the following question by crns<:'g A, B, C or D 1. My Lihc:r drives ....... to office a_ 1k, ic:optcr b_ Lorry d. Car 2. Wlui ;, "Motor" in English" a. IL:l'ck b. Bus / ... . '"~·,'· r·t'' ~~.~;. 3. I go t,' school b~y... ···®9Y~·~ a. f:; " b. Car d. MotorcYcic t c> 4. We~- 1 to Australia by...... -~"';:? a. I! :icopter b. Aeroplane <~~ c. T:,:i11 <l. Ship "· 5. It is :r,· long transportation, what is i'1 It is....... --- 1 b. Taxi c. S!:ip d. Lorry 6. We 1 i:;it botanical garden by using....... rr-"•"''';(;;:-.,;,::~ a_ Tc:in b. Lorry (E':··&/ ,0 i c_ b: -.·1·c]e d. Bus ' -, ! 7. My father will buy a .. _... for my brother's birthday, ;-;!!'.~~,-,).·:=,,,_y_;_•' .._:__:~.. '_'~.' i, a. h 'otorcycle b_ bicycle ., . __ ,-_o -
  • 81. c. Helicopter d. Lorry 8. l see a ...... in the sea a. Ship b. Train c. Helicopter d. Lorry 9. A driver drives a....... carefully a. Taxi b.Bus c. Pedicap d. Carriage 10. P-0-1-L-C-E-R-T-H a. Aeroplane b. Police car c. Ambulance d. Helicopter /,-)(-~'{~- ~' :~ 6;~~-:~'~~:"· II. Match the left side of the following words into right side J. Lorry ( 2. Aeroplane ( 3..Ambulance ( 4. Ship ( 5. Bicycle ( ) ) ) ) ) B.~ ~ 75
  • 82. l'an1e: --- ;;._ J' - ; i i(;S <J.11 SMART EDUCATION CENTER Post Test PRE BAsrc LEVEL ·:c.:uptcr b. L,orry d. Aeroplane: b. Bus c. :-. ,'_i_I, i_:ycc d. Taxi b. Car d. Motorcycle . ~l. i·-l:~ ,. ~;;_·c.:r just carne fro1n Suranaya by ... ~-: ..:::copter b. Aeroplane c. , '"'" d. Ship 5. ·r11e ~<<-1~:cnts are traveling 1nu:::.eun1 b. Taxi d. Lorry 6. ___ --·. Brings sick people to hospital iitJ. b.Lorry c. b1..:: c!c d. Ambulance 7. Cbris:orher Columbus sailed by... ··- to discover a new Jami -'"'·"·· b bicvcle • 0 76
  • 83. c. Helicopter d. Lorry :J'.. My brother buys a new ...... from Suzuki show room b. bicycle d. r-.·1otorcyclc .. to pick them up rnm1 the ho:~J h. 13us JL.'.ltrl:.a1ch the i·~·~·- ~ide of the folloving 'vor<ls into right side ( ) -~ .:.• ..t/f.'.li fl ( ..'.!..;Ship ( 5.. N!otorcyclc ( l!!L.litnange the letters to be right words! Y. N - I -- T ·- A - R ., H·-1 ···l'-S :r. 1-X-T--A i E-N-A-L-E-R-0-P-A S. R- C-A '~ A. G'-'.) ,...-r:--,;~ c. f;..• .•~ 77
  • 84. APPENDIXES VIII :vrata Pclajar. ,J -T:~n1~1 Vlakt:1 RENCANA PEJlll'.cLA.TARA?; '!![ : Smart Education Cc:::;:r (S.E.C) : Pre Bcsic (Control C! :~:s) : 8ah3sa rnggris : Transportation : 90 Mcnit _ Tujuan Fc.•1:1dajaran Umum (Tl'li) Sisva <lap::· 1n·-..:nguasai kosakata dcngan 1n~nggunaka:n k~ita yang h~rse·Jj~l. l3. Tujuan l'emklajaran Khusus (TPK) 78 I. SrS'iJ d:•:':!! rn~nycbutkan nan1a-na1n~1 kc:1daraan dcnc.:!n bahas_a lng.gris scc:{ra lisan. 2. Sisva <.:._-;~~ n1cnjavab ~rtanyaan gurl! l('ntang nan1a-r1an1a kcndard:~n d1 .::ngan rn-~nggu;·:::1~:n bahasa Inggris dcngan li:<:'i. 3. S1s1:a d.::',1 .: 1nc:nyusun kata. .+. Siswa ci:•;coil rncncocokkan kata-kata dc11:::in gambar. 5. SiS'a 1..L'.1.':-~t inengucapkan kata-kata yan2 t~lah diucapi~an ol~h guru. £. M:1tcri l'c'ii1:1dajaran (Tcrlampir) l~.. ~redia i»::-dn~lajaran 'ord Card F. I1 :cgi.atan !'enibelajarau I. l'<'mfah1n'uu11 (25 ') ,- Guru mc:111beri salam dan bertegur S:ti'l!. r Guru mcngabsen kehadiran siswa. r Guru rncngarahkan siswa pada topic·yang akan dibahas dengan mengaj ukan bcbcr;ipa pcrtanyaan. ,.. Guru mcmberikan kertas latihan soal tcntang materi yang akan di lJahas.dan siswa men'°crjakannya dengan batas waktu 15 menit. (pre test) r Guru mc:njelaskan tujuan pembelajr;ran. r Guru menjelaskan kepada siswa kegiatan yang abn meraka lakrn:an: menghapal, 111en;;,:i:iakn11 lalihan. 2. l'en1'£1ii.111 ( (;{) ') • Guru mcmperkenalkan nama-nama kcndaraan dahcrn bahasa Inggris dengan rnenulirnrn di papan tulis. • Guru mcngajarkan bagaimana penguccpan nama-mma kendaraar.i dalam bahasa lngg: is cLm di ikuti oleh seluruh siswa.
  • 85. 79 • Guru mcmbcrikan waktu kepada siswa untuk mcnghafal nam:1 buah yang telah ditu!is dipapan tulis dalarn waktu JO mcnit ~ (/uni rn,.:rnb~rikan pc:rtanyaan kcpada sGluruh sisv1a yang b~rh111-"ungan dL~ngan n:~;r::1-n:;n1;1 liuJh dalan1 bal1asa 1nggris dan sisva di '~1jibk:1n n·:cnjaV:tb dcngan SL'1-.:1:1p::L t::i~p:: n11.:ld1:1t catatan 111crc!:a. " Ciui u 11:,:!.1b1.·.rik~:n k,..:~;~111pata11 untuk bcn::11y;1 kcp:ichi si:~va_ .., (Ju cu 1·11,,·!:-ih(:riLan S.):d-soal dala111_Lt'.rt::1s !:1til~;1n (post lL:st) y:ii~ ;; bcrhubung~n dc:i.-i•-'L'! 1::::1~-ri ) kc·rx1da sis'"'a Khususnya contnl c!as::;_ Ciu:·i_J tl'.,_:t1~~l:!ttpulka:1 p<..'.kt.;tjaan sisv~t. 3. J·11:1.'." ....' (."'" '; (~l 1 ~:i 11: ..·n:::·::-·::·:~:111 p;1(!:1 1nc~rL'.k~1 ~:pa y;1ng :;ud;1h 1111.. .:rLk:i d;1;x!.t t::n·i ;,1pa yang lt..:L.t:·1 Pcndahu!i 1::: 1 P;..'.n;:a.1i:i11 l)enl1tup tLily l:irlib, S.pd) : ~5 ivl'cnit ·{JO ~cnit Ivl..;ngctahui (D wih :Jrtat i)
  • 86. SlIART EDUCATION CENTER Pre Test PRE BASIC LEVEL i.bll~.HlS(~ the r: r'.,l ansvver of the follov,·lng question by crossing A, Ii, c: or}) "i. My i';i:i' r drives ofllcc (Mobil ~- l k: r :. ;''er b. Lorry .:.'.-'hat r; · k1tor"' in English" C. Ship d. Car b. Bus c. Motorcycle d. Taxi 3: [ c'" td "'"'by...... (Sepeda) b. Car c. bic·clc ' ·c ,,,. · i-.ustralia by.....(l'csawat) a. f-b :c ·;'ccr b. Aeroplane c. Train d. Motorcycle d. Ship 5~ lt is vcr' l•rng transportation, what is it0 lt is........(Kereta) b. Taxi c. Ship d. Lorry 'Y:. ~ '"l : -,r.::=inical gardi;n by using __ .....(l3is) b. Lo1Ty c. bicycle d. Bus f;,· : '"ill buy a ...... for my brother's birthday (Motor) Ycle b. bicvcle c. Hcl icoptcr d. Lorry in the sea (Kapa! laut) b. Train c. l!clicortcr d. Lorry l. A elm : ,_,:11·cs a.. . . careCully (taxi) a. I ;t 1 b. Bus c. Pedicap d. Carriage i.O. l' · 1 l ··I - L - C- E- R- T - H a. !emplane b.Police car c. Ambulance d. Helicopter illl.!latch 1he left side of the following words into right side .:~~1.:e:ropla r;c ( ( ) ) A. Motor B. Becak C. Lorri D. Pesawat E. Pedati 80
  • 87. SMART EDUCATION CENTER Post Test PRE BASIC LEVEL 81 '-"'""-""'"'-""""~'-''''""'''· ,.,..·-··--·--·-·-········-·-·-..~-----··-""' ~-·=-===~"""""""""""" (pcsa·,~:t/ c. Ship (Sepeda) b. Eus c. iv1otorcycle d. ·ra:--:i • I (b1cr dri1·cs a ........ (mohi!J b. C"r c. bicyck d. iviu~urcyclc •. The students arc traveling by museum (bis) b. Taxi c. Bus d. Lorry c'. . .... Brings sick pcopk to hospital (Arnbulan) a. l rain b. Lorry c. bicyck .. Christoph.:r Columbus sailed bl' ..... to discover a ne1v land (kapal laut) a. Ship b. bicycle: c. Helicopter d. Lorry ~;. ly brother bu:ys a nc'. ...... frorn Suzuki shOV roon1 b. bicycle c. Hel icoptcr d. Motorcycle 9. The tourist call the... .to pick them up from the hotel (Taxi) b. Bus c. Pedi cap d. Carriage 10. The. .... sound the sirenc a. Aeroplane b.Police car c. Ambulance d. Helicopter i!V!atch the lcrt side of the following words into right i.ide T,;,.An1bulance ( ) A Se;)cda :::.· E-!cvclc ( ) 13. f1o:-or 2~Iw1n ( ) c. AmbuIan ~LShip ( ) D. Kcreta api
  • 88. 82 III. Complete the following words with suitable letters! 1. s p (Kapa! laut) ') T x (Taksi) ' M E (Sepeda Motor) ·'· -· ----- -1. 11 (' R (I lclikoplcr) ), i p (Pesawat)
  • 89. Table IV. The Pre-test Score of Control Class IY1) ... Stude~-t--;-·1" Meeting I2"" Meeting I3"' Meeting 41 " Meeting J ' (A) I CB) ! ( c) (D) I I I I 4 A+B+C+d --·ss--r- 60 I 66 70 _···.·.. ·-··-_·-:2..····.···········+ !'JQ___L---~---I 5s LI_4_0__~162,75 3 55 I 50 I 49 58 3 ··..··.~_:i:·. • • - r n 50 55 -r--· 49 6~ J 54 25 ;) 5 --- -------------- 6·---- -------·· 7 i 45 I ! .............l , .• 50 I 55 57 I 51,75 ·······---r 1 ··1~-! 58 62 69 I 62,5 50 58 60 I- 52 60 i 65 69 I 58 I 63 58 I 70 ' 62 78 67 ! "·--- I ' 49 69 I 69 57 61 _J 8 ____________ _,_ _ _..!..____ 9 ---.-----------.--·----r----.---- 10 TablcV The Post-test Score of Control Class (Y2) .... Stu·d~~;;·-r I" Meeting fA) 65 60 J 60 60 5 50 J 211 J Meeting I I (B) I I I ! 59 I 3ra Meeting ( c) 69 ! 60 .L 62 l 58 i 55 I 60 I 70 I ' I 57 I 65 69 60 I I 4 'Meeting (D) 70 I A+B+c+d 4 65,75 65 i 61,75 63 ! 59 69 64,75 50 I 55,5 ' 70 ! 67 . 6 7 ?9····1·· . -- -----·------ ·+ ------·----- ·--------- ----------------- ..L. --------~--------- 8 9 1() Student )8 ; 69 I 69 63 I 64,75 }i5 --~-_§2_--l 63 60 59,5 60 65 I 72 75 68 )3 ·-1=_§9__ _J __ 70 65 64,5 Table VI _'}'l1~!'j~C.~r.~~t Sc()re °iLg11.e.iillleJ!i Cl':s (~L_. 1_ .... . _ I" Meeting 1 2'" Meeting i 3" Jl.,leeting 4 Meeting 1 2::X1~ (A) I (B) I ( c) (D) l±Tl-1:;'.+d i ' I 1 •I ·····-· ·······r······-·-······--······· ··-··-·r-···-···--····- 63 ! 59 i 73 60 I 63,75 83 49--·T··--33···- l 65 i 55 I 50,5 I 58 51 1, 60 ;___49__ 1 54,~_ 62 --~-l 69 I 68 , 64,75 ·1 75 69 I 77 . 74 I 73,75 ]
  • 90. 84 _____6 - __._-___ ·-~- ~;--~=r----~; 1-~---F 6 5_~---+--__ 6_8~,2_5_---l ~ - --------1 -------i------+------t-----------<t----6--c-4~,5--j , ----<--)-- ----- · -;~ i ~~ l ~~ I ~~ 5 ~; 5 1---------- ------------ ; l0 60 65 60 69 ' ------- -- --- - 63,5 Table VU Student The Post-test Score ofEx11eriment Class (X2) -!-;;-Meeting I2'"1 Meeting I 3'° Meeting 4"' Meeting I IX2~ I (A) I (B) I (c) (D) I A +!l-+C-hJ I i I 4 76 ! 68 I 86 75 I 76,25 I -- __,__ - I ' - ···~-- 62 I 51 I 83 74 I 67,5 I I 68 I 62 I 77 77 71 I ! I 60 I 73 I 75 78 71,5 I ----.. I I 70 I 77 ! 79 80 76,5 _________j 71 I 7l I 76 83 75,25 73 60 I 78 75 71,5 I ~ -- I 4 ("------------·- ; 5 r----~----- -------------r-- ' 6 --------------..-------·r- ' 7 L---·-----------•- r 8 - i l 9 L______l_O
  • 91. cC S lfY:I Ill rl Education Center SURAT KETERANGAN NOMOR:28/SECNl/05 U'et Snuilirt Wilh Us Ketua Yayasan S.E.C, Villa Mutiara - Ciputat dengan ini menerangkan bahwa: Nama : Dwi Hartati c. v1 N.I.M. Semester Jurusan I Fakultas Alamat : 00014000382 I) 1.()1 : IX : B. Inggris I Tarbiyah : Jln. Kecubung Raya block GG No.19 RT 003/02 Villa Mutiara - Ciputat Dengan ini memberitahukan bahwa, yang bersangkutan telah melakukan penelitian (Research) di S.E.C. Jombang- Ciputat sarnpai dengan selesai. Bidang penditian dalam rangka penyelesaian Skripsi yang berjudul: "USING PI(:;"'TUR.E .1N TEACHING VOCABULARY" Surat keterangan ini kami buat dengan sesungguhnya u~tuk dipergunakan sebagaimana mestinya.
  • 92. No lsti111ewa Lai1p I Berkas l'cnhal l'engajuan Judul Skripsi l(epada Yth: Bapak Ketua Jurusan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas llmu Tarbiyah dan Pendidikan ,Assa lamu alai ku111 Wr. Wb. Sava yang berlanda tangan di bawah ini: NIM h1kultas Jurusan : DWI 1-IARTATI : 0014000382 : IJ111u Tarbiyah dan Pendidikan : Bahasa Inggris Dengan 111i 111engajukanjudul skripsi "Using Pictures in Teaching Vocabulary" A case study at S.E.C (Smart Education Center) Jombang Ciputat Dan bersamaan ini saya lampirkan: 1. Outline 2. Abstraksi 3. Daftar pustaka sementara De111ikian permohonan ini saya sampaikan, semoga Bapak berkenan menerima judul skripsi saya yang telah saya sampaikan. Alas perhatian Bapak, saya mengucapkan banyak terimakasih. Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb. Kotun .Jurusan Bahasa Jnggris ~·- - Drs. Nasrun Mahmud, M.pd. NIP. 150 041 070 Pemohon . . l l .. Jfk,. ~{~v, .'.J" ~ D~rtati ' <._I. - lt!.~~NIM 0014000382 "' .tf.v"-.... ~ .. I
  • 93. DEPARTEMEN AGAMA UNIVERSITAS ISLAl1 NEGERI SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH JAKARTA FAKULTAS ILMU TARBIYAH DAN KEGURUAN Telp. : (62-21) 74..CJ32ll:. 740192.S. Fu.:.. (62-21) 7402981 Email : a No1nor 95, Ciputal ! 54 l2, Indonesia -""""'"""""'"""""""""'""""'""""""""""'"""""""""""~....,,,,,,.,,,,"""""'"""""""""'""""'""""""""""'"""""'"""""'"""""""""""""'........ '1omor : ET/l'P.O 1.1/ Ill /2005 .,amp. : - )eriha! : l'crpanjangan Bimbingan Skripsi /ssalamu'alaikum wr. wb. Jakarta, I !aret 2005 Kepada Yth. Drs. Syauki, 11.Pd Dosen Pembimbing Skripsi Fakultas !!mu Tarhiyah dan !-;cguruan U!N Syarifl!ida,atullah Jakarta Kami mengharapkan kcsediaan Saudara untuk mcmpapan.1ang v,aktu llimbingan I/II (materi/teknis)*) penulisan skripsi mahasiswa: Nama No. Pokok : DWI HARTATI : 0014000382 Jurusan .ludul Skripsi : Pendidikan Bahasa Jnggris :"Using Picture in Teaching Vocabulary·· Penulisan skripsi mahasiswa tersebut telah habis batas waktu yang telah ditcntukan sejak 21 Desember 2004 dan diperpanjang sampai dengan tanggal 21 Juni 2005 Demikianlah, atas kescdiaan Saudara kami ucapkan tcrirna kasih. Wassalarnu'alaikum wr. wb. ''en1busan : . Dckan FITK ,. J(etua .lurusan ;'sb. . Mahasiswa yang bcrsangkutan ) coret yang tidak pc'rlu. a.n. Dekan