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November 2014 
AN UNHOLY ALLIANCE – Mix Hooligans and neo-Nazis and eventually you get trouble. 
A NEW SCHUL – The first in 76 years. 
POLITICAL DISSENSION – A President criticizes another political party. No it’s not 
A POLITICAL HARBINGER? – Can what happens in a State happen in a nation? 
A LITTLE PIECEOF NOVEMBER HISTORY – It’s 1923. A former Chancellor fights anti- 
Semitism. Shouldn’t we remember him? 
Habermas. A thinker you should know more about. 
Dear Friends: 
With Thanksgiving right around the corner I thought I should get this month’s newsletter 
out to you early so that you could digest its contents along with your turkey and stuffing 
feast. Enjoy the holiday! 
Historically speaking, in the 20th Century, November has been fateful for Germany – not 
much of it in a good way. November 9th is a date of particular importance. On that date 
in 1918 the German Monarchy fell and so World War I came crashing down in defeat. In 
1923 the Hitler Putsch in Munich failed but made “The Leader” a major figure in German 
politics. In 1938 the Nazis destroyed synagogues throughout Germany in an anti- 
Semitic blaze now known as Kristallnacht. Their luck changed in 1989 when the Berlin 
Wall came down setting the table for the uniting of both East and West Germany. 
During November, Germany, particularly Chancellor Merkel, has become more 
concerned about Russian expansionism in Ukraine. She has stood up to Putin in quite a 
heroic way. The New York Times commented on it. Click here to read their piece. 
American – German relations seem to be peaceful at the moment so let’s get on with 
the news so you can get on with your Thanksgiving dinner… 
We know that neo-Nazis are trouble. However when you mix them with Soccer 
(Football) Hooligans and a minority (Salafists) you have a prescription for violence and 
real trouble. 
Spiegel On-Line reported, “Hours after their coup, the rabble rousers were still reveling 
in their unexpected success. One hooligan going by the nom de guerre "Bo Ne," happily 
posted: "We made it into the news around the entire world. Russia, Turkey, Switzerland, 
Spain, France -- first goal achieved!" 
It was a view shared by almost everyone in the four closed forums belonging to the 
group called Hooligans gegen Salafisten (Hooligans against Salafists). With more than 
3,000 members, the network is a loose association of neo-Nazis, nationalists and 
football rowdies -- and their posts made it clear that they didn't think they were being 
monitored. One regretted not having brought an axe to the demonstration to "destroy all 
of Islam." Bo Ne and others, however, were totally satisfied. Germany, he wrote, has 
now seen "what it means to deceive a people for 70 years." 
And: "Cologne was just the beginning." 
The rally took place on the last weekend in October and saw almost 5,000 
demonstrators, right-wing extremists and football hooligans march through Cologne, 
many of them clearly looking for trouble. Riled up by the right-wing rock band Kategorie 
C (which sings lyrics like: "Today they are slitting the throats of sheep and cows, 
tomorrow it may be Christian children"), they filled the Cologne city center with their 
hate. Tourists and passersby got out of their way. 
By the time the march came to an end, 49 police officers had been injured, a police van 
had been flipped over and plenty of other property had been damaged. Cologne police 
quickly assembled a special investigative unit made up of 36 officers. State prosecutors 
say that 32 suspects have now been identified and fully 72 investigations have been 
Almost as soon as the violence in Cologne had come to an end, dates for further 
demonstrations elsewhere in Germany began circulating. 
The phenomenon is an unexpected one. Thousands of hooligans appear to have left 
their football clubs of choice behind in favor of uniting against a common enemy: the 
presumed danger of Islam. In addition, they have joined forces with neo-Nazis and other 
racists. Nobody, it would seem, thought that such an unholy alliance was possible. 
“…..the phenomenon is one that has been developing for some time now. Since
February of 2012, security officials have had solid evidence that traditionally adversarial 
hooligan groups were establishing ties and drifting to the right-wing fringe. 
The example of Dortmund shows that, for an extended period, the phenomenon was not 
taken seriously enough. Indeed, right-wing extremist hooligans had even managed to 
find jobs within the club's own security service. 
There’s more but I think you understand the problem by now. I am not a devotee of the 
Salafists by any means. They represent a philosophy that appalls me. However, this 
right-wing group of neo-Nazis and hooligans is even more frightening. It so reminds me 
of the German groups that were darkening the political scene of the 1920’s and early 
1930’s in Germany. Of course, Germany is a different place these days but fright is not 
always a logical matter. 
One thing we Jews should remember. No matter which minority group is being focused 
on, even if we don’t like them, when there’s discrimination and violence. – We’re next! 
If you want to read the entire article click here: 
It’s a nice story. When a German city has not had a synagogue for the last 76 years and 
finally, not only establishes one, but has enough Jews to make a real Jewish 
community, that’s something to celebrate. 
JTA reported, “A former church in the German city of Cottbus is to become Germany’s 
newest synagogue, and the first since 1938 in the state of Brandenburg. 
In ceremonies on Nov. 2, Ulrike Menzel, who has led the Evangelical parish in Cottbus 
since 2009, handed a key for the Schlolsskirche, or “castle church,” to the Jewish 
Association of the State of Brandenburg. 
The actual dedication of the synagogue is planned for Holocaust Remembrance Day, 
on Jan. 27, 2015. 
Last weekend’s event comes almost exactly 76 years after the “Night of Broken Glass,” 
a Germany-wide pogrom in which Jewish property and synagogues – including the one 
in Cottbus – were destroyed. 
Cottbus traces the first mention of Jewish residents to 1448. Its first Jewish house of 
prayer was established in 1811 in the inner courtyard of a cloth maker. At the time, 
there were 17 Jews in Cottbus. In 1902, a larger synagogue was dedicated. Nazi 
hooligans stormed it and set it afire on the night of Nov. 9-10, 1938. A department store 
stands on the site today.
The Jewish community was not formally reestablished in Cottbus until 1998.Today, it 
has some 350 members, all of them Jews from the former Soviet Union. The current 
president is Gennadi Kuschnir. 
“It’s wonderful to see this house of worship returned to its intended use,” Menzel said at 
Sunday’s ceremony, according to the Nordkurier online newspaper. For decades, the 
building has been used for social and communal events. 
According to a statement on the community’s website, the State of Brandenburg 
contributed the full purchase cost for the decommissioned church, $730,700, and will 
contribute about $62,400 per year for maintenance. The city of Cottbus oversaw the 
removal of the cross and church bell from the steeple. All other costs of renovation were 
to be borne by the state Jewish association. 
The Cottbus Jewish community has pledged to use the structure as a synagogue for at 
least 25 years. 
Let’s hope that in 25 years the community is ready for a bigger edifice. 
Like I said, “Nice story”. 
Do you think we have political dissension in the U.S.? What would happen here if the 
second most important politician declared that one of the political parties was not 
competent to head a legislature after it was elected to perform that duty? Well, it 
happened in Germany. 
According to the, “Germany's president sparked a heated debate on Monday 
after questioning whether the country's far-left party, Die Linke, is fit to lead its first state 
government since the Berlin Wall fell 25 years ago. 
Joachim Gauck - a former dissident Lutheran pastor in the East, and now reunified 
Germany's head of state - had asked whether the Linke had truly shaken off its 
repressive communist roots. 
He spoke on Sunday as the Linke's leader in the eastern state of Thuringia, Bodo 
Ramelow, looked set to head a coalition with the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD) 
and Greens. 
Gauck, 74, said in an interview that "people of my age who lived through the GDR 
(German Democratic Republic) find it quite hard to accept this", adding: "But we are a 
The anti-capitalist and pacifist Linke, Germany's biggest opposition party, was formed 
as a successor to East Germany's ruling Marxist-Leninists, the Socialist Unity Party 
(SED), together with far-left members from the former West.
Gauck - Germany's largely ceremonial head of state, who is supposed to stay clear of 
party politics - asked whether the Linke had "really distanced itself from the ideas the 
SED once had about repression of people... so that we can fully trust it". 
A national co-leader of the Linke, Katja Kipping, charged that wading into party politics 
was "unbecoming" of a president, saying he "must consider his words very carefully". 
Ramelow, a trade unionist who grew up in the West, voiced irritation about Gauck's 
comments and pointed out that he was a fellow Christian. 
The Greens' leader Simone Peter told Monday's Die Welt newspaper that, despite his 
personal history in the East, Gauck "as president must act politically neutral". 
The controversy comes as Germany prepares to mark 25 years since the fall of the 
Berlin Wall on Sunday with celebrations in the capital. 
The so-called "red-red-green" coalition shaping up in Thuringia in talks following 
September elections would be Germany's first where the far-left would be the senior 
For conservative Chancellor Angela Merkel, who also grew up in the East, it could pose 
a headache as it would involve the SPD, her governing partners at the national level, 
and could foreshadow a broad leftist front running against her in future national 
SPD secretary general Yasmin Fahimi called for "calm" in the debate, telling Bild daily 
that "25 years since the fall of the Wall, it's time to accept the Linke as a party that can 
assume government responsibility at the state level". 
Bild defended Gauck, saying in an editorial that "he doesn't have to please everyone all 
the time. He can say what he wants. In fact, sometimes he must." 
The important point here, of course, is the fact that the animosity that many in Germany, 
especially some that were citizens of East Germany, have toward the former German 
Democratic Republic and its politics is very much alive even today. 
In spite of what Pres. Gauck had to say, it looks as if it’s going to happen. Continue 
The national elections in Germany are more than two years away. Today we have a 
“grand coalition” with a Christian Democratic (CDU) Chancellor and a Social Democrat 
(SPD) Foreign Minister. The two major parties had to join together because neither 
could forge a coalition with enough Bundestag seats to take control. The SPD, the more
liberal of the two parties could have obtained a coalitional majority if it was willing to join 
up with Die Linke, which contains parts of the old East German communist party. Since 
winning usually trumps ideological positions, that might be changing. 
Earlier this month DW reported, “Two months after state elections in the eastern state of 
Thuringia, and 25 years after the wall came down between East and West Berlin, an 
announcement came out Wednesday that one of Germany's 16 federal states will be 
governed by a Socialist politician. 
Bodo Ramelow, state premier candidate for Thuringia's Left Party, said via Twitter that 
coalition talks with the Social Democrats (SPD) and the Green Party had been 
concluded and plans for the Left, SPD Green coalition were set. This is known in 
German political parlance as a Red-Red-Green coalition, due the parties' respective 
First of its kind 
This coalition is unprecedented; not only, however, because it has never existed in this 
form federally, or in one of Germany's states before. There also has never been a 
politician from the Left Party, the remains of the Socialist Unity Party (SED) that 
governed Communist East Germany untouched for four decades, at the head of a 
German state government. 
Although the Left Party traditionally fares well in the former east of the country and has 
already regularly participated in regional government there, the prospect of one of their 
members being appointed regional state premier for the first time has fuelled heated 
debate across Germany. 
This past weekend, when the entire country was celebrating the 25th anniversary of the 
Fall of the Berlin Wall, around 4,000 people rallied in Erfurt, the regional state capital of 
Thuringia, to protest against the party. A number of conservative politicians from 
Merkel's Christian Democratic Union, including the chancellor herself, have also 
expressed their misgivings about the coalition experiment. 
In Thuringia, the Christian Democrats have made up a part of the ruling coalition ever 
since the fall of the Berlin Wall. The CDU was the highest vote-getter in September's 
state election, but they weren't able to ally with the SPD this time around to stay in 
power. During the coalition talks, the outgoing CDU state premier Christine 
Lieberknecht implored her prospective colleagues not to make a "grave error" by joining 
with the Left party, citing the "bitter historical message" such a move would send. 
While this new coalition will not be formally installed until early December, it certainly 
looks like it will come to power. The fact that a member of Die Linke will be the Minister 
President won’t have a major impact on any current German national policy. The 
question of what will happen nationally in 2017 when the next election is to be held is 
quite another story. Adding Die Linke to a left-leaning national coalition might very well 
have implications for all sorts of policies including those in which this newsletter has 
great interest. It will certainly be something for us to keep watch closely.
Earlier this month Germany celebrated the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. 
As the concrete began to fall, it presaged the decline and eventual implosion of 
communism all throughout Europe. The Soviet Union was swept into the dustbin of 
history. (A troublesome Russia emerged but that is another story). 
On Nov. 9, 1989 there were about 3,000 Jews in all of the two Germanys.. The collapse 
of communism brought another 200,000. 
How about the Jews who were already living in Germany especially the youngsters who 
were born there and had not left for Israel or the West? One of those was Michael 
Brenner, now Dr. Michael Brenner of both the University of Munich and American 
University in Washington, D.C. 
Dr. Brenner shared his own story in The Forward. You will find it in complete form 
The French writer François Mauriac is quoted with the sentence, “I love Germany so 
much that I am glad that there are two of them.” This was pretty much the attitude 
among the Jewish community in Germany, in which I grew up in the 1970s and ’80s. 
The Jews of postwar Germany felt protected by what many considered a holy trinity: the 
bad conscience of the Germans, the presence of the Allied troops and the wall that 
made sure Germany would never again become a superpower and a threat to the 
There were only 30,000 Jews to the west of the wall. Most of them were Holocaust 
survivors from Eastern Europe who had come as displaced persons and somehow 
missed the boat to Israel or to the United States in the later 1940s. They had settled 
there, but they were not settled. Many lived with their proverbial packed bags and sent 
their children to Israel, the United States or England. In East Germany, only a few 
hundred Jews were left in small Jewish communities, as most had fled to the West in 
the winter of 1952–53 as a result of the anti-Semitic atmosphere under late Stalinism. 
I was in graduate school at Columbia University and had just come from a class on 
German Jewish history when my mother called from Germany with the news about the 
fall of the wall on November 9, 1989. After having survived the Holocaust, she was 
among the German Jews who had fled to West Germany from East Germany in 1953, 
and although she was reserved about the news, she could now visit her hometown of 
Dresden again. 
Like most other German Jews, I thought: Was there really no other day they could have 
brought down the wall besides the anniversary of Kristallnacht? Which by the way also 
happened to be the day when the first German Republic was declared in 1918, and
when Hitler failed in his Munich beer hall putsch in 1923. Add to it now the fall of the 
In Europe, no one knew what a future Germany would look like. Margaret Thatcher 
feared it just as much as the German Jews did. The writer Günter Grass and other left-wing 
intellectuals thought that two democratic Germanys would be better than one. But 
in the end there was no other option but unification. On October 3, 1990, East Germany 
was swallowed by its bigger, more democratic and more prosperous Western brother. 
While German Jews were still worried, they suddenly realized that the fall of the wall 
was their lifesaver. With the breakdown of communism and ultimately the Soviet Union, 
Soviet Jews were free to leave. More than 1 million left for Israel, others for the United 
States. But some wanted to stay in Europe, and over the course of the next two 
decades almost 200,000 opted for Germany. After all, Germany was the only country 
besides Israel that could not say no to Jews knocking at its doors. 
For the small Jewish community of Weiden in Bavaria, where I grew up, this meant 
survival. By 1989, there were barely 30, mostly older, people left in the Jewish 
community, and they had just planned to merge with another small community about 20 
miles away. There was no merger, and within a few years the Weiden community 
counted more than 300 Russian Jews. For the first time in decades, the community 
employed a rabbi and held regular Sabbath services. Bigger Jewish communities had 
similar stories to tell. Some grew to 2000 members from 80. Cities like Munich, 
Düsseldorf and Hannover count as many or even more Jews today than before 1933. In 
East Germany, where by 1989 a total of 350 Jews were registered in a few cities, many 
new and all-Russian Jewish communities were established. 
During the past 25 years, Germany has been the fastest-growing Jewish community 
outside of Israel. Dozens of synagogues, community centers and schools were built; 
Reform, Conservative and Orthodox rabbinical seminaries have been established; 
Jewish museums, bookstores and university programs in Jewish studies continue to 
flourish. In recent years, more than 20,000 young Israelis, who settled in Berlin and 
developed their own cultural platforms in Hebrew, joined the Russian Jewish 
immigrants. They would not have come to a divided city. 
While no one could have predicted this revival of Jewish life, one should still remain 
realistic with regard to the future. Most of the Russian Jews came without any significant 
connection to Judaism and were so busy with integrating into German society that little 
energy was left for participation in Jewish life. Many small Jewish communities are 
struggling again to form a minyan for Sabbath services and enough resources for their 
cultural programs. In addition, recent debates about both the right of circumcision and 
Israel’s wars brought to the surface the previously subcutaneous anti -Semitism, which 
had never fully disappeared. 
With a distance of 25 years, German Jews today mostly embrace the fall of the wall. 
After all, it erased an authoritarian state that refused to take responsibility for Nazi 
crimes and to establish ties with the State of Israel. And, as an ultimate irony of history,
the same day that marked the beginning of the destruction of German Jewry 51 years 
earlier now initiated its revival. 
There is very little I can add. Michael gives many talks throughout the U.S. If you get the 
chance to catch one – do it! He is really an outstanding young man. 
No! It’s not the fall of the Berlin Wall or the commemoration of Kristallnacht. However, in 
perusing the Internet, which I do every once in a while, I came across a historical piece 
that grabbed my interest. Recently on Nov. 12, 2014 the JTA Archive reprinted a piece 
from Nov.12, 1923. 
Ninety-one years ago it reported, “An appeal signed by ex-Chancellor Fehrenbach, ex- 
Ministers Gottheim, Fischer and Suedakun and others representing the Association for 
the Combatting of Anti-Semitism in the Reich deplores the recent pogrom in Berlin 
whereby the “blackest page in German history” was written. “The despairing masses 
misled by the conscienceless anti-Semite Hitler attacked our Jewish fellow-citizens, 
looted Jewish shops, thus writing down the “blackest page in German history”, says the 
appeal. “To continue further on this road would mean that Germany is lost. German 
honor and its future make it imperative for us to combat the blind Jewish agitation which 
is besmirching the German name.” 
I must admit that while I know a little bit about German history my knowledge base 
about the Weimar years between the end of World War I and the 1933 ascension to the 
Chancellorship by Hitler is very weak. Frankly, I had never heard of Chancellor 
Fehrenbach. To have a Chancellor of that time, even a former Chancellor, come out so 
strongly against anti-Semitism came as a little bit of a surprise to me so I decided to see 
what I could find about him. I actually found quite a bit. 
Wikipedia reported, “Constantin Fehrenbach (11 January 1852 – 26 March 1926), was a 
German Catholic politician who was one of the major leaders of the Centre Party or 
Zentrum. He served as President of the Reichstag in 1918, and then as President of the 
Weimar National Assembly from 1919 to 1920. In June 1920, Fehrenbach became 
Chancellor of Germany. He resigned in May 1921 over the issue of war reparation 
payments to the Allies. Fehrenbach headed the Center Party's Reichstag fraction from 
1923 until his death in 1926. 
After the German Revolution of 1918-19, Fehrenbach … became president of the 
parliament, the Weimar National Assembly in February 1919. In that office, he 
succeeded due to a talent for achieving compromise and a quiet and self-controlled 
nature. Within the Zentrum, he was a member of the party's right wing. 
In June 1920, Fehrenbach formed the first Weimar Republic cabinet without 
participation of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD). The SPD remained the 
largest party in the newly elected Reichstag, which succeeded the National Assembly.
As Chancellor, Fehrenbach represented Germany at the Spa conference (1920) and the 
London Conference (1921) He tried in vain to get the US government to work as a 
mediator In social policy, unemployment benefits were improved during Fehrenbach's 
time as chancellor, with the maximum benefit for single males over the age of 21 were 
increased in November 1920 from 7 to 10 marks. 
He resigned in May 1921, as the DVP had withdrawn its support for the government's 
foreign policy of trying to cooperate with the Allies on the issue of reparations. In 
particular, Fehrenbach had failed to get the Reichstag's approval for a fixing of German 
reparation payments at 132 billion gold mark. Although he officially resigned on 4 May, 
he remained in charge of the care-taker government until his replacement by Joseph 
Wirth on 10 May. 
In 1922, Fehrenbach became a judge on the Staatsgerichtshof, the legal guardian of the 
Weimar Constitution. In late 1923, Fehrenbach was elected head of the Zentrum 
fraction in the Reichstag. He remained in that office until his death in 1926. He also 
became vice-chairman of the Verein zur Abwehr des Antisemitismus an organization 
fighting anti-Semitism. [Defense Against Anti-Semitism in Germany]. 
This organization was founded in the late 19th Century and continued on until the end of 
the Weimar Republic. My guess is that most of its members became prominent on the 
lists of the Gestapo. Fortunately perhaps for ex-Chancellor Fehrenbach he passed 
away in 1926 and did not live to see what happened in Germany under Hitler’s 12 year 
There is, of course, a considerable amount of literature on anti-Semitism during the 
Weimar Republic and earlier, however, much of it is in German. I feel it is under-reported 
on in English. I believe that many Germans such as Fehrenbach deserve more 
recognition and ought not to be lost in the obscurity of history. 
I came across an interesting article in Tablet a journal of Jewish thought written by 
Jürgen Habermas, one of the most influential contemporary philosophers who 
(according to Tablet) has published widely on topics ranging from communication and 
knowledge to social political theory and aesthetics. 
While I was familiar with his name, I did not know much about him. I searched Wikipedia 
and found that he is a sociologist and philosopher and that, “Global polls consistently 
find that Habermas is widely recognized as one of the world's leading intellectuals. 
Reading more about him, Wikipedia noted, “Habermas is famous as a public intellectual 
as well as a scholar; most notably, in the 1980s he used the popular press to attack [a 
number of German historians] for "apologistic" history writing in regard to the Nazi era, 
and for seeking to "close Germany's opening to the West" that in Habermas's view had 
existed since 1945. He argued that they had tried to detach Nazi rule and the Holocaust
from the mainstream of German history, explain away Nazism as a reaction to 
Bolshevism, and partially rehabilitate the reputation of the Wehrmacht (German Army) 
during World War II. 
The battle over what I call the “koshering” of German history during World War II 
continues today. The Jerusalem Post reported, “Germany’s ambassador to the 
Netherlands is slated to attend a commemoration at a cemetery where many SS 
soldiers are buried. 
Amb. Franz Josef Kremp is supposed to attend the commemoration on Nov. 16 at the 
Ysselsteyn cemetery near Eindhoven in the eastern Netherlands, a cemetery for victims 
of World War II. He is, according to a report Wednesday by the Dutch De Telegraaf 
daily, aware that it contains the remains of SS soldiers. 
The Center for Information and Documentation on Israel, the Jewish community’s 
watchdog on anti-Semitism, has criticized this practice, warning it blurs the line between 
victim and perpetrator. 
"At a time when anti-Semitism is at a record level across Europe, and when German 
Chancellor Merkel has publicly committed Germany to take a leadership role in 
combating anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial, it is simply unacceptable that the 
German ambassador should bow his head in respect to 3,000 members of the Waffen 
SS,” the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s associate dean Rabbi Abraham Cooper and chief 
Nazi hunter Dr. Efraim Zuroff said in a statement urging Kremp to refrain from 
participation in the ceremony. 
The cemetery has “been the site of recent neo-Nazi demonstrations where young bigots 
carried swastika flags and paraded with the black banners of the SS,” the pair noted. 
“German official policy is crystal clear on the horrors of the Nazi regime, and we are 
shocked by reports that the ambassador would consider blurring it,” Anti -Defamation 
League head Abraham Foxman told The Jerusalem Post on Thursday. 
“German officials should not memorialize those who fought for the Nazi regime.” 
Such participation gives the impression that such memorialization is condoned by 
German authorities, European Jewish Congress President Moshe Kantor told the Post. 
“This sends a very worryingly confusing message which blurs the line between victims 
and perpetrators. Especially as holocaust revision is gaining ground in some circles, we 
expect the German government to instruct the ambassador not to attend such an 
At the same time, The Jerusalem Post reported, “Germany's foreign minister said at an 
international conference on anti-Semitism on Thursday that "hatred of Jews" was on the 
rise once more in his country and across Europe, fueled by spiraling violence in the
Middle East. 
Frank-Walter Steinmeier said Germany's Jews were subjected to threats and attacks at 
pro-Palestinian demonstrations, and the conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza 
must not be used as justification for an anti-Semitic behavior. 
As well as slogans like "Gas the Jews!" during some marches, in July at the height of 
the 50-day Gaza war petrol bombs were thrown at a synagogue in Wuppertal which had 
been burnt down on Kristallnacht - a Nazi attack on the Jews in 1938 - and rebuilt. 
"Bold and brutal anti-Semitism has shown its ugly face again," Steinmeier told an 
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) event. 
Perhaps in some minds the issue of anti-Semitism today and the “honoring” of dead 
Waffen SS soldiers are different issues and should not be connected.. One must suffer 
from historic amnesia if they do not see the connection. It doesn’t surprise me that neo- 
Nazis and other extremists have a warm place in their hearts for the SS. However, 
when a German Ambassador crosses the line that is hard to take. Perhaps, 
Ambassador Kremp will have a change of heart or get the word from the Foreign 
Minister (his boss). If so, I’ll report on that below. The point here is that there will be 
continued attempts to re-write history and explain away the Holocaust. They won’t 
A personal note. I feel sorry for the families of anyone killed in a war. If family members 
want to grieve that is all well and good and understandable. However, when a 
government makes a statement by taking an action that is decidedly a different story. 
See you again in December 
DuBow Digest is written and published by Eugene DuBow who can be reached at 
Both the American and Germany editions are posted at

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Du bow digest american edition november 2014

  • 1. 1 AMERICAN EDITION November 2014 IN THIS EDITION AN UNHOLY ALLIANCE – Mix Hooligans and neo-Nazis and eventually you get trouble. A NEW SCHUL – The first in 76 years. POLITICAL DISSENSION – A President criticizes another political party. No it’s not Obama. A POLITICAL HARBINGER? – Can what happens in a State happen in a nation? THE FALL OF THE WALL & A PARTICULAR GERMAN JEW – The Michael Brenner story. A LITTLE PIECEOF NOVEMBER HISTORY – It’s 1923. A former Chancellor fights anti- Semitism. Shouldn’t we remember him? HABERMAS, HISTORY & RELATIVIZATION OF THE HOLOCAUST – Jürgen Habermas. A thinker you should know more about. Dear Friends: With Thanksgiving right around the corner I thought I should get this month’s newsletter out to you early so that you could digest its contents along with your turkey and stuffing feast. Enjoy the holiday! Historically speaking, in the 20th Century, November has been fateful for Germany – not much of it in a good way. November 9th is a date of particular importance. On that date in 1918 the German Monarchy fell and so World War I came crashing down in defeat. In 1923 the Hitler Putsch in Munich failed but made “The Leader” a major figure in German politics. In 1938 the Nazis destroyed synagogues throughout Germany in an anti- Semitic blaze now known as Kristallnacht. Their luck changed in 1989 when the Berlin Wall came down setting the table for the uniting of both East and West Germany. During November, Germany, particularly Chancellor Merkel, has become more concerned about Russian expansionism in Ukraine. She has stood up to Putin in quite a heroic way. The New York Times commented on it. Click here to read their piece. retaliation.html?emc=eta1&_r=0
  • 2. 2 American – German relations seem to be peaceful at the moment so let’s get on with the news so you can get on with your Thanksgiving dinner… AN UNHOLY ALLIANCE We know that neo-Nazis are trouble. However when you mix them with Soccer (Football) Hooligans and a minority (Salafists) you have a prescription for violence and real trouble. Spiegel On-Line reported, “Hours after their coup, the rabble rousers were still reveling in their unexpected success. One hooligan going by the nom de guerre "Bo Ne," happily posted: "We made it into the news around the entire world. Russia, Turkey, Switzerland, Spain, France -- first goal achieved!" It was a view shared by almost everyone in the four closed forums belonging to the group called Hooligans gegen Salafisten (Hooligans against Salafists). With more than 3,000 members, the network is a loose association of neo-Nazis, nationalists and football rowdies -- and their posts made it clear that they didn't think they were being monitored. One regretted not having brought an axe to the demonstration to "destroy all of Islam." Bo Ne and others, however, were totally satisfied. Germany, he wrote, has now seen "what it means to deceive a people for 70 years." And: "Cologne was just the beginning." The rally took place on the last weekend in October and saw almost 5,000 demonstrators, right-wing extremists and football hooligans march through Cologne, many of them clearly looking for trouble. Riled up by the right-wing rock band Kategorie C (which sings lyrics like: "Today they are slitting the throats of sheep and cows, tomorrow it may be Christian children"), they filled the Cologne city center with their hate. Tourists and passersby got out of their way. By the time the march came to an end, 49 police officers had been injured, a police van had been flipped over and plenty of other property had been damaged. Cologne police quickly assembled a special investigative unit made up of 36 officers. State prosecutors say that 32 suspects have now been identified and fully 72 investigations have been opened. Almost as soon as the violence in Cologne had come to an end, dates for further demonstrations elsewhere in Germany began circulating. The phenomenon is an unexpected one. Thousands of hooligans appear to have left their football clubs of choice behind in favor of uniting against a common enemy: the presumed danger of Islam. In addition, they have joined forces with neo-Nazis and other racists. Nobody, it would seem, thought that such an unholy alliance was possible. “…..the phenomenon is one that has been developing for some time now. Since
  • 3. February of 2012, security officials have had solid evidence that traditionally adversarial hooligan groups were establishing ties and drifting to the right-wing fringe. The example of Dortmund shows that, for an extended period, the phenomenon was not taken seriously enough. Indeed, right-wing extremist hooligans had even managed to find jobs within the club's own security service. There’s more but I think you understand the problem by now. I am not a devotee of the Salafists by any means. They represent a philosophy that appalls me. However, this right-wing group of neo-Nazis and hooligans is even more frightening. It so reminds me of the German groups that were darkening the political scene of the 1920’s and early 1930’s in Germany. Of course, Germany is a different place these days but fright is not always a logical matter. 3 One thing we Jews should remember. No matter which minority group is being focused on, even if we don’t like them, when there’s discrimination and violence. – We’re next! If you want to read the entire article click here: appears-in-germany-a-1000953.html A NEW SCHUL It’s a nice story. When a German city has not had a synagogue for the last 76 years and finally, not only establishes one, but has enough Jews to make a real Jewish community, that’s something to celebrate. JTA reported, “A former church in the German city of Cottbus is to become Germany’s newest synagogue, and the first since 1938 in the state of Brandenburg. In ceremonies on Nov. 2, Ulrike Menzel, who has led the Evangelical parish in Cottbus since 2009, handed a key for the Schlolsskirche, or “castle church,” to the Jewish Association of the State of Brandenburg. The actual dedication of the synagogue is planned for Holocaust Remembrance Day, on Jan. 27, 2015. Last weekend’s event comes almost exactly 76 years after the “Night of Broken Glass,” a Germany-wide pogrom in which Jewish property and synagogues – including the one in Cottbus – were destroyed. Cottbus traces the first mention of Jewish residents to 1448. Its first Jewish house of prayer was established in 1811 in the inner courtyard of a cloth maker. At the time, there were 17 Jews in Cottbus. In 1902, a larger synagogue was dedicated. Nazi hooligans stormed it and set it afire on the night of Nov. 9-10, 1938. A department store stands on the site today.
  • 4. 4 The Jewish community was not formally reestablished in Cottbus until 1998.Today, it has some 350 members, all of them Jews from the former Soviet Union. The current president is Gennadi Kuschnir. “It’s wonderful to see this house of worship returned to its intended use,” Menzel said at Sunday’s ceremony, according to the Nordkurier online newspaper. For decades, the building has been used for social and communal events. According to a statement on the community’s website, the State of Brandenburg contributed the full purchase cost for the decommissioned church, $730,700, and will contribute about $62,400 per year for maintenance. The city of Cottbus oversaw the removal of the cross and church bell from the steeple. All other costs of renovation were to be borne by the state Jewish association. The Cottbus Jewish community has pledged to use the structure as a synagogue for at least 25 years. Let’s hope that in 25 years the community is ready for a bigger edifice. Like I said, “Nice story”. POLITICAL DISSENSION Do you think we have political dissension in the U.S.? What would happen here if the second most important politician declared that one of the political parties was not competent to head a legislature after it was elected to perform that duty? Well, it happened in Germany. According to the, “Germany's president sparked a heated debate on Monday after questioning whether the country's far-left party, Die Linke, is fit to lead its first state government since the Berlin Wall fell 25 years ago. Joachim Gauck - a former dissident Lutheran pastor in the East, and now reunified Germany's head of state - had asked whether the Linke had truly shaken off its repressive communist roots. He spoke on Sunday as the Linke's leader in the eastern state of Thuringia, Bodo Ramelow, looked set to head a coalition with the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD) and Greens. Gauck, 74, said in an interview that "people of my age who lived through the GDR (German Democratic Republic) find it quite hard to accept this", adding: "But we are a democracy." The anti-capitalist and pacifist Linke, Germany's biggest opposition party, was formed as a successor to East Germany's ruling Marxist-Leninists, the Socialist Unity Party (SED), together with far-left members from the former West.
  • 5. 5 Gauck - Germany's largely ceremonial head of state, who is supposed to stay clear of party politics - asked whether the Linke had "really distanced itself from the ideas the SED once had about repression of people... so that we can fully trust it". A national co-leader of the Linke, Katja Kipping, charged that wading into party politics was "unbecoming" of a president, saying he "must consider his words very carefully". Ramelow, a trade unionist who grew up in the West, voiced irritation about Gauck's comments and pointed out that he was a fellow Christian. The Greens' leader Simone Peter told Monday's Die Welt newspaper that, despite his personal history in the East, Gauck "as president must act politically neutral". The controversy comes as Germany prepares to mark 25 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall on Sunday with celebrations in the capital. The so-called "red-red-green" coalition shaping up in Thuringia in talks following September elections would be Germany's first where the far-left would be the senior partner. For conservative Chancellor Angela Merkel, who also grew up in the East, it could pose a headache as it would involve the SPD, her governing partners at the national level, and could foreshadow a broad leftist front running against her in future national elections. SPD secretary general Yasmin Fahimi called for "calm" in the debate, telling Bild daily that "25 years since the fall of the Wall, it's time to accept the Linke as a party that can assume government responsibility at the state level". Bild defended Gauck, saying in an editorial that "he doesn't have to please everyone all the time. He can say what he wants. In fact, sometimes he must." The important point here, of course, is the fact that the animosity that many in Germany, especially some that were citizens of East Germany, have toward the former German Democratic Republic and its politics is very much alive even today. A POLITICAL HARBINGER? In spite of what Pres. Gauck had to say, it looks as if it’s going to happen. Continue reading… The national elections in Germany are more than two years away. Today we have a “grand coalition” with a Christian Democratic (CDU) Chancellor and a Social Democrat (SPD) Foreign Minister. The two major parties had to join together because neither could forge a coalition with enough Bundestag seats to take control. The SPD, the more
  • 6. liberal of the two parties could have obtained a coalitional majority if it was willing to join up with Die Linke, which contains parts of the old East German communist party. Since winning usually trumps ideological positions, that might be changing. Earlier this month DW reported, “Two months after state elections in the eastern state of Thuringia, and 25 years after the wall came down between East and West Berlin, an announcement came out Wednesday that one of Germany's 16 federal states will be governed by a Socialist politician. 6 Bodo Ramelow, state premier candidate for Thuringia's Left Party, said via Twitter that coalition talks with the Social Democrats (SPD) and the Green Party had been concluded and plans for the Left, SPD Green coalition were set. This is known in German political parlance as a Red-Red-Green coalition, due the parties' respective colors. First of its kind This coalition is unprecedented; not only, however, because it has never existed in this form federally, or in one of Germany's states before. There also has never been a politician from the Left Party, the remains of the Socialist Unity Party (SED) that governed Communist East Germany untouched for four decades, at the head of a German state government. Although the Left Party traditionally fares well in the former east of the country and has already regularly participated in regional government there, the prospect of one of their members being appointed regional state premier for the first time has fuelled heated debate across Germany. This past weekend, when the entire country was celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall, around 4,000 people rallied in Erfurt, the regional state capital of Thuringia, to protest against the party. A number of conservative politicians from Merkel's Christian Democratic Union, including the chancellor herself, have also expressed their misgivings about the coalition experiment. In Thuringia, the Christian Democrats have made up a part of the ruling coalition ever since the fall of the Berlin Wall. The CDU was the highest vote-getter in September's state election, but they weren't able to ally with the SPD this time around to stay in power. During the coalition talks, the outgoing CDU state premier Christine Lieberknecht implored her prospective colleagues not to make a "grave error" by joining with the Left party, citing the "bitter historical message" such a move would send. While this new coalition will not be formally installed until early December, it certainly looks like it will come to power. The fact that a member of Die Linke will be the Minister President won’t have a major impact on any current German national policy. The question of what will happen nationally in 2017 when the next election is to be held is quite another story. Adding Die Linke to a left-leaning national coalition might very well have implications for all sorts of policies including those in which this newsletter has great interest. It will certainly be something for us to keep watch closely.
  • 7. 7 THE FALL OF THE WALL & A PARTICULAR GERMAN JEW Earlier this month Germany celebrated the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. As the concrete began to fall, it presaged the decline and eventual implosion of communism all throughout Europe. The Soviet Union was swept into the dustbin of history. (A troublesome Russia emerged but that is another story). On Nov. 9, 1989 there were about 3,000 Jews in all of the two Germanys.. The collapse of communism brought another 200,000. How about the Jews who were already living in Germany especially the youngsters who were born there and had not left for Israel or the West? One of those was Michael Brenner, now Dr. Michael Brenner of both the University of Munich and American University in Washington, D.C. Dr. Brenner shared his own story in The Forward. You will find it in complete form below: The French writer François Mauriac is quoted with the sentence, “I love Germany so much that I am glad that there are two of them.” This was pretty much the attitude among the Jewish community in Germany, in which I grew up in the 1970s and ’80s. The Jews of postwar Germany felt protected by what many considered a holy trinity: the bad conscience of the Germans, the presence of the Allied troops and the wall that made sure Germany would never again become a superpower and a threat to the world. There were only 30,000 Jews to the west of the wall. Most of them were Holocaust survivors from Eastern Europe who had come as displaced persons and somehow missed the boat to Israel or to the United States in the later 1940s. They had settled there, but they were not settled. Many lived with their proverbial packed bags and sent their children to Israel, the United States or England. In East Germany, only a few hundred Jews were left in small Jewish communities, as most had fled to the West in the winter of 1952–53 as a result of the anti-Semitic atmosphere under late Stalinism. I was in graduate school at Columbia University and had just come from a class on German Jewish history when my mother called from Germany with the news about the fall of the wall on November 9, 1989. After having survived the Holocaust, she was among the German Jews who had fled to West Germany from East Germany in 1953, and although she was reserved about the news, she could now visit her hometown of Dresden again. Like most other German Jews, I thought: Was there really no other day they could have brought down the wall besides the anniversary of Kristallnacht? Which by the way also happened to be the day when the first German Republic was declared in 1918, and
  • 8. 8 when Hitler failed in his Munich beer hall putsch in 1923. Add to it now the fall of the wall! In Europe, no one knew what a future Germany would look like. Margaret Thatcher feared it just as much as the German Jews did. The writer Günter Grass and other left-wing intellectuals thought that two democratic Germanys would be better than one. But in the end there was no other option but unification. On October 3, 1990, East Germany was swallowed by its bigger, more democratic and more prosperous Western brother. While German Jews were still worried, they suddenly realized that the fall of the wall was their lifesaver. With the breakdown of communism and ultimately the Soviet Union, Soviet Jews were free to leave. More than 1 million left for Israel, others for the United States. But some wanted to stay in Europe, and over the course of the next two decades almost 200,000 opted for Germany. After all, Germany was the only country besides Israel that could not say no to Jews knocking at its doors. For the small Jewish community of Weiden in Bavaria, where I grew up, this meant survival. By 1989, there were barely 30, mostly older, people left in the Jewish community, and they had just planned to merge with another small community about 20 miles away. There was no merger, and within a few years the Weiden community counted more than 300 Russian Jews. For the first time in decades, the community employed a rabbi and held regular Sabbath services. Bigger Jewish communities had similar stories to tell. Some grew to 2000 members from 80. Cities like Munich, Düsseldorf and Hannover count as many or even more Jews today than before 1933. In East Germany, where by 1989 a total of 350 Jews were registered in a few cities, many new and all-Russian Jewish communities were established. During the past 25 years, Germany has been the fastest-growing Jewish community outside of Israel. Dozens of synagogues, community centers and schools were built; Reform, Conservative and Orthodox rabbinical seminaries have been established; Jewish museums, bookstores and university programs in Jewish studies continue to flourish. In recent years, more than 20,000 young Israelis, who settled in Berlin and developed their own cultural platforms in Hebrew, joined the Russian Jewish immigrants. They would not have come to a divided city. While no one could have predicted this revival of Jewish life, one should still remain realistic with regard to the future. Most of the Russian Jews came without any significant connection to Judaism and were so busy with integrating into German society that little energy was left for participation in Jewish life. Many small Jewish communities are struggling again to form a minyan for Sabbath services and enough resources for their cultural programs. In addition, recent debates about both the right of circumcision and Israel’s wars brought to the surface the previously subcutaneous anti -Semitism, which had never fully disappeared. With a distance of 25 years, German Jews today mostly embrace the fall of the wall. After all, it erased an authoritarian state that refused to take responsibility for Nazi crimes and to establish ties with the State of Israel. And, as an ultimate irony of history,
  • 9. 9 the same day that marked the beginning of the destruction of German Jewry 51 years earlier now initiated its revival. There is very little I can add. Michael gives many talks throughout the U.S. If you get the chance to catch one – do it! He is really an outstanding young man. A LITTLE PIECEOF NOVEMBER HISTORY No! It’s not the fall of the Berlin Wall or the commemoration of Kristallnacht. However, in perusing the Internet, which I do every once in a while, I came across a historical piece that grabbed my interest. Recently on Nov. 12, 2014 the JTA Archive reprinted a piece from Nov.12, 1923. Ninety-one years ago it reported, “An appeal signed by ex-Chancellor Fehrenbach, ex- Ministers Gottheim, Fischer and Suedakun and others representing the Association for the Combatting of Anti-Semitism in the Reich deplores the recent pogrom in Berlin whereby the “blackest page in German history” was written. “The despairing masses misled by the conscienceless anti-Semite Hitler attacked our Jewish fellow-citizens, looted Jewish shops, thus writing down the “blackest page in German history”, says the appeal. “To continue further on this road would mean that Germany is lost. German honor and its future make it imperative for us to combat the blind Jewish agitation which is besmirching the German name.” I must admit that while I know a little bit about German history my knowledge base about the Weimar years between the end of World War I and the 1933 ascension to the Chancellorship by Hitler is very weak. Frankly, I had never heard of Chancellor Fehrenbach. To have a Chancellor of that time, even a former Chancellor, come out so strongly against anti-Semitism came as a little bit of a surprise to me so I decided to see what I could find about him. I actually found quite a bit. Wikipedia reported, “Constantin Fehrenbach (11 January 1852 – 26 March 1926), was a German Catholic politician who was one of the major leaders of the Centre Party or Zentrum. He served as President of the Reichstag in 1918, and then as President of the Weimar National Assembly from 1919 to 1920. In June 1920, Fehrenbach became Chancellor of Germany. He resigned in May 1921 over the issue of war reparation payments to the Allies. Fehrenbach headed the Center Party's Reichstag fraction from 1923 until his death in 1926. After the German Revolution of 1918-19, Fehrenbach … became president of the parliament, the Weimar National Assembly in February 1919. In that office, he succeeded due to a talent for achieving compromise and a quiet and self-controlled nature. Within the Zentrum, he was a member of the party's right wing. In June 1920, Fehrenbach formed the first Weimar Republic cabinet without participation of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD). The SPD remained the largest party in the newly elected Reichstag, which succeeded the National Assembly.
  • 10. As Chancellor, Fehrenbach represented Germany at the Spa conference (1920) and the London Conference (1921) He tried in vain to get the US government to work as a mediator In social policy, unemployment benefits were improved during Fehrenbach's time as chancellor, with the maximum benefit for single males over the age of 21 were increased in November 1920 from 7 to 10 marks. He resigned in May 1921, as the DVP had withdrawn its support for the government's foreign policy of trying to cooperate with the Allies on the issue of reparations. In particular, Fehrenbach had failed to get the Reichstag's approval for a fixing of German reparation payments at 132 billion gold mark. Although he officially resigned on 4 May, he remained in charge of the care-taker government until his replacement by Joseph Wirth on 10 May. In 1922, Fehrenbach became a judge on the Staatsgerichtshof, the legal guardian of the Weimar Constitution. In late 1923, Fehrenbach was elected head of the Zentrum fraction in the Reichstag. He remained in that office until his death in 1926. He also became vice-chairman of the Verein zur Abwehr des Antisemitismus an organization fighting anti-Semitism. [Defense Against Anti-Semitism in Germany]. This organization was founded in the late 19th Century and continued on until the end of the Weimar Republic. My guess is that most of its members became prominent on the lists of the Gestapo. Fortunately perhaps for ex-Chancellor Fehrenbach he passed away in 1926 and did not live to see what happened in Germany under Hitler’s 12 year reign. 10 There is, of course, a considerable amount of literature on anti-Semitism during the Weimar Republic and earlier, however, much of it is in German. I feel it is under-reported on in English. I believe that many Germans such as Fehrenbach deserve more recognition and ought not to be lost in the obscurity of history. HABERMAS, HISTORY & RELATIVIZATION OF THE HOLOCAUST I came across an interesting article in Tablet a journal of Jewish thought written by Jürgen Habermas, one of the most influential contemporary philosophers who (according to Tablet) has published widely on topics ranging from communication and knowledge to social political theory and aesthetics. While I was familiar with his name, I did not know much about him. I searched Wikipedia and found that he is a sociologist and philosopher and that, “Global polls consistently find that Habermas is widely recognized as one of the world's leading intellectuals. Reading more about him, Wikipedia noted, “Habermas is famous as a public intellectual as well as a scholar; most notably, in the 1980s he used the popular press to attack [a number of German historians] for "apologistic" history writing in regard to the Nazi era, and for seeking to "close Germany's opening to the West" that in Habermas's view had existed since 1945. He argued that they had tried to detach Nazi rule and the Holocaust
  • 11. from the mainstream of German history, explain away Nazism as a reaction to Bolshevism, and partially rehabilitate the reputation of the Wehrmacht (German Army) during World War II. 11 The battle over what I call the “koshering” of German history during World War II continues today. The Jerusalem Post reported, “Germany’s ambassador to the Netherlands is slated to attend a commemoration at a cemetery where many SS soldiers are buried. Amb. Franz Josef Kremp is supposed to attend the commemoration on Nov. 16 at the Ysselsteyn cemetery near Eindhoven in the eastern Netherlands, a cemetery for victims of World War II. He is, according to a report Wednesday by the Dutch De Telegraaf daily, aware that it contains the remains of SS soldiers. The Center for Information and Documentation on Israel, the Jewish community’s watchdog on anti-Semitism, has criticized this practice, warning it blurs the line between victim and perpetrator. "At a time when anti-Semitism is at a record level across Europe, and when German Chancellor Merkel has publicly committed Germany to take a leadership role in combating anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial, it is simply unacceptable that the German ambassador should bow his head in respect to 3,000 members of the Waffen SS,” the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s associate dean Rabbi Abraham Cooper and chief Nazi hunter Dr. Efraim Zuroff said in a statement urging Kremp to refrain from participation in the ceremony. The cemetery has “been the site of recent neo-Nazi demonstrations where young bigots carried swastika flags and paraded with the black banners of the SS,” the pair noted. “German official policy is crystal clear on the horrors of the Nazi regime, and we are shocked by reports that the ambassador would consider blurring it,” Anti -Defamation League head Abraham Foxman told The Jerusalem Post on Thursday. “German officials should not memorialize those who fought for the Nazi regime.” Such participation gives the impression that such memorialization is condoned by German authorities, European Jewish Congress President Moshe Kantor told the Post. “This sends a very worryingly confusing message which blurs the line between victims and perpetrators. Especially as holocaust revision is gaining ground in some circles, we expect the German government to instruct the ambassador not to attend such an event.” At the same time, The Jerusalem Post reported, “Germany's foreign minister said at an international conference on anti-Semitism on Thursday that "hatred of Jews" was on the rise once more in his country and across Europe, fueled by spiraling violence in the
  • 12. 12 Middle East. Frank-Walter Steinmeier said Germany's Jews were subjected to threats and attacks at pro-Palestinian demonstrations, and the conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza must not be used as justification for an anti-Semitic behavior. As well as slogans like "Gas the Jews!" during some marches, in July at the height of the 50-day Gaza war petrol bombs were thrown at a synagogue in Wuppertal which had been burnt down on Kristallnacht - a Nazi attack on the Jews in 1938 - and rebuilt. "Bold and brutal anti-Semitism has shown its ugly face again," Steinmeier told an Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) event. Perhaps in some minds the issue of anti-Semitism today and the “honoring” of dead Waffen SS soldiers are different issues and should not be connected.. One must suffer from historic amnesia if they do not see the connection. It doesn’t surprise me that neo- Nazis and other extremists have a warm place in their hearts for the SS. However, when a German Ambassador crosses the line that is hard to take. Perhaps, Ambassador Kremp will have a change of heart or get the word from the Foreign Minister (his boss). If so, I’ll report on that below. The point here is that there will be continued attempts to re-write history and explain away the Holocaust. They won’t succeed. A personal note. I feel sorry for the families of anyone killed in a war. If family members want to grieve that is all well and good and understandable. However, when a government makes a statement by taking an action that is decidedly a different story. **************************************************************************************************** See you again in December DuBow Digest is written and published by Eugene DuBow who can be reached at Both the American and Germany editions are posted at