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May 7, 2011

Dear Friends:

O.K. so I’m late with this edition. In promising last time that the next edition would be
in late April I forgot to factor in the Passover holiday, the long Easter holiday in
Germany, and the AJC Global Forum in Washington. My apologies.

In the coming weeks I’ll be taking a brief Upstate New York vacation and then
proceeding on to Germany accompanying the 2011 AJC – Adenauer Foundation
Exchange group to Munich and Berlin. Therefore, the next edition of DuBow Digest
will not be coming your way until early June. I’m sure you’ll survive.

Let’s get on with the news…


HAMAS – FATAH & GERMANY - A tricky matter for Germany & the EU.

THE GLOBAL FORUM – The German Defense Minister speaks at the AJC annual

GERMAN BUSINESS & IRAN – Follow the Geld.

A LITTLE HYPOCRACY? – Do pacificism and business go together?

THE SUB – Israel gets it. Price not announced.

ANTI-EVERYTHING – She’s anti-Israel and anti-Semitic but she’s elected.

RIGHT WING POPULISM: A THREAT? – Will Finland infect Germany?

THE SARRAZIN FLAP CONTINUES – He is not shown the door.


After signing the agreement with Hamas, President Abbas proceeded on to Berlin to
meet with Chancellor Merkel. The New York Times reported, “In Berlin, Mrs. Merkel
is skeptical about the Palestinian unity deal because Hamas does not recognize the
right of Israel to exist and has not renounced terrorism.

The Central Council of Jews in Germany warned the government in Berlin on
Thursday that the Palestinian unity meant that it was “not possible for Hamas to be a
peace partner for Israel,” according to Dieter Graumann, the council’s president,
speaking on German radio.

But Germany’s opposition Social Democrats said the unity agreement between
Fatah and Hamas should be welcomed by the government.

 “The overcoming of the divisions in the Palestinian society is a prerequisite for a
successful peace process with Israel,” said Rolf Mützenich, a Social Democrat
lawmaker and foreign affairs spokesman.

 Despite Mrs. Merkel’s criticism of the unity accord, she has been outspoken about
Israel’s continuing policy of building settlements in the West Bank. During talks in
February and April with Mr. Netanyahu, she tried to persuade him to use the
changes sweeping across the Middle East as a reason to restart the peace talks
with the Palestinians.

But she has also said she will urge Mr. Abbas not to press for a United Nations
declaration of statehood, according to German news reports. While Israel refuses to
deal with Hamas, Mr. Abbas says the Palestinians cannot return to peace talks
without a halt to all settlement activity by Israel.

Deutsche Welle reported, “German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Palestinian
President Mahmoud Abbas have emphasized the need for Israel and the
Palestinians to resume their peace talks.

"Given the very changed situation across the entire North African region, I think a
peaceful solution is even more urgent… than it has been for a long time," Merkel
said after a meeting with Abbas in the German capital, Berlin.

With Israel in mind, Berlin has thus far rejected any sort of cooperation with Hamas.
And Merkel doesn't even want to speculate about the possibility of the United
Nations General Assembly recognizing a Palestinian state without the resumption of
peace talks.

In their reconciliation agreement, Fatah and Hamas stated their intention to petition
the General Assembly for recognition.

"We want a two-state solution," Merkel said, "and we need to work on this two-state
solution. We don't think unilateral steps help the situation."

Obviously, it is much too early to see which way the EU countries, particularly
Germany and France who are not in agreement, will use their considerable political
power in this matter. Thus far, Chancellor Merkel is maintaining her position. I guess
that is about as much as can be expected. The next major “happening” will be Prime
Minister Netanyahu’s speech to the U.S. Congress and the results of his meeting
with Pres. Obama which will take place later this month. We, like everybody else, will
just have to wait to see what happens. The situation is so fluid that there is just no
way to know how it will go.


The AJC Global Forum (It used to be called the Annual Meeting) in Washington was
quite an event. 1500 people attended the various sessions. Of German interest was
a major presentation by German Defense Minister Thomas de Maizière (see below)
and two by my colleague Deidre Berger – one on the situation in Germany and the
other on integration. In addition, Stephan Kramer, the Secy. General of the Central
Council of Jews in Germany (Zentralrat) also spoke.

According to an AJC release:

“Israel’s security today is part of Germany’s raison d’être,” German Defense Minister
Thomas de Maizière told the AJC 2011 Global Forum. “This is a principle that
determines our political action. It is also our response to our history.”

De Maizière addressed the global Jewish advocacy organization’s annual gala
Thursday night on his first visit to the United States since he assumed the post of
defense minister. In the standing-room-only audience of more than 1500 was a large
delegation from Israel's National Defense College, including a German officer.

“It is living proof of the strong links that have been forged between the Bundeswehr
and the Israel Defense Forces,” said de Maizière. “It also shows how vibrant are the
relations between Germany and Israel today.”

The defense minister praised the close relationship between AJC and Germany,
which began shortly after World War Il at the governmental level, and over the
decades has expanded to civil society and the military. “The AJC and the
Bundeswehr have been longstanding partners for 17 years,” he said. In 2009, the
then German minister of defense and AJC's executive director signed an
unprecedented agreement to jointly sponsor missions to Israel for German military

De Maizière spoke about the importance of the transatlantic partnership, the shared
role of the U.S. and Europe in furthering global stability, and how the current turmoil
across the Arab world presents opportunities to build democratic societies in that
critical region.

“The U.S. should consider that Europe remains in the long run the most stable and
the most predictable partner in the world,” said de Maizière. Emphasizing the pivotal
role of the transatlantic partnership, he added that “we Europeans should not
cultivate any intellectual and arrogant anti-Americanism.”

The defense minister suggested that an active transatlantic partnership “can have a
stabilizing effect” in the Middle East and North Africa by encouraging and promoting
the build-up of new and hopefully democratic structures.”

But he also raised questions about longstanding European polices in the Middle
East. “We need to ask ourselves whether we took the easy way out in some
occasions in the past. We need to ask ourselves whether we failed to hear the call
for freedom the way we should have. And we need to ask ourselves whether we
were too preoccupied with our own economic interests,” de Maizière said.

Looking ahead, the defense minister stressed that “the spirit of freedom cannot be
suppressed in the long run,” though achieving liberty and democracy will take time
and face innumerable hurdles.
“The power of the ideas of freedom and democracy is greater than the
powerlessness against the regime,” said de Maizière. “In the times of Face book,
Twitter and social networks, these notions spread more rapidly and defy the force of

While acknowledging that the international community faces “tremendous
challenges” in dealing with the unfolding situations in a growing number of Arab
countries, he also emphasized that “the establishment of a new order in which
human and civil rights are respected is first and foremost the responsibility of the
people themselves.”

In introducing Minister de Maizière noted David Harris noted the close relationship
AJC has with the Federal Republic. He asked those that had visited Germany on an
AJC program to stand up. Much even to my surprise, several hundred rose

indicating the interest AJC and its membership have in the relationship between
Germany and AJC.


It is no secret that while the German government has taken a fairly hard line position
encouraging German companies not to do business with Iran, for many of them it
has fallen on deaf ears. As a blogger named Makanaka pointed out, “Germany has
been intensely involved in the international effort to thwart Iran’s nuclear weapons
development program. Yet, while Chancellor Merkel has vocally stated her
opposition to Iran’s acquisition of a nuclear weapon, Germany has continued to be
Iran’s largest trading partner in the EU and – whatever shape the coalition
government in Berlin has taken – it has been pro-business, favouring commercial
ties over the West’s security interests.

AJC reported in a Berlin press release, “AJC Berlin has appealed to 61 German
companies participating in the “Iran Oil Show 2011” in Tehran to reconsider their
attitude towards Iran.

"In light of the current struggles for more freedom in the Middle East, we ask you to
reevaluate your business activities in this rapidly changing region,” Deidre Berger,
director of AJC Berlin, wrote in a letter to the head of each of the German
companies participating in the trade show, April 16-19. “The international community
has tightened again and again its sanctions against Iran to signal that it is
disqualified as a trading partner as long as it violates UN Security Council
resolutions on its nuclear program, not to mention the human rights of its own

Germany is Iran's largest trading partner in Europe, with 3.8 billion Euros in exports
last year, despite the halt in new Iran business contracts in 2010 of six major
German corporations. Since expanded EU sanctions against Iran went into effect in
October 2010, trade figures have steadily slowed, with a 15 percent decline in
December compared to the previous year.

On a related matter, AJC takes note of the German government's rethinking
concerning the operations of the European Iranian Trade Bank in Hamburg. The
bank, astonishingly, has continued to finance business deals with Iran. According to
news reports, however, closing the bank is now finally under serious consideration
by government officials, a move AJC has repeatedly requested in meetings with top
German leaders in Berlin.

I guess that as long as all trading with Iran is not a violation of the law, a substantial
amount of business will continue. As pointed out in the press release, six major
corporations have already pulled out of the Iran trade. However, while there is a

dollar or a Euro to be made trade will continue. I can hear German businessmen
saying that if they don’t do business with Iran, the Chinese certainly will.

I think the only course to take is to increase the political pressure as much as
possible and hope that more industry people and firms will come around. Even with
that there is always the possibility of third country trade (sell to a country that sells to
Iran) so, frankly, I am not very hopeful about the impact of sanctions and boycotts.
As Deep Throat said, “Follow the money”.


I try not to be critical of people, institutions or countries – Germany included.
However, when one of its own august journals, Deutsche Welle points out behavior
that is in opposition to principle that calls for some examination.

In a recent article DW-World points out, “Out of principle, the German government
refused to take part in military action against Libyan dictator Gadhafi. But it appears
selling arms to both sides of international conflicts has never been a problem for

Jürgen Grässlin is a veteran activist and chairman of the non-governmental
organization Armaments Information Bureau (RIB), which seeks out the details of
Germany's weapons exports - both legal and illegal. He has received a lot more
requests ever since popular uprisings began in the Middle East and North Africa
earlier this year. Many journalists and politicians have been calling to find out
precisely which German weapons are being used to suppress which opposition
movements in which countries.

Grässlin discovered that in 2009 Heckler and Koch legally sold 13,000 rounds of
ammunition for its G3 and MP5 machine guns to the Bahraini government.

"Now we see that in the last few weeks, the Bahraini police has used weapons,
including these machine guns, against the democracy movement," Grässlin told
Deutsche Welle. "We Germans are once again participating in killing around the
world, in this case in Bahrain."

Grässlin says that what makes German weapons exports unique is the hypocrisy
involved. While the two biggest weapons' exporters, the US and Russia, have a
history of military intervention since the Second World War, Germany has always
made a show of being pacifist. It was apparent in the opposition to the Iraq war, the
reluctance to send troops to Afghanistan, and it was made clear again in March,
when Merkel refused to vote for the United Nations resolution on military action in

Both the German Foreign and Economics Ministries declined to comment directly on
Grässlin's accusations, but the Economics Ministry referred Deutsche Welle to its
annual weapons exports report. In its explanation of the approval process that
governs weapons exports, the report refers to a principle agreed by the cabinet on
January, 19, 2000: "Armaments exports are categorically not approved if there is
'sufficient suspicion' that the armaments in question are being used for internal
repression or other continuing and systematic human rights abuses."

In the cases of the EADS deals with Libya and the Heckler and Koch deals with
Bahrain at least, it appears this principle was disregarded.

It's the gap between the human rights rhetoric and the active encouragement of the
arms trade that Grässlin finds most "sickening."

"In Germany the contradiction is really extreme," he said. "They say on the one hand
they don't deliver weapons to countries that abuse human rights, but then every year
you can read in the weapons exports reports which human rights-abusing countries
have been supplied with German weapons. There is no area of German foreign and
economic policy that is so dishonest and which has so many consequences in terms
of the number of victims than the arms industry."

It is a recognized fact that there is a commodity in this world called “weapons” and
that many (Most? All?) industrialized countries where they are manufactured sell
them. The defense industry in the U.S. leads the way. However, we are far from
pacifist and militarily interventionist. So our behavior is, at least, consistent. As Herr
Grässlin points out, that is not the case with Germany. While I think there might be a
little hypocrisy here, I’ve never been all that unhappy with Germany’s pacifist
leanings. Germans have learned that they won more in peace than they did in two
horrible World Wars. Who needs a militaristic behemoth in the middle of Europe?
One caveat, however. Extreme pacificism is sometimes blinding. In Germany, some
“off the deep end” pacifists do not consider terrorism as warlike behavior so they
have plugged themselves into the Palestinian, anti-Israel camp. When they equate
self-defense with aggression that’s just too much! However, trumping everything is
profit. Sometime you have to rise above principle. (ouch!)


As above, the Germans may be pacifist but when it comes to doing business, well,
that’s another matter – even if the profit margins are not what they might be when
dealing with Israel.

A couple of editions ago I wrote about the sale by Germany of a much needed
submarine to the Israel Defense Forces. The Jerusalem post recently reported, “The
purchase of a sixth submarine from Germany was finalized, with payment to be
spread over several years, an official said on Thursday.

The proposed expansion of the diesel-powered Dolphin submarine fleet, considered
Israel's vanguard against foes like Iran, had been held up by wrangling with Berlin
over the $500 million to $700 million price tag.

Israel currently operates three Dolphins and has two more on order from Germany
with delivery expected in the next two years.

Germany had sold those submarines at deep discounts. But Berlin, beset by
budgetary constraints, balked in talks last year at similarly underwriting the sixth

"It's finalized -- we will be getting another submarine from Germany, with payments
spread over several years," an Israeli official briefed on the negotiations said.

The official did not immediately say how much the Dolphin would cost Israel or
whether Germany would arrange a discount.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who hosted Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu
last month, has been sympathetic to his regional concerns and championed
international diplomatic campaigns to rein in Tehran. But Berlin has in the past
heard misgivings from German opposition parties about exporting weapons to crisis

Once again, I think we can thank Chancellor Angela Merkel for standing fast in
support of Israel. The more left wing parties are, of course, against the selling of
weapons and when you mix in a little negative feeling about Israel you get the
pressure the Chancellor was feeling. However, she hung tough and the sale is going
through. Hooray for Angie!


You don’t have to be a neo-Nazi or an Islamic extremist to be violently anti-Israel or
an anti-Semite. How about being a member of the Bundestag (Parliament)? If your
name is Inge Hoeger you pretty much fit the behavior profile of what such a person
is and does.

Ms. Hoeger is a Left Party Bundestag member who seems to be opposed to all
things Israeli and Jewish. The Jerusalem Post reported, “Inge Höger, a Left Party
member of the Bundestag who was aboard the Mavi Marmara when it tried to break
the blockade of Gaza last May, had reportedly attributed the recent murders by
Palestinians of pro- Palestinian Israeli filmmaker Juliano Mer-Khamis and Italian
activist Vittorio Arrigoni to Israel’s government.

“Inge Höger’s wild conspiracy theory is pure speculation, without any concrete

factual basis,” Volker Beck, a leading German Green Party MP and spokesman for
the party on human rights, said last week. “She employs the centuries-old image of
the perfidiously murderous Jews. After the terrible murder of Vittorio Arrigoni in the
Gaza Strip, only one thing is apparently clear to the Left Party: Israel is guilty. And
should the opposite be proven, a lingering doubt will remain,” he said.

Writing on her Left Party website, Höger asked: “The question one must pose is:
Who profits from this terrible crime? First of all, now two of the activists most
‘dangerous’ for Israel, because they were the most engaged, well known and noted,
are eliminated.

The murders of Vittorio and Juliano could also be a means of dealing a serious blow
to the international solidarity movement – especially given the upcoming second
flotilla and the fact that international activists still won’t let themselves be prevented
from going to Palestine.”

She continued, “In the past there have been many documented false flag attacks
(for example, the Lavon Affair [in 1954]), and in the Palestinian territories there are
constantly cases of collaboration by Palestinians with Israel in the murder of
Palestinians – for money, for a new ID card, for travel permits.”

The German daily Die Welt on Friday called Höger a “flawless anti-Semite” because
of her anti-Israel and anti-Jewish comments.

While the Hamas authorities arrested radical Salafists for the murder of Arrigoni in
the Gaza Strip on April 15, the killers of Mer-Khamis, who was murdered in Jenin on
April 4, have not been apprehended.

I guess there is not much that can be done about Ms. Hoeger except what Volker
Beck (a good friend of AJC’s) has done which is to denounce her publicly. In
addition, there is also not much that can be done about the Left Party which is made
up of former East German communists and extreme left members of the Social
Democrats. One would hope that the less extreme members of the Left Party might
be moved to speak out but, frankly, that would mean a break in ranks and that is
probably too much to ask since their pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel positions are firmly
entrenched in party policy.

There is more to the story. Click here to read it.


The recent election in Finland which seriously increased the power of the True Finn
Party, a right wing nationalist party, has sent shock waves throughout much of

Spiegel On-Line reported, “Until now, the small country in the far northeastern
corner of the continent was seen as a model member of the European Union. It was
known for its successful export-oriented companies, liberal social policies and the
best-performing school students in the Western industrialized world. It is ironic that it
is here in Finland -- a part of Europe that always seemed eminently European -- that
a movement is now coming to power that inveighs against immigrants and
abortions, considers Brussels to be the "heart of darkness" and rejects all financial
assistance for what it calls "wasteful countries," like Greece, Ireland and Portugal.

The election result from Europe's far north has alarmed the political establishment in
Brussels. If Soini's party becomes part of the new government, there will be more at
stake than Helsinki's traditional pro-European stance. The entire program to rescue
the euro could be in jeopardy, because it has to be approved unanimously by the
entire European Union.

The successes of right-wing populists could indeed exacerbate the smoldering euro
crisis. Tensions between the wealthy countries in the north, who are contributing
most to the bailouts, and the ailing debtor nations in the periphery already threaten
to destroy the monetary union. If a European version of the American Tea Party
movement develops, it could very well become the kiss of death for the euro.

The risk is substantial, as euroskeptics gain ground across the EU. In Denmark, the
xenophobic Danish People's Party has supported a center-right minority government
for almost 10 years. In the Netherlands, Prime Minister Mark Rutte is dependent on
the goodwill of right-wing populist politician Geert Wilders, who, with his tirades
against Islam and the EU, captured 15.5 percent of the vote in the country's last
parliamentary election. In Sweden, the nationalist, anti-European Sweden
Democrats crossed the 4-percent threshold to gain seats in the parliament, the
Riksdag, and in Italy Umberto Bossi's xenophobic Lega Nord, or Northern League, is
even part of the government. Although the party is primarily active in the north of
Italy, it is the third-strongest party on the national level.

Only in the core European countries of Germany and France has opposition to the
EU long been restricted to marginal groups. In both Berlin and Paris, a strong
commitment to Europe has traditionally been considered part of the national interest
and was something that transcended party lines.

But that too could change, especially now that the True Finns have demonstrated in
Helsinki how to achieve double-digit election results with nationalistic posturing. In
Germany, the euroskeptics are trying to take over the pro-business Free Democratic
Party (FDP), and in France the nationalist right is eyeing the country's highest office.

Enthusiasm for the EU has also declined in Germany. An anti-Brussels movement
called "Liberal Awakening" has developed within the FDP, once a strong advocate of
European unity. Its leader is Frank Schäffler, a boyish-looking former insurance

agent who is a member of the German parliament. "We see ourselves as a
grassroots movement," he says. "We are infiltrating the FDP from below."

Schäffler's foray could create problems for Chancellor Angela Merkel. If members of
her center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and its Bavarian sister party, the
CSU, join the FDP renegades, the CDU/CSU and the FDP (who together make up
Merkel's coalition government) will lack the necessary majority in the Bundestag to
approve the new euro crisis fund, the European Stability Mechanism (ESM). One
CDU member of parliament, the budget policy expert Klaus-Peter Willsch, has
already joined the ranks of the FDP rebels.

So, what’s the bottom line here? The worldwide economic uncertainties and the
great influx of Islamic people into Europe have triggered off a great deal of anxiety
among the voters there. Although we do not have the same sort of immigration
wave, similar emotions in the U.S. have led to the strong showings of the Tea Party.

Will this wave of right wing populism affect Germany? Without question, in my
opinion, the answer is yes. We’ll just have to see how deep it goes. So far, however,
voter unhappiness has led to the strengthening of the left wing Green Party and not
those parties on the right. Will that change? We’ll have to wait and see. In the
meantime it behooves us to understand that Germany is an integral part of Europe
and what happens even in tiny Finland has implications for the Federal Republic.

My advice? Stay tuned!


Last fall I reported on the uproar caused by the publication of a book entitled
Germany Does Away With Itself written by a Social Democrat politician Thilo
Sarrazin. Mr. Sarrazin, a member of the Executive Board of the Bundesbank, has
advocated (Wikipedia) a restrictive immigration policy (with the exception of the
highly skilled) and the reduction of state welfare benefits. There were severe
reactions to his statements on economic and immigration policy in Berlin, which
were published in September 2009 in Lettre International, a German cultural
quarterly. In it he described many Arab and Turkish immigrants as unwilling to

He has also said regarding Islam, “No other religion in Europe makes so many
demands. No immigrant group other than Muslims is so strongly connected with
claims on the welfare state and crime. No group emphasizes their differences so
strongly in public, especially through women’s clothing. In no other religion is the
transition to violence, dictatorship and terrorism so fluid.”

Sarrazin's book Deutschland schafft sich ab "Germany Does Away With Itself" or
"Germany Abolishes Itself", presented at the end of August 2010, came under

criticism for claiming that Germany's immigrant Muslim population is reluctant to
integrate and tends to rely more on social services than to be productive.
Furthermore, he calculates that their population growth may well overwhelm the
German population within a couple of generations at the current rate, and that their
intelligence is lower as well. He proposes stringent reforms for the welfare system to
rectify the problems. The first edition of his book sold out within a few days. By the
end of the year, the book had become Germany's number 1 hard-cover non-fiction
bestseller for the year and was still at the top of the lists.

An uproar was caused at the same time by an interview with Welt am Sonntag in
which he claimed that "all Jews share a certain gene like all Basques share a certain
gene that distinguishes these from other people.

The Sarrazin issue surfaced again when The reported, “Prominent Social
Democratic Party (SPD) politicians across the country have begun to air their deep
dissatisfaction over the party leadership’s decision, announced last Thursday, to
abandon expulsion proceedings against the former Bundesbank board member and
Berlin finance minister.”

Sergey Lagodinsky, founder of the Working Group of Jewish Social Democrats (and
a former AJC staff member), announced he was quitting the party in protest,
according to the Süddeutsche Zeitung. In a letter to SPD general secretary Andrea
Nahles he wrote that “as a Jewish person” he had seen the possibility “to revive the
long tradition of Jews in Germany, together with other minorities and the majority in
our country.”

This hope was however now dashed, he wrote.

Sarrazin himself described the decision as a “victory for common sense.” He had
insisted he did not mean to breach any basic social democratic principles not
discriminate against any migrant.

So, the internal disagreement continues. The stuff he writes is certainly tinged with
racist thought. The material about the Jews, however, is the least of it. We should
remember that there is such a thing in Germany as free speech and so a major
question is whether the SPD (Social Democrats), which is primarily liberal can
continue with Sarrazin as a member. He has done nothing technically that would
lead to his expulsion but his view of minority affairs in Germany is certainly at odds
with the vast majority of SPD members.

Interestingly, Klaus von Dohnanyi, a former Minister President of Hamburg and a
former Bundestag member, “… offered to defend Sarrazin as the SPD seeked to
expel him, told the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper how Germany was
overshadowed by its Holocaust history and how a culture had developed whereby
anyone saying the words "gene" or "Jew" is automatically considered suspect. He
complains that we shy away from debates that "are commonplace in other

countries." Among those is the discussion that "specific ethnic groups" share
specific characteristics.

So, as you can see the Sarrazin flap goes much deeper than just the party fate of
Mr. Sarrazin. The issue of what can be public discourse in Germany and what can
be said about Jews, race and minorities is something that is being sorted out with
considerable pain.


See you again in June.

DuBow Digest is written and published by Eugene DuBow who can be contacted by
clicking here.

Both the American and Germany editions are posted at
Click here to connect


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Du bow digest american edition may 7, 2011

  • 1. AN AMERICAN JEWISH – GERMAN INFORMATION & OPINION NEWSLETTER AMERICAN EDITION May 7, 2011 Dear Friends: O.K. so I’m late with this edition. In promising last time that the next edition would be in late April I forgot to factor in the Passover holiday, the long Easter holiday in Germany, and the AJC Global Forum in Washington. My apologies. In the coming weeks I’ll be taking a brief Upstate New York vacation and then proceeding on to Germany accompanying the 2011 AJC – Adenauer Foundation Exchange group to Munich and Berlin. Therefore, the next edition of DuBow Digest will not be coming your way until early June. I’m sure you’ll survive. Let’s get on with the news… IN THIS EDITION HAMAS – FATAH & GERMANY - A tricky matter for Germany & the EU. THE GLOBAL FORUM – The German Defense Minister speaks at the AJC annual meeting. GERMAN BUSINESS & IRAN – Follow the Geld. A LITTLE HYPOCRACY? – Do pacificism and business go together? THE SUB – Israel gets it. Price not announced. ANTI-EVERYTHING – She’s anti-Israel and anti-Semitic but she’s elected. RIGHT WING POPULISM: A THREAT? – Will Finland infect Germany? 1
  • 2. THE SARRAZIN FLAP CONTINUES – He is not shown the door. HAMAS – FATAH & GERMANY After signing the agreement with Hamas, President Abbas proceeded on to Berlin to meet with Chancellor Merkel. The New York Times reported, “In Berlin, Mrs. Merkel is skeptical about the Palestinian unity deal because Hamas does not recognize the right of Israel to exist and has not renounced terrorism. The Central Council of Jews in Germany warned the government in Berlin on Thursday that the Palestinian unity meant that it was “not possible for Hamas to be a peace partner for Israel,” according to Dieter Graumann, the council’s president, speaking on German radio. But Germany’s opposition Social Democrats said the unity agreement between Fatah and Hamas should be welcomed by the government. “The overcoming of the divisions in the Palestinian society is a prerequisite for a successful peace process with Israel,” said Rolf Mützenich, a Social Democrat lawmaker and foreign affairs spokesman. Despite Mrs. Merkel’s criticism of the unity accord, she has been outspoken about Israel’s continuing policy of building settlements in the West Bank. During talks in February and April with Mr. Netanyahu, she tried to persuade him to use the changes sweeping across the Middle East as a reason to restart the peace talks with the Palestinians. But she has also said she will urge Mr. Abbas not to press for a United Nations declaration of statehood, according to German news reports. While Israel refuses to deal with Hamas, Mr. Abbas says the Palestinians cannot return to peace talks without a halt to all settlement activity by Israel. Deutsche Welle reported, “German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas have emphasized the need for Israel and the Palestinians to resume their peace talks. "Given the very changed situation across the entire North African region, I think a peaceful solution is even more urgent… than it has been for a long time," Merkel said after a meeting with Abbas in the German capital, Berlin. 2
  • 3. With Israel in mind, Berlin has thus far rejected any sort of cooperation with Hamas. And Merkel doesn't even want to speculate about the possibility of the United Nations General Assembly recognizing a Palestinian state without the resumption of peace talks. In their reconciliation agreement, Fatah and Hamas stated their intention to petition the General Assembly for recognition. "We want a two-state solution," Merkel said, "and we need to work on this two-state solution. We don't think unilateral steps help the situation." Obviously, it is much too early to see which way the EU countries, particularly Germany and France who are not in agreement, will use their considerable political power in this matter. Thus far, Chancellor Merkel is maintaining her position. I guess that is about as much as can be expected. The next major “happening” will be Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech to the U.S. Congress and the results of his meeting with Pres. Obama which will take place later this month. We, like everybody else, will just have to wait to see what happens. The situation is so fluid that there is just no way to know how it will go. THE GLOBAL FORUM The AJC Global Forum (It used to be called the Annual Meeting) in Washington was quite an event. 1500 people attended the various sessions. Of German interest was a major presentation by German Defense Minister Thomas de Maizière (see below) and two by my colleague Deidre Berger – one on the situation in Germany and the other on integration. In addition, Stephan Kramer, the Secy. General of the Central Council of Jews in Germany (Zentralrat) also spoke. According to an AJC release: “Israel’s security today is part of Germany’s raison d’être,” German Defense Minister Thomas de Maizière told the AJC 2011 Global Forum. “This is a principle that determines our political action. It is also our response to our history.” De Maizière addressed the global Jewish advocacy organization’s annual gala Thursday night on his first visit to the United States since he assumed the post of defense minister. In the standing-room-only audience of more than 1500 was a large delegation from Israel's National Defense College, including a German officer. “It is living proof of the strong links that have been forged between the Bundeswehr and the Israel Defense Forces,” said de Maizière. “It also shows how vibrant are the relations between Germany and Israel today.” 3
  • 4. The defense minister praised the close relationship between AJC and Germany, which began shortly after World War Il at the governmental level, and over the decades has expanded to civil society and the military. “The AJC and the Bundeswehr have been longstanding partners for 17 years,” he said. In 2009, the then German minister of defense and AJC's executive director signed an unprecedented agreement to jointly sponsor missions to Israel for German military officers. De Maizière spoke about the importance of the transatlantic partnership, the shared role of the U.S. and Europe in furthering global stability, and how the current turmoil across the Arab world presents opportunities to build democratic societies in that critical region. “The U.S. should consider that Europe remains in the long run the most stable and the most predictable partner in the world,” said de Maizière. Emphasizing the pivotal role of the transatlantic partnership, he added that “we Europeans should not cultivate any intellectual and arrogant anti-Americanism.” The defense minister suggested that an active transatlantic partnership “can have a stabilizing effect” in the Middle East and North Africa by encouraging and promoting the build-up of new and hopefully democratic structures.” But he also raised questions about longstanding European polices in the Middle East. “We need to ask ourselves whether we took the easy way out in some occasions in the past. We need to ask ourselves whether we failed to hear the call for freedom the way we should have. And we need to ask ourselves whether we were too preoccupied with our own economic interests,” de Maizière said. Looking ahead, the defense minister stressed that “the spirit of freedom cannot be suppressed in the long run,” though achieving liberty and democracy will take time and face innumerable hurdles. “The power of the ideas of freedom and democracy is greater than the powerlessness against the regime,” said de Maizière. “In the times of Face book, Twitter and social networks, these notions spread more rapidly and defy the force of censorship.” While acknowledging that the international community faces “tremendous challenges” in dealing with the unfolding situations in a growing number of Arab countries, he also emphasized that “the establishment of a new order in which human and civil rights are respected is first and foremost the responsibility of the people themselves.” In introducing Minister de Maizière noted David Harris noted the close relationship AJC has with the Federal Republic. He asked those that had visited Germany on an AJC program to stand up. Much even to my surprise, several hundred rose 4
  • 5. indicating the interest AJC and its membership have in the relationship between Germany and AJC. GERMAN BUSINESS & IRAN It is no secret that while the German government has taken a fairly hard line position encouraging German companies not to do business with Iran, for many of them it has fallen on deaf ears. As a blogger named Makanaka pointed out, “Germany has been intensely involved in the international effort to thwart Iran’s nuclear weapons development program. Yet, while Chancellor Merkel has vocally stated her opposition to Iran’s acquisition of a nuclear weapon, Germany has continued to be Iran’s largest trading partner in the EU and – whatever shape the coalition government in Berlin has taken – it has been pro-business, favouring commercial ties over the West’s security interests. AJC reported in a Berlin press release, “AJC Berlin has appealed to 61 German companies participating in the “Iran Oil Show 2011” in Tehran to reconsider their attitude towards Iran. "In light of the current struggles for more freedom in the Middle East, we ask you to reevaluate your business activities in this rapidly changing region,” Deidre Berger, director of AJC Berlin, wrote in a letter to the head of each of the German companies participating in the trade show, April 16-19. “The international community has tightened again and again its sanctions against Iran to signal that it is disqualified as a trading partner as long as it violates UN Security Council resolutions on its nuclear program, not to mention the human rights of its own citizens.” Germany is Iran's largest trading partner in Europe, with 3.8 billion Euros in exports last year, despite the halt in new Iran business contracts in 2010 of six major German corporations. Since expanded EU sanctions against Iran went into effect in October 2010, trade figures have steadily slowed, with a 15 percent decline in December compared to the previous year. On a related matter, AJC takes note of the German government's rethinking concerning the operations of the European Iranian Trade Bank in Hamburg. The bank, astonishingly, has continued to finance business deals with Iran. According to news reports, however, closing the bank is now finally under serious consideration by government officials, a move AJC has repeatedly requested in meetings with top German leaders in Berlin. I guess that as long as all trading with Iran is not a violation of the law, a substantial amount of business will continue. As pointed out in the press release, six major corporations have already pulled out of the Iran trade. However, while there is a 5
  • 6. dollar or a Euro to be made trade will continue. I can hear German businessmen saying that if they don’t do business with Iran, the Chinese certainly will. I think the only course to take is to increase the political pressure as much as possible and hope that more industry people and firms will come around. Even with that there is always the possibility of third country trade (sell to a country that sells to Iran) so, frankly, I am not very hopeful about the impact of sanctions and boycotts. As Deep Throat said, “Follow the money”. A LITTLE HYPOCRACY? I try not to be critical of people, institutions or countries – Germany included. However, when one of its own august journals, Deutsche Welle points out behavior that is in opposition to principle that calls for some examination. In a recent article DW-World points out, “Out of principle, the German government refused to take part in military action against Libyan dictator Gadhafi. But it appears selling arms to both sides of international conflicts has never been a problem for Berlin. Jürgen Grässlin is a veteran activist and chairman of the non-governmental organization Armaments Information Bureau (RIB), which seeks out the details of Germany's weapons exports - both legal and illegal. He has received a lot more requests ever since popular uprisings began in the Middle East and North Africa earlier this year. Many journalists and politicians have been calling to find out precisely which German weapons are being used to suppress which opposition movements in which countries. Grässlin discovered that in 2009 Heckler and Koch legally sold 13,000 rounds of ammunition for its G3 and MP5 machine guns to the Bahraini government. "Now we see that in the last few weeks, the Bahraini police has used weapons, including these machine guns, against the democracy movement," Grässlin told Deutsche Welle. "We Germans are once again participating in killing around the world, in this case in Bahrain." Grässlin says that what makes German weapons exports unique is the hypocrisy involved. While the two biggest weapons' exporters, the US and Russia, have a history of military intervention since the Second World War, Germany has always made a show of being pacifist. It was apparent in the opposition to the Iraq war, the reluctance to send troops to Afghanistan, and it was made clear again in March, when Merkel refused to vote for the United Nations resolution on military action in Libya. 6
  • 7. Both the German Foreign and Economics Ministries declined to comment directly on Grässlin's accusations, but the Economics Ministry referred Deutsche Welle to its annual weapons exports report. In its explanation of the approval process that governs weapons exports, the report refers to a principle agreed by the cabinet on January, 19, 2000: "Armaments exports are categorically not approved if there is 'sufficient suspicion' that the armaments in question are being used for internal repression or other continuing and systematic human rights abuses." In the cases of the EADS deals with Libya and the Heckler and Koch deals with Bahrain at least, it appears this principle was disregarded. It's the gap between the human rights rhetoric and the active encouragement of the arms trade that Grässlin finds most "sickening." "In Germany the contradiction is really extreme," he said. "They say on the one hand they don't deliver weapons to countries that abuse human rights, but then every year you can read in the weapons exports reports which human rights-abusing countries have been supplied with German weapons. There is no area of German foreign and economic policy that is so dishonest and which has so many consequences in terms of the number of victims than the arms industry." It is a recognized fact that there is a commodity in this world called “weapons” and that many (Most? All?) industrialized countries where they are manufactured sell them. The defense industry in the U.S. leads the way. However, we are far from pacifist and militarily interventionist. So our behavior is, at least, consistent. As Herr Grässlin points out, that is not the case with Germany. While I think there might be a little hypocrisy here, I’ve never been all that unhappy with Germany’s pacifist leanings. Germans have learned that they won more in peace than they did in two horrible World Wars. Who needs a militaristic behemoth in the middle of Europe? One caveat, however. Extreme pacificism is sometimes blinding. In Germany, some “off the deep end” pacifists do not consider terrorism as warlike behavior so they have plugged themselves into the Palestinian, anti-Israel camp. When they equate self-defense with aggression that’s just too much! However, trumping everything is profit. Sometime you have to rise above principle. (ouch!) THE SUB As above, the Germans may be pacifist but when it comes to doing business, well, that’s another matter – even if the profit margins are not what they might be when dealing with Israel. A couple of editions ago I wrote about the sale by Germany of a much needed submarine to the Israel Defense Forces. The Jerusalem post recently reported, “The purchase of a sixth submarine from Germany was finalized, with payment to be spread over several years, an official said on Thursday. 7
  • 8. The proposed expansion of the diesel-powered Dolphin submarine fleet, considered Israel's vanguard against foes like Iran, had been held up by wrangling with Berlin over the $500 million to $700 million price tag. Israel currently operates three Dolphins and has two more on order from Germany with delivery expected in the next two years. Germany had sold those submarines at deep discounts. But Berlin, beset by budgetary constraints, balked in talks last year at similarly underwriting the sixth Dolphin. "It's finalized -- we will be getting another submarine from Germany, with payments spread over several years," an Israeli official briefed on the negotiations said. The official did not immediately say how much the Dolphin would cost Israel or whether Germany would arrange a discount. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who hosted Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu last month, has been sympathetic to his regional concerns and championed international diplomatic campaigns to rein in Tehran. But Berlin has in the past heard misgivings from German opposition parties about exporting weapons to crisis areas. Once again, I think we can thank Chancellor Angela Merkel for standing fast in support of Israel. The more left wing parties are, of course, against the selling of weapons and when you mix in a little negative feeling about Israel you get the pressure the Chancellor was feeling. However, she hung tough and the sale is going through. Hooray for Angie! ANTI-EVERYTHING You don’t have to be a neo-Nazi or an Islamic extremist to be violently anti-Israel or an anti-Semite. How about being a member of the Bundestag (Parliament)? If your name is Inge Hoeger you pretty much fit the behavior profile of what such a person is and does. Ms. Hoeger is a Left Party Bundestag member who seems to be opposed to all things Israeli and Jewish. The Jerusalem Post reported, “Inge Höger, a Left Party member of the Bundestag who was aboard the Mavi Marmara when it tried to break the blockade of Gaza last May, had reportedly attributed the recent murders by Palestinians of pro- Palestinian Israeli filmmaker Juliano Mer-Khamis and Italian activist Vittorio Arrigoni to Israel’s government. “Inge Höger’s wild conspiracy theory is pure speculation, without any concrete 8
  • 9. factual basis,” Volker Beck, a leading German Green Party MP and spokesman for the party on human rights, said last week. “She employs the centuries-old image of the perfidiously murderous Jews. After the terrible murder of Vittorio Arrigoni in the Gaza Strip, only one thing is apparently clear to the Left Party: Israel is guilty. And should the opposite be proven, a lingering doubt will remain,” he said. Writing on her Left Party website, Höger asked: “The question one must pose is: Who profits from this terrible crime? First of all, now two of the activists most ‘dangerous’ for Israel, because they were the most engaged, well known and noted, are eliminated. The murders of Vittorio and Juliano could also be a means of dealing a serious blow to the international solidarity movement – especially given the upcoming second flotilla and the fact that international activists still won’t let themselves be prevented from going to Palestine.” She continued, “In the past there have been many documented false flag attacks (for example, the Lavon Affair [in 1954]), and in the Palestinian territories there are constantly cases of collaboration by Palestinians with Israel in the murder of Palestinians – for money, for a new ID card, for travel permits.” The German daily Die Welt on Friday called Höger a “flawless anti-Semite” because of her anti-Israel and anti-Jewish comments. While the Hamas authorities arrested radical Salafists for the murder of Arrigoni in the Gaza Strip on April 15, the killers of Mer-Khamis, who was murdered in Jenin on April 4, have not been apprehended. I guess there is not much that can be done about Ms. Hoeger except what Volker Beck (a good friend of AJC’s) has done which is to denounce her publicly. In addition, there is also not much that can be done about the Left Party which is made up of former East German communists and extreme left members of the Social Democrats. One would hope that the less extreme members of the Left Party might be moved to speak out but, frankly, that would mean a break in ranks and that is probably too much to ask since their pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel positions are firmly entrenched in party policy. There is more to the story. Click here to read it. RIGHT WING POPULISM: A THREAT? The recent election in Finland which seriously increased the power of the True Finn Party, a right wing nationalist party, has sent shock waves throughout much of Europe. 9
  • 10. Spiegel On-Line reported, “Until now, the small country in the far northeastern corner of the continent was seen as a model member of the European Union. It was known for its successful export-oriented companies, liberal social policies and the best-performing school students in the Western industrialized world. It is ironic that it is here in Finland -- a part of Europe that always seemed eminently European -- that a movement is now coming to power that inveighs against immigrants and abortions, considers Brussels to be the "heart of darkness" and rejects all financial assistance for what it calls "wasteful countries," like Greece, Ireland and Portugal. The election result from Europe's far north has alarmed the political establishment in Brussels. If Soini's party becomes part of the new government, there will be more at stake than Helsinki's traditional pro-European stance. The entire program to rescue the euro could be in jeopardy, because it has to be approved unanimously by the entire European Union. The successes of right-wing populists could indeed exacerbate the smoldering euro crisis. Tensions between the wealthy countries in the north, who are contributing most to the bailouts, and the ailing debtor nations in the periphery already threaten to destroy the monetary union. If a European version of the American Tea Party movement develops, it could very well become the kiss of death for the euro. The risk is substantial, as euroskeptics gain ground across the EU. In Denmark, the xenophobic Danish People's Party has supported a center-right minority government for almost 10 years. In the Netherlands, Prime Minister Mark Rutte is dependent on the goodwill of right-wing populist politician Geert Wilders, who, with his tirades against Islam and the EU, captured 15.5 percent of the vote in the country's last parliamentary election. In Sweden, the nationalist, anti-European Sweden Democrats crossed the 4-percent threshold to gain seats in the parliament, the Riksdag, and in Italy Umberto Bossi's xenophobic Lega Nord, or Northern League, is even part of the government. Although the party is primarily active in the north of Italy, it is the third-strongest party on the national level. Only in the core European countries of Germany and France has opposition to the EU long been restricted to marginal groups. In both Berlin and Paris, a strong commitment to Europe has traditionally been considered part of the national interest and was something that transcended party lines. But that too could change, especially now that the True Finns have demonstrated in Helsinki how to achieve double-digit election results with nationalistic posturing. In Germany, the euroskeptics are trying to take over the pro-business Free Democratic Party (FDP), and in France the nationalist right is eyeing the country's highest office. Enthusiasm for the EU has also declined in Germany. An anti-Brussels movement called "Liberal Awakening" has developed within the FDP, once a strong advocate of European unity. Its leader is Frank Schäffler, a boyish-looking former insurance 10
  • 11. agent who is a member of the German parliament. "We see ourselves as a grassroots movement," he says. "We are infiltrating the FDP from below." Schäffler's foray could create problems for Chancellor Angela Merkel. If members of her center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and its Bavarian sister party, the CSU, join the FDP renegades, the CDU/CSU and the FDP (who together make up Merkel's coalition government) will lack the necessary majority in the Bundestag to approve the new euro crisis fund, the European Stability Mechanism (ESM). One CDU member of parliament, the budget policy expert Klaus-Peter Willsch, has already joined the ranks of the FDP rebels. So, what’s the bottom line here? The worldwide economic uncertainties and the great influx of Islamic people into Europe have triggered off a great deal of anxiety among the voters there. Although we do not have the same sort of immigration wave, similar emotions in the U.S. have led to the strong showings of the Tea Party. Will this wave of right wing populism affect Germany? Without question, in my opinion, the answer is yes. We’ll just have to see how deep it goes. So far, however, voter unhappiness has led to the strengthening of the left wing Green Party and not those parties on the right. Will that change? We’ll have to wait and see. In the meantime it behooves us to understand that Germany is an integral part of Europe and what happens even in tiny Finland has implications for the Federal Republic. My advice? Stay tuned! THE SARRAZIN FLAP CONTINUES Last fall I reported on the uproar caused by the publication of a book entitled Germany Does Away With Itself written by a Social Democrat politician Thilo Sarrazin. Mr. Sarrazin, a member of the Executive Board of the Bundesbank, has advocated (Wikipedia) a restrictive immigration policy (with the exception of the highly skilled) and the reduction of state welfare benefits. There were severe reactions to his statements on economic and immigration policy in Berlin, which were published in September 2009 in Lettre International, a German cultural quarterly. In it he described many Arab and Turkish immigrants as unwilling to integrate. He has also said regarding Islam, “No other religion in Europe makes so many demands. No immigrant group other than Muslims is so strongly connected with claims on the welfare state and crime. No group emphasizes their differences so strongly in public, especially through women’s clothing. In no other religion is the transition to violence, dictatorship and terrorism so fluid.” Sarrazin's book Deutschland schafft sich ab "Germany Does Away With Itself" or "Germany Abolishes Itself", presented at the end of August 2010, came under 11
  • 12. criticism for claiming that Germany's immigrant Muslim population is reluctant to integrate and tends to rely more on social services than to be productive. Furthermore, he calculates that their population growth may well overwhelm the German population within a couple of generations at the current rate, and that their intelligence is lower as well. He proposes stringent reforms for the welfare system to rectify the problems. The first edition of his book sold out within a few days. By the end of the year, the book had become Germany's number 1 hard-cover non-fiction bestseller for the year and was still at the top of the lists. An uproar was caused at the same time by an interview with Welt am Sonntag in which he claimed that "all Jews share a certain gene like all Basques share a certain gene that distinguishes these from other people. The Sarrazin issue surfaced again when The reported, “Prominent Social Democratic Party (SPD) politicians across the country have begun to air their deep dissatisfaction over the party leadership’s decision, announced last Thursday, to abandon expulsion proceedings against the former Bundesbank board member and Berlin finance minister.” Sergey Lagodinsky, founder of the Working Group of Jewish Social Democrats (and a former AJC staff member), announced he was quitting the party in protest, according to the Süddeutsche Zeitung. In a letter to SPD general secretary Andrea Nahles he wrote that “as a Jewish person” he had seen the possibility “to revive the long tradition of Jews in Germany, together with other minorities and the majority in our country.” This hope was however now dashed, he wrote. Sarrazin himself described the decision as a “victory for common sense.” He had insisted he did not mean to breach any basic social democratic principles not discriminate against any migrant. So, the internal disagreement continues. The stuff he writes is certainly tinged with racist thought. The material about the Jews, however, is the least of it. We should remember that there is such a thing in Germany as free speech and so a major question is whether the SPD (Social Democrats), which is primarily liberal can continue with Sarrazin as a member. He has done nothing technically that would lead to his expulsion but his view of minority affairs in Germany is certainly at odds with the vast majority of SPD members. Interestingly, Klaus von Dohnanyi, a former Minister President of Hamburg and a former Bundestag member, “… offered to defend Sarrazin as the SPD seeked to expel him, told the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper how Germany was overshadowed by its Holocaust history and how a culture had developed whereby anyone saying the words "gene" or "Jew" is automatically considered suspect. He complains that we shy away from debates that "are commonplace in other 12
  • 13. countries." Among those is the discussion that "specific ethnic groups" share specific characteristics. So, as you can see the Sarrazin flap goes much deeper than just the party fate of Mr. Sarrazin. The issue of what can be public discourse in Germany and what can be said about Jews, race and minorities is something that is being sorted out with considerable pain. ******************************************************************************************** See you again in June. DuBow Digest is written and published by Eugene DuBow who can be contacted by clicking here. Both the American and Germany editions are posted at Click here to connect 13
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