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 Creating wealth from nothing

      Author - vated
David Lanre Messan
Welcome to an audio book Presentation with David Lanre Messan,
the premier Innovation Strategist in Africa. He talks to you about
How to be like God and create wealth from nothing. Be ready to
change your life and live like a king that God has made you.


                God       Creating wealth from nothing

                             Author - vated
                   David Lanre Messan
                      The Innovation Strat - Artist


    God Creating wealth from nothing
                                            Author - vated   by   David Lanre Messan

Have you ever wondered why some                               And the earth was without form and
people easily come up with initiatives                        void, and darkness covered the face of
and perhaps,… you don't? Ever                                 the deep…”
wondered why or how the people of
the West like America and Canada,                             The word VOID shows emptiness and
created mind boggling inventions like                         nothingness……..
the airplane and continuously                                 Commingled with this emptiness was
innovated until they succeeded in                             thick, deep darkness;
transforming it into a space shuttle,                         ….. darkness that could be felt and
putting a mere mortal on the moon                             touched. So,…. how do we create
with no oxygen to breathe?                                    wealth from nothing, when there is no
                                                              money or resources,…..when we know
Have you ever wondered how so easily                          no one and don't have friends or family
new innovations and inventions in                             in high places,….when we have limited
business and technology are produced                          skill-set to achieve what we want to
on a daily basis by the Germans or the                        achieve,
Chinese and we seem somehow slow to                           ….when we have no university degree
do the same?                                                  to make a way for us in the corporate
                                                              world or even if it is available, nothing
Have you ever wondered how young                              can really be saved from our monthly
people, even teenagers in places like                         income,….even when we try to save
America invent dazzling resources,                            something, the amount is infinitesimal
products and gadgets and all we                               in comparison to our great dreams?
mostly do is buy into them? Before you
begin to wonder too long and hard,
remember that the universe was
created out of nothing but an idea in the
subconscious of one we                                       The answer is   Be Like God.
call………..God.                                                 He created all we see by a constant
                                                              thought process, out of nothing and
He started with an idea of the                                from nowhere. But first, he had an idea
possibility of beauty and everything                          and turned it into a dream.
good around him. He brooded for a
long while over what he had conceived                         Having a dream transports you out of
and He planned on how he was going                            the frustrations of the present into the
to achieve it. We see the story of                            possibilities of the future. Having a
creation saying, “In the beginning, God                       dream gives you a great
created the heaven and the earth.


                       Author - vated   by   David Lanre Messan
                                                                              God Creating wealth from nothing

reason to wake up every day because if
you do not have one you are pursuing,
sleeping becomes very interesting and                   God breathe the same creative spirit
challenges seem so insurmountable                       that moved upon the face of the waters
when they come because there is no                      into you and the Bible says man
hope, no dream…just darkness and                        became a living soul. Only very few
emptiness….so get a dream, create an                    men come anywhere close to
idea…                                                   exhausting the resources dwelling
                                                        within them…that have been
You need not ask, “How do I start?”                     deposited by God.
                                                        There are deep wells of strength in all
I am here to show you how.                              of us that have never been used.

Some people have created ideas already                  Wealth… therefore can only be created
and are working on it right now but                     through deep thought processes,
they are encountering obstacles making                  meditation, prayer, planning and
many people mock them and scorn                         particularly, the will to achieve what
their efforts.                                          you have conceived.
It may take time; people may mock you,
spite you and laugh at you but just                     What you conceive is simply your idea,
…………….BE LIKE GOD.                                      multiplied by an effort driven value –
You may ask, “How can I become like                     your effort here, comprises of your
God?” To be like God, we need to act                    energy and a consistent push of your
like God and understand what he did in                  idea in form of product to as many
the circumstances in which he found                     people as possible.
himself,….like in the many challenging
circumstances we also find ourselves,                   A consistent persistence in this attitude
as individuals and would-be business                    and way of life will bring about a
people….                                                definite winning streak, creating
                                                        wealth for you beyond your wildest
But first of all, we must understand the
power deposited within us. As humans,                   Entrepreneurship is a tool for
we are empowered to be just like God.                   Creating Wealth from Nothing
                                                        People living in this part of the world
We were created as spirit beings, living                often consider it a challenge to become
in a body and possessing a soul and this                financially successful because of the
soul holds the great forces of our mind,                peculiarity of our socio- economic
our will and our emotions.                              environment.


GodCreating wealth from nothing
                                       Author - vated   by   David Lanre Messan

                                                                 Simply solve a problem.
                                                                 God created you to solve a problem.
But then, looking from the other side,                           Why did you buy a car? It solved a
you will realize our socio-economic                              transportation problem. Why do you
problems are actually the                                        watch the news each evening on
opportunities we need to make it. All                            television? It solves an information
we need is to convert opportunities                              problem.
into value – adding ideas. There and
then, will the journey of                                        Why did God create you? He created
entrepreneurship begin!                                          you to solve human problems

In the words of Albert Einstein, “Try
not to become a man of success, but                                 Mechanics solve car problems
                                                                    •Dentists solve tooth problem
rather try to become a man of value.”
                                                                    •Lawyers solve legal problems
When you create value that satisfy                                  •Mothers solve emotional problems
someone's needs or desires and the                                  •Accountants solve tax problems
person is willing to pay for such value                             Ministers solve human problems
over and over again, you are on your
way to becoming an entrepreneur and
                                                                 God is the solution to mankind and
creating wealth. Entrepreneurship is
                                                                 you are like God. Four simple words lie
simply defined as a system or process
                                                                 behind every successful product,
that creates value which solves
                                                                 service or personal incentive and they
problems. I will define the keywords to
                                                                 are 'building a better world'. God's sole
broaden your perspective on
                                                                 aim was for beauty, peace, fruitfulness
                                                                 and the sheer betterment of all of
   Create – this is imagination in bringing
   something new into existence
                                                                 Therefore, you are created to be a
   Value – it is something of importance that                    solution to somebody… You just have
   fulfills desires or provides a need
                                                                 to ask; who is that person? Where is
   Solve – It is the process involved in                         that person? What does that person
   making something easier or providing a                        need? How do I create and deliver
   need                                                          what that person needs? And multiply
   Problem – It is a situation that demands                      what you have to offer by how many
   solution                                                      people you want to reach and how far
                                                                 you want to go, this equates to
   System/Process – It is an organized
   dynamic pattern or structure


                       Author - vated   by   David Lanre Messan
                                                                            God  Creating wealth from nothing

  How then do we
 Create Wealth From Nothing?
  The answer……………Have – an – idea.                     details. You certainly can't produce
                                                       better ideas when you are bitter about
Your idea is what fuels                                past failures.
entrepreneurship and it begins with
creating the Idea, converting the idea                 Remember……….yesterday's failure is
to a value adding business and                         in the tomb – so bury it but tomorrow's
making the business generate the                       success is in the womb – so nurture it.
wealth.                                                We all need to get out of the pains of
                                                       yesterday and step into the gains of
The first process is CREATING THE                      tomorrow. Nobody goes forward
IDEA and you can create ideas from a                   looking backward and your best days
lot of circumstances. Many people                      are before you not behind. Your
complain to me about their inability to                prophecy is more powerful than your
generate sound, productive ideas and I                 history.
help them…..
                                                       So once again………take a chance at
But in reality, there are no shortages of              your future and forget your failures.
ideas and opportunities but there is a                 Some of these circumstances we must
shortage of people who can identify                    be open to include the following;
People with a seventh sense combined                   •        E x p e r i e n c e s a n d
with the courage and vision to do                      opportunities
something about it. While some others                  Your experiences are pointers to what
have embarked on certain ideas and                     you can create or ideas you can chose
lost money or gained many negative                     to develop. We have seen many people
experiences,                                           travelling overseas and return with
                                                       almost similar brands with what they
Some others have money and                             saw there.
resources but no viable idea to invest
in….why?                                               Your pain, rebellion and disgust of a
                                                       particular situation can be a pointer to
Are their minds dead? I don't think                    an idea you can begin to work on right
so… but they need to learn how to be,                  now. For example, Otunba Ghadaffi,
think and create…like God.                             the Shit Merchant saw the need for
                                                       outdoor toilet facilities which was
Well…….where there is life there is                    lacking at large gatherings and his
hope. So… stop crying and wipe your                    answer to that need was the DMT
tears. Learn the lessons and discard the               while the young business man

    God Creating wealth from nothing
                                            Author - vated   by   David Lanre Messan

                                                              every year in the fashion industry and
                                                              you can also make it happen for you.
Owoeye Azazi noticed that this same
idea could be better enhanced to cater                        •         Needs
for VIP needs at large gatherings and                         You can come up with ideas because of
imported a first-class air-conditioned                        a personal need or one you think needs
outdoor toilet service which he                               to be met. For example, Larry Izamoje
spotted abroad, creating Posh Potties                         the founder of Brilla fm, saw the need
toilet services. Ideas are everywhere,                        for a 'sports only' radio station, starting
what are your experiences and                                 off in his house. He has developed the
opportunities? Your next idea could                           most focused media house in Nigeria
come from there.                                              today. Also, the Murray Bruce clan saw
                                                              the need to revamp the cinema culture
                                                              which once thrived in the 70s. The
•         Fun time and Adventures                             Silverbird Galleria was a total sellout
What you love to do during your                               when it was launched because people
leisure can be the beginning of a                             needed to satisfy their cravings for
lifelong business. It could be anything                       American styled outdoor
from dancing, writing, cooking to                             entertainment.
exercising and healthy living. It is all
around you, all you need do is make a                         •        Problems: There are political,
business of your pleasure time. Almost                        social, spiritual, economic, financial
all Nigerians that own night clubs have                       problems etc.
one thing in common – they love night
life. So are you shocked at their                             Linus Okorie created Guardians of The
business choices? They would rather                           Nation International, GOTNI to satisfy
work at night and sleep during the day.                       a need for a less corrupt and oppressive
                                                              political system. Ndidi Nwuneli saw a
Weird, to you maybe,… but not to                              social porousity in Nigeria's leadership
them.                                                         and accountability and created LEAP
                                                              Africa to cater for these by influencing
•        Critical Thinking and creative                       the youth through positive program
thinking Your creativity can generate                         delivery system. The hustler selling
an idea of a lifetime, so how creative                        CDs on a mobile truck believes he
are you? Your critical and creative                           would make more money if he moves
thinking may allow you come up with                           around more while our financial need is
a product people don't even know they                         helping us explore many possibilities to
need until they see it. This happened in                      attaining wealth. So what is your need?
succession in recent times with Apple
incorporated's I-products. It happens

                             Author - vated   by   David Lanre Messan
                                                                                  God Creating wealth from nothing

•        Conversations
                                                           bankers and more. Great business
During simple or stimulating
                                                           people know that acquiring and
conversations, ideas can pop into our
                                                           keeping people is a leader's most
heads concerning things we ought to
                                                           important task. A business cannot
do but most times, we put it off. Become
                                                           increase its productivity but people can.
more attentive to your conversations
                                                           The asset that truly appreciates within
and those of others and watch the ideas
                                                           an organization is people.
you can pull out from them.
                                                           The growth potential of your idea is
•         Talent
                                                           directly related to the potential and
Your talent is an easy way to launch
                                                           strength of its supporters, partners,
yourself into an entrepreneurial
                                                           customers, workers, advisers, investors
journey as we can see it working and
                                                           and bankers. A company cannot grow
gradually growing in the Nigeria today
                                                           without until people grow within.
with artistes, actors, actresses, dancers,
photographers, make-up artistes,
comedians etc thriving by pursuing
                                                           The third process is CONVERTING
their talents.
                                                           THE IDEA TO A VALUE ADDING
                                                           BUSINESS by driving the business with
•         Challenges
                                                           strategic skills such as:
Your challenges can push you so hard
to the wall that you are willing to look                   •        Prayer
for profitable ideas until you find one.                   Separation makes for mental
                                                           resourcefulness, fertility and prowess.
                                                           So set yourself apart from the crowd.
The Second Process
is converting the idea to a Value Adding Business

  •Convert the idea created to a product                   •         Plan and set goals
   or service that fits a researched market                A plan is nothing; planning is
  •Create a business plan for the idea                     everything. Planning is the
  •Attach a measurable monetary value
   to product or service
                                                           arrangement of facts to achieve your set
  •Market the product or service to a                      objectives and before you start a
   target market                                           business, strategic planning is first
                                                           required. Remember that every well-
                                                           built house started with a definite plan
For any idea to succeed you must
                                                           in the form of blueprints and one good
involve People as supporters, partners,
                                                           idea with an organized plan can jettison
customers, workers, advisers, investors,

    God  Creating wealth from nothing
                                             Author - vated   by   David Lanre Messan

                                                               motivated by desire and willing to
                                                               work hard for what they want. If you
                                                               have a dream, pursue it. If you have an
anyone into financial success. So begin                        idea, bring it to reality. Don't let it go
to plan on how to make your idea a                             and don't give it up without a fight.
success but a genuine planner, plans
within available resources.                                    •          Discipline
                                                               Self discipline is the ability to make
•         Vision                                               yourself do what you should do, when
A vision is a glimpse of the end, a view                       you should do it whether you feel like it
of your purpose in life; what you see                          or not.
yourself become; simply put, a living                          •          Commitment
picture of your future. There is one                           A major key to success in life and to
quality that one must possess to win                           attaining that which you deeply desire
and that is definiteness of purpose, it is                     is to be completely released and throw
the knowledge of what one wants and a                          all there is of yourself into your idea.
burning desire to possess it. Oprah                            The quality of a person's life is
Winfrey said “Create the highest,                              determined more by their commitment
grandest vision possible for your life                         to excellence than by any other factor,
because you become what you                                    no matter what the external
believe.”                                                      circumstances. Be committed to your
•          Good leadership                                     Quality Service
Leadership is the organizing and                               It does not matter what size of business
coordinating of resources, energies and                        you have, if you will give it a service
relationships in a productive context                          orientation far above anticipated gains,
for an intended result. Some people                            you will hit unimaginable results. If you
think leadership skills should only be                         want to increase the quality and
learnt by governors or presidents but                          quantity of your rewards, you must
no it should be embraced by all. Each                          increase the quality and quantity of
one of us will be a leader at some point                       your contribution. Your contribution is
in our lives whether we lead a family, a                       your service and you must hold
group of friends, a larger group or a                          yourself responsible for a higher
major segment of society, each of us                           standard than anybody else expects of
will act in ways to influence others. You                      you. Never excuse yourself.
must also gain this skill for the daily
enhancement of your business goals.                            •       Management
                                                               Acquire management skills from
•       Hard work                                              individuals that have either done the
Wealth is acquired by those who are                            same thing or something similar, they

                         Author - vated   by   David Lanre Messan
                                                                              God Creating wealth from nothing

have lessons that you can learn from
and take your idea to the next level.
•        Integrity
                                                         purpose. Develop a mad burning
True integrity is making good choices
                                                         passion to birth your dream and
consistently, keeping agreements with
                                                         achieve the success you desire.
yourself, persisting through the tough
times and being 100% accountable for                     As the business begins to earn profits,
your results.                                            invest back into the business idea,
                                                         there are unlimited opportunities
•         Creativity                                     waiting to be tapped so don't squander
You must develop creative thinking                       your newly acquired resources in
skills because creative thinking is what                 acquiring new toys.
generates ideas and the more you know
how to generate creative ideas, the                      Pay your tithe which is ten percent of
more successes you record. Forget fable                  your earnings to ensure others benefit
wives' tales and celebrity gossip going                  from God's blessings in your life, save
around town, forget too much and                         ten percent of profit and expand
unnecessary football score arguments                     business reasonably to more market
on who will win the premier league                       segments
going around town, it's certainly not
going to be you so think of what to do to                You must become financially savvy,
bring your ideas to life and put more                    by spending wisely and create an
money into your pocket. Be less curious                  effective budget for all of your
about people and more curious about                      projects. Keep the accounts tidy by
ideas.                                                   maintaining a consistent cash flow.
                                                         Continuously identify more
•           Optimism                                     opportunities and strategies to drive
Your mind is the comptroller general of                  your business idea.
your destiny. Investing high optimism
in it will bring your ideas to reality.
•           Dynamism                                    The Truth:
You must be dynamic. Dynamism is the                    You need knowledge to create wealth!
ability to remain full of energy and new
                                                        When you see a man who walks on the
ideas. It enables you remain flexible
                                                        streets with so much inelegance, who
will still producing the best results in
                                                        lives his life in fear of the future, who
order to reach your goals.
                                                        gets worried about minor challenges,
                                                        then two things could be responsible. It
•       Obsession
                                                        is either he has an empty pocket or he
Be obsessed with your dreams, the
                                                        has an empty head.
secret of success is constancy of

   God Creating wealth from nothing
                                           Author - vated   by    David Lanre Messan

                                                                 Therefore, in order to create wealth
                                                                 you must be knowledgeable about
                                                                 everything going on in the world as
If you see a man who goes with so
                                                                 they will inspire the growth of your
much confidence while he walks or
                                                                 business in unimaginable ways.
drives along the street, who is not
disturbed when he suffers losses, who
                                                                 PEOPLE WHO CREATED WEALTH
is not easily frightened by awful
                                                                 FROM NOTHING
situations and who lives his life with
so much ease, then two things could
                                                                 The Proverbs 31 Woman: The life of
be responsible for his behavior. It is
                                                                 the Proverbs 31 woman encapsulates
either he has a lot of money stored up
                                                                 the whole idea of entrepreneurship.
in his bank account or he has so much
                                                                 Her culture of self discipline and her
knowledge stored up in his mind.
                                                                 ability to contravene certain cultural
                                                                 norms gave her an edge over women
Like Bill Gates, the seed to your
                                                                 of her day. Many things are written
success and wealth may be locked
                                                                 about her industriousness but one
away in a scientific manual you feel
                                                                 thing points to this topic, which is,
less than interested to open, it may be
                                                                 “She seeks wool, and flax and works
locked away in biographies of
                                                                 willingly with her hands”, this is
business greats or established
                                                                 entrepreneurship, and she started
corporations. Success in a particular
                                                                 from nothing. She didn't go about
business depends for one thing upon
                                                                 seeking employment; she wanted to be
your possessing in a well-developed
                                                                 her own boss. She already had skill so
state the faculties required in that
                                                                 she went about seeking raw materials
business. Commitment to personal
                                                                 in order to make linen. She is active
and continuous improvement is key
                                                                 and has an open mind to the things
to reaching your potential and to
                                                                 happening in the world. She is an
being successful. Each day you can
                                                                 astute investor seeking avenues to
become a bit better than you were
                                                                 grow the income of her family like
                                                                 starting various businesses. She works
                                                                 through the night, she is not idle and
If you employed study, thinking and
                                                                 she was called blessed by all meaning,
planning time daily, you could
                                                                 she became wealthy. Please read
develop and use the power that could
                                                                 Proverbs 31:10-31.
change the course of your destiny. It
puts you one step closer to your
                                                                 Fred Smith was 27 when he founded
potential and you will also find that
                                                                 FedEx. His idea occurred to him when
what you get as the result of your
                                                                 he wrote a term paper for an
growth is not nearly as important as
                                                                 economics class in which he outlined
what you become along the way.

                         Author - vated   by   David Lanre Messan
                                                                                  God   Creating wealth from nothing

an idea for a transportation company
that will guarantee an overnight
delivery of small, time-sensitive goods,                 slowly began to build one of America's
replacement parts and medical supplies                   most successful companies.
to major US cities. Although the
Professor was not impressed awarding                     Toyosi Akerele, a young enigmatic
the paper a D, smith was certain he was                  entrepreneur very passionate about youth
on to something though it took him a                     development started the company, RISE
while before he could turn his ideas to                  poised to empower young people through
reality. Today, FedEx is a $32 billion                   a magazine and have grown into a
global transportation and logistics                      strategic youth development and Printing
company serving over 220 countries and                   company serving up to 1 million youth in
territories.                                             15 Nigerian cities and several top
                                                         corporations and institutions raking in
Colonel Harland Sanders,                                 millions of naira every year. What she had
founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken, got                   was just an idea…she thought like God,
really fired up and started regardless of                started with an idea from nothing and
what he had. Sanders had money                           God came through for her, making her
problems like everyone else when he                      grow in leaps and bounds. What are you
was first building Kentucky Fried                        waiting for?
Chicken: left almost broke after his first
restaurant was sold at an auction,                       You can maximize Real Opportunities
Sanders had nothing but his check of                     You can build a mega business and create
$105 per month from social security. He                  wealth from these, right now…….
was not born into a rich family. He spent
                                                                •SMS Marketing
much of his youth living and working                            •Face book Marketing
out on his own, trying to support himself                       •Information Sales
and stay off the streets but he didn't let                      •Laundry
                                                                •Investment Club
that stand in the way of his future                             •Seminar Production
success. In fact, his experiences as a                          •Event planning
young boy taught him how to make do                             •Ad Letter publishing
                                                                •Make Up Artist
with what he had available to him and it
                                                                •Idea development
were precisely that attitude that was able
to lift KFC off the ground.
                                                         Just Think! Of which suits you and Act Now!
His success proves that it does not take a
                                                         If you don't like any, create your own.
large initial investment to launch a
business. By making do with what he
                                                         It is right in you, in your mind and in
had – a car, a garage, his wife to assist                your thoughts. So make it happen.
and a meager social security check – he

   God Creating wealth from nothing
                                           Author - vated   by   David Lanre Messan

                                                            grammar, so I developed my ability to
                                                            help people proofread their work either
After you have conceived the idea                           business or personal scripts and made
then you must take steps to                                 some good money out of it? An
                                                            opportunity to work as a proofreader
achieving your dreams. There is
                                                            from home gives you a chance to work
something that you have that is
                                                            from home. Advertising for this can be
called Real Opportunity which                               difficult but seek out those who might
can help you create wealth – find                           actually be able to use your services and
it!                                                         advertise directly to them.

•       Whoever you are, start
                                                            Public speaking If you're the type of
with what you have, where you
                                                            person who can get the attention of a
are, whatever it is – just start. Soon,
                                                            room easily, public speaking might be
you will overcome the first                                 for you. Take advantage of every public
obstacle.                                                   speaking opportunity you can and you'll
                                                            be surprised at the opportunities that
•       Set goals on what you                               make themselves available for you. My
intend to start and how you plan                            ability to communicate effectively has
to grow. You will reach your goal                           brought about the most outstanding
when your passion and desire                                results for me in all of my pursuits in life,
                                                            garnering me speaking engagements in
become so strong as to rise out of
                                                            churches, business seminars and
your body like steam from a pot of
                                                            trainings across the world.
hot boiling water. After this
presentation and you have not                               Writer I realized very early that I am a
decided to start now – Go get a JOB by                      good writer and I used it to my
which you know what that means-you                          advantage, writing great poems and
remain Just Over Broke.                                     articles. For the poetry, I formed a club
                                                            called Breeze mind poetry and dance club
These are some simple ways which I                          which indirectly brought me money. As
have used to create wealth from                             a writer, one of my write up won me the
nothing. By coming up with ideas that                       2006 World Bank 100 best authors award
I didn't really need money to start, I                      and consequently fetching me a good
made my very first one million naira.                       income to launch my business e-book
                                                            CD, which made me my first one million
Proofreading Personally, I have very
                                                            Publicity My natural communication
strong English skills and exceptional
                                                            power endeared me towards media

                         Author - vated   by   David Lanre Messan
                                                                               God  Creating wealth from nothing

oriented platforms. I began asking
people and companies for their
businesses which included poster                        Business Plan Writer One of my
pasting, handbill sharing, submitting                   passions is to help people structure an
business introduction letters and event                 effective plan to help drive their
promotions. All these led me to go into                 businesses, so I learnt the art of business
the sms marketing business.                             plan writing first to support myself as a
SMS Marketing I started an sms                          young entrepreneur who was chased
marketing business by walking up the a                  out of the Lagos Chamber of Commerce
company called kull in                      office because I went to make inquiries
Ogba and asked if I could market their                  on how to write a business plan as I was
sms product, they agreed. I did that                    about to embark on a publicity
effectively and then gathered enough                    business, I called City Bells, they told
money to start my own, which I called                   me to go to school instead of chasing, this brought me                        shadows – I was just 19. But becoming
money also as a young business man.                     like God is in our ability to chase the
                                                        impossible – thanks to the internet, I
                                                        found and
E-book Marketing I in partnership with         and I learnt how to craft a
a friend, created a 30 in 1 business e-                 most convincing business plan and I
book by downloading free resource                       help others do the same and get paid for
                                                        it. Idea Creation Today My major
materials from the internet. It was a
                                                        business which doubles as my
huge sell-out, making me a young                        company is to think, create and execute
millionaire overnight.                                  ideas and strategies for people,
Training I started by promoting other                   businesses, institutions and
peoples workshops and seminars and                      governments. This alone has made us
afterwards I became a trainer myself,                   consult for more than 30 small
by a constant self development process.                 businesses and over 100 individuals
I was able to package and create my                     across Nigeria since 2007.
own workshops. The cheapest fee I
receive as a trainer today is N150,                     There is an idea in you that is connected
000:00.Proposal Writing I personally                    to your skill, talents and ability. All you
trained myself in proposal writing and
                                                        have to do is to wake that idea up….just
over the years, I have been able to make
over two million naira writing                          like the genie in the lamp…..your idea
proposals for various clients which                     can bring you any amount of wealth
include individuals, small businesses                   you want…
and governments.

     God Creating wealth from nothing
                                             Author - vated    by   David Lanre Messan

                                                                          ungodly use but shall honour the Lord
                                                                          with thy substance.

                                                                    8.    Thou shalt not acquire wealth by
Become the Aladdin now by
                                                                          dishonest means; neither shalt thou
commanding the hidden treasures of                                        oppress the poor with thy riches.
your mind.
                                                                    9.    Thou shalt hold the power of
                                                                          knowledge in high regard and shalt
Rules govern the world, just as much as                                   explore the power of inspiration.
rules govern wealth creation, my
                                                                    10.   Thou shalt use thy wisdom and thy
candid advice and suggestion is to                                        wealth for the work of God and for the
passionately and deliberately hearken                                     benefit of mankind.
to these ten commandments of wealth
and they are….                                                Are You Ready To Be Like God?
1.   Thou shalt remember the Lord thy God                     Well …you can start becoming like Him right
     for it is He that giveth the power to get                now.
                                                              But first you must become this in your mind and
2.   Thou shalt trust in the Lord thy God                     it resides in your attitude. Attitude is the first
     with all thy heart, leaning not on your                  quality that marks the successful man. The
     own understanding.                                       greatest discovery of our generation is that
                                                              people can alter their lives by altering their
3.   Poverty is ungodly, therefore shalt                      attitudes of mind.
     thou revoke every resolution you have
     made to be poor.                                         The man who acquires the ability to take full
                                                              possession of his own mind may take possession
4.   Thou shalt abhor poverty and sin with                    of anything else to which he is justly entitled.
     passion and desire the blessings of the                  Nothing can stop the man with the right mental
     Lord.                                                    attitude from achieving his dreams and also,
                                                              nothing can help the man with the wrong mental
5.   Thou shalt not engage thyself in                         attitude.
     idleness, but shall work with thine
     hands, the things that enhance wealth.                   If you have a positive attitude and are a positive
                                                              thinker, who likes challenges and difficult
6.   Thou shalt do thy work with all                          situations, then you have half your success
     diligence so that thou mayest find                       achieved. And when your attitude, your strong
     favour before God and men.                               conviction, your positive definition, affirms your
                                                              position as a god, then your attitude out distance
7.   Thou shalt not heap up wealth for

                 Author - vated   by   David Lanre Messan
                                                                         God Creating wealth from nothing

your abilities and the impossible becomes
                                                            I am DLM – David Lanre Messan
                                                            Find me on facebook by simply
                                                            searching for David Lanre Messan
In conclusion, remember these; to create                    or go LIKE my fan page
wealth from nothing you must find a need or                 by the name The Innovation
create an idea, convert it into a product or                Strategist. Or visit my blog:
service, market it to your phone contacts first,   
start now, now, now, behold you are an
entrepreneur ready to create wealth.
                                                            David Lanre Messan is an Innovation
                                                            Strategist fast rising in Africa.
I will end with this quote by my friend, David              Call him on these mobile lines
Charima, A leadership consultant, He said,                  07043571577, 08035776246 or
not everybody is a poor person but the only                  email him on
poor person in this world is the person           
without an idea.

It is time to kick out poverty.
My business is to help individuals,
businesses and institutions think, create and
execute ideas and strategies.

So contact me for your business,
sponsorship, project and marketing
proposals, also we create and package ideas
and innovative strategies.

 Creating wealth from nothing
                                     Author - vated   by   David Lanre Messan
I          David Lanre Messan is a pioneering Innovation Strat – Artist
           in Africa, leading corporate, organizational and societal
 L         change through his many innovative concepts and
           strategies using empowering, educative and entertaining
           instruments. He is currently the Chief Idea Strategist of
           Infinite Impact Company, an ideas, business innovation and
marketing company that thinks, creates and execute ideas for

individuals, businesses, institutions and governments. DLM has

consulted for several corporate clients some of which include the
Lagos State Public Service Staff Development Center, Odera School of
Business and Management and Universal Anchor Consulting Limited.
DLM has several ideas, books, songs, poems and mad concepts soon to
be released. He also has several awards to his credit which includes
100 Best Worldbank Authors of the 2006 International Essay
Competition, 101 Young African Leader select and the LEAP
Africa/Nokia Youth Leadership Award. Who even knows whether he is
schooled? I leave you to guess! DLM has a burning desire to help One
Million Young Nigerians Bring Their Ideas to Life before 2016.

                                            T A Peep
The 'BE LIKE GOD' Audio Book is a product for the
advancement of entrepreneurship mastering for business
people and forward thinking career professionals with a vision
to develop grand business ideas or to continuously generate
ideas for their already founded ideas inspired from a Godlike

The 'BE LIKE GOD' Audio Book thrives on the notion that all
ideas come out of nothing, presumably, out of thin air just like
God created the universe and everything in it, so each person
can see themselves as thus in order to generate the most unique
ideas, using them to build great careers or enterprises.
You Can Be Like God! Just start with an IDEA.
            w w w w . d l m b o o k h u b . c o m

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Be like God By DLM

  • 1. Be like TM God Creating wealth from nothing Author - vated by David Lanre Messan
  • 2. Script Lines Welcome to an audio book Presentation with David Lanre Messan, the premier Innovation Strategist in Africa. He talks to you about How to be like God and create wealth from nothing. Be ready to change your life and live like a king that God has made you. Be like TM God Creating wealth from nothing Author - vated by David Lanre Messan The Innovation Strat - Artist 1
  • 3. Be like TM God Creating wealth from nothing Author - vated by David Lanre Messan Have you ever wondered why some And the earth was without form and people easily come up with initiatives void, and darkness covered the face of and perhaps,… you don't? Ever the deep…” wondered why or how the people of the West like America and Canada, The word VOID shows emptiness and created mind boggling inventions like nothingness…….. the airplane and continuously Commingled with this emptiness was innovated until they succeeded in thick, deep darkness; transforming it into a space shuttle, ….. darkness that could be felt and putting a mere mortal on the moon touched. So,…. how do we create with no oxygen to breathe? wealth from nothing, when there is no money or resources,…..when we know Have you ever wondered how so easily no one and don't have friends or family new innovations and inventions in in high places,….when we have limited business and technology are produced skill-set to achieve what we want to on a daily basis by the Germans or the achieve, Chinese and we seem somehow slow to ….when we have no university degree do the same? to make a way for us in the corporate world or even if it is available, nothing Have you ever wondered how young can really be saved from our monthly people, even teenagers in places like income,….even when we try to save America invent dazzling resources, something, the amount is infinitesimal products and gadgets and all we in comparison to our great dreams? mostly do is buy into them? Before you begin to wonder too long and hard, remember that the universe was created out of nothing but an idea in the subconscious of one we The answer is Be Like God. call………..God. He created all we see by a constant thought process, out of nothing and He started with an idea of the from nowhere. But first, he had an idea possibility of beauty and everything and turned it into a dream. good around him. He brooded for a long while over what he had conceived Having a dream transports you out of and He planned on how he was going the frustrations of the present into the to achieve it. We see the story of possibilities of the future. Having a creation saying, “In the beginning, God dream gives you a great created the heaven and the earth. 2
  • 4. Be like TM Author - vated by David Lanre Messan God Creating wealth from nothing reason to wake up every day because if you do not have one you are pursuing, sleeping becomes very interesting and God breathe the same creative spirit challenges seem so insurmountable that moved upon the face of the waters when they come because there is no into you and the Bible says man hope, no dream…just darkness and became a living soul. Only very few emptiness….so get a dream, create an men come anywhere close to idea… exhausting the resources dwelling within them…that have been You need not ask, “How do I start?” deposited by God. There are deep wells of strength in all I am here to show you how. of us that have never been used. Some people have created ideas already Wealth… therefore can only be created and are working on it right now but through deep thought processes, they are encountering obstacles making meditation, prayer, planning and many people mock them and scorn particularly, the will to achieve what their efforts. you have conceived. It may take time; people may mock you, spite you and laugh at you but just What you conceive is simply your idea, …………….BE LIKE GOD. multiplied by an effort driven value – You may ask, “How can I become like your effort here, comprises of your God?” To be like God, we need to act energy and a consistent push of your like God and understand what he did in idea in form of product to as many the circumstances in which he found people as possible. himself,….like in the many challenging circumstances we also find ourselves, A consistent persistence in this attitude as individuals and would-be business and way of life will bring about a people…. definite winning streak, creating wealth for you beyond your wildest imaginations. But first of all, we must understand the power deposited within us. As humans, Entrepreneurship is a tool for we are empowered to be just like God. Creating Wealth from Nothing People living in this part of the world We were created as spirit beings, living often consider it a challenge to become in a body and possessing a soul and this financially successful because of the soul holds the great forces of our mind, peculiarity of our socio- economic our will and our emotions. environment. 3
  • 5. Be like TM GodCreating wealth from nothing Author - vated by David Lanre Messan Simply solve a problem. God created you to solve a problem. But then, looking from the other side, Why did you buy a car? It solved a you will realize our socio-economic transportation problem. Why do you problems are actually the watch the news each evening on opportunities we need to make it. All television? It solves an information we need is to convert opportunities problem. into value – adding ideas. There and then, will the journey of Why did God create you? He created entrepreneurship begin! you to solve human problems In the words of Albert Einstein, “Try not to become a man of success, but Mechanics solve car problems •Dentists solve tooth problem rather try to become a man of value.” •Lawyers solve legal problems When you create value that satisfy •Mothers solve emotional problems someone's needs or desires and the •Accountants solve tax problems person is willing to pay for such value Ministers solve human problems over and over again, you are on your way to becoming an entrepreneur and God is the solution to mankind and creating wealth. Entrepreneurship is you are like God. Four simple words lie simply defined as a system or process behind every successful product, that creates value which solves service or personal incentive and they problems. I will define the keywords to are 'building a better world'. God's sole broaden your perspective on aim was for beauty, peace, fruitfulness entrepreneurship. and the sheer betterment of all of humanity. Create – this is imagination in bringing something new into existence Therefore, you are created to be a Value – it is something of importance that solution to somebody… You just have fulfills desires or provides a need to ask; who is that person? Where is Solve – It is the process involved in that person? What does that person making something easier or providing a need? How do I create and deliver need what that person needs? And multiply Problem – It is a situation that demands what you have to offer by how many solution people you want to reach and how far you want to go, this equates to System/Process – It is an organized dynamic pattern or structure WEALTH. 4
  • 6. Be like TM Author - vated by David Lanre Messan God Creating wealth from nothing How then do we Create Wealth From Nothing? The answer……………Have – an – idea. details. You certainly can't produce better ideas when you are bitter about Your idea is what fuels past failures. entrepreneurship and it begins with creating the Idea, converting the idea Remember……….yesterday's failure is to a value adding business and in the tomb – so bury it but tomorrow's making the business generate the success is in the womb – so nurture it. wealth. We all need to get out of the pains of yesterday and step into the gains of The first process is CREATING THE tomorrow. Nobody goes forward IDEA and you can create ideas from a looking backward and your best days lot of circumstances. Many people are before you not behind. Your complain to me about their inability to prophecy is more powerful than your generate sound, productive ideas and I history. help them….. So once again………take a chance at But in reality, there are no shortages of your future and forget your failures. ideas and opportunities but there is a Some of these circumstances we must shortage of people who can identify be open to include the following; them………… People with a seventh sense combined • E x p e r i e n c e s a n d with the courage and vision to do opportunities something about it. While some others Your experiences are pointers to what have embarked on certain ideas and you can create or ideas you can chose lost money or gained many negative to develop. We have seen many people experiences, travelling overseas and return with almost similar brands with what they Some others have money and saw there. resources but no viable idea to invest in….why? Your pain, rebellion and disgust of a particular situation can be a pointer to Are their minds dead? I don't think an idea you can begin to work on right so… but they need to learn how to be, now. For example, Otunba Ghadaffi, think and create…like God. the Shit Merchant saw the need for outdoor toilet facilities which was Well…….where there is life there is lacking at large gatherings and his hope. So… stop crying and wipe your answer to that need was the DMT tears. Learn the lessons and discard the while the young business man 5
  • 7. Be like TM God Creating wealth from nothing Author - vated by David Lanre Messan every year in the fashion industry and you can also make it happen for you. Owoeye Azazi noticed that this same idea could be better enhanced to cater • Needs for VIP needs at large gatherings and You can come up with ideas because of imported a first-class air-conditioned a personal need or one you think needs outdoor toilet service which he to be met. For example, Larry Izamoje spotted abroad, creating Posh Potties the founder of Brilla fm, saw the need toilet services. Ideas are everywhere, for a 'sports only' radio station, starting what are your experiences and off in his house. He has developed the opportunities? Your next idea could most focused media house in Nigeria come from there. today. Also, the Murray Bruce clan saw the need to revamp the cinema culture which once thrived in the 70s. The • Fun time and Adventures Silverbird Galleria was a total sellout What you love to do during your when it was launched because people leisure can be the beginning of a needed to satisfy their cravings for lifelong business. It could be anything American styled outdoor from dancing, writing, cooking to entertainment. exercising and healthy living. It is all around you, all you need do is make a • Problems: There are political, business of your pleasure time. Almost social, spiritual, economic, financial all Nigerians that own night clubs have problems etc. one thing in common – they love night life. So are you shocked at their Linus Okorie created Guardians of The business choices? They would rather Nation International, GOTNI to satisfy work at night and sleep during the day. a need for a less corrupt and oppressive political system. Ndidi Nwuneli saw a Weird, to you maybe,… but not to social porousity in Nigeria's leadership them. and accountability and created LEAP Africa to cater for these by influencing • Critical Thinking and creative the youth through positive program thinking Your creativity can generate delivery system. The hustler selling an idea of a lifetime, so how creative CDs on a mobile truck believes he are you? Your critical and creative would make more money if he moves thinking may allow you come up with around more while our financial need is a product people don't even know they helping us explore many possibilities to need until they see it. This happened in attaining wealth. So what is your need? succession in recent times with Apple incorporated's I-products. It happens 6
  • 8. Be like TM Author - vated by David Lanre Messan God Creating wealth from nothing • Conversations bankers and more. Great business During simple or stimulating people know that acquiring and conversations, ideas can pop into our keeping people is a leader's most heads concerning things we ought to important task. A business cannot do but most times, we put it off. Become increase its productivity but people can. more attentive to your conversations The asset that truly appreciates within and those of others and watch the ideas an organization is people. you can pull out from them. The growth potential of your idea is • Talent directly related to the potential and Your talent is an easy way to launch strength of its supporters, partners, yourself into an entrepreneurial customers, workers, advisers, investors journey as we can see it working and and bankers. A company cannot grow gradually growing in the Nigeria today without until people grow within. with artistes, actors, actresses, dancers, photographers, make-up artistes, comedians etc thriving by pursuing The third process is CONVERTING their talents. THE IDEA TO A VALUE ADDING BUSINESS by driving the business with • Challenges strategic skills such as: Your challenges can push you so hard to the wall that you are willing to look • Prayer for profitable ideas until you find one. Separation makes for mental resourcefulness, fertility and prowess. So set yourself apart from the crowd. The Second Process is converting the idea to a Value Adding Business •Convert the idea created to a product • Plan and set goals or service that fits a researched market A plan is nothing; planning is •Create a business plan for the idea everything. Planning is the •Attach a measurable monetary value to product or service arrangement of facts to achieve your set •Market the product or service to a objectives and before you start a target market business, strategic planning is first required. Remember that every well- built house started with a definite plan For any idea to succeed you must in the form of blueprints and one good involve People as supporters, partners, idea with an organized plan can jettison customers, workers, advisers, investors,
  • 9. Be like TM God Creating wealth from nothing Author - vated by David Lanre Messan motivated by desire and willing to work hard for what they want. If you have a dream, pursue it. If you have an anyone into financial success. So begin idea, bring it to reality. Don't let it go to plan on how to make your idea a and don't give it up without a fight. success but a genuine planner, plans within available resources. • Discipline Self discipline is the ability to make • Vision yourself do what you should do, when A vision is a glimpse of the end, a view you should do it whether you feel like it of your purpose in life; what you see or not. yourself become; simply put, a living • Commitment picture of your future. There is one A major key to success in life and to quality that one must possess to win attaining that which you deeply desire and that is definiteness of purpose, it is is to be completely released and throw the knowledge of what one wants and a all there is of yourself into your idea. burning desire to possess it. Oprah The quality of a person's life is Winfrey said “Create the highest, determined more by their commitment grandest vision possible for your life to excellence than by any other factor, because you become what you no matter what the external believe.” circumstances. Be committed to your dream. • Good leadership Quality Service Leadership is the organizing and It does not matter what size of business coordinating of resources, energies and you have, if you will give it a service relationships in a productive context orientation far above anticipated gains, for an intended result. Some people you will hit unimaginable results. If you think leadership skills should only be want to increase the quality and learnt by governors or presidents but quantity of your rewards, you must no it should be embraced by all. Each increase the quality and quantity of one of us will be a leader at some point your contribution. Your contribution is in our lives whether we lead a family, a your service and you must hold group of friends, a larger group or a yourself responsible for a higher major segment of society, each of us standard than anybody else expects of will act in ways to influence others. You you. Never excuse yourself. must also gain this skill for the daily enhancement of your business goals. • Management Acquire management skills from • Hard work individuals that have either done the Wealth is acquired by those who are same thing or something similar, they
  • 10. Be like TM Author - vated by David Lanre Messan God Creating wealth from nothing have lessons that you can learn from and take your idea to the next level. • Integrity purpose. Develop a mad burning True integrity is making good choices passion to birth your dream and consistently, keeping agreements with achieve the success you desire. yourself, persisting through the tough times and being 100% accountable for As the business begins to earn profits, your results. invest back into the business idea, there are unlimited opportunities • Creativity waiting to be tapped so don't squander You must develop creative thinking your newly acquired resources in skills because creative thinking is what acquiring new toys. generates ideas and the more you know how to generate creative ideas, the Pay your tithe which is ten percent of more successes you record. Forget fable your earnings to ensure others benefit wives' tales and celebrity gossip going from God's blessings in your life, save around town, forget too much and ten percent of profit and expand unnecessary football score arguments business reasonably to more market on who will win the premier league segments going around town, it's certainly not going to be you so think of what to do to You must become financially savvy, bring your ideas to life and put more by spending wisely and create an money into your pocket. Be less curious effective budget for all of your about people and more curious about projects. Keep the accounts tidy by ideas. maintaining a consistent cash flow. Continuously identify more • Optimism opportunities and strategies to drive Your mind is the comptroller general of your business idea. your destiny. Investing high optimism in it will bring your ideas to reality. • Dynamism The Truth: You must be dynamic. Dynamism is the You need knowledge to create wealth! ability to remain full of energy and new When you see a man who walks on the ideas. It enables you remain flexible streets with so much inelegance, who will still producing the best results in lives his life in fear of the future, who order to reach your goals. gets worried about minor challenges, then two things could be responsible. It • Obsession is either he has an empty pocket or he Be obsessed with your dreams, the has an empty head. secret of success is constancy of
  • 11. Be like TM God Creating wealth from nothing Author - vated by David Lanre Messan Therefore, in order to create wealth you must be knowledgeable about everything going on in the world as If you see a man who goes with so they will inspire the growth of your much confidence while he walks or business in unimaginable ways. drives along the street, who is not disturbed when he suffers losses, who PEOPLE WHO CREATED WEALTH is not easily frightened by awful FROM NOTHING situations and who lives his life with so much ease, then two things could The Proverbs 31 Woman: The life of be responsible for his behavior. It is the Proverbs 31 woman encapsulates either he has a lot of money stored up the whole idea of entrepreneurship. in his bank account or he has so much Her culture of self discipline and her knowledge stored up in his mind. ability to contravene certain cultural norms gave her an edge over women Like Bill Gates, the seed to your of her day. Many things are written success and wealth may be locked about her industriousness but one away in a scientific manual you feel thing points to this topic, which is, less than interested to open, it may be “She seeks wool, and flax and works locked away in biographies of willingly with her hands”, this is business greats or established entrepreneurship, and she started corporations. Success in a particular from nothing. She didn't go about business depends for one thing upon seeking employment; she wanted to be your possessing in a well-developed her own boss. She already had skill so state the faculties required in that she went about seeking raw materials business. Commitment to personal in order to make linen. She is active and continuous improvement is key and has an open mind to the things to reaching your potential and to happening in the world. She is an being successful. Each day you can astute investor seeking avenues to become a bit better than you were grow the income of her family like yesterday. starting various businesses. She works through the night, she is not idle and If you employed study, thinking and she was called blessed by all meaning, planning time daily, you could she became wealthy. Please read develop and use the power that could Proverbs 31:10-31. change the course of your destiny. It puts you one step closer to your Fred Smith was 27 when he founded potential and you will also find that FedEx. His idea occurred to him when what you get as the result of your he wrote a term paper for an growth is not nearly as important as economics class in which he outlined what you become along the way.
  • 12. Be like TM Author - vated by David Lanre Messan God Creating wealth from nothing an idea for a transportation company that will guarantee an overnight delivery of small, time-sensitive goods, slowly began to build one of America's replacement parts and medical supplies most successful companies. to major US cities. Although the Professor was not impressed awarding Toyosi Akerele, a young enigmatic the paper a D, smith was certain he was entrepreneur very passionate about youth on to something though it took him a development started the company, RISE while before he could turn his ideas to poised to empower young people through reality. Today, FedEx is a $32 billion a magazine and have grown into a global transportation and logistics strategic youth development and Printing company serving over 220 countries and company serving up to 1 million youth in territories. 15 Nigerian cities and several top corporations and institutions raking in Colonel Harland Sanders, millions of naira every year. What she had founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken, got was just an idea…she thought like God, really fired up and started regardless of started with an idea from nothing and what he had. Sanders had money God came through for her, making her problems like everyone else when he grow in leaps and bounds. What are you was first building Kentucky Fried waiting for? Chicken: left almost broke after his first restaurant was sold at an auction, You can maximize Real Opportunities Sanders had nothing but his check of You can build a mega business and create $105 per month from social security. He wealth from these, right now……. was not born into a rich family. He spent •SMS Marketing much of his youth living and working •Face book Marketing out on his own, trying to support himself •Information Sales and stay off the streets but he didn't let •Laundry •Investment Club that stand in the way of his future •Seminar Production success. In fact, his experiences as a •Event planning young boy taught him how to make do •Ad Letter publishing •Make Up Artist with what he had available to him and it •Idea development were precisely that attitude that was able to lift KFC off the ground. Just Think! Of which suits you and Act Now! His success proves that it does not take a If you don't like any, create your own. large initial investment to launch a business. By making do with what he It is right in you, in your mind and in had – a car, a garage, his wife to assist your thoughts. So make it happen. and a meager social security check – he 7
  • 13. Be like TM God Creating wealth from nothing Author - vated by David Lanre Messan grammar, so I developed my ability to help people proofread their work either After you have conceived the idea business or personal scripts and made then you must take steps to some good money out of it? An opportunity to work as a proofreader achieving your dreams. There is from home gives you a chance to work something that you have that is from home. Advertising for this can be called Real Opportunity which difficult but seek out those who might can help you create wealth – find actually be able to use your services and it! advertise directly to them. • Whoever you are, start Public speaking If you're the type of with what you have, where you person who can get the attention of a are, whatever it is – just start. Soon, room easily, public speaking might be you will overcome the first for you. Take advantage of every public obstacle. speaking opportunity you can and you'll be surprised at the opportunities that • Set goals on what you make themselves available for you. My intend to start and how you plan ability to communicate effectively has to grow. You will reach your goal brought about the most outstanding when your passion and desire results for me in all of my pursuits in life, garnering me speaking engagements in become so strong as to rise out of churches, business seminars and your body like steam from a pot of trainings across the world. hot boiling water. After this presentation and you have not Writer I realized very early that I am a decided to start now – Go get a JOB by good writer and I used it to my which you know what that means-you advantage, writing great poems and remain Just Over Broke. articles. For the poetry, I formed a club called Breeze mind poetry and dance club These are some simple ways which I which indirectly brought me money. As have used to create wealth from a writer, one of my write up won me the nothing. By coming up with ideas that 2006 World Bank 100 best authors award I didn't really need money to start, I and consequently fetching me a good made my very first one million naira. income to launch my business e-book CD, which made me my first one million naira. Proofreading Personally, I have very Publicity My natural communication strong English skills and exceptional power endeared me towards media
  • 14. Be like TM Author - vated by David Lanre Messan God Creating wealth from nothing oriented platforms. I began asking people and companies for their businesses which included poster Business Plan Writer One of my pasting, handbill sharing, submitting passions is to help people structure an business introduction letters and event effective plan to help drive their promotions. All these led me to go into businesses, so I learnt the art of business the sms marketing business. plan writing first to support myself as a SMS Marketing I started an sms young entrepreneur who was chased marketing business by walking up the a out of the Lagos Chamber of Commerce company called kull in office because I went to make inquiries Ogba and asked if I could market their on how to write a business plan as I was sms product, they agreed. I did that about to embark on a publicity effectively and then gathered enough business, I called City Bells, they told money to start my own, which I called me to go to school instead of chasing, this brought me shadows – I was just 19. But becoming money also as a young business man. like God is in our ability to chase the impossible – thanks to the internet, I found and E-book Marketing I in partnership with and I learnt how to craft a a friend, created a 30 in 1 business e- most convincing business plan and I book by downloading free resource help others do the same and get paid for it. Idea Creation Today My major materials from the internet. It was a business which doubles as my huge sell-out, making me a young company is to think, create and execute millionaire overnight. ideas and strategies for people, Training I started by promoting other businesses, institutions and peoples workshops and seminars and governments. This alone has made us afterwards I became a trainer myself, consult for more than 30 small by a constant self development process. businesses and over 100 individuals I was able to package and create my across Nigeria since 2007. own workshops. The cheapest fee I receive as a trainer today is N150, There is an idea in you that is connected 000:00.Proposal Writing I personally to your skill, talents and ability. All you trained myself in proposal writing and have to do is to wake that idea up….just over the years, I have been able to make over two million naira writing like the genie in the lamp…..your idea proposals for various clients which can bring you any amount of wealth include individuals, small businesses you want… and governments.
  • 15. Be like TM God Creating wealth from nothing Author - vated by David Lanre Messan ungodly use but shall honour the Lord with thy substance. 8. Thou shalt not acquire wealth by Become the Aladdin now by dishonest means; neither shalt thou commanding the hidden treasures of oppress the poor with thy riches. your mind. 9. Thou shalt hold the power of knowledge in high regard and shalt Rules govern the world, just as much as explore the power of inspiration. rules govern wealth creation, my 10. Thou shalt use thy wisdom and thy candid advice and suggestion is to wealth for the work of God and for the passionately and deliberately hearken benefit of mankind. to these ten commandments of wealth and they are…. Are You Ready To Be Like God? 1. Thou shalt remember the Lord thy God Well …you can start becoming like Him right for it is He that giveth the power to get now. wealth. But first you must become this in your mind and 2. Thou shalt trust in the Lord thy God it resides in your attitude. Attitude is the first with all thy heart, leaning not on your quality that marks the successful man. The own understanding. greatest discovery of our generation is that people can alter their lives by altering their 3. Poverty is ungodly, therefore shalt attitudes of mind. thou revoke every resolution you have made to be poor. The man who acquires the ability to take full possession of his own mind may take possession 4. Thou shalt abhor poverty and sin with of anything else to which he is justly entitled. passion and desire the blessings of the Nothing can stop the man with the right mental Lord. attitude from achieving his dreams and also, nothing can help the man with the wrong mental 5. Thou shalt not engage thyself in attitude. idleness, but shall work with thine hands, the things that enhance wealth. If you have a positive attitude and are a positive thinker, who likes challenges and difficult 6. Thou shalt do thy work with all situations, then you have half your success diligence so that thou mayest find achieved. And when your attitude, your strong favour before God and men. conviction, your positive definition, affirms your position as a god, then your attitude out distance 7. Thou shalt not heap up wealth for
  • 16. Be like TM Author - vated by David Lanre Messan God Creating wealth from nothing your abilities and the impossible becomes possible. I am DLM – David Lanre Messan Find me on facebook by simply searching for David Lanre Messan In conclusion, remember these; to create or go LIKE my fan page wealth from nothing you must find a need or by the name The Innovation create an idea, convert it into a product or Strategist. Or visit my blog: service, market it to your phone contacts first, start now, now, now, behold you are an entrepreneur ready to create wealth. David Lanre Messan is an Innovation Strategist fast rising in Africa. I will end with this quote by my friend, David Call him on these mobile lines Charima, A leadership consultant, He said, 07043571577, 08035776246 or not everybody is a poor person but the only email him on poor person in this world is the person without an idea. It is time to kick out poverty. My business is to help individuals, businesses and institutions think, create and execute ideas and strategies. So contact me for your business, sponsorship, project and marketing proposals, also we create and package ideas and innovative strategies.
  • 17. Be like TM God Creating wealth from nothing Author - vated by David Lanre Messan
  • 18. I David Lanre Messan is a pioneering Innovation Strat – Artist am in Africa, leading corporate, organizational and societal DM L change through his many innovative concepts and strategies using empowering, educative and entertaining instruments. He is currently the Chief Idea Strategist of Infinite Impact Company, an ideas, business innovation and marketing company that thinks, creates and execute ideas for DM individuals, businesses, institutions and governments. DLM has L consulted for several corporate clients some of which include the Lagos State Public Service Staff Development Center, Odera School of Business and Management and Universal Anchor Consulting Limited. DLM has several ideas, books, songs, poems and mad concepts soon to be released. He also has several awards to his credit which includes 100 Best Worldbank Authors of the 2006 International Essay Competition, 101 Young African Leader select and the LEAP Africa/Nokia Youth Leadership Award. Who even knows whether he is schooled? I leave you to guess! DLM has a burning desire to help One Million Young Nigerians Bring Their Ideas to Life before 2016. T A Peep ake The 'BE LIKE GOD' Audio Book is a product for the advancement of entrepreneurship mastering for business people and forward thinking career professionals with a vision to develop grand business ideas or to continuously generate ideas for their already founded ideas inspired from a Godlike perspective. The 'BE LIKE GOD' Audio Book thrives on the notion that all ideas come out of nothing, presumably, out of thin air just like God created the universe and everything in it, so each person can see themselves as thus in order to generate the most unique ideas, using them to build great careers or enterprises. You Can Be Like God! Just start with an IDEA. w w w w . d l m b o o k h u b . c o m