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January 24, 2011

Dear Friends:

Germany seems quiet at the moment. Yes, they’ve undergone a farm scandal
(cancer producing dioxin in their chickens and chicken eggs), their railroad
system fell apart in the snowy weather and they are suffering continued worry
over the stability of the Euro countries they may have to bail out but…there do
not seem to be any disasters on the immediate horizon. That sort of situation
never lasts very long so with seven state elections coming up and continued
uncertainty with their economic situation (which is presently strong) they’re
waiting for the next shoe to drop (It will!)

However, with the relative peace and quiet “stuff” that interests us is still
happening. So, let’s get on with it…



THEY KNEW – Where “he” was hiding out.

BND IN A BETTER LIGHT – Help from the secret service.

AN “A” GRADE – In hunting Nazis.

GERMANY & THE SECURITY COUNCIL – It takes a non-permanent seat.

THE EU & EAST JERUSALEM – A troublesome report.

DIE LINKE: POPULARITY POOPS OUT – Will the Left Party be left out?

A NEW GERMAN JEWISH VOICE – The Z-rat President speaks out.

THE SUBS ARRIVE – In Israel from Germany.

THE NEO-NAZIS & WILLIE HORTON – “…where they are”.


This past week AJC presented Chancellor Merkel with its “Light unto the Nations

In a press release AJC reported, “David Harris, AJC Executive Director,
present(ed) the award on January 20 at a ceremony at the Chancellery in Berlin.

"Chancellor Merkel is a true light unto the nations,” said Harris in advance of
Thursday’s ceremony. “Her outspoken support for the Jewish people, the State
of Israel, and the values of human freedom and human dignity are hallmarks of
Chancellor Merkel’s visionary political leadership.”

The award presentation comes during an AJC senior leadership delegation visit
to Germany. AJC has maintained close relations with Germany for decades, and
opened its Berlin office in 1998. Deidre Berger is the current director.

I cannot think of a more deserving person to receive this award. The Chancellor
is a genuine friend of the Jewish people and a great supporter of Israel. Her
personal stands on Iran and discrimination in her own country are exemplary. We
just could not ask for more. ‘Nuff said! Congrats to a great person.


The Local reporting on an article that appeared in the daily newspaper Bild notes,
“German and American intelligence services knew where Nazi war criminal Adolf
Eichmann was hiding eight years before Israeli agents apprehended him,
according to documents released this week.”

Daily paper Bild reported … that it had succeeded in getting the German federal
intelligence service, the BND, to release microfilm of documents which show it
knew how to get to the man known as the architect of the Holocaust, back in

“SS colonel EICHMANN is not to be found in Egypt but is residing in Argentina
under the fake name CLEMENS. E’s address is known to the editor of the
German newspaper ‘Der Weg’ in Argentina,” says an index card dated 1952,
according to the paper.

There is also evidence to show that the BND told the Americans about
Eichmann’s flight to Argentina – CIA documents released in 2006 show that the
BND told a US agent of his whereabouts in 1958.

Eichmann was captured by the Israelis in 1960, brought to Israel for trial and

So, how come if both the CIA and the BND knew where Eichmann was, how
come they didn’t try to get him arrested in Argentina? That’s an easy one. The
Germans at that time were not trying very hard to bring former Nazis to justice. In
fact, many convicted Nazis who were give long prison sentences were being
released. Some were serving in the government and more focus in general on
Nazis in the 1950’s was about the last thing the German political leadership
wanted to provoke.

If the suppression of Eichmann’s whereabouts were suppressed is not bad
enough it now comes out that the BND paid Klaus Barbie, the Nazi war criminal
known as the Butcher of Lyon for political information well into the 1960’s.

According to The Local,” Barbie fled to Bolivia after the war, in which he had
served as the head of the SS in Lyon, and lived there under the name Klaus
Altmann from 1951. It was there that he was recruited by the BND intelligence
service, the magazine reported on Saturday.

A file on Barbie, whose codename was Eagle, says he was of ‘complete German
attitude’ and a ‘committed anti-Communist’. He delivered at least 35 reports and
was seen as a political source, although it is not yet known what kind of
information he gave the agents.

Payments for his work were made to him via a branch of the Chartered Bank of
London in San Francisco”. Read more.

As far as the CIA is concerned, back in those days they were putting their efforts
into tracking down and dealing with Communists. As our kids would say today,
“Nazis were so yesterday”.

I have the feeling that things are not much different today. Politics still play an
important part in the way these agencies operate. Luckily we do have some
“sunshine” laws these days in the U.S. so that the intelligence people cannot
totally hide whatever it is they want to hide. Of course, there is a need for secrecy
in national defense. However, I hope the CIA and the BND are not shielding any
international criminals presently. (Don’t bet on it).

In the meantime noted, “Germany's domestic intelligence agency
wants to shed light on its past by opening the books on its many former Nazi
employees during the post-war era. A team of historians is to be given this task.

There seems to be some difficulty is what sorts of records they would open up
but, at least, they are finally getting around to being more transparent. You can
read about it be clicking here.,,14775766,00.html


Having lambasted the BND of the past let me now mention a very positive
undertaking that they are involved in on behalf of Israel – the freeing of Israeli
soldier Gilad Shalit who was kidnapped by Hamas four years ago.

Haaretz reported, “Senior Hamas official tells Al-Hayat that Gerhard Conrad
presented a number of new ideas, but refuses to elaborate expect to say that
Hamas insisting Israel agree to release all prisoners it had demanded in official

The German mediator negotiating for the release of captured Israeli soldier Gilad
Shalit has concluded a two-day visit to the Gaza Strip where he held talks with
senior Hamas leaders, the Al-Hayat daily reported on Thursday.

Gerhard Conrad presented a series of new ideas to Hamas in a renewed effort to
reach a deal with Israel over a prisoner swap that would see Shalit freed after
more than four years in Palestinian captivity, a top Hamas official told the daily.

The official did not elaborate on what those ideas entailed, but said that Hamas
would remain firm in its insistence that Israel free every prisoner that it
demanded on a list it presented earlier in the negotiations.

Hamas wants some 1,400 prisoners released from Israeli jails in return for
handing over the soldier, who was captured in a cross-border raid in June 2006.

Israel has balked at a number of the names on Hamas' list - which includes some
responsible for deadly terror attacks in Israel - agreeing to free around 980

Negotiations have stalled numerous times. Hamas last year accused Israel of
changing its stance over points to which it had already agreed. Hamas sources
have said that Israel is delaying the completion of the Shalit deal by refusing to
release 50 Hamas officials it holds in its jails.

One must give Conrad and the BND a lot of credit for keeping on this case. Let’s
continue to hope that success will come soon.


According to The Jerusalem Post, “First time Simon Wiesenthal Center has
given "A" grade to anyone but US for trying Nazi war criminals; Canada, Hungary
receive failing grades.

It is the first time the center has given any country besides the United States an
"A'' grade for prosecuting suspected Nazi war criminals.

The director of the center's Israel office, Efraim Zuroff, said Wednesday that
Hungary received a failing grade for not imprisoning Dr. Sandor Kepiro, a
Hungarian military officer convicted in 1944 in the mass murder of civilians.

Zuroff said Canada didn't extradite former Nazis even after stripping them of

The annual report covers the period between April 2009 and March 2010.”

I’m not too sure what determines an “A” as opposed to and “F” but this sort of
news coming from the Wiesenthal Center confirms what I have been saying for a
long time, namely, that Germany these days (as opposed to “those days”) is very
serious about cleaning up any left over Nazis criminals.


According The Local, “Germany has taken its seat on the UN Security Council
this week touting an ambitious agenda. Some of this will end in disappointment,
experts warn. But there is still much Berlin can achieve.

Germany (has taken) its temporary seat this week touting an ambitious agenda,
including human rights, climate change and – the big prize – reform of the
council itself.

Some of this will end in disappointment, foreign policy experts warn. But there
are still useful things Germany can achieve. However complicated, unwieldy and
out-of-date the structure of the Security Council may seem, it is still the
international body where collective decisions on global security are made and
carried out. And there is value being on the inside of that.

German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle has made clear nuclear
disarmament will remain a priority for Berlin. But some of Germany’s stated aims,
such as raising climate change to the status of a global security issue, are plain
unrealistic, some experts say.

Germany can bring its values to the UN – multilateral promotion of the rule of law
and human rights, peace-building and peace consolidation, protection of civilians
and the primacy of diplomacy before armed intervention.

As the third-highest contributor to the UN, Germany paid €130 million to the
organisation in 2010 – about 8 percent of the total budget. It does, on the other
hand, contribute relatively few of the actual “blue helmet” troops, said David
Bosold, an analyst at the German Council on Foreign Relations. Bosold points
out – about 10 times fewer than say Italy and France. A challenge ahead for
Germany will be to contribute more of these troops to boost its leverage in
persuading other countries to send troops.

“That would benefit their reputation. If a crisis occurs, they would need to deploy
at least a kind of symbolic contingent of troops. That’s a way to demonstrate,
‘We’re on the Security Council.’”

Germany’s biggest goal for the next two years will be helping push along what
many impartial observers agree is much needed reform, particularly changing
the regional representation to reflect the 21st century.”

What Germany relishes, of course, is a permanent seat on the Security Council.
As the leading country of the EU (more so in many ways that the UK or France)
many feel that they are entitled to one. However, that is not about to happen
anytime soon unless there is a general reform with countries like India and Brazil
gaining permanent seats if, indeed, those sorts of seats will remain. Again,
nothing along these lines is going to happen in the near future so the Germans
must be satisfied with a two year seat. However, their values certainly seem
admirable so – good luck!


When (and if) most of us think of the EU, we think about trade, easy access for
across borders for travelers and Euro bailouts. A united Europe, after centuries of
war seems like a wonderful idea. A Germany linked to other countries makes it

very remote that it will repeat its 20th Century behavior. However, when the EU as
an entity gets itself involved in world politics, especially Middle East politics, a
much more troublesome entity shows itself.

For a year or so I have been harping on the one-sidedness of the EU’s High
Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and warning that
Germany’s even handed outlook on the Israel – Palestinian situation was being
subsumed (and watered down) by the EU policy.

Haaretz reported, “East Jerusalem should be treated as the capital of the
Palestinian state, according to a report compiled by the heads of European
diplomatic missions in Jerusalem and Ramallah. The report includes several
other unprecedented recommendations to the European Union regarding its
attitude toward East Jerusalem.

The European diplomats, mainly consuls, also recommend that EU officials and
politicians refuse to visit Israeli government offices that are located beyond the
Green Line and that they decline any Israeli security in the Old City and
elsewhere in East Jerusalem.

The report, which was completed last month, was sent to the EU's main foreign
policy body, the Political and Security Committee in Brussels. It was apparently
not released at the time due to the sensitivity of its content.

The diplomats' report also discusses the possibility of preventing "violent settlers
in East Jerusalem" from being granted entry into EU countries. In the area of
commerce, it recommends encouraging a boycott of Israeli products from East

The first part of the report details construction and expansion of settlements in
East Jerusalem, the infringement of human rights of Palestinian residents of the
eastern part of the city, as well as inequality in education and medical services
available to Palestinians. The report concludes that beyond their humanitarian
significance, these conditions weaken the Palestinian hold on the city.

European criticism of Israeli policy in the territories and particularly East
Jerusalem is not new. But the dramatic turn in the report can be seen in the
operative steps it recommends, which in fact constitute the foundations for
sanctions against Israel.

For example, the document proposes that visiting senior EU officials not use
Israeli businesses operating in East Jerusalem, such as hotels and
transportation companies, and that archaeological sites operated by "pro-settler
organizations" (a reference to the City of David National Park ) not be visited.

The report goes on to suggest that public awareness be raised about settlement
products, "for instance by providing guidance on origin labeling for settlement
products to major EU retailers," and that EU citizens be informed "of the financial
risks involved in purchasing property in occupied East Jerusalem."

The diplomats also recommend that the EU encourage Israel to allow the
reopening of Palestine Liberation Organization offices in East Jerusalem, in
keeping with the road map. Israel closed the PLO institutions during the second

EU diplomats are called on to express great concern during their meetings with
senior Israeli officials over the state of emergency services to East Jerusalem
Arabs, the report also says.

It added that EU officials should be present at house demolitions or evacuations
from homes, as well as at court hearings on such issues, and "ensure EU
intervention when Palestinians are arrested or intimidated by Israeli authorities
for peaceful cultural, social or political activities in East Jerusalem".

The report further recommends that the European Union "encourage Arab
countries to acknowledge the multicultural dimension of Jerusalem, including its
Jewish and Christian heritage."

Granted! This report was issued only by Consuls who, for the most part, are not
top policy makers. And, as far as I can tell, the report has not been issued as an
EU document nor does it have the backing of the EU – as yet. However, one
might be led to believe that there is a state of mind being developed (or is
already developed) which is terribly (I mean terribly!) one sided – and it ain’t on
our side.

This is serious business! The American Jewish community should not be taking it
lightly. Some sort of confrontation with the EU and the nations whose consuls
were involved in the report is called for. I hope it happens. Stay tuned!


Der Spiegel notes, “Not so long ago, the Left Party (Die Linke) was hailed as a
radical new force that would give a voice to millions of people who felt the
country was no longer delivering social justice. But it has failed to build on its
early success. Its charismatic founders have retired, its new leadership is weak
and it is beset by in-fighting.

When Germany's Left Party was founded in 2007, it looked destined to shake up
Germany with a radical, populist social agenda that rapidly won support and
shifted the entire political spectrum to the left -- even Chancellor Merkel's
conservatives adopted shades of pink.

The emergence of a new political force left of the center-left Social Democratic
Party threw the SPD into turmoil by attracting voters incensed at the welfare
cutbacks pushed through by the SPD-led government in 2003 and 2004.

But the Left Party, formed out of an alliance between former eastern communists
and disgruntled western Social Democrats and trade unionists, has not lived up
to its early promise. Its current leadership is divided and weak, it is losing
members as a result of intrigue and persistent quarrelling in local party
organizations, and it doesn't have a convincing manifesto to take it into seven
important state elections this year.

Its problems were highlighted last week by an ill-judged statement from co-leader
Gesine Lötzsch in a guest commentary for a left-wing newspaper in which she
said: "We can only find the paths to communism if we hit the road and try them
out, whether in opposition or in government."

The remark drew heavy criticism from rival parties but also from within the Left
Party, which is keen to shake its associations with the communist party that ruled
East Germany. It has also prompted fresh questions about whether the party's
current leaders are up to the job.

The party is still surprisingly stable in national opinion polls at between 8 and 10
percent. But its influence in national politics is waning. No one knows what it
really stands for. Democratic socialism or a return to communism?

The party has failed to reconcile its two identities. Does it want to be a pragmatic,
broad-based governing party like it is in eastern German states, or does it want
to be a radical political sect like it is in the west? Does it favor reform or does it
want the "revolutionary Realpolitik".

The other leader of the Die Linke, Klaus Ernst recently said (The Local) that, “the
socialist party was in danger of becoming “as attractive as a cow pie.” Click here for the article.

If you don’t know what a cow pie is, drop me an e-mail and I’ll send you a pile – if
the post office will allow me to ship it.

My guess is that Die Linke will lose a lot of support in the State elections and
slowly fall into insignificance nationally. It really has no place on the national
scene except for a small minority on those on the very left side of the political
spectrum and for those in the eastern part of Germany who haven’t gotten East
Germany out of their minds as yet. The left, it seems to me, is going to be taken
up more and more by the Greens and maybe a resurgent SPD (Social
Democrats). Political reality for those who are the left, if they’re sensible, will
dictate that a vote for Die Linke is a wasted vote. One caveat however. There are
some local D.L. people who are good representatives and they are likely to


Die Linke were never a real force except for the initial splash they made.
Germany would better off without them.


I previously reported that Central Council of Jews in Germany (Zentralrat), the
umbrella group for all Jewish communities, had inducted a new president.

I didn’t know much about Dieter Graumann except that he was 60 (Born after the
Holocaust), born in Israel and runs a real estate business. He is also an attorney.

JTA reported, “In several interviews since his election, Graumann has stressed
the importance of building Jewish identity, interfaith relations with Christians and
Muslims, support for Israel and for democracy in Germany. He has said that
criticism of Israel is normal, but must go hand in hand with support for Israel's
right to exist peacefully next to its neighbors.

Graumann also supports a renewed attempt to ban the far-right National
Democratic Party of Germany, which he said promotes xenophobia and anti-
Semitism, and intimidates elected officials.

He emphasized the need for stronger ties between the established postwar
community and Jewish immigrants from the former Soviet Union.

Most importantly (in my opinion) Graumann has been quoted as saying that Jews
in Germany must stop emphasizing their role as victims and develop their
positive Jewish identity. This position is enormously important. First, the old guilt
trip is working less and less as younger Germans come into leadership roles
feeling little direct connection to the Holocaust. If the German Jewish community
is to continue to have political influence it must learn to relate to these younger

Second, with the current Jewish community being made up of people from the
former Soviet Union, many of whom have very poor (if any) Jewish training and
connection, focus has to be on what I would call “community development”.

Graumann seems to understand all of that. We can only wish him great success
and as American Jews who understand the importance of Germany to Jewish
interests, give him as much help and support as we can.


I have previously reported that Israel gets its submarines from Germany. The
Israel Defense Forces (IDF) website recently reported, “After months of

preparation, the Israeli Navy is prepared to receive its new submarine. In the last
two enlistment cycles for the corps's Submarine Flotilla, there was an increase of
30% combat soldiers trained for the position, a result of two new submarines
acquired from Germany.

Navy officials explain that the submarines’ arrival will increase the number of
such vessels in the IDF. In order to have enough soldiers to successfully operate
the new vessels, more fighters will complete the course each cycle.

These soldiers completed their naval course just two weeks ago. "We're at the
peak of a process and we're slowly adding more crews to be trained for the
position," explains Commander of the Naval Training Base, Col. Ronen Nimni.
"Additionally, we made sure to increase the number of commanders to maintain
more personalized instruction for soldiers."

Since all military personnel in Israel are in one organization (no distinct navy)
their submarine sailors are referred to as soldiers.

The important point is that no matter what sort of political differences Germany
and Israel might have, the needed military equipment keeps coming. Frankly,
that’s more important than a lot of nice or even troubling diplomatic words.


The infamous American bank robber, Willie Horton is reported to have responded
when asked why he robs banks, by saying “because that’s where the money is”.

It seems that the neo-Nazis in Germany have adopted that philosophy in trying to
impact on German youngsters. The Local reported, “Right-wing extremists have
begun infiltrating sports clubs to influence young people across the country, a
leading researcher said Tuesday, calling the situation a pressing problem.

Sociologist at the University of Hannover, Gunter Pilz, has found that neo-Nazis
are taking advantage of a general unwillingness to volunteer at sports clubs to
install members as functionaries and coaches. Some are also founding their own
sports clubs, he said.

There they organise free time activities for young people in an attempt to gain a
foothold for their ideas in the centre of German society, he added.

“It’s not just a problem in the east,” Pilz said, explaining that he has observed the
phenomenon across the country.

The problem has gained the most attention for being at football clubs, but other
sports are also included, though there it is often “suppressed” or “played down,”
he said.

The sociologist’s comments came ahead of a meeting on Tuesday in Berlin for
politicians and sporting authorities, who aim to create an initiative against right-
wing extremism in sports.

Why should anybody be surprised? The neo-Nazis are not dumb and if they want
to make inroads with German young people sports clubs are the perfect starting
places. I do not expect Hitler Youth clubs to emerge. The neo’s are too smart for
that – it’s illegal. However, a militaristic, nationalistic point of view interspersed
with soccer practice does not seem out of the question. I’m encouraged by the
fact that sports authorities and politicians are aware of the problem. Once
surfaced at least there is a chance that something will be done about it.

Thank you Gunter Pilz!


See you in February.

DuBow Digest is written and published by Eugene DuBow who can be contacted
by clicking here.

Both the American and Germany editions are posted at
Click here to connect


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Du bow digest american edition january 23, 2011

  • 1. AMERICAN EDITION January 24, 2011 Dear Friends: Germany seems quiet at the moment. Yes, they’ve undergone a farm scandal (cancer producing dioxin in their chickens and chicken eggs), their railroad system fell apart in the snowy weather and they are suffering continued worry over the stability of the Euro countries they may have to bail out but…there do not seem to be any disasters on the immediate horizon. That sort of situation never lasts very long so with seven state elections coming up and continued uncertainty with their economic situation (which is presently strong) they’re waiting for the next shoe to drop (It will!) However, with the relative peace and quiet “stuff” that interests us is still happening. So, let’s get on with it… IN THIS EDITION AN HONOR FOR THE CHANCELLOR – AJC bestows an award. THEY KNEW – Where “he” was hiding out. BND IN A BETTER LIGHT – Help from the secret service. AN “A” GRADE – In hunting Nazis. GERMANY & THE SECURITY COUNCIL – It takes a non-permanent seat. THE EU & EAST JERUSALEM – A troublesome report. DIE LINKE: POPULARITY POOPS OUT – Will the Left Party be left out? A NEW GERMAN JEWISH VOICE – The Z-rat President speaks out. THE SUBS ARRIVE – In Israel from Germany. THE NEO-NAZIS & WILLIE HORTON – “…where they are”. 1
  • 2. AN HONOR FOR THE CHANCELLOR This past week AJC presented Chancellor Merkel with its “Light unto the Nations Award”. In a press release AJC reported, “David Harris, AJC Executive Director, present(ed) the award on January 20 at a ceremony at the Chancellery in Berlin. "Chancellor Merkel is a true light unto the nations,” said Harris in advance of Thursday’s ceremony. “Her outspoken support for the Jewish people, the State of Israel, and the values of human freedom and human dignity are hallmarks of Chancellor Merkel’s visionary political leadership.” The award presentation comes during an AJC senior leadership delegation visit to Germany. AJC has maintained close relations with Germany for decades, and opened its Berlin office in 1998. Deidre Berger is the current director. I cannot think of a more deserving person to receive this award. The Chancellor is a genuine friend of the Jewish people and a great supporter of Israel. Her personal stands on Iran and discrimination in her own country are exemplary. We just could not ask for more. ‘Nuff said! Congrats to a great person. THEY KNEW The Local reporting on an article that appeared in the daily newspaper Bild notes, “German and American intelligence services knew where Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann was hiding eight years before Israeli agents apprehended him, according to documents released this week.” Daily paper Bild reported … that it had succeeded in getting the German federal intelligence service, the BND, to release microfilm of documents which show it knew how to get to the man known as the architect of the Holocaust, back in 1952. “SS colonel EICHMANN is not to be found in Egypt but is residing in Argentina under the fake name CLEMENS. E’s address is known to the editor of the German newspaper ‘Der Weg’ in Argentina,” says an index card dated 1952, according to the paper. There is also evidence to show that the BND told the Americans about Eichmann’s flight to Argentina – CIA documents released in 2006 show that the BND told a US agent of his whereabouts in 1958. Eichmann was captured by the Israelis in 1960, brought to Israel for trial and executed. 2
  • 3. So, how come if both the CIA and the BND knew where Eichmann was, how come they didn’t try to get him arrested in Argentina? That’s an easy one. The Germans at that time were not trying very hard to bring former Nazis to justice. In fact, many convicted Nazis who were give long prison sentences were being released. Some were serving in the government and more focus in general on Nazis in the 1950’s was about the last thing the German political leadership wanted to provoke. If the suppression of Eichmann’s whereabouts were suppressed is not bad enough it now comes out that the BND paid Klaus Barbie, the Nazi war criminal known as the Butcher of Lyon for political information well into the 1960’s. According to The Local,” Barbie fled to Bolivia after the war, in which he had served as the head of the SS in Lyon, and lived there under the name Klaus Altmann from 1951. It was there that he was recruited by the BND intelligence service, the magazine reported on Saturday. A file on Barbie, whose codename was Eagle, says he was of ‘complete German attitude’ and a ‘committed anti-Communist’. He delivered at least 35 reports and was seen as a political source, although it is not yet known what kind of information he gave the agents. Payments for his work were made to him via a branch of the Chartered Bank of London in San Francisco”. Read more. 3
  • 4. As far as the CIA is concerned, back in those days they were putting their efforts into tracking down and dealing with Communists. As our kids would say today, “Nazis were so yesterday”. I have the feeling that things are not much different today. Politics still play an important part in the way these agencies operate. Luckily we do have some “sunshine” laws these days in the U.S. so that the intelligence people cannot totally hide whatever it is they want to hide. Of course, there is a need for secrecy in national defense. However, I hope the CIA and the BND are not shielding any international criminals presently. (Don’t bet on it). In the meantime noted, “Germany's domestic intelligence agency wants to shed light on its past by opening the books on its many former Nazi employees during the post-war era. A team of historians is to be given this task. There seems to be some difficulty is what sorts of records they would open up but, at least, they are finally getting around to being more transparent. You can read about it be clicking here.,,14775766,00.html BND IN A BETTER LIGHT Having lambasted the BND of the past let me now mention a very positive undertaking that they are involved in on behalf of Israel – the freeing of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit who was kidnapped by Hamas four years ago. Haaretz reported, “Senior Hamas official tells Al-Hayat that Gerhard Conrad presented a number of new ideas, but refuses to elaborate expect to say that Hamas insisting Israel agree to release all prisoners it had demanded in official list. The German mediator negotiating for the release of captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit has concluded a two-day visit to the Gaza Strip where he held talks with senior Hamas leaders, the Al-Hayat daily reported on Thursday. Gerhard Conrad presented a series of new ideas to Hamas in a renewed effort to reach a deal with Israel over a prisoner swap that would see Shalit freed after more than four years in Palestinian captivity, a top Hamas official told the daily. The official did not elaborate on what those ideas entailed, but said that Hamas would remain firm in its insistence that Israel free every prisoner that it demanded on a list it presented earlier in the negotiations. Hamas wants some 1,400 prisoners released from Israeli jails in return for handing over the soldier, who was captured in a cross-border raid in June 2006. 4
  • 5. Israel has balked at a number of the names on Hamas' list - which includes some responsible for deadly terror attacks in Israel - agreeing to free around 980 prisoners. Negotiations have stalled numerous times. Hamas last year accused Israel of changing its stance over points to which it had already agreed. Hamas sources have said that Israel is delaying the completion of the Shalit deal by refusing to release 50 Hamas officials it holds in its jails. One must give Conrad and the BND a lot of credit for keeping on this case. Let’s continue to hope that success will come soon. AN “A” GRADE According to The Jerusalem Post, “First time Simon Wiesenthal Center has given "A" grade to anyone but US for trying Nazi war criminals; Canada, Hungary receive failing grades. It is the first time the center has given any country besides the United States an "A'' grade for prosecuting suspected Nazi war criminals. The director of the center's Israel office, Efraim Zuroff, said Wednesday that Hungary received a failing grade for not imprisoning Dr. Sandor Kepiro, a Hungarian military officer convicted in 1944 in the mass murder of civilians. Zuroff said Canada didn't extradite former Nazis even after stripping them of citizenship. The annual report covers the period between April 2009 and March 2010.” I’m not too sure what determines an “A” as opposed to and “F” but this sort of news coming from the Wiesenthal Center confirms what I have been saying for a long time, namely, that Germany these days (as opposed to “those days”) is very serious about cleaning up any left over Nazis criminals. GERMANY & THE SECURITY COUNCIL According The Local, “Germany has taken its seat on the UN Security Council this week touting an ambitious agenda. Some of this will end in disappointment, experts warn. But there is still much Berlin can achieve. Germany (has taken) its temporary seat this week touting an ambitious agenda, including human rights, climate change and – the big prize – reform of the council itself. 5
  • 6. Some of this will end in disappointment, foreign policy experts warn. But there are still useful things Germany can achieve. However complicated, unwieldy and out-of-date the structure of the Security Council may seem, it is still the international body where collective decisions on global security are made and carried out. And there is value being on the inside of that. German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle has made clear nuclear disarmament will remain a priority for Berlin. But some of Germany’s stated aims, such as raising climate change to the status of a global security issue, are plain unrealistic, some experts say. Germany can bring its values to the UN – multilateral promotion of the rule of law and human rights, peace-building and peace consolidation, protection of civilians and the primacy of diplomacy before armed intervention. As the third-highest contributor to the UN, Germany paid €130 million to the organisation in 2010 – about 8 percent of the total budget. It does, on the other hand, contribute relatively few of the actual “blue helmet” troops, said David Bosold, an analyst at the German Council on Foreign Relations. Bosold points out – about 10 times fewer than say Italy and France. A challenge ahead for Germany will be to contribute more of these troops to boost its leverage in persuading other countries to send troops. “That would benefit their reputation. If a crisis occurs, they would need to deploy at least a kind of symbolic contingent of troops. That’s a way to demonstrate, ‘We’re on the Security Council.’” Germany’s biggest goal for the next two years will be helping push along what many impartial observers agree is much needed reform, particularly changing the regional representation to reflect the 21st century.” What Germany relishes, of course, is a permanent seat on the Security Council. As the leading country of the EU (more so in many ways that the UK or France) many feel that they are entitled to one. However, that is not about to happen anytime soon unless there is a general reform with countries like India and Brazil gaining permanent seats if, indeed, those sorts of seats will remain. Again, nothing along these lines is going to happen in the near future so the Germans must be satisfied with a two year seat. However, their values certainly seem admirable so – good luck! THE EU & EAST JERUSALEM When (and if) most of us think of the EU, we think about trade, easy access for across borders for travelers and Euro bailouts. A united Europe, after centuries of war seems like a wonderful idea. A Germany linked to other countries makes it 6
  • 7. very remote that it will repeat its 20th Century behavior. However, when the EU as an entity gets itself involved in world politics, especially Middle East politics, a much more troublesome entity shows itself. For a year or so I have been harping on the one-sidedness of the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and warning that Germany’s even handed outlook on the Israel – Palestinian situation was being subsumed (and watered down) by the EU policy. Haaretz reported, “East Jerusalem should be treated as the capital of the Palestinian state, according to a report compiled by the heads of European diplomatic missions in Jerusalem and Ramallah. The report includes several other unprecedented recommendations to the European Union regarding its attitude toward East Jerusalem. The European diplomats, mainly consuls, also recommend that EU officials and politicians refuse to visit Israeli government offices that are located beyond the Green Line and that they decline any Israeli security in the Old City and elsewhere in East Jerusalem. The report, which was completed last month, was sent to the EU's main foreign policy body, the Political and Security Committee in Brussels. It was apparently not released at the time due to the sensitivity of its content. The diplomats' report also discusses the possibility of preventing "violent settlers in East Jerusalem" from being granted entry into EU countries. In the area of commerce, it recommends encouraging a boycott of Israeli products from East Jerusalem. The first part of the report details construction and expansion of settlements in East Jerusalem, the infringement of human rights of Palestinian residents of the eastern part of the city, as well as inequality in education and medical services available to Palestinians. The report concludes that beyond their humanitarian significance, these conditions weaken the Palestinian hold on the city. European criticism of Israeli policy in the territories and particularly East Jerusalem is not new. But the dramatic turn in the report can be seen in the operative steps it recommends, which in fact constitute the foundations for sanctions against Israel. For example, the document proposes that visiting senior EU officials not use Israeli businesses operating in East Jerusalem, such as hotels and transportation companies, and that archaeological sites operated by "pro-settler organizations" (a reference to the City of David National Park ) not be visited. 7
  • 8. The report goes on to suggest that public awareness be raised about settlement products, "for instance by providing guidance on origin labeling for settlement products to major EU retailers," and that EU citizens be informed "of the financial risks involved in purchasing property in occupied East Jerusalem." The diplomats also recommend that the EU encourage Israel to allow the reopening of Palestine Liberation Organization offices in East Jerusalem, in keeping with the road map. Israel closed the PLO institutions during the second intifada. EU diplomats are called on to express great concern during their meetings with senior Israeli officials over the state of emergency services to East Jerusalem Arabs, the report also says. It added that EU officials should be present at house demolitions or evacuations from homes, as well as at court hearings on such issues, and "ensure EU intervention when Palestinians are arrested or intimidated by Israeli authorities for peaceful cultural, social or political activities in East Jerusalem". The report further recommends that the European Union "encourage Arab countries to acknowledge the multicultural dimension of Jerusalem, including its Jewish and Christian heritage." Granted! This report was issued only by Consuls who, for the most part, are not top policy makers. And, as far as I can tell, the report has not been issued as an EU document nor does it have the backing of the EU – as yet. However, one might be led to believe that there is a state of mind being developed (or is already developed) which is terribly (I mean terribly!) one sided – and it ain’t on our side. This is serious business! The American Jewish community should not be taking it lightly. Some sort of confrontation with the EU and the nations whose consuls were involved in the report is called for. I hope it happens. Stay tuned! DIE LINKE: POPULARITY POOPS OUT Der Spiegel notes, “Not so long ago, the Left Party (Die Linke) was hailed as a radical new force that would give a voice to millions of people who felt the country was no longer delivering social justice. But it has failed to build on its early success. Its charismatic founders have retired, its new leadership is weak and it is beset by in-fighting. When Germany's Left Party was founded in 2007, it looked destined to shake up Germany with a radical, populist social agenda that rapidly won support and shifted the entire political spectrum to the left -- even Chancellor Merkel's conservatives adopted shades of pink. 8
  • 9. The emergence of a new political force left of the center-left Social Democratic Party threw the SPD into turmoil by attracting voters incensed at the welfare cutbacks pushed through by the SPD-led government in 2003 and 2004. But the Left Party, formed out of an alliance between former eastern communists and disgruntled western Social Democrats and trade unionists, has not lived up to its early promise. Its current leadership is divided and weak, it is losing members as a result of intrigue and persistent quarrelling in local party organizations, and it doesn't have a convincing manifesto to take it into seven important state elections this year. Its problems were highlighted last week by an ill-judged statement from co-leader Gesine Lötzsch in a guest commentary for a left-wing newspaper in which she said: "We can only find the paths to communism if we hit the road and try them out, whether in opposition or in government." The remark drew heavy criticism from rival parties but also from within the Left Party, which is keen to shake its associations with the communist party that ruled East Germany. It has also prompted fresh questions about whether the party's current leaders are up to the job. The party is still surprisingly stable in national opinion polls at between 8 and 10 percent. But its influence in national politics is waning. No one knows what it really stands for. Democratic socialism or a return to communism? The party has failed to reconcile its two identities. Does it want to be a pragmatic, broad-based governing party like it is in eastern German states, or does it want to be a radical political sect like it is in the west? Does it favor reform or does it want the "revolutionary Realpolitik". The other leader of the Die Linke, Klaus Ernst recently said (The Local) that, “the socialist party was in danger of becoming “as attractive as a cow pie.” Click here for the article. If you don’t know what a cow pie is, drop me an e-mail and I’ll send you a pile – if the post office will allow me to ship it. My guess is that Die Linke will lose a lot of support in the State elections and slowly fall into insignificance nationally. It really has no place on the national scene except for a small minority on those on the very left side of the political spectrum and for those in the eastern part of Germany who haven’t gotten East Germany out of their minds as yet. The left, it seems to me, is going to be taken up more and more by the Greens and maybe a resurgent SPD (Social Democrats). Political reality for those who are the left, if they’re sensible, will dictate that a vote for Die Linke is a wasted vote. One caveat however. There are some local D.L. people who are good representatives and they are likely to 9
  • 10. survive. Die Linke were never a real force except for the initial splash they made. Germany would better off without them. A NEW GERMAN JEWISH VOICE I previously reported that Central Council of Jews in Germany (Zentralrat), the umbrella group for all Jewish communities, had inducted a new president. I didn’t know much about Dieter Graumann except that he was 60 (Born after the Holocaust), born in Israel and runs a real estate business. He is also an attorney. JTA reported, “In several interviews since his election, Graumann has stressed the importance of building Jewish identity, interfaith relations with Christians and Muslims, support for Israel and for democracy in Germany. He has said that criticism of Israel is normal, but must go hand in hand with support for Israel's right to exist peacefully next to its neighbors. Graumann also supports a renewed attempt to ban the far-right National Democratic Party of Germany, which he said promotes xenophobia and anti- Semitism, and intimidates elected officials. He emphasized the need for stronger ties between the established postwar community and Jewish immigrants from the former Soviet Union. Most importantly (in my opinion) Graumann has been quoted as saying that Jews in Germany must stop emphasizing their role as victims and develop their positive Jewish identity. This position is enormously important. First, the old guilt trip is working less and less as younger Germans come into leadership roles feeling little direct connection to the Holocaust. If the German Jewish community is to continue to have political influence it must learn to relate to these younger people. Second, with the current Jewish community being made up of people from the former Soviet Union, many of whom have very poor (if any) Jewish training and connection, focus has to be on what I would call “community development”. Graumann seems to understand all of that. We can only wish him great success and as American Jews who understand the importance of Germany to Jewish interests, give him as much help and support as we can. THE SUBS ARRIVE I have previously reported that Israel gets its submarines from Germany. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) website recently reported, “After months of 10
  • 11. preparation, the Israeli Navy is prepared to receive its new submarine. In the last two enlistment cycles for the corps's Submarine Flotilla, there was an increase of 30% combat soldiers trained for the position, a result of two new submarines acquired from Germany. Navy officials explain that the submarines’ arrival will increase the number of such vessels in the IDF. In order to have enough soldiers to successfully operate the new vessels, more fighters will complete the course each cycle. These soldiers completed their naval course just two weeks ago. "We're at the peak of a process and we're slowly adding more crews to be trained for the position," explains Commander of the Naval Training Base, Col. Ronen Nimni. "Additionally, we made sure to increase the number of commanders to maintain more personalized instruction for soldiers." Since all military personnel in Israel are in one organization (no distinct navy) their submarine sailors are referred to as soldiers. The important point is that no matter what sort of political differences Germany and Israel might have, the needed military equipment keeps coming. Frankly, that’s more important than a lot of nice or even troubling diplomatic words. THE NEO-NAZIS & WILLIE HORTON The infamous American bank robber, Willie Horton is reported to have responded when asked why he robs banks, by saying “because that’s where the money is”. It seems that the neo-Nazis in Germany have adopted that philosophy in trying to impact on German youngsters. The Local reported, “Right-wing extremists have begun infiltrating sports clubs to influence young people across the country, a leading researcher said Tuesday, calling the situation a pressing problem. Sociologist at the University of Hannover, Gunter Pilz, has found that neo-Nazis are taking advantage of a general unwillingness to volunteer at sports clubs to install members as functionaries and coaches. Some are also founding their own sports clubs, he said. There they organise free time activities for young people in an attempt to gain a foothold for their ideas in the centre of German society, he added. “It’s not just a problem in the east,” Pilz said, explaining that he has observed the phenomenon across the country. The problem has gained the most attention for being at football clubs, but other sports are also included, though there it is often “suppressed” or “played down,” he said. 11
  • 12. The sociologist’s comments came ahead of a meeting on Tuesday in Berlin for politicians and sporting authorities, who aim to create an initiative against right- wing extremism in sports. Why should anybody be surprised? The neo-Nazis are not dumb and if they want to make inroads with German young people sports clubs are the perfect starting places. I do not expect Hitler Youth clubs to emerge. The neo’s are too smart for that – it’s illegal. However, a militaristic, nationalistic point of view interspersed with soccer practice does not seem out of the question. I’m encouraged by the fact that sports authorities and politicians are aware of the problem. Once surfaced at least there is a chance that something will be done about it. Thank you Gunter Pilz! ******************************************************************************************** See you in February. DuBow Digest is written and published by Eugene DuBow who can be contacted by clicking here. Both the American and Germany editions are posted at Click here to connect 12
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