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September 5, 2011

Dear Friends:

The summer is over and with the arrival of September (hopefully without
anymore earthquakes or hurricanes) we’re getting down to serious business. The
UN is about to open its annual meeting in New York with both the Durban III
Conference and the Palestinian unilateral declaration of independence (UDI) on
the agenda.

Germany has decided not to attend Durban III but many countries will so we’re in
for a spate of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic attacks from such human rights
stalwarts as Iran, Cuba and probably Syria. I think it takes a lot of chutzpah for
such countries to attend anything that supposedly deals with the rights of people.
A better title for the UN group dealing with the issue would be the UN Human
Wrongs Council.

The matter of the Palestinian UDI is much more serious. However, as I write this
the situation is still very fluid. Our own government (for its own reasons) is trying
to convince the Palestinians to forego their announced UN gambit and get back
to the negotiating table. Read more about it below.

It’s time! Let’s get on with the news…


A CHAMPION IN GERMANY – Our kinda guy.


LIBYA & GERMANY – Connected? More than you think.

MECKLENBURG – WESTERN POMERANIA – The latest State election.

KOHL ON FOREIGN POLICY – An old warhorse speaks! Critically!

FAREWELL TO A HORRIBLE NAME – Gone but certainly not forgotten.

SOCIAL DEMOCRATS: A BAD RESOLUTION – Whose side are you really on?

BERLIN’S ANTI-ISRAEL PARADE – Small but distasteful.

UNIVERSITY COSTS – Which country has a more sensible plan?


A month or two ago I was asked by AJC to attend a small get together to speak
with Philipp Missfelder, the CDU’s Speaker on Foreign Affairs in the Bundestag. I
had heard his name previously but had never met him. Prior to the meeting I
“googled” him and was surprised to find out he was so young (Everyone seems
young to me these days). He’s just 32.

I found out that, “Philipp Mißfelder, born in 1979 in Gelsenkirchen, graduated in
History and wrote his Master thesis about the Jewish publicist Maximilian
Harden. In 2002, he was elected as Federal Chairman of Junge Union, the joint
youth organization of the conservative German political parties CDU and CSU.
He is member of the German Parliament (Bundestag), member of the CDU
presidential board and elected Spokesman for Foreign Affairs of his fraction.

I listened to what Missfelder had to say at the meeting and the way he answered
the tough questions about Israel – Palestinian relations and realized that Israel
and the Jewish people had a champion at a very high level in the German

To confirm my feelings I found a recent piece in the Jerusalem Post which
reported, “A senior Bundestag deputy on Wednesday called on his country’s
Foreign Ministry to drop its planned participation in the UN-sponsored anti-
racism Durban commemoration event next month because the conference will
attack Israel as an allegedly racist state.”

Germany should refrain from participating in this conference, as it did in 2009.

We should not support with our attendance a conference at which our partner
Israel is denounced as an apartheid state.”

On a Junge Union website Missfelder explained, “According to the UN-Charta,
only a peace-loving state can become a member of the United Nations
Organization. I don’t see this condition being met, with the radical Islamic party

Hamas in the government. A bid for full membership will most likely be denied by
the Security Council, as a veto from the USA can be expected. But as matters
stand, we can expect that a resolution will be approved by the General

You can read the entire article by clicking here.

It’s one thing to state positions in a closed meeting. It’s quite different to have
them out front for everyone to see and hear. I think Philipp Missfelder is the “real


Germany has decided not to attend or participate in the Durban III Conference
coming up later this month at the UN.

The Local reported, “German foreign minister Guido Westerwelle announced
that Berlin will skip the United Nations' Durban anti-racism conference, with an
eye toward anti-Israel remarks by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at
the 2009 summit.
"We unfortunately cannot rule out that the Durban commemoration event in New
York could be misused to make anti-Semitic comments as was the case at past
conferences," Westerwelle said, as part of a statement issued by the foreign

An AJC press release noted, “AJC praised Germany for withdrawing from this
month’s tenth anniversary commemoration of the UN World Conference on
Racism. The event, known as Durban 3, will take place at the UN in New York on
September 22.
“We welcome Germany's decision, announced today, to join with other
democratic nations boycotting this lamentable gathering,” said AJC Executive
Director David Harris.
Germany was also one of the ten countries that laudably refused to participate in
the Durban Review Conference in Geneva in 2009, at which the notorious
Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, was a speaker.
“The original gathering, in 2001, became best known for the toxic atmosphere of
raw anti-Israel and anti-Semitic sentiment expressed by some governments and
NGOs,” said Harris. "Is this a cause for commemoration ten years later?"
Germany is the ninth country -- and fifth EU member state -- to opt out of Durban
3. The others so far are Australia, Austria, Canada, Czech Republic, Israel, Italy,
Netherlands, and the United States.

There is very little else to say except, “Good!” Let’s hope more countries join in
boycotting this disgraceful event.


One wouldn’t think that the demise of the Gadhafi regime in Libya would have
much affect on the current German government – but it does!

As Spiegel On-Line points out, “…it looks as though Chancellor Angela Merkel
guessed wrong. It could ultimately prove to be an expensive mistake.

Hindsight, of course, is always 20/20. Yet it must nevertheless be said: The fact
that the rebels in Libya are biting at the heels of autocrat Moammar Gadhafi can
be seen as a foreign policy success for French President Nicolas Sarkozy, for
the Americans and for the British.
For German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her Foreign Minister Guido
Westerwelle, however, the development highlights a bitter foreign policy failure.
When the United Nations Security Council voted to establish a no-fly zone over
Libya in March, Germany chose not to participate. Westerwelle was particularly
vociferous in defending that decision, saying that any military operation in North
Africa was risky -- both for those involved and for Libyan civilians. Berlin decided
to abstain from the Security Council vote, a move that many German foreign
policy experts found inexplicable. It showed, many said, an alarming lack of
solidarity with Germany's Western allies.
Instead of doing its part to rid the world of a tyrant, the German government
seemed to prefer the role of schoolmarm. When rebel advances slowed in June
and July, German Defense Minister Thomas de Maizière accused NATO of
having no long-term strategy for Libya.

Now, however, it would appear that Germany's partners were right after all and
that Berlin was horribly mistaken. There were indeed risks, but they were
manageable: NATO's air strikes saved the lives of countless civilians and played
an important role in the toppling of Gadhafi. At the same time, NATO's own
losses were minimal and not a single NATO soldier was killed in the mission.
Germany's credibility as a defender of human rights and democracy has been
tarnished, as has its reputation as a reliable partner in the Western alliance.
Renewed trust and renewed strength within NATO will only be established once
a new government takes power in Berlin.
France, Britain and the US have done their part for change in Libya. They will
now demand a substantial contribution from Germany for the coming
reconstruction of Libya -- and Berlin will have little choice but to send significant
quantities of monetary aid as well as experts and material assistance. US

President Barack Obama told Merkel as much during her last visit to
Washington. Now, German police, development experts and even soldiers will
likely end up in Libya to ensure democracy and stability.

There is no doubt that Germany was on the wrong side in this matter. However,
saying that “Renewed trust and renewed strength within NATO will only be
established once a new government takes power in Berlin.” is a bit much.

It seems to me that sometimes memories are very short when it comes to
political matters. Should Germany take a significant role in a post-Gadhafi Libya
the original German position will be smoothed over and swept under the rug.
Unity in NATO will be re-established. And, besides, Germany is such a major
financial supporter of some of the NATO countries that it will be to their benefit to
have a timely memory lapse.

However, the UN faux pas may not have lasting international implications,
domestic political are something else again.

As above, while a positive role for Germany in post-revolutionary Libya might
make the “wrong” decision that was made regarding Germany’s involvement
(above) fade away, it might all happen too late to save the job of Foreign Minister
Guido Westerwelle. Westerwelle is already is a weakened position. His role as
leader of the Free Democratic Party has already eroded. D-W World reported,
“Westerwelle, who was forced to relinquish his position as FDP leader in April,
may also be forced out as foreign minister if his party fails to win any seats in
regional elections in Berlin and in the eastern state of Mecklenburg-Western
Pomerania next month. Many in Germany would see the departure of
Westerwelle, a close ally of Angela Merkel, as a symbolic blow to the chancellor
as well. The FDP is in coalition with Merkel's center-right Christian Democrats
(CDU) and its Bavarian sister party (CSU).

The FDP’s popularity in the last six or eight months has been sinking like a rock.
Westerwelle, no doubt, has become a liability. There is little reason to think they
will do well in the upcoming State elections. We might be looking at the new FDP
Party chief Philipp Roesler as the new Foreign Minister.


The latest State election held in Mecklenburg – Western Pomerania, a state in
the former East Germany was held on Sept. 4th. The Local reported, “According
to exit polls released by public broadcaster ARD, the SPD was the strongest
party, with 37 percent of the vote, a significant gain on their 2006 performance of
30.2 percent.

Merkel's Christian Democrats mustered 24.0 only percent of the vote in the

northeastern state on the Baltic Sea, a decline from the 28.8 percent they won
five years ago.

The third-strongest party was the hard-line socialist Left party (Die Linke), with
17 percent.

The resurgent Greens scored 8.5 percent, ensuring their representation in the
regional parliament for the first time. They had previously failed to clear the five-
percent hurdle required to enter the parliament.

Negotiations will now take place over possible coalition arrangements.

Many analysts expect a continuation of the "grand coalition" of SPD and CDU
that has governed the economically depressed state since 2006.

However, a coalition of the SPD and The Left, or even a three-way tie-up with
the newly elected Greens, is also possible. The SPD has not declared which
party it would rather form a coalition with.

The neo-Nazi NPD appeared set to remain in the state legislature after the party
benefited from low voter turnout 53.5 percent. The far-right extremists managed
5.5 percent of the vote, down from 7.3 percent five years ago.

It’s a disappointment for the Chancellor but not a disaster as the probability is
that her party, the CDU will remain in the governing coalition. I believe it is
doubtful that the Social Democrats (SPD) will want to link up with the Left Party. I
do not believe that their national party leaders would be happy with that. It’s safer
to join with the CDU in a “Grand Coalition”.

However, the FDP (Westerwelle’s party) did not get 5% so they are not
represented in the State Parliament. Another nail in the Foreign Minister’s
political coffin.
Most disappointing was the continued strength of the NPD. Yes, they received
fewer votes this time than last, however, they are still in the legislature and that is
an awful outcome. It probably says a lot about the high rate of unemployment in
M-WP and the fact that it is one on the poorest states in the country.


Former Chancellor Helmut Kohl hasn’t got much love for current Chancellor
Angela Merkel or, for that matter, her Social Democratic predecessor, Gerhard
Schroeder. Merkel, a former protégé of Kohl’s who ditched him when he became
involved in a scandal over receiving illegal funds for the CDU Party and
Schroeder defeated him in 1998. Those sorts of things are not forgotten easily in
German politics.

While Kohl may harbor personal dislikes, he is also a genuine authority on
German foreign policy. In a recent story, The Local reported, “Former Chancellor
Helmut Kohl on Wednesday offered a blistering assessment of Germany’s
current foreign policy, saying the country had become an erratic and unreliable
partner to its closest allies.

In an expansive interview with the foreign policy journal Internationale Politik,
Germany’s longest-serving post-war leader slammed his successors Gerhard
Schröder and Angela Merkel for ruining the country’s reputation overseas.

“Germany’s hasn’t been a reliable power for several years – neither domestically
nor abroad,” said Kohl. “We have to be careful not to throw everything away. We
desperately have to return to our former dependability.”

Kohl said recent events such as Germany’s decision not to support the efforts of
its closest allies to oust Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi and the lacking
German leadership during the eurozone debt crisis had left him dismayed.

“I have to ask myself, where does Germany actually stand today and where does
it want to go,” he said. “Our friends and allies abroad are naturally also asking
this question.”

The former chancellor, who presided over Germany reunification in 1990, said
the foreign policy of Merkel’s centre-right coalition under the direction of Foreign
Minister Guido Westerwelle appeared haphazard and without direction.

“If you don’t have a compass, and don’t know what you stand for or where you’re
going, and therefore lack the will to lead, then you’ve abandoned the continuity of
German foreign policy quite simply because you don’t understand such things,”
Kohl said.

Kohl also pointed to the decision last spring by US President Barack Obama to
visit France and Poland yet skip over Germany as a sign just how much the
current government had neglected transatlantic relations.

“I never dreamed that I would live to see the time when a sitting American
president comes to Europe only to fly over the Federal Republic – I could say
went around it,” he said.

The 81-year-old also warned about the dangers posed by the eurozone’s
sovereign debt crisis. Bailing out heavily indebted euro members such as Greece
was crucial to future of the European Union, he said.

“We have no choice if we don’t want Europe to break apart,” Kohl said, adding
he never would have allowed Greece to join the single currency had he still been
chancellor at the time.

He said Europe needed “robust action and a package of farsighted, cleverly
balanced and non-ideological measures” to ensure the euro’s stability.

You might want to write off the criticism as personal animosity. However, Kohl’s
feelings are not his alone. As the one who brought the two Germans back
together and remained super solid in support of a united Europe, he is probably
the best spokesperson for those that wish for a more robust German foreign
policy within that framework.

I certainly would not be critical of Hr. Kohl. He knows a helluva lot more about
German foreign policy than I do. However, these are difficult times in Europe.
The financial problems of some of the Euro countries are not Chancellor Merkel’s
fault. However, she’s in command in Germany so who else is there to blame?

It’s easy for Kohl to be critical but to suggest only that, “Europe needed “robust
action and a package of farsighted, cleverly balanced and non-ideological
measures” to ensure the euro’s stability” leaves me a little up in the air. It would
have been more to the point if he had backed up his critique with some concrete
suggestions. However, there weren’t any. Maybe there will be another speech
sometime. He owes it to the public. I’ll report on it if it happens.

As reported in Spiegel On-Line, “Everyone knew that this year would be a
difficult one for Chancellor Angela Merkel. As 2010 drew to a close, her
governing coalition seemed incapable of agreeing on much of anything, a series
of state elections threatened to eat into her party's power and euro-zone debt
concerns had yet to be alleviated.
Few, though, foresaw things getting quite as bad for Merkel and her government
as they have this week. Not only is the Chancellor facing significant doubts from
within her conservative Christian Democrats regarding the Greece bailout
package recently assembled by euro-zone member states, but Berlin's decision
to stay out of the fight for Libya has never looked more short-sighted and self-
serving than now.
The criticism has been withering. In reference to Libya, media commentators
have begun referring to the Berlin "debacle" and "Germany's shame." More
concerning for Merkel, however, is the heft provided by condemnation from the
likes of German President Christian Wulff, former Interior Minister Gerhart Baum
and ex-Chancellor Helmut Kohl.
All three have weighed in this week -- and all three have furthered the widely held
view in Germany that Merkel and her Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle do not
have a firm grip on the rudder of the ship of state.

The bad news for Merkel and Westerwelle is that things are likely to get worse for
their government before they get any better. Already, their two parties have
suffered a dismal year in State elections.

Merkel’s situation reminds me a bit of the one Pres. Obama finds himself in. Both
have their poll numbers at an all time low and the critics speak for a lot of people.
Both have non-national elections coming this year. With the results, if poor for
both, each will suffer yet more criticism and political weakening. We’ll be keeping
an eye on the situation so stay tuned!


D-W World recently reported “Stock of former Nazi chemical giant to be delisted”.
The firm, I.G. Farben, used forced labor and made poison gas during World War
II. After the Nuremberg trials, companies like BASF and Bayer were formed from
the splintered monolith. Now the IG Farben name will cease to exist.

More than 80 years after IG Farben was founded the chemicals company once
closely linked to the Nazi regime is having its stock pulled from the market. It's
the final step in a liquidation process which stretched over decades.
During World War II, IG Farben used thousands of forced laborers from the
Auschwitz-Monowitz camp at its factory there. One of the company's subsidiaries
produced Zyklon B, which was used to kill prisoners in gas chambers. A number
of Nobel-prize winning scientists also worked for the company during its history.
IG Farben was once the world's largest chemicals company and the Allied
powers ordered it dismantled after 1945. Several of IG Farben's top executives
were tried in Nuremberg and imprisoned at the time Companies including BASF,
Bayer and Hoechst (now part of French Sanofi) were formed from the fragments
of IG Farben, leaving behind a publicly-traded shell company which declared
bankruptcy in 2003.

As the facts of the Holocaust began coming out after World War II the name of
I.G. Farben became the symbol of the connection between the Nazi death
machine and German industry. Holocaust survivor victims did receive payments
in the 1950’s but the shell corporation remained as legal maneuvers and claims
worked their way through the German courts

Finally, it is being legally dispatched. However, that is not to say that history,
especially Jewish and Holocaust history, will forget it. Nor has it really gone
away. It’s just in smaller pieces and called by different names. Corporations don’t
die – only people.


Germany’s Social Democratic Party (SPD), the major “opposition” party in the
Bundestag has passed an internal resolution which on the surface appears to be

pro-Palestinian and in opposition to Israel’s position on the unilateral declaration
of Palestinian statehood. I’m being kind in saying it “appears”.
The SPD has been clear in its opposition to Chancellor Merkel’s stated position
that the the unilateral declaration is counter productive and only direct
negotiations can lead to a lasting peace. In early August DW-World reported, “…
German opposition circles in parliament have criticized Merkel for taking this
position at such an early stage.
"We regret this premature move because it hinders the chance to develop a
common European position and also demand peace activities from the Israeli
position," Rolf Mützenich, a Middle East expert and foreign policy spokesman of
the opposition Social Democrats, told Deutsche Welle.

"We have to be careful that we don't get caught in a dangerous dead end in the
Middle East, in a situation with considerable risk of escalation," he said.
Therefore, Germany was doing its utmost to help avoid a confrontation in the fall.
The opposition supports this course. But it points to the long lasting deadlock in
Middle East peace negotiations.
"We've seen how far the Palestinian side would have been willing to go to meet
Israel's maximum demands," Mützenich said. "So I think that this step by the
Palestinians is a further measure to apply pressure in order to return at all to real
peace negotiations."

I think it’s pretty clear which way Hr. Mutzenich leans.

Now the SPD has passed a resolution which will be debated in the Bundestag in
early September. An AJC press release noted, “Germany’s opposition Social
Democratic Party (SPD), in a proposed resolution on the peace process, calls on
the German government to drop its opposition to UN recognition of a Palestinian
state, and demands that Israel stop all settlement activity, which the SPD asserts
is the main barrier to peace.

n a recent letter to SPD parliamentary whip Frank-Walter Steinmeier, AJC asked
the party to retract the resolution, which is scheduled for debate in the German
Parliament on September 9. The resolution puts the primary blame on Israel for
the lack of progress in peace negotiations and asks the German government to
upgrade the status of the Palestinian diplomatic mission in Berlin.
“We hope the SPD will shift from its unwarranted criticism of Israel, which is
ready to negotiate with the Palestinians a permanent peace agreement, and
acknowledge Israel’s towering security challenges, as evidenced by the latest
terror attacks,” said AJC’s Berlin Director Deidre Berger.

I want to note for the record that not every member of leader in the SPD supports
this position. Some friends in the party have made that clear. However, party

unity reigns supreme and the party’s position is the party’s position. Period!


Every year an anti-Israel “parade” takes place in Berlin. According to JTA, “Al
Quds Day, a protest against Israel's existence, was established in 1979 by Iran's
Islamic revolutionary leader Ayatollah Khomeini. Since then, his followers have
marked the day in cities around the world with large Muslim populations, on the
first Saturday after Ramadan. Berlin's annual demonstration has attracted
between 300 and 1,000

Islamists over the years. Men and women march separately.
This year's pro-Israel counter-protest was organized by the German-Israeli
Society; the Jewish Community of Berlin; the Anti-Defamation Center; the Jewish
Forum for Democracy and Against Anti-Semitism; the exile opposition group
Green Party of Iran; the German-Israel Society Berlin/Potsdam branch; the
activist organization Stop the Bomb; the Association of People Persecuted By
the Nazi Regime; the Coordinating Council of German Non-Governmental
Organizations Against Anti-Semitism; and others.

Police spokesperson Michael Gassen told JTA that about 600 Islamist
demonstrators and about 300 pro-Israel protesters were kept well apart from
each other during Saturday's march. There were no arrests.
The anti-Israel demonstrators chanted slogans calling Israel a terrorist state and
calling for its dissolution.
The many children among them "makes me sad," Levi Salomon, Berlin Jewish
Community representative in charge of fighting anti-Semitism, told JTA. "The
indoctrination of the children is a central problem."
Pro-Israel demonstrators came from across the mainstream political spectrum,
and included local Iranian pro-democracy activists, Salomon added.

I would imagine that since the parade emanates from an idea first propounded by
Ayatollah Khomeini, the former Iranian leader, many fewer people of Arab
background participated. There is no love lost between Arabs and Iranians. A
non-Al Quds event would have been a bigger draw. Because they only turned out
600 it should not be assumed that anti-Israelism barely exists in Germany. That
is just not the case. Anti-Israelism is strong especially at this moment in history
when a unilateral declaration of independence by the Palestinians is about to be
launched at the UN in September.

However, demonstrations are a dime a dozen in Berlin so this one probably does
not carry much weight or influence. On the bright side, a significant Jewish
counter demonstration took place. That shows that the pro-Israel side is activist

as well.


Luckily, my wife and I are passed having to shell out large amounts of cash to get
our kids through college. When we were in that position 15 or 20 years ago it was
costing about $25K to get a kid through a good private university here in the U.S.
The cost these days, as I understand it, is over $50K at the Ivy League schools.

The situation in German universities is quite different. Until a few years ago they
were free! When costs began to rise a (very) modest tuition fee of about $700 per
year was added.

Recently an interesting German tax court ruling was described by the Editor of
The Local, Marc Young. He editorialized, “Germany fancies itself a rather
intellectual place, so it's perhaps no surprise that students here used to have a
pretty cushy existence. Freed from regular exams or other forms of rigorous
testing, many would spend the better part of decade submerged deep in thought.

But that's changed dramatically in recent years. Universities have shifted to
internationally recognized bachelor and master degrees, making it harder to
remain a student forever. Highly unpopular tuition fees were even introduced in
seven German states, but five have already decided to abolish them again.

Not that tuition of €500 a semester would matter much after a precedent-setting
court ruling this week, which determined German students should be allowed to
write off the entire cost of university from their future income taxes. Yes, that's
right - tuition fees, rent, a computer, books - everything aside from late-night beer
and pizza is now a tax break.

The only caveat is a person's studies have to be relevant to the gainful
employment they later take up in order to qualify as a work-related expense. So
those most likely to profit from the ruling are those who probably won't be
struggling anyway: doctors, lawyers and other well-paid professions.

Of course, using the court's logic couldn't someone argue they had "relevant"
costs going back to preschool? What about those remedial math classes after
school back in eight grade? Wasn't that key to becoming a civil engineer later in

Now don't get me wrong, I don't begrudge German university students their tax
loophole, and I'd be the last person to argue for crushing US-style tuition here.

But I must admit I'm slightly irked the court has kyboshed my grand scheme to
save higher education in Germany. The idea I liked to trot out every few years
was offering students tuition-free access to university if they opted to do one year

of public service. In my humble opinion, solidarity is a two-way street.

With the abolition of military conscription this summer, German universities are
facing a flood of new students this autumn and it remains to be seen how the
creaky educational system copes.

Just don't expect any extra funding from the federal government. Finance
Minister Wolfgang Schäuble is probably already calculating what a deluge of
student write-offs are going to cost him in future tax revenue.”

Obviously, there is no “Jewish’ quotient to this piece of news. It does, however,
indicate the difference between the attitudes in Germany and those in the U.S.
about what the costs of higher learning should be. In the U.S., in many cases, the
costs are preclusive. No doubt poor kids are at a great disadvantage. Even in the
best schools with aid packages, etc. my guess is that they leave with large
amounts of student loan burdens. I believe, (again my guess) most middle
income students also leave owing the Government and private bank lenders
great amounts of money. What a way to begin adult life!

I doubt seriously that the American government or the tax courts would go as far
as those in Germany. Nor will this ruling make it easy to support all this university
training. However, if the U.S. is to maintain itself as a great country, etc. etc. etc.
shouldn’t we be doing something to insure the highest level of education for our
young people is more affordable?

Another story on the same subject in The Local can be accessed by clicking


DuBow Digest is written and published by Eugene DuBow who can be contacted
by clicking here

Both the American and Germany editions are posted at
Click here to connect


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  • 1. AN AMERICAN JEWISH – GERMAN INFORMATION & OPINION NEWSLETTER AMERICAN EDITION September 5, 2011 Dear Friends: The summer is over and with the arrival of September (hopefully without anymore earthquakes or hurricanes) we’re getting down to serious business. The UN is about to open its annual meeting in New York with both the Durban III Conference and the Palestinian unilateral declaration of independence (UDI) on the agenda. Germany has decided not to attend Durban III but many countries will so we’re in for a spate of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic attacks from such human rights stalwarts as Iran, Cuba and probably Syria. I think it takes a lot of chutzpah for such countries to attend anything that supposedly deals with the rights of people. A better title for the UN group dealing with the issue would be the UN Human Wrongs Council. The matter of the Palestinian UDI is much more serious. However, as I write this the situation is still very fluid. Our own government (for its own reasons) is trying to convince the Palestinians to forego their announced UN gambit and get back to the negotiating table. Read more about it below. It’s time! Let’s get on with the news… IN THIS EDITION A CHAMPION IN GERMANY – Our kinda guy. DURBAN III: GERMANY OPTS OUT – Good! LIBYA & GERMANY – Connected? More than you think. MECKLENBURG – WESTERN POMERANIA – The latest State election. 1
  • 2. KOHL ON FOREIGN POLICY – An old warhorse speaks! Critically! FAREWELL TO A HORRIBLE NAME – Gone but certainly not forgotten. SOCIAL DEMOCRATS: A BAD RESOLUTION – Whose side are you really on? BERLIN’S ANTI-ISRAEL PARADE – Small but distasteful. UNIVERSITY COSTS – Which country has a more sensible plan? A CHAMPION IN GERMANY A month or two ago I was asked by AJC to attend a small get together to speak with Philipp Missfelder, the CDU’s Speaker on Foreign Affairs in the Bundestag. I had heard his name previously but had never met him. Prior to the meeting I “googled” him and was surprised to find out he was so young (Everyone seems young to me these days). He’s just 32. I found out that, “Philipp Mißfelder, born in 1979 in Gelsenkirchen, graduated in History and wrote his Master thesis about the Jewish publicist Maximilian Harden. In 2002, he was elected as Federal Chairman of Junge Union, the joint youth organization of the conservative German political parties CDU and CSU. He is member of the German Parliament (Bundestag), member of the CDU presidential board and elected Spokesman for Foreign Affairs of his fraction. I listened to what Missfelder had to say at the meeting and the way he answered the tough questions about Israel – Palestinian relations and realized that Israel and the Jewish people had a champion at a very high level in the German government. To confirm my feelings I found a recent piece in the Jerusalem Post which reported, “A senior Bundestag deputy on Wednesday called on his country’s Foreign Ministry to drop its planned participation in the UN-sponsored anti- racism Durban commemoration event next month because the conference will attack Israel as an allegedly racist state.” Germany should refrain from participating in this conference, as it did in 2009. We should not support with our attendance a conference at which our partner Israel is denounced as an apartheid state.” On a Junge Union website Missfelder explained, “According to the UN-Charta, only a peace-loving state can become a member of the United Nations Organization. I don’t see this condition being met, with the radical Islamic party 2
  • 3. Hamas in the government. A bid for full membership will most likely be denied by the Security Council, as a veto from the USA can be expected. But as matters stand, we can expect that a resolution will be approved by the General Assembly”. You can read the entire article by clicking here. . It’s one thing to state positions in a closed meeting. It’s quite different to have them out front for everyone to see and hear. I think Philipp Missfelder is the “real thing” DURBAN III: GERMANY OPTS OUT Germany has decided not to attend or participate in the Durban III Conference coming up later this month at the UN. The Local reported, “German foreign minister Guido Westerwelle announced that Berlin will skip the United Nations' Durban anti-racism conference, with an eye toward anti-Israel remarks by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the 2009 summit. "We unfortunately cannot rule out that the Durban commemoration event in New York could be misused to make anti-Semitic comments as was the case at past conferences," Westerwelle said, as part of a statement issued by the foreign ministry. An AJC press release noted, “AJC praised Germany for withdrawing from this month’s tenth anniversary commemoration of the UN World Conference on Racism. The event, known as Durban 3, will take place at the UN in New York on September 22. “We welcome Germany's decision, announced today, to join with other democratic nations boycotting this lamentable gathering,” said AJC Executive Director David Harris. Germany was also one of the ten countries that laudably refused to participate in the Durban Review Conference in Geneva in 2009, at which the notorious Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, was a speaker. “The original gathering, in 2001, became best known for the toxic atmosphere of raw anti-Israel and anti-Semitic sentiment expressed by some governments and NGOs,” said Harris. "Is this a cause for commemoration ten years later?" Germany is the ninth country -- and fifth EU member state -- to opt out of Durban 3. The others so far are Australia, Austria, Canada, Czech Republic, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, and the United States. 3
  • 4. There is very little else to say except, “Good!” Let’s hope more countries join in boycotting this disgraceful event. LIBYA & GERMANY One wouldn’t think that the demise of the Gadhafi regime in Libya would have much affect on the current German government – but it does! As Spiegel On-Line points out, “…it looks as though Chancellor Angela Merkel guessed wrong. It could ultimately prove to be an expensive mistake. Hindsight, of course, is always 20/20. Yet it must nevertheless be said: The fact that the rebels in Libya are biting at the heels of autocrat Moammar Gadhafi can be seen as a foreign policy success for French President Nicolas Sarkozy, for the Americans and for the British. For German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle, however, the development highlights a bitter foreign policy failure. When the United Nations Security Council voted to establish a no-fly zone over Libya in March, Germany chose not to participate. Westerwelle was particularly vociferous in defending that decision, saying that any military operation in North Africa was risky -- both for those involved and for Libyan civilians. Berlin decided to abstain from the Security Council vote, a move that many German foreign policy experts found inexplicable. It showed, many said, an alarming lack of solidarity with Germany's Western allies. Instead of doing its part to rid the world of a tyrant, the German government seemed to prefer the role of schoolmarm. When rebel advances slowed in June and July, German Defense Minister Thomas de Maizière accused NATO of having no long-term strategy for Libya. Now, however, it would appear that Germany's partners were right after all and that Berlin was horribly mistaken. There were indeed risks, but they were manageable: NATO's air strikes saved the lives of countless civilians and played an important role in the toppling of Gadhafi. At the same time, NATO's own losses were minimal and not a single NATO soldier was killed in the mission. Germany's credibility as a defender of human rights and democracy has been tarnished, as has its reputation as a reliable partner in the Western alliance. Renewed trust and renewed strength within NATO will only be established once a new government takes power in Berlin. France, Britain and the US have done their part for change in Libya. They will now demand a substantial contribution from Germany for the coming reconstruction of Libya -- and Berlin will have little choice but to send significant quantities of monetary aid as well as experts and material assistance. US 4
  • 5. President Barack Obama told Merkel as much during her last visit to Washington. Now, German police, development experts and even soldiers will likely end up in Libya to ensure democracy and stability. There is no doubt that Germany was on the wrong side in this matter. However, saying that “Renewed trust and renewed strength within NATO will only be established once a new government takes power in Berlin.” is a bit much. It seems to me that sometimes memories are very short when it comes to political matters. Should Germany take a significant role in a post-Gadhafi Libya the original German position will be smoothed over and swept under the rug. Unity in NATO will be re-established. And, besides, Germany is such a major financial supporter of some of the NATO countries that it will be to their benefit to have a timely memory lapse. However, the UN faux pas may not have lasting international implications, domestic political are something else again. As above, while a positive role for Germany in post-revolutionary Libya might make the “wrong” decision that was made regarding Germany’s involvement (above) fade away, it might all happen too late to save the job of Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle. Westerwelle is already is a weakened position. His role as leader of the Free Democratic Party has already eroded. D-W World reported, “Westerwelle, who was forced to relinquish his position as FDP leader in April, may also be forced out as foreign minister if his party fails to win any seats in regional elections in Berlin and in the eastern state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania next month. Many in Germany would see the departure of Westerwelle, a close ally of Angela Merkel, as a symbolic blow to the chancellor as well. The FDP is in coalition with Merkel's center-right Christian Democrats (CDU) and its Bavarian sister party (CSU). The FDP’s popularity in the last six or eight months has been sinking like a rock. Westerwelle, no doubt, has become a liability. There is little reason to think they will do well in the upcoming State elections. We might be looking at the new FDP Party chief Philipp Roesler as the new Foreign Minister. MECKLENBURG – WESTERN POMERANIA The latest State election held in Mecklenburg – Western Pomerania, a state in the former East Germany was held on Sept. 4th. The Local reported, “According to exit polls released by public broadcaster ARD, the SPD was the strongest party, with 37 percent of the vote, a significant gain on their 2006 performance of 30.2 percent. Merkel's Christian Democrats mustered 24.0 only percent of the vote in the 5
  • 6. northeastern state on the Baltic Sea, a decline from the 28.8 percent they won five years ago. The third-strongest party was the hard-line socialist Left party (Die Linke), with 17 percent. The resurgent Greens scored 8.5 percent, ensuring their representation in the regional parliament for the first time. They had previously failed to clear the five- percent hurdle required to enter the parliament. Negotiations will now take place over possible coalition arrangements. Many analysts expect a continuation of the "grand coalition" of SPD and CDU that has governed the economically depressed state since 2006. However, a coalition of the SPD and The Left, or even a three-way tie-up with the newly elected Greens, is also possible. The SPD has not declared which party it would rather form a coalition with. The neo-Nazi NPD appeared set to remain in the state legislature after the party benefited from low voter turnout 53.5 percent. The far-right extremists managed 5.5 percent of the vote, down from 7.3 percent five years ago. It’s a disappointment for the Chancellor but not a disaster as the probability is that her party, the CDU will remain in the governing coalition. I believe it is doubtful that the Social Democrats (SPD) will want to link up with the Left Party. I do not believe that their national party leaders would be happy with that. It’s safer to join with the CDU in a “Grand Coalition”. However, the FDP (Westerwelle’s party) did not get 5% so they are not represented in the State Parliament. Another nail in the Foreign Minister’s political coffin. Most disappointing was the continued strength of the NPD. Yes, they received fewer votes this time than last, however, they are still in the legislature and that is an awful outcome. It probably says a lot about the high rate of unemployment in M-WP and the fact that it is one on the poorest states in the country. KOHL ON FOREIGN POLICY Former Chancellor Helmut Kohl hasn’t got much love for current Chancellor Angela Merkel or, for that matter, her Social Democratic predecessor, Gerhard Schroeder. Merkel, a former protégé of Kohl’s who ditched him when he became involved in a scandal over receiving illegal funds for the CDU Party and Schroeder defeated him in 1998. Those sorts of things are not forgotten easily in German politics. 6
  • 7. While Kohl may harbor personal dislikes, he is also a genuine authority on German foreign policy. In a recent story, The Local reported, “Former Chancellor Helmut Kohl on Wednesday offered a blistering assessment of Germany’s current foreign policy, saying the country had become an erratic and unreliable partner to its closest allies. In an expansive interview with the foreign policy journal Internationale Politik, Germany’s longest-serving post-war leader slammed his successors Gerhard Schröder and Angela Merkel for ruining the country’s reputation overseas. “Germany’s hasn’t been a reliable power for several years – neither domestically nor abroad,” said Kohl. “We have to be careful not to throw everything away. We desperately have to return to our former dependability.” Kohl said recent events such as Germany’s decision not to support the efforts of its closest allies to oust Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi and the lacking German leadership during the eurozone debt crisis had left him dismayed. “I have to ask myself, where does Germany actually stand today and where does it want to go,” he said. “Our friends and allies abroad are naturally also asking this question.” The former chancellor, who presided over Germany reunification in 1990, said the foreign policy of Merkel’s centre-right coalition under the direction of Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle appeared haphazard and without direction. “If you don’t have a compass, and don’t know what you stand for or where you’re going, and therefore lack the will to lead, then you’ve abandoned the continuity of German foreign policy quite simply because you don’t understand such things,” Kohl said. Kohl also pointed to the decision last spring by US President Barack Obama to visit France and Poland yet skip over Germany as a sign just how much the current government had neglected transatlantic relations. “I never dreamed that I would live to see the time when a sitting American president comes to Europe only to fly over the Federal Republic – I could say went around it,” he said. The 81-year-old also warned about the dangers posed by the eurozone’s sovereign debt crisis. Bailing out heavily indebted euro members such as Greece was crucial to future of the European Union, he said. “We have no choice if we don’t want Europe to break apart,” Kohl said, adding he never would have allowed Greece to join the single currency had he still been chancellor at the time. 7
  • 8. He said Europe needed “robust action and a package of farsighted, cleverly balanced and non-ideological measures” to ensure the euro’s stability. You might want to write off the criticism as personal animosity. However, Kohl’s feelings are not his alone. As the one who brought the two Germans back together and remained super solid in support of a united Europe, he is probably the best spokesperson for those that wish for a more robust German foreign policy within that framework. I certainly would not be critical of Hr. Kohl. He knows a helluva lot more about German foreign policy than I do. However, these are difficult times in Europe. The financial problems of some of the Euro countries are not Chancellor Merkel’s fault. However, she’s in command in Germany so who else is there to blame? It’s easy for Kohl to be critical but to suggest only that, “Europe needed “robust action and a package of farsighted, cleverly balanced and non-ideological measures” to ensure the euro’s stability” leaves me a little up in the air. It would have been more to the point if he had backed up his critique with some concrete suggestions. However, there weren’t any. Maybe there will be another speech sometime. He owes it to the public. I’ll report on it if it happens. As reported in Spiegel On-Line, “Everyone knew that this year would be a difficult one for Chancellor Angela Merkel. As 2010 drew to a close, her governing coalition seemed incapable of agreeing on much of anything, a series of state elections threatened to eat into her party's power and euro-zone debt concerns had yet to be alleviated. Few, though, foresaw things getting quite as bad for Merkel and her government as they have this week. Not only is the Chancellor facing significant doubts from within her conservative Christian Democrats regarding the Greece bailout package recently assembled by euro-zone member states, but Berlin's decision to stay out of the fight for Libya has never looked more short-sighted and self- serving than now. The criticism has been withering. In reference to Libya, media commentators have begun referring to the Berlin "debacle" and "Germany's shame." More concerning for Merkel, however, is the heft provided by condemnation from the likes of German President Christian Wulff, former Interior Minister Gerhart Baum and ex-Chancellor Helmut Kohl. All three have weighed in this week -- and all three have furthered the widely held view in Germany that Merkel and her Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle do not have a firm grip on the rudder of the ship of state. The bad news for Merkel and Westerwelle is that things are likely to get worse for their government before they get any better. Already, their two parties have suffered a dismal year in State elections. 8
  • 9. Merkel’s situation reminds me a bit of the one Pres. Obama finds himself in. Both have their poll numbers at an all time low and the critics speak for a lot of people. Both have non-national elections coming this year. With the results, if poor for both, each will suffer yet more criticism and political weakening. We’ll be keeping an eye on the situation so stay tuned! FAREWELL TO A HORRIBLE NAME D-W World recently reported “Stock of former Nazi chemical giant to be delisted”. The firm, I.G. Farben, used forced labor and made poison gas during World War II. After the Nuremberg trials, companies like BASF and Bayer were formed from the splintered monolith. Now the IG Farben name will cease to exist. More than 80 years after IG Farben was founded the chemicals company once closely linked to the Nazi regime is having its stock pulled from the market. It's the final step in a liquidation process which stretched over decades. During World War II, IG Farben used thousands of forced laborers from the Auschwitz-Monowitz camp at its factory there. One of the company's subsidiaries produced Zyklon B, which was used to kill prisoners in gas chambers. A number of Nobel-prize winning scientists also worked for the company during its history. IG Farben was once the world's largest chemicals company and the Allied powers ordered it dismantled after 1945. Several of IG Farben's top executives were tried in Nuremberg and imprisoned at the time Companies including BASF, Bayer and Hoechst (now part of French Sanofi) were formed from the fragments of IG Farben, leaving behind a publicly-traded shell company which declared bankruptcy in 2003. As the facts of the Holocaust began coming out after World War II the name of I.G. Farben became the symbol of the connection between the Nazi death machine and German industry. Holocaust survivor victims did receive payments in the 1950’s but the shell corporation remained as legal maneuvers and claims worked their way through the German courts Finally, it is being legally dispatched. However, that is not to say that history, especially Jewish and Holocaust history, will forget it. Nor has it really gone away. It’s just in smaller pieces and called by different names. Corporations don’t die – only people. SOCIAL DEMOCRATS: A BAD RESOLUTION Germany’s Social Democratic Party (SPD), the major “opposition” party in the Bundestag has passed an internal resolution which on the surface appears to be 9
  • 10. pro-Palestinian and in opposition to Israel’s position on the unilateral declaration of Palestinian statehood. I’m being kind in saying it “appears”. The SPD has been clear in its opposition to Chancellor Merkel’s stated position that the the unilateral declaration is counter productive and only direct negotiations can lead to a lasting peace. In early August DW-World reported, “… German opposition circles in parliament have criticized Merkel for taking this position at such an early stage. "We regret this premature move because it hinders the chance to develop a common European position and also demand peace activities from the Israeli position," Rolf Mützenich, a Middle East expert and foreign policy spokesman of the opposition Social Democrats, told Deutsche Welle. "We have to be careful that we don't get caught in a dangerous dead end in the Middle East, in a situation with considerable risk of escalation," he said. Therefore, Germany was doing its utmost to help avoid a confrontation in the fall. The opposition supports this course. But it points to the long lasting deadlock in Middle East peace negotiations. "We've seen how far the Palestinian side would have been willing to go to meet Israel's maximum demands," Mützenich said. "So I think that this step by the Palestinians is a further measure to apply pressure in order to return at all to real peace negotiations." I think it’s pretty clear which way Hr. Mutzenich leans. Now the SPD has passed a resolution which will be debated in the Bundestag in early September. An AJC press release noted, “Germany’s opposition Social Democratic Party (SPD), in a proposed resolution on the peace process, calls on the German government to drop its opposition to UN recognition of a Palestinian state, and demands that Israel stop all settlement activity, which the SPD asserts is the main barrier to peace. n a recent letter to SPD parliamentary whip Frank-Walter Steinmeier, AJC asked the party to retract the resolution, which is scheduled for debate in the German Parliament on September 9. The resolution puts the primary blame on Israel for the lack of progress in peace negotiations and asks the German government to upgrade the status of the Palestinian diplomatic mission in Berlin. “We hope the SPD will shift from its unwarranted criticism of Israel, which is ready to negotiate with the Palestinians a permanent peace agreement, and acknowledge Israel’s towering security challenges, as evidenced by the latest terror attacks,” said AJC’s Berlin Director Deidre Berger. I want to note for the record that not every member of leader in the SPD supports this position. Some friends in the party have made that clear. However, party 10
  • 11. unity reigns supreme and the party’s position is the party’s position. Period! BERLIN’S ANTI-ISRAEL PARADE Every year an anti-Israel “parade” takes place in Berlin. According to JTA, “Al Quds Day, a protest against Israel's existence, was established in 1979 by Iran's Islamic revolutionary leader Ayatollah Khomeini. Since then, his followers have marked the day in cities around the world with large Muslim populations, on the first Saturday after Ramadan. Berlin's annual demonstration has attracted between 300 and 1,000 Islamists over the years. Men and women march separately. This year's pro-Israel counter-protest was organized by the German-Israeli Society; the Jewish Community of Berlin; the Anti-Defamation Center; the Jewish Forum for Democracy and Against Anti-Semitism; the exile opposition group Green Party of Iran; the German-Israel Society Berlin/Potsdam branch; the activist organization Stop the Bomb; the Association of People Persecuted By the Nazi Regime; the Coordinating Council of German Non-Governmental Organizations Against Anti-Semitism; and others. Police spokesperson Michael Gassen told JTA that about 600 Islamist demonstrators and about 300 pro-Israel protesters were kept well apart from each other during Saturday's march. There were no arrests. The anti-Israel demonstrators chanted slogans calling Israel a terrorist state and calling for its dissolution. The many children among them "makes me sad," Levi Salomon, Berlin Jewish Community representative in charge of fighting anti-Semitism, told JTA. "The indoctrination of the children is a central problem." Pro-Israel demonstrators came from across the mainstream political spectrum, and included local Iranian pro-democracy activists, Salomon added. I would imagine that since the parade emanates from an idea first propounded by Ayatollah Khomeini, the former Iranian leader, many fewer people of Arab background participated. There is no love lost between Arabs and Iranians. A non-Al Quds event would have been a bigger draw. Because they only turned out 600 it should not be assumed that anti-Israelism barely exists in Germany. That is just not the case. Anti-Israelism is strong especially at this moment in history when a unilateral declaration of independence by the Palestinians is about to be launched at the UN in September. However, demonstrations are a dime a dozen in Berlin so this one probably does not carry much weight or influence. On the bright side, a significant Jewish counter demonstration took place. That shows that the pro-Israel side is activist 11
  • 12. as well. UNIVERSITY COSTS Luckily, my wife and I are passed having to shell out large amounts of cash to get our kids through college. When we were in that position 15 or 20 years ago it was costing about $25K to get a kid through a good private university here in the U.S. The cost these days, as I understand it, is over $50K at the Ivy League schools. The situation in German universities is quite different. Until a few years ago they were free! When costs began to rise a (very) modest tuition fee of about $700 per year was added. Recently an interesting German tax court ruling was described by the Editor of The Local, Marc Young. He editorialized, “Germany fancies itself a rather intellectual place, so it's perhaps no surprise that students here used to have a pretty cushy existence. Freed from regular exams or other forms of rigorous testing, many would spend the better part of decade submerged deep in thought. But that's changed dramatically in recent years. Universities have shifted to internationally recognized bachelor and master degrees, making it harder to remain a student forever. Highly unpopular tuition fees were even introduced in seven German states, but five have already decided to abolish them again. Not that tuition of €500 a semester would matter much after a precedent-setting court ruling this week, which determined German students should be allowed to write off the entire cost of university from their future income taxes. Yes, that's right - tuition fees, rent, a computer, books - everything aside from late-night beer and pizza is now a tax break. The only caveat is a person's studies have to be relevant to the gainful employment they later take up in order to qualify as a work-related expense. So those most likely to profit from the ruling are those who probably won't be struggling anyway: doctors, lawyers and other well-paid professions. Of course, using the court's logic couldn't someone argue they had "relevant" costs going back to preschool? What about those remedial math classes after school back in eight grade? Wasn't that key to becoming a civil engineer later in life? Now don't get me wrong, I don't begrudge German university students their tax loophole, and I'd be the last person to argue for crushing US-style tuition here. But I must admit I'm slightly irked the court has kyboshed my grand scheme to save higher education in Germany. The idea I liked to trot out every few years was offering students tuition-free access to university if they opted to do one year 12
  • 13. of public service. In my humble opinion, solidarity is a two-way street. With the abolition of military conscription this summer, German universities are facing a flood of new students this autumn and it remains to be seen how the creaky educational system copes. Just don't expect any extra funding from the federal government. Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble is probably already calculating what a deluge of student write-offs are going to cost him in future tax revenue.” Obviously, there is no “Jewish’ quotient to this piece of news. It does, however, indicate the difference between the attitudes in Germany and those in the U.S. about what the costs of higher learning should be. In the U.S., in many cases, the costs are preclusive. No doubt poor kids are at a great disadvantage. Even in the best schools with aid packages, etc. my guess is that they leave with large amounts of student loan burdens. I believe, (again my guess) most middle income students also leave owing the Government and private bank lenders great amounts of money. What a way to begin adult life! I doubt seriously that the American government or the tax courts would go as far as those in Germany. Nor will this ruling make it easy to support all this university training. However, if the U.S. is to maintain itself as a great country, etc. etc. etc. shouldn’t we be doing something to insure the highest level of education for our young people is more affordable? Another story on the same subject in The Local can be accessed by clicking here. ******************************************************************************************** ** DuBow Digest is written and published by Eugene DuBow who can be contacted by clicking here Both the American and Germany editions are posted at Click here to connect 13