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Monday, February 23, 2015
Benjamin Fulford - February 23, 2015: CIA put under lockdown by Pentagon to stop nuclear
terror but, cabal resistance pockets still remain
The lunar year of the horse went out with a bang last week with an unprecedented
Pentagon move to put CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia under lockdown. The
raid on the CIA was, “among other things” aimed at locating the three rogue nukes
the Zionazis have threatened to explode in the Ukraine, Pentagon sources say.
Furthermore, the nuclear weapon headed for Stanlingrad (now Volvograd) has
been seized by the Russians, the sources say.
There was also an explosion near an airport close to CIA headquarters in West
Virginia last week. US corporate news outlets describe the explosion as the result
of a “train derailment” but local residents said it resembled a nuclear explosion.
Footage can be seen here:
We can only speculate that somebody trying to flee the raid on the CIA met with a fiery death.
The raid on the CIA came immediately after Ashton Carter was sworn in as the new US Defense Secretary. It did not
go unnoticed that Carter was sworn in by Vice-President Joe Biden and not Barack Obama.
The Pentagon raid on the CIA was a condition for keeping the government in Washington D.C. afloat after a February
17th payment deadline, according to Chinese and European sources. The shut-down of US West Coast shipping has
also now ended in response to the Pentagon move against the terrorist Bush/Nazi CIA faction, the sources said.
The European and Chinese sources also say that 200 nations have now agreed to a new financial system and world
peace. The Germans and the French together with their allies have joined the BRICS alliance, sources in both these
countries say.
The Greeks and Germans have temporarily postponed their fight over Greek debt pending a visit to Japan in early
March by German Chancellor Angela Merkel. She is expected to arrive around the same time as Michelle Obama.
The obstacle to world peace and prosperity is now, according to European and Chinese sources, the US East coast
Zionazi establishment, together with factions in London and the Vatican.
The opposition to world peace in Italy comes from the old Gladio network consisting of the Ndrangheta Mafiosi in
cooperation with the Zionazi ISIS Italian branch, according Italian P2 Freemason lodge MI5 sources.
In the UK it is Evelyn de Rothschild and his servants like Jeremy Heywood, David Cameron and Tony Blair who are
the problem, according to MI5. There are moves being taken against this faction inside the UK. Sir Malcolm Rifkind
MP (former Foreign Secretary) Chair of the Defense and Security committee in the House of Commons (a powerful
committee overseeing the intelligence services), has been caught in sting operation by the Daily Telegraph selling his
services for cash. Rifkin is part of the Zionazi UK faction that has been beating the drums for war against Russia.
In the United States, the Zionazi controlled department of Homeland Security is unable to find funding for after
February. So, it is threatening terror attacks against US and Canadian shopping malls, this time by “Somalian”
This operation is being master-minded by former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, according to MI5 sources. “Recent
signs suggest that Blair (who is now in Belgrade, Serbia) will be behind an attack on London using the usual
suspects,” and that Gnostic Illuminati Grandmaster Alexander Romanov will be framed or “at least implicated.”
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Benjamin Fulford -
February 17, 2015: Nukes
in the Ukraine, lockdown at
CIA, blockade of US West
coast and more as
takedown of cabal continues
Benjamin Fulford -
February 23, 2015: CIA put
under lockdown by
Pentagon to stop nuclear
terror but, cabal resistance
pockets still remain
Message from Benjamin
Fulford - Time To Set The
People Free!
Sheldan Nidle Update -
February 17, 2015
Cobra - The Red and the
Freedom4humanity -
Combining Surrender and
SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey -
February 20, 2015
Benjamin Fulford - February 15, 2015:
Questions from the pentagon and their
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Posted by Hipknowsys at 9:43 AM
Labels: Benjamin Fulford
Alexander Romanov showed up at this writer’s house last week battered and bruised. He said he spent the night
evading 20 or more policemen who were trying to arrest him and take him to a mental hospital. He is now safe but his
computer has been destroyed (yet again) and he will be laying low for a while.
According to Romanov, Russian President Vladimir Putin is the real grandmaster behind the 311 nuclear and tsunami
terror attacks against Japan. However, it is hard to see a motive for Putin to do this and our own investigations point
directly at Tony Blair, the Bushes, Rothschilds and other cabal families.
There have also been threats to stage a terrorist attack on Japan even bigger than 311. Recently people have been
coming to this writer’s public speaking events and saying that the new year’s occult cover of the Economist magazine
contained a threat against Japan.
The questioners, or should Isay Rothschild agents, said the two arrows at the bottom right hand side of the cover
picture with the numbers 115 and 113 meant that a new attack would take place on Japan on May 11th (511). The
cover can be seen here:
The same agents also said that a map of Japan minus the Kinki district (greater Osaka) was being shown at the
Japanese freemason headquarters. The Economist is owned by the Cadbury, Rothschild, Schroder, Agnelli and other
cabal families. They will be held accountable for any new atrocity.
Dr. Michael Van de Meer AKA Michael Meiring told this writer the 311 tsunami and nuclear terror attack against
Japan that killed 20,000 innocent people was aimed at forcing the evacuation of 40 million people from greater Tokyo
to North Korea where the Rothschilds would move their new Asian financial headquarters. This failed and now we
know which families were behind that and many other horrific terror attacks. They will not be allowed to attack Osaka.
The North Korean faction that aided in the 311 attack against Japan has already been purged. The cabalist influence
in Japan is now so low that cabal stooge Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the corrupted Simon Wiesenthal Center sent a
Mossad agent to visit this writer and beg that Cooper not be put in jail because he “only banned one” of my books.
The fact is Cooper is guilty of bribery, extortion and blackmail (at least) and belongs in jail together with many of his
It should also be noted that an active campaign has ongoing in China to remove cabal linked tycoons from this world.
In recent years 76 Chinese billionaires have died unnatural deaths, according to the China Daily. OF these 17
“committed suicide, 16 were murdered, 8 died in accidents, 16 were executed, and 19 died from illness (at the
average age of 48). There are now only 152 Chinese billionaires left.
Chinese government sources say this is part of a purge of Maoists. Chairman Mao was the most senior cabal agent
ever in China. All Chinese of influence connected to the Zionazi Bush and other cabal Zionazi faction families are
targets of this purge, the source says.
For these reasons the Zionazi cabalists are unlikely to be able to stage any more truly spectacular terror attacks in
Instead they have been reduced to making threats against Western shopping malls using the terror group “Al
Shabaab” that staged the recent attack on the Westfield Shopping Center in Nairobi, Kenya. The Westfield shopping
center was owned by Frank Lowy, an Australian Jew who is a close associate of Larry Silverstein of World Trade
Center 911 fame. Silverstein and Lowy have made a fortune on “terrorist insurance” after 911 and after the Westfield
Now this al- “Sham” baab is threatening the Westfield shopping center in London also owned by Lowy. The other mall
they are threatening is the Mall of America owned by the Iranian Jewish Ghermezian family in Canada.
Needless to say, with shopping malls suffering from the weak economy and competition from online retailing, from the
owner’s point of view it would be a great time for “terrorist” insurance fraud.
And of course new terrorist attacks would be a great excuse to keep funding the Zionazi Department of Homeland
In any case, as large parts of Asia are on holiday this week, events are expected to slow down for now.
In March the ongoing campaign to finally break the back of the cabal once and for all is expected to resume in earnest.
The year of the sheep will be one of payback time and justice for the sheeple.
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Ruben Quiroz February 23, 2015 at 11:49 AM
Thank Ben for your work! The light forces are also working in the background doing the same.
Victory to the light is near!
Bob Miller February 23, 2015 at 2:45 PM
Hi Ben, thanks for your reporting. If it is necessary to help put communities back together again, our model would be a
help. It can be seen at: If anyone would like to have a free book explaining the
details of how the design has been done, the rational why the Communities are needed and the steps to implementing
them, they can get it (until 31 March 2015) at
Reiki Master February 23, 2015 at 6:35 PM
Couldnt resist!
Aware Shell February 23, 2015 at 8:17 PM
You forgot Netanyahu and his hommies, Ben. Quite a GLARING oversight there...
Joe Adam February 23, 2015 at 8:56 PM
No news explaining the high level meeting between the suspected criminal Queen Elizabeth and Canada's (British
Columbia) convict former Premier, Gordon Campbell, and former Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird who resigned
immediately after his top level meeting with John Kerry on Feb 3 but showed up the 2 weeks later on Feb 19 to meet
Queen Liz and Campbell in London at the Canadian High Commission.
What was that all about, Ben?
George Roper February 24, 2015 at 3:31 AM
Ben seems to think the paedo monarchy are ok. Which makes me distrust him. He also thinks the Vatican are
ok. When we see the paedosadists of the uk been rounded up, including the inept and corrupt uk police, then,
and only then will I truly believe a word of any take down.
Until then it is hearsay, a bloggers opinion. No matter how many strained attempts to associate world events to
an alleged takedown
siculi February 24, 2015 at 4:47 AM
Hypothetically.Question., what if MI6 MOSSAD CIA , and other White Branches of these departments., went after the
exact bankers and families profiting from chaos? I know one thing., something of the sort will get the heat of of their
back.,the banks,have to be deliberately targeting these agencies.When I was a lad. in Virginia.CIA FBI ,and any such
group(s) was hush hush.THE CIA AND MOSSAD are being fingered with senators,in forming ISIL BOCO Karan ., and
others., this is why if one single MALL any where on earth is touched., the Carl Levin gets the blame from the White
PAY.THIS IS NOT A TEST..And to those who are playing hoaxes with the weather., SNOW IS WHITE MILITIA
PARADISE.they train with no electricity.
one thing 1 millions family size coffins ain`t for., and that is for 6 .5 billion people.but the other number sounds more
correct. Now the Question has to be asked again. what if The CIA and MOSSAD start doing their real jobs, and go after
the banks? who it seems are setting them up for a kill . One other thing about nuclear the Chinese.if there is a full
out nuclear war ./, it will not mean the end of the earth., simply because nuclear proponents will cancel out each
People have built large underground cities thinking that in some way, they will be sustained., all i can tell you, is that you
will have a long walk back up to the surface. because all the elevators will be powerless., all the nukes. cell phones., cars
so it won`t be the catastrophe to end all life., but enough to even more piss off people.
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Benjamin fulford february 23, 2015 cia put under lockdown by pentagon to stop nuclear terror but, cabal resistance pockets still remain - hipknowsys-blogspot-com

  • 1. Monday, February 23, 2015 Benjamin Fulford - February 23, 2015: CIA put under lockdown by Pentagon to stop nuclear terror but, cabal resistance pockets still remain The lunar year of the horse went out with a bang last week with an unprecedented Pentagon move to put CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia under lockdown. The raid on the CIA was, “among other things” aimed at locating the three rogue nukes the Zionazis have threatened to explode in the Ukraine, Pentagon sources say. Furthermore, the nuclear weapon headed for Stanlingrad (now Volvograd) has been seized by the Russians, the sources say. There was also an explosion near an airport close to CIA headquarters in West Virginia last week. US corporate news outlets describe the explosion as the result of a “train derailment” but local residents said it resembled a nuclear explosion. Footage can be seen here: explosion.cnn We can only speculate that somebody trying to flee the raid on the CIA met with a fiery death. The raid on the CIA came immediately after Ashton Carter was sworn in as the new US Defense Secretary. It did not go unnoticed that Carter was sworn in by Vice-President Joe Biden and not Barack Obama. The Pentagon raid on the CIA was a condition for keeping the government in Washington D.C. afloat after a February 17th payment deadline, according to Chinese and European sources. The shut-down of US West Coast shipping has also now ended in response to the Pentagon move against the terrorist Bush/Nazi CIA faction, the sources said. The European and Chinese sources also say that 200 nations have now agreed to a new financial system and world peace. The Germans and the French together with their allies have joined the BRICS alliance, sources in both these countries say. The Greeks and Germans have temporarily postponed their fight over Greek debt pending a visit to Japan in early March by German Chancellor Angela Merkel. She is expected to arrive around the same time as Michelle Obama. The obstacle to world peace and prosperity is now, according to European and Chinese sources, the US East coast Zionazi establishment, together with factions in London and the Vatican. The opposition to world peace in Italy comes from the old Gladio network consisting of the Ndrangheta Mafiosi in cooperation with the Zionazi ISIS Italian branch, according Italian P2 Freemason lodge MI5 sources. In the UK it is Evelyn de Rothschild and his servants like Jeremy Heywood, David Cameron and Tony Blair who are the problem, according to MI5. There are moves being taken against this faction inside the UK. Sir Malcolm Rifkind MP (former Foreign Secretary) Chair of the Defense and Security committee in the House of Commons (a powerful committee overseeing the intelligence services), has been caught in sting operation by the Daily Telegraph selling his services for cash. Rifkin is part of the Zionazi UK faction that has been beating the drums for war against Russia. In the United States, the Zionazi controlled department of Homeland Security is unable to find funding for after February. So, it is threatening terror attacks against US and Canadian shopping malls, this time by “Somalian” terrorists. This operation is being master-minded by former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, according to MI5 sources. “Recent signs suggest that Blair (who is now in Belgrade, Serbia) will be behind an attack on London using the usual suspects,” and that Gnostic Illuminati Grandmaster Alexander Romanov will be framed or “at least implicated.” 1.2kLikeLike Follow 1.2k FollowFollow @hipknowsys@hipknowsys 17.8Kfollowers Benjamin Fulford - February 17, 2015: Nukes in the Ukraine, lockdown at CIA, blockade of US West coast and more as takedown of cabal continues Benjamin Fulford - February 23, 2015: CIA put under lockdown by Pentagon to stop nuclear terror but, cabal resistance pockets still remain Message from Benjamin Fulford - Time To Set The People Free! Sheldan Nidle Update - February 17, 2015 Cobra - The Red and the Blue Freedom4humanity - Combining Surrender and Disclosure SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey - February 20, 2015 Benjamin Fulford - February 15, 2015: Questions from the pentagon and their answers Popular Posts 6 More Next Blog» Create Blog Sign In converted by
  • 2. Posted by Hipknowsys at 9:43 AM Labels: Benjamin Fulford Alexander Romanov showed up at this writer’s house last week battered and bruised. He said he spent the night evading 20 or more policemen who were trying to arrest him and take him to a mental hospital. He is now safe but his computer has been destroyed (yet again) and he will be laying low for a while. According to Romanov, Russian President Vladimir Putin is the real grandmaster behind the 311 nuclear and tsunami terror attacks against Japan. However, it is hard to see a motive for Putin to do this and our own investigations point directly at Tony Blair, the Bushes, Rothschilds and other cabal families. There have also been threats to stage a terrorist attack on Japan even bigger than 311. Recently people have been coming to this writer’s public speaking events and saying that the new year’s occult cover of the Economist magazine contained a threat against Japan. The questioners, or should Isay Rothschild agents, said the two arrows at the bottom right hand side of the cover picture with the numbers 115 and 113 meant that a new attack would take place on Japan on May 11th (511). The cover can be seen here: The same agents also said that a map of Japan minus the Kinki district (greater Osaka) was being shown at the Japanese freemason headquarters. The Economist is owned by the Cadbury, Rothschild, Schroder, Agnelli and other cabal families. They will be held accountable for any new atrocity. Dr. Michael Van de Meer AKA Michael Meiring told this writer the 311 tsunami and nuclear terror attack against Japan that killed 20,000 innocent people was aimed at forcing the evacuation of 40 million people from greater Tokyo to North Korea where the Rothschilds would move their new Asian financial headquarters. This failed and now we know which families were behind that and many other horrific terror attacks. They will not be allowed to attack Osaka. The North Korean faction that aided in the 311 attack against Japan has already been purged. The cabalist influence in Japan is now so low that cabal stooge Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the corrupted Simon Wiesenthal Center sent a Mossad agent to visit this writer and beg that Cooper not be put in jail because he “only banned one” of my books. The fact is Cooper is guilty of bribery, extortion and blackmail (at least) and belongs in jail together with many of his cohorts. It should also be noted that an active campaign has ongoing in China to remove cabal linked tycoons from this world. In recent years 76 Chinese billionaires have died unnatural deaths, according to the China Daily. OF these 17 “committed suicide, 16 were murdered, 8 died in accidents, 16 were executed, and 19 died from illness (at the average age of 48). There are now only 152 Chinese billionaires left. Chinese government sources say this is part of a purge of Maoists. Chairman Mao was the most senior cabal agent ever in China. All Chinese of influence connected to the Zionazi Bush and other cabal Zionazi faction families are targets of this purge, the source says. For these reasons the Zionazi cabalists are unlikely to be able to stage any more truly spectacular terror attacks in Asia. Instead they have been reduced to making threats against Western shopping malls using the terror group “Al Shabaab” that staged the recent attack on the Westfield Shopping Center in Nairobi, Kenya. The Westfield shopping center was owned by Frank Lowy, an Australian Jew who is a close associate of Larry Silverstein of World Trade Center 911 fame. Silverstein and Lowy have made a fortune on “terrorist insurance” after 911 and after the Westfield incident. Now this al- “Sham” baab is threatening the Westfield shopping center in London also owned by Lowy. The other mall they are threatening is the Mall of America owned by the Iranian Jewish Ghermezian family in Canada. and-Westfield-centres-in-new-terror-threat.html Needless to say, with shopping malls suffering from the weak economy and competition from online retailing, from the owner’s point of view it would be a great time for “terrorist” insurance fraud. And of course new terrorist attacks would be a great excuse to keep funding the Zionazi Department of Homeland Security. In any case, as large parts of Asia are on holiday this week, events are expected to slow down for now. In March the ongoing campaign to finally break the back of the cabal once and for all is expected to resume in earnest. The year of the sheep will be one of payback time and justice for the sheeple. Sources: +6 Recommend this on Google 7 comments: S0 News February 22, 2015 | HUGE Solar Blast - 'Killshot' will Miss Earth Gaia Portal - “Pops” of Enlightenment envelope all Gaia inhabitants in short order ▼ 2015 (131) ▼ February (59) Shots of Awe: The Power Of Ideas S0 News February 24, 2015 | Magnetic Storm, Anothe... Benjamin Fulford - February 23, 2015: CIA put unde... Gaia Portal - “Pops” of Enlightenment envelope all... S0 News February 23, 2015 | Solar Analysis, U-Yen ... S0 News February 22, 2015 | HUGE Solar Blast - 'Ki... Gaia Portal - Teleportations of enhanced advisory ... S0 News February 21, 2014 | Fireball, Earthspot, S... Message from Benjamin Fulford - Time To Set The Pe... Freedom4humanity - Combining Surrender and Disclos... Cobra - The Red and the Blue SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey - February 20, 2015 S0 News February 20, 2015 | Big Quakes, Comet Upda... Gaia Portal - “Stability” paradigms have been “exp... S0 News February 19, 2015 | Did A Star Once Enter ... S0 News February 18, 2015 | Magnetic Storm, Sun Po... Sheldan Nidle Update - February 17, 2015 Benjamin Fulford - February 17, 2015: Nukes in the... Shots of Awe: The Power of a Story S0 News February 17, 2015 | Large Earthquakes, Maj... S0 News February 16, 2015 | Major Storm Alerts, Sp... Gaia Portal - Up-leveling of all Hue-manity occurs... Benjamin Fulford - February 15, 2015: Questions fr... Cosmic Vision News - February 13, 2015 Cobra - Opening of the Box Update S0 News February 15, 2015 | Blog Archive converted by
  • 3. Replies Reply Ruben Quiroz February 23, 2015 at 11:49 AM Thank Ben for your work! The light forces are also working in the background doing the same. Victory to the light is near! Reply Bob Miller February 23, 2015 at 2:45 PM Hi Ben, thanks for your reporting. If it is necessary to help put communities back together again, our model would be a help. It can be seen at: If anyone would like to have a free book explaining the details of how the design has been done, the rational why the Communities are needed and the steps to implementing them, they can get it (until 31 March 2015) at Reply Reiki Master February 23, 2015 at 6:35 PM Couldnt resist! Reply Aware Shell February 23, 2015 at 8:17 PM Um... You forgot Netanyahu and his hommies, Ben. Quite a GLARING oversight there... Reply Joe Adam February 23, 2015 at 8:56 PM What? No news explaining the high level meeting between the suspected criminal Queen Elizabeth and Canada's (British Columbia) convict former Premier, Gordon Campbell, and former Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird who resigned immediately after his top level meeting with John Kerry on Feb 3 but showed up the 2 weeks later on Feb 19 to meet Queen Liz and Campbell in London at the Canadian High Commission. What was that all about, Ben? Reply George Roper February 24, 2015 at 3:31 AM Ben seems to think the paedo monarchy are ok. Which makes me distrust him. He also thinks the Vatican are ok. When we see the paedosadists of the uk been rounded up, including the inept and corrupt uk police, then, and only then will I truly believe a word of any take down. Until then it is hearsay, a bloggers opinion. No matter how many strained attempts to associate world events to an alleged takedown siculi February 24, 2015 at 4:47 AM Hypothetically.Question., what if MI6 MOSSAD CIA , and other White Branches of these departments., went after the exact bankers and families profiting from chaos? I know one thing., something of the sort will get the heat of of their back.,the banks,have to be deliberately targeting these agencies.When I was a lad. in Virginia.CIA FBI ,and any such group(s) was hush hush.THE CIA AND MOSSAD are being fingered with senators,in forming ISIL BOCO Karan ., and others., this is why if one single MALL any where on earth is touched., the Carl Levin gets the blame from the White militia community.AND TO ANYONE: THE WHITE ARMED MILITIA COMMUNITY IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, HAS WARNED: THAT IF THERE IS ANY MORE REAL TERROR ATTACKS, IN WHICH REAL PEOPLE, ESPECIALLY WHITE PEOPLE, ARE HURT IN ANY WAY, THE BENEFACTORS AND CULPRITS BEHIND IT WILL FIND HELL TO PAY.THIS IS NOT A TEST..And to those who are playing hoaxes with the weather., SNOW IS WHITE MILITIA PARADISE.they train with no electricity. one thing 1 millions family size coffins ain`t for., and that is for 6 .5 billion people.but the other number sounds more correct. Now the Question has to be asked again. what if The CIA and MOSSAD start doing their real jobs, and go after the banks? who it seems are setting them up for a kill . One other thing about nuclear the Chinese.if there is a full out nuclear war ./, it will not mean the end of the earth., simply because nuclear proponents will cancel out each other words WIDE SPREAD POWER FAILURES CAUSED BY ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSE WAVES WILL KNOCK OFF ANY ELECTRICITY DEVICES MAKING A FULL SCALE NUCLEAR WAR IMPOSSIBLE., PEOPLE WHO THINK THAT BEING IN BUNKERS UNDERGROUND WILL INSURE THEM WITH ELECTRICITY, HAVE NO BEARINGS ABOUT HOW THE SUN AND EARTH WORK.THE NORTHERN LIGHTS ARE THE ARCS,COMING FROM THE SPARK THAT THE SUN GIVES THE POSITIVE NORTH POLE., THIS IS WHAT CONTINUES EARTHS EXISTENCE AND ROTATION. NUCLEAR ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSE, WILL SERVE AS A MAGNETIC CLOUD WHICH WILL LIMITED THESE NATURAL PULSES FROM MAKING OUR ENERGY WORK PROPERLY., RUSSIA COULD TAKE THEIR BIGGEST NUKE , AND DETONATE IT OVER US SKIES AND NOT EVEN TOUCH THE EARTH , AND CREATE A CLOUD LARGE ENOUGH TO COVER THE CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES., AND THERE WILL BE NO ELECTRICITY IN THE UNITED STATES AT ALL.AND THIS EMP CLOUD IS NOT STATIONARY.SO ANY NATION WOULD BE VULNERABLE.BUT UNDER THIS EMP. THERE WILL BE NO ELECTRICITY AT ALL. ABOVE OR BELOW GROUND.,ACCOMPANIES BY A HOST OF NUCLEAR STROMS People have built large underground cities thinking that in some way, they will be sustained., all i can tell you, is that you will have a long walk back up to the surface. because all the elevators will be powerless., all the nukes. cell phones., cars so it won`t be the catastrophe to end all life., but enough to even more piss off people. Reply Exoplanet, Space Weath... 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