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Scream is a horror film with the sub genre of a slasher flick, directed by Wes Craven. The budget of
the film being made at 14 to 15 million and the box office gross being 175 million. The film has been
credited to revitalising the horror genre in the 1990's after the decline in the 1980's. The film had
gained cult status as it went on to become financially and critical acclaim, becoming the highest-
grossing slasher film in the US. I have chosen to analyse the opening of this film because I believe
that It is one of the best openings to a film. It sets up the threat within the film before anything else.
The opening to scream can be its own short film as it is masterfully crafted, as a stand alone story of a
teenage girl waiting for her boyfriend , the only connecting factor to the main narrative of the film is the
killer and reference to the killing. The opening revolves around Casey Becker portrayed by Drew
Barrymore. Casey is a teenager, who's home alone. The scene starts off as a unknown caller rings Casey.
The caller calls again and again, reluctantly Casey starts to have a conversation with the unknown
caller, the conversation turns slightly flirtatious, giving a glimpse to what type of horror film trope
character Casey is. Soon the conversation becomes sinister as the unknown caller becomes aggressive,
as Casey keeps hanging up on him. Casey becomes scared and starts to lock and check her doors. The
unknown caller tells Casey to turn on the patio lights to, when she does so it revels her boyfriend Steve
taped to a chair and covered in his own blood. Casey is told to turn off the light as her boyfriend insists
that she doesn't. The unknown caller wants to play a game in which Casey has to answer questions about
horror movies. After getting a question wrong, Steve is killed. The killer enters the house. As Casey is
evading the killer a car can be seen in the distance, this has Casey's family in the car , showing a slight
glimmer of hope for the character however the killer known as Ghostface at the last second gets Casey.
She is stabbed multiple times and is lynched on a tree. The Parents of Casey use the land line, they can
hear their daughters struggle for life.The Mother is the first to see Casey's body hung on the tree.
Location - The location of the opening is a home, most horror films use this location as someone's home is thought to be a safe location. This adds a aspect of
fear, as home invasion is a fear commonly depicted in horror films. As the opening goes on, the area surrounding the house is shown to the audience which is
farmlands, this shows the seclusion of the house. This also suggest that Casey cant find any help from surrounding homes. Casey maneuvers through the
house, however the most important rooms are the living room where she first reaches out for the phone and the kitchen where Casey plays with the kitchen
knife, plays the game with GhostFace and the popcorn burns distorting Casey's vision when trying to escape the house.
Lighting - At the start of the film the lighting in the film has a soft and welcoming light, the whole colour of the interior of the house is inviting with
the homely yellow lighting coming from in scene light sources. This makes the location, the house more inviting and it gives it a safe feel. When the popcorn
sets on fire the whole dynamic of the lighting and color changes. The scene becomes darker, with the use of on screen imagery and logic from the fire crated
from the burning popcorn, the smoke makes the whole house darker. This give the effect of danger entering the home. As the room gets darker we know that
GhostFace is close. Another use of lighting in the film is the headlights from Casey's parents car, this represented hope as the light was piercing through the
darkness of the night. Light is also used to emphasise the knife that the killer has, this is to add significance to the object, as a close up is also used. The knife is
emphasized by the glimmer artificial light hitting the steal.
Costume - In the opening scene we can see that Casey had a generic girl next door costume signifying the stereotype of a female high schooler within a
horror slasher film. Casey's costume consists of a white jumper, which may be suggesting innocence, however she is wearing makeup which signifies that she
may not be so innocent this is also backed up by Casey waiting for her boyfriend, this suggests the age old trope within horror films, sex equals death. The
makeup contradicts the use of the White jumper. Casey's boyfriend wears a letterman jacket which in America signifies the jock character archetype, this is
backed up by the threat that Casey uses for GhostFace, as she says he plays American Football. GhostFace's costume consists of his iconic mask and dark robe,
this is to make him look like the Grim Reaper or Death. Being dressed in all black represents danger and the main threat of the film.
Props - A main prop in the film that we first see is the phone, one of the first few shots are Casey's hand going for the phone. When using the prop Casey is
first playful with the unknown caller however when information slips out Casey gets worried about her safety. Another Key prop is the knife in the kitchen
which Casey plays with this is foreshadowing her death from being stabbed by GhostFace. Later she uses the knife to defend and herself from the killer. The
popcorn that Casey places on the oven is also a important prop as it changes the dynamic of the whole environment.
Movement of actors - At the start of the opening we can see that Casey is confident in her own home. Through the fact that she moves freely in her own
home. Until she starts talking to GhostFace and she starts to become less confident and scared as she is being threatened, this is shown in her performance as
she physically becomes more smaller in frame, she even rolls up into a ball.
The first shot in the opening is a close up of Casey's hand reaching out for the phone then titling up to a Mid shot. This is a important frame as
it is the initial starting of the saga. The start of the shot is static and then it tilts up to Casey revealing Drew Barrymores character. This shot
is significant because it is the first introduction of the focus character . The seamless movement shows that Casey is calm within her
surrounding and that she believed that the call was just a one off accidental call, this is to show the audience that it can happen to anyone,
from the normality of the shot. The establishing shot of the home is also key to the opening as the home looks like a normal house in the
suburbs the surrounding is not shown however the audience expects there to be homes surrounding the Backer home. The movement of
the shot goes from the top right corner to the bottom left. In the frame there is a swing that is gently being swung by the wind. However
the slow motion becomes slightly creepy as swings are associated with children, which always has a sinister meaning behind it.
Another key shot in the opening is a static mid shot of Casey playing with a knife while talking to the unknown caller, this foreshadows Casey's
death from a knife, however this wasn’t a close up, meaning that the filmmakers did not want the audience to pick up on the
foreshadowing. The shot suggests that Casey is relaxed while danger is close around the corner. As The opening goes along the shots used
become more compact and closer to Casey. This is used when it is clear that her life is in danger. This brings the audience closer to the
character while also making Casey look small within the world, this takes away her power and control of the situation. I like the use of the
tw0 shot as the killer is chasing down Casey, the two shot is a static shot but the two characters are running towards the audience, the
length of the shot is quite long as it also shows the initial stab by Ghostface. I have picked out this shot because of the intimacy of the first
stab , two shots are usually used to show the relation ship between two people however the two shot in the opening shows the power that
the killer has over Casey. GhostFace is right behind Casey and the length of the shot makes it out that Casey could have ran but there was
no hope for her as the killer was always behind her and getting closer. Another shot that I want to highlight is the tilted Pov shot in the
perspective of Casey watching her parents walk away from her, this was the characters last chance of hope of survival. I think that this shot
wanted to show the audience how it would psychologically feel when safety is close but you cant reach it. There is a instance where the
killer is also left vulnerable where Casey takes off the iconic GhostFace mask this is shown by the use of a close up of the mask while Casey's
hand reaches out for the mask. The Close up shot soon tilts up to a close up of the knife that the killer is using. The shot lingers on the knife,
the spent time with the shot shows that GhostFace is shaking.This shows the audience that the killer feels vulnerable without their mask.
Diegetic – The diegetic sound within the scream opening consists of dialogue, this is used to convey to the
audience what the characters are thinking, the use of this is also helps to give a insight on what their future
actions may consist of. I also believe that the lack of dialogue conveys a lot to the audience as the silence of
the character shows that they are scared. Other notable uses of Diegetic sound is the popcorn the sound
builds up this mirrors the escalation of the scene. As everything explodes metaphorically for Casey so does
the popcorn this is complimented by the diegetic sound. Emphasis is also given by the use of sound as it is
used for knives/blades as it is drawn or used. The sound of the phone ringing is one of the first notable
sounds heard in the opening as the audience is greeted with it, I believe that use of this sound is conveying to
the audience that anyone can receive a unknow call. This also makes the audience question if that the
normality of accidently receiving a wrong number can become sinister.
Non – Diegetic – The most obvious use of Non-diegetic sound is the background music. Most films have a
backing score. In horror films the use of music can help set the tempo of the atmosphere and create tension.
The music within the opening is used quite sparingly as most of the music is used in the second half of the
opening. A scream is used when the title is shown is which is also a Non-Diegetic use of sound, this is just to
co-exist with the title and maybe give a unexpected fright to the audience.
The pace of the opening starts off slow, and the scenes that are slow paced have longer takes,
this give the effect of the calmness and comfort that Casey had within the safety of her own
home. Even when the main threat and the unknown callers intentions are reveled there is a
period of slow pace This makes the final act more fast pace as the music is more intense and the
cuts are more prominent. The editing pace of the film starts off slow as it builds up to the boiling
point of the opening. The changes in pace at the end of the opening shows the true danger that
Casey is in. In the opening of scream the use of practical effects are prevalent. One example of
the use of practical effects is blood. In horror films and in any film blood is often a practical
effect, this is because it is simple to create, cost effective and easy to use. Another example of
practical effects is the use of a doll when hanging Casey from a tree. CGI is not used In the
opening of the film as using practical effects was more feasible. I think that the practical effects
were chosen over CGI because it was more applicable in the time when the film was being
made. The use of graphics within this horror opening uses logos of companies like Miramax
International and Dimension Films . The title of the film is also displayed after the logos of the
two companies.
Genre – The genre of the film scream is a horror film, the sub genre of the film is a Slasher Film. This is
because of the nature of the way the story is setup and the various uses of the code and conventions of a
horror slasher film.
Purpose - The purpose of the film was for Wes craven to re invigorate the Horror Film genre, Wes Craven
is a long time admirer of the Horror genre and he felt that the genre was dying in the mid 90's naturally
he wanted to direct his own Horror Film that would bring back the genre. Not much was put into the film
as the Budget was 14-15 million. I don’t believe that the main purpose of the film was to make money as
the genre was Dying. However with all Films there is a aspect of business where a profit must be made to
return to the studio. The opening grabs the audience through being self aware and skillful use of existing
codes and conventions. The opening is known as one of the best horror film openings as it is well crafted
and can be used as its own stand alone film. The horror aspect that the audience would have gone to view
would have been the defining factor to grab the audiences interest and keep them watching as GhostFace
kills the first and only character who's view of the opening. When Ghostface makes the first cut into Casey
the over use of blood and how the knife was so up close and personal was a shock for the viewer. The
opening engages the audience without giving away too much by keeping the killing of Casey a closed
incident that is only referenced within the main story, this makes the audience want to find out who has
killed the teen because the mask was removed in the opening and the audience did not see who it was
this adds a mystery aspect to the film, the audience would also want to know why.
The generic Conventions and characteristics seen within the opening of Scream is that sex equals
death as even hinting to the act may lead to death, Wes Craven is a key figure of the creation of
this convention within horror films as seen in his hit film Nightmare on Elm Street where the
character of Glen Lanzt played by Johnny Depp is killed just thinking about having sex. This is a
rule which is seen when using teenagers in horror films. Slasher films have rules about the
characters actions resulting in them getting their selves killed within the film, this is shown when
Casey is seen messing with a knife at the start of the scene, and when she say that she Is a fan of
horror movies yet gets a question wrong can also be considered as her actions leading to her
death. A staple of the horror genre is the feeling of being isolated. This is well done in the opening
as Casey is home alone, soon the location of the house is revealed, which is located on a farm with
no other homes near it. Casey Fits the character stereotype of the promiscuous blonde, this is
because at the start of the opening Casey is flirting with the unknown person on the phone. The
iconography that is used in the film that is tied to the genre is the use of the knife, horror films
often use sharp blades as it is more up front, close and personal. Another use of iconography that
fits with the genre is the over use of blood, the gore factor is sometimes draw for the audience.
After the film the Ghost Face mask became a staple and a recognisable subject.
The narrative being used in the film is linear which has the narrative that moves from beginning to end.
Todorov’s NarrativeTheory
1. Equilibrium – The beginning of the film and opening, has Casey living her care free life. Where there is no threat to her
life. The story starts as Casey picks up her landline and is talking to a unknown caller. She suggests that she is home alone
and that the unknown caller has mistakenly called the wrong home.Casey soon starts to flirt with the unknown caller.
2. Disruption (of equilibrium) – The conflict that breaks the normality is when the caller keeps calling the home, even as
Casey insists that the caller does not anymore. She starts to worry as the visuals show thatCasey is locking her doors.
3. Recognition – The protagonists realise the problem / conflict. Soon Casey realise that the caller is dangerous and
threating her life . It is also revealed that Ghost Face has her boyfriend.
4. Attempt to repair – This is the first attempt to stop / repair the problem/conflict, this is unsuccessful and increases the
tension from the problem/conflict. Ghost Face gives Casey a chance to save her boyfriend however she is unsuccessful at
answering the second question. The third question also puts Casey's life at risk because the last question that Ghost face
gives her is ,which door is he going to enter from.
5. New Equilibrium – 'The protagonists resolve the problem/conflict and create a new normality' however the protagonist
never wins in horror films . Eventually the killer brakes into the house, Casey escapes just to see the lights of her parents car
arriving home however she is brutally murdered at the last minute. Death Becomes the new Equilibrium for Casey.
The target audience of the film scream would be female teens/young adults near the age range of 16-21
with the socio-economic group E where they are Non-working, Casual or the lowest payed workers usually
as a young adult they would be working in retail/ fast food or are dependent on welfare in this case loans an
bursaries. In the Young and Rubican Theory the target audience can be represented by the Mainstream, this
would be people who would want to fit in, these types of people would live in the world of the domestic and
the everyday. This is the largest group within the theory. They respond to the big brands and well known
sources of media.
I think that the film subverts the expectations of the audience through the acknowledgment of other horror
films, this does not follow traditional films as horror films are not openly referenced this makes it out to the
audience that the killings can be happening in the world. Another expectation was that Casey was going to
be the main character as the whole opening of the film revolved around Casey this is subverted by killing her
off straight way, I believe that this did supervise the audiences expectations and would have surprised the
audience. Expectation of the film was that of the boyfriend being killed off and that there was going to be a
certain amount of blood and gore this follows the traditional expectations of the horror genre. The Film
Scram also uses the bus technique where there is a build up to a false jump then using the expectation that
did not happen there is a jump after the initial fake jump scare. I think that there death of the boyfriend was
expected because there had to be an aspect of death within the opening this fills the expectation of there
being a death within the opening, this is also reinforced by the character type that he boyfriend represents
the strong jock, until he is faced with the antagonist then he is useless.

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  • 1. SCREAM - HORROR FILM OPENING ANALYSIS Scream is a horror film with the sub genre of a slasher flick, directed by Wes Craven. The budget of the film being made at 14 to 15 million and the box office gross being 175 million. The film has been credited to revitalising the horror genre in the 1990's after the decline in the 1980's. The film had gained cult status as it went on to become financially and critical acclaim, becoming the highest- grossing slasher film in the US. I have chosen to analyse the opening of this film because I believe that It is one of the best openings to a film. It sets up the threat within the film before anything else.
  • 2. NARATIVE AND STORY The opening to scream can be its own short film as it is masterfully crafted, as a stand alone story of a teenage girl waiting for her boyfriend , the only connecting factor to the main narrative of the film is the killer and reference to the killing. The opening revolves around Casey Becker portrayed by Drew Barrymore. Casey is a teenager, who's home alone. The scene starts off as a unknown caller rings Casey. The caller calls again and again, reluctantly Casey starts to have a conversation with the unknown caller, the conversation turns slightly flirtatious, giving a glimpse to what type of horror film trope character Casey is. Soon the conversation becomes sinister as the unknown caller becomes aggressive, as Casey keeps hanging up on him. Casey becomes scared and starts to lock and check her doors. The unknown caller tells Casey to turn on the patio lights to, when she does so it revels her boyfriend Steve taped to a chair and covered in his own blood. Casey is told to turn off the light as her boyfriend insists that she doesn't. The unknown caller wants to play a game in which Casey has to answer questions about horror movies. After getting a question wrong, Steve is killed. The killer enters the house. As Casey is evading the killer a car can be seen in the distance, this has Casey's family in the car , showing a slight glimmer of hope for the character however the killer known as Ghostface at the last second gets Casey. She is stabbed multiple times and is lynched on a tree. The Parents of Casey use the land line, they can hear their daughters struggle for life.The Mother is the first to see Casey's body hung on the tree.
  • 4. MISE-EN-SCENE Location - The location of the opening is a home, most horror films use this location as someone's home is thought to be a safe location. This adds a aspect of fear, as home invasion is a fear commonly depicted in horror films. As the opening goes on, the area surrounding the house is shown to the audience which is farmlands, this shows the seclusion of the house. This also suggest that Casey cant find any help from surrounding homes. Casey maneuvers through the house, however the most important rooms are the living room where she first reaches out for the phone and the kitchen where Casey plays with the kitchen knife, plays the game with GhostFace and the popcorn burns distorting Casey's vision when trying to escape the house. Lighting - At the start of the film the lighting in the film has a soft and welcoming light, the whole colour of the interior of the house is inviting with the homely yellow lighting coming from in scene light sources. This makes the location, the house more inviting and it gives it a safe feel. When the popcorn sets on fire the whole dynamic of the lighting and color changes. The scene becomes darker, with the use of on screen imagery and logic from the fire crated from the burning popcorn, the smoke makes the whole house darker. This give the effect of danger entering the home. As the room gets darker we know that GhostFace is close. Another use of lighting in the film is the headlights from Casey's parents car, this represented hope as the light was piercing through the darkness of the night. Light is also used to emphasise the knife that the killer has, this is to add significance to the object, as a close up is also used. The knife is emphasized by the glimmer artificial light hitting the steal. Costume - In the opening scene we can see that Casey had a generic girl next door costume signifying the stereotype of a female high schooler within a horror slasher film. Casey's costume consists of a white jumper, which may be suggesting innocence, however she is wearing makeup which signifies that she may not be so innocent this is also backed up by Casey waiting for her boyfriend, this suggests the age old trope within horror films, sex equals death. The makeup contradicts the use of the White jumper. Casey's boyfriend wears a letterman jacket which in America signifies the jock character archetype, this is backed up by the threat that Casey uses for GhostFace, as she says he plays American Football. GhostFace's costume consists of his iconic mask and dark robe, this is to make him look like the Grim Reaper or Death. Being dressed in all black represents danger and the main threat of the film. Props - A main prop in the film that we first see is the phone, one of the first few shots are Casey's hand going for the phone. When using the prop Casey is first playful with the unknown caller however when information slips out Casey gets worried about her safety. Another Key prop is the knife in the kitchen which Casey plays with this is foreshadowing her death from being stabbed by GhostFace. Later she uses the knife to defend and herself from the killer. The popcorn that Casey places on the oven is also a important prop as it changes the dynamic of the whole environment. Movement of actors - At the start of the opening we can see that Casey is confident in her own home. Through the fact that she moves freely in her own home. Until she starts talking to GhostFace and she starts to become less confident and scared as she is being threatened, this is shown in her performance as she physically becomes more smaller in frame, she even rolls up into a ball.
  • 5. CAMERA The first shot in the opening is a close up of Casey's hand reaching out for the phone then titling up to a Mid shot. This is a important frame as it is the initial starting of the saga. The start of the shot is static and then it tilts up to Casey revealing Drew Barrymores character. This shot is significant because it is the first introduction of the focus character . The seamless movement shows that Casey is calm within her surrounding and that she believed that the call was just a one off accidental call, this is to show the audience that it can happen to anyone, from the normality of the shot. The establishing shot of the home is also key to the opening as the home looks like a normal house in the suburbs the surrounding is not shown however the audience expects there to be homes surrounding the Backer home. The movement of the shot goes from the top right corner to the bottom left. In the frame there is a swing that is gently being swung by the wind. However the slow motion becomes slightly creepy as swings are associated with children, which always has a sinister meaning behind it. Another key shot in the opening is a static mid shot of Casey playing with a knife while talking to the unknown caller, this foreshadows Casey's death from a knife, however this wasn’t a close up, meaning that the filmmakers did not want the audience to pick up on the foreshadowing. The shot suggests that Casey is relaxed while danger is close around the corner. As The opening goes along the shots used become more compact and closer to Casey. This is used when it is clear that her life is in danger. This brings the audience closer to the character while also making Casey look small within the world, this takes away her power and control of the situation. I like the use of the tw0 shot as the killer is chasing down Casey, the two shot is a static shot but the two characters are running towards the audience, the length of the shot is quite long as it also shows the initial stab by Ghostface. I have picked out this shot because of the intimacy of the first stab , two shots are usually used to show the relation ship between two people however the two shot in the opening shows the power that the killer has over Casey. GhostFace is right behind Casey and the length of the shot makes it out that Casey could have ran but there was no hope for her as the killer was always behind her and getting closer. Another shot that I want to highlight is the tilted Pov shot in the perspective of Casey watching her parents walk away from her, this was the characters last chance of hope of survival. I think that this shot wanted to show the audience how it would psychologically feel when safety is close but you cant reach it. There is a instance where the killer is also left vulnerable where Casey takes off the iconic GhostFace mask this is shown by the use of a close up of the mask while Casey's hand reaches out for the mask. The Close up shot soon tilts up to a close up of the knife that the killer is using. The shot lingers on the knife, the spent time with the shot shows that GhostFace is shaking.This shows the audience that the killer feels vulnerable without their mask.
  • 6. SOUND Diegetic – The diegetic sound within the scream opening consists of dialogue, this is used to convey to the audience what the characters are thinking, the use of this is also helps to give a insight on what their future actions may consist of. I also believe that the lack of dialogue conveys a lot to the audience as the silence of the character shows that they are scared. Other notable uses of Diegetic sound is the popcorn the sound builds up this mirrors the escalation of the scene. As everything explodes metaphorically for Casey so does the popcorn this is complimented by the diegetic sound. Emphasis is also given by the use of sound as it is used for knives/blades as it is drawn or used. The sound of the phone ringing is one of the first notable sounds heard in the opening as the audience is greeted with it, I believe that use of this sound is conveying to the audience that anyone can receive a unknow call. This also makes the audience question if that the normality of accidently receiving a wrong number can become sinister. Non – Diegetic – The most obvious use of Non-diegetic sound is the background music. Most films have a backing score. In horror films the use of music can help set the tempo of the atmosphere and create tension. The music within the opening is used quite sparingly as most of the music is used in the second half of the opening. A scream is used when the title is shown is which is also a Non-Diegetic use of sound, this is just to co-exist with the title and maybe give a unexpected fright to the audience.
  • 7. EDITING The pace of the opening starts off slow, and the scenes that are slow paced have longer takes, this give the effect of the calmness and comfort that Casey had within the safety of her own home. Even when the main threat and the unknown callers intentions are reveled there is a period of slow pace This makes the final act more fast pace as the music is more intense and the cuts are more prominent. The editing pace of the film starts off slow as it builds up to the boiling point of the opening. The changes in pace at the end of the opening shows the true danger that Casey is in. In the opening of scream the use of practical effects are prevalent. One example of the use of practical effects is blood. In horror films and in any film blood is often a practical effect, this is because it is simple to create, cost effective and easy to use. Another example of practical effects is the use of a doll when hanging Casey from a tree. CGI is not used In the opening of the film as using practical effects was more feasible. I think that the practical effects were chosen over CGI because it was more applicable in the time when the film was being made. The use of graphics within this horror opening uses logos of companies like Miramax International and Dimension Films . The title of the film is also displayed after the logos of the two companies.
  • 9. GENRE AND PURPOSE Genre – The genre of the film scream is a horror film, the sub genre of the film is a Slasher Film. This is because of the nature of the way the story is setup and the various uses of the code and conventions of a horror slasher film. Purpose - The purpose of the film was for Wes craven to re invigorate the Horror Film genre, Wes Craven is a long time admirer of the Horror genre and he felt that the genre was dying in the mid 90's naturally he wanted to direct his own Horror Film that would bring back the genre. Not much was put into the film as the Budget was 14-15 million. I don’t believe that the main purpose of the film was to make money as the genre was Dying. However with all Films there is a aspect of business where a profit must be made to return to the studio. The opening grabs the audience through being self aware and skillful use of existing codes and conventions. The opening is known as one of the best horror film openings as it is well crafted and can be used as its own stand alone film. The horror aspect that the audience would have gone to view would have been the defining factor to grab the audiences interest and keep them watching as GhostFace kills the first and only character who's view of the opening. When Ghostface makes the first cut into Casey the over use of blood and how the knife was so up close and personal was a shock for the viewer. The opening engages the audience without giving away too much by keeping the killing of Casey a closed incident that is only referenced within the main story, this makes the audience want to find out who has killed the teen because the mask was removed in the opening and the audience did not see who it was this adds a mystery aspect to the film, the audience would also want to know why.
  • 10. GENERIC CONVENTIONS AND CHARACTERISTICS The generic Conventions and characteristics seen within the opening of Scream is that sex equals death as even hinting to the act may lead to death, Wes Craven is a key figure of the creation of this convention within horror films as seen in his hit film Nightmare on Elm Street where the character of Glen Lanzt played by Johnny Depp is killed just thinking about having sex. This is a rule which is seen when using teenagers in horror films. Slasher films have rules about the characters actions resulting in them getting their selves killed within the film, this is shown when Casey is seen messing with a knife at the start of the scene, and when she say that she Is a fan of horror movies yet gets a question wrong can also be considered as her actions leading to her death. A staple of the horror genre is the feeling of being isolated. This is well done in the opening as Casey is home alone, soon the location of the house is revealed, which is located on a farm with no other homes near it. Casey Fits the character stereotype of the promiscuous blonde, this is because at the start of the opening Casey is flirting with the unknown person on the phone. The iconography that is used in the film that is tied to the genre is the use of the knife, horror films often use sharp blades as it is more up front, close and personal. Another use of iconography that fits with the genre is the over use of blood, the gore factor is sometimes draw for the audience. After the film the Ghost Face mask became a staple and a recognisable subject.
  • 11. NARRATIVE STRUCTURES INCLUDING APPLICATION OF NARRATIVE MODELS ANDTHEORY AND USE OF CHARACTERIZATION. The narrative being used in the film is linear which has the narrative that moves from beginning to end. Todorov’s NarrativeTheory 1. Equilibrium – The beginning of the film and opening, has Casey living her care free life. Where there is no threat to her life. The story starts as Casey picks up her landline and is talking to a unknown caller. She suggests that she is home alone and that the unknown caller has mistakenly called the wrong home.Casey soon starts to flirt with the unknown caller. 2. Disruption (of equilibrium) – The conflict that breaks the normality is when the caller keeps calling the home, even as Casey insists that the caller does not anymore. She starts to worry as the visuals show thatCasey is locking her doors. 3. Recognition – The protagonists realise the problem / conflict. Soon Casey realise that the caller is dangerous and threating her life . It is also revealed that Ghost Face has her boyfriend. 4. Attempt to repair – This is the first attempt to stop / repair the problem/conflict, this is unsuccessful and increases the tension from the problem/conflict. Ghost Face gives Casey a chance to save her boyfriend however she is unsuccessful at answering the second question. The third question also puts Casey's life at risk because the last question that Ghost face gives her is ,which door is he going to enter from. 5. New Equilibrium – 'The protagonists resolve the problem/conflict and create a new normality' however the protagonist never wins in horror films . Eventually the killer brakes into the house, Casey escapes just to see the lights of her parents car arriving home however she is brutally murdered at the last minute. Death Becomes the new Equilibrium for Casey.
  • 12. AUDIENCE EXPECTATIONS AND INTERPRETATION The target audience of the film scream would be female teens/young adults near the age range of 16-21 with the socio-economic group E where they are Non-working, Casual or the lowest payed workers usually as a young adult they would be working in retail/ fast food or are dependent on welfare in this case loans an bursaries. In the Young and Rubican Theory the target audience can be represented by the Mainstream, this would be people who would want to fit in, these types of people would live in the world of the domestic and the everyday. This is the largest group within the theory. They respond to the big brands and well known sources of media. I think that the film subverts the expectations of the audience through the acknowledgment of other horror films, this does not follow traditional films as horror films are not openly referenced this makes it out to the audience that the killings can be happening in the world. Another expectation was that Casey was going to be the main character as the whole opening of the film revolved around Casey this is subverted by killing her off straight way, I believe that this did supervise the audiences expectations and would have surprised the audience. Expectation of the film was that of the boyfriend being killed off and that there was going to be a certain amount of blood and gore this follows the traditional expectations of the horror genre. The Film Scram also uses the bus technique where there is a build up to a false jump then using the expectation that did not happen there is a jump after the initial fake jump scare. I think that there death of the boyfriend was expected because there had to be an aspect of death within the opening this fills the expectation of there being a death within the opening, this is also reinforced by the character type that he boyfriend represents the strong jock, until he is faced with the antagonist then he is useless.