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Academic, Poet, Critic
Ph.D., "Imag(in)ing the Mother: Transformative Images in the Epic Poetry of H.D.,"
Monash University, October 1989
Bachelor of Arts, Monash University, November 1984
First Class Honours in English Literature; minor sequences in Visual Arts and Classics
2014 - present:
 Project Leader, Doctoral Learning Program at Victoria University, in the
Graduate Research Centre. In addition to my general work supporting graduate
researchers, I also continue to supervise and examine in the areas of literary
studies and creative writing at VU.
 I have also acted as the external examiner for the Deakin honours and masters
cohorts in Creative Writing and Literary Studies.
 I have completed my most recent collection of poetry, Unexpected Clearing
(UWAP, forthcoming March 2016).
Address: 23 Greig Street, Seddon, Victoria 3011, Australia
Contact: m: 0419 578 827
D.O.B.: 7 January, 1961
Nationality: Australian
 In addition, I have also established a small business, The text factor, delivering
Guided Book Clubs to parents of VCE English students and wider community
readers. (
2014: I worked full-time in Writing, Communication and Culture at Victoria University.
This maternity leave replacement position has involved: coordinating, lecturing and
teaching in the 2 large first year literary studies subjects (Studying Poetry and Poetics,
Reading Contemporary Fiction); a 2nd year creative writing subject; a fourth year
humanities honours subject; co-supervising 3 PhD candidates; establishing a new staff
and p/g research seminar program; co-planning and delivering a graduate intensive
writing program; creating VuCollaborate (blended learning) web sites to support my
undergraduate subjects. I have also been a PhD examiner for UQ.
2009-2013: I worked as a freelance critic, poet and academic. My poetry collection
Even in the Dark was released by University of West Australia Press Publishing in July
2013. I have also taught in both the Literature and the Professional Writing Programs at
Victoria University (Studying Poetry and Poetics, and Editing Principles and Practice)
and I am also an external examiner for Deakin University’s Honours program. I have
also delivered a series of workshops and lectures to VCE literature students at a number
of schools. In addition, I have worked as an editor for Harris Park Group Consultants
2009-2013: During this period, I have also been an invited judge for the Western
Australian Premier’s Literary Awards, and have been Chair of the Committee, 2011-
2009-2013 I have been the external honours thesis moderator for Deakin University,
School of Communication and Creative Arts. In 2013, I will act as external examiner for
Deakin’s literary honours cohort.
I have acted as PhD examiner for Monash University.
I have provided lectures on literature (poetry and fiction) to VCE students at MLC,
Upwey Secondary, Mentone Girls Grammar School and Melbourne Girls College.
2008-2009: Visiting Scholar at Marlboro College, Vermont, USA
1988-2009: I taught in the English Section, School of English, Communications and
Performance Studies, Monash University. During this time, I taught in, devised and
coordinated a variety of undergraduate and honours level subjects in literature and in
film studies. I have also supervised more than 10 higher degree students through to
1998-2001: Maternity and extended leave without pay caring for my two young children
1995-1997: Director of Centre for Women's Studies, Monash University
January 1994 to July 1995: Lecturer in English and Deputy Director of Women's
Studies (Co-ordinator of Undergraduate Studies); 0.5/0.5 position
July 1988 -- December 1993: Lecturer in English and Cinema Studies, Monash
University (formerly Chisholm Institute of Technology)
1987-88 Fiction reader for Penguin Books Australia
Sessional Tutoring Positions: External Tutor and Assessor, Deakin University, March
1986 - June 1988, in introductory Literature and Creative Writing courses; Rusden
Campus, Victoria State College, March - June 1987, Literature Department; Monash
University, July 1986 - June 1988, Department of English; Gippsland Institute of
Advanced Education, March - June 1986, Department of English.
2015 Winner of Australian Poetry Offset Poetry Competition ‘Best Poetry Award’
2014 Winner of the Mary Gilmore Award: Best first book of poetry 2012-2014
2013 Shortlisted for Dorothy Porter Poetry Prize
2009 Runner up for ABR poetry prize
2008 Arts Faculty and Vice Chancellor funding to co-convene Poetry and the Trace: An
International Conference, State Library of Victoria, July 2008
2006 Arts Faculty funding to present paper at Stirling International Poetry Conference,
Scotland, July 2006
2005 Arts Faculty Travel grant to attend an international symposium of invited scholars
at Wesleyan University, Connecticut, “The Work of Mourning: Cultural Expressions of
Melancholia and Depression,” April 28-29 2005.
2004 Arts Faculty Travel grant to attend “The Open Eye: A Margaret Atwood
Symposium,” University of Ottawa, Canada, April 23-25 2004.
1996, October, Visiting Fellowship, Centre for Women’s Studies, Australian National
1996: Potter Foundation Travel Grant to attend Poetry and History Conference
1995: Co-recipient of DEET-funded grant, from the National Foundation of Cultures and
the Humantities ($70,000), to undertake Cultures of Mothering Project
1995: Co-recipient of grant from Monash Development Fund to support the application
of a new academic position within the Centre for Women’s Studies, to extend the
Centre’s operations within a cross-disciplinary and cross-faulty environment ($150,000)
1995: Arts Faculty Grant to support collaborative Large ARC Grant, ($1000)
1995: Monash Research Fund Grant to attend international conference in 1996 ($800)
1995: Arts Faculty funding support to attend international conference ($200)
1994: Co-recipient of a grant from the Monash Development Fund to undertake a series
of public seminars and the production of a related teaching video, for Women Changing:
Changing Women project ($116,000)
1991: Honorary Fellow at Women's Studies Research Center, University of Wisconsin,
Madison; Fall Semester
1985: Commonwealth Post-Graduate Scholarship
I am an enthusiastic teacher and see the teaching process as an integral part of the
intellectual life of the university. I value highly the experience of engendering skills of
analytical thinking in students, and in opening minds to the business of empathic seeing
and awareness which lies at the heart of the literary encounter.
At VU, out of my work in the Doctoral Learning Program, I have become involved in te
teaching of core PhD coursework unit, Conceptualising and Contextualising Research.
This has helped to consolidate my understanding of and support for inter-disciplinary
PhD development.
I am also a co-convenor of the Performing the Word writing workshop for PhD students.
This has been a wonderful opportunity to bring together the sense of writing as craft
which comes from my experience as a poet and a teacher of literature with my
knowledge of inter-disciplinary PhD needs and development.
I have also very much enjoyed the hands-on teaching required for VU’s diverse
undergraduate cohort and have worked in with 1st year transition programs there to
devise improved delivery at that transitional level. I have coordinated and taught:
Studying Poetry and Poetics (1st year)
Reading Contemporary Fiction (1st year)
Writing and Reading Place (creative writing/literary studies, 2nd year)
Humanities Honours Special Subject (4th year)
During my time at Monash I taught in a wide range of subjects in the areas of Literature,
Cinema Studies and Women’s/Gender Studies. My recent teaching areas are as follows:
I devised and personally co-ordinated the following subjects
Worlds in Conflict: Empire, Ideology, Margins (1st year)
Novel into Film (2nd/3rd year)
Reading Otherwise: Literature, Gender, Psychoanalysis (2nd/3rd year)
Poetics (4th/5th year)
I have also contributed to the following subjects:
Writing Women (2nd/3rd year)
Contemporary Women’s Fiction and Theory (2nd/3rd year)
Gender Body Performance (4th year)
I have also supervised many students at Honours, Masters and PhD levels, and continue
to draw on my wide range of experience as an examiner.
Unexpected Clearing: Poems University of West Australia Publishing, forthcoming
March 2016.
Even in the Dark: Poems. University of West Australia Publishing, 2013 (Winner of the
Mary Gilmore Award)
Bridgings: Critical Readings in Australian Women's Poetry co-authored with Lyn
McCredden, Oxford University Press, August 1996. This text, the result of collaborative
research and writing processes, provides a focused discussion of key contemporary
Australian women poets in the context of broader discursive debates about language,
representation and poetics.
Articles in Refereed Journals
‘When Grief Keeps Company: Poetic Language and Mourning the Mother in Sarah
Maguire’s “The Invisible Mender” and Lucie Brock-Broido’s “Soul Keeping
Company,”’ International Journal of Literary Humanities, Vol. 12, 2 (2015), pp. 11-17.
‘The NFSA’s Kodak/Atlab Cinema Collection: Jedda,’ Metro, No. 184 (Autumn 2015),
‘”Into Black Air”: Darkness and its Possibilities in the Poetry of Jane Kenyon,’
Plumwood Mountain, 1,1 (2014):
‘Review essay on Spielberg’s Lincoln,’ in Screen Journal, December 2013
Review essay on Whitlam: It’s Time, ABC documentary, Metro, November 2013
‘Growing Up is Hard to Do: Puberty Blues, Screen Journal (ATOM), March 2013.
‘The Getting of Wisdom,’ Metro Film Journal, October 2012
‘The Year My Voice Broke’ Metro Film Journal (ATOM), December 2011
“Gifts of Love, Gifts of Poison: Anne Sexton and the Poetry of Intimate Exchange,”
Life Writing vol. 6, 1 (April 2009): 45-59.
“Poetry in the Cut: Jane Kenyon and a poetics of Mourning,” Studio, 1, 2 (October
“The Poet is Always in Exile: Poetry and Mourning in Psalm 137,” The Bible and
Critical Theory Journal, 2, 5 (October 2007).
“Newsfront,” Metro Film Journal (ATOM), October 2007: 78-85.
“Radical Parturition and Literary Labours of Mourning: Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
and Rita Dove’s Motherlove,” Hecate 32, 2 (November 2006).
“Drifting in the Fields of Heaven: Mary Oliver and the Poetics of the Immeasurable,”
Rhizomes: Cultural Studies and Emerging Knowledge, on-line journal of Bowling Green
University, Ohio, US, 13 (Fall 2006).
“’Lines of confusion, stones of emptiness’: The Place of Mourning in Gwen Harwood’s
‘Herongate,’” Southerly, vol. 65, no. 3 (2005); 146-155.
“Theatres of Extremity: Permeable Subjectivity in The Thin Red Line, Xchanges, on-line
journal of Wayne State University, Michigan, May 2005.
“Anxiety and its Antidotes: Patricia Cornwell and the Forensic Body,” Literature
Interpretation Theory, 15, 3 (Fall 2004): 207-222.
“Double Hooks: American Women Poets Write the Maternal,” Australian Journal of
American Studies, 19, 1 (July 2000): 1-17.
“’The Giant Octopus is Dying: Maternal Archaeology in Dorothy Porter’s Crete,”
Southerly 58,1 (Autumn 1998): 49-66.
“Dragging it Out: Tales of Masculinity in Australian Cinema, from Crocodile Dundee to
Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, Journal of Australian Studies, 56 (1998): 138-146.
“Telling Maternity: Mothers and Daughters in Recent Women’s Fiction,” Australian
Feminist Studies 13, 27 (April 1998): 35-46.
“Ancient Continents: A Poetics of Place in Dorothy Porter’s Crete,” Southern Review
30, 2 (1997): 159-169.
“Body Tracking: Sex and Crime in Dorothy Porter’s The Monkey’s Mask,” The
Australian Feminist Law Journal 8 (March 1997): 27-38.
"Knife Edge: The Poetry of Gig Ryan," Mattoid (July 1996): 16-32.
"Enchiladas or Tacos? Food, Families and Frontiers in Like Water for Chocolate," Island
60-61(Spring/Summer 1994): 65-68.
"'Something left over': Memory and Excess in H.D.'s End To Torment and `Winter
Love,'" Literature and Psychology, XXXIX, no. 4 (1993),28-64.
"A Witch's Appetite: Anne Sexton's Transformations," Southern Review 26, 2 (June
"Deadly Ambivalence, or the Family Romance in Dead Calm", Film Literature
Quarterly, 21,2 (1993): 121-29.
"The Parturition of Memory in Toni Morrison's Beloved, Australasian Journal of
American Studies, Vol.10 no.1 (July, 1991): 39-48.
"Women Gone West: An Introductory Study of Women in Westerns", Cinema Papers,
No. 72 (March 1989)": 42-44.
"Re(reading)-Writing the Palimpsest of Myth: The Poetics of H.D.", Southern Review,
21, No. 1, (March 1988): 43-57.
"`The Great Sex Spiral': The Poetics of William Carlos Williams," Australasian Journal
of American Studies, Vol. 4, No. 2 (December, 1985): 21-33.
Articles in Edited Volumes
Entry on Dorothy Porter, Dictionary of Literary Biography: Australian Writers 1975-
2000, Vol. 325. (ed.) Selina Samuels. Detroit: Thomson Gale, 2006, pp. 266-272.
“Sally Potter’s Orlando,” 24 Frames of British Cinema (ed.) Brian McFarlane,
Wallflower Press, London, 2005, 217-226.
“Incandescence: The Power of What is not There in Margaret Atwood’s Mourning in the
Burned House,” Margaret Atwood: The Open Eye, (ed.) John Moss, University of
Ottawa Press, November 2006.
“Oscar and Lucinda: Of glass, water and guilt,” 24 Frames of Australian Cinema (ed.)
Geoff Mayer, Wallflower Press, London, 2006.
“Narratives, Terminable and Interminable: Psychoanalysis and Margaret Atwood’s Alias
Grace, History on the Couch: Essays in History and Psychoanalysis, (eds.) Joy Damousi
and Robert Reynolds. Melbourne University Press, 2003, pp.177-187.
“Original Sins: Imaging Maternity in Australian Cinema,” The Fertile Imagination:
Narratives of Reproduction,” A special book edition of Meridian (18, 2, 2002), pp.243-
“Maternal Images in Australian Cinema,” Oxford Companion to Australian Cinema (ed)
Bertrand, Meyer, McFarlane, OUP, 1999)
“Dragging it Out: Tales of Masculinity in Australian Cinema from Crocodile Dundee to
Priscilla, Queen of the Desert,” Australian Masculinities: men and their histories (ed)
Clive Moore and Kay Saunders, Journal of Australian Studies 56 (1998): 138-146.
"Translations on the Poetic Canvas: J.S.Harry's Imaginary Pelicans," The Space of
Poetry (eds.) Stephanie Trigg and Lyn McCredden, (Melbourne University Literary and
Cultural Studies, Vol. 3, 1996), pp.171-182.
"The Gendered Battlefield: Sex and Death in Gallipoli, in Gender and War (Ed) Joy
Damousi and Marilyn Lake (Cambridge University Press, 1995), pp. 148-161
"'Round the Block": Back to the Suburb in Return Home", in Beasts of Suburbia (Ed)
Chris Heeley (Melbourne University Press, 1994), pp. 111 - 126.
"Beyond Limits: The Killing Fields," Viewpoints on Film, (Melbourne: Longman
Cheshire, 1992), pp. 34-42.
Critical entry on J.S. Harry for Contemporary Poets, (London: St. James Press, 1991).
"Sylvia Plath and Adrienne Rich: Women Poets in Collision with Dominant Ideology",
Myth and Ideology Handbook, (Deakin University Press, 1990), pp. 110-25.
“Fatal Application: Sylvia Plath's `The Applicant'," Viewpoints 1990 (Melbourne:
Longman Cheshire, 1990), pp. 67-72.
"A Failure to See: Emily Dickinson's `I Heard a Fly Buzz'", Viewpoints 89 (Melbourne:
Longman Cheshire, 1989), pp. 27-30.
"`In the spaces of the sky ... our eyes hunt stars': Creating Possibilities in the Poetry of
J.S. Harry", Poetry and Gender: Issues in Australian Women's Poetry and Poetics, (St.
Lucia: QUP, 1989), pp. 231-41.
"Fishing the lake of memory: Marilynne Robinson's Housekeeping, H.S.C. Resource
Book (Melbourne: Dove Publications, 1990), pp. 57-61.
"A World Upside Down: David Malouf's Fly Away Peter", H.S.C. Resource Book
(Melbourne: Dove, 1988), pp. 43-48.
"Threads of Longing: Anne Tyler's Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant", H.S.C.
Resource Book 1988 (Melbourne: Dove Publications, 1988), pp. 54-60.
"In Pursuit of Perfection: Judith Wright's `Woman to Man'", Viewpoints 88 (Melbourne:
Longman Cheshire, 1988), pp. 68-71.
"Fear of Total Neutrality: Sylvia Plath's `Black Rook in Rainy Weather'", Viewpoints 87
(Melbourne: Longman Cheshire, 1987), pp. 50-53.
Rod Jones, The Mothers, Australian Book Review No. 372 (June-July 2015), p. 44.
Poetry Reviewing for Australian Book Review, 2007 – present. Eg: a review of Judy
Johnson (October 2013), Tracey Ryan (July 2014), Jeri Kroll (July 2014), Anne Elvey,
Ania Walwicz (October 2014)
Judith Bishop’s Event, Australian Book Review, October 2007.
M.T.C.’s Cronin’s Flower, Australian Book Review, 2006.
Hazel Smith’s Hyperscapes in the Poetry of Frank O’Hara, Australasian Journal of
American Studies, 22, 1 (July 2003): 132-134.
“Planetary Influences: Dorothy Porter’s Wild Surmise,” Hecate’s Australian Women’s
Book Review 14, 2 (2002) (
Brett Farmer’s Spectacular Passions: Cinema, Fantasy, Gay Male Spectatorship,”
Australasian Journal of American Studies, 21,2 December 2002, pp.139-141.
"Rosie Scott's Movie Dreams and Justine Ettler's The River Ophelia The Sunday Age,
(August 1995).
"Eating the Experience: New Women's Poetry," Australian Women's Book Review vol.
7.2 (July 1995), pp.9-10.
"Salman Rushdie's East West," The Sunday Age, (December 94).
"Jeanette Winterson's Art and Lies," The Sunday Age, (October 94).
"Scott Murray's New Australian Cinema, “The Sunday Age (September 94).
"Thea Astely's Coda," The Sunday Age (June 1994).
"Delusion," Cinema Papers 94 (August 93):42-3.
"Getting Queer: Lillian Faderman's Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers: A History of Lesbian
Life in Twentieth-Century America, Australian Women's Book Review, 5,2 June 93): 3.
"Umberto Eco's Misreadings," The Sunday Age, August 8, 1993.
"Isabelle Allende's The Infinite Plan," The Sunday Age, June 20 1993.
"Stories to Conquer Fear: Ben Okri's Songs of Enchantment, The Sunday Age May 30,
H.D.'s Freudian Poetics, Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature, 12, 1, (May 1993): 88-90.
"Uncanny Fantasy: Jacqueline Rose's The Haunting of Sylvia Plath," AUMLA, No. 80
(November 1993):129-30.
"`Her Kind' of Life Writing: Anne Sexton: A Biography (Dianne Wood Middlebrook),
Australian Women's Book Review, 4,4 (December 1992:44-5.
"'Unstitching the Syntax: Gillian Hanscombe's Sybil," Australian Women's Book Review,
4, 2 (June 1992): 10-11.
"Courting Harrassment: Frankie and Johnny," Cinema Papers, 87 (March-April 1992):
"Talking Some More About Sex": Moments of Desire, (ed. Hawthorne and Pausacker)
and Working Hot (Mary Fallon)", Lilith, 7 (Winter 1991):130-36.
"Walking between water and land: Shirley Geok-lin Lim's Modern Secrets", Australian
Women's Book Review, 2, 3 (September 1990): 6-8.
"Not Being Echo: Voices in Women's Fiction", Australian Feminist Studies, 10
(Summer 1989): 131-35.
Academic Papers Presented
‘The Shimmering Image’: Poetry and an Ethics of Reading,’ Literary Networks
Convention, UOW, July 2015
‘A Space Between: Judith Wright and poetics of possibility,’ WCC Seminar, Victoria
University, March 2014.
“The Feast of Death: Gwen Harwood and Jane Kenyon,” Mourning and its Hospitalities,
University of Queensland, July 2007.
Judith Wright, ASAL, University of Queensland, July 2007
“Poetry and the Heavy Heart,” Women and Depression Conference, Carlton Crest Hotel,
Sydney, May 2007
“In the Cut: Jane Kenyon’s Poetics of Loss and Consolation,” Poetry and Politics
Conference, Stirling University, Scotland, July 2006.
“’Lines of confusion, stones of emptiness’: The Place of Mourning in Gwen Harwood’s
‘Herongate’”. Invited presentation at International Symposium on Mourning, Wesleyan
University, Connecticut, April 2005.
“Incandescence: The power of What is not there in Margaret Atwood’s Mourning in the
Burned House,” Margaret Atwood: The Open Eye, International Symposium, University
of Ottawa, April 2004.
“’Lines of Confusion, Stones of Emptiness’: The Place of Mourning in Gwen
Harwood’s ‘Herongate.’” CCLS seminar series, October 2004, Monash University.
“Chambers of the Mind: Anne Sexton and a Poetics of Depression,” Broadbands
Conference, Monash University, December 2003.
“Recollection, Guilt and Loss in Random Harvest,” Film and History Conference,
Flinders University, Adelaide, November 2002.
“Theatres of Extremity: Permeable Subjectivity in The Thin Red Line,” Gender Identity
War Conference, Melbourne Town Hall, July 2002.
“Patricia Cornwell and the Forensic Body,” Assoc. of Australasian American Studies
Conference, Geelong, July 2002.
“Ancient Continents: A Geography of Memory in Dorothy Porter’s ‘Auroral Corona
with Two Figures’”, Poetry and History Conference, Stirling University, Scotland, July
“Ancient Continents: A Geography of Memory in Dorothy Porter’s ‘Auroral Corona
with Two Figures’”, Monash University English Department Seminar, May 1996.
"Tracking the Body: Dorothy Porter's The Monkey's Mask, at ASAL conference,
Adelaide. July 1995.
"Enchiladas or tacos? Food, Families and Frontiers in Like Water for Chocolate,"
ANZASA conference, University of Melbourne, July 1994.
"War, and the Bad Faith of Masculinity," Film and History Conference, Latrobe
University, December 3, 1993.
"Translations on the Poetic Canvas: J.S.Harry's Imaginary Pelicans," The Space of
Poetry Conference, University of Melbourne, November 6, 1993.
"The Gendered Battlefield: Sex and Death in Gallipoli," ASAL (Association for the
Study of Australian Literature), University of Western Australia, July 9, 1993.
"A Witch's Appetite: Anne Sexton's Transformations," Department of English, Monash
University, May 1992. Also delivered at ANZASA Conference, Flinders University,
July 19, 1992.
"Memory and Excess: H.D.'s `Winter Love' and End To Torment," Women's Studies
Research Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, November 15, 1991.
"The Parturition of Memory: Toni Morrison's Beloved", ANZASA (Australian and New
Zealand American Studies Association), University of Sydney, July 3, 1990.
"Adrienne Rich and the problem of Feminist Transcendence", Deakin University,
December 12, 1989.
Joint paper with Dr. Bain Attwood, "Complex Identity in Sally Morgan's My Place",
History Department, Monash University, May 26, 1989.
"Patterns of Desire in H.D.'s Epic Poetry", AULLA Conference, February 1989 (invited
"H.D. and Alchemical Mythmaking", Post-graduate Conference, Latrobe University,
October 1987.
"Re(reading)-Writing the Palimpsest of Myth: An Introduction to the Poetics of H.D.",
Staff Seminar, Monash University, September 1987.
"Feminist Mythmaking in the Poetry of H.D.", Post-Graduate Conference in English,
Monash University, June 27, 1986.
Unexpected Clearing, University of West Australia Publishing, forthcoming 2016
‘Daughters,’ Westerly 60, 1 (2015)
‘Five Years, and Still,’ Anthology of Loss, (ed.) Gina Mercer and Terry Whitebeach,
forthcoming 2015
‘What Isaac Newton Saw,’ Plumwood Mountain, 2015
‘Daughters’ Westerly, July 2015
Even in the Dark: Poems. University of West Australia Press, 2013.
‘A Capella: On Hearing the Tallis Scholars,’ Cordite 45 (Feb 2014)
‘Unexpected Fall,’ Plumwood Mountain, February 2014
‘Under the Wave,’ Westerly, December 2013
“Not Here,” Meanjin, September 2013.
“Rays,” Meanjin, (December 2011)
“Lavender,” Heat 21 (December 2009)
“Autumn Pelican,” Heat 21 (December 2009)
“Even in the Dark,” Meanjin 68, 2 (2009); also The Best Australian Poems 2009 (ed)
Robert Adamson, Black Inc.
“Yellow Jacket,” Australian Book Review, May 2009
“Clothesline,” The Hidden Life of the Suburbs: Seagull Poetry Prize 2009.
“See,” ” The Hidden Life of the Suburbs: Seagull Poetry Prize 2009.
“Carrying, 1978,” Heat 2009
“Harmonic,” Meanjin, 67, 2 (2008)
“Unmade,” Heat 12 (2006), p. 56; also The Best Australian Poems 2007 (ed. Peter
Rose), Black Inc.
“Window,” Australian Book Review (December 2006), p. 33.
“Qana” Meanjin 66, 2 (2007)
“Gift,” Meanjin 64, 1-2 (2005)
“On the Death of my Father,” Aroostook Review (University of Maine)
“To Celebrate Monica,” Aroostook Review
“Storm,” Aroostook Review
Winner Mary Gilmore Award: Best first book of Poetry 2012-2014
Shortlisted for Dorothy Porter Poetry Prize, 2013
People’s Poetry Prize Winner, Williamstown Literary Festival, May 2010, for “My
Mother in Hospital”
“Clothesline,” runner-up The Seagull Poetry Prize, Williamstown Literary Festival,
May 2009-11-25
“Yellow Jacket,” shortlisted The Australian Book Review Poetry Prize, May 2009
“Period,” shortlisted for Society of Women Writers National Poetry Prize, November
Williamstown Literary Festival, May 2014
‘Tracking the Bay: A Poetic Sequence,’ at ASAL conference (Association of
Studies in Australian Literature,’ Queenscliff, October 2013
Collected Works Bookstore, Melbourne, September 2013
Poets at Fed Square, November 2013
University of WA, Westerly Centre, September 2013
Fremantle PoetryGroup, September 2013
Deakin University, Poetics Seminar, 20 August 2013
Monash University, ‘Even in the Dark: Poetry and Dream, 5 August 2013
Yarraville Festival, February 2011
Poet in Residence reading at Marlboro College, Vermont, September 2009 and
November 2010
Fellowship of Australian Writers at Federation Square, Melbourne July 2009
Poetry Idol, June 2009
Prize winner reading, Williamstown Literary Festival, May 2009
Marlboro College, Vermont, October 2008
Poetry and Politics Conference, University of Stirling, Scotland, July 2006
Assumption College, Massachusetts, April 2005

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  • 1. 1 DR ROSE LUCAS Academic, Poet, Critic CURRICULUM VITAE EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Ph.D., "Imag(in)ing the Mother: Transformative Images in the Epic Poetry of H.D.," Monash University, October 1989 Bachelor of Arts, Monash University, November 1984 First Class Honours in English Literature; minor sequences in Visual Arts and Classics EMPLOYMENT 2014 - present:  Project Leader, Doctoral Learning Program at Victoria University, in the Graduate Research Centre. In addition to my general work supporting graduate researchers, I also continue to supervise and examine in the areas of literary studies and creative writing at VU.  I have also acted as the external examiner for the Deakin honours and masters cohorts in Creative Writing and Literary Studies.  I have completed my most recent collection of poetry, Unexpected Clearing (UWAP, forthcoming March 2016). PERSONAL DETAILS Address: 23 Greig Street, Seddon, Victoria 3011, Australia Contact: m: 0419 578 827 e: D.O.B.: 7 January, 1961 Nationality: Australian
  • 2. 2  In addition, I have also established a small business, The text factor, delivering Guided Book Clubs to parents of VCE English students and wider community readers. ( 2014: I worked full-time in Writing, Communication and Culture at Victoria University. This maternity leave replacement position has involved: coordinating, lecturing and teaching in the 2 large first year literary studies subjects (Studying Poetry and Poetics, Reading Contemporary Fiction); a 2nd year creative writing subject; a fourth year humanities honours subject; co-supervising 3 PhD candidates; establishing a new staff and p/g research seminar program; co-planning and delivering a graduate intensive writing program; creating VuCollaborate (blended learning) web sites to support my undergraduate subjects. I have also been a PhD examiner for UQ. 2009-2013: I worked as a freelance critic, poet and academic. My poetry collection Even in the Dark was released by University of West Australia Press Publishing in July 2013. I have also taught in both the Literature and the Professional Writing Programs at Victoria University (Studying Poetry and Poetics, and Editing Principles and Practice) and I am also an external examiner for Deakin University’s Honours program. I have also delivered a series of workshops and lectures to VCE literature students at a number of schools. In addition, I have worked as an editor for Harris Park Group Consultants 2009-2013: During this period, I have also been an invited judge for the Western Australian Premier’s Literary Awards, and have been Chair of the Committee, 2011- 2013. 2009-2013 I have been the external honours thesis moderator for Deakin University, School of Communication and Creative Arts. In 2013, I will act as external examiner for Deakin’s literary honours cohort. I have acted as PhD examiner for Monash University. I have provided lectures on literature (poetry and fiction) to VCE students at MLC, Upwey Secondary, Mentone Girls Grammar School and Melbourne Girls College. 2008-2009: Visiting Scholar at Marlboro College, Vermont, USA 1988-2009: I taught in the English Section, School of English, Communications and Performance Studies, Monash University. During this time, I taught in, devised and coordinated a variety of undergraduate and honours level subjects in literature and in
  • 3. 3 film studies. I have also supervised more than 10 higher degree students through to completion. 1998-2001: Maternity and extended leave without pay caring for my two young children 1995-1997: Director of Centre for Women's Studies, Monash University January 1994 to July 1995: Lecturer in English and Deputy Director of Women's Studies (Co-ordinator of Undergraduate Studies); 0.5/0.5 position July 1988 -- December 1993: Lecturer in English and Cinema Studies, Monash University (formerly Chisholm Institute of Technology) 1987-88 Fiction reader for Penguin Books Australia Sessional Tutoring Positions: External Tutor and Assessor, Deakin University, March 1986 - June 1988, in introductory Literature and Creative Writing courses; Rusden Campus, Victoria State College, March - June 1987, Literature Department; Monash University, July 1986 - June 1988, Department of English; Gippsland Institute of Advanced Education, March - June 1986, Department of English. AWARDS and GRANTS 2015 Winner of Australian Poetry Offset Poetry Competition ‘Best Poetry Award’ 2014 Winner of the Mary Gilmore Award: Best first book of poetry 2012-2014 2013 Shortlisted for Dorothy Porter Poetry Prize 2009 Runner up for ABR poetry prize 2008 Arts Faculty and Vice Chancellor funding to co-convene Poetry and the Trace: An International Conference, State Library of Victoria, July 2008
  • 4. 4 2006 Arts Faculty funding to present paper at Stirling International Poetry Conference, Scotland, July 2006 2005 Arts Faculty Travel grant to attend an international symposium of invited scholars at Wesleyan University, Connecticut, “The Work of Mourning: Cultural Expressions of Melancholia and Depression,” April 28-29 2005. 2004 Arts Faculty Travel grant to attend “The Open Eye: A Margaret Atwood Symposium,” University of Ottawa, Canada, April 23-25 2004. 1996, October, Visiting Fellowship, Centre for Women’s Studies, Australian National University 1996: Potter Foundation Travel Grant to attend Poetry and History Conference 1995: Co-recipient of DEET-funded grant, from the National Foundation of Cultures and the Humantities ($70,000), to undertake Cultures of Mothering Project 1995: Co-recipient of grant from Monash Development Fund to support the application of a new academic position within the Centre for Women’s Studies, to extend the Centre’s operations within a cross-disciplinary and cross-faulty environment ($150,000) 1995: Arts Faculty Grant to support collaborative Large ARC Grant, ($1000) 1995: Monash Research Fund Grant to attend international conference in 1996 ($800) 1995: Arts Faculty funding support to attend international conference ($200) 1994: Co-recipient of a grant from the Monash Development Fund to undertake a series of public seminars and the production of a related teaching video, for Women Changing: Changing Women project ($116,000) 1991: Honorary Fellow at Women's Studies Research Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Fall Semester 1985: Commonwealth Post-Graduate Scholarship
  • 5. 5 TEACHING I am an enthusiastic teacher and see the teaching process as an integral part of the intellectual life of the university. I value highly the experience of engendering skills of analytical thinking in students, and in opening minds to the business of empathic seeing and awareness which lies at the heart of the literary encounter. At VU, out of my work in the Doctoral Learning Program, I have become involved in te teaching of core PhD coursework unit, Conceptualising and Contextualising Research. This has helped to consolidate my understanding of and support for inter-disciplinary PhD development. I am also a co-convenor of the Performing the Word writing workshop for PhD students. This has been a wonderful opportunity to bring together the sense of writing as craft which comes from my experience as a poet and a teacher of literature with my knowledge of inter-disciplinary PhD needs and development. I have also very much enjoyed the hands-on teaching required for VU’s diverse undergraduate cohort and have worked in with 1st year transition programs there to devise improved delivery at that transitional level. I have coordinated and taught: Studying Poetry and Poetics (1st year) Reading Contemporary Fiction (1st year) Writing and Reading Place (creative writing/literary studies, 2nd year) Humanities Honours Special Subject (4th year) During my time at Monash I taught in a wide range of subjects in the areas of Literature, Cinema Studies and Women’s/Gender Studies. My recent teaching areas are as follows: I devised and personally co-ordinated the following subjects Worlds in Conflict: Empire, Ideology, Margins (1st year) Novel into Film (2nd/3rd year) Reading Otherwise: Literature, Gender, Psychoanalysis (2nd/3rd year) Poetics (4th/5th year) I have also contributed to the following subjects: Writing Women (2nd/3rd year)
  • 6. 6 Contemporary Women’s Fiction and Theory (2nd/3rd year) Gender Body Performance (4th year) I have also supervised many students at Honours, Masters and PhD levels, and continue to draw on my wide range of experience as an examiner.
  • 7. 7 PUBLICATIONS Books Unexpected Clearing: Poems University of West Australia Publishing, forthcoming March 2016. Even in the Dark: Poems. University of West Australia Publishing, 2013 (Winner of the Mary Gilmore Award) Bridgings: Critical Readings in Australian Women's Poetry co-authored with Lyn McCredden, Oxford University Press, August 1996. This text, the result of collaborative research and writing processes, provides a focused discussion of key contemporary Australian women poets in the context of broader discursive debates about language, representation and poetics. Articles in Refereed Journals ‘When Grief Keeps Company: Poetic Language and Mourning the Mother in Sarah Maguire’s “The Invisible Mender” and Lucie Brock-Broido’s “Soul Keeping Company,”’ International Journal of Literary Humanities, Vol. 12, 2 (2015), pp. 11-17. ‘The NFSA’s Kodak/Atlab Cinema Collection: Jedda,’ Metro, No. 184 (Autumn 2015), pp.102-111. ‘”Into Black Air”: Darkness and its Possibilities in the Poetry of Jane Kenyon,’ Plumwood Mountain, 1,1 (2014): darkness-and-its-possibilities-in-the-poetry-of-jane-kenyon-by-rose-lucas/ ‘Review essay on Spielberg’s Lincoln,’ in Screen Journal, December 2013 Review essay on Whitlam: It’s Time, ABC documentary, Metro, November 2013 ‘Growing Up is Hard to Do: Puberty Blues, Screen Journal (ATOM), March 2013. ‘The Getting of Wisdom,’ Metro Film Journal, October 2012
  • 8. 8 ‘The Year My Voice Broke’ Metro Film Journal (ATOM), December 2011 “Gifts of Love, Gifts of Poison: Anne Sexton and the Poetry of Intimate Exchange,” Life Writing vol. 6, 1 (April 2009): 45-59. “Poetry in the Cut: Jane Kenyon and a poetics of Mourning,” Studio, 1, 2 (October 2007). “The Poet is Always in Exile: Poetry and Mourning in Psalm 137,” The Bible and Critical Theory Journal, 2, 5 (October 2007). “Newsfront,” Metro Film Journal (ATOM), October 2007: 78-85. “Radical Parturition and Literary Labours of Mourning: Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Rita Dove’s Motherlove,” Hecate 32, 2 (November 2006). “Drifting in the Fields of Heaven: Mary Oliver and the Poetics of the Immeasurable,” Rhizomes: Cultural Studies and Emerging Knowledge, on-line journal of Bowling Green University, Ohio, US, 13 (Fall 2006). “’Lines of confusion, stones of emptiness’: The Place of Mourning in Gwen Harwood’s ‘Herongate,’” Southerly, vol. 65, no. 3 (2005); 146-155. “Theatres of Extremity: Permeable Subjectivity in The Thin Red Line, Xchanges, on-line journal of Wayne State University, Michigan, May 2005. “Anxiety and its Antidotes: Patricia Cornwell and the Forensic Body,” Literature Interpretation Theory, 15, 3 (Fall 2004): 207-222. “Double Hooks: American Women Poets Write the Maternal,” Australian Journal of American Studies, 19, 1 (July 2000): 1-17. “’The Giant Octopus is Dying: Maternal Archaeology in Dorothy Porter’s Crete,” Southerly 58,1 (Autumn 1998): 49-66. “Dragging it Out: Tales of Masculinity in Australian Cinema, from Crocodile Dundee to Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, Journal of Australian Studies, 56 (1998): 138-146.
  • 9. 9 “Telling Maternity: Mothers and Daughters in Recent Women’s Fiction,” Australian Feminist Studies 13, 27 (April 1998): 35-46. “Ancient Continents: A Poetics of Place in Dorothy Porter’s Crete,” Southern Review 30, 2 (1997): 159-169. “Body Tracking: Sex and Crime in Dorothy Porter’s The Monkey’s Mask,” The Australian Feminist Law Journal 8 (March 1997): 27-38. "Knife Edge: The Poetry of Gig Ryan," Mattoid (July 1996): 16-32. "Enchiladas or Tacos? Food, Families and Frontiers in Like Water for Chocolate," Island 60-61(Spring/Summer 1994): 65-68. "'Something left over': Memory and Excess in H.D.'s End To Torment and `Winter Love,'" Literature and Psychology, XXXIX, no. 4 (1993),28-64. "A Witch's Appetite: Anne Sexton's Transformations," Southern Review 26, 2 (June 1993):63-74. "Deadly Ambivalence, or the Family Romance in Dead Calm", Film Literature Quarterly, 21,2 (1993): 121-29. "The Parturition of Memory in Toni Morrison's Beloved, Australasian Journal of American Studies, Vol.10 no.1 (July, 1991): 39-48. "Women Gone West: An Introductory Study of Women in Westerns", Cinema Papers, No. 72 (March 1989)": 42-44. "Re(reading)-Writing the Palimpsest of Myth: The Poetics of H.D.", Southern Review, 21, No. 1, (March 1988): 43-57. "`The Great Sex Spiral': The Poetics of William Carlos Williams," Australasian Journal of American Studies, Vol. 4, No. 2 (December, 1985): 21-33.
  • 10. 10 Articles in Edited Volumes Entry on Dorothy Porter, Dictionary of Literary Biography: Australian Writers 1975- 2000, Vol. 325. (ed.) Selina Samuels. Detroit: Thomson Gale, 2006, pp. 266-272. “Sally Potter’s Orlando,” 24 Frames of British Cinema (ed.) Brian McFarlane, Wallflower Press, London, 2005, 217-226. “Incandescence: The Power of What is not There in Margaret Atwood’s Mourning in the Burned House,” Margaret Atwood: The Open Eye, (ed.) John Moss, University of Ottawa Press, November 2006. “Oscar and Lucinda: Of glass, water and guilt,” 24 Frames of Australian Cinema (ed.) Geoff Mayer, Wallflower Press, London, 2006. “Narratives, Terminable and Interminable: Psychoanalysis and Margaret Atwood’s Alias Grace, History on the Couch: Essays in History and Psychoanalysis, (eds.) Joy Damousi and Robert Reynolds. Melbourne University Press, 2003, pp.177-187. “Original Sins: Imaging Maternity in Australian Cinema,” The Fertile Imagination: Narratives of Reproduction,” A special book edition of Meridian (18, 2, 2002), pp.243- 266. “Maternal Images in Australian Cinema,” Oxford Companion to Australian Cinema (ed) Bertrand, Meyer, McFarlane, OUP, 1999) “Dragging it Out: Tales of Masculinity in Australian Cinema from Crocodile Dundee to Priscilla, Queen of the Desert,” Australian Masculinities: men and their histories (ed) Clive Moore and Kay Saunders, Journal of Australian Studies 56 (1998): 138-146. "Translations on the Poetic Canvas: J.S.Harry's Imaginary Pelicans," The Space of Poetry (eds.) Stephanie Trigg and Lyn McCredden, (Melbourne University Literary and Cultural Studies, Vol. 3, 1996), pp.171-182. "The Gendered Battlefield: Sex and Death in Gallipoli, in Gender and War (Ed) Joy Damousi and Marilyn Lake (Cambridge University Press, 1995), pp. 148-161
  • 11. 11 "'Round the Block": Back to the Suburb in Return Home", in Beasts of Suburbia (Ed) Chris Heeley (Melbourne University Press, 1994), pp. 111 - 126. "Beyond Limits: The Killing Fields," Viewpoints on Film, (Melbourne: Longman Cheshire, 1992), pp. 34-42. Critical entry on J.S. Harry for Contemporary Poets, (London: St. James Press, 1991). "Sylvia Plath and Adrienne Rich: Women Poets in Collision with Dominant Ideology", Myth and Ideology Handbook, (Deakin University Press, 1990), pp. 110-25. “Fatal Application: Sylvia Plath's `The Applicant'," Viewpoints 1990 (Melbourne: Longman Cheshire, 1990), pp. 67-72. "A Failure to See: Emily Dickinson's `I Heard a Fly Buzz'", Viewpoints 89 (Melbourne: Longman Cheshire, 1989), pp. 27-30. "`In the spaces of the sky ... our eyes hunt stars': Creating Possibilities in the Poetry of J.S. Harry", Poetry and Gender: Issues in Australian Women's Poetry and Poetics, (St. Lucia: QUP, 1989), pp. 231-41. "Fishing the lake of memory: Marilynne Robinson's Housekeeping, H.S.C. Resource Book (Melbourne: Dove Publications, 1990), pp. 57-61. "A World Upside Down: David Malouf's Fly Away Peter", H.S.C. Resource Book (Melbourne: Dove, 1988), pp. 43-48. "Threads of Longing: Anne Tyler's Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant", H.S.C. Resource Book 1988 (Melbourne: Dove Publications, 1988), pp. 54-60. "In Pursuit of Perfection: Judith Wright's `Woman to Man'", Viewpoints 88 (Melbourne: Longman Cheshire, 1988), pp. 68-71. "Fear of Total Neutrality: Sylvia Plath's `Black Rook in Rainy Weather'", Viewpoints 87 (Melbourne: Longman Cheshire, 1987), pp. 50-53.
  • 12. 12 Reviews Rod Jones, The Mothers, Australian Book Review No. 372 (June-July 2015), p. 44. Poetry Reviewing for Australian Book Review, 2007 – present. Eg: a review of Judy Johnson (October 2013), Tracey Ryan (July 2014), Jeri Kroll (July 2014), Anne Elvey, Ania Walwicz (October 2014) Judith Bishop’s Event, Australian Book Review, October 2007. M.T.C.’s Cronin’s Flower, Australian Book Review, 2006. Hazel Smith’s Hyperscapes in the Poetry of Frank O’Hara, Australasian Journal of American Studies, 22, 1 (July 2003): 132-134. “Planetary Influences: Dorothy Porter’s Wild Surmise,” Hecate’s Australian Women’s Book Review 14, 2 (2002) ( Brett Farmer’s Spectacular Passions: Cinema, Fantasy, Gay Male Spectatorship,” Australasian Journal of American Studies, 21,2 December 2002, pp.139-141. "Rosie Scott's Movie Dreams and Justine Ettler's The River Ophelia The Sunday Age, (August 1995). "Eating the Experience: New Women's Poetry," Australian Women's Book Review vol. 7.2 (July 1995), pp.9-10. "Salman Rushdie's East West," The Sunday Age, (December 94). "Jeanette Winterson's Art and Lies," The Sunday Age, (October 94). "Scott Murray's New Australian Cinema, “The Sunday Age (September 94). "Thea Astely's Coda," The Sunday Age (June 1994). "Delusion," Cinema Papers 94 (August 93):42-3.
  • 13. 13 "Getting Queer: Lillian Faderman's Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers: A History of Lesbian Life in Twentieth-Century America, Australian Women's Book Review, 5,2 June 93): 3. "Umberto Eco's Misreadings," The Sunday Age, August 8, 1993. "Isabelle Allende's The Infinite Plan," The Sunday Age, June 20 1993. "Stories to Conquer Fear: Ben Okri's Songs of Enchantment, The Sunday Age May 30, 1993. H.D.'s Freudian Poetics, Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature, 12, 1, (May 1993): 88-90. "Uncanny Fantasy: Jacqueline Rose's The Haunting of Sylvia Plath," AUMLA, No. 80 (November 1993):129-30. "`Her Kind' of Life Writing: Anne Sexton: A Biography (Dianne Wood Middlebrook), Australian Women's Book Review, 4,4 (December 1992:44-5. "'Unstitching the Syntax: Gillian Hanscombe's Sybil," Australian Women's Book Review, 4, 2 (June 1992): 10-11. "Courting Harrassment: Frankie and Johnny," Cinema Papers, 87 (March-April 1992): 61-3. "Talking Some More About Sex": Moments of Desire, (ed. Hawthorne and Pausacker) and Working Hot (Mary Fallon)", Lilith, 7 (Winter 1991):130-36. "Walking between water and land: Shirley Geok-lin Lim's Modern Secrets", Australian Women's Book Review, 2, 3 (September 1990): 6-8. "Not Being Echo: Voices in Women's Fiction", Australian Feminist Studies, 10 (Summer 1989): 131-35.
  • 14. 14 Academic Papers Presented ‘The Shimmering Image’: Poetry and an Ethics of Reading,’ Literary Networks Convention, UOW, July 2015 ‘A Space Between: Judith Wright and poetics of possibility,’ WCC Seminar, Victoria University, March 2014. “The Feast of Death: Gwen Harwood and Jane Kenyon,” Mourning and its Hospitalities, University of Queensland, July 2007. Judith Wright, ASAL, University of Queensland, July 2007 “Poetry and the Heavy Heart,” Women and Depression Conference, Carlton Crest Hotel, Sydney, May 2007 “In the Cut: Jane Kenyon’s Poetics of Loss and Consolation,” Poetry and Politics Conference, Stirling University, Scotland, July 2006. “’Lines of confusion, stones of emptiness’: The Place of Mourning in Gwen Harwood’s ‘Herongate’”. Invited presentation at International Symposium on Mourning, Wesleyan University, Connecticut, April 2005. “Incandescence: The power of What is not there in Margaret Atwood’s Mourning in the Burned House,” Margaret Atwood: The Open Eye, International Symposium, University of Ottawa, April 2004. “’Lines of Confusion, Stones of Emptiness’: The Place of Mourning in Gwen Harwood’s ‘Herongate.’” CCLS seminar series, October 2004, Monash University. “Chambers of the Mind: Anne Sexton and a Poetics of Depression,” Broadbands Conference, Monash University, December 2003. “Recollection, Guilt and Loss in Random Harvest,” Film and History Conference, Flinders University, Adelaide, November 2002. “Theatres of Extremity: Permeable Subjectivity in The Thin Red Line,” Gender Identity War Conference, Melbourne Town Hall, July 2002.
  • 15. 15 “Patricia Cornwell and the Forensic Body,” Assoc. of Australasian American Studies Conference, Geelong, July 2002. “Ancient Continents: A Geography of Memory in Dorothy Porter’s ‘Auroral Corona with Two Figures’”, Poetry and History Conference, Stirling University, Scotland, July 1996. “Ancient Continents: A Geography of Memory in Dorothy Porter’s ‘Auroral Corona with Two Figures’”, Monash University English Department Seminar, May 1996. "Tracking the Body: Dorothy Porter's The Monkey's Mask, at ASAL conference, Adelaide. July 1995. "Enchiladas or tacos? Food, Families and Frontiers in Like Water for Chocolate," ANZASA conference, University of Melbourne, July 1994. "War, and the Bad Faith of Masculinity," Film and History Conference, Latrobe University, December 3, 1993. "Translations on the Poetic Canvas: J.S.Harry's Imaginary Pelicans," The Space of Poetry Conference, University of Melbourne, November 6, 1993. "The Gendered Battlefield: Sex and Death in Gallipoli," ASAL (Association for the Study of Australian Literature), University of Western Australia, July 9, 1993. "A Witch's Appetite: Anne Sexton's Transformations," Department of English, Monash University, May 1992. Also delivered at ANZASA Conference, Flinders University, July 19, 1992. "Memory and Excess: H.D.'s `Winter Love' and End To Torment," Women's Studies Research Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, November 15, 1991. "The Parturition of Memory: Toni Morrison's Beloved", ANZASA (Australian and New Zealand American Studies Association), University of Sydney, July 3, 1990. "Adrienne Rich and the problem of Feminist Transcendence", Deakin University, December 12, 1989.
  • 16. 16 Joint paper with Dr. Bain Attwood, "Complex Identity in Sally Morgan's My Place", History Department, Monash University, May 26, 1989. "Patterns of Desire in H.D.'s Epic Poetry", AULLA Conference, February 1989 (invited paper). "H.D. and Alchemical Mythmaking", Post-graduate Conference, Latrobe University, October 1987. "Re(reading)-Writing the Palimpsest of Myth: An Introduction to the Poetics of H.D.", Staff Seminar, Monash University, September 1987. "Feminist Mythmaking in the Poetry of H.D.", Post-Graduate Conference in English, Monash University, June 27, 1986. Poetry Unexpected Clearing, University of West Australia Publishing, forthcoming 2016 ‘Daughters,’ Westerly 60, 1 (2015) ‘Five Years, and Still,’ Anthology of Loss, (ed.) Gina Mercer and Terry Whitebeach, forthcoming 2015 ‘What Isaac Newton Saw,’ Plumwood Mountain, 2015 ‘Daughters’ Westerly, July 2015 Even in the Dark: Poems. University of West Australia Press, 2013. ‘A Capella: On Hearing the Tallis Scholars,’ Cordite 45 (Feb 2014) ‘Unexpected Fall,’ Plumwood Mountain, February 2014 ‘Under the Wave,’ Westerly, December 2013 “Not Here,” Meanjin, September 2013. “Rays,” Meanjin, (December 2011) “Lavender,” Heat 21 (December 2009)
  • 17. 17 “Autumn Pelican,” Heat 21 (December 2009) “Even in the Dark,” Meanjin 68, 2 (2009); also The Best Australian Poems 2009 (ed) Robert Adamson, Black Inc. “Yellow Jacket,” Australian Book Review, May 2009 “Clothesline,” The Hidden Life of the Suburbs: Seagull Poetry Prize 2009. “See,” ” The Hidden Life of the Suburbs: Seagull Poetry Prize 2009. “Carrying, 1978,” Heat 2009 “Harmonic,” Meanjin, 67, 2 (2008) “Unmade,” Heat 12 (2006), p. 56; also The Best Australian Poems 2007 (ed. Peter Rose), Black Inc. “Window,” Australian Book Review (December 2006), p. 33. “Qana” Meanjin 66, 2 (2007) “Gift,” Meanjin 64, 1-2 (2005) “On the Death of my Father,” Aroostook Review (University of Maine) “To Celebrate Monica,” Aroostook Review “Storm,” Aroostook Review POETRY PRIZES Winner Mary Gilmore Award: Best first book of Poetry 2012-2014 Shortlisted for Dorothy Porter Poetry Prize, 2013 People’s Poetry Prize Winner, Williamstown Literary Festival, May 2010, for “My Mother in Hospital” “Clothesline,” runner-up The Seagull Poetry Prize, Williamstown Literary Festival, May 2009-11-25 “Yellow Jacket,” shortlisted The Australian Book Review Poetry Prize, May 2009
  • 18. 18 “Period,” shortlisted for Society of Women Writers National Poetry Prize, November 2009 POETRY READINGS Williamstown Literary Festival, May 2014 ‘Tracking the Bay: A Poetic Sequence,’ at ASAL conference (Association of Studies in Australian Literature,’ Queenscliff, October 2013 Collected Works Bookstore, Melbourne, September 2013 Poets at Fed Square, November 2013 University of WA, Westerly Centre, September 2013 Fremantle PoetryGroup, September 2013 Deakin University, Poetics Seminar, 20 August 2013 Monash University, ‘Even in the Dark: Poetry and Dream, 5 August 2013 Yarraville Festival, February 2011 Poet in Residence reading at Marlboro College, Vermont, September 2009 and November 2010 Fellowship of Australian Writers at Federation Square, Melbourne July 2009 Poetry Idol, June 2009 Prize winner reading, Williamstown Literary Festival, May 2009 Marlboro College, Vermont, October 2008 Poetry and Politics Conference, University of Stirling, Scotland, July 2006 Assumption College, Massachusetts, April 2005
  • 19. 19