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Management Sepsis Terkini
Dr. Franciscus Ginting, Sp.PD – KPTI
• Introduction
• Pathogenesis of sepsis
• SIRS, SOFA Score & qSOFA
• Cases
I. Introduction
• Sepsis and septic shock  high rates of morbidity and mortality.
• United States, incidence of sepsis is 3 cases per 1000 population
with mortality of 28.6% (215,000 deaths from 750,000 patients
diagnosed) per year.
• Septicemia was listed as the 10th leading cause of death in the
United States in 2007.
• Early and appropriate antimicrobial therapy the predominant factor
for reducing mortality
• DATA FROM ADAM MALIK HOSPITAL (2016) : mortality rate 73%
(Ginting F, ICID 2018, Vienna)
Definisi lama Sepsis
1991 : Sindrom respon inflamasi sistemik (SIRS) host terhadap infeksi
2001 : Kriteria diagnostik sepsis
 suhu >38ºC atau <36 ºC
 denyut jantung ≥ .90/men
 pernapasan >20x/menit
 PaCO2 <32 mmHg (4.3kPa)
 Leukosit >12000/mm3 atau <4000/mm3 atau >10% immature bands
Infeksi+ ≥ 2 gejala SIRS
Infeksi+ ≥ 2 gejala SIRS
Sepsisisnow defined as“alife-threatening organdysfunction
causedbyadysregulated hostresponseto infection”(Singeret al., 2016)
…thehostresponseresultinginorganfailurefrom aninfectionis
stressed,while the inflammation stageknown as SIRSin sepsis-1
and-2hasbeen removed
 Sepsis as infection and 2 or
more SIRS is now just an
 Severe sepsis is now sepsis
 Septic Shock: Subset of
sepsis with circulatory and
dysfunction associated with
higher risk of mortality : Blood
lactate > 2 mmol/L despite volume
resuscitation; Hypotension that persists
after fluid resuscitation and requires
JAMA. 2016;315(8):801-810. doi:10.1001/jama.2016.0287
Patofisiologi Sepsis
‘Final common
for death from infection
• Hotchkiss 2013
Hypotension Vasoconstriction Edema
Maldistribution of Microvascular Blood Flow
Organ Dysfunction
Microvascular Plugging
Cell Death
Pathophysiology of Sepsis-
Induced Ischemic Organ
Patofisiologi SEPSIS
Patofisiologi SEPSIS
R,perempuan, 61 tahun
 KU: penurunan kesadaran
 Hal ini dialami secara perlahan lahan sejak 1 bulan yang lalu memberat dalam 2 hari
ini. Awalnya pasien masih bisa dipanggil dan membuka mata namun 2 hari ini pasien
sudah cenderung tidur. Riw kejang tidak ada, riw muntah menyembur tidak ada.
Kelemahan tungkai tidak ada. Demam dijumpai 2 hari ini. Pasien pernah rawat
sebelumnya dengan diagnosa NHL
 Sesak nafas dialami 1 hari ini. Demam dijumpai 2 hari ini. Batuk dijumpai 1 minggu ini
namun dahak sulit keluar.
 Riwayat pemasangan kateter dijumpai, riw urin keruh tidak ada
 Luka di bokong dijumpai 2 minggu ini
 RPT: DM (-) HT (-), NHL (+) RPO: kemoterapi
Pemeriksaan fisik
 Sens: somnolen
 TD: 90/50
 HR: 102x/menit
 RR: 28 x/menit
 T: 38,3
 Terpasang O2 2-4 liter via nasal canule
 Mata:
 Anemis (-/-), ikterik (-/-), pupil isokor
 Thorax:
 SP: bronkial
 ST: ronkhi di seluruh lapangan paru
 Abdomen: simetris, soepel, H/L/R ttb, peristaltik N
 Posterior: dijumpai ulkus dengan diameter 3-5 cm, pus (-)
 Ekstremitas: lateralisasi (-)
Satuan Hasil
Hb g/dl 8,7
Leukosit /μl 3650
Ht % 23
Trombosit /μl 125.000
Hasil Rujukan
pH 7,370 7,35 –
pCO2 mm
26 38 – 42
pO2 mm
140 85 -100
HCO3 U/L 12,7 22 – 26
Total CO2 U/L 13,4 19 – 25
BE U/L -8,9 -2 - +2
% 99,0 95 - 100
Satuan Hasil
Ureum mg/dL 68
Kreatinin mg/dL 3,4
Natrium mEq/L 138
Kalium mEq/L 3,8
Klorida mEq/L 101
Sequential Organ Failure Assessment
(SOFA) Score
Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) Score
The SOFA score predicts mortality risk for patients in the intensive care unit
based on lab results and clinical data on the degree of dysfunction of 6 organ
• The score is calculated at admission and every 24 hours until discharge
• The SOFA score is not designed to influence medical management
• An initial SOFA score of < 9 predicted a mortality of < 33%, SOFA > 11 predicted
mortality of 95%
• Adam Malik Hospital (2018) SOFA score >7, kematian >>(Andrew, Ginting F KONAS PETRI
0 1 2 3 4
Respiratory :PaO2/FiO2,
> 400 ≤400 ≤300 ≤ 200 ≤ 100
Coagulation : Platelet x 103μl >150 ≤150 ≤ 100 ≤50 ≤20
Liver : Bilirubin, mg/dl <1,2 1,2 – 1,9 2,0 – 5,9 6.0 – 11,9 >12
Cardiovascular : Hypotension No
MAP : <70
DOP ≤ 5 or Do (
any dose)
DOP >5, Epi ≤ 0,1,
or Nor - epi ≤ 0,1
Dop >15,
Epi >0,1 or
Nor – Epi
Central Nervous System :
GCS Scale
15 13 – 14 10 - 12 6 - 9 <6
Renal :Creatinine/Urine <1,2 1,2 – 1,9 2.0 – 3,4 3,5 – 4,9 or UOP : >5 .0 or
Why to Use
The SOFA score can be used to determine the level of organ dysfunction and
mortality risk in ICU patients.
When to Use
• The SOFA can be used on all patients who are admitted to an ICU.
• It is not clear whether the SOFA is reliable for patients who were transferred from
another ICU.
Calculate the SOFA score using the worst value for each variable in the preceding
24-hour period.
“the major gap is the difficulty to apply current sepsis case definitions, especially in LMIC settings when
the main tests are not available”
“90% of cases with poor outcome in the Australian sepsis database, inadequate recognition was found
to be the most common feature”
The SOFA scoring system is useful in predicting the clinical outcomes of critically ill patients.
According to an observational study at an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in Belgium the mortality
• least 50% when the score is increased regardless of initial score in the first 96 hours
• 27% to 35% if the score remains unchanged
• less than 27% if the score is reduced.
SSC 2016
• a rapid, bedside clinical score to identify patients with suspected infection
who are at greater risk for poor outcomes.
• The primary outcome was in hospital mortality, and the secondary outcome
was an ICU length of stay of ≥ 3 days.
• The qSOFA was meant to replace the systemic inflammatory response
syndrome (SIRS) criteria.
• qSOFA has also been found to be poorly sensitive for the risk of death with
SIRS possibly better for screening
• Sepsis HAM Hospital 2018: 16,7% under diagnose (Maruli,Ginting F, KONAS PETRI 2019)
-Angus, Derek C.; Seymour, Christopher W.; Coopersmith, Craig M.; Deutschman, Clifford S.; Klompas,
Michael; Levy, Mitchell M
.; Martin, Gregory S.; Osborn, Tiffany M.; Rhee, Chanu. Williams JM, Greenslade JH, McKenzie JV, et al. -
SIRS, qSOFA and organ dysfunction: insights from a prospective database of emergency department patients
with infection. Chest 2017;151:586-596.
• The qSOFA score predicts mortality but does not diagnose sepsis
• no prospective studies have demonstrated that clinical decisions based
on the qSOFA lead to better patient outcomes.
The most recent Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines, published in March
2017, do not integrate the qSOFA into recommendations for screening or
diagnosis of sepsis.
Emergency Medicine Practice • October 2018
A positive qSOFA score clinicians to further investigate for the presence of organ
dysfunction or increase the frequency of patient monitoring.
SIRS compare to SOFA score in sepsis
The SIRS Criteria definitions of sepsis
• are being replaced as they were found too many limitations;
• the "current use of 2 or more SIRS criteria to identify sepsis was unanimously considered
by the task force to be unhelpful.”
Audit pasien sepsis Tahun 2016 RSUP HAM
• SSC 2012: 2 SIRS + infected  Over diagnosed: 33,7%
• 78 data infection with SIRS < 2
• 75 data >2 SIRS without infection (Chronic disease)
• 30 data Increased Procalcitonin in CKD
• 124 data sepsis in resume medic only
(Ginting F, submitted journal process)
Only 94 out of 142 cases ( 66,2 %) were
judged to meet the diagnosis criteria for
Out of the 94 patients, 77 ( 82%) were
appropriately classified for sepsis
19 patients (20%) met criteria for severe
sepsis/ septic shock.
 Among critically ill patients with suspected sepsis, the
predictive validity of the SOFA score for in- hospital mortality
was superior to that of the SIRS criteria (area under the
receiver operating characteristic curve 0.74 versus 0.64)
 SIRS, qSOFA and new sepsis definition
 Paul E. Marik, Abdalsamih M. Taeb
 Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, VA, USA
Correspondence to: Paul Marik, MD. Eastern Virginia Medical School, 825 Fairfax Av, Suite 410, Norfolk VA 23507, USA. Email: Provenance: This is an invited Editorial commissioned by the Section Editor Zhongheng Zhang (Department of
Emergency Medicine, Sir Run-Run Shaw Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, China).
Comment on: Williams JM, Greenslade JH, McKenzie JV, et al. SIRS, qSOFA and organ dysfunction: insights from a prospective database of
emergency department patients with infection. Chest 2017;151:586-596.
 Submitted Feb 05, 2017. Accepted for publication Mar 06, 2017. doi: 10.21037/jtd.2017.03.125
View this article at:
Evaluated the presence of SIRS criteria in 109,663
patients with infection and organ failure. In this study,
12% of patients were classified as having SIRS-negative
sepsis (i.e. <2 SIRS criteria)
Kaukonen KM, Bailey M, Pilcher D, et al. Systemic inflammatory response syndrome criteria in de ning severe sepsis. N Engl J
Med 2015;372:1629-38.
Over diagnose
A new large retrospective cohort analysis among 184,875 patients in
182 Australian and New Zealand intensive care units (ICUs) found
SOFA score had superiority in prediction of in-hospital mortality but it
showed SIRS criteria has greater prognostic accuracy for in-hospital
mortality than qSOFA score
Raith EP, Udy AA, Bailey M, et al. Prognostic accuracy of the sofa score, sirs criteria, and qsofa score for in-hospital mortality among adults with
suspected infection admitted to the intensive care unit. JAMA 2017;317:290-300.
The discrimination of in-hospital mortality for SOFA (75.3% AUROC; 99% confidence interval (CI): 0.750–0.757) was significantly
higher than that of qSOFA (60.7% AUROC; 99% CI: 0.603– 0.611) or SIRS (58.9% AUROC; 99% CI: 0.585–0.593).
Of the study population, 90.1% (165,103 patients) had an increase in SOFA score from baseline to at least
two points; 86.7% (158,710 patients) met two or more SIRS criteria, and 54.4% (99,611 patients) had a qSOFA score
of at least two points .
In adults admitted to the ICU with suspected infection, an increase in SOFA score of at least two points had superior prognostic
accuracy for in-hospital mortality followed by qSOFA and finally SIRS criteria.
With SOFA score demonstrating significantly greater discrimination for in-hospital mortality, the authors highlight that this may
suggest that SIRS criteria and qSOFA may have limited utility in predicting mortality in an ICU setting .
• The definition of SIRS, although sensitive to detect sepsis, was rather unspecific.
• In addition, the SIRS criteria performed badly in identifying patients significant morbidity
and mortality.
• These issues led to a recent new consensus definition for sepsis and septic shock
• This international task force
o defined sepsis as ‘life-threatening organ dysfunction
o Using large datasets (>1 million patient records),
o increase in 2 points or more for a patient suspected to have infection using the
Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) best predicted in-hospital mortality.
• The SOFA is well known within the intensive care community, but is not so well known
• The task force developed a simpler clinical screening tool that performed very well in
identifying adult patients with suspected infection who were likely to have poor
outcomes, which they termed ‘quick SOFA’ (qSOFA).
• The definition of SIRS, although sensitive to detect sepsis, was rather unspecific.
• In addition, the SIRS criteria performed badly in identifying patients significant morbidity
and mortality.
• These issues led to a recent new consensus definition for sepsis and septic shock
• This international task force
o defined sepsis as ‘life-threatening organ dysfunction
o Using large datasets (>1 million patient records),
o increase in 2 points or more for a patient suspected to have infection using the
Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) best predicted in-hospital mortality.
• The SOFA is well known within the intensive care community, but is not so well known
• The task force developed a simpler clinical screening tool that performed very well in
identifying adult patients with suspected infection who were likely to have poor
outcomes, which they termed ‘quick SOFA’ (qSOFA).
Perhitungan rasio PaO2 / FiO2 dilakukan untuk mengetahui status oksigenasi pasien.
• Rasio paO2 / FiO2 yang normal adalah > atau =300.
• Apabila rasio paO2 / FiO2 < 300 maka pasien mengalami acute lung injury ( ALI)
• Apabila rasio PaO2 / FiO2 < 200 maka pasien mengalami acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
Cara menghitung rasio paO2 / FiO2 pasien diatas adalah:
1. cari nilai FiO2: misal, pasien menggunakan O2: 3 l/mnt  FiO2 adalah : 33% atau 0,32
2. hasil AGDA didapat paO2 pasien diatas adalah 82 mmHg
3. masukan ke rumus berikut:
PaO2 / FiO2
82 / 0,3 = 273,3
AO2 100% (l/mnt) FiO2
Kanul nasal Sungkup O2
1 0,24 5-6 0,40
2 0,28 6-7 0,50
3 0,32 7-8 0,60
4 0,36 Sungkup reservoar
5 0,40 6 0,60
6 0,44 7 0,70
8>= 0,80
qSOFA SSC 2016
Inflammation or
• Leukocytosis : MCI,
CHF, Pancreatitis,
burn injury, post
• SIRS not cause by
• Fever?
• SIRS correlation with
infection? Acute?
Bacterial or viral?
• CRP, Procalcitonin
• Neutrophil/ limphocyt
• Total eosinophil
• Sepsis (SSC 2016)
– Quick Sofa
The scoring/condition happened in acute condition and due to by infection
SOFA Score
dr. Fransiscus Ginting SpPD, K-PTI
Kasus Pasien
Kasus 1
Tn E, Laki-laki 38 tahun
Sesak nafas dialami 2 hari. Sesak nafas tidak berhubungan
dengan aktivitas dan cuaca, disertai batuk.
Demam dialami sejak 2 hari, sepanjang hari .Penurunan kesadaran
terjadi sejak 2 hari ini. Tidak ada riwayat trauma atau kejang.
Pasien sudah berbaring sejak > 1 bulan ini karena tangan dan kaki
pasien mengalami kelemahan. Pasien juga tidak dapat diajak
berbicara lagi.
pasien baru mengetahui menderita HIV selama 2 minggu.
Vital Sign
Sens :
TD : 90/60
HR 104x/i RR : 24x/i T : 39
Pemeriksaan Fisik
Kepala : Konj palpebra anemis (-), sklera ikterik (-), oksigen terpasang
4 l/I nasal canul. NGT terpasang
Leher : TVJ R-2 Cm H20
Thorax : simetris, SF ki=ka. Sonor, SP: bronchial, ST : Ronchi basah
diseluruh lapangan paru
Abdomen : simetris, soepel, peristaltik N
Extremitas : oedema (-)
Apakah ini sepsis?
1.Fokus infeksi : paru
2.Hasil scanning : Toxoplasma encephalopathy
3.Quick sofa score = 3 (>2)
• GCS : 5 ( <15)
• RR : 24 ( >22x/i)
• TD : 90/60 (<100)
Quick Sofa : 3
1 1 1
Hb : 9,6
PLT : 22.000
WBC : 12.300
Ureum : 75
Creatinin : 1,63
Bilirubin total : 2,3
pH 7,46 IgG anti toxoplasma 157
pCO2 : 21 IgM anti toxoplasma 2,72
pO2 : 167
HCO3 : 14,9
Total Co2 : 15,5
Base Excess : -6,9
SO2 : 100
Natrium : 130
Kalium 3,2
Chlorida 102
Sofa score:
1. Kesadaran :
2. Tekanan darah
TD : 90/60 mmHg
MAP > 70
(score = 0)
0 1 2 3 4
>400 <400 >300 <200 <100
AO2 100% (l/mnt) FiO2
Kanul nasal Sungkup O2
1 0,24 5-6 0,40
2 0,28 6-7 0,50
3 0,32 7-8 0,60
4 0,36 Sungkup reservoar
5 0,40 6 0,60
6 0,44 7 0,70
8>= 0,80
167/0,36= 463
PO2 : 167 FiO2:0,36
Trombosit : 22.000 ( score 3)
Bilirubin : 2,3 ( score 2)
pO2/FiO2 : AGDA pO2 167/FiO2 0,36= 463 ( score : 0)
Trombosit :22.000 ( score 3)
Bilirubin : 2,3 ( score 2)
MAP : 73 ( score 0)
GCS :5 ( score 4)
Creatinin : 1,63 ( score 1)
Total Score : 10
Sepsis ec pneumonia
Pneumonia HAP dd CAP
HIV stadium IV
Toxoplasma Encephalopathy
K a s u s 2
Tn L, pria 54
Sesak nafas dialami sejak 1 hari sebelum rumah sakit. Sesak
nafas memberat dengan aktivitas disertai dengan batuk.
Pasien di diagnosa dengan acute lung oedema oleh dept
cardiologi. Demam dialami sejak 4 hari dirawat di CVCU.
Demam terjadi sepanjang hari .Pasien menggunakan
ventilator sejak berada di cvcu.
Vital Sign
Sens : DPO TD : 90/60
HR 54 x/i RR : 16x/I
T : 38,9
Pemeriksaan Fisik
Kepala : Konj palpebra anemis (-), sklera ikterik (-), terpasang
ventilator. FiO2 50%
Leher : TVJ R+3 Cm H20
Thorax : simetris, SF ki=ka. Sonor, SP: bronchial, ST : Ronchi basah
diseluruh lapangan paru
Abdomen : simetris, soepel, peristaltik N
Extremitas : oedema (-)
Diagnosa infeksi
Pneumonia HAP?
Quick Sofa : (sulit dinilai) untuk pasien rawat non ICU
RR : 20 x/I ( ventilator +)
Td : 100/80 (support norepinefrin)
Sens : DPO
? ? ? ?
Hb : 12,3
PLT : 206.000
WBC : 17.440
Ureum : 137
Creatinin : 2,8
Bilirubin total : 1,2
pH 7,42
pCO2 : 32
pO2 : 87
HCO3 : 20,8
Total Co2 : 21,8
Base Excess : -2,9
SO2 : 97%
Natrium : 134
Kalium 3,2
Chlorida 107
pO2/FiO2 : 87 / 0,5 = 174 ( score : 3)
Trombosit : 206000 ( score 0)
Bilirubin : 1,2 ( score 1)
MAP : support norepinefrin ( oleh karena penyakit jantung? Sepsis? )
GCS : sulit dinilai. Pasien DPO ( score ?)
Creatinin : 2,8 ( score 2)
Total Score : 6
Sepsis ec pneumonia VAP
Acute Lung Oedema
DM tipe 2
is my time
S, perempuan, 42 tahun
• Sesak nafas, dijumpai sejak 4 hari SMRS, sesak tidak berhubungan dengan aktivitas dan
• Batuk dijumpai sesekali 3 minggu ini, dahak berwana kuning, riw batuk darah (-), penurunan
BB (-), keringatmalam (+), nyeri dada (-) demam (+) 3 hari SMRS.
• Mual muntah (-) mata kuning dijumpai 2 hari SMRS. Nyeri perut tidak dijumpai
• Riw sakit kuning sblmnya (-) riw alkohol (-)
• BAK nyeri (+) 2 hari ini setelah pemasangan kateter, pada kateter dijumpai BAK sedikit keruh.
Volume BAK 1 liter/hari
• BAB tidak ada keluhan
• Pasien merupakan pasien konsul dan dirawat oleh TS Bedah dengan Diagnosa Reynoud
• RPT: DM (-) HT (-)
Pemeriksaan Fisik
• Sens : CM
• Vital Sign:
– TD 90/60,
– HR: 107x/menit,
– RR 32x/menit (terpasang simple mask 6 l/menit)
– T: 37 C
• Mata: anemis (-/-), ikterik (+/+)
• Thorax:
– SP: bronkial
– ST: ronkhi (+/+) di lapangan atas kedua paru
• Abdomen: simetris, soepel, H/L/R ttb, peristaltik normal
• Ekstremitas:
– Sup: menghitam pada digiti III dan IV manus sinistra
– Inferior: edema (-/-)
Jenis Pemeriksaan Satuan Hasil Nilai Rujukan
Hb g/dl 11,2 12-16
Leukosit /μl 34.910 4,000-11,000
Ht % 33 39-54
Trombosit /μl 6000 150,000-450,000
MCV fL 87 81-99
MCH pg 29,2 27-31
MCHC g/dL 33,6 21-37
Neutrofil % 91,8 50-70
Limfosit % 4,0 20-40
Monosit % 3,6 2-8
Eosinofil % 0,3 1-3
Basofil % 0,3 0-1
Kesan : leukositosis, trombositopenia
Kimia Klinik
Jenis Pemeriksaan Satuan Hasil Rujukan
Ureum mg/dL 96 15-40
Kreatinin mg/dL 5,02 0.6-1.1
AGDA Satuan Hasil Rujukan
pH 7,370 7,35 – 7,45
pCO2 mmHg 22 38 – 42
pO2 mmHg 159 85 -100
HCO3 U/L 12,7 22 – 26
Total CO2 U/L 13,4 19 – 25
BE U/L -10,8 -2 - +2
Saturasi O2 % 99,0 95 - 100
Bil. Total 20,70
Bil Direk 11,00
Apakah ini sepsis?
Apakah ini sepsis?
1. Adakah fokal infeksi?
1. Adakah fokal infeksi?
Diagnosa Infeksi
• Pneumonia dd/ TB Paru
• Cholangitis (??)
2. Berapa qSOFA?
2. Berapa qSOFA?
TDS 90 mmHg  1
TDS 90 mmHg  1 RR 32x/menit  1
RR 32x/menit  1
SOFA score:
• AGDA  PaO2/FiO2 159/0,5= 318 (<300) 1
• Platelet  6000  4
• Bilirubin  20  4
• Cardiovaskular  MAP >70 0
• CNS  GCS >15  0
• Renal  Cr>5,00 4
3. Berapa SOFA Score?
3. Berapa SOFA Score?
• Sepsis ec dd/ pneumonia dd/urosepsis dd/ cholangitis
• Reynoud Disease
• Cor NaCl 0,9% 30 cc/kgBB  1500 cc
• Kultur darah, sputum, urin
• Cek Procalcitonin  31,89
• Antibiotik  Drip meropenem 1 gram/8 jam dalam 100 cc
NaCl 0,9% habis dalam 3 jam
Hasil Kultur
• Darah : tidak ada pertumbuhan bakteri
• Urin : tidak ada pertumbuhan bakteri
• Sputum:
– Dijumpai batang gram (-)
– Bakteri aerob: Acinetobacter baumanii
• Sensitive: Amikasin, Tigecyline
• Resisten: Ampicillin Sulbactam, ceftazidime, ceftriaxon, cefepime,
ciprofloxacin, gentamycin, meropenem, trimetropim/sulfametoxazole
Jenis Pemeriksaan Satuan Hasil Nilai Rujukan
Hb g/dl 7,7 12-16
Leukosit /μl 13.550 4,000-11,000
Ht % 24 39-54
Trombosit /μl 416.000 150,000-450,000
MCV fL 87 81-99
MCH pg 27,8 27-31
MCHC g/dL 31,8 21-37
Neutrofil % 75,2 50-70
Limfosit % 22,0 20-40
Monosit % 3,6 2-8
Eosinofil % 0,3 1-3
Basofil % 0,3 0-1
Kesan : leukositosis
Hematologi Rutin
Bil. Total 2,4
Bil Direk 1,9
SGOT 105
SGPT 131
Anjuran: USG ABDOMEN  data tidak
Anjuran: USG ABDOMEN  data tidak
Hasil Foto Thorax pasien menunjukkan
adanya TB paru dan diberikan OAT,
sehingga OAT mungkin penyebab
peningkatan SGOT dan SGPT
Hasil Foto Thorax pasien menunjukkan
adanya TB paru dan diberikan OAT,
sehingga OAT mungkin penyebab
peningkatan SGOT dan SGPT
dr Franciscus Ginting - Sepsis PIN PAPDI  Surabaya WS-051019.pdf

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dr Franciscus Ginting - Sepsis PIN PAPDI Surabaya WS-051019.pdf

  • 1. Management Sepsis Terkini PENEGAKAN DIAGNOSA SEPSIS Dr. Franciscus Ginting, Sp.PD – KPTI
  • 2. Outline • Introduction • Pathogenesis of sepsis • SIRS, SOFA Score & qSOFA • Cases
  • 3. I. Introduction • Sepsis and septic shock  high rates of morbidity and mortality. • United States, incidence of sepsis is 3 cases per 1000 population with mortality of 28.6% (215,000 deaths from 750,000 patients diagnosed) per year. • Septicemia was listed as the 10th leading cause of death in the United States in 2007. • Early and appropriate antimicrobial therapy the predominant factor for reducing mortality • DATA FROM ADAM MALIK HOSPITAL (2016) : mortality rate 73% (Ginting F, ICID 2018, Vienna)
  • 4.
  • 5. Definisi lama Sepsis 1991 : Sindrom respon inflamasi sistemik (SIRS) host terhadap infeksi 2001 : Kriteria diagnostik sepsis  suhu >38ºC atau <36 ºC  denyut jantung ≥ .90/men  pernapasan >20x/menit  PaCO2 <32 mmHg (4.3kPa)  Leukosit >12000/mm3 atau <4000/mm3 atau >10% immature bands Infeksi+ ≥ 2 gejala SIRS Infeksi+ ≥ 2 gejala SIRS
  • 6. Sepsisisnow defined as“alife-threatening organdysfunction causedbyadysregulated hostresponseto infection”(Singeret al., 2016) …thehostresponseresultinginorganfailurefrom aninfectionis stressed,while the inflammation stageknown as SIRSin sepsis-1 and-2hasbeen removed S S C 2 0 1 6
  • 7.  Sepsis as infection and 2 or more SIRS is now just an infection  Severe sepsis is now sepsis  Septic Shock: Subset of sepsis with circulatory and cellular/metabolic dysfunction associated with higher risk of mortality : Blood lactate > 2 mmol/L despite volume resuscitation; Hypotension that persists after fluid resuscitation and requires vasopressors JAMA. 2016;315(8):801-810. doi:10.1001/jama.2016.0287
  • 11. Infection Inflammatory Mediators Endothelial Dysfunction Vasodilation Hypotension Vasoconstriction Edema Maldistribution of Microvascular Blood Flow Organ Dysfunction Microvascular Plugging Ischemia Cell Death Pathophysiology of Sepsis- Induced Ischemic Organ Injury Patofisiologi SEPSIS Patofisiologi SEPSIS
  • 12. R,perempuan, 61 tahun  KU: penurunan kesadaran  Hal ini dialami secara perlahan lahan sejak 1 bulan yang lalu memberat dalam 2 hari ini. Awalnya pasien masih bisa dipanggil dan membuka mata namun 2 hari ini pasien sudah cenderung tidur. Riw kejang tidak ada, riw muntah menyembur tidak ada. Kelemahan tungkai tidak ada. Demam dijumpai 2 hari ini. Pasien pernah rawat sebelumnya dengan diagnosa NHL  Sesak nafas dialami 1 hari ini. Demam dijumpai 2 hari ini. Batuk dijumpai 1 minggu ini namun dahak sulit keluar.  Riwayat pemasangan kateter dijumpai, riw urin keruh tidak ada  Luka di bokong dijumpai 2 minggu ini  RPT: DM (-) HT (-), NHL (+) RPO: kemoterapi
  • 13. Pemeriksaan fisik  Sens: somnolen  TD: 90/50  HR: 102x/menit  RR: 28 x/menit  T: 38,3  Terpasang O2 2-4 liter via nasal canule  Mata:  Anemis (-/-), ikterik (-/-), pupil isokor  Thorax:  SP: bronkial  ST: ronkhi di seluruh lapangan paru  Abdomen: simetris, soepel, H/L/R ttb, peristaltik N  Posterior: dijumpai ulkus dengan diameter 3-5 cm, pus (-)  Ekstremitas: lateralisasi (-)
  • 14. Jenis Pemeriksaan Satuan Hasil Hb g/dl 8,7 Leukosit /μl 3650 Ht % 23 Trombosit /μl 125.000 AGDA Satu an Hasil Rujukan pH 7,370 7,35 – 7,45 pCO2 mm Hg 26 38 – 42 pO2 mm Hg 140 85 -100 HCO3 U/L 12,7 22 – 26 Total CO2 U/L 13,4 19 – 25 BE U/L -8,9 -2 - +2 Saturasi O2 % 99,0 95 - 100 Jenis Pemeriksaan Satuan Hasil Ureum mg/dL 68 Kreatinin mg/dL 3,4 Natrium mEq/L 138 Kalium mEq/L 3,8 Klorida mEq/L 101
  • 15. III.1 Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) Score
  • 16. Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) Score The SOFA score predicts mortality risk for patients in the intensive care unit based on lab results and clinical data on the degree of dysfunction of 6 organ systems. • The score is calculated at admission and every 24 hours until discharge • The SOFA score is not designed to influence medical management • An initial SOFA score of < 9 predicted a mortality of < 33%, SOFA > 11 predicted mortality of 95% • Adam Malik Hospital (2018) SOFA score >7, kematian >>(Andrew, Ginting F KONAS PETRI 2019)
  • 17. Variable SOFA SCORE 0 1 2 3 4 Respiratory :PaO2/FiO2, mmHG > 400 ≤400 ≤300 ≤ 200 ≤ 100 Coagulation : Platelet x 103μl >150 ≤150 ≤ 100 ≤50 ≤20 Liver : Bilirubin, mg/dl <1,2 1,2 – 1,9 2,0 – 5,9 6.0 – 11,9 >12 Cardiovascular : Hypotension No hypotension MAP : <70 mmHg DOP ≤ 5 or Do ( any dose) DOP >5, Epi ≤ 0,1, or Nor - epi ≤ 0,1 Dop >15, Epi >0,1 or Nor – Epi >0,1 Central Nervous System : GCS Scale 15 13 – 14 10 - 12 6 - 9 <6 Renal :Creatinine/Urine <1,2 1,2 – 1,9 2.0 – 3,4 3,5 – 4,9 or UOP : >5 .0 or 1 2 3 4 5 6 S S C 2 0 1 6
  • 18. Why to Use The SOFA score can be used to determine the level of organ dysfunction and mortality risk in ICU patients. When to Use • The SOFA can be used on all patients who are admitted to an ICU. • It is not clear whether the SOFA is reliable for patients who were transferred from another ICU. Instructions Calculate the SOFA score using the worst value for each variable in the preceding 24-hour period. “the major gap is the difficulty to apply current sepsis case definitions, especially in LMIC settings when the main tests are not available” “90% of cases with poor outcome in the Australian sepsis database, inadequate recognition was found to be the most common feature”
  • 19. The SOFA scoring system is useful in predicting the clinical outcomes of critically ill patients. According to an observational study at an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in Belgium the mortality • least 50% when the score is increased regardless of initial score in the first 96 hours • 27% to 35% if the score remains unchanged • less than 27% if the score is reduced.
  • 20.
  • 23. The qSOFA • a rapid, bedside clinical score to identify patients with suspected infection who are at greater risk for poor outcomes. • The primary outcome was in hospital mortality, and the secondary outcome was an ICU length of stay of ≥ 3 days. • The qSOFA was meant to replace the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) criteria. • qSOFA has also been found to be poorly sensitive for the risk of death with SIRS possibly better for screening • Sepsis HAM Hospital 2018: 16,7% under diagnose (Maruli,Ginting F, KONAS PETRI 2019) -Angus, Derek C.; Seymour, Christopher W.; Coopersmith, Craig M.; Deutschman, Clifford S.; Klompas, Michael; Levy, Mitchell M .; Martin, Gregory S.; Osborn, Tiffany M.; Rhee, Chanu. Williams JM, Greenslade JH, McKenzie JV, et al. - SIRS, qSOFA and organ dysfunction: insights from a prospective database of emergency department patients with infection. Chest 2017;151:586-596.
  • 24. • The qSOFA score predicts mortality but does not diagnose sepsis • no prospective studies have demonstrated that clinical decisions based on the qSOFA lead to better patient outcomes. The most recent Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines, published in March 2017, do not integrate the qSOFA into recommendations for screening or diagnosis of sepsis. Emergency Medicine Practice • October 2018 A positive qSOFA score clinicians to further investigate for the presence of organ dysfunction or increase the frequency of patient monitoring.
  • 25. III.3. SIRS compare to SOFA score in sepsis
  • 26. The SIRS Criteria definitions of sepsis • are being replaced as they were found too many limitations; • the "current use of 2 or more SIRS criteria to identify sepsis was unanimously considered by the task force to be unhelpful.” Audit pasien sepsis Tahun 2016 RSUP HAM • SSC 2012: 2 SIRS + infected  Over diagnosed: 33,7% • 78 data infection with SIRS < 2 • 75 data >2 SIRS without infection (Chronic disease) • 30 data Increased Procalcitonin in CKD • 124 data sepsis in resume medic only (Ginting F, submitted journal process)
  • 27. Only 94 out of 142 cases ( 66,2 %) were judged to meet the diagnosis criteria for sepsis. Out of the 94 patients, 77 ( 82%) were appropriately classified for sepsis severity. 19 patients (20%) met criteria for severe sepsis/ septic shock.
  • 28.  Among critically ill patients with suspected sepsis, the predictive validity of the SOFA score for in- hospital mortality was superior to that of the SIRS criteria (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve 0.74 versus 0.64)  SIRS, qSOFA and new sepsis definition  Paul E. Marik, Abdalsamih M. Taeb  Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, VA, USA Correspondence to: Paul Marik, MD. Eastern Virginia Medical School, 825 Fairfax Av, Suite 410, Norfolk VA 23507, USA. Email: Provenance: This is an invited Editorial commissioned by the Section Editor Zhongheng Zhang (Department of Emergency Medicine, Sir Run-Run Shaw Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, China). Comment on: Williams JM, Greenslade JH, McKenzie JV, et al. SIRS, qSOFA and organ dysfunction: insights from a prospective database of emergency department patients with infection. Chest 2017;151:586-596.  Submitted Feb 05, 2017. Accepted for publication Mar 06, 2017. doi: 10.21037/jtd.2017.03.125 View this article at:
  • 29. Evaluated the presence of SIRS criteria in 109,663 patients with infection and organ failure. In this study, 12% of patients were classified as having SIRS-negative sepsis (i.e. <2 SIRS criteria) Kaukonen KM, Bailey M, Pilcher D, et al. Systemic inflammatory response syndrome criteria in de ning severe sepsis. N Engl J Med 2015;372:1629-38. Over diagnose
  • 30. A new large retrospective cohort analysis among 184,875 patients in 182 Australian and New Zealand intensive care units (ICUs) found SOFA score had superiority in prediction of in-hospital mortality but it showed SIRS criteria has greater prognostic accuracy for in-hospital mortality than qSOFA score Raith EP, Udy AA, Bailey M, et al. Prognostic accuracy of the sofa score, sirs criteria, and qsofa score for in-hospital mortality among adults with suspected infection admitted to the intensive care unit. JAMA 2017;317:290-300.
  • 31. The discrimination of in-hospital mortality for SOFA (75.3% AUROC; 99% confidence interval (CI): 0.750–0.757) was significantly higher than that of qSOFA (60.7% AUROC; 99% CI: 0.603– 0.611) or SIRS (58.9% AUROC; 99% CI: 0.585–0.593). Of the study population, 90.1% (165,103 patients) had an increase in SOFA score from baseline to at least two points; 86.7% (158,710 patients) met two or more SIRS criteria, and 54.4% (99,611 patients) had a qSOFA score of at least two points . In adults admitted to the ICU with suspected infection, an increase in SOFA score of at least two points had superior prognostic accuracy for in-hospital mortality followed by qSOFA and finally SIRS criteria. With SOFA score demonstrating significantly greater discrimination for in-hospital mortality, the authors highlight that this may suggest that SIRS criteria and qSOFA may have limited utility in predicting mortality in an ICU setting .
  • 32. • The definition of SIRS, although sensitive to detect sepsis, was rather unspecific. • In addition, the SIRS criteria performed badly in identifying patients significant morbidity and mortality. • These issues led to a recent new consensus definition for sepsis and septic shock • This international task force o defined sepsis as ‘life-threatening organ dysfunction o Using large datasets (>1 million patient records), o increase in 2 points or more for a patient suspected to have infection using the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) best predicted in-hospital mortality. • The SOFA is well known within the intensive care community, but is not so well known generally. • The task force developed a simpler clinical screening tool that performed very well in identifying adult patients with suspected infection who were likely to have poor outcomes, which they termed ‘quick SOFA’ (qSOFA). • The definition of SIRS, although sensitive to detect sepsis, was rather unspecific. • In addition, the SIRS criteria performed badly in identifying patients significant morbidity and mortality. • These issues led to a recent new consensus definition for sepsis and septic shock • This international task force o defined sepsis as ‘life-threatening organ dysfunction o Using large datasets (>1 million patient records), o increase in 2 points or more for a patient suspected to have infection using the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) best predicted in-hospital mortality. • The SOFA is well known within the intensive care community, but is not so well known generally. • The task force developed a simpler clinical screening tool that performed very well in identifying adult patients with suspected infection who were likely to have poor outcomes, which they termed ‘quick SOFA’ (qSOFA).
  • 33. PPK SEPSIS PERMENKES 2017 - > SSC 2012
  • 34. MENGHITUNG RASIO PAO2/ FIO2 Perhitungan rasio PaO2 / FiO2 dilakukan untuk mengetahui status oksigenasi pasien. • Rasio paO2 / FiO2 yang normal adalah > atau =300. • Apabila rasio paO2 / FiO2 < 300 maka pasien mengalami acute lung injury ( ALI) • Apabila rasio PaO2 / FiO2 < 200 maka pasien mengalami acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) Cara menghitung rasio paO2 / FiO2 pasien diatas adalah: 1. cari nilai FiO2: misal, pasien menggunakan O2: 3 l/mnt  FiO2 adalah : 33% atau 0,32 2. hasil AGDA didapat paO2 pasien diatas adalah 82 mmHg 3. masukan ke rumus berikut: PaO2 / FiO2 82 / 0,3 = 273,3 AO2 100% (l/mnt) FiO2 Kanul nasal Sungkup O2 1 0,24 5-6 0,40 2 0,28 6-7 0,50 3 0,32 7-8 0,60 4 0,36 Sungkup reservoar 5 0,40 6 0,60 6 0,44 7 0,70 8>= 0,80
  • 35. qSOFA SSC 2016 qSOFASOFA Score qSOFASOFA Score
  • 36. STEP 1 Inflammation or infection? • Leukocytosis : MCI, CHF, Pancreatitis, burn injury, post operative? • SIRS not cause by infection • Fever? • SIRS correlation with infection? Acute? Bacterial or viral? • CRP, Procalcitonin (CKD?) • Neutrophil/ limphocyt • Total eosinophil
  • 37. STEP 2 • Sepsis (SSC 2016) – Quick Sofa The scoring/condition happened in acute condition and due to by infection
  • 39. dr. Fransiscus Ginting SpPD, K-PTI Kasus Pasien Sepsis
  • 40. Kasus 1 Tn E, Laki-laki 38 tahun
  • 41. Anamnesa Sesak nafas dialami 2 hari. Sesak nafas tidak berhubungan dengan aktivitas dan cuaca, disertai batuk. Demam dialami sejak 2 hari, sepanjang hari .Penurunan kesadaran terjadi sejak 2 hari ini. Tidak ada riwayat trauma atau kejang. Pasien sudah berbaring sejak > 1 bulan ini karena tangan dan kaki pasien mengalami kelemahan. Pasien juga tidak dapat diajak berbicara lagi. pasien baru mengetahui menderita HIV selama 2 minggu.
  • 42. Vital Sign Sens : somnolen TD : 90/60 mmHg HR 104x/i RR : 24x/i T : 39
  • 43. Pemeriksaan Fisik Kepala : Konj palpebra anemis (-), sklera ikterik (-), oksigen terpasang 4 l/I nasal canul. NGT terpasang Leher : TVJ R-2 Cm H20 Thorax : simetris, SF ki=ka. Sonor, SP: bronchial, ST : Ronchi basah diseluruh lapangan paru Abdomen : simetris, soepel, peristaltik N Extremitas : oedema (-)
  • 44. Apakah ini sepsis? 1.Fokus infeksi : paru 2.Hasil scanning : Toxoplasma encephalopathy 3.Quick sofa score = 3 (>2) • GCS : 5 ( <15) • RR : 24 ( >22x/i) • TD : 90/60 (<100)
  • 45. Quick Sofa : 3 1 1 1
  • 46. Laboratorium Hb : 9,6 PLT : 22.000 WBC : 12.300 Ureum : 75 Creatinin : 1,63 Bilirubin total : 2,3 pH 7,46 IgG anti toxoplasma 157 pCO2 : 21 IgM anti toxoplasma 2,72 pO2 : 167 HCO3 : 14,9 Total Co2 : 15,5 Base Excess : -6,9 SO2 : 100 AGDA : Natrium : 130 Kalium 3,2 Chlorida 102
  • 48.
  • 49. 2. Tekanan darah TD : 90/60 mmHg MAP > 70 (score = 0)
  • 51. 0 1 2 3 4 >400 <400 >300 <200 <100 AO2 100% (l/mnt) FiO2 Kanul nasal Sungkup O2 1 0,24 5-6 0,40 2 0,28 6-7 0,50 3 0,32 7-8 0,60 4 0,36 Sungkup reservoar 5 0,40 6 0,60 6 0,44 7 0,70 8>= 0,80 167/0,36= 463 PO2 : 167 FiO2:0,36
  • 52. Trombosit : 22.000 ( score 3) Bilirubin : 2,3 ( score 2)
  • 53. pO2/FiO2 : AGDA pO2 167/FiO2 0,36= 463 ( score : 0) Trombosit :22.000 ( score 3) Bilirubin : 2,3 ( score 2) MAP : 73 ( score 0) GCS :5 ( score 4) Creatinin : 1,63 ( score 1) Total Score : 10
  • 54. DX Sepsis ec pneumonia Pneumonia HAP dd CAP HIV stadium IV Toxoplasma Encephalopathy
  • 55. K a s u s 2 Tn L, pria 54 tahun
  • 56. Anamnesa Sesak nafas dialami sejak 1 hari sebelum rumah sakit. Sesak nafas memberat dengan aktivitas disertai dengan batuk. Pasien di diagnosa dengan acute lung oedema oleh dept cardiologi. Demam dialami sejak 4 hari dirawat di CVCU. Demam terjadi sepanjang hari .Pasien menggunakan ventilator sejak berada di cvcu.
  • 57. Vital Sign Sens : DPO TD : 90/60 mmHg Dengan support norepinefrin HR 54 x/i RR : 16x/I terpasang ventilator T : 38,9
  • 58. Pemeriksaan Fisik Kepala : Konj palpebra anemis (-), sklera ikterik (-), terpasang ventilator. FiO2 50% Leher : TVJ R+3 Cm H20 Thorax : simetris, SF ki=ka. Sonor, SP: bronchial, ST : Ronchi basah diseluruh lapangan paru Abdomen : simetris, soepel, peristaltik N Extremitas : oedema (-)
  • 60. Quick Sofa : (sulit dinilai) untuk pasien rawat non ICU RR : 20 x/I ( ventilator +) Td : 100/80 (support norepinefrin) Sens : DPO ? ? ? ?
  • 61. Laboratorium Hb : 12,3 PLT : 206.000 WBC : 17.440 Ureum : 137 Creatinin : 2,8 Bilirubin total : 1,2 pH 7,42 pCO2 : 32 pO2 : 87 HCO3 : 20,8 Total Co2 : 21,8 Base Excess : -2,9 SO2 : 97% AGDA : Natrium : 134 Kalium 3,2 Chlorida 107
  • 62. SOFA SCORE pO2/FiO2 : 87 / 0,5 = 174 ( score : 3) Trombosit : 206000 ( score 0) Bilirubin : 1,2 ( score 1) MAP : support norepinefrin ( oleh karena penyakit jantung? Sepsis? ) GCS : sulit dinilai. Pasien DPO ( score ?) Creatinin : 2,8 ( score 2) Total Score : 6
  • 63. DX Sepsis ec pneumonia VAP Acute Lung Oedema CAD 3 VD DM tipe 2
  • 66. S, perempuan, 42 tahun Anamnesis: • Sesak nafas, dijumpai sejak 4 hari SMRS, sesak tidak berhubungan dengan aktivitas dan cuaca • Batuk dijumpai sesekali 3 minggu ini, dahak berwana kuning, riw batuk darah (-), penurunan BB (-), keringatmalam (+), nyeri dada (-) demam (+) 3 hari SMRS. • Mual muntah (-) mata kuning dijumpai 2 hari SMRS. Nyeri perut tidak dijumpai • Riw sakit kuning sblmnya (-) riw alkohol (-) • BAK nyeri (+) 2 hari ini setelah pemasangan kateter, pada kateter dijumpai BAK sedikit keruh. Volume BAK 1 liter/hari • BAB tidak ada keluhan • Pasien merupakan pasien konsul dan dirawat oleh TS Bedah dengan Diagnosa Reynoud Disease. • RPT: DM (-) HT (-)
  • 67. Pemeriksaan Fisik • Sens : CM • Vital Sign: – TD 90/60, – HR: 107x/menit, – RR 32x/menit (terpasang simple mask 6 l/menit) – T: 37 C • Mata: anemis (-/-), ikterik (+/+) • Thorax: – SP: bronkial – ST: ronkhi (+/+) di lapangan atas kedua paru • Abdomen: simetris, soepel, H/L/R ttb, peristaltik normal • Ekstremitas: – Sup: menghitam pada digiti III dan IV manus sinistra – Inferior: edema (-/-)
  • 68. Jenis Pemeriksaan Satuan Hasil Nilai Rujukan Hb g/dl 11,2 12-16 Leukosit /μl 34.910 4,000-11,000 Ht % 33 39-54 Trombosit /μl 6000 150,000-450,000 MCV fL 87 81-99 MCH pg 29,2 27-31 MCHC g/dL 33,6 21-37 Neutrofil % 91,8 50-70 Limfosit % 4,0 20-40 Monosit % 3,6 2-8 Eosinofil % 0,3 1-3 Basofil % 0,3 0-1 Kesan : leukositosis, trombositopenia
  • 69. Kimia Klinik Jenis Pemeriksaan Satuan Hasil Rujukan Ginjal Ureum mg/dL 96 15-40 Kreatinin mg/dL 5,02 0.6-1.1 AGDA Satuan Hasil Rujukan pH 7,370 7,35 – 7,45 pCO2 mmHg 22 38 – 42 pO2 mmHg 159 85 -100 HCO3 U/L 12,7 22 – 26 Total CO2 U/L 13,4 19 – 25 BE U/L -10,8 -2 - +2 Saturasi O2 % 99,0 95 - 100 Hasil Bil. Total 20,70 Bil Direk 11,00
  • 70. Apakah ini sepsis? Apakah ini sepsis? 1. Adakah fokal infeksi? 1. Adakah fokal infeksi?
  • 71. Diagnosa Infeksi • Pneumonia dd/ TB Paru • ISK • Cholangitis (??)
  • 72. 2. Berapa qSOFA? 2. Berapa qSOFA?
  • 73. TDS 90 mmHg  1 TDS 90 mmHg  1 RR 32x/menit  1 RR 32x/menit  1 TOTAL SCORE : 2
  • 74. SOFA score: • AGDA  PaO2/FiO2 159/0,5= 318 (<300) 1 • Platelet  6000  4 • Bilirubin  20  4 • Cardiovaskular  MAP >70 0 • CNS  GCS >15  0 • Renal  Cr>5,00 4 • TOTAL SCORE 13
  • 75. 3. Berapa SOFA Score? 3. Berapa SOFA Score? TOTAL SCORE 14 TOTAL SCORE 14
  • 76. Diagnosis • Sepsis ec dd/ pneumonia dd/urosepsis dd/ cholangitis • Reynoud Disease
  • 77. Treatment • Cor NaCl 0,9% 30 cc/kgBB  1500 cc • Kultur darah, sputum, urin • Cek Procalcitonin  31,89 • Antibiotik  Drip meropenem 1 gram/8 jam dalam 100 cc NaCl 0,9% habis dalam 3 jam
  • 78. Hasil Kultur • Darah : tidak ada pertumbuhan bakteri • Urin : tidak ada pertumbuhan bakteri • Sputum: – Dijumpai batang gram (-) – Bakteri aerob: Acinetobacter baumanii • Sensitive: Amikasin, Tigecyline • Resisten: Ampicillin Sulbactam, ceftazidime, ceftriaxon, cefepime, ciprofloxacin, gentamycin, meropenem, trimetropim/sulfametoxazole NB: KULTUR SPUTUM DIAMBIL SETELAH PEMBERIAN ANTIBIOTIK
  • 80. Jenis Pemeriksaan Satuan Hasil Nilai Rujukan Hb g/dl 7,7 12-16 Leukosit /μl 13.550 4,000-11,000 Ht % 24 39-54 Trombosit /μl 416.000 150,000-450,000 MCV fL 87 81-99 MCH pg 27,8 27-31 MCHC g/dL 31,8 21-37 Neutrofil % 75,2 50-70 Limfosit % 22,0 20-40 Monosit % 3,6 2-8 Eosinofil % 0,3 1-3 Basofil % 0,3 0-1 Kesan : leukositosis Hematologi Rutin PERBAIKAN PERBAIKAN
  • 81. Hasil Bil. Total 2,4 Bil Direk 1,9 SGOT 105 SGPT 131 PERBAIKAN! Anjuran: USG ABDOMEN  data tidak ada PERBAIKAN! Anjuran: USG ABDOMEN  data tidak ada MENINGKAT Hasil Foto Thorax pasien menunjukkan adanya TB paru dan diberikan OAT, sehingga OAT mungkin penyebab peningkatan SGOT dan SGPT MENINGKAT Hasil Foto Thorax pasien menunjukkan adanya TB paru dan diberikan OAT, sehingga OAT mungkin penyebab peningkatan SGOT dan SGPT