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Do the Right Thing Film Analysis
Do the Right Thing Film Analysis
"Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral. It is impractical
because it is a descending spiral ending in destruction for all."(Martin Luther King Jr.). Violence and
racism are both important motifs in, Do the Right Thing (Lee, 1989). They are prominent in almost
every scene of the film and lead to the climax when Radio Raheem is killed by the police. Spike Lee
used many different directorial techniques in his movie. Heat and music were an example of this and
were prominent throughout the movie. They were clever ways that Lee got across his ideas, they
brought the audience into the movie. They helped immerse you in the movie and made you feel as if
you were feeling the ... Show more content on ...
The only thing that the people gained from exerting violence and burning down Sal's pizzeria was
self–satisfaction. They thought they were being the big man when really they just burnt down one of
their main food sources in the neighborhood. The people of this Brooklyn neighborhood needed to
come together when trouble was afoot, but failed to do so. They learned their lesson that violence is
not the answer, the only way they can lead civil lives is by eliminating violence and getting educated
on their racial views. Do the Right Thing was an eye opening movie that brought across many
controversial topics that are important to address. Spike Lee did a good job incorporating so many
different ideas into the movie, each character represented something important and not one person
was a waste to the movie. The in your face attitude of Lee helped showcase his ideas in the film, he
simply would not let you look the other way. Heat was one way he brought you into the movie, it
was included in almost every scene of the film. Every conversation had at–least one part that
complained about the heat, everyone was hot all the time. Senor Love would say it every day on his
radio show, "The forecast for today is, HOT!". I think the heat added to the tension between the
characters because heat can make you uneasy and lead to confrontations that usually do not happen.
Heat and music, as well as violence and racial
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Analysis Of Do The Right Thing
There are many films in this world that tackle the topic of race. It is an unfortunate truth that leads to
many options when choosing a film to show to the students of Coe College. With a large majority of
the students at Coe being white, choosing a film that addresses the themes of racism in the 20th
century is something that can be a sensitive subject. It is the reason that a film that addresses tension
among different race on a block in Bed–Sty is the most appropriate for the audience at Coe College.
The film Do The Right Thing, directed by Spike Lee, challenges the characters in the film, along
with the audience viewing the film to form opinions on sensitive subjects and to do the right thing in
a difficult situation.Spike Lee uses the film, Do The Right Thing, to address racial tension in the
20th century through his use of color, camera framing and narrative. One of the most striking scenes
begins in the first forty minutes of the film. The scene starts off with the music becoming slow and
haunting, a difference from the high beat music that was playing before, while a police car slowly
drives down the street in the neighborhood of mostly people of color. The camera then cuts to the
three black men who sit on the corner, Sweet Dick Willie, Coconut Sid, and ML. The camera pans
across the three faces, all showing critical glares at the police car. The policeman in the passenger
seat is then shown, displaying a similar glare to the black men. The tension can be felt in
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Do The Right Thing Analysis
When people discuss and negotiate how a recent event should be handled, they rely on their values
and beliefs about morals as well as their role in the negotiation process to make both conscious and
unconscious strategic choices and moves. Negotiating occurs when an incident has multiple point of
views. These views are shaped by the principle that disputants are adversaries where if one wins, the
other must lose. The riot scene in the film Do The Right Thing took place when the protagonist,
Mookie, threw a trash can through the window of Sal's restaurant. This destructive action caused
Mookie's boss, Sal, to be saved from the angry mob that held him responsible for the death of a
neighborhood friend, Radio Raheem. I believe Mookie deliberately ... Show more content on ...
He escorted Buggin Out out of the pizzeria when he became hot–headed over no black leaders being
displayed on the wall. He tried to convince Sal's sons that blacks were equal and were not animals.
His attitude was positive and he was friendly to everyone, despite the scorching heat that was
making everyone irritated. When Mookie sensed Sal was being too forward with his sister, he
warned Jade by telling her to leave the
Morgan 2 restaurant immediately. It was not until the final riot scene at the end of the film that
Mookie's actions were questioned.
Mookie always stood up for what he believed in. Mookie demonstrated his belief of doing the right
thing during the riot scene when he feared Sal was going to be attacked. Before he had thrown the
trash can through the window, he took the lid off, threw it on the ground and kicked it. I think he
was trying to create as much noise as possible so that he would be able to distract the crowd from
harming Sal. When this didn't work, he had no other option but to throw the trash can through the
window. While his actions destroyed the pizzeria, he was successful in saving Sal and his family
from being beaten or
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Do The Right Thing?
Do The Right Thing (1989) is a classic film written, produced, and directed by Spike Lee. The focus
on the movie is set on racial issues, and the entire movie takes place on the hottest day of the year in
the Bed–Stuy section of Brooklyn. Lee does an incredible job demonstrating the tautness between
the races on the block specifically among the African American race and American Italian race.
Lee's use of symbolism among the characters, mise–en–scene, and shot composition in his film Do
The Right Thing from beginning to end illustrates the struggle between peace and conflict. During
the time this film first came out there was many racial tensions going on in America. Primarily in
the blocks of New York. In this film Lee addresses these racial issues by creating a film that takes
place in one entire day on the block where protagonist, Mookie, lives and works as a pizza delivery
boy for Sal, an Italian American pizza owner in the block that is populated by mostly blacks. Lee's
symbolism among characters is absolutely incredible from start to finish. The beginning of the film
is started with music by Public Enemy "Fight The Power" where we see a young female (Rosie
Perez) dancing, and at one point with a boxing outfit. This demonstrates an aggressive feel right off
the bat, while the next scene takes place over at LOVE FM, a radio station ran by Mister Senor Love
Daddy who is waking up the town and warning them about the high temperatures of that summer
day. Right away Lee
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Do The Right Thing Essay
Director and actor Spike Lee presents his "truth" about race relations in his movie Do
the Right Thing. The film exhibits the spectacle of black discrimination and racial altercations.
Through serious, angry, and loud sounds, Lee stays true to the ethnicity of his characters, all of
which reflect their own individualism. Lee uses insulting diction and intense scenes to show how
severe racism can lead to violence.
The disturbing scene where different nationalities badger their opinions on each other shows poor
communication and horrible stereotyping. This is an example of antilocution. Pino's Italian slang,
Mookies black talk, and Korean obscenities are all mixed together to show how communication
grows impossible among different ... Show more content on ...
The burning of Sal's Famous Pizzeria will leave an imprint in the minds of anyone who watches.
When Sal smashes Raheem's radio, the tension turns to uproar. Total bedlam occurs within minutes
after the death of Raheem by the city police. This could be a physical attack on both sides. Both of
the actions taken by Radio Raheem and Sal were uncalled for.
Mookie performed a heroic contribution as he shifted the fighting away from Sal and towards Sal's
Pizzeria. In fact Mookie saved Sal's life in the midst of everything. In the middle of the chaos the
Korean man says, "I'm black, you, me, the same." This reflects how people in society try
to fit into certain groups that seem to be the right thing to do at the moment.
Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing focuses on scenes representing failed communication, dire
stereotyping, absence of trust, and wrongful violence that reflects the existing concerns about racism
in America. The intense language and strong gestures enhance the film creating a realistic view for
the audience.
I would give this movie a five star rating. Do the Right Thing, is to the point and entertaining with a
serious view of the world. There are no absolute heroes or villains. There are no easy answers to the
questions that this film poses. Do the Right Thing is one of the best–directed, best made films of our
time, a film in which the acting and visual style work together to make a statement about race in
America. It is also bound to enrage
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Analysis Of Do The Right Thing
In spite of the fact that Do the Right Thing and Jungle Fever are both associated with social and
political issues, they tend to navigate through various racial viewpoints using different cinematic
elements. Spike Lee uses a variety of techniques in his film to bring awareness to events occurring
in today's society. For example Do the Right Thing, is a film that tackles down the social issue of
prejudice as well as the controversial issues between Italian–Americans and African Americans in
New York City. The whole movie unravels around the "Wall of Fame" located inside Sal's Pizzeria,
which only features Italian actors. One day a local customer name Bugging Out, demands to have
black actors, since after all the pizzeria is located within a black neighborhood. Soon enough the
"Wall of Fame" becomes a symbolic representation of racism and hate which leads to a riot
involving an explicit scene of police brutality. On the other hand Jungle Fever, tends to emphasise
on the subject of interracial couples, as well as the controversy between Italian–Americans and
African Americans and of course the usage of drugs. The movie is based on Flipper, an African
American architect who has an affair with his secretary Angie, who is an Italian–American. The
climax of the movie occurs when Flipper's wife Drew, finds out about the affair and from then on
society begins to reject Flipper and Angie because of social norms. Forcing them into a corner
where they later learn that they were driven
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Do The Right Thing Theme
Do the Right Thing (1989), is about addressing the subject of frustration that many African
Americans during the time dealt with. Directed by Spike Lee, Do the Right Thing is about an Italian
pizza shop and the tension that it creates in a predominately black neighborhood. Along with the
excessive heat, the tension in the community is ignited by the lack of famous African American
figures on the Wall of Fame displayed in the pizza place, and the refusal to incorporate any by the
owner. The idea, or theme, of this film focuses on the social injustices that lead to a detachment
from the richness of cultural togetherness, to a manner of self–degradation and projection of hate
towards others, in a battle between races to prove dominance and show superiority in an otherwise
white driven nation. Enhanced by the components of cinematography and mise–en–scène within the
film, including camera shots and angles, exposure, as well as the composition of the scenes, this
movie is a critique of how no matter how intricately people are entangled within a community where
they are expected to coexist, and no matter how culturally and racially tolerant a person believes
they are, the true nature of a person surfaces when they are faced with a pressuring decision to take
action in a difficult situation. ... Show more content on ...
These two minorities are expected to co–exist in a small community in Brooklyn, however in the
summer heat, tension in the community escalates when the Italian Americans refuse to put up photos
of famous African Americans along side the multitude of famous Italian Americans already
displayed in his popular pizza place, heavily supported by the African American population in the
community. This leads to bout of racial intolerance because the African Americans feel disrespected
and the Italian Americans feel undermined within their own
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Stereotypes In Do The Right Thing
Reflection for Do the Right Thing The film Do the Right Thing took conventional stereotypes and
flipped them around. An example of this is whenever Radio Raheem the camera does a low angle
shot and a close up on his face. This is in contrast to when he interacts with Sal the camera does a
high angle shot and medium close up to Sal. This is continued even when Radio Raheem was being
killed by the police. The police where holding Radio Raheem above all of the police officers.
Another stereotype Spike Lee flipped was the only non–minority characters, the police, smiley, and
the man in the car, are portrayed as disabled in some way, may it be mentally or morally.
Spike Lee chose to flip these stereotypes to showcase the black people should not
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Do The Right Thing Analysis
The initial release of 'Do the Right Thing' caused a media frenzy, and had reviewers predicting the
movie would stir riots and cause race issues among the inner cities of America. If anything, the
movie caused an intellectual uproar and left viewers with an urge to discuss the issues portrayed in
the movie's community. Lee manages to touch upon the various issues that inner city communities
faced during the presidency of Regan and the social attitudes that followed his tax cut plan. These
plans effected the environmental conditions, the relations amongst races, and police brutality within
urban communities. The setting of the movie is placed in Bedford–Stuyvesant, a neighborhood of
Brooklyn New York which is neglected by city's government and ... Show more content on ...
Raheem and Stewart's death still resonates within today's interaction of young black men and police
officers. Through the last decade examples of this issue have played out within the case of Eric
Gardener unjustly being killed by the NYC Police Force, Trayvon Martin in Florida, the Michael
Brown case in Ferguson, the death of Cedrick Chatman by Chicago police, and many more. The
topic of police brutality has been a reoccurring theme throughout the past 30 years, and more often
than not the officers convicted of the shootings are not indicted due to their position within the
political system and society. In the movie there is a scene with black cops and a scene with white
cops. Both of these scenes contrast one another in terms of the vibe they introduce upon their
appearance. The scene with the black cops shows that these cops understand the conditions of the
neighborhood and sympathize towards their lack of resources to keep them cool during the hot day.
They warn them not to open up the fire extinguisher again and leave without making any arrests
because the crime was a small misdemeanor. Once the white cops make their way into the
neighborhood there is conflicting vibe between the folks sitting on the corner, and it is obvious that
they dislike one another. The appearance of the white cops during the fight shows how police
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Do The Right Thing Analysis
In the film "Do The Right Thing" by Spike Lee, cinematography and sound serve as critical
components to emphasize the racial tensions between the various characters. Set in a predominantly
black neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York, the action of the film consists of a series of unfolding
events that take place over the course of one hot summer day. Heat, serves as a catalyst to the film's
rising tensions and makes up one of the key symbols in the film. The purpose of this paper is to
examine two elements of film; cinematography and sound, in Do The Right Thing, and analyze how
these elements develop meaning and understanding of the film. Sound plays a very important role in
the film, Do The Right Thing. This is evident right since the beginning of the film as it begins with
the song "Fight The Power" by Public Enemy (a black artist). In the opening scene of the film, one
character Tina, who is Mookie's girlfriend is seen dancing to this song. Her movements and gestures
seem to be pretty aggressive and somewhat angry. Her red colored attire further highlights heat as an
important symbol.
Character development is significantly seen in this film, since it revolves around several characters
and their relationships with each other within that predominantly black community in Brooklyn. The
opening scene with Tina doesn't tell us much about her, however through the course of the film we
are able to learn more about her character, about her relationship with Mookie and through
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Do The Right Thing Analysis
The movie Do the Right Thing, composed, coordinated and created by Spike Lee, concentrates on a
solitary day of the lives of racially differing individuals who live and work in a lower–class
neighborhood in Brooklyn New York. Notwithstanding, this common day happens on one of the
most sizzling days of summer. The movie fixates on how social class, race and the ethical choices
that the characters make directly affect the way individuals communicate with each other.
Furthermore, in this essay I will analyses Spike Lee's use of mise–en–scene, cinematography,
editing, and sound in the film. Mise–en–scene is utilized as a part of a couple of scenes of Do The
Right Thing to feature their significance to the plot. For example, Close to the begin of the motion
picture, Mookie advises Buggin Out not to contend with Sal about the photos on the divider. As they
leave the pizzeria to talk outside there are no cuts until the point that Mookie gets back to the
restaurant. The issue of the photos later heightens to the uproar toward the finish of the film. In a
later scene, Radio Raheem and different individuals from the area battle to see whose music can be
louder. The scene backpedals and forward between the two blast boxes without cutting. This scene
features the significance of the melody Radio plays, which will later turns into a contributing
component in the mob. In another scene Sal and Pino talk about the area, Pino voicing his discontent
with working in a dark
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I Do, John, I, And I
I Do, John, I Do I stared dreamily into John's sharp gray eyes. He stared back, his soft grin teasing. I
took a deep breath through my nose, waiting for my step–brother– who had offered to be "preacher"
at John and I's not–so–traditional wedding– to speak. John raised his eyebrows goofily and I had to
bite my lip to keep from laughing. He was so perfect. Mark– the earlier mentioned step–brother–
cleared his throat and prepared to speak. "We are gathered here today, on this happy and
heartwarming day, to join this lucky bastard and this foxy woman I am proud to call my sister, in
slavery– I mean matrimony." Our friends and family chuckled and I smacked him on the arm. Mark
smirked at me and I rolled my eyes. He continued. "Marriage is a–" ... Show more content on ...
When we pulled apart, our guests cheered. Mark the loudest. John locked eyes with me and I
thought back to when I first met those keen and tender gems. I was only thirteen years old and full
of hormones. Like every girl would, I thought he was the "hottest man alive". When I told my
mother, she just smiled and rolled her eyes, obviously thinking I'd be over it by the morning. But it
didn't go away. "You hardly know him!" my mom had cried when I told her that I wanted to see him
again. "But he's perfect..." I argued in my lust–filled state. "He was just an attractive boy working at
a bookstore. You're too young for him." I groaned and set my head on our kitchen counter. "Age
doesn't matter and he works at a bookstore." I said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
She pinched the bridge of her nose. "I don't have time for this Gwen.' she said with finality. When
she turned her back I mocked her like I used to do when I was seven. "Don't mock you mother
Gwenyth," my step–dad scolded, walking in the kitchen with a box in his arms. I pouted. Greg
tapped my chin teasingly. "Go help Mark with the boxes Gwenny." I sighed and pushed the stool
away from the counter. Greg kissed my mother lovingly. I grimaced. "At least wait until I leave the
room before you start snogging each other." I murmured. "Cheeky brat." I heard Greg mutter as I
was walking towards the front door. I rolled my eyes and strutted down the
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Do The Right Thing : Racial Conflict
It is unfortunate that intolerance continues to exist in our nation (or anywhere else for that matter).
Racism, one of the largest and most prevalent forms of intolerance, commonly destroys relationships
and can eventually lead to violence. The existence of such hateful ideologies is so prevalent in our
society that popular culture is constantly trying to challenge the ignorant basis of racial conflict.
Spike Lee's film, Do the Right Thing, connects with this concept of racial conflict that is so foreign
to my past. Through the application of my social and political views, I will demonstrate how Spike
Lee's film is difficult for me to relate to and, in my opinion, conveys a misleading message. Granted,
I come from a place much different than that which is portrayed in Do the Right Thing, my beliefs
and experiences have developed an interesting lens by which I view the world. I was raised in an
upper–middle class, Christian home that in turn has instilled in me a strong conservative Republican
worldview. From an ideological standpoint, specifically that which I derive from my Christianity,
the only things that I dislike in this world are ignorance and the hatred that can result from such.
Many times I feel as though white people tend to be exclusively associated with such stupidity. I,
however, feel that this is unfair due to the fact that hatred exists everywhere, within every group of
people. In pop culture, the white man (often the white business man) is portrayed much
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Dichotomy In Do The Right Thing
Do The Right Thing, directed by Spike Lee is a film that acts as a call to action for the audience to
differentiate what doing the right thing actually means. New York City in 1989 was filled with
issues of race and class. Crime rates were high and one of the highest recorded in history only
second to the preceding year of 1990. Cases like the central park five where african american youths
and other minorities were falsely accused of crimes, caused for unjust views of the justice system
designed to protect these people as opposed to persecuting the innocent in the most blatant and
obvious ways. Along with false accusations within the system, New York City was also filled with
police brutality stories. "The organization has collected information ... Show more content on ...
Malcolm's approach to racial injustices is that the solution is violence with violence. While MLK's
perspective is one of peace and assembly. This film uses those contrasting community pillars to once
again beg the question of what the right thing is in a situation that asks an individual to choose. This
major subtext part of the film are prime examples of duality and dichotomy. Malcolm X is known
for his radical and violent views during the racist culture during the time of the civil rights
movement until he died. His philosophy never forgotten and was often still practiced. He once said,
"Tactics based solely on morality can only succeed when you are dealing with basically moral
people or a moral system" The morality of the system is definitely tested during the 80s where as
previously stated, the "system" is constantly testing within the injustice of the justice system when it
comes to african americans. Malcolm X was a man of action and Buggin' Out would be his parallel.
Throughout the film he is a character of action, when he decided to boycott Sal's there is no stopping
him, even after Jane tells him that his passion could be used in more positive ways. He follows
through with the boycotting and the audience can see how violence affects the situation in the
neighborhood as a
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Ethics- Do the Right Thing
1. Spike Lee intended us to conclude that violence is not an answer for any problems. In this case,
the character, Da Mayor, would be a classic example of how problems should have been solved. He
could have intended us to conclude that by resorting to violence in any situation, the consequences
that we would have to face will not be very favourable and it could lead to more problems instead of
solving the current situation. It is always better to nip the problem from the bud, instead of letting it
grow and allowing it to torment everyone. 2. In moral subjectivism context, Mookie did the right
thing, as he was enraged by the death of, Radio Raheem, a fellow black man, and so did everybody
else. However in this case, everybody was ... Show more content on ...
People in this neighbourhood were more comfortable within their own comfort zone and each
ethnicity always felt superior to the other, which is a reason for constant friction between them. 5.
Yes, there can be different moral rules for different ethnic and cultural group. Different ethnic and
cultural groups are from different roots and upbringing. Therefore it is natural for each group to
have their own set of rules and belief. The trick is to accept each and other's differences and learn to
respect and live along with it, instead of disrespecting and discriminating. However amidst all these,
there can be a universal moral code among everyone, to allow everybody to have a common ground
to mingle with. 6. In this movie, Spike Lee does present some of his characters as stereotypes. For
example, Pino in this movie, is a staunch Italian who dislikes living in the neighbourhood where the
majority are blacks. He cannot bring himself to embrace the blacks and their way of life in the
neighbourhood. Most of his characters are usually stereotypical against other ethnicity in the
neighbourhood. However he does have characters, such as Da Mayor, who embraces and accepts
everybody as they are. Spike Lee could have presented his characters in such a manner to portray to
the general public, the reality of living in a multicultural neighbourhood. He might
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John Dos Passos Essay
John Dos Passos
Almost every one writer can say that they are influenced by their childhood and past. Memories
flood back to them as they encounter a similar experience or similar situation in their earlier years.
No doubt a significant factor in their writing, the past from a specific writer's life usually adds more
depth and complexity to their works. Because these previous experiences are from the author's
actual life, the scenes and subjects related to the theme are more accurate and realistic, and may
even be more appealing to read. These past voices may appear either consciously through the
author's works, or sometimes unconsciously, guided maybe by some early childhood memory. Well,
whatever the case, John Dos ... Show more content on ...
Dos Passos first attended school in the District of Colombia. As he grew up, he spent some of his
childhood in Tidewater Virginia. He began attending Choate School where his first published
writings were articles for the Choate School News. Upon completing Choate School at the age of
fifteen, he entered Harvard University in 1912. At Harvard, he continued his journalism by joining
the Harvard Monthly. While at Harvard, he developed a close, long–lasting friendship with E.E.
Cummings. During this time at Harvard, the spirit of idealism swept the country. Dos Passos was
stirred by ideas of idealism and began to write short autobiographical tales for the Harvard Monthly,
which showed vague idealism. He later graduated in June of 1916.
Out of college now, Dos Passos choose to volunteer for ambulance duty overseas but his father
rejected his idea. So instead, he decided to make his first long visit to Spain, a country which held
fascination for him all his life, to study architecture. With the death of his father lather in
1917, he joined the Norton–Harjes Ambulance Group and sailed for France.
During his tour of duty as an ambulance driver, he collaborated with a friend, Robert Hillyer, on
alternate chapters of a novel, and after several revisions, it became One Man's Initiation – 1917.
This book was based largely on his own wartime experiences in France and Italy. His second
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Do The Right Thing Analysis
Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing is a footnote in what kind of society we live in today. The film
opens up in what it seems as just another day in the neighborhood of Bedford–Stuyvesant,
Brooklyn. As you see in the opening of the film, people of the community are getting ready to start
their day. Just like every other neighborhood, it has groups of people that stay together. No matter
what the cost is. Depict as one of the hottest day of the summer. Do the Right Thing details the
events of one day in the life of Mookie and his neighborhood. Lee's character Mookie, who is the
pizza delivery–man for Sal's Pizzeria. Throughout the course of the day in the film, the tension
between the community continues to increasingly over boil. Between the African Americans,
Italians, Hispanics Caucasians and Koreans of the block continue to have an underlying beef with
each other. The confined space of just one block portrays the racial division between each ethic
group. At the climax of the film things turn for the worst at the beloved Sal's Famous Pizzeria as the
key instigators come barging in. Soon after someone ends up dead, which leads to an all out riot
between the community and law enforcement officials. Lee's build up of racial tension throughout
the film played a huge part in understanding the division of the ethnicities and the power they so
much craved but knew they'll never have. At this point, Do the Right Thing is nearly 28 years old
and the film still holds a place of relevance in society. Spike Lee show cases many important society
issues in this film that it is seemly relatable to today. With today's urban society, just about anything
can be misconstrued and cause a sense of tension between others. Just as in "Do the Right Thing",
anything that a character would say would piss another off. Through the film there was an
underlying tension between everyone. As the film continues to unravel Lee uses key themes to get a
deeper understanding of the racial tension in the neighborhood. Supporting the key theme of racial
tension is racism, space, violence, police brutality and community. Lee uses these themes to
continue to get the message of the film across the audience. With Do the Right Thing, Lee had a
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Do The Right Thing Analysis
The main theme of the film, "Do the Right thing," by Spike Lee Joint is racism. The neighborhood is
segregated into variety of groups, from Italians, African Americans, Koreans, and Latinos. This film
lets the viewer's know regardless of the race they are all humans. Da Mayor, one character from the
film said, "thank god for knees, elbows, and hands." He didn't focus on the race, but in fact that they
all are individuals. That is what makes this film so important.
The setting of the film takes place in a neighborhood in Brooklyn. Sal, an Italian business owner
opens his pizzeria like he does every morning. He works with two of his sons and Mookie, an
African American. Over the twenty–five years Sal has owned the pizzeria the neighborhood has
changed from mainly Italian–Americans to African Americans. It was one of the hottest days in
Brooklyn. That might be why many ... Show more content on ...
The zoom really emphasizes who is speaking and gives us a better look at their own race. Another
scene, when a white character walks up to his door, with his bicycle, the camera shoots him from a
lower angle. This signifies that he is "above" the fact that he dirtied Buggin' outs shoes and walks
away. Whereas the camera shoots Buggin' Out and his friends from a higher angle, who are making
an extremely big deal out of it.
Sal honestly respected Mookie. Despite being from different races Sal paid Mookie for his work and
tolerated him wondering around the neighborhood and consistently being late. Sal then told Mookie
that he is considered part of the family. They are two very different people but they are still very
close. Regardless of the fact that Mookie made the first move to vandalize the pizzeria. Even after
that Sal still paid him.
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Do The Right Thing Analysis
3).Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing provides, through the medium of direct address, insight into the
characters of the film's personal racial qualms with other members of their community. This is
especially powerful because up until the middle of the film wherein these direct addresses take
place, viewers are left to individually come up with their own conclusions about the racial tensions
within the film's community. After these addresses, however, it becomes much easier to understand
what prompted the violence and destruction that occurred at the end of the film.
Through the usage of hip–hop music and other cultural artifacts such as the boombox and the
rejection of the productions and artifacts by individuals such as Sal, the pizzeria owner, ... Show
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The film seamlessly mixes more contextual tunes such as Ennio Morricone's "The Braying Mule"
with Rick Ross' "100 Black Coffins", managing to incorporate both hip–hop music and wild–west
themed tracks into his work in a way that seems both relatable to the audience and avoids sacrificing
the realism of the film itself. Django, strikingly retraces the slave narrative during a contemporary
social–cultural moment. The soundscape of Django Unchained, including "Unchained" by Tupac
Shakur, has been described as "racial ventriloquism" by historian and blogger Jelani Cobb, in that
this concept allows Tarantino to present a sonically revisionist representation of varied slave
discourse, trauma felt by the individuals living at the time, and the concept of black manhood.
As a result of the prolific soundscape presented by Tarantino within his work Django Unchained, it
is difficult to interpret this film as one that is not hip–hop centric. It checks all the boxes, in that it
provides a look into the life of slaves in the United States juxtapositioned with the modern cultural
productions of African Americans within the United States. As a result of these enumerated factors,
Django Unchained is without a doubt a "hip–hop
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Do The Right Thing : Pop Culture
Do the Right Thing: Pop Culture at its Best
When we think of pop culture, especially in movies we think of celebrities, fashion, and tag lines.
While Do the Right Thing (DTRT) by Spike Lee has maybe one of those, but its powerful themes,
characters and presentation turned it into one of the most notable films ever. It heavily employs the
interactionist approach by showing different cultures interacting with one another, and making
major points of their own stereotypical racial biases, bigotry and degrees of discrimination, as well
as the initial signs of gentrification which culminate into series of ever intensifying events that
forever change the Brooklyn neighborhood of Bedford–Stuyvesant (Bed–Sty). DTRT utilizes
metaphor of heat and pop culture themes of music, fashion and racial conflict, to address real social,
economic, institutional and political inequities that still plague our society today.
DTRT chronicles one of the hottest days on record in the infamous Bed–Sty, from its simmering
beginnings to its violent end. It uses a deliberate cinematography style where actors to speak directly
into the camera, and are framed within certain angles to depict their position within the dialogue (i.e.
one character is shot from below to signify that he is above the situation or person he is talking to).
While the characters can be seen as stereotypical, they are in fact significantly concrete and a
reflection of many in reality. They are strong vehicles for Lee to address how
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Spike Lee Do The Right Thing
The movie "Do the Right Thing" starts with the loudness of "Fight the Power". When we are still
immersed in the rhythm and lyrics of the song, and before we even realize, Spike Lee has already
taken us into a tiny block in an ordinary Brooklyn neighborhood, into a horrifying miniature of the
noisy American race conversation, into a battle between love and hate.
This block might be tiny, but it is not simple because of the people who live here. There is Mr. Senor
Love Daddy, the local DJ and troubadour; there is the block's old couple, Da Mayor and Mother
Sister, who can never stop arguing with each other; there is Smiley, the mentally disabled guy who
sells pictures of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, who always gets shoved around by everybody;
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long–term residents. From my point of view and understanding of the film, I think that Lee does a
good job in depicting the relationship dynamics through race/ethnicity, social strata, age, gender, and
immigrant status. However, the depiction of police authority could have been better, or in other
words, it could have been expressed in a way that is more understandable for the audiences. As I
recall, there is a scene in the film that depicts the three men sitting at the street corner while the
police drive by and comment at them "what a waste". From this detail we can see the division
between the police and the powerless inhabitants due to power and authority, which eventually leads
to the final boil. Details like this seem to make sense when it is on its own, but what does not make
sense to me is the overall purpose that Lee wishes to accomplish while depicting the police officers.
If Lee's purpose of portraying the police is just to criticize police brutality and black oppression in
the way that they often treat Blacks with extreme means, then why Lee plants the scene in which the
black kids soak the white man's antique car but don't get in trouble. Even though Spike Lee chooses
a generally implicit style while shooting this film, the depiction of the police authority seems to be
one of the aspects of the film that is too implicit to understand, at least for general
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Essay about Do the right thing
The weather is sizzling hot and tensions are slowly coming to a boil in this Bedford–Stuyvesant
Brooklyn neighborhood. Slowly but surely we see the heat melt away the barriers that were keeping
anger from rising to the surface. The Blacks and the Hispanics own the streets the Koreans own the
corner store and of course the Italians own the pizzeria, the Cops who happen to be all Caucasian,
prowl the streets inside out, looking for anyone to harass. Toes are then stepped on and apologies are
not made. Spike Lee creates the perfect set–up for a modern day in Bed–Stuyvesant. Without fail
Spike Lee is transformed into an anthropologist. Spike Lee's goal is to allow viewers to glimpse into
the lives of real people and into a neighborhood they ... Show more content on ...
Lee would have been very meticulous about recording his findings, very much like an
anthropologist today.
When we try to understand why the characters act as they act and what drives each of them, the
viewers are inevitably drawn to the conclusion that they are just like them. They realize they are
human; they have both good qualities and bad qualities. Spike Lee also makes them understand that
at times they may make terrible mistakes, and that at other times they may display admirable
heroism, and that sometimes they simply act without knowing why. Spike Lee does more than try to
show his viewers that despite tensions, this Black neighborhood is a community. What Lee does is
he makes the viewers think. He simply presents events as they are leaving the viewer to figure out
the motives of the characters and the 'why' behind the course of events. Lee doesn't really put a
positive light on any particular race while shadowing the other ones. He doesn't try to make conflicts
have an obvious solution. Lee simply re–creates a piece of life, with a little twist of extreme (yet
realistic) drama for deeper effect, and by doing this he tries to simply make his audience think and
Another reason why Spike Lee makes a good anthropologist is that perhaps why Lee made everyone
just as guilty and just as
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Do The Right Thing Analysis
The film "Do the right thing" directed by Spike Lee opened eyes on many business ethical issues
and environmental behavior in the city of Brooklyn, New York where the movie took place. Some of
the behaviors by employees seen in the film were mind blowing. One of the behaviors that caught
my attention the most was the rudeness. There were many reasons why the employees were rude. In
other words, I cannot blame employees to there direct action. Speaking of ethical behavior, I noticed
a racial conflict between three races. The three races were the blacks, whites and Puerto Ricans. In
the film "Do the right thing" many of the unhappy customers stayed unhappy at all times. They
thought that business owners were racist, so therefore, they acted in a negative manner. Also, the
behavior of the police was terrible which I will speak more about in the upcoming paragraphs.
Throughout decades, ethical issues have always been a major problem all over the world due to lack
of knowledge and personality. ... Show more content on ...
As we all know, some people enjoyed their work environment and some didn't. Enjoying your work
environment is really important because it brings motivation and excitement also gives you the
energy and power to work. In the film most employees and business owners had no choice but to
open their business everyday even though the attitude customers had was negative. I believe that the
major issue of rude and negative behavior from the employees came from rude customers due to
skin color and personality. At most times, many of the black people were unemployed due to certain
issues. So if somebody is unemployed they have less money to spend. With less money, many goods
such as a slice of pizza was hard to be purchased, therefore; an argument came threw the way of the
transaction. Issues such as behavior have always been a major factor in society and will always
remain the
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Do The Right Thing Analysis
The movie "Do the Right Thing" takes place in the neighborhood of Bed–Stuy. Having watched this
movie several times in the last twenty–five years one can see not much has changed in the
interactions in real life versus the movie. People in the Black community still has a certain look,
when other races uses the "N" word. The outcry of police brutality is still done within the
community, but it also protested on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media. Where there was to
be a boycott of Sal's in the movie, there are other boycott of restaurants and other venues across the
country. The movie also covers the typical relationship a woman has with her man, when one feels,
that her man is not being up to par. The movie shows what happens in the community still covers
The "What's Happening" today. Mookie and Tina/Mother–Sister and the Mayor The relationship that
Mookie has with his girlfriend/baby mother appears to have the same similarities that happens in
America between all races. One minute, Tina is fussing about Mookie, the next she is happy to see
him. Tina gets frustrated every time Mookie leaves to make money for him and his family. Tina
labels him as a no–good, sorry, good for nothing person. In today's society it is typical see these type
of interactions between two unmarried ... Show more content on ...
Sal portrays to be nice to the blacks in the community. However this is changed because of his
negative interaction with Radio Raheem and Buggin' Out. Buggin' Out and Radio Raheem proceeds
to begin the boycott at Sal's, patrons within the restaurant are met with chaos and racial epithets
from Sal and his sons. All hell breaks loose with Radio Raheem radio is pummeled with the
destruction of Sal's baseball bat. Racial tensions began Radio Raheem takes on Sal. The anger in
Radio Raheem face shows his fight in wanting to be right where he meets his untimely death with
the local police
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Morality In The Film 'Do The Right Thing'
The title itself "Do The Right Thing" is oxymoronic because nobody in the film does the right thing.
This can be said about even now. The people in the film thought that by burning down the pizzeria a
change would happen, just like now how the rioters in Chicago and St. Louis. In the film you get a
sense of familiarity because the scenery you see in the film is the same as what you see around you.
Bed Stuy represent all of the black neighborhoods in America that are middle class or poor.
The movie show the characters as contradictory human beings. Sal owns a pizzeria pizza in a
majority African American neighborhood, but utters racial slurs to Radio Raheem and Buggin. Sal
proved that Malcolm X's Theory that white people can still be allies to black people but inherently
racist and still have the mindset that they are more superior to black people. Did Sal's pizzeria
symbolize the lingering white supremacy in Bed–Stuy? I believed that Sal's pizzeria symbolized the
beginning gentrification of the predominantly ... Show more content on ...
We go for separation. Separation is when you have your own. You control your own economy; you
control your own politics; you control your own society; you control your own everything. You have
yours and you control yours; we have ours and we control ours." –Malcolm X But we as African
American didn't own our own politics, economy or even a piece of society and we still don't. For an
example in Bed–Stuy the only businesses we saw were owned by Sal and a Korean couple. I see
connections between the Korean stores/Pizzeria in Mookie's neighborhood and the black
neighborhoods in Cleveland and the Jewish run store in Malcolm X's neighborhood. In the majority
black neighborhood in Cleveland you rarely see stores own or run by African Americans but by
Middle Easterners and South Indians. The same with Malcolm X, in his Autobiography he expressed
his disdain of how Jewish businessman owned businesses in the African American
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Dnr Do Not Relieve Essay
DNR: Do Not Relieve DNR is a common acronym for do not resuscitate. In healthcare settings this
means no cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) is to be
preformed on a patient if their heart stops. Patients usually make this decision when they are of
sound mind and able to convey their wishes. But, what happens if their heart does not stop yet they
need help? If a patient is a DNR but is clearly in distress, do you attempt to relieve their symptoms?
Could you watch someone suffer, while knowing there is an opportunity for help? In's and Out's of
Healthcare Terminology Imagine a beautiful large building, with 65 individual apartments for
seniors to live in. The staff working here is not required to be licensed in any type of healthcare.
They have CPR training, but that is all. The facility is very loosely regulated by the state, but is
similar to an ordinary apartment complex staffed with good samaritans. This is an assisted living
facility. These elders make decisions regarding their healthcare prior to moving in. They choose
their code status, either a full code or a DNR, at this facility it is represented by a green dot or a red
dot. Green indicating go, do whatever necessary to save their life, while red means stop, do not
attempt to resuscitate them. Upon moving in residents ... Show more content on ...
If the POA viewed the world like Deontological theorists this scenario would be pure fiction. Care–
Based thinkers may find themselves in this situation once or twice, but then would demand a change
to stop the repetitive awful symptoms the resident is facing. Sadly, it seems the POA is a
consequentialist. She seems to have only the end in mind; ultimately it appears she is waiting for her
parents' body to give out so she can blame the diabetes and reflect on the wonderful person they
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Spike Lee's Do The Right Thing
Spike Lee's comic drama show Do the Right Thing appeared in film theaters all across America on
June 30, 1989, A business achievement that has gotten various honors, for example, an institute
grant for 'Best Original Screenplay. ' Do the Right Thing recounts the tale of the becoming racial
strain between a neighborhood's African–American dominant part and Caucasian minority on what
was considered to be the warmest day of the year. The film includes actors such as Samuel L.
Jackson, Martin Lawrence and even Spike Lee hmself. They have multiple discussions about racial
and social issues that are still occurring in the present day. Spike Lee's creation was considered
"socially critical" by the U.S. Library of Congress in 1999. To have a clear ... Show more content on ...
At the evening, A major gathering of African–American People with Radio Raheem goes into the
pizzeria, while pizzeria was at the point of closing, Sal opens it to them since he needs for more
business. Radio Raheem dependably make louder sounds on his boombox, Here in the pizzeria, he
makes it sound even louder. They are doing all they believe they can to put up photos of African
American people on the 'Wall of fame', however, Sal declined their request to put the photos up of
Black people. Sal advised Radio Raheem, played by Bill Nunn to cut down his boombox within the
pizzeria, however, Radio Raheem isn't listening and does not cut the sound system down. H seems
to be fed up, The black community begins to be forceful and becomes aggressive. In a similar
circumstance, Sal begins to move toward becoming angry with his Music System. Sal breaks Radio
Raheem's boombox, soon after Radio Raheem and the other upset African Americans begin to walk
towards Sal and his sons. They soon attack Sal and others. Police soon arrive and arrest everyone
involved in the assault, except Radio Raheem. Radio Raheem was killed by a police officer which
caused everyone to stop and think. No one meant for it to go that far. The crowd of black people are
chanting to Mookie stay black, known as the main character, played by Spike Lee. Due to
frustration, Mookie then throws a trash at Sal's Famous Pizzeria towards the front glass and shatters
it. The angry crowd then break in and damages everything in the pizzeria and burns it
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DNR Order (Do Not Resuscitate)
A controversy that I personally face is a DNR order (Do not Resuscitate). It is an order written by a
licensed physician. DNR is usually decided in a consultation with a patient or a surrogate of the
patient such as a parent. This choice decides whether a patient will receive cardiopulmonary
resuscitation or CPR in case of cardiac and respiratory arrest. Many people struggle with the idea of
someone not wanting to be "saved" but what some people don't understand is that it's not about
saving the patient but allowing them to pass peacefully without problems.
A DNR is one of the most debated legal contracts practiced in the medicine field. Basically, it means
that if something happens to you and the situation calls for medical intervention in order to reclaim
consciousness and remain alive, you have the power to dictate whether or not that intervention
actually occurs. EMT's, doctors, nurses and other medical personnel must stand by your wishes. If
they fail to do so they could be lawfully punished.
A strong number of people who have a DNR are elderly. Another solid number of people who have
a DNR have a very ... Show more content on ...
Many see it as a proxy for euthanasia. But many others also see it as a way of suicide, due to the
belief that it does not take advantage of the uses of medical personnel and some of the tools
available in medicine.
A "do not resuscitate" order is a complex, ethical and moral dilemma. From a medical personnel
point of view, when his/her patient is put into a situation where death is highly likely or already
reached, they will do whatever is necessary to make you survive in that moment. But that doesn't
mean that you will continue to survive long term. Sometimes when a doctor "saves" you in that
instance its only for an allotted time, maybe even a couple of hours, sometimes they break your ribs
in order to make sure you survive a couple of more
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Comparing Microsoft DOS with UNIX Essay
Comparing Microsoft DOS with UNIX As is suggestive of its name, an operating system (OS) is a
collection of programs that operate the personal computer (PC). Its primary purpose is to support
programs that actually do the work one is interested in, and to allow competing programs to share
the resources of the computer. However, the OS also controls the inner workings of the computer,
acting as a traffic manager which controls the flow of data through the system and initiates the
starting and stopping processes, and as a means through which software can access the hardware and
system software. In addition, it provides routines for device control, provides for the management,
scheduling and interaction of tasks, and maintains system ... Show more content on
This presents the need for memory management, as the memory of the computer would need to be
searched for a free area in which to load a users program. When the user was finished running the
program, the memory consumed by it would need to be freed up and made available for another user
when required (CIT). Process scheduling and management is also necessary, so that all programs
can be executed and run without conflict. Some programs might need to be executed more
frequently than others, for example, printing. Conversely, some programs may need to be
temporarily halted, then restarted again, so this introduces the need for inter–program
communication. In modern operating systems, we speak more of a process (a portion of a program
in some stage of execution (CIT, 3)) than a program. This is because only a portion of the program is
loaded at any one time. The rest of the program sits waiting on the disk until it is needed, thereby
saving memory space. UNIX users speak of the operating system as having three main parts: the
kernel, the shell and the file system. While DOS users tend not to use the term kernel and only
sometimes use the term shell, the terms remain relevant. The kernel, also known as the "Real Time
Executive", is the low–level core of the OS and is loaded into memory right after the loading of the
BIOS whenever the system is started. The kernel handles the transfer of data among the various
parts of the system, such as from hard disk to
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Understanding Do The Right Thing
Understanding Do the Right Thing
While the 1970's and 80's marked a decline in movies featuring black actors and a lack of black
directors, the mid 1980's through the 1990's invited a new generation of filmmakers and rappers,
engaging with the "New Jack" image, transforming the Ghettos of yesteryears into the hood of
today. A major director that emerged during this time was Spike Lee. According to Paula Massood's
book titled, Black City Cinema, African American Urban Experiences in Film, "...Lee not only
transformed African American city spaces and black filmmaking practices, he also changed
American filmmaking as a whole." Lee is perhaps one of the most influential film makers of the
time, likely of all time. He thrusted black Brooklyn into light, shifting away from the popularity of
Harlem. By putting complex characters into an urban space that is not only defined by poverty,
drugs, and crime, it suggests the community is more than the black city it once was, it is instead a
complex cityscape. Despite them being addressed to an African American audience, Lee's film
attract a mixed audience. Spike lee's Do the Right Thing painted a different image of the African
American community, "The construction of the African American city as community differs from
more mainstream examples of the represents black city spaces from the rime period, such as
Colors..., which presented its African American and Mexican American communities through the
eyes of white LAPD officers." "Do the Right
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Do The Right Thing Analysis
Do the Right Thing
Films document critical historical events, entertain masses and educate the public on particular
practices. Depending on the theme and intent of the director, films have a substantial contribution to
the human civilization. Do the Right Thing directed by Spike Lee is a1989 American comedy–
drama that highlights the racial tension in the ancient society. The film depicts a typical day for Lee
in Bedford–Stuyvesant, Brooklyn when strains between the whites, Indians and African Americans
were on the rise. The production of the film took place when the issues regarding the African
Americans were largely ignored. Therefore, the setting of the video in a black dominated
community illuminates the style as well as outcomes of good and bad (Townsend). It addresses the
stereotypical notions that defined Africans as dangerous and violent by portraying a picture of
hospitable characters. Other than bringing the lifestyle of African American to the limelight, it has
significant relevance ... Show more content on ...
Necessarily, it entails the use of resources and amenities while taking into consideration the
intergeneration and intragenerational needs. First, the fact that the film has importance to the current
society justifies that it met the standards of sustainability and widespread use. Second, the
production in the black community brings out uniqueness, resources and virtuous lifestyles of the
peoples including the Afrocentric dressing (Townsend). In terms of regional development, using the
local capitals to build the capacity and participatory approaches to decision making improves the
practicality of the interventions. The film meets this threshold because it explores the individuality
of a particular society, the systems, and institutions. This aspect is useful in designing workable
strategies and engaging the local people to work towards attaining a beneficial
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Analysis Of ' Do The Right Thing '
A Mirror To See Injustice
A mirror can not lie. It reflects an exact image of whoever looks into it. It shows a person what
works and what is in desperate need for change, which means that a decision must be made every
time one comes upon their reflection– accept what is seen or take the steps to make the change.
Spike Lee gave the world a mirror when he created the film "Do the Right Thing." He showed the
world exactly much change is needed. The body of society is wrinkled with centuries of injustice,
scarred with generations of suffering, and burdened with lifetimes of painful memories. Society is in
need of healing. Lee shows us how to go about this healing by using a cycle of agitation and
resolution in each pair of scenes. In order to begin to solve America's race problem the conversation
must have a balance of agitation and resolution.
What is agitation? Agitation is categorized as extreme emotional disturbance. The marxists believe,
"It is like a sharp knife seeking to expose and make raw a glaring contradiction and draw blood
around it (Saba 1)." Lee uses this weapon to open old wounds before the film even begins. Before
the title sequence the audience is reminded of a strategy for healing which ultimately failed. "A 40
Acres and a Mule Filmworks Production" flashes across the screen. The idea of "40 acres" was
created as a weak attempt to give reparations to former slaves after the civil war. The United States
government "tried" to do some damage control, but
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Analysis Of ' Do The Right Thing '
A Mirror To See Injustice
A mirror can not lie. It reflects an exact image of whoever looks into it. It shows a person what
works and what is in desperate need for change, which means that a decision must be made every
time one comes upon their reflection– accept what is seen or take the steps to make the change.
Spike Lee gave the world a mirror when he created the film "Do the Right Thing." He showed the
world exactly much change is needed. The body of society is wrinkled with centuries of injustice,
scarred with generations of suffering, and burdened with lifetimes of painful memories. Society is in
need of healing. Lee shows us how to go about this healing by using a cycle of agitation and
resolution in each pair of scenes. In order to begin to solve America's race problem the conversation
must have a balance of agitation and resolution.
What is agitation? Agitation is categorized as extreme emotional disturbance. The marxists believe,
"It is like a sharp knife seeking to expose and make raw a glaring contradiction and draw blood
around it (Saba 1)." Lee uses this weapon to open old wounds before the film even begins. Before
the title sequence the audience is reminded of a strategy for healing which ultimately failed. "A 40
Acres and a Mule Filmworks Production" flashes across the screen. The idea of "40 acres" was
created as a weak attempt to give reparations to former slaves after the civil war. The United States
government "tried" to do some damage control, but
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Racism In Do The Right Thing
Do the Right Thing (1989) is about a young black man, Mookie, living in a Puerto Rican
neighborhood in Brooklyn with his sister. He works at a local pizzeria, Sal's Pizzeria, and has a
girlfriend named Tina with whom he has a kid with and his name is Hector. Sal can been seen as
racist in some scenarios, but not nearly as racist as his son Pino who also works at the Pizzeria. Pino
dislikes African Americans, but most of his favorite celebrities are black. Sal has another son, Vito,
who also works at the Pizzeria and is friends with Mookie. As mentions before, Sal can be seen as
racist in some cases, one being that he does not have any black celebrities in his Pizzeria. This
causes a big scene when Buggin' Out notices this, which forcefully
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Do The Right Thing Theme
The film "Do the Right Thing" was released in 1989 in the United States. This film is a drama with
comedy load that has duration of 120 min, and was directed by Spike Lee, who also served as a
main character in the film. "Do the Right Thing" depicts a day in a community of black majority in
Brooklyn, too hot day, and features a plot that ends up becoming in an ethnic conflict. What
becomes interesting in the film is how to address the race issue. The author not only works prejudice
between whites and blacks, as is observed in most of the films that work this theme. The film also
focuses on the existing prejudice on the part of the blacks, and that also affects other minorities in
the community, where Latinos and Koreans. There is a bias in
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Movie Analysis : Do The Right
The cinema is one of the most unique forms of media because it has the ability to make a fictional
story socially powerful. The simplest of elements in a film are able to change how the audience
interprets a scene and give it a deeper meaning. In Spike Lee's 1989 film, Do the Right
Thing, many small elements come together to impact individual scenes as a whole. This
controversial film illustrates a single day of rising events in a black neighborhood. It shows the
frustration of the African–American population in how they are treated and how it triggers their own
reactions. The story line comments on other racial stereotypes as well, including Hispanics,
Koreans, Italians, and Caucasians. A powerful scene in the film is one involving the character
Radio Raheem, a mysteriously quiet black character known in the film to use a more hostile
approach for equality. In this scene, he tells the main character Mookie a tale of the personified
relationship of love and hate.
There are many components of the Love and Hate scene in Do the Right Thing that are important
when analyzing the sequence as a whole. One of the most prominent aspects is the camera angle and
cinematography. The scene itself is one long take– meaning there are no cuts in the scene which is
over a minute and a half. This in itself is significant because it forces the viewer's attention with no
breaks. It shows that Radio Raheem's story is forward and needs to be listened to without hesitation.
His story personifies
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First, Do No Harm Essay
Textual Analysis: First, Do No Harm Patrick Patrick Dismuke was a young African American boy, at
the age of fifteen when the story starts, and a regular patient at Hermann Hospital. Patrick was born
with a severe case of Hirschsprung's disease, a disorder of the digestive tract, and was unable to
digest his food. Throughout Patrick's life, he spent more days in the hospital than out and came to be
quite comfortable with the environment and staff at Hermann. Due to his disease his only way of
nutrition was through a feeding tube, unfortunately these tubes often got infected. Since Patrick's
immune system was also weak, the infections were almost as bad as the disease itself. The doctors
were forced to put the boy through surgery ... Show more content on ...
Luckily he made it off the operating table alive, despite the fact that the tube had slipped too far.
However, he was paralyzed on his left side and died a few weeks later. The dilemma for ethics
committees brought up by the story of Patrick is a question of how much is too much. As
technologies in the medical field continue to advance, people can live substantially longer lives, but
are they lives worth living? Some people, like Patrick, don't think being paralyzed is a quality of life
worth living. Others, like Armando, refuse to be made DNR and cling to life even if it consists of
communicating by blinking of the eye. The questions raised in this book are awful decisions that
nobody should ever have to make. Whatever the committees and doctors choose to do can keep
patients alive and allow them to have a low quality of live, be in constant pain and be a burden to
society, or keep a terminally ill patient comfortable until he or she has said their good–byes and let
nature take its course. Another concern that an ethics committee must address is the cost of care.
Wealthy patients with health insurance are much more likely to be welcomed into hospitals with
open arms while patients without insurance are often given poor medical care and sometimes even
turned away. Hermann Hospital started off as a charity hospital and was supposed to be widely
available to the poor and underprivileged. However as the initial funds started to deteriorate and the
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Do The Right Thing Analysis
"Do the Right Thing" is one of those life lesson movies that your mom makes you watch as a kid to
get you ready for the real world and show you that there are some really great African American
films out there. Unfortunately i wasn't lucky enough to see this one out of all the rest of the other
ones. When i told my mom about this project she immediately told me he died at the end..... The
main character Mookie gets killed. It made me not want to watch it at first because of all of the
spoilers. In the beginning of the movie i saw a lady dancing for about five minutes straight she
changed into three different outfits two of them was what looked like party clothes and the last one
was a boxing uniformi really didn't understand the meaning of ... Show more content on ...
Someone opens the fire hydrant hose on the end of the street and as the whole community plays. The
police comes to cut it off and tell them if they have to come back they will arrest everybody. Sal
driving his collectable car in the neighborhood gets soaked and says that "zoe and joe black" did it
being sarcastic because they messed up his car. Mookie delivers pizza to the radio man and Vito
walks with Mookie. Mookie tells him he shouldn't take no stuff from his Pino because he looks
weak. When mookie and Vino walk back to the store they run into Buggin Out, Buggin Out gets into
it with some white guy steps on his shoes and messed them up and his messy friends hype him up to
argue with the white man. It goes back to the old men arguing on the street talking about owning
their own business because if the koreans can do it so can they. Vino wants to be black or likes their
culture but then goes to mock the culture Then they start cracking each other the police, korean,
mookie, Pino and some boy on the side talking to radio raheem earlier then the radio man tells them
to cut it out.Radio raheem has a love and hate ring on his hand and explains how love and hate come
together and also i fall apart. He goes to the pizza place and ask for 2 slices of pizza but Sal gets
mad and tells him to turn that music down because he is disturbing the
... Get more on ...
Do The Right Thing Analysis
The movie Do the Right Thing by Spike Lee is not a film that has the power to transform one's
political sensibilities. The film displays the demonstration of African discrimination and racial
altercations. Done by the way of the anger and serious reactions display by the way Lee
demonstrates the true ethnicity of his character and the way he used insulting style of speech and
strong scenes to show how harsh racism can lead to violence.
1) In the film there is love and hate between the neighbors that points out who are friends and rivals
2) We also see how in the film points out the differences that separate society
3) Finally in the in the film we see social conflict racial discrimination between Black, White, Italian
and Asian race, it also ... Show more content on ...
Buggin' Out:You almost knocked me down man, the word is "excuse me."Clifton:Ah, excuse me,
I'm sorry.Buggin' Out:Not only did ya knock me down, you stepped on my brand new white Air
Jordan's I just bought, and that's all you can say is "excuse me"?Clifton:What, are you serious?
Buggin' Out:Yeah, I'm serious, I'll f*** you up quick two times!Punchy:Two times!Buggin'
Out:Who told you to step on my sneakers, who told you to walk on my side of the block, who told
you to be in my neighborhood?Clifton:I own this brownstone.Buggin' Out:Who told you to buy a
brownstone on my block, in my neighborhood, on my side of the street? Yo, what you wanna live in
a black neighborhood for anyway, man, motherf*** gentrification! Even though Clifton apologize to
Buggin' Out him and his other friends decides to follow him all the way to his house and keeps
going on with what had happen and that is when Buggin' Out mentions "Who told you to buy a
brownstone on my block, in my neighborhood, on my side of the street? Yo, what you wanna live in
a black neighborhood for anyway, man, motherf*** gentrification!" That is when this scene
identified African people's stereo types and makes black community look lower
... Get more on ...

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Do The Right Thing Film Analysis

  • 1. Do the Right Thing Film Analysis Do the Right Thing Film Analysis "Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral. It is impractical because it is a descending spiral ending in destruction for all."(Martin Luther King Jr.). Violence and racism are both important motifs in, Do the Right Thing (Lee, 1989). They are prominent in almost every scene of the film and lead to the climax when Radio Raheem is killed by the police. Spike Lee used many different directorial techniques in his movie. Heat and music were an example of this and were prominent throughout the movie. They were clever ways that Lee got across his ideas, they brought the audience into the movie. They helped immerse you in the movie and made you feel as if you were feeling the ... Show more content on ... The only thing that the people gained from exerting violence and burning down Sal's pizzeria was self–satisfaction. They thought they were being the big man when really they just burnt down one of their main food sources in the neighborhood. The people of this Brooklyn neighborhood needed to come together when trouble was afoot, but failed to do so. They learned their lesson that violence is not the answer, the only way they can lead civil lives is by eliminating violence and getting educated on their racial views. Do the Right Thing was an eye opening movie that brought across many controversial topics that are important to address. Spike Lee did a good job incorporating so many different ideas into the movie, each character represented something important and not one person was a waste to the movie. The in your face attitude of Lee helped showcase his ideas in the film, he simply would not let you look the other way. Heat was one way he brought you into the movie, it was included in almost every scene of the film. Every conversation had at–least one part that complained about the heat, everyone was hot all the time. Senor Love would say it every day on his radio show, "The forecast for today is, HOT!". I think the heat added to the tension between the characters because heat can make you uneasy and lead to confrontations that usually do not happen. Heat and music, as well as violence and racial ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Analysis Of Do The Right Thing There are many films in this world that tackle the topic of race. It is an unfortunate truth that leads to many options when choosing a film to show to the students of Coe College. With a large majority of the students at Coe being white, choosing a film that addresses the themes of racism in the 20th century is something that can be a sensitive subject. It is the reason that a film that addresses tension among different race on a block in Bed–Sty is the most appropriate for the audience at Coe College. The film Do The Right Thing, directed by Spike Lee, challenges the characters in the film, along with the audience viewing the film to form opinions on sensitive subjects and to do the right thing in a difficult situation.Spike Lee uses the film, Do The Right Thing, to address racial tension in the 20th century through his use of color, camera framing and narrative. One of the most striking scenes begins in the first forty minutes of the film. The scene starts off with the music becoming slow and haunting, a difference from the high beat music that was playing before, while a police car slowly drives down the street in the neighborhood of mostly people of color. The camera then cuts to the three black men who sit on the corner, Sweet Dick Willie, Coconut Sid, and ML. The camera pans across the three faces, all showing critical glares at the police car. The policeman in the passenger seat is then shown, displaying a similar glare to the black men. The tension can be felt in ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Do The Right Thing Analysis When people discuss and negotiate how a recent event should be handled, they rely on their values and beliefs about morals as well as their role in the negotiation process to make both conscious and unconscious strategic choices and moves. Negotiating occurs when an incident has multiple point of views. These views are shaped by the principle that disputants are adversaries where if one wins, the other must lose. The riot scene in the film Do The Right Thing took place when the protagonist, Mookie, threw a trash can through the window of Sal's restaurant. This destructive action caused Mookie's boss, Sal, to be saved from the angry mob that held him responsible for the death of a neighborhood friend, Radio Raheem. I believe Mookie deliberately ... Show more content on ... He escorted Buggin Out out of the pizzeria when he became hot–headed over no black leaders being displayed on the wall. He tried to convince Sal's sons that blacks were equal and were not animals. His attitude was positive and he was friendly to everyone, despite the scorching heat that was making everyone irritated. When Mookie sensed Sal was being too forward with his sister, he warned Jade by telling her to leave the Morgan 2 restaurant immediately. It was not until the final riot scene at the end of the film that Mookie's actions were questioned. Mookie always stood up for what he believed in. Mookie demonstrated his belief of doing the right thing during the riot scene when he feared Sal was going to be attacked. Before he had thrown the trash can through the window, he took the lid off, threw it on the ground and kicked it. I think he was trying to create as much noise as possible so that he would be able to distract the crowd from harming Sal. When this didn't work, he had no other option but to throw the trash can through the window. While his actions destroyed the pizzeria, he was successful in saving Sal and his family from being beaten or ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Do The Right Thing? Do The Right Thing (1989) is a classic film written, produced, and directed by Spike Lee. The focus on the movie is set on racial issues, and the entire movie takes place on the hottest day of the year in the Bed–Stuy section of Brooklyn. Lee does an incredible job demonstrating the tautness between the races on the block specifically among the African American race and American Italian race. Lee's use of symbolism among the characters, mise–en–scene, and shot composition in his film Do The Right Thing from beginning to end illustrates the struggle between peace and conflict. During the time this film first came out there was many racial tensions going on in America. Primarily in the blocks of New York. In this film Lee addresses these racial issues by creating a film that takes place in one entire day on the block where protagonist, Mookie, lives and works as a pizza delivery boy for Sal, an Italian American pizza owner in the block that is populated by mostly blacks. Lee's symbolism among characters is absolutely incredible from start to finish. The beginning of the film is started with music by Public Enemy "Fight The Power" where we see a young female (Rosie Perez) dancing, and at one point with a boxing outfit. This demonstrates an aggressive feel right off the bat, while the next scene takes place over at LOVE FM, a radio station ran by Mister Senor Love Daddy who is waking up the town and warning them about the high temperatures of that summer day. Right away Lee ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Do The Right Thing Essay Director and actor Spike Lee presents his "truth" about race relations in his movie Do the Right Thing. The film exhibits the spectacle of black discrimination and racial altercations. Through serious, angry, and loud sounds, Lee stays true to the ethnicity of his characters, all of which reflect their own individualism. Lee uses insulting diction and intense scenes to show how severe racism can lead to violence. The disturbing scene where different nationalities badger their opinions on each other shows poor communication and horrible stereotyping. This is an example of antilocution. Pino's Italian slang, Mookies black talk, and Korean obscenities are all mixed together to show how communication grows impossible among different ... Show more content on ... The burning of Sal's Famous Pizzeria will leave an imprint in the minds of anyone who watches. When Sal smashes Raheem's radio, the tension turns to uproar. Total bedlam occurs within minutes after the death of Raheem by the city police. This could be a physical attack on both sides. Both of the actions taken by Radio Raheem and Sal were uncalled for. Mookie performed a heroic contribution as he shifted the fighting away from Sal and towards Sal's Pizzeria. In fact Mookie saved Sal's life in the midst of everything. In the middle of the chaos the Korean man says, "I'm black, you, me, the same." This reflects how people in society try to fit into certain groups that seem to be the right thing to do at the moment. Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing focuses on scenes representing failed communication, dire stereotyping, absence of trust, and wrongful violence that reflects the existing concerns about racism in America. The intense language and strong gestures enhance the film creating a realistic view for the audience. I would give this movie a five star rating. Do the Right Thing, is to the point and entertaining with a serious view of the world. There are no absolute heroes or villains. There are no easy answers to the questions that this film poses. Do the Right Thing is one of the best–directed, best made films of our time, a film in which the acting and visual style work together to make a statement about race in America. It is also bound to enrage ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Analysis Of Do The Right Thing In spite of the fact that Do the Right Thing and Jungle Fever are both associated with social and political issues, they tend to navigate through various racial viewpoints using different cinematic elements. Spike Lee uses a variety of techniques in his film to bring awareness to events occurring in today's society. For example Do the Right Thing, is a film that tackles down the social issue of prejudice as well as the controversial issues between Italian–Americans and African Americans in New York City. The whole movie unravels around the "Wall of Fame" located inside Sal's Pizzeria, which only features Italian actors. One day a local customer name Bugging Out, demands to have black actors, since after all the pizzeria is located within a black neighborhood. Soon enough the "Wall of Fame" becomes a symbolic representation of racism and hate which leads to a riot involving an explicit scene of police brutality. On the other hand Jungle Fever, tends to emphasise on the subject of interracial couples, as well as the controversy between Italian–Americans and African Americans and of course the usage of drugs. The movie is based on Flipper, an African American architect who has an affair with his secretary Angie, who is an Italian–American. The climax of the movie occurs when Flipper's wife Drew, finds out about the affair and from then on society begins to reject Flipper and Angie because of social norms. Forcing them into a corner where they later learn that they were driven ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Do The Right Thing Theme Do the Right Thing (1989), is about addressing the subject of frustration that many African Americans during the time dealt with. Directed by Spike Lee, Do the Right Thing is about an Italian pizza shop and the tension that it creates in a predominately black neighborhood. Along with the excessive heat, the tension in the community is ignited by the lack of famous African American figures on the Wall of Fame displayed in the pizza place, and the refusal to incorporate any by the owner. The idea, or theme, of this film focuses on the social injustices that lead to a detachment from the richness of cultural togetherness, to a manner of self–degradation and projection of hate towards others, in a battle between races to prove dominance and show superiority in an otherwise white driven nation. Enhanced by the components of cinematography and mise–en–scène within the film, including camera shots and angles, exposure, as well as the composition of the scenes, this movie is a critique of how no matter how intricately people are entangled within a community where they are expected to coexist, and no matter how culturally and racially tolerant a person believes they are, the true nature of a person surfaces when they are faced with a pressuring decision to take action in a difficult situation. ... Show more content on ... These two minorities are expected to co–exist in a small community in Brooklyn, however in the summer heat, tension in the community escalates when the Italian Americans refuse to put up photos of famous African Americans along side the multitude of famous Italian Americans already displayed in his popular pizza place, heavily supported by the African American population in the community. This leads to bout of racial intolerance because the African Americans feel disrespected and the Italian Americans feel undermined within their own ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Stereotypes In Do The Right Thing Reflection for Do the Right Thing The film Do the Right Thing took conventional stereotypes and flipped them around. An example of this is whenever Radio Raheem the camera does a low angle shot and a close up on his face. This is in contrast to when he interacts with Sal the camera does a high angle shot and medium close up to Sal. This is continued even when Radio Raheem was being killed by the police. The police where holding Radio Raheem above all of the police officers. Another stereotype Spike Lee flipped was the only non–minority characters, the police, smiley, and the man in the car, are portrayed as disabled in some way, may it be mentally or morally. Spike Lee chose to flip these stereotypes to showcase the black people should not ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Do The Right Thing Analysis The initial release of 'Do the Right Thing' caused a media frenzy, and had reviewers predicting the movie would stir riots and cause race issues among the inner cities of America. If anything, the movie caused an intellectual uproar and left viewers with an urge to discuss the issues portrayed in the movie's community. Lee manages to touch upon the various issues that inner city communities faced during the presidency of Regan and the social attitudes that followed his tax cut plan. These plans effected the environmental conditions, the relations amongst races, and police brutality within urban communities. The setting of the movie is placed in Bedford–Stuyvesant, a neighborhood of Brooklyn New York which is neglected by city's government and ... Show more content on ... Raheem and Stewart's death still resonates within today's interaction of young black men and police officers. Through the last decade examples of this issue have played out within the case of Eric Gardener unjustly being killed by the NYC Police Force, Trayvon Martin in Florida, the Michael Brown case in Ferguson, the death of Cedrick Chatman by Chicago police, and many more. The topic of police brutality has been a reoccurring theme throughout the past 30 years, and more often than not the officers convicted of the shootings are not indicted due to their position within the political system and society. In the movie there is a scene with black cops and a scene with white cops. Both of these scenes contrast one another in terms of the vibe they introduce upon their appearance. The scene with the black cops shows that these cops understand the conditions of the neighborhood and sympathize towards their lack of resources to keep them cool during the hot day. They warn them not to open up the fire extinguisher again and leave without making any arrests because the crime was a small misdemeanor. Once the white cops make their way into the neighborhood there is conflicting vibe between the folks sitting on the corner, and it is obvious that they dislike one another. The appearance of the white cops during the fight shows how police ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Do The Right Thing Analysis In the film "Do The Right Thing" by Spike Lee, cinematography and sound serve as critical components to emphasize the racial tensions between the various characters. Set in a predominantly black neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York, the action of the film consists of a series of unfolding events that take place over the course of one hot summer day. Heat, serves as a catalyst to the film's rising tensions and makes up one of the key symbols in the film. The purpose of this paper is to examine two elements of film; cinematography and sound, in Do The Right Thing, and analyze how these elements develop meaning and understanding of the film. Sound plays a very important role in the film, Do The Right Thing. This is evident right since the beginning of the film as it begins with the song "Fight The Power" by Public Enemy (a black artist). In the opening scene of the film, one character Tina, who is Mookie's girlfriend is seen dancing to this song. Her movements and gestures seem to be pretty aggressive and somewhat angry. Her red colored attire further highlights heat as an important symbol. Character development is significantly seen in this film, since it revolves around several characters and their relationships with each other within that predominantly black community in Brooklyn. The opening scene with Tina doesn't tell us much about her, however through the course of the film we are able to learn more about her character, about her relationship with Mookie and through ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Do The Right Thing Analysis The movie Do the Right Thing, composed, coordinated and created by Spike Lee, concentrates on a solitary day of the lives of racially differing individuals who live and work in a lower–class neighborhood in Brooklyn New York. Notwithstanding, this common day happens on one of the most sizzling days of summer. The movie fixates on how social class, race and the ethical choices that the characters make directly affect the way individuals communicate with each other. Furthermore, in this essay I will analyses Spike Lee's use of mise–en–scene, cinematography, editing, and sound in the film. Mise–en–scene is utilized as a part of a couple of scenes of Do The Right Thing to feature their significance to the plot. For example, Close to the begin of the motion picture, Mookie advises Buggin Out not to contend with Sal about the photos on the divider. As they leave the pizzeria to talk outside there are no cuts until the point that Mookie gets back to the restaurant. The issue of the photos later heightens to the uproar toward the finish of the film. In a later scene, Radio Raheem and different individuals from the area battle to see whose music can be louder. The scene backpedals and forward between the two blast boxes without cutting. This scene features the significance of the melody Radio plays, which will later turns into a contributing component in the mob. In another scene Sal and Pino talk about the area, Pino voicing his discontent with working in a dark ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. I Do, John, I, And I I Do, John, I Do I stared dreamily into John's sharp gray eyes. He stared back, his soft grin teasing. I took a deep breath through my nose, waiting for my step–brother– who had offered to be "preacher" at John and I's not–so–traditional wedding– to speak. John raised his eyebrows goofily and I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing. He was so perfect. Mark– the earlier mentioned step–brother– cleared his throat and prepared to speak. "We are gathered here today, on this happy and heartwarming day, to join this lucky bastard and this foxy woman I am proud to call my sister, in slavery– I mean matrimony." Our friends and family chuckled and I smacked him on the arm. Mark smirked at me and I rolled my eyes. He continued. "Marriage is a–" ... Show more content on ... When we pulled apart, our guests cheered. Mark the loudest. John locked eyes with me and I thought back to when I first met those keen and tender gems. I was only thirteen years old and full of hormones. Like every girl would, I thought he was the "hottest man alive". When I told my mother, she just smiled and rolled her eyes, obviously thinking I'd be over it by the morning. But it didn't go away. "You hardly know him!" my mom had cried when I told her that I wanted to see him again. "But he's perfect..." I argued in my lust–filled state. "He was just an attractive boy working at a bookstore. You're too young for him." I groaned and set my head on our kitchen counter. "Age doesn't matter and he works at a bookstore." I said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. She pinched the bridge of her nose. "I don't have time for this Gwen.' she said with finality. When she turned her back I mocked her like I used to do when I was seven. "Don't mock you mother Gwenyth," my step–dad scolded, walking in the kitchen with a box in his arms. I pouted. Greg tapped my chin teasingly. "Go help Mark with the boxes Gwenny." I sighed and pushed the stool away from the counter. Greg kissed my mother lovingly. I grimaced. "At least wait until I leave the room before you start snogging each other." I murmured. "Cheeky brat." I heard Greg mutter as I was walking towards the front door. I rolled my eyes and strutted down the ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Do The Right Thing : Racial Conflict It is unfortunate that intolerance continues to exist in our nation (or anywhere else for that matter). Racism, one of the largest and most prevalent forms of intolerance, commonly destroys relationships and can eventually lead to violence. The existence of such hateful ideologies is so prevalent in our society that popular culture is constantly trying to challenge the ignorant basis of racial conflict. Spike Lee's film, Do the Right Thing, connects with this concept of racial conflict that is so foreign to my past. Through the application of my social and political views, I will demonstrate how Spike Lee's film is difficult for me to relate to and, in my opinion, conveys a misleading message. Granted, I come from a place much different than that which is portrayed in Do the Right Thing, my beliefs and experiences have developed an interesting lens by which I view the world. I was raised in an upper–middle class, Christian home that in turn has instilled in me a strong conservative Republican worldview. From an ideological standpoint, specifically that which I derive from my Christianity, the only things that I dislike in this world are ignorance and the hatred that can result from such. Many times I feel as though white people tend to be exclusively associated with such stupidity. I, however, feel that this is unfair due to the fact that hatred exists everywhere, within every group of people. In pop culture, the white man (often the white business man) is portrayed much ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Dichotomy In Do The Right Thing Do The Right Thing, directed by Spike Lee is a film that acts as a call to action for the audience to differentiate what doing the right thing actually means. New York City in 1989 was filled with issues of race and class. Crime rates were high and one of the highest recorded in history only second to the preceding year of 1990. Cases like the central park five where african american youths and other minorities were falsely accused of crimes, caused for unjust views of the justice system designed to protect these people as opposed to persecuting the innocent in the most blatant and obvious ways. Along with false accusations within the system, New York City was also filled with police brutality stories. "The organization has collected information ... Show more content on ... Malcolm's approach to racial injustices is that the solution is violence with violence. While MLK's perspective is one of peace and assembly. This film uses those contrasting community pillars to once again beg the question of what the right thing is in a situation that asks an individual to choose. This major subtext part of the film are prime examples of duality and dichotomy. Malcolm X is known for his radical and violent views during the racist culture during the time of the civil rights movement until he died. His philosophy never forgotten and was often still practiced. He once said, "Tactics based solely on morality can only succeed when you are dealing with basically moral people or a moral system" The morality of the system is definitely tested during the 80s where as previously stated, the "system" is constantly testing within the injustice of the justice system when it comes to african americans. Malcolm X was a man of action and Buggin' Out would be his parallel. Throughout the film he is a character of action, when he decided to boycott Sal's there is no stopping him, even after Jane tells him that his passion could be used in more positive ways. He follows through with the boycotting and the audience can see how violence affects the situation in the neighborhood as a ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Ethics- Do the Right Thing 1. Spike Lee intended us to conclude that violence is not an answer for any problems. In this case, the character, Da Mayor, would be a classic example of how problems should have been solved. He could have intended us to conclude that by resorting to violence in any situation, the consequences that we would have to face will not be very favourable and it could lead to more problems instead of solving the current situation. It is always better to nip the problem from the bud, instead of letting it grow and allowing it to torment everyone. 2. In moral subjectivism context, Mookie did the right thing, as he was enraged by the death of, Radio Raheem, a fellow black man, and so did everybody else. However in this case, everybody was ... Show more content on ... People in this neighbourhood were more comfortable within their own comfort zone and each ethnicity always felt superior to the other, which is a reason for constant friction between them. 5. Yes, there can be different moral rules for different ethnic and cultural group. Different ethnic and cultural groups are from different roots and upbringing. Therefore it is natural for each group to have their own set of rules and belief. The trick is to accept each and other's differences and learn to respect and live along with it, instead of disrespecting and discriminating. However amidst all these, there can be a universal moral code among everyone, to allow everybody to have a common ground to mingle with. 6. In this movie, Spike Lee does present some of his characters as stereotypes. For example, Pino in this movie, is a staunch Italian who dislikes living in the neighbourhood where the majority are blacks. He cannot bring himself to embrace the blacks and their way of life in the neighbourhood. Most of his characters are usually stereotypical against other ethnicity in the neighbourhood. However he does have characters, such as Da Mayor, who embraces and accepts everybody as they are. Spike Lee could have presented his characters in such a manner to portray to the general public, the reality of living in a multicultural neighbourhood. He might ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. John Dos Passos Essay John Dos Passos Almost every one writer can say that they are influenced by their childhood and past. Memories flood back to them as they encounter a similar experience or similar situation in their earlier years. No doubt a significant factor in their writing, the past from a specific writer's life usually adds more depth and complexity to their works. Because these previous experiences are from the author's actual life, the scenes and subjects related to the theme are more accurate and realistic, and may even be more appealing to read. These past voices may appear either consciously through the author's works, or sometimes unconsciously, guided maybe by some early childhood memory. Well, whatever the case, John Dos ... Show more content on ... Dos Passos first attended school in the District of Colombia. As he grew up, he spent some of his childhood in Tidewater Virginia. He began attending Choate School where his first published writings were articles for the Choate School News. Upon completing Choate School at the age of fifteen, he entered Harvard University in 1912. At Harvard, he continued his journalism by joining the Harvard Monthly. While at Harvard, he developed a close, long–lasting friendship with E.E. Cummings. During this time at Harvard, the spirit of idealism swept the country. Dos Passos was stirred by ideas of idealism and began to write short autobiographical tales for the Harvard Monthly, which showed vague idealism. He later graduated in June of 1916. Out of college now, Dos Passos choose to volunteer for ambulance duty overseas but his father rejected his idea. So instead, he decided to make his first long visit to Spain, a country which held fascination for him all his life, to study architecture. With the death of his father lather in 1917, he joined the Norton–Harjes Ambulance Group and sailed for France. During his tour of duty as an ambulance driver, he collaborated with a friend, Robert Hillyer, on alternate chapters of a novel, and after several revisions, it became One Man's Initiation – 1917. This book was based largely on his own wartime experiences in France and Italy. His second novel, ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Do The Right Thing Analysis Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing is a footnote in what kind of society we live in today. The film opens up in what it seems as just another day in the neighborhood of Bedford–Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. As you see in the opening of the film, people of the community are getting ready to start their day. Just like every other neighborhood, it has groups of people that stay together. No matter what the cost is. Depict as one of the hottest day of the summer. Do the Right Thing details the events of one day in the life of Mookie and his neighborhood. Lee's character Mookie, who is the pizza delivery–man for Sal's Pizzeria. Throughout the course of the day in the film, the tension between the community continues to increasingly over boil. Between the African Americans, Italians, Hispanics Caucasians and Koreans of the block continue to have an underlying beef with each other. The confined space of just one block portrays the racial division between each ethic group. At the climax of the film things turn for the worst at the beloved Sal's Famous Pizzeria as the key instigators come barging in. Soon after someone ends up dead, which leads to an all out riot between the community and law enforcement officials. Lee's build up of racial tension throughout the film played a huge part in understanding the division of the ethnicities and the power they so much craved but knew they'll never have. At this point, Do the Right Thing is nearly 28 years old and the film still holds a place of relevance in society. Spike Lee show cases many important society issues in this film that it is seemly relatable to today. With today's urban society, just about anything can be misconstrued and cause a sense of tension between others. Just as in "Do the Right Thing", anything that a character would say would piss another off. Through the film there was an underlying tension between everyone. As the film continues to unravel Lee uses key themes to get a deeper understanding of the racial tension in the neighborhood. Supporting the key theme of racial tension is racism, space, violence, police brutality and community. Lee uses these themes to continue to get the message of the film across the audience. With Do the Right Thing, Lee had a ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Do The Right Thing Analysis Intro The main theme of the film, "Do the Right thing," by Spike Lee Joint is racism. The neighborhood is segregated into variety of groups, from Italians, African Americans, Koreans, and Latinos. This film lets the viewer's know regardless of the race they are all humans. Da Mayor, one character from the film said, "thank god for knees, elbows, and hands." He didn't focus on the race, but in fact that they all are individuals. That is what makes this film so important. Setting The setting of the film takes place in a neighborhood in Brooklyn. Sal, an Italian business owner opens his pizzeria like he does every morning. He works with two of his sons and Mookie, an African American. Over the twenty–five years Sal has owned the pizzeria the neighborhood has changed from mainly Italian–Americans to African Americans. It was one of the hottest days in Brooklyn. That might be why many ... Show more content on ... The zoom really emphasizes who is speaking and gives us a better look at their own race. Another scene, when a white character walks up to his door, with his bicycle, the camera shoots him from a lower angle. This signifies that he is "above" the fact that he dirtied Buggin' outs shoes and walks away. Whereas the camera shoots Buggin' Out and his friends from a higher angle, who are making an extremely big deal out of it. Juxtaposition Sal honestly respected Mookie. Despite being from different races Sal paid Mookie for his work and tolerated him wondering around the neighborhood and consistently being late. Sal then told Mookie that he is considered part of the family. They are two very different people but they are still very close. Regardless of the fact that Mookie made the first move to vandalize the pizzeria. Even after that Sal still paid him. Inciting ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Do The Right Thing Analysis 3).Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing provides, through the medium of direct address, insight into the characters of the film's personal racial qualms with other members of their community. This is especially powerful because up until the middle of the film wherein these direct addresses take place, viewers are left to individually come up with their own conclusions about the racial tensions within the film's community. After these addresses, however, it becomes much easier to understand what prompted the violence and destruction that occurred at the end of the film. Through the usage of hip–hop music and other cultural artifacts such as the boombox and the rejection of the productions and artifacts by individuals such as Sal, the pizzeria owner, ... Show more content on ... The film seamlessly mixes more contextual tunes such as Ennio Morricone's "The Braying Mule" with Rick Ross' "100 Black Coffins", managing to incorporate both hip–hop music and wild–west themed tracks into his work in a way that seems both relatable to the audience and avoids sacrificing the realism of the film itself. Django, strikingly retraces the slave narrative during a contemporary social–cultural moment. The soundscape of Django Unchained, including "Unchained" by Tupac Shakur, has been described as "racial ventriloquism" by historian and blogger Jelani Cobb, in that this concept allows Tarantino to present a sonically revisionist representation of varied slave discourse, trauma felt by the individuals living at the time, and the concept of black manhood. As a result of the prolific soundscape presented by Tarantino within his work Django Unchained, it is difficult to interpret this film as one that is not hip–hop centric. It checks all the boxes, in that it provides a look into the life of slaves in the United States juxtapositioned with the modern cultural productions of African Americans within the United States. As a result of these enumerated factors, Django Unchained is without a doubt a "hip–hop ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Do The Right Thing : Pop Culture Do the Right Thing: Pop Culture at its Best When we think of pop culture, especially in movies we think of celebrities, fashion, and tag lines. While Do the Right Thing (DTRT) by Spike Lee has maybe one of those, but its powerful themes, characters and presentation turned it into one of the most notable films ever. It heavily employs the interactionist approach by showing different cultures interacting with one another, and making major points of their own stereotypical racial biases, bigotry and degrees of discrimination, as well as the initial signs of gentrification which culminate into series of ever intensifying events that forever change the Brooklyn neighborhood of Bedford–Stuyvesant (Bed–Sty). DTRT utilizes metaphor of heat and pop culture themes of music, fashion and racial conflict, to address real social, economic, institutional and political inequities that still plague our society today. DTRT chronicles one of the hottest days on record in the infamous Bed–Sty, from its simmering beginnings to its violent end. It uses a deliberate cinematography style where actors to speak directly into the camera, and are framed within certain angles to depict their position within the dialogue (i.e. one character is shot from below to signify that he is above the situation or person he is talking to). While the characters can be seen as stereotypical, they are in fact significantly concrete and a reflection of many in reality. They are strong vehicles for Lee to address how ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Spike Lee Do The Right Thing The movie "Do the Right Thing" starts with the loudness of "Fight the Power". When we are still immersed in the rhythm and lyrics of the song, and before we even realize, Spike Lee has already taken us into a tiny block in an ordinary Brooklyn neighborhood, into a horrifying miniature of the noisy American race conversation, into a battle between love and hate. This block might be tiny, but it is not simple because of the people who live here. There is Mr. Senor Love Daddy, the local DJ and troubadour; there is the block's old couple, Da Mayor and Mother Sister, who can never stop arguing with each other; there is Smiley, the mentally disabled guy who sells pictures of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, who always gets shoved around by everybody; ... Show more content on ... long–term residents. From my point of view and understanding of the film, I think that Lee does a good job in depicting the relationship dynamics through race/ethnicity, social strata, age, gender, and immigrant status. However, the depiction of police authority could have been better, or in other words, it could have been expressed in a way that is more understandable for the audiences. As I recall, there is a scene in the film that depicts the three men sitting at the street corner while the police drive by and comment at them "what a waste". From this detail we can see the division between the police and the powerless inhabitants due to power and authority, which eventually leads to the final boil. Details like this seem to make sense when it is on its own, but what does not make sense to me is the overall purpose that Lee wishes to accomplish while depicting the police officers. If Lee's purpose of portraying the police is just to criticize police brutality and black oppression in the way that they often treat Blacks with extreme means, then why Lee plants the scene in which the black kids soak the white man's antique car but don't get in trouble. Even though Spike Lee chooses a generally implicit style while shooting this film, the depiction of the police authority seems to be one of the aspects of the film that is too implicit to understand, at least for general ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Essay about Do the right thing The weather is sizzling hot and tensions are slowly coming to a boil in this Bedford–Stuyvesant Brooklyn neighborhood. Slowly but surely we see the heat melt away the barriers that were keeping anger from rising to the surface. The Blacks and the Hispanics own the streets the Koreans own the corner store and of course the Italians own the pizzeria, the Cops who happen to be all Caucasian, prowl the streets inside out, looking for anyone to harass. Toes are then stepped on and apologies are not made. Spike Lee creates the perfect set–up for a modern day in Bed–Stuyvesant. Without fail Spike Lee is transformed into an anthropologist. Spike Lee's goal is to allow viewers to glimpse into the lives of real people and into a neighborhood they ... Show more content on ... Lee would have been very meticulous about recording his findings, very much like an anthropologist today. When we try to understand why the characters act as they act and what drives each of them, the viewers are inevitably drawn to the conclusion that they are just like them. They realize they are human; they have both good qualities and bad qualities. Spike Lee also makes them understand that at times they may make terrible mistakes, and that at other times they may display admirable heroism, and that sometimes they simply act without knowing why. Spike Lee does more than try to show his viewers that despite tensions, this Black neighborhood is a community. What Lee does is he makes the viewers think. He simply presents events as they are leaving the viewer to figure out the motives of the characters and the 'why' behind the course of events. Lee doesn't really put a positive light on any particular race while shadowing the other ones. He doesn't try to make conflicts have an obvious solution. Lee simply re–creates a piece of life, with a little twist of extreme (yet realistic) drama for deeper effect, and by doing this he tries to simply make his audience think and question. Another reason why Spike Lee makes a good anthropologist is that perhaps why Lee made everyone just as guilty and just as ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Do The Right Thing Analysis The film "Do the right thing" directed by Spike Lee opened eyes on many business ethical issues and environmental behavior in the city of Brooklyn, New York where the movie took place. Some of the behaviors by employees seen in the film were mind blowing. One of the behaviors that caught my attention the most was the rudeness. There were many reasons why the employees were rude. In other words, I cannot blame employees to there direct action. Speaking of ethical behavior, I noticed a racial conflict between three races. The three races were the blacks, whites and Puerto Ricans. In the film "Do the right thing" many of the unhappy customers stayed unhappy at all times. They thought that business owners were racist, so therefore, they acted in a negative manner. Also, the behavior of the police was terrible which I will speak more about in the upcoming paragraphs. Throughout decades, ethical issues have always been a major problem all over the world due to lack of knowledge and personality. ... Show more content on ... As we all know, some people enjoyed their work environment and some didn't. Enjoying your work environment is really important because it brings motivation and excitement also gives you the energy and power to work. In the film most employees and business owners had no choice but to open their business everyday even though the attitude customers had was negative. I believe that the major issue of rude and negative behavior from the employees came from rude customers due to skin color and personality. At most times, many of the black people were unemployed due to certain issues. So if somebody is unemployed they have less money to spend. With less money, many goods such as a slice of pizza was hard to be purchased, therefore; an argument came threw the way of the transaction. Issues such as behavior have always been a major factor in society and will always remain the ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Do The Right Thing Analysis The movie "Do the Right Thing" takes place in the neighborhood of Bed–Stuy. Having watched this movie several times in the last twenty–five years one can see not much has changed in the interactions in real life versus the movie. People in the Black community still has a certain look, when other races uses the "N" word. The outcry of police brutality is still done within the community, but it also protested on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media. Where there was to be a boycott of Sal's in the movie, there are other boycott of restaurants and other venues across the country. The movie also covers the typical relationship a woman has with her man, when one feels, that her man is not being up to par. The movie shows what happens in the community still covers The "What's Happening" today. Mookie and Tina/Mother–Sister and the Mayor The relationship that Mookie has with his girlfriend/baby mother appears to have the same similarities that happens in America between all races. One minute, Tina is fussing about Mookie, the next she is happy to see him. Tina gets frustrated every time Mookie leaves to make money for him and his family. Tina labels him as a no–good, sorry, good for nothing person. In today's society it is typical see these type of interactions between two unmarried ... Show more content on ... Sal portrays to be nice to the blacks in the community. However this is changed because of his negative interaction with Radio Raheem and Buggin' Out. Buggin' Out and Radio Raheem proceeds to begin the boycott at Sal's, patrons within the restaurant are met with chaos and racial epithets from Sal and his sons. All hell breaks loose with Radio Raheem radio is pummeled with the destruction of Sal's baseball bat. Racial tensions began Radio Raheem takes on Sal. The anger in Radio Raheem face shows his fight in wanting to be right where he meets his untimely death with the local police ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Morality In The Film 'Do The Right Thing' The title itself "Do The Right Thing" is oxymoronic because nobody in the film does the right thing. This can be said about even now. The people in the film thought that by burning down the pizzeria a change would happen, just like now how the rioters in Chicago and St. Louis. In the film you get a sense of familiarity because the scenery you see in the film is the same as what you see around you. Bed Stuy represent all of the black neighborhoods in America that are middle class or poor. The movie show the characters as contradictory human beings. Sal owns a pizzeria pizza in a majority African American neighborhood, but utters racial slurs to Radio Raheem and Buggin. Sal proved that Malcolm X's Theory that white people can still be allies to black people but inherently racist and still have the mindset that they are more superior to black people. Did Sal's pizzeria symbolize the lingering white supremacy in Bed–Stuy? I believed that Sal's pizzeria symbolized the beginning gentrification of the predominantly ... Show more content on ... We go for separation. Separation is when you have your own. You control your own economy; you control your own politics; you control your own society; you control your own everything. You have yours and you control yours; we have ours and we control ours." –Malcolm X But we as African American didn't own our own politics, economy or even a piece of society and we still don't. For an example in Bed–Stuy the only businesses we saw were owned by Sal and a Korean couple. I see connections between the Korean stores/Pizzeria in Mookie's neighborhood and the black neighborhoods in Cleveland and the Jewish run store in Malcolm X's neighborhood. In the majority black neighborhood in Cleveland you rarely see stores own or run by African Americans but by Middle Easterners and South Indians. The same with Malcolm X, in his Autobiography he expressed his disdain of how Jewish businessman owned businesses in the African American ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Dnr Do Not Relieve Essay DNR: Do Not Relieve DNR is a common acronym for do not resuscitate. In healthcare settings this means no cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) is to be preformed on a patient if their heart stops. Patients usually make this decision when they are of sound mind and able to convey their wishes. But, what happens if their heart does not stop yet they need help? If a patient is a DNR but is clearly in distress, do you attempt to relieve their symptoms? Could you watch someone suffer, while knowing there is an opportunity for help? In's and Out's of Healthcare Terminology Imagine a beautiful large building, with 65 individual apartments for seniors to live in. The staff working here is not required to be licensed in any type of healthcare. They have CPR training, but that is all. The facility is very loosely regulated by the state, but is similar to an ordinary apartment complex staffed with good samaritans. This is an assisted living facility. These elders make decisions regarding their healthcare prior to moving in. They choose their code status, either a full code or a DNR, at this facility it is represented by a green dot or a red dot. Green indicating go, do whatever necessary to save their life, while red means stop, do not attempt to resuscitate them. Upon moving in residents ... Show more content on ... If the POA viewed the world like Deontological theorists this scenario would be pure fiction. Care– Based thinkers may find themselves in this situation once or twice, but then would demand a change to stop the repetitive awful symptoms the resident is facing. Sadly, it seems the POA is a consequentialist. She seems to have only the end in mind; ultimately it appears she is waiting for her parents' body to give out so she can blame the diabetes and reflect on the wonderful person they ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Spike Lee's Do The Right Thing Spike Lee's comic drama show Do the Right Thing appeared in film theaters all across America on June 30, 1989, A business achievement that has gotten various honors, for example, an institute grant for 'Best Original Screenplay. ' Do the Right Thing recounts the tale of the becoming racial strain between a neighborhood's African–American dominant part and Caucasian minority on what was considered to be the warmest day of the year. The film includes actors such as Samuel L. Jackson, Martin Lawrence and even Spike Lee hmself. They have multiple discussions about racial and social issues that are still occurring in the present day. Spike Lee's creation was considered "socially critical" by the U.S. Library of Congress in 1999. To have a clear ... Show more content on ... At the evening, A major gathering of African–American People with Radio Raheem goes into the pizzeria, while pizzeria was at the point of closing, Sal opens it to them since he needs for more business. Radio Raheem dependably make louder sounds on his boombox, Here in the pizzeria, he makes it sound even louder. They are doing all they believe they can to put up photos of African American people on the 'Wall of fame', however, Sal declined their request to put the photos up of Black people. Sal advised Radio Raheem, played by Bill Nunn to cut down his boombox within the pizzeria, however, Radio Raheem isn't listening and does not cut the sound system down. H seems to be fed up, The black community begins to be forceful and becomes aggressive. In a similar circumstance, Sal begins to move toward becoming angry with his Music System. Sal breaks Radio Raheem's boombox, soon after Radio Raheem and the other upset African Americans begin to walk towards Sal and his sons. They soon attack Sal and others. Police soon arrive and arrest everyone involved in the assault, except Radio Raheem. Radio Raheem was killed by a police officer which caused everyone to stop and think. No one meant for it to go that far. The crowd of black people are chanting to Mookie stay black, known as the main character, played by Spike Lee. Due to frustration, Mookie then throws a trash at Sal's Famous Pizzeria towards the front glass and shatters it. The angry crowd then break in and damages everything in the pizzeria and burns it ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. DNR Order (Do Not Resuscitate) A controversy that I personally face is a DNR order (Do not Resuscitate). It is an order written by a licensed physician. DNR is usually decided in a consultation with a patient or a surrogate of the patient such as a parent. This choice decides whether a patient will receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation or CPR in case of cardiac and respiratory arrest. Many people struggle with the idea of someone not wanting to be "saved" but what some people don't understand is that it's not about saving the patient but allowing them to pass peacefully without problems. A DNR is one of the most debated legal contracts practiced in the medicine field. Basically, it means that if something happens to you and the situation calls for medical intervention in order to reclaim consciousness and remain alive, you have the power to dictate whether or not that intervention actually occurs. EMT's, doctors, nurses and other medical personnel must stand by your wishes. If they fail to do so they could be lawfully punished. A strong number of people who have a DNR are elderly. Another solid number of people who have a DNR have a very ... Show more content on ... Many see it as a proxy for euthanasia. But many others also see it as a way of suicide, due to the belief that it does not take advantage of the uses of medical personnel and some of the tools available in medicine. A "do not resuscitate" order is a complex, ethical and moral dilemma. From a medical personnel point of view, when his/her patient is put into a situation where death is highly likely or already reached, they will do whatever is necessary to make you survive in that moment. But that doesn't mean that you will continue to survive long term. Sometimes when a doctor "saves" you in that instance its only for an allotted time, maybe even a couple of hours, sometimes they break your ribs in order to make sure you survive a couple of more ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Comparing Microsoft DOS with UNIX Essay Comparing Microsoft DOS with UNIX As is suggestive of its name, an operating system (OS) is a collection of programs that operate the personal computer (PC). Its primary purpose is to support programs that actually do the work one is interested in, and to allow competing programs to share the resources of the computer. However, the OS also controls the inner workings of the computer, acting as a traffic manager which controls the flow of data through the system and initiates the starting and stopping processes, and as a means through which software can access the hardware and system software. In addition, it provides routines for device control, provides for the management, scheduling and interaction of tasks, and maintains system ... Show more content on ... This presents the need for memory management, as the memory of the computer would need to be searched for a free area in which to load a users program. When the user was finished running the program, the memory consumed by it would need to be freed up and made available for another user when required (CIT). Process scheduling and management is also necessary, so that all programs can be executed and run without conflict. Some programs might need to be executed more frequently than others, for example, printing. Conversely, some programs may need to be temporarily halted, then restarted again, so this introduces the need for inter–program communication. In modern operating systems, we speak more of a process (a portion of a program in some stage of execution (CIT, 3)) than a program. This is because only a portion of the program is loaded at any one time. The rest of the program sits waiting on the disk until it is needed, thereby saving memory space. UNIX users speak of the operating system as having three main parts: the kernel, the shell and the file system. While DOS users tend not to use the term kernel and only sometimes use the term shell, the terms remain relevant. The kernel, also known as the "Real Time Executive", is the low–level core of the OS and is loaded into memory right after the loading of the BIOS whenever the system is started. The kernel handles the transfer of data among the various parts of the system, such as from hard disk to ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Understanding Do The Right Thing Understanding Do the Right Thing While the 1970's and 80's marked a decline in movies featuring black actors and a lack of black directors, the mid 1980's through the 1990's invited a new generation of filmmakers and rappers, engaging with the "New Jack" image, transforming the Ghettos of yesteryears into the hood of today. A major director that emerged during this time was Spike Lee. According to Paula Massood's book titled, Black City Cinema, African American Urban Experiences in Film, "...Lee not only transformed African American city spaces and black filmmaking practices, he also changed American filmmaking as a whole." Lee is perhaps one of the most influential film makers of the time, likely of all time. He thrusted black Brooklyn into light, shifting away from the popularity of Harlem. By putting complex characters into an urban space that is not only defined by poverty, drugs, and crime, it suggests the community is more than the black city it once was, it is instead a complex cityscape. Despite them being addressed to an African American audience, Lee's film attract a mixed audience. Spike lee's Do the Right Thing painted a different image of the African American community, "The construction of the African American city as community differs from more mainstream examples of the represents black city spaces from the rime period, such as Colors..., which presented its African American and Mexican American communities through the eyes of white LAPD officers." "Do the Right ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Do The Right Thing Analysis Do the Right Thing Films document critical historical events, entertain masses and educate the public on particular practices. Depending on the theme and intent of the director, films have a substantial contribution to the human civilization. Do the Right Thing directed by Spike Lee is a1989 American comedy– drama that highlights the racial tension in the ancient society. The film depicts a typical day for Lee in Bedford–Stuyvesant, Brooklyn when strains between the whites, Indians and African Americans were on the rise. The production of the film took place when the issues regarding the African Americans were largely ignored. Therefore, the setting of the video in a black dominated community illuminates the style as well as outcomes of good and bad (Townsend). It addresses the stereotypical notions that defined Africans as dangerous and violent by portraying a picture of hospitable characters. Other than bringing the lifestyle of African American to the limelight, it has significant relevance ... Show more content on ... Necessarily, it entails the use of resources and amenities while taking into consideration the intergeneration and intragenerational needs. First, the fact that the film has importance to the current society justifies that it met the standards of sustainability and widespread use. Second, the production in the black community brings out uniqueness, resources and virtuous lifestyles of the peoples including the Afrocentric dressing (Townsend). In terms of regional development, using the local capitals to build the capacity and participatory approaches to decision making improves the practicality of the interventions. The film meets this threshold because it explores the individuality of a particular society, the systems, and institutions. This aspect is useful in designing workable strategies and engaging the local people to work towards attaining a beneficial ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Analysis Of ' Do The Right Thing ' A Mirror To See Injustice A mirror can not lie. It reflects an exact image of whoever looks into it. It shows a person what works and what is in desperate need for change, which means that a decision must be made every time one comes upon their reflection– accept what is seen or take the steps to make the change. Spike Lee gave the world a mirror when he created the film "Do the Right Thing." He showed the world exactly much change is needed. The body of society is wrinkled with centuries of injustice, scarred with generations of suffering, and burdened with lifetimes of painful memories. Society is in need of healing. Lee shows us how to go about this healing by using a cycle of agitation and resolution in each pair of scenes. In order to begin to solve America's race problem the conversation must have a balance of agitation and resolution. What is agitation? Agitation is categorized as extreme emotional disturbance. The marxists believe, "It is like a sharp knife seeking to expose and make raw a glaring contradiction and draw blood around it (Saba 1)." Lee uses this weapon to open old wounds before the film even begins. Before the title sequence the audience is reminded of a strategy for healing which ultimately failed. "A 40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks Production" flashes across the screen. The idea of "40 acres" was created as a weak attempt to give reparations to former slaves after the civil war. The United States government "tried" to do some damage control, but ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Analysis Of ' Do The Right Thing ' A Mirror To See Injustice A mirror can not lie. It reflects an exact image of whoever looks into it. It shows a person what works and what is in desperate need for change, which means that a decision must be made every time one comes upon their reflection– accept what is seen or take the steps to make the change. Spike Lee gave the world a mirror when he created the film "Do the Right Thing." He showed the world exactly much change is needed. The body of society is wrinkled with centuries of injustice, scarred with generations of suffering, and burdened with lifetimes of painful memories. Society is in need of healing. Lee shows us how to go about this healing by using a cycle of agitation and resolution in each pair of scenes. In order to begin to solve America's race problem the conversation must have a balance of agitation and resolution. What is agitation? Agitation is categorized as extreme emotional disturbance. The marxists believe, "It is like a sharp knife seeking to expose and make raw a glaring contradiction and draw blood around it (Saba 1)." Lee uses this weapon to open old wounds before the film even begins. Before the title sequence the audience is reminded of a strategy for healing which ultimately failed. "A 40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks Production" flashes across the screen. The idea of "40 acres" was created as a weak attempt to give reparations to former slaves after the civil war. The United States government "tried" to do some damage control, but ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Racism In Do The Right Thing Do the Right Thing (1989) is about a young black man, Mookie, living in a Puerto Rican neighborhood in Brooklyn with his sister. He works at a local pizzeria, Sal's Pizzeria, and has a girlfriend named Tina with whom he has a kid with and his name is Hector. Sal can been seen as racist in some scenarios, but not nearly as racist as his son Pino who also works at the Pizzeria. Pino dislikes African Americans, but most of his favorite celebrities are black. Sal has another son, Vito, who also works at the Pizzeria and is friends with Mookie. As mentions before, Sal can be seen as racist in some cases, one being that he does not have any black celebrities in his Pizzeria. This causes a big scene when Buggin' Out notices this, which forcefully ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Do The Right Thing Theme The film "Do the Right Thing" was released in 1989 in the United States. This film is a drama with comedy load that has duration of 120 min, and was directed by Spike Lee, who also served as a main character in the film. "Do the Right Thing" depicts a day in a community of black majority in Brooklyn, too hot day, and features a plot that ends up becoming in an ethnic conflict. What becomes interesting in the film is how to address the race issue. The author not only works prejudice between whites and blacks, as is observed in most of the films that work this theme. The film also focuses on the existing prejudice on the part of the blacks, and that also affects other minorities in the community, where Latinos and Koreans. There is a bias in ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Movie Analysis : Do The Right The cinema is one of the most unique forms of media because it has the ability to make a fictional story socially powerful. The simplest of elements in a film are able to change how the audience interprets a scene and give it a deeper meaning. In Spike Lee's 1989 film, Do the Right Thing, many small elements come together to impact individual scenes as a whole. This controversial film illustrates a single day of rising events in a black neighborhood. It shows the frustration of the African–American population in how they are treated and how it triggers their own reactions. The story line comments on other racial stereotypes as well, including Hispanics, Koreans, Italians, and Caucasians. A powerful scene in the film is one involving the character Radio Raheem, a mysteriously quiet black character known in the film to use a more hostile approach for equality. In this scene, he tells the main character Mookie a tale of the personified relationship of love and hate. There are many components of the Love and Hate scene in Do the Right Thing that are important when analyzing the sequence as a whole. One of the most prominent aspects is the camera angle and cinematography. The scene itself is one long take– meaning there are no cuts in the scene which is over a minute and a half. This in itself is significant because it forces the viewer's attention with no breaks. It shows that Radio Raheem's story is forward and needs to be listened to without hesitation. His story personifies ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. First, Do No Harm Essay Textual Analysis: First, Do No Harm Patrick Patrick Dismuke was a young African American boy, at the age of fifteen when the story starts, and a regular patient at Hermann Hospital. Patrick was born with a severe case of Hirschsprung's disease, a disorder of the digestive tract, and was unable to digest his food. Throughout Patrick's life, he spent more days in the hospital than out and came to be quite comfortable with the environment and staff at Hermann. Due to his disease his only way of nutrition was through a feeding tube, unfortunately these tubes often got infected. Since Patrick's immune system was also weak, the infections were almost as bad as the disease itself. The doctors were forced to put the boy through surgery ... Show more content on ... Luckily he made it off the operating table alive, despite the fact that the tube had slipped too far. However, he was paralyzed on his left side and died a few weeks later. The dilemma for ethics committees brought up by the story of Patrick is a question of how much is too much. As technologies in the medical field continue to advance, people can live substantially longer lives, but are they lives worth living? Some people, like Patrick, don't think being paralyzed is a quality of life worth living. Others, like Armando, refuse to be made DNR and cling to life even if it consists of communicating by blinking of the eye. The questions raised in this book are awful decisions that nobody should ever have to make. Whatever the committees and doctors choose to do can keep patients alive and allow them to have a low quality of live, be in constant pain and be a burden to society, or keep a terminally ill patient comfortable until he or she has said their good–byes and let nature take its course. Another concern that an ethics committee must address is the cost of care. Wealthy patients with health insurance are much more likely to be welcomed into hospitals with open arms while patients without insurance are often given poor medical care and sometimes even turned away. Hermann Hospital started off as a charity hospital and was supposed to be widely available to the poor and underprivileged. However as the initial funds started to deteriorate and the ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Do The Right Thing Analysis "Do the Right Thing" is one of those life lesson movies that your mom makes you watch as a kid to get you ready for the real world and show you that there are some really great African American films out there. Unfortunately i wasn't lucky enough to see this one out of all the rest of the other ones. When i told my mom about this project she immediately told me he died at the end..... The main character Mookie gets killed. It made me not want to watch it at first because of all of the spoilers. In the beginning of the movie i saw a lady dancing for about five minutes straight she changed into three different outfits two of them was what looked like party clothes and the last one was a boxing uniformi really didn't understand the meaning of ... Show more content on ... Someone opens the fire hydrant hose on the end of the street and as the whole community plays. The police comes to cut it off and tell them if they have to come back they will arrest everybody. Sal driving his collectable car in the neighborhood gets soaked and says that "zoe and joe black" did it being sarcastic because they messed up his car. Mookie delivers pizza to the radio man and Vito walks with Mookie. Mookie tells him he shouldn't take no stuff from his Pino because he looks weak. When mookie and Vino walk back to the store they run into Buggin Out, Buggin Out gets into it with some white guy steps on his shoes and messed them up and his messy friends hype him up to argue with the white man. It goes back to the old men arguing on the street talking about owning their own business because if the koreans can do it so can they. Vino wants to be black or likes their culture but then goes to mock the culture Then they start cracking each other the police, korean, mookie, Pino and some boy on the side talking to radio raheem earlier then the radio man tells them to cut it out.Radio raheem has a love and hate ring on his hand and explains how love and hate come together and also i fall apart. He goes to the pizza place and ask for 2 slices of pizza but Sal gets mad and tells him to turn that music down because he is disturbing the ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Do The Right Thing Analysis The movie Do the Right Thing by Spike Lee is not a film that has the power to transform one's political sensibilities. The film displays the demonstration of African discrimination and racial altercations. Done by the way of the anger and serious reactions display by the way Lee demonstrates the true ethnicity of his character and the way he used insulting style of speech and strong scenes to show how harsh racism can lead to violence. 1) In the film there is love and hate between the neighbors that points out who are friends and rivals 2) We also see how in the film points out the differences that separate society 3) Finally in the in the film we see social conflict racial discrimination between Black, White, Italian and Asian race, it also ... Show more content on ... Buggin' Out:You almost knocked me down man, the word is "excuse me."Clifton:Ah, excuse me, I'm sorry.Buggin' Out:Not only did ya knock me down, you stepped on my brand new white Air Jordan's I just bought, and that's all you can say is "excuse me"?Clifton:What, are you serious? Buggin' Out:Yeah, I'm serious, I'll f*** you up quick two times!Punchy:Two times!Buggin' Out:Who told you to step on my sneakers, who told you to walk on my side of the block, who told you to be in my neighborhood?Clifton:I own this brownstone.Buggin' Out:Who told you to buy a brownstone on my block, in my neighborhood, on my side of the street? Yo, what you wanna live in a black neighborhood for anyway, man, motherf*** gentrification! Even though Clifton apologize to Buggin' Out him and his other friends decides to follow him all the way to his house and keeps going on with what had happen and that is when Buggin' Out mentions "Who told you to buy a brownstone on my block, in my neighborhood, on my side of the street? Yo, what you wanna live in a black neighborhood for anyway, man, motherf*** gentrification!" That is when this scene identified African people's stereo types and makes black community look lower ... Get more on ...