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Assessment Two-Personal Camera
Usability Report
Dnb202 Product Usability
Ashleigh Jeremy| Brook Rockcliffe| Jessica Schultz| Suzanne
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1.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................2
2.0 TESTING TECHNIQUES..........................................................................................2
3.0 ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................3
4.0 FINDINGS .................................................................................................................4
5.0 IMPLICATIONS........................................................................................................5
6.0 APPENDICIES...........................................................................................................7
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Research is an imperative element throughout every design process and it can be used at
any stage in design. A usability testing approach is a way of understanding problems or elements
of consideration instead of using a hypothesis approach. The purpose of this research is to gain
primary data on the relationship between the user and the product. This allows the researcher to
gain knowledge on all aspects of the product to achieve a better design outcome . The usability
testing approach was initiated by interviewing 11 users, using various testing techniques. The
information collected from this was correlated into findings. The findings were then analyzed and
the implications were discussed, to inform further design decisions. Testing techniques were
essential for the user interviews and these will be further discussed below.
2.1 User Observations
Observations assist in understanding the user and their ability to form a relationship with
a product within in certain contexts. For this analysis, the observation technique was chosen to
identify issues and concerns associated with the user-interface interaction. This testing approach
was adopted to uncover the details within each stage of the user’s experience. Observations
commenced by giving the participant an overview of the task at hand and an explanation on the
purpose of the research. Following this, participants were given tasks to perform within an active
scenario, replicative of a cycling environment. Digital photographs and handwritten observations
were then recorded and analyzed to establish an understanding of the participants needs.
2.2 Think Aloud Protocol
The think-aloud protocol reflects the raw emotions and thoughts expressed by the user
while performing a set task. Unlike the observations, the set tasks are performed in an unnatural
or challenging setting. Despite the abnormality, the set tasks conducted within this research
reflected similar difficulties raised for cyclists when using a camera. This technique allowed each
researcher to gain a first-hand understanding of the user-product experience. The positives and
negatives were immediately revealed, recorded, and used to identify problems to ensure that the
user’s needs are met through the finalized design solution. Similar to the observations,
participants were given a new scenario and set of tasks to be completed. The scenario included
walking along a straight line whilst interacting with the unfamiliar camera. This approach
uncovered similar issues faced by cyclists including limited abilities to multi-task, use of
peripheral vision, and limited use of hands.
2.3 Face to face questionnaire
Questionnaires often necessitate a one on one interaction between the interviewer and the
participant. They provide a series of questions for the participant to complete. After completion,
the answers are reviewed by the interviewer for further examination. For the purpose of this
analysis, a written questionnaire approach was utilized to establish a personal relationship
between the interviewer and participant. This enabled the provision of informal conversations to
arise about the subject matter and provided opportunities for participants to ask questions. Prior to
Page 3
any physical testing, the users were asked initial questions, providing a broader understanding of
their current relationship with both cycling, and cameras. The answers were considered
immediately to aid in understanding the user and were analyzed further to establish connections
with the participants key thoughts during the Think-aloud protocol, and their actions from the
User observations” test.
2.4 User Groups
The user groups tested during the conduction of this report included a combination
between male and female participants (45% being male and 55% being female). The ages of the
participants varied significantly with the age range spanning between 18 years to 65 years. Each
participant had to complete each form of testing to obtain consistency across each research
members results. Appendix 5 shows the template used for the testing methods and questionnaires.
Collecting primary research is a valuable approach for designers as it enables an
understanding of the product they are designing and reveal any problems that may be emerge
within the process. For this analysis, each researcher within the group was given a template of set
tasks to complete with their users (refer to Appendix 5). Each researcher was to provide a camera
for the participants to use; one that they were unfamiliar with. As this research was based upon
designing a personal camera for a cyclist, it was imperative that the users tested were to be
personally familiar with cycling. The data was collected across eleven different participants; all of
whom were aged between 18 and 65 years old. An equal amount of male and female users were
tested to allow consistency across the findings.
The user testing had three stages involved; User observations, the Think-aloud protocol
and the Questionnaire. To begin the User observations, participants were asked general questions
regarding their identity, age and personal experience with cycling. Participants were then given a
set list of tasks to complete. The purpose of the set tasks was to observe the ways in which the
intended user group would initially interact with the camera device. After turning on the camera
and activating the automatic function in settings, participants were asked to take 5 photographs at
different angles. Following this, they were instructed to change the settings to manual and adjust
the contrast levels. Finally, the participants were to take another 5 photographs and delete the first
5 captured. Throughout the timeframe of the user performing the task, researchers took detailed
notes and photographs to capture significant points of interest and any difficulties the user
Following the observations, participants were asked to perform the Think Aloud Protocol.
This task required participants to walk in a straight line whilst interacting with the camera (refer
to Figure 5- Appendix 8). After turning on the camera and activating the automatic function,
participants were to capture 4 photographs whilst adjusting the cameras zoom capacity (refer to
Figure 7-Appendix 8). The purpose of this task was to observe the participants ability to use the
camera device whilst moving. This was a significant aspect to note for the research as it linked to
the assumption that the target user group would be cycling whilst using the camera device. Whilst
the user was performing the set tasks, researchers wrote down the spoken thoughts expressed
during each stage completed. After the completion of the tasks, participants were asked general
Page 4
questions about their experience of performing the tasks and for their opinion on the requirements
of a camera designed for cycling.
The Questionnaire was used to gain understanding of a cyclist’s point of view regarding a
personalised cyclist camera (refer to Appendix 1). The questionnaire was performed in an
informal environment where participants were given the chance to explain their answers in person
and ask questions (refer to Figure 3- Appendix 4). Questions were centred around the purpose of
using a camera whilst cycling and any difficulties that may occur. This information allowed the
researchers to gain an understanding of the various elements to consider when designing the
camera. In response to the data collection, there were many considerations that were raised, these
in which will be discussed in the findings section below.
4.1 User observations
The average overall time spent performing the tasks was 5 minutes for males, and 4
minutes for females. Appendix 1 demonstrates the duration of time taken according to age group
and gender. It was found that those who were younger and less experienced with the product took
longer to achieve the given tasks. Similarly, those who were older often had less familiarity with
camera devices. The fastest recorded age group was 36-45, with both males and females
averaging 2 minutes (refer to Appendix 1). It was observed that females experienced more
difficulties whilst interacting with the camera devices. The age groups that experienced the most
confusion included those aged between 46-55 and 56-65 (refer to Appendix 1). The areas that
caused the most confusion included the changing of camera settings (to Automatic and Manual)
and adjusting the camera settings (refer to Appendix 2 and Figure 6- Appendix 8). The recurring
feedback from the tasks outlined major confusion with changing interfaces, which relates back to
the buttons and how clear their functions are. Many test participants could not identify where
certain settings were due to small buttons, too many options, and lack of clear labeling (refer to
Figure 3- Appendix 6). The screen size and sun glare both effected visibility for some users which
was another interference (refer to Figure 1 Appendix 6).
4.2 Think aloud protocol
In terms of ergonomics, reoccurring comments were made aloud in relation to the shape
and handling of the cameras. Results showed that participants thought smaller organic forms
would be preferable for the design of the cyclist camera. It was also shown that fast interactions
and the integration of clipping abilities were of popular suggestion (refer to Appendix 3).
Participants noted that single handed use made it easier to keep balance, whereas those with both
hands preoccupied were under greater inclination to lose balance. In terms of practicality, the fast
shutter in accompaniment with a stabilizer reduced the likelihood of motion blur, and allowed the
user to comfortably point and shoot without always looking directly at the camera. Most test
participants slowed down to complete the tasks as they had to look closely for the buttons and
ensure that changes were made (refer to Figure 8-Appendix 8). It was recommended to consider
voice commands to allow camera use without distraction and lower safety risks. As voice
Page 5
command is not always possible and difficult to perfect (commuting in loud traffic, wind
interferences, accents etc.), it was suggested that each button could explore different textures,
shapes, or functions to differentiate buttons without distraction. Suggestions included; levers,
push buttons, scrolls and thumb pulls (refer to Appendix 6). Smaller, organic handle grips were
expressed as advantageous and comfortable, as well as considering a slight weight to the camera;
ensuring steadiness when cycling. Appendix 3 breaks down the common recommendations for the
cameras functions and shapes.
4.3 Face to face questionnaire
It was found through the Questionnaire that most participants initiated in cycling for
leisure and fitness purposes. It was common that users cycled for both reasons. The rider group
with the greatest frequency of use, however, was those in competition (Refer to Appendix 4).
Participants were asked their opinion on the camera they would be most inclined to use for
cycling. Results showed that participants favored sports action cameras (e.g. Go Pro’s) and
mobile phones for use whilst cycling. It can be assumed from other responses and observations
that the phone preference is due to an ease of use and familiarity with one’s phone (shown in
Appendix 6). The size and durability of the sports action cameras was the most significant aspect
participants noted. Certain features were suggested to appeal to each individual use of the camera
whilst cycling. Recommendations also included the addition of race routes, location overlay and
speed indicators for racing. Despite the interest in such novel suggestions, there were underlying
concerns from majority of test participants. The common concerns that arose included lack of
safety due to balance, distraction, multi-tasking and reduced visibility. Awareness was drawn to
the risks of camera damage from situations including water logging, lens scratching, and
inundation of dust. The recurring recommendations to combat these concerns included voice
commands and other features such as differing button shapes and sizes to alleviate the risk of
distraction. Suggestions raised to eliminate risks included the addition of shockproof, waterproof,
and dustproof housing to protect their investment (refer to Appendix 6).
The implications of using a camera whilst cycling vary depending on the form of cycling.
The above report has outlined the that there are many factors to consider for designing the cyclists
camera. Designing a camera for cyclists poses many challenges including the context for the
device, its size, shape and form. Over half of the participants interviewed experienced areas of
confusion with the buttons and light adjustment settings. As cycling is an activity which is
performed outside, external factors such as light, wind and bodily changes (perspiration) can all
effect the way the user interacts with the camera. Therefore, in each group members design, it
will be important to take these aspects into consideration integrating intuitive buttons, as well as
simple interfaces that eliminate confusion and distraction. When users were asked what
recommendations, they propose for a camera used by cyclists, the top three popular
recommendations were; clipping abilities, fast interactions with the camera and small in size.
Presumably our designs should include but are not limited to, an aspect which will allow the
camera to be fastened to the bike and/or the cyclist. This is important as the user may be
Page 6
travelling at high speeds thus requires a device that will be sturdy and easy to use. Furthermore,
the design should be light and of a compact nature. This requirement applies both to cameras held
by the user, and cameras attached to the bike. It is a necessity that the camera should not interfere
with the user’s ability to cycle safely or disrupt them from enjoying their experience. Finally,
considering that a large majority of users said that they cycled for leisure reasons, with fitness and
competitive motives following. The above findings suggest that the groups primary users will
involve young individuals who cycle for leisure and exercise; presuming that they ride at a
moderate to fast pace. Treatments to the camera such as shock resistance and water proofing will
be of benefit to ensure the device can withstand the activities produced by the user (cyclist).
Image stabilizers and high focus qualities will also be advantageous for the user to ensure that
they capture their photographs/recordings successfully.
Page 7
18-25 26-34 36-45 46-55 56-65
Male Female
Appendix 1 - Time taken to perform user observation tasks
Page 8
Appendix 3 - Common recommendations for Camera
Appendix 2 - Major areas of confusion in user observations
Page 9
Leisure Fitness
Participants Ave Frequency
Appendix 4 - Common groups of riders and their frequency of cycling per
Age: 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 66-75 76-85 OVER
Familiarity with the product: 1 2 3 4 5
Time spent performing the task: ____ minutes
Errors made during the tasks: ____
Major areas of confusion: ____________________________________________
How often they asked for help: _____ times
Did they become familiar with
the product quickly: yes/no
Did they become frustrated with
the product over time: yes/no
Tasks to complete
1. Turn the camera on
2. Put the camera on Auto
3. Take 5 photos - take the photos from different angles of interest and rotating the camera
4. Put the camera on manual and change the contrast setting on the camera
5. Take another 5 photos
6. Delete the first 5 photos
7. Turn the camera off
Interviewer to do
• Take photos throughout the time
• Remember to take notes at points of interests
• Notes the time where they asked questions for help and clarification
• Beware of the surroundings
• Write down observations
Appendix 5
Test subject walking along straight line while completing tasks. Test subject expresses
thoughts and emotions while performing tasks.
Tasks to complete
1. Turn the camera on
Record: __________________________________________________________________
2. Put the camera on Auto
Record: __________________________________________________________________
3. Zoom in to maximum capacity
Record: __________________________________________________________________
4. Take 2 photos at different angles
Record: __________________________________________________________________
5. Zoom out halfway
Record: __________________________________________________________________
6. Take 1 photo of the ground
Record: __________________________________________________________________
7. Take 1 photo of the sky
Record: __________________________________________________________________
8. Turn off
Record: __________________________________________________________________
Questions for user?
1. Do you think any features be could be beneficial to a camera used whilst cycling?
For example; clipping device, wearable device, wrist band etc.
2. Are their certain shapes or forms that would enhance the use of this cyclist camera?
For example; curved/ organic forms or square/angled forms.
3. Do you think that a camera designed for cycling should be Large or small?
4. Do you think that interacting with this camera whilst cycling should be a fast or slow
Final observations
1. What is your gender? (Please Circle)
Male Female Other
2. What is Your age? (Please Circle)
18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 66-75 75+
3. For what purpose do you participate in cycling? (Please Circle) If selected other,
please explain…
Leisure competition fitness other
4. How often do you participate in cycling? (please Circle)
Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
5. What type of camera would you be inclined to use whilst cycling?
Instant camera Digital Camera Go Pro Phone camera
6. How often would you use this camera while cycling? (please Circle)
Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
7. What would you be motivated to photograph when cycling? (Please Circle). If
answered other, please explain…
Self-portraits Scenery Nature Other
8. What functions do you think would be most important when taking photographs
whilst cycling? (Please circle) If chosen other, please specify…
On/off button Zoom Photo capture Video Recording Other
9. What difficulties do you think are involved with using a camera whilst cycling?
10. What camera functions would benefit your experience whilst cycling? For
example; Water proofing, shock resistance etc…
11. If there was a specifically designed camera to use while cycling, would you be
inclined to purchase it? (Please Circle)
Yes No
12. Do you currently use a camera whilst cycling? (Please Circle)
Yes No
Test subject walking along straight line while completing tasks. Test subject expresses
thoughts and emotions while performing tasks.
Tasks to complete
1. Turn the camera on
Record: __________________________________________________________________
2. Put the camera on Auto
Record: __________________________________________________________________
3. Zoom in to maximum capacity
Record: __________________________________________________________________
4. Take 2 photos at different angles
Record: __________________________________________________________________
5. Zoom out halfway
Record: __________________________________________________________________
6. Take 1 photo of the ground
Record: __________________________________________________________________
7. Take 1 photo of the sky
Record: __________________________________________________________________
8. Turn off
Record: __________________________________________________________________
Questions for user?
1. Do you think any features be could be beneficial to a camera used whilst cycling?
For example; clipping device, wearable device, wrist band etc.
2. Are their certain shapes or forms that would enhance the use of this cyclist camera?
For example; curved/ organic forms or square/angled forms.
3. Do you think that a camera designed for cycling should be Large or small?
4. Do you think that interacting with this camera whilst cycling should be a fast or slow
Appendix 6
10. What camera functions would benefit your experience whilst cycling? For
example; Water proofing, shock resistance etc…
11. If there was a specifically designed camera to use while cycling, would you be
inclined to purchase it? (Please Circle)
Yes No
12. Do you currently use a camera whilst cycling? (Please Circle)
Yes No
Age: 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 66-75 76-85 OVER
Familiarity with the product: 1 2 3 4 5
Time spent performing the task: ____ minutes
Errors made during the tasks: ____
Major areas of confusion: ____________________________________________
How often they asked for help: _____ times
Did they become familiar with
the product quickly: yes/no
Did they become frustrated with
the product over time: yes/no
Tasks to complete
1. Turn the camera on
2. Put the camera on Auto
3. Take 5 photos - take the photos from different angles of interest and rotating the camera
4. Put the camera on manual and change the contrast setting on the camera
5. Take another 5 photos
6. Delete the first 5 photos
7. Turn the camera off
Interviewer to do
• Take photos throughout the time
• Remember to take notes at points of interests
• Notes the time where they asked questions for help and clarification
• Beware of the surroundings
• Write down observations
Final observations
Age: 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 66-75 76-85 OVER
Familiarity with the product: 1 2 3 4 5
Time spent performing the task: ____ minutes
Errors made during the tasks: ____
Major areas of confusion: ____________________________________________
How often they asked for help: _____ times
Did they become familiar with
the product quickly: yes/no
Did they become frustrated with
the product over time: yes/no
Tasks to complete
1. Turn the camera on
2. Put the camera on Auto
3. Take 5 photos - take the photos from different angles of interest and rotating the camera
4. Put the camera on manual and change the contrast setting on the camera
5. Take another 5 photos
6. Delete the first 5 photos
7. Turn the camera off
Interviewer to do
• Take photos throughout the time
• Remember to take notes at points of interests
• Notes the time where they asked questions for help and clarification
• Beware of the surroundings
• Write down observations
Wasn’t sure about changing the settings to Auto or manual.
Confusion whilst trying to change contrast.
Easily took photos and deleted photos
Adjusting contrast on camera.
Found it difficult to navigate to different photographs to delete.
Test subject walking along straight line while completing tasks. Test subject expresses
thoughts and emotions while performing tasks.
Tasks to complete
1. Turn the camera on
Record: __________________________________________________________________
2. Put the camera on Auto
Record: __________________________________________________________________
3. Zoom in to maximum capacity
Record: __________________________________________________________________
4. Take 2 photos at different angles
Record: __________________________________________________________________
5. Zoom out halfway
Record: __________________________________________________________________
6. Take 1 photo of the ground
Record: __________________________________________________________________
7. Take 1 photo of the sky
Record: __________________________________________________________________
8. Turn off
Record: __________________________________________________________________
Questions for user.
1. Do you think any features be could be beneficial to a camera used whilst cycling?
For example; clipping device, wearable device, wrist band etc.
2. Are their certain shapes or forms that would enhance the use of this cyclist camera?
For example; curved/ organic forms or square/angled forms.
3. Do you think that a camera designed for cycling should be Large or small?
4. Do you think that interacting with this camera whilst cycling should be a fast or slow
Easy to complete.
Easy to complete.
Slowed down and stopped.
Slowed down.
Stopped and had to focus.
Slowed down to take photograph.
Stopped to take photograph.
Easy to complete.
Attached to helmet or head.
Mounted on handle bars.
Rounded and circular in form may help with wind resistance?
Small and light weight easy to put on helmet.
A Fast experience so you can get back to riding.
1. What is your gender? (Please Circle)
Male Female Other
2. What is Your age? (Please Circle)
18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 66-75 75+
3. For what purpose do you participate in cycling? (Please Circle) If selected other, please
Leisure competition fitness other
4. How often do you participate in cycling? (please Circle)
Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
5. What type of camera would you be inclined to use whilst cycling?
Instant camera Digital Camera Go Pro Phone camera
6. How often would you use this camera while cycling? (please Circle)
Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
7. What would you be motivated to photograph when cycling? (Please Circle). If answered
other, please explain…
Self-portraits Scenery Nature Other
8. What functions do you think would be most important when taking photographs whilst
cycling? (Please circle) If chosen other, please specify…
On/off button Zoom Photo capture Video Recording Other
9. What difficulties do you think are involved with using a camera whilst cycling?
Safety issues whilst trying to interact with camera.
Loss of concentration and focus.
10. What camera functions would benefit your experience whilst cycling? For example; Water
proofing, shock resistance etc…
11. If there was a specifically designed camera to use while cycling, would you be inclined to
purchase it? (Please Circle)
Yes No
12. Do you currently use a camera whilst cycling? (Please Circle)
Yes No
Shock Resistant.
Water Proofing.
Case for camera.
Age: 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 66-75 76-85 OVER
Familiarity with the product: 1 2 3 4 5
Time spent performing the task: ____ minutes
Errors made during the tasks: ____
Major areas of confusion: ____________________________________________
How often they asked for help: _____ times
Did they become familiar with
the product quickly: yes/no
Did they become frustrated with
the product over time: yes/no
Tasks to complete
1. Turn the camera on
2. Put the camera on Auto
3. Take 5 photos - take the photos from different angles of interest and rotating the camera
4. Put the camera on manual and change the contrast setting on the camera
5. Take another 5 photos
6. Delete the first 5 photos
7. Turn the camera off
Interviewer to do
• Take photos throughout the time
• Remember to take notes at points of interests
• Notes the time where they asked questions for help and clarification
• Beware of the surroundings
• Write down observations
Didn’t know that lens had to be removed when turned on.
Easily changed settings from auto to manual.
Easily took photos and deleted photos
Adjusting contrast on camera.
Found it difficult to change contrast.
Test subject walking along straight line while completing tasks. Test subject expresses
thoughts and emotions while performing tasks.
Tasks to complete
1. Turn the camera on
Record: __________________________________________________________________
2. Put the camera on Auto
Record: __________________________________________________________________
3. Zoom in to maximum capacity
Record: __________________________________________________________________
4. Take 2 photos at different angles
Record: __________________________________________________________________
5. Zoom out halfway
Record: __________________________________________________________________
6. Take 1 photo of the ground
Record: __________________________________________________________________
7. Take 1 photo of the sky
Record: __________________________________________________________________
8. Turn off
Record: __________________________________________________________________
Questions for user.
1. Do you think any features be could be beneficial to a camera used whilst cycling?
For example; clipping device, wearable device, wrist band etc.
2. Are their certain shapes or forms that would enhance the use of this cyclist camera?
For example; curved/ organic forms or square/angled forms.
3. Do you think that a camera designed for cycling should be Large or small?
4. Do you think that interacting with this camera whilst cycling should be a fast or slow
Easy to complete.
Easy to complete.
Slowed down.
Easy to complete.
Easily Done.
Slowed down to focus.
Easy to complete.
Easy to complete.
Maybe camera could come with 2 parts? One attached to helmet and the other attached to handle
bars. Thumb buttons could be useful for turning device on.
If it was rounded and circular like a bike bell.
A Fast experience. The camera should have a function that stabilises the camera.
1. What is your gender? (Please Circle)
Male Female Other
2. What is Your age? (Please Circle)
18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 66-75 75+
3. For what purpose do you participate in cycling? (Please Circle) If selected other, please
Leisure competition fitness other
4. How often do you participate in cycling? (please Circle)
Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
5. What type of camera would you be inclined to use whilst cycling?
Instant camera Digital Camera Go Pro Phone camera
6. How often would you use this camera while cycling? (please Circle)
Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
7. What would you be motivated to photograph when cycling? (Please Circle). If answered
other, please explain…
Self-portraits Scenery Nature Other
8. What functions do you think would be most important when taking photographs whilst
cycling? (Please circle) If chosen other, please specify…
On/off button Zoom Photo capture Video Recording Other
9. What difficulties do you think are involved with using a camera whilst cycling?
Unsteady due to bumps on ground.
Blurry images.
Hard to see and focus.
Fast loading.
10. What camera functions would benefit your experience whilst cycling? For example; Water
proofing, shock resistance etc…
11. If there was a specifically designed camera to use while cycling, would you be inclined to
purchase it? (Please Circle)
Yes No
12. Do you currently use a camera whilst cycling? (Please Circle)
Yes No
Shock Resistant.
Protective case for camera.
Age: 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 76-85 OVER
Familiarity with the product: 1 2 3 4 5
Time spent performing the task: 5 minutes
Errors made during the tasks: 3
Major areas of confusion: Focusing and misunderstanding on button
How often they asked for help: 2 times
Did they become familiar with
the product quickly: yes/no
Did they become frustrated with
the product over time: yes/no
Tasks to complete
1. Turn the camera on
2. Put the camera on Auto
3. Take 5 photos - take the photos from different angles of interest and rotating the camera
4. Put the camera on manual and change the contrast setting on the camera
5. Take another 5 photos
6. Delete the first 5 photos
7. Turn the camera off
Interviewer to do
• Take photos throughout the time
• Remember to take notes at points of interests
• Notes the time where they asked questions for help and clarification
• Beware of the surroundings
• Write down observations
Test subject walking along straight line while completing tasks. Test subject expresses
thoughts and emotions while performing tasks.
Tasks to complete
1. Turn the camera on
Record: User puts camera strap on. User presses Capture button repeatedly. User notices
lens cap is on
2. Put the camera on Auto
Record: User found it easy to turn on to auto.
3. Zoom in to maximum capacity
Record: User doesn’t see anything happening on screen. User looks throw viewing hole.
Twists lens.
4. Take 2 photos at different angles
Record: User physically moves body and takes photos at 45º angles
5. Zoom out halfway
Record: User finds this easy
6. Take 1 photo of the ground
Record: user looks immediately down
7. Take 1 photo of the sky: User keeps flash on during day light
Record: Turn off Record: User finds that easy. Puts the lens cap on
Questions for user?
1. Do you think any features could be beneficial to a camera used whilst cycling? For
example; clipping device, wearable device, wrist band etc.
Yes, clipping. User thinks it is dangerous to take photos and ride.
2. Are their certain shapes or forms that would enhance the use of this cyclist camera?
For example; curved/ organic forms or square/angled forms.
Curved or organic because it would be smoother to hold.
3. Do you think that a camera designed for cycling should be Large or small?
Small and lightweight, User thinks it is obvious.
4. Do you think that interacting with this camera whilst cycling should be a fast or slow
Casual ride: Slow experience commuters: Fast experience
Final observations
User is slower than a younger user who may be more familiar with the product. User has never used
the camera, but
1. What is your gender? (Please Circle)
Male Female Other
2. What is Your age? (Please Circle)
18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 75+
3. For what purpose do you participate in cycling? (Please Circle) If selected other,
please explain…
Leisure competition fitness other
4. How often do you participate in cycling? (please Circle)
Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
5. What type of camera would you be inclined to use whilst cycling?
Instant camera Digital Camera Go Pro Phone camera
6. How often would you use this camera while cycling? (please Circle)
Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
7. What would you be motivated to photograph when cycling? (Please Circle). If
answered other, please explain…
Self-portraits Scenery Nature Other
8. What functions do you think would be most important when taking photographs
whilst cycling? (Please circle) If chosen other, please specify…
On/off button Zoom Photo capture Video Recording Other
9. What difficulties do you think are involved with using a camera whilst cycling?
Holding the camera. Being prone to an accident because you are not looking where you
are going.
10. What camera functions would benefit your experience whilst cycling? For
example; Water proofing, shock resistance etc…
Shock proof and stabilizer
11. If there was a specifically designed camera to use while cycling, would you be
inclined to purchase it? (Please Circle)
Yes No
12. Do you currently use a camera whilst cycling? (Please Circle)
Yes No
Age: 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 76-85 OVER
Familiarity with the product: 1 2 3 4 5
Time spent performing the task: 3 minutes
Errors made during the tasks: 0
Major areas of confusion: Clarification of task
How often they asked for help: 0
Did they become familiar with
the product quickly: yes/no
Did they become frustrated with
the product over time: yes/no
Tasks to complete
1. Turn the camera on
2. Put the camera on Auto
3. Take 5 photos - take the photos from different angles of interest and rotating the camera
4. Put the camera on manual and change the contrast setting on the camera
5. Take another 5 photos
6. Delete the first 5 photos
7. Turn the camera off
Interviewer to do
• Take photos throughout the time
• Remember to take notes at points of interests
• Notes the time where they asked questions for help and clarification
• Beware of the surroundings
• Write down observations
Test subject walking along straight line while completing tasks. Test subject expresses
thoughts and emotions while performing tasks.
Tasks to complete
1. Turn the camera on
Record: User found button straight away (Natural)
2. Put the camera on Auto
Record: User found it easy to turn on to auto.
3. Zoom in to maximum capacity
Record: User finds it easy
4. Take 2 photos at different angles
Record: User takes landscape and portrait photo
5. Zoom out halfway
Record: User finds this easy
6. Take 1 photo of the ground
Record: User crouches down
7. Take 1 photo of the sky: User takes photo through trees (artistic shot)
Record: Turn off Record: User finds that easy. Puts the lens cap on
Questions for user?
1. Do you think any features could be beneficial to a camera used whilst cycling? For
example; clipping device, wearable device, wrist band etc.
Anything which allows the user to take photos with minimal hassle. I.e. clips,
wearables are all ideal
2. Are their certain shapes or forms that would enhance the use of this cyclist camera?
For example; curved/ organic forms or square/angled forms.
Curved or organic because it would be smoother to hold.
3. Do you think that a camera designed for cycling should be Large or small?
Easy to assemble into a bigger camera if needed.
4. Do you think that interacting with this camera whilst cycling should be a fast or slow
Depends where you are but for a photo fast.
Final observations
User is slower than a younger user who may be more familiar with the product. User has never used
the camera, but
1. What is your gender? (Please Circle)
Male Female Other
2. What is Your age? (Please Circle)
18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 75+
3. For what purpose do you participate in cycling? (Please Circle) If selected other,
please explain…
Leisure competition fitness other
4. How often do you participate in cycling? (please Circle)
Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
5. What type of camera would you be inclined to use whilst cycling?
Instant camera Digital Camera Go Pro Phone camera
6. How often would you use this camera while cycling? (please Circle)
Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
7. What would you be motivated to photograph when cycling? (Please Circle). If
answered other, please explain…
Self-portraits Scenery Nature Other
8. What functions do you think would be most important when taking photographs
whilst cycling? (Please circle) If chosen other, please specify…
On/off button Zoom Photo capture Video Recording Other
9. What difficulties do you think are involved with using a camera whilst cycling?
Camera is anable to take nice photos due to blur
10. What camera functions would benefit your experience whilst cycling? For
example; Water proofing, shock resistance etc…
Shock proof and water proof
11. If there was a specifically designed camera to use while cycling, would you be
inclined to purchase it? (Please Circle)
Yes No
12. Do you currently use a camera whilst cycling? (Please Circle)
Yes No
Age: 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 76-85 OVER
Familiarity with the product: 1 2 3 4 5
Time spent performing the task: 4 minutes
Errors made during the tasks: 1
Major areas of confusion: Focusing
How often they asked for help: 1
Did they become familiar with
the product quickly: yes/no
Did they become frustrated with
the product over time: yes/no
Tasks to complete
1. Turn the camera on
2. Put the camera on Auto
3. Take 5 photos - take the photos from different angles of interest and rotating the camera
4. Put the camera on manual and change the contrast setting on the camera
5. Take another 5 photos
6. Delete the first 5 photos
7. Turn the camera off
Interviewer to do
• Take photos throughout the time
• Remember to take notes at points of interests
• Notes the time where they asked questions for help and clarification
• Beware of the surroundings
• Write down observations
Test subject walking along straight line while completing tasks. Test subject expresses
thoughts and emotions while performing tasks.
Tasks to complete
1. Turn the camera on
Record: User found button straight away (Natural)
2. Put the camera on Auto
Record: User found it easy to turn on to auto.
3. Zoom in to maximum capacity
Record: User was a little unsure then got it
4. Take 2 photos at different angles
Record: User also takes landscape and portrait photo
5. Zoom out halfway
Record: User finds this easy after previous confusion
6. Take 1 photo of the ground
Record: User also crouches down
7. Take 1 photo of the sky: User takes photo through trees (artistic shot)
Record: Turn off Record: User finds that easy. Puts the lens cap on
Questions for user?
1. Do you think any features could be beneficial to a camera used whilst cycling? For
example; clipping device, wearable device, wrist band etc.
Something worn on your helmet
2. Are their certain shapes or forms that would enhance the use of this cyclist camera?
For example; curved/ organic forms or square/angled forms.
Conforms to your hand shape
3. Do you think that a camera designed for cycling should be Large or small?
Small and lightweight.
4. Do you think that interacting with this camera whilst cycling should be a fast or slow
Final observations
User is slower than a younger user who may be more familiar with the product. User has never used
the camera, but
1. What is your gender? (Please Circle)
Male Female Other
2. What is Your age? (Please Circle)
18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 75+
3. For what purpose do you participate in cycling? (Please Circle) If selected other,
please explain…
Leisure competition fitness other
4. How often do you participate in cycling? (please Circle)
Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
5. What type of camera would you be inclined to use whilst cycling?
Instant camera Digital Camera Go Pro Phone camera
6. How often would you use this camera while cycling? (please Circle)
Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
7. What would you be motivated to photograph when cycling? (Please Circle). If
answered other, please explain…
Self-portraits Scenery Nature Other: Friends
8. What functions do you think would be most important when taking photographs
whilst cycling? (Please circle) If chosen other, please specify…
On/off button Zoom Photo capture Video Recording Other
9. What difficulties do you think are involved with using a camera whilst cycling?
You aren’t sure if the camera is on or not. Or the lens becomes scratched/foggy etc…
10. What camera functions would benefit your experience whilst cycling? For
example; Water proofing, shock resistance etc…
Shock proof and water proof
11. If there was a specifically designed camera to use while cycling, would you be
inclined to purchase it? (Please Circle)
Yes No
12. Do you currently use a camera whilst cycling? (Please Circle)
Yes No
Test subject walking along straight line while completing tasks. Test subject expresses
thoughts and emotions while performing tasks.
Tasks to complete
1. Turn the camera on
Record: Yeap, done
2. Put the camera on Auto
Record: It’s always on auto
3. Zoom in to maximum capacity
Record: No worries
4. Take 2 photos at different angles
Record: -
5. Zoom out halfway
Record: Oh right, it’s difficult to balance it halfway
6. Take 1 photo of the ground
Record: Uhuh
7. Take 1 photo of the sky
Record: Yeap done
8. Turn off
Record: -
Questions for user?
1. Do you think any features be could be beneficial to a camera used whilst cycling?
For example; clipping device, wearable device, wrist band etc.
Clipping device, responding to voice commands would be good
2. Are their certain shapes or forms that would enhance the use of this cyclist camera?
For example; curved/ organic forms or square/angled forms.
Squared/angled for solid grip, small for operation
3. Do you think that a camera designed for cycling should be Large or small?
4. Do you think that interacting with this camera whilst cycling should be a fast or slow
1. What is your gender? (Please Circle)
Male Female Other
2. What is Your age? (Please Circle)
18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 66-75 75+
3. For what purpose do you participate in cycling? (Please Circle) If selected other,
please explain…
Leisure competition fitness other
4. How often do you participate in cycling? (please Circle)
Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
5. What type of camera would you be inclined to use whilst cycling?
Instant camera Digital Camera Go Pro Phone camera
6. How often would you use this camera while cycling? (please Circle)
Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
7. What would you be motivated to photograph when cycling? (Please Circle). If
answered other, please explain…
Self-portraits Scenery Nature Other - safety/dash came
8. What functions do you think would be most important when taking photographs
whilst cycling? (Please circle) If chosen other, please specify…
On/off button Zoom Photo capture Video Recording Other - more automated
the better, voice commands
9. What difficulties do you think are involved with using a camera whilst cycling?
Balance, staying in control
10. What camera functions would benefit your experience whilst cycling? For
example; Water proofing, shock resistance etc…
Shock resistance, one handed use
11. If there was a specifically designed camera to use while cycling, would you be
inclined to purchase it? (Please Circle)
Yes No
12. Do you currently use a camera whilst cycling? (Please Circle)
Yes No

Age: 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 66-75 76-85 OVER

Familiarity with the product: 1 2 3 4 5
Time spent performing the task: 4 minutes
Errors made during the tasks: 3
Major areas of confusion: changing between interfaces - camera to preview etc
How often they asked for help: 3 times
Did they become familiar with
the product quickly: yes/no
Did they become frustrated with
the product over time: yes/no
Tasks to complete
1. Turn the camera on
2. Put the camera on Auto
3. Take 5 photos - take the photos from different angles of interest and rotating the camera
4. Put the camera on manual and change the contrast setting on the camera
5. Take another 5 photos
6. Delete the first 5 photos
7. Turn the camera off
Interviewer to do
• Take photos throughout the time
• Remember to take notes at points of interests
• Notes the time where they asked questions for help and clarification
• Beware of the surroundings
• Write down observations
The subject became very confused quite easily and demonstrated frustration
when she could not work out a task quickly. Due to poorer vision she struggled
at times and wanted to use glasses.

Age: 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-64 66-75 OVER

Familiarity with the product: 1 2 3 4 5
Time spent performing the task: 6 minutes
Errors made during the tasks: 5
Major areas of confusion: the buttons
How often they asked for help: 6 times
Did they become familiar with
the product quickly: yes/no
Did they become frustrated with
the product over time: yes/no
Tasks to complete
1. Turn the camera on
2. Put the camera on Auto
3. Take 5 photos - take the photos from different angles of interest and rotating the camera
4. Put the camera on manual and change the contrast setting on the camera
5. Take another 5 photos
6. Delete the first 5 photos
7. Turn the camera off
Interviewer to do
• Take photos throughout the time
• Remember to take notes at points of interests
• Notes the time where they asked questions for help and clarification
• Beware of the surroundings
• Write down observations
The subject struggled majorly with the buttons, or lack thereof, on the sports
waterproof camera. Identifying which button did what posed issues, along with the
small screen which reduced visibility.
Test subject walking along straight line while completing tasks. Test subject expresses
thoughts and emotions while performing tasks.
Tasks to complete
1. Turn the camera on
Record: The button is a bit difficult to press, you have to hold it down quite
2. Put the camera on Auto
Record: Ummmm how do I do that, what’s auto mode
3. Zoom in to maximum capacity
Record: I can’t do that on here can I? (no option to do it)
4. Take 2 photos at different angles
Record: Oh I think I shook a bit. Has it taken?
5. Zoom out halfway
Record: (can’t zoom)
6. Take 1 photo of the ground
Record: Yeap
7. Take 1 photo of the sky
Record: Yeap
8. Turn off
Record: that’s difficult to hold down and do again
Questions for user?
1. Do you think any features be could be beneficial to a camera used whilst cycling?
For example; clipping device, wearable device, wrist band etc.
A flat device clipped to the handlebars with bluetooth connection to the
2. Are their certain shapes or forms that would enhance the use of this cyclist camera?
For example; curved/ organic forms or square/angled forms.
Definitely being angular
3. Do you think that a camera designed for cycling should be Large or small?
Moderately sized, I believe. It can’t be so small it slips through hands
4. Do you think that interacting with this camera whilst cycling should be a fast or slow
Absolutely a fast experience
1. What is your gender? (Please Circle)
Male Female Other
2. What is Your age? (Please Circle)
18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-64 66-75 OVER
3. For what purpose do you participate in cycling? (Please Circle) If selected other,
please explain…
Leisure competition fitness other
4. How often do you participate in cycling? (please Circle)
Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
5. What type of camera would you be inclined to use whilst cycling?
Instant camera Digital Camera Go Pro Phone camera
6. How often would you use this camera while cycling? (please Circle)
Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
7. What would you be motivated to photograph when cycling? (Please Circle). If
answered other, please explain…
Self-portraits Scenery Nature Other - unsure
8. What functions do you think would be most important when taking photographs
whilst cycling? (Please circle) If chosen other, please specify…
On/off button Zoom Photo capture Video Recording
Other - brightness of screen should be changeable
9. What difficulties do you think are involved with using a camera whilst cycling?
Definitely distraction, I struggled to stay on the line whilst using the camera and
trying to work out what did what. Peripheral vision was difficult to use as well
because I was focusing on something so small.
10. What camera functions would benefit your experience whilst cycling? For
example; Water proofing, shock resistance etc…
Shock resistant, large writing, simple buttons - maybe with different textures,
sizes, and shapes so you can select without looking
11. If there was a specifically designed camera to use while cycling, would you be
inclined to purchase it? (Please Circle)
Yes No Perhaps
12. Do you currently use a camera whilst cycling? (Please Circle)
Yes No

Age: 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 66-75 76-85 OVER

Familiarity with the product: 1 2 3 4 5
Time spent performing the task: 2 minutes
Errors made during the tasks: 2
Major areas of confusion: Changing settings to auto and contrast on the
How often they asked for help: 0 times
Did they become familiar with
the product quickly: yes/no
Did they become frustrated with
the product over time: yes/no
Tasks to complete
1. Turn the camera on
2. Put the camera on Auto
3. Take 5 photos - take the photos from different angles of interest and rotating the camera
4. Put the camera on manual and change the contrast setting on the camera
5. Take another 5 photos
6. Delete the first 5 photos
7. Turn the camera off
Interviewer to do
• Take photos throughout the time
• Remember to take notes at points of interests
• Notes the time where they asked questions for help and clarification
• Beware of the surroundings
• Write down observations
The user, being a young millennial, found it quite easy to navigate the DSLR and
didn’t struggle much. The only areas of confusion were when changing between
settings as the DSLRs offer a lot of options.
Test subject walking along straight line while completing tasks. Test subject expresses
thoughts and emotions while performing tasks.
Tasks to complete
1. Turn the camera on
Record: I like the flick of the button instead of pressing it, it makes it different
2. Put the camera on Auto
Record: That’s a bit difficult to do because there are so many options on the
3. Zoom in to maximum capacity
Record: That’s easy with the spinning lens
4. Take 2 photos at different angles
Record: The fast shutter speed helps a lot
5. Zoom out halfway
Record: It’s a bit hard to tell where halfway is without looking at the barrel
precisely, but I think I’ve got it
6. Take 1 photo of the ground
Record: Yeah done
7. Take 1 photo of the sky
Record: That’s a bit difficult but the fast shutter speed makes it easy. The wide
angle I think helps as well ‘cause I don’t have to really look at where I’m
pointing it so I can focus more on the line
8. Turn off
Record: -
Questions for user?
1. Do you think any features be could be beneficial to a camera used whilst cycling?
For example; clipping device, wearable device, wrist band etc.
Wide angle helped a lot, same with the grip handle shaped to the hand
2. Are their certain shapes or forms that would enhance the use of this cyclist camera?
For example; curved/ organic forms or square/angled forms.
It depends, generally squared forms but I really liked the organic shape of the
handle. The shapes of the buttons should be different, that helped a lot
3. Do you think that a camera designed for cycling should be Large or small?
Definitely smaller than the DSLR, but still reasonably sized. Also a bit heavy
would be good so that you can hold it steadily
4. Do you think that interacting with this camera whilst cycling should be a fast or slow
1. What is your gender? (Please Circle)
Male Female Other
2. What is Your age? (Please Circle)
18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 66-75 75+
3. For what purpose do you participate in cycling? (Please Circle) If selected other,
please explain…
Leisure competition fitness other
4. How often do you participate in cycling? (please Circle)
Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
5. What type of camera would you be inclined to use whilst cycling?
Instant camera Digital Camera Go Pro Phone camera
6. How often would you use this camera while cycling? (please Circle)
Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
7. What would you be motivated to photograph when cycling? (Please Circle). If
answered other, please explain…
Self-portraits Scenery Nature Other
8. What functions do you think would be most important when taking photographs
whilst cycling? (Please circle) If chosen other, please specify…
On/off button Zoom Photo capture Video Recording Other
9. What difficulties do you think are involved with using a camera whilst cycling?
Loss of balance definitely, using it with one - two hands limits your abilities, plus
durability if dropped
10. What camera functions would benefit your experience whilst cycling? For
example; Water proofing, shock resistance etc…
Definitely waterproof and shock resistant, different types of buttons for
different uses, control on the bike
11. If there was a specifically designed camera to use while cycling, would you be
inclined to purchase it? (Please Circle)
Yes No
12. Do you currently use a camera whilst cycling? (Please Circle)
Yes No
Figure 1. Male Participent experiencing glare and
confusion with the camera.
Figure 2. Male Participent embarrased with ability
to complete tasks.
Figure 3. Female participent experiencing difficulty
seeing buttons of camera device.
Figure 4. Female Participent asking questions about
Appendix 7
Figure 5. Female participant during Think aloud
Figure 6. Female Participant experiencing confusion
with contrast adjustment.
Figure 7. Female participent taking photographs at
different angles.
Figure 8. Female Participent stopping to take
photograph during Think aloud protocol.
Appendix 8

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DNB202 Usability Report for Cameras

  • 1. Assessment Two-Personal Camera Usability Report Dnb202 Product Usability Ashleigh Jeremy| Brook Rockcliffe| Jessica Schultz| Suzanne Wootton.
  • 2. Page 1 CONTENTS CONTENTS............................................................................................................................1 1.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................2 2.0 TESTING TECHNIQUES..........................................................................................2 3.0 ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................3 4.0 FINDINGS .................................................................................................................4 5.0 IMPLICATIONS........................................................................................................5 6.0 APPENDICIES...........................................................................................................7
  • 3. Page 2 1.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Research is an imperative element throughout every design process and it can be used at any stage in design. A usability testing approach is a way of understanding problems or elements of consideration instead of using a hypothesis approach. The purpose of this research is to gain primary data on the relationship between the user and the product. This allows the researcher to gain knowledge on all aspects of the product to achieve a better design outcome . The usability testing approach was initiated by interviewing 11 users, using various testing techniques. The information collected from this was correlated into findings. The findings were then analyzed and the implications were discussed, to inform further design decisions. Testing techniques were essential for the user interviews and these will be further discussed below. 2.0 TESTING TECHNIQUES 2.1 User Observations Observations assist in understanding the user and their ability to form a relationship with a product within in certain contexts. For this analysis, the observation technique was chosen to identify issues and concerns associated with the user-interface interaction. This testing approach was adopted to uncover the details within each stage of the user’s experience. Observations commenced by giving the participant an overview of the task at hand and an explanation on the purpose of the research. Following this, participants were given tasks to perform within an active scenario, replicative of a cycling environment. Digital photographs and handwritten observations were then recorded and analyzed to establish an understanding of the participants needs. 2.2 Think Aloud Protocol The think-aloud protocol reflects the raw emotions and thoughts expressed by the user while performing a set task. Unlike the observations, the set tasks are performed in an unnatural or challenging setting. Despite the abnormality, the set tasks conducted within this research reflected similar difficulties raised for cyclists when using a camera. This technique allowed each researcher to gain a first-hand understanding of the user-product experience. The positives and negatives were immediately revealed, recorded, and used to identify problems to ensure that the user’s needs are met through the finalized design solution. Similar to the observations, participants were given a new scenario and set of tasks to be completed. The scenario included walking along a straight line whilst interacting with the unfamiliar camera. This approach uncovered similar issues faced by cyclists including limited abilities to multi-task, use of peripheral vision, and limited use of hands. 2.3 Face to face questionnaire Questionnaires often necessitate a one on one interaction between the interviewer and the participant. They provide a series of questions for the participant to complete. After completion, the answers are reviewed by the interviewer for further examination. For the purpose of this analysis, a written questionnaire approach was utilized to establish a personal relationship between the interviewer and participant. This enabled the provision of informal conversations to arise about the subject matter and provided opportunities for participants to ask questions. Prior to
  • 4. Page 3 any physical testing, the users were asked initial questions, providing a broader understanding of their current relationship with both cycling, and cameras. The answers were considered immediately to aid in understanding the user and were analyzed further to establish connections with the participants key thoughts during the Think-aloud protocol, and their actions from the User observations” test. 2.4 User Groups The user groups tested during the conduction of this report included a combination between male and female participants (45% being male and 55% being female). The ages of the participants varied significantly with the age range spanning between 18 years to 65 years. Each participant had to complete each form of testing to obtain consistency across each research members results. Appendix 5 shows the template used for the testing methods and questionnaires. 3.0 ANALYSIS Collecting primary research is a valuable approach for designers as it enables an understanding of the product they are designing and reveal any problems that may be emerge within the process. For this analysis, each researcher within the group was given a template of set tasks to complete with their users (refer to Appendix 5). Each researcher was to provide a camera for the participants to use; one that they were unfamiliar with. As this research was based upon designing a personal camera for a cyclist, it was imperative that the users tested were to be personally familiar with cycling. The data was collected across eleven different participants; all of whom were aged between 18 and 65 years old. An equal amount of male and female users were tested to allow consistency across the findings. The user testing had three stages involved; User observations, the Think-aloud protocol and the Questionnaire. To begin the User observations, participants were asked general questions regarding their identity, age and personal experience with cycling. Participants were then given a set list of tasks to complete. The purpose of the set tasks was to observe the ways in which the intended user group would initially interact with the camera device. After turning on the camera and activating the automatic function in settings, participants were asked to take 5 photographs at different angles. Following this, they were instructed to change the settings to manual and adjust the contrast levels. Finally, the participants were to take another 5 photographs and delete the first 5 captured. Throughout the timeframe of the user performing the task, researchers took detailed notes and photographs to capture significant points of interest and any difficulties the user experienced. Following the observations, participants were asked to perform the Think Aloud Protocol. This task required participants to walk in a straight line whilst interacting with the camera (refer to Figure 5- Appendix 8). After turning on the camera and activating the automatic function, participants were to capture 4 photographs whilst adjusting the cameras zoom capacity (refer to Figure 7-Appendix 8). The purpose of this task was to observe the participants ability to use the camera device whilst moving. This was a significant aspect to note for the research as it linked to the assumption that the target user group would be cycling whilst using the camera device. Whilst the user was performing the set tasks, researchers wrote down the spoken thoughts expressed during each stage completed. After the completion of the tasks, participants were asked general
  • 5. Page 4 questions about their experience of performing the tasks and for their opinion on the requirements of a camera designed for cycling. The Questionnaire was used to gain understanding of a cyclist’s point of view regarding a personalised cyclist camera (refer to Appendix 1). The questionnaire was performed in an informal environment where participants were given the chance to explain their answers in person and ask questions (refer to Figure 3- Appendix 4). Questions were centred around the purpose of using a camera whilst cycling and any difficulties that may occur. This information allowed the researchers to gain an understanding of the various elements to consider when designing the camera. In response to the data collection, there were many considerations that were raised, these in which will be discussed in the findings section below. 4.0 FINDINGS 4.1 User observations The average overall time spent performing the tasks was 5 minutes for males, and 4 minutes for females. Appendix 1 demonstrates the duration of time taken according to age group and gender. It was found that those who were younger and less experienced with the product took longer to achieve the given tasks. Similarly, those who were older often had less familiarity with camera devices. The fastest recorded age group was 36-45, with both males and females averaging 2 minutes (refer to Appendix 1). It was observed that females experienced more difficulties whilst interacting with the camera devices. The age groups that experienced the most confusion included those aged between 46-55 and 56-65 (refer to Appendix 1). The areas that caused the most confusion included the changing of camera settings (to Automatic and Manual) and adjusting the camera settings (refer to Appendix 2 and Figure 6- Appendix 8). The recurring feedback from the tasks outlined major confusion with changing interfaces, which relates back to the buttons and how clear their functions are. Many test participants could not identify where certain settings were due to small buttons, too many options, and lack of clear labeling (refer to Figure 3- Appendix 6). The screen size and sun glare both effected visibility for some users which was another interference (refer to Figure 1 Appendix 6). 4.2 Think aloud protocol In terms of ergonomics, reoccurring comments were made aloud in relation to the shape and handling of the cameras. Results showed that participants thought smaller organic forms would be preferable for the design of the cyclist camera. It was also shown that fast interactions and the integration of clipping abilities were of popular suggestion (refer to Appendix 3). Participants noted that single handed use made it easier to keep balance, whereas those with both hands preoccupied were under greater inclination to lose balance. In terms of practicality, the fast shutter in accompaniment with a stabilizer reduced the likelihood of motion blur, and allowed the user to comfortably point and shoot without always looking directly at the camera. Most test participants slowed down to complete the tasks as they had to look closely for the buttons and ensure that changes were made (refer to Figure 8-Appendix 8). It was recommended to consider voice commands to allow camera use without distraction and lower safety risks. As voice
  • 6. Page 5 command is not always possible and difficult to perfect (commuting in loud traffic, wind interferences, accents etc.), it was suggested that each button could explore different textures, shapes, or functions to differentiate buttons without distraction. Suggestions included; levers, push buttons, scrolls and thumb pulls (refer to Appendix 6). Smaller, organic handle grips were expressed as advantageous and comfortable, as well as considering a slight weight to the camera; ensuring steadiness when cycling. Appendix 3 breaks down the common recommendations for the cameras functions and shapes. 4.3 Face to face questionnaire It was found through the Questionnaire that most participants initiated in cycling for leisure and fitness purposes. It was common that users cycled for both reasons. The rider group with the greatest frequency of use, however, was those in competition (Refer to Appendix 4). Participants were asked their opinion on the camera they would be most inclined to use for cycling. Results showed that participants favored sports action cameras (e.g. Go Pro’s) and mobile phones for use whilst cycling. It can be assumed from other responses and observations that the phone preference is due to an ease of use and familiarity with one’s phone (shown in Appendix 6). The size and durability of the sports action cameras was the most significant aspect participants noted. Certain features were suggested to appeal to each individual use of the camera whilst cycling. Recommendations also included the addition of race routes, location overlay and speed indicators for racing. Despite the interest in such novel suggestions, there were underlying concerns from majority of test participants. The common concerns that arose included lack of safety due to balance, distraction, multi-tasking and reduced visibility. Awareness was drawn to the risks of camera damage from situations including water logging, lens scratching, and inundation of dust. The recurring recommendations to combat these concerns included voice commands and other features such as differing button shapes and sizes to alleviate the risk of distraction. Suggestions raised to eliminate risks included the addition of shockproof, waterproof, and dustproof housing to protect their investment (refer to Appendix 6). 5.0 IMPLICATIONS The implications of using a camera whilst cycling vary depending on the form of cycling. The above report has outlined the that there are many factors to consider for designing the cyclists camera. Designing a camera for cyclists poses many challenges including the context for the device, its size, shape and form. Over half of the participants interviewed experienced areas of confusion with the buttons and light adjustment settings. As cycling is an activity which is performed outside, external factors such as light, wind and bodily changes (perspiration) can all effect the way the user interacts with the camera. Therefore, in each group members design, it will be important to take these aspects into consideration integrating intuitive buttons, as well as simple interfaces that eliminate confusion and distraction. When users were asked what recommendations, they propose for a camera used by cyclists, the top three popular recommendations were; clipping abilities, fast interactions with the camera and small in size. Presumably our designs should include but are not limited to, an aspect which will allow the camera to be fastened to the bike and/or the cyclist. This is important as the user may be
  • 7. Page 6 travelling at high speeds thus requires a device that will be sturdy and easy to use. Furthermore, the design should be light and of a compact nature. This requirement applies both to cameras held by the user, and cameras attached to the bike. It is a necessity that the camera should not interfere with the user’s ability to cycle safely or disrupt them from enjoying their experience. Finally, considering that a large majority of users said that they cycled for leisure reasons, with fitness and competitive motives following. The above findings suggest that the groups primary users will involve young individuals who cycle for leisure and exercise; presuming that they ride at a moderate to fast pace. Treatments to the camera such as shock resistance and water proofing will be of benefit to ensure the device can withstand the activities produced by the user (cyclist). Image stabilizers and high focus qualities will also be advantageous for the user to ensure that they capture their photographs/recordings successfully.
  • 8. Page 7 6.0 APPENDICIES 0 1.75 3.5 5.25 7 8.75 18-25 26-34 36-45 46-55 56-65 Male Female Appendix 1 - Time taken to perform user observation tasks
  • 9. Page 8 Appendix 3 - Common recommendations for Camera 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Participants 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Participants Appendix 2 - Major areas of confusion in user observations
  • 10. Page 9 0 1.25 2.5 3.75 5 6.25 0 50 100 150 200 Leisure Fitness Participants Ave Frequency Appendix 4 - Common groups of riders and their frequency of cycling per year.
  • 11. USER OBSERVATIONS Gender: MALE FEMALE UNDEFINED Age: 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 66-75 76-85 OVER Familiarity with the product: 1 2 3 4 5 Time spent performing the task: ____ minutes Errors made during the tasks: ____ Major areas of confusion: ____________________________________________ How often they asked for help: _____ times Did they become familiar with the product quickly: yes/no Did they become frustrated with the product over time: yes/no Tasks to complete 1. Turn the camera on 2. Put the camera on Auto 3. Take 5 photos - take the photos from different angles of interest and rotating the camera 4. Put the camera on manual and change the contrast setting on the camera 5. Take another 5 photos 6. Delete the first 5 photos 7. Turn the camera off Interviewer to do • Take photos throughout the time • Remember to take notes at points of interests • Notes the time where they asked questions for help and clarification • Beware of the surroundings • Write down observations Appendix 5
  • 12. THINK ALOUD PROTOCOL Scenario Test subject walking along straight line while completing tasks. Test subject expresses thoughts and emotions while performing tasks. Tasks to complete 1. Turn the camera on Record: __________________________________________________________________ 2. Put the camera on Auto Record: __________________________________________________________________ 3. Zoom in to maximum capacity Record: __________________________________________________________________ 4. Take 2 photos at different angles Record: __________________________________________________________________ 5. Zoom out halfway Record: __________________________________________________________________ 6. Take 1 photo of the ground Record: __________________________________________________________________ 7. Take 1 photo of the sky Record: __________________________________________________________________ 8. Turn off Record: __________________________________________________________________ Questions for user? 1. Do you think any features be could be beneficial to a camera used whilst cycling? For example; clipping device, wearable device, wrist band etc. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2. Are their certain shapes or forms that would enhance the use of this cyclist camera? For example; curved/ organic forms or square/angled forms. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 3. Do you think that a camera designed for cycling should be Large or small? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 4. Do you think that interacting with this camera whilst cycling should be a fast or slow experience?
  • 14. QUESTIONAIRE - FACE TO FACE 1. What is your gender? (Please Circle) Male Female Other 2. What is Your age? (Please Circle) 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 66-75 75+ 3. For what purpose do you participate in cycling? (Please Circle) If selected other, please explain… Leisure competition fitness other 4. How often do you participate in cycling? (please Circle) Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly 5. What type of camera would you be inclined to use whilst cycling? Instant camera Digital Camera Go Pro Phone camera Other 6. How often would you use this camera while cycling? (please Circle) Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly 7. What would you be motivated to photograph when cycling? (Please Circle). If answered other, please explain… Self-portraits Scenery Nature Other 8. What functions do you think would be most important when taking photographs whilst cycling? (Please circle) If chosen other, please specify… On/off button Zoom Photo capture Video Recording Other 9. What difficulties do you think are involved with using a camera whilst cycling?
  • 15. 10. What camera functions would benefit your experience whilst cycling? For example; Water proofing, shock resistance etc… 11. If there was a specifically designed camera to use while cycling, would you be inclined to purchase it? (Please Circle) Yes No 12. Do you currently use a camera whilst cycling? (Please Circle) Yes No
  • 16. THINK ALOUD PROTOCOL Scenario Test subject walking along straight line while completing tasks. Test subject expresses thoughts and emotions while performing tasks. Tasks to complete 1. Turn the camera on Record: __________________________________________________________________ 2. Put the camera on Auto Record: __________________________________________________________________ 3. Zoom in to maximum capacity Record: __________________________________________________________________ 4. Take 2 photos at different angles Record: __________________________________________________________________ 5. Zoom out halfway Record: __________________________________________________________________ 6. Take 1 photo of the ground Record: __________________________________________________________________ 7. Take 1 photo of the sky Record: __________________________________________________________________ 8. Turn off Record: __________________________________________________________________ Questions for user? 1. Do you think any features be could be beneficial to a camera used whilst cycling? For example; clipping device, wearable device, wrist band etc. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2. Are their certain shapes or forms that would enhance the use of this cyclist camera? For example; curved/ organic forms or square/angled forms. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 3. Do you think that a camera designed for cycling should be Large or small? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 4. Do you think that interacting with this camera whilst cycling should be a fast or slow experience? Appendix 6 10. What camera functions would benefit your experience whilst cycling? For example; Water proofing, shock resistance etc… 11. If there was a specifically designed camera to use while cycling, would you be inclined to purchase it? (Please Circle) Yes No 12. Do you currently use a camera whilst cycling? (Please Circle) Yes No USER OBSERVATIONS Gender: MALE FEMALE UNDEFINED Age: 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 66-75 76-85 OVER Familiarity with the product: 1 2 3 4 5 Time spent performing the task: ____ minutes Errors made during the tasks: ____ Major areas of confusion: ____________________________________________ How often they asked for help: _____ times Did they become familiar with the product quickly: yes/no Did they become frustrated with the product over time: yes/no Tasks to complete 1. Turn the camera on 2. Put the camera on Auto 3. Take 5 photos - take the photos from different angles of interest and rotating the camera 4. Put the camera on manual and change the contrast setting on the camera 5. Take another 5 photos 6. Delete the first 5 photos 7. Turn the camera off Interviewer to do • Take photos throughout the time • Remember to take notes at points of interests • Notes the time where they asked questions for help and clarification • Beware of the surroundings • Write down observations ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Final observations
  • 17. USER OBSERVATIONS Gender: MALE FEMALE UNDEFINED Age: 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 66-75 76-85 OVER Familiarity with the product: 1 2 3 4 5 Time spent performing the task: ____ minutes Errors made during the tasks: ____ Major areas of confusion: ____________________________________________ How often they asked for help: _____ times Did they become familiar with the product quickly: yes/no Did they become frustrated with the product over time: yes/no Tasks to complete 1. Turn the camera on 2. Put the camera on Auto 3. Take 5 photos - take the photos from different angles of interest and rotating the camera 4. Put the camera on manual and change the contrast setting on the camera 5. Take another 5 photos 6. Delete the first 5 photos 7. Turn the camera off Interviewer to do • Take photos throughout the time • Remember to take notes at points of interests • Notes the time where they asked questions for help and clarification • Beware of the surroundings • Write down observations Wasn’t sure about changing the settings to Auto or manual. Confusion whilst trying to change contrast. Easily took photos and deleted photos 7 2 Adjusting contrast on camera. 2 Found it difficult to navigate to different photographs to delete. THINK ALOUD PROTOCOL Scenario Test subject walking along straight line while completing tasks. Test subject expresses thoughts and emotions while performing tasks. Tasks to complete 1. Turn the camera on Record: __________________________________________________________________ 2. Put the camera on Auto Record: __________________________________________________________________ 3. Zoom in to maximum capacity Record: __________________________________________________________________ 4. Take 2 photos at different angles Record: __________________________________________________________________ 5. Zoom out halfway Record: __________________________________________________________________ 6. Take 1 photo of the ground Record: __________________________________________________________________ 7. Take 1 photo of the sky Record: __________________________________________________________________ 8. Turn off Record: __________________________________________________________________ Questions for user. 1. Do you think any features be could be beneficial to a camera used whilst cycling? For example; clipping device, wearable device, wrist band etc. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2. Are their certain shapes or forms that would enhance the use of this cyclist camera? For example; curved/ organic forms or square/angled forms. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 3. Do you think that a camera designed for cycling should be Large or small? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 4. Do you think that interacting with this camera whilst cycling should be a fast or slow experience? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Easy to complete. Easy to complete. Slowed down and stopped. Slowed down. Stopped and had to focus. Slowed down to take photograph. Stopped to take photograph. Easy to complete. Attached to helmet or head. Mounted on handle bars. Rounded and circular in form may help with wind resistance? Small and light weight easy to put on helmet. A Fast experience so you can get back to riding. QUESTIONAIRE - FACE TO FACE 1. What is your gender? (Please Circle) Male Female Other 2. What is Your age? (Please Circle) 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 66-75 75+ 3. For what purpose do you participate in cycling? (Please Circle) If selected other, please explain… Leisure competition fitness other 4. How often do you participate in cycling? (please Circle) Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly 5. What type of camera would you be inclined to use whilst cycling? Instant camera Digital Camera Go Pro Phone camera Other 6. How often would you use this camera while cycling? (please Circle) Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly 7. What would you be motivated to photograph when cycling? (Please Circle). If answered other, please explain… Self-portraits Scenery Nature Other 8. What functions do you think would be most important when taking photographs whilst cycling? (Please circle) If chosen other, please specify… On/off button Zoom Photo capture Video Recording Other 9. What difficulties do you think are involved with using a camera whilst cycling? Safety issues whilst trying to interact with camera. Loss of concentration and focus. 10. What camera functions would benefit your experience whilst cycling? For example; Water proofing, shock resistance etc… 11. If there was a specifically designed camera to use while cycling, would you be inclined to purchase it? (Please Circle) Yes No 12. Do you currently use a camera whilst cycling? (Please Circle) Yes No Shock Resistant. Water Proofing. Case for camera.
  • 18. USER OBSERVATIONS Gender: MALE FEMALE UNDEFINED Age: 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 66-75 76-85 OVER Familiarity with the product: 1 2 3 4 5 Time spent performing the task: ____ minutes Errors made during the tasks: ____ Major areas of confusion: ____________________________________________ How often they asked for help: _____ times Did they become familiar with the product quickly: yes/no Did they become frustrated with the product over time: yes/no Tasks to complete 1. Turn the camera on 2. Put the camera on Auto 3. Take 5 photos - take the photos from different angles of interest and rotating the camera 4. Put the camera on manual and change the contrast setting on the camera 5. Take another 5 photos 6. Delete the first 5 photos 7. Turn the camera off Interviewer to do • Take photos throughout the time • Remember to take notes at points of interests • Notes the time where they asked questions for help and clarification • Beware of the surroundings • Write down observations Didn’t know that lens had to be removed when turned on. Easily changed settings from auto to manual. Easily took photos and deleted photos 6 1 Adjusting contrast on camera. 1 Found it difficult to change contrast. THINK ALOUD PROTOCOL Scenario Test subject walking along straight line while completing tasks. Test subject expresses thoughts and emotions while performing tasks. Tasks to complete 1. Turn the camera on Record: __________________________________________________________________ 2. Put the camera on Auto Record: __________________________________________________________________ 3. Zoom in to maximum capacity Record: __________________________________________________________________ 4. Take 2 photos at different angles Record: __________________________________________________________________ 5. Zoom out halfway Record: __________________________________________________________________ 6. Take 1 photo of the ground Record: __________________________________________________________________ 7. Take 1 photo of the sky Record: __________________________________________________________________ 8. Turn off Record: __________________________________________________________________ Questions for user. 1. Do you think any features be could be beneficial to a camera used whilst cycling? For example; clipping device, wearable device, wrist band etc. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2. Are their certain shapes or forms that would enhance the use of this cyclist camera? For example; curved/ organic forms or square/angled forms. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 3. Do you think that a camera designed for cycling should be Large or small? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 4. Do you think that interacting with this camera whilst cycling should be a fast or slow experience? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Easy to complete. Easy to complete. Slowed down. Easy to complete. Easily Done. Slowed down to focus. Easy to complete. Easy to complete. Maybe camera could come with 2 parts? One attached to helmet and the other attached to handle bars. Thumb buttons could be useful for turning device on. If it was rounded and circular like a bike bell. Small. A Fast experience. The camera should have a function that stabilises the camera. QUESTIONAIRE - FACE TO FACE 1. What is your gender? (Please Circle) Male Female Other 2. What is Your age? (Please Circle) 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 66-75 75+ 3. For what purpose do you participate in cycling? (Please Circle) If selected other, please explain… Leisure competition fitness other 4. How often do you participate in cycling? (please Circle) Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly 5. What type of camera would you be inclined to use whilst cycling? Instant camera Digital Camera Go Pro Phone camera Other 6. How often would you use this camera while cycling? (please Circle) Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly 7. What would you be motivated to photograph when cycling? (Please Circle). If answered other, please explain… Self-portraits Scenery Nature Other 8. What functions do you think would be most important when taking photographs whilst cycling? (Please circle) If chosen other, please specify… On/off button Zoom Photo capture Video Recording Other 9. What difficulties do you think are involved with using a camera whilst cycling? Unsteady due to bumps on ground. Blurry images. Hard to see and focus. Fast loading. 10. What camera functions would benefit your experience whilst cycling? For example; Water proofing, shock resistance etc… 11. If there was a specifically designed camera to use while cycling, would you be inclined to purchase it? (Please Circle) Yes No 12. Do you currently use a camera whilst cycling? (Please Circle) Yes No Shock Resistant. Protective case for camera.
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  • 20.
  • 21. USER OBSERVATIONS Gender: MALE FEMALE UNDEFINED Age: 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 76-85 OVER Familiarity with the product: 1 2 3 4 5 Time spent performing the task: 5 minutes Errors made during the tasks: 3 Major areas of confusion: Focusing and misunderstanding on button How often they asked for help: 2 times Did they become familiar with the product quickly: yes/no Did they become frustrated with the product over time: yes/no Tasks to complete 1. Turn the camera on 2. Put the camera on Auto 3. Take 5 photos - take the photos from different angles of interest and rotating the camera 4. Put the camera on manual and change the contrast setting on the camera 5. Take another 5 photos 6. Delete the first 5 photos 7. Turn the camera off Interviewer to do • Take photos throughout the time • Remember to take notes at points of interests • Notes the time where they asked questions for help and clarification • Beware of the surroundings • Write down observations THINK ALOUD PROTOCOL Scenario Test subject walking along straight line while completing tasks. Test subject expresses thoughts and emotions while performing tasks. Tasks to complete 1. Turn the camera on Record: User puts camera strap on. User presses Capture button repeatedly. User notices lens cap is on 2. Put the camera on Auto Record: User found it easy to turn on to auto. 3. Zoom in to maximum capacity Record: User doesn’t see anything happening on screen. User looks throw viewing hole. Twists lens. 4. Take 2 photos at different angles Record: User physically moves body and takes photos at 45º angles 5. Zoom out halfway Record: User finds this easy 6. Take 1 photo of the ground Record: user looks immediately down 7. Take 1 photo of the sky: User keeps flash on during day light Record: Turn off Record: User finds that easy. Puts the lens cap on Questions for user? 1. Do you think any features could be beneficial to a camera used whilst cycling? For example; clipping device, wearable device, wrist band etc. Yes, clipping. User thinks it is dangerous to take photos and ride. 2. Are their certain shapes or forms that would enhance the use of this cyclist camera? For example; curved/ organic forms or square/angled forms. Curved or organic because it would be smoother to hold. 3. Do you think that a camera designed for cycling should be Large or small? Small and lightweight, User thinks it is obvious. 4. Do you think that interacting with this camera whilst cycling should be a fast or slow experience? Casual ride: Slow experience commuters: Fast experience Final observations User is slower than a younger user who may be more familiar with the product. User has never used the camera, but QUESTIONAIRE - FACE TO FACE 1. What is your gender? (Please Circle) Male Female Other 2. What is Your age? (Please Circle) 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 75+ 3. For what purpose do you participate in cycling? (Please Circle) If selected other, please explain… Leisure competition fitness other 4. How often do you participate in cycling? (please Circle) Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly 5. What type of camera would you be inclined to use whilst cycling? Instant camera Digital Camera Go Pro Phone camera Other 6. How often would you use this camera while cycling? (please Circle) Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly 7. What would you be motivated to photograph when cycling? (Please Circle). If answered other, please explain… Self-portraits Scenery Nature Other 8. What functions do you think would be most important when taking photographs whilst cycling? (Please circle) If chosen other, please specify… On/off button Zoom Photo capture Video Recording Other 9. What difficulties do you think are involved with using a camera whilst cycling? Holding the camera. Being prone to an accident because you are not looking where you are going. 10. What camera functions would benefit your experience whilst cycling? For example; Water proofing, shock resistance etc… Shock proof and stabilizer 11. If there was a specifically designed camera to use while cycling, would you be inclined to purchase it? (Please Circle) Yes No 12. Do you currently use a camera whilst cycling? (Please Circle) Yes No
  • 22. USER OBSERVATIONS Gender: MALE FEMALE UNDEFINED Age: 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 76-85 OVER Familiarity with the product: 1 2 3 4 5 Time spent performing the task: 3 minutes Errors made during the tasks: 0 Major areas of confusion: Clarification of task How often they asked for help: 0 Did they become familiar with the product quickly: yes/no Did they become frustrated with the product over time: yes/no Tasks to complete 1. Turn the camera on 2. Put the camera on Auto 3. Take 5 photos - take the photos from different angles of interest and rotating the camera 4. Put the camera on manual and change the contrast setting on the camera 5. Take another 5 photos 6. Delete the first 5 photos 7. Turn the camera off Interviewer to do • Take photos throughout the time • Remember to take notes at points of interests • Notes the time where they asked questions for help and clarification • Beware of the surroundings • Write down observations THINK ALOUD PROTOCOL Scenario Test subject walking along straight line while completing tasks. Test subject expresses thoughts and emotions while performing tasks. Tasks to complete 1. Turn the camera on Record: User found button straight away (Natural) 2. Put the camera on Auto Record: User found it easy to turn on to auto. 3. Zoom in to maximum capacity Record: User finds it easy 4. Take 2 photos at different angles Record: User takes landscape and portrait photo 5. Zoom out halfway Record: User finds this easy 6. Take 1 photo of the ground Record: User crouches down 7. Take 1 photo of the sky: User takes photo through trees (artistic shot) Record: Turn off Record: User finds that easy. Puts the lens cap on Questions for user? 1. Do you think any features could be beneficial to a camera used whilst cycling? For example; clipping device, wearable device, wrist band etc. Anything which allows the user to take photos with minimal hassle. I.e. clips, wearables are all ideal 2. Are their certain shapes or forms that would enhance the use of this cyclist camera? For example; curved/ organic forms or square/angled forms. Curved or organic because it would be smoother to hold. 3. Do you think that a camera designed for cycling should be Large or small? Easy to assemble into a bigger camera if needed. 4. Do you think that interacting with this camera whilst cycling should be a fast or slow experience? Depends where you are but for a photo fast. Final observations User is slower than a younger user who may be more familiar with the product. User has never used the camera, but QUESTIONAIRE - FACE TO FACE 1. What is your gender? (Please Circle) Male Female Other 2. What is Your age? (Please Circle) 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 75+ 3. For what purpose do you participate in cycling? (Please Circle) If selected other, please explain… Leisure competition fitness other 4. How often do you participate in cycling? (please Circle) Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly 5. What type of camera would you be inclined to use whilst cycling? Instant camera Digital Camera Go Pro Phone camera Other 6. How often would you use this camera while cycling? (please Circle) Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly 7. What would you be motivated to photograph when cycling? (Please Circle). If answered other, please explain… Self-portraits Scenery Nature Other 8. What functions do you think would be most important when taking photographs whilst cycling? (Please circle) If chosen other, please specify… On/off button Zoom Photo capture Video Recording Other 9. What difficulties do you think are involved with using a camera whilst cycling? Camera is anable to take nice photos due to blur 10. What camera functions would benefit your experience whilst cycling? For example; Water proofing, shock resistance etc… Shock proof and water proof 11. If there was a specifically designed camera to use while cycling, would you be inclined to purchase it? (Please Circle) Yes No 12. Do you currently use a camera whilst cycling? (Please Circle) Yes No
  • 23. USER OBSERVATIONS Gender: MALE FEMALE UNDEFINED Age: 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 76-85 OVER Familiarity with the product: 1 2 3 4 5 Time spent performing the task: 4 minutes Errors made during the tasks: 1 Major areas of confusion: Focusing How often they asked for help: 1 Did they become familiar with the product quickly: yes/no Did they become frustrated with the product over time: yes/no Tasks to complete 1. Turn the camera on 2. Put the camera on Auto 3. Take 5 photos - take the photos from different angles of interest and rotating the camera 4. Put the camera on manual and change the contrast setting on the camera 5. Take another 5 photos 6. Delete the first 5 photos 7. Turn the camera off Interviewer to do • Take photos throughout the time • Remember to take notes at points of interests • Notes the time where they asked questions for help and clarification • Beware of the surroundings • Write down observations THINK ALOUD PROTOCOL Scenario Test subject walking along straight line while completing tasks. Test subject expresses thoughts and emotions while performing tasks. Tasks to complete 1. Turn the camera on Record: User found button straight away (Natural) 2. Put the camera on Auto Record: User found it easy to turn on to auto. 3. Zoom in to maximum capacity Record: User was a little unsure then got it 4. Take 2 photos at different angles Record: User also takes landscape and portrait photo 5. Zoom out halfway Record: User finds this easy after previous confusion 6. Take 1 photo of the ground Record: User also crouches down 7. Take 1 photo of the sky: User takes photo through trees (artistic shot) Record: Turn off Record: User finds that easy. Puts the lens cap on Questions for user? 1. Do you think any features could be beneficial to a camera used whilst cycling? For example; clipping device, wearable device, wrist band etc. Something worn on your helmet 2. Are their certain shapes or forms that would enhance the use of this cyclist camera? For example; curved/ organic forms or square/angled forms. Conforms to your hand shape 3. Do you think that a camera designed for cycling should be Large or small? Small and lightweight. 4. Do you think that interacting with this camera whilst cycling should be a fast or slow experience? Fast Final observations User is slower than a younger user who may be more familiar with the product. User has never used the camera, but QUESTIONAIRE - FACE TO FACE 1. What is your gender? (Please Circle) Male Female Other 2. What is Your age? (Please Circle) 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 75+ 3. For what purpose do you participate in cycling? (Please Circle) If selected other, please explain… Leisure competition fitness other 4. How often do you participate in cycling? (please Circle) Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly 5. What type of camera would you be inclined to use whilst cycling? Instant camera Digital Camera Go Pro Phone camera Other 6. How often would you use this camera while cycling? (please Circle) Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly 7. What would you be motivated to photograph when cycling? (Please Circle). If answered other, please explain… Self-portraits Scenery Nature Other: Friends 8. What functions do you think would be most important when taking photographs whilst cycling? (Please circle) If chosen other, please specify… On/off button Zoom Photo capture Video Recording Other 9. What difficulties do you think are involved with using a camera whilst cycling? You aren’t sure if the camera is on or not. Or the lens becomes scratched/foggy etc… 10. What camera functions would benefit your experience whilst cycling? For example; Water proofing, shock resistance etc… Shock proof and water proof 11. If there was a specifically designed camera to use while cycling, would you be inclined to purchase it? (Please Circle) Yes No 12. Do you currently use a camera whilst cycling? (Please Circle) Yes No
  • 24. THINK ALOUD PROTOCOL Scenario Test subject walking along straight line while completing tasks. Test subject expresses thoughts and emotions while performing tasks. Tasks to complete 1. Turn the camera on Record: Yeap, done 2. Put the camera on Auto Record: It’s always on auto 3. Zoom in to maximum capacity Record: No worries 4. Take 2 photos at different angles Record: - 5. Zoom out halfway Record: Oh right, it’s difficult to balance it halfway 6. Take 1 photo of the ground Record: Uhuh 7. Take 1 photo of the sky Record: Yeap done 8. Turn off Record: - Questions for user? 1. Do you think any features be could be beneficial to a camera used whilst cycling? For example; clipping device, wearable device, wrist band etc. Clipping device, responding to voice commands would be good 2. Are their certain shapes or forms that would enhance the use of this cyclist camera? For example; curved/ organic forms or square/angled forms. Squared/angled for solid grip, small for operation 3. Do you think that a camera designed for cycling should be Large or small? Small 4. Do you think that interacting with this camera whilst cycling should be a fast or slow experience? QUESTIONNAIRE - FACE TO FACE 1. What is your gender? (Please Circle) Male Female Other 2. What is Your age? (Please Circle) 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 66-75 75+ 3. For what purpose do you participate in cycling? (Please Circle) If selected other, please explain… Leisure competition fitness other 4. How often do you participate in cycling? (please Circle) Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly 5. What type of camera would you be inclined to use whilst cycling? Instant camera Digital Camera Go Pro Phone camera Other 6. How often would you use this camera while cycling? (please Circle) Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly 7. What would you be motivated to photograph when cycling? (Please Circle). If answered other, please explain… Self-portraits Scenery Nature Other - safety/dash came 8. What functions do you think would be most important when taking photographs whilst cycling? (Please circle) If chosen other, please specify… On/off button Zoom Photo capture Video Recording Other - more automated the better, voice commands 9. What difficulties do you think are involved with using a camera whilst cycling? Balance, staying in control 10. What camera functions would benefit your experience whilst cycling? For example; Water proofing, shock resistance etc… Shock resistance, one handed use 11. If there was a specifically designed camera to use while cycling, would you be inclined to purchase it? (Please Circle) Yes No 12. Do you currently use a camera whilst cycling? (Please Circle) Yes No USER OBSERVATIONS Gender: MALE FEMALE UNDEFINED 
 Age: 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 66-75 76-85 OVER 
 Familiarity with the product: 1 2 3 4 5 Time spent performing the task: 4 minutes Errors made during the tasks: 3 Major areas of confusion: changing between interfaces - camera to preview etc How often they asked for help: 3 times Did they become familiar with the product quickly: yes/no Did they become frustrated with the product over time: yes/no Tasks to complete 1. Turn the camera on 2. Put the camera on Auto 3. Take 5 photos - take the photos from different angles of interest and rotating the camera 4. Put the camera on manual and change the contrast setting on the camera 5. Take another 5 photos 6. Delete the first 5 photos 7. Turn the camera off Interviewer to do • Take photos throughout the time • Remember to take notes at points of interests • Notes the time where they asked questions for help and clarification • Beware of the surroundings • Write down observations The subject became very confused quite easily and demonstrated frustration when she could not work out a task quickly. Due to poorer vision she struggled at times and wanted to use glasses.
 Age: 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-64 66-75 OVER 
 Familiarity with the product: 1 2 3 4 5 Time spent performing the task: 6 minutes Errors made during the tasks: 5 Major areas of confusion: the buttons How often they asked for help: 6 times Did they become familiar with the product quickly: yes/no Did they become frustrated with the product over time: yes/no Tasks to complete 1. Turn the camera on 2. Put the camera on Auto 3. Take 5 photos - take the photos from different angles of interest and rotating the camera 4. Put the camera on manual and change the contrast setting on the camera 5. Take another 5 photos 6. Delete the first 5 photos 7. Turn the camera off Interviewer to do • Take photos throughout the time • Remember to take notes at points of interests • Notes the time where they asked questions for help and clarification • Beware of the surroundings • Write down observations The subject struggled majorly with the buttons, or lack thereof, on the sports waterproof camera. Identifying which button did what posed issues, along with the small screen which reduced visibility. THINK ALOUD PROTOCOL Scenario Test subject walking along straight line while completing tasks. Test subject expresses thoughts and emotions while performing tasks. Tasks to complete 1. Turn the camera on Record: The button is a bit difficult to press, you have to hold it down quite hard 2. Put the camera on Auto Record: Ummmm how do I do that, what’s auto mode 3. Zoom in to maximum capacity Record: I can’t do that on here can I? (no option to do it) 4. Take 2 photos at different angles Record: Oh I think I shook a bit. Has it taken? 5. Zoom out halfway Record: (can’t zoom) 6. Take 1 photo of the ground Record: Yeap 7. Take 1 photo of the sky Record: Yeap 8. Turn off Record: that’s difficult to hold down and do again Questions for user? 1. Do you think any features be could be beneficial to a camera used whilst cycling? For example; clipping device, wearable device, wrist band etc. A flat device clipped to the handlebars with bluetooth connection to the camera 2. Are their certain shapes or forms that would enhance the use of this cyclist camera? For example; curved/ organic forms or square/angled forms. Definitely being angular 3. Do you think that a camera designed for cycling should be Large or small? Moderately sized, I believe. It can’t be so small it slips through hands 4. Do you think that interacting with this camera whilst cycling should be a fast or slow experience? Absolutely a fast experience QUESTIONNAIRE - FACE TO FACE 1. What is your gender? (Please Circle) Male Female Other 2. What is Your age? (Please Circle) 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-64 66-75 OVER 3. For what purpose do you participate in cycling? (Please Circle) If selected other, please explain… Leisure competition fitness other 4. How often do you participate in cycling? (please Circle) Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly 5. What type of camera would you be inclined to use whilst cycling? Instant camera Digital Camera Go Pro Phone camera Other 6. How often would you use this camera while cycling? (please Circle) Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly 7. What would you be motivated to photograph when cycling? (Please Circle). If answered other, please explain… Self-portraits Scenery Nature Other - unsure 8. What functions do you think would be most important when taking photographs whilst cycling? (Please circle) If chosen other, please specify… On/off button Zoom Photo capture Video Recording Other - brightness of screen should be changeable 9. What difficulties do you think are involved with using a camera whilst cycling? Definitely distraction, I struggled to stay on the line whilst using the camera and trying to work out what did what. Peripheral vision was difficult to use as well because I was focusing on something so small. 10. What camera functions would benefit your experience whilst cycling? For example; Water proofing, shock resistance etc… Shock resistant, large writing, simple buttons - maybe with different textures, sizes, and shapes so you can select without looking 11. If there was a specifically designed camera to use while cycling, would you be inclined to purchase it? (Please Circle) Yes No Perhaps 12. Do you currently use a camera whilst cycling? (Please Circle) Yes No
 Age: 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 66-75 76-85 OVER 
 Familiarity with the product: 1 2 3 4 5 Time spent performing the task: 2 minutes Errors made during the tasks: 2 Major areas of confusion: Changing settings to auto and contrast on the camera How often they asked for help: 0 times Did they become familiar with the product quickly: yes/no Did they become frustrated with the product over time: yes/no Tasks to complete 1. Turn the camera on 2. Put the camera on Auto 3. Take 5 photos - take the photos from different angles of interest and rotating the camera 4. Put the camera on manual and change the contrast setting on the camera 5. Take another 5 photos 6. Delete the first 5 photos 7. Turn the camera off Interviewer to do • Take photos throughout the time • Remember to take notes at points of interests • Notes the time where they asked questions for help and clarification • Beware of the surroundings • Write down observations The user, being a young millennial, found it quite easy to navigate the DSLR and didn’t struggle much. The only areas of confusion were when changing between settings as the DSLRs offer a lot of options. THINK ALOUD PROTOCOL Scenario Test subject walking along straight line while completing tasks. Test subject expresses thoughts and emotions while performing tasks. Tasks to complete 1. Turn the camera on Record: I like the flick of the button instead of pressing it, it makes it different 2. Put the camera on Auto Record: That’s a bit difficult to do because there are so many options on the dial 3. Zoom in to maximum capacity Record: That’s easy with the spinning lens 4. Take 2 photos at different angles Record: The fast shutter speed helps a lot 5. Zoom out halfway Record: It’s a bit hard to tell where halfway is without looking at the barrel precisely, but I think I’ve got it 6. Take 1 photo of the ground Record: Yeah done 7. Take 1 photo of the sky Record: That’s a bit difficult but the fast shutter speed makes it easy. The wide angle I think helps as well ‘cause I don’t have to really look at where I’m pointing it so I can focus more on the line 8. Turn off Record: - Questions for user? 1. Do you think any features be could be beneficial to a camera used whilst cycling? For example; clipping device, wearable device, wrist band etc. Wide angle helped a lot, same with the grip handle shaped to the hand 2. Are their certain shapes or forms that would enhance the use of this cyclist camera? For example; curved/ organic forms or square/angled forms. It depends, generally squared forms but I really liked the organic shape of the handle. The shapes of the buttons should be different, that helped a lot 3. Do you think that a camera designed for cycling should be Large or small? Definitely smaller than the DSLR, but still reasonably sized. Also a bit heavy would be good so that you can hold it steadily 4. Do you think that interacting with this camera whilst cycling should be a fast or slow experience? QUESTIONNAIRE - FACE TO FACE 1. What is your gender? (Please Circle) Male Female Other 2. What is Your age? (Please Circle) 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 66-75 75+ 3. For what purpose do you participate in cycling? (Please Circle) If selected other, please explain… Leisure competition fitness other 4. How often do you participate in cycling? (please Circle) Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly 5. What type of camera would you be inclined to use whilst cycling? Instant camera Digital Camera Go Pro Phone camera Other 6. How often would you use this camera while cycling? (please Circle) Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly 7. What would you be motivated to photograph when cycling? (Please Circle). If answered other, please explain… Self-portraits Scenery Nature Other 8. What functions do you think would be most important when taking photographs whilst cycling? (Please circle) If chosen other, please specify… On/off button Zoom Photo capture Video Recording Other 9. What difficulties do you think are involved with using a camera whilst cycling? Loss of balance definitely, using it with one - two hands limits your abilities, plus durability if dropped 10. What camera functions would benefit your experience whilst cycling? For example; Water proofing, shock resistance etc… Definitely waterproof and shock resistant, different types of buttons for different uses, control on the bike 11. If there was a specifically designed camera to use while cycling, would you be inclined to purchase it? (Please Circle) Yes No 12. Do you currently use a camera whilst cycling? (Please Circle) Yes No
  • 27. Figure 1. Male Participent experiencing glare and confusion with the camera. Figure 2. Male Participent embarrased with ability to complete tasks. Figure 3. Female participent experiencing difficulty seeing buttons of camera device. Figure 4. Female Participent asking questions about device. Appendix 7
  • 28. Figure 5. Female participant during Think aloud protocol. Figure 6. Female Participant experiencing confusion with contrast adjustment. Figure 7. Female participent taking photographs at different angles. Figure 8. Female Participent stopping to take photograph during Think aloud protocol. Appendix 8