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How Can I Contribute To Diversity Essay
Diversity is an essential part of life because without it we wouldn't be able to collaboratively take
down issues. At least within my experience professionally, academically and through volunteering
I have seen various accounts where people from all different backgrounds come together to
accomplish amazing feats. All of these accounts have impacted me and expanded my perception
of the world and most importantly in a positive way. Currently I experience diversity on a daily
basis while working at CU Boulder, as I have been given the opportunity to lead a team of 15
individuals that range in age and also cultural backgrounds. With my team being a majority of
Laotian and Spanish speaking individuals every day I pick up on different insights on how to
approach them which I feel this more content...
I feel this has been a blessing for me because every class I have had there I have gotten to meet
such diverse groups of people, attending both morning classes and night classes. These encounters
have always been amazing to have due to the fact I have been able to meet individuals again from
all walks of life and I have been given the insight of hands on experience which brought added
dialogue into various classroom topics. After being in a community college setting it also has
reminded me how much education matters, one memory to always keep this idea fresh is the class
I had shared with an older woman who was an HR Manager. She lacked a degree though and
without a degree she couldn't excel any further, so she decided to return to take night classes. The
class was an Ethics class so having her professional background was an amazing perspective to
have. I also remember having an older gentlemen who was just covered from head to toe in tattoos.
He was going back to school so he could excel in the HVAC business and he almost always had
some of the best questions to ask which provoked thought for
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Diversity In Schools Essay
U.S. schools and colleges vary from numerous points of view. Some are open, others are
independently employed individual; some are huge urban colleges, some are two–yr. group
universities, others little rustic grounds. Some offer alumna and expert political stage, others point
of convergence basically on undergrad instruction. Each of our more than 3, 000 schools and
colleges has its particular and dissimilar mission. This aggregate differing qualities around
organizations is one of the extraordinary strength of America's higher instruction framework, and has
helped make it the best in the people. Protecting that assorted qualities is key on the off chance that
we plan to serve the needs of our just social order. "Diversity enriches more content...
These assorted vantage focuses work further bolstering your good fortune when you experience new
issues in diverse settings and circumstances. "Rather than viewing the world through a single–focus
lens, you are able to expand your views and consider multiple options when making decisions and
weighing issues of, for example, morality and ethics." (Hyman, Jeremy, and Lynn Jacobs.)
"The American Council on Education (ACE) has a longstanding record of commitment to access to
higher education for all qualified Americans and to the advancement of equal educational
opportunity" (The Importance of Diversity in Higher Education) This dedication is considered in
ACE's positions open strategy, its automatic exercises, and its livelihood polishes. It has been
communicated over and over in resolutions by the ACE Board of Directors with respect to
governmental policy regarding minorities in society, nondiscrimination, value, meet open door, and
induction guidelines. The ACE is only one of the numerous aggregations that accept assorted
qualities in universities.
"The Supreme Court will begin hearing arguments tomorrow in Fisher v. University of Texas, a
constitutional challenge to race–conscious admission policies at colleges and universities." (Kerby,
Sophia). In the event that the Court bars the utilization of race in inductions, it will eradicate 50
years of advancement and debilitate colleges' endeavors to make school facilities more various and
comprehensive. It will make
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The Importance Of Cultural Diversity In College
The days leading up to the start of my years as a college student were horrible for me. I was
anxious and terrified about starting at Florida Southwestern State College. It was a monumental
change for me; I had no idea what to expect walking into class on the first day, and it didn't help
that I did not know anyone that went there. Adjusting from a high school mentality to a college
mentality during my first week of the term was the most difficult for me. Once I got the hang of the
expectations of college, though, it became a lot easier for me.
There were a plethora of people and classes that assisted in making the transition to college a lot
simpler than it would have been, but what aided me a great deal was my Cornerstone class and
specifically the subjects the class discussed. Although all the subjects had some benefit to me, there
are three that I found influential: cultural diversity, stress, and time management. In every college
throughout the world, cultural diversity exists. Cultural diversity is having an abundance of
different ethnic groups, religions, and cultures in one region. The significance of this is people can
learn from each other. In other words, people can learn beneficial ways to coexist and appreciate
each other's perspectives, which can help expunge racism and negative stereotypes of different
cultures. For this reason, cultural diversity is a prominent topic for me. Being in college where most
people are from different cultures, it's awesome to
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Diversity And Inclusion Of Diversity
Diversity means understanding that individuals are unique or different in a particular way, leaning
to accept and live with people with this differences. Interacting with people from different, religious
beliefs, races, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socio–economic status, age, gender, physical abilities,
political beliefs, or other ideologies, sexual orientation. Inclusion mean a state of being a part or
identifying with a particular societal group. Diversity and inclusion on campus are very important
aspects of our day to day life. Diversity and inclusion are very important because of the advantage
which come alongside them. Some benefits of Diversity include promotes celebration, ability to
effectively handle barriers, balance of individuality and group identity, collaboration and innovation
appreciation of one's own culture, interaction and networking. A diverse campus is a where
individuals freely interact with people from difference cultures, races, sexual orientation, religious
beliefs, sexual orientation, socio–economic status, age, gender, physical abilities, political beliefs, or
other ideologies, sexual orientation. Students will be free to ask questions and interact with their
mates, easy flow of information on campus, individuals will treat everyone like a human being,
campus will be a place where people meet and make new friends. The University of Toledo
encourages diversity by coming up with diversity resources such as Office of Equity,
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Diversity In The College Classroom
Being a woman of color means I am inevitably silenced by the superior white male, yet being an
activist eliminates my voice by the majority in all forms. My first year of college has been
interesting, to say the very least. I've grown accustomed to the distinct differences and surprising
similarities between myself and the hundreds, maybe thousands, of other students on campus, which
I wasn't familiar with among the fifty–two people in my high school graduating class.
That being addressed, being in a college classroom is enlightening. I love hearing the ignorance
coming from the mouths of people only a few feet away, it's almost impossible to restrain myself
from screaming. No, I really do. Learning about the benefits from systematic privilege is far more
insightful when it's heard from the privileged themselves. It's essentially the phrase, "Know your
As a young Latina in America, I'm statistically more likely to get pregnant before graduating high
school compared to the other teen pregnancy demographics; we are buying more baby diapers than
college textbooks. It's heartbreaking to acknowledge, yet more infuriating when the system plants
these numbers in my Latina sisters, more content...
Do they listen? Do they low–key groan and roll their eyes? It's difficult to address my beliefs in
class is lightly stated. It's exhausting and anxiety–inducing, gut wrenching and gives me an unsteady
heartbeat. Yet the more I talk, the stronger my stance is, and the more confident I am in what I
thrive for. What's most significant and my ulterior motive in arguing with the classroom's majority
opinion is to hand a perspective other's might have not thought, or potentially been aware of. The
more socially aware, or "woke" I am, the more likely I am inclined to assume everyone is on the
same page, which is by far the
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Paper On Campus Diversity
When we hear about campus diversity, we think about different ethnicities, cultures, religion, and
socioeconomic status. It can also mean the existence of people with diverse opinions, political
views, and academic passions. What we don't see, is how gender imbalance has become a big part
of diversity on campus when it comes to accepting males. Gender inequality has consistently tried to
restrain minorities of men from achieving higher education. Having a gender imbalance limits the
opportunity of male students to reach success and push forward by having scarce resources. Campus
diversity is a significant part of the process during college admission when accepting students to
study at their college. Applying for college is a process a student
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Diversity And Student Diversity
The work of diversity programs here at the University of Wisconsin has a large effect on the
campus community. Associate Vice Provost for Diversity and Climate Ruby Paredes talks about the
history of programs here. "Starting in 1988 there was a real movement to address diversity issues
on campus, not just in terms of the presence of the students but to increase the knowledge and
awareness of students." Since 1988 different campus organizations and offices have published
reports, instituted programs and begun initiatives to improve the campus climate. "We have
established a long history of planning and developing strategic plans for diversity efforts both for
student diversity as well as faculty and staff." Some of these programs include
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Diversity Definition Essay
What is Diversity? What do you seem to think of whenever you think of someone as "diverse"? Is
it possible to be truly diverse while you are living in a community of other people around you?
Are these people really all the same as you? Diversity can be a strange and sometimes a frighting
thing. I think that diversity is something that everyone should try harder to understand and keep a
open mind about. As earlier stated, I believe that diversity in todays world can cause some
intimidating and unusual feelings for some people. In order to truly understand diversity and learn
ways to overcome the unknown feeling that some may have you have to know what diversity is. So
what is diversity? "Diversity can be defined as people coming together from different races,
nationalities, religions and sexes to form a group, organization or community"(T, Sarah). So this
means that in order for someone more content...
In some ways I believe that diversity can be helpful in todays community and can help enlighten
some typical stereotypes and cliche thoughts. If you are growing up around diverse people in
your classrooms it can make diversity a lot less scary of a subject. "Diversity enhances
creativity."(Philips, Katherine W.) In the education system the eyes and little minds that are
learning need creativity to thrive and show their own personality to others. Another reasons why
it can be a good idea to be raised around diversity is because once you are raised away from these
things it can make learning and understanding new people much more difficult. As I go back to
the Education example earlier, living in a less diverse area can also be hard on the diverse child in
the Education system. If you are a child that has moved to a region where you are considered
diverse it raises the chance of bullying and hatred towards the
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Diversity of Education Essay
Diversity of Education
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once stated, "Most...think that education should equip them with the
proper instruments of exploitation so that they can forever trample over the masses. Still others think
that education should furnish them with noble ends rather than means to an end." What Dr. King was
getting at in The Purpose of Education is that education holds many different values for many
different people. How can we go about determining one standard value of a college education for a
country so recognized for its diversity? Also, is it really true that everyone in our divergent society
has an equal opportunity to attend a university? We cannot ignore the fact that the characteristics that
separate us more content...
However, trying to escape the cruel world of the ghetto, many of these kids enter the life of crime.
They enviously ridicule college life and downplay higher education in order to ease their minds.
It is a continuous cycle, as these people then influence others to enter the same pretentious
lifestyle that enticed them. Education then comes to hold little value to much of the poor, as
methods of making "fast cash" paint education as an intangible opportunity exclusively for the
well to do. Who exactly are these poor people that are at an educational disadvantage? Well we all
know that there are members of every race living in poverty, but let me share some statistical
information with you from the U. S. Census Bureau. Its web site states that the average white
family's median income for 1996 (the most current year listed) was $37,161, compared to
$24,906 for Hispanic families and only $23,482 for black families. This seems pretty significant to
me, since over $12,000 separates the average incomes of our country's most populous race from its
second and third (which are in turn separated by less than $2,000). This proves that there are a much
higher percentage of minorities living a lower class life than whites.
There seems to be a positive correlation between family income and collegiate educational
achievement. The U. S. Census Bureau also states that in 1996 23.7% of white high school graduates
went on to
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Diversity In College Campus
For some, a college campus is the first time they are in a diverse environment. Especially at a
school such as Potsdam which is located in a small, rural town. With so little people living in the
surrounding areas there is thus not a diverse population. The local people who then come to this
college may have never seen a black person before because that is how isolated the town is. Even for
students that grew up around what they thought was diverse are surprised by the diversity they
encounter here. College is a diverse place, but it often lacks a strong sense of diversity. The campus
community was rocked last year when a black professor received multiple hate–filled letters from a
former student. The students were outraged, and thus reacted
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What Is More Diversity In Colleges
I do personally think that they should put more diverse culture at colleges and have them have
several different cultures and for them to have more things that not everyone would hear of on
campus. I was at Peru recently and I had seen that there wasn't that many different cultures on
campus but that could have been because we were there the week after they went back to school.
One thing that I could see is that they do need to have some type of diversity in there campus. I had
seen that SCC has a lot of diversity on campus. Peru just needs to have more diversity. Thecollege
applications do need to have some type of question to ask them what type of race they have but they
don't need to be rude about it. They just need to have diversity, they
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Geneva College Diversity Essay
God seeks to set prisoners free–not always from their physical prison, but certainly from their
imprisonment by sin, ignorance, rebellion, and foolish choices. Jesus identified Himself as the
source of this freedom. As this is an important part of God's work, it is an important part of the
Church's work a
Before we go any further, it's important to have a working understanding of the word "Diverse."
The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each
individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences. These can be along the dimensions
of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, age, physical abilities, religious more content...
The Geneva College's mission statement describes our mission as educating a diverse body of
students. What do we mean by "diversity"? The Christian vision of diversity is based upon two
fundamental doctrines of Holy Scripture:
(1) The unity of the human race, and
(2) The universality of the Christian Church.
Christian communities face significant challenges in applying these truths, and expressing the need
for a changed heart in order to overcome the prejudice that dominates so many believers and
non–believers. Now in the workforce, being diverse is far from trouble. In fact, showing the
diversity outside can show initiative and imagination on your part, but in a prison, it's just the
As chaplains its extremely essential that we are sensitive to the offenders hopes and dreams. Let us
help each offender to develop into the person God created them to be. Most of the direct influence of
religion in corrections has been accomplished through the work of correctional chaplains. The
chaplains will be responsible of different religions. It's important for the Chaplain to know that they
will be responsible for all religions when it comes to the administration and
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Intellectual Diversity In Liberal Arts
Traditional Diversity
At UC–Berkeley, the course description for "Politics and Poetics" (Fall Course 2002) stated that
"conservative thinkers are encouraged to seek other sections." (SAF 1). Though the instructor later
apologized for the description, this is the sort of encouragement conservative–minded students are
greeted with many times during their college experience. It is said that in class, students are taught
that their country –– and Western culture in general –– is tainted by racism, sexism, and oppression
(Stearn 2).
Outside class, students are forced into consciousness–raising exercises that heighten tensions and
bolster radical pressure groups (Stearn 2). For example, at Brown University, an organized coalition more content...
The hope for cultural improvement in problem areas, even on a global scale, lies primarily in the
critical forums of our nation's classrooms, where young, motivated minds are preparing to jump
into the world with both feet. Because academic success is measured not only by what is learned,
but also by what is taught, it is imperative that all perspectives be provided (Fish 3). 'Intellectual
diversity' is used to describe those differing perspectives. Once used to portray an educational
tradition that celebrates and nurtures human freedom, it is now used to name exactly what is lacking
in Liberal Arts programs today.
Further immersed in this controversy, the word liberal in liberal arts has been embraced by both
ends of the political spectrum, and can scarcely be uttered without turning the conversation into a
verbal duel between conservative reformists on one side, and liberal traditionalist on the other.
However clear we present the term, the thrust and parry continues as the nation's leading academia
and political activists attempt to separate liberal education from an education that indoctrinates
students in the values of political liberalism (Horowitz, In Defense, 3).
For the sake of clarity, two distinct 'sides' prevail within our higher education system today. Although
the terms "Republican" and "Democrat" (referred to herein in as liberal and conservative) may seem
inappropriate in the context of academic pursuits, they serve an advantage here
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How Does Diversity Affect The Classroom
Diversity affects the classroom positively and makes people more effective by providing different
perspectives, building connections, and preparing people for the real world. By providing different
perspectives it allows the students to open their minds to other cultures in America that they have to
yet discover. It also helps by shedding light on different religions that they feel more welcome and
they might want to conform to it. Diversity also helps students build connections with each other.
This might lead to people to discover what they might have in common within each other's cultures.
Diversity also helps build connections between students and teachers, because teachers also have to
make sure to be careful on what they say so they
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New Diversity Initiative In College
For many young adults, college is a time of great discovery as it presents them with an incredibly
diverse assortment of people with whom they may mingle with. However, the mentally ill are often
excluded from these interactions. Due to numerous misconceptions about their condition and the
ensuing stigma that this creates, college students with a psychiatric disorder are left to endure
unnecessary shunning from their peers. Fortunately, some universities have taken it amongst
themselves to prevent this injustice from occurring, a prime example of which is the New Diversity
Initiative program. In the article "A Comprehensive Model For Addressing Severe And Persistent
Mental Illness On Campuses: The New Diversity Initiative," this program at
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Cultural Diversity In Colleges
Every college student has a different view on cultural diversity. No matter if they are from the inner
city, rural areas, or even a different country, each student values ethnicity differently. In college,
students experience a lot of diversity. I believe that it is very important to teach students to
appreciate where people come from and their lifestyles. They don't have to agree with that person's
values, but they should learn to appreciate and respect them for their differences. At my university, I
want to provide an opportunity for students, especially those who did not grow up in a diverse city,
to expand their horizons and make friendships with people they would never felt comfortable talking
to. This life–altering opportunity will be
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Structural Diversity In College Students
Structural diversity is the accumulation of diverse groups of individuals from different
backgrounds openness and probability to become more openly interactive with people of different
groups. Open interaction becomes limited when people begin to segregate themselves based upon
factors such as ethnic groups and socioeconomic status. The acceptance of diversity is very
complex with how the physical and nonverbal interactions allow people to prejudge, yet we have
some individual who hold that open mindset to make that step to convert what they consider an
"outsider" to someone possible to maintain a relationship with. The life of a high class Ivy League
student may differ from the life of a middle class community college student. The
more content...
The research is direct to only the political but legal policies that interfere with the use of race–
conscious college admission policies. Within a large longitudinal data set, structural diversity is
positively related to having close interracial friendships and a different–race romantic partner for
White students, and no main effects of structural diversity are apparent for Black and Hispanic
students. Moreover, structural diversity has increasingly positive effects at higher levels of campus
diversity. (Brown, 2012) These findings suggest that a college's structural diversity may notably
shape post college behaviors, attitudes, and values, which supports the rationale for considering race
/ethnicity in admissions processes. (Brown,
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Diversity Among College Athletes
College is an amazing place where you can go to achieve many different goals. College is a place
where one can further their education, meet new people, make long–term relationships with friends,
make connections for future jobs, and also have a great time making memories. College is a place
where one can become a part of so many different communities or families. Joining fraternities or
sororities, playing collegiate or intramural sports, joining a club, getting involved in student
government is a great way to get involved. There is so much diversity on a college campus and
getting exposed to it is an amazing thing. Studies show that being exposed to diversity or diverse
situations can improve critical thinking, enhance your views and more content...
Playing collegiate sports helps you become a better person and improves values in the workforce.
Employers like college athletes because it shows someone who can work with others,
understands hard work and dedication, and responsibility. Sports teams are always full of
diversity and diverse experiences. Teams will have players of different races, ethnicities, and
religions just like a company has. College athletes learn how quality interracial interaction
through athletics may create new ways to learn about people who are different, to reduce
prejudice, and to improve interracial understanding. Being involved in collegiate sports exposes
racial diversity because it allows the common goal of winning and being the best team to put
aside any issues or opinions of other teammates or coaches and come together as a whole. There
is also the exposure to diversity in size (Hirko, S. 2007). Do College Athletes Learn from Racial
Diversity in Intercollegiate Athletics). Football teams have 60 people on their team and
basketball teams have about 12 or 13. In a job one day there could be 25 other employees or only
eight. Studies also show that playing college sports and being exposed to diversity can improve
multicultural understanding. It doesn't matter what sport is being played or where it is being
played, playing college sports and being exposed to racial diversity will benefit a future role in
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Diversity In Community Colleges
I did not have a hard time finding an article on community colleges; this one came right to me.
However, as the author points out, there is a great deal of research missing on the community
college level. Taylor (2015) states, "Because we have little research on LGBTQ students in the
community college context (Leider, 2012; Zamani–Gallaher & Choudhuri, 2011), the vast majority
of the research and empirical evidence is based on the 4–year context" (Taylor, 2015, p. 60). The
term diversity is not an uncommon word on campus, it is something we are looking for to ensure we
are incorporating as much as we can everyday; in our conversations, hiring practices, mission
statements, and more. But the conversation of diversity is not happening at the
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Diversity in the Classroom Essay
Diversity in classrooms can open student's minds to all the world has to offer. At times diversity and
understanding of culture, deviant experiences and perspectives can be difficult to fulfill, but with
appropriate strategies and resources, it can lead students gaining a high level of respect for those
unlike them, preferably than a judgmental and prejudiced view. Diversity has broad ranges of
spectrums. Students from all across the continent; students from political refugees, indigenous
Americans, and immigrants bring their culture and linguistic skills to American classrooms. Students
do not only bring their cultures and linguistic skills, but they bring their ethnics, talents, and skills. In
addition, their age and gender are more content...
Every student and teacher has a cultural identity. Their cultural identity is defined by their beliefs,
values and behaviors. Their cultures can be different among others, which creates diversity.
Classrooms full of students and teachers with different backgrounds can be beneficial for students
and teachers themselves. By exploring and accepting many differences and cultures of people among
them, they are taught to understand cultural differences, they from a strong sense of their own
cultural identity. Once students and teachers are aware of cultural differences, they become aware of
racism and can fight to eradiate it. Through their unbiased understanding of the differences between
cultures and races, they are able to come to a point of acceptance of themselves and others. If you
noticed in my previous paragraph, I mentioned the different types of diversity. Diversity emphasizes
how different students and teachers are, but when explored in a classroom, can be used to reveal our
similarities. Once students and teachers grasp the concept of diversity, displayed through everyday
interactions with diverse groups of students and teachers, racism begins to disappear. In addition,
positive sense of self can be developed once students and teachers have an understanding of their own
uniqueness through experiences and understanding of diversity. Once teachers and students
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Diversity College Essay

  • 1. How Can I Contribute To Diversity Essay Diversity is an essential part of life because without it we wouldn't be able to collaboratively take down issues. At least within my experience professionally, academically and through volunteering I have seen various accounts where people from all different backgrounds come together to accomplish amazing feats. All of these accounts have impacted me and expanded my perception of the world and most importantly in a positive way. Currently I experience diversity on a daily basis while working at CU Boulder, as I have been given the opportunity to lead a team of 15 individuals that range in age and also cultural backgrounds. With my team being a majority of Laotian and Spanish speaking individuals every day I pick up on different insights on how to approach them which I feel this more content... I feel this has been a blessing for me because every class I have had there I have gotten to meet such diverse groups of people, attending both morning classes and night classes. These encounters have always been amazing to have due to the fact I have been able to meet individuals again from all walks of life and I have been given the insight of hands on experience which brought added dialogue into various classroom topics. After being in a community college setting it also has reminded me how much education matters, one memory to always keep this idea fresh is the class I had shared with an older woman who was an HR Manager. She lacked a degree though and without a degree she couldn't excel any further, so she decided to return to take night classes. The class was an Ethics class so having her professional background was an amazing perspective to have. I also remember having an older gentlemen who was just covered from head to toe in tattoos. He was going back to school so he could excel in the HVAC business and he almost always had some of the best questions to ask which provoked thought for Get more content on
  • 2. Diversity In Schools Essay U.S. schools and colleges vary from numerous points of view. Some are open, others are independently employed individual; some are huge urban colleges, some are two–yr. group universities, others little rustic grounds. Some offer alumna and expert political stage, others point of convergence basically on undergrad instruction. Each of our more than 3, 000 schools and colleges has its particular and dissimilar mission. This aggregate differing qualities around organizations is one of the extraordinary strength of America's higher instruction framework, and has helped make it the best in the people. Protecting that assorted qualities is key on the off chance that we plan to serve the needs of our just social order. "Diversity enriches more content... These assorted vantage focuses work further bolstering your good fortune when you experience new issues in diverse settings and circumstances. "Rather than viewing the world through a single–focus lens, you are able to expand your views and consider multiple options when making decisions and weighing issues of, for example, morality and ethics." (Hyman, Jeremy, and Lynn Jacobs.) "The American Council on Education (ACE) has a longstanding record of commitment to access to higher education for all qualified Americans and to the advancement of equal educational opportunity" (The Importance of Diversity in Higher Education) This dedication is considered in ACE's positions open strategy, its automatic exercises, and its livelihood polishes. It has been communicated over and over in resolutions by the ACE Board of Directors with respect to governmental policy regarding minorities in society, nondiscrimination, value, meet open door, and induction guidelines. The ACE is only one of the numerous aggregations that accept assorted qualities in universities. "The Supreme Court will begin hearing arguments tomorrow in Fisher v. University of Texas, a constitutional challenge to race–conscious admission policies at colleges and universities." (Kerby, Sophia). In the event that the Court bars the utilization of race in inductions, it will eradicate 50 years of advancement and debilitate colleges' endeavors to make school facilities more various and comprehensive. It will make Get more content on
  • 3. The Importance Of Cultural Diversity In College The days leading up to the start of my years as a college student were horrible for me. I was anxious and terrified about starting at Florida Southwestern State College. It was a monumental change for me; I had no idea what to expect walking into class on the first day, and it didn't help that I did not know anyone that went there. Adjusting from a high school mentality to a college mentality during my first week of the term was the most difficult for me. Once I got the hang of the expectations of college, though, it became a lot easier for me. There were a plethora of people and classes that assisted in making the transition to college a lot simpler than it would have been, but what aided me a great deal was my Cornerstone class and specifically the subjects the class discussed. Although all the subjects had some benefit to me, there are three that I found influential: cultural diversity, stress, and time management. In every college throughout the world, cultural diversity exists. Cultural diversity is having an abundance of different ethnic groups, religions, and cultures in one region. The significance of this is people can learn from each other. In other words, people can learn beneficial ways to coexist and appreciate each other's perspectives, which can help expunge racism and negative stereotypes of different cultures. For this reason, cultural diversity is a prominent topic for me. Being in college where most people are from different cultures, it's awesome to Get more content on
  • 4. Diversity And Inclusion Of Diversity Diversity means understanding that individuals are unique or different in a particular way, leaning to accept and live with people with this differences. Interacting with people from different, religious beliefs, races, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socio–economic status, age, gender, physical abilities, political beliefs, or other ideologies, sexual orientation. Inclusion mean a state of being a part or identifying with a particular societal group. Diversity and inclusion on campus are very important aspects of our day to day life. Diversity and inclusion are very important because of the advantage which come alongside them. Some benefits of Diversity include promotes celebration, ability to effectively handle barriers, balance of individuality and group identity, collaboration and innovation appreciation of one's own culture, interaction and networking. A diverse campus is a where individuals freely interact with people from difference cultures, races, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, socio–economic status, age, gender, physical abilities, political beliefs, or other ideologies, sexual orientation. Students will be free to ask questions and interact with their mates, easy flow of information on campus, individuals will treat everyone like a human being, campus will be a place where people meet and make new friends. The University of Toledo encourages diversity by coming up with diversity resources such as Office of Equity, Get more content on
  • 5. Diversity In The College Classroom Being a woman of color means I am inevitably silenced by the superior white male, yet being an activist eliminates my voice by the majority in all forms. My first year of college has been interesting, to say the very least. I've grown accustomed to the distinct differences and surprising similarities between myself and the hundreds, maybe thousands, of other students on campus, which I wasn't familiar with among the fifty–two people in my high school graduating class. That being addressed, being in a college classroom is enlightening. I love hearing the ignorance coming from the mouths of people only a few feet away, it's almost impossible to restrain myself from screaming. No, I really do. Learning about the benefits from systematic privilege is far more insightful when it's heard from the privileged themselves. It's essentially the phrase, "Know your enemy." As a young Latina in America, I'm statistically more likely to get pregnant before graduating high school compared to the other teen pregnancy demographics; we are buying more baby diapers than college textbooks. It's heartbreaking to acknowledge, yet more infuriating when the system plants these numbers in my Latina sisters, more content... Do they listen? Do they low–key groan and roll their eyes? It's difficult to address my beliefs in class is lightly stated. It's exhausting and anxiety–inducing, gut wrenching and gives me an unsteady heartbeat. Yet the more I talk, the stronger my stance is, and the more confident I am in what I thrive for. What's most significant and my ulterior motive in arguing with the classroom's majority opinion is to hand a perspective other's might have not thought, or potentially been aware of. The more socially aware, or "woke" I am, the more likely I am inclined to assume everyone is on the same page, which is by far the Get more content on
  • 6. Paper On Campus Diversity When we hear about campus diversity, we think about different ethnicities, cultures, religion, and socioeconomic status. It can also mean the existence of people with diverse opinions, political views, and academic passions. What we don't see, is how gender imbalance has become a big part of diversity on campus when it comes to accepting males. Gender inequality has consistently tried to restrain minorities of men from achieving higher education. Having a gender imbalance limits the opportunity of male students to reach success and push forward by having scarce resources. Campus diversity is a significant part of the process during college admission when accepting students to study at their college. Applying for college is a process a student Get more content on
  • 7. Diversity And Student Diversity The work of diversity programs here at the University of Wisconsin has a large effect on the campus community. Associate Vice Provost for Diversity and Climate Ruby Paredes talks about the history of programs here. "Starting in 1988 there was a real movement to address diversity issues on campus, not just in terms of the presence of the students but to increase the knowledge and awareness of students." Since 1988 different campus organizations and offices have published reports, instituted programs and begun initiatives to improve the campus climate. "We have established a long history of planning and developing strategic plans for diversity efforts both for student diversity as well as faculty and staff." Some of these programs include Get more content on
  • 8. Diversity Definition Essay What is Diversity? What do you seem to think of whenever you think of someone as "diverse"? Is it possible to be truly diverse while you are living in a community of other people around you? Are these people really all the same as you? Diversity can be a strange and sometimes a frighting thing. I think that diversity is something that everyone should try harder to understand and keep a open mind about. As earlier stated, I believe that diversity in todays world can cause some intimidating and unusual feelings for some people. In order to truly understand diversity and learn ways to overcome the unknown feeling that some may have you have to know what diversity is. So what is diversity? "Diversity can be defined as people coming together from different races, nationalities, religions and sexes to form a group, organization or community"(T, Sarah). So this means that in order for someone more content... In some ways I believe that diversity can be helpful in todays community and can help enlighten some typical stereotypes and cliche thoughts. If you are growing up around diverse people in your classrooms it can make diversity a lot less scary of a subject. "Diversity enhances creativity."(Philips, Katherine W.) In the education system the eyes and little minds that are learning need creativity to thrive and show their own personality to others. Another reasons why it can be a good idea to be raised around diversity is because once you are raised away from these things it can make learning and understanding new people much more difficult. As I go back to the Education example earlier, living in a less diverse area can also be hard on the diverse child in the Education system. If you are a child that has moved to a region where you are considered diverse it raises the chance of bullying and hatred towards the Get more content on
  • 9. Diversity of Education Essay Diversity of Education Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once stated, "Most...think that education should equip them with the proper instruments of exploitation so that they can forever trample over the masses. Still others think that education should furnish them with noble ends rather than means to an end." What Dr. King was getting at in The Purpose of Education is that education holds many different values for many different people. How can we go about determining one standard value of a college education for a country so recognized for its diversity? Also, is it really true that everyone in our divergent society has an equal opportunity to attend a university? We cannot ignore the fact that the characteristics that separate us more content... However, trying to escape the cruel world of the ghetto, many of these kids enter the life of crime. They enviously ridicule college life and downplay higher education in order to ease their minds. It is a continuous cycle, as these people then influence others to enter the same pretentious lifestyle that enticed them. Education then comes to hold little value to much of the poor, as methods of making "fast cash" paint education as an intangible opportunity exclusively for the well to do. Who exactly are these poor people that are at an educational disadvantage? Well we all know that there are members of every race living in poverty, but let me share some statistical information with you from the U. S. Census Bureau. Its web site states that the average white family's median income for 1996 (the most current year listed) was $37,161, compared to $24,906 for Hispanic families and only $23,482 for black families. This seems pretty significant to me, since over $12,000 separates the average incomes of our country's most populous race from its second and third (which are in turn separated by less than $2,000). This proves that there are a much higher percentage of minorities living a lower class life than whites. There seems to be a positive correlation between family income and collegiate educational achievement. The U. S. Census Bureau also states that in 1996 23.7% of white high school graduates went on to Get more content on
  • 10. Diversity In College Campus For some, a college campus is the first time they are in a diverse environment. Especially at a school such as Potsdam which is located in a small, rural town. With so little people living in the surrounding areas there is thus not a diverse population. The local people who then come to this college may have never seen a black person before because that is how isolated the town is. Even for students that grew up around what they thought was diverse are surprised by the diversity they encounter here. College is a diverse place, but it often lacks a strong sense of diversity. The campus community was rocked last year when a black professor received multiple hate–filled letters from a former student. The students were outraged, and thus reacted Get more content on
  • 11. What Is More Diversity In Colleges I do personally think that they should put more diverse culture at colleges and have them have several different cultures and for them to have more things that not everyone would hear of on campus. I was at Peru recently and I had seen that there wasn't that many different cultures on campus but that could have been because we were there the week after they went back to school. One thing that I could see is that they do need to have some type of diversity in there campus. I had seen that SCC has a lot of diversity on campus. Peru just needs to have more diversity. Thecollege applications do need to have some type of question to ask them what type of race they have but they don't need to be rude about it. They just need to have diversity, they Get more content on
  • 12. Geneva College Diversity Essay SHARE FREEDOM BEHIND BARS God seeks to set prisoners free–not always from their physical prison, but certainly from their imprisonment by sin, ignorance, rebellion, and foolish choices. Jesus identified Himself as the source of this freedom. As this is an important part of God's work, it is an important part of the Church's work a DIVERSE MANAGEMENT Before we go any further, it's important to have a working understanding of the word "Diverse." The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences. These can be along the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, age, physical abilities, religious more content... The Geneva College's mission statement describes our mission as educating a diverse body of students. What do we mean by "diversity"? The Christian vision of diversity is based upon two fundamental doctrines of Holy Scripture: (1) The unity of the human race, and (2) The universality of the Christian Church. Christian communities face significant challenges in applying these truths, and expressing the need for a changed heart in order to overcome the prejudice that dominates so many believers and non–believers. Now in the workforce, being diverse is far from trouble. In fact, showing the diversity outside can show initiative and imagination on your part, but in a prison, it's just the opposite. As chaplains its extremely essential that we are sensitive to the offenders hopes and dreams. Let us help each offender to develop into the person God created them to be. Most of the direct influence of religion in corrections has been accomplished through the work of correctional chaplains. The chaplains will be responsible of different religions. It's important for the Chaplain to know that they will be responsible for all religions when it comes to the administration and Get more content on
  • 13. Intellectual Diversity In Liberal Arts Traditional Diversity At UC–Berkeley, the course description for "Politics and Poetics" (Fall Course 2002) stated that "conservative thinkers are encouraged to seek other sections." (SAF 1). Though the instructor later apologized for the description, this is the sort of encouragement conservative–minded students are greeted with many times during their college experience. It is said that in class, students are taught that their country –– and Western culture in general –– is tainted by racism, sexism, and oppression (Stearn 2). Outside class, students are forced into consciousness–raising exercises that heighten tensions and bolster radical pressure groups (Stearn 2). For example, at Brown University, an organized coalition more content... The hope for cultural improvement in problem areas, even on a global scale, lies primarily in the critical forums of our nation's classrooms, where young, motivated minds are preparing to jump into the world with both feet. Because academic success is measured not only by what is learned, but also by what is taught, it is imperative that all perspectives be provided (Fish 3). 'Intellectual diversity' is used to describe those differing perspectives. Once used to portray an educational tradition that celebrates and nurtures human freedom, it is now used to name exactly what is lacking in Liberal Arts programs today. Further immersed in this controversy, the word liberal in liberal arts has been embraced by both ends of the political spectrum, and can scarcely be uttered without turning the conversation into a verbal duel between conservative reformists on one side, and liberal traditionalist on the other. However clear we present the term, the thrust and parry continues as the nation's leading academia and political activists attempt to separate liberal education from an education that indoctrinates students in the values of political liberalism (Horowitz, In Defense, 3). For the sake of clarity, two distinct 'sides' prevail within our higher education system today. Although the terms "Republican" and "Democrat" (referred to herein in as liberal and conservative) may seem inappropriate in the context of academic pursuits, they serve an advantage here Get more content on
  • 14. How Does Diversity Affect The Classroom Diversity affects the classroom positively and makes people more effective by providing different perspectives, building connections, and preparing people for the real world. By providing different perspectives it allows the students to open their minds to other cultures in America that they have to yet discover. It also helps by shedding light on different religions that they feel more welcome and they might want to conform to it. Diversity also helps students build connections with each other. This might lead to people to discover what they might have in common within each other's cultures. Diversity also helps build connections between students and teachers, because teachers also have to make sure to be careful on what they say so they Get more content on
  • 15. New Diversity Initiative In College For many young adults, college is a time of great discovery as it presents them with an incredibly diverse assortment of people with whom they may mingle with. However, the mentally ill are often excluded from these interactions. Due to numerous misconceptions about their condition and the ensuing stigma that this creates, college students with a psychiatric disorder are left to endure unnecessary shunning from their peers. Fortunately, some universities have taken it amongst themselves to prevent this injustice from occurring, a prime example of which is the New Diversity Initiative program. In the article "A Comprehensive Model For Addressing Severe And Persistent Mental Illness On Campuses: The New Diversity Initiative," this program at Get more content on
  • 16. Cultural Diversity In Colleges Every college student has a different view on cultural diversity. No matter if they are from the inner city, rural areas, or even a different country, each student values ethnicity differently. In college, students experience a lot of diversity. I believe that it is very important to teach students to appreciate where people come from and their lifestyles. They don't have to agree with that person's values, but they should learn to appreciate and respect them for their differences. At my university, I want to provide an opportunity for students, especially those who did not grow up in a diverse city, to expand their horizons and make friendships with people they would never felt comfortable talking to. This life–altering opportunity will be Get more content on
  • 17. Structural Diversity In College Students Structural diversity is the accumulation of diverse groups of individuals from different backgrounds openness and probability to become more openly interactive with people of different groups. Open interaction becomes limited when people begin to segregate themselves based upon factors such as ethnic groups and socioeconomic status. The acceptance of diversity is very complex with how the physical and nonverbal interactions allow people to prejudge, yet we have some individual who hold that open mindset to make that step to convert what they consider an "outsider" to someone possible to maintain a relationship with. The life of a high class Ivy League student may differ from the life of a middle class community college student. The more content... The research is direct to only the political but legal policies that interfere with the use of race– conscious college admission policies. Within a large longitudinal data set, structural diversity is positively related to having close interracial friendships and a different–race romantic partner for White students, and no main effects of structural diversity are apparent for Black and Hispanic students. Moreover, structural diversity has increasingly positive effects at higher levels of campus diversity. (Brown, 2012) These findings suggest that a college's structural diversity may notably shape post college behaviors, attitudes, and values, which supports the rationale for considering race /ethnicity in admissions processes. (Brown, Get more content on
  • 18. Diversity Among College Athletes College is an amazing place where you can go to achieve many different goals. College is a place where one can further their education, meet new people, make long–term relationships with friends, make connections for future jobs, and also have a great time making memories. College is a place where one can become a part of so many different communities or families. Joining fraternities or sororities, playing collegiate or intramural sports, joining a club, getting involved in student government is a great way to get involved. There is so much diversity on a college campus and getting exposed to it is an amazing thing. Studies show that being exposed to diversity or diverse situations can improve critical thinking, enhance your views and more content... Playing collegiate sports helps you become a better person and improves values in the workforce. Employers like college athletes because it shows someone who can work with others, understands hard work and dedication, and responsibility. Sports teams are always full of diversity and diverse experiences. Teams will have players of different races, ethnicities, and religions just like a company has. College athletes learn how quality interracial interaction through athletics may create new ways to learn about people who are different, to reduce prejudice, and to improve interracial understanding. Being involved in collegiate sports exposes racial diversity because it allows the common goal of winning and being the best team to put aside any issues or opinions of other teammates or coaches and come together as a whole. There is also the exposure to diversity in size (Hirko, S. 2007). Do College Athletes Learn from Racial Diversity in Intercollegiate Athletics). Football teams have 60 people on their team and basketball teams have about 12 or 13. In a job one day there could be 25 other employees or only eight. Studies also show that playing college sports and being exposed to diversity can improve multicultural understanding. It doesn't matter what sport is being played or where it is being played, playing college sports and being exposed to racial diversity will benefit a future role in Get more content on
  • 19. Diversity In Community Colleges I did not have a hard time finding an article on community colleges; this one came right to me. However, as the author points out, there is a great deal of research missing on the community college level. Taylor (2015) states, "Because we have little research on LGBTQ students in the community college context (Leider, 2012; Zamani–Gallaher & Choudhuri, 2011), the vast majority of the research and empirical evidence is based on the 4–year context" (Taylor, 2015, p. 60). The term diversity is not an uncommon word on campus, it is something we are looking for to ensure we are incorporating as much as we can everyday; in our conversations, hiring practices, mission statements, and more. But the conversation of diversity is not happening at the Get more content on
  • 20. Diversity in the Classroom Essay Diversity in classrooms can open student's minds to all the world has to offer. At times diversity and understanding of culture, deviant experiences and perspectives can be difficult to fulfill, but with appropriate strategies and resources, it can lead students gaining a high level of respect for those unlike them, preferably than a judgmental and prejudiced view. Diversity has broad ranges of spectrums. Students from all across the continent; students from political refugees, indigenous Americans, and immigrants bring their culture and linguistic skills to American classrooms. Students do not only bring their cultures and linguistic skills, but they bring their ethnics, talents, and skills. In addition, their age and gender are more content... Every student and teacher has a cultural identity. Their cultural identity is defined by their beliefs, values and behaviors. Their cultures can be different among others, which creates diversity. Classrooms full of students and teachers with different backgrounds can be beneficial for students and teachers themselves. By exploring and accepting many differences and cultures of people among them, they are taught to understand cultural differences, they from a strong sense of their own cultural identity. Once students and teachers are aware of cultural differences, they become aware of racism and can fight to eradiate it. Through their unbiased understanding of the differences between cultures and races, they are able to come to a point of acceptance of themselves and others. If you noticed in my previous paragraph, I mentioned the different types of diversity. Diversity emphasizes how different students and teachers are, but when explored in a classroom, can be used to reveal our similarities. Once students and teachers grasp the concept of diversity, displayed through everyday interactions with diverse groups of students and teachers, racism begins to disappear. In addition, positive sense of self can be developed once students and teachers have an understanding of their own uniqueness through experiences and understanding of diversity. Once teachers and students Get more content on