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Distribution and Marketing Plan for
Cup O’ Joe: Caffeine Tracker
Gilberto Perez Peña
Lindsey Cass
Luis Marciaga
Ashley Woolcock
EBBS Project & Portfolio V
June 27, 2020
I. Executive Summary
The Company:
GLLA has a goal to take new mobile applications to the next level, from small start-ups to
great enterprises. All of this is possible with the team’s combined experience from many
different sectors of the entertainment industry.
The Project:
The project at hand is Cup O’Joe: Caffeine Tracker, a mobile application within the Lifestyle
genre, “The app that lets users know when they’ve reached their daily caffeine limit. Now
it’s time to enjoy that cup of Joe with no worries.”
Sales Projections / Return on Investment:
A fair market allowing, an ROI of 230% is expected, with a high of 288% and a low of 172%.
The range is due to certain unpredictable factors and the current instability due to the
global pandemic.
Target Market:
The project’s primary Target Market will be males ages 60-65 who live in the Santa Ana, CA
area, due to the progressive nature of the area and the designated age group showing a
strong coffee habit.
Using influencers and the snowball effect, the team will take Cup O’Joe from a highly
specialized and small target market to an exponential growth through controlled increase
in market.
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GLLA is a company fueled by its individual parts, taking induvial from different sectors of
the entertainment industry and using their different skills to help launch start-ups.
Leadership Team
GLLA is a team of magnificent talent that aims to bring the best out of people and to assists
in the betterment of others.
Gilberto Perez Palacios Peña overseers the marketing department for GLLA. In the
graduating class of 2020 from Full Sail University, Gil worked as Marketing Manager at
Bobby Golf, excelling at increasing their customer base. Currently, Gil is the head of GLLA’s
Distribution & Marketing division.
Luis Marciaga oversees the sales department within GLLA. before his time in Full Sail, Luis
ran a card shop with a few business partners to create a company that came to earn over a
million dollars in sales, “Rock Game Shop”. In his time there, he worked in a variety of
positions, handling customer service, inventory management and general business
relations before the shop shifted to an online platform.
Lindsey Cass oversees the management of GLLA. Throughout her education at Full Sail
University in the class of 2020, she assisted an entrepreneur in creating and establishing an
indie game studio. Currently, she oversees the management department reviewing
company information and distribution.
Ashley Woolcock oversees GLLA’s product development department. In the past, she has
been a talent agent to numerous clients and has assisted in the success of her artists.
Currently, she is acting as the head of product development, overseeing project information
and distribution.
Company Ideals
GLLA aims to help others with their day to day company functions. Many start-ups are
created by innovative individuals who cook up unique products, but do not know enough
about the behind-the-scenes workings of a business to bring success to their projects. GLLA
is here to assist those creatives in achieving their wildest dreams.
After the success of Cup O’Joe, GLLA hopes to partner with other Lifestyle applications and
build a conglomeration of programs seeking to better the lives of its users. GLLA aims to
become a management firm for start-up applications akin to that of sports management
III. Project Information
Creator: Marcus Ortiz
Title: Cup O’ Joe: Caffeine Tracker
Media: Mobile Application
Genre: Lifestyle
Here are 12 hooks to choose from:
Cup O’Joe: Caffeine Tracker – “Stay Grounded”
Cup O’Joe: Caffeine Tracker – “Running ahead of the Caffeine”
Cup O’Joe: Caffeine Tracker – “Time for a Break, Coffee”
Cup O’Joe: Caffeine Tracker – “Even Coffee needs a break”
Cup O’Joe: Caffeine Tracker – “Coffee runs on your time”
Cup O’Joe: Caffeine Tracker – “One less than yesterday”
Cup O’Joe: Caffeine Tracker – “Control your cravings”
Cup O’Joe: Caffeine Tracker – “Here’s to a Double Shot at Health”
Cup O’Joe: Caffeine Tracker – “You got this Breva”
Cup O’Joe: Caffeine Tracker – “Maybe Coffee is addicted to you”
Cup O’Joe: Caffeine Tracker – “Better Latte then Never”
Cup O’Joe: Caffeine Tracker – “Take Life one cup at a time”
Cup O’Joe: Caffeine Tracker- “The app that lets users know when they’ve reached their daily
caffeine limit. Now it’s time to enjoy that cup of Joe with no worries.
Cup O’Joe: Caffeine Tracker – “In a world where 400 billion cups of coffee are consumed
yearly, Cup O’Joe is the app that will care about users’ health for them. By tracking their
daily caffeine intake, this app will allow users to record their values through a visual
calendar. Cup O’Joe is here to alert users and keep them on track.”
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IV. Distribution & Marketing Goals
According to, in the most recently measured year, consumers downloaded 204
billion mobile apps to their connected devices, up from 140.7 billion app downloads in
2016. This is why GLLA is hoping to have a rapid pace of growth with the application on its
first year. For the application, GLLA encourages using specific, measurable, actionable,
relevant and time-bound (SMART) marketing objectives to obtain the best results that align
with its KPI’s. This will help assess the quality of measures.
For the first year of investment on the application, GLLA suggests to set 5 measurable
marketing goals to determine the success of the marketing strategy.
1. Build trust and credibility around the brand.
Consumers buy from those brands they trust and to gain that trust, the company
needs to gain credibility. This will be achieved through the creation of relevant and
interesting content with which the audience can identify.
2. Lead generation.
For the application to be progressive, the brand needs to constantly generate leads.
Regardless of the number of existing clients that the application has, directing new
prospects towards the company will contribute to keep it moving forward.
3. Strengthen the loyalty of existing customers.
Just as it is important to attract new leads to the business, it is also essential that the
brand strengthens relationships with its existing customers. A solid customer base
that is able to recommend the application, as well as buying from the business
repeatedly, contributes enormously to the improvement of the application.
4. Develop new ideas.
By redefining value proposition, the brand can keep evolving. This also allows the
brand to be aware of the new needs and problems for its customers.
5. Build the brand’s online presence.
Eestablishing an online presence to generate engagement with the application. With
a good positioning in the digital world, the application will be more accessible for its
audience and increase sales/downloads.
Measurables to determine if Cup O’joe is successful in the first year?
Focus on things to create brand awareness. How?
- 500 to 1000 visitors each month on website traffic.
- Growing social media following from 100 followers to 25k.
- 500 email subscriptions.
Next, brand metrics will be analyzed from the point of purchase to know if the company is
generating revenue and will be profitable.
- 5000 downloads on the first year.
- 200 searches for more information.
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V. Target Markets
Primary Target Audience
The initial market for the application is going to focus on males ages 60-65 in the city of
Santa Ana, California. The appeal of this target market is that Santa Ana, California is the
US’s city with the largest coffee consumption per capita, with the greatest consumers being
males ages 60-65. I The choice of Santa Ana is not only great because of its coffee
consumption, but because of its location in California, which has the largest population of
smart phone users in that age range as well. The target market uses coffee to get through
their day, as they are at the end of their work lifecycle, using it as a crutch, drinking 2.7-3.8
cups of coffee a day, almost as a necessity. The app, that aims to help people cut down on
the habit, will help these soon-to-be retirees live a longer and healthier life by cutting down
their coffee consumption before it’s too late.
With the app’s small budget, it is believed that this highly specified market will be of
benefit, as most people that age are beginning to look for ways to extend their life. It will
also be a simple pitch for them to download this app, since its interface is so simple and
easy to use. Targeting this demographic seems like the safest approach into the competitive
nature of this saturated market.
Secondary Target Audience
The next market will be to expand the market to include women and broaden the age range
up to 70 years of age. As well as, targeting other cities in California with higher than
average coffee consumption rates, such as Fremont, Irvine and San Jose. I believe this
expansion will be a manageable second step and should prove to be the most fruitful path
for the future of the app.
VI. Distribution - Year One:
Self-Distribution Plan
Brick and Mortar Outlets
For the first year, the app will be showcased via Portola Coffee Roasters in Santa
Ana, CA, as well as other independent coffee breweries. Due to the current global situation
,the project should focus on local coffee shops in order to market the app. The goal is to
come up with a menu change or label that promotes and shares Cup’ O Joe’s message. This
tactic should enforce an overall increase in exposure via word of mouth.
In researching aggregator options, GLLA strongly recommends the use of the Apple App
store upon first release. Apple is a widely used and diverse cloud-based store. By using the
Apple App Store as a distributer, it allows the team access to a wide variety of data about
the customers the app receives. This overall allows for more opportunities to learn more
about the customer base and how to better reach the masses. The Apple App Store had a
reach of roughly 205.4 billion downloads globally in 2018. With this reach and the fact that
the target market Santa Ana California has a high correlation in iPhone users, using the
Apple App Store appears to be the best starting aggregator choice. Also, being a developer
on the Apple App Store grants access to the Apple support system and online programmer
forums, useful tools for new developers.
Project Website
After research on website domains was conducted for the project, it was found that the
domain name is already in use for a coffee store in Ohio. The owners were
persistent in retaining the site, so alternatives were sought. On Hostinger, alternatives were
readily available for purchase, such as a domain available for the price of $7
annually. This is a cheap domain option and is a good choice for the start of the project’s
online presence. The proposed website would be a central hub of information and resource
access, including a blog space and connections to all social medias linked to Cup O’Joe. It
would also have direct links to the App Store download page to help the buyer experience.
The website should feature clean, sleek design pieces and images that carry the brand over,
as well as highly responsive interactivity. It must also be kept in mind that the primary
market is of an older population and design choices must keep that in mind. Having a blog
on the website also creates an opportunity for passive ad revenue that can be used to fund
marketing and website maintenance.
Customer Relationship Management Systems
In a digital age, it becomes increasingly more difficult to stand out with the intense amount
of online presences. To create substantial relationships and collect customer data, the team
advises the use of subscriptions on the project blog as well as Apples connect app record,
which keeps track of all customer data for developers. Along with the other marketing
strategies, a powerful tool will be e-mail marketing and regular blog postings. This will
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create a direct line of communication with supporters. There should also be a suggestions
and contact page on the website to receive live feedback.
VII. Distribution - Year Two:
Finding a Large Distributor or Publisher
After the first year of distribution, Cup O’Joe should be ready to tackle some bigger
doors to knock down. When it is time to move to a bigger publisher, Fooducate, Ltd. is a
highly recommended option. As publishers of apps like Sugar Rush, Amerifit Nutrution
Tracker, and Fooducate – Eat Better Coach, this could be the perfect publisher for Cup
O’Joe. This company has been around for over 5 years now and holds a rating of 4.7 out of
5. It holds the 8th spot in the Health and Fitness genre on the app store and is more than
prepared to help with app advances as well. When it comes time and Cup O’Joe starts
creating a bigger buzz, Cup O’Joe should try to create a deal with Apple. A deal with Apple
would allow the app to connect to the built-in health app as well as link to the Apple Watch.
This could be huge for Cup O’Joe and its later advancements. According to BusinessofApps,
the top 3 Mobile App Marketing Companies are: Yodel Mobile, PreApps, and Zoomd. Yodel
Mobile is the leading global app marketing consultancy and Mobile Agency of the Year
2019, specializing in launching and scaling apps. Since their inception in 2007, they’ve
launched and aided the growth of over 200 apps. They work with clients from single
territory start-ups to established, multi-territory, international brands.
As an app, the best way to promote would be digital ads, though flyers in actual stores
wouldn’t pay any harm either. Lucky thing for apps, it’s not as difficult as areas like film and
music to be distributed.  There are plenty of apps that come and go but those are usually
game apps. Health app users are similar to uber users, where there’s a specialized
community that needs it, not the whole world. Every September in Santa Monica, the Local
Health & Fitness Festival is held in the city’s downtown area. This is a great place to market
and gain local exposure. It is free of charge to set up a booth and even free to attend. Here,
Cup O’Joe can set up their station, get some employees to educate others on coffee intake,
and convince them to try out the app. This should be advertised on all used social platforms
prior to the event. On Instagram a post can be made with the picture of the event flyer with
the Cup O’Joe logo added. The caption can say “Don’t miss your chance to get tickets to the
Santa Monica Local Health & Fitness Festival. We will be set up and ready to educate on
how coffee can be healthy! Don’t forget to download Cup O’Joe. See you there!” This can be
used exactly as stated or anything similar to its liking.
To prepare to submit and pitch, there are a couple steps that should be checked off. Firstly,
Cup O’Joe should have a website, accounts on multiple social media platforms, and of
course a great working app. By even looking at the show Shark Tank, companies choose to
work with startups that prove good numbers or have a great story behind it.
Demonstrating and proving how useful the app is will win over the company it’s pitching
to. This can be demonstrated by content of reviews from users, mixture of results, and a
little help from social influencers. While working with GLLA, the main goal is to make sure
these factors are knocked down to propose the best results.
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VIII. Sales Projections
Price and Sales Projections (based on $1,437.00 budget)
Projected Net
Retail (Business to Business AD Sales)
Banner AD (CPC Model) $0.10 1,200 $120.00
Video AD on App Open (CPC Model) $0.05 18,000 $900.00
Local Coffee Shop discount codes (PortolaCoffee
Roasters) $0.03 109,500 $3,285.00
Wholesale/Dealer Price** (Apple App Store)
Full App Features Purchase $0.69 166 $115.00
Banner AD Removal $0.69 83 $52.00
Video AD Removal $0.69 125 $78.00
Monthly Coffee Club Subscription $0.69 55 $198
Projected Total Net Sales Revenue $4,748.00
** Apple App Store Takes 30% of All Sales.
Return on Investment (R.O.I.)
A ROI of 230% is expected by years-end based on a projected profit of $4,748.00, with a
range of 288% with a profit of $5,935.00 at the high end and 172% with a profit of $3,561
on the low end. The ROI has a plus minus range of 58% based on research on the volatility
of the startup App Market and high variance of the CPC model of app revenue according to
IX. Marketing
Marketing Tools
1. App Store Optimization: More than 50% of the apps are discovered via search. This
is exactly where Cup O'Joe needs to make itself visible and ASO is the answer when
it comes to discoverability.
2. Social Media: According to Statista, the number of social media users worldwide is
projected to grow to 2.95 billion by 2020. Cup O'Joe social presence is invaluable,
not just for acquisition, but also branding and community management. The Coffee
Drinker’s Community is quite strong on social media channels. Twitter, Facebook,
Instagram, are the project’s primary networks for social media promotion.
3. Influencer Marketing: Cup O'Joe will look for influencers who have followers that
fall under its target user demographics. The strategy is to reach out to them with a
proposition to get the app reviewed on their channels. This could be on their blog,
YouTube channel, a live video chat with their followers or more. The idea is to use
their influence to reach out and convince their followers to try Cup O'Joe.
4. Word of Mouth: Word-of-mouth has proven to boost marketing effectiveness by an
outstanding 54%. About 84% of people are known to act on personal
recommendations coming from their friends and family. WhatsApp will be the main
platform for promoting through word-of-mouth, with over 1.5 billion active users
worldwide according to
5. Paparazzi: The digital world offers multiple platforms that could give the app some
press coverage. The idea is to make sure the app is being talked about. The more
people hear about it and see it being used, the more likely they are to try it out too.
This is why the main focus is to get reviews from Caffeine Magazine, Barista
Magazine and Global Coffee Review Magazine.
6. Forums: With digital becoming the go-to place for any kind of information one is
looking for, there are plenty of forums, groups and communities that Cup O'Joe
could be discovered through. The main targets to keep the users engaged and even
drive them towards in-app conversions for effective monetization are Trip Advisor
and Coffee Geek.
7. Cross Promotion: Cross promotion is a great way to get Cup O'Joe discovered and
acquire new users. The goal is to partner up with local coffee shops that can provide
coupons, discounts etc., for clients that use the app in exchange of Cup O'Joe
promoting their shop on the app. This creates a win-win situation for both parties.
8. User Relationships: The only way to keep the users constantly engaged with the app
in a competitive market is to tap into the power of relationships. Referring to the
relation between the users that can be used to keep them engaged as well as help
the grow of the app further. The goal is to make use of this relation to drive in-app
campaigns that boost the average number of sessions per user, build user loyalty
and also drive app growth.
9. Website & Email Marketing: The total number of worldwide email accounts was 3.9
billion in 2020, according to Radicati. For ten years in a row, email generates the
highest ROI for marketers. For every $1 spent, email marketing generates $38 in ROI
and gives marketers the broadest reach of all the channels available to them. With
users logging into Cup O'Joe's website and providing email. There are plenty of
strategies that can be implemented to keep them engaged and up to date.
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10. Podcast: Podcasting will allow the brand to communicate to a captive audience.
With lifestyle on-the-go, the power to have the podcasting on demand allows the
app to promote anywhere at any time, which helps to establish authority in the
industry and create brand advocates along the way.
11. LinkedIn: From making connections to generating leads, establishing partnerships
and creating better brand awareness, LinkedIn makes an invaluable addition to Cup
O'Joe digital marketing strategy. This can create opportunities for future business
partnerships and deals for further growth.
12. App Icon: With more than 1.5 million apps in the App Store, there’s a lot of noise in
any category to have the app in. Due to that noise, many people choose to take
interest in apps, only when the app icon entices them. To make the app stand out, it
should have an icon that: Has a unique shape that stands out, has a limited pallet of
colors and little to no text.
13. Promo Video: Having a good promo video is a staple of any mobile app. It’s a quick
and easy way for someone to understand the most common use case behind the app
and how they could use it too. The goal is to take advantage of video SEO. For
example, if people search for “the best coffee app” and the YouTube video title
matches, the video will show up before the rest of the search results.
14. Run a Contest: Promoting the app does not always mean having to distribute it
ourselves across every channel. Creating a contest within the app will incentivize
the users to download the app and keep it for the remainder of the contest.
15. Signs & Flyers: While social media certainly has its benefits in helping to promote
events and generate some awareness and create a buzz around them, it’s also
important to remember some of the tried and tested marketing techniques that have
been used for years. One such technique is direct marketing and using flyers to
promote the app. The fact that the customers will physically hold the flyer means
half the work is already done. This is why it’s important to make the flyer stand out
but also ensure the main message is clear and easy to see.
Pre-Release (July 1st 2020 through December 31st 2020)
Cup O'Joe pre-release strategy will be called "Snowball" Operation. The idea is to
be barely noticeable at first and make each bit of outreach layer together to
create momentum over the course of the app’s development. By the week of Cup'
O’Joe’s launch, the ball is rolling, and people are buzzing. The strategy is to focus
mainly on the creation of content for social media platforms as well as
partnerships and cross promotion.
Influencer Marketing: On the 6-month mark of the pre-release, Cup
O’Joe will partner with 6 coffee influencers on Instagram to promote the
app and let people know what the app is all about, showing features,
videos and the many things users can do with the app. The recommended
partners are the following:
(July 1st - July 15st) – James Hoffmann @jimseven: 49.5k followers will
be in charge of informing people about the pre-release of the application
with a giveaway of a free subscription for life on his Instagram account
giving people 15 days to participate and the winner will be announced on
July 15th with the following strategy:
- Follow the app account
- Tag 3 friends
- Post the giveaway on your story
(August 16th) - Giulia Bernardelli: @bernulia: 98.7k followers will be
present on the “Resident Day” at the Santa Ana Zoo from 10:00 pm to
4:00pm at 1801 East Chestnut Ave promoting the application on his
Instagram story’s inviting people to come over to the zoo to learn more as
well as informing the people present at the event.
(September 17th) - Jeff Kennedy: @acmeandco 120k followers. On
Memorial Day, Jeff will post a promotion video of the app at 10:00am on
his Instagram account with the following caption on his post: “The person
that tags the most friends will be re-posted on my feed with a shoutout of
your Instagram account” and the winner will be announced at 9:00pm
(Monday October 5th, Friday October 9th, Tuesday October 13th,
Saturday October 17th, Tuesday October 20th, Sunday October 24th,
and Wednesday October 28th) - Etaf Rum: @booksandbeans:168k
followers will be making appearances at Hiden House Coffee 511 E Santa
Ana Blvd, Santa Ana, CA 92701 from 7:00am to 10:00pm talking with the
clients about the app while having a coffee explaining the benefits of
downloading it when it gets released.
(November 11th) On Memorial Day from 7:00am to 11:59pm - Andy
Anderson: @manmakecoffee: 209k followers will be opening another
giveaway on his Instagram account giving away another free subscription
to the app with the following strategy:
- Follow the app account
- Tag 5 friends
- Post the giveaway on your story
- Post your favorite coffee tagging the app’s Instagram account and
(December 1st through December 31st)- Asaf Rauch:
@coffeestation_latteart: 300k followers will be posting the app’s
promotion infographic every day on his story’s and every Sunday of the
month he will post a promotion video of the app explaining what the app
is about and why it is useful for coffee drinkers.
(July 22nd, August 12th, September 23rd, October 7th, November 18th
and December 9th) On the app’s social media accounts on Instagram and
Facebook. The app will be offering pre-orders and subscriptions with a
50% discount. The main goal behind this tactic is to boost the app’s sales.
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By allowing pre-orders on the app, customers can pay a deposit or pay
the full amount for the product in order to reserve it before it’s available,
this will work by creating a sense of excitement and exclusivity for
customers about the app. However, customers must follow every
influencer that partners with the app, follow every app social media
account as well as sign up with the company email on the app’s website in
order to be eligible for pre-downloads.
Teaser Campaign on Social Media: This tactic will be launched from
(December 1st through December 31st). Every Monday, Wednesday
and Sunday of the month at 9:00pm A social media teaser with
information about the app, subscription costs and videos of the
influencers talking about it will be post on the app’s Instagram and
Facebook account.
Flyers on Coffee shops (First and second Friday of July through
December 2020): Teams of two will be heading to; MAZ Café con leche –
coffee shop on 608 N Lacy St, Santa Ana, CA 92701 and to Portola Coffee
Roasters on 201 E 4th St #103, Santa Ana, CA 92701 to hand out flyers to
every customer that enters the coffee shops. From 8:00pm through
1:00pm. The goal behind this tactic is to create brand awareness. This is
very important when launching new products and services, and it drives
consumers’ decisions when differentiating between competing
companies. It encourages repeat purchases and leads to an increase in
market share and incremental sales.
Word of Mouth: This tactic will be applied every (Monday, Wednesday and
Friday of the Months of July through December 2020). Every week the
team will be sending text messages through WhatsApp including information
about the app, information about the pre-sale and feature the partnered
influencers on social media as well as a link the app’s website.
Release (January 4th through January 13th)
Cup O'Joe release strategy will be called “growth hacking”, referring to digital
marketing strategies to ensure rapid growth and to guarantee a quick penetration in
the market. Because of the very short period of time for the release strategy, being
only 1 to 2 weeks, the main focus will be bombing information from every platform
that the app is available for download on the App Store.
Influencer Marketing:
Using the 6 coffee influencers, they will be doing live videos these weeks promoting
the release of the app on social media announcing that it is available for download.
(Monday January 4th, 2021 at 12:00pm) Asaf Rauch: @coffeestation_latteart:
300k followers will be going live on his Instagram account announcing the release of the
(Wednesday January 6th, 2021 at 12:00pm) Andy Anderson: @manmakecoffee:
209k followers will be going live on his Instagram account announcing the release of the
(Friday January 8th, 2021 at 12:00pm) Etaf Rum: @booksandbeans:168k
followers will be going live on his Instagram account announcing the release of the
(Sunday January 10th, 2021 at 12:00pm) Jeff Kennedy: @acmeandco: 120k
followers will be going live on his Instagram account announcing the release of the
(Monday January 11th, 2021 at 12:00pm) Giulia Bernardelli: @bernulia: 98.7k
followers will be going live on his Instagram account announcing the release of the
(Wednesday January 12th, 2021 at 12:00pm) James Hoffmann @jimseven: 49.5k
followers will be going live on his Instagram account announcing the release of the
Teaser Campaign on Social Media: (January 4th through January 13th ) Every
single day of the 10th days of our release week. On the app’s social media profile’s on
Instagram and Facebook, the release of the application will be announced with the
following content:
Monday January 4th – 10:00am Promoting Video on feed about the app release.
9:00pm infographic on the social media Story’s.
Tuesday January 5th – 10:00am Live video talking about the app release and
benefits as well as answering questions from followers. 9:00pm infographic on the social
media Story’s.
Wednesday January 6th – 10:00am IGTV video on feed with our 6 influencers
talking about the app. 9:00pm infographic on the social media Story’s.
Thursday January 7th – 10:00am Promoting Video on feed about the app release.
9:00pm infographic on the social media Story’s.
Friday January 8th – 10:00am Live video talking about the app release and benefits
as well as answering questions from followers. 9:00pm infographic on the social media
Saturday January 9th – 10:00am IGTV video on feed with our 6 influencers talking
about the app. 9:00pm infographic on the social media Story’s.
Sunday January 10th – 10:00am Promoting Video on feed about the app release.
9:00pm infographic on the social media Story’s.
Monday January 11th – 10:00am Live video talking about the app release and
benefits as well as answering questions from followers. 9:00pm infographic on the social
media Story’s.
Tuesday January 12th – 10:00am IGTV video on feed with our 6 influencers talking
about the app. 9:00pm infographic on the social media Story’s.
Wednesday January 13th – 10:00am Live video talking about the app release and
benefits as well as answering questions from followers. 9:00pm infographic on the social
media Story’s.
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Word of Mouth: (January 4th through January 13th ) Every single day of the 10th
days of the release week, text messages will be sent through Whatsapp at 9:00am, 2:00pm,
5:00pm and 10:00pm including information about the app, information about the release,
information about how to use the app and information about coffee shops providing
discounts if customers showcase that are users of Cup O’Joe.
Flyers on Coffee shops: flyers will be given out on MAZ Café con leche – coffee
shop on 608 N Lacy St, Santa Ana, CA 92701, Portola Coffee Roasters on 201 E 4th St
#103, Santa Ana, CA 92701, Hidden House Coffee on 511 E Santa Ana Blvd, Santa Ana, CA
92701 and Tierra Mia Coffee on 1708 S Main St, Santa Ana, CA 92707 The flyers will be
given out on Tuesday the 5th, Thursday the 7th, Saturday the 9th, and Tuesday the 12th and
will be announcing that if customers showcase that are members of Cup O’Joe they will
receive discounts, coupons, free gifts etc.
Website & Email Marketing: (January 4th through January 13th ) Every single
day of the 10th days of the release week, emails will be send to all the subscribers at
9:00am, 2:00pm, 5:00pm and 10:00pm including information about the app, information
about the release, information about how to use the app and information about coffee
shops providing discounts if customers showcase that are users of Cup O’Joe.
Post-Release (January Thursday 11th 2021 through Wednesday June 30th
Cup O'Joe post-release strategy will be called “Optimizing Campaigns” The idea is to
create a rock-solid follow-up strategy, to avoid that all the buzz and energy that the pre-
release and release generates will fizzle out. The team will want to focus on achieving the
KPIs such as leads, by solidifying these definitions and qualification criteria, the app will be
able to promote with objectivity and collaborative efforts.
App Store Optimization: During the 5 and a half months of pre-release, the app will
be actualized with different versions, bugs fixes, optimization etc. This will happen every
16th of February, March, April, May and June focusing on discoverability on the App
Store to identify exactly what customers look for when searching for coffee related apps as
well as to position and promote the app on the different Apple platforms such as: Apple
Music, Apple TV, Podcasts .
Paparazzi: The idea is to make sure the app is being talked about. The more people
hear about it and see it being used, the more likely they are to try it out too. This is
why articles about the app will be sent to the following coffee magazines at the
beginning of the five months of post-release: Caffeine Magazine, Barista Magazine
and Global Coffee Review Magazine. Through the app’s social medias influencers to
get reviews.
Tuesday February 1st – Asaf Rauch: @coffeestation_latteart: 300k followers will be
sending an article to Caffeine Magazine highlighting the importance of using the app to
track caffeine intake.
Tuesday March 1st – Andy Anderson: @manmakecoffee: 209k followers will be
sending an article to Barista Magazine talking about the risks of consuming too much
caffeine and explaining how the app can help people control caffeine cravings.
Friday April 1st – Jeff Kennedy: @acmeandco: 120k followers will be sending an
article to Global Coffee Review Magazine talking about the general aspects of the app.
Saturday May 1th – Giulia Bernardelli: @bernulia: 98.7k followers will be sending
an article to Caffeine Magazine talking about the life changes the app has made on
customers that had an addiction to drinking coffee and caffeine.
Wednesday June 1th – James Hoffmann @jimseven: 49.5k followers will be sending
an article to Barista Magazine talking about the city of Santa Ana, Ca and how the
population has a high level of addiction to caffeine and how the app can help control that.
Forums: The first Monday and last Friday of the 5 months of the pre-release, reviews
on Trip Advisor and Coffee Geek will be posted talking about the benefits of
downloading the app and most importantly how it can help with caffeine and coffee
cravings while traveling. The main targets keep the users engaged and even drive them
towards in-app conversions for effective monetization. Here are the following dates and
Friday January 29th – Trip Advisor
Monday February 1st - Coffee Geek
Friday February 26th - Trip Advisor
Monday March 1st – Coffee Geek
Friday March 26th - Trip Advisor
Monday April 5th - Coffee Geek
Friday April 30th - Trip Advisor
Monday May 3rd - Coffee Geek
Friday May 28th. - Trip Advisor
Monday June 7th - Coffee Geek
Friday June 25th - Trip Advisor
8/9/20 19
X. Budget
Tactic Specifics Frequency (e.g.
daily, monthly,
Flyers 500 units Once $130.00
Influencer Fees 16 Pay Outs ($50.00) Per Use $800
Signs 5 unique signs Once $500
Coupon Code Cards 500 per Print ($8.25) Monthly
Cupojoe.tec Domain Domain Creation and Fees Annually $7.00
TOTAL $1,437.00
XI. Appendices
Agarwal, A. (2020, June 15). Top 5 Coffee Magazines & Publications to Follow in 2020. Feedspot
Ahostinger. (n.d.). Hosting Platform - Go Online With Hostinger For Only $0.99 Now. Retrieved
Annual number of mobile app downloads worldwide 2022 | Statistic. (2017). Statista; Statista.
Apple. (n.d.). ITunes. Retrieved from
App Marketing Agency - Mobile Agency of the Year. (2020, March 02). Retrieved from
A Simple 9-Step Guide to Mobile App Marketing. (2020, June 9). GetSocial.
Bedford, E. (2020, January 23). Total coffee per capita consumption United States by age
group, 2019. Retrieved June 12, 2020, from
Bedford, E. (2020, January 23). Total coffee per capita consumption United States by gender,
2019. Retrieved June 12, 2020, from
Blair, I. (2020, June 03). Mobile App Download and Usage Statistics (2020). Retrieved from
8/9/20 21
Buy Local Health & Fitness Festival. (2019, August 14). Retrieved June 28, 2020,
Caffeine: America's Most Popular Drug. (n.d.). Retrieved June 14, 2020, from
Clemmons, N. (2017, January 10). Strategies for Indie Developers to Promote Mobile Apps and
Games for Free (or really cheap). Incipia.
Cup O Joe. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Google Ads. (n.d.). Retrieved June 19, 2020, from
IOS - Health. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Lose weight & improve your health with a real food diet. (n.d.). Retrieved June 28, 2020,
Mackenzie, T. (2012, May 07). App store fees, percentages, and payouts: What developers
need to know. Retrieved from
Manifest, T. (2018, July 03). How to Publish Your App on Apple's App Store in 2018.
Retrieved from
Mullaney, J. (2018, September 29). The United States of Coffee: Here's Which City Drinks the
Most, Where It's the Priciest, and More. Retrieved June 12, 2020, from
Pillars of a Successful Post-Launch Strategy. (2020, March 23). Launch Marketing.
Shaulova, E., & Biagi, L. (n.d.). Apple products in the U.S. Retrieved June 19, 2020, from
Sims, G. (2019, December 26). Google Play Store vs the Apple App Store: By the numbers
(2015). Retrieved from
The Importance of Brand Awareness. (2018, October 23). Baer Performance Marketing.
What are the Best App Marketing Strategies? Forbes. Retrieved June 12, 2020, from
Yodel Mobile - Reviews, News and Ratings. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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Distribution and Marketing Plan for Mobile Application

  • 1. Distribution and Marketing Plan for Cup O’ Joe: Caffeine Tracker GLLA Gilberto Perez Peña Lindsey Cass Luis Marciaga Ashley Woolcock EBBS Project & Portfolio V June 27, 2020
  • 2. 2 I. Executive Summary The Company: GLLA has a goal to take new mobile applications to the next level, from small start-ups to great enterprises. All of this is possible with the team’s combined experience from many different sectors of the entertainment industry. The Project: The project at hand is Cup O’Joe: Caffeine Tracker, a mobile application within the Lifestyle genre, “The app that lets users know when they’ve reached their daily caffeine limit. Now it’s time to enjoy that cup of Joe with no worries.” Sales Projections / Return on Investment: A fair market allowing, an ROI of 230% is expected, with a high of 288% and a low of 172%. The range is due to certain unpredictable factors and the current instability due to the global pandemic. Target Market: The project’s primary Target Market will be males ages 60-65 who live in the Santa Ana, CA area, due to the progressive nature of the area and the designated age group showing a strong coffee habit. Strategy: Using influencers and the snowball effect, the team will take Cup O’Joe from a highly specialized and small target market to an exponential growth through controlled increase in market.
  • 3. 8/9/20 3 GLLA GLLA is a company fueled by its individual parts, taking induvial from different sectors of the entertainment industry and using their different skills to help launch start-ups. Leadership Team GLLA is a team of magnificent talent that aims to bring the best out of people and to assists in the betterment of others. Gilberto Perez Palacios Peña overseers the marketing department for GLLA. In the graduating class of 2020 from Full Sail University, Gil worked as Marketing Manager at Bobby Golf, excelling at increasing their customer base. Currently, Gil is the head of GLLA’s Distribution & Marketing division. Luis Marciaga oversees the sales department within GLLA. before his time in Full Sail, Luis ran a card shop with a few business partners to create a company that came to earn over a million dollars in sales, “Rock Game Shop”. In his time there, he worked in a variety of positions, handling customer service, inventory management and general business relations before the shop shifted to an online platform. Lindsey Cass oversees the management of GLLA. Throughout her education at Full Sail University in the class of 2020, she assisted an entrepreneur in creating and establishing an indie game studio. Currently, she oversees the management department reviewing company information and distribution. Ashley Woolcock oversees GLLA’s product development department. In the past, she has been a talent agent to numerous clients and has assisted in the success of her artists. Currently, she is acting as the head of product development, overseeing project information and distribution. Company Ideals GLLA aims to help others with their day to day company functions. Many start-ups are created by innovative individuals who cook up unique products, but do not know enough about the behind-the-scenes workings of a business to bring success to their projects. GLLA is here to assist those creatives in achieving their wildest dreams. Projects After the success of Cup O’Joe, GLLA hopes to partner with other Lifestyle applications and build a conglomeration of programs seeking to better the lives of its users. GLLA aims to become a management firm for start-up applications akin to that of sports management firms.
  • 4. 4 III. Project Information Creator: Marcus Ortiz Title: Cup O’ Joe: Caffeine Tracker Media: Mobile Application Genre: Lifestyle Hooks Here are 12 hooks to choose from: Cup O’Joe: Caffeine Tracker – “Stay Grounded” Cup O’Joe: Caffeine Tracker – “Running ahead of the Caffeine” Cup O’Joe: Caffeine Tracker – “Time for a Break, Coffee” Cup O’Joe: Caffeine Tracker – “Even Coffee needs a break” Cup O’Joe: Caffeine Tracker – “Coffee runs on your time” Cup O’Joe: Caffeine Tracker – “One less than yesterday” Cup O’Joe: Caffeine Tracker – “Control your cravings” Cup O’Joe: Caffeine Tracker – “Here’s to a Double Shot at Health” Cup O’Joe: Caffeine Tracker – “You got this Breva” Cup O’Joe: Caffeine Tracker – “Maybe Coffee is addicted to you” Cup O’Joe: Caffeine Tracker – “Better Latte then Never” Cup O’Joe: Caffeine Tracker – “Take Life one cup at a time” Logline Cup O’Joe: Caffeine Tracker- “The app that lets users know when they’ve reached their daily caffeine limit. Now it’s time to enjoy that cup of Joe with no worries. Premise Cup O’Joe: Caffeine Tracker – “In a world where 400 billion cups of coffee are consumed yearly, Cup O’Joe is the app that will care about users’ health for them. By tracking their daily caffeine intake, this app will allow users to record their values through a visual calendar. Cup O’Joe is here to alert users and keep them on track.”
  • 5. 8/9/20 5 IV. Distribution & Marketing Goals According to, in the most recently measured year, consumers downloaded 204 billion mobile apps to their connected devices, up from 140.7 billion app downloads in 2016. This is why GLLA is hoping to have a rapid pace of growth with the application on its first year. For the application, GLLA encourages using specific, measurable, actionable, relevant and time-bound (SMART) marketing objectives to obtain the best results that align with its KPI’s. This will help assess the quality of measures. For the first year of investment on the application, GLLA suggests to set 5 measurable marketing goals to determine the success of the marketing strategy. 1. Build trust and credibility around the brand. Consumers buy from those brands they trust and to gain that trust, the company needs to gain credibility. This will be achieved through the creation of relevant and interesting content with which the audience can identify. 2. Lead generation. For the application to be progressive, the brand needs to constantly generate leads. Regardless of the number of existing clients that the application has, directing new prospects towards the company will contribute to keep it moving forward. 3. Strengthen the loyalty of existing customers. Just as it is important to attract new leads to the business, it is also essential that the brand strengthens relationships with its existing customers. A solid customer base that is able to recommend the application, as well as buying from the business repeatedly, contributes enormously to the improvement of the application. 4. Develop new ideas. By redefining value proposition, the brand can keep evolving. This also allows the brand to be aware of the new needs and problems for its customers. 5. Build the brand’s online presence. Eestablishing an online presence to generate engagement with the application. With a good positioning in the digital world, the application will be more accessible for its audience and increase sales/downloads.
  • 6. 6 Measurables to determine if Cup O’joe is successful in the first year? Focus on things to create brand awareness. How? - 500 to 1000 visitors each month on website traffic. - Growing social media following from 100 followers to 25k. - 500 email subscriptions. Next, brand metrics will be analyzed from the point of purchase to know if the company is generating revenue and will be profitable. - 5000 downloads on the first year. - 200 searches for more information.
  • 7. 8/9/20 7 V. Target Markets Primary Target Audience The initial market for the application is going to focus on males ages 60-65 in the city of Santa Ana, California. The appeal of this target market is that Santa Ana, California is the US’s city with the largest coffee consumption per capita, with the greatest consumers being males ages 60-65. I The choice of Santa Ana is not only great because of its coffee consumption, but because of its location in California, which has the largest population of smart phone users in that age range as well. The target market uses coffee to get through their day, as they are at the end of their work lifecycle, using it as a crutch, drinking 2.7-3.8 cups of coffee a day, almost as a necessity. The app, that aims to help people cut down on the habit, will help these soon-to-be retirees live a longer and healthier life by cutting down their coffee consumption before it’s too late. With the app’s small budget, it is believed that this highly specified market will be of benefit, as most people that age are beginning to look for ways to extend their life. It will also be a simple pitch for them to download this app, since its interface is so simple and easy to use. Targeting this demographic seems like the safest approach into the competitive nature of this saturated market. Secondary Target Audience The next market will be to expand the market to include women and broaden the age range up to 70 years of age. As well as, targeting other cities in California with higher than average coffee consumption rates, such as Fremont, Irvine and San Jose. I believe this expansion will be a manageable second step and should prove to be the most fruitful path for the future of the app.
  • 8. 8 VI. Distribution - Year One: Self-Distribution Plan Brick and Mortar Outlets For the first year, the app will be showcased via Portola Coffee Roasters in Santa Ana, CA, as well as other independent coffee breweries. Due to the current global situation ,the project should focus on local coffee shops in order to market the app. The goal is to come up with a menu change or label that promotes and shares Cup’ O Joe’s message. This tactic should enforce an overall increase in exposure via word of mouth. Aggregator In researching aggregator options, GLLA strongly recommends the use of the Apple App store upon first release. Apple is a widely used and diverse cloud-based store. By using the Apple App Store as a distributer, it allows the team access to a wide variety of data about the customers the app receives. This overall allows for more opportunities to learn more about the customer base and how to better reach the masses. The Apple App Store had a reach of roughly 205.4 billion downloads globally in 2018. With this reach and the fact that the target market Santa Ana California has a high correlation in iPhone users, using the Apple App Store appears to be the best starting aggregator choice. Also, being a developer on the Apple App Store grants access to the Apple support system and online programmer forums, useful tools for new developers. Project Website After research on website domains was conducted for the project, it was found that the domain name is already in use for a coffee store in Ohio. The owners were persistent in retaining the site, so alternatives were sought. On Hostinger, alternatives were readily available for purchase, such as a domain available for the price of $7 annually. This is a cheap domain option and is a good choice for the start of the project’s online presence. The proposed website would be a central hub of information and resource access, including a blog space and connections to all social medias linked to Cup O’Joe. It would also have direct links to the App Store download page to help the buyer experience. The website should feature clean, sleek design pieces and images that carry the brand over, as well as highly responsive interactivity. It must also be kept in mind that the primary market is of an older population and design choices must keep that in mind. Having a blog on the website also creates an opportunity for passive ad revenue that can be used to fund marketing and website maintenance. Customer Relationship Management Systems In a digital age, it becomes increasingly more difficult to stand out with the intense amount of online presences. To create substantial relationships and collect customer data, the team advises the use of subscriptions on the project blog as well as Apples connect app record, which keeps track of all customer data for developers. Along with the other marketing strategies, a powerful tool will be e-mail marketing and regular blog postings. This will
  • 9. 8/9/20 9 create a direct line of communication with supporters. There should also be a suggestions and contact page on the website to receive live feedback.
  • 10. 10 VII. Distribution - Year Two: Finding a Large Distributor or Publisher After the first year of distribution, Cup O’Joe should be ready to tackle some bigger doors to knock down. When it is time to move to a bigger publisher, Fooducate, Ltd. is a highly recommended option. As publishers of apps like Sugar Rush, Amerifit Nutrution Tracker, and Fooducate – Eat Better Coach, this could be the perfect publisher for Cup O’Joe. This company has been around for over 5 years now and holds a rating of 4.7 out of 5. It holds the 8th spot in the Health and Fitness genre on the app store and is more than prepared to help with app advances as well. When it comes time and Cup O’Joe starts creating a bigger buzz, Cup O’Joe should try to create a deal with Apple. A deal with Apple would allow the app to connect to the built-in health app as well as link to the Apple Watch. This could be huge for Cup O’Joe and its later advancements. According to BusinessofApps, the top 3 Mobile App Marketing Companies are: Yodel Mobile, PreApps, and Zoomd. Yodel Mobile is the leading global app marketing consultancy and Mobile Agency of the Year 2019, specializing in launching and scaling apps. Since their inception in 2007, they’ve launched and aided the growth of over 200 apps. They work with clients from single territory start-ups to established, multi-territory, international brands.   As an app, the best way to promote would be digital ads, though flyers in actual stores wouldn’t pay any harm either. Lucky thing for apps, it’s not as difficult as areas like film and music to be distributed.  There are plenty of apps that come and go but those are usually game apps. Health app users are similar to uber users, where there’s a specialized community that needs it, not the whole world. Every September in Santa Monica, the Local Health & Fitness Festival is held in the city’s downtown area. This is a great place to market and gain local exposure. It is free of charge to set up a booth and even free to attend. Here, Cup O’Joe can set up their station, get some employees to educate others on coffee intake, and convince them to try out the app. This should be advertised on all used social platforms prior to the event. On Instagram a post can be made with the picture of the event flyer with the Cup O’Joe logo added. The caption can say “Don’t miss your chance to get tickets to the Santa Monica Local Health & Fitness Festival. We will be set up and ready to educate on how coffee can be healthy! Don’t forget to download Cup O’Joe. See you there!” This can be used exactly as stated or anything similar to its liking. To prepare to submit and pitch, there are a couple steps that should be checked off. Firstly, Cup O’Joe should have a website, accounts on multiple social media platforms, and of course a great working app. By even looking at the show Shark Tank, companies choose to work with startups that prove good numbers or have a great story behind it. Demonstrating and proving how useful the app is will win over the company it’s pitching to. This can be demonstrated by content of reviews from users, mixture of results, and a little help from social influencers. While working with GLLA, the main goal is to make sure these factors are knocked down to propose the best results.
  • 11. 8/9/20 11 VIII. Sales Projections Price and Sales Projections (based on $1,437.00 budget) Price Projected Units Projected Net Revenue Retail (Business to Business AD Sales) Banner AD (CPC Model) $0.10 1,200 $120.00 Video AD on App Open (CPC Model) $0.05 18,000 $900.00 Local Coffee Shop discount codes (PortolaCoffee Roasters) $0.03 109,500 $3,285.00 Wholesale/Dealer Price** (Apple App Store) Full App Features Purchase $0.69 166 $115.00 Banner AD Removal $0.69 83 $52.00 Video AD Removal $0.69 125 $78.00 Monthly Coffee Club Subscription $0.69 55 $198 Projected Total Net Sales Revenue $4,748.00 ** Apple App Store Takes 30% of All Sales. Return on Investment (R.O.I.) A ROI of 230% is expected by years-end based on a projected profit of $4,748.00, with a range of 288% with a profit of $5,935.00 at the high end and 172% with a profit of $3,561 on the low end. The ROI has a plus minus range of 58% based on research on the volatility of the startup App Market and high variance of the CPC model of app revenue according to
  • 12. 12 IX. Marketing Marketing Tools 1. App Store Optimization: More than 50% of the apps are discovered via search. This is exactly where Cup O'Joe needs to make itself visible and ASO is the answer when it comes to discoverability. 2. Social Media: According to Statista, the number of social media users worldwide is projected to grow to 2.95 billion by 2020. Cup O'Joe social presence is invaluable, not just for acquisition, but also branding and community management. The Coffee Drinker’s Community is quite strong on social media channels. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, are the project’s primary networks for social media promotion. 3. Influencer Marketing: Cup O'Joe will look for influencers who have followers that fall under its target user demographics. The strategy is to reach out to them with a proposition to get the app reviewed on their channels. This could be on their blog, YouTube channel, a live video chat with their followers or more. The idea is to use their influence to reach out and convince their followers to try Cup O'Joe. 4. Word of Mouth: Word-of-mouth has proven to boost marketing effectiveness by an outstanding 54%. About 84% of people are known to act on personal recommendations coming from their friends and family. WhatsApp will be the main platform for promoting through word-of-mouth, with over 1.5 billion active users worldwide according to 5. Paparazzi: The digital world offers multiple platforms that could give the app some press coverage. The idea is to make sure the app is being talked about. The more people hear about it and see it being used, the more likely they are to try it out too. This is why the main focus is to get reviews from Caffeine Magazine, Barista Magazine and Global Coffee Review Magazine. 6. Forums: With digital becoming the go-to place for any kind of information one is looking for, there are plenty of forums, groups and communities that Cup O'Joe could be discovered through. The main targets to keep the users engaged and even drive them towards in-app conversions for effective monetization are Trip Advisor and Coffee Geek. 7. Cross Promotion: Cross promotion is a great way to get Cup O'Joe discovered and acquire new users. The goal is to partner up with local coffee shops that can provide coupons, discounts etc., for clients that use the app in exchange of Cup O'Joe promoting their shop on the app. This creates a win-win situation for both parties. 8. User Relationships: The only way to keep the users constantly engaged with the app in a competitive market is to tap into the power of relationships. Referring to the relation between the users that can be used to keep them engaged as well as help the grow of the app further. The goal is to make use of this relation to drive in-app campaigns that boost the average number of sessions per user, build user loyalty and also drive app growth. 9. Website & Email Marketing: The total number of worldwide email accounts was 3.9 billion in 2020, according to Radicati. For ten years in a row, email generates the highest ROI for marketers. For every $1 spent, email marketing generates $38 in ROI and gives marketers the broadest reach of all the channels available to them. With users logging into Cup O'Joe's website and providing email. There are plenty of strategies that can be implemented to keep them engaged and up to date.
  • 13. 8/9/20 13 10. Podcast: Podcasting will allow the brand to communicate to a captive audience. With lifestyle on-the-go, the power to have the podcasting on demand allows the app to promote anywhere at any time, which helps to establish authority in the industry and create brand advocates along the way. 11. LinkedIn: From making connections to generating leads, establishing partnerships and creating better brand awareness, LinkedIn makes an invaluable addition to Cup O'Joe digital marketing strategy. This can create opportunities for future business partnerships and deals for further growth. 12. App Icon: With more than 1.5 million apps in the App Store, there’s a lot of noise in any category to have the app in. Due to that noise, many people choose to take interest in apps, only when the app icon entices them. To make the app stand out, it should have an icon that: Has a unique shape that stands out, has a limited pallet of colors and little to no text. 13. Promo Video: Having a good promo video is a staple of any mobile app. It’s a quick and easy way for someone to understand the most common use case behind the app and how they could use it too. The goal is to take advantage of video SEO. For example, if people search for “the best coffee app” and the YouTube video title matches, the video will show up before the rest of the search results. 14. Run a Contest: Promoting the app does not always mean having to distribute it ourselves across every channel. Creating a contest within the app will incentivize the users to download the app and keep it for the remainder of the contest. 15. Signs & Flyers: While social media certainly has its benefits in helping to promote events and generate some awareness and create a buzz around them, it’s also important to remember some of the tried and tested marketing techniques that have been used for years. One such technique is direct marketing and using flyers to promote the app. The fact that the customers will physically hold the flyer means half the work is already done. This is why it’s important to make the flyer stand out but also ensure the main message is clear and easy to see. Promotion Pre-Release (July 1st 2020 through December 31st 2020) Strategy Cup O'Joe pre-release strategy will be called "Snowball" Operation. The idea is to be barely noticeable at first and make each bit of outreach layer together to create momentum over the course of the app’s development. By the week of Cup' O’Joe’s launch, the ball is rolling, and people are buzzing. The strategy is to focus mainly on the creation of content for social media platforms as well as partnerships and cross promotion. Tactics Influencer Marketing: On the 6-month mark of the pre-release, Cup O’Joe will partner with 6 coffee influencers on Instagram to promote the app and let people know what the app is all about, showing features,
  • 14. 14 videos and the many things users can do with the app. The recommended partners are the following: (July 1st - July 15st) – James Hoffmann @jimseven: 49.5k followers will be in charge of informing people about the pre-release of the application with a giveaway of a free subscription for life on his Instagram account giving people 15 days to participate and the winner will be announced on July 15th with the following strategy: - Follow the app account - Tag 3 friends - Post the giveaway on your story (August 16th) - Giulia Bernardelli: @bernulia: 98.7k followers will be present on the “Resident Day” at the Santa Ana Zoo from 10:00 pm to 4:00pm at 1801 East Chestnut Ave promoting the application on his Instagram story’s inviting people to come over to the zoo to learn more as well as informing the people present at the event. (September 17th) - Jeff Kennedy: @acmeandco 120k followers. On Memorial Day, Jeff will post a promotion video of the app at 10:00am on his Instagram account with the following caption on his post: “The person that tags the most friends will be re-posted on my feed with a shoutout of your Instagram account” and the winner will be announced at 9:00pm (Monday October 5th, Friday October 9th, Tuesday October 13th, Saturday October 17th, Tuesday October 20th, Sunday October 24th, and Wednesday October 28th) - Etaf Rum: @booksandbeans:168k followers will be making appearances at Hiden House Coffee 511 E Santa Ana Blvd, Santa Ana, CA 92701 from 7:00am to 10:00pm talking with the clients about the app while having a coffee explaining the benefits of downloading it when it gets released. (November 11th) On Memorial Day from 7:00am to 11:59pm - Andy Anderson: @manmakecoffee: 209k followers will be opening another giveaway on his Instagram account giving away another free subscription to the app with the following strategy: - Follow the app account - Tag 5 friends - Post the giveaway on your story - Post your favorite coffee tagging the app’s Instagram account and @manmakecoffee (December 1st through December 31st)- Asaf Rauch: @coffeestation_latteart: 300k followers will be posting the app’s promotion infographic every day on his story’s and every Sunday of the month he will post a promotion video of the app explaining what the app is about and why it is useful for coffee drinkers. Pre-orders/downloads: (July 22nd, August 12th, September 23rd, October 7th, November 18th and December 9th) On the app’s social media accounts on Instagram and Facebook. The app will be offering pre-orders and subscriptions with a 50% discount. The main goal behind this tactic is to boost the app’s sales.
  • 15. 8/9/20 15 By allowing pre-orders on the app, customers can pay a deposit or pay the full amount for the product in order to reserve it before it’s available, this will work by creating a sense of excitement and exclusivity for customers about the app. However, customers must follow every influencer that partners with the app, follow every app social media account as well as sign up with the company email on the app’s website in order to be eligible for pre-downloads. Teaser Campaign on Social Media: This tactic will be launched from (December 1st through December 31st). Every Monday, Wednesday and Sunday of the month at 9:00pm A social media teaser with information about the app, subscription costs and videos of the influencers talking about it will be post on the app’s Instagram and Facebook account. Flyers on Coffee shops (First and second Friday of July through December 2020): Teams of two will be heading to; MAZ Café con leche – coffee shop on 608 N Lacy St, Santa Ana, CA 92701 and to Portola Coffee Roasters on 201 E 4th St #103, Santa Ana, CA 92701 to hand out flyers to every customer that enters the coffee shops. From 8:00pm through 1:00pm. The goal behind this tactic is to create brand awareness. This is very important when launching new products and services, and it drives consumers’ decisions when differentiating between competing companies. It encourages repeat purchases and leads to an increase in market share and incremental sales. Word of Mouth: This tactic will be applied every (Monday, Wednesday and Friday of the Months of July through December 2020). Every week the team will be sending text messages through WhatsApp including information about the app, information about the pre-sale and feature the partnered influencers on social media as well as a link the app’s website. Release (January 4th through January 13th) Strategy Cup O'Joe release strategy will be called “growth hacking”, referring to digital marketing strategies to ensure rapid growth and to guarantee a quick penetration in the market. Because of the very short period of time for the release strategy, being only 1 to 2 weeks, the main focus will be bombing information from every platform that the app is available for download on the App Store. Tactics Influencer Marketing: Using the 6 coffee influencers, they will be doing live videos these weeks promoting the release of the app on social media announcing that it is available for download.
  • 16. 16 (Monday January 4th, 2021 at 12:00pm) Asaf Rauch: @coffeestation_latteart: 300k followers will be going live on his Instagram account announcing the release of the application. (Wednesday January 6th, 2021 at 12:00pm) Andy Anderson: @manmakecoffee: 209k followers will be going live on his Instagram account announcing the release of the application. (Friday January 8th, 2021 at 12:00pm) Etaf Rum: @booksandbeans:168k followers will be going live on his Instagram account announcing the release of the application. (Sunday January 10th, 2021 at 12:00pm) Jeff Kennedy: @acmeandco: 120k followers will be going live on his Instagram account announcing the release of the application. (Monday January 11th, 2021 at 12:00pm) Giulia Bernardelli: @bernulia: 98.7k followers will be going live on his Instagram account announcing the release of the application. (Wednesday January 12th, 2021 at 12:00pm) James Hoffmann @jimseven: 49.5k followers will be going live on his Instagram account announcing the release of the application. Teaser Campaign on Social Media: (January 4th through January 13th ) Every single day of the 10th days of our release week. On the app’s social media profile’s on Instagram and Facebook, the release of the application will be announced with the following content: Monday January 4th – 10:00am Promoting Video on feed about the app release. 9:00pm infographic on the social media Story’s. Tuesday January 5th – 10:00am Live video talking about the app release and benefits as well as answering questions from followers. 9:00pm infographic on the social media Story’s. Wednesday January 6th – 10:00am IGTV video on feed with our 6 influencers talking about the app. 9:00pm infographic on the social media Story’s. Thursday January 7th – 10:00am Promoting Video on feed about the app release. 9:00pm infographic on the social media Story’s. Friday January 8th – 10:00am Live video talking about the app release and benefits as well as answering questions from followers. 9:00pm infographic on the social media Story’s. Saturday January 9th – 10:00am IGTV video on feed with our 6 influencers talking about the app. 9:00pm infographic on the social media Story’s. Sunday January 10th – 10:00am Promoting Video on feed about the app release. 9:00pm infographic on the social media Story’s. Monday January 11th – 10:00am Live video talking about the app release and benefits as well as answering questions from followers. 9:00pm infographic on the social media Story’s. Tuesday January 12th – 10:00am IGTV video on feed with our 6 influencers talking about the app. 9:00pm infographic on the social media Story’s. Wednesday January 13th – 10:00am Live video talking about the app release and benefits as well as answering questions from followers. 9:00pm infographic on the social media Story’s.
  • 17. 8/9/20 17 Word of Mouth: (January 4th through January 13th ) Every single day of the 10th days of the release week, text messages will be sent through Whatsapp at 9:00am, 2:00pm, 5:00pm and 10:00pm including information about the app, information about the release, information about how to use the app and information about coffee shops providing discounts if customers showcase that are users of Cup O’Joe. Flyers on Coffee shops: flyers will be given out on MAZ Café con leche – coffee shop on 608 N Lacy St, Santa Ana, CA 92701, Portola Coffee Roasters on 201 E 4th St #103, Santa Ana, CA 92701, Hidden House Coffee on 511 E Santa Ana Blvd, Santa Ana, CA 92701 and Tierra Mia Coffee on 1708 S Main St, Santa Ana, CA 92707 The flyers will be given out on Tuesday the 5th, Thursday the 7th, Saturday the 9th, and Tuesday the 12th and will be announcing that if customers showcase that are members of Cup O’Joe they will receive discounts, coupons, free gifts etc. Website & Email Marketing: (January 4th through January 13th ) Every single day of the 10th days of the release week, emails will be send to all the subscribers at 9:00am, 2:00pm, 5:00pm and 10:00pm including information about the app, information about the release, information about how to use the app and information about coffee shops providing discounts if customers showcase that are users of Cup O’Joe. Post-Release (January Thursday 11th 2021 through Wednesday June 30th 2021) Strategy Cup O'Joe post-release strategy will be called “Optimizing Campaigns” The idea is to create a rock-solid follow-up strategy, to avoid that all the buzz and energy that the pre- release and release generates will fizzle out. The team will want to focus on achieving the KPIs such as leads, by solidifying these definitions and qualification criteria, the app will be able to promote with objectivity and collaborative efforts. Tactics App Store Optimization: During the 5 and a half months of pre-release, the app will be actualized with different versions, bugs fixes, optimization etc. This will happen every 16th of February, March, April, May and June focusing on discoverability on the App Store to identify exactly what customers look for when searching for coffee related apps as well as to position and promote the app on the different Apple platforms such as: Apple Music, Apple TV, Podcasts . Paparazzi: The idea is to make sure the app is being talked about. The more people hear about it and see it being used, the more likely they are to try it out too. This is why articles about the app will be sent to the following coffee magazines at the beginning of the five months of post-release: Caffeine Magazine, Barista Magazine and Global Coffee Review Magazine. Through the app’s social medias influencers to get reviews.
  • 18. 18 Tuesday February 1st – Asaf Rauch: @coffeestation_latteart: 300k followers will be sending an article to Caffeine Magazine highlighting the importance of using the app to track caffeine intake. Tuesday March 1st – Andy Anderson: @manmakecoffee: 209k followers will be sending an article to Barista Magazine talking about the risks of consuming too much caffeine and explaining how the app can help people control caffeine cravings. Friday April 1st – Jeff Kennedy: @acmeandco: 120k followers will be sending an article to Global Coffee Review Magazine talking about the general aspects of the app. Saturday May 1th – Giulia Bernardelli: @bernulia: 98.7k followers will be sending an article to Caffeine Magazine talking about the life changes the app has made on customers that had an addiction to drinking coffee and caffeine. Wednesday June 1th – James Hoffmann @jimseven: 49.5k followers will be sending an article to Barista Magazine talking about the city of Santa Ana, Ca and how the population has a high level of addiction to caffeine and how the app can help control that. Forums: The first Monday and last Friday of the 5 months of the pre-release, reviews on Trip Advisor and Coffee Geek will be posted talking about the benefits of downloading the app and most importantly how it can help with caffeine and coffee cravings while traveling. The main targets keep the users engaged and even drive them towards in-app conversions for effective monetization. Here are the following dates and time: Friday January 29th – Trip Advisor Monday February 1st - Coffee Geek Friday February 26th - Trip Advisor Monday March 1st – Coffee Geek Friday March 26th - Trip Advisor Monday April 5th - Coffee Geek Friday April 30th - Trip Advisor Monday May 3rd - Coffee Geek Friday May 28th. - Trip Advisor Monday June 7th - Coffee Geek Friday June 25th - Trip Advisor
  • 19. 8/9/20 19 X. Budget Tactic Specifics Frequency (e.g. daily, monthly, quarterly) Annual Cost Flyers 500 units Once $130.00 Influencer Fees 16 Pay Outs ($50.00) Per Use $800 Signs 5 unique signs Once $500 Coupon Code Cards 500 per Print ($8.25) Monthly Cupojoe.tec Domain Domain Creation and Fees Annually $7.00 TOTAL $1,437.00
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