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Diskeeper is an absolutely great product that our company has been using for about 4 or 5 years now. The original product we started using was good but nothing like Diskeeper. This program is simply amazing. It is so lightweight, easy to use and keeps the computers running like new. It is nice to work with a company that spends so much time and resources in getting their products to run as well as yours do. The results from use of Diskeeper by our test group were so obvious that we really didn't need to spend time on finding out exact improvement numbers. I would say our performance help desk calls were affected the most. Those type of trouble tickets just do not happen anymore.  Continued…
… Continued Conewago has recycled computers every 4 years but now with the struggling economy we are letting computers go as long as we can and are finding computers that are more then 5 - 6 years old that are still running great with Diskeeper deployed. When I was first told about the new Automatic Defrag option in Diskeeper and how it would defrag the individual computers during the work day and the users would not even notice it running, I was skeptical, to say the least. I tried it on some of our biggest power users and didn’t tell them I changed anything. A couple of weeks later I went to all of them individually and asked them if they noticed anything different about their PC's and every one of them said the computer has been running better then when it was brand new.   Continued…
… Continued Since then, we have deployed Diskeeper to all of our users and the HelpDesk calls have been drastically cut down. Now if I get a HelpDesk call about a slow computer, it’s because somehow we forgot to install Diskeeper on the machine in the first place. Then we simply install, let it run and that fixes the problem they were having.  In the end a smoother-running network of computers means my staff and I can spend more time on other things and be more productive with fewer interruptions from annoying help desk calls.   Adam Hicks - IT Manager Conewago Enterprises Inc.  Hanover, PA
We are running Diskeeper EnterpriseServer on our Domino Lotus Notes application and also on the mail servers. We are running these across several Raid 5 arrays encompassing over 2.75 terabytes of user data. It used to take use 25 hrs to perform our weekly backup of the Domino Servers.  By using Diskeeper, we were able to reduce our backup time down to 9 hours. By enabling the automatic defragmentation feature, we increased the performance of the drive array on live production systems with no user impact other than an increase in performance. Jimmy Beltran, Sandvik SIT Americas  Lotus Notes Administrator Systems Specialist – Domino Fair Lawn, NJ 
All of our Servers utilize RAID 5 and Diskeeper is utilized to keep them running efficiently.  It’s working great. Diskeeper is utilized on our Exchange Servers and MS SQL Servers as well as our numerous applications servers.  Diskeeper insures that the servers stay defragmented and running optimally so that we can continue to run older servers and saves on replacement cost.  Now we only need to replace a server or hard drives when we have exceeded the capacity of the server’s hard drives. Chris Keen, Brevard Schools Systems & Security Education Technology Systems Programmer II  Melbourne, FL  
We run an application that specifically benefits from Diskeeper - a SQL-based large database program that keeps all of its data in one huge file. Diskeeper keeps the drive optimized so efficiently that we’ve noticed a significant decrease in database lockups. Also, our Microsoft Exchange server gets a big boost from Diskeeper. We have a couple of VMware virtual machines that have gained benefits from Diskeeper too. Most notable is our barcode scanning system that gets hammered by read/write access 24x7. Very seldom have I had to restart the program since Diskeeper was installed. All ten of our servers have RAID technology and since Diskeeper was installed about 15 months ago, we have only to rebuild one of the server’s RAID one time.  Continued…
… Continued Our ROI has been in productivity savings. The IT staff does not have to run utility and maintenance programs to keep the servers optimized and running smoothly as when new. This saves us at least 20 IT hours per month. Likewise, because of the continuous optimization of the user programs on the servers, our users have experienced a 99.97% uptime over the past 12 months.  The prior 12 months was only about 91% uptime due to all the disk-related issues. I was hired about that time and insisted that we install Diskeeper on all the servers.  This has definitely paid off. Mark A. Gainer, Director, IT Banker Steel Company Lynchburg, VA
We are a small to mid size company that optimizes for performance but doesn’t have major performance hits.  We use Diskeeper more as a proactive solution.   Specifically we started with defragging those servers that have SQL Server.  SQL can defrag the database but the file structure (.mdf/.ldf) in the file system dbcc commands cannot do this, thus we got Diskeeper. We then applied Diskeeper to our Citrix system and other critical servers. Jeffrey Sheldon,  Systems Application and Support Manager  Project HOPE
I would be more then happy to speak with a Network Administrator interested in deploying Diskeeper. I've recommended the use of Diskeeper as a solution on desktops, laptops and servers for years. If your customer doesn't think your product is of value to them, have them install Diskeeper on a PC with a 1.8GHz processor and time the before and after on boot up.  Your product extends the usefulness of end-user equipment as well as servers. If on a PC you pay $40 a seat for Diskeeper and you are able to continue the usefulness of that PC for another calendar year, plus you just saved money. That's not to mention the possible savings on your power consumption or wear and tear on the equipment. Continued…
… Continued I have been doing this for 25 years and I have seen the performance increase. I work on the side for only 2 to 3 companies at a time and then only if they agree to put two essential pieces in place. One of those pieces is Diskeeper and the other is a proper backup/restore solution. Without these there is no amount of money that I'll work for because in the long run it will only reflect poorly on their perception of the service that I provide.  The bottom line is that Diskeeper is a winning solution.   Bryan J. Babin, I/T Coordinator State Library of Louisiana
We are a Fire Protection Contractor with a design staff of 14 Design Technicians. The software we use is AutoSPRINK VR7 by M.E.P. CAD, this is a 3D CAD package for the sprinkler industry. Our software vendor recommended that we defragment the computers when we started having file corruption problems and using the built-in defrag you have to be an administrator to defragment the systems. Diskeeper allows me to resolve those problems without the user having to remember to defragment. I can do the all the setup from one computer, this saves my time from having to check each computer.    Philip Knott, Senior Engineering Technician Reliance Fire Protection, Inc.
Diskeeper’s automatic defrag is a real time saver and thus never enters the troubleshooting list as a possible cause of problems because you know that the system is being continuously defragged.  People cannot be depended upon to utilize the defrag utility available in XP Pro OS or to use the free Diskeeper Lite on a regular basis.  And when it was (very rarely) used it did not do a sufficient job of defrag as you had to run it several times and even then it was always lacking in a complete defrag, not to mention it took away production time because you had to run it either during your work time if the computer got to be so slow that it was imperative, or you ran it over a lunch period/overnight.    Dwight D. Baker, Technician/ System Administrator Cannon Moss Brygger & Associates
I think most all of our applications benefit from Diskeeper but one that comes to mind immediately is File Serving. We have several large file servers that have DAS RAID5 arrays attached to them and I have definitely noticed a difference as compared to before Diskeeper, even at our rapid rate of growth. Also I have noticed a performance perk on our Sharepoint 2007 servers; this would include a heavily-loaded SQL2005 backend. We are running Diskeeper on our virtual environment servers which are VMware Server 1.8 and 2.0 platforms. I was hesitant about deploying, thinking that large file instances may be an issue with overhead at first, but Diskeeper made all the difference in the world. I can now get away without having to dedicate disk spindles to VM instances. This seems to be doing well with VMware instances on the same spindle as long as I am running Diskeeper.   Continued…
… Continued There are several old servers in our environment that I don’t have to immediately replace because I can get some extra life out of them as long as I have Diskeeper to keep the disk performance tuned. I like the Diskeeper 2009 Premier also; it's great for my laptop.   I insist on running Diskeeper 2009 in our environment. I am a firm believer in Diskeeper and have been for many years. Keep up the great work. Rich Goodin, IT Systems Administrator U.S. Healthworks - Valencia, CA
We are an accounting firm of approximately 600 users, and getting the users to perform any sort of maintenance (clearing temp files, defragging,etc) was impossible. We had to deploy a “set it and forget it” method for taking care of fragmentation.  I can tell you that after installing Diskeeper we noticed a HUGE performance increase from Outlook, which probably carried the most impact at the time of deployment.   We have experienced a remarkable decrease in complaints about workstation performance.  We are now able to deliver a more consistent user experience by keeping the file system lean and mean with Diskeeper.  Damian Sleger, Network Engineer Schenck Business Solutions, Appleton, WI
We have 2 NAS units that we use for daily backups as well as storage.  Because of the large amount of data going in and out of the units, we were having delays in read/write times.  The NAS units are used to store backups and user Home folders; the servers are Dell PowerVault NF500.     When we got Diskeeper, the Servers were completely fragmented.  Now they are in a much better state and I don’t even have to manage them.     The server was failing on backups at least twice a week.  Some of the reasons that the server was failing, were because of disk read/write errors due to fragmentation.   Now that the errors are fixed, I don’t have to spend my morning fixing the backup strategy.     Mike Lamar, Network Administrator Northwest Mississippi Community College 
What we’ve found is that with Diskeeper Professional running, especially on our heavily used production stations, we don’t need to waste unnecessary time defragging each one individually.  We don’t have a way to easily measure the performance increase, but I CAN tell you that the complaints from users of slow performance have dropped considerably. We do see a noticeable improvement with our CAD program, since some users have multiple drawings and tools open on their two monitors.  Also, the people who use CS4 have made positive comments. Overall, the increase in performance and speed has well justified the cost of Diskeeper Pro on the workstations and Diskeeper Server on our servers.   Wayne J. Weaver, Systems Administrator The Troyer Group - Mishawaka, IN   
We run Diskeeper on all of our production file servers and corporate office desktops.  The most noticeable impact is on our file server as we have 300GB of data stored there and we often have 10 or more people accessing it at any given time.  Ensuring that our main file storage server’s disks are running optimally is important to ensure that disk reads and writes are occurring as quickly as possible. We also run 3 production SQL Server databases.  The fact that Diskeeper can defragment the physical files in the background without bringing down the database proves a great value in terms of access times to our Retail store locations and reduced labor for the IT staff, as we do not have to find an afterhours window to bring down the database services to defragment those files. Continued…
… Continued We also had provided instruction in the past to all of our Corporate office staff on how to manually defragment their desktops for optimum disk performance.  Less than 10% of the employees actually took the time to do so.  Deploying Diskeeper to all of the Corporate Office desktops automated this process, improved performance on their workstations and reduced any labor burden that they or the IT staff had to spend running defragment jobs. We have realized great value in deploying Diskeeper across our Enterprise and it surely has paid for itself. Dave Bardwell, Systems Administration Manager Archiver’s, Minnetonka, MN
I really can't live without Diskeeper . I have been using your automatic application for 4 years now. I work for a natural gas trading floor. My employer expects ZERO downtime and with Diskeeper deployed, all of our PC's are now at the peak of performance. I implemented the Diskeeper software via AD to all of our workstations and servers. From FileServers and SQL Servers to workstations, Diskeeper really makes a BIG difference. Basically it is very easy to use. We have 69% less failures on our disk drives on the PC's and about the same from the HP Server side. As we all know the cleaner the drive the more efficient the system with less errors and failures. Mark Groeschel, Network Administrator TOTAL Gas & Power North America Inc. Houston, Texas
We have done several timing studies of performance with Diskeeper turned on and with it turned off. This shows that an application that specifically benefits from Diskeeper is our SQL 2005  as well as the large file systems and web sites   ROI is something difficult to quantify if you cannot tie it to a revenue stream. For us Diskeeper has improved performance which makes our customers and sales people happy without having to buy a lot of new hardware.   Diskeeper reduces my staff’s stress level because it was not only a measurable improvement in performance, it was noticed by the customers and sales staff. Ken Fleming, IT Manager SmartDrive San Diego, CA  
I am running MS CRM 3.0 and SQL 2005 on an SBS 2003 Windows server and your Diskeeper product has benefited my servers tremendously.   I love the set it and forget it idea because I no longer have to do the manual defragmentation using the built-in utility. Your recent version of Diskeeper has allowed my servers to defrag the drive with less than minimum amount space required.  Most of my applications have been running much faster and I have noticed a tremendous increase in system performance.    I hope that my sincere evaluation of your product will benefit others to make that informed decision. Erwin Racimo, IT Manager New Jersey Technology Council Mount Laurel, NJ
We are now running Diskeeper on 15 servers now with RAID and SAN as well as with Windows encryption and some PGP encryption tools. We are almost 100% VMware Virtual environment.  All of our servers are on a Fiber SAN with 3 RAID arrays.   I originally had it set up to manually defrag because I was worried about a performance hit with automatic defrag, but soon found out that it was much easier to use Automatic Defrag on all of our servers and did not experience any performance decreases.   Blayne A. Beham, Sr. Systems Analyst Inter-Americas Insurance Corp., Inc. Goddard, KS
We run Command Center with SQL Server.  Diskeeper fixed our performance and query timeout problems while running the electrical Outage Report job with the Command Center application. Our NAS devices also perform 15% faster as well. We did an upgrade on a piece of software. After the upgrade, a query that ran to create a necessary report started timing out.  The report ran slow before the upgrade – in excess of twenty minutes.  That report was disk I/O intensive.  We extended the timeout values after the software upgrade and it would run for days but it never completed the report.  I ran out of options, calling support for the product and tried a trial of Diskeeper.   Diskeeper fixed the problem after defragmenting the drives.   Continued…
… Continued I do recall doing a system defrag which required a reboot and about 2 hours of downtime but it was worth it.  We could run the reports that we needed and the users loved the fact that system now operates better than before. The overall cost of Diskeeper didn’t require an ROI study.  As far as I am concerned, it was an expense to fix a problem that we needed fixed. Ian Fleming, Systems Manager Upshur Rural Electric Cooperative  Gilmer, TX
My main reason for using Diskeeper is that it improves the performance of backups.  They complete quicker.  I am running HP Data Protector, Oracle DB, Pointsec and also have several HP SANS. I use VERITAS and it will fail if the disk is too fragmented.  Diskeeper also improves the performance of the overall disk access for large disk volumes.   Steven Orsi, Lead IT Specialist US Food & Drug Administration Derwood, MD
“ I have used Diskeeper for over 10 years. This is the only program that I can install and basically never have to open it again. Diskeeper keeps my servers and PC's defragmented for optimum performance. We have a NAS at 1Tb storage but Diskeeper runs in the background and the process has very, very low overhead.    Diskeeper always works and never crashed a machine or disrupted it in any way.    I swear by Diskeeper and would not deploy any PC without it.” Fred Wilburn, Bayco Products Wylie, TX [email_address] 4 Diskeeper Server, 30 Professional licenses
“ We have been using Diskeeper for over 4 years now to reduce the fragmentation on our remotely deployed systems around the country.  Before we deployed Diskeeper we had numerous issues with hard drive corruption and systems slowing down to the point of failure.  The deployment of Diskeeper has improved not only the life span of the hard drives, but kept the operational speed at a constant rate despite years of continual usage.”  John N. Harmon, MBA, M.A., PMP  YUM Brands, Inc. Sr Applications Technologist  KFC Information Technology
Backing up to tape used to take 4 hours to back up 20 gigs. After defragging with Diskeeper, it took 2 hours to back up 60 gigs.  In the last year SQL backup speed has improved by > 300% SQL backup reliability has improved by >600% SQL maintenance scripts, where applied, improved performance by >4000%  (those scripts had had no effect on our fragmented databases ) and SQL-related MOM alerts decreased by >90%.  We are very pleased with Diskeeper. Tom Roush, Avanade  Seattle, WA 15 Diskeeper Server licenses, 1 Administrator
“ We utilize Diskeeper on our major systems that include our Property Tax Management System, Criminal Justice Information System and our County Finance Management System which are used to manage 5 billion dollars in assets and a 26 million dollar operating budget for Grayson County, Texas.   Diskeeper helps us maintain our servers in top running condition by ensuring file fragmentation is held to an absolute minimum, mostly zero.  This results in a continuous maximum performance for file searching and retrievals by both our County offices as well as the public.   I use the analogy that computers are very sloppy housekeepers because they pull files from drawers then throw them on the floor when finished.  After a while it starts taking a long time to sort through that mess to find files you're looking for.     Diskeeper is our Digital Janitor that constantly runs around picking up the files that get tossed on the floor and places them back where they belong.     Our Servers include Gateway, Unisys, Dell and Hewlett Packard series servers running dot net technology based programs using a combination of COBOL, RPG C++ and Sequel in the background.”   Kenneth R. Miller   Director - Grayson County Information Technology   Sherman, Texas
"I have seen a dramatic performance increase with Diskeeper Server 2009 installed on our Windows 2003 SBS Premium Edition server running RAID 5 and external backup drive with the following results.   * Have saved 6.25 man hours per week because of server restarts caused by  unresponsive databases or programs. * Co-workers have noticed faster response times in serving up files to clients. * Increased performance and fewer problems with Exchange Server. * Reduced backup time to external disk by 20 minutes. In regards to Exchange before I installed Diskeeper, we had long response times between Outlook clients and Exchange. Since installing Diskeeper the Outlook clients and Exchange responses are noticeably faster with fewer communication errors.   Thanks for a great product.” Collin Carlson, Young Mfg. Inc. IT Manager Grand Forks, ND
I have been extremely please with Diskeeper.  I’d say its biggest draw is that it truly a “set it and forget it” solution. The real-time defragmentation has prevented us from ever having to do system maintenance for performance degradation due to fragmentation.    Our biggest performance increase was of course seen on our fileservers, including a NAS that stores about 15 virtual servers.  If you are going to be running any virtualization on a NAS or direct storage, Diskeeper is a must. The large disk files that virtualization uses, are very difficult to defrag while keeping good response time for the virtual machine.  Diskeeper prevents them from getting fragmented in the first place. The second biggest improvement we saw from Diskeeper was in response time for our domain controllers.  Heavy fragmentation of the system files was playing havoc on our servers, and Diskeeper resolved that issue immediately. For two years I haven’t had to schedule downtime for maintenance due to fragmentation and that alone has more than paid for the product. Daniel Wagner Zebra Network Security Mesa, AZ
We do use AutoDesk products like AutoCAD with all the plugins and the ability to have defragmentation software like Diskeeper to help speed up the loading of those programs was great. The one thing that we love about the product is the Diskeeper Administrator.  The ability to centrally manage the installations of Diskeeper in our office is great as we have close to 700 machines in many remote locations.  Diskeeper installs silently and quickly and the policies propagate seamlessly. It has been a great experience for us all.  Matt Pendleton Systems and Network Administrator Department of Housing & Residence Education University of Florida
I've used Diskeeper for 12 years and have found it to be the most trouble free, reliable and solid software I have ever used.  As it runs in the background, it saves so much time when I do periodic maintenance on my machines.   Diskeeper has robust features and I believe it has contributed to the fact that I have rarely had a hard drive failure in those 12 years.  There was some concern about being able to run it with an encryption program, Safeboot, but I have not experienced a single issue with both programs running simultaneously.   I would recommend Diskeeper to anyone who is concerned about the health of their systems. I find it to be an essential part of workstation maintenance.  Nancy Pfenning Sr. Systems Engineer FITSS Midwest Team Lead General Dynamics Information Technology  Bismarck, ND
As a one person shop supporting 12 Windows servers and 55+ Windows PC/Users, the best Return One Investment I get from Diskeeper is that I can install it, let it run, and only check it once a week.   I do not have time for a ‘high maintenance’ piece of software that eats up large chunks of my time on a daily basis.  Diskeeper works; it tells me that my disks are no longer fragmented, and it causes me no new headaches or concerns.   That is the best ROI that I have going for me. Dave Galbo, Network Administrator AL Hansen Manufacturing Waukegan, IL
“ I can comment about the benefits that Diskeeper has on managing free space and the companion prevention of file/folder fragmentation.  I feel that Diskeeper stands head and shoulders above integrated Windows tools when it comes to defragmentation.  It’s automatic, always running and has not created any problems or conflicts on our servers.   I would also like to state that running Diskeeper Professional on my desktop has made my system boot up 30% faster, and as I am not a particularly patient man with computers, this is a truly welcome gain. “ Tim Baker, Network Administrator City of Walla Walla          Washington State
I started using Diskeeper about seven years ago and I swear by it because it makes such a huge difference in what I do. I have benchmarked my arrays and I can do sustained writes in the 500-600 MB/s range with peak reads topping 1,000 MB/s.  When I do large (1 - 20 GB) updates to records in my database, Diskeeper effortlessly fixes the fragmentation almost as fast as it happens.  This makes downstream SQL queries run faster.  I have some queries that take between 4 to 12 hours to run.  Having the database tables not fragmented helps these queries finish sooner. So is it worth the investment... absolutely!  That's why I put it on all my user's computers and both my servers.  Robert Schnabel Research Assistant Professor University of Missouri
… we all know that disk fragmentation on our server hard drives can have a great impact on performance.   We required a proven, cost friendly, easy to use solution that would ensure that our server drives are kept defragmented.   Diskeeper satisfied all of these requirements. Shane McKeal IT Director City of Granite City Granite City, IL 
Using Diskeeper without using the automatic defragmentation feature would be akin to buying a Ferrari and removing the air bags; there goes your safety net.  With all of the features that come standard in Diskeeper, that make your job easier, coupled with the fact that it operates seamlessly and almost invisibly in the background, it would be irrational to purchase another utility in its place.”   Tyrone S. Logan Student Information Systems Systems Administrator Baltimore City Public School System
The main reason I use Diskeeper is because the first thing I would ask when someone called me about a system running slow was “When did you defrag last?” the usual response was “What is defrag?” or “I can’t remember.” I’d have them defrag and call me back if that didn’t help. 25%-30% of the time, they wouldn’t call back. Diskeeper eliminates that part of my troubleshooting, and helps me help my end users quicker. I have had a lot less complaints about system slowdowns since I’ve incorporated Diskeeper into our standard installation specs. Since system slowdowns were the highest level of complaints I received, Diskeeper has made my life much more palatable. Eric G. Bonner IT Manager MC Precast, Inc. Atlanta, GA
Performance issues related to fragmented servers is a non issue at the Zoo Atlanta (not that it isn’t still a zoo here).   Diskeeper is truly “set it and forget it”.  I look at each server’s Diskeeper Dashboard weekly and am thankful that there is no intervention required.     InvisiTasking is either the silent fragmentation killer or my servers are really idle all the time. If it weren’t for the total lack of fragmentation I wouldn’t know Diskeeper was running. Fred Vignes Information Technology Director Zoo Atlanta
Factually speaking, I no longer spend any time defragmenting or setting up schedules for defragmenting computers.  Running Diskeeper, I do not worry about performance issues on our systems.   As far as return on investment, some things just can’t be expressed accurately in numbers.  Saving me time at work worrying about workstations and their performance over time with all the file transfers/creations/deletions we do is priceless.  Diskeeper Pro Premier with I-FAAST and running bootime defrag/MFT configuration (Frag Shield), really helped speed my boot times and general system performance.  Gerald Fougner Technical Supervisor Valley Oximetry Sleep Disorders Center
Diskeeper works invisibly on all of our workstations - I have never had a complaint about lack of system resources due to defragging. Everything is working fine.   Diskeeper has eliminated the need for manual defragging, thus saving a lot of my time. Also, all of our workstations are defragged all the time - none of them "slips through the cracks. Warren Stokes, Network Admin Runnebohm Construction Co., Inc. Shelbyville, IN
Our use of Diskeeper Enterprise Server is for our Windows Storage Servers which have multi-terabyte volumes with millions of files.   We liked the automatic defragmentation features of Diskeeper which is what prompted us to purchase Diskeeper 2008.  The Terabyte Volume Engine is why we upgraded as soon as Diskeeper 2009 came out.  Diskeeper is one of those tools that you ‘set and forget’, which I like.  It does its job well and requires very little attention.    Michael Weremecki, Network Admin Data Conversion Lab, Inc. Fresh Meadows, NY
I have been running Diskeeper along with Windows Virtual Server 2005 R2 for a few years now and it has been perfect. I have seen the effects of not running Diskeeper in a virtual server. I have seen a 20GB image grow to over 100GB simply because there was no defrag process in place!    I just recently brought our first Hyper-V server online and haven’t seen any problems with Diskeeper and Hyper-V. On the server side I have run Diskeeper on every MS O/S out there with zero problems! In my opinion Diskeeper is a must have! I don’t have the time or staff not to have this product! Dave Clipp, Network Admin  ISEC Inc. Englewood, CO
We are still using Diskeeper with Voice Response units and we have it loaded on Hanover's call Routing System ICM (Cisco) as well. We are running SQL Server databases and an encryption program as well. The software loaded on the IVR's fragments the drives considerably.  Without Diskeeper running on these boxes I would need to manually defrag these systems daily.  I would recommend Diskeeper for companies with Windows-based servers, regardless of the business type. For Call Center Operations – definitely recommended.  For us, the call center improvements for our IVR resulted in customers getting information a lot quicker; this reduced the volume of “call waits” in the call center. Bruce Blomgren, Manager; Infrastructure Operations  Keane Inc. at The Hanover Insurance Group                
We run SQL server on a server with a RAID setup. Our servers handle all our ISO documentation, product performance database and our manufacturing software. We have four Diskeeper Servers and 45 clients here. Our systems store massive amounts of data and need to be backed up constantly.  Since deploying Diskeeper our backups are faster and our systems seem to be functioning way better than before.   James Shelton, R&D Managner  Harrison Jet Guns  Kennedale, TX                 
I have been using Diskeeper for a while now. It is a great product. I have seen improvements on the PC’s that have Diskeeper compared to the ones that don’t. The speed of the hard disk is improved dramatically.    The InvisiTasking is a great technology and keeps the server running efficiently during the fragmentation process. Diskeeper has the lowest impact on the system performance of any application we use.    I would recommend this product to anyone. This is a must have product for all servers and workstations. Rahul Shah Alpha Packaging Michigan Inc Ypsilanti, MI                
We began using Diskeeper many years ago on our VMS servers (I believe we have used it since the late 80’s), and were very happy with the stability and reliability of the product, as well as the fact that we were able to maintain a consistent disk performance over the life of the drives.  We do very little in the way of gathering performance statistics on our Windows or VMS servers.  I can tell you though, that on my own desktop, where I spend an inordinate amount of time and can very quickly detect degraded performance I have never found a performance problem attributable to Diskeeper.  I have 2.4 TB of disk space on my desktop and use RAID 10 (mirrored and striped disks) for data protection and performance.  Mark A. Gunnell (Contractor), Manager  DTP Computer Center  SAIC-Frederick, Inc.  National Cancer Institute at Frederick             
When you administer 500 servers, you need ease of use, ease of install, and ease of licensing. You came to the rescue here and gave us a solution of the Diskeeper Administrator.   Also Diskeeper's site licensing is excellent. We can buy a license key that will activate 100, or 200, or 500 or 1000 , or anything in between.  Wayne Clark Alegent Health Systems  Omaha, NE     
Diskeeper was a SOLID investment. Diskeeper enables us to do more production with fewer resources.  This site does Geo-Spatial processing in support of Flight Simulations for the US Army.  The applications we use are very abusive to storage, creating continual fragmentation. Considering that multiple Terra-Bytes of storage were involved, active defragmentation was the only real option to mitigate this abuse.  We tested a handful of defragmentation applications and really monitored each application's resource utilization prior to deciding on Diskeeper as our solution.  Diskeeper gave us the performance return desired with a straight-forward management interface that enabled us to deploy the application across the enterprise from a single console. BJ Watson, Director of Contracts Nova Technologies Orlando, FL      
With Diskeeper’s InvisiTasking we have noticed …a smaller amount of system resources being used.   Once Diskeeper was loaded on the systems, a lot of our disk issues we were experiencing have gone away.   The disks I/O seems to have gotten faster because of decreased seek times associated with non-fragmented drives. Louis Walker, IT Manager  Vestcom Little Rock, AR      
With the advent of Diskeeper, it has freed up several hours of my time and eliminated the issue of bringing our servers offline, in order to properly run the service in Windows. InvisiTasking  has allowed the disk defragmentation to run in the background with no effect to the end users. This has been a huge asset to our department. Rudy Hassall, Sr. Manager,  Information Systems TMG Strategies Arlington, VA        
Diskeeper does provide a valuable benefit by running when system loads are low to keep our applications running normally. That transparency as well as defragging our server drives automatically is a huge plus. We have clustered database servers that had not been defragged for years which had been starting to impact performance.  As far as putting your finger on how Diskeeper has performed is kind of difficult. I would verbalize it by saying that systems no longer cause a problem in that respect.  Mike Lovell, IT Director Fremont Memorial Hospital   Fremont, OH        
Diskeeper’s inclusion of InvisiTasking has greatly reduced the amount of system resources that is taken up by Diskeeper.  The difference has been very noticeable.   Diskeeper has helped to reduce the amount of maintenance necessary from an IT perspective.  Instead of scheduling disk defragmentation in off hours or having to run the defrag process manually, Diskeeper has reduced the amount of after hours time spent on maintenance.  Now my time’s just spent with Windows updates and hardware updates.    Angela McCord, LexJet Sarasota, FL        
We didn’t run into many problems earlier with system resources because we had Diskeeper set to not run from 6am-2am (production hours) though with InvisTasking, everything is working better because our backups do not take as long with the new version.  Previously you could tell when a backup was running if Diskeeper was running.  Now it is transparent. The company is better off from using Diskeeper.  It is to a point that we can tell when an install of Diskeeper was missed or not functioning properly. Diskeeper is running on a SQL 2005 database. I have it deployed on multiple RAID mirrors and RAID 5’s. I have Diskeeper on a HP MSA 1000 and we are also using Exchange Server.     Edmund J. Centella Network Operations Manager Claims Processing Facility, Inc. Naperville, IL       
We have been using Diskeeper for several years now as part of our strategy to keep machines performing up their capabilities. We run a lot of SQL in our environment and we have to keep those servers performing at a high level and Diskeeper helps with this.  It is nice to go to a machine and open Diskeeper and find that the machine is completely defragged. I never find one that needs defragging. This is due to the ability of Diskeeper to run in the background and its InvisiTasking ability to not take up much on the resource side. For us it really came down to what Diskeeper does. If a disk has to spin 5 times to get the data, that can be a slowdown. With Diskeeper, everything is defragged and the systems perform better.  Richard Harber Senior Systems Engineer Simons Petroleum     
We originally found out about Diskeeper through our User Group and have been using Diskeeper Server and Professional for some time now as with each new release the improvement increases.  We notice file fragmentation decreases by more than half and system performance is maximized across all old or newer servers. Fewer system resources are now taken up due to the InvisiTasking, and file corruption is completely eliminated. At our site, all servers are running basic configurations. The servers either have RAID 5 or 1 with storage attachments, hosting SQL database and Voice-to-Speech recognition. We very happy with Diskeeper product and would recommend it to friends and others. Hugh Miller, EDS/Dow Chemical Network Admin Midland, MI    
With the new InvisiTasking, I was able to install Diskeeper on a Server that runs critical nightly batch processing for the credit union, and also runs various jobs throughout the day.  We were getting “Delayed write failed” errors about once a week and I installed Diskeeper 2008 to see if I could improve the performance of the disk array. Over the next three days, without having to re-boot the server or stop any of the processing, Diskeeper 2008 healed over 180,000 fragmented files.  Needless to say, our “Delayed write fail” error messages are a thing of the past. Keep up the excellent work, I truly believe in your product. Damon Young Systems Administrator El Segundo, CA 
We are a reseller of turnkey Document Management Solutions and chose to incorporate Diskeeper many years ago in all of our systems.   It does provide a level of automated maintenance of the file system that keeps the system running at an optimal level.   When not using Diskeeper, disk fragmentation becomes a performance sapping element that gradually reduces system performance to nearly a crawl.  Ray Emirzian , VP of Operations DocStar 
We set it and forget about Diskeeper. Our systems are mission critical. There are so many IT tasks to take care of, and defragmentation is something that Diskeeper does on autopilot, so we don't have to bother with it.   I do definitely recommend automatic defrag to others.  Diskeeper is working great! David Fosbenner Eastern Alloys Maybrook, NY
We have a small network with three servers. Two are domain controllers running Server 2008, one is 32bit and the other is 64bit. The final server is 2008 64bit with Exchange 2007. All servers are RAID 5 systems. We have a couple of systems running AutoCAD; most run Microstation.  I actually tend to forget that it’s installed and running. After a fresh install of an O/S on my workstations, running Diskeeper is one of the first things I do, as the systems tend to run much smoother with less disk thrashing. Every once in a while I’ll pull up the console on a system and analyze the drives and always see that they are indeed defragmented and running smoothly.  Shane Lowe, Network Administrator Comprehensive Engineering Services
When I started at Sacred Heart in 2005 they weren’t doing any defrags and since I implemented Diskeeper, the network from Servers down to the desktops has never been so stable.   Personally I believe someone who doesn’t do automatic defrags should have their head examined.  I’ve had servers crash and desktops slow to a crawl due to heavy fragmentation.   I’ve been using Diskeeper since the NT 4 days and I consider it a requirement and for those who don’t defrag, they are only living on the edge of disaster. Brad Parker, Desktop Support Specialist Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory San Francisco, CA
Each machine we run Diskeeper on has one form of RAID or another (Some 1, some 5, some 10).  I installed the program myself.  Anyone who has any experience in IT could do it in their sleep.  I was extremely apprehensive about having an auto defragger on any SQL boxes, thinking that this thing would be ripping pages apart, but after having spoken to Rick Grassi about some things regarding the structure of Diskeeper and how it performs the auto defrag on database boxes, I decided to run it and watch it for a while. Eventually I forgot Diskeeper was even on.   I can tell you that I have watched the CPU and Memory usage while InvisiTasking is on and it is a non-issue.   Bill Bunny IT Director Eaton Office Supply Co., Inc.
I wouldn't have a client machine or a Windows-based server without Diskeeper on it. PERIOD. I manager the Departmental & enterprise COTS Applications. Since first installing Diskeeper (in 2006) I have seen blinding speed and far less hang-ups with Windows, which is a tremendous improvement over not having Diskeeper.  The Trialware expired and within three days my PC was grinding to a halt and hanging on a regular basis, the standard defrag product with Windows made little improvement and took a long time to run.  After the Diskeeper product was registered properly it found over 13,000 fragments and brought my dragging PC back to full brilliancy! Continued…
Continued… We are using Diskeeper on Windows XP client machines, on MS SQL Servers and on Windows 2003 servers with COTS and Boeing applications running on them. NO NOTICEABLE RESOURCES CONSUMED! My section has over a dozen servers and AutoCAD Map 2008 w/4Gb of RAM and I don't notice the difference with Diskeeper. I can run all of the servers at once without ANY issues, but if I stop Diskeeper with InvisiTasking, even for a very short time, the system really slows down in a hurry. James Moore, Boeing Dept. GG-GG-T48E Operations and Maintenance Saint Louis, MO

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Diskeeper 2009 Testimonials

  • 1. Diskeeper is an absolutely great product that our company has been using for about 4 or 5 years now. The original product we started using was good but nothing like Diskeeper. This program is simply amazing. It is so lightweight, easy to use and keeps the computers running like new. It is nice to work with a company that spends so much time and resources in getting their products to run as well as yours do. The results from use of Diskeeper by our test group were so obvious that we really didn't need to spend time on finding out exact improvement numbers. I would say our performance help desk calls were affected the most. Those type of trouble tickets just do not happen anymore. Continued…
  • 2. … Continued Conewago has recycled computers every 4 years but now with the struggling economy we are letting computers go as long as we can and are finding computers that are more then 5 - 6 years old that are still running great with Diskeeper deployed. When I was first told about the new Automatic Defrag option in Diskeeper and how it would defrag the individual computers during the work day and the users would not even notice it running, I was skeptical, to say the least. I tried it on some of our biggest power users and didn’t tell them I changed anything. A couple of weeks later I went to all of them individually and asked them if they noticed anything different about their PC's and every one of them said the computer has been running better then when it was brand new. Continued…
  • 3. … Continued Since then, we have deployed Diskeeper to all of our users and the HelpDesk calls have been drastically cut down. Now if I get a HelpDesk call about a slow computer, it’s because somehow we forgot to install Diskeeper on the machine in the first place. Then we simply install, let it run and that fixes the problem they were having. In the end a smoother-running network of computers means my staff and I can spend more time on other things and be more productive with fewer interruptions from annoying help desk calls. Adam Hicks - IT Manager Conewago Enterprises Inc. Hanover, PA
  • 4. We are running Diskeeper EnterpriseServer on our Domino Lotus Notes application and also on the mail servers. We are running these across several Raid 5 arrays encompassing over 2.75 terabytes of user data. It used to take use 25 hrs to perform our weekly backup of the Domino Servers. By using Diskeeper, we were able to reduce our backup time down to 9 hours. By enabling the automatic defragmentation feature, we increased the performance of the drive array on live production systems with no user impact other than an increase in performance. Jimmy Beltran, Sandvik SIT Americas Lotus Notes Administrator Systems Specialist – Domino Fair Lawn, NJ 
  • 5. All of our Servers utilize RAID 5 and Diskeeper is utilized to keep them running efficiently.  It’s working great. Diskeeper is utilized on our Exchange Servers and MS SQL Servers as well as our numerous applications servers. Diskeeper insures that the servers stay defragmented and running optimally so that we can continue to run older servers and saves on replacement cost. Now we only need to replace a server or hard drives when we have exceeded the capacity of the server’s hard drives. Chris Keen, Brevard Schools Systems & Security Education Technology Systems Programmer II  Melbourne, FL  
  • 6. We run an application that specifically benefits from Diskeeper - a SQL-based large database program that keeps all of its data in one huge file. Diskeeper keeps the drive optimized so efficiently that we’ve noticed a significant decrease in database lockups. Also, our Microsoft Exchange server gets a big boost from Diskeeper. We have a couple of VMware virtual machines that have gained benefits from Diskeeper too. Most notable is our barcode scanning system that gets hammered by read/write access 24x7. Very seldom have I had to restart the program since Diskeeper was installed. All ten of our servers have RAID technology and since Diskeeper was installed about 15 months ago, we have only to rebuild one of the server’s RAID one time. Continued…
  • 7. … Continued Our ROI has been in productivity savings. The IT staff does not have to run utility and maintenance programs to keep the servers optimized and running smoothly as when new. This saves us at least 20 IT hours per month. Likewise, because of the continuous optimization of the user programs on the servers, our users have experienced a 99.97% uptime over the past 12 months. The prior 12 months was only about 91% uptime due to all the disk-related issues. I was hired about that time and insisted that we install Diskeeper on all the servers.  This has definitely paid off. Mark A. Gainer, Director, IT Banker Steel Company Lynchburg, VA
  • 8. We are a small to mid size company that optimizes for performance but doesn’t have major performance hits.  We use Diskeeper more as a proactive solution.  Specifically we started with defragging those servers that have SQL Server.  SQL can defrag the database but the file structure (.mdf/.ldf) in the file system dbcc commands cannot do this, thus we got Diskeeper. We then applied Diskeeper to our Citrix system and other critical servers. Jeffrey Sheldon, Systems Application and Support Manager Project HOPE
  • 9. I would be more then happy to speak with a Network Administrator interested in deploying Diskeeper. I've recommended the use of Diskeeper as a solution on desktops, laptops and servers for years. If your customer doesn't think your product is of value to them, have them install Diskeeper on a PC with a 1.8GHz processor and time the before and after on boot up. Your product extends the usefulness of end-user equipment as well as servers. If on a PC you pay $40 a seat for Diskeeper and you are able to continue the usefulness of that PC for another calendar year, plus you just saved money. That's not to mention the possible savings on your power consumption or wear and tear on the equipment. Continued…
  • 10. … Continued I have been doing this for 25 years and I have seen the performance increase. I work on the side for only 2 to 3 companies at a time and then only if they agree to put two essential pieces in place. One of those pieces is Diskeeper and the other is a proper backup/restore solution. Without these there is no amount of money that I'll work for because in the long run it will only reflect poorly on their perception of the service that I provide. The bottom line is that Diskeeper is a winning solution. Bryan J. Babin, I/T Coordinator State Library of Louisiana
  • 11. We are a Fire Protection Contractor with a design staff of 14 Design Technicians. The software we use is AutoSPRINK VR7 by M.E.P. CAD, this is a 3D CAD package for the sprinkler industry. Our software vendor recommended that we defragment the computers when we started having file corruption problems and using the built-in defrag you have to be an administrator to defragment the systems. Diskeeper allows me to resolve those problems without the user having to remember to defragment. I can do the all the setup from one computer, this saves my time from having to check each computer.  Philip Knott, Senior Engineering Technician Reliance Fire Protection, Inc.
  • 12. Diskeeper’s automatic defrag is a real time saver and thus never enters the troubleshooting list as a possible cause of problems because you know that the system is being continuously defragged.  People cannot be depended upon to utilize the defrag utility available in XP Pro OS or to use the free Diskeeper Lite on a regular basis.  And when it was (very rarely) used it did not do a sufficient job of defrag as you had to run it several times and even then it was always lacking in a complete defrag, not to mention it took away production time because you had to run it either during your work time if the computer got to be so slow that it was imperative, or you ran it over a lunch period/overnight.  Dwight D. Baker, Technician/ System Administrator Cannon Moss Brygger & Associates
  • 13. I think most all of our applications benefit from Diskeeper but one that comes to mind immediately is File Serving. We have several large file servers that have DAS RAID5 arrays attached to them and I have definitely noticed a difference as compared to before Diskeeper, even at our rapid rate of growth. Also I have noticed a performance perk on our Sharepoint 2007 servers; this would include a heavily-loaded SQL2005 backend. We are running Diskeeper on our virtual environment servers which are VMware Server 1.8 and 2.0 platforms. I was hesitant about deploying, thinking that large file instances may be an issue with overhead at first, but Diskeeper made all the difference in the world. I can now get away without having to dedicate disk spindles to VM instances. This seems to be doing well with VMware instances on the same spindle as long as I am running Diskeeper. Continued…
  • 14. … Continued There are several old servers in our environment that I don’t have to immediately replace because I can get some extra life out of them as long as I have Diskeeper to keep the disk performance tuned. I like the Diskeeper 2009 Premier also; it's great for my laptop.  I insist on running Diskeeper 2009 in our environment. I am a firm believer in Diskeeper and have been for many years. Keep up the great work. Rich Goodin, IT Systems Administrator U.S. Healthworks - Valencia, CA
  • 15. We are an accounting firm of approximately 600 users, and getting the users to perform any sort of maintenance (clearing temp files, defragging,etc) was impossible. We had to deploy a “set it and forget it” method for taking care of fragmentation. I can tell you that after installing Diskeeper we noticed a HUGE performance increase from Outlook, which probably carried the most impact at the time of deployment. We have experienced a remarkable decrease in complaints about workstation performance. We are now able to deliver a more consistent user experience by keeping the file system lean and mean with Diskeeper. Damian Sleger, Network Engineer Schenck Business Solutions, Appleton, WI
  • 16. We have 2 NAS units that we use for daily backups as well as storage.  Because of the large amount of data going in and out of the units, we were having delays in read/write times.  The NAS units are used to store backups and user Home folders; the servers are Dell PowerVault NF500.    When we got Diskeeper, the Servers were completely fragmented.  Now they are in a much better state and I don’t even have to manage them.    The server was failing on backups at least twice a week.  Some of the reasons that the server was failing, were because of disk read/write errors due to fragmentation.   Now that the errors are fixed, I don’t have to spend my morning fixing the backup strategy.     Mike Lamar, Network Administrator Northwest Mississippi Community College 
  • 17. What we’ve found is that with Diskeeper Professional running, especially on our heavily used production stations, we don’t need to waste unnecessary time defragging each one individually.  We don’t have a way to easily measure the performance increase, but I CAN tell you that the complaints from users of slow performance have dropped considerably. We do see a noticeable improvement with our CAD program, since some users have multiple drawings and tools open on their two monitors.  Also, the people who use CS4 have made positive comments. Overall, the increase in performance and speed has well justified the cost of Diskeeper Pro on the workstations and Diskeeper Server on our servers. Wayne J. Weaver, Systems Administrator The Troyer Group - Mishawaka, IN   
  • 18. We run Diskeeper on all of our production file servers and corporate office desktops.  The most noticeable impact is on our file server as we have 300GB of data stored there and we often have 10 or more people accessing it at any given time.  Ensuring that our main file storage server’s disks are running optimally is important to ensure that disk reads and writes are occurring as quickly as possible. We also run 3 production SQL Server databases.  The fact that Diskeeper can defragment the physical files in the background without bringing down the database proves a great value in terms of access times to our Retail store locations and reduced labor for the IT staff, as we do not have to find an afterhours window to bring down the database services to defragment those files. Continued…
  • 19. … Continued We also had provided instruction in the past to all of our Corporate office staff on how to manually defragment their desktops for optimum disk performance.  Less than 10% of the employees actually took the time to do so.  Deploying Diskeeper to all of the Corporate Office desktops automated this process, improved performance on their workstations and reduced any labor burden that they or the IT staff had to spend running defragment jobs. We have realized great value in deploying Diskeeper across our Enterprise and it surely has paid for itself. Dave Bardwell, Systems Administration Manager Archiver’s, Minnetonka, MN
  • 20. I really can't live without Diskeeper . I have been using your automatic application for 4 years now. I work for a natural gas trading floor. My employer expects ZERO downtime and with Diskeeper deployed, all of our PC's are now at the peak of performance. I implemented the Diskeeper software via AD to all of our workstations and servers. From FileServers and SQL Servers to workstations, Diskeeper really makes a BIG difference. Basically it is very easy to use. We have 69% less failures on our disk drives on the PC's and about the same from the HP Server side. As we all know the cleaner the drive the more efficient the system with less errors and failures. Mark Groeschel, Network Administrator TOTAL Gas & Power North America Inc. Houston, Texas
  • 21. We have done several timing studies of performance with Diskeeper turned on and with it turned off. This shows that an application that specifically benefits from Diskeeper is our SQL 2005  as well as the large file systems and web sites   ROI is something difficult to quantify if you cannot tie it to a revenue stream. For us Diskeeper has improved performance which makes our customers and sales people happy without having to buy a lot of new hardware.   Diskeeper reduces my staff’s stress level because it was not only a measurable improvement in performance, it was noticed by the customers and sales staff. Ken Fleming, IT Manager SmartDrive San Diego, CA  
  • 22. I am running MS CRM 3.0 and SQL 2005 on an SBS 2003 Windows server and your Diskeeper product has benefited my servers tremendously.  I love the set it and forget it idea because I no longer have to do the manual defragmentation using the built-in utility. Your recent version of Diskeeper has allowed my servers to defrag the drive with less than minimum amount space required. Most of my applications have been running much faster and I have noticed a tremendous increase in system performance.    I hope that my sincere evaluation of your product will benefit others to make that informed decision. Erwin Racimo, IT Manager New Jersey Technology Council Mount Laurel, NJ
  • 23. We are now running Diskeeper on 15 servers now with RAID and SAN as well as with Windows encryption and some PGP encryption tools. We are almost 100% VMware Virtual environment.  All of our servers are on a Fiber SAN with 3 RAID arrays.  I originally had it set up to manually defrag because I was worried about a performance hit with automatic defrag, but soon found out that it was much easier to use Automatic Defrag on all of our servers and did not experience any performance decreases. Blayne A. Beham, Sr. Systems Analyst Inter-Americas Insurance Corp., Inc. Goddard, KS
  • 24. We run Command Center with SQL Server.  Diskeeper fixed our performance and query timeout problems while running the electrical Outage Report job with the Command Center application. Our NAS devices also perform 15% faster as well. We did an upgrade on a piece of software. After the upgrade, a query that ran to create a necessary report started timing out.  The report ran slow before the upgrade – in excess of twenty minutes.  That report was disk I/O intensive.  We extended the timeout values after the software upgrade and it would run for days but it never completed the report.  I ran out of options, calling support for the product and tried a trial of Diskeeper.   Diskeeper fixed the problem after defragmenting the drives.  Continued…
  • 25. … Continued I do recall doing a system defrag which required a reboot and about 2 hours of downtime but it was worth it.  We could run the reports that we needed and the users loved the fact that system now operates better than before. The overall cost of Diskeeper didn’t require an ROI study.  As far as I am concerned, it was an expense to fix a problem that we needed fixed. Ian Fleming, Systems Manager Upshur Rural Electric Cooperative Gilmer, TX
  • 26. My main reason for using Diskeeper is that it improves the performance of backups. They complete quicker. I am running HP Data Protector, Oracle DB, Pointsec and also have several HP SANS. I use VERITAS and it will fail if the disk is too fragmented. Diskeeper also improves the performance of the overall disk access for large disk volumes. Steven Orsi, Lead IT Specialist US Food & Drug Administration Derwood, MD
  • 27. “ I have used Diskeeper for over 10 years. This is the only program that I can install and basically never have to open it again. Diskeeper keeps my servers and PC's defragmented for optimum performance. We have a NAS at 1Tb storage but Diskeeper runs in the background and the process has very, very low overhead.   Diskeeper always works and never crashed a machine or disrupted it in any way.   I swear by Diskeeper and would not deploy any PC without it.” Fred Wilburn, Bayco Products Wylie, TX [email_address] 4 Diskeeper Server, 30 Professional licenses
  • 28. “ We have been using Diskeeper for over 4 years now to reduce the fragmentation on our remotely deployed systems around the country.  Before we deployed Diskeeper we had numerous issues with hard drive corruption and systems slowing down to the point of failure.  The deployment of Diskeeper has improved not only the life span of the hard drives, but kept the operational speed at a constant rate despite years of continual usage.” John N. Harmon, MBA, M.A., PMP YUM Brands, Inc. Sr Applications Technologist KFC Information Technology
  • 29. Backing up to tape used to take 4 hours to back up 20 gigs. After defragging with Diskeeper, it took 2 hours to back up 60 gigs. In the last year SQL backup speed has improved by > 300% SQL backup reliability has improved by >600% SQL maintenance scripts, where applied, improved performance by >4000%  (those scripts had had no effect on our fragmented databases ) and SQL-related MOM alerts decreased by >90%. We are very pleased with Diskeeper. Tom Roush, Avanade Seattle, WA 15 Diskeeper Server licenses, 1 Administrator
  • 30. “ We utilize Diskeeper on our major systems that include our Property Tax Management System, Criminal Justice Information System and our County Finance Management System which are used to manage 5 billion dollars in assets and a 26 million dollar operating budget for Grayson County, Texas.   Diskeeper helps us maintain our servers in top running condition by ensuring file fragmentation is held to an absolute minimum, mostly zero.  This results in a continuous maximum performance for file searching and retrievals by both our County offices as well as the public.   I use the analogy that computers are very sloppy housekeepers because they pull files from drawers then throw them on the floor when finished.  After a while it starts taking a long time to sort through that mess to find files you're looking for.    Diskeeper is our Digital Janitor that constantly runs around picking up the files that get tossed on the floor and places them back where they belong.    Our Servers include Gateway, Unisys, Dell and Hewlett Packard series servers running dot net technology based programs using a combination of COBOL, RPG C++ and Sequel in the background.”   Kenneth R. Miller Director - Grayson County Information Technology Sherman, Texas
  • 31. "I have seen a dramatic performance increase with Diskeeper Server 2009 installed on our Windows 2003 SBS Premium Edition server running RAID 5 and external backup drive with the following results.   * Have saved 6.25 man hours per week because of server restarts caused by unresponsive databases or programs. * Co-workers have noticed faster response times in serving up files to clients. * Increased performance and fewer problems with Exchange Server. * Reduced backup time to external disk by 20 minutes. In regards to Exchange before I installed Diskeeper, we had long response times between Outlook clients and Exchange. Since installing Diskeeper the Outlook clients and Exchange responses are noticeably faster with fewer communication errors.   Thanks for a great product.” Collin Carlson, Young Mfg. Inc. IT Manager Grand Forks, ND
  • 32. I have been extremely please with Diskeeper.  I’d say its biggest draw is that it truly a “set it and forget it” solution. The real-time defragmentation has prevented us from ever having to do system maintenance for performance degradation due to fragmentation.    Our biggest performance increase was of course seen on our fileservers, including a NAS that stores about 15 virtual servers.  If you are going to be running any virtualization on a NAS or direct storage, Diskeeper is a must. The large disk files that virtualization uses, are very difficult to defrag while keeping good response time for the virtual machine.  Diskeeper prevents them from getting fragmented in the first place. The second biggest improvement we saw from Diskeeper was in response time for our domain controllers.  Heavy fragmentation of the system files was playing havoc on our servers, and Diskeeper resolved that issue immediately. For two years I haven’t had to schedule downtime for maintenance due to fragmentation and that alone has more than paid for the product. Daniel Wagner Zebra Network Security Mesa, AZ
  • 33. We do use AutoDesk products like AutoCAD with all the plugins and the ability to have defragmentation software like Diskeeper to help speed up the loading of those programs was great. The one thing that we love about the product is the Diskeeper Administrator.  The ability to centrally manage the installations of Diskeeper in our office is great as we have close to 700 machines in many remote locations.  Diskeeper installs silently and quickly and the policies propagate seamlessly. It has been a great experience for us all. Matt Pendleton Systems and Network Administrator Department of Housing & Residence Education University of Florida
  • 34. I've used Diskeeper for 12 years and have found it to be the most trouble free, reliable and solid software I have ever used.  As it runs in the background, it saves so much time when I do periodic maintenance on my machines.  Diskeeper has robust features and I believe it has contributed to the fact that I have rarely had a hard drive failure in those 12 years.  There was some concern about being able to run it with an encryption program, Safeboot, but I have not experienced a single issue with both programs running simultaneously.  I would recommend Diskeeper to anyone who is concerned about the health of their systems. I find it to be an essential part of workstation maintenance.  Nancy Pfenning Sr. Systems Engineer FITSS Midwest Team Lead General Dynamics Information Technology Bismarck, ND
  • 35. As a one person shop supporting 12 Windows servers and 55+ Windows PC/Users, the best Return One Investment I get from Diskeeper is that I can install it, let it run, and only check it once a week.  I do not have time for a ‘high maintenance’ piece of software that eats up large chunks of my time on a daily basis.  Diskeeper works; it tells me that my disks are no longer fragmented, and it causes me no new headaches or concerns.  That is the best ROI that I have going for me. Dave Galbo, Network Administrator AL Hansen Manufacturing Waukegan, IL
  • 36. “ I can comment about the benefits that Diskeeper has on managing free space and the companion prevention of file/folder fragmentation.  I feel that Diskeeper stands head and shoulders above integrated Windows tools when it comes to defragmentation.  It’s automatic, always running and has not created any problems or conflicts on our servers.  I would also like to state that running Diskeeper Professional on my desktop has made my system boot up 30% faster, and as I am not a particularly patient man with computers, this is a truly welcome gain. “ Tim Baker, Network Administrator City of Walla Walla         Washington State
  • 37. I started using Diskeeper about seven years ago and I swear by it because it makes such a huge difference in what I do. I have benchmarked my arrays and I can do sustained writes in the 500-600 MB/s range with peak reads topping 1,000 MB/s.  When I do large (1 - 20 GB) updates to records in my database, Diskeeper effortlessly fixes the fragmentation almost as fast as it happens.  This makes downstream SQL queries run faster.  I have some queries that take between 4 to 12 hours to run.  Having the database tables not fragmented helps these queries finish sooner. So is it worth the investment... absolutely!  That's why I put it on all my user's computers and both my servers. Robert Schnabel Research Assistant Professor University of Missouri
  • 38. … we all know that disk fragmentation on our server hard drives can have a great impact on performance.  We required a proven, cost friendly, easy to use solution that would ensure that our server drives are kept defragmented.  Diskeeper satisfied all of these requirements. Shane McKeal IT Director City of Granite City Granite City, IL 
  • 39. Using Diskeeper without using the automatic defragmentation feature would be akin to buying a Ferrari and removing the air bags; there goes your safety net. With all of the features that come standard in Diskeeper, that make your job easier, coupled with the fact that it operates seamlessly and almost invisibly in the background, it would be irrational to purchase another utility in its place.” Tyrone S. Logan Student Information Systems Systems Administrator Baltimore City Public School System
  • 40. The main reason I use Diskeeper is because the first thing I would ask when someone called me about a system running slow was “When did you defrag last?” the usual response was “What is defrag?” or “I can’t remember.” I’d have them defrag and call me back if that didn’t help. 25%-30% of the time, they wouldn’t call back. Diskeeper eliminates that part of my troubleshooting, and helps me help my end users quicker. I have had a lot less complaints about system slowdowns since I’ve incorporated Diskeeper into our standard installation specs. Since system slowdowns were the highest level of complaints I received, Diskeeper has made my life much more palatable. Eric G. Bonner IT Manager MC Precast, Inc. Atlanta, GA
  • 41. Performance issues related to fragmented servers is a non issue at the Zoo Atlanta (not that it isn’t still a zoo here).   Diskeeper is truly “set it and forget it”.  I look at each server’s Diskeeper Dashboard weekly and am thankful that there is no intervention required.    InvisiTasking is either the silent fragmentation killer or my servers are really idle all the time. If it weren’t for the total lack of fragmentation I wouldn’t know Diskeeper was running. Fred Vignes Information Technology Director Zoo Atlanta
  • 42. Factually speaking, I no longer spend any time defragmenting or setting up schedules for defragmenting computers.  Running Diskeeper, I do not worry about performance issues on our systems. As far as return on investment, some things just can’t be expressed accurately in numbers.  Saving me time at work worrying about workstations and their performance over time with all the file transfers/creations/deletions we do is priceless.  Diskeeper Pro Premier with I-FAAST and running bootime defrag/MFT configuration (Frag Shield), really helped speed my boot times and general system performance.  Gerald Fougner Technical Supervisor Valley Oximetry Sleep Disorders Center
  • 43. Diskeeper works invisibly on all of our workstations - I have never had a complaint about lack of system resources due to defragging. Everything is working fine.   Diskeeper has eliminated the need for manual defragging, thus saving a lot of my time. Also, all of our workstations are defragged all the time - none of them "slips through the cracks. Warren Stokes, Network Admin Runnebohm Construction Co., Inc. Shelbyville, IN
  • 44. Our use of Diskeeper Enterprise Server is for our Windows Storage Servers which have multi-terabyte volumes with millions of files.   We liked the automatic defragmentation features of Diskeeper which is what prompted us to purchase Diskeeper 2008.  The Terabyte Volume Engine is why we upgraded as soon as Diskeeper 2009 came out.  Diskeeper is one of those tools that you ‘set and forget’, which I like.  It does its job well and requires very little attention.  Michael Weremecki, Network Admin Data Conversion Lab, Inc. Fresh Meadows, NY
  • 45. I have been running Diskeeper along with Windows Virtual Server 2005 R2 for a few years now and it has been perfect. I have seen the effects of not running Diskeeper in a virtual server. I have seen a 20GB image grow to over 100GB simply because there was no defrag process in place!   I just recently brought our first Hyper-V server online and haven’t seen any problems with Diskeeper and Hyper-V. On the server side I have run Diskeeper on every MS O/S out there with zero problems! In my opinion Diskeeper is a must have! I don’t have the time or staff not to have this product! Dave Clipp, Network Admin ISEC Inc. Englewood, CO
  • 46. We are still using Diskeeper with Voice Response units and we have it loaded on Hanover's call Routing System ICM (Cisco) as well. We are running SQL Server databases and an encryption program as well. The software loaded on the IVR's fragments the drives considerably. Without Diskeeper running on these boxes I would need to manually defrag these systems daily. I would recommend Diskeeper for companies with Windows-based servers, regardless of the business type. For Call Center Operations – definitely recommended.  For us, the call center improvements for our IVR resulted in customers getting information a lot quicker; this reduced the volume of “call waits” in the call center. Bruce Blomgren, Manager; Infrastructure Operations Keane Inc. at The Hanover Insurance Group                
  • 47. We run SQL server on a server with a RAID setup. Our servers handle all our ISO documentation, product performance database and our manufacturing software. We have four Diskeeper Servers and 45 clients here. Our systems store massive amounts of data and need to be backed up constantly. Since deploying Diskeeper our backups are faster and our systems seem to be functioning way better than before. James Shelton, R&D Managner Harrison Jet Guns  Kennedale, TX                 
  • 48. I have been using Diskeeper for a while now. It is a great product. I have seen improvements on the PC’s that have Diskeeper compared to the ones that don’t. The speed of the hard disk is improved dramatically.   The InvisiTasking is a great technology and keeps the server running efficiently during the fragmentation process. Diskeeper has the lowest impact on the system performance of any application we use.   I would recommend this product to anyone. This is a must have product for all servers and workstations. Rahul Shah Alpha Packaging Michigan Inc Ypsilanti, MI                
  • 49. We began using Diskeeper many years ago on our VMS servers (I believe we have used it since the late 80’s), and were very happy with the stability and reliability of the product, as well as the fact that we were able to maintain a consistent disk performance over the life of the drives. We do very little in the way of gathering performance statistics on our Windows or VMS servers.  I can tell you though, that on my own desktop, where I spend an inordinate amount of time and can very quickly detect degraded performance I have never found a performance problem attributable to Diskeeper.  I have 2.4 TB of disk space on my desktop and use RAID 10 (mirrored and striped disks) for data protection and performance. Mark A. Gunnell (Contractor), Manager DTP Computer Center SAIC-Frederick, Inc. National Cancer Institute at Frederick             
  • 50. When you administer 500 servers, you need ease of use, ease of install, and ease of licensing. You came to the rescue here and gave us a solution of the Diskeeper Administrator.   Also Diskeeper's site licensing is excellent. We can buy a license key that will activate 100, or 200, or 500 or 1000 , or anything in between. Wayne Clark Alegent Health Systems Omaha, NE     
  • 51. Diskeeper was a SOLID investment. Diskeeper enables us to do more production with fewer resources.  This site does Geo-Spatial processing in support of Flight Simulations for the US Army.  The applications we use are very abusive to storage, creating continual fragmentation. Considering that multiple Terra-Bytes of storage were involved, active defragmentation was the only real option to mitigate this abuse.  We tested a handful of defragmentation applications and really monitored each application's resource utilization prior to deciding on Diskeeper as our solution.  Diskeeper gave us the performance return desired with a straight-forward management interface that enabled us to deploy the application across the enterprise from a single console. BJ Watson, Director of Contracts Nova Technologies Orlando, FL      
  • 52. With Diskeeper’s InvisiTasking we have noticed …a smaller amount of system resources being used.  Once Diskeeper was loaded on the systems, a lot of our disk issues we were experiencing have gone away.  The disks I/O seems to have gotten faster because of decreased seek times associated with non-fragmented drives. Louis Walker, IT Manager Vestcom Little Rock, AR      
  • 53. With the advent of Diskeeper, it has freed up several hours of my time and eliminated the issue of bringing our servers offline, in order to properly run the service in Windows. InvisiTasking  has allowed the disk defragmentation to run in the background with no effect to the end users. This has been a huge asset to our department. Rudy Hassall, Sr. Manager, Information Systems TMG Strategies Arlington, VA        
  • 54. Diskeeper does provide a valuable benefit by running when system loads are low to keep our applications running normally. That transparency as well as defragging our server drives automatically is a huge plus. We have clustered database servers that had not been defragged for years which had been starting to impact performance. As far as putting your finger on how Diskeeper has performed is kind of difficult. I would verbalize it by saying that systems no longer cause a problem in that respect. Mike Lovell, IT Director Fremont Memorial Hospital  Fremont, OH        
  • 55. Diskeeper’s inclusion of InvisiTasking has greatly reduced the amount of system resources that is taken up by Diskeeper.  The difference has been very noticeable.  Diskeeper has helped to reduce the amount of maintenance necessary from an IT perspective.  Instead of scheduling disk defragmentation in off hours or having to run the defrag process manually, Diskeeper has reduced the amount of after hours time spent on maintenance.  Now my time’s just spent with Windows updates and hardware updates.  Angela McCord, LexJet Sarasota, FL        
  • 56. We didn’t run into many problems earlier with system resources because we had Diskeeper set to not run from 6am-2am (production hours) though with InvisTasking, everything is working better because our backups do not take as long with the new version.  Previously you could tell when a backup was running if Diskeeper was running.  Now it is transparent. The company is better off from using Diskeeper.  It is to a point that we can tell when an install of Diskeeper was missed or not functioning properly. Diskeeper is running on a SQL 2005 database. I have it deployed on multiple RAID mirrors and RAID 5’s. I have Diskeeper on a HP MSA 1000 and we are also using Exchange Server.   Edmund J. Centella Network Operations Manager Claims Processing Facility, Inc. Naperville, IL       
  • 57. We have been using Diskeeper for several years now as part of our strategy to keep machines performing up their capabilities. We run a lot of SQL in our environment and we have to keep those servers performing at a high level and Diskeeper helps with this.  It is nice to go to a machine and open Diskeeper and find that the machine is completely defragged. I never find one that needs defragging. This is due to the ability of Diskeeper to run in the background and its InvisiTasking ability to not take up much on the resource side. For us it really came down to what Diskeeper does. If a disk has to spin 5 times to get the data, that can be a slowdown. With Diskeeper, everything is defragged and the systems perform better. Richard Harber Senior Systems Engineer Simons Petroleum     
  • 58. We originally found out about Diskeeper through our User Group and have been using Diskeeper Server and Professional for some time now as with each new release the improvement increases. We notice file fragmentation decreases by more than half and system performance is maximized across all old or newer servers. Fewer system resources are now taken up due to the InvisiTasking, and file corruption is completely eliminated. At our site, all servers are running basic configurations. The servers either have RAID 5 or 1 with storage attachments, hosting SQL database and Voice-to-Speech recognition. We very happy with Diskeeper product and would recommend it to friends and others. Hugh Miller, EDS/Dow Chemical Network Admin Midland, MI    
  • 59. With the new InvisiTasking, I was able to install Diskeeper on a Server that runs critical nightly batch processing for the credit union, and also runs various jobs throughout the day.  We were getting “Delayed write failed” errors about once a week and I installed Diskeeper 2008 to see if I could improve the performance of the disk array. Over the next three days, without having to re-boot the server or stop any of the processing, Diskeeper 2008 healed over 180,000 fragmented files.  Needless to say, our “Delayed write fail” error messages are a thing of the past. Keep up the excellent work, I truly believe in your product. Damon Young Systems Administrator El Segundo, CA 
  • 60. We are a reseller of turnkey Document Management Solutions and chose to incorporate Diskeeper many years ago in all of our systems.  It does provide a level of automated maintenance of the file system that keeps the system running at an optimal level.  When not using Diskeeper, disk fragmentation becomes a performance sapping element that gradually reduces system performance to nearly a crawl. Ray Emirzian , VP of Operations DocStar 
  • 61. We set it and forget about Diskeeper. Our systems are mission critical. There are so many IT tasks to take care of, and defragmentation is something that Diskeeper does on autopilot, so we don't have to bother with it.   I do definitely recommend automatic defrag to others. Diskeeper is working great! David Fosbenner Eastern Alloys Maybrook, NY
  • 62. We have a small network with three servers. Two are domain controllers running Server 2008, one is 32bit and the other is 64bit. The final server is 2008 64bit with Exchange 2007. All servers are RAID 5 systems. We have a couple of systems running AutoCAD; most run Microstation. I actually tend to forget that it’s installed and running. After a fresh install of an O/S on my workstations, running Diskeeper is one of the first things I do, as the systems tend to run much smoother with less disk thrashing. Every once in a while I’ll pull up the console on a system and analyze the drives and always see that they are indeed defragmented and running smoothly.  Shane Lowe, Network Administrator Comprehensive Engineering Services
  • 63. When I started at Sacred Heart in 2005 they weren’t doing any defrags and since I implemented Diskeeper, the network from Servers down to the desktops has never been so stable.  Personally I believe someone who doesn’t do automatic defrags should have their head examined.  I’ve had servers crash and desktops slow to a crawl due to heavy fragmentation. I’ve been using Diskeeper since the NT 4 days and I consider it a requirement and for those who don’t defrag, they are only living on the edge of disaster. Brad Parker, Desktop Support Specialist Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory San Francisco, CA
  • 64. Each machine we run Diskeeper on has one form of RAID or another (Some 1, some 5, some 10).  I installed the program myself.  Anyone who has any experience in IT could do it in their sleep. I was extremely apprehensive about having an auto defragger on any SQL boxes, thinking that this thing would be ripping pages apart, but after having spoken to Rick Grassi about some things regarding the structure of Diskeeper and how it performs the auto defrag on database boxes, I decided to run it and watch it for a while. Eventually I forgot Diskeeper was even on.  I can tell you that I have watched the CPU and Memory usage while InvisiTasking is on and it is a non-issue.  Bill Bunny IT Director Eaton Office Supply Co., Inc.
  • 65. I wouldn't have a client machine or a Windows-based server without Diskeeper on it. PERIOD. I manager the Departmental & enterprise COTS Applications. Since first installing Diskeeper (in 2006) I have seen blinding speed and far less hang-ups with Windows, which is a tremendous improvement over not having Diskeeper.  The Trialware expired and within three days my PC was grinding to a halt and hanging on a regular basis, the standard defrag product with Windows made little improvement and took a long time to run.  After the Diskeeper product was registered properly it found over 13,000 fragments and brought my dragging PC back to full brilliancy! Continued…
  • 66. Continued… We are using Diskeeper on Windows XP client machines, on MS SQL Servers and on Windows 2003 servers with COTS and Boeing applications running on them. NO NOTICEABLE RESOURCES CONSUMED! My section has over a dozen servers and AutoCAD Map 2008 w/4Gb of RAM and I don't notice the difference with Diskeeper. I can run all of the servers at once without ANY issues, but if I stop Diskeeper with InvisiTasking, even for a very short time, the system really slows down in a hurry. James Moore, Boeing Dept. GG-GG-T48E Operations and Maintenance Saint Louis, MO